#the they them pin stayed on mikey for this picture because it took me forever to get it to stay on the first time and im not repeating that
littlebigplanet · 2 years
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two of them
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little-miss-moonstone · 9 months
The Red Thread (Carmy x OC)
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Chapter Two | Somewhere Between
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Summery: After Natalie begs Rori to help with some paperwork at the restaurant, Rori and Carmy come to an agreement.
WARNING: Anxiety, blood, almost vomit?, brief mention of past depression, very little editing. I think that’s all, once again just let me know if something needs to be added :)
Fear consumed Carmen as he watched Rori lying on the floor of the kitchen blood pooling by her side. She was struggling to breathe almost like she was drowning. He could hear everyone around him panicking, Sugar screaming for someone to call 911. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion around the two of them. He didn’t notice when, but he was now on his knees by her side holding her hand as the blood soaked into his jeans.
“Help me, Carmy. Please, help me,” She begged.
He tried using a rag to apply pressure to the wound and the sound of her wincing through sobs broke something deep within him. How could this be happening? Hadn’t they all been through enough? Her whispering for help was all he could hear as he stared into her eyes, praying they didn’t close for good. He leaned in, noticing an orange glow in her irises. He wondered if that was what happened when someone was dying. He leaned in closer than before to see the reflection of fire dancing in her eyes, and the moment he turned around the fire alarm was blaring.
“Fuck!” Carmen cursed as he woke to realize he had almost set his apartment on fire. He opened the window while using the fire extinguisher to put out the blaze on his stove. He began fanning the smoke out the window and the alarm soon stopped. He sat on his couch with a glass of water seeing it was 1:30 in the morning. His breathing was starting to slow down from his actual nightmare and the one in his kitchen, glancing over to the journal on the coffee table, he leaned forward to grab it. He flipped it open, studying the polaroid that lay inside. He and Rori from Christmas 2018, or from what they called it, Fishmas. It was a candid shot neither of them had known was taken until Mikey had given it to him at the end of the night. The two of them were standing in front of the pantry, she had just arrived and greeted him with a hug. She pulled back and he said something that had made her laugh, his arm was still around her waist and she had put a hand on his chest as she smiled. If any stranger saw the photo they would have thought the two were a couple. He admired the picture for a few more seconds before putting it back and flipping to a blank page when his pen acted as a bookmark.
Dear Rori,
I saw you today for the first time in 3 years. You took my breath away, but you’ve never had that problem. I didn’t know what to do, or say, I thought I would never see, or hear from you again. That is my fault, I know, but I couldn’t risk you leaving me. I wish I never shut you out, you were all I ever truly had that was mine. You could have actually been mine and I ruined that too. I miss you, I miss you more than I ever thought was possible, and it's weird now because you're here and I saw you, but I still miss you. I guess that's because nothing’s changed and yet everything has changed. I used to know everything about you, your favorite song, color, flower. How you always prefer waffles to pancakes and when pinks and blues paint the sky at sunset. You’re scared of the dark and you can't sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door and the TV has to stay on. You adore dogs and you used to cry when we would pass the animal shelter. You hate summer and when Mikey and Richie would pin you down and tickle you and these days I would assume you hate me too, and I can't even blame you for it. I want to fix this, I want us to at least be friends because I can't imagine that you still love me, and I can’t stand for you to haunt another one of my dreams.
Yours forever,
He closed the journal and moved it back to its spot on the coffee table, before lying back down on the couch and letting the TV lull him back to sleep.
Natalie invited Rori over to her house for breakfast in hopes of guilting her into helping find the missing tax forms at the restaurant. Rori almost choked on a piece of French toast at the idea of being around Carmy. She tried to voice her opinion but Sugar began to ramble on.
“No, Rori I need some help, and if it's you that helps then Carmen can run the kitchen so he won’t even be in the office. I have to find these documents or the IRS will cease my fucking home, please Rori, please, please, plea-“
“Fine! I’ll help,” She sighed.
“Thank you,” Sugar smiled. A comfortable silence fell upon the room for a brief second before Sugar spoke again, “Would it honestly be a bad thing if you and Carmy became friends again?” Rori sighed again, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.
“No, if we’re being honest, I would love that, but I doubt he would ever open up like that to me again. And, for shits and gigs, let's say he did, it took me months to cope with him cutting me out of his life. I-I don’t know if I could handle that again, I’ve never been so depressed in my entire life,” She paused. “You know how I feel about Camry, I don’t think there will ever come a time where I don’t feel that for him. It’s been three years, and when I saw him yesterday it was like the last 30 years flashed through my head, like everything came back to me, and despite the instant panic I just wanted to hug him because it actually felt like I was finally home.”
Nat’s eyes were glassy and she tried her hardest to hold it in, while another part of her couldn’t believe how much of an idiot her brother was. She had known since they were 10 that they were the perfect pair, not to mention both sets of parents often joked about the two growing up and getting married. Everyone expected it, so much that when Rori came home for Christmas in 2019, Mikey, Natalie, and Richie were shocked to hear that the two were no longer on speaking terms. She now hoped that if the two could just talk things out, maybe one day Rori would get to be her sister, like how they used to talk about as teens.
Rori became more anxious as they parked in the back of the restaurant, she was just thankful Richie was the only one taking a smoke break. She wiped her palms on her jeans before they started walking towards the door. She decided she was going to be cordial, she didn’t want to push Carmy away any further than he had already pushed. She was just going to stay in the office with Sugar and try to find this stupid document as quickly as possible.
After greeting Richie she slipped inside behind Sug and tried to keep her eyes on the ground. Carmen’s voice quickly got her to glance up as he was talking to Marcus a few feet in front of her. Their eyes met for a moment before she darted into the office and was quickly greeted by the poster of Fenway Park. A shiver went down her spine thinking about Micheal and how much time he spent in the office. She wondered if this was the last place he was before he went to the bridge that day, and she knew it was stupid to wonder things that were facts.
Two hours later they were still sifting through the never-ending paperwork. They were both growing frustrated and the office looked like a wreck. Rori was so grateful her phone began to ring. She noticed it was her publisher and quickly stepped out into the back alley. It was only a few moments later when Richie stepped out for a smoke break. He could tell it wasn’t a pleasant phone call from her constantly furrowing her brow and pinching the bridge of her nose. He took another drag just as she hung up. She looked at him and then at the cigarette he loosely held by his side.
“Can I?” She asked, gesturing to the American Spirit. He lifted his hand to offer the cigarette to her with a perplexed look on his face.
“When did Rori Bear start smoking?” He chuckled as she took a drag.She could feel her stress levels decreasing, even though she knew cigarettes didn’t help. She gave herself a moment before answering.
“Uh, I don’t know, about three years ago. I don’t smoke all the time though, it’s more of like an “I’m really stressed, or I have writer's block, or I just got off the phone with my publisher and they're bitching for a sequel” thing,” She shrugged before taking another drag and handing the cigarette back over.
“I’m sorry by the way, for calling you Rori Bear, it’s just habit y’know,” He apologized. It made her heart drop a bit that he felt the need to even say that. The nickname had always made her laugh, at least when she got older.
“No, no. It’s fine, I promise. Mikey always called me that, even after Carmy and I stopped talking so it’s okay,” She assured him with a smile. It wasn’t much longer before the two headed inside and she went back to the office to find Carmen and Natalie going through the mess together.
She went back to her spot trying not to focus on him too much, it was hard, but they all had their separate piles they were working out of. There was small talking happening mostly between Rori and Natalie or Carmy and Natalie, but that was better than silence. She got stuck on a piece of paper, it had MIkey's handwriting all over it, and then she noticed her handwriting. She remembered it from when she helped out during the pandemic. She had gone into the office and left him a note to remember to call the fridge guy and it ended up with them having a whole conversation every time one of them replied. She smiled brushing her hand over the ink, unaware that Carmen was glancing over at her.
“Oh, shit. I forgot to call Pete,” Sugar announced before slipping out of the office before either one of them could say a word.
Rori and Carmen both looked from the door and then to each other, then immediately to the papers they were both holding. He wanted to say something, but he thought he might vomit, or stutter, and that made him want to vomit more. Just say something, say anything!
“Uhh, so Book of the Year, is that like a big deal or?” He asked and then immediately regretted it.
“Kind of. I mean, yeah. I don’t know.” She settled on an answer all the while feeling like an idiot.
Carmen chuckled a bit, “You don’t know?” Despite him thinking he could’ve asked a million better questions he didn’t think that one was hard.
“Yeah, it is a big deal, but being the youngest to ever win a Pulitzer stunts your judgment on what is a big deal or not, y’know?” She explained trying to sound as humble as possible. Carmen just hummed in response, he did understand, which is why he didn’t care for awards all that much. Rori now realized it was her turn to ask something and she felt like there was a lump in her throat. She could ask all the questions she had been dying to know. Why did you push me out? Did our friendship ever mean as much to you as it did to me? Was there ever a point where you could have loved me?
“How has it been running this place? I mean besides all the shit that became yours and Sug’s problem.”
Carmen began to fiddle with the paper in his hand, trying to calculate a response that wasn’t completely unhinged. I’m so stressed I almost set my apartment on fire. I feel like one more thing might make me crumble.
“I-it’s definitely a change of pace from New York, but it’s not bad,” He tried his best not to lie. The room became quiet, but the tone wasn’t clear, it lingered somewhere between comfortable and awkward. They both knew it wouldn’t take much to make it flip, both of them grabbing folders to keep looking. She wanted to carry on a conversation with him, connect with him about something— anything. She opened her mouth to ask if Mikey ever got the fridge fixed, but he spoke first.
“Yo, I think this is it,” He leaned toward her to show her inside the blue folder labeled “Shit”. She met him halfway taking in the tax document not realizing how close their faces were.
“Yeah, yeah that’s it,” She smiled looking over to see his face an inch or two away. She glanced to his eyes wanting to burn the shade of blue even further into her mind, it was her favorite. He had always been a hard person to read, but not for her, she could practically see the gears in his head turning, he was trying to think of something to say.
“What is it, Carmy?” She asked, trying to pull the thoughts from his head. Say something, tell me anything, anything at all.
“Do you, uh, do you think we could talk, y’know about,” He paused to collect his thoughts again, “I think we should talk about things if you’re up for it. We’re both home and it’s clear that we’re going to see each other a lot. I just don’t want anyone to feel like they have to tiptoe around us.” I don’t want to tiptoe around you.
“I agree. Can you come over after work tomorrow?” She asked. Can you come over? I've wanted to show you my house since the day I bought it.
He agreed as Sugar came back into the office, the two shuffled apart proudly presenting the document to shut down anything she might say. After she and Natalie got the office back into some kind of order the two girls left, making an impromptu stop at the farmer’s market. Natalie obliged because she had nothing better to do, and after being stuck in the restaurant for hours the outdoor air seemed nice. They carried on a conversation about the “What ifs” in life coming to a bunch of unserious conclusions, laughing as Rori picked up some vegetables.
“What if you were picking up ingredients to cook Carmy dinner?” Natalie asked. She knew it was a bold assumption, but the mood in the office seemed lighter when she returned and she saw how close they were. Rori froze her hand going to pick up a tomato, she felt her cheeks warming up, and she just prayed her face wasn’t red.
“Well, I am picking up ingredients to cook dinner tomorrow night. If he eats, that's his decision,” She replied in a matter-of-fact tone. She didn’t have to look to know the grin on Natalie’s face stretched from ear to ear. She figured she had better do some damage control before Natalie got her hopes up. “We’re going to talk about everything. We figured it was better to get it all out there than to keep dancing around it. It does not mean anything is going to change, it just means we’ll be on the same page about all of it.”
The smile was still present on Natalie’s face, she knew this could only go well— no, this had to go well, for everyone's sake. She didn’t want to imagine what it would be like if it went wrong, she would be stuck facilitating every interaction the two had, not to mention what it would do to both their mental health. She pushed the thought as far back as she could. This was Rori and Carmy and she knew their story wasn’t over yet.
Chapter two!!! Please like, or reblog, or something! I hope you’re all having a wonderfully week!! My birthday is Saturday so I’m hoping to have another chapter out before then, or at the latest Sunday:) I going to do flashback I just haven’t decided if those are going to be actual chapters or like sub chapters, or maybe apart of chapter… ugh anyways, see you soon!
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stansrichie · 7 years
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pairing: kasplon (eddie x mike)
requested: no, but it should have been
warnings: richie being richie
not my gif
this is inspired by the song “moonlight” by queen ariana grande
IMPORTANT: everything in italics is flashbacks to when eddie and mike first started dating, bold italics are song lyrics, and regular text is present time if you didn’t understand.
The sun is setting and you’re right here by my side.
Eddie turned his head to admire the boy laying beside him on the grass. The moonlight reflected off of his skin and made Eddie’s heart begin to beat in a way he thought would surely land him a trip to the ER if it didn’t stop.
Eddie wasn’t really sure when he had fallen in love with Mike Hanlon, he just knew it happened sometime between the beginning of their 9th grade year and the ending of their 11th grade year. He had never come to terms with the fact that he was falling for another boy, given the immense homophobia present in Derry, let alone another loser until their last day of the 11th grade.
And the movie is playing, but we won’t be watching tonight.
Middle school had been brutal for the group of 7, but something changed in high school. They all grew out of the “loser phase” to an extent, but Mike was the one that changed the most. Richie still wore his hawaiian shirts and cracked inappropriate jokes, but he was also the school’s heartthrob, to everyone’s surprise. Bill continued his art and still had a bit of a stutter, but he was also known as the sweetest guy in school. Ben wrote love letters and poems to Beverly, which led him to win multiple awards in creative writing, every single day, and according to Richie he needed to “man the fuck up and ask her out already.” Beverly was the captain of the girl’s soccer team, as well as the boy’s soccer team since her coach knew she was the best player. Stan still went birdwatching every single morning at 6:30AM sharp and made sure to keep Richie in check, but he was also the school’s MVP for his incredible baseball skills. Hell, even Eddie had made a name for himself at the school. Eddie won the national science fair after finding an “eco-friendly way to combat every single germ Richie has ever cursed the planet with,” which started as a joke but ended up working out in his favor.
Every look, every touch, makes me wanna give you my heart.
But Mike Hanlon? Eddie couldn’t even begin where to start with him. Was the term “loser” even fitting for Mike Hanlon anymore? Mike became the star quarterback at Derry High School, being the first freshman to be on the varsity team in Derry history, and is arguably the most popular guy in school. Eddie couldn’t think of one person that didn’t love Mike, and what made Eddie even more anxious is the fact that girls loved Mike in a different way. A way that made Eddie’s stomach turn when he saw girls giggling and blushing when Mike smiled at them in the halls, or when he saw Mike leaning against Erica Parker’s locker during free period, whispering something that made her cheeks turn a deep shade of red and making Eddie rush away from the scene.
I’d be crushing on you, baby, stay the way you are.
But the day that changed everything was the day that Mike Hanlon found out Eddie Kaspbrak had a crush on him, thanks to Richie of course.
“Come on Eddie, you can’t hide from him forever,” Stan said, leaning against the door to the janitor’s closet, which Eddie had locked himself in.
Stan heard faint sniffles coming from the other side of the door. Richie had been talking about the winter dance that was coming up soon, and after asking who everyone was going with he just so happened to “suggest” to Eddie that he should ask Mike since he had a crush on him anyway. Eddie knew Richie hadn’t meant to tell about his crush, hell, it was pretty obvious anyway, but Eddie was still shocked, and Richie was just as shocked, apologizing profusely as Eddie ran out through the cafeteria doors. Stan dashed after him, not before shooting a glare at Richie, of course. The only person that wasn’t shaken up by the situation was Mike. In fact, Mike tried to hide the smile that had found its way onto his face.
Eddie took the time to admire the way Mike’s dark skin looked under the moon’s reflection. He couldn’t even put into words how beautiful the sight is, and he silently wished this moment would never end.
I kiss his fingertips as I’m wishing he’s all mine.
He sometimes wondered if Mike admired him the same way he admired Mike. Eddie wasn’t aware of this, but he most certainly did.
“Go away Stan, you don’t understand. You’ll never understand. I’m not even supposed to like him, he doesn’t like boys. Everything is ruined now, there’s no fucking way I can go back out there,” Eddie replied, trying to hold back the sobs that were aching to come out.
Eddie heard the echo of clumsy feet stomping against the door, stopping right in front of the janitor’s closet. “Hey Eds, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to tell everyone about your crush on Mi- OW STOP IT STAN, JESUS FUCK.”
“Don’t fucking call me that Richie, you know I hate that.”
After a while of talking through the door, they eventually gave up on trying to convince Eddie to come out. Stan and Richie were basically talking to themselves at this point because Eddie had stopped replying to them almost 5 minutes after Richie arrived, and the bell had already rang by then.
Just as Eddie had thought the coast was clear and he could make a getaway, planning to skip the rest of the school day and tell his mom he was sick, even if she would drive him to the hospital immediately, he heard someone’s footsteps come closer and closer to the door. Eddie was too afraid to look out of the crack in the door, in fear of being seen, but he knew all too well who it was.
Eddie had never realized this before, but Mike had beautiful long eyelashes. The way they reflected in the moonlight made it all the more dramatic.
He’s giving me Elvis with some James Dean in his eyes.
Mike had never liked his near pitch black eyes and long eyelashes, but Eddie loved them. Even more, now that they were dancing in the light like this.
“Hey, Eddie… I know you’re in there,” Mike’s soothing voice called. Eddie was frozen stiff at the sound of his voice. “Can you please come out here and talk to me?” Eddie didn’t move a muscle. He couldn’t. He wanted to, but he couldn’t bring his body to it.
A few minutes had passed and he heard a deep sigh from the other side of the door. “That’s okay. I didn’t think you would anyways. I just wanted to ask you something real quick, but I guess I can wait and do it some other time.” Mike waited at the door, hoping Eddie would change his mind last minute, but he knew he couldn’t wait forever. Teachers like to patrol the hallways, and Mike snuck out of class without a hall pass.
“I’ll see you soon, Eddie,” Mike said quietly, more to himself than anyone else.
Eddie turned away from Mike’s face and looked back up at the stars, praying he wouldn’t see the blush that had started to creep up onto his cheeks at the thought of that day.
Puts his lips on my neck, makes me wanna give him my body.
Mike looks over at Eddie. He always loved Eddie’s freckles, and now looking more intently, he realizes how much he’d rather be staring at them than the stars that aligned the midnight sky.
“Tomorrow’s the w-winter dance guys, what’s th-he plan?” Bill asked, plopping down in his seat in the cafeteria next to Stan.
“Well, I don’t know about you losers but I’ve gotta put the moves on a certain someone before tomorrow or else I won’t be getting any winter lovin’,” Richie said, throwing a wink at Stan, who in return rolled his eyes so hard Eddie thought they might fall out.
Beverly laughed. “We should all meet up at Ben’s house and take photos, then carpool in Bill’s van,” she suggested, taking a bite out of her ham sandwich. Everyone hummed in agreement, besides Mike.
“Actually, I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it or not. My grandpa said I can’t go unless all of my work for the week is taken care of by the time the dance starts,” he said, a sad smile on his face.
Eddie tried to hide his sheer disappointment by looking down at his shoes, suddenly losing his appetite. He had finally decided to face Mike at the dance when they could be alone, and maybe even ask for a dance, but totally lost his chance now.
“What if we all come over early and help you get your work done quicker, Mikey?” Ben asked.
“That’s okay guys, I wouldn’t want you to get all dirty and sweaty before it’s time to get ready. Don’t worry about me,” He said, giving Ben a grateful smile.
“Hey, Eddie?” Mike asked, shamelessly staring at Eddie’s side profile.
“Yeah?” Eddie said, a little too quick for his own liking, turning around and facing his beautiful boyfriend.
“You know I love you, right?” Mike whispered softly, grabbing Eddie’s hand and intertwining it with his own. Mike had always been super confident in everything he had done, and he wasn’t sure if it was the way the moon hit Eddie’s eyes and made them light up in a way he’d never seen before, or if it were the way Eddie looked at him with enough intensity to put a fire to shame, but for some reason, Mike had begun to grow awfully nervous.
I’d be falling for you, baby, and I just can’t stop.
“I know… I love you too,” Eddie replied, pausing between words to catch his breath, which was faltering due to his irregular heartbeat. He wished he had brought his inhaler with him, but he left it on his bedside table.
Eddie looked at the clock that read that it was 5:30. The losers were meeting at Ben’s at 6pm to take pictures, leaving Eddie just enough time to finish getting ready and make his way there.
Eddie was adjusting his tie when he heard knocking at the front door.
“Coming,” he said, slipping on his shoes and opening up the door. There in front of him stood Mike Hanlon, dressed in a dark purple dress suit, holding a red boutonnière in his hand, matching the one that was pinned to his lapel.
“Good afternoon, Eddie Kaspbrak. I know it’s a little short notice, but I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me to a certain school dance on this fine evening?” Mike said, smiling brighter than the sun had ever shone.
Eddie nodded and stepped out of his home, choosing not to verbally reply in fear of choking up and embarrassing himself and allowed Mike to place the boutonnière on his tux. The two boys’ faces were just centimeters apart, and Eddie swore he might pass out if they got any closer. Mike lifted his head after pinning the flower and stared deeply into Eddie’s chocolate brown eyes. He took a moment to admire the small boy’s face, as well as the rosy pink tint that took over the boy’s cheeks and neck. A slight breeze moved a piece of Eddie’s hair out of place and Mike couldn’t help but to run his own fingers through it and fix the misplaced hair. Eddie was sure Mike had heard his breath hitch.
Mike grabbed Eddie’s hand and led him down the street to Ben’s house, eventually starting up a conversation about how Richie totally cheated in Twister during last weekend’s game night.
Eddie placed his head on Mike’s chest, and Mike wrapped his arm around Eddie’s waist. Eddie shook his head slightly and smiled.
I never knew you could hold moonlight in your hands till the night I held you. You are my moonlight.
“What is it?” Mike said, giggling softly at his silly boy. Eddie looked up. “I am so damn in love with you, Mike Hanlon.” It was Mike’s turn to lose his breath.
“Hello” by Lionel Richie was softly playing in the background of the school dance. Eddie looked around and he could see everyone scrambling to find someone to dance with. He saw Ben and Bev rocking slowly to the music. Bill and a girl from his chemistry class were dancing as well. He also saw Richie trying to drag Stan onto the dance floor, earning him a smack on the arm. Right when he thought Richie was going to give up, he saw him lean into Stan and whisper something in his ear that made him sheepishly follow Richie to the dance floor.
“May I have this dance?” Mike asked, bowing dramatically and holding his hand out for Eddie to take. Eddie rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed. “Get up, idiot, of course I will.” Mike beamed and took Eddie’s hand, leading him out to the dance floor.
Eddie and Mike had always said they loved each other, but they had never proclaimed that they were IN love with each other. What took Mike by surprised even more was the fact that Eddie was the first to say this.
He’s so bossy, he makes me dance. Tryna sit in the back of his whip and just cancel my plans.
Mike leaned down placed his forehead against Eddie’s, and they laid just like that. With Mike’s large hand covering Eddie’s small one, and Eddie’s small frame hugging against Mike’s.
Eddie’s arms were placed around Mike’s neck, and Mike’s arms were placed on Eddie’s waist. Mike loved the way his hands fit right on the sides of Eddie’s body. They swayed back and forth to the beautiful song and it felt like they were the only two in the room. The world around them swirled into a contrast of light and dark colors, leaving the two lovesick boys directly in the middle of the chaos.
Mike’s eyes never left Eddie’s face. Not even when Eddie tried to turn away from Mike out of embarrassment when he realized Mike was looking at him so directly, suddenly becoming insecure. Mike lightly grabbed Eddie’s chin and made him look at him again.
“Please don’t look away from me like that again. You shouldn’t be so insecure. I’m staring for a reason,” Mike hummed softly, pressing his forehead against Eddie’s. “O-okay,” Eddie stuttered.
Eddie was becoming incredibly anxious at the fact that Mike had yet to respond to him saying he’s in love with him.
Sweet like candy, but he’s such a man.
He could feel his palms start to become sweaty and decided whether he should apologize, but what exactly would he be apologizing for? Expressing his feelings?
Locking eyes, they continued to slowly sway to the music. Second by second, they became slower with their steps until they came to a complete stop in the middle of the room, looking into each other’s eyes and leaning closer to one another.
“I like you too Eddie,” Mike whispered, enclosing the space between them and taking Eddie’s lips in his.
Mike positioned his body to look over at the small boy, who could feel Mike’s breath tickling his face. He pulled Eddie even closer to his chest.
He knows just what it does when he’s holding me tight and he calls me moonlight too.
“I’m in love with you too, Eddie Kaspbrak,” Mike said, leaning down to kiss Eddie on his lips.
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tmnt-rambles · 7 years
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Imagine an AU where everyone only gets their ‘soulmate mark’ at twenty. Imagine being older than the turtles and April so when you get your mark you find out your soulmate is Mikey but there’s a huge problem, has already in a committed relationship with April. ******** PART 4. THE LAST PART FOR MIKEY. It had been almost a month since your incident on the roof with Mikey and Leo. A stressful night that made you feel like you were losing your mind. Looking back as the past month you, it almost felt surreal to you. Like it has all been a dream and at any moment you'd wake up and be right back in that emotional hell. Mikey and Leo sorted out their issues(well, Mikey's issues) and talked things through, Mikey admitted to jumping to conclusions but Leo just smiled and gave his brother a playful slap on his shoulder and spouting something about stress. The brothers endless teased you about that night on the roof, claiming one person almost tore the fearsome foursome apart. You never stopped feeling guilty about that and since you had decided to stay in New York, you were always baking and buying the boys their favorite treats in a way to make up for the drama. Now as you laid curled up in your bed under a mountain of sheets, you glanced down at the name on your wrist and smiled softly. "Sugarplum!" You groaned hearing Mikey's cheerful voice fill your apartment. Quickly you pulled the covers over your head and remained perfectly still, hoping he would buy the lie that you were still sleeping. "I saw you moving, Dollface." Mikey chuckled before pouncing on your bed, squishing you under the weight of him. "M-Mikey! C-Can't. BREATHE!" You gasped, your voice coming out muffled from the thick blanket that was pulled over your head. Laughing softly, Mikey rolled off of you and crawled under the sheets, his arms circling around your stomach to pull your back flush against his plastron. "Can't smother my lover." He hummed, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You couldn't stop the soft giggle from escaping your lips as you snuggled yourself back against your soulmate. Yes, a great many things changed after that night on your roof. That was a night that would forever be locked into your memory. A night filled with the craziest emotions but oddly, the best outcome you could've hoped for, one that still managed to baffle you. ****flashback****** "Sugarplum," Mikey continued still ignoring his brothers that were gawking at the two of you like hawks. As if you two were animals performing for them in a circus. Of course in their young lives they had never seen Mikey as serious as he was in this moment. Even in battle Mikey would crack jokes and completely act carefree but now, now Mikey had a soft expression, no look of amusement in his tear filled blue eyes as he stared down into you E/C orbs. "When I saw the mark I got scared. I had convinced myself that we would never have something as precious as soulmates because....well, look at us. When I thought Leo was yours I was ecstatic for him. And for you." Your heart was beating so hard you were sure it was about to burst out of your chest and fling itself off the side of the building. Your hands went up to rest over Mikey's that still held your red, wind chilled cheeks. Your breathing hitching as you heard a crack in Mikey's voice as he continued. "When April introduced you to us I ended up having the world's biggest crush on you but I saw how well you and Leo got on so I never made a move. I'd constantly talk to April about it which somehow ended up with us starting our relationship. I didn't think I had a chance 'cause, I mean...he's Leo. Ya look up noble and worthy in the dictionary and it'll probably just be a picture of him. I didn't think I could've competed." He paused to take a quick look at Leo who was just smiling softly at the two of you. "Don't get smug, bro." He chuckled before turning his attention back to you, his thumb wiping a way the tears you didn't know that had slipped from your eyes. All of Mikey's words were tearing you up inside, filling you with a bit of hope, but also making you angry that he didn't think he was good enough or could even compare to his leader and brother. You had thought only Raph held these types of insecurities, but apparently Mikey also felt envious of his brother at times. "Anyway, when I saw the mark I knew what I had to do. I hated leavin' you like that but one thing I am is an honest guy. Before I could say or react I had'ta end things with April. It wouldn't be fair to her or you, please tell me you understand, Sugarplum. I didn't want to hurt you but if I had stayed, I probably would've done somethin' stupid. I'm a lot of things but I ain't no cheater." His confession left you wide eyed and speechless. You had thought Mikey hated you but it was the complete opposite. Your chilled hands squeezed his and your eyes fluttered shut, a wave of emotions washing over you for the billionth time that night. "I thought you hated me." You let out a mix between a sob and chuckle. With your eyes still closed, you felt Mikey lean forward and press his forehead to yours. "Never, Y/N. Not in a million years. I love ya, Sugarplum." ****end flashback***** After that you and Mikey took things slowly, he'd come over for date night twice a week, it even took four dates before he'd even kiss you. He was the perfect gentleman, which took you by surprise since your, now, 'boyfriend' or 'lover' which ever you'd prefer was known to crack lewd jokes here and there. Mikey even made sure that the first thing you two did before you even entertained the idea of going on an official date was get Splinter's blessing. Of course Splinter was thrilled Mikey found his one and could now start on his own path to happiness. You knew Splinter had hoped that this would help mature Mikey but luckily for you, he was still the same joke telling, video game loving, skateboarding, pizza eating Ninja you had fallen in love with. Things with April were never tense. In fact, the first time you saw her after Mikey and her ended their relationship, she engulfed you into the tightest hug saying she was glad your soulmate ended up being Mikey. She had no ill will towards you or Mikey. Even now the two of you would have girls night while your boys were out patrolling. April did find her soulmate, Casey Jones--to no one's surprise-- so once a week the two of you would "double date" at her apartment since you couldn't take Mikey out in public. Mikey stayed over almost every night, or when Splinter would allow. The two of you were closer now than you ever thought you would be and you couldn't be happier. You knew Mikey loved you, but you couldn't wait for him to turn twenty so he could feel the heart pulling connection that you did every time you heard his voice. "You're being quiet, babydoll. Everythin' alright?" Mikey asked with a kiss to your neck, knocking you out of your own thoughts. You smiled and rolled over in his arms, your fingers running up his plastron slowly before leaning in to steal a quick kiss. "Of course. I'm just really, really happy right now." You beamed snuggling into your soulmates chest. "Are you happy?" Mikey chuckled and let his fingers brush through your hair gently before peppering your face with playful kisses, "Happier than Donnie at radio shack." He spoke in between kisses, "Happier than Leo with a ticket to Japan," he continued on, each kiss and word earning a giggle from you, "Happier than Raph in a room full of punching bags and Vin Diesel movies." With that you couldn't help but bust out laughing. Hearing you laugh made Mikey start attacking you with kisses and tickles. "Happier than Michelangelo at an all you can eat pizza bar?" You asked, playfully pushing him back onto his shell, you pulling yourself into his lap so you were straddling his hips. Mikey smirked and gave a light shrug of his shoulders, his hands resting on your hips. "Now let's not be unrealistic, Sugarplum. No one can be that happy." He teased with a wink. "What about, happier than Mikey when Y/N says they want to spend the day in bed?" You asked with a smirk and arched brow before reaching up to pull off his orange mask, and tossing it carefully to your bedside table. "Hell yeah, now you're speaking my language, baby." You swear you heard Mikey growl at the thought and before you could react, the ninja had you flipped onto your back and your hands pinned over your head. "I love you, Sugarplum." "Love you too, Mikey." END! [I HOPE YOU LIKED IT. I know this part is shorter than the others but I wanted to get it out before work in the morning. Next I'll be doing Donnie(after the request) so if you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know.]
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