#the tomgreg agenda
satancabra · 2 years
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there's a new bride in town
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bassdraws2 · 2 years
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bluebeewings · 2 years
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The Bitter Tears of Tom Wambsgans
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rebornrosess · 1 year
still so wild to me that greg was the last blood roy to join the dynasty war and yet he's the only blood roy tom chooses to keep after the turnover. greg went from fresh meat to antique.
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tangleddupinblue · 2 years
lil greggy who was written to be gay in the first season and who got quite literally asked out by Tom to a really fancy restaurant. Was already full from his grandpa feeding him, but still didn't wanna disappoint Tom so ended up eating all the songbirds and co anyway. Then got told by Tom that he was being seduced which made him blush and tuck his hair, only for his face to completely fall when he figured out that this was about the cruises thing and maybe not a real date. Then he got taken to the VIP section of a club where Tom bought him gold leaf vodka for an insane price. Then they dance alone w no one else in the VIP room in a deleted scene. THEN on top of all that Tom takes him home and they drink beers and sit on the same side of the table and the next morning Greg comes downstairs wearing no undershirt when before and after that episode he is always seen with an undershirt.
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successionable · 1 year
what if during the tomshiv balcony fight
shiv: [seething] "you'd be nothing if i hadn't plucked you from the bottom of the corporate shit-pile! i fucking made you–"
tom: [cuts her off] "but you never treated me like family, shiv! that's all i ever wanted! in fact [mirthlessly chuckles] the only member of your family who has ever shown me a shred of affection is the fucking, ne'er-do-well of a cousin you also all hate!"
shiv: [clicks tongue, incredulous] "oh, is that right? [snickering] well then, maybe you should've fucking married him instead of me, yeah?"
tom: [falters, mouth ajar, does that thing with his eyes where they betray his real emotions before his brain catches on, looks down] ...yeah. (maybe he should have.) [looks up] yeah. (maybe it's not too late.)
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wikaliyag · 1 year
theory time my dudes,
but what if greg is really a little slut who sleeps with all the man that can give him a sit next to the big table, like obviously he has been emotionally manipulating tom and making him depend on him BUT
if you noticed in the new ep matsson out there is acting a bit strange during the funeral and flirting with greg as if when they had their little party he not only made him 'dance with an old man' but he liked it and had a little fun with him too OR what if that 'old man' was matsson all along but greg wanted to make tom as jelous as possible (i mean tom was kinda neglecting him for some time, he just wanted to push the right buttons)
am i crazy or am i crazy, you decide
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bean-spring · 2 years
boar on the floor is such a great tomgreg scene. in fact, the whole episode is full of underrated tomgreg material.
we have greg asking for the first time the crucial question revolving around their relationship: "can i trust you?" and i honestly find so funny how tom replies with "yeah! of course you can trust me! to a point. yes." because tom is never the one crossing that point. like yeah he plays with greg and tries to manipulate him in a lot of ways (especially in s1) but he never shows the point. really, what point? because he keeps saying he could be betray greg and could do so much harm to him but... when he has the opportunity to do it, he doesn't just avoid doing it, but ends up sacrificing himself for him.
the whole episode is about being honest to logan so he can find people to trust and the one who betrayed him, right? and tom wants that throughout the whole episode! both the plan shiv had for him and what he actually wanted to do reside in gaining logan's trust and respect. it's what tom wants. it's everything tom wants, no matter the plan.
and he literally ends up fucking up everything because greg... asked. do you know how easily he could've sold greg?? the same way roman tried to do with kendall. but he didn't. and some could say he did it only and exclusively to have greg wrapped around his finger or whatever, but c'mon. it's obvious that he does it because greg asked. and greg asked and he cares about greg and it's the only one he trusts and... greg asked. and only by asking he made tom literally fight for a sausage and humiliate himself in front of the man he's always wanted to impress.
so, yeah. of course. you can trust me, greg. to a point, greg. but i will never ever betray you. actually, i will sacrifice myself for you multiple times and end up pushing my wife downstairs and then metaphorically marry you. how does that sound? but of course, to a point.
after the whole thing, greg thanks him. and it's soft and tender and he feels embarrassed for what happened. and tom just... touches him. which is not a lot but we know how much physical affection means to tom. and after s1 and their whole ambiguous dynamic, i feel like this is the first time we can say with total certainty: damn, tom is willing to do a lot for greg. maybe he isn't using him. maybe there's no point to cross, but he keeps telling himself there is to make himself feel better for his feelings towards greg. whether it is romantic or platonic, he feels so much for greg. he loves him. and that's embarrassing and dangerous in their family and job. he would do anything for greg. greg can trust him despite all the jokes and teasing.
but can tom trust greg?
[i would also like to mention that mid dinner in the background we can hear him yell "greg! greg! greg!" to talk about the food. i'm sorry babe, but if you're so overexcited to talk about food with someone in specific maybe it's not the food that matters but who you're talking to.]
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businessmilk · 2 years
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your-mums-nuts · 1 year
It’s so insane to me that everyone tries to justify roman being in love with Gerri with “mummy issues” or some other physco-sexual thing that completely dismisses Gerri as a person in favour of seeing her as an outlet for Roman’s sexual fantasies. Like, have we even been watching the same show?
Roman has been on Gerri’s side from season 1 episode 2- this guy saw her on screen in season 4 and had to immediately sit down, this man has been following her around every single season with no agenda other then to talk to her, to listen to her opinion on things!! My man literally trips over himself trying to get her to laugh!!! she’s the quasi-love of his life!! His final scene was him ordering her favourite drink!! Neither the actors or writers have ever said anything like “she likes him because of the power it gives her” or, “he likes her cause he wants a mummy”, you could say a million things about tomshiv, tomgreg or kenstewy- (hell, I don’t see anyone putting a magnifying glass over Marcia’s love and devotion for Logan) but with Roman and Gerri, it seriously just boils down to, they like eachother. Why do you have to justify it? Because she’s an older woman? As if Toms hair isn’t already grey but nooo, millions of people are still shipping tomgreg and tomshiv.
Anyway, Gerri Kellman is fucking funny and intelligent and hot and Roman Roy loves her and not enough people talk about it.
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slutneto · 1 year
girlies being like 'oh tomgreg is finished now. greg is looking for an in with everybody bcs he is going to leave tom for dead'...
like the first thing greg did after biking through half of new york city wasn't asking roman to introduce him to mencken so he could sing him the tom song asap. and like his last scene this episode wasn't him doing exactly that - pushing the tom agenda even when he isn't there and has no means of checking if greg did what he was asked.
tomgreg is alive and well, chill.
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nightshadehoney · 1 year
Not to be “here’s how tomgreg can still win!” on main but...
I do think it’s plausible that there will be some reveal in regards to them. Not that they’re sleeping with each other (although a girl can dream), more like they’re up to something. That no matter how it might look at any point for the last four episodes, their alliance is rock solid. That they’re actually very transparent with each other and the moves they make are done in concert or at least with the other’s knowledge. We can already surmise this is going on when the audience doesn’t explicitly see it: Greg learns about the paper found in Logan’s safe and then a few scenes later Tom says he knows about it. We can fill in the blanks where Greg went running to tell Tom about this without having to be shown.  Perhaps we don’t have a full picture of whatever it is their agenda is, and that’s why we’re only getting to see them when they are lurking in public, and not when they are speaking frankly in private. 
Actually regardless of what happens I think this is the primary reason for the lack of tomgreg scenes. At the end of season three Greg more or less asks Tom if their partnership can be a little more egalitarian and Tom says yes and then...it is. Tom and Greg are just BFFs (business friends forever) now, so the scenes between them are cut in favor of other scenes that give us new information or focus on relationships that are shifting. There’s nowhere to go with them in this state other than a) destroy their relationship (anything can happen in four hours of course, but it would be pretty shoddy writing to de-emphasize a relationship if it’s dissolution is meant to  be a significant plot beat)  or b) their relationship results in some scheme that results in Plot Things happening, hence them being in the background until a reveal. 
Usually I’d say that this kind of thing isn’t  Succession’s style. The show’s writing doesn’t really rely on twists or hidden information, buuuut they have been playing with “twists” this season a bit (the timing of Logan’s death; Shiv’s pregnancy) and there was even a few things last season (Rex Hendon is a divorce lawyer; what exactly Tom has in mind re: Logan vs. siblings is opaque until the very last scene). Based on some things cast have said in combination with all the weird looks this season-- Shiv looks at Tom when he’s  with Greg, Greg’s always seems to be carefully watching Tom, etc---seriously  these three specifically seem to always be looking at each other in a way that feels significant, I think maybe something could go down. 
....Or everything I said is pure cope and I’m delusional. That’s also a possibility.      
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
Listen i love dirtnasty canon-like TomGreg where Tom plays mindgames and Greg has his own agenda and they both leave interactions feeling a little bit more broken in the head, heart, and soul
But i can admit i occasionally fantasize that maybe, possibly, they could, one or both of them, have their come to jesus moment and realize what they have is real enough to warrant getting out and moving to a small Canadian city to open a coffee shop that they, eventually, put a small pride flag sticker in the window of. What can i say i am a hopeless romantic and also delusional
Also some of the best fics can manage to give me the first option and still ease into the second option which is just 🤌
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11x13kyle · 1 year
Cartman: Who wants to touch me?
Butters: ooooooooo
The buttman agenda has been in process for decades……
“mozart was 4 when he started playing piano” ok? cartman and butters were 9 when they started tomgreg hannigramming?
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stewy · 1 year
only thought about that shiv greg scene is that the tomgregs are gonna use this to keep on the shiv is a horrible person agenda as if tom wasnt doing all that he did in the ep
tomgregs aren't real people
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wambsgraham-archive · 3 years
The absolute funniest dynamic for s4 TomGreg would be if Greg does start more regularly flirting back, but entirely without realizing what he’s doing or why.
Like with “prove it” and “souls are boring,” he just says more and more insane shit to Tom on impulse because he’s enjoying himself and rolling with things, and neither of them fully process what’s going on. I don’t think Greg would ever consciously make the decision to act fruity with his boss/cousin’s husband, but I can absolutely see him getting caught up in the fun of being gay and evil without recognizing the gay part until it somehow slaps him in the face further down the line.
I want both of these motherfuckers to be the absolute last people to realize that they’re all over each other
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