#the tourdust chronicles
pixelatedquarter · 1 year
Day 31 of Tourdust:
Most of the tumblr trenches are sleeping peacefully, but a small contingent kept guard. Truth be told we were not expecting to have any news from the front, after failed attempts at tapping onto a stream despite our best efforts.
But just when all 5 of us had resigned to huddle in front of setlistfm, we found a stream from a new source, indeed the streaming website had a stream for the shows!
I think we didn't get to truly grasp the volumes of sweat on Patrick's shirt and the volume of his now well rested voice when they reminded us that you can never get too comfortable with tourdust. Sure there were no pianos for Medley & Magic and officially no Magic 8 Ball, but that did not stop them from hitting us with a double 8 ball nonetheless.
Much as we were the critics questioning if Thriller would ever happen this tour, we really, really should know better than to question anything can happen on tourdust, they WILL manage to make it fit. Maybe they'll even manage to make their visit to tokyo disneyland thematically relevant to the rest of their tour, and play Immortals.
Now we sit by the fire, the few of us who liveblogged this through timezones far from the US or really just messy sleeping schedules, and wait for the rest of foblr who wasn't jolted awake by the attack to wake up to our slip back into the folie à tourdust, knowing that in spite of it all, it was once again Saturday.
PS: Perhaps we could do with cry/smile plushies to cuddle as we wait, even if their crafting only makes sense in timeframes of more than an hours and two more weeks
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omegalomania · 2 years
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mild existential crises with ybc gang but it's just that one post
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looselipssinkships-x · 7 months
four patches ive made for tourdust so far
.......it's a learning process
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ybcthecomic · 1 year
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Your crooked love is just a pyramid scheme...wait, what's happening?
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james | he/him | 20 | main: james-isqueer
see notes on that stuff below the cut
Hi, welcome to my blog! I mostly post about Fall Out Boy, but I'm also a fan of MCR, iDKHOW, Green Day, Olivia Rodrigo, and some others that I don't really follow fandom stuff for.
Trying to listen to more of: Linkin Park, Paramore, Bruce Springsteen
Current favorite FOB song: Bishops Knife Trick
Sometimes I make original memes (reposting to other platforms is fine as long as you reblog and don't claim credit).
I don't really post nsfw — maybe the occasional meme type stuff but never anything graphic. I'm also not into anything that is generally viewed as "scary" tbh lol, so if you can handle The Youngblood Chronicles you'll be just fine here.
I love plenty of other things besides 2000s music, so if you want to see any of that check out my main/other side blogs! Including but not limited to: ATLA, LOK, Percy Jackson, Nerdfighteria, Dan & Phil, Queen, Billy Joel, and Supernatural.
Shows Tourdust: Somerset, July 13th, 2023 ⛈️ 2ourdust: Minneapolis, April 6th, 2024 🎱
🌊💜MANIA is a good fucking album💜🌊
tourdust lyric shirts for each tour date
tourdust lyric shirts color coded by song
Summary & Explanation of Tourdust Surprises
My Tourdust Surprise Wishlist
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tag stuff and notes under the cut
yes, you can call me james, it's not some secret inside joke or a prank. you got this I believe in you (I am equally scared of using names on tumblr dot com)
my pronouns are he/him, and I only use masculine honorifics (Mr, sir, etc) and masculine titles (prince, king, etc) for that kind of thing. gender neutral stuff is of course fine but please don't call me "girl" directly or indirectly (in the notes of my posts) or "girl*" because what is gender neutral to you is not gender neutral to everyone, regardless of your intentions.
As of right now I don't tag many things very strictly. If there's something I should be tagging for safety reasons, please let me know!
flashing visuals -> "flashing tw"
Other tags
"tourdust spoilers"
"miss missing queue"
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babybluebex · 7 months
be warned, there be pics of my face (and sappy cheesiness) under the cut….
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i went to so much for 2ourdust dressed as the magic 8 ball if the magic 8 ball served cunt ✨
when i was 12, i was in a bad place, i was depressed and not happy with my life. my friend's older, cooler sister showed us the youngblood chronicles randomly one night, and thus, i found my favorite band and album. fall out boy's music has helped me through some of the worst parts of my life, and knowing that i wasn't alone in my struggles, knowing that someone else has felt the same way and has come out the other side was empowering to me. i was supposed to see fall out boy on the boys of zummer tour, but that fell through, and, because of where i live, i never had any hope of seeing them in person. when so much for tourdust (the first leg) was announced, i watched the videos of it and found myself wishing that i could find a way to get there, but it never worked out for me. it was too expensive, too far away, i couldn't get time off work or school, and it became a fleeting thought of "oh, that would be neat, but it's never gonna happen ." and then, so much for 2ourdust. birmingham alabama, it's the closest they've ever been to me and will EVER be to me. the tour was announced on september 7th, and i bought my tickets on the 13th (i had to wait for my paycheck to come lmao). i didn't care what seats i got, i just needed to be there. my tickets were $30, in just about the furthest back, most nosebleed seats in the arena, but i didn't care. we get there yesterday, go to our section, and one of the workers (i wish i had caught her name, but shout out to you, random worker at the legacy arena at the bjcc!!) offered me and my mom a free upgrade to club seats, because (ticketmaster hadn't bothered to tell me, so thanks ticketmaster) our section had an obstructed view. so we go to our club seats, and then began the greatest night ever. daisy grenade was KILLER, the maine blew the ROOF off the arena, it was an HONOR to see jimmy eat world perform, and then it became time for the main ticket. one wrecking ball and we didn't start the fire later, and the moment i hear the piano intro for love from the other side, i swear i passed out, and blacked back in when i saw them onstage. my saviors, the reason i am alive today and the person i am today, i was in the same room. i cried the whole time, even when i was dancing and screaming. i knew all the words and sang the whole time, and my soul ascended when dance dance started— the first song i learned on my bass, which i only decided to learn because of pete wentz. i had kept the entire tour a secret from myself, i hadn't watched any videos or knew what the setlist was, all i knew was the magic 8 ball/surprise song section. so imagine my surprise when the phoenix starts, and then just one yesterday, AND THEN young volcanoes, then my songs know what you did in the dark. and imagine my UTTER SHOCK when i figured out that THAT MANY sr&r songs are NOT on the classic setlist, and was special for my show. it felt like a divine message. whoever is controlling us knew that i needed to hear those songs live, and i thank them.
anyway. gonna go cry forever and maybe get a volcano tattoo.
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riddlerosehearts · 5 months
Ok, I need to know your fob album ranking and top 10 songs, GO!
oooh okay so i need to start by saying that i am heavily biased toward their older stuff because... i've listened to fall out boy since i was probably too young to listen to fall out boy AFGKJDF and their pre-hiatus albums essentially shaped my music taste and helped me get through a lot of difficult times in my life. so i'm really just generally more attached to them than the rest but i do like every single one of their albums at least a little because they all have songs i love. i also had to think about this a bit and am still not sure if it's a perfect ranking because i'm incredibly indecisive. but this is what i'm feeling right now! (also i apologize in advance for adding a bunch of commentary and rambling instead of just giving you the ranking LOL)
from under the cork tree - was the first FOB album i ever listened to so i'm biased but it's so fucking good. especially if you include the bonus tracks from it. there is not a single song on here that i don't love.
infinity on high - contains my favorite FOB song (okay maybe it's illogical that my #1 song is from my #2 album but listen... it's a very close #2), aesthetically has the coolest album cover, and it's just fantastic all around--again, especially if you include the bonus tracks.
take this to your grave - i feel like a lot of people hate TTTYG nowadays and i'll never understand why. it's a great album. it's classic pop punk and just pure fun.
folie a deux - literally never understood the hate this album got when it came out!! it's so good!! i remember listening to the whole thing the same day as it dropped and loving it and being so confused seeing how much people complained about it :(
so much (for) stardust - okay i actually love this album so much that #5 feels too low but if i switched it with folie then #5 would feel too low for folie so idk 😭😭 my favorite post-hiatus album BY FAR though. it's sooo good and it's also special to me because i literally never got to see fall out boy live until they toured for its release last year.
save rock and roll - has some misses for me, as do the albums i've ranked below it, but overall i like my favorite songs from SRAR more than i like my faves from the albums below, and it gets bonus points for how cool the youngblood chronicles is + the nostalgia i associate with FOB's return from their hiatus.
american beauty/american psycho - ABAP gets a lot of hate but i think it kind of rocks actually and putting it at #7 feels slightly wrong. it's really only this low because something has to be and because again, i like my favorite SRAR songs more than my favorite ABAP songs.
mania - i think a lot of people on here get mad if you put MANIA last so i'm sorry afksjgdsf. it honestly just has the lowest number of songs i really like and has several that i don't. though i will say that last of the real ones is a certified banger and i was so glad it had a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist.
hum hallelujah - my beloved 💙💙 when i saw FOB live they had a slot on the setlist where each night they'd either play bang the doldrums or hum hallelujah and i won't lie, i did feel disappointed for a second when doldrums started. i got over it because i love that song too but. hum hallelujah is one of my all time favorite songs.
i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me - my favorite song on FUTCT and another all time fave. i also think this is the funniest song title of all time btw.
G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - so jealous of anyone who's gotten to see this played live as a magic 8-ball song :(
calm before the storm - this having a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist got me hyped like you wouldn't believe because they had last played it in 2007. underappreciated banger.
love from the other side - this was literally my top song of 2023 on my spotify wrapped. i made an angsty raeda gifset with lyrics from it not long after the single came out because it made me so insane.
sugar we're goin' down - might be a bit of a basic choice but it was the first FOB song i ever liked and it fucking slaps 💖 also when i saw them live i swear patrick changed the lyrics to "wishing to be the friction in his jeans" which is just. legendary and iconic of him.
disloyal order of water buffaloes
grand theft autumn/where is your boy - again, a basic choice, but sometimes things are popular for a reason!
the carpal tunnel of love
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
So I know you wrote it in 2019 but im curious based off of Pete's stage designs for tourdust if that spurred any thoughts of the stage design for the Stumped Musical in your musical au fic 🐉
I wrote that musical fic very early on in my FOB fandom. I feel like it might have been the first long fic I wrote for them? And the longer I spend on FOB fandom the more I'm like, "God, Pete Wentz would looooove to write a musical" hahahaha. And also Patrick Stump would ALSO love to write a musical, I think. So I have no idea what is holding them up! Except I do think I'm probably right that Pete would write something completely incomprehensible that would totally make sense to him and to Patrick and to absolutely nobody else. And then they WOULD send a librettist in and Pete would hate it the way he hated having an editor on his actual book (another reason I love Pete Wentz lol). Like, Pete only wants one beta and that's Patrick, no one else is allowed to edit Pete Wentz. So I think, sadly, we never WILL get a musical out of them.
But! I actually think Pete has such wide-ranging interests and likes that it's impossible to predict how he would go for stage design. Tourdust is extremely whimsical and I adore that, I love how it's over-the-top and full of life and color and drama and I think that would suit their Morpheus retelling well, he would light the Underworld so luridly fabulously, I think. But then I think of, like, the aesthetic of Youngblood Chronicles, which feels on the other end of the spectrum in some ways, like, still over-the-top but in the opposite anti-whimsical direction lol. Like, YBC has the most ridiculous things happen but they're all dressed up in this hard debauched tone that doesn't land as softly as the Tourdust stuff does. And their videos likewise run the gamut in a lot of ways.
That said, if I had to put my money on it, I think Pete Wentz leans more whimsical Tourdust in general. He might love horror movies and sci-fi and stuff, but I think inside he's just full of pink cotton candy and bubblegum at heart. Like, most of their videos are light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek, comical affairs and I think Pete would go that way for staging my fictional musical, it would all be a tad too much in a fun way.
I spent way too long considering this entirely fictional question lol but thank you for it!
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xo8ball · 9 months
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just to rember ^_^
#what am i cooking: original posts
#personal: irl talks
#my art: obvious
#my sona #sona art: bnuuy !!!! (thas me)
#my ocs #oc: original character content. #oc: (name) for a specific blorbo.
#qpp tag: posts about my guy (boyfriend)
#cw (trigger) #(trigger): i tag like this so it can get blacklisted. for nsfw i use #suggestive. pls drop an ask if you need something specific!
#funny text tag #funny vid tag: some things i look at to laugh
#posts that made me cry: teared up with these posrs
#love and light tag: the world is healing and i love these posts
#art i like: this art is so cool and i saved it to look at it forever
#me 4 real: posts i relate to
#queue: got limited :'v these posts were q'd
#argposting: posts in spanish :]
#asks: answers to questions (askbox heehee)
#cateto or #cate tag: my cat :]
#fefi reviews: trying new things
#fob #fob art #fob lyrics: general content of the band, art, and lyrics.
#patit tag: patrick stump
#petit tag: pete wentz
#joesote tag: joe trohman
#andiruchi tag: andy hurley
#ybcpatito: talking about youngblood chronicles au(s)
(ship tags are for shipping content or when they appear in pictures together, for archival reasons)
#p2: pete x patrick
#wentzmen: pete x joe
#trolley tag: joe x andy
#pandy: patrick x andy
#tourdust: 2023 tour, mostly usa leg
#guitarists yuri: joe x patrick
#rhythm boys: pete x andy
#2ourdust: late 2023 to 2024, eu and asia leg.
(i can differentiate these because #tourdust is for beardless patrick, #2ourdust for bearded patrick)
#mcr #mcr art #mcr lyrics: same case, but now these guys.
#gewad tag: gerard way
#sir toro tag: ray toro
#minky tag: mikey way
no tag for frank
#grank but there's old posts with #frerard: gerard way x frank iero
#rayrarding: ray toro x gerard way
#(fandom) or #fandom (art) is there too for the others that arent too special lol so as #(ship name) like serirei or madohomu
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
Day 30 of Tourdust:
Fall Out Boy is for lovers, and I love you all, all the people in this community, huddling together in the tumblr trenches. Against all odds we've survived did we survive? why do some of the entries appear blank?. The last day proving an intense rollercoaster, between missed friends and reaffirming the healing through repeating songs nobody ever expected we'd hear live, all the way up to what they themselves consider to be their very Holy Grail.
It is not yet over, there is going to be a pause in the shows for a little while, but the community we've built isn't disappearing any time soon, I know I won't. And they will be back, the 8 ball will probably torture us sick motherfuckers again, we'll see Patrick sitting at that piano and acting all aww shucks before annihilating us with a new wave of covers soon enough.
ps: if you'll allow me to get a little bit personal and perhaps stray a bit from the tone of these entries (eh, it's more like so. many. different. tones.), this journal has become a pair of lava boots for myself. What began as a silly joke amidst the official account starting their own diaries evolved into trying to transcribe the emotions that had swept the dashboard after each night, from someone whose greatest writing achievements are science essays for uni and half abandoned fic storylines. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who's expressed they liked this even if just one out of all thirty (so far!) entries got to you it is so much more than i could have thought. This tour in general has pushed me towards being creative in new ways and relearn a lot of things i hadn't touched in a long time, so I suppose Pete is right, stardust is the era to be creative and i am being shown by you all that it IS true, that it IS important to the world, it is important to you.
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
Day 14 of Tourdust
Tragedy struck on the battlefield, quite literally, thunderstorms delayed the concert.
To make up for this they slaughtered the setlist instead of us this time, and we got unique nightcore remixes of everything from Dance, Dance to Heaven, Iowa, and other songs without commas.
Patrick wasn't allowed to get his enrichment piano time, it didn't save us from The Magic 8 Ball deciding this tour won't end before every last IOH song is debuted live. The effects of medley deprivation are unknown, potentially deadly for us moreso than any symptoms Patrick could develop, such as having time to ponder and plot something on the scale of Spotlight.
At one point we suspect Pete looked over the crowd and checked the cops were not literally there to drag them away. Reminiscent of the good old times for them. They remain undetained, we think, but we're not entirely sure how they're doing after playing at 2x speed irl. RIP In Peace Andy's arms.
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
Day 34 of Tourdust:
It is so early for this leg, we're having our morning or after-lunch coffees all huddled up in the couches of Oracle, waiting for the updates to trickle in as the warsaw fobbies leave the faraday cage fall out boy was performing in tonight.
A few stray bits of information did filter through, there's still no more real ones but our cheating babygirl still lives, Andy's treehouse made it overseas, slots of doom are now eligible for the 8 ball again, setlist fm insists they played super bass (again). minutes of silence and uncertainty that became hours inbetween.
It was posited today that Patrick's guitar has roses to match with Pete's harness, perhaps it's a trick of the guitar photo, perhaps they are rose-matching, but regardless, Dumb and Dumber were matching leather tonight.
Only thing we know for sure, because Lydia asked the baristas, is that Andy had a coffee preparation demonstration with the rest of fob as (un)helpers.
It wasn't a long break, but I missed the chaos of being in the foblr tourdust trenches.
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pixelatedquarter · 11 months
Day 42 of Tourdust:
After so many days of hunger, we feast <3 [There's blood splatters all over this one, also a dark chunk stuck to a bit of the page, you wisely decide not to touch it]
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pixelatedquarter · 11 months
Day 38 of Tourdust:
The information was choppy, but between several sources we could place what was happening. Very early on in fact we got footage of the kiln, and that was invaluable in keeping a lot of foblr's sanity in check.
Alongside some videos scavenged from the depths of instagram, we managed to barely break out the charcuterie board to wait out the silence when news broke of another pride event happening live onstage, and this one we got to witness. Straight is seeming increasingly unlikely to be a thing that exists, but alas we got no news of maybe what we expected to be the main event of the evening, just that What A Golden Catch has made its triumphant return to grant us a double medley.
We were once again fortunate in having a stream to witness The Magic 8 Ball's massacre. I think the only reason we are still here alive in the trenches tonight is because The Magic 8 Ball decreed that the kids are, without a doubt, alright. Although they probably ate too many nutella crepes.
I must leave now, but as I'm writing this we are still missing one vital piece of intel regarding this night: Does Pete's little cabbage still love him a thousand times?
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pixelatedquarter · 11 months
Day 37 of Tourdust:
The trip to the aquarium was lovely. We stopped for donuts and oat milk lattes at the Fresh Only Bakery truck in front of it before going in.
The tour guide was really nice, his face was covered with one of those "fish fear me women want me" hats but far more nuanced, and he kept going on long infodumps over extinct sea life, but he was super polite, up until he turned away from us and started singing what a catch donnie in front of all the fish.
He then left to get into a seashell submarine and into one of the tanks, from where i swear someone saw a lanky fucking mermaid posing sluttily. We wouldn't find out until later that one of the fish there tried to relay the message that they were getting emotionally killed by the boys in the submarine, but we saw a conmotion of bubbles, the glass cracked and all 4 of the submarine crew left the tank and started hastily trying to fix the cracks with some golden paste.
We're still at the gift shop, processing, trying to find out more details of what happened around us. If there's no lines of communications with the frontlines on monday we might end up going to the parisian zoo to watch the penguins, or ponder the merits of cabbages, we haven't decided yet.
[This note is covered in stickers bought from the aquarium gift shop, there's 4 koi fish at the bottom with instruments drawn around them, one of them with a hat similar to the one the guide was wearing]
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
Day 6 of tourdust:
I'm writing this entry as I witness the horrors that are unfolding, just when it looked like there was going to be no stream we found one lovely individual who's streaming the horrors and enjoying singing along with us <3 thank you stultaloquy
Pete's once again wearing a skirt, he seems to have taken note of twirling more, slightly scary thought considering our mention of it, but it is lovely seeing all of them having fun.
"Thanks Pete" is still an aknowledged meme, Patrick will never live that one down. He mentioned having a bad day today just before starting his medl- [at this point the entry trails off into an illegible mess of ink, you can barely make out the word "s̷̨͓̟̿͆̐̚͜p̶̜̎̑̀̚ó̷̱̻̣͇͔͌̔̚t̷͎͉̪͉͛͆́̂ͅl̸̦̪̤̙͌̑ì̶̞̭͑g̸̹͍̭̐̅̉̓͋h̶̗̙͖́̋̆̕̚t̷̮̠̰̥̽"]
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