#the transcript one makes no sense if you don't remember the context of that scene but I happen to love it so it's staying
adhd-merlin · 1 year
Merlin + @screenshotsofdespair — part V
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friendly reminder that Arthur was a friendless loser (relatable)
part I / part II / part III / part IV / part V / part VI
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aphverse-confessions · 10 months
Yes, Zane is a bad person who is responsible for his own atrocities, this is not up for debate.
However, around season two or so, Zane is suddenly the sole reason anything bad ever happens in O'khasis. Regardless of time period or logic or evidence of involvement, everything is pinned on Zane.
Zane Ro'meave who has effectively been dead for fifteen years.
Zane is responsible for the war with Tu'la because Janus decided to terrorize the countryside during Zane's absence. It's implied that Janus was doing this of their own free will and not on orders, and its highly likely Zane didn't even know about it considering he was inanother dimension, but Janus is one of the subordinates who actually likes Zane so it's like Zane was doing it personally.
Zane is responsible for the O'khasis invasion because the Tu'la king wanted Zane's relic notes for his own use and Ivy sold them out. Which is like arresting the victim of a home invasion for having personal possessions that could attract robbers.
Somehow, Garte's actions as lord and generally shitty dude behavior are because??? Even though we previously established that Garte lost his humanity due to an illness at a time where Zane was still young enough to be groomed into the position of Garte's favorite pawn??? Sure, the grown man in the most powerful position in the region is the victim in this scenario.
If you think I'm exaggerating here is a transcript from a scene in ep 43 where Aph's eavesdropping on a group of locals discussing the situation with the Ro'Meaves after all of the sons died (for context Garte was in charge of O'khasis in s1):
OldGeezer: Hm, your son reminds me of Garte's oldest boy.
Father: Yeah, well, I take that as a compliment. I remember the Lord's son well.
OldGeezer: Such a shame... Lord Garte has been more secluded since before he lost his sons...
Father: Have they been pronounced dead? It's been more than fifteen years.
OldGeezer: The one with the brown hakr was pronounced dead long before the other two vanished.
Father: ...I don't feel as bad for Lord Garte as I fee for Lady Zianna... she was a wonderful mother to her sons..
Old Geezer: Agreed. Even the adopted one. she deserved a better man than Garte became.
Father: How's m'lady doing? Has anyone heard from her?
OldGeezer: She's silent... she rarely leaves her chambers. Understandably, since Garte is continuing his march on the region soon...
Father: ...I never liked the image O'khasis gave off to others. Why can't we advocate for peace?
OldGeezer: The world is changing. Lord Garte is not. O'khasis used to have great power over others.
Father: ...I don't want my son growing up in a place where we can not progress because of our Lord's selfish choices.
OldGeezer: ...y'know if you leave O'khasis for another village, you won't find a place that's safe from O'khasis itself.
Father: That's why I haven't left sooner.
Aph: Wow... I would think after 15 years at this place... after 15 years of having Zane gone this place might've become something else but I guess who... if Lord Garte is in charge now. That's Garroth's father.
On one hand, it does make sense why Aph would assume everything is somehow connected to Zane, since that's basically what happened in season one. It is in character for her to be negatively biased towards Zane, who she knows, as opposed to Janus/Tu'la/Garte, who she's never met before.
But Aph's objectively wrong takes are treated as fact by both the narrative and characters who personally knew both Zane and Garte, including the rest of the Ro'Meaves. And not in an examination of the Ro'Meave family's toxic dynamics way its exclusively to uncritically villianize Zane.
Like, bro has already cursed a baby you don't have to retroactively make him this evil from birth demon who's mere existance ruins the lives of everyone he comes in contact with. It's bad writing and it cheapens the Ro'Meave family storyline.
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You've Lost A Lot of Blood - The Book
I read this and wanted to throw my thoughts around, mostly to sort through them.
This is the only book I've read where everything, including the "Editor's Note" and following footnotes, is a fictional part of the story. I ignored the Editor's Note initially. I have never found one that benefitted my experience reading. I did not read it until I was finished with the book because I was so pissed off that it didn't make any sense.
After reading everything, I think this lacked. This is my second Eric LaRocca book; I read Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke which was, also, a little underdeveloped. Generally, I'd say a 4.5/10 for both of these is fair. Neither are a book I'd recommend.
It's so disjointed. Basically, the book structure is like reading a few chapters of a novella broken up by some poems that have absolutely nothing to do with the story and also transcripts of "interviews" between the fictional author and his partner. If this sounds confusing that's because it is. You don't get the full picture until the final "interview" and the footnotes from the fictional editor.
I'll review in order, I guess:
The Editor's Note didn't make very much sense but did provide context. Three people: The Editor, Martyr, and Ambrose. Martyr is a bad guy. Ambrose is Martyr's current partner. The Editor used to date Ambrose in college. It is not at all explained how The Editor knew Martyr, or that The Editor and Ambrose kept in touch past college. The Editor says he knew Martyr, has his collection of works, and wants to come to terms with his knowledge of Martyr and Ambrose's crimes. How does The Editor want to come to terms with it, you ask? Republish and profit off of Martyr's work, I guess.
I did enjoy the little poems, but would've enjoyed them more if it was not so spaced out. Maybe a chunk of poems before the novella, then in the middle of the novella, then the rest at the end. Every 2-3 chapters you are reading a poem and a transcript.
The transcripts are ridiculous. They're conversations between Martyr and Ambrose. It's explained beforehand that Martyr edited these recordings later to add exactly what he was thinking as he is speaking into them. In case he forgets, I guess? But he went in later and added these thoughts, so he clearly remembers well enough? It's nonsensical.
The novella was alright. The plot is like a mix between Black Mirror's Playtest and White Christmas. Could've done without the 30-second lesbian scene in it. Sex is, plot-wise, sometimes good for a story, but not in this case. It lasts for about 5 sentences and you leave it more confused than anything. Speaking of being confused, there is almost no imagery words used at all in the novella. I'm pretty sure the only colors referenced are black and red. The story involves a lot of things made of metal and makes note of an aspect's presence, but does not describe it. Like, saying this mechanical object has gears and valves is like describing a flower by saying it has petals. No shit. What the fuck should it look like though.
Anyway, not a great read. Would I have rather read something better? Obviously yes. Did it pass the time, though? Yep. I liked that time passed more than I liked reading the book.
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
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she is so lucky she does not remember any of this, because if she remembered she might have just emotionally explode she might have forgotten but i never will get the images in my mind out jesus Christ even so there were some funny lines and bizzare deliveries of otherwise annoying lines and a lot of mental blocking from my mind but i will say this
as usual spoilers under the cut!
Crizz is wonderful and interesting, i liked how he and the doc worked together in the end, good for them, i did notice how they were really honering Crizz and the guy who protects the borders's words put it into horrible context but i do like Crizz as a simple guy who just got incredibly traumatised and now looks for meaning in the doc and charley, and he is just so sweet and caring so that's nice!!
im gonna take a fucking nap, or eat something, ir watch a funny movie!! heck i need a fucking shower, anything to forget this
ill try to keep it short but they turn Charley into a fucking slug, its horried, discusting to listen to, and a complete step too far, GOOD FUCKING JOB THEY MADE HER FORGET THIS BECAUSE IF THEY EVEN EXPECTED HER TO REMEMBER A SMIDGE OF THIS EPISODE I WOULD HAVE STEPPED THROUGH MY SCREEN AND SLAPPED THEM, like!!!! what the actual fuck!!!!
AND THE FACT THEY MAKE YOU LISTEN TO EVERY, SINGLE, STEP, OF IT, LIKE PLEASE GOD WHERE IS YOUR HONOR, i genuinely hope they are stopping with this horrible physical horror to her because this feels like peak!!!! fuck!!!
heck i am very excited about the next episode and i was planning to start it right away but fuck i need a break jesus, C'rizz feels nice but he is not worth it for this episode, like i can sort of develop a timestamp map of like, important moments with Crizz you need to know and then not listen to anything else but that would mean relistening to this and no thank you, at this point just read the transcript and move on.
i thought nothing would beat the saddness of Minuet in hell's breaking down a mentally ill amnesiac doctor for the hell of it unpleasantness, but this is just worse, THEY COULD HAVE JUST SKIPPED SO MANY KF THE SCENES WITY HER AND JUST KEEP THE FOCUS ON C'RIZZ AND THE DOC NEAR THE END AND THAT'S IT BUT NOOOOO, i don't even know if this is objectively horried as i think, all i know its just generally unpleasant and discusting and not building up to anything interesting like Scherzo, jees
why is this one weirdly funny like I don't wanna compliment this one but it made me giggle several times lol, it was weirdly witty ill tell you that much!! and some cute (??) Charley and Doctor friendship moments in the beginning but yeah,
also after forcing the doc to drink the elixer and then he just drowns them all with hus tecno babble i will talk until i die science talk abd littiraly making them explode from an experiment that he made them do was so awesome, using the power of infodumping for good!!! overall some cute moments, but absolutely horried moments that are not worth it lol, fuck
ok funny deliveries and fave qoutes lets go!
Doctor: i have to, sorry, stand still, please! Charley: no. oh doctor, I don't need a hug Doctor: Su Shaka ha!
awwwwww the way he was like WRAAAA to fuck up some spirits, the shouting has been put to good use!!
doctor: we can worry about his interest when we find the old girl (the tardis) Charley: yeah, i never thought i'd miss her so much lol
after Zagreus it makes absolote sense that Charley is surprised by how much she misses the tardis!!
where are you from? Doctor: Gallifrey ;)
not the doctor saying Gallifrey with such weird sense of pride and zest and anger, the hater of Galifray, my idiot
"you must have some use, what is it? Charley: i've often wandered"
C'rizz: how will we Doctor: we will use our wits Charley:that bad ah?
LOL YEAH they are finishing each other's sentences hehe, C'rizz is fitting in quite well
Any objections? doctor: yes!! Crizz: ...yes? overolled!"
"do we wish to pollute our gene pool woth her mental stubbornness and immaturity?" Charley: Immaturity??? what??" Doctor: "Charley is not more immature then i am!" HE SAID IT IN
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musingsofvenus · 3 years
do you have any tips for writers who want to write more but can’t seem to do it for some reason? I noticed that you’re super prolific - how do you write so much and so often? I love the fic I’m writing and I want to write it but I get so caught up in self doubt and not having the right words to say that I get all frustrated
So one of the first things is to not beat yourself up over not writing. Sometimes you don't feel like it or you're just not feeling inspired, and that's totally okay! Writing is supposed to be fun!! If you're feeling self doubt about your writing then just remember that at the end of the day the only person you need to impress is you.
I don't worry about whether my stories are good or not to other people because I'm writing to entertain myself. If other people like what I got, cool! If they don't, 🤷🏾‍♀️. Be your own hype person!!
Let's discuss my Kill Bill AU. That fic doesn't nearly get as much engagement as anything else I've written. My Bella x Jacob fics are infinitely more popular. And yet, I still treat my crack fic very seriously. I rewatch the Kill Bill movies countless times to write a chapter. I reread the film transcripts to cross check details where I can slip in Twilight references. I don't think anyone really notices those nuanced details unless I point them out in my author notes, which hardly anyone reads. But I'm still writing it because it's for fun for ME and I think it's a goddamn masterpiece.
Even if your story ideas are half baked just go for it. Shoot for the moon. Do it for yourself. Again, be your own hype person!!!!
Writing tips when you're in a slump below the cut
When I'm not in the mood to write, I try other things to get my writing brain working again like: making characters from picrew, browsing pinterest for visual inspo of settings and outfits, writing character fact sheets, and sometimes I even make 3d floorplans of places in my stories. For me, this helps with world building or fleshing out characters. Then the story comes more easily.
Another thing I do is read and take notes. A lot!!! Although I currently write a bunch for twilight, I don't actually read many twilight fics. I search for fics, regardless of fandom, based on scenes/conflict/tropes/genres that I'm stuck on to get a sense of how other authors write them. Then I just try to remodel it to fit into my stories. I keep a plethora of private bookmarks on AO3 with specific tags for this purpose, and I 10/10 recommend taking notes from your favorite writers if you're stuck on dialogue, pacing, portraying emotions, or whatever.
And reading isn't exclusive to fics/books either! I follow a bunch of blogs and tags for writing prompts and tips, specific tropes, and poem excerpts. TV shows and movies are good source material too.
Finally, when I can't find the right words I basically default to 4 things:
1) Skip a scene entirely by inserting things like [sword fight here]. I search for the brackets and fix it later when I find the right words. In the meantime, I write other scenes that I'm in the mood to do
2) Check wordhippo.com for better synonyms and phrases than what I currently have. Write that awful sentence and make a note to update it later! At least I got something down on paper. Small victories
3) Write notes or an outline of what I would like to happen in a scene/chapter and address it in small pieces. Fragile has a document of 150k+ words for notes and two spreadsheets. Sounds insane but when I'm stuck it's a lifesaver
4) Text/call my friends/fam and word vomit scenarios with no context at them to help me brainstorm ideas. Last year I was in the car with my mom and asked her, 'if I suddenly turned into werewolf in front of you what would you do?' Chapters 12 and 18 of Fragile are based on that conversation! Literally.
Hopefully something in my babbling resonated with you! I have a bunch more tips that I reblogged under my tag 'writing tips' that could also help
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cloysterbell · 3 years
(I hope you don't mind me asking you this, feel free to delete) I want to watch The Librarians because the vibes look great, but it came out a year after my mum was diagnosed with the same type of brain tumour as one of the characters and I was absolutely not able to handle that so I dropped it after one episode. I'm in a better place these days and I'd like to maybe try again, so my question is, how much does her tumour feature in the plot?
Hey, so it depends on what you consider 'features'. You could argue that it features pretty heavily in that the tumor is the reason why Cassandra has her math magic so that's always sort of hanging over her, but you could also argue that it doesn't really feature much at all as they don't always explicitly refer to it. I'd say that after the first episode they bring it up either by name as her tumor or as her "brain grape" every third or fourth episode based on a quick scan of the transcripts, and even when they do that they sometimes play it for laughs.
Cassandra does get the tumor removed at the end of S3 which is the only scene I can actively think of that could be triggering as she collapses and winds up in the hospital, but there aren't any references to it in the final season after that as far as I can remember.
Personally I think The Librarians does have great vibes (I'd ride or die for Flynn's stupid ass), but as someone who doesn't have the same trigger, I can't tell you if you'd be comfortable with the show or not, that's a call only you can make.
But I can suggest that if you want to check how you'd feel ahead of time, try searching through the transcripts for 'tumor' or 'grape' and reading a few of those scenes to get the sense of how they play it. These moments will be pretty different in the context of the episode, but it should give you some idea of how they position it.
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