#the twoleg of thunderclan
angsttronaut · 4 months
i think ivypools heart should have dark kitty cat necromancy
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what if
we pushed the ancients moving to the mountains by like a year
fallen leaves still died in the tunnels, but everyone saw that as a fluke/bad luck/"it's sad, but it happens" (and also he should've waited until after the rain but he was too impatient, it could've happened to anyone that wasn't paying attention to the weather or was too impatient to wait)
Jay's Wing has been getting bad feelings about the tunnels, and the territory in general ever since just before Fallen Leaves died because twolegs had been building a couple of nests in the territory. He keeps getting these strange feelings that the cats need to move and so has been trying to get the ancients to form an actual comprehensive group for moons and leave the territory, but no one really listens and brushes him off, except for his friend Half Moon who tries to help if she can, but also tries to chill Jay's Wing out so he doesn't seem entirely crazy to every other cat.
Lion's Roar, who even though he was barely an adult was considered one of the strongest cats of the group, barely survives his sharpclaw assessment in the tunnels because even though the weather was clear and it hadn't rained at all in a couple of days, the tunnels suddenly flooded.
Jay's Wing and Half Moon do some snooping and they find out twolegs have been taking water from the lake, using it for something that neither of the cats could comprehend, but it had something to do with giant monsters that had shown up in the forest, and then later twolegs dumped water, which leaked into the tunnels and caused the sudden flooding.
There had been more monsters than ever before on the thunderpath and now they weren't just on the thunderpath, they were in the forest! And a bunch of twolegs with them, even setting up camps and marking a chunk of territory out with weird sticks, rocks, and vines.
On the far side of the territory, where the forest thinned into moorland, there were even more twolegs and monsters and more thunderpaths were being made. The twolegs had also been cutting down the trees that dotted the area, marking an even larger chunk of territory with their borders, and building a few more nests.
When Jay's Wing and Half Moon told the cats this, Furled Bracken brushes them off saying that there's plenty of territory and they can simply stay closer to the lake and avoid those areas. This infuriates Lion's Roar, saying that the twolegs dumping their water nearly got him killed. Not to mention his brother and sister had been killed before they could even become sharpclaws because of the monsters in the forest, and his other brother had been captured by the twolegs. Dove's Wing brings up how her and Jay's Wing's mother had been killed by a monster moons before, when monsters were just starting to become more common, and now things had become even worse.
Lion's Roar allies himself with Jay's Wing and Half Moon and he quickly becomes closer with them. A few days later the three cats go to where there were giant monsters in the forest, bringing Furled Bracken and Stone Song to show them the severity of what was happening. They find that the situation had become even worse, and that the twolegs and monsters had torn up the terrain and were now using monsters with massive jaws and teeth to dig into the rock and earth itself.
The cats are appalled by the destruction, but Furled Bracken insists that even though the noise and disruption had driven all of the possible prey, they simply must avoid the area. Stone Song asks what would happen if the twolegs and monsters never stopped and just continued doing this to every part of the territory. Furled Bracken replies that there was no proof that that would happen.
Lion's Roar is infuriated at the leader's passiveness and decides to take matters into his own paws. If the twolegs were taking over and the monsters were going to eat at their territory, but the group wouldn't leave to find a new home, then that meant that they would need to fight for their territory! Lion's Roar was the biggest cat in the group and one of the best fighters, he would protect his kin, his friends, and his home!
The other cats try to stop Lion's Roar, but the young sharpclaw pushes past them, letting out a fierce yowl as he charges into the clearing. Twolegs turn their heads toward the cat as he faces one of the monsters with giant teeth, its neck stretching up to take a bite out of the rocks above it. The twolegs start shouting as Lion's Roar pounces at the monster's paw and bites it, but reeling back at the acrid taste, as well as from the pain of trying to bite and grip onto the strange, hard material.
The twolegs start running towards the cat, but Lion's Roar has no time to figure out his next move, because as soon as he leaps off of the monster's paw, a shower of dirt and rocks comes crumbling down on him. The cats, and the twolegs, can do nothing but watch in horror.
When the cats return to the rest of the group, shaken and grieving, they tell the rest of the cats what happened, how Lion's Roar tried to fight to reclaim their territory from the monsters and twolegs. That night is when the group of grieving cats cast their stones, voting to leave the lake.
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The trailcam I put on the big chunks of rocks near the Chell now shows a completely different than before population of cats on it.
I’ll start at the beginning now won’t I tho?
So, earlier this month, which I spent entirely hunting down cats which were shown alone on my cams, putting them to sleep, putting a tracker on them (which monitored their vitals as well as their position) and took a sample of fur to start putting together a genetic tree of the groups. I thought, much like wolves, those cats would live together by family clans, and disband at the death of the parents to form their own clans, but this far, it has not been the case.
But I was proud to realize (yes, proud! I’m slowly losing all objectivity when it comes to cats, even if there’s still something uncanny about those) that one of the cats from the forest is expecting kids!
Yes, some of the cats from the forest. I’ve started to realize, while coding my new cat-recognizing algorithm, that the cats that launched yet another attack on the amenity tip in Allerton had not a single individual in common with either the two groups that fought in the river over two kittens nor the individuals from the group I’ve been tracking and tagging in the forest.
Actually the group from the forest doesn’t meddle with the group who stole the kittens, either. This far I’ve pinpointed a River Group and a Forest Group, plus a Moor Group and a Swamp Group, although I’m only having enough data to be serious on the Forest Group.
I saw the Crooked-jawed cat from River Group again! Actually I’m referencing him as Crookedjaw in my notes this far because the sheer fact his jaw got broken then healed indicates a higher level of care than anything I’ve ever seen in the wild. Everyone knows about this couple of crows in which one broke her beak and her mate helped her feed for the rest of their lives, but there’s a difference between helping in the aftermath and actively healing the injury in such a way the animal can have a pretty normal life.
Anyway I saw Crookedjaw and his group, the River Group, have apparently invested the chunks of rocks and use it just... to sleep in the sun?? this is such a weird thing but it’s kinda cute. Obviously I’m using this as a special hunting ground. Whenever there’s only one cat on those sunning rocks, I jump on my bike, shoot it to sleep and tag them.
I also managed to approach Pinestar’s camp at night and installed a camera at a distance, but oriented on the clearing itself, and with the zoom feature, I might work my magic.
That’s how I learned that Pinestar was two-timing Shanty (the Appleby’s cat) because he’s very cozy with the expecting she-cat. Then she went into labour and the same cat (according to my new algorithm, because honestly they all look basically the same from one colour to the other) that led the catnip squad the other months just... ran over to her, walked her to a bush, lots of screams of agony, I was glued to my monitor. A bit later the russian blue female left the bush and everyone started dispersing, as if she had told them about the mother’s state or something?
(on a side-note I can’t even begin to tell you how weird they are acting for freaking wildcats, they’re freaking me out, but that doesn’t matter)
Anyway that one cat from the River Group which I called Brightsky because I was half blinded by the sun when I tagged her, well apparently she’s dead? Her tracker says no vitals. Sucks but I’ll do with it.
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mary-kasexual · 2 months
Haven't been catting it out as much as I've liked, so as compensation here's all four leaders + some lore about the clans: Thunderclan
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Born a kittypet named Christian, Eaglestar initially joined Thunderclan after being cast out onto the streets by his twolegs and the leader taking pity on him. However, Eaglestar proved to be incredibly cunning, working his way up the ranks and using his connections to eventually take the reins of the clan altogether. With this newfound power, Eaglestar naturally abuses it for all its' worth through using it to solve petty disputes and get out of hunting for the day. He has deep-rooted beef with the Shadowclan leader who he's been rivals with since apprenticeship, constantly taking any opportunity he can to one-up or antagonize her.
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The youngest of the four leaders at just 23 moons, Reedstar was far from the first pick for leader in the eyes of his clan. After a flood destroyed most of their camp and took the lives of both their leader and deputy in one fell swoop, the clan waited with bated breath for the medicine cat to announce the decision of their new leader. To every cat's surprise however, the medicine cat chose to appoint the easygoing Reeddance of all people, much to the shock and outrage of most of the clan who saw him as unfit. Reedstar tries his best to meet the needs of these agitated cats, but his inexperience just leads most of his efforts to be used as more fuel for the hate mob as rumors of a possible civil war in Riverclan began to spread around like wildfire. Shadowclan
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Azaleastar took up the mantle of leader many moons ago after the former deputy was mysteriously found dead in their nest, and she just so happened to be the next best cat to take on the new position. Being one of the best ambush-fighters in her clan, Azaleastar had always had a knack for spotting points of weakness she could exploit... and what better opportunity was there than a broken, divided clan with a hare-brained idiot for a leader? After the flood, she's been picking at Riverclan bit by bit, giddily exploiting their lack of unison for free territory with the intention of taking over their entire hunting grounds and putting her name in the history books. The only thing keeping her from invasion is the threat of Thunderclan, who've been making advances on her territory while they're busy with Riverclan. Windclan
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Not wanting to engage with the other three clans, Mangrovestar keeps Windclan in a strict state of isolation. He doesn't care to involve himself in the conflict between Riverclan and Shadowclan, instead just wanting to maintain the prosperity that's reigned in his clan for these past few moons. Of the four leaders currently active, he's easily the most popular amongst his clan for his amicable nature and appearing (mostly) morally good in comparison. However, Mangrovestar tends to be very biased and easily swayed in regard to his judgement which can rub cats the wrong way whenever they're forced to clean the elders' den for a moon while his favorites get little more than a slap on the wrist.
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bonefall · 1 year
Warrior Bites: Clan Tools
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[Image ID: Reedwhisker, a black RiverClan warrior cat, sits behind two terracotta pots, some strips of willowbark, a traditional wooden pot called a firkin, and a rock. He has a stick in his mouth.]
Warriors of the Clans are shown in-canon to be able to weave, dig tunnels, decorate with shells, and do whatever it is that BloodClan’s got going on with those collars and manicures. Have you considered what other tools a semi-realistic warrior could handle?
A guide to the various tools and methods that the Clans can use to prepare complex dishes, including the equipment needed for smoking, baking, pickling, and so on. Part of the Warrior Bites series for Bonefall’s Clan Culture.
(The art in this guide was once again provided by my partner who hasn’t read a single page of warrior cats in their life but so help me god I’ll drag them down with me)
Tools + Equipment
Fire Starting
Containers: Twine + Baskets + Buckets
Cookware: Smokers, Ovens, “Grillstones“
1. Fire Starting
Flint can be used to start a fire, especially for Clans that lack lumber. Because flint is most easily found around the Mothermouth, it’s associated with StarClan’s glow and considered somewhat divine.
But for those situations without a flint starter, the Clans generally teach their apprentices the paw-drill method using a spindle. But these days, SkyClan uses stolen Glass to start fires quicker and easier than any other Clan…
Except on cloudy days, where some unfortunate apprentice still gets saddled with spindle duty.
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[Image ID: Reedclaw, a brown tabby Warrior Cat from SkyClan, sits on his haunches and spins a long stick called a ‘spindle’ with his front paws. Smoke is rising from the board the spindle is spinning against.]
2. Containers: Twine + Baskets + Buckets
RiverClan has the easiest access to twine; Willowbark can be peeled right off the tree and used without any processing for simple string to tie things with. WindClan uses woven grass as twine. ShadowClan, SkyClan, and ThunderClan are able to make cordage from Blackberry brambles.
Once the cat has twine, it can be woven into a simple basket to gather things, like berries, clams, or insects. In order to carry liquids, forested Clans can create firkins-- a small wooden bucket that requires some carpentry ability, namely creating wooden nails.
But these tremble before the value of pottery, which is needed to store liquids, ferment and pickle food, and create stew.
Pottery is made from clay, which has to be baked in order to go from wet mud to terracotta. RiverClan is responsible for making the majority of new pottery because of the river, and ShadowClan’s marsh gives them lots of access to low-quality clay.
WindClan was once unmatched in the quality of their pottery thanks to tunneling leading them to the finest clay deposits known to the Clans. Though SkyClan is now rivaling the finest ancient WindClan pottery, due to their willingness to steal buckets from twolegs.
(Leafstar says, “if you cant make a firkin, store-bought is fine”)
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[Image ID: Leafstar, the brown tabby-and-cream Warrior cat leader of SkyClan, sits behind a counter in front of an audience presenting a man-made firkin, parodying shopping channels. A speech bubble says, “Meow meow meow meow meow, storebought is meow.”]
3. Cookware: Smokers, Ovens, “Grillstones“
A smoker is very easy to construct, all that’s needed is some straight branches, twine, and fire.
First, a round pit is dug into the ground and filled with soaked woodchips. It is important they’re damp, because wet wood gives off more smoke than dry. Then, three beams are set and tied at the top, like a triangle. From there, a shelf is made inside of the beams. Multiple shelves can be made if a lot of food is being smoked at once.
ThunderClan wraps the smoker in a leather pelt, to keep the smoke in. Their prowess with smoking and seasoning a wide range of meats gives them the title of BBQ champions.
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[Image ID: A primitive smoker setup, made of three sticks leaned against each other in a triangular shape and tied at the top. Two shelves are tied into the structure, the top row with minnows and the bottom with hanging strips of meat.]
An oven is a large construction. Capable of cooking several meals at once, each clan would have just one to use communally. Because the communal oven is such a big project, each Clan would have one that looks unique to their environment.
ThunderClan’s, for example, is flat and made of stone, simple in design but very sturdy and capable of cooking a lot of meat at once.
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[Image ID: A stone oven made of flat, piled rocks. A fire is lit at the bottom and meat is browning on the top shelf. A stick leans against the side.]
For the quickest and easiest way to make a hot meal, meat is roasted on a spit or loose stick over an open fire. The best sear comes from a large, flat slab of rock propped up over a flame, known to the clans as a grillstone.
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[Image ID: Firestar, ginger tabby warrior cat leader of ThunderClan, watches bacon sizzle on a large, flat rock placed over a fire. His daughter, Squirrelkit, sits beside him. A thought bubble above her head contains a waffle, and a question mark.]
(Clan blood be damned that kittypet can work a grill)
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clanslist · 6 months
Ivypool's Heart - Blurb (Potential spoilers for ASC #6, proceed with caution!)
Fan favorite Ivypool takes center stage in Ivypool's Heart—a thrilling, super-long standalone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!
It’s been many moons since Ivypool lost her daughter, Bristlefrost, to the Dark Forest, yet Ivypool can’t bear to move on. Even being named Deputy of ThunderClan feels meaningless in her grief.
When Whistlepaw has a disturbing vision—one that could spell disaster for all the Clans—a group of cats is selected to go on a quest to investigate. Ivypool is happy to join their mission. Perhaps being away from her daily responsibilities will help her escape the painful memory of Bristlefrost’s death.
The cats set out on an arduous journey, facing everything from painful hunger to bloodthirsty dogs. But nothing can prepare them for what they find: a disgusting twoleg den that’s caging a series of strange animals, including two who may have surprising ties to the Clans.
In order to complete their quest and right a terrible wrong that goes back generations, the five Clan cats must help these creatures find their true home. But first, Ivypool must let go of the past, and her grief, if she is to have any hope of ensuring a future for the Clans—and for herself.
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theanoninyourinbox · 5 months
Before Fire Prophecy
Talltail seeks to kill the Loner that he believes killed his father.  With the help of a kittypet named Jake, he finds the strength to forgive, and instead saves Sparrow from the Monster, and returns to Windclan with new determination in his heart and a dear…friend…that he leaves behind.  It is with this new spirit that he protests the renaming of Hopkit, and he stays Hoppaw.  The two remain close friends throughout their lives.
In Riverclan, Stormkit is renamed Crookedkit, but Rainflower is also renamed – Rottenflower.  Crookedkit’s name is given as a sign of survival, and Rottenflower’s as a sign of her true heart.  Crookedkit still leaves for a time, still is haunted by the Geist Mapleshade, but with his head a little higher and heart a little clearer.
Tiny is playing on an old stump when the Thunderclan Patrol finds him, and Thistleclaw orders Tigerpaw to attack.  Bluefur intercedes, and the heavily injured kitten is brought back to camp to be treated.  Sunstar decides to keep the poor little thing, and Frostkit is semi-adopted by Bluefur. 
Yellowfang is about to bury Hopekit and Wishkit when the sounds and smells of Twolegs alert her.  She knows they will try to take her and her remaining kit, so she grabs Brokenkit and runs.  The twoleg, stretching their legs after a long car ride, finds the two kittens and sees signs of life in the little tortie.  They rush the cold kitten to a vet, and with time and effort, little Nutmeg thrives. 
As Frostkit heals, a moons-long process, he makes friends with Spottedpaw and Whitepaw.  Eventually he notices that Thistleclaw keeps trying to get Spottedpaw alone, and with the help of Thrushpelt, discovers the horrible truth.  Thistleclaw is dragged before the clan, and with Spottedpaw’s testimony, the Traitor is banished from the clans permanently.  Spottedpaw becomes a Healer apprentice, and Thrushpelt begins to mentor Frostpaw.
Nutmeg eventually is introduced to a handsome orange tabby named Jake, and falls in love.  He breaks her heart by leaving when she’s due to give birth, and swears to take care of her beloved bundles of joy by herself.
Raggedstar lies dying, with his daughter Brokentail laughing as she cleans the blood from her paws, and realizes the enormous mistake he made with the way he raised her.  He dies, and watches as Brokentail receives her lives from the Dark Forest. Watches her kill kits.  Watches her banish her own mother.  What has he done?
Longpaw is mentored by Frostfoot, making an unusual pair.  Longpaw is eventually named Longtail, and wonders what his future holds for him.  He does not see the starry crown behind his head, ethereal and light as a dream.
Bluestar and Spottedleaf sit together on a hillside, Leader and Oracle Healer, and a pair of stars fall burning from the sky.  Fire Will Save The Clans.
The Long Ballad of Fire and Flames
Rusty the kittypet has yet another strange dream, of a red-tailed bird falling from a rainy sky.  He and his friend Smudge discuss the happenings around the neighborhood.  Princess, Rusty’s sister, forbids Rusty from going to the forest by himself.  Later that night, Rusty tries to catch a mouse on the border and gets tackled by a gray tabby, who is impressed when Rusty flings him off.  After meeting his mentor Lionheart, Rusty agrees to meet them the next morning, to see the Clan.  Rusty tells Princess about this.
The next morning, Rusty sneaks past a still sleeping Princess and a worried Smudge, and meets Bluestar, Graypaw, and Lionheart. The Thunderclanners refuse to wait for his sister. They head off to camp, with Rusty leaving a subtle scent trail so Princess can find him.  Princess wakes up, and follows the trail with stealth and careful steps.
At camp, Bluestar introduces Rusty as a potential clanmate, and some cats take offense to that.  Darkstripe demands he be tested, but Frostfoot tells him to calm down, what, are you threatened by him? Really?  Lionheart gets inbetween them to break it up, but cocky Longtail challenges the kittypet before anyone can stop him.  Frostfoot is mortified.  Rusty accepts, and the two square off.  Longtail gets the upper paw almost immediately, and gets a hold of Rusty’s collar.  As he pulls, he hears a yowl of outrage.  And suddenly he is FLUNG bodily, his ear burning, the collar still in his mouth.
He gets up, and there is an ENORMOUS molly standing over the fallen kittypet, the warriors and camp guards at the ready to fight.  As Spottedleaf helps him to his feet, Longtail hears the Tortie scolding Rusty for leaving without her, I TOLD you there would be trouble but noooOOOooo you don’t listen to your sister!  You just listen to your silly dreams!! Bluestar interrupts, impressed with the boldness of the kittypet and interested with the dreams comment.  Princess introduces herself, and after Rusty says he agreed to the fight, apologizes to a still stunned Longtail.  Rusty explains he has dreams that come true sometimes, and tells Bluestar and Spottedleaf about the red-tailed hawk dream.  Spottedleaf asks to mentor Rusty in the arts of healing and Starseeing, and Bluestar agrees, asking is Princess would like to join as well. Frostfoot mildly scolds Longtail for leaping without looking, and Princess and Rusty become Flamepaw and Firepaw, with Bluestar herself mentoring Flamepaw.
And then Ravenpaw rushes into camp.  Redtail is dead, he screams, and collapses.  And pandemonium rises.
After Tigerclaw brings Redtail’s lifeless body back to camp, and the apprentices and kits are shielded from the sight by Whitestorm and Lionheart, the pair of siblings settle in.  Firepaw makes fast friends with Ravenpaw and Graypaw, and Flamepaw befriends Dustpaw and Sandpaw.  The pair drag Longtail into being their friend as well, which brings Frostfoot and eventually Swiftpaw into the equation as well.
Longtail begins to mentor Swiftpaw, and finds that he loves teaching.  With the help of Frostfoot and the other Mentor cats, he begins to become more humble and less cocky.  Longtail begins to appreciate his friendship with Firepaw and Flamepaw, and takes more time to live, not just be a Hunter and Mentor.
One day, while gathering herbs for the Healer’s Den, Firepaw is knocked off his feet by an old gray and yellow molly.  He springs to his feet, ready to fight, but the attacker is just…staring at him.  Like she’s seen a Geist.  He cautiously asks if she’s alright, do you need help ma’am?  And she moans something unintelligible, falling to the ground in a dead faint.  Firepaw panics, and drags her back to camp.  There, she is identified as Yellowfang by Spottedleaf, who tells Firepaw of her alleged crimes, and how she believes that Yellowfang was framed.  Said Healer wakes up, takes one look at Flamepaw coming in to drop off a mouse, and promptly wails in grief and pain.  The three of the get her to calm down, and she quietly apologizes, the siblings look like…patients she lost long ago.  Bluestar listens to her tale of Brokenstar being a False Star, and while still weighing the information, relegates Yellowfang to being a War-Bound for the time being.
Bluestar does not hear the story Yellowfang tells to the Healers and the Apprentice Brawler.  She does not see the siblings take the old molly to meet their mother.  She does not know a family has been made as whole as it will ever be.
At the Gathering, Brokenstar tells everyone how she ran out Windclan, and Bluestar realizes that Yellowfang was probably telling the truth.  As she had just revealed Thunderclan had Yellowfang as a War Bound, she begins to prepare for an attack, and she is correct – Shadowclan tries to kill Yellowfang, and succeeds at killing Lionheart and her dear friend Rosetail. Her heart grows a crack. She names the brave Tigerclaw, names Yellowfang part of Thunderclan, and tries to go on.
Then Ravenpaw leaves, begging shelter at The Barn with Bluestar’s old friend Barley, for reasons the apprentice refuses to communicate.  All his friends Graypaw, Firepaw, and Flamepaw will say is that he needed to be something that the Clans couldn’t let him be.  And the crack grows.
And then Shadowclan steals Frostfur’s kits, Lionheart’s kits. They kill Spottedleaf, Firepaw wailing over her body. She goes with her Warriors, Brawlers, and their apprentices to rescue the innocent.  They are met by Senior Warriors and other banished cats from Shadowclan, aided by Yellowfang in secret. Brokenstar is run out of the clans. Yellowfang takes over Firepaw’s training, and Flamepaw and Graypaw are named Flamewish (per her request) and Graystripe. Why is the crack still growing?
Flamewish, Graystripe, Longtail, and Swiftpaw are sent to retrieve Windclan.  It goes well, until a Riverclan patrol tries to fight them, and Whiteclaw falls off a cliff while fighting Graystripe.
When the group returns, Flamewish and Graystripe receive their first apprentices – Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw.  Flamewish finds Mentoring difficult, and asks Longtail for advice.  The pair become close friends.  Firepaw and Sandstorm make bets as to when they’ll become mates.  Unfortunately, Cinderpaw is lured away from camp and gets hit by a Monster. (It’s a car, just – just call it a car!! -Firepaw) Firepaw saves her life, and Yellowfang bestows the name Fireheart upon him at the next half-moon.
Also unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), at seeing her apprentice so badly injured, Flamewish has an unusual reaction.  She goes into labor.  Seeing as Flamewish had no idea she was even a little pregnant (as she put it), things get a little crazy.  Longtail is flabbergasted, Bluestar is confused, Yellowfang is baffled, and Fireheart is delighted but also flabbergasted.  Flamewish does some calculating, then privately asks Fireheart to go bite Smudge in the face for her.
(This means Flamewish misses Graystripe meeting the gorgeously muscled Riverclan molly)
But it DOES mean she spends time in the Nursery with Brindleface, her kits Fernkit and Ashkit and Frostfoot and his kits Flykit and Coldkit.  Frostfoot who had just gone out one day and brought back the pair, claiming them as his.  Bluestar was frustrated and elated at the same time. 
The three become even closer when Brokenstar attacks, as they defend the Nursery together.  Longtail and Swiftpaw help drive off the Rogues together, and after Yellowfang blinds Brokenstar and leaves her Brokentail the War Bound, Swiftpaw is rewarded with his Adult Name – Swiftspirit. (Later, Longtail will see this as an omen, unknowingly given by Starclan through Bluestar…) Graystripe is later caught giving prey to Riverclan, and punished by having his apprentice taken away – Longtail is suddenly a Mentor again!  And Brackenpaw has so many things to learn!
Cinderpaw makes a nearly full recovery, but her time in the Healer’s Den had made her rethink her life – she wants to heal others.  Flamewish cracks a joke about her brother poaching her apprentice, but wishes her well.
And then Brokentail’s War Bound status becomes known.  And Thunderclan is attacked.  And Tigerclaw is at her throat, keen claws at her throat.  But as her heart shatters, a yowl of outrage rings through the air, and Longtail and Flamewish HAUL the Traitor off of her.  Bluestar banishes Him, and she holds the pieces of her heart and weeps – there are no stars in her tonight.  She waits too long, then names the astonished Longtail as Deputy.
Then Graystripe begs for the Healers to help him – they find the laboring Silverstream and do what they can, but Featherkit and Stormkit outlive their mother.  Graystripe leaves for Riverclan, refusing to abandon his kits.  Fireheart and Flamewish can’t blame him, but it still hurts.  And Brokentail is dead.  Yellowfang tells her leader that he dies of natural causes, but Bluestar does not see the look on Fireheart’s face.  (She will eventually learn that he just watched his grandmother kill his uncle) Then the fire. Oh the fire.  Patchpelt and Halftail, coughing and then forever breathless.  Fireheart and Flamewish race to find Yellowfang – to find their family.  She lies in a hollow tree, and blesses the Stars that she has enough time to say goodbye.  To say how proud she is of them – both her life paths.  I’ll always watch over you. (and Yellowfang keeps this promise)
Bluestar feels her mind failing, rain through the treetops instead of thoughts. So when she sees the Traitor leading Shadowclan as a False Star, she just…lets go. She watches Leopardstar rise and her clan move around her like a fever dream.  She watches the hawk impassively as it goes for Snowkit, and barely reacts when it takes Speckletail instead.  She doesn’t react when Longtail promotes Snowpaw to train under Brackenfur, or when Flamewish brings the elderly deaf kittypet Brahm to teach Snowpaw and Mistlepaw and others Pawspeak. She doesn’t react to the death of Swiftspirit or the maiming of Brightpaw, save to curse the Stars that left her broken by naming the poor thing Lostface.
(Longtail MOURNS.  He refuses to eat, has to be pried from his nest, and it takes a teary Flamewish admitting she misses the tom she loves for him to snap out of it.  The pair find solace in each other.  Fireheart and Sandstorm are too busy and too worried to exchange the mouse that they bet.  Neither ever says who won that bet)
Rabbits lead a bloody trail to poor Brindleface, and Longtail makes a plan to lead the dogs away from their den and over the river-cliffs.  Bluestar nods absently, but there’s a shining spark in her eyes that hasn’t been there in ages.  The runners lead the killer hounds up to the cliffs and away, but one grabs Longtail, pinning him and scratching his face.  But a blur of blue streaks onto the dog’s back, and overbalances them both into the river.  A pair of Riverclan warriors leap into action, and Bluestar says goodbye to her family, Frostfoot and Whitestorm having raced to the scene.
Longtail is escorted to the Moonstone by Fireheart, and finds himself in Starclan.  He receives his lives from Nightstar, Runningwind, Speckletail, Lionheart, Redtail, Silverstream, Yellowfang, Bluestar, and finally Swiftspirit.  Longstar vows to stop Tigerstar and his cronies.  He names Whitestorm as Deputy, and begins planning.
Tigerstar goes after Windclan, pinning and seemingly killing Gorsepaw, but as soon as the Shadowclan Battle Patrol leaves, he brings his head up and smiles weakly at his frantic mother. He will be scarred for life, but he will have his chance to live.
At Riverclan, Stonefur defends the apprentices to his last breath, and Graystripe rescues his kits from Tigerstar and Leopardstar.  Some Riverclan cats escape in the chaos, unwilling to follow their leader on this path.
Finally, with Windclan and Thunderclan united against the forces of Riverclan and Shadowclan, Tigerstar plays his deadliest card yet, as hordes of strange city Rogues appear.  Led by a figure some Thunderclanners recognize.  Thistleclaw.  But the rogues, no, the Bloodclanners, call him Tyrant.  Tigerstar boasts to the assembled clans how he killed Bluestar using the dogs and
Tyrant kills Tigerstar with a slash to the underbelly
Nine lives gone, in a single blow
The battle comes the next day, all four clans together – Longstar and Tallstar, Leopardstar and Blackstar.
Bone holds down Whitestorm, and is ripped of by a squad of apprentices, including his own, Brightheart.
Darkstripe goes after the Healers, and Graystripe strikes him down. His body is never found, and a gray tabby wanders desolate, his mistakes weighing on his soul.
Longstar strikes the final blow against Tyrant
And life goes on
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sunhowler-art · 5 months
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was inspired by this post to design some hlvrai warrior cats!! i'm honestly shocked it took me 2 years to make a warriors au for it, i love making warriors aus...
some basic info below the cut!
sooo my general idea (it's pretty hazy right now. forgive me) for this au is that songfoot (benrey), nectarbrook (darnold), goldenberry (tommy), galeheart (coomer), scorchtail (bubby), and snakestar (gman) are all from the same clan... i'm between plain ol' thunderclan or a custom clan called mesaclan. i'm probably gonna go with thunderclan because i don't wanna bother with making other clans and lore and stuff LOL. there's some kind of threat outside of the clans that's affecting the environment a la the beavers in arc 4. it's something that starclan definitely caused, whether deliberately or accidentally, i dunno. main point is that snakestar sends songfoot, nectarbrook, goldenberry, galeheart, and scorchtail off on a journey to track down the problem and take care of it. while they're gone, the external threat kills snakestar and he spends all his time being a textbook unhelpful and cryptic starclan cat who just kind of makes things worse. as per a snakestar prophecy, the gang picks up gordon along the way, a kittypet whose owners abandoned her and she's been mostly unsuccessfully fending for herself since. oh and frostpaw (forzen) is part of bloodclan. bloodclan tries and fails to kill the gang, despite frostpaw's best efforts (he kidnapped goldenberry's bird friend, sunny).
some lil character facts and such:
gordon is an ex kittypet. she had a very very cozy and spoiled life up until her twolegs got evicted or something and tossed her out onto the streets. she wasn't out there long before the clan cats found her, and thank god for that, because she sucks at being a survivalist. she is fairly smart though, bringing a fresh perspective and problem solving skills to the group. she is consistently freaked the fuck out by clan cat culture, and the clan cats have fun gaslighting her about it. the only cat who doesn't play along with that is goldenberry, mostly because he doesn't really think its that funny. gordon picks up survival skills from the clan cats fairly quickly, but they still call her soft all the time. classic clan cat anti-kittypet prejudice.
songfoot is the warrior code's biggest fan. not because he really fully believes in its utility, mostly because he loves bossing people around. you can find him stalking around thunderclan camp looking out for anyone doing minor infractions. god forbid you take too much fresh kill from the pile, you'll never hear the end of it. he can't really do much about it though, because snakestar finds him vaguely offputting. his signature stare doesn't help much. his fellow warriors generally like him despite all his strange quirks. songfoot has some kind of starclan-given power a la The Three... my thought is that his vocalizations have supernatural mind-altering properties. it's kinda like sweet voice, but a hiss can make others mad, a purr can make others calm, a screech can stun them, etc. without fail. he's vaguely aware of this power, and he doesn't really use it for things starclan would like him to. he kinda does his own thing.
he's a fairly competent hunter and fighter, but he's generally physically non-confrontational. during battle, he prefers to slink along in the shadows and wait to strike.
during the journey, he loves following gordon along. initially it's because of his deeply embedded distrust of kittypets, but he realizes pretty quickly that he's interested in her in a different sense, one that really frustrates and confuses him... a warrior shouldn't wanna be mates with a kittypet. that's so beyond wrong. he's gotta do everything he can to annoy gordon into leaving the group so he doesn't have to confront his feelings about her (one of these tactics involves him insisting on calling her "gordie," saying it sounds much more suitable for a kittypet). unfortunately for the both of them, that doesn't work. what's worse-- his powers don't seem to work on her for whatever reason. they continue to butt heads for far too long before either of them opens up about how they actually feel. (it takes gordon far longer to admit to herself that she's feeling that way than it does for songfoot, but eventually it clicks for her.)
("song" comes from sweet voice, and "foot" comes from... y'know. but i imagine the in-universe explanation is that he spends a lot of time padding around and watching people. the name from the post that inspired this one-- sweetsong-- is perfect but i didn't wanna copy it. i really like the name songfoot though, i think it's really cute.)
nectarbrook is thunderclan's beloved medicine cat. sweet and silly, she has an affinity for collecting and mixing herbs to create new tinctures. they don't always work exactly how she wants them to, but they never have strictly negative effects, so... not too bad! she spends most of her time on the journey trying and failing to be a mediator, and cowering in fear while everyone else does the scary (and often stupid) work. she's got an intelligence to rival gordon's, and she's one of the only cats gordon fully gets along with.
("nectar" is about the closest warrior cats prefix to "soda," and "brook" just kinda sounds nice as a suffix to nectar. it's another liquid-related word too.)
frostpaw is a bloodclan apprentice. he's well beyond apprentice age, but he's pretty incompetent at warrior duties and such, so it's taking him a while. he just wants to graduate.
i imagine he used to be a cushy kittypet with dreams of being one of those cool cat gang members he sees outside every now and again. he's way in over his head.
("frost" comes from forzen. obviously. i initially envisioned him as a warrior named frostjaw. i don't know why i chose that suffix other than it sounding nice. but then i remembered the "i just wanna graduate" thing, and thought it would be funny to make him an apprentice.)
goldenberry is a highly skilled warrior and one of snakestar's kits. he has a very unassuming demeanor, often appearing clumsy or head-in-the-clouds, but he's one of thunderclan's most precise and deadly fighters. his long windclan-like limbs allow for quick movement. like his father, he strikes like a snake. despite his prowess, he doesn't like fighting at all, and he would much rather hang around camp with his friend songfoot and take care of menial tasks like an apprentice or test out new herb tinctures for nectarbrook. he's very helpful and kind, if not a bit blunt. before snakestar died, he had goldenberry in mind as the next deputy as soon as galeheart finally kicked the bucket. he only didn't make him the deputy in the first place because he was an apprentice at the time.
("golden" comes from tommy's signature yellow, as well as his father's perception of him as highly important. "berry" comes from his general sillyness and his affinity for nectarbrook's various little treats.)
galeheart is a gregarious senior warrior and thunderclan's beloved deputy. despite his small stature, he's incredibly strong and overzealous. he loves his clan to death and he loves fighting even more, often dragging everyone into unnecessary squabbles just for the thrill of it. his loud, booming voice commands everyone's attention. he's quite old and really should be in the elders' den at this point, but his love for the warrior life keeps him going despite it all, and he's still in great shape. snakestar isn't quite so satisfied with galeheart's behavior, but there's not much he can do about that, given everyone else loves galeheart to bits. snakestar partially send him on that journey in hopes he would die already, but he has an unwavering spirit and he can and will outlive snakestar.
galeheart and gordon get along for the most part, but gordon is a little scared of him.
("gale" comes from coomer's general energy. he is a strong gust of wind to me. it also brings to mind the color white, which... is what galeheart is! "heart" also comes from his Vibes, mostly his fighting spirit.)
scorchtail is yet another old coot who should be getting ticks picked off of him by apprentices, but his stubbornness keeps him in his warrior position. he's not even particularly good at being a warrior-- he's cowardly and his battle strategy can best be described as the real life version of button-mashing. still, he's far too prideful to retire to the elders' den. he tends to follow galeheart around, since they grew up together and share similar positions in the clan. he's very antagonistic towards gordon, even moreso than songfoot. he has a special hatred of kittypets, seeing their lifestyle as an embarrassment.
("scorch" comes from bubby's association with fire as well as his sassy disposition, and "tail" comes from the tip of his tail looking burnt.)
snakestar is a starclan cat who was previously thunderclan's leader. he's generally cold and and analytical, and not much of a fighter, preferring to make others do his bidding. this behavior carried over very well to starclan, where he spends all his time being appropriately cryptic and unhelpful. he holds a lot of love for his one son, goldenberry, who he's always watching over. he doesn't care much for his other previous clanmates. he visits gordon in her dreams often to tell her vague things about her "part to play" and how important she is and all that. he arbitrarily decided that she was the subject of a prophecy, for the most part. i like to think starclan just makes shit up for fun. i think maybe one of his ancestors visited gordon when she was a kitten and made some kind of deal with her. i dunno. i'm in the very early stages of this au.
("snake" comes from gman's general vibes, but it's also an allusion to snakes in mythology [particularly abrahamic myth] being sleazy dealmakers with ill intent. before he was a leader, his suffix was "sight," alluding to his tendency to sit back and watch rather than run into battle.)
thanks for reading my long-ass ramblings, if you did! :-P idk if i'll actually do anything with any of this, but it's fun to think about...
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justapigeonn · 10 months
Ok so I know I said I'd never do an actual rewrite for DOTC but after some thinking I honestly couldn't help myself so here;s a megadump of some of the changes I'd make:
Turtle Tail and Bumble would escape the twoleg house together after she becomes pregnant and Tom shows his ugly side
2. Gray Wing actually realises he was the reason Turtle Tail left in the first place and apologises for being a twat
3. With Turtle tail's help, Bumble convinces the moor cats to let her stay, but she soon discovers that she's not cut out for their way of life so Turtle Tail takes her to River Ripple to live with him and his colony and she becomes a seasoned river dwelling cat. She ends up living a long, peaceful, happy life and she and Turtle tail visit each other regularly
4. Tom eventually shows up to demand Turtle Tail's kits. He ends up finding the hollow by actually scenting them out as opposed to Gray Wing doxing them out of sheer stupidity and attempts to sneak into camp and take them, but Turtle Tail intercepts him and kills him where he stands
5. This is a big one that may spark controversy but SkyClan does not exist and Clear Sky never gets to be leader. He proves time and time again even after the battle that he is not worthy of being one, let alone a FOUNDER by any stretch of the imagination. He continuously demonstrates irresponsibility, is unnecessarily controlling and cruel, even to the cats he's supposed to care about and only seems to get his shit together in the very last book, long after he should have 'learned his lesson'. He never changed and should never have been given the countless chances to redeem himself. Instead, after the battle he is stripped of his leadership role by StarClan and the other founders and the forest cats fall under Thunder's authority instead, who leaves the moor after the battle to be where he truly wants to be. Clear Sky is allowed to join his ranks but he does so with the utmost resentment and bitterness. When One Eye and Star Flower enter the scene, One Eye takes advantage of his hatred and convinces Clear Sky to spy on and betray Thunder's group with the promise of him joining his rogue group and earning a position of power by his side and Clear Sky accepts (you have full permission to interpret this as gay) while Star Flower grows close to Thunder as she does in canon, manipulating him from the side line. At some point along the line Clear Sky outs himself and Star Flower and he joins One Eye's group before having a change of heart while Star Flower has her own redemption and blah blah blah still working on it). Clear Sky realises that being a meanie head ain't it, turns against One Eye and his rogues and supports his son wholeheartedly etc. At some stage during the final battle Clear Sky is killed by one of One Eye's close supporters as a final sacrifice/attempt to redeem himself, though I'm not keen on giving him a particularly heroic death considering how angry Tom's canon death made me so I figured it would be funny of the other settlers were like 'ohh noooo, anyways' with a couple of solemn words as opposed to a whole grievingfest. As for my reasoning for omitting SkyClan completely, half of it is due to the fact that it's basically just defacto ThunderClan except for the fact that they can jump high and hunt in trees, which are easily things ThunderClan can adopt. Firestar's quest and the latter half of AVOS can just not happen which I'm sure not many people will complain about
6. Gray Wing is not a Clear Sky apologist loser and actually resents him for all the grief he has caused
7. Rather than his own big bad, Slash is rather one of One Eye's devoted followers. One ruthless manipulative rogue leader would have been quite enough to serve as the arc's main antagonist for the latter half of it's duration, with better writing they could've spread it out and and left a true impact. Considering have him kill Clear Sky in the heat of the final battle maybe as opposed to giving his slaughter to One Eye
8. Fern and and a few of the other various mistreated rogues still exist, but this time under One Eye's command. She still ends up working with Gray Wing and joining the moor cats along with some of her friends after betraying One Eye
9. Star Flower never becomes Clear Sky's third mate or is reduced to a stock sweet baby mama where her getting kidnapped, abused then giving birth in an inconvenient place is introduced as a form of conflict, but rather reconciles with Thunder and builds on the previous connection they had already established (which would be stronger in my au). He eventually forgives her and they bond over the fact that they have manic shitty bloodthirsty fathers plotting against them and team up to be their foil, eventually becoming mates at the end of the arc.
10. Slate and Violet Dawn do not exist. This isn't because I don't like them as characters but imo never existing in the first place is a far better fate than being last minute underdeveloped love interests for the male protagonists with no other function in the story whatsoever
11. Quiet Rain is not guilted into forgiving Clear Sky for the atrocities he committed on her deathbed by Shaded Moss (who had no business doing so considering the fact that he wasn't a victim of his and she was particularly angry at the fact that he has killed Rainswept Flower who seemingly didn't get a say in the matter)
This was super lengthy and I ended up adding way more than I expected but I do hope to expand on them in the future. There are other things I have issues with such as the way Gray Wing treats Jagged Peak in numerous scenes as well as the overall ableism of the arc but this is all for now :3
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warrior1catsforever · 5 months
Everyone, did you ever notice that in Warrior Cats no kit calls his/her parents mom or dad? The only time (at least i remember this) that someone called their parent "dad" was in The New Propechy. It was when Thunderclan had to help Shadowclan because the Twolegs were destroying their camp. Firestar was losing a life and Squirrelflight (at time Squirrelpaw), scared, called him "dad". Actually is a real life fact because kits don't remember their parents when they grow up. They just become strangers for them.
Just a random fun fact 🤣
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angsttronaut · 1 month
My Changing Skies Predictions : D
Leafstar going blind will be treated as a fate worse than death.
Squirrelstar will be constantly mocked by the narrative and characters alike. Thunderclan will lament that Bramblestar was a much better leader.
While making reasonable decisions, Skyclan treats Leafstar like Squirrelflight was treated as interim leader during TBC.
Moonpaw is a Nightsun baby. She'll get along with and admire Nightheart, but resent and have a difficult relationship with Sunbeam.
Events from past arcs will be brought up in an attempt by the Erin Hunter Collective to show that they totally know their stuff. All of these callbacks will be entirely superficial.
Tigerheartstar's characterisation will change on a whim.
Windclan won't get to do anything. Whistlepaw is mentioned exactly once.
At some point the narrative makes it clear that the writers think Tawnypelt joined Shadowclan after Tigerstar died.
At least one of the three POV characters has barely any plot material. Despite this, they still get equal screen time with the other two characters.
Moonpaw is a medicine cat apprentice. She struggles with horrific things happening to her constantly, and a connection she once thought was to Starclan turns out to be to something much darker. She ends up ostracised because everyone around her doesn't believe her for arbritary reasons.
Starclan do terrible things. One of the morals of the arc is that Starclan is still the most important part of Clan life.
The only thing that is destroyed by Twolegs is the Moonpool. They find a new one (with Tawnypelt or Leafstar sacrificing their lives so it can be found). This restores the status quo.
One of the Erin Hunters declares that they believe wholeheartedly in Starclan and have decided to found the first IRL Moonstone.
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twilights-800-cats · 5 months
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ThunderClan's camp by the lake, used for Twilight! (and, later on, Sunset)
I decided to keep it pretty close to canon, though I put the fallen tree in there from the start - I imagine that a lot of trees probably fell into this old quarry and decayed over time, but this is one that the cats can't move, so they built around it.
Plus the stories never really mention the fallen tree again after OotS? They forget there's an entire tree just in the middle of the ThunderClan camp??
I also wanted to lean into the quarry aspect of the camp - the secret exit is a failed extension, and the medicine cat's den is actually a very small mineshaft, which likely contained whatever the Twolegs were digging for to begin with. There are a lot of little crevices and caves, too.
It also feeds into my changes to ThunderClan's territory type overall - their lands are a lot steeper now, with sharp inclines and cliffs. It's not quite what ThunderClan is used to (in fact it could be argued to be more fitting for SkyClan - but if SkyClan were to join the Clans in this AU, their home is in the Deep Woods behind ShadowClan territory) but it's theirs.
I just wanted to write more varied landscapes, honestly!
Consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi! Patrons got to see this way in advance!
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First post on this whole new blog ! I decided to redesign Lionblaze for my Lionblaze is Scourge AU so that he is less "simple" !
For those who might be new : Lionblaze is Scourge AU is about Lionblaze being a "reincarnation" of Scourge, just like Cinderheart is a reincarnation of Cinderpelt. In this AU, Scourge started believing in Starclan after seeing Tigerstar die nine times; he would be sur Starclan does exist when Firestar comes back to life. Starclan would then give Scourge a "new chance" at entering Thunderclan, as Tiny was hurt by Tigerpaw who had the time disrespected the warrior code. That's the backstory !
Now for the actual story, Lionblaze doesn't know he is a reincarnation of Scourge. He is cheerful and kind most of the time. However, he is very scared of the current deputy, Brambleclaw, for reasons he can't explain (Brambleclaw isn't his adoptive father in this story, Shrewpaw/tail is and does know that the Three aren't his kits !). He sometimes feels uneasy around his grand-father Firestar. Since he is a kit, when he sleeps, Lionblaze often goes in a strange place he doesn't know, where the ground is granite, where monsters and twolegs are everywhere and where cats eat from big metalic boxes and cylinders. Lionblaze somehow feels home in this strange place, like he was used to it, and he does now a lot of the streets.
Sometimes, he feels like something is missing around his neck, but it feels great to not have it anymore.
Basically, the goal of this AU is mainly to give Lionblaze a story line that can go through all the books in Power of Three ! Lionblaze was one of my favorite characters because he had some great potential, but I feel like he never was exploited correctly by the Erins. He was just really boring in most of his chapters...
Oh, also for Lionblaze's design : Lionblaze isn't a calico, he is just a chimera :) He "absorbed" his twin in the womb and the only part left of said twin is the black and white paw !
If you have any ideas or input for this AU, don't hesitate to tell me !!
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namenotfound0 · 30 days
My take on the new Warriors arc (Changing Skies)
- Skyclan will start starving and start fighting amongst themselves
- Leafstar will become fully blind
- Leafstar will die
- Hawkwing becomes Hawkstar
- A Cool new deputy will be appointed in Skyclan (Violetshine isn't the coolest but she could maybe get more development post-Rootspring)
- Skyclan will finally get good (hoping Frecklewish becomes interesting again)
- Tawnypelt will defy Tigerheartstar and probably say something about morals being more important than Clan loyalty (echoing when she left Thunderclan)
- Tigerheartstar will lose a life to the Big Bad (probably some twoleg problem or another - ex. fire, tree falls)
- Tawnypelt will sacrifice herself
- Moonpaw will be training as a warrior
- She'll start hearing things and confide in Jayfeather, Alderheart, or her mentor
- Moonpaw will visit Starclan
- Someone will tell her that she's ~destined~
- Riverclan will be trying to repair itself and will stay out of the drama
- Crowstar will happen at some point in this arc
- Breezepelt or Appleshine are likely deputy picks
Main plot:
(Not entirely specific timeline order, but I'll try)
- The Prophecy about the Moonpool is delivered by Shadowsight, worrying Tawnypelt
- The twolegs start construction and drive Skyclan to a great hunger and threatens to block the entrance to the Moonpool
- The Skyclan cats are divided, with some not trusting Leafstar's leadership as her vision - and sickness - gets worse
- Tawnypelt feels undervalued in her clan
- Moonpaw starts hearing voices
- Skyclan cats start hunting on Shadowclan territory behind Leafstar's back
- A gathering takes place, where Tigerheartstar accuses Leafstar of being incompetent, and Moonpaw collapses from "visions"
- Shadowsight either decides to mentor Moonpaw or says her "visions" are dangerous and she is not to be trusted
- Tigerheartstar turns the other Clans away
- Tawnypelt tries to convince him to take action with the other Clans, but he refuses
- Tawnypelt ventures to rally support from the other clans
- Squirrelstar is too new to leadership to lend a paw, Riverclan is still trying to get itself together, and Skyclan is a mess
- Crowfeather steps up for Tawnypelt, admiring her courage and determination
- The medicine cats, especially Jayfeather, Whistlepaw, and Frostpaw, will be uneasy after a long time without any visions or anything
- Moonpaw's "visions" get darker, hinting at the destruction of all the Clans and the fading of all of Starclan
- Leafstar joins Crowfeather and Tawnypelt on their mission, while Moonpaw separately seeks Starclan's guidance at the Moonpool
- Moonpaw gets trapped inside the cave with the Moonpool after a rockslide caused by twoleg construction, and she falls into the Moonpool
- Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, and Leafstar watch the rockslide and are fearful about the loss of connection
- Tensions rise between the Clans, with Shadowclan having a border dispute with Skyclan, and with Skyclan being left without a leader or any prey
- Moonpaw drowns and arrives in Starclan, where she is greeted by the regular cast (Bluestar, Yellowfang, Firestar), and the original leaders (Thunderstar, Windstar, Shadowstar, Riverstar, and Skystar) as well as Gray Wing
- The Starclan cats inform Moonpaw that the Clans must band together to find a new land once again
- Moonpaw doubts how she could be helpful, and Firestar assures her that she is the one
- Crowfeather and Tawnypelt help Leafstar as her sickness becomes more and more apparent
- Tawnypelt goes to Thunderclan and Crowfeather accompanies Leafstar to Skyclan
- Moonpaw reawakens on the edge of the Moonpool, still trapped but with a message
- Tawnypelt reasons with Squirrelstar and they stop fighting with Shadowclan
- Leafstar finally succumbs to her sickness after uniting Skyclan with Crowfeather's help
- Tawnypelt returns to Shadowclan with Squirrelstar and together they convince Tigerheartstar to work with the other clans
- Moonpaw escapes and finds Thunderclan, Skyclan and Shadowclan sharing territory as the twolegs build
- Hawkwing is unable to receive his nine lives, but acts in place of leader for Skyclan
- Moonpaw convinces the clans to all meet, and shares what she learned in Starclan
- Squirrelstar believes her completely, but Riverclan is hesitant as they just had issues with Starclan
- Crowfeather asks where they should go, and Ivypool steps up and says they should head toward *place* (whatever happens in her Super Edition is almost certain to introduce their next location)
- All the Clans agree when the twolegs get more aggressive with their building, and they head off on the journey
- Moonpaw starts getting visions again, this time of their new home
- Tawnypelt and Harestar both die protecting the Clans
- Crowfeather assumes the position as leader of Windclan, though unable to receive his nine lives
- Rootspring and/or Tree see the ghosts of Tawnypelt and Harestar at night before they jump up and join Silverpelt
- They arrive at the new territories and Moonpaw becomes a ghost cat (like Rock, so not dead-dead) and turns into the new connection to Starclan (Like how Rock is the connection to the Ancients and Stoneteller is the connection to the Tribe of Endless Hunting)
Now I know the Erin's would never kill all three protagonists in an arc, but this is the only way I see the books getting fresh new plot points while also keeping with everything they've announced. Plus, Tawnypelt is super old, Crowstar has been a long time coming, and Leafstar is not only widely hated but literally stated to be facing some sort of challenge with her vision. I think it's only logical that these three would die to make room for a new roster of interesting protagonists. As for Moonpaw... I don't like that she can be named "Moon"paw and have visions and have there also be a conflict with the Moonpool. Like, they could have called her ANYTHING else.. but they went with "Moon". I think it would be super interesting if she became a sort of immortal figurehead for Starclan. In all honesty, I'm not sure how this would work, but I think it would be super cool. Maybe she gets a Starclan form and can travel between the worlds? But only sparsely and she can only be seen by Tree and Rootspring + giving medicine cats visions & omens.
This was just a fun thought experiment for me - don't take anything I said too seriously, I just love to theorize (if you also like My Little Pony and want to read my theory of how Gen 4 and Gen 5 connect, I have a post on that here)
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Pfft, imagine if the clans have fables about other cats who ignored the warnings about the fae and foolishly got themselves captured by the fae.
Then Rusty/Firestar hears one story about a cat called Nightprowl and goes "Oh! You knew Whiskers?"
everyone just flinches and arches their backs because it's a sudden shocking reminder that Firestar is fae blooded with the sudden reminder that Nightprowl lost his name, to be fair I would also be upset if I lost a cool ass name like "nightprowl" for fucking "whiskers"
They absolutely have fables, each clan has a different view of the Fae, with Shadowclan and Windclan with the most positive, Thunderclan with a more neutral wary, and Riverclan with the harshest because according to the ye olde definitely not really canon any more warrior app they mention that riverclan has the most amount of cats lost to twolegs because they have such pretty sleeky fur and twolegs go "oh shit a fluffy chonker" and then there goes minnowjump which is a concept I find hilarious to this day
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clanslist · 4 months
Cover Reveal: Ivypool's Heart
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Fan favorite Ivypool takes center stage in Ivypool's Heart—a thrilling, super-long standalone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!
It’s been many moons since Ivypool lost her daughter, Bristlefrost, to the Dark Forest, yet Ivypool can’t bear to move on. Even being named Deputy of ThunderClan feels meaningless in her grief.
When Whistlepaw has a disturbing vision—one that could spell disaster for all the Clans—a group of cats is selected to go on a quest to investigate. Ivypool is happy to join their mission. Perhaps being away from her daily responsibilities will help her escape the painful memory of Bristlefrost’s death.
The cats set out on an arduous journey, facing everything from painful hunger to bloodthirsty dogs. But nothing can prepare them for what they find: a disgusting twoleg den that’s caging a series of strange animals, including two who may have surprising ties to the Clans.
In order to complete their quest and right a terrible wrong that goes back generations, the five Clan cats must help these creatures find their true home. But first, Ivypool must let go of the past, and her grief, if she is to have any hope of ensuring a future for the Clans—and for herself.
Coming September 3rd, 2024.
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