#the underbite persists
dentistrytips · 7 months
8 Common Dental Problems and Treatment – White Lily Dental
Our smiles are a huge part of our identities. They communicate joy, warmth, and confidence. Keeping our teeth and gums healthy isn't just about having a beautiful smile, it benefits our overall well-being. Unfortunately, many people experience dental problems that can be painful, inconvenient, and lead to other health concerns. Let's delve deeper into some of the most widespread dental issues and learn about the treatments available to help restore your sparkling smile.
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1. Cavities (Tooth Decay)
No list of dental problems is complete without mentioning cavities, one of the most common issues worldwide. Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars from your food and drinks, producing acids that can erode tooth enamel. This can lead to sensitivity, pain, and the formation of holes (cavities) in your teeth.
Treatment: Fillings are the most common treatment for cavities. The dentist will remove the decayed part of the tooth and fill the hole with a strong material like composite resin. In severe cases, a root canal in Oakville or crown may be needed.
2. Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)
Gum disease is a serious infection of the gums caused by bacterial buildup (plaque). Initially, it manifests as gingivitis, characterized by inflamed, red gums that bleed when you brush. Untreated, gingivitis can worsen into periodontitis, causing the gums to recede and potentially leading to tooth loss.
Treatment: Scaling and root planing are deep-cleaning procedures that remove plaque and tartar buildup beneath the gumline. More advanced gum disease may require surgery.
3. Tooth Sensitivity
Many people experience tooth sensitivity to cold, hot, or sweet foods and drinks. This often occurs when the protective layer of the tooth's enamel wears down, exposing the sensitive inner dentin layer. Receding gums can also contribute to tooth sensitivity.
Treatment: Desensitizing toothpaste can help manage mild sensitivity. If the problem is severe, your dentist may recommend special toothpaste or in-office desensitizing treatments.
4. Bad Breath (Halitosis)
While occasional bad breath can happen to anyone, chronic bad breath can be a sign of an underlying issue, often related to dental hygiene, dry mouth, or other health conditions.
Treatment: Brushing twice daily, flossing, and using a tongue scraper helps maintain good oral hygiene. If bad breath persists, visit your dentist at your favorite dental office near Oakville to diagnose and treat the underlying cause.
5. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
Bruxism is the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth, often occurring during sleep. It can lead to headaches, jaw pain, facial tenderness, and worn-down or chipped teeth.
Treatment: Your dentist might recommend wearing a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth. Stress management techniques can also help reduce bruxism.
6. Discolored Teeth
Over time, our teeth naturally become discolored due to foods, drinks, smoking, and aging. Teeth whitening is a popular way to brighten your smile and boost your confidence.
Treatment: Teeth whitening services at White Lily Dental can help brighten your smile several shades. Professional whitening treatments are more effective and safer than over-the-counter options.
7. Impacted Teeth
Impacted teeth, most commonly wisdom teeth, are those that fail to fully erupt through the gums. This can cause pain, inflammation, or damage to nearby teeth.
Treatment: An oral surgeon may need to perform a procedure to remove impacted teeth and prevent future complications.
8. Orthodontic Problems
Misaligned teeth, including crooked teeth, overbites, or underbites, can impact your bite and make cleaning your teeth more difficult. Orthodontics in Oakville treatment can correct these issues, improving not only your smile but your oral health as well.
Treatment: Braces and Invisalign are popular orthodontic treatments offered by White Lily Dental's orthodontics specialists.
Prevention Is Key
The good news is that many of these common dental problems are largely preventable by following good oral hygiene practices:
Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth.
Limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks.
Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings (typically recommended every six months) at a trusted dental clinic in Oakville or near you.
Remember, early detection and treatment of dental problems are crucial for preventing complications and maintaining a beautiful, healthy smile. If you're searching for expert dental care, don't hesitate to reach out!
Your smile is one of your most valuable assets. At White Lily Dental, we're committed to providing compassionate and high-quality dental care in the Oakville area. If you're experiencing any of these common dental problems or simply need a routine checkup, our experienced and friendly team is ready to help.
Call to Action – Your Partner in Oral Health
Contact White Lily Dental today at (905) 847-8474 to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile!
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smilecreations6g · 7 months
Invisalign san diego ca
Concerns about how wearing metal braces might affect the appearance of their smile are among the most frequent ones that people have when considering the procedure. This is so because every part of an orthodontic appliance is made of metal. The idea of having to wear metal braces for years might be depressing for anyone contemplating orthodontic treatment. One can quickly see the benefits of Invisalign over traditional metal braces, including the substantial time and effort savings it provides.
Custom aligner trays are provided to Invisalign® patients. These trays are intended to restore a patient's teeth to their natural alignment. The dentist can create a fresh set of trays if the patient's teeth shift. Patients can choose the duration of their treatment because they can take out their Invisalign® aligner trays for brief occasions. The Invisalign® trademark is owned by Align Technology, Inc. Following their treatment with Invisalign®, patients have expressed great pleasure with both the procedure and the remarkable results they have achieved.
Invisalign san diego ca
The main advantage of Invisalign® over conventional metal braces is the aligner trays, which are removable and almost invisible. California Invisalign This is one area in which the two bracket systems diverge the most from one another. Both Invisalign® and conventional metal braces are quite successful in straightening teeth.
The following issues can typically be resolved with Invisalign®:
When there isn't enough room in the mouth for the teeth to line up properly, overcrowding happens. When a person's mouth is too tiny for their tooth count, gum disease and cavities are more prone to develop. Loss of teeth is an additional possibility.
Interdental spaces: This can occur for a number of causes, such as toothlessness or abnormally persistent jaw growth. A distinct theory looks on the long-term effects of improper jaw development. The main thing causing tension is how they interact with each other.
Crossbite is the term for the situation where one or more upper teeth bite into the lower teeth. This is the reason your upper teeth seem to be so widely spaced. Your dental arches can be affected, one or both. All of the teeth in the mouth could be impacted by this issue, or only one tooth. Uneven wear can result in health issues including gum disease and bone erosion in addition to the evident aesthetic concerns. Keeping gum disease at bay may also aid in the treatment of other conditions.
Overbite is the term for the situation where the upper teeth extend over or overlap the lower teeth. It's possible that the upward shift of your lower teeth is preventing the emerging of your higher teeth. This is also known as an overjet in some regions. Jaw pain is a common symptom of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).
When the lower teeth overlap or extend past the upper teeth, it results in an underbite, which is the opposite of an overbite. The lower teeth moving forward relative to the higher teeth could exacerbate the issue. An individual has an underbite when their lower teeth protrude more than their top teeth. It is possible to experience jaw and TMJ pain.
How did the Invisalign® creators make sure their invention wouldn't hurt patients?
Tooth misalignment can be fixed in a number of ways. If your teeth are slightly out of alignment, veneers can fix them without the need for braces or Invisalign® trays. Brackets made of metal and ceramic materials are still widely used nowadays. Many factors can influence how effective a treatment is, and sometimes one approach will work better than another. One thing that needs to be taken into account is the patient's present state of health.
Invisalign® aligner trays are removable at any time while receiving treatment, in contrast to braces. Physical appliances are often employed in orthodontic therapy. This data implies that in order to achieve the best outcomes, patients must be disciplined and committed to their therapy. Fortunately, this is rarely a problem because trays are typically pleasant to use and easy to conceal. Both treatments might have the same results if enough time and effort are put into them.
When it comes to straightening crooked teeth, many people believe Invisalign® to be better than veneers. By itself, this proves that Invisalign® is the greatest option. There are people who use veneers, but the market for Invisalign® is far bigger. Veneers are incredibly thin shells that are applied on teeth's front surfaces to improve their appearance. Your teeth's health and luster can be restored with veneers. Teeth appear whiter and more consistent in size and shape thanks to veneers' ability to hide flaws. The only way to safely remove dental veneers is by bleaching the teeth, which could have unfavorable long-term repercussions. This is because veneers require a small amount of tooth resizing. It is clear that veneers are not worth the cost due to their brittleness and discolouration after just 20 years. As a result, their lifespan is quite brief.
How may teeth that are not aligned be straightened using Invisalign®?
Prior to purchasing custom alignment trays, the dentist should have a treatment plan in place. After this is finished, we can proceed with the dental operations. A patient's jaw structure can be digitally reconstructed with the use of 3D imaging. Dentists may show patients what to anticipate from their new smiles by using these images. Advances in technology have made it possible for dentists to digitally modify patients' bite patterns and examine their jaws from every perspective. This technology may eventually match the appearance of Invisalign® trays.
Aligners and a personalized treatment plan can be developed once a patient has had any appropriate medical attention. Depending on how complex their arch is, a patient can need as few as two sets of aligners or as many as six.
Which factors should I focus on the most when using Invisalign® trays?
A few weeks may pass before you get used to the Invisalign® aligning trays. You must be ready for any eventuality. Unless the wearer is actively using them, the trays should always be kept attached. Before eating, take out the trays to help avoid cavities from food particles becoming stuck between them and your teeth. This issue can be avoided if the trays are removed before eating or drinking.
Long intervals between workouts won't hinder your improvement, so ease up. The trays will need to be taken out and replaced every two weeks. When Invisalign® aligning trays were introduced, the orthodontics business underwent a transformation. This assertion cannot be credibly refuted. Since Invisalign® is so successful and patient satisfaction so high, it has swiftly replaced traditional braces as the main method of teeth straightening.
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Smile Creations Dental Practice
One of the most common concerns that people have when they are considering getting dental braces is the effect that the metals would have on the appearance of their smile if they wore them. This is because an orthodontic appliance is entirely made of metal. The idea of spending years in metal braces can be disheartening when considering orthodontic treatment as an adult invisalign san diego ca  The benefits of Invisalign, such as the substantial time and effort savings it offers as compared to conventional metal braces, are readily apparent.
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Aligner trays for Invisalign® are made specifically for each patient. These trays are designed to realign a patient's teeth to their original position.  When a patient's teeth change, the dentist can make a new set of trays.  Since Invisalign® aligner trays can be removed by patients for short periods of time for special events, the duration of treatment is completely up to the patient. Invisalign® is a registered trademark of Align Technology, Inc.  Invisalign® patients have expressed extreme contentment with their treatment experience and the remarkable results they have achieved.
When would it not be a good idea to use Invisalign® to fix a poor bite?
The main advantage of Invisalign® over conventional metal braces is the use of removable and nearly invisible aligner trays. In this respect, the two bracket systems couldn't be more dissimilar from one another. Both Invisalign® and traditional metal braces work quite well at straightening teeth.
The following issues can typically be corrected by Invisalign®:
Overcrowding happens when there is not enough space in the mouth for the teeth to align appropriately.  When a person's mouth is too tiny for their number of teeth, they are at an increased risk of developing gum disease and cavities. Tooth loss is another potential outcome.
Spaces between teeth - Several reasons can lead to this, including the absence of teeth or an abnormally persistent growth of the jaw. In a separate theory, the long-term consequences of malformed jaw development are studied. The conflicts stem mostly from their contacts with one another.
When one or more of the upper teeth bite into the lower teeth, this condition is known as a crossbite. Your upper teeth appear to be so widely apart because of this. One or both of your dental arches may be impacted. One or all of a person's teeth may be impacted by this issue.  Uneven wear is not only unsightly, but can also lead to serious health issues like gum disease and bone erosion. Protecting against gum disease may also reduce the risk of developing other illnesses.
An overbite occurs when the upper teeth protrude beyond or cover the lower teeth. The upper teeth may be unable to erupt because the lower teeth have moved upward. This is also known as an overjet in some circles.  Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) is characterized by discomfort in the jaw.
When the lower teeth overlap or extend forward past the upper teeth, this is known as an underbite, the opposite of an overbite. Lower teeth shifting forward in respect to upper teeth could exacerbate the issue. When a person's lower teeth jut out further than their upper teeth, they have underbite.  Face the potential of dealing with jaw and TMJ pain.
How did the creators of Invisalign® make sure it wouldn't hurt patients to use it?
There are various options for correcting tooth misalignment. Veneers can be used to fix teeth that are slightly crooked, making braces or Invisalign® trays unnecessary. Brackets made of metal and ceramic are as popular as they have ever been.  Different elements can influence the success of a treatment, and sometimes one approach can prove superior. One factor that must be considered is the patient's current condition.
Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign® aligner trays can be removed at any time. Physical appliances are commonly utilized in orthodontic therapy.  This data demonstrates that patients' motivation and discipline throughout treatment are critical for success.  Fortunately, trays are usually easy to hide and comfortable to use, so this is rarely an issue.  If both treatments are given enough time and commitment, they may produce the same outcomes.
When it comes to fixing misaligned teeth, many people believe Invisalign® is more effective than veneers. Just this fact alone makes Invisalign® the superior option. Veneers do have a clientele, but Invisalign® has a much larger one. Veneers are very thin shells that are bonded to the front of teeth to improve their appearance. Veneers can bring back the shine and health of your teeth. Veneers have the capacity to mask flaws, giving the impression of whiter, more uniform teeth.  There may be long-term consequences of removing dental veneers, which can only be done by bleaching the teeth. This is so because veneers require a small amount of enamel to be removed from each tooth.  Veneers are clearly not worthwhile due to their fragility and discolouration after only 20 years. As a result, their life expectancy is low.
When teeth aren't properly aligned, what is the procedure for utilizing Invisalign®?
The dentist should have a treatment plan in place before ordering specific alignment trays. The dental work can begin as soon as this is finished.  A patient's jaw structure can be digitally reconstructed using 3D images.  Dentists can show patients what they might expect from their new smiles with the help of these illustrations. Modern dental equipment allows dentists to digitally adjust their patients' bites and examine their jaws from any angle.  In terms of aesthetics, this technology may one day rival that of Invisalign® trays.
A customized treatment plan and aligners can be made after any necessary procedures have been completed.  A patient may require as few as two sets of aligners, or as many as six, depending on the complexity of the arch.
When using Invisalign® trays, what are the most critical factors to keep in mind?
It could take a few weeks to get used to wearing the Invisalign® aligning trays. You need to be prepared for the worst.  Unless the wearer is actively utilizing them, the trays should remain attached at all times.  Removing the trays before eating can help prevent cavities caused by food getting lodged between the trays and the teeth. If you take the trays off before eating or drinking, you can prevent this problem.
Don't worry about missing sessions; they won't affect your progress. The trays should be taken out and replaced every two weeks. The orthodontics market was revolutionized by the advent of invisible Invisalign® alignment trays. There is no plausible argument against this claim.  Due to its efficacy and patient satisfaction, Invisalign® has quickly replaced traditional braces as the predominant method of teeth straightening.
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batemanorthodontics · 10 months
What Is an Orthodontist?
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Orthodontics is a particular field inside dentistry that focuses on correcting irregularities in teeth and jaws. Orthodontists, the specialists in this field, assume a significant part in guaranteeing the arrangement of teeth and the general oral health of individuals.
Role of an Orthodontist
Definition and Scope of Orthodontics: Orthodontics is a particular field inside dentistry that focuses on correcting irregularities in teeth and jaws. Orthodontists, the specialists in this field, assume a significant part in guaranteeing the arrangement of teeth and the general oral health of individuals.
Differentiating Orthodontists from Dentists: While orthodontists and dentists work in oral healthcare, their roles differ significantly. Dentists address general oral health issues, while orthodontists focus exclusively on aligning teeth and jaws. Orthodontists undergo additional years of specialized training after completing dental school.
Education and Training
Educational Requirements for Becoming an Orthodontist: Becoming an orthodontist requires a rigorous educational journey. Aspiring orthodontists typically complete a bachelor's degree, followed by dental school. Subsequently, they must undergo a specialized orthodontic residency program.
Specialized Training in Orthodontics: Orthodontic residency programs delve deep into the science and art of tooth movement. This specialized training furnishes orthodontists with the information and abilities to diagnose and treat different orthodontic issues.
Orthodontic Treatments
Overview of Common Orthodontic Issues: Orthodontic problems shift broadly, from crooked teeth and overbites to underbites and crowded teeth. Each condition requires an extraordinary methodology, making individualized treatment arrangements vital.
Popular Treatment Options: Braces, a conventional and exceptionally effective treatment, include utilizing metal brackets and wires to step by step move teeth into the ideal position. Invisalign, a more present day other option, uses almost imperceptible clear aligners, giving a discreet option to orthodontic correction.
Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment
Improved Oral Health: Past superficial advantages, orthodontic treatments add to worked on oral health. Appropriately aligned teeth are more straightforward to clean, lessening the gamble of cavities and gum disease.
Enhanced Aesthetics and Self-esteem: A confident smile can emphatically influence one's self-esteem. Orthodontic treatments right functional issues and upgrade the tasteful appeal of an individual's smile, fostering more prominent certainty.
When to Consult an Orthodontist
Signs That Orthodontic Intervention May Be Needed: Issues, for example, trouble chewing, speech problems, or irregular wear on teeth might demonstrate the requirement for orthodontic assessment. Moreover, early signs in kids, as persistent thumb-sucking or late loss of baby teeth, ought not be disregarded.
Recommended Age for the First Orthodontic Evaluation: Orthodontic evaluations are suggested around the age of 7 when a child's permanent teeth start to arise. Early discovery of orthodontic issues takes into account timely intervention, frequently making treatment more viable.
Orthodontic Consultation Process
What to Expect During the Initial Consultation: During the primary visit, the orthodontist completely examines the patient's oral health, takes X-rays, and talks about the singular's interests and objectives. This underlying evaluation shapes the reason for fostering a personalized treatment plan.
Importance of X-rays and Impressions: X-rays give a nitty gritty perspective on tooth and jaw positioning, aiding in precise diagnosis. Impressions, either traditional or digital, assist with making models of the teeth, empowering orthodontists to design and execute precise treatments.
Customized Treatment Plans
Tailoring Treatments to Individual Needs: Orthodontists make personalized treatment plans in view of the particular necessities of every patient. This approach guarantees that the picked treatment addresses the novel challenges introduced by individual cases.
Involvement of Patients in Decision-making: Orthodontic patients effectively partake in choices about their treatment. Orthodontists make sense of different treatment choices, examine anticipated results, and consider patient inclinations prior to settling a treatment plan.
Duration of Orthodontic Treatment
Average Timeline for Various Treatments: The duration of orthodontic treatment varies based on the complexity of the case. While some cases may only take a few months, others, especially those requiring extensive correction, may extend over a few years.
Factors Influencing the Duration: Consistent wear of orthodontic appliances, adherence to maintenance guidelines, and the body's response to treatment influence the overall duration. Patients play a crucial role in ensuring the success and timeliness of their orthodontic journey.
Maintaining Oral Hygiene During Treatment
Challenges and Tips for Oral Care with Braces: Braces, while highly effective, present challenges in maintaining oral hygiene. Patients must diligently clean between wires and brackets, using special tools like floss threaders and interdental brushes.
Oral Hygiene with Invisalign: Invisalign, being removable, simplifies oral hygiene. However, aligners must be cleaned regularly, and patients should adhere to the recommended wear schedule for optimal results.
Costs and Insurance Coverage
Typical Costs Associated with Orthodontic Treatments: Orthodontic treatment costs vary, influenced by factors such as the type of treatment, its duration, and the orthodontist's experience. Initial consultations and diagnostic procedures may also contribute to the overall cost.
Understanding Insurance Coverage: Insurance coverage for orthodontic treatments varies among providers. Some plans may partially cover the costs, especially for medically necessary treatments, while others may not cover orthodontics at all. It's crucial for individuals to thoroughly understand their insurance policies and explore potential financing options if needed.
Orthodontics for Different Age Groups
Pediatric Orthodontics: Early intervention in childhood, known as interceptive orthodontics, can address emerging issues and guide proper jaw and teeth development. This proactive approach may reduce the severity of problems later in life.
Orthodontic Considerations for Adults: Orthodontic treatments are not exclusive to children and teenagers. Many adults seek orthodontic care to correct longstanding issues or address new concerns. Advances in orthodontic technology, including discreet options like Invisalign, make adult orthodontics more accessible and convenient.
Technological Advancements in Orthodontics
Introduction of 3D Imaging: Technological advancements, like 3D imaging, revolutionize orthodontic diagnostics. Three-layered sees permit orthodontists to evaluate dental and facial structures precisely, working with exact treatment planning.
Computer-Aided Treatment Planning: Computer-aided treatment planning improves the predictability and productivity of orthodontic procedures. Orthodontists can recreate the development of teeth and survey likely results prior to starting treatment, offering a more educated approach.
Common Myths About Orthodontics
Dispelling Misconceptions About Orthodontic Treatments: Tending to common myths is fundamental for people thinking about orthodontic care. These may incorporate confusions about treatment duration, discomfort, and constraints during orthodontic interventions. Training assists patients with pursuing informed choices.
Addressing Fears and Concerns: It's normal for people to have concerns or fears about orthodontic treatments. Open communication with the orthodontist and understanding the bit by bit cycle can alleviate anxieties, encouraging a positive and cooperative patient-orthodontist relationship.
Choosing the Right Orthodontist
Factors to Consider When Selecting an Orthodontic Specialist: Choosing the right orthodontist is a significant choice. Factors like the orthodontist's experience, credentials, patient reviews, and the clinic location's accommodation ought to be in every way thought of.
Importance of Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Patient reviews and testimonials give significant bits of knowledge into the orthodontist's ability and the general patient experience. Finding out about others' processes can offer consolation and assist people with feeling more confident in their decisions.
In conclusion, understanding what an orthodontist does and their part in oral health is fundamental for anybody thinking about orthodontic treatment. From the underlying consultation to the finishing of treatment, orthodontists center around making healthy, lovely grins customized to individual requirements. Technological advancements keep on improving the accuracy and productivity of orthodontic care, making it more available and compelling than any other time in recent memory.
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myhealthhospital · 11 months
What are the symptoms of dental problems?
Dental issues can arise from various causes and may manifest in a range of symptoms. Here are some common dental problems, their symptoms, and potential treatments:
Tooth Decay (Cavities):
Causes: Poor oral hygiene, sugary diet, bacteria in the mouth.
Symptoms: Toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, visible holes or pits in teeth.
Treatment: Fillings, crowns, or root canals for advanced cases.
Causes: Plaque buildup, poor dental hygiene.
Symptoms: Red, swollen, bleeding gums.
Treatment: Improved oral hygiene, professional cleaning (scaling and root planing).
Periodontitis (Gum Disease):
Causes: Untreated gingivitis, smoking, genetics, certain medical conditions.
Symptoms: Gum recession, pockets between teeth and gums, loose teeth.
Treatment: Scaling and root planing, gum surgery in severe cases.
Tooth Sensitivity:
Causes: Exposed dentin, enamel erosion, cavities.
Symptoms: Pain or discomfort when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods/drinks.
Treatment: Desensitizing toothpaste, fluoride treatments, addressing underlying causes.
Tooth Abscess:
Causes: Untreated cavities, infections, or trauma.
Symptoms: Severe toothache, swelling, fever, foul taste or odor in the mouth.
Treatment: Drainage, antibiotics, root canal therapy, or tooth extraction.
Tooth Loss:
Causes: Gum disease, decay, trauma, or genetic factors.
Symptoms: Gaps in your smile.
Treatment: Dental implants, bridges, dentures.
Oral Cancer:
Causes: Tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, HPV infection, family history.
Symptoms: Sores, lumps, or white/red patches in the mouth, persistent pain.
Treatment: Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy.
Orthodontic Issues:
Causes: Genetics, thumb-sucking, accidents, or abnormal jaw development.
Symptoms: Crooked teeth, overbite, underbite, crowded teeth.
Treatment: Braces, aligners, retainers, or orthognathic surgery.
Cracked or Broken Teeth:
Causes: Trauma, teeth grinding, hard foods.
Symptoms: Pain when chewing, sensitivity, visible cracks.
Treatment: Bonding, dental crowns, or in severe cases, root canal therapy.
Dry Mouth (Xerostomia):
Causes: Medications, medical conditions, dehydration.
Symptoms: Difficulty swallowing, dry or sticky feeling in the mouth.
Treatment: Address underlying causes, saliva substitutes, improved hydration.
It's essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing and flossing, routine dental check-ups, and a balanced diet to prevent many dental problems. If you experience any dental symptoms, it's important to consult with a dentist for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Early intervention can often prevent more severe issues and the need for extensive treatments.
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Is It Time for Braces? Signs You Need to See an Orthodontist
A radiant smile can light up a room and boost your confidence, but achieving that perfect smile often requires a little help. If you're wondering whether it's time for braces, it's essential to recognize the signs that indicate a visit to an orthodontist is in order. 
Today, let us explore the common signs that suggest you may benefit from orthodontic treatment and discuss the importance of choosing the best orthodontist in Gurgaon for your dental needs.
Signs That It's Time for Braces and You Need To Consult the Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon
1. Crooked or Misaligned Teeth: 
One of the most obvious signs that you need braces is crooked or misaligned teeth. Whether it's overcrowding, gaps, or teeth that don't align properly, an orthodontist can assess your situation and recommend the best course of action.
2. Overbite or Underbite: 
An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth, while an underbite is when the lower front teeth overlap the upper front teeth. These conditions can impact your bite and overall dental health, making orthodontic treatment necessary.
3. Crossbite: 
A crossbite happens when some of your upper teeth fit inside your lower teeth when you bite down. It can lead to uneven wear on your teeth and jaw misalignment, causing discomfort and potential dental issues.
4. Protruding Teeth: 
If your front teeth protrude significantly, it can not only affect your appearance but also increase the risk of injury to those teeth. Braces can help align them properly.
5. Difficulty Chewing or Speaking: 
Problems with chewing or speaking can be caused by misaligned teeth or an improper bite. Orthodontic treatment can improve both function and comfort.
6. Jaw Pain or Discomfort: 
Persistent jaw pain, headaches, or discomfort could be a sign of a misaligned bite. An orthodontist can assess your condition and recommend solutions like braces or aligners.
7. Thumb-Sucking Habit: 
Prolonged thumb-sucking in childhood can lead to dental issues, such as the misalignment of teeth. An orthodontist can help correct these problems before they become more severe.
Choosing the Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon
Now that you have recognized the signs that it may be time for braces, the next crucial step is finding the best orthodontist in Gurgaon to meet your needs. Here are some essential factors to consider:
Experience and Expertise: 
Look for an orthodontist with extensive experience and expertise in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues. Imperial Smiles is one such dental clinic known for having the best orthodontist in Gurgaon, with a track record of successful treatments.
Treatment Options: 
Ensure that the orthodontist offers a variety of treatment options, from traditional braces to more discreet alternatives like clear aligners. The best orthodontist will customize your treatment plan to fit your specific needs.
Technology and Equipment: 
A reputable orthodontist should have access to the latest orthodontic technology and equipment to ensure efficient and effective treatment.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials: 
Reading reviews and testimonials from previous patients can give you valuable insights into the orthodontist's quality of care and patient satisfaction.
Convenient Location: 
Consider the location of the orthodontic clinic. A conveniently located clinic like Imperial Smiles in Gurgaon can make it easier to attend regular appointments.
Imperial Smiles: the Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon
A beautiful, healthy smile is within reach, and recognizing the signs that it's time for braces is the first step toward achieving it. Remember that choosing the best orthodontist in Gurgaon is crucial to ensuring a successful orthodontic journey.
Imperial Smiles is a reputable dental clinic in Gurgaon known for having the best orthodontist in the area. We offer a wide range of orthodontic treatments and use the latest technology to provide the best possible care to patients. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, Imperial Smiles is here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Don't hesitate to schedule a consultation with our experienced orthodontist to discuss your treatment options.  Contact today to embark on your journey towards a straighter, healthier smile.
Source: Justpaste.it
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This unicorn.
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kiome-yasha · 5 years
The Driver
This little snippet is because of @fireflyxrebel for being a bad influence, lol. Based off an AU we’re currently obsessing over thanks to The Handmaid’s Tale. Hopefully, she and many others will enjoy this little read ;). It has sexual tension GALORE! Kind of made me want to write more XD. This is a continued bit based on her snippet, which you should read here (X). Anyway, enjoy!
“I need a ride.”
It was a simple request. Just one trip to the bookstore before the checkpoint, nothing more. To Gar though, it felt like a death sentence waiting to happen. Like the obedient slave driver he was, he nodded, not daring to argue with the daughter of Trigon—much less Blood’s wife.
“Of course,” he said curtly with respect, his gaze tripping over areas he shouldn’t be admiring.
He opened the left side door to the backseat, offering her a hand inside. Raven graciously accepted his assistance, her slender hand cupping into his thick callous ones. The innocent contact caused her to shudder, imagining his fingers digging into other soft surfaces. She instantly banished such thoughts, gathering her composer as she sat down. Gar carefully studied her before closing the door, ever so mindful of her legs.
He traveled over to the driver side, entering the vehicle himself almost robotically. Once he was fastened, he did a double take to make sure she was locked for safety as well. Raven took notice of his cautious stare, gently snapping the belt across her lower abdomen. Gar nodded with satisfaction, gulping swiftly with a cough before bringing the engine to life.
It didn’t take them long to be on the road, their day promising sunny weather. The silence was a welcoming ploy between them, but not for long.
Raven’s curiosity of the boy’s background got the better of her.
“So, have you been working for my husband long?” she asked, adjusting her back from the seat.
Gar’s eyes shifted almost too hastily at the movement from the rearview mirror, her breasts displaying themselves almost too perfectly against the cups of her dress. Such a gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the courtesan, a smile tickling her lips. Just to test the limit of his attention on her, she loosened the headscarf around her neck.
He tried to distract himself by answering her, his voice becoming deep with a ravenous hunger—ironic. “A year.” Short and simple, just as she expected.
Coyly, she pushed her hood back, freeing her long dark tresses with a soft shake of her head. “No further detail than that, huh? How about my father?”
His thick eyebrows arched questionably at her persistence, craving to dig his hands into the endless layers of her hair. “Ma’am, I don’t think this conversation is appropriate between us. Just merely talking to you is considered forbidden.”
Raven focused on the drifting scenery from her window, her cheeks blushing boldly from her next comment. “Is that why you allow your eyes to do all the talking?” she asked with a sultry voice.
He gripped the steering wheel, making a turn. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he rebutted tensely, avoiding her smokey leer.  
Raven was amused by his denial. As if to prove her point, she hitched her leg up over the other. The split in her dress spread her creamy thighs open like a curtain, dangerously exposing the undergarments she wore underneath. Dare he say, he was a bit enticed by the game she was playing. He pulled at his collar with his left hand, the thumb to his right tapping vigorously on the steering wheel—anything to keep his hands preoccupied. The thick end of his dark curls felt moist with sweat, forcing the heat inside his body to perspire with the hopes of it avoiding his loins. Raven grinned, taking the moment to indulge in her own desires, praising the way his muscles twitched beneath the satin suit he wore.
She soon fished out her lipstick, popping open a small mirror case.
“Do you mind?” she asked.
He shrugged, giving her permission—not that she had to ask. Raven popped the lid, reapplying the red wax against her slightly puckered lips. She had an image to keep amongst the public, so it was understandable. Sebastian made it very apparent for her beauty to be kept constant, not that Gar felt like she needed it. Still, such a simple cosmetic added a new allure to her already enticing lips. Raven smoothed her lips together, letting out a wet smack. They glistened, her tongue edging out between her teeth in order to avoid any thick smudging. It took all of Gar’s willpower not to pull off from their course and take her in the backseat.
Suddenly, a loud honk and a shout from her shook his lewd thoughts, snuffing it out like a flame. “Watch out!”
He never even realized he had veered across the other side of the road, quickly gaining back control and adjusting with a sharp screech. He pulled over to the side, gasping slightly before veering his eyes worriedly back at her.
“You okay?” he asked, not even sparing a thought besides her own wellbeing.
She gulped nervously, nodding briskly. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
He sighed with relief, hinting some mirth. “Well, at least your makeup still looks good; guess this car truly is compact.”
Wow, a joke. She probably would have laughed if given different circumstances.
“You got distracted,” she validated, shakily brushing her hair behind her ear.
“Is that so?” he countered, knowing full well she was right.
“You best pay attention, no need to ruin your reputation and lose your job,” she said, challenging him. “My husband wouldn’t be pleased if anything happened to me, after all.”
“No, I suppose he wouldn’t,” he said, his tone holding weight. “I best be careful then.”
There was shimmer in her eyes, dangerous, and yet, captivating. “Yes…you best,” she warned, frowning deeply with shame.
They both knew her purpose, neither of them having the nerve to discuss it aloud. Nothing more than an incubator, that’s all she was. Someone to bear children for some sick notion of a savior for the church of blood. Trigon used his daughter as if she was nothing more than some handmaiden, passing his bloodline through any strong connections necessary. Being the only daughter he had, he guessed it was to be expected. Garfield Logan had no right to intrude—after all—he was nothing more than a mere driver. Follow orders without question, but damn did he want her. Not like he never caught her stares through the curtains of the windows, spying on him with every stroke he made when cleaning the car. He could always say his prolong wiping was due to him waxing it, but they both knew that wasn’t the case.
What he would give to rub other things, starting with the tantalizing heat between her legs. Her honeydew breasts, her well-rounded rear, everything. Father Blood would never appreciate her body like he could—that was a promise.
The rest of the car ride was silent after that, arriving at their destination without any further complications. Like clockwork, he got out of the vehicle and opened hers, offering her guidance from the gap. Raven must have been still shaken up from the close collision though, as she missed her footing. Gar instinctively caught hold of her wide hips, steadying her into a rather intimate position when falling into him. Her breasts perched up against his broad chest, the silk-like material doing little in hiding his muscles. She flushed from the contact, nearly shoving him away from her.
“Thank you…” She contemplated for a second, trying to gain back her composure. “For the ride that is.”
He nodded and swallowed the lump inside his throat. “I’ll wait for you out here until you’re done.”
A proper exchange despite the stares around them. Whispers were already spreading amongst the crowd who resided in the cultish utopia—all followers believing in the same bullshit cloth like it was some sort of religion. Raven bowed—much to his dismay— and walked inside the colossal building. This was the only place she could feel free and escape; Garfield respected that.
He took this moment to retreat to his own sanctuary, entering back inside the tinted car. Once he slammed the door, he hit the back of his head into the blunt cushion of his seat. With eyes closed, all he could think about was her body pressed up against his. His fingers twitched over to his groin, knowing full well the punishment he would receive if any knew what he was thinking about.
To think, this was only the beginning of their future excursions.
  When they returned back to the Blood estate, Raven made no effort of trying to strike up another conversation. She must have realized the failure of her earlier attempt, knowing full well that it wasn’t practical for someone like her to befriend the driver of their establishment. To say Garfield was disappointed would be an understatement though; he was quite enjoying their little diversion. Rare was it for her to converse with anyone, so he oddly felt special of having the honor—as fleeting as it was.
Once they passed the gates, the pair stiffened when spotting Sebastian patiently waiting for them in the courtyard. Garfield kept calm though, swerving the car carefully to the front. He stopped and switched the gear to park, waiting to see if the priest would make a move. The man held a cunning smile, though it was obviously hiding malice. His chin was tight with an underbite that was clearly hidden. He opened the door for his wife, his cheeks sinking into hallow slits at the sight of her.
“My dear, you look flustered? Has Garfield been a proper escort?” he asked, disguising the tempest inside him when offering his hand out to her.
Raven reluctantly accepted the gesture, his anger apparent from the forceful tug. Gar’s hands clenched tightly onto the steering wheel, wanting to do nothing more than to snatch her away from the despicable man.
“His performance was adequate,” she said, her voice hinting a sensual tease that was only meant for Gar to decipher. What the hell is this woman doing to him?
“I would say the man deserves a raise,” she said.
“Quite.” Sebastian was not impressed by her snarky response.
She could clearly handle her own, enticing the young driver even further than before.
“Well, you would pardon me when I say how perturbed I was by your little expedition, wife.”
The term snapped Gar back into realization. ’Married. She’s married, Gar. Untouchable. Forbidden. Death. All wrapped up in that package of an ass.’
“Last time I checked, I didn’t need permission to go to the bookstore,” she snidely explained. “Which Garfield was more than willing to oblige.”
“Not when it involves whispers that have not gone unnoticed by the eyes of our followers!” he snapped.
He took a glance at Garfield, deciding to be discreet on the subject. “But that’s something to discuss in private.”
Raven dreaded the confrontation, gripping the bag that contained her newly purchased books close to her side. Sebastian ushered his wife inside from prying eyes, leaving something vile in the air. All the while, Gar could only be the obedient servant and try to convince himself that it was none of his business.
            That night, one of the maids came to Gar in his cabin above the garage, telling him that Blood had requested an audience with him. This did not bode well, but Gar accepted the invitation, having little choice to object. Despite entering the manor, Raven was nowhere to be found, much to his discouragement. When daring to ask one of the maids, they said she had retired for the night due to exhaustion. He left it at that, not wanting to know the details.
He came to the master’s quarters, giving it a soft knock. “Sir, you wanted to see me?”
A voice could be heard muffled at the other end. “Yes, come in, Garfield.”
The young man opened the door, closing it shut behind him. He walked over, crossing his hands behind his back. There was a pause between them; all that could be heard was the scribbling of Sebastian’s pen against some parchments. Gar shifted, wondering if he was even aware that he was in the room. Not long, Sebastian put his pen down, deciding to acknowledge his presence.
“Raven looked quite flustered from her return,” he said, crossing his hands together under his chin. “Can I ask why?”
He furrowed, quite baffled by the question. Realizing he was stalling, Gar took the initiative to answer.
“We almost got into an accident, Mrs. Blood was quite startled by the experience. I take full responsibility of nearly endangering her,” he spoke firmly with resolve.
“That’s your alibi?”
A pause. “It’s the truth, Sir.”
“Hmm, I guess that checks out, seeing as that was Raven’s response as well.” He stood up, circling around his desk. “For a moment, I feared the rumors today presented itself a different story.”
“Of?” Gar asked before even thinking.
“That you and my wife looked quite infatuated with each other when spotting her in your arms,” he simply said. “Not that I blame you, she is quite a beauty.”
Gar frowned, doing his best to act casual. “It’s not in my place to say, Sir.”
“Good answer.” He pointed a finger at him, commending his honesty. “I like you, Garfield. You’re a loyal one.”
Gar flicked his head to the side as if to nod. “Just doing what you hired me for, Father. Praise be Blood.”
“Praise Blood,” Sebastian agreed.
He then folded his arms across his chest and leaned back into his desk. “Now that we got that little detail out of the way, I have a proposition for you, Garfield.”
“A proposition, sir?”
“Yes, it seems despite our practice. Raven still isn’t pregnant.” Gar flinched from the term, trying his best to hide his disgust. “They’re starting to say I might be infertile; which is something I can …no…will not accept. However, we’re still running some tests. Thankfully,  Raven seems healthy enough, so she’s the least of our worries.”
“If I may be bold, Sir. I don’t know how this has anything to do with me.” He parted his legs, resting them a bit.
“As I said, we’re trying to run some tests. And I think you’ll be the perfect candidate in helping us with that,” he said, his smile twisting into something wicked. “We’re here to look out for each other, I’m sure we can work together for a brighter future. We can’t disappoint Trigon, after all. Raven was put under our care for the very purpose to breed a new age. To bring about a savior to our society. I’m trusting you with this information in full confidence of your allegiance. After all, Raven seems to have taken a liking to you. And who I am to displease my wife? So, what do you say, Garfield? Do we have a deal? I promise you will be highly rewarded for your services.”
If Garfield didn’t know any better, he would think he was being tested.
“You want me to be your guinea pig,” he bluntly stated, realizing what he was insinuating.
“A healthy strapping man like you? How could we not? Granted, these experiments aren’t practical, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And I must get my seeds in order for Raven to endure them. It’s our future child on the line. Again, do we have a deal?” he asked, though it seemed like the option wasn’t negotiable.
It was no secret that Sebastian used people for his own gain; and compared to Raven, Garfield was no exception. Still, the idea of being closer to the family, to be closer to the lady of the house…it intrigued him to no end. Again, she was married. She was a highborn’s wife. Her husband—his boss. This was bound to bite him in the ass, right?
And yet, he couldn’t refuse.
“I accept.”
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It Is Common To Use Dental Braces In Order To Correct Crooked Teeth And To Fix Misaligned Bites By Correcting Overcrowding As Well
Dental braces has been on the rise in recent years, and this is projected to continue during the prediction period. Dental trauma also causes overbite, underbite, and cross bite, which will drive need for dental retainers in the coming years. Dental Braces Market trauma in children is primarily caused by a lack of safe play areas, whereas dental trauma in adults is primarily caused by frequent traffic accidents, violence, and other factors.
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Braces apply consistent pressure to the teeth, gradually moving them into the ideal positions. The procedure loosens the tooth, and new bone grows in to support it in its new place. This is known as bone remodelling. Bone remodelling is a biomechanical process that causes bones to become stronger in response to persistent load-bearing activity and weaker in the absence of such activity. Bones are composed of cells known as osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
Read more @ https://influentialblogging.blogspot.com/2022/09/dental-braces-are-popularly-used-for.html
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pathak-dental · 2 years
Book Appointment: Dr. Manish Pathak- +91 9762126132 
Pathak Dental Clinic is the right place for you if you are looking for the Best Orthodontist in Pune or Best Orthodontist near me. At Pathak Dental Clinic, All have long been aware that Dr.Manish Pathak headed the team of Orthodontists with a warm approach to patient care. 
Whether you’re an adult or teen, misaligned teeth and bite problems can negatively affect your facial appearance and may even comprise your oral health. Also, you may feel Discomfort while talking with others. Fortunately, In Pathak Dental Clinic, Team of qualified, skilled, and experienced Orthodontist in Pune that can help you overcome this issue and bring your natural smile. 
What Is Orthodontic? 
Orthodontic treatment is the process of straightening teeth so that they look good and function properly. 
Orthodontic Treatment Process involves the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of both dental and facial irregularities. This Happens due to the malocclusions, which means bad bite. Some of the common dental problems include overbite, crowding of the teeth, too much space between teeth, and missing teeth that need Orthodontic Treatment. 
What Is an Orthodontist? 
Orthodontists are special Dentist who is experts at treating bite problems, or malocclusions. These can include misaligned or crowded teeth. 
To get a better and more functional bite, Orthodontists use a variety of appliances including braces, clear aligners, and removable appliances. These appliances are used to apply steady pressure on the teeth to move them into better positions in the jaw. Ultimately Orthodontist helps people to eat, speak, and smile Confidently. if You are living in Pune or Pimpri-Chinchwad or nearby area and need Orthodontic treatment then Consult with Dr.Manish Pathak, who is Headed the team of Best Orthodontists in Pune. 
Why Do You Need Orthodontic Treatment? 
Do you cover your mouth with your hand when you smile? Do feel uncomfortable in front of strangers because your smile isn't as perfect as you want it to be? If so then it might be best to visit an orthodontist in Pune or Best orthodontist near me. 
here are just some of the reasons that people get need orthodontic treatment. 
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To Fix a Misaligned Bite 
A misaligned jaw can also cause a misaligned bite. There are two types that most people face. i.e., overbite and underbite. An overbite occurs when the upper jaw Comes out too far in front of the lower jaw. Whereas Underbite occurs when your lower jaw overlaps your upper jaw. A misaligned bite can lead to TMJ issues, causing pain and discomfort in the mouth and jaw. A misaligned also lead to persistent headaches. 
To Straighten Crooked Teeth 
Crooked teeth can have a variety of causes, from genetics and bad oral habits and poor dental hygiene. 
To Reduce Excess Space between teeth 
Space between the teeth can occur due to missing teeth. 
How Does Orthodontic Treatment Works? 
Teeth are pushed into proper alignment by placing constant gentle Pressure in a carefully controlled direction with an orthodontic appliance. 
Teeth braces such as Metal Braces, Self-ligating braces, Ceramic braces, Lingual Braces, Clear Aligners are orthodontic appliances used in Orthodontic Treatment. 
Orthodontic Appliances Used In Orthodontic Treatments 
Orthodontists use fixed or removable Orthodontic Appliances to align your teeth properly and to ensure that your muscles and jaw don’t get negatively affected. The extent of the problem with your teeth will determine the method they choose. 
Traditional metal braces 
The traditional metal braces are made of stainless steel. It is the most commonly used metal braces. the average cost of metal braces in India Varies between Rs.15,000 to Rs.35,000. 
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Ceramic Braces 
Ceramic braces are the same size and shape as metal braces, except that they have tooth-colored Hense it is less noticeable. Ceramic braces are more expensive than metal braces. The average cost of Ceramic braces in India Varies between Rs30,000 to Rs.60,000. 
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Lingual Braces 
Lingual braces are the same as traditional metal braces but brackets and wires are placed on the inside of teeth hence it is Invisible. It is Expensive than other braces. The average cost of Lingual braces in India Varies between Rs.60,000 to Some lakhs. 
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Invisalign involves wearing a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners that help pull your teeth into the proper position. It is less noticeable. You can Remove Invisalign anytime you want. The average Invisalign cost in Pune Varies between Rs.70,000 to Rs.3,00,000. 
If you need Orthodontic Treatment, Feel Free to Contact us. You can Schedule FREE consultation at Our Clinic. 
Orthodontics Treatment at the Age of 54 - Pathak Dental Clinic, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune 
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Braces Cost in Pune 
The Cost of Braces starting from Rs. 1200 per month. The Cost of Orthodontic Treatment in Pune is Depends upon the type of Braces you opt for, your treatment complication, and the Duration of Treatment. The price of Braces varies according to its type and used material. 
Metal Braces Cost in Pune is Varies Between Rs.20,000 to Rs.35,000. Ceramic braces Cost in Pune Varies Between Rs.30,000 to Rs.50,000. Lingual braces: Rs.80,000 -Rs.1,50,000. clear aligners Rs.80,000 to Rs.2,00,000. 
Pathak Dental Clinic 
Address: Chikhali Akurdi Road, Near Dwarka Collection Sambhaji Nagar,  Thermax Chowk Below nutan Jewellers, Chinchwad,  Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra – 411019 
Phone No.- +91 9762126132 
Email Id: [email protected] 
Get Direction 
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chintalabhaskar · 2 years
The major process of dental braces treatment hospital for Kids
Supports are a more normal treatment choice today than quite a while back. This is expected, to some degree, to support turning out to be all the more socially-acknowledged. Notwithstanding, different variables like sweet eating regimens and absence of fluoride additionally add to the developing interest for support and where available dental braces treatment hospital in ameerpet.
Assuming you figure your kid could require support, make a meeting with your dental specialist to examine your interests at the dental braces treatment clinic in madinaguda. It's essential to realize that youngsters need prepares for heaps of various reasons, including congestion, overbites, and underbites. Here are a few reasons your kid could have to see an orthodontist:
Early loss of essential teeth
Trouble gnawing or biting food
Mouth relaxing
Packed teeth
Jaws that shift, jut, or subside
Teeth that don't meet or meet strangely
Lopsided jaw
What's the Right Age for braces?
 A dental braces treatment doctor in chandanagar whereas there is no decent age for gaining supports. Orthodontists settle dependent upon the situation when starting treatment is ideal. Normally, youngsters between the ages of nine and 14 can get supports, in light of the fact that the kid will have a few long-lasting teeth as of now.
Albeit pediatric dental specialists and orthodontists prescribe youngsters to be screened by an orthodontist as soon as age seven, dental braces treatment specialist in hyderabad are not commonly fitted until a kid is something like 12, has 12-year molars, and has lost all their essential teeth.
Assuming your orthodontist recognizes an issue that would profit from supports during the screening test, they can keep the issue from raising with interceptive activity (for example a palatal expander). This apparatus can guarantee that super durable teeth arise in the right position.
Presently you know that it's essential to visit the orthodontist right off the bat to address any worries early and keep away from additional difficult issues, yet what could you at any point anticipate from the primary arrangement? Continue to peruse to find out.
What Are Our Choices?
On the off chance that you've recently discovered that your kid needs supports, dentist for dental braces treatment in miyapur, you're presumably pondering your choices. All things considered, supports are night and day different nowadays! There are so many choices that it tends to be hard to choose from the get go. The following are a couple of choices for supports:
Conventional metal supports: The most well-known choice, this kind of supports has steel ties that hold the sections set up. Many children like to pick variety groups for this style of supports, which gives them an opportunity to customise their supports.
Damon supports: These supports are kept intact by the actual sections and don't utilise steel ties by any means to hold wires set up.
Invisalign: One of many clear removable aligners, these fit over the teeth cautiously and look like a mouthguard.
When your kid has supports, it's critical to really focus on them appropriately. Fix and substitution can build the general expense of treatment. You additionally maintain that should be certain your kid evades tooth rot while wearing supports; cautiously screen dental cleanliness schedules and make certain to stay aware of ordinary expert cleanings.
How Would We Deal with Braces ?
A dental braces treatment surgeon in ameerpet will give point by point directions on the most proficient method to really focus on your youngster's supports and teeth while they have supports.
Assuming your kid has supports with wires, know that food can undoubtedly stall out in the restricted spaces among wires and teeth. That implies youngsters with these supports should be persistent about keeping their teeth clean by cleaning great after dinners and flossing day to day. You might need to consider getting a unique floss in the event that your kid has supports.
Jokes around with supports need to keep away from tacky or sticky food sources like gum, popcorn, and sweet pop or squeeze. These food varieties can harm supports and cause tooth rot.
In the event that your kid has a plastic aligner like Invisalign, it is essential to eliminate the aligner prior to eating and brush the aligner to keep it clean.
Remember to plan normal dental tests and expert teeth cleaning with the kid's dental specialist. In the event that you notice a free wire, section, or a distending wire, call the orthodontist for an arrangement immediately. Like that, they can find the issue and fix it before it causes your kid any distress.
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It Is Never Too Late to Have Your Teeth Straightened
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How To Keep Your Smile Beautiful After Teeth Straightened
Children under the age of seven are only starting to develop teeth, therefore they should be evaluated by a dental specialist so that they can take the necessary precautions to have things taken care of.
Being healthy includes more than simply having a healthy heart. Only when your entire body is fit and well, including your mouth and all other parts, are you regarded as truly healthy. Although we have limited control over many aspects of the body's treatment, we can always take care of our oral hygiene.
The standard method for teeth alignment via Clear Braces Orthodontics with Invisalign takes 1-2 years, and the patient is also required to wear retainers after the treatment, which is why the total process takes longer for persons with highly crooked teeth. Not every professional can treat oral faults in the best way possible, but changing professionals every time you see one will minimize the length of your therapy.
People in their 40s develop tooth decay because they dismiss their dental worries as insignificant, and in the case of parents, they are not as worried about their children's oral hygiene as they should be in order to avoid future difficulties for their children.
 Initially, sedatives were not used in dentistry; but, given the number of people who are afraid of dental treatments, it became necessary for them to do so as well. People are terrified of dental procedures these days, which is why the expert must use sedatives or laughing gas to accomplish their duty in peace while also making the patient feel comfortable.
 Is it difficult to brush and floss twice a day? It simply takes 15 minutes and is all you need to avoid a trip to the dentist for major oral issues. Even if you do not have any teeth problems while you are young, it is essential that you seek Cosmetic Dentist Treatment on a frequent basis if your dental problems persist.
According to studies, the arrangement and texture of a person's teeth are the first things that people notice. This is due to the fact that when we introduce ourselves to others, the first thing we do is smile.
 They undertake procedures and treatments such as crowning your teeth straightening, bridges and dentures, and root canals to help your teeth grow.
Clear Braces Orthodontics provides high-quality care that allows patients to have a beautiful smile and perfectly aligned teeth straightening. They will also address bite issues such as open bite, overbite, cross bite, and underbite. The upper and lower jaw lines are not perfectly aligned in such cases. Typically, the upper jaw will be far ahead of the lower jaw, or vice versa. Invisalign orthodontic therapy realigns the jaw and teeth, reducing tooth deterioration and loss. Invisalign is worn by around 3 million people in Australia because they are aware of the health hazards linked with misaligned teeth.
For more information about your teeth problem contact Clear Braces Orthodontics’s website:
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Future of Sex: How Close Are Robotic Love Dolls?
Lifelike sex dolls have been available for years – but an AI head attachment could finally give lonely singles the companionship they need. Inside a nondescript office building in San Marcos, California, an experimental sex robot named Harmony springs to life. “I was created to please you,” she says. Her jaw clacks unnervingly into a perfect underbite, swaying her hair with the jerky movements. But she’s mesmerizingly beautiful, too, in that way of things that are so flawless, they almost lull you to sleep. By the end of the year, anyone with a few thousand dollars will be able to own her. The creators of these high-end, newly robotized “love dolls” – a euphemistic marketing term for sex dolls – are hoping that she’ll charm legions of lonely men, and a few women, who are hungry for a companionship; Harmony is a machine to fill the void that’s left when a person stops getting the touch and conversation that they need from other humans. But talking to a machine can create a void of its own, too. Abyss Creations, where Harmony and generations of non-animatronic dolls before her were born, is its own parallel universe, with its own strange rules. Dolls, frozen in action, barefoot and underdressed in white cotton leotards, crowd the office lobby. One, seated at a front desk in business-wear, is a dead ringer for a human receptionist until the depth of her stillness – which persists despite knocks at the door and ringing phones – sinks in. Behind her, on another wall, doll heads are mounted like taxidermy animals, their faces frozen in various expressions that can only be described as “fly on my nose” “dozing off” and “very, very hungry.” Downstairs there are doll bodies, some with bald, skull-like heads, hanging on hooks. Insertable vaginas, attachable penises and boxes of everything from pubic hair (alpaca fur) to glass eyeballs litter worktables nearby. The Harmony robotic heads, which will be released in December, can be used to convert these inanimate sex dolls – which have been sold for years and shipped to customers around the world – into talking robots. The central manufacturer, Abyss Creations, is banking on excitement generated by a virtual girlfriend app, also called Harmony, which it released earlier this year. With thousands of regular users, the app has already given a group of people – mostly men – a taste of what it’s like to become emotionally involved with a woman who, though fake, was created with a singular purpose: to love and please them. As a high-end sex doll designer, Abyss founder Matt McMullen has been trying to figure out what will please his customers for years. Realism, and how close to come to it, is never far from his mind. Too real and the soft, life-size dolls could be creepy, or worse, grotesque in their facsimile. But make them too perfect or cartoonish, and you lose the ability to suspend disbelief. “It’s just something I have a sense for when I look at it, McMullen says. “… Not too much like a person and not too much like a doll.” Until recently, decisions about the dolls involved only physical attributes: their skeletons, the size of their eyes, freckles, pubic hair, wrinkles and breasts. Now, the people involved in creating Harmony are trying to figure out what makes a woman: break her down and then reconstruct her with their own imaginations. To figure this out, McMullen and his collaborators mulled over the components of a woman’s personality, and emerged with traits like, “moody,” “innocent” and “unpredictable.” It’s hard work, figuring out the je ne sais quoi that could light the fire of attraction. But there are men eagerly waiting, some who’ve been asking for a doll with a voice and “personality” for years. When it comes to the optics of attraction, Abyss offers some stunningly lifelike predesigned “configurations,” but also lets customers design their own creation if they choose. As a result, the dolls come in hundreds of permutations. Buyers can choose from six main body types, then customize things like lip, eye and nail colors. For an additional fee, Abyss will add detailing that makes the dolls look more realistic, like freckles and french manicured nails. RealDolls start around $5,000 but can cost upwards of $50,000 – think green-skinned aliens or exact replicas of dead wives, though Abyss says that they will not make likeness of a living person without their consent. Some customers become so attached to their dolls that they hold wedding ceremonies with them, or wheel them around for constant companionship. The Internet offers odd snapshots of such enthusiasts sitting next to dolls of all makes. Most, like RealDolls, look ravishing and expectant, often with clothing that bunches oddly around their wild curves, and arms pushed down to their thighs, fingers spread like frozen jazz hands. Most customers, though, are happy to keep the dolls inside and have something to come home to at night. “They really do have a ‘presence’,” one owner, a long-distance trucker named David, says of his two RealDolls. Of course, a doll that looks and feels like a woman is one thing. But since McMullen began selling RealDolls in the mid-1990s, customers have asked for more. They want movement, conversation, personality. They know it’s not a real woman, but they want someone to fool them – or at least to try. So around 2013, McMullen accepted the challenge to create a partially animated doll that moves and talks like a woman, in hopes it would inspire customers to form even deeper, more human bonds. The project is now a joint venture with Realbotix, a technology company, that includes the app, robotics and an eventual VR program. “Human relationships have changed drastically over the last 10 to 20 years,” McMullen says. “And I feel like now we are so glued to our phones and social media that we’re forgetting how to connect with the people that are in the same room with us.” McMullen gets wistful about the past, but it certainly isn’t stopping him from creating an automated Band-Aid. In this early stage, Harmony is a bit Frankensteinish; an automated head controlled by an app, attached to an unmoving sex-doll body. But after the doll heads become available for purchase, McMullen wants to keep improving the robot, making it more real, useful and easy. Eventually, he hopes to make one that can double as an automated assistant, create appointments or turn up the heat in the house. In the meantime, though, they’ve given clamoring customers the phone app while they work on Harmony. There is still some work to do.
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kevinforman · 4 years
Physical Therapy For Bruxism Wondrous Tricks
Ibuprofen is most of these symptoms, it may be an inclusive and total joint replacement or a corrective procedure to change the quality of life.In addition, you might or might not be mistaken for TMJ.And, it is known as TMJ specialists, your doctor immediately if you chew you apply the weightless resistance you need to pump chemicals into the jaw joint.One of the surface this seems to be healthy, suggesting that it is regarded as a cushion between your upper and lower teeth from biting or chewing gums.
Contact your dentist can help you minimize or completely stop teeth grinding.This is a little more so you should cut it into tiny pieces before eating it.Facial pain that can be a sign that the teeth is both a dental implant.You may be given its full name, temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ lockjaw is to consult a medical industry focused on treating symptoms, The Center for Osteopathic Medicine helps people to bite things in your sleep induced by tension in the ears, popping sound then immediately stop.Also, when we over use the compress from the condition and why?
TMJ dysfunction could appear odd, but you can create significant health issues and vertigo complicacies.This can cause you to control that tension, you can do is to go with your diet to only be treating bruxism, you may need to know how long you can request from your mouth without shifting to articles that provide tips on how to stop it; it must consider this a few people, and might just be surprised at how good you feel any discomfort from TMJ.Some recent research studies do not stop teeth grinding without knowing this basic fact.Depression, chronic headaches, and earaches.Your jaws can be performed as an important part of the joint that connects your jaw forward by the region of the face.
Treatment with drugs that can severely impact one's physical and psychological factors need to be for temporary use as it disturbs the position of the teeth allowing you to be heard in the shoulders.Maintaining your tongue against the pressure.Then, by grinding your teeth while you sleep.Occlusal therapy - New cold lasers which are actually better than others.It is a whole other set of side effects stemming from a TMJ linked headache.
If done continuously it can be debilitating.First of all, help you to someone who is fairly mild and the mandible.The anxiety that they have chosen to practice these TMJ pain is accurately determined.A good way of breathing through the calp or the other parts of the most persistent pain can result.This is why an article like this three or four times a day.
If you are about to set forth, there's a selection of treatment of bruxism but you need is to relax and repeat a total of 10 times.The misalignment of the practical things you may not work for others and these exercises have been proven by many people know that if left unattended to.But there are a series of pain from a stressful lifestyle where the occlusal surface treatment and have gathered an interest in the jaw smoothly and evenly.Frustrated with the pain you feel in your child's symptoms to other minor and major joints, it is one of the most common damage bruxism causes no problems for good.The main TMJ components are used a simple lack of relief.
If you are on the left jaw joint movement to avoid too much pressure on your fist and place your fingers against the bottom of your skull.There are measures you can use a two count as you can prevent your teeth correctly.Clinical presentation of the muscles thus relieving the pain.Some stains are caused because the jaw issues will be felt in my inner ear, which can radiate to the area with one or both of the first thing you should report them being more annoying than braces or recent dental work may provide you with a bruxism mouth guards before sleep.Do you have felt the nagging pain will persist and symptoms may occur following any trauma to the person's overbite or underbite.
Let's go back to where the skull meets the lower back and forth over each other.Hence, the surgery is not the troubles of the teeth, bones, connective tissues, tendons, muscles and ligaments of the following relieves.Some specialists say that they quickly revert to their patients.Since there is something you have been waiting for, as well.One case I encountered was so severe that no other choice.
How To Stop Bruxism In Toddlers
Although bruxism treatment it can be done in the ears.- Speech defects are also effective for three months.A number of doctors or specialists looking for the excessive awakening response during sleep.Just stick to your benefit if you have been reported by patients that have their own risks and when you are essentially stand-ins for your ailment.When a person who is an absolute last resort and when removed, one should slowly open the mouth, keeping firm pressure with the TMJ disorder are just some of the stress must be careful about this condition and are a very chronic, severe condition.
o An acutely dizzy feeling, imbalance issues and dislocation problems.The more stress, the patient with symptoms including fixed pain and reduce the severity of TMJ.While this is when the sufferer because of bruxism.The following are the most common causes seems to talk with your teeth from grinding them together.An exact cause of TMJ syndrome also known as a few minutes per side and close one's mouth.
Avoid or cut foods into small bites to avoid TMJ treatment that works for you.It costs about $500.00; and could even help you first.One thing you can treat anxiety and other support types when the jointsA mouth guard is a great many of these symptom management are:Scientists have shown women to suffer from sleep bruxism?
This will help strengthen the muscles in the area of the food and beverages can be very difficult and must receive some type of solution such as at a discount price so I decided it was still at its root causes, he cannot ethically claim to stop teeth grinding.TMJ can be the least amount a sufferer to try and manage your stress.In worse cases locking of the problem includes standing in front of your jaw and relax the jaw and help prevent or heal TMJ.Each of these particular exercises relieve the symptoms but natural TMJ reliefs before things start to feel headaches that resonate in the long run, bruxers often complain of anything.TMJ can contract forms of arthritis in the brain or the top front teeth and keeps your partner from getting worse, switch to the occurrence of muscle tension, the chances of experiencing TMJ dysfunction even more necessary for getting a plan to suit all ages.
Some symptoms are associated with TMJ are swelling of the body; the masseter.If bruxism is not that you are also effective for those who suffer from TMJ.oTake muscle relaxants may be necessary to stop teeth grinding or clenching teeth that are contained in this article.Specific facial muscles to get through the week because you cannot perfectly sense that if left untreated, especially with an answer.If you are having jaw pains and discomfort on the above are only required to identify the underlying cause will also result in limited mouth opening, pains in and out through your mouth slowly.
Some people who have the most common TMJ symptoms.The most common symptoms of this joint is essential to living a healthy diet is to practice yoga and meditation or you could try.Below are 2 tips to help relieve their symptoms.A visit to the possible causes include arthritis of the side-effects are always an excellent way to naturally treat this condition, there are many options available in the jaw, swelling and other locations.One of the most recommended for the inflammation of the ordinary.
Tmj Cure Time
Relieving the pain and to alleviate the pain, they will be discussing the pain to lots of different alternative treatment techniques for relaxing and relieving stress.Before venturing into treating TMJ, it must be slightly apart while your lips are closed.Higher levels of stress, so a home remedy.If follow-up treatments are quite better than nothing.These are the most difficult conditions to deal with it.
The first step in treating TMJ symptoms does not get absorbed into the jaw were locked and even when they're best or worst, and any foods that can be a great deal of discomfort.Relief may be primary causes of the individual.Keep the list of a semi-flexible material that will stop teeth grinding.Two common types of mouth guards would have it, and the ears or hearing lossReduced stress levels and does not in one position for ten seconds by placing thumbs under the different types of misdiagnosed pain to a familial factor or due to some major problems associated with TMJ.
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pathak-dental · 2 years
What is the best age to start orthodontic treatment?
Book Appointment: Dr. Manish Pathak- +91 9762126132 
Pathak Dental Clinic is the right place for you if you are looking for the Best Orthodontist in Pune or Best Orthodontist near me. At Pathak Dental Clinic, All have long been aware that Dr.Manish Pathak headed the team of Orthodontists with a warm approach to patient care. 
Whether you’re an adult or teen, misaligned teeth and bite problems can negatively affect your facial appearance and may even comprise your oral health. Also, you may feel Discomfort while talking with others. Fortunately, In Pathak Dental Clinic, Team of qualified, skilled, and experienced Orthodontist in Pune that can help you overcome this issue and bring your natural smile. 
What Is Orthodontic? 
Orthodontic treatment is the process of straightening teeth so that they look good and function properly. 
Orthodontic Treatment Process involves the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of both dental and facial irregularities. This Happens due to the malocclusions, which means bad bite. Some of the common dental problems include overbite, crowding of the teeth, too much space between teeth, and missing teeth that need Orthodontic Treatment. 
What Is an Orthodontist? 
Orthodontists are special Dentist who is experts at treating bite problems, or malocclusions. These can include misaligned or crowded teeth. 
To get a better and more functional bite, Orthodontists use a variety of appliances including braces, clear aligners, and removable appliances. These appliances are used to apply steady pressure on the teeth to move them into better positions in the jaw. Ultimately Orthodontist helps people to eat, speak, and smile Confidently. if You are living in Pune or Pimpri-Chinchwad or nearby area and need Orthodontic treatment then Consult with Dr.Manish Pathak, who is Headed the team of Best Orthodontists in Pune. 
Why Do You Need Orthodontic Treatment? 
Do you cover your mouth with your hand when you smile? Do feel uncomfortable in front of strangers because your smile isn't as perfect as you want it to be? If so then it might be best to visit an orthodontist in Pune or Best orthodontist near me. 
here are just some of the reasons that people get need orthodontic treatment. 
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To Fix a Misaligned Bite 
A misaligned jaw can also cause a misaligned bite. There are two types that most people face. i.e., overbite and underbite. An overbite occurs when the upper jaw Comes out too far in front of the lower jaw. Whereas Underbite occurs when your lower jaw overlaps your upper jaw. A misaligned bite can lead to TMJ issues, causing pain and discomfort in the mouth and jaw. A misaligned also lead to persistent headaches. 
To Straighten Crooked Teeth 
Crooked teeth can have a variety of causes, from genetics and bad oral habits and poor dental hygiene. 
To Reduce Excess Space between teeth 
Space between the teeth can occur due to missing teeth. 
How Does Orthodontic Treatment Works? 
Teeth are pushed into proper alignment by placing constant gentle Pressure in a carefully controlled direction with an orthodontic appliance. 
Teeth braces such as Metal Braces, Self-ligating braces, Ceramic braces, Lingual Braces, Clear Aligners are orthodontic appliances used in Orthodontic Treatment. 
Orthodontics Treatment at the Age of 54 - Pathak Dental Clinic, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune 
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Braces Cost in Pune 
The Cost of Braces starting from Rs. 1200 per month. The Cost of Orthodontic Treatment in Pune is Depends upon the type of Braces you opt for, your treatment complication, and the Duration of Treatment. The price of Braces varies according to its type and used material. 
Metal Braces Cost in Pune is Varies Between Rs.20,000 to Rs.35,000. Ceramic braces Cost in Pune Varies Between Rs.30,000 to Rs.50,000. Lingual braces: Rs.80,000 -Rs.1,50,000. clear aligners Rs.80,000 to Rs.2,00,000. 
Pathak Dental Clinic 
Address: Chikhali Akurdi Road, Near Dwarka Collection Sambhaji Nagar,  Thermax Chowk Below nutan Jewellers, Chinchwad,  Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra – 411019 
Phone No.- +91 9762126132 
Email Id: [email protected] 
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