#the unending journey.
forgesahead · 8 months
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"...Got a curse to put my hands on everything." Looks tiredly at the motley collection of armor, vials, and materials laid out before him. This is going to take an age and a half to sort through... if only he took care to organize them earlier instead of haphazardly stuffing whatever odd trinket he fancied into his pack.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 days
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Started a new book series, and has been a journey...an Odyssey, if you will.
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zylphiacrowley · 2 months
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A Master at His Craft
<previous - next>
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elizabethrobertajones · 2 months
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I still don't know what to make of this little story beat. I KNOW the game isn't being written for me, personally. I Know that despite saying otherwise, Bounding Frog is not the Canonical Warrior Of Light. I understand that things just kinda happen based on themes and characters and stuff and things had been established in some way with Erenville having toad-based associations, having previously claimed to be an expert.
On the other hand, the first zone I chose to go to, the very first thing we did, was split up to go investigate a body of water and draw some conclusions like an amateur ecologist on what may be afflicting it. And there was a cute little creature named Lethargic Frog, which is about as "hey this is symbolically important to you, Bounding Frog, someone who takes their whole name inspiration from the admirable leaping power of a healthy frog based on their childhood experiences catching frogs, just as the noble Vipers named themselves after the snakes they learned from" as can be.
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This frog was placed here for Frog to see and based on her entire personality, to notice and care about and understand how it was not feeling good.
Also, the writer of this quest wanted Bounding Frog personally to know this was her chance to prove to Erenville that she did know her frogs, and was perfectly capable of talking to him frog expert to frog expert. I can't overstate how thrilled she was that she had this opportunity. She was going to show him that she was just as competent! She could impress him, she could prove she was worth talking about frogs to... Yep.
Aaand then after all this careful study of the Lethargic Frog, she bounces back to the group, and this happens...
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She starts to explain about the water quality and fields, saving her deepest insight for last, you know, the other thing the quest made sure we would see and interact with so even if I allow for a WoL to exist who isn't a Frog Expert like mine (who this quest was personally tailored to, again) you might reasonably expect that after Krile has agreed with you about the first point, you MIGHT KEEP SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF YOUR OBSERVATIONS.
Nah, before Frog can open her mouth again, Erenville cuts in to announce that the frogs are kinda sleepy, while she was politely waiting her turn to speak. All she can do is stoically nod and agree everyone noticed the same things she did (shh Alisaie has something funny to say on the subject before you return to the group to chat as well), and that's that, we're rushing off to the next thing and the opportunity has fizzled out and there's no chance to impress because Erenville stole it from her...
How could they have known we need to start this adventure with a huge knock to Frog's ego when it comes to Erenville, and a reminder of why they've been snarking at each other for months. And he's far more concerned with Wuk Lamat presenting a semi-competent front and feeling chafed by travelling with other people to even notice he was, once again, catastrophically rude on the subject of frogs, to Frog.
All her attempts to befriend him and make him laugh and generally have him notice her for the last few months, and she's riiiight back at step one, fuming about his existence and sulking about how he won't let her have the one thing she most prides herself on, because he's too busy being some sort of frog snob himself.
So, yeah, I think the writer of this quest knew that Frog was the main character and also that Erenville is her nemesis :)
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ooowyn · 11 months
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autumnslance · 1 year
Viewing FFXIV's Opening Cutscenes
When you open the Unending Journey to rewatch cutscenes, you'll notice the Seventh Umbral Era MSQ, the default pane it opens on, starts at the level 5 quest, when WoL first meets their starter city's Scions.
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It may seem like the introductory cutscenes upon first making a character, with the vision of facing Lahabrea before waking in the carriage/ship with your starter city merchant triplet and the silent Leveilleur twins are lost, right?
Not so! For whatever reason, the opening cutscenes and title card for ARR as WoL arrives in Eorzea are in Sidequests.
In the Unending Journey navigate to the fourth icon, a silvery Q on a light blue backing; in the image below there's a big red arrow pointing at it.
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This defaults to "Chronicles of Light" but open the dropdown menu and find the starter city sidequests: Lominsan Sidequests Gridanian Sidequests Ul'dahn Sidequests They're partway down the list. In the screenshot below, I have them boxed in red with another red arrow on the menu's right side pointing at them.
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Since Dark's start city was Gridania, I'm going to select the "Gridanian Sidequests". The very first option is "Coming to Gridania" and describes meeting Bertennant at the Blue Badger Gate.
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Here's the first five scenes in the game; the first time we hear Crystal Mom's voice (when that was Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, under her "Lucy Todd" credit) and get the vision of our future faceoff with Lahabrea, then the carriage sequence, Louisoix's voiceover intro and title card, meeting your city greeter, and then meeting your city's Adventurer's Guild Representative.
One more note about this opening cutscene!
If viewing as one of the original ARR classes, the initial scene shows them changing into the level 50 Artifact gear and wielding their weapon of choice; in this example, that's a Bard with a Bow of Light.
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But swapping to any job introduced in Heavensward or later, it defaults the job selection to Paladin; below Dark is in healer gear as an Astrologian, but ARR doesn't know how to parse that so defaults to the Gallant Armor with a Sword & Shield of Light. We see this "Gladiator Default" with NPCs who don't have their "real jobs" implemented yet (Thancred in base ARR, Alisaie just before Stormblood, etc) and also when a WoL draws their Crafting or Gathering tools.
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And there you have it! How to rewatch the very first cutscenes in the game that we see upon making our WoLs and starting the MSQ.
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ishgard · 7 months
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Even as she moves away their hands linger against one another in quiet confirmation. They are both here in this moment, assured that it is real, that they continue to live and move forward. Their quiet sentiments are not an echo but a reflection of one another's.
"I just wanted to make sure you knew how glad I am, to know you're here." The words take on a new and different meaning these days, but she tells him: "I'll be praying for your safe travels." Her smile shifts from sheepish to sharp with amusement. "And if not always safe," she laughs knowingly, "at least fun. And with good food!"
He gives a small hum, equal measures agreement and thoughtful.
"If I discover anything noteworthy, I could always send you a letter via the moogles." The lilt of his voice suggests he's considering it in tandem with other considerations though, his words trailing off as if inviting a "but" or an "and". Yet when he says nothing, she can only pick up on the lingering silence with a laugh and a nod.
"That'd be nice." The words feel somehow ineffective and dull on her tongue, but she steels herself up and shrugs. She's said what she meant to say, there's no reason to keep him any longer. "All right, I'll let you go for real this time."
Still, he says nothing, nor does he move.
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Eloquent as she may often be, for a moment she stumbles over a series of sounds that do not quite convey any message apart from her confusion and surprise.
So many conflicting replies bounce through her head. From enthusiastic acceptance, to bewilderment, and a worry that she'd be intruding. If this was meant to be a pilgrimage-of-sorts in remembrance of the Twelve, wouldn't her presence be...?
Oh, she didn't know, but surely it'd be somehow out of place, even if she wouldn't mind making such a trip herself. But then there was the fact he was finally free now. Free from duty or obligation - and she worried, too, that he might have seen her as part of those things.
So when she finally manages to respond, it's a lackluster, lip-bitten murmur: "Would that be okay?" Then she shakes her head and tries to clarify at least some of the meaning in her head. "Is that really what you'd want?" He's said it plenty that he's unaccustomed to company. Yet he's also said that he'd like to connect with people more.
He is silent for a moment, fixing her with that steady gaze and soft wisp of a smile that makes her wonder briefly if her words were even necessary. It's almost unsettling, how comfortable it feels to be known.
"I can think of no other I'd enjoy the company of half so much." He tells her, and while she can feel the depth of his sentiment, she's not sure he quite realizes the magnitude of such a compliment. She's still half-reeling when he continues.
"But what about you? You are finally free of your many duties and obligations, are you not? Free to go wherever you wish, do as you desire. Not to mention... I may make a somewhat poor traveling companion."
At this she can't help but laugh, lighter and freer now. "I very much doubt that." She manages to say, quelling the laughter but unable to tame the beaming smile on her face. Hmm, what was it he said before? 'Those who hesitate are lost.'
So, what did she want? The answer was already there, in the hand offered to her. Without another heartbeat of hesitation, she took it.
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bnuuywol · 1 year
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I can't lose him. Not again. Not again. Not again.
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forgesahead · 6 months
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"Gods, these clothes are tight." He's wincing as he tugs at the leather clinging tight to his waist, trying to relieve some of the pressure on his skin. How the hells did Clive run around in this outfit? Not like he can ask him, since he's back in his own world now...
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accursedhoard · 3 months
emergency emergency, I need forty million estimeric fics and gposes with them in the first new inn. thank you.
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soothingmind · 8 months
Cat Behavior - [post Mt. Gulg, Pre Tempest]
Self indulgent Miqo'te - cat stuff between my WoL and Y'shtola. No I won't elaborate.
“When was the last time you cleaned your ears?”
Nimda had just settled down at the edge of her bed after getting into her pajamas. And it was Y'shtola who walked up to her from the other side of her room, looking at her to await an answer.
Nimda blinked. Her thoughts are completely and utterly blocked by this question.
“I … uh.” Was this … why she wanted to look after me alone? “... This feels like a set up ploy.”
But Y'shtola only chuckled. “Nothing of that. I just know how much trouble it is and knowing you, I felt I may just ask this uncomfortable topic when we're alone.”
… She still wasn't quite convinced, but Nimda took the explanation anyway. She started to think when and most importantly where to remember, but -
Oh gods, that was so long ago.
“Um …” Nimda scratched the side of her face with a finger in a very big thinking way. “... Yeah.”
Still having that smile on her face, Nimda could see how Y'shtola's eyes somewhat grew sad as she started patting her head. “Thought so.”
She sat down beside her and took out several materials to do just that. “So then, may I?”
There was no way she got out of this situation anyways and it was for her own good as well, so -
With a deep breath and a chuckle herself Nimda nodded.
Memories of a hazy time flooded back to her, from the very first days (weeks? it was all such a blur now) she spent the nights at the Waking Sands. It was there where Y'shtola first actually told these things to her - how to sit with a tail, how to sleep with one, how to brush and wash her hair properly, to properly eat the right things. And, the very first time she showed her how to clean these new ears of hers.
(“Surely you must have done that … previously?” “I … I mean, yeah, but, not …-” “... I see, I see. Sit down there. I'll show you.”)
Nimda’s other ear twitched as Y'shtola started her work. And suddenly the memories of this very first time started pouring back - Wait.
She flinched at the uncomfortable feeling, ducking away from her touch.
“... Sorry-” Nimda apologized right away though, cupping her face with both her hands.
“I know, I know. But hold still for me, okay?”
Her touches were very gentle, much more gentle than Nimda remembered all these years ago. She wondered if it was just because her memories were playing tricks on her, or if it had something to do that Y'shtola felt her way through it rather than seeing. Still, Nimda trusted her.
It didn't stop her other ear twitching all the time, but focusing on breathing instead definitely helped. She was just fully glad Ryne had mended the light earlier, otherwise it would have been very inconvenient if it acted up right now.
And as sudden as this process started, Y'shtola was done with both ears. Nimda shook her head and scratched the backs of her ears, a good tingly feeling running down her spine that made her let out a deep breath.
“How is that?”
Nimda hummed. “Weirdly … refreshing. In a good way.”
“I'm glad.” Y'shtola chuckled and patted her head again. She got up and disposed of the stuff she used, turning to Nimda again. “Time to get some rest, then. We will have a long day tomorrow.”
Even though it wasn't night, it was pretty late and Nimda felt the sleepiness creeping up to her. Though she wasn't sure if it was just a result of the general mix of feeling exhausted from dealing with the light and sleepiness itself. It probably was, but Y'shtola was right.
“And you will stay the entire time?” Nimda asked as she patted over her pillow.
“This is what we agreed upon, yes.” Y'shtola said. She already settled down on a chair a bit further away from the bed, book in hand. “You rest up and I'll keep watch.”
At least … at least there was the reassurance that there was actually someone right by her side and not watch from afar. Someone who could take immediate action. She so desperately wished it hadn't come to this in the first place, but -
Everyone was concerned, rightfully so. She didn't want that though. They shouldn't have to be concerned, but that wasn't something she could change right now. She was stuck in this situation and had to deal with it, in one way or another.
But she wasn't alone in this, even if her head tried to tell her otherwise over and over.
Barely five minutes had passed since Nimda had laid down on her pillow to find some sleep that she opened her eyes again. “Y'shtola?”
“Can you … sit beside me, here?”
Y'shtola wasn't sure what she meant until she saw her pointing at the other side of her bed. She let out a curious Huh before she actually indulged in Nimda's request, climbing over her to get to the spot. She leaned against the headboard, the book in her lap, and Nimda curled up beside her, her back huddling against her legs.
“Like this?”
“Mmhm.” Nimda hummed with a smile.
Content, Nimda managed to slowly drift to sleep.
Y'shtola had to admit that it had been ages, ages ago since the last time anything like this happened to her. Maybe even as far back when Y’mhitra still slept on her side - it made her realize that this was something Miqo'te related she did not teach her and Nimda did out of her own. A smile played on her lips and she dropped her hand to gently brush her fingers over Nimda's hair, hoping to sooth her even further.
Yet eventually no matter how much she tried to stay awake, sleep would take her as well, dwelling in this forgotten comfort she re-experienced.
Of course a cough would rip her out of her slumber. Nimda's head felt heavy as she tried to curl up even further to prevent another cough - seeing the remains of droplets of light on her hand though, a mild panic ran through her and all that want to sleep vanished instantly.
No, no, not again, not now.
She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths - as Ryne told her to do should any uncomfort arise regarding the light - focusing on just herself and her inner flow of aether. And … it did seem to work. The need to cough vanished and she relaxed a bit, releasing the tension that formed all over her body.
… All it did was to make her feel lightheaded and her world seemed to spin. That Ryne did not tell her -
Nimda shifted onto her back, which somehow made things even worse, so she turned to her other side, reaching out to wrap her arms around Y'shtola's legs. And it made the woman stir in her sleep, but not wake her.
“Y'shtola.” Nimda whispered, clinging onto her even more.
Now that finally had her react and Y'shtola reached out to Nimda, gently caressing her head.
“What's wrong? … Should I get Ryne?”
“... Dizzy.” was all Nimda managed to get out. The suggestion of Ryne didn't even cross her mind, but as of right now the light itself was not bothering her. Maybe she could help, maybe it was because she tried to mend it herself -
But her thoughts went into nothing as Y'shtola grabbed her and let her lay against her, tucking her chin on top of Nimda's head as she started … to purr.
Her world was still spinning, somewhat, but this entire situation just now must have distracted her so much that it just stopped. Her cold skin against her head, the comforting purr she never had heard from her before, the gentle stroking of her temples - it all just made her sleepy again, and Nimda accepted this all just now, not questioning anything.
Not that she thought she would get any answer anyways, considering she didn't even know what to ask first.
Nimda wanted to respond in any way, but the comfort took hold too quickly too much. Even Y'shtola noticed that, feeling Nimda drift to sleep against her.
It was all she could have wished for.
For the one person she wanted to call her daughter.
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remma-demma · 6 months
Hello yes, genuine question, how the hell do people who make AMVs or fancams in FFXIV find specific cutscenes. Do you have to have an encyclopedic memory of every quest or is there a spreadsheet or something? A discord where you ask people? Or do you just painstakingly search.
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ooowyn · 1 year
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once again i must make a crossover with my best boy alfred. this time it's anakin he must combine with.
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anneapocalypse · 9 months
I've started rewatching ARR cutscenes for Urianger voice study stuff but also just really enjoying reliving meeting the Scions. It's been over a year since I started playing, which probably doesn't sound like very long to the veterans, but I haven't revisited any of this since, and it's different knowing all the later context and who the characters are. There are so many details I straight up don't remember. It's nice to have a refresher.
A lot of the voice acting is a bit jarring now, and not just because the actors are different, but I don't think any of it is bad per se--like I don't remember having any major issues with the voice acting on the first run--so much as the characters haven't been fully established yet, they haven't grown into the characters we'll later know.
I still feel a certain fondness for Gideon Emery!Urianger, because I do love Gideon Emery and he just has such a wonderful voice, but I have grown very fond of Timothy Watson!Urianger, so I don't really miss it anymore.
It's so good to see Minfilia again. I miss her. It also cracks me up how when Urianger greets you with a Louisoix quote, she gives him a look, like "Urianger please, you're confusing the sprout," and he quickly course-corrects. Much as I love how he comes out of his shell later, I am also very deeply fond of early, cryptic, hood-wearing, poorly socialized Urianger. :)
I had also completely forgotten that Thancred's flirty/angsty personality dichotomy is set up real fast for the player after he realizes he almost got them eaten by Ifrit.
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ishgard · 8 months
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Earlier than she would have preferred to wake, Ahru had found herself answering a knock at her door only to find none other than a certain wayward god. Or ex-god, she supposed. A bewildering guest all the same.
He gave no real explanation for his appearance, merely a desire to seek out her company which she wasn't keen to deny. Nor did she wish to pry any further.
So began their impromptu hang-out. He insisted he had no intention of distracting her from any of her plans, but her plans for the day were subtle at best.
A little gardening, some reading, or perhaps she'd work on the blanket she was knitting for Alisaie. She hadn't decided on making some honey muffins or a rolanberry tart yet, but maybe he could help her choose. In short: her usual distractions.
He helped her pull weeds and water the sproutlings as the sun rose through the trees. And when she dozed he let her rest on his shoulder until she roused. (Really, she couldn't be blamed after waking so early.)
He marveled at her collection of tomes and they swapped stories about their latest adventures. As she worked on the blanket he read through one of her journals, a silent yet comforting presence always in arms reach.
By the end of the day she had little doubt in her mind why he had come.
Caught up in her reading she hadn't noticed he'd disappeared for a moment, and then as soon as she had he returned, like a warm, gentle breeze. Steam curled from the big cups of cocoa in his hands, and in silent gratitude she accepted hers and nestled closer to him.
They had come now to the final hours of this wretched day, and it occurred to her that she had spent so much more of it smiling and laughing than she remembered having done in the past few years.
"Thank you," she said at last. For the warm drink, for the laughter. For unanswered prayers that were heard and held dear all the same.
"For keeping me company today."
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iona-xiv · 1 year
I don’t relate to you.
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