#can you imagine meteor actually getting the chance to ask him again though
forgesahead · 6 months
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"Gods, these clothes are tight." He's wincing as he tugs at the leather clinging tight to his waist, trying to relieve some of the pressure on his skin. How the hells did Clive run around in this outfit? Not like he can ask him, since he's back in his own world now...
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asexual-abomination · 3 years
Hi 🥺 I saw requests were open? Could you maybe do platonic Phantom Troupe with the reader having echolalia? If the troupe is too much, maybe just Chrollo and Feitan? Thank you in advance 🥺
Thank you so much for this request! I had a lot of fun writing it!
I know that echolalia and a lot of other symptoms show up differently in different people, so I had to base this on my own experience, and I have a tendency to echo literally anything, words, sounds, rhythms, anything.
I decided to have this take place in a scenario where reader copies each member individually!
Probably the one who has read up on any and all of your symptoms, since he considers it his responsibility to be educated on your needs
When, after you happened to be sat in a meeting with the Troupe, you began muttering to yourself, he wanted to see if you were alright
As he walked up to after, hoping to speak with you, he was surprised to see you repeating a seemingly innocuous phrase from somewhere in the middle of the meeting
Chrollo would recognize this as a stim, but he wouldn’t understand immediately why you would be stimming something he randomly said
He would be a bit thrown off when your explanation is very simple, telling him that it just sounded right, felt right in your brain
He wouldn’t tell a soul, but a little part of him was proud that you found his voice that nice to listen to that you’d imitate it for fun
He definitely doesn’t mind, and even encourages any stimming in general, since he can see that it makes you happy
While most of her medical training is in more physical things, after it was mentioned that you were autistic, she decided to go and top up her knowledge of neurodivergency.
At one point during a mission, she murmured to herself to remember a safe’s code, not realizing that she was within earshot of you
Several hours after the mission was over and everyone was celebrating the spoils of victory, she overheard you repeating the code to yourself over and over again
She expressed her confusion to you, reminding you that the mission was over and there was no need for the code anymore
When your response was to tell her that the code simply sounded nice, she would probably get confused for a moment
Machi doesn’t quite understand how some random string of numbers can ‘sound nice’ but she also knows that your brain functions differently from hers
I don’t see her making too big a deal out of it, but she’d actually make a sly comment about how much you listen to her
Other than that, she happy to let you stim as you please!
Probably not educated at all about the intricacies of your stimming or any symptoms in general, but he'll never get upset with you, since he understands on some level that it's just how you are
I'd imagine that the way you'd echo from him miiight come from overhearing him death threatening a scared hostage
Definitely spooks him when he hears you mumbling the harshest and longest string of curses he's ever heard
Mostly because you're spitting the words with the exact same tone as he did, and he thinks that you're trying to threaten him
(He doesn't wanna mess with you 😆)
When he finally figures out that you're copying him, he jumps to the next conclusion that you're mocking him
"What? Am I not intimidating to you? I sure scared that scum back there!"
"What are you talking about?"
His face when you explain yourself to him is nothing short of flustered, and he begins profusely apologizing
He gets super caught up whenever he's accidentally ableist, since he wants you to feel safe around him
Once you've cleared up the situation, he actually takes joy in seeing you copy him, and if he gets the chance he'll want to teach you how to be more intimidating
Another case of not really knowing what stims are, but being respectful of them anyway
I mean, man is literally eight feet tall, he doesn't care about whatever weird things anyone else might do
He roars at the back of his throat once, and that's it
When he's walking past you after a mission, Uvo's almost shocked to hear you making a vague growling noise constantly
Since he likes to lean into his animal side a bit more than others, he'll jokingly ask if you're trying to intimidate him, much like Phinks
When you explain to him to you thought that his roar was fun enough to copy, he also takes an odd sense of pride in it
He's not normally a man for any kind of subtlety, but if you actually found his roars pleasing to listen to, he'll see if he can roar at a volume that won't immediately burst your eardrums without protection or distance
If you do a lot of vocal stimming in general, especially imitation of his roars, I can see him taking you out to some mountain or cave or whatever to practice your roar for some fun bonding
Okay so we know that he spends plenty of time around Machi, so she's probably explained some of the main symptoms of your autism at some point when he asked
But when he sits next to you and hears you trying to imitate the sounds that his sword makes when he charges it with his Nen, he looks at you incredulously for a moment
You may not have even noticed that you were echoing at first, so you'll probably be confused when you see him looking at you
"Oh, sorry, your sword just sounds nice!"
*Cue even further confusion from him*
Completely doesn't get how a sword sounds nice, but kind of has this "You do you, kid" attitude about it
May or may not invite you to listen to his practice and then wait until afterwards to listen for your echoes because he finds it cute
Okay I'm gonna be honest, when Blinky first appeared in show and made that noise, I was taken and kept trying to make the same noise for hours whenever it appeared
"Shizuku, why did you summon Blinky? Is something wrong?"
"What are you talking about? I didn't summon them?"
"Oh that was me, sorry."
Definitely has a giggle about it when she finds that you enjoy echoing her Nen ability
Will summon Blinky whenever you want to 'have a chat' with them
Very openly thinks you're absolutely adorable with it, and it's one of the first things she'll do every time she gets to see you
Honestly, he says everything with such a happy, upbeat tone, anything he says can be copied for fun
His laugh is the best, so you're probably echoing that
He's probably not too shocked when he hears an attempt his own laugh coming from down the hallway, thinking someone's trying to play a prank on him
But he'll be a little confused when he finds you
When you reveal the truth of what you were doing, oh god, be prepared
"Aww, you like my voice that much??"
"You do a pretty good impression of me, must spend a lot of time listening, huh?"
He WILL NOT stop until he gets to see you blush, though if he does overstep and upset you, he'll tone it back down immediately
Might not change anything especially big with his usual way of talking, but will take a moment to appreciate his own voice whenever he catches you imitating him
Okay I know that they're mainly used for battle and injuring people's ears, but he definitely has more calm songs that he plays for his friends
When you first hear it, the tunes are so enchanting that you will be humming or whistling it for weeks afterwards
He's sitting and relaxing when he hears you attempting to hum the tune of a sweet lullaby he had once played for the Troupe
It's probably not a perfect replication, since it takes a while to learn the songs he makes, but it makes his heart melt to think that you want to try your hand at his beloved music
When he overhears you, he jumps in to begin gushing about the song you found so lovely
Asking if you'd like to hear it again -  he'd certainly love to play it for you again!
He might seem really overexcited, but he's genuinely happy that he can bring you joy with his ability
Took me a moment to think of something for him, but after a while of thinking:
He speaks slowly and calmly quite often, so I can imagine that he can sometimes say things in very rhythmic fashion, which will catch on very quick
You're walking away from a quick chat with him, when he hears you whispering under your breath
Normally wouldn't even make a note of it, but he wants to make sure you're okay
(Definitely isn't worried about you and wanting to keep you safe)
His reaction when you tell him that you liked the way that he said something is a mix between "Oh, that's nice" and "What are you on about"
Has probably the least amount of education on stimming, but also one of the most open to learning, since he wants to do what he can to keep those he cares about safe and happy
Will be a bit put off by the way you seem to copy him at first, but definitely doesn't mind after a while
Silently thanks you for making him take a moment to appreciate his own voice
Sweetheart hums a meteor city anthem one day, and isn't really shocked when she comes upon you humming it yourself
Since she's looked into your mind with her ability, she knows the way that you like to echo certain sounds, and doesn't mind at all
If she's listening from around a corner or such, she will smile joyfully and quietly wait out of your sight
Unless you catch her in the act, she's actually quite happy to not let you know of presence while she enjoys the thought of you enjoying her culture
But, if you do catch her, she'll probably start gushing to you about the origin of whichever song you wanted to imitate
She wants you to feel happy, however you wish to pursue that, and will absolutely hype you up in any sort of stimming you need to do
Whether you want her to ignore your echoing, or to join in whenever she hears, she's happy to do whatever you ask to keep you happy
If he catches you copying something he said in broken language, at first he will assume that you were making fun of him
Not because he thinks that you're mean spirited, just because he's used to people mocking
With most members of the Troupe, he would show no mercy at this point, but since he actually likes you, you get one chance to explain yourself
Once you tell him about why you're copying him, he'll be seriously confused for a moment
Yeah he's never heard the word echolalia before
So you'll have to explain it to him
Probably doesn't immediately get it, but he lets you off the hook for it, since he does understand that you're very different from him and the others
Doesn't really think too much of it once you've cleared up that you aren't mocking him, although he finds it interesting to listen to you talking about how stimming works, even when he doesn't understand half of it
Actually another case that assumes that you're mocking him
He's used to being acknowledged as a weak link in the Troupe, and would get quite internally upset if he thought you were also in on the joke
I can't explain why I think this, but I actually see him as one of the most educated members of the group when it comes to any sort of neurodiversity, since I think he's neurodivergent himself, but he probably doesn't catch on immediately that this stems from your own autism
Wouldn't confront you straight away, but when he does, he tries to be as professional as possible about it
Cue a string of quiet apologies when you explain yourself
Quickly tries to explain himself to you, and you probably bond over how annoying it can be to have stimming misunderstood
Tries his best to let you know from then on that any symptoms you need to express are accepted around him, since he knows that you accept him as well
Thanks for reading!
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littlemisspascal · 4 years
Death and an Angel part 3
Death!Din and Cupid F!Reader
Summary: You and Din have an unexpected heart-to-heart about what it means to be Death and a Cupid on route to a planet where Din’s potential soulmate lives.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,500
Warnings: Pining, smidge of angst, more plot development, Razor Crest (RIP I miss you darling!), a made-up home world for the reader (yes, yes, there’s like a million I could have picked but my brain said NOPE)
Author Note: Ahhhh, the comments are so amazing from you all! Thank you everyone out there sparing time to check out my little universe, it makes me sooo happy you have no idea! As always, I hope you enjoy this new segment as I try to plot this story out and get these two idiots to acknowledge there just might be something between them. 
Also special thanks to @codenamewitcher​​ for including the first two parts on Weekly Fanfic Recs. Be sure to go check out the list for a whole bunch of fantastic stories!
Links to Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4
Photo Inspiration: (What I imagine is beneath the armor in this scene...*dreamy sigh*)
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There is a distinct silence that can only be found in hyperspace when the stars outside resemble sparkling streaks of silver tinsel and your breath is trapped within your lungs as you’re awestruck by the sheer beauty of it all. You experience this silence aboard the Razor Crest, sitting in the cockpit behind Din as he pilots his beloved gunship. It isn’t the first time you’ve been a passenger, having traveled with Din on two previous ventures where your Cupid services were required on planets far away from your home on Umbriel.
Off-world assignments for you were generally rare since your bosses were more inclined to choose Cupids of higher ranking to handle those clients, but sometimes you were the only available option left. Which, come to think of it, is exactly how you became the one roped into meeting with Death every full moon. Your bosses decided someone needed to check up on him to make sure he wasn’t reaping anyone before their fated time and thus messing with the natural order of things. You privately have reached the conclusion it was a decision made during a fit of paranoia as you had yet to find any evidence suggesting Din ever broke a single one of the universe’s rules, let alone even considered the mere possibility.
When you did travel for assignments, you never stopped feeling like a goldfish being dumped out of your familiar little bowl and into a massive ocean full of strange oddities. You would often find yourself wasting time trying to successfully navigate the unknown world when you should have been focused on tracking down your client’s soulmate.
That’s why Din had offered to start traveling with you. Actually, in his own words it was because, “You think about love so much you don’t see trouble until it’s an inch in front of you. Someone’s got to be there to look after you.”
You’d tried to argue, told him you had never experienced trouble and that if you did then you could handle it with your bow. All Cupid’s were required to master archery for self-defense purposes, though Din’s responding snort of derision made you suspect he wasn’t convinced of your skills. You wondered if he thought, just as humans incorrectly did, a Cupid only used their bow to spread love and lust. Or maybe he just thought you weren’t capable of such finesse. It was an insulting assumption, fueling you with the burning desire to prove him wrong. One day, you keep telling yourself, a repetitive chant. One day you’ll show him just how capable you are with your weapon and you imagine his look of shock, whether worn openly on his face or hidden beneath the visor of his helmet, will be utterly priceless.
But in the meantime, you’re in no hurry to encounter trouble. Finding enjoyment in taking these trips with him on his ship instead.
The Razor Crest had actually been a complete surprise to you when Din first welcomed you on it; primarily because the notion of him using such a primitive form of transportation despite the powers he possessed as Death was too outrageous to wrap your head around. However, it took less than ten minutes soaring through space for you to discover just how many details of the universe you were missing by relying on your Cupid abilities to teleport yourself between locations. Never would you have imagined Death to be the one to teach you to love the slowness of travel, to let your eyes linger on all the beautiful wonders along the way. But that’s exactly what happened.
You turn your head away from the window to look at Din. From your angle, all you glimpse is the back of his helmet, reflecting the passing starlight. Soon you’ll be introducing Din to the first immortal on your list of potential soulmates.
Death, you quickly correct yourself. He’s only Din when he’s around you.
You initially thought he elected to wear his armor because you told him he could to ease his comfort, but now you think it’s because this is him meeting his potential soulmate as himself. It is easy to forget sometimes this is the image of Death—a warrior enshrouded in beskar, cunning and ruthless—that is recognized throughout the universe. And feared.
If the handsome face he concealed was known instead, you wonder if mortals would readily choose to embrace the ending of their lifetime, rather than foolishly seek to run from its inevitability.
“What is it?” Din’s baritone voice startles you as it shatters the quietness. The modulator within his helmet gives his tone a low raspiness that never fails to send a chill down your spine when you hear it.
“Huh?” You respond ineloquently.
“You’ve been staring at the back of my head for the last five minutes, angel. I figured you had something worth saying.”
“Oh, no. I was just thinking about you.”
Immediately you wish a meteor would collide with the ship, providing you with the necessary distraction to escape and find somewhere you can hide until the end of time.
“...What about me were you thinking?” Din wonders after a solid thirty seconds of pure silence, voice somehow conveying an equally blended mixture of intrigue and wariness. He flips on the ship’s autopilot and turns in his seat to pin you with his gaze, apparently unwilling to let you try and weasel yourself out of the conversation.
You roll the question around in your mind, wanting to give an answer that satisfies him without it also embarrassing yourself further.
“I was thinking how much of an enigma you are,” you murmur at last, leaning back in the chair with your arms crossing over your stomach. “You wield such incredible powers and yet you choose to wear a human face, to call this man-made ship your home and to also spend your spare time living amongst those you will eventually reap. Why are these your choices?”
He tilts his head, and you just know there is a little crease of bewilderment appearing between his eyebrows right now even if you can’t see it. For as much as he is a puzzle you can’t put together, he is also at times an open book that you will never tire of reading.
“I would think you, more than most beings, would understand the discomfort that stems from loneliness and the lengths one will go to ease it,” he says, not unkindly. He mirrors your position, maneuvering himself until he’s comfortable in his seat and totally oblivious to the dilating of your pupils as you observe every subtle shift of his armor-clad body. “Isn’t that the true purpose of Cupids? To spare individuals the ache of living a life of solitude by introducing them to someone to love so they no longer feel it.”
“That’s a poetic way of putting it,” you answer, smiling softly and shrugging your shoulders. “My superiors would just quote our mantra back at me when I used to ask. Amor vincit omnia.”
“Love conquers all.”
You shouldn’t be surprised he’s able to translate such an ancient and obscure language, but your eyes widen regardless. “That’s right.”
His voice is unusually soft when he asks, “Do you like being a Cupid?”
You stare at him, caught off guard by how easily he’s changed the topic of the conversation from himself to you. You’re used to taking orders and being thanked for your services, but no one has ever asked you if you liked doing any of it.
“I’m good at it,” you finally say, even though it’s not really an answer.
He nods his head still, as if he understands. A part of you thinks he actually does.
You lick your lips, eyeing him hesitantly. “Do you...like being Death?”
“I’m good at it,” he echoes, but your words sound somber coming from his lips.
The cockpit fills with hushed silence again, but there’s a unique tenderness unlike ever before. Minutes seem to stretch on for entire seasons as you watch one another, content to simply coexist and revel in each other’s presences.
It would be so easy to slip off his helmet and kiss him right now.
You stiffen, stunned at your own thought, but you aren’t given the chance to analyze it further as an alarm on the ship’s control panel announces with a resounding beep you’ve reached your destination.
Din spins in his seat, reclaiming control of the steering to begin the ship’s landing process. You look out the front window at the large green-blue planet drawing nearer with every anxious tick of your heartbeat.
“We’re here,” you say needlessly, forcing excitement into your voice. Fake it till you make it, isn’t that the human expression?
“Who is it we’re meeting on this backwater skug hole?” Din asks, pressing a series of buttons above his head.
You kick the back of his seat. “Be nice,” you scold when he shoots you a look. He mutters something unintelligible under his breath as he turns back around, prompting you to roll your eyes. “She’s a goddess of springtime and motherhood. The locals call her Omera.”
Tag List: @leilei-draws​, @theocatkov​, @becauseican2, @vintagesaph​, @stardust-and-starlight​, @kay2304, @odelia-d32, @adrieunor​, @remmyswritings​, @gallowsjoker​, @rhiannon-russo​, @randomness501​, @eleine-t1d​, @nicotinebirds, @sylphene​, @softly-sad​, @maytheglitter​, @melobee​
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feitansluver · 3 years
Two Birds on a Wire (THE PROLOGUE)
a Feitan x Reader series (gender neutral)
Genre: romance, angst, fluff, smidge of violence
Series Summary: If you wish to see the series summary, check out my masterlist (which should be up now, if not just give me 10 mins) which you can access through my pinned navigations post on my blog. It might have a teensy bit of spoilers but nothing too drastic since this is a major wip.
Prologue Summary: This story's beginning takes place before the troupe was even a figment of anyone's imagination. Meteor City is a dangerous place, and many can vouch for me when I say this. The place where good deeds never come truly from the heart, but instead for the chance to get what you wanted from someone else. Here begins the story of how Feitan Portor and Y/n L/n would soon meet, for real this time.
Author's Note: This entire series is inspired by the song "Two Birds" by Regina Spektor. I originally wrote this as a small x reader for a writing sample, but I like it so much, it'll be a series instead. This is going to be a slow burn series. As you can tell from my headcanons, I'm super detailed when it comes to adding backstories. It's even worse w actual stories. I'm not too sure how many chapters this will be but, Please enjoy! reblogs, likes, and constructive criticism is appreciated. Heads up, this will be the shortest 'chapter' of them all, so do be prepared haha. Italicized = Flashbacks!
The aroma of decaying matter engulfed the air like a thick fog, pulling down and wrapping itself around the shiny newcomers to the rather large wasteland of an area. These newcomers weren't wealthy, no, instead, they were here for the ego boost that accompanied the action of them tossing any worthless item that would instantly be scavenged by a poor resident, usually a child since they were small and naturally agile. Well, as agile as they could be growing up eating other's waste. Those bastards with their sickening laughs of arrogance. They'd be frowned upon in a normal society, but here, oh here, this was just what they'd call a Wednesday.
Where exactly is 'here,' you may be asking? To the people passing through, they might've considered it to be hell. Perhaps a dumpster. Hell, they might have even passed through with out even noticing the cries of agony as a mother's child passed away from malnutrition, without noticing the way that no resident seemed to acknowledge anything other than themselves, even the murder of a shopkeep in broad daylight. No, see they're too focused on trying to steal to survive, perhaps even slave away to a more fortunate resident for a chance at life, if you could even call this living. 'Maybe they're just introverted people,' oh how naïve you must be to even succumb to that conclusion. 'Here' there is no such thing as introversion, with this trait, you won't survive for more than 10 minutes.
'Here' is none other than Meteor City.
Coughing could be heard around every corner from the ill, penniless residents who were selling everything in their possession just to survive another miserable day. A feeble attempt truly, it's not as though the medicine was at least 50% likely to cause some sort of change. Nonetheless, Meteor City wasn't too bad, no. Children scurried amongst each other, shouting with smiles upon their somewhat sunken faces as they played along the areas of the city that were truly wastelands. There were no true friends created in Meteor City, but these children have yet to understand.
All except for one. A rather small boy, whether that be from malnutrition or genetics, with black hair and heartless black eyes sat upon an old shipping crate with an uninterested look upon his young face as he watched the children run about. "How pedestrian," was all that came out of his cracked, dehydrated lips. Only an 8-year-old from Meteor would consider playing to be pedestrian. Aside from his shocking attitude, with one glance you could certainly tell he wasn't from here, such 'exotic' features couldn't have been bred in this hellhole. The boy was dressed in what seemed to be traditional Asian clothes, ones that were too big for his figure, all black and seemingly thick yet still lightweight enough to where he wouldn't die from a heat stroke, the word "Feitan" engraved over his left breast. Perhaps this was his name, neither he or the townsfolk new, but it was what they called him when they believed he wasn't looking. He was frequently seen mumbling to himself, and paired with his stone cold gaze, he was deemed "unapproachable" to others, adults and children alike.
"Hey, you!" A call from one of the children pulled Feitan out of his thoughts. The blackette raised his gaze to find another small child before him, taller yes, but no doubt younger, no stranger to his eyes yet not an aly. "My name's Marley. Do you want to play with us?" Feitan rolled his eyes in annoyance and spoke with his broken interpretation of the city's language. "Why would me want t-," He analyzed the other children beside the runt Marley and froze his gaze upon another small child, who was smiling as they spoke to a friend, one he's kept his eye on for a long time.
(Y/n) (L/n).
2 years ago, Meteor City, 3rd Person Omniscient
The sky boomed a thunderous roar as lighting flashed across the city. Purples and dark ominous grey's colored over the townsfolk as the rushed their preparations for the storm. Adults were sheltering children, even if they didn't know them, most likely with the promise of something in return, while also taking in whatever possessions they needed before the storm's condition worsened.
A 4-year-old child, Y/n, ran about the poorly made streets, hoping to find a place of shelter before it was too late. Of course, since they're small and malnourished, they weren't very efficient, constantly stumbling over their two feet and pausing to catch their balance.
"Please, somebody help me!"
They continued to run through the now damp streets as the rain began to pour violently. Water drenched the poor child as they ran around banging on doors screaming for help, yet still, no one listened. It was almost as though the entire town had become a ghost city.Just as Y/n was about to give up, a hand grabbed their arm harshly and quickly pulled them into a small, dark, poorly-made shack.
Y/n jumped back in surprise with a yelp only to be pushed down by the other party, quite roughly might I add. "Shhh." A firm, seemingly male voice commanded with no other words as he sat beside the younger child. "Are you going to eat me??" Y/n spoke in a panicked tone. "The old lady by the library told me a story about a demon who comes out during horrible storms and eats the children who are wandering the streets." They cried with their arms curled around their legs, staring at the silhouette in fear beside of them.
The strange savior huffed under his breath. Why did he even pull this idiot into his home. Who was he to be providing shelter for others when he could barely take care of himself? God he never hated himself more until that moment. There was no place for some snotty kid, nor did he want to deal with them either. "Me no eat you. you taste bad, too whiny." Was all the boy said, hoping to get the other to take the hint and shut up.
"O-oh. My name's y/n, what's yours?" The 4-year-old spoke, no longer carrying a fearful tone. The older boy rolled his eyes at how naïve and trusting the other was. He didn't bother answering, and in fact, he never said another word to Y/n for the remaining duration of the storm.
Y/n ended up falling asleep after a while from all of the chaos earlier. The silhouette eyed the child beside him before closing his own eyes and leaning his head back against the wall. Soft snoring was all that was heard by the boy, aside from the pouring rain that is. Falling into his thoughts, he began to drift off into a light, alert slumber. Well, he was until he felt a weight hit his left shoulder.
His eyes shot open as he looked to his left with a scowl upon his face. "Idiot pest." He grumbled agitatedly as he noticed Y/n had fallen asleep on his shoulder. As much as he wanted to push them off, he quite enjoyed the quiet he was now receiving. With an annoyed sigh, he closed his own eyes and drifted to his previous light sleep.
When Y/n awoke with a yawn and began to identify their surroundings, they almost screamed in fear and confusion. They jumped up and racked their brain for some sort of explanation. Wait, it was coming to them now: the mystery boy and him providing them shelter. Properly looking at their surroundings, they noticed were still in the shack; however, this time, they were alone. With a quick glance outside, the small child ran out of the shack, patting themselves down to make sure they still had their items in their pockets.
A sigh of relief escaped their lips as they felt everything there. Digging into their pockets to find their last bit of money to buy a bit of food, Y/n noticed there was a folded piece of poorly maintained paper in their pockets. With a confused hum and a head tilt, they unfolded the piece of paper and read in poor grammar and messy writing:
"You owe me, Brat."
They blackette's face remained in a deapan expression as his own eyes locked back with Marley's "Yes, me play." He spoke emotionlessly as he hopped down from his crate, dusting himself off as he began walking closer to the group of children. A handful of yays, yippees, and downright cries of joy could be heard from the crowd of children as they gathered one more player for their game. "Okay, great. So here's what we're going to play.."
The voices blurred and faded into nothingness as the eight-year-old fell into his cunning mind, his eyes yet again landed on Y/n with his usual piercing gaze. Only difference was that this time, there was a twinge of excitement and malice, lots of malice.
God how he wanted to make them pay. A total troglodyte they were, so ignorant and easily distracted by such trivial things.
You see, Feitan never got back that favor, and he certainly wasn't one to hold back when it came to exploiting others. Especially younger, naïve children who hadn't seen nor understood just how horrific the world could be. How horrific he could make their world be.
Go ahead, call him a monster. It's such a common title for him, he might've even believed it were his own name if it hadn't been for the thread engraved onto his shirt.
Feeling eyes watching them, Y/n turned to face the newer strange boy with their head tilted in confusion. The blackette walked over to the younger child, the two of them standing at the same height. "Hello." Feitan spoke up with a small smile and a friendly wave. It certainly looked realistic and Y/n couldn't feel any malicious intent within the other boy, though if only they knew how fake that smile was. "Hey there! I'm Y/n, what's your name?" The child spoke with a close-eyed smile as they waved in return.
'Oh this was going to be fun.' The boy thought with an inward chuckle of sadism.
Feitan Portor wasn't one to forgive and forget. Hell, he came from Meteor City, the place where every good action was never from the heart but instead the manipulative portion of people's minds. No matter who or what he had to go through,
He was getting back what he owed, and he was expecting it NOW.
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I pulled this from a daganronpa imagine I read and my brain just expanded on it so i’m now just gonna write this while it’s still fresh in my brain<3.
(I’ll put the bottom half in regular text so it’s easier to read)
Idea// So basically the this takes place when Amane was still alive. The reader is a demon who was banished from hell and forced to live in the human realm as a punishment. So while wandering around the Earth , the reader comes across the school that Amane goes to and decides to take a look around. (It’s late at night and i’m really tired so i’m gonna finish this up quickly-) Long story short , she falls in love with him and ends up severely hurting herself , then positioning her ‘injured’ body somewhere he’ll come across it so she could just enjoy her moments in his arms as he carries her to the hospital. (It’s long but like my imagination was getting bigger and bigger as I was writing this- you could write this however you want to, it hurts to think so it might’ve gotten a bit confusing at the end)
The One Thing That Was Out Of Reach❣︎
Amane Yugi x supernatural! reader
Warning: Death, a bit of gore, sadness
IMPORTANT A/N!!! Instead of a demon I made them a supernatural like Yako and Tsuchigomori!! Okay thank you!
Ima cry writing this- *plays Introduction to the Snow*
Anyways, enjoy and have a good day or night!
I sighed watching the ravenette run around the campus for P.E. I sat on the bleachers as he slowly approached me. He sat next to me as he slowly drank his water. I examined the boy as he drank. I smiled watching him, opening my mouth to say something but was cut off.
“Yugi!! Get up, you have two more laps to run!!” The P.E. teacher yelled.
“Yes sir!!” He quickly stood up and continued running. I groaned and placed my head into the palm of my hands a little frustrated he had to leave so soon. It's not like it mattered anyways. He couldn’t see me. I’ve been in this school since it was built and I never loved anyone the way I loved Amane. He was a dork, he really is, but that’s just what I like about him. He’s a real guy and knows what it’s like to be down in a bad place. But I can’t be with him, I’m a supernatural and he’s a human. It’s not right.
“That's it! Class dismissed!” The teacher shouted. Amane ran over to me again, picking up his water battle. He started to walk back to the building and I followed him. He walked into his class and sat down in his seat next to the window, looking up at what was left of the moon. I heard a small groan and looked over to see Tsuchigomori looking at me slightly annoyed. I giggled at this and waved to him which he rolled his eyes too. Tsuchigomori knew I liked Amane. Well of course he did since I stayed with him through all of his classes.
Lucky for me, whoever sat behind Amane was not here today so I sat down. I smiled as I rested my head on the desk looking at Amanes back. Tsuchigomori started his lesson and I watched Amane’s hair jump every time he looked up at the white board and back down at his desk.
What I would give to be human so I can be with him.
Once class was over, Tsuchigomori told Amane to stay behind and I stayed also.
“You need to tell me who’s hurting you Yugi…” He took a medical bag out from under the desk and started looking through the things. Amane averted his gaze from the teacher, clearly not wanting to talk. I wanted to help Amane, he never talks about who's hurting him but he always comes into class with more bruises than he had the day before. My brows furrowed as I looked at his beat up arm. I wanted to give him a hug but was unable too. The dark haired teacher sat across from the boy and took his arm.
“Not going to talk huh?” Tsuchigomori asked, “Normal for you.”
Amane said nothing in response. This isn’t the first time the teacher had to treat his students for his wounds. It's actually how I learned of Amane Yugi’s existence. Tsuchigomori gave up on trying to talk to the boy and just worked on his hurt arm. I looked sadly at him. Once he was done Amane started to pack his things.
“See you later Tsuchigomori…” He walked out of the room. I was about to follow him but was held back when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked over at Tsuchigomori who gave me a concerned look.
“Why don’t you just stay in your human form?” He asked and I looked down. “If you want, I can help you become a student here. You can be in Amanes class.”
“It’s fine Tsuchigomori, thank you though.” I smiled slightly. “It wouldn’t be right… I can’t trick him like that”
Tsuchigomori sighed and sat at his desk.
“But you love him don’t you?” He asked.
“I do.” I approached the window and watched the choppy haired boy walk off the campus “I love him more than anything.”
The teacher grumbled as he continued to do paper work. We had this conversation before. It would be wrong to date him as a supernatural. I don’t age so it’s not like we actually have a future together. It would just be better to keep things that way they are.
“It’s your choice…” He gave me a serious look “just don’t regret it.”
“I won’t…” At least I hope I won't.
I sat on the stairs running my fingers through the foxes fur while she layed on my lap. I sighed and she looked up at me.
“You’re in love with that human boy right?” She asked and I looked at her shocked.
“How did you know..?!” I blushed. She moved herself in my lap to get a better look at me.
“I can tell when someone likes someone they can’t be with.” She said and I calmed down a little. Of course she knows what I’m going through, she liked a human once as well.
“Would it be wrong to be with him..?” I sighed and looked at her. Yako looked at me with a concerned look. She knew what I wanted to hear but it wasn’t the right answer.
“Supernaturals and humans shouldn’t hang out with each other Y/n…” She said. “Trust me, I want that to be true as much as you do.” I felt a tear form on the edge of my eyes which I wiped away instantly.
“Did you hear that there was going to be a meteor shower tomorrow night?” Yako quickly changed the subject.
“Oh yeah I forgot about that!” I smiled “Students will be allowed to stay on campus late to watch on the roof! Amane really likes the stars so I bet he's going to stay for a long time…”
“Yeah I bet he is…”
I ran out of the classroom and to the gate entrance. I looked up to the rooftop to see a couple telescopes being set up. One of them being set up by a choppy haired boy.
“I knew he would be here!” I smiled. When Amane looked at the stars he always looked so happy. It makes me so happy to see him enjoying something he loves so much. I was about to run to the rooftop when I heard someone.
“Hey. Supernatural.” A voice called out. I turned to a boy with dirty blond hair and gray eyes looking straight into my e/c ones.
“Wait… you can see me…?” I questioned, pointed to myself.
“Yes, I’m an exorcist.” He strictly said.
“An… exorcist..?” I asked.
“Yes, and I’m here to exorcise you.” My eyes widened. I felt my body freeze in place. I can’t be exorcised right now. Not while Amane will be so close, so happy tonight. I stepped back as he stepped closer. He pulled out a sharp katana, lightning emerging from the weapon. I wasn’t a hard opponent. Even if he is not an advanced exorcist, I’m not one of the seven mysteries, I didn’t have much to defend myself.
‘Maybe if I go to the rooftop in my human form… he won’t hurt me if I’m around people who can see me..!” I thought. I looked over to the door which was a little bit away from me. I looked back at the guy as he stepped closer.
I have to do this. I made a dash for the door which the boy clearly expected when he threw a lightning strike in front of me. I quickly stopped as a lightning cage was formed around me, preventing me from even getting to the door. I felt someone kick my back which caused me to fall to the ground. The boy used his foot to turn me over and grinned once he saw the tears in my eyes.
“What's this..?” He rubbed his shoe deeper into my shoulder causing me to groan in pain. “It’s not like anyone besides me will hear your cries and screams so there is no point… it’s not like you are special to anyone.”
Tears rolled down my cheeks as my hand gripped his ankle trying to push him off.
“Just let go of this life and give up.” With that a sharp pain went through my abdomen. He pulled the katana out of my stomach, blood dripping down from the tip onto the ground. He took his shoe off my shoulder.
“Pathetic creature.” He walked off the campus and left me. Tears ran down my face as he left me to suffer. I looked at my wound. Red was flowing to the ground from the hole.
“Hey, I left my spare telescope at home, I’ll be right back, Tsukasa.��
My eyes widened as the ravenette opened the door of the school and walked out. My breathing was heavier seeing him. This was probably my last chance to see him. I couldn’t have him leave. I needed him with me just a minute longer.
I propped myself up on a nearby tree and let myself slip into my human form which wasn’t different from my supernatural form. I coughed and felt a warm liquid trail down my chin.
“A...mane…” I whispered before coughing again. The boy turned to me, too dark to see he squinted his eyes.
“Hello..?” He called out “Is someone there..?” He walked closer, flinching when he saw a small trail of blood making it’s way over to the tree. Once his eyes landed on my figure he froze.
“H-HEY!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!” He ran up to me, placing a hand on my abdomen. I looked into his golden eyes and couldn’t help but feel happy.
“...Amane-” I started to cough again, more blood coming out of my mouth this time.
“We need to get to a hospital!!” He picked me up in his arms, deciding it was best to ignore the blood that would stain his clothes.
“Please stay with me!!” He ran off the campus. I looked up at him. For a brief second he looked into my eyes then back to where he was running. His eyes held so many emotions, sadness, fear, hope.
“UHM! W-what's your name?!?!” He asked.
“It’s Y/n…”
“Well it's going to be okay y/n!”
I looked up at the sky to see the meteor shower starting.
“A-amane… the meteor shower… you are going to miss it…” I faintly said but he heard me.
“That's not important right now! We need to get you taken care of!!”
“More important than the stars..?”
“Yes! You are more important than the stars!!”
My cheeks warmed up when he said that. I smiled, eyes filling with tears of joy.
“We are almost there!” He panicked.
“I love you Amane Yugi.”
“You what..?! H-hey! Don’t leave me!!” Tears formed in his eyes as the hand that was holding my stomach went limp and fell to my side. He stopped and placed me down, tears falling from his eyes.
“Hey…! Wake up..!! Please!” He lightly shaked my body. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head into my neck, hugging my lifeless form.
“I’m sorry y/n…”
There is something I learned that night.
I learned I didn’t die with a single regret.
Because I died in the arms of the one I loved.
The one thing that was out of reach...
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lambicpentametre · 3 years
i just Tore through reading the grishaverse books (shadow and bone all the way to king of scars; i haven’t gotten my hands on rule of wolves yet) after finishing shadow and bone on netflix, and of course (of course!) it was enough to distract me from either of the two fics i’m supposed to be working on right now and actual schoolwork. so! :/ sorry to those of you who might be hoping for more elle alle voir content, this is decidedly Not that. whoops. 
be warned: spoilers for the shadow and bone trilogy and nikolai’s duology are ahead!
INTRO: this is a king of scars/ruin and rising AU wherein alina performed her “miracle” on the fold but then... disappeared. mal, unfortunately, is dead, and so is the darkling; his body was burned on a funeral pyre as in the book, but alina’s body was never recovered. all they found of sankta alina was the fetter of the sea whip’s scales in pieces. morozova’s colllar (and alina herself) were nowhere to be seen. instead, alina was subsumed into the phantom fold body and soul when she killed the darkling just like elizaveta stealing the darkling’s corpse and she’s been living in the fold for the past three years with the rest of the saints, most of whom scoff at her “sainthood” and belittle her whenever they get the chance (looking at you, elizaveta). i do like to imagine that eventually, alina and juris have a tentatively okay relationship, somewhere between alina’s relationship with botkin and her relationship with zoya by the end of siege and storm, i.e., i am going to hit you but only because i like you and i want you to get better at fighting but i can’t tell you that to your face so instead i will show you with this super awesome punch i learned, isn’t that cool? 
SET-UP: like sankta lizabeta and sankt juris, alina has also been performing miracles, specifically at keramzin and at her altar in the fold, showering the people in meteor showers every day at noon, bright falling stars that you could see even at the highest point of the sun. nikolai and zoya (and yuri) still make their pilgrimage to the various places that claim miracles on their way to the rosewood, and at keramzin they witness sankta alina’s miracle of light. of course, it only makes nikolai think of another night he watched the stars fall from the heavens with alina, and when he finally pays homage to the saint who saved him and his country, he’s blinded by a star heading straight for him. when the light finally disappears and nikolai lowers his hands from his eyes, he’s shocked to find he’s holding something he’d thought he’d never see again: the lantsov emerald, last seen in the possession of one alina starkov. this only lights an even brighter fire under nikolai’s ass to get to the fold, wherein he, zoya, and yuri are taken by the saints into the phantom fold. 
so with that super long intro/set-up, here’s a scene i wrote of alina and nikolai’s reunion, set right after nikolai et al. arrive in the fold. 
Nikolai watched nervously as Juris led Zoya away, leaving him alone with a woman he’d thought long dead.
“She’ll be okay,” Alina said, watching as he fiddled with the dirt-stained cuff of his jacket. “If Zoya can survive Baghra and the Darkling, Juris will be a piece of cake.”
“It’s not Zoya I worry for,” Nikolai said, thankful for the reprieve she offered him. “My general is a capable woman. I fear for Sankt Juris’ life.”
Alina smiled wistfully. “It’s nothing but a half-life we live here. A facsimile of existence.” She wrapped her arms around herself, staring out across the empty sands of the phantom Fold. 
She looked so sad and alone in that moment, it was all Nikolai could do to not sweep her into his arms, steal Zoya away, and spirit them all out of this dreadful place, wherever they were.
“Saints, Alina,” he said after a moment. “I missed you.”
When Alina looked back at him, he could see the tears shining in her eyes, and before he knew what he was doing, he’d crossed the room and gathered her into a crushing hug. That was all it took for the dam to break, for the second he’d pulled her to his chest, Alina began sobbing with a grief he could barely imagine. He held them both up as she trembled, petting her bone-white hair. 
As she finally quieted down and her cries subsided, Nikolai tucked her head under his chin and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. Alina took a deep breath, and he found himself following her. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long to find you,” he whispered. “If I’d known—” 
Alina turned in his arms, staring up at him. “You couldn’t have predicted this would happen. None of us knew what to expect. But you came when I called, and you’re here now, and we’ll get out of this together, us and Zoya and that twig of a priest you dragged with you,” she said, disdain for Yuri evident in her voice.
“With Sol Koroleva and Zoya so firmly against him, I’m not sure I’d want to bet on Yuri right now,” he laughed.
Alina pouted but then straighted up in his arms. “Well, when Zoya and I agree on something, we’re usually right.” 
Nikolai reluctantly let Alina go. The inherent warmth of the Sun Saint felt enough to banish the demon for a moment, and as soon as she stepped away he could feel the monster rising to the surface, as if to follow her. Like calls to like, didn’t the Grisha say? He could never be sure who it was, himself or the monster, but one of them grabbed her hand, and when she looked at him again, it felt like the sun breaking through the clouds after a violent storm.
“Nikolai?” she asked, worry perched on her brow.
“I… have something for you,” he said lamely. And though he did, the truth of it was he didn’t want her to leave him alone with the monster just yet. So he tugged her arm until she was standing before him and with his free hand reached into his pocket for the object that had sat there since he’d received it.
Slowly, gently, he pulled out the Lantsov Emerald and watched Alina’s face light up with recognition.
“Of course, it was already one of the flashiest pieces in the Lantsov collection, but now it’s been blessed by the Sun Saint herself,” Nikolai teased. “So I’m not sure I should give it back to you just yet, since you seem so intent on losing it.”
Alina was holding her breath. “I wasn’t sure it would work,” she said finally. “I didn’t know if it would— if I could—” 
Nikolai clasped their hands together. “Anything worth doing—”
“—starts with a bad idea,” Alina finished with a sad smile. 
“I love it when you quote me.”
She stared at the ring. “I was so afraid,” she began. “That it wouldn’t work, that you’d finally come all this way to see me and I’d fail. But it was the only way I knew to show you it was really me, that I was still here.
“To give it up, to give it back… It was the only thing I had left, and it felt like if I’d lost it—” 
Then I had lost you. 
Nikolai didn’t need to hear the words fall from her lips to know them. 
Alina looked away, but Nikolai brought their hands up to his lips and pressed a light kiss to her fingers to make her look at him again. 
“I kept it safe for you,” he said softly.
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
Is it alright to request hc or dranbles about Chimera Ants like Neferpitou, Meruem, Shaia, Yupi and so more?
I hope this is enough ;)
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• This guy would be a scary Yandere, after all he is pretty much one of the strongest nen users to date.
• Meruem is intelligent and powerful, he has influence all over due to being the king. His royal guard will also be obsessed with you. They will protect you with their life and give up everything and anything to keep you with their king.
• Meruem will see you as a lesser being, almost like a pet except less degrading. He won't chain you or tie you up, instead he will use his power to force into submission. Fear will keep you in line and if it doesn't expect to be punished depending on your offense.
• If it was something small like a snarky remark he will simply give you a heart stopping glare. On the other hand if it is something worse like trying to run off or defying him, expect to be overwhelmed by his aura. He will emptily threaten you with his tail or his sharp claws until you are back in line. The Chimera Ant king will be ruthless, only he can hurt you.
• Anyone that even hopes to help you will be given hell. Family and friends won't be able to help you, and if they even dare to try they will be killed without second thought. He will set you on his lap while one of the Royal guardsmen takes them out.
• He would be extremely possessive and scary when angry. No doubt in my mind he would go all psycho crazy when angry. He'll lick his lips and give that really scary look he gave when first eating human flesh. His nen will spike and he'll love to watch you choke in his aura alone. Anyone near him that isn't you or a royal guard will be annihilated, even then he might accidentally attack and sever off a royal guards' limb.
• Bedding Meruem will be a one way street. He will be on top and you can't do anything about it. He will give you what you deserve with whatever he has on hand. I don't think he will use anything extra in bed, relying on his own strength and might to do as he pleases. Expect something rough when he is angry and something touchy when in a good mood.
• Keep in mind, if you are his darling you are dealing with more than just the top dog, you are dealing with the whole pack.
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• What a drama queen.
• Whenever you are around his heart will flutter in his chest, it will be as obvious as you would expect. He will place a hand upon chest and flutter his wings around, maybe even jumping around your form and singing how much he missed you.
•Shaia will do anything in his power to make you comfortable while in his 'care'. Do you want to listen to some music, good thing he is amazing at playing the violin. Are you sore from trying to escape, he would love the honor to massage your feet. Do you want to see other humans, you don't have to, he is the best cuddle buddy around and will wrap you up like a burrito in his wings!
• If you try to escape his grasp, as you will he stuck in whatever castle Meruem resides in, he will be hurt. He will make sure you are safe and okay, but he will punish you after. Though I don't see him being too rough with you.
• Speaking of punishments, you would have to do something really bad to earn it. Things like escaping successfully for some time, trying to kill him and doing some damage, and that's kinda it. I don't see him wanting to scar your skin, he loves the way you look and would be disappointed if something damaged your perfect complexion. He would probably manipulate you into feeling guilty, even if it is his fault your here in the first place.
• Once you've been degraded enough he will wrap you up in his arms and give you so much affection. If you say your sorry and you won't ever do it again, he will make sure you have the best day of your life.
• He would worship you in bed, a dark look in his eyes as he makes you feel amazing. I don't think he would do anything too crazy, pretty vanilla in my book. If he liked something it would probably be sensory deprivation. He would like to watch you writhe in pleasure without knowing what he will do next.
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• probably wouldn't be able to tell he is a Yandere.
• Youpi is as he would act to the king, a devoted soldier and guardsmen. He wouldn't hesitate to protect you, and for him that is the norm. The only reason you might know he is all over you is because he is protecting a human.
• He will not understand why you are so perfect to him, I mean you are human, pretty useless to anything he wants to do.
• Still, he finds himself interested and without hesitation he kidnaps and keeps you close. Youpi doesn't care if you wonder around and if you escape he doesn't care either. He'll just get you back, it isn't anything difficult.
• I honestly don't think he would get angry, I see him being extremely patient when it comes to you, but if someone else is involved, expect he'll. He wouldn't take it out on you, no he's more like a very jealous boyfriend. Everyone else around you would be slaughtered and consumed.
• He would probably wonder why you are crying about the people he killed, or not being around other humans. He would defiantly ask Pitou what's wrong, after all they are the best with human emotions.
• He would try to console you, it would be very awkward as he will be confused the entire time. If it doesn't work the first time he most likely won't do it again and instead will pull you close and hold you in his arms.
• This dude is both beefy and big, so he would be gentle. In bed he would let you take the lead, so you would initiate it. Youpi wouldn't have the best idea on what to do so he would do what you want him to do. The thing is he wouldn't do anything really weird without you telling him to, but his body can do whatever so any freaky body stuff is what he'll be good at. After some practice he would be able to take initiative, and if he does he'd probably be rough but with restraints. After all he wouldn't want to break you.
• Youpi would be pretty lax with you, though that doesn't mean he is any less Yandere. The Chimera Ant wouldn't let anyone near you, and I actually see him going semi feral if something happened to you. He is like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
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• They are so sweet to their obsession, always doing their best to make them feel better about their situation.
• They care deeply about how you feel, and will do all the small, romantic things humans typically do in order to make you feel as if you belong. They will cuddle with you and smother you in affection whenever they get the chance.
• Pitou will be both top and bottom in the relationship. Either they will wrap you in their arms and tail or they'll be curled in your lap purring the night away.
• They will always want you near and will constantly ask if you are okay. Your feelings are a top priority. She will dote on you like a proud parent and will constantly gift you things whenever you feel down. Even if those things are relatively grim, like a head or something.
• I believe they understand how emotions works for humans, but I still think they'll slip up and do something questionable from time to time. Maybe their gift was the head of a human they killed that day, the one that tried to break into the castle and harm you. Or maybe they sniff your hair or lick a strip of your neck out of nowhere. If you act negatively they'll keep that in mind, but they might slip up and do it again.
• Pitou in bed might be a little strange. I have a feeling they would praise you constantly while also checking on you to make sure you are okay.
• Despite being relatively nice they will keep you glued to their hip at all times. They will be touchy without noticing and will give a death glare to any stranger who gets too close. They will let you wonder around the castle where they are staying at, but they will be with you no mater what. The only people they will trust would be the other royal guardsmen and the king, but even then they'll whine until it's them with you.
Chimera Ant Queen:
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• Being the first Chimera Ant and the mother of many evil children, she'll be very similar to Meruem.
• She will have little concept of human emotions despite understanding human behaviors a bit. She'll pretty much only have motherly instincts and the thirst for human flesh. If she finds you to be good company she will hold you close and nibble on your exposed flesh and compliment your taste.
• Be warned, she will be delusional to an extent, wanting so deeply to eat you and keep you alive at the same time. She will constantly trace her claws and mandibles against your neck and waist. Probably your legs too.
• She won't allow you to wonder the premises like her prized son, she will keep you with her until death do you part.
• Speaking of till death do you part, she will eventually eat you, and the Chimera Ant with your DNA will be her new favorite child. She will dote on them and tell them how perfect they are because their DNA was from the perfect human.
• It doesn't matter if you had nen or if your "daughter/son" has it either. They will be the favorite and will be protected in the name of the Queen.
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• The reason people say "If she breathes, she's a thot".
• Imagine she takes over Meteor City like she planned, the entire city being controlled by human feasting Chimera Ants. And her eyes land on you.
• If you end up being her obsession you won't be going anywhere. Anyone who follows under her new world order will know to keep you safe and close to their new queen. That or she'll probably have their head.
• No matter what you will be around one or more of her personal guards—whoever they may be. If you are not around one of them you are with her.
•She is such a princess, if she asks you to do something you should probably do it. I can easily see her treating her obsession like a pet of sorts, maybe a collar and leash to spice things up.
•Defiantly full of herself, thinks she is better than everyone and adores it when you tell her that. She will be wrapping her tail around you and holding you on her lap wether you be a gal or guy, to her you are a weak, lesser being.
•Even by the standards of humans she is rather nice to look at, and she knows it. She will always flaunt her looks without care and will use it to embarrass and tease you. Placing one of your hands upon her chest? She won't hesitate if it gets you flustered.
• Sleeping with her would be pretty strange if you aren't into it. She would use rope or handcuffs to keep you under her. Master play would be her thing for sure, possibly even some bottom dominance for she's in the mood.
•Getting away from her will be difficult as she will have Chimera Ant followers—possibly even some human ones. Zazan loves you, and when she is the queen, you are her concubine. Her favorite concubine.
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(Not my art; couldn’t find a gif.)
• Really possessive.
• Out of everyone I see him being the most open when it comes to his possessive/protective nature. He will defiantly be most likely to keep you locked in a room or cage of sorts.
• Everything he does is for your protection. You won't be seeing any family or friends anytime soon when he first starts out. He will ask Peggy what humans need to eat and what they shouldn't. Not to mention everything else Peggy can find on human health.
• Colt will follows the books to a T and will make sure you don't do anything different. He will practically control every aspect of your life.
• The only reason I see him allowing you to see your family is because you have cried so much or you refuse to take care of yourself. Despite being so controlling he has a big soft spot for you. He will take you to see your friends or family but that is probably it.
• Getting down and dirty with him is something I can't really imagine unless you ask him for it. Usually he will just wrap his arms and wings around you and go to bed, but if you are asking for more I think he would be a controlling vanilla. He will probably take a nervous lead and please you, but I don't see him doing anything strange.
• Colt is really loyal, so you don't have to worry about him loosing interest. Period.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Brother Dearest Pt 39
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Final exams were on you before you knew it and with Teddy across your chest reviewing your textbooks and notes for each class you heard the chatter of heavily pregnant Dawn on a phone call with family back home in Canada where her parents were readying for your return at the end of the week and the birth sure to follow. Norma meanwhile had her own feet up reading a book against Victor’s chest up on their floor where James was adding the framed pictures she had wanted to decorate the nursery that would be mirrored in the larger house when you got to Canada would be the focus of your distracting whims. You wanted to marry James more than anything but the constant final detail calls from the important guests and the film crew had your skin nearly crawling in your urge to run away to some silent island somewhere.
Ottawa was where the residential house for the Monarch of Canada traditionally stayed, however being 40 hours from Alberta you had been told that they would stay in Ottawa and fly to Alberta then drive the hour plus distance to your tiny town that didn’t have an airstrip. Turning the next page of your book you heard Elliot ask, “Are you certain you don’t require my help with studying?”
That had you sigh and close the book you had finished to lay your hands on Teddy’s back at the book joining the others on the ground beside the couch your were lounging on. “I’ve gone through the books three times. Only thing that could throw this is my Cultural Diversity course essays. No telling what he’ll get to typing up.”
His grin eased out, “Well Humphrey has always tried to come up with new questions for his students.”
Shifting your eyes from Teddy in his slumbering grumble to Elliot you asked, “You don’t mind my inviting you to the wedding?”
“I would never refuse your invitation.” He said making your grin creep out a bit more, “I don’t doubt Prince Loki wouldn’t try to sneak in as well. He has been back again recently?”
“On my last visit to the MoMA yes, though it seems since I told him his father his father doesn’t care about the troubles we are facing here he seems to be more on a progress report on our efforts.”
That had Elliot chuckle, “Oh, yes, that should go over well with Queen Frigga when she hears that if it is his plan.”
“Can’t imagine how they could make matters any better.”
Elliot, “Well they most certainly won’t interfere now knowing you are here and our ships are nearly here. We can go at our own leisure and do as we please without their interference.”
Looking his face over you asked, “Would they be a threat if they tried to fight us? Just curious.”
Again he smirked saying, “Jaqi they couldn’t touch us with a twenty foot pole in hand to hand combat and their weapons are futile against our defenses. They know this is a lost territory they no longer have dominion over this planet even with the two of us and Venom here, and possibly your young cousin you have informed me of.”
“I don’t want our people to take rule over this planet throwing the people out of their roles.”
“That has always been your way. We will subtly work our way and influence into their cultures unnoticed. No conquering, all our people merely wish to be among your presence again.”
Dawn sighed on her way to join you both asking, “What is this about presents?”
Smirking at her you said, “Just talking about the incoming aliens.”
Dawn, “Well I hope they don’t want to come to the wedding,” behind her back she gripped the arms of her usual chair she lowered into and eased her feet up onto the footstool you moved over with a shift of your fingers.
Elliot, “Oh no, they are still a good few years away still.”
Dawn, “Right, you mentioned that. Sorry.”
He shook his head, “No apology necessary, travel between galaxies is quite rough to gauge for some. And there is no telling if they come across some digger portals that could cut the travel in half.” At your confused brow tick he clarified, “Digger portals can be used for long term transport runs and also more often by scavenger crews who often move them out of their designated locations for rather amusing bits of helpfulness for those who tend to come across them.”
Dawn, “I can’t imagine what space would be like. Living here is so hard to compare to space.”
Elliot said, “Just imagine space like a forest, every now and then planets would be hidden tunnels under trees and caves with animals as stars, asteroids and meteors. One day you’ll see.” She looked over his face in his comforting smile, “You will.”
“I’ve been wondering,” You said luring his eyes back to you, “You said your wife was waiting to be re-bodied.” He gave you a confirming nod in a silent agreement he would answer anything you asked, “Would my dad be with them, when they get here?”
“Erich would never miss the chance to rejoin your side. He most certainly will be.” Wetting his lips he sat up lifting a finger to say, “In fact, the only thing that would have him deterred from returning to your side would be his affection for your, mother.”
His final word was given haltingly in seeing the flinch of pain in your face, “My mother,”
“No no, merely I meant that it would be because he had through the Fates located her essence in the kingdom of the dead beyond the gates of the realm of Hel. She has been given a high place to claim as her own after aiding in your second form solidifying. Surely upon hearing your ranks have arrived he would travel to join us. He would not choose to dwell there with her when returning to you could bring about your awakening which surely could grant her a second becoming.”
Dawn asked, “That means she could, come back?”
Elliot, “In a sense. It would be her essence, however her past would be absolved from her memory. Not you of course, however the memories of her first husband namely among her other sufferings.”
“She would forget Steve?”
Elliot replied, “Unfortunately.”
“I suppose that seems a bit fair. Give her a happy second beginning with my dad, he wouldn’t be my dad anymore would he?”
Elliot, “He was honored to have been chosen for that role and will uphold it again should you wish to extend that bond.”
“I won’t ever get a simple life will I?”
Softly he chuckled, “Oh it will be truly simple, in that, you will be loved by our people and eventually by these mortals.” Glancing at Dawn feeling her eyes landing on him, “Never including you of course, you have been adopted as kin. The Fates will not claim you from your children or Eddie. Symbiote mates are never targeted or taken after the lone time one dared to try and a civilization was torn in half.”
She asked him, “Can you grow like Venom when you fight?”
Elliot, “I can if I wish to.”
“So what do you know about black holes?”
You asked spreading his smile to share some more of the supposed barriers that could be mistaken as ways to keep us from your people that serves a greater purpose for your people that he spilled every detail. Even through James coming down to sit with you, settling underneath your legs he laid across his lap welcoming the chance to rub your legs and feet.
15 exams or projects to get your full credits and one at a time each was crossed off the list of credits you were acquiring. Even your slot on the yearbook was credited to you with the actual yearbook as proof, several of which purchased by the students of the graduating class they’d sent your way for signatures to join others through the signature sections. Proudly among the crowds you shuffled through the sheets of grade reports to each class and club as well as the final sheet of credit requirements that you had marked off a good chunk of the final bachelor’s degree working towards the eventual Masters degrees.
While school was your main focus at this event again your smile split wider seeing James strolling hunched over with Teddy at his side. The now walking 11 month old boy with bouncing strawberry blonde curls and silvery blue eyes contrasting Dawn’s brunette locks and Eddie’s sandy brown locks that grow softer in shade to match Teddy’s shade when grown out. All day he’d been giggling and waving to the women fawning over him, each stealing yearning glances of the loving man focused solely on the child who showed his true father side only egging the press on for dreams of what your babies might turn out to look like. Loud and shrill the boy giggled and bounced on his feet once turned again in your entrance to the garden. On his hips James’ hands fixed, “Let’s go fly to Bunny, hmm?”
Up he was lifted and giggled the way across the pathway in the steps to add your papers to your purse, also housing the book of photographs you had taken in the photography club, now in the crook of your arm to free your hands to accept hold of him. “Look at you, flying!”
Hands out he smiled melting into your arms for the hug you gave him, sighing out, “My Bunny.” Closing his eyes a moment at the kiss you pressed to his temple.
James asked with adoring smile still locked in place, “Everything handled?”
“Yup, I know it took a while,”
Shaking his head he replied, “Oh we’ve been having fun.”
Teddy said, “I did fly, My Bunny.” Easing his head back to catch your eye widening your smile.
“Yes you did. Maybe one day you can teach me to fly so well, I keep falling when I try.” Again he giggled and looked around at the school and crowds on your way to the subway to get home. All the way talking to the boy who was getting more comfortable at talking and gesturing in each of his surroundings to those around him. On the surface he might seem out of place between the two of you except for the curls you shared with hair color hinting that James might have had a blue eyed lighter haired parent for those assuming he belonged to you. Those knowing your mother Sarah however knew exactly where any blonde children of yours might come from poking that bruised past for them and you, wondering and deep down hoping that if you did have boys that none of them would look like Steve. For how badly he scarred you to have a child that would mirror him was a terrifying notion to have to reach that moment to completely sever that blame and pain for the blows he dealt on your life up to his death.
Norma clearly bleached her hair by her frequent trips to the salon only luring up wonder for what the two incoming babies could look like. Dawn was on the verge of popping and in the morning you were set to arrive in Canada after having spent the week readying everything to travel back home for the summer break. The end of April would give you time to ready the houses and oversee the details the town was readying for your big day. Hopefully for you Dawn wouldn’t go into labor mid trip or at least could have some time to relax at home before it would be set off for a somewhat relaxing birth. You didn’t know just what you were more anxious for but in her later months you enjoyed taking charge of Teddy whenever possible between classes to let her get more rest to lessen her worries concerning her first birth.
The Brocks were ready and everyone had plans for the upcoming trip to come and celebrate with you after their chance to meet the new baby. While it would have been nice for them to be there the day of for what was coming they granted Dawn the freedom to entirely have this birth with her family at her side where they could share in the christening Father Thomas would hold upon his arrival. Bags by the door were passed to get to the lunch to finish off the rest of your food in the fridge so they rest could be taken from the pantry to fill the one in your summer home.
Halfway through finishing off your meal you felt eyes on your silent gaze at the plate, lost to the realization how your childhood apartment building was all yours now, and you actually had a summer home and a business all your own that was hugely successful. That Kodak contest and revealed image in the photography magazines had you on a second Spring ad that had come out for a new camera they sent you a free one with a year supply of film to add to the film for Steve’s old camera packed along with the bags to be taken up with you. There was even an interview on what camera you had been photographed using at your trip to the White House and in your photography club along with a shot of a display of some of your pictures from the club. Clearly you had talent and now there was a hint for a new possible future job in the art field that could be so accommodating to a stay at home mother they guessed you might grow to be.
Inhaling sharply mid reach for the rest of your juice post sip and return of your glass you said to Eddie, who was looking at you, “I got a letter yesterday from a book publisher in Canada who wanted to publish a copy of my photos from school.”
Victor said, “That’s what that letter was then.”
Norma smiled saying, “Oh that’s fantastic news.”
James, “We can drop off the book to the place on the way up if you like.”
“We have an appointment next week. They need me to bring in the negatives and some titles at least for each, and a title.”
Norma, “You should just go for Bunny as the title.”
Dawn asked, “Doesn’t that cost money to make books?”
“They called saying they see how papers on the pictures have sold saying they would front the costs as long as I guarantee for my second book I use them to publish.”
Eddie, “Ah, well that makes sense, and at least they have hopes you’ll have a second book to follow the first obviously successful book.”
James moved his free hand to your lower arm on the table, “Me and Vic would be glad to take you there.”
“Well you’d have to, they can’t exactly legally have the contract with just my name on it.” Sharply James inhaled and you said, “Besides, should be fun, first comics now art books. Really rule the paper universe.” That had the corner of his mouth twitch upwards, “Plus you can imagine what they’ll say about my floating object and fantasy shots. Who knows, for the second book I could sneak in a picture of Venom and really terrify them.”
Eddie chuckled saying, “Oh we could have some fun with that. Have a whole book on him around the house, vacuuming with a couch over my head all the way to playing with the kids.”
“That reminds me. How’d you get through the bank robbery scene?” You asked Victor.  
He smiled saying, “Thought up they shove you in a bag not knowing who you are, and that venom is latched onto you and they call and demand more money for ransom and Eddie picks up and says good luck. They turn around finding tiny Venom Bunny eating a third member of the robbers. The last one gets to live after writing a note on the money that is returned to the bank with his shaking self tied up and terrified while you and Venom sharing some chili fries on the beachside city where you tied off the boat back from the island they took you to.” Your smile spread through your excited giggles.
James said, “Meanwhile baby Teddy is wreaking havoc back home for us and poor helpless Eddie. Guys love the idea and are mocking up a copy for us.”
“Should be our best yet. I do have the sketches nearly done on the ideas I had for the wedding edition.” To James you said, “We’re kidnapping some people.”
Eddie rumbled around his mouthful, “Oh we better kidnap some people.” Causing your smile to split wider.
Just by the light of the headlights on the moonless night the wood boarding off the house was removed easily by you enabling you to walk inside with Olive and Pepper who were glad to be out of the truck from the long drive as James with Whiskers on his shoulders and Teddy’s carrier basket in hand followed you listening for any possible geese or stowaway animals inside. In the dark you found the fireplace and lit up the living room and the lantern beside it that through the now open window Victor accepted hold of from you to find the switch to flip on the electric box. The buzz from the flip could clearly be heard and Norma grinned flipping the light switch to light up the house in each room you went through while unpacking. At the table however she joined Dawn waiting on the tea kettle you filled and put on the stove for them to let them relax.
Neighbors along the way had caught the rumble of the engines and flashes of lights through parted curtains surely announcing the return to part of the town that would know by morning of your return. Dawn’s family surely would be the first to show up, and far from inconvenient as with a groan she woke up in the night to her first contraction. Hours after she was lulled back to sleep Eddie sat up with Victor coming in hourly to check on how her pain was progressing. Closer to breakfast backrubs kept her content as possible while she, by the position of the baby, was far off still. Fully able to grumble her way to breakfast and back to bed again to lay over the rubber sheet prepped bed from the kit you had found and set up to ready for the Doctor who’d be arriving shortly.
Steadily however labor grew heavier. During her family excitedly helping her to calm through the growing contractions in turns of minding Teddy she progressed farther to where it was you and her mother and sister there when she was close to crowning. “Just one push from the head Dawn,” the Doc said in her break leaning back against your chest in her place now on her knees on a stool bench to help with the position of the baby over a second rubber sheet.
Her breath deepening to your hands smoothing down her back feeling her next contraction rolling over her mingling with the gas the mask her mom was holding for pain relieving gas that was helping to ease this process. The mask was pulled away and on her next deep breath she bore down feeling her sister’s hands on her shoulders to keep her in your hold from falling forward onto the Doctor’s back. The first cry of the little girl the Doctor cut the cord and settled into a blanket her grandmother took hold of to gently bathe let the men downstairs let out a calming breath shared by the relatives around them. It didn’t take long for the bed to be readied and Dawn to be cleaned off and cleared for her bed rest break to cuddle and bond with her little girl before the others came in to meet her.
“Marigold Dove Pear.” The name was added to the birth certificate and while held by her beaming father the hazel eyed infant’s name was echoed through the house. Even Teddy stole his own chance to leave a photographed picture of a kiss on his sister’s cheek to be taken off by you to allow Dawn to take a nap.
In the yard you played with Teddy catching glances of James holding Marigold through Eddie and Dawn’s family hushedly trying to decide which clothes to put her in from the vast supply compiled for her. James’ eyes wandered to Victor on his stroll to join you after he’d ensured Norma was comfortable in her lounger on the porch with a snack and drink to wear off his lingering nerves knowing he’d have possibly the same troubles in sleeping as he did on Teddy’s first night. Dawn at least would have a nice rest and through the next few days was up and around quite easily relaxed on her way to being on her way to fitting into that dress to make your day special for you.
Everything you had done compiled in her times alone resting brought up her same thoughts on how she wanted to be a great big sister for you. You’d been nothing but supportive and loved Teddy beyond belief easing her final months taking up so much of his care for a debt she couldn’t repay and helped her through the birth of her second child to their family. All on top of everything else you were handling you had earned a day all about you and your fellow bashful spouse to silence the world and let you enjoy your summer and finalized marriage. This had been a long year from your press tours to the explosive Congressman ordeal rehashed when his son was publicized to have died and himself not so long afterwards overshadowed by the news of Norma being pregnant adding a second surprise wedding to be placed in front of yours along with three babies. She didn’t regret how she had gotten here but against how much she knew you wanted to have a special non-eloping wedding she had hoped you would have jumped the gun and gotten hitched like they had to not have to wait so long.
Negatives in hand through the doors of Freckled Moose publishing office in the well lit lobby the smiling group including the head of the building along with the man who would be your Editor beside the head of the rest of the printing process. “Welcome, Miss Pear, Mr Howlett, Mr Creed. We’re all so glad you could make it today.”
“Yes, it was interesting to get your letter, actually being asked to have someone want to see my pictures in an actual book.”
Head of the Company smiled saying, “There’s no shortage of people who since you have been written on a Photography club to see just what you have been capturing.”
“And you want to publish all of it, no matter what?”
The three of them replied, “Every image.”
The Editor asked, “You did bring the descriptions for each and the title for the book?”
“Yes. Thought it’d just be Bunny, if that’d be good?”
He nodded and said, “That sounds marvelous actually, and just how many pictures are we discussing?”
From your purse you pulled out the book you had been given from the club parting their lips at the size of it, “58 images, we had to do two a week and the rest are from the final project, it’s big from the grades and notes on the back of each.”
The Head of the Company said, “Why don’t we head to my office and we can look that over and talk about order and how the book is going to be set up along with contract terms?”
You nodded and they turned to guide you to the office, where on the couch across from their chairs you showed them the pictures that they agreed to only adjust the order of a few images within the month they had been captured keeping the genres of photographs together. Beside the notepad now housing the current order of images and new order with copied descriptions you had written them a copy. The contracts came next with the new terms the guys had talked them down to over the past week for you to simply sign agreeing that for each book they get 20% of the proceeds to go with the five agreed signing appearances when the books did get released into books across Canada. $8 was decided upon already stunning you a bit for being nearly half the price of an ironing board and nowhere near as useful for people who might be buying these glorified paperweights most buyers might not look at more than upon purchasing them.
The photography assembly line came next, or rather a brightly lit office with different stations where you would choose the paper style, font, color for the covers and title across the front. Bit by bit each image size was assigned, easily the same to mostly take up the same space on each of the pages housing the pictures with the description on the bottom of each page.
The final step was the first hand over of the negatives that were rearranged to the new order to be taken over to the printing department to get started on the process that according to them the designated amount of prints would be met within a few days and the negatives would be returned to you for the binding process would be started to finalize the process. Along with the copy of a picture of you in your favorite armchair, Mr Whiskers in your lap beside you holding your camera taking a picture of Pepper and Olive seated on either side of you. The picture that made you smirk reminiscent of portraits and pictures of men in power James and Victor had helped to work your four pawed accomplices into the perfect positions for the image that most would have chosen an image with you or Teddy to make you seem more matronly.
This would grab attention, and the men smirked taking the image as a joke for a moment until the brothers gave subtle hints in their faces and posture in each confirming glance over your head that was the only image to be handed over. That image would be the first page along with the intro for the book that you had written. Other than that you had pretty much completed the mock up of the solid dark grey book with purple letters for the title Bunny. For whatever little notoriety you had at least this could be a little bit of money to add to your nest egg or could easily be hidden away on a shelf in a book store or storage room somewhere if it fails miserably. Just 58 images could be a drop in the bucket for everything in the future that could be recorded in all the years to come.
The trio were the ones to show you out confirming that each step of the way they would keep you posted on the progress of the process until the big release. In their dip back inside you ignored the muffled comment on how soon to get the first few pages ready to be printed in the closing of the doors behind you on the walk to the car. Victor broke the silence saying, “Told you they’d love it.”
Looking up at him you smirked saying, “Oh yes, didn’t stop them from doubting my picture you took of me though.”
James, “They didn’t doubt the picture.”
You lifted a brow to look at him and Victor said, “Nope, they just imagined we’d be piggybacking into the image since we were so hard on the contracts for you.”
“How did you get them up to 80% profits, thought they would be wanting something more like half.”
Victor hummed back, “You took the images, all they are doing is printing them into a book and adding some words on the cover above your chosen snippets.”
James, “Editor didn’t do much, you provided everything, all they are doing is printing and distribution, taking the costs for the business side of this they are getting a killing on this deal just by utilizing your popularity and name. Even just day to day in school your name comes up, people are curious on what you are doing, how we are all getting along through life. Even just with photographs and not being a famous photographer still people are still going to want to buy your book, and second book. There were press at Barnard asking to browse yearbooks for pictures you took for them.”
Victor, “How you think and see the world is fascinating, what you choose to capture is poignant, that picture of the house you built for the frog to the shadows of beams in your school is phenomenally expressive of who you are and what you dream of. And most people might just see ‘oh an adorable picture of a frog’ or ‘oh some shadows’, but no one else would have built that house for that frog or twisted like that for those shadows, all of that after coming out of five years of war. Even Truman and King George are going to want to know what you took pictures of.”
“All curiosity then.” You said and James’ arm eased you a bit more into his side pressing a kiss to your temple.
Victor, “So much more than curiosity. No one cared what Van Gogh painted in his lifetime,”
“I am not Van Gogh,”
James, “No, but you certainly weren’t going to go ignored like he was.”
“They are never going to put my pictures up in a museum.”
Victor, “Oh I very much bet otherwise.” He said turning your head upon reaching the car, “There have been whispers of exhibits on women in the war.”
That parted your lips and James said, “You do realize this war will go down in history, people are going to talk about this war against Hitler and all those camps for decades. There are dozens of Civil War exhibits in this country, even just the airplanes built since their invention have been collected even when discontinued for public use. Egypt and Ancient Rome have exhibits all around the world. The first woman Medic Officer in Canadian history is going in an exhibit. People are going to write books about us. People have written books about the battalions Vic and I have been in through each of our wars since our first enlistment.”
“How do you deal with that?” you asked and he simply leaned in to claim a comforting kiss followed by a second on your nose as Victor opened the driver’s side door.
At the pat of his hand on the hood he said, “Let’s go pick up your hats Pipsqueak.” Dropping into the car that James moved to open the passenger side door to.
“You’re both too calm with this.”
James hummed back, “Just wait till someone tries to trash your name and you’ll see us burn the world down to change their minds and make them apologize.”
“You burn the world down and those Asgardians will come drop down on all of us.”
Victor laughed from inside the car, “They come down here they won’t stand a chance if they come to try to fight you. Now if they want to buy a book they are free to get in line, and there will be lines.” He finished with a smile at your slide to the middle spot on the bench seat with legs crossed against James’ in his closing the door on his settling inside.
The drive didn’t take long while they both shared their own assumptions on how the sales would go in your comfortable place against James’ side glad for his arm across your lap to hold your hand out of the way from the stick shift. Before you could even park the excited Hatter’s Wife hastened to the door to open it for the three of you to let you in for the final display and payment hand over for the second half of the hats.
Smiling widely the Hatter greeted you with a warm handshake and pat on the back of your hand clasped in his, “Welcome back, we are so glad to have been chosen as your personal Hatters.” He released your hand and shook the brothers’ hands while you held back your smile from spreading awkwardly across your face at his claim on any future business you now had to come up with some more of somehow to appease his assumption. “Now, we shall start with our Bride.”
He said with a smile until his wife said, “That is, we also can fit you in the private room if you prefer to surprise the Groom on the day of.”
“Here is good,” you said in his pause luring his smile out again in his turn to fetch your hat from the back. “Managed to keep the dress a secret along with the shoes but think I just might want to spread a bit of jealousy at the details on mine.” You said easing onto the stool she motioned you to so he could settle it in place.
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The Hatter returned and smiled at your eyeing the white marvel he lifted and settled gingerly onto your head like a crown. More so the action had the guys about in tears for the first glimpse of you as a Bride, and when you stood to walk to the mirrors they were drawn after you admiring the pristine white top hat you almost didn’t want to touch to keep it clean. The shorter styled top hat with a ribbon accented with a shimmering broach and a white feather was circled by a net like ribbon draped around the rise of the hat with a tail that would be lowered as the portion to cover your face. You had Mamma Brock’s veil but like the other women who wore it a second sheer layer would cover your face as hers was woven lace stitched to heavy barely see through silk and would be too difficult to actually make it down the aisle or even across a room.
Around your face his fingers eased the net veil portion down saying, “And this will simply be lovely and quite easy to see through on the big day. Should you wish to add a hair piece if you secured it above a bun then it should fit nicely along with this hat.”
“I do have a silk and hand woven lace veil that I am borrowing for the day, this should help to keep it in place while I walk to the reception after if it’s a bit windy.”
James chuckled humming out, “You’re not walking, I’m carrying you the full way.” The Hatter looked his way and he said, “Tradition, the barn is just a stone’s throw from the church, Bride is carried to her seat.”
Hatter’s Wife, “Oh that sounds lovely for wedding traditions.” She said stealing a glance at the ring on James’ hand adding, “Along with your Groom already wearing his ring.”
Victor said showing off is two rings on his ring finger, “Family tradition we get two rings too so we can brag up to the big day.”
The assistant came out with the other female hat design while the Hatter claimed your hat again he took back to its box that gave you the second hat to admire and shift the shorter accented by a silk flower ending the ribbon, the netting simply was a tuft in the front and right side minus the tail yours had. Just as breathtaking as the first to be followed by both of the brothers admiring their own grey top hats accented with black ribbons and James’ with a purple accenting fold of ribbon on the side where the ends met.
Pt 40
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​ ​,@thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shes-a-killer-kween, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm (Hobbit x oc)
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers, @theincaprincess​, @changlingkhat
13 notes · View notes
Survey #367
“i should warn you that you may fuck me, but chances are i’m gonna fuck you over”
Where was the last place you went for vacation? The beach. When was the last time you wore makeup? Halloween. Do you watch soaps or drama series? If so, which ones? Not currently. What’s your favourite tomato variety? I hate tomatoes. What was your very first pet like? Dad had a dog named Trigger when I was born, but I have no memory of her, so I'm excluding her. I consider our first family pet to be Chance, a cat my mom took in after finding her literally in the trash. She was... god, incredible. She was a loyal friend, and I can imagine no greater mother than she was (she legit fought off a rottweiler head-on to protect her kittens). She was so smart, so gentle, and just simply amazing. I'll always miss her. What was the best school project you remember doing? Looking back, despite the fact it TERRIFIED me before, that would be my senior project presentation. It was about snake misconceptions and fallacies, so I made a slideshow to present to the special ed class. I made drawings for them to color, word searches, all that kind of stuff. They were just the sweetest and seemed really into it. What’s your favourite type of fish to eat? None. What kind of an old person do you think you’ll become? I really... don't like thinking about this. Like I'm weak enough now at 25, I can't imagine how my, say, 60s would be. I hope and just about pray that my physical health will improve, but I'm just going to exclude that part entirely from this answer. Personality-wise and such, I have a feeling I'll be the quiet and sweet kind, the one that loves her (hopeful) spouse like crazy, and comes most alive on Halloween if I live in a place where children come trick-or-treating. I imagine I would LOVE that. I'd love to be the type that goes on morning jogs to help stay spry. Which well-known person’s death shocked you the most, if any? Steve Irwin and Chester Bennington might be tied. Both were so, so sudden. Steve was like, invincible to my childhood eyes, and when I heard about Chester's death, I thought it was just a sick rumor. Two amazing people that died way too soon. What’s the craziest colour you’d dye your hair? That would depend on personal opinions. I want to dye my hair LOTS of colors though, if that tells you anything. What’s the coolest hobby one of your friends has? Uhhhh. Idk. Name a video game you can play over and over again: Shadow of the Colossus. It's a pretty short game if you know what you're doing, and it's super relaxing to me and just so goddamn pretty to look at. Every time I've played it has just been a pleasant experience. Do you like meatloaf? Yeah, it's fine. How about Meatloaf? I know who he is, but I've never really listened to his music. Do you take time to do charitable work? If so, what do you do? No. ;_; Especially with all the free time I have, I really should... What is something that will make you laugh instantly? Okay, don't ask, but if I for a SECOND see that commercial of Mr. Clean dancing while he's cleaning, I will die because of memories. What is something you hope you will never inherit from a specific relative? Diabetes. It runs heavily in my family. Name a movie you wouldn’t watch solely based on its name: The Human Centipede. No. Thank you. Have you ever played in a stack of hay bales? No. What’s your dearest souvenir? The stuffed moose I got at Cabela's during a visit to Ohio. I named him Brownie, and he was my "childhood plushie" we all have. Is there a lot of graffiti around your neighbourhood? Not in the actual area I live in, but there are DEFINITELY places where it's a pigsty of distasteful shit. Have you ever made your own soda? (Soda Stream doesn’t count!) No. Do you have a hobby that forces you out of the house? If so, what is it? Nature photography. Have you ever been part of a theater group? No, that stuff doesn't interest me. What’s the most ecological thing you do? We recycle, and I also use metal straws. Would you stop eating meat, if you had to raise and slaughter it yourself? Absolutely. There is no fucking way I could do it. What’s your favourite board game? Why do you like it best? I like Clue just because of the mystery-solving factor, and I think it's kinda cool how you can think ahead and use other's findings to your own advantage to win the game pretty early. Besides English, what other languages can you speak? Some German. It's gotten pretty weak with neglect, though. Besides English, what other languages can you read? I can read German well. What thing/person/happening has made you the happiest you’ve been? This is a complicated answer that I just don't feel like elaborating on. What’s the most freeing thing you’ve ever done? Letting Jason go. Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs? If not, would you even want to try one? No, and I'm not interested. Have you ever tasted birch sap? No. How about the young buds/shoots of spruce trees? No. Which edible flowers have you tasted? Honeysuckles. What has been your worst restaurant experience? Well, it's a fast food restaurant, but lemme tell you about my vegetarian encounter with Burger King. I ordered their veggie burger. Which they have. It's not a secret. These idiots gave me a bun with tomato and lettuce, and I think mayo on it, after sounding confused when Mom was ordering for me. Mom went back in there of course to tell them, and oh god was the manager pissed, lol. I got my veggie burger in the end. What’s the most immature, adolescent thing that still makes you laugh? Some sexually inappropriate jokes can still get me sadly, lol. Have you ever had a life-threatening condition? If so, what was it? Not literally, but boy do I think depression counts. Do you ever compare your life to somebody else’s? If so, why? Y E P. I can't tell you why, I just... do it. I look at other's successes and am just like, "Why aren't I there yet?", and beat myself up about being a failure. What is a food item or a dish you absolutely cannot stand? Brussel sprouts, asparagus, runny eggs, many other things because I'm just mega picky. Have you ever had a custom print done on a shirt? If so, what was it? Just the spray paint kind that vendors like to do at the beach and stuff. I don't remember any I got, though. What does your favourite mug look like? It's black with a Markiplier quote on it, given to me by Sara. :') Do you ever read other people’s survey answers? Yeah! Friends', anyway. I love learning all the obscure things about them. Do you like daytime or night time better? Why? Daytime, specifically early morning, because it's better for my depression. Are you more comfortable as a leader or a follower? A follower that isn't afraid to speak up when I'm really against something. What is your favourite song right now at this very moment? I've been really into "7empest" by Tool lately, and the synthwave edit of "Voices" by Motionless In White. If you watched The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, who was your favourite character? I don't remember it well, but I think I liked the butler. Was there even a butler? Who was your first online friend? Emma. :') Do you have any plants in your home? No. If you wear makeup, what’s the most outrageous colour you use? I only ever use black. What was the last photograph you took? My cat being adorable while sleeping. <3 Have you ever submitted a video to Funniest Home Videos? No. What was the first sport you learned how to play? I want to say soccer? I absolutely hated it. Do you have a headache at the moment? Yes, actually. I've really been attacked by the Covid shot side effects. Are your parents still together? No, thank god. What was the last hot food you ate? I made a chicken and I think pesto (some Italian noodles, idk) Healthy Choice bowl for dinner last night. Have you ever seen a meteor shower? No. :( Do you ever feel afraid people will question your sanity? I'm sure people have before, and back then? Rightfully so. Which X Factor audition(s) was/were your favorite? Never watched it. Were you a straight A student in spelling and grammar? Always. It's so weird how it's gotten worse with time since leaving school, even though I write... Were you a straight A student in math? Yeah, no. I usually got Bs or Cs. What is your favorite shade of yellow? Pastel. I don't really like yellow. What is something you want to accomplish before you turn 30? Have a stable job. Are you afraid of getting yelled at? YES. Do you feel a connection to the moon? It's not something I think about, so not really, but I do believe all things in the universe are connected in some way. We are simply a part of nature, as all else is. What does your heart long for? Contentment in who I am and where I am in life. I know I also miss being in love. Do you know what your purpose in life is? We have no innate purpose; we make our own, and I want mine to be to show others that there is always hope for yourself in yourself, and also to spread the message of love of all animals. Did you decorate a pumpkin this year? Last year I didn't. I really should change that this go around. Have you ever seen a fox? Yes! They're a kind of rare sight here sadly, so when I had the opportunity to photograph a fox tragically as roadkill, it was a photographic experience I won't forget. God, I wanted to pet it (I obviously didn't), but I did talk to it about how beautiful (s)he was as I got some shots. I never had a harder time leaving one of those angels I've taken pictures of. Do you find Halloween fun or scary? FUN!!!!!! Is there anything about Halloween you find offensive? Not at all. What do the trees look like where you live? I mean, there's a variety, but the staple that you see literally everywhere are pine trees. What is your dream vacation? Somewhere with mountains, clear lakes, cool weather, beautiful and various wildlife... What was the best vacation you’ve been on so far? Disney World as a kid. What is the best class trip you’ve been on? The zoo in the 5th grade. It was the one occasion I got to see meerkats. Did you like field trips when you were a kid? I lived for them. Do you find museums boring or interesting? I find science museums to be very, very fascinating. Art ones are great, too. What are three issues you are passionate about? LGBT rights, the pro-choice movement, and wildlife conservation, to name a few. Would you ever wear a shirt with your country’s flag on it? No. I'm not patriotic enough at all. What size is your bed? Queen. What’s a medicine that makes you sleepy? When we were experimenting with my Klonopin dosage, I learned that 3mg was enough to knock me on my ASS. Do you like bath bombs? I mean they're pretty, but I wouldn't waste money on 'em. Who are your favorite small YouTubers? Yikes, a looooooot. But this also depends on what you think qualifies as "small." Most of my favorite "small" YTers are tarantula keepers or sub-1M let's players. Who are your favorite big YouTubers? Markiplier obviously, Snake Discovery, Good Mythical Morning (even if I don't watch them anymore, they are veeery dear to my heart and I will always support them), Sam & Colby... Again, there's a lot. When you don't watch TV and YT instead, you really get attached to a lot of them. What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? Would you believe me if I said Pussycat Dolls? haha Do you like Disney movies? Um, DUH. Were you ever in the popular crowd? No. Have you ever used an outhouse? UGH, at like childhood sports games, yes. I could NEVER nowadays, oh my god. Could you possibly write a successful novel? I think I have the creativity to, but not the dedication. Are there any foods that make you gag? Beans, for one. I just canNOT with them. It's a completely involuntary reaction. Have you ever had blonde highlights in your hair? I think I did? Who was the last person you video-chatted with? The lady who was seeing if I qualified for TMS therapy. Do you think sleeve tattoos look trashy? Definitely not, I love those. If you had to get a portrait tattoo, who would it be of? I don't actually want one, but if I did, I'd go to a serious professional to get THE Darkiplier smile. :') If u know u know. Do you have any stickers on any of your electronic devices? No. Do you think half blonde/half dark brown hair is attractive? It looks great on some people, but it's not my favorite combo.
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traitorousheroes · 3 years
Taboo (Comedian!Will AU)
(This is a snippet of something that I may or may not ever finish. Season 3 AU after Hannibal turns himself in.)
“And we’re back with Will Graham, who’s new comedy special, Signs of Anxiety, is now streaming on Netflix. Will, great to see you.”
“Thanks for having me on, Conan.”
“Now, you’ve had a meteoric rise in the comedy world. You started about a year ago in Baltimore, right?”
“Yeah, it’s been a really wild ride. Definitely not the way that I saw my life going.”
“You used to work with the F.B.I., didn’t you?”
“Like I said, not what I imagined my life to be.”
Will shifted on his bed, trying in vain to get comfortable. After a few minutes he sat up, leaning against the wall and window frame behind him, and stared at the chair next to him. It had been over two months since Hannibal had sat in it. There was a faint coating of dust, slightly less in the places where he had been, but just enough to leave an impression of him.
The cold of the windowpane seeped into the back of his skull, a counterpoint to the still healing stitches that tugged on his forehead. According to the doctor he had seen the laceration was healing well. She had complimented whoever had done the stitches. Will hadn’t had the heart to tell her that the one who had been carving into his skull had been the one to fix him up. Granted, Hannibal had undone the ones that Cordell had made, but Will figured it was just another sign of his possessiveness.
“Not going to think of me?”
Will let out a deep sigh, opening his eyes to see Hannibal sitting on the chair. The doctor looked much the same as he had the last time Will had seen him. There was a hint of a smile around Hannibal’s lips, which he found himself mimicking.
“I knew it was a lie,” Will told him. “You didn’t.”
“And here again you stand victorious.”
“I don’t feel victorious.”
Hannibal tilted his head to the side, considering him. “What do you feel?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “I thought it would feel better.”
“You have court in the morning, do you not? Will you see me there?”
“No. Not tomorrow, at least. Maybe at the actual trial, if the lawyers don’t decide that I’m a terrible witness.”
“A witness to your own manipulations. I can see how the prosecutor would like that.”
“I won’t be one of your victims,” Will said. “If I’m lucky they’ll both decide that I’m too compromised to be of use.”
“Compromised?” Hannibal asked.
“I know you as well as I know myself,” Will admitted. “The prosecution won’t use me because your defense would use the fact that I was a honeypot to discredit me. The defense won’t use me because you won’t let them.”
“I won’t.”
“Zero sum. We’ve made sure that I’m off the board.”
“Then what will you do? You’re free.”
“Am I?” Will asked him. “You said I was in your memory palace, victorious. And yet here you are.”
“Victorious,” Hannibal replied with a smile. “You know where I am, just as you wanted.”
“Just as you wanted.”
The words came out biting, but Hannibal only smiled. Will sighed, looking over at the clock. The neon green lights blinked out that it was only ten p.m., far too early for him to even think of going to sleep. Sleep was a fickle friend these days, but one that he had hoped would quell the thoughts that raced through his head.
Will swung his legs over the side of his bed, standing up and walking past the empty chair to his kitchen. Buster looked up from his dog bed, toddling up and rubbing against his leg as he flipped on the light. The smile on Will’s face felt a little more genuine as he reached down and gave him a pat. There was a bottle of whiskey on the counter, almost gone, which Will looked at with a grimace.
In a snap decision, Will walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a dark henley. Grabbing his coat, Will stuffed his wallet and keys into a pocket before putting on a pair of boots. A few more of his dogs looked up, but he let out a sharp hiss that made them lay back down. Closing the door and locking it behind him, Will walked over to his station wagon. It took the better part of an hour to drive to Baltimore, and a little over twenty minutes to find a bar that was open on a Tuesday night. Parking his car, Will made his way to it, paying the cover charge before going and finding a seat at the bar.
There was a pretty generous crowd, though most of them seemed to be focused on the stage where someone was performing standup. Will paid the man half an ear as he ordered a neat whiskey. It was nice background noise, the laughter of the crowd polite as he landed a joke. Before long the comedian finished his set, ceding the stage to the next performer. Will felt a bit bad as he started his set, the man clearly nervous and unsure.
“You know, you’re the only guy with his back to the stage.”
Will glanced at the man who had taken the seat next to him out of the corner of his eye. He shrugged, wincing slightly as the joke the new performer made fell flat. The man next to him waved to the bartender, who apparently was familiar enough with him to place a drink down with no need of an order.
“Raymond Kirk,” the man introduced himself.
“Graham,” Will said, not willing to bet on the man not recognizing his full name.
“Not a fan of comedy?”
“Needed to get out of my house. This was the first place I saw. Your set was good.”
“You were paying attention.”
“It’s better than listening to canned music over a stereo system.”
“You wound me.”
Will glanced at him again, his mind automatically placing the most damage that he could do. Raymond wasn’t stocky, but a strike to his midsection would wind him, bend him double as he tried to gasp for air. It would be easy enough to throw his head against the wood of the bar, denting the skull hard enough that he would never wake up. Or perhaps grabbing him around the neck, putting enough pressure on his throat for him to go limp before snapping it.
“If I wanted to do that, you’d know it,” Will told him, shaking off the thoughts. “You aren’t from around here, are you?”
Raymond laughed. “That obvious?”
“Not to most people,” Will said with a shrug. “What brings you to Baltimore?’
“I’m on tour,” Raymond said. “I thought it’d be nice to try out a few new jokes at some open mics while I’m out.”
“Sounds nice.”
“It’s not too bad. So, you don’t do anything with comedy?”
“Never had the chance,” Will said, lightly tapping his temple with his knuckle. “My job doesn’t really intersect with it.”
Unless he considered the puns and jokes that Hannibal had made. Which he tried not to.
“Never watched a special on Netflix or anything?”
“I don’t really have time for it.” Will thought for a moment. “I didn’t have time for it.”
“Well, it's never too late to try something new,” Raymond said. Will looked askance at him. “You go up and give it a try, and I’ll get you tickets to my show.”
“I don’t have a set.”
“You look like someone who does well under pressure,” he replied. “I know the guy who’s running this tonight. If I give you twenty minutes for a five minute set, you think you can do it?”
Will looked at him, meeting his eyes for a split instant. Raymond was open and honest, moreso than anyone else he had been around in a year... aside from Hannibal. For a moment it threw him, and Will looked back down at his glass. Even so, he hesitated for a moment, before downing his drink.
“Add another drink to that bet and I’ll do it,” Will said.
“So, most comedians tell stories about how they bombed their first set,” Ellen said. “I know I have. What was your first experience in comedy like?”
“Probably a bit different than most people,” Will said, crossing his legs. “I had just walked into a bar looking for a drink, and then somebody -”
“Raymond Kirk,”
“Raymond, yeah,” Will said, a fond smile crossing his face. “Comes up to me and dares me to go up on stage. He told me later that he originally thought it would be a laugh and that he would give me tickets to his show as recompense.”
“But you surprised him.”
“I think I surprised everyone that was there. Certainly I surprised myself.”
“And it’s true that the set eventually became part of your special?”
“Yeah, actually. People really seem to like it when you talk about how fu-” Will caught himself, sharing a chuckle with Ellen. “How screwed up the human brain can be.”
“And you’re something of an expert on that.”
“In more ways than one. I never thought my college degree would be used for comedy.”
“You have a Master’s in Forensic Science?”
“Yes. I was a cop for ten years, and I taught at the F.B.I. Academy at Quantico about criminal profiling based on forensic evidence.”
“Definitely not what most people think when they think of a comedian. Now your special deals with mental health, specifically troubles that you yourself have had. Do you find it hard to be so open about it?”
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spones-in-my-bones · 4 years
Spones Amusement Park Date
OK SO I’ve had this in my WIPs for YEARS, and it’s an outline for a fic, so not fully written out fyi. The idea is basically: McCoy and his 5 y/o daughter Joanna going to an amusement park and on the way they meet Spock who is studying human culture and due to Reasons they invite him along. And then Romance happens ???
(The things they do (rides, games, etc) in the park in the fic are based upon going to Knott’s Berry Farm and Disneyland with my family as a kid, and what traditions we had when we went! It was a fun way to put that personal touch into a story, imo. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (Also it’s like 4,600 words, full of run-on sentences bc rambling, and gets more fleshed out as it goes)
Let's just take a second to imagine Spock on Earth studying Terrans and their culture, and he bumps into McCoy, someone he met at the academy a week before. Let's just say, they did not get off on the right foot, and now are avoiding each other a bit. McCoy is with Joanna, and Joanna asks who Spock is, and McCoy introduces him.
Later on that same morning, Joanna wanders off and Spock saves her from nearly getting hit by a car (kinda dramatic but ok), and McCoy decides to give his impression of Spock another chance by inviting him to the amusement park with them. Spock declines at first, but then McCoy asks what his other plans are, and Spock say study Earth ways, to which McCoy says that an amusement park is a vital part of terran society and culture, thus convincing Spock to join them. 
The first thing Joanna does is take out her small camera and take pictures of everything, especially her father and new friend. The next, of course, is to get some cotton candy. Spock and McCoy both dislike the pure sugariness of the cotton candy, and Joanna doesn't mind since she gets it all to herself. 
Then the first ride they go on is sure to be the spinning teacups, which Spock remarks that it is illogical to sit in something designed for drinking out of, but McCoy simply rolls his eyes and pulls him into the cup before they start moving. when they get off, McCoy is a bit dizzy and thus stumbles, Spock catching his arms and straightening him. McCoy thanks him as Joanna rushes ahead and snaps another photo of the two. Then it's off to the log ride, where McCoy and Joanna get on, but Spock declines, instead going to observe the shops nearby in the meantime.
McCoy calls Spock a party pooper and Joanna does as well and they both go off to the log ride when they return, Joanna and McCoy are drenched, and thus walk around in the sun to dry off as they look for Spock, who's looking curiously at one of the many VERY old-fashioned holographic games in which you attempt to knock down stacks of bottles with a ball. Joanna sees a large stuffed Shelat (just for fun, it's a sehlat) that she wants, and McCoy says he'll give it a shot and gets four balls. He throws the first one and utterly misses, just saying that he was warming up. The second one misses as well, and Joanna says that her dad isn't very good at this. Spock then inquires if he might make an attempt, and McCoy says go for it. Spock nails it on the first try, winning the bear for joanna. Still having one more ball left, the guy behind the counter makes a wager that if Spock can hit a very difficult target, he'll get two bears, the sehalt and teddy bear instead of just one. 
McCoy asks Joanna and Joanna accepts, telling Spock that she believes in him. Spock picks up the ball, calculates as necessary, and nails the hit, winning a total of two stuffed bears for joanna. Joanna places them in her bag, the two bears sticking out of the top from just under their arms. 
After then, the three ventured into the kid's zone of the amusement park, where a lot of Joanna's favorite rides were. There was a miniature racetrack, where Joanna picked her favorite car, number 3(like the three of them!), and raced around the small, safe track as Spock and McCoy watched, McCoy taking pictures for his daughter. Then it was off to the the large spinning swings. Joanna loved them because they made her feel like she was flying. McCoy noticed that Spock was looking around the balloon animals at the time, which were still a big hit. McCoy explains them and then asks for a balloon hat for Joanna in the shape of a starship. Spock is impressed at the craftsmanship, and needless to say Joanna is elated at the sight of the hat.
Finally, it was time for the roller coaster. Joanna was tall for her age, which was 8 years old, and thus she was now able to ride the roller coaster she had been waiting literally all her life for. The Gallelio Thunder. Spock inquired about it's odd name, and McCoy explained that it was an indoor, underground rollercoaster that projected stars everywhere, so it was as if you were actually travelling through space. Though he supposed Spock had already seen space on his trip from Vulcan, so it's probably nothing like the real thing. 
Spock was going to wait outside as Joanna and McCoy went inside, but Joanna asked if Mr. Spock would please come with them. She said that the ride was three seats across, and so they had to have three people or else it wouldn't work. When Spock asks what wouldn't work, McCoy comments that Joanna is afraid she'll fall off of the coaster if there isn't a person on each side of her. But not to worry, since these are really safe. Spock says that he will join them for Joanna's sake, and follows them into the ride. 
In the long line there, Joanna gets really nervous, and thus holds her dad's hand. When they get to the front, she becomes even more nervous, and grabs Mr. Spock's sleeve, to which Spock and McCoy look at her and McCoy apologizes. Spock says that there is no need for apology, and McCoy smiles a bit. It's their turn, finally, and, after Joanna's height is checked and confirmed, they walk over, McCoy leading the way into the car and taking the farthest of the three seats. Joanna is shaking with anticipation as McCoy buckles her seatbelt and pulls the restraint over her head to her chest. Spock follows suit and then finally McCoy does his own. 
Time for liftoff. 
The roller coaster starts off slow, climbing up a great hill as panels on the walls mirror the reflections of the passengers in the car. McCoy appears very unsettled, Joanna is grinning widely, and Spock is looking around curiously at their surroundings. As they reach the top, the lights dim more and more until they are surrounded by darkness. Joanna instinctively reaches for her father's hand, squeezing much tighter than an eight year old should be able to. Then they stop as the car climaxes the peak. Surrounding them is a true work of art that is nature's universe around them. The stars twinkle in a variety of colors, and you can practically feel the heat coming off of the sun to their left. It was beautiful sight to behold. "Get ready, now." McCoy warned as the car jolted a little bit. The brakes released and the car went plummeting downwards into a multi-colored nebula. The stars stretched and flickered in their sight as the car sped by, fast as a shuttlecraft. A moment later they swirled with the track's loops and then flicked across their vision as they made sharp turns. Then, the car climbed one final hill, taller than the first, and at the peak was a view of the entire underground galaxy, all of the stars, planets, asteroids, meteors and nebulae the eyes can see. Right before you. As if you could reach out to it. But no one dared to as the gravity of the final drop was all too sudden to do so. The car raced to a slow crawl into the station, each of the passengers speechless. McCoy considered himself lucky that scared silence ran in his family rather than scared screaming. After that ride, he and Spock both surely would have lost their hearing. 
The three exited the ride, McCoy more slowly than the rest as he stomach tried to catch up with him. Joanna was jumping around saying that it was so awesome and amazing and she wanted to go again, but McCoy protested, saying that he didn't think he could handle another ride. Joanna made a sad face as she 'awwww'd, walking up the incline that led to the exit of the ride's building. Spock then suggested that he could take her on the ride, and Joanna said "yes, yes, yes! Pleeeeeease daddy, let Mr. Spock take me!" He then asked if Joanna was afraid of falling out if she wasn't surrounded, and she said that Mr. Spock would protect her, just like earlier today. How could McCoy argue with that?
(he could, but listen)
McCoy said very well and Joanna jumped around happily and gave Mr. Spock a hug around his waist, which she could just reach. McCoy and Spock are both shocked at this unexpected behavior, but McCoy just smiles as Spock stands there awkwardly. McCoy walks with them to the ride, but instead of getting on, passes through, taking joanna's bag and balloon hat for her, and says that he'll be at the restaurant at the exit when they're done. Joanna nods and says thank you to both him and Mr. Spock before the ride starts and McCoy steps back, watching them take off into the galaxy together. 
Almost fully exhausted from their energetic day, the first thing McCoy does is go into the restaurant and sit down. He notices the virtual pinball machines against one wall, and takes out a few coins for Joanna when she gets back. He sat back in the fully metal, yet oddly comfortable chair that was one of four at the table, and shut his eyes with a content sigh. Joanna and him had always had fun when they did this twice a year, but this year he felt much more, well, relaxed. What had changed? Well, sure Joanna was older, but it had to be more than that. Could it have been Spock? McCoy opened his eyes and looked to Joanna's small blue backpack that held the two plush bears Spock had won for her earlier. He noticed that one was falling out, and thus adjusted it in the bag so that the two were side by side comfortably. 
Maybe it was Spock. 
"Daddy!" The excited sounds of his daughter call out to McCoy, who set the bag holding the bears down and hugged his daughter as she ran up to him. He asked her if she enjoyed herself, and she said yes and that Mr. Spock said he did too. McCoy grinned at Spock. “Is that so?” Spock nodded. “It was a competent source of entertainment.” Bascially meaning that he had fun in Vulcan. McCoy asked Joanna if she wa hungry, which he gets a hearty reply. McCoy asks Spock if he is hungry as well, and Spock says that he is “indeed in need of nourishment”. McCoy chuckles and rolls his eyes at the Vulcan’s phrasing. 
He tells Joanna to order at the screen beside their table and then gives her the coins so she can play pinball. If he had something odd to be proud of in his daughter, it would be her skills at a pinball machine. He taught her so well that she nearly beats /him/, and she's only eight. "Dr. McCoy," Spock begins as he takes as seat across from McCoy. "Look, Spock, we're at an amusement park, not the academy. You can call me Leonard." Spock is hesitant for a moment. "Very well, Leonard." McCoy smiles at his name and orders his food, giving Spock some recommendations. He looks back over at Spock and bites his lips together in an effort to hold back a laugh.
“Well, I’ll be. You’ve got uh-” he motioned to the top of his own head-the place the hair was standing askew on Spock’s own. 
Spock piqued a brow before reaching his hand up and in one smooth motion, flattened his hair.
“I didn’t know that it could do that.”
Spock gave him a confused look.
“It’s just-you appear to be so...” McCoy gestured in the air. “Meticulous? That I didn’t think it was possible for a single hair to be out of place.”
“I assure you, the hair of Vulcans reacts very similarly to human’s. Perhaps you have mistaken me instead for a statue?”
McCoy laughed at that. “Maybe, but good to know that you’re just like the rest of us. In all the good ways, of course.” He winked at Spock, causing the Vulcan’s brow to soar higher and make McCoy let out another laugh. This time, he caught Spock eyeing him with a sort of... fondness? Maybe he’s starting to relax, finally.
Just as McCoy was about to speak, Joanna came over, exclaiming that she had gotten the third highest score on the game. McCoy says 'atta girl' and moves her bag so she can sit down beside him.
Their food arrives moments later, McCoy having a nice thin slice of meat on his plate surrounded by vegetables, Spock ordering a full fruit and vegetable plate, and Joanna ordering the kid version of what her father has."If memory serves, most Vulcans are Vegetarians. Is that right, Spock?" McCoy asks and he peeks down at Spock's salad plate. 
"Your memory is correct, doctor." 
"Leonard, please," McCoy grins up at Spock, "You are eating dinner with us, after all. So, how important would you say vegetables are?" 
Spock raises a brow at the question, but before he can say anything, he sees the doc-...Leonard motion to Joanna, who is currently picking at her vegetables. "They are incredibly important, as they are my main source of nourishment." 
Leonard makes an expression of faux surprise, turning to his daughter. "You hear that. Jo? Fruits and vegetables are /very/ important to eat. Even Mr. Spock thinks so." 
“But that's /all/ he eats," Jo whimpers, picking at her broccoli. "And Mr. Spock's not a human, so it's different.” “That may be true, but-” 
“I am half human,” Spock offers. McCoy raises both his brows at the information. “My mother is human, and it is true that a balanced diet, containing vegetables, is crucial to maintaining one's health. This applies to both you and Leonard as well.” 
McCoy smiles, mentally stumbling at the sound of his first name in Spock's voice for a second before turning back to Jo. “See? Spock may not be a doctor, but he knows his stuff.” 
Joanna frowns, simply picking at her vegetables before eating them with disdain. McCoy chuckles a bit, tilting his head towards Spock in thanks. 
When they had finished eating, it was already nighttime, meaning the park was closing soon. Spock was saying that he must be going, but Joanna protested, saying that they only had one more thing to do before they left. McCoy agreed with his daughter and said that it wouldn't be much longer. After some thought, Spock agreed and they walked down towards a giant fountain that stood in the center of the park. McCoy then left saying the he's going to a stand that they had just passed and would be back in a minute, leaving Joanna with Spock just 20 feet away. 
Joanna looked up at the stars, saying that she loved the night because she could see other worlds then. She then asked if Mr. Spock that if he was an alien, that meant he was from another planet, right? which he said he was. She followed up by asking which star was his planet in the sky. Spock said you cannot see it from here, bug pointed out the orion's belt, and said that it was the far left star there, the one that shined a bit dimmer than the rest, is where his galaxy was, and his planet was in that galaxy. Joanna spotted it and commented that she wanted to go there someday and meet more people like the kind Mr. Spock.
McCoy returned a split second later with three fresh churros, handing one to Joanna and one to Spock. Spock tried to deny the food, but McCoy insisted, saying that it was a dessert on Earth that was meant to be eaten on such an occasion as visiting an amusement park. And that he knew Vulcans well enough to ensure it didn't have any sugar. Spock then accepted the treat and Joanna said that he cannot eat it yet, and that he had to wait. Spock inquired as to why, and McCoy said that it's tradition with the two of them. 
McCoy then led the way to what appeared to be an old wooden house in the middle of the amusement park. When they walked around the side of it, a train was revealed to be hidden behind the old house, and Joanna immediately ran to it. Not having seen this before, Spock asked what this was, and McCoy explained that it was an antique steam-powered train that the park ran once per night. They followed Joanna to the third of the eight passenger cars and sat down across from one another. Not too many people were on the train that night, so they ended up getting that open-air car to themselves. McCoy told Spock that the side they were sitting on was better, and asked him to come over. Spock asked as to why it was better, and McCoy said that he would see soon. Spock moved and sat next to McCoy, Joanna on the Doctor's other side near the head of the car, eagerly looking out of the side waiting for the train to go. Moments later, the train jolted to start, McCoy bumping into Spock with it's force, however Spock caught him. McCoy apologized, feeling a hear rise to his cheeks, and Spock said there was no need. The train chugged steadily as it made its way around the park, passing by the teacup ride, log plunge, kid's zone, and finally the building for Gallileo's Thunder before halting to a stop at the back of the park. Spock asked why they had stopped and McCoy said to wait a minute and he'll see. Joanna said that they could eat their churros now, and the three of them unwrapped it and took a bite at the same time, all together enjoying the still warm, sugary bliss they held in their hands.
All of a sudden, just about every single light in the park went out at once, leaving a sole light from the large fountain to illuminate the center of the park. The light changed from green to yellow to red and made its way through the entire rainbow before halting on a bright, watery blue
Tiny white orbs of light flew up from the fountain, making a set formation above it.
White lines connected the orbs to one another, creating a very familiar pattern; that of Ursa Minor. As soon as they all were connected, the constellation sprung to life, dancing in an elegant manner. More white orbs floated up, creating another constellation that was known as Cassiopeia. It joined in the dance with Ursa Minor, flowing around the fountain as if they could walk on air. Soon enough, more and more constellations joined them, sharing the dance of the stars before everyone's eyes.
McCoy laid his head on his arm that was resting on the top of the bench he sat on. His eyes were calm, and his face aglow. This had to be his favorite part of the entire day. Curious, he looked over at Spock, who seemed to be fully engaged in the light show. McCoy couldn't blame him. Holograms or not, it was still a beautiful show. 
There... was something about Spock's eyes. Something that captivated McCoy as a whole. No matter how much he wished to look away, he couldn't. After today, he had a hard time believing that the stubborn Vulcan he had met before was the same one he had spent nearly the whole day with. But he was. Both of them were, he chuckled. Spock was both of these men, both stubborn and kind, blunt and gentle. And McCoy liked it. 
He liked... him. 
After the light show had ended in an explosion of glittering stars, all of the lights slowly came back on in the park, and McCoy found himself still staring at Spock's eyes. When Spock looked to him however, he found the energy to look away and over at Joanna. She was sitting a few feet away from him on his other side, clapping for the amazing show they had just witnessed. "Mr. Spock, Mr. Spock! Did you see the lights? Did you like it?" Joanna asked, practically jumping up and down in her seat. McCoy knew that he should not have given her that sugar so late. "I did see it. It was quite... Interesting." Spock stated, unable to hide the sliver of fascination in his voice.
The train jolted to a start again, McCoy being pushed into Spock again by the force, his hand landing on top of the Vulcan's. McCoy immediately withdrew his hand and cleared his throat, apologizing for the sudden bump. Spock said there was no need to apologize and McCoy could feel his face redden.
After they got off the train, they headed straight towards the exit of the park, Joanna snapping a few more pictures along the way. Joanna halted the two of them before they could leave and walked up to a member of the park's staff, asking if she could take a picture for them. The woman accepted and set them up for a photo. Spock attempted to leave and let just McCoy and Joanna get a picture, but they pulled him back in, saying that he was with them the whole day, so he has to suffer through one last picture with them. McCoy held up Joanna on his right side so she was in the center of the two adults. Joanna smiled widely at her dad and new friend as the camera flashed with a couple of pictures. This day had been perfect for her, and she was happy to have photos to look at later on so she could remember this day.
About halfway through the parking lot, Joanna began to walk slowly and yawn. McCoy, noticing this, asked her if she was tired, to which she replied that she wasn't. She yawned again. Okay, maybe a little. McCoy picked her up and carried her, her head resting on his right shoulder. He asked Spock if he was taking the bus back to the academy's living area, and Spock said yes. McCoy commented that he is as well, though he gets off just before then in an apartment complex. The two arrive just in time to catch the bus back to where they are staying, though they are a few of the only ones on the bus. When McCoy sits down, Spock across from him, Joanna is fast asleep already. McCoy adjusts his hold on her and yawns himself. Moments later, he is asleep as well. 
About a half an hour later, McCoy is awoken by Spock, who was sitting beside him, shaking him awake with one hand. The first instinct is to ask where he is, and Spock comments that he is on the bus, and they are nearly at McCoy's stop. McCoy blinks himself awake and looks around at the bus' bright interior. He thanks Spock and looks out the window. Indeed, they are very close to his stop. He reaches up and pulls the cord, telling the bus that he wants to get off at the next stop and then wipes his face with his hand. "Thanks, Spock." He says with a slight yawn. He looks down at Joanna, who is still asleep, and thinks it best not to wake her right now. McCoy took Joanna's bag off of her back and opened it, taking the camera out. He turned it on and pressed a few buttons before a small chip came out of the side. He handed it to Spock. "Here, it's a copy of all of the pictures from today. I thought it might help your research." Spock accepted it with a nod and placed it in his pocket. 
When the bus pulls to a stop, McCoy stood up with the help of the bar beside him, and then turns to Spock. "Hey, uh, Thank you. For today. Just... well, everything today." Spock simply looks up at him and replies "It was no trouble." McCoy smirked at that. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself. “So... I'll uh, see you around, then.” Spock nodded and McCoy hesitantly exited the bus, watching as the bus ride away. 
Opening the door to the apartment, McCoy quickly walks in, as it had started raining as they were walking, and takes off both his and Joanna's shoes and places her bag on the sofa. He carries her to her room, helps her change into her pajamas, and puts her to bed. Today had been great. Joanna had been great. Spock had been great. McCoy, he... He really liked Spock. Not in the way one friend liked another, either. Was that selfish of him? After all, they had only really talked with one another today. But when he thought about him... 
McCoy pulled Joanna's camera out of her bag and scrolled through the pictures, noticing a pattern. Most of the pictures were of him and Spock, next to each other. In the teacup, at the bottle game, eating, and on the train. In all of them, McCoy is smiling. He looks to Spock, and Spock is smiling too, with his eyes. He let out a quiet sigh. He was never going to have a chance with Spock as perfect as the one he had today. 
A sudden knock on the door startled McCoy from his thoughts. Would could it be at this hour? McCoy opened the door to see Spock standing there, drenched from the rain. "Spock!" McCoy exclaimed, ushering the man inside. "It's pouring out there, why don’t you have an umbrella?" McCoy shut the door behind him and grabbed a towel from the closet. "Seriously, what are you doing here? Weren't you going back to your apartment at the Academy?" 
Spock accepted the towel and wiped the water from his slick hair. "Indeed, I had planned to return to my apartment." He stated, now drying off his arms and shoulders. "However a situation came up that required my presence here." 
McCoy was confused. "What? What situation?" Spock opened his bag and pulled out a small brown teddy bear. McCoy looked to Joanna's bag that was on the couch beside them and saw only the one teddy bear was present. "Oh... thank you." McCoy said, taking the bear and placing it beside the other. "Joanna would have been sad if she had lost either of these guys," McCoy admitted. "But you could have given them to me later. You didn’t have to come out in the pouring rain, you know." 
Spock stopped drying himself off and handed the towel to McCoy, touching his hand. Spock met McCoy's eyes. "Leonard," Spock stated, serious. "Are you aware the Vulcans are touch telepaths?" 
McCoy blinked. "No, I wasn't." He replied, confused as to where this was going. 
"I see. I noticed that, whenever we touched today, you were harboring romantic feelings towards myself, that grew more and more prominent as the day passed." Spock looked down at their hands that were still touching. "I can sense that they are currently at their strongest now." 
McCoy looked down at their hands and his face reddened. "So,” he hesitated, “what are you saying?" 
"I wanted to tell you that I reciprocate those very feelings." 
Spock took the towel from McCoy and intertwined the fingers of their left hands. "I wish to attempt a relationship with you." 
McCoy couldn't speak. He really liked the guy, and Joanna liked him as well, and he felt as though he could trust him, so what was holding him back? Nothing. 
"Uh, I... I mean, I’m definitely interested but, how about we go on a few more dates first? get to know one another better." 
“Very well. Would you be interested in meeting me for lunch tomorrow?”
“Yes-well, I mean, I have Joanna with me-”
“Joanna is welcome of course. I have found myself... fond, of both of you.”
McCoy grinned at that. “That’s good, because we’re a package deal.”
“I would not have it another way, Leonard.” Spock raised up the man’s hand, and in a motion he’d seen a few times before, he placed his lips to the back of the man’s palm. “Until tomorrow, then.”
McCoy stammered at the gesture, face flushed both at how cheesy it was and how much he utterly loved it.
“Until tomorrow, Spock.”
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cha-lyn · 5 years
Milk & Eggs - Nine
Farmer!Bucky x Reader
Words: 1680ish
Summary: Small Town /Farmer Bucky AU // Reader leaves the city to go live with her grandma. She meets an attractive farmer and, no, they don’t hit it off.
Warnings: usual angst, use of alcohol, silly fluff maybe
A/N:  Sorry this took so long. : )
if ya like it, give it a reblog/like/comment. Makes my day.
Master List // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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You lay awake for almost two hours, your mind was racing with excitement for Brad and Aaron and your own excitement of getting to stargaze with Bucky. Did he think Saturday was a date? You kind of did, although you would never admit it. He didn’t ask you in person though, so it can’t be a date. But it was really thoughtful. Would he think the wedding was a date? Wasn’t it?
When you finally fell asleep, your dreams were Bucky-centered and pretty streamy. In the dream you were set up in the bed of his truck, gazing up at the stars. Something happened, maybe you shivered and he gave you his blanket. You protested though, not wanting him to get cold, either and he joined you under the two blankets. Things progressed from there.
It was hot.
The rest of the week went by quickly. Thursday and Friday were extremely busy. You and Grams had three event cakes to complete by Saturday: a 50th anniversary cake for the Sheriff and his wife, a birthday cake for the owner of the diner and a wedding cake for the Peterson wedding. You liked being busy at the bakery. Baking and decorating was cathartic for you. It was also distracting, thankfully.  
“Got any plans this weekend, hun?” Grams asked as she rolled out fondant.
“Oh. Yeah, actually Bucky invited me over to watch a meteor shower this weekend.”
Grams looked up at you, smirking. “Is that so?” You ignore her tone and nod. “Well, I guess I’ll see you Sunday afternoon then.”
“No, Grams. It’s not like that. We’re just friends.”
“Everyone is just friends, until they aren’t, sweetie.”
You shake your head, “Anniversary cake is done. I’ll start the decorations for the Peterson cake.” The front bell rings, before you can even start. “I’ve got it, Grams.”
“Hey slick.” Bucky Barnes. Wearing a white tank top, plaid shirt all the way unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up, both covered in dirt. Really everything was covered in dirt--boots, hat, jeans.
“Hi,” you squeak.
“It’s hot out there today.”
You nod, trying not to stare too hard. Sure as hell is, you think. “Uh. Can I get you anything?”
“Oh, nah,” he takes his ball cap off to smooth his hair. “Just stopped in to say hey. Just picked up some feed for the horses.” He waves offhandedly towards the feed store direction.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Well, it’s nice to see you...”
“It’s great to see you,” Bucky was looking at you hard. His mouth opened like he was going to say something--
“James! What a pleasant surprise.” Out comes Grams, wiping her hands on her apron. “Y/N get him some water, he looks absolutely parched.” You do as your told, thankful for a chance to hide the blush that was creeping up your face. “Oh, James. Y/N has to move a giant wedding cake tomorrow. See, I have back issues and it’s too heavy for her to move alone--”
“--I’d be happy to help.” He smiles that brilliant smile of his.
Grams clapped her hands together. “Oh good. Then you guys can get on with your date.” Bucky’s eyes widened and he glances at you, then at his boots.
“Grams. I told you it’s not a date.”
“Ooops sorry, sorry. I’ll go back to my flour covered cave then. Nice to see you James,” she called as she headed back to the kitchen.
“Um. I’m sorry she’s…” You trailed off, not knowing how to continue.
“It’s fine.” Bucky took one sip of his water. “I should go. What time tomorrow?”
“We have to drop the cake off at the chapel at 2 so be here 1:30. See you then.”
He tipped his hat at you, with a grin and left.
You waited until his truck had driven away to put your head on the counter and groan.
- -
At exactly 1:30, the shop's bell rang and in walked Bucky. Opposite from the day before, he was in a clean t-shirt, jeans and his dress boots.
“Hey slick.” Cue dazzling smile.
“Hey Bucky. Right on time. So really we don’t have to carry it the entire way, it can roll on that,” you point to a rolling cart. “We just have to lift it twice and make sure it doesn’t fall in the road.”
He nodded. You directed him to the other side as the two of you lift and place it onto the cart. “Here we go. Careful on the threshold.”
“This cake is amazing,” Bucky looked at the intricate details as he walked backwards, which did not put you at ease in anyway. “Did you do all of this?”
“Most of it, Grams did the fondant and modeling chocolate.”
“Amazing,” he repeats.
You smile. “Thanks.”
The cake was delivered without a hitch. The bride was ecstatic and fawned over it for 5 full minutes before she’s let you leave. You and Bucky headed back to the bakery, he insisted on pushing the cart back for you.
“Well. I’ll see you at 9 right?” he scratched the back of his neck.
“Yeah. I mean if you still want to,” you bite the inside of your cheek.
“I’m looking forward to it, slick,” he smiled again. “I’ve got some things to do in town, but I'll see you tonight.”
- -
You pull into his driveway at 9:02, the night getting darker by the second. Bucky is leaned up against his truck in an army green hoodie.
“You’re late, slick. I was about to send out a search party,” he laughs at his own joke. “Where are the snacks?” He goes to your passenger door and finds what he’s looking for. “Hell yes.”
“Well hello to you too, Buck. I’m great thanks for asking.” You roll your eyes at him as he smiles back, already with a mouth full of cookie.
He just laughed, “I thought we could sit on the roof up there,” he points to his house, “but the barn light is too bright. So instead,” he opens the tailgate of his truck to reveal a mound of pillows and blankets, “We’ll just drive out to where it’s dark enough and the view from here.”
Holy shit is what you thought, immediately remembering your dream, but “Sounds great,” is what you said.
Snacks, hot chocolate, beer and liquor were loaded into his truck and the two of you headed into the dark. Bucky had informed you that hot chocolate was a must, but since you were adults, you got to spike it with booze. Once Bucky found a dark enough spot, he shut off the truck and opened the tailgate.
You climbed in the truck bed, placing your shoes on the tailgate, and Bucky followed sitting with his back to the cab, fluffing up a pillow to lean on.
“Pick your poison, doll.”
You hadn’t heard that name in a while and it made your stomach flip. You told him you’d have whatever he was having. Bucky smirked as he poured the two of you drinks. “So.”
“So?” You repeated sipping your drinking and immediately feeling the warmth of the alcohol. “Mmmm. If farming doesn’t work out, you could be a bartender.”
Bucky laughed, “Thanks. Where’d those cookies go?” You handed them to him. “You are in the right industry, no doubt. That cake earlier, these cookies? Mmm! Please don’t quit your day job.”
You laughed and wring your hands together. The conversation, aided by the dark and alcohol, flowed freely. You talked about your childhoods, favorite foods, most embarrassing moments. Even if there were lulls, they were comfortable. You had your head leaned back on the side of the bed and you were dozing off.
“I know you're not falling asleep, doll,” he scooted over next to you to look at your eyes and you were suddenly very awake. He smelled so good. So manly. He laid down hands under his head. “C’mon, it’s almost time.”
You tried to shake the dream out of your mind by changing the subject. “Oh! Brad and Aaron are engaged! They’ll be getting married soon and they want you to come!”
“Really? That’s awesome! I’d love to go!”
“Well, it’ll be in Seattle, so you’d actually have to get yourself a farm hand now!”
“I guess I better get to looking then. I haven’t been to the city in ages. Maybe we could stop and do some sight seeing afterwards?”
“That sounds like a great idea, Buck.” You wondered if he could hear your heart hammering in your chest as you laid next to him.
Bucky pointed out a couple of constellations and even gave you the names of some of the brighter stars. You tried to focus on the sky above you and not remember your dream. The stars were everywhere and so bright. You see a star fall and you made a wish.
“Can I ask you something Buck?”
“That night at my house, did you leave because I touched your scars?”
He sighed, suddenly annoyed. “I really don’t want to talk about that, Y/N.”
“I understand that, I’m not saying you have to… I just want to know what… what I did that made you run.”
“I wanna know so I don’t do it again.”
“They are from my time in the military. I was... tortured. They just remind me of how hopeless I was.”
You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t that. “Shit, I’m so sorry.” You sat up and leaned on your arm to face him. It was dark but you could see the tears in his eyes, threatening to fall. He didn’t look at you. You suddenly wished you hadn’t asked. “I can’t imagine what you went through.”
He got up, sighing and jumping off the bed of the trunk. “I need some air. I’m gonna take a walk. I’ll be back in a few.”
And then you were alone, in the dark, in the middle of a field.
It was fine for the first few minutes, but then you heard something howl.
“Bucky?” You call into the night. No answer. “Bucky?!”
No answer.
- - -
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
Your wish is my command-Klance Month Week 3
So I was supposed to upload a fic yesterday for the end of week 2 but because my first fic couldn’t be reblogged (I didn’t realize that Shallura, even when they broke up before the story started, was considered controversial, but those are the rules so that was my fault) I decided to not force myself to write a story that wasn’t working. It just required a lot of back story that maybe if it had been in the first one, wouldn’t of been so hard to write. Anyway, this story is inspired by my klance BB from like 2018, which still isn’t technically finished so there are a few spoilers, but the main things: Lance had cancer and had a year left to live. The reason he could see his Shinigami Hunk and Pidge is reveled in this but how they find out will be told in the final chapter that will hopefully be released before the end of the year. Hunk gave Lance a bit of blood to help turn him into a healthy, slightly older Altean, posing under the name Isamu, Prince of Altea. Keith is also a singer, who went under the name Red (orginal) but later switches labels, also to be revealed in the story. Hunk and Pidge are given a chance to become humans again after Lance is saved by a surgery that removes the chance and doesn’t damage his vocal cords. Again, all to be revealed in the last chapter. It’s called Forgotten Prince’s Song by sasuhina_gal on AO3 if you want to check it out. Anyway, this is from after all that, enjoy! Also, if anyone cares, Keith’s song is TAEMIN’s ECLIPSE from his last Japanese CD release. I’ve got a TAEMIN  problem. Meteor Shower/Promise
Keith watched his reflection as he went through his choreography. He was so focused on watching his moves, he didn’t see the door to the dance studio open, but he did hear the person calling his name.
“Keith! Keith, Keith, Keith!”
he turned in time to catch a hyperactive 21 year old jumping on him. Bright blue eyes and dyed white hair, similar to the kind he’d fallen for, but it wasn’t the looks that made Keith fall for Lance. It was that bright smile and his sunny personality. Even when Lance had to hide behind the mask of popular singer, Lance was still himself and that’s what Keith had fallen for.
Their story was an odd one, odd even for someone who was half Galra and happened to become a member of the universe biggest security group, while also being a J-pop star. Lance had grown up with sarcoma, a tumour that sat right on his vocal cords. Years before they met, a person Lance cared for a lot had died in a plane crash, but instead of moving on, he attached himself to Lance. That caused Lance to see the Shinigami that suddenly appeared in front of him one day. He asked them to help him achieve his one dream before they took his soul, to become a singer. That started his whole adventure of becoming Isamu, Prince of Altea; Altea Records’ most popular singer. Keith first meet Lance as Isamu, back when Lance had the Shinigami making him into an older Altean. he’d met Lance without the mask later and even though Keith spent most of his time around Isamu, other than his name and age, Lance never lied to Keith – other than the whole Shinigami thing, but he found that stuff out later. Of course those same Shinigami had become Lance’s closest friends and wouldn’t allow Lance to pass on, not when they wanted him to live for so much more. A surgery that could remove the cancer and save his vocal cords was found, Keith found out the truth and realised that even as the real Lance, his feelings were the same and in a turn of event, the Shinigami were given another chance at life.
Now 2 years later, healthy and able to sing without having to hide behind a persona, he and Lance were still together. Keith was sure that after all the things they’d been through together, their relationship was strong. He was yet to be proven wrong, and would not like to be.
“Yes Lance? How can I help you?” Keith asked, running a hand through Lance’s hair. It was wind swept, no doubt from his running. He could see the brown roots starting to show. While he first meet Lance while he had white hair, he liked Lance’s natural colour better.
“There’s gonna be a meteor shower this weekend!” Lance shouted.
“Indoor voices Lance.”
Now that he had the ability to be as loud as he wanted without coughing up a storm or feeling pain, Lance was constantly as loud as possible.
“Sorry, but meteor shower! We have to go. I rarely got the chance to go outside because of how sick I was all the time. And we won’t have to bother my grandmother since I moved back into my apartment.”
It killed Keith to destroy the utter excitement Lance had. “Um, Lance. We do have a performance this weekend at Music Core?”
Lance’s face dropped as he remembered. “Oh. I forgot. I don’t know how. I’m doing my new single then.”
“And it goes pretty late depending on the order.”
Lance sunk down more. “Right. Aww, I really wanted to go see this. It would have been perfect. I mean, we haven’t done a space wide tour yet and we talked about performing under the stars. Just sitting there watching all those shooting stars go by, it would have been so perfect.”
Keith pulled Lance closer, knocking his forehead against Lance’s gently, being sneakily happy just how much taller he was than Lance. It still gave him great glee, especially since Lance always got annoyed by it.
“I’m sorry. I know with our schedules, dates haven’t exactly been easy. But at least our schedules line up.”
“I guess.” Lance said still pouting.
“Hey, I bet you can’t do my choreo.”
That got Lance’s attention. “I so can. And I can do it better.”
“Really? Prove it.”
Keith let himself be playfully shoved away, letting Lance have full range of the floor as he restarted the music, grabbing his phone. He joined Lance in doing the choreo, ignoring how Lance overexaggerated some of the moves where Keith would be singing. Instead his focus was on his phone, texting Lance’s manager and practical sister Allura. he’d gladly admit it, he didn’t like seeing Lance sad and he’d do whatever possible to keep a smile on his face.
“My god I can’t believe we ever worried you wouldn’t like him as Lance. doesn’t matter if he’s Isamu or Lance, you fold like wet paper for him.” Pidge teased as the stylist fixed Keith’s clothes.
Ok so maybe he bugged Allura to see if she could convince the people in charge of the order to put Lance and Keith first, even though they had to technically stay to the end. And maybe he also bugged Thace to borrow the car for them to come in so he could take Lance to see the meteor shower. If they could finish in time. Things might be live but there were only so many things they could actually control.
Keith looked over at the former Shinigami. “Don’t you have a brother to go bother?”
“And not bother you? But it’s so fun?”
“Where’s Hunk when you need him?” Keith asked himself, wondering where the much older singer was. Probably shadowing Allura. He was learning to become a manager, though he’d love to see which person would be able to understand their odd family.
“Keith, 2 minutes.” a stage hand called.
Keith glanced over at the TV that showed the stage. Lance and his female backup dancers were reaching the climax of Lance’s song. Just had to get through a song.
“I take it you’d like me to inform Lance to change back into his regular clothes when he gets back into his dressing room.”
Pidge might love teasing Keith and Lance about their relationship, but she had put in a lot of work into trying to get them together.
“If you could.”
with a nod from the stylist, Keith headed out the door and got his mic put on before he passed Lance and Allura.
“Meet me in my room after.” Keith called as he took the stage.
“And now taking the stage. His popularity has yet to waver even after switching labels. Though with a boyfriend like Lance, who could blame him for switching. Please welcome Keith, with his song ECLIPSE.
“Keith, where are we going? We go back out on stage after the show is over to say goodbye to everyone.” Lance asked, letting his boyfriend pull him out the backdoor. After he performed on stage, Pidge shoved the clothes he came in at him and told him to change. Then she slapped a hat on him and gave him a face mask and shoved him in Keith’s dressing room.
“Stay here till lover boy comes to get you.” she ordered before going to find Matt.
Lance had learned that Pidge’s plans usually didn’t end up like she’d planned but he decided to humour her. She was telling him to wait for Keith, what was the worse that could happen?
Of course, now they were heading for the car they came in, dressed in non-descriptive clothes in hopes to not be noticed by the paparazzi or fans outside the broadcasting station. What had Pidge gotten him into?
“Whoa, there’s question I’m still asking today.” Lance muttered, climbing into the car.
“You’ll see, don’t worry.”
“Still can’t help but be worried.” Lance said, pulling his hat down as the pulled out of their spot and towards the exit. Doing this 3 years and he still couldn’t get used to the amount of fans and such who stood outside the broadcasting station just to get a glimpse of their favourite star. Even if he had been a healthy kid, Lance still couldn’t imagine doing this for hours.
Luck was on their side and they weren’t too noticed when they left. He wouldn’t be surprised though if they still got found out though.
“Are you really not going to tell me where we’re going?” Lance asked, as they started heading on the main roads, away from the city.
“You’ll see. Of course, I just hope we can get their quick. we’re cutting it a bit close.”
Lance for the life of him couldn’t figure out where Keith was taking him. They reached the famed park owned by the Altean Embassy, a place Lance knew well. Covered in juniberry flowers, Lance took pictures here for his Eternal Snow CD cover. But why would Keith bring him here?
Keith opened the sun roof and leaned their chairs back.
“Keith...” Lance started.
“Shh. Look up.”
Lance did and stared at the sky. Nothing was happening and Lance opened his mouth to ask something when he saw it. The streak across the sky and the ones that followed. He felt his eyes widen as he watched the shooting stars dart across the sky.
“Like it?” Keith asked, sounding teasing.
Lance shoved at Keith, who moved away and grabbed Lance’s hand to stop him from hitting him more. Lance laced their fingers together and pulled Keith’s hand closer.
“Yeah you asshole, I like it. Honestly though, I’m glad that we got to do this. The closest thing was sitting in the sun room with Akira to look at the stars.”
“He never took you watch one of these?” Keith asked.
Lance shook his head. “Both him and Rachel were too worried about me getting sick. I always wanted to make a wish on a shooting star.”
“What would you wish for?”
Lance shook his head, squeezing Keith’s hand. “Before it would have been to sing or to find Akira. But I don’t need to make a wish any more. I can sing, I’m healthy, I have all my friends and family. I know Akira cared for me. And I have you, the one thing I needed in the end. What else could I need? Well, other than the ability to write a new song. I swear Kolivan keeps poking me cause I wrote a hit single in 3 days. One time thing, I swear.”
Keith laughed, squeezing Lance’s hand in response. “Only thing I’ll wish for is for us to be happy.”
“Wish come true. With you, I already am.”
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Second Love
LoganLight, AO3
Adrien isn’t one to fall in love slowly. So, when his heart pulls him in a new direction he goes all in.
Notes: Written for Week 3 of Adrien AUG-reste.
Adrien parried Kagami’s strike and launched a counter attack. Kagami was ready however and dodged easily while landing a hit.
“Sloppy, Adrien,” Kagami commented as they retook their positions.
“Oh, you know,” Adrien replied with a teasing lilt. “It’s hard to focus when your opponent’s so pretty.”
Kagami missed her lunge and Adrien scored a hit. She lifted her mask so he could see her narrowed eyes. That was the first time Adrien called her pretty. Your underhanded tactics won’t be enough to secure victory!
“Is that why I beat you so easily?” Kagami asked.
Adrien lifted his own mask to reveal a smug grin. “You don’t need a handicap for that.”
 Kagami felt a blush forming so she resumed her stance. He did likewise and they crossed swords.
Kagami was grateful for these one-on-one practice sessions. Even though they saw each other at many mutual high-class events it wasn’t the same. They were expected to act a certain way while representing their parents. But when they were fencing?
Adrien mirrored her movements perfectly. Her skill forced him to fight with everything he had. Kagami brought out the best in him and Adrien grinned at the challenge. There were no illusions when they were fencing. He could glimpse the parts of Kagami she kept hidden. Adrien was sure she could see him more clearly, too.
Kagami understood what it was like to be held up to impossible expectations. In his opinion, Kagami did it much better than him.
Which is probably why he was on his back at the moment.
“You let yourself become distracted,” Kagami accused while pointing her foil at him.
“Guilty,” Adrien admitted, embarrassed.
He got back on his feet and they started again. Kagami was always impressive with a sword; her movements fluid and sure like the Dragon she was. Especially motivated by his teasing to show him who’s boss.
But Adrien had motivations of his own. Recalling the move D'Argencourt used on him, Adrien twisted his foil around Kagami’s and shot it out of her hands. He could feel her surprise through the mask.
Removing his mask he smiled at her. “How’d I do?”
Kagami took off her own mask. “That was new.”
Adrien’s smile morphed into a grin. “I’m full of surprises. Some find it, disarming.”
Kagami stared at the self-satisfied look on his face. “… I’ll give you that one but you need better material.”
Adrien pouted.
Kagami turned away to hide her blush and the small smile tugging on the corners of her lips. “Anyway, we should get changed.”
 They went to remove their sweaty gear. Adrien thinking of ways to make Kagami laugh. Kagami thinking of Adrien’s compliments and if they meant what she hoped they did.
“What made you decide to switch targets?”
Adrien missed the intended keys and the piano clanged in protest. He gazed at her with wide, startled eyes then looked down. “I… I realized something recently.”
“And that is?” Kagami prodded gently.
Adrien took a deep breath. “That it’s not enough to choose someone. They have to choose you, too. And she didn’t. It took me a long time to accept that.”
Kagami was silent as she thought over her words. “You are sure this time?”
Adrien gave her a rueful smile. “You’re an incredible person, Kagami. Honest, brave, loyal. And you picked me. That… I’d like to make it work. If you’ll give me another chance?”
Kagami felt her cheeks heat up at his hopeful look. “I would like that very much.”
Adrien’s whole face lit up and this time it was Kagami’s turn to look away. She smiled at how Adrien wore his heart on his sleeve. For his part he admired Kagami’s rare, shy smile.
Adrien reluctantly pulled himself out of the gentle gaze he was giving Kagami. “… Do you want me to play anything?”
Kagami blinked as she came out of her own thoughts. “Pardon?”
Adrien rubbed the back of his head and gestured to his piano. “I do have to practice. Just thought you might want something specific?”
“I’d like to listen to your favorite, actually,” Kagami said. “You haven’t told me what it is.”
Adrien grinned and started playing an upbeat tempo that reminded him of black-and-white American cartoons and barroom brawls. Kagami wasn’t expecting that but what surprised her most was Adrien himself.
Kagami had never seen him so into a song before. She’d only heard him play a handful of times, true, but he didn’t smile then. He seemed to bounce with the melody and Kagami soon found herself tapping her feet to the rhythm.
The song was so unlike everything that was expected of them. It wasn’t the sterile so-called perfection that permeated their families. Kagami understood what this meant to Adrien without him having to say a word.
They smiled at each other as the joyful tune filled Adrien’s empty room.
“No, no, no!” Vincent cried. “I need emotion! Like when your maman serves fresh made spaghetti!”
“Mother doesn’t cook,” Kagami replied stiffly.
Adrien smiled placatingly at the exasperated photographer and placed a gentle hand on Kagami’s shoulder. “Let me try.”
He turned Kagami away from the demanding cameras so they wouldn’t see her struggle. “How you holding up?”
“I’ve done photo ops before. Those photographers weren’t nearly so demanding,” Kagami admitted.
They were at a photoshoot to promote the Agreste and Tsurugi families’ joint venture.
Adrien gave her a sympathetic look. “Yeah, Vincent always gets the best photos but he’s not easy to satisfy. I remember how awkward my first time modeling was. It took me a while to relax.”
“You were quite awkward in the photo you showed me,” Kagami pointed out, a question in her voice.
Adrien rubbed the back of his head, blushing slightly at the memory of his first photo-shoot. “Father intervened.”
Kagami gave him a small smile. “It’s endearing.” Kagami took pleasure in watching his blush darken. “… I’m unsure I’ll be able to perform what’s expected of me.”
Adrien dropped his hand from her shoulder to lace his fingers through her’s. “Think of it as a fencing match. How do you prepare for those?”
“I imagine my opponent prostrated before me after I have defeated them,” Kagami stated seriously.
Adrien blinked then his lips curled up in a smirk. “Well, then think of that with Vincent,” he stage whispered.
Kagami’s eyes took on a predatory glint.
Things went more smoothly after that and they made good progress. Adrien was happy to have someone to talk with; it made the usually boring shoot fun. Kagami gained a new respect for Adrien. His schedule was filled with so many of these! It wasn’t like fencing really but thinking of that gave Kagami something to focus on.
As the photographer wrapped up the young couple wondered when they’d have time to go on their first proper date.
Adrien and Kagami ran through the crowd hand in hand. They flew as though being pursued. Which would only happen if they’d made a mistake in sneaking away from their respective guardians.
Planning the date without telling either of their parents turned out to be harder than expected. The convention may last all week but their schedules didn’t align for most of it.
Still. Adrien had never cosplayed before and Kagami had never been to a convention. Neither was going to miss the first one dedicated specifically to the Guardians of Paris.
Not for the first time Kagami thought about how unfair it was that he’d chosen her alter ego. Ryuko’s colors looked good on him. For his part Adrien thought the same thing about Kagami choosing to cosplay as Aspik. Especially since Viperion was much more popular.
Needless to say, both were blushing messes. Pretending they weren’t a romantic tension filled moment away from melting into a puddle of goo… Kagami was better at pretending than Adrien.
“Tell me again about this akuma video game?” Kagami asked. Adrien was very excited when he heard Max would show it off since he hadn’t gotten a chance to play it yet.
“Max designed the game himself! It’s got all the villains up to Gamer 2.0 and he’s thinking of adding the new ones eventually.” Adrien led her through the miling crowd of superheroes.
Mostly everyone dressed up as Ladybug and Chat Noir, with a few of the other heroes thrown in. Which was part of the reason Adrien insisted on coming as anyone besides them.
That and he didn’t want to see Kagami as Ladybug. That was just asking for trouble.
They found Max’s stall filled with people playing on a half dozen consoles. The line moved quickly as every pair was only allowed a three fight round. Max himself was engrossed in a fierce battle; Adrien didn’t want to break his concentration.
Kagami observed the unusual battles with interest. If she was going to beat Adrien she’d need every advantage. Finally it was their turn.
“I may not have played the game before but Max says the mechanics are similar to UMS III. And I’m still the second best player in our school,” Adrien boasted playfully, purposefully stoking her competitive side.
“Only second best? My victory is assured then. I may be rusty but my proficiency in gaming will be more than enough to destroy you.” Kagami would not let his smug smirk go unchallenged!
Adrien’s grin widened and he picked M. Pigeon, eager to see if the villain would be as effective as last time.
Odd but then so was her date; Kagami chose Riposte.
Adrien gave her a questioning look. Kagami straightened her posture in determination. “He doesn’t control me,” she said simply.
Adrien nodded, he was always in awe of Kagami’s strength and this small display was no exception.
Adrien and Kagami fought furiously for dominion. Learning the controls on the fly and trying to one up each other.
M. Pigeon’s victory caught Kagami by surprise. “Since when can he do that?”
“M. Pigeon used Meteor Strike! It’s super effective!” Adrien leaned into her space. “Say, what do I get if I win?”
Kagami leaned in. “I suppose you’d get to kiss me.”
Adrien turned bright red.
“And if I win I get to kiss you,” Kagami continued.
Powering through the thought of a kiss he could actually remember Adrien focused. “Isn’t that the same thing?”
Kagami gave him a predatory look. “Not at all.”
Adrien swallowed and met her charged gaze with his own. “Guess I better win then.”
Kagami won the next round.
“Why’d you pick Reflekta?” Kagami asked curiously.
Adrien sighed at the Mime’s victory pose onscreen. “I rock a mean pair of high heels.”
Kagami blinked in surprise, then she smiled. “How bold of you.”
Adrien rubbed the back of his head shyly.
Kagami picked Darkblade for the last round. Adrien thought of choosing Troublemaker like Ladybug had but decided to go with Kung Food.
The last fight was much more balanced as both of them had gotten used to the controls. Kung Food had greater range but Darkblade had better defense. Adrien threw cheese bombs as Kagami dodged and blocked. She managed to get close enough to make Kung Food pull out his sword.
Both were on their last sliver of health as they attacked. Their characters charged and hit each other simultaneously. Both fell as the screen proclaimed their battle a tie.
“… Max!” Adrien exclaimed.
“That was unexpected,” Kagami pulled Adrien out of the way of the next pair of players.
“He would put a mutual K.O. in his game!” Adrien grumbled as they walked to a less crowded corner.
“Are you upset because you think you don’t get to kiss me?” Kagami asked.
Adrien reddened slightly. “Well, we don’t have a winner and… What do you mean by that?”
Kagami turned to face him, her cheeks tinted pink. “In a certain sense we both won.” She let that sink in for a moment.
Adrien’s eyes widened and then he was giving her that soft look again. He stepped closer and Kagami did the same. Heedless of the noise of strangers surrounding them.
The kiss was gentle and tentative. Adrien was as soft as she imagined him to be. Kagami as warm as he knew she could be.
They pulled apart slowly and as they stared into each other’s eyes Kagami said the first thing that came into her head. “You smell like Camembert.”
Adrien’s face burned. "I’m sorry! I can’t help it! There’s this, um-“
Kagami placed a finger on his lips. "I like Camembert.” Adrien got even redder if that was possible and she swore she heard someone stifling their laughter.
“You do?” Adrien’s face was an odd mix of relief and chagrin.
“But I’m not sure I want a boyfriend that smells like cheese all the time.” Kagami teased stepping out of his grasp.
Boyfriend! “Yeah, hate for you to tell our friends your boyfriend stinks and give them the wrong idea.” Adrien reached out and grabbed her hand. That was the first time Kagami had called him her boyfriend!
“As opposed to the right idea?” Kagami decided that a blushing Adrien was well worth the effort. Even if he did get used to most of her teasing by the second go around.
Instead of answering immediately Adrien reached up to remove their masks. They didn’t get in the way of the game so they’d been left on.
“I’m sure they already know what my girlfriend got herself into.” Adrien was gratified to see Kagami’s blush darken to match his.
“Return my mask, Adrien. It completes the look,” Kagami said to distract herself.
Adrien complied. “I like being able to see your face. When I first saw you I thought: Wow, she’s cute!”
Kagami smiled shyly as she looked down at her mask. Adrien was always so liberal with his compliments. She had trouble in that department. “When you returned my saber to me I realized how honorable you are. Not many opponents would insist on a rematch after being declared the winner.”
“… You didn’t have to comfort me that day,” Adrien said. “But you did. You were gentle with me. Kind. And I-”
“You’ve already apologized for that,” Kagami interrupted. “And I will not have my boyfriend under a self-inflicted debt.”
“Well. Why don’t you humor me and let me take you ice skating again?” Adrien asked. “A proper date. Just the two of us this time.” He clasped her hands between his as he looked into her eyes.
“As I recall I took you ice skating,” Kagami corrected. “But I’m not opposed to the idea.”
Adrien laughed lightly. “I’ll take that as a yes!”
The young couple redonned their masks as they went to explore the rest of the convention. Wandering anonymously and aimlessly to whatever caught their eye.
And as they walked among superheroes Adrien realized that he hadn’t reacted to the red and polka dots once.
Kagami squeezed his hand and he returned the gesture. They were both making this up as they went along and neither was sure of where it would lead. But Adrien knew they’d figure it out together.
Notes: Basically I took that soft look Kagami got at the end of Oni-chan and ran with it. Also needs more puns. (Written before Desperada)
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adulttrio-imagines · 5 years
Hi again! I'm here to ask again about the headcanon prompt if you don't mind! Could I get n. 11, 19 and 25 for the adultrio? Btw, I think the way you wrote Chrollo back in that ask was really good! Don't feel pressured if you don't get them right tho, sometimes they're really hard to think of what they would actually do!
This took more time than expected as I wasn’t expecting it to get this difficult. I hope you enjoy it though!
11. Who do they go to for comfort?
While he doesn’t have a specific person he goes to for comfort, he does have specific things he goes to. His way of life and personality makes it very difficult for people to approach him, so in canon I imagine that he seeks out pleasurable things to balance out his discomfort, so things like violence and murder serve as the perfect avenue to let out his frustration, though these are only in extreme cases. Generally, he will head out and distract himself by picking fights or becoming a public nuisance and disappear before he can get caught. The thing is, it isn’t easy to unnerve him, and anything/anyone that does is dealt with swiftly. I assume a switch flips on and he goes into problem solving mode, which is to say, he gets rid of the problem. If this problem cannot be solved by murder and requires him to wait, he would go and bother any one of his play things, taking out his pent-up aggression on them, and never explaining why he did so.
I would imagine that Chrollo keeps his feelings bottled up a lot, even in front of the troupe. Of course, the older and more perceptive members like Machi and Franklin would notice the slight changes in his demeanor, but hardly ever approach him on the topic. They give him his space, just like how he gives them theirs, and that’s generally what he needs. While he doesn’t like talking about his personal problems, just being in their presence alone is enough to remind him what keeps him grounded and pushes him on. There are times where the cap explodes, but that’s usually in extreme situations and it’s this when he’s at his most unstable I believe that if you can get him drnunk enough, he will open up under those circumstances. Generally though, nothing really phases him and it is rare for him to get upset about anything. If push comes to shove, he finds the logical way to deal with his problem, and any emotional consequences are just pushed away and dealt with at a better time.
Illumi hasn’t had anyone he could go to for comfort in the longest time. For almost as long as he could remember he was his own supporter and his own comforter. I imagine sinking into the ground or being alone somewhere safe is how he deals with his pain, as he reminds himself of why he does wat he does or why he must stay strong. This almost never happens since he doesn’t doubt his abilities or motivations but being emotionally isolated for so long has taught him how to deal with those feelings.
When he was younger and before his relationship with Killua soured, he was who he went to whenever he needed a pick me up, though it is not like his younger brother could tell. But seeing his brother so happy always helped him remember why he went through things and made him persevere on. Even further back, when it was just him and Milluki, they both relied on each other for support and did share a comradery, until Killua replaced Milluki, but I do like to think that the two older brothers do have a certain amount of trust in the other.
19. Any bad habits that they have?
I believe Hisoka has this really nasty habit of acting out in the most outrageous ways to get the attention back on him again. No matter how embarrassing it gets, and if he can make it sexual, all the better. Whenever he wants something, he wants it now. Every moment not spent on him when he wants the attention is a sin in his eyes, even if the situation is not justified. The fact is that, he needs to be constantly stimulated, if nothing can occupy him, the boredom would just eat him up. From the way he dresses to the outrageous color his hair is dyed, he goes for the most attention-grabbing choices and he expects everyone to give him that. All the best if you try to ignore him, it just riles him up more and he will get violent if it takes too long.
Other than that, I’ve mentioned this before, but I see him impulsively buying and wasting his money on the most frivolous things. Gold coated phone cases, Supreme bricks, branded handbags, you name it. And the worst thing is that sometimes he loses them on purpose the same day he gets them since he just gets bored and doesn’t want to deal with them anymore.
Stealing would be the most obvious answer, since he has magpie-like tendencies to grab whatever caught his eye. However, he has a bad habit of losing himself in his thoughts and letting them spiral out of control. Often times he would get so into a topic to the point he just retreats into his own head and blurt random realizations out of nowhere mid-conversation. This absent-mindedness would carry forward to points where he would even leave conversations and retreat into himself, once he gets going there’s no telling when he’s getting out of it. I imagine this happening at a more frequent and serious rate when he was much younger but growing up in an environment like Meteor City gets rid of traits like that. It’s a habit that got pronounce when he got older and had more control over his environment, especially with people he is comfortable with.
I also believe he isn’t the kind to take the best care of his belongings, especially if he deems them disposable. He goes through books at record speed but discards almost all of them once he’s finish since there is nowhere safe for him to store them. It is easy for him replace most things, and while he isn’t careless per say, he isn’t afraid to lose material things.
While it is not a bad habit per say, Illumi has a strange tendency to blurt his thoughts out loud, no matter the situation. Coupled with his brutal honesty, this can lead to a few awkward moments. Like his encounter with Gon during the hunter exam, situations like this are common in his interactions with others, which is why he is so selective with who he works with. It is extremely uncomfortable when he spells his thoughts out, especially with how messed up his methods can get.
Besides that, he can also get very particular about things are done and has certain things he must have done by using his way only. Since he believes his way is the best, any attempt to try other methods would not be taken well. He’s horrible at giving in to others and is very selfish in his own way. He is easily the hardest to deal with, especially with how stubborn he gets.
25. How do they take advice given to them?
Chrollo and Illumi answered here, since the question is kinda similar
I do believe Hisoka can take advice, especially from people who have caught his eye. It won’t mean he will heed to it, but he will hear you out. He’s confident in his abilities and believes that he is the best. In the rare event you bring up something that he had not notice prior, he will evaluate the situation to determine if you are lying, and if by some chance that you re right, he’s the type to act as though he already knew about it and claim all the credit since he has no shame
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It Goes Like This Prologue: Bruce
Martha hadn’t wanted to stay in Gotham after her third miscarriage.
Determined to help his wife recover from her grief, Thomas arranged for a six month tour of the world, starting with Europe, crossing the length of Africa, over to Asia, through the Pacific, zig-zagging around South America, and finally back up into the States. They explored all sorts of museums and historical sites, dined on every sort of available cuisine, purchased numerous pieces of locally made art, and in general had nothing short of a fantastic time.
As the couple got closer and closer to their home city, however, Martha began to become withdrawn again, and Thomas felt at a loss even as he did his best to comfort and distract her. From time to time he shot beseeching looks to his butler and longtime friend, Alfred Pennyworth, but the other man could only gaze back sadly before offering Martha a warm cup of tea.
Finally, their trip came to an end, and the young Waynes slipped back into Gotham under the cover of darkness, unwilling to face the media or any of their acquaintances just yet. As Alfred drove them up the hill to Wayne Manor, however, something in the sky above caught Martha’s attention.
“Darling, do you see that?” She asked. Thomas leaned over to look out the window as well, and frowned when he, too, spotted what appeared to be a shooting star, getting bigger and brighter with each moment.
Before he could offer a comment, though, the object actually passed over them, causing the car to shake and startling Alfred into hitting the brakes. They all stared through the windshield in shock as the source of burning light came down in the woods behind the Manor, briefly illuminating the building itself.
“...Alfred,” Thomas breathed. “Get us up there, quickly.”
“Are you certain that’s a good idea, sir? It may not be safe-”
“Come on, man, a meteor just landed in my backyard! Let’s go see it up close!”
“Please, Alfred,” Martha added. Sighing, the butler eased his foot back onto the gas pedal. Soon, they arrived at the garage entrance, and both Thomas and Martha hurried out of the car, Alfred a step behind them.
“It must be huge, to have caused such a shockwave as it went by,” Thomas exclaimed in excitement as he hurried across the lawn. “Do you think it’ll count as ours, since it landed here, or will the government swoop in?”
“You wouldn’t deny some poor NASA scientists the chance to look over a meteor, Thomas,” his wife admonished.
“Well, no, but I’d still like to keep it if we can - imagine, an actual space rock on display in our front hall!”
“Perhaps not the front hall, but- oh! Oh my goodness...” Both Waynes came to a sudden halt at the edge of the impact crater, staring down at what most definitely was not a hunk of space rock.
Sleek, elegant fins were rapidly cooling in the night air, the golden-white glow of extreme heat fading into a reflective black sheen. Smoke billowed from a split in one of the thrusters, but the main portion of the little spaceship seemed perfectly intact.
Alfred skidded to a stop beside them, and even his usually unflappable demeanor was taken aback at the sight. “What in Heaven’s name-?”
Thomas started to open his mouth to reply, but gaped silently instead when a muffled cry suddenly came from the ship. A baby’s cry.
Martha was halfway down the slope before he could so much as shout a warning.
“I can’t believe you,” Thomas muttered, pacing back and forth in front of the bed. Martha merely watched with a raised eyebrow. Her hands, smeared with burn ointment and wrapped in bandages, were nonetheless carefully curled around the tiny baby she’d pulled out of the spaceship. Somehow, the little guy looked completely human, and Thomas wasn’t sure if he should be more concerned by that, or how quickly his wife had insisted that they keep him. “This is insane, Martha!”
“Just look at him, Thomas,” she said. “He can’t be more than a few days old - handing him over to some government-run facility would be a death sentence!”
“You don’t know that-”
“He came to us,” Martha stated. “We’ve been out of the public eye long enough to claim he’s ours, and we can hide the ship in those old caves under the house; we have to protect him, Thomas.”
The man finally stopped his pacing at that, to stare at his wife in bewilderment. “Why are you so adamant about this?”
It took her a moment to come up with a reply. “When I tried to open the hatch, there was- it was like something reached out to me, and, connected. Just for a moment. But it saw me, who I am, and only then did the locks open, so I could reach in and get him.” Martha stroked a gauze-wrapped finger across the baby’s cheek. He nuzzled closer to her touch, eliciting a smile from the woman. “Whoever made that ship and put him in it, Thomas, they wanted, needed, to make sure only someone who would look after their baby could take him out of it.” She looked up at him again, eyes fierce. “And I am going to make good on that promise.”
Thomas sighed.
And then he moved to the side of the bed, his own hand coming up to gently touch the baby’s scalp, already covered in a fine, dark fuzz. The new touch prompted him to blink open his eyes, and when Thomas met that tiny blue gaze, he melted.
“We’re going to make good on that promise,” he murmured. Martha beamed.
By the door, Alfred coughed.
Once the Waynes both looked at him, the man spoke. “Should I assume we do not wish for anyone else to become privy to this secret, sir and ma’am?”
“That’s right, Alfred,” Thomas said, relieved and apologetic at the same time. “I’ll come help you move the ship - there’s a covered entrance down into the caves by the garden we can use, that should be big enough.”
“Very good, sir. And I shall hold off on summoning any of the main household staff back for a few days, to give the young sir time to settle.”
Thomas nodded, and glanced down at his wife again. “What are we going to call him, anyway?”
Martha, smiling as the baby curled his little fingers around a lock of her hair, didn’t even bother to look up as she replied, “Bruce. His name is Bruce.”
Thoughts? Comments? Concerns for the criminals of Gotham? I wanna hear ‘em all >:)
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