#the usps tracking thing said it was delivered to mailbox
been out of zoloft for 2 days feeling dizzy w a headache my refill is in my apartment mailbox and I don't have a key and im scared im gonna start getting the Brain Zaps lol
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evergreenstringbean · 4 years
Missing Packages and The Tale of 485
For the last year and a half living on this street, packages meant for 485 of the same address have come to my place (I’m 465, hence the confusion) so out of courtesy I usually take the package and walk over to 485 who belongs to a nice artsy guy in his late 20s/early 30s. Out of pure curiosity, I ask what’s in the box if he’s comfortable telling me. It’s always some kind of home decor so, y’know, artsy. This has happened about five times.
So today, my package was said to be delivered to my mailbox but wasn’t there. I panicked. I tried calling my post office but they were closed for the day. I double checked to make sure it was the right tracking number (it was). And finally, I resigned to the fact that I might have to shell out another $70 for the contents of the package. Until I heard a knock on my door.
It was 485, holding a small package in his hand. He laughed over how silly it was that USPS confused us like siblings close in age, and I was both relieved my package wasn’t stolen or lost and also happy to chat with this guy. He handed me the package and, just like I had all the times before, asked what was in it.
I thought back to all the artsy things he talked about, and felt the utter embarrassment wash over me as I meekly replied with, “Super Mario Sunshine for the GameCube.” 
This happened twenty minutes ago and I’ve just been staring blankly at this tiny fuckin’ disc reliving the conversation and thinking about how my fuckin’ GameCube doesn’t even come in until Wednesday.
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kai-ni · 7 years
I am Concerned about getting packages bc I’ve had two incidents in the last two weeks where neighbors got my packages instead of me . . . I hate this town’s usps...
One was the reptiblr gift from kaijutegu, I just happened to walk up to the mailboxes while this nice old lady was staring pensively at my package she’d gotten out of the package box - the mailman put the key in the wrong mailbox :/ I told her kindly my name was on it and she was like OH ok good I had no idea what to do with it lol!
So luckily I happened to walk up at the right time and get it, yeesh.
And the second was my ‘my aquarium box!’ It wasn’t delivered when the tracking said but later I found it sitting in front of my door at like 8pm - obviously a neighbor got it and kindly left it for the proper person, thankfully.
But I know some neighbors are not gonna be as kind!!
I have two things from my amazon wishlist that show as ‘purchased’ but I never got, and I can’t access tracking for since I didn’t buy them, so if you got somebody something off this wishlist for the reptiblr gift exchange and it shows as delivered, TELL ME if it isn’t one of the things below that I DID get, cuz it’s LOST:
- x1 Abutilon exo terra plant (thank you kind person!)
- x1 Abutilon exo terra plant, x1 Galen Erso figure (thanks kaijutegu! <3)
- x1 ABG mix (THANKS!!! mystery friend... I’m rly excite about this!)
Missing items could have also been purchased by my dad, but he says he didn’t, so... I am confuse. I’m just concerned my neighbors stole shit, it would not surprise me with some of them :/ and I have a poor track record with usps in this town and stolen mail. So.
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heauxteas · 7 years
scammed? -long, angry, post
a review of my service experience with the tumblr user who now has opened up an official store. If someone needs proof i have screenshots. I ordered a wig from someone on here 2 mos ago and have not received it. And I hate to start drama, but like??? I’m outta 95 dollars. I have bolded the text before the parts I found particularly fishy for easy location. Let’s discuss.
     So back in December, I responded to a tumblr user who was selling wigs (original post has been since deleted) in order to get money to help her pay the rest of her bills or whatever. On December 2nd 2016 , I ordered the wig through tumblr, sent the money through the cash app, and was told I would get a tracking number after it was shipped. On December 15th 2016 (tumblr), I asked for an update. I was told in the reply to this on the 17th of the same month that I would have a tracking number within the week because she got more orders than she expected. Remember this.
On January 15th of 2017 (tumblr), I asked for an update yet again because I had not received the tracking number or heard anything from her. Around that time, she had made more posts about selling wigs. I never got a reply from her on tumblr, but I saw her email listed on her new post and sent her an email there, asking for an update. She got back to me quickly and after giving her my info again, she said the package was “undeliverable as addressed”, suggesting that no one was able to sign/accept it when it was delivered. She said she would send it out again within the week and get back to me. 
     Before we go any further, let us look at some things. 1. She never sent me the tracking number like she said she would, so I had no idea if/when it was coming. 2. I did not receive any delivery notices. I received other packages via USPS during that time, and they left them at my door (i live in an apartment), in the mailbox/on top of the mailbox. I have also told FedEx and UPS to leave things at my door if no one answers. Most of the time, they will take it to the leasing office of my apartment where they store it and let me know it was delivered. 3. If it was sent back to her, why wasn’t I notified? She had my tumblr, she had my email. 
     So anyways, I never got an update about if it was sent or not. So on February 1st of 2017 I sent her an email asking her to make sure she sent me the tracking number so I could make arrangements or whatever. She didn’t reply, but it might have been too late. At this point I was tired of it all. I just wanted a refund. So on February 6th, I sent her an email saying I wanted a refund. Since she hadn’t replied to my other email, I used the original payment method (cash app) and requested a refund so that she would see it. I noted in subject line of the request that I had sent her an email. A few minutes later, the request had been rejected and there was no reply from the email i sent her.
      An hour later, I check her twitter and she’s been active. I @ her on twitter to tell her to check her email. She replies saying that the package should have already arrived because she had already reshipped it. She says she doesn’t have the tracking number because she already sent out receipts for her taxes and she has no problem with refunding me, but she has to have the hair returned to do the full refund. Also that the package is insured. I double check the message I sent her with my address and it is indeed correct.
     Points? 1: If something was wrong and no one could pick up the package the first time (because i did not receive a tracking number), why would she, now a business owner because she has opened up an official online store, AGAIN not send me a tracking number/notify that it was sent. 2. Why would she, now a business owner (not her first time with an online shop), not keep or store records of the packages she has sent out? 3. The first time I asked her when she resent it, she did not reply to that question. The second time I asked her, she said “a while ago, when we last spoke”. 4. I have not received any delivery notices and the leasing office has not either. 5. She has had my money for two months at this point. If something is wrong with the package and I need a refund, why do I have to wait until after a claim is filed to get my money back?
     So anyway, she says the package is insured so if something happened she can file a claim. She tells me I should check the post office in the morning. At the post office, there is nothing there for me when checked. Afterwards, I was told that if it was still undeliverable as addressed the second time, the package would be immediately sent back to her because packages go out everyday and they would not hold it there. When I inquire about how long it takes for a claim filed to be approved, I am told about 60 days. I message her back to say that there is nothing at the post office and if anything, it will be shipped back to her. She says she will check her P.O. box tomorrow and if it isn’t there, she can file a claim for it. I guess she is far too busy to do it today.
     That was earlier today (February 7th 2017). I have no idea whats gonna happen. Idk if she will say that it’s there and tell me she will resend it (I don’t want it anymore), or if she will say that she is going to file a claim (in that case I will have to wait another 60 days in addition to how long I have been waiting). She has opened her storefront and been actively reblogging promote it on her blog. Once this whole thing is over, I will not be buying from her shop, called Lovelace, in the future. I’ll let you decide what you want. I cant seem to find any other people who have ordered from her, but if you have, please shoot me a message if you can vouch for her or smth.
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Still waiting for stimulus money? Here’s how you can track and see when it’s delivered
MISSION, Kan. — During the last wave of stimulus checks, it was a race to the mailbox every day to see if an envelope from the federal government was in the box.   The United States Postal Service has a way that people can find out remotely when the check will be delivered.    “Informed Delivery and Tracking Confirmed are two of the best things we’ve come up with and we are really excited about showcasing it for you,” said USPS Strategic Communications Specialist Mark Inglett.    Anyone who has ordered something online knows what a tracking number is. It is a number used to track a package from point of origin to delivery.   “Packages have the access and the capability to put tracking numbers on there,” Inglett said. “Unfortunately, regular first class letters don’t have a tracking number on them, they have barcodes.”   The post office processes millions of pieces of regular mail and takes an image of the barcode on each, which generates a picture that is sent to the email or phone of people signed up for the Informed Delivery service. One or two days before your stimulus check arrives, you will know it’s coming.   “It’s great!” Inglett said. “I have it myself and I get an email every morning so that I know it’s coming in the mail. I don’t want the bills but I want the checks and things like that so I get real excited about those.”   When people open the stimulus envelopes this go around, it will not be a check inside but a pre-paid debit card. The EIP Card is like cards already used by the U.S. Treasury to provide Federal agencies with certain types of payments.    “I don’t have much of an opinion on that ,” said KCMO resident Carrie Olsen. “I think as long as it spendable then it’s fine.”   But other folks are more comfortable with the old way of business.   “A check is always better,” Cynthia McCoy said. “When you have a check it goes directly into your bank account, you know? When it’s on a card and you only spend so much on the card then you always have to go back to the card.”   Find more information on the EIP Cards here.   Sign up for USPS Informed Delivery here.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/news/still-waiting-for-stimulus-money-heres-a-way-you-can-track-and-see-when-it-is-delivered/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/05/20/still-waiting-for-stimulus-money-heres-how-you-can-track-and-see-when-its-delivered/
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traveltechgadgets · 6 years
PSA: Top 5 Holiday Scams To Watch Out For This Year
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While you are celebrating the holidays, it is also very important you stay vigilant during the season. The scammers are not taking a break. Quite the opposite, they are using the cheerful atmosphere of the holidays to catch folks with their guard down as they are in a more giving mood. Make sure your shields are up. “Secret sister” gift exchange scam Where it is run: Facebook Premise: This "gift exchange" promises that after donating at least one item worth $10 to a fellow participant, you’ll receive up to 36 gifts. The bad: This is a pyramid scheme in the form of a digital chain letter, which could be illegal, and also might expose your full home address More on the scam from USPS Phony Shipping Notifications Holiday is a busy time. There is a lot of shopping and gifting to do. And that also means a lot of shipping of packages. When shopping online from Amazon, Walmart, Target, and other retailers you will likely get an email notification of when your item will be shipped. One of the biggest holiday scams you might encounter this year is false shipping notifications. Where it is run: Email Premise: You might get an email that looks as if it’s from UPS or FedEx, it has company’s email template and logo so it looks real. The email says your shipment is on the way and you need to arrange for delivery and has a phrase or word linked. No actual URL as that would throw red flags. The bad: When you click the link to update your shipping preferences or confirm something, you download keystroke logging malware that tracks your computer activity so personal information such as credit card numbers can be stolen. Bogus Deal Sites While searching for deals this holiday season make sure to stick to the old but very true mantra: beware of pricing that’s too good to be true. If you see a device that is a fraction of the price on a random site that is listed everywhere else, be careful. It is probably a "genuine fake," as they called watches sold on the street in Turkey. These gadgets are probably not from the brand that is listed and therefore might not be the same quality. Or it can be a bate and switch where they promise a small price at first, but after clicking through you might see a different price or exorbitant shipping and handling fees. Where it is run: Web Premise: The bad: By getting a "deal" you can actually be wasting money on something that is of poor quality or not at all what you are expected. So instead of saving money, you spent extra on something that might not be of use. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Fake Charities This is the season of giving. Not surprising it is also the season of the most and highest donations to charities. It is a great thing to give to a good cause. And it should be done beyond just the holidays, though if more people do it during this time, it is still better than nothing. And while you are in a giving and receiving move, you also need to be vigilant and look out for the bad apples. The unscrupulous types love this time of the season just as much as it makes for easier scamming. Where it is run: Web, phone, email Premise: Scammers to take advantage of people’s generosity by calling them up and pressuring into donating over the phone. Or send emails that sound as though they are from legitimate charity and ask for a donation to be wired, paid via gift card, or provide credit card information. The bad: Watch out for aggressive pitches and high-pressure tactics over the phone. If a name of a charity sounds almost identical to established charities, check before you give. You can look them up online, call a phone number listed for the actual charity or 411, or check with Give.org and Charity Navigator. And watch out for spammy emails. Go the same route to verify who the email is for as before, plus check the full from email. Most of the time the actual email address will not have correct names but some random source. Porch Pirates This scam is exactly what it sounds like, people stealing packages right off the porch. Even before the holiday season got rolling there were quite a few reports of packages being swiped from front doors. Especially nowadays with online shopping over taking shopping in stores, there are more packages shipped then ever before. Where it is run: Front door Premise: Simple, see packages in front of the door, walk up grab it and go. The bad: During the holidays and with all of the online shopping there are more packages than ever being left in front of the doors, in the hallways, by mailboxes. And with several different companies making the deliveries, they all do it differently and take different precautions. The good: How to fix it - » Use Amazon Locker - this is a great option if you don't have a building with a doorman or have a house with an easily accessible porch. The packages get delivered to a local business that has the Locker installed. All you have to do is walk straight up to the locker, enter the code provided to you once the package is delivered, and grab your package from one of the shelves. That is it. The local business gets the foot traffic and you get a more secure package delivery. Of course, not all packages can be delivered to the Locker as there is a limit to the size that the shelves can accommodate. » Have Packages Delivered to Your Workplace/Office. This is a good option if you have a small office or the mail is accessible. Offices get mail all the time and usually have a specific area where they receive and collect them, and there is always a person to accept it. The drawback of sending to the office, however, is that there could be quite a few people that answer the door for the delivery person and accept the package and then you have to track down where it ended up. I know from experience that while it is a decent option, I have had several issues with finding the packages that said were delivered but were not in the mail file. » Install Security Cameras. Doorbell with built-in cameras, such as the Ring Video Doorbell, are great for this as not only are you able to see who is at your door, but they also have motion sensing technology that starts recording once there is movement around the door. This way you can either capture thieves on camera or hopefully thwart a would be one because they notice the camera. » Require a signature for delivery. This way the delivery person cannot just drop a package within some vicinity of your door and walk away. This is a good idea especially for more expensive packages or those that are custom made and not easily replicable.
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myth-and-mischief · 7 years
Mur, grr grr.
So back in March I ordered a packet of Japanese baby turnips (Mikado) seeds and a packet of Baby blue eyes seeds (aka Shuichi flowers D:) from a website. I also either bought or sent away for free seeds around the same time.
But with teaching this university class, especially the closer we’re getting to finals week, I forgot about it.  Then it struck me the other day that I hadn’t received this particular order, while the rest had come in weeks ago.  So I contact the website to inform them, as well as ask what type of envelope they sent the seeds in (usps padded priority mail envelope) since even though the tracking says it was delivered to my apartment mailbox back on March 20th, I never received it.
Basically their reply was “lol its been too long we aren’t gonna do anything, contact your post office”.  I contacted the manager’s office of my apt complex to see if for whatever reason the mail was dropped off there, and it wasn’t.  So I FINALLY got through to my post office and they said that the tracking says packaged delivered March 20th to my mailbox.  And if it didn’t fit, it would have been left near it, and potentially got stolen. And only thing I could do more is file a claim online.
Which... I guess?  Ok??  I mean I get Loot Crate packages all the time that are left under my mailbox because they won’t fit, something I’d expect WAY more likely to be stolen than a smaller envelope with seeds.  I just either want my seeds or replacement/refund.
Cause its already May here in upstate NY and the turnips/flowers should have been started in greenhouse before now.  Grrrrr
EDIT:  Guess who was a moron and didn’t even think about checking whether or not I could get the seeds on Amazon -_-  *only discovered this now trying to decide where to get replacement seeds from*
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