#short of that i guess i just wait till i get the keys
Treat You 6
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, violence, abuse, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (Tall!reader)
Note:Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You rub your arm as you stand to the side, waiting as Peter pays at the till for the two bags worth of groceries. The easiness of his transaction, the casualness of his snack spree, needles in your head. You never walked the aisles without a specific number and strict list of necessities. He strolled around, offering to buy you any sweet snack that stuck out to him.
You refused it all. You already feel like too much. The way you tower over him and lope around after him like a strange shadow makes you want to wilt away.
As he gets his receipt you grab the bags from the end of the till. Peter startles you as his hand wraps around yours and you flinch, facing him. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t… I was trying to help–”
“I’ll carry them,” he insists, “please, you’re my guest. You don’t have to carry the bags.”
“I don’t mind,” you say but let him take the groceries. You’re embarrassed by your misplaced courtesy.
“I know you don’t mind, but I do,” he says, “Aunt May wouldn’t like me making a pretty girl do all the heavy lifting.”
You dip your chin down, “right.”
“Well, let’s go,” he steps past you, “i hear my Switch calling us.”
You trail after him and wring your hands. You peek over at the tills as you pass. You’ve never been in this place before. It’s too overpriced for your pockets.
“Switch?” You wonder as you follow him through the automatic doors.
“Uh yeah, the system?” He explains, “man, you’re gonna love it. It’s so much fun. We could do some practice rounds before everyone gets there.”
“Sure, I guess,” you agree as you cross the parking lot.
“Don’t sound so excited,” he teases as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the keys.
“Sorry,” you mutter.
“Kidding,” he says as he puts the bags in the backseat, “trust, this is gonna be hype.”
Peter leads you up to a small two-story house. It’s a lot nicer than your father’s apartment. The walls aren’t peeling or stained and the floors are clean. You stop just inside to remove your shoes as he does the same, the bags on the short bench against the wall.
“Peter?” A voice precedes the appearances of an older woman, her dark hair wavy and woven with strands of silver, “you’re back. I didn’t think I’d catch you before Denise got here– oh,” she stops short as she sees you, “who’s this?”
Peter lifts the bags and introduces you. You give a tiny wave as you stay by the door, “this is my Aunt May,” he explains as he sidles past her.
“Oh, honey, please come in,” she beckons you closer, “I’m just on my way out so you won’t need to worry about me.”
“Uh, alright,” you clasp your hand around your elbow as you shuffle forward.
“My, you’re so tall,” she remarks, “like a model.”
“Um,” your cheeks and ears burn, “not really.”
“Can I get you something before I go?”
“May, I got it,” Peter calls from an empty doorway, “stop trying to scare my friends away.”
“I’m not scary,” she giggles, “please make yourself at home.”
She smiles and flits through the door, “Pete, I’m gonna stay at Denise’s so you guy will have the house to yourselves. When I get back, I don’t want a mess.”
You hover just outside but quickly retreat. You wouldn’t want to eavesdrop. As you turn on your heel, you hear her lower her voice to a whisper, you only catch a single word, “cute…”
“May,” Peter groans loudly in response and you make an effort to block out their conversation. 
You stand at the bottom of the stairs, too anxious to explore further. You look around at the pictures on the wall; Peter and his aunt on all sorts of adventures, him with some sort of school award, and hand-painted welcome sign just inside the entryway.
“Anywho,” May trills as she appears again, “I’m on my way.” She steps into heeled boots and looks over at you, “it was really nice to meet you, honey.”
“Um, you too,” you murmur.
“Have lots of fun,” she says loud enough for Peter to hear.
“Mayyyyyy,” he drones.
“Fine, fine,” she cringes, “bye.”
She turns, snatching her purse up from the bench and scurries out the door. You stand in the silence left by her departure. You hear Peter in another room moving around. You clasp your hands together and bob on your heels.
“Hey,” he startles you, “come on.”
“Oh,” you turn and follow him as he waves you through the doorway. 
You pad through the front room and turn through another door into a kitchen. He has several bowls filled with chips. Your stomach growls at the sight and you press your palm to it, trying to quiet it.
“Hungry?” He chuckles as the rumble fills the lull.
“I’m good,” you insist.
“Sorry about May, she can be so embarrassing.”
“She’s nice,” you say.
“Yeah, she is,” he agrees reluctantly, “she just… likes to make a big deal.”
You nod and weave your fingers together then pull them apart, “can I help with anything?”
“Uh, sure,” he looks around, “we’ll be hanging out in the basement so you could bring some of these down,” he gestures to the chips.
“Sure,” you step closer to the counter.
“I’ll show you where,” he takes two bowls and you do the same, “I forgot to ask, what do you like to drink?”
He turns and leads you into the hallway off the kitchen, down to a door behind the ascending staircase. Beneath, is another set of steps that turn at a ninety degree angle. He lets you go first.
“Water is fine,” you say as you descend.
“Water? I mean… do you like beer or–”
“I don’t drink,” you say a bit too tersely. “Sorry, I… no, I don’t drink.”
“That’s cool,” he replies, “I got koolaid or soda.”
“Thanks, um, I just… I don’t like alcohol.”
“Yeah, fair, my friends are big drinkers, I’m not much into it.”
There’s a folding table set up against the wall. You put the chips there as he does the same, brushing close before he backs up. You look around at the furnished basement; there’s a sectional and two armchairs, gathered around a large screen television and a bunch of accessories. You feel small, a peculiar sensation for you.
“I’ll go grab everything else, why don’t you get settled in?” He suggests, “oh, and you’re welcome to dig into the snacks. You don’t have to wait.”
“Thanks, I’m good,” you smile and turn to pace around, reluctant to do anything more than look. You’d hate to make a mess of it.
“Right,” his voice is flat, almost disappointed, “I’ll be back.”
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stephstars08 · 5 months
You Broke Me First
Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: ALL ANGST, Fighting, Alcohol Mentioned, Anxiety, Bar Fight, Mention of Sex, Cheating, Break Up, Adult Language, Jason Being Arrested, Mention of Weapons, Mention of Jason’s Dark Past, and Possible Grammar Errors. (Sorry if I forgot any!!!)
Summary: Y/N and Jason had been together for two years and everything was going good till Jason does the unthinkable that broke Y/N’s heart.
Inspired Song: You Broke Me First By Tate McRae
Word Count: 1,737
Author’s Note: Sorry that this was short. When I was writing this I thought it was going to be longer but I guess not. Also I definitely suggest you listen to the song before reading this since the plot his based off the song!
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Y/N and Jason were that couple that everyone thought was going to last. But it didn’t due to one stupid and drunken night. Y/N is Barbara’s roommate and met Jason through Barbara since they have known each other for years.
At first Y/N just thought that Barbara knew Jason through her boyfriend Dick since Jason is his little brother but that changed when Y/N found out that Barbara is Gotham City’s Batgirl. After Jason and Dick gave Barbara permission to tell Y/N about them being Red Hood and Nightwing, Barbara told Y/N everything. She told her how Dick was the first Robin and then Jason became Robin after Dick became Nightwing. Barbara told her how she got shot by the Joker and was in a wheel chair for years till she was finally able to get surgery that would allow her to be able to walk again. Jason was a little nervous about Barbara telling Y/N about his history with the Joker but Y/N was fine with it. She didn’t view him as a dead man walking.
She still saw him as her loving and protective boyfriend. Well that was till Jason shattered her heart.
A big reason why everyone thought Y/N was the one for Jason was because they had been together for two years which is the longest and first real relationship that Jason had ever been in.
Everything went well till Jason did the worst thing her could’ve ever done.
Y/N was driving to Jason’s apartment on a Saturday morning after an anxious Friday night. Y/N and Jason were at her apartment when they got in a big and bad fight that made Jason storm out of the apartment. That had been the first fight between them. It all happened so fast that Y/N doesn’t even remember what the fight was even about. She kept trying to call him but no answer so she decided to just go to bed and talk to him the next day.
Y/N found a parking spot by Jason’s apartment building so she parked her car and turned the vehicle off. She grabbed her keys and put them in her coat pocket. After opening the driver seat door she pressed the button on the door to lock the car and got out. She shut the door and made her way inside the building. Y/N walked up the steps to the third floor.
When she got to Jason’s door she could feel her heart racing so she took a deep and calming breath and knocked on the door. Every second that passed she could feel her nerves pacing. As almost two minutes passed Jason hadn’t answered the door. She could’ve sworn that she saw his motorcycle parked outside. Before Y/N could knock on the door again the door opened to reveal not Jason but a girl with short bleach blonde hair.
Y/N just froze in her spot. She looked the girl up and down. The outfit the unknown girl was wearing was pretty revealing. She had on a tight crop top that showed her cleavage and her belly with an even tighter mini skirt that showed off her long legs. Her hair was a little messy. It looked liked she had just woken up.
“Y/N.” She heard Jason say appearing behind the unknown girl. Jason moved the girl to the side and took Y/N’s hand pulling her inside his apartment. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” Jason told her letting go of her hand. He escorted the unknown girl out of his apartment and out the building. As Y/N waited for him she just stayed standing as so many thoughts ran through her head. When that girl opened the door she felt like someone just stabbed her in her heart.
When Jason walked back into the apartment he saw the hurt look in Y/N’s eyes. “Well, now I know why you didn’t answer your phone.” Y/N said in a hurtful tone. Jason let out a sigh as he closed his door. Before Jason could say anything Y/N spoke again. “Who is she?” Y/N asked him. “What?” Jason asked which immediately set her off. “Did I fucking stutter?” Y/N hissed. “Who the fuck is she?” Y/N asked again in a snappy tone. The hurt she was feeling quickly melted away and turned into anger. “She’s a girl I met at the bar I went to last night.” Jason told her. “But Y/N I was completely shit faced.” Jason added which made Y/N let out a scoff. “I don’t give a shit what you were! You had sex with another woman!” Y/N told him as hot tears started to fill her eyes. “I know it was fucking stupid but I promise it didn’t mean anything.” Jason told her as he watched the girl he loves heart break right in front of him.
He went to go touch her but she backed away from him. “Don’t fucking touch me!” Y/N hissed at him. “Y/N, please.” Jason pleaded as tear started to flood his blue eyes. Y/N shook her head as she used the back of her hand to wipe away some of her tears.
“We’re fucking done.” Y/N snapped and walked passed him and out of the apartment.
it’s been a couple weeks since Y/N broke up with Jason. He’s been trying to get in touch with her but she’s been ignoring him. She got a call in early morning hours from an unknown number so she answered it and it was Jason.
He needed her to use his money from his bank account to bail him out of jail. He had to call her since she’s the only one that knows his bank information. After he told her how much the bond was she hung up. Y/N got out of her bed and quietly left the apartment so she didn’t wake Barbara up.
Y/N went to a twenty four hour ATM and then went to the jail to bail Jason out. As Y/N drove him back to his apartment he told her what had happened that got him arrested. He got into a bar fight and the reason why he was in jail for hours was because they wanted him to sober up since when they arrested him he was wasted. Y/N just nodded her head. Right after she dropped him off at his apartment she drove back to her apartment and went right back to sleep.
Y/N woke up a little after eleven AM. When she walked into the living room she saw Barbara sitting on the couch watching the TV. “Hey sleepy head.” Barbara said as Y/N sat down on the couch next to her. Barbara could sense something was wrong. “What’s wrong?” Barbara asked her with concern in her voice. “I had to bail Jason out of jail at two in the morning.” Y/N told her with a tired sigh. “That’s not surprising.” Barbara said with a sigh as well. “Dick has been telling me that he’s been going through hell because of the break up.” Barbara added. “He did look so broken.” Y/N said as she stared out at the television. “And that’s not your fault.” Barbara told her which made her look away from the tv and at her.
“Jason did that to himself. He’s the one that is making him go through all this pain.” Barbara told her. “Yes, when Jason was with he was the happiest he’s ever been but he’s the one that fucked it up. You didn’t do it, he did it.” Barbara told her in a stern tone. She doesn’t want Y/N to feel guilty for what Jason is going through.
“He broke you first.” Barbara added. Y/N gave her a nod. She knew that everything Barbara had just told her was one hundred percent true.
It was now night time and Y/N was at the apartment by herself since Barbara is out doing her patrol as Batgirl. Y/N was laying on the couch watching a movie on the TV. It was a little after eight o’ clock and Y/N was still exhausted. But before she could decide to head into bed their was a knock on the door. She got up and walked over to the door. When she opened the door she saw Jason standing there.
“Hey.” Jason said in a soft tone. “What are you doing here?” Y/N asked him in a stern tone. “I wanted to thank you for bailing me out.” Jason told her. “And?” Y/N asked as she folded her arms over her chest knowing that their was more. “I also wanted to talk to you.” Jason told her which made her roll her eyes. “There is nothing to fucking talk about.” Y/N told him still using a stern tone.
She went to slam the door in his face but Jason stopped the door from closing and walked into the apartment. “Y/N, I’ve been a fucking wreck without you.” Jason told her. “And that’s not my problem!” Y/N told him turning back around to face him since after she went to close the door she started to walk back over to the couch.
“Jason, I still love you but I can’t forgive you for what you did.” Y/N told him. “And like I told you it’s the worst fucking thing I have ever done.” Jason said looking at her with a pleading look in his blue eyes. “Trust me I know that but you saying that isn’t going to fix it. It isn’t going to erase it.” Y/N told him with frustration in her voice.
“Maybe one day we can be friends but that’s it. You broke my trust and I just can’t give you another chance. I can’t force myself to do that.” Y/N told him. She was trying her best not to cry but she knew she was failing since she could feel the tears forming in her eyes. Jason was already shedding tears.
“You broke me first.” Y/N told him remembering what Barbara told her this morning. Jason gave her a nod knowing that she was right. “Yeah, I did.” Jason said. He turned around and walked out of the apartment.
He knew at that moment it was really over. There was nothing else he can say. Y/N took a deep breath to clam herself down. She wiped away her tears and walked over the door and shut it.
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hesoprettyithurts · 1 year
I need a headcanons for quackity and wilbur with a pregnant reader for yesturday!! Its a request from brazil <3
I’m on the case!🫶
there not exactly headcanons but there little short stories yk? Sorry if its not what you wanted
🇧🇷 =🥵
Telling him you were pregnant was difficult, mostly because you were afraid he didn’t want the child and that he would leave.
you grabbed the pregnancy test and waited for his stream to end. How were you going to say it?
finally you heard the annual “BYEEEEE” and you waited till you got the text saying he finished. You walked out slowly with the test in your pocket.
“Hey, guess wh- are you okay? You look sick. What’s wrong?” He got up to comfort you but you took his shoulders and moved to sit him on the bed.
“look,” you spoke “I have something very important to tell you”
“yeah what’s up?”
“I’m pregnant”
his face dropped oh this was not the reaction you wanted
millions of thoughts paced through your mind “was he going to leave” “oh no”
“you're being serious?”
“Yes” you say as you pull out the test handing it to him.
he reads it very carefully till getting up and RUNNING OUT THE DOOR 🏃‍♀️
nah but he got up and hugged you immediately causing you to sit down with him.
“I’m gonna be a dilf?”
You laugh with relief as you say “mhm”
“you don’t know how fucking excited I am!”
he jumps up and spins you around
(I’ll write a different reveal and the telling parents, gender reveal, baby clothes shopping, and journey IF the poll wins)
Wilbur and you have always talked about having a baby but when you found out that you were pregnant you were shocked. “Was he even ready?” Was the most recurrent thought that kept racing left and right through your brain .
It was time, you thought, time to tell him that I’m going to have his baby.
My palms were sweaty as I waited for him to get home, then all of a sudden a jingle of keys could be heard and I panicked.
eventually the door swung open and there he was, beautiful, lanky, just woah is he gorgeous.
He immediately knew that something was off by the way that your leg was bouncing up and down.
“hey what’s wrong?”
“we need to talk.”
oh if only you knew how much effect those words had on him. He was quite frankly shaking. He went and sat down next to you, anxiously waiting.
“I’m pregnant” you said out of the blue
he froze, not the reaction you wanted, tears were forming in your ruses when he said “woah what the fuck I’m gonna have a child!” He began smiling and he leant down on his knees to kiss your belly 💋 “my child’s in there, hi baby, hi!”
“Wilbur it’s the size of a bean”
“shh that’s OUR baby”
sorry for the long wait I got busy with school
but I hope you enjoyed ✌️
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Hawks x Reader: Bird of Prey
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: Hawks x female! Reader
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: When you get bored at home waiting for your loving husband to come home... you think of a way to get him to come back sooner. It works- for a price.
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: Smut
𝙲𝚆/𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: Face-sitting, degradation, creampie, rough sex, penetration, female-parts, sex (ofc)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1784 
Note: I have NEVER written smut before so I am so, so sorry if this is awful. Spicy stuff happens after the cut. This is- part of something I am challenging myself to do as a writer, I guess? I sure as hell ain't goin to heaven after this shit--
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You’d been teasing him all day, just to see what he would do. Since you had the day off, you were bored. And what better way to deal with it than making your boyfriend horny as fuck when he’s in a meeting? 
It started off with pictures of your body- nothing too revealing, but enough to make him want more. He opened the messages, but didn’t do much more. You huffed, before an idea crossed your mind. 
Shifting onto your back, you spread your legs. Wearing little more than a bra and panties, your hand reaches up. With his feather around your neck, you knew he’d hear everything you did. Every little noise, whimper, or moan- which is exactly what you wanted. 
You begin to rub yourself over your panties, letting out a soft sigh as you feel the gentle pressure. After a few minutes, you slide your hand into your them, the feather in hand. It had bristled up a little, and the feeling of it against your clit was utterly delicious. 
Letting out a soft moan, your head tilts back. “Kei…~” You whine, shifting a little to continue to build that pleasure. It had been so long since you both had sex, and you missed him like hell. 
After a few moments, the sound of the front door jerks you from your thoughts. That meeting should’ve been another 10 minutes tops, and it took 15 to get home-
Your thoughts are cut short from a familiar winged male opening the bedroom door with more force than needed. His face is flushed, short hot breaths escaping his lips. His feathers are slightly ruffled, and his wings were spread just a little more than usual. 
He was beautiful normally, but this was hot. 
“Baby bird…~” His words are a low growl as he stalks towards you, before crawling onto the bed. “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doin’, hmm?” He rips the covers away, exposing you playing with yourself. 
Your stomach drops, but in the most pleasurable way possible. His eyes- like a predator eyeing it’s prey. 
A dark chuckle escapes his lips as his eyes darken just a little. “Mmmm… that’s what I thought. Playing with yourself like a little whore, hmm?~” He tuts a little, the feather coming from your hands to his own. 
“You’ve been such a naughty little bird, sending me pictures in meetings, playing with my feathers in a way you know I can’t ignore…” He pushes your legs apart, crawling in between them to hover right above you. 
His hot breath fans your chest as he takes in your flustered form. “Just couldn’t wait till I got home, huh..?” You don’t respond, and he trails his fingers through your hair. Suddenly, he wraps some of it around his fingers and pulls. 
A quiet moan escapes your lips at the feeling, and that simple noise sparks something in those darker amber eyes of his. “Such pretty noises… but they aren’t words, baby bird.” He clicks his tongue. 
You’d already been quite bratty… so why stop now? You pout up at him, as much as you can with his hands in your hair, anyway. You knew he enjoyed the fight. 
“Mm, but you came, didn’t you?~” You tease, before he tugs harder, ripping another moan from your throat. His face is inches from your neck as he growls. His hot breath fans your throat, teeth inching dangerously to your jugular.
“I guess I’ll have to remind you just who’s in charge, angel… and it isn’t you.” A feather flies from his plumes, wrapping around your wrists just enough to make sure you can’t move them. He wraps his hand around them, pinning them above your head. Your chest sticks out just a bit more from the angle. 
“So pretty.. It’s a shame, really..” He murmurs, disappointment clear in his tone. You shift, letting out a quiet whine. Before you can speak, he clicks his tongue again. “No, pretty bird… you had your chance. It seems like I need to remind you just who’s in charge, hmm..?” 
Heat rushes to your core at just how low his voice is. Oh, you fucked up. But this is exactly what you wanted. “Just sit still… you’re too horny to wait for me, hmm? Fine then…” His eyes flick up to yours for a moment. Even though you could feel just how hard he was, he stops for just a moment. 
“You can answer one question- what are our colors?” You falter, but you’re grateful. Despite how turned on he was, he always asked. 
“Red means stop…” His tongue trails down your stomach, and your words catch in your throat. “Yellow- Yellow means slow down, and… and green means it’s all good…” He hums in approval. 
“One last one. What’s the safe word?” 
“Treehouse.” “Good girl… fuck… I’m gonna absolutely wreck you sweetheart. But first… I have an idea.” He shifts, laying on his back as he gently guides you onto his face. 
“You’re gonna sit on my face until I’ve had enough. Sound good, little bird?~” Before you can respond, his arms wrap around your thighs. Pulling you down, your heat directly on his mouth. 
A quiet moan escapes your lips as his tongue traces your folds. “Fuck, Kei…” He slaps your ass cheek, and you whine. 
“Who am I?” He all but growls against you. 
“Sir..” You whimper, swallowing hard as his feathers dig into your wrists just a little more. 
He lets out a low chuckle, before giving you a harsh suck on your clit. “Good girl.” The moment he properly tastes you, he hums in approval.
A moan escapes your lips as he goes back to tongue-fucking you, making noises and holding you down like you were his last meal. Fuck- he was hot. And the fact he was holding you down on top of him? 
If there was any anxiety about suffocating him, he left no room to argue. If he wanted to suffocate himself on your pussy, he was gonna do it.
His lips shift, now wrapping around your clit. A mewl escapes your lips as your legs spread a little wider. He chuckles, the sound going straight to your core. 
When another whine leaves your lips, this time when he slows down. He hums, the vibrations making you jolt. After a few moments, he lets go of one of your thighs, sliding in two of his fingers. 
A deep moan escapes your lips this time. “F-fuck-” You can’t help but grind down onto his face, and he grips your waist tightly. When his fingers find that spongy spot inside of you, another moan escapes your lips. He chuckles, before abusing that spot. 
It doesn’t take long before that coil tightens almost painfully in your stomach. You’re panting, moaning, practically riding his fingers and his face– and with a nip to your clit, you fall apart on top of him. 
He’s quick, hardly letting you savor your orgasm before having you face down and ass up. “Such a good slut- who’s my good little whore, huh?” He slaps your ass, pulling a mewl from your throat. 
“I-I am-” He slaps your other ass cheek, a warning growl emanating from behind you. 
“I am?” The dark, dominant sound of his voice makes your thighs press together a little. But you wanted to see how far you could push him… his punishments were always good. So, she just nods. He sighs a bit, clicking his tongue. 
“Naughty bird… here I was, about to reward you for taking everything so well..” There’s faux sympathy in his tone. His hand gently rubs one of your ass cheeks, before slapping it hard. You yelp out softly, though there’s a soft moan mixed in. 
“Ah, that’s right… you like that sort of shit dontcha?” He chuckles, the sound holding a promise of danger. One that you like. “Fine… I’ll make it hurt then, princess.” 
Without warning, his hard cock slams into your core, giving you no chance to accommodate him. A mixture between a moan and a cry escapes your lips. He stills his hips completely against yours, his lips against your ear. 
“Color, love?” His voice is raspy, and you clench around him at the sound. 
“G-green, sir-” You whimper, biting your lip. His feather holds your hands in front of you on the bed, unable to hold your upper half up. He hums in approval again, his tongue tracing the shell of your ear. 
“Good girl…” He murmurs, before pulling out a bit. Without warning, he slams back into you, setting a brutal pace that has you seeing stars. Mixtures of “oh my god” and profanities are pulled from your lips as the head of his cock slams against your cervix. 
“Such a good slut- gonna fuck ya till ya can’t walk- that want you want? Tell me you want it-” He grunts, panting as he continues to slam into you. Your mouth opens to respond, but you can’t get a word out. The only thing spilling from your lips is moans, whimpers, and a little bit of drool. That feeling of warmth in your stomach returns quickly, the coil tightening again.
“Can’t even talk back anymore, huh?” He chuckles, grabbing your hair and pulling you up by it, then holding you by the throat. “Such a pretty little whore.. And all fucking mine.” Each word was punctuated with a deep thrust. 
And with that, the coil snaps. Your vision goes white as you clench down around him. Moaning out loudly, your eyes roll into your head as your tongue lolls from your mouth. 
After a few more thrusts, he buries himself into you, and you can literally feel the warmth of his release settling in your womb. A soft whine escapes your lips at the feeling. His feather lets go of your wrists, gently trailing your back before going back to his wings. 
He’s panting, before peppering kisses on your shoulders. “You took me so well, such a good girl…” He murmurs, letting himself slide out of your tight hole. His cum begins to dribble out, trailing down your thighs. You whine again, now for the loss of feeling. He laughs lightly, turning you around to kiss your forehead. 
“Alright, baby bird… let’s get you all cleaned up, hmm?” He coos, brushing your hair away from your face. You lean into his touch. 
Keigo was a lot of things. Dominant, rough, unrelenting- but kind, gentle, and caring. You hum in response, approval clear in your tone. Now… all that’s left of the night is for him to spoil you with his love. And you knew he wouldn’t hold back on that either. 
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
Percy x gn!reader I'm sorry
Ok here is an angsty fluff ending fic it's kinda short but I'm like so proud of this lol
Word count~717
Me and Percy are arguing about him missing another date." Percy this is the second time this month you've missed a date".I said upset."Baby, I'm sorry but you know how they are I couldn't say no" he replied."So you're saying they're more important"? I asked."wh-what"?Percy said confused." that's what I thought," I said while leaving. As I walked away from Percy's cabin I cried. I mean how could I not, he was blowing me off for his friends, and this wasn't the first time, and for what to play games I mean was it too much to ask for one night with him? I guess it was because when I brought it up he flipped. I guess it was stupid to think he liked me. The next day at lunch he started walking toward me and I looked down and walked away fast. I know it was wrong to avoid him but I just couldn't believe he would do that yesterday so for the time being I was going to avoid him till I felt better."y/n" Percy said kind of loud towards me. I turned to look at him and kept walking eventually he caught up." what" I asked annoyed."y/n I just want to say sorry about yesterday" he said."okay great by Percy I got to go" I replied walking away. I can not believe his half-ass apology I could tell he was generally sorry but that apology was terrible. I mean you blow me off twice and then say oh sorry like hello you knew what you were doing. Anyway, I just have to ignore him till I feel better or he apologizes better.
Percy pov
I just don't get it why are they this mad at me I mean I get it I missed too many dates but I forgot the first time and the second time was because I got the wrong time. As I walk over to Luke I ask him"Hey Luke can I ask you something?" He stared at me but replied "Sure" so I asked, "Hey I missed two of my and y/n's dates and they seem genuinely upset what do I do?" "Did you apologize?" he asked"Yeah I said hey I'm sorry about yesterday" I said. "Oh there's your answer one you've made a basic apology two you did even apologize for the date in general," he said."oh shit" I replied. while getting up and leaving "Where are you going?" he questioned." to fix this" I replied. As I walked through the woods looking for Flowers. I stumbled upon a beautiful rock and smiled thinking about how y/n loves rocks so I grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket. Continuing my search for the perfect flowers, After a while I found some pretty yellow and white flowers picked them, and headed toward the fruit field grabbing some fruits. (you can make them whatever fruit you want)I started to head toward their cabin but I couldn't see them so I decided to wait on their porch after knocking and not getting a response.
Your POV (again)
I'm currently just wondering around camp aimlessly trying to kill time and calm down and it's working I feel a lot better already so I decided to head back to my cabin as I'm walking I realized I should have let Percy apologize and heard his full apology rather than running off. As I get closer to my cabin I notice Percy sitting on my porch with Flowers." hi" I say. Percy looks up at me and smiles while replying " Hey" Handing me the flowers he says "These are for you look I'm so sorry about the date yesterday, I got the wrong time and I know sorry won't fix it that's why I'm taking you on a date right now" " oh Percy these are perfect thank you" I replied. Staring at the flowers"Come on" Percy says while holding out his hand. I take his hand in mine while he pulls something out of his pocket "Here" he says. It's so pretty "I'm adding this to my collection thank you so much I love you" "I love you too" he leans down and kisses me. The End.
I low-key love this and hope you like it so I'm writing a bunch of random stuff to get better requests are open. love you have a wonderful day.🧡
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itwasthereaminuteago · 4 months
|| Black eyed & Blue ||
Chapter 1 - Skull & Crossed Wires
Frank Castle x Female Reader/OC
Notes: I'm posting this first short chapter in my Frank Castle and female OC/reader mini series in the hope that it will spur me on to finish it! I have some other chapters written already just need to get them where I want them and write some more. 😊
Warnings: kidnapping, blood, biting, general vampire themes, fluff & smut, frank being protective, Matt makes an appearance.
Please comment and let me know what you enjoy or would like to see as the story develops and I'll see what I can do!
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Frank managed to limp his van to the nearest garage before it crapped out entirely. He had cleared it out after his latest 'road trip' back at the safe house. It wouldn't do any good if the mechanics found any of his arsenal…
He left them with the keys and said he'd check back in a couple of days. Leaving a cell number was out of the question too, he still wasn't quite comfortable leaving much of a trace even if he was now 'Pete'.
He walked up to the shop office two days later, hopeful he could throw down a few hundred and get going. A fraught looking gangly guy was having an in-depth discussion on the phone as he entered. He passively waved Frank in the direction of the garage floor, pulling the phone away from his mouth and yelling towards the doorway.
"Blue! Customer!"
Frank gave him a semi-polite nod and headed through the side door where his van was jacked up, a pair of dark blue Converse sticking out from underneath.
"Uh, right. Guess it ain't ready yet." Frank ventured.
"No shit Sherlock." A voice came from below.
"Can see why you got Shaggy on the front desk there, customer service ain't your thing huh?"
The feet peddled their way out from under the van to reveal a woman with her hair tied up out of her face with a blue bandana. She had an oil-smudged face, and chipped sky blue nail polish on her fingers. Her mouth dropped open as she pushed herself up and took in the figure of Frank standing over her.
"Oh fuck- I mean, shit! Damn! Fuck!" She winced. "I'm really sorry mister… thought you were Ray winding me up again. Sorry, I'm trying not to cuss as much but, um…"
Frank couldn't help the sly smile from spreading across his lips.
"Think you're doin' well enough. Don't you worry about it. Maybe uh, you can gimme an idea when she'll be ready?"
She got to her feet, wiping her oily hands on her dirty coveralls, which were also blue.
"Well, that's the thing. I'm still waiting for a part to come. I woulda called you to let you know but, uh, you didn't leave a number so…
"Yeah, don't have a phone." He scratched at the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Kinda hate all that tech shit y'know."
"Wow. Well, okay old man, I'm not sure exactly when it'll arrive, our supplier is vague at the best of times, I really wanna find someone better but…"
Frank couldn't help grumbling a little. He was keen to get back on the road, after all, biker gang ass wasn't gonna kick itself. "Then I guess 'i'll just keep comin' back every day till she's ready."
Blue smiled politely. "Once it's here I'll get it fixed as fast as I can but if you refuse to have a phone like us regular people I guess that's just what you'll have to do. See you tomorrow then?"
Frank nodded. "Yeah. See ya tomorrow."
The next day Frank dropped by the garage late afternoon, he'd had a particularly rough night chasing down some dregs of the Dogs of War that refused to go down easily.
"Jeez, what the heck happened to you?" Blue asked, looking up and seeing the dark bruises around his eyes as she heard him come in. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking? Those are some shiners."
"Walked into the side of the door when I got up during the night to piss. Bein' how I'm an 'old man' an all," Frank deadpanned back.
"No shit. You gotta be more careful, looks a bit like someone belted you right in the kisser!"
Frank shrugs.
"To be honest I wouldn't be too surprised if they had. Don't take this the wrong way but you've kinda got one of those punchable looking faces, mister..?"
"It's uh, Pete." Frank replies with a slight chuckle, only slightly offended. "And is that so?"
She holds out her oily hand for him to shake. "Hi Mister Pete. They call me Blue. And yeah, I mean you're real good looking and all but-" she stopped as Frank shook his head and laughed.
"Jeez, I really gotta stop running my mouth around strangers! I am so sorry…"
Frank holds up both hands giving her a smile, it had been a while since he had laughed as much. "Hey, no worries. Punchable and good lookin'? I'll take it. So, Blue, huh? No need for me to ask why I guess. "
She returns the smile, scuffing the toe of her shoe into the ground shyly. "I just like the colour."
Frank clears his throat. "So uh, there any news on that part yet?"
"Oh! Yeah, um it might be tomorrow but…"
"Might not?" Frank finishes with a slightly tense shrug.
"Yeah, really sorry about this, Pete. I'd even go as far as to offer you a free coffee in apology but our machine's bust, and even if it was working it tastes crap anyway."
"Don't worry about it. Alright well, guess I'll seeya tomorrow again."
Blue gave him a little wave. "Yeah, seeya tomorrow Old Man, hope I've got some good news for you then."
Frank just shakes his head, smiling to himself as he leaves the garage and sets off back home.
The next day, when Frank turns up, Blue's face is bright with the biggest smile, and it only got brighter as she saw what 'Pete' had in his hands.
"Hey!" She greets him animatedly and it makes him feel a little warmer inside.
Frank nods then hands her one of the carryout cups of coffee he has. "Hey, didn't know how you take it but I got some sugar and milk here too if you want, seeing as your machine is broken an all."
Blue beams, her fingers brushing briefly over his as she accepts it. "Oh, thank you so much! And no, that's great, straight up is perfect, so kind of you, thanks Pete!"
Frank shrugs. "S'nothin'."
She takes a hearty sip and then remembers what she was about to say. "Good news by the way, the part arrived this morning! I'm about to get on it right now, shouldn't take too long if you don't mind waiting?"
Frank nods, finding a space to sit nearby. "Yeah, sure, if you don't mind me watching you work."
She disappears under the van. "Actually, gives me the chance to ask what the hell you've been putting this poor van through, you gotta take more care of her if you don't want to run her into the ground."
Frank huffed. "Yeah, just been real busy, y'know, and my work takes me all kinds of places, some uh, rough terrain."
"What kind of business are you in Pete?"
He scratches the stubble under his chin. "Uh, removals, pest control, odd jobs. That kinda stuff."
"A Pete of all trades?" Blue suggests, and Frank has to laugh.
"Yeah," again he feels the rare smile stretch his face as he strokes his stubbled jaw. "Somethin' like that."
It wasn't till later, when he was on the road again rummaging through the glovebox for the map when his hand landed on the tin of sweets. He took them out, curious seeing the note stuck to the lid.
'Something to sweeten you up, old man :)
He chuckles to himself as he opens the tin and takes a candy.
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Sicktember - You're Not Fine You're Coughing Up A Lung
Fandom - Set It Up (Netflix movie staring G/len P/owell)
Words - 2254
Author's Notes - Like many people I watched T/wisters and now have a slight crush on a certain man. As I result I watched this movie and this idea was born. For those not familiar with it, it's about two stressed out assistants trying to get their bosses to date so they'll lay off them but they end up with feelings for each other instead.
Hope you enjoy!
Harper was on her way out of the office when she decided to stop by Charlie’s desk. She wasn’t sure exactly when it had become their routine to gloat to the other about who was getting out earlier but it seemed to have stuck. It was later than she usually left, but Kirsten had a family thing all weekend, so she was looking forward to spending her time off as lazily as possible and teasing Charlie mercisly about it. She hadn’t quite made it to his desk when she heard a sneeze.
“Bless you?” she said, stepping around the corner. 
“Thangs,” Charlie sniffed, rubbing his nose. 
He was sitting at his desk, looking a lot more disheveled than he usually did. His hair was messy, his tie undone and there were a few scattered tissues next to him. 
“Hey, you okay?” Harper asked. 
In the few weeks they’d been working together Harper had never seen Charlie anything other than immaculately dressed. He always wore a suit, combed his hair, and his desk was usually so pristine that it looked like it belonged in an Ikea showroom. Unlike Harper’s, which was in a constant state of chaos. 
“I’ll live,” he sniffed thickly. 
“Have you got that cold all of the interns have been passing around?” she asked. 
Over the past few weeks, a nasty cold has been sweeping through the building. No one could enter without hearing various coughs and sneezes. Harper was pretty sure she’d only managed to avoid it by pure luck where Charlie had been bragging about his superior immune system. 
“Noh, I’m fine,” he said, though the congestion in his voice betrayed him. 
“What are you still doing here anyway? It’s nearly eleven,” Harper asked. 
“Rick’s at some executive party but I’ve got his apartment keys so I’ve got to wait here till he comes back for them,” Charlie replied.
“Can’t you leave the keys with someone else? Or have the doorman at his building let him in?” 
Charlie shook his head, coughing roughly into his fist. “He doesn’t trust anyone else with his keys. He’d fire me on the spot if I gave them to anyone,” 
“Well, that’s shit,” Harper said. 
Charlie nodded, resting his head in his hands. It made Harper feel weird just looking at him. She’d never once seen him so quiet and just unlike himself. It kind of unnerved her. This wasn’t her usual Charlie, this wasn’t their routine and she felt lost without it.  
He turned away from her and stifled two harsh sneezes into a tissue. 
“hhuuhhHGITZHH… hhh-UHH-GITZT…Ugh.” he groaned, blowing his steadily reddening nose. 
“Bless you!” 
Harper remembered coming into work with a nasty cold once and Kirsten had taken one look at her and sent her home. It seemed Rick was not as nice or even observant. Harper guessed that he wouldn’t even have noticed that Charlie was sick unless he passed out at his feet. 
“Come on, let’s get you somewhere more comfortable,” she said, holding out her hand. 
“I just told you, I can’t leabe,” Charlie said, congestion muffing his words. 
“We’re not leaving the building, now come on,” 
Charlie accepted Harper’s outstretched hand and stumbled to his feet. The break room wasn’t far but Charlie looked dead on his feet from the short walk. He collapsed onto one of the couches, coughing miserably the whole time. 
“You really sound terrible,” Harper said, going straight to one of the kitchen cabinets where she kept a small stash of tea bags for emergencies. And this was definitely an emergency. Harper couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen someone look so sick.  
“Well, I feel great,” Charlie replied as he winced at the pain in his throat. 
“Here,” Harper returned with a hot cup of tea. “This’ll make you feel better.” 
“Is it poison? I think only death would help,” Charlie groaned, taking the cup. 
Harper couldn’t help but laugh as she took a seat next to him. Up close she wasn’t so sure it was just a cold. None of the interns had looked quite as sickly as he did. He was far too pale with a feverish flush to his cheeks and a glassy look in his eyes. 
“How much longer do you think you’ll have to stay?” she asked. 
Charlie shrugged, taking a sip of tea and coughing as the hot liquid stung his throat. 
“Probably a few more hours. Rick is never one to leave a party early,” 
“Are you sure you’re going to survive?” Harper asked, hoping she didn’t sound as worried as she felt. Her concern for him only grew with every cough and sniffle. 
“Yea…” Charlie started before his breath hitched and he sneezed harshly into his arm. 
“No.. hhHHhhH… Not..-HHTTSH-tisw.. hh..hh..Done…hhHH-HSSHH-Eww.
“God, Charlie, they sounded like they hurt.” 
Charlie just nodded and shivered violently. Harper then realised he was trembling with chills, clinging onto his jacket like he was in the arctic. He was definitely sicker than she’d first thought. She went to put her hand against his forehead and he tried to bat her hand away but had to stop to cough instead. 
She felt the heat on his skin as he continued to cough. The poor thing, the cough sounded like it was destroying his throat.
“I’b fine,” he rasped. 
“You are not fine. You can’t get through a sentence without coughing and you are burning with a fever,” Harper said, pushing some of the sweaty hair off his clammy forehead.
Charlie sighed and coughed miserably, leaning his head back against the couch and closing his eyes.
“I don’t feel well,” he mumbled. 
“I know. I’m sorry,” she said, rubbing his arm. 
She could feel his fever even through his jacket, which only made anxiety bubble in her chest. He was clearly suffering from what was probably the flu and he couldn’t even go back to his own bed. She so desperately wanted to take him home, bundle him up and sit around watching terrible movies together. Instead she’d have to make him comfortable best she could. 
“Okay, let's get you out of that suit.” 
“You really want to undress me now?” he asked lazily, opening one eye to look at her. 
“Ha ha very funny. Now do it.” 
Charlie attempted to glare at her but it came off like a grumpy puppy. She laughed and rummaged through her bags until she found her oversized blue hoodie.
“Here, have this. You’ll much more comfortable,” 
He took it with trembling hands, stripping off his suit jacket and pulling the soft hoodie over his head. Somehow it made him look worse without the suit, like it was the last thing holding the mask of wellness in place. Now he just looked miserable. 
“Thanks,” he said quietly, “You don’t have to stay, you know. I’ll be okay.” 
“I disagree. I think leaving you alone would be a crime. What if you died from that fever and I wasn’t here to save you?” 
Charlie tried to laugh but it turned into a harsh cough. Harper continued to rub his back as he coughed before the fit finally let up. He pulled his knees up to his chest and curled up at the end of the couch. 
“Can I get you anything?” she asked. 
“Death,” he rasped. 
Harper gave a small smile and gently squeezed his hand. She wasn’t sure where all the physical affection was coming from. She’d never so much as held his hand before but somehow it felt right. He squeezed her hand back and returned the weakest of smiles. 
“Thank you,”
“Try to get some rest, okay? I’ll wake you when he gets back,” Harper said, running a hand through his already messed up hair. 
Charlie nodded and closed his eyes, falling asleep almost instantly. Though she wouldn’t have called in a restful sleep as even unconscious he still sounded terrible. She’d managed to find him a blanket in one of the other offices and he’d curled up in the corner of the couch, snoring loudly through his blocked nose. 
Harper couldn’t have slept even if she wanted to. It felt all her senses were dialled up to eleven. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go, she wasn’t supposed to care about him. They were meant to be setting up their bosses not catching feelings for each other. He was arrogant and a try hard with no ambition outside himself, yet looking at him curled on the couch, sick as hell she couldn’t stop worrying about him. 
Eventually, she heard the door to the office open and Rick’s voice rang out. 
“Charlie, where the hell are you?” 
“Charlie, get up. He’s back.” 
It took a moment for him to register what was happening before Charlie was able to pull himself up. Even in the dim light she could see he looked awful, far too pale with sweaty hair clinging to his forehead. 
“Rick’s back, come on.” 
Harper helped him to his feet and he slowly stumbled back toward his desk, coughing harshly into his arm. 
“Come on, I don’t have all night,” Rick snapped as Charlie retrieved the keys from his desk drawer.
“Here you go,” Charlie tossed him the keys without his usual enthusiasm and they landed at Rick’s feet. 
Rick picked them up, mumbled something about useless assistants and turned to leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” 
“No, you won’t,” Charlie said. 
Rick, who'd already made it halfway out the door, turned around. “I’m sorry?” 
“I said I won’t be coming in tomorrow, or probably the day after,” 
“And why, pray tell is that?” Rick asked, annoyed that his assistant being at death's door was nothing more than a passing inconvenience. 
“Imb sick,” Charlie said before breaking off into his worst coughing fit yet. He barely managed to stay upright as he hacked up his lungs. 
“Come back when you’re not doing that and if you’ve given that shit to me consider yourself fired,” Rick said before storming out the door. 
Charlie was still coughing, leaning heavily against the wall as he fought for his breath back. Harper rushed to his side and rubbed his back as he struggled. 
“Small breaths, you’re okay,” she reassured him as finally the fit tapered out. 
“What an arsehole,” Charlie rasped. 
“You can say that again, though I wouldn’t. You sound like your one cough from death,” 
Charlie just groaned and lent his head against hers. “Can I go home now?” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Harper hailed them a taxi, surprisingly tricky at 4am in the city and they headed back. Charlie was so out of it that it wasn’t until the taxi stopped that he realised he was, in fact, not at home. 
“This isn’t my building,” he croaked. 
“No, it’s mine. I don’t trust that roommate of yours not to be bonking in the living room again, and I didn’t think you’d fancy another trip up the fire escape.” 
“Fair point.” 
“And plus, I have the best bed in the whole world.” 
Unfortunately though for Charlie Harper’s building didn’t have an elevator so the trip up to the apartment was a slow one. He kept having to stop to cough or sneeze and by the time he made it to the fourth floor he was shaking. 
“This bed of yours better be worth it,” he mumbled as she unlocked the door. 
The apartment was just as she’d left it, messy and cluttered. It looked exactly like a place two twenty something women called home. There were half read magazines on the table, an unwashed bowl of ramen in the sink and Becca’s bra was drying on the radiator. 
“Oh it is, come on.” 
Harper’s bedroom was much the same, her bed unmade, clothes on the floor and a few dirty dishes on the bedside table. 
“Go take a shower, I’ll find you something to wear.” 
“Won’t your roommate mind?” 
“Nah, she’s not here. She’s on a big date with her man.” 
Charlie nodded, coughing a little and wandered off in the direction of the bathroom. Harper managed to find a pair of sweats she thought would fit him even if they were a bit short in the leg and left them outside the bathroom. When she heard the water running Harper got to work. She grabbed all the medicine she could find, made a fresh batch of tea and put the tv in her room onto one of her favourite cheesy rom-coms. 
“What’s all this?” Charlie asked. 
He looked a little ridiculous in the clothes that were clearly too short but the shower seemed to have done him some good as he was smiling. 
“Stuff to make you feel better,” she said. 
Charlie climbed into bed and patted the spot next to him. “You coming?” 
“You know,” Harper said, joining him under the duvet. “This is not how I imagined our first night in bed together,” 
“You think about that?” 
Harper, realising what she’d said went bright red and took a mouthful of hot tea to try to hide her flushed cheeks. 
“Cause I think about it too,” Charlie said, resting his head on her shoulder. 
Harper smiled and kissed the top of his head. This hadn’t been the plan. In fact, the plan was so far out the window it was probably in the next state, but that didn’t matter. They’d found something in each other, they could count on each other and maybe in a not so short amount of time, love each other. 
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bittersweetastoria · 1 year
This one's a long one babes, so buckle up! Tis pretty tame, so I can't think of any warnings to include?? If you see any, lemme know and I'll add it. Till then, Enjoy!
“I’ll be waiting for you.” You’d promised that a year ago now. When a family emergency on your side, and work on hers, had separated you both and you knew it would be a long time before you’d be together again. As it does, time and distance weighed everything down and you’d eventually parted ways. That’s when everything in her life started working out perfectly, as your world crumbled all around you. You’d never contacted her about any of it. You and your issues, pain, misery.. None of it was her problem anymore. Or so you’d told yourself. You muddled through day by day. Hoping for a better tomorrow that would never come. Things merely went from worse to worser, as you lost not just your family but your home as well. You’d managed to keep your crappy part time sales job, but it wasn’t enough to survive on so you ended up rooming with people you didn’t know and that’d just been hell. But it was your hell. Your price to pay for choices that you had made. No one else’s.
Last thing you ever expected, was to find your ex on your doorstep one evening after work. Caught with your eyes wide, you struggle to juggle your things and get your keys out.. your hands shaking uncontrollably all the while. “They wouldn’t let me wait inside.. Some real bang up friends you got there.” She spoke after a moment, your wide eyes blinking once - twice - three times before you finally found your voice and the ability to stop just gawking at her. “They’re not- They’re just roommates, not friends. I’m sorry they were so rude, it’s just how they are I guess.” You explained, struggling to unlock the door until she finally took your cup and paper bag with the remains from your lunch you’d planned to have for dinner from you. “T-Thanks.” You studder out, your eyes meeting hers for a moment before finishing unlocking the door and pushing it open. Finding no one in sight, you shake your head knowing they were off in one of their rooms doing god knows what together. Out of your roommate situation, they stuck together and you stood alone. Only time they bothered you was when it was time to pay bills.
With a heavy sigh, you take your things back from her and push the door open to let her in first. “It’s best if we go to my room.. You don’t need to deal with them again.” You spoke, waiting until she walked in to lock the door back. “I can handl-,” you cut her off before finishing her sentence, tugging her to your room and locking the door behind you both. In another lifetime, that would mean something else. But now? It just meant you didn’t want your asshole roommates bothering either of you. “I know you can handle them, Rhea. But you shouldn’t have to.” You finally speak up once you sat your things on the dresser and pulled your hoodie off. “It’s more about me, okay? Anyways, I want to know why you’re here suddenly.. but I need to change first. This polyester is killing me. So just.. a minute please?” You ask, grabbing a tank top and shorts from your drawer and heading for the bathroom. “You could change in here love. It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before.” She offered, causing you to blush as you shake your head. “I know.. But still..” biting your bottom lip, your eyes dart around avoiding hers as you shuffle into the bathroom and swing the door shut. You wouldn’t notice that it didn’t fully shut until you were pulling your tank over your bare chest, your eyes locking with hers in the mirror as you did. Your breath caught in your throat, your gaze unwavering from hers for what felt like an eternity before you shook your head and forced yourself to turn away. Should you shut the door? Probably. But the harm was already done, and really what harm had it been really? So you let it be and kicked off your jeans in favor of your comfy booty shorts then tossed your work clothes to the dirty pile before shaking your hair out and coming back out from the bathroom.
“I miss you, you know.” There. There it was. You knew those words were coming from the start. But had that bathroom moment brought it faster? You had to wonder. Cause even now, fully covered, she was still looking over your body like you were standing there fully naked. “Rhea..” you begin, your eyes remaining on her face despite hers wondering. With a small sigh, you walk over to your bed and plop down leaving her standing there. You weren’t going to tell her what to do. It never worked well anyways. So you’d wait for her move on her own accord, which she would eventually do once you turn the television on for background noise and to make it harder for the others to ease drop. “Babe- Old habit, sorry.” She caught herself, sitting down across from you at the foot of your bed. “I know you didn’t just show up on my doorstep just to say you miss me. What’s up, Rhea? Seriously. I thought you were at home enjoying time with the fur babies for a bit now that draft is in effect.” Yes, you followed WWE stuff still. You were a fan long before you fell in love with a wrestler. You’d be a fan long after too. “You watched my stories?” She mused, chuckling a bit as she watched your face go red. “That’s adorable. I almost believed you didn’t care anymore, y/n.” She added, shifting to face you better. Tucking her legs beneath her like you had your own. You could feel the heat of embarrassment in your cheeks, but you pressed on as if it wasn’t a thing. “Of course I care. That’s not something you turn off, even after a breakup.” Rhea raised a brow, “Is that what we did? Cause I don’t recall a call or text saying that, y/n. We just.. stopped talking. Actually, if I recall correctly, you stopped talking.” She pointed out, causing your heart to drop into your stomach knowing she was right.
“I didn’t really.. have a choice in that.” Now you’d done it. Her curiousity was peaked and you’d never get out of not explaining now. Though, you’d try. “Come on love, you owe me that much. The truth of why you just dropped me.” Rhea began, glaring at the television behind her for the noise that sounded in her ears before looking back to you. “It’s not a big deal, I just.. lost my phone service for a while. I thought I could save it, but I couldn’t. By the time I got a new number.. it’d been too long. You were- are on top of the world. Little ole me didn’t matter anymore.” You explained, looking down at your folded hands in your lap. You hadn’t even felt the bed shift, but next thing you knew her hand was tilting your chin up to make you look at her. “You always mattered. You still do, y/n. I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.” She explained, keeping her eyes locked on yours the whole time. Somehow your teeth caught your lip, chewing it as your eyes remained on hers and your body refused to budge. Even this simple, innocent touch had your skin ablaze and your heart aching for her to just - hold you again.
Time felt like it stood still, your eyes locked on one another. It wasn’t until a bang on your door that you both snapped out of it, though her hand remained on your chin through the disturbance. “Hey bitch, you didn’t tell us you had company coming!” Lindsay shouted through the door, though you knew the knock was Ken’s which was proven by his laugh and quick “Yeah!” to back her up. Before you could react, Rhea was up and had your door open facing them. “Holy shit, it’s that chick from WWE!” Hank exclaimed from behind them, while Rhea glared between them all. “Good. You know who I am and what I’m capable of- Now if you even think of calling y/n a bitch again, or keep treating her like this.. I will end you all. Got it? Now go on. My girl and I are talking.” She shooed them off, stomping one foot when they didn’t scatter far enough from the door before she turned back and shut the door behind her. “Her girl?!?!” Could be heard from the other side, but neither quite caught - or cared - who said it. You’d stood up now, crossing the room and wrapping your arms around Rheas neck muttering “thank you” into her flesh.
You both stood there a while before she simply scooped you up and brought you back to the bed. Now taking your seat, but keeping you in her lap as she soothed your hair back and just looked at you. “You said my girl.. I missed that.” You finally spoke up, though your voice was soft and barely heard above the television- she’d heard you. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, “It never stopped being true.” She promised, her lips still upon your skin until she tilted your head up. Once your eyes met again, you both smiled softly as you now reached up to run your fingers through her now dark locks - they’d been somewhat blonde still when you’d last seen her. “The black is hot.. But I miss the blonde.” You quipped playfully, causing her to laugh as she snagged your hand from her hair and laced it with her own. “Is that your way of saying you want the blondie to your brownie back babe? Cause if so- just say the word, we’ll figure this shit out.” Rhea spoke playfully, her digits playing with yours had your attention but she was watching your face the whole time. You laughed, but didn’t answer cause you heard snickering at your door. She caught it though and threw your hairbrush at the door. “Fuck off losers, you’re not gonna hear anything kinky.” She promised them, laughing silently at the look on your face that came with those words.
Leaning against her sometime later.. It’d been peaceful, but neither of you broke the silence or made a move. You simply sat contently in her lap, playing with her fingers as she played with your messy brown locks. You had no intention of breaking the silence, but you did. “I never moved on.” You admitted, darling to look up and catch sight of her beautiful eyes. “I never stopped waiting on you, Demi.” As soon as that confession was out, her lips were on yours in what very well could be the most passionate and needy kiss you’d ever felt before. By the end, neither of you could breathe and you were clinging to one another like a life preserver. “Good, Cause I never stopped waiting on you either. I just got impatient and had to find you instead of you showing up at one of these shows like I thought you would.. Way to let a girl down babe.” She teased, cheeky little grin upon her lips as she pressed them to yours once more. “If I had the money, I would’ve eventually..” You answer sheepishly, though totally honest.
She must’ve really understood your situation then, cause her next words seemingly came from left field. “Obviously not tonight but, come back home with me. You can travel with me.. or just stay there with the mutts waiting on me. Either way, you belong in my bed again. Not with these assholes who don’t care about you.” You knew she was right.. you also knew there might still be listening. So you simply nodded, fingers tighting around hers. “Will you stay with me tonight?” You whisper after crawling up until your lips were at her ear. As tempting as it was to tease her like you used to, it wouldn’t happen. Not tonight. Not here. “I’m not going anywhere without you.” She promised just as softly, shifting you off her so she could could stand up. “Besides the toilet that is. It’s been a long day waiting for your fine ass out there.” Before moving though, she unlocked her phone and handed it over. “Order us a pizza? And some wings. Then put your new number in there. Don’t matter what you put it under, I’m editing it anyways.” Rhea spoke, laughing at the look on your face before vanishing into your bathroom.
You shook your head in amusement, but otherwise did as told. You ordered what you remembered you both loved on your pizza as well as the biggest thing of wings to split, as well as a dessert to split and a soda. You had paper plates and plastic cups in your room, to keep them from your roommates. So all you had to do was pray they gave napkins otherwise you’d be giving up your good hand towels for the wing mess. It’d the worth it though. Just as you finished ordering, she came back out. That cheeky little grin on her face again. “What’s got you so happy, huh?” You tease, causing her to rush you and tickle you to the bed. In a few moments, you’d be hiccupping from the endless ticklish spots you had that she knew all about. “D’you get your number in?” She asked once she backed off and pulled you into her lap again. “I barely got the order in before you attacked me!” You laughed, as she played like she’d tickle you again. Taking her phone back from your lap, she opened new contacts and labeled it before handing it to you. “No changing it. Just put your number in please. “ she spoke, kissing your temple as you looked at it. 😍MY BABYGIRL❤️‍🔥 Shaking your head, you input your number and pressed save before locking it back and handing it to her again. She sat it on the nightstand beside yours.
“Codes your birthday, by the way. Figured you might as well know” she shrugged, pulling you against her again and getting the remote. “Mind if we find something better than this garbage? You got Netflix or anything?” She asked, earning a pointed look from you. “Innocent question, innocent intentions I swear.” She spoke in amusement, holding the free - holding remote not holding you remote up. “I picked cable over that, and every other stream thing.. Just so I could see you every week.” You admired shamelessly, blushing when her eyes landed on you fully in clear astonishment. “You poor thing.. My house is gonna be a couture shock.” She spoke playfully, grabbing her phone again she opened up Netflix. “What are you in the mood for? I’ll broadcast it to the tv.” She offered as she scrolled for you both to see. By the time you agreed on a movie, one she always said she didn’t care for but always watched with you anyways, the pizza was almost there. You both went out for it, hands linked as your roommates gawked at you both. Though no one said a word. Returning to your room, you got the plates and cups as she laid everything out on the bed. You each plop into place beside each other and build your plates as the movie starts.
By the time it was over, so was most of the food. You hadn’t eaten so well in months.. You’d had a good meal at Christmas thanks to some company party. But before or after? Not even. “Got anything I can sleep in babe?” She asked as she piled the boxes on the dresser to deal with in the morning. You looked over her body shamelessly before clicking your tongue. “Not a chance. That ass would EAT my shorts.” You commented, she’d been way into fitness and it showed in all the best ways. But your little shorts? Wouldn’t make it out alive. “Looks like it’s undies for me then.” She shrugged, kicking off her jeans and leaving them there as she rejoined you. “No funny business though, got it?” She spoke, as if her hand wasn’t already on your ass as she pulled you back to bed. “Oh I’m so touching the butt, madam.” You tease back, shoving her into bed before you crawled in too. You both got settled in, her clicking another movie on her phone before sitting it down and opening her arms for you to enter. You didn’t need a word said to slide into your old favorite spot, nestled right into her chest. Her head on yours, her arms at the small of your back. You had one hand tucked between you, the other - as promised - rested on her ass shamelessly.
“Goodnight babygirl.” She murmured softly, “Goodnight mami.” You replied, giggling as you felt her pause before laughing herself. “Just wait till we’re home, babygirl. I’ll have you screaming that.” She promised, earning an excited giggle from you as the movie began. Within ten minutes, you were both off to dreamland. Content with this moment until your new reality could begin in the morning.
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
6 | No regrets
Series: Uttermost Lifestyle
Paring: Johnny Knoxville x Original female character
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Light smut
"Here's everyone's keys." Jeff hands us our hotel room keys after checking us in.
"I gotta call Caiden later." I yawn taking my key.
"I'm sure, he fill be fine without a call for once. My parents are taking good care of him." Chris pats my head as I close my eye.
When I get to my room I wanted to take a small nap because I was so tired but my damn phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I answer it.
"You really leave our son alone so you can film with a bunch of guys? You're a terrible mother." Kyle laughs into the phone.
"How did you get my new number?" I ask him.
"Easy, babe. Why didn't you let me watch him while you were gone? I could just go visit him."
"You go anywhere near my son..." He cuts me off.
"Our son. We made him." He laughs more.
"Leave him alone, Kyle. Please." I beg him.
"I'll think about it." He hangs up and I leave my room going next door to Johnny's knocking on it.
"What's wrong?" He sees my eyes tearing up and by how I was knocking on his door.
"Kyle called me. He got my new number some how and he was talking about Caiden." I pass him going into his room sitting on his bed. "I should have just brought him with me. What if he tries to go near him while we're gone?" I start to panic.
"Hey, Caiden is okay. He's gonna be fine. Chris's parents promised to keep a close eye on him. Remember they drop him off and pick him up from school. Plus Caiden knows he can't go out the whole time we're gone." Johnny sits next to me grabbing my hands.
"I'm a terrible mother for leaving him alone. Kyle is right for once." I stand up pacing around with my hands shaking. "What if he finds where they live and breaks in at night? What if he takes him. What if..." I'm cut off my Johnny's lips on mine.
"Aly, Caiden is going to be alright, trust me. Kyle isn't dumb enough to pull any of that because he knows the consequences. If we need to, we'll call the school and tell them Caiden has to be homeschooled till we get back." He holds my face before pulling me into his chest.
"Johnny, you need a shower." I slightly laugh as I remove myself from him.
"That bad?" He asks so I nod my head. "Wait, how did he know when to call you?" He asks making a good point.
"Don't think that please because then that's worst because that means he's been following us." I tell him.
"You're staying near me until we're sure. After my shower I'll walk you next door to your room." He goes the the bathroom.
I turn on the tv and lay down on the bed while he showers. "Who is it?" Johnny asks as there was a knock at his door. "Aly will you see?" He asks me.
"I'm asleep." I say with my eyes closed.
"Fine, I'll get it. Ignore my ass out." He says making me slightly chuckle.
"Whoo, it's the Party Boy!" I hear Chris come in and Johnny starts to laugh nonstop.
"Come on, I'm trying to take a shower. Why'd I open the door? Thanks a lot Alex." I hear Johnny say back in the shower.
"Again, I'm sleeping." I say as a wet Party Boy jumps on top of me.
"Time to wake up." He gets off me bump his butt on me so I slap it hard making him shout.
"Why are you even in here?" He asks still bumping his butt on me.
"Personal reason." I give him a look so he says no more filming and gets serious with me.
"What happened?" He asks as the crew leaves.
"Kyle called me talking about Caiden and seeing him but Johnny said how did he know when to call me. So he thinks he's following us." I keep it short.
"We need to talk to the front desk later. Just stay in here." Chris leaves the room.
I get up going to the bathroom since I had to pee, "I'm going pee real quick." I tell Johnny and he says okay.
"Can I ask you a question?" I ask him.
"Is that the question?" He laughs.
"One of two, I guess." I flush the toilet.
"Sure ask me."
"Why did you kiss me to cut me off from my ranting?" I lean against the counter.
"Why did you kiss me that day when I was going to give Kyle shit?" He asks.
"I had to stop you some how since you wouldn't listen to me." I look at myself in the mirror.
"I had to stop you from getting too worried about Caiden." He pokes his head out so I nod my head looking at him through the mirror.
"What about those few other times we keep avoiding to talk about since that one?"
"You said two questions not three." He gives a half smile.
"See avoiding." I sigh going to leave but his wet hand grabs my arm pulling me over to him.
"I thought it was obvious why I do this." He leans down kissing me. His arm wraps around my waist pulling me into the shower so I step over the side.
He deeps the kiss pulling me closer to him as my clothes start to get wet from the water running. His hands seem to explore over my wet clothes as I placed my hands on his chest.
As he kissed me with a fierce hunger, I remove my hands from his chest to remove my wet clothes before they got super wet making it harder to get rid of. Johnny helped me till I was down to nothing. He eyes my body before looking into my eyes pulling me back in for a heated kiss. His hands now exploring much more now that my clothes were off while my hands went to his wet hair.
"Fuck." I moan as I feel him getting hard. Johnny searches my face reading my eyes making him smile before crashing his lips against mine once again.
His hand holding onto the back of my neck moved to under my thigh to try and lift me slightly before stopping. "Are you sure? I wanna make sure your comfortable with this and everything." He asks so give him a gentle kiss.
"I'm comfortable with you and I trust you. I'm extremely nervous though since this is my first time actually being here during it. I never got with anyone since that night with Kyle." My voice shakes.
"I'll take good care of you." He enters me slowly holding me steady as I winch. "You alright?" He asked, again, searching my eyes for any sign to stop.
"I'm alright." I kissed him and rocked against him to signal that I was okay to just go for it.
I gripped onto him tightly as he thrusted in and out of me. We tried to keep our volume low so the others won't hear us in their rooms or incase they were outside the room.
I leaned against the wall to try and give us both some more stability as Johnny pounded into me harder and faster. I was edging close to climax as he picked up his pace and I could tell with every thrust that he was too.
"Fuck." He cussed under his breath as I dug my nails into his shoulders.
I let my head rest against the wall as I shook, squeezing my eyes shut as I started to pulse around him. The sensation of me finishing encouraged his own shortly after letting him rest his head in the crook of my neck.
We both just stand there under the water catching our breaths. "Don't worry, I take birth control." I sigh making him chuckle.
"Yeah, we're already busy with the ones we have." He stands up straight looking down at me. He brings his hand up to my face cupping my cheek staring to smile.
He doesn't say anything just leaning down give me a sweet passionate kiss. "It's crazy how much you meant to me so quickly when we started getting close." He runs his hand through my wet hair, which thankfully wasn't knotted or it would be awkward.
"Are you going to regret this?" I ask nervously.
"No, I won't because this meant a lot to me." He says making me smile.
"Why so?"
"I could tell how scared you were, and you felt comfortable and trusted me." He turns off the shower getting out handing me a towel.
"Are you going too?"
"No, because this meant a lot to me too. As you said, I felt comfortable and trusted you. I let my walls down finally since you took my mind off of my fear from my past." I wrap the towel around my body.
"Now what?"
"I don't know. Just see what happens over time because shit happens if you move too fast." I tell him as there was a knock at the door.
"Give me a minute! I'll get you something of mine." He leaves get something for me as he gets dressed quickly.
He shuts the bathroom door so I can get changed alone. "Where's Alex?" I hear Chris as I get dressed.
"She decided to jump in the show when I got finished so she's changing into some of my clean clothes at the moment tell she can go to her room."
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emmierosebear · 8 months
Tumblr media
Short Story: Bar fun
Context: It had been about 2 years in Bogota Colombia working as a DEA Agent with Javier Pena and Steave Murphy, your still on the hunt for Pablo Escobar but during this you begin to have feelings, and not just feeling are struck😉
Warning: explicit. smut + angst. colleagues who fuck for stress relief. grumpy-ish javi. file room shenanigans. unprotected p in v. oral, javi’s hand being a necklace. mild rough sex? javi has a dirty little mouth. no use of y/n but javi calls you baby.
It's about 2:40 in Bogota Colombia, it was a hot one. These's summers have been bad but not as bad as today, Steave and Javier ask if you want to get a drink after work. You happily agree and they Said they will give you a ride. Not even two seconds later Carrillo calles you three in his office. The three of you moan in a pissed way, stilling walking over Javier said "That son of bitch, why is it always us like fuck" Steave than smacks Javier in the back of his head, Javier just gives Steave a dirty look. When you three arrive in Carrllo's office Steave takes a seat but Javier let's you take his and he puts his hand on you back well listening to Carrillo, "Listen you three, you guys have been assigned to go to a Hotel and get information and photographs of Pablo" you then say "Why? We have him where we need to be, just leave it till the right moment" Carrillo then says "We do but we need more information to get him right, I don't feel great about what we have yet" you nod you head and say "fine give us the information for the hotel we'll get it done" Carrillo takes that as sas "You don't need to give me sas" you reply with "Next time don't give us all this extra the work, we've been picking up the slack for all these's people for fucking ever. I may give you sas but guess what life stock's so suck it the fuck off, Que te jodan" you walk out of the office and go back to grab your gun for this "trip" Carrillo gave. "You better control you partner buddy" Steave apologizes but Javi said "
te merecías ese cabrónte merecías ese cabrón" and walks off, Steave rolls his eyes and follows Javi.
You guys got to the hotel at about 4, Steave set up all the equipment and you and Javier started to map out the hotel from where Pablo would be and where his associates would be. Steave knew that this was all shit from Carrillo, even since you guys help bust a bunch of Pablo's associates. Once you guys were done mapping and setting up you got to work taking pictures of Pablo and recording voice to get any new information. Nothing good happened, he left the hotel to quick for us to get him so we we're fucked. "Why don't we stay here the night, it's not my money we're spending" said steave. You were fine with it, but Javier not so much "that's fine I guess, hope they have a bar I need a fucking drink" Javier said. You replied with "Yeah they have a bar, I'll go check us in for the night and I'll meet you guys at the bar after putting the gear away." Why not their faces said, you go to the elevator and down 2 story's to the front office, and check you guys in at the office. You ask where the bar is and they guys says "Down the hall and to the right", you thank the guy and walk off. The boys were at the bar waiting for you, Javier said "Ordered your favorite, Grand old Parr" A typical Columbia whiskey drink, a good one too. Javier also said " also, I ordered you something to eat you ate nothing today and don't lie to me I know" Damn he got you there, you did eat nothing but it was because you forgot and you were on a new diet and it has been making you a little dizzy at times.
Your drinks and food arrives and you eat and order a couple more to drink. Not as many as Pena but enough, you could tell he was drunk he was being nice to Steve he's never nice to him. You tell the bartender no more for this man but you will take one for the road for you, you grab Pena and Give Steve a key to one of the rooms so he can hit the shower or whatever. You put your hand around Javier hips and helped him walk, you push the leave two button and get to your room. You lie Javier on one of the beds and grab a shower well he's passed out, when you get out of the shower with only a towel Jaiver was at the bed wide awake. You get shy and say "Javier, stop looking turn around you fucker" He gets up and you just stand their, he cups your ass and starts to give you neck kisses. You try to push Javier but can't, you too weak from all the kisses. He starts to kiss you with tongue in your mouth and you close your eyes and enjoy, he starts to take of his clothes and you make your way to the bed. He gets on top of you and unzips he jeans slowly and takes his boxers off throwing them on the ground, he beings to whisper "Te voy a follar como un animal" you being to moan and he puts his cock in you, he goes slow but then fast. He kept moaning your name and putting his hands on your thighs to make you more horny, he loved hearing you moan as he went in and out. He beings to bite you neck well still fucking you, you just layed there and loved it. After a few seconds you could feel him cum inside you, he then began again. He grabbed you and had you on your hands and knees and fucked you from the back, he grabbed your hair and went at his he kept moaning and saying "Mierda" or "vamos bebe vamos" or and over again and you just moaned and moaned on. You cumed really hard and was so tried, he stopped and grabbed a cigarette. "Thanks, I needed that" he said, "were you even drunk" he nods and says "Yeah, I recover fast" that son a of bitch, did he want to fuck me or fun or what you kept thinking to yourself. You asked and he said "Baby, you know I love you" he kisses your forehead and down to you neck and thigh still holding his cigarette. When he was done kissing, you grabbed his cigarette and took a hit. He smiled and Chuckles to himself, he put the cigarette out and cuddel him. Feeling his cock on your upper thigh and the hair from his chest on you felt amazing, you felt safe and loved. No matter if you were dating or just fuck buddy's, you would love him forever. He gets in your ear and whispers "I want you baby" you whisper in his ear saying "Fuck me again and I'll guess you'll find out" he Chuckles and kisses your neck till you fall asleep in his arms for the rest of the night
Spanish words used
Que te jodan - Fuck you
te merecías ese cabrón - you deserved that Bastered
Mierda- Fuck
vamos bebe vamos - come on baby come on
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drades-lair · 1 month
You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
Fandom: HelluvaBoss
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Straz
Notes: Part 2 to A bandit in the night
The ride to the next town was oddly uncomfortable, Striker wasn’t used to having a companion although the shark did remain quiet during the ride it was simply uncomfortable to have someone with him. Upon getting into the dingy little town Striker beelined it for the only motel, a rundown ratty little place, but it was a motel none the less. Halting Bombproof outside the motel Striker dismounted the steed along with Chaz, the shark flailing ungracefully as he slid off the hell steed’s back only to plop on his ass on the ground with a huff. Striker rolled his eyes with a disgusted grunt then headed into the motel, entering the front doors Striker was met by a small lobby with a decrepit wooden desk sitting at the far end featuring a register that appeared to have not run for years and a short crimson colored imp with bags under their eyes wearing a stained shirt sitting behind it. Striker walked up to the imp behind the desk, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a wad of cash that he promptly started counting bills from.
“I need a room,” Striker simply stated.
“Humph,” The imp huffed, reaching under the desk. Striker watched the imp’s hand very carefully till it came back up with a key containing a large red plastic tag that had a faded number written in black on it.
“Thanks,” Striker tossed a few hundred-dollar bills on the counter before scooping up the key just as his phone went off in his pocket. Stepping off to the side Striker placed the wad of cash back in his back pocket in exchange for pulling his cell phone out just as Chaz came into the office.
“You need a room?” The crimson imp inquired of Chaz.
“I…don’t have any money, any chance you have a broom closet or back office I could sleep in for the night?” Chaz inquired looking a little sheepish.
“Guess you could sleep in the storage room,” The crimson imp irritably stated gesturing with his thumb over his shoulder towards a skinny, small door. Striker cocked a brow towards the conversation, keeping his phone in hand to make it appear as though he wasn’t paying attention.
“Guess that’ll do,” Chaz sadly confirmed.
“I’ll pay for a room for him,” Striker wanted to smack himself, why in the absolute fuck did he just offer that? He didn’t know this shark, a shark who trespassed in his campsite to steal his shit, nonetheless. It was too late now, Striker put his phone away then pulled his cash back out.
“What?” Chaz exclaimed in shocked surprise.
“Here,” Striker stated tossing a couple more bills on the desk prompting the imp behind the desk to pull another key out without argument. Chaz hesitated for a few moments looking from the key to Striker then back before gingerly picking it up.
“Um…thanks…” Chaz quietly stated appreciatively.
“Don’t mention it,” Striker dismissively retorted, heading out the front lobby doors.
Chaz quickly closed then locked the door of his motel room the minute he was inside it, checking every inch nervously before taking a breath. The sound of Bombproof nickering drew Chaz to the dirty cracked window, Striker was busily fussing with his equipment while Bombproof munched on a leg from some kind of beast. Chaz still wondered why the imp had helped him especially after he’d blatantly broke into his campsite and attempted to steal Striker’s stuff. Pondering for a few minutes Chaz eventually moved back into his room to conjure up a plan for getting back on his feet. Meanwhile Striker got himself and Bombproof prepared for the job he originally came to this town for, his client waiting in a saloon on the opposite side of town.
Chaz tiredly shuffled into his room with a massive tote bag, heaving it onto the small round wooden table nearly causing it to collapse before closing his door. Something not many people knew about Chaz was that on average he worked hard and today was proof of that, he’d spent all day running around town trading services for various items such as weapons, clothing and food. Satisfied with his haul for the day the shark changed into a knew long sleeved shirt that looked like his old one then proceeded to go through his haul of weapons.
“Get Yer fuckin’ hands off me!” A familiar voice shouted from somewhere outside Chaz’s door.
“You really thought you could get away with threatening our boss?” An unfamiliar voice followed peaking Chaz’s curiosity.
Securing a clip into a handgun Chaz crept to his door, opening it a crack to peer out onto the dilapidated balcony that served as a walkway for the second floor of rooms. A couple rooms down Chaz could barely make out in the dim light of evening Striker scuffling with three other figures who looked like other imps, Striker’s hands secured behind his back by rope as two imps held onto him and the third was trying to get a noose around the pale imp’s neck. Striker managed to shove the two imps holding him off using his shoulders only to have one of them pull a knife, slicing him across the inner thigh causing the pale imp to cry out into a snarling growl as the noose was finally slipped over his head. Chaz considered ignoring what was going on for a moment considering his situation, but Striker had helped him out a few times now…stealing his resolve Chaz hurried to grab a knife from his tote then burst from his room promptly surprising the trio wrestling with Striker. Chaz fired one shot successfully dropping the far imp, second shot injuring the closest imp by hitting his thigh.
“Who the fuck is this!?” The imp who’d slipped the noose over Striker’s head exclaimed, grabbing Striker by the front of his jacket and heaving him over the balcony as he turned to fire towards Chaz. Dodging into his room for cover Chaz waited a moment then popped back out to fire off another two shots successfully taking out the injured imp and hitting the third. The final imp took off for the staircase giving Chaz the opening to run to where the noose was tied to the banister, looking over the banister to find Striker with his legs wrapped around one of the slats of the banister struggling to hold himself up. Thinking quick on his feet Chaz cut the noose from the banister prompting Striker to push off, flipping in the air to land on one knee, snapping his binds and drawing a pistol just in time to finish off the final imp who barely reached the bottom of the staircase.
“Humph, jackass,” Striker grunted, blowing the smoke from his gun barrel before holstering it.
Moments later Chaz joined Striker who turned to regard the shark, face contorting as he fell back to one knee grasping his bleeding thigh. Chaz hurried over to Striker gently grabbing the imp’s shoulders from behind only to be shrugged off.
“Get off! I’m fine…ah!” Striker insisted as he attempted to stand up, falling instantly back to one knee with a pained yelp.
“You’re hurt, I can help you,” Chaz implored.
“I…I don’t need Yer help,” Striker ground out as blood began to drip to the ground below him. Chaz recoiled for a moment to consider his options then steeled himself and grabbed Striker into a bridal carry.
“H-Hey!? What the fuck do Ya think Yer doin’!?” Striker exclaimed in shock surprise, as Chaz headed up the staircase.
“You didn’t want to cooperate so…I took matters into my own hands,” Chaz hesitantly stated, plopping Striker on the bed in the shark’s room. Honestly at this moment Chaz expected to be shot however instead he was met by a confused expression on Striker’s face.
“Why did Ya help me at all?” Striker inquired, arching a curious brow.
“Oh…well…you helped me out a lot in the last couple days…so…” Chaz trailed off rubbing the back of his neck.
“So, Ya risked Yer neck ta save mine,” Striker clarified.
“I…guess…so…” Chaz retorted.
“Humph, Ya got a first aid kit?” Striker inquired after a moment of silence strung out between them.
“Uh…a small one,” Chaz responded, moving to his tote still sitting on the small round table.
“Alright, get Yer’s then go get mine out of my room,” Striker instructed, wincing as he pulled his key out of his back pocket to toss to Chaz.
Chaz caught the key then followed Striker’s instructions only to freeze momentarily in the doorway upon returning with Striker’s first aid kit. Striker had removed his pants along with his jacket and vest to start treating the slash to his inner thigh, pressing gaze to it while tightening his bandana around his upper thigh as a tourniquet using his teeth. Swallowing around the lump in his throat Chaz moved to bring Striker his first aid kit then retrieved some water from the bathroom using a canteen from his tote. Striker was already stitching his cut shut by the time Chaz came out of the bathroom with the water, finishing in record time with his skilled fingers. Chaz handed over the canteen of water followed by a bottle of alcohol that Striker used to clean his wound with a long-drawn-out groan of agony when the alcohol contacted it. The pale imp allowed Chaz to bandage his injury then leaned back against the bed’s headboard as exhaustion swiftly started to set in with the absence of adrenaline.
“Mind if I stay here?” Striker wondered, head growing foggy.
“Huh? Oh, no problem,” Chaz permitted with a small smile.
Moments later Striker was sawing logs hard thus Chaz took the opportunity to move the pale imp’s items to the single room and covered him up with a light sheet before crafting a makeshift nest on the floor to curl up in.  
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xneontragedyx · 6 months
When he says “there’s nothing there anymore”, what does he really mean?
Hmmm, I think what he’s saying is that he doesn’t feel that connection with you anymore. This usually happens when he has already found someone better, or if he feels he isn’t getting the expected attention from you. Talk about it. If it doesn’t seem to work out, end it. One-way love is the worst kind of love out there.
He was actively cheating on me with more than one female I was working two jobs and I was always gone from the house he was expressing already that he didn't find me attractive at all like he didn't want to have sex with me he thought I was disgusting and all this stuff but he never said anything to me up until I started getting suspicious and he didn't like that so he was like stop it or else I'm going to break up with you but we had a lease and I mean I was just so floored I was like who is this person you know turns out yes he was cheating on me a lot and he never loved me he cared for me so I was in the friend zone he actually had romantic feelings for this girl Maria so he wouldn't bring her to the house as soon as I left work you bring over to the house cuz my daughter was at school and she'd be there till like 3:00. In fact he even called her a tenant. But yeah he said that we should have never been long-term that we were short-term and that he cared for me a lot meaning that he pretty much friend zoned me and just wanted to make sure that I was safe I guess I guilt maybe but he didn't give a crap about the relationship at all at all because he was actually committed to that girl Maria telling her he loves her and he misses her and he like it so turned on by her kneecap wait till like he sees her again and there were pictures she had a hidden account but like I've seen pictures of her wearing his hat and then I seen pictures of her in his truck and then I seen pictures of her outside in my parking spot waiting for the coast to be clear yeah she couldn't help it she she would post it online looking but yeah so pretty much I got called the clown I got called the n***** I got called ugly fat on attractive stupid oblivious I'm cool I was told that I can't fly. And that I'm odd and then I have an odd body and no booty. We are separated for like a year and a half he really did just ghost me and I was so heartbroken when he hit me up January 2021 he actually was inviting me over we started sleeping together again he would get me gifts he would cuddle me and like all this stuff but I confronted him about it cuz like we were friends with benefits for a while and he was like no I'm not messing with anybody else you know so he got tired of it or bored or he found someone else because he told me he was like hey I just want to let you know that there's nothing there there's no deeper meaning and I've moved on you should probably move on too cuz I've been moved on. Which I think means he found someone else to either connect with make fun of put down or on actually like pursue like for real I don't know but he's over like I'm done like he I was the toy that he played with too much and got bored of. And on top of it he kept saying I don't care I don't care think what you want I don't know what to tell you. yeah he straight up even though I'm right even though he was a cheater he's still swears up and down that he never cheated on me that he was faithful in a relationship but like we were just on compatible in our personalities and that's how he left it.
For me you left out a key part of your question. What were you both talking about when that comment was made? Was it a friend or you. Nothing there anymore is a way of saying it’s not going to work there’s no future. If this comment was directed at you I would advise you not to waste your time. Hold your head up and invest in yourself!
It means that he did a real good job at something like removing a spot from a piece of clothing, cleaning out all the dirt off a window or there isn’t anymore love left that he had for his lover.
He says there was nothing between us, but there was. Why did he just leave me?
What does it mean if he tells you, "you have nothing to offer" in terms of a relationship?
He says he loves me but his actions don't match his words. Should I stay or leave?
He doesn't love you anymore.
He looked, but he didn't see a clown in the dark under the trees in the back yard.
It was surgically removed.
There was a gas explosion.
Somebody ate all the potato chips and he's not happy at all.
He's too lazy to actually look for that mouse.
What is your highest-paying side hustle (and how do you do it)?
I’ve probably tried maybe 30+ side hustles over the past year. Here are the 4 that have paid me the most.
They’re all (relatively) easy to pull off:
1.Playing solitaire on my phone - (Earning potential: up to $4,000/week)
NOTE: This is only available on Samsung phones.
Sounds nuts, obviously, but the idea of playing cash solitaire as a side gig has been around for years, and can be surprisingly lucrative (if you’re good enough, anyway).
The whole thing revolves around Solitaire Cash (a free Samsung game).
The game itself is really simple: You play solitaire head-to-head against another real person.
What does it mean if someone says “there’s no point in anything anymore”?
if someone say there’s no point in anything anymore, they are clearly depressed and have given up hope of ever being happy again. If anyone reads this and thus recognizes the signs of depression in themselves, please know that what is being felt right now can be changed, but likely only with professional help.
He says I lost him forever. What exactly does it mean?
It means if you have any hope of reuniting with him, end that hope now. He's not ever coming back. Your actions, whatever they were, were unforgivable.
Sorry you are going through this.
Learn from what you did wrong and never do it again.
What does it mean when a man says he needs you but doesn't want to be with you?
He's put you in the boner only zone. He wants to smash, with no restrictions
His feelings are no longer there.
What is the best way to qualify for SNAP (food stamps) without actually applying and getting approved?
You can use mRelief’s free screener tool to check if you meet state requirements before applying.
>> See if you qualify before you apply <<
Just answer a few questions about your household and find out in minutes.
If you do qualify, we’ll provide options on ways to apply in your state. Your local SNAP office is required by law to respond to your application within 30 days.
With our free screener tool, you can find out first if you meet your state’s requirements without actually applying for SNAP. Our tool can save you from filling out 17+ pages of paperwork or sitting on a 90-minute phone call.
He said nothing will come of us. What does this mean?
He believes the relationship isn’t going anywhere. You’ll never going to get married, have kids, etc…
Maybe you’re simply Not compatible. Not everyone is; it’s sad, but that’s life…
Time to end-it & move-on…
GO find someone more compatible who WANTS to be with you, marry, & grow old together. Find someone else that can make you happy…
Safe journeys…
What are some things a guy says that actually means he's done with you and doesn't want to try anymore?
Its not only what he says but how he acts towards the relationship.
He’ll start to make excuses not to see you, when you usually have in the past. He’ll start spending more time with his friends than he used to.
He’ll disappear for longer periods of time.
He’ll not follow your conversations and his inter action will show a disinterest. He’ll say he’s really tired all the time as an excuse not to go out or do anything fun. He stops initiating conversation.
He’ll pick fights with you, even if they are completely ridiculous.
He’ll tell you he thinks you spend too much time together. Be thinks it would
The phrase has colloquially come to mean that something has no substance.
When a man says "I don't love you anymore," what does he mean?
Its not complicated. If your man says he don't love you anymore, he has lost feelings for you. He doesn't love you. Theres a good chance he never did and was only infatuated with you coz real love doesn't go away unless your an evil person who mistreated him and Ima assuming you aren't evil. Its time to move on. The guy is finished with you so find someone who does love you and treat him good.
Before the Big Bang there was nothing. What is the scientific conception of "nothing" used in this statement?
People get hung up on the idea of "nothing". This is because they imagine a large empty lump of space with nothing in it, no matter and no energy.
But when you have nothing, not only do you have no matter and no energy, you also don't have any space and also (this is the difficult bit) no time.
Literally you have nothing.
The second part of the question asks how our universe could come from nothing. Well, our universe didn't come from nothing, but it also didn't come from anything which we "know" as something. All our physical models require space-time (a single, 4 dimensional construct), before
What does it mean when a guy says, “I’m done with you”?
He has had enough of the woman he ‘s talking to
She has stepped over the line too many times
She has been giving him bullshit long enough
She has been annoying for far too ling
It is the end of the fucking line for her
She has annoying for the last time
It is over, done, finished and..
He is done with her.
It doesn’t mean “we are over,” although it can be.
Depends on that guy.
It can means he’s really pissed off and there is a chance of reconciliation. Depends on him if he has been thinking about this for a while.
So if I was her, I’d back off, give him space and whatever she is doing…avoiding doing
He says there was nothing between us, but there was. Why did he just leave me?
What does it mean if he tells you, "you have nothing to offer" in terms of a relationship?
He says he loves me but his actions don't match his words. Should I stay or leave?
What does “why is there something rather than nothing” mean?
How do you know when someone stops loving you just to afraid to say?
Why would a guy say he wants to get to know you but do nothing to make it happen?
What does “there's nothing you can do to me that hasn't already been done” mean?
Is it true that when a man says it’s over, it is really over?
What do you do when you’re with someone who doesn’t want to be in a relationship but doesn't want to lose you?
What do you say when there is nothing to say?
0 notes
writtenxbeginnings · 10 months
Tumblr media
It had been a long few weeks. Crownsguard Training had been kicking Prompto's ass, not that he would change it for anything. It was all he had considered doing, since getting as close to Noctis as he did. It only made sense, after all. But it hurt, each day giving him more bruises and banged up shins than he had ever experienced in his life - and he was bullied for a good amount of his childhood. When all he wanted to do was go to his apartment and sleep, he knew that it wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to his friends, and it wasn't fair to Gladio. Besides, Prompto wanted to see the Shield.
He had started to read some of his boyfriends romance books, still not fully sold on what he was already reading, but it had given the blonde an idea. It had took a few days of revisions, but he had delivered the letter this morning, asking Ignis if he would mind passing it along since he wouldn't see Gladio till tomorrow, and the advisor easily accepted. A small part of the teen felt bad about deceiving his friend, but it had to be done for his.... plan.
That was what found him then at his Noct's apartment, fidgeting where he sat at the kitchen table. He wanted to be a little more brave, but he supposed doing this at all in the first place showed that he was at least attempting to be more forward. RIght? It was when he heard the jingle of keys outside the front door, heard the latch sliding open to allow it to open, that he finally stilled, hands resting on his knees as he took one deep breath. Then another. When the door opened, he let the breath out, and waited.
The Letter Below
'Gladio - I thought about you last night, when I was trying to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep, couldn't relax, so my mind wandered. It started to think about your mouth, and the way that it felt on my skin. I imagined you kissing up my neck, your hand resting on my thigh. I thought of your fingers and the magic that you had to have, the way they hit every spot just right. I wanted to think of more, but I made myself wait. It was so uncomfortable, Gladdy, but I went to bed like that. Instead I thought about what I'd do the next day. Today.
I thought about asking Noct to stay at his old rooms in the citadel, saying I had something planned for you that required not being at your dad's house, or my parents dingy little apartment. I thought about getting their before you and sitting at the table, waiting for you to walk in the door, knowing you had read this letter, saw the picture that I tucked in with it as a visual guide (this is me after all!). I thought about the way you'd get here and pull me from the chair, the way you'd notice that I was already hard in my shorts. I imagined the way you'd throw me up against the wall, pinning me with your hips as you marked up my neck.
Let's just say there's a lot that I'm imagining, big guy. I guess it's up to you to decide if my thoughts are good enough or if you can do better. ;)
~ Blondie'
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Whole bunch of people saying they don't want to eat these damn hand sandwiches again he says he has to wait till later he's not hungry yet so I guess he said he might go get soup it's a good idea and save some money and he needs certain soups so it's good I like it a couple more things are happening here
-you got a good night sleep and he's kind of grumpy and we're going to help him out and it's going to be okay he's got only a few more things wrong his system of the bike is not so great and I was thinking of putting the entrance so just wondering how that would work and where to put the TV and all the good stuff so I have an idea what to do and he might not like it but we'll talk on it
it's a huge deal because everything is kind of hingy going to be slightly comfortable no but like it to be
Now that's going on now and we don't think this is Ken's wife I think it's from the future and it's Rebecca and she's singing about my husband's one set of sateen sheets and one suit it's supposed to be in Britain a long time ago it's hilarious.
-some other things happening they are issuing warrants now for the people who are mentioning and they put them on the FBI's wanted list and the CIA and NSA and they do talk to each other these days and starting to work
-trying to form up and can't they're trying to form up the nine points and it's really five points again and they're massing large forces and we were saying septillion but really it's more like quadrillion no trillion and we figured out an area like New York is about 6 trillion people and a bunker is around 150 billion. It's one of those numbers really New York City is very huge and dense and has a lot more buildings in it now and it's got close down below that's in total but the service would only have half a trillion to give you an idea so right now I'm asking at those five points are like three trillion people and for them that's a lot around 2 trillion yesterday it was around 4 trillion though we expect more and each time they do that they lose many areas about 4,000 areas with a decent amount of people and each time they put in two trillion they're losing about a 100 areas five trillion is 200 and something and so on out of that number and so far they put in about 20 trillion so that would be 1,000 areas and with 3,000 left approximately and it depends on the evacuation but that's probably about right
It says we should publish it's important to get this out I agree
This is really good we like it and it's well organized and it should be but really they get to sleep that's what we're saying and they slept last night the first time in the ages and yeah these people are ridiculous it's clones and we're going after them they got hammered for doing what they're doing
Watch out here comes the septic truck I mean for crying out loud there's a lot of work that needs to be done here and they can't get in here there's too many people blocking it and we mean his apartment complex and the guys on either side are blocking it they need to leave we're working on it and we're getting things done Star wars is going to begin shortly off and it's oryx and fishing which is King Charles and queen Camilla Parker bowles and it is a saga is very short-lived but it actually ruins them yeah Tom Cruise goes out and comes back they come back and someone attacks them it's BG it's for the keys and show the second episode is different and they don't actually show what happens but it we think it is for the weapon to activate it and he has it and he takes it back and it works with the sword someone else may have installed it and we don't really tell people that.
Thor Freya
0 notes
wanderingrain · 2 years
Blogging through Till the World End Ep 5
We're having a cute shopping date now? You can't fool me show I know something's going to happen while they're out here messing around. These two are nowhere near as scared as they should be!
This is what I'm talking about. Ya'll have been traipsing around having a cute shopping date and there's been a dead guy on the floor the whole time.
Babes you are not about to raid that body like we're in a video game I swear.
Half the time this show literally feels like watching a video game and that's not an insult.
Lady this is what peep holes are for.
WH- the- Ok they stole the cart as well. How did-? ......Suspension of disbelief. Suspension of disbelief.
Aww they got dog food. Be still my heart that's actually really sweet.
Not somebody grabbing condoms. Not them arguing over who did it. Realistically it was probably Golf who grabbed them but it's funnier if Art did it so I'll choose to believe that until they prove me otherwise.
If I came back and my apartment door was open I just wouldn't go in. Sure they don't know yet that the gang is targeting them specifically, but they do know that the gang hangs around this apartment building.
Aww Big Brother. Cute.
Babes please put the gun down you're stressing me out.
I love the 'everyone watches them act like a couple' trope. The side eyes. The obliviousness of the not-couple.
Oh no Golf P' knows you're lying.
"This country is suck." NOT AGAIN! Not 'is suck' again!
Good on them for criticizing the government though.
I get that they all want to have hope but like.... even the people in the bunkers aren't going to survive the moon crashing into the Earth, right? Like the show is literally called Till the World Ends. I guess it gives our characters hope and something to work towards? But they haven't really acted like they're super torn up about not being in a bunker. Don't get me wrong, I do like that this show has such a light tone compared to other doomsday shows. I'm probably thinking too much again lol.
Why is Golf not in frame for this key throwing interaction? Kind of a strange long take on the brother. Not really complaining but it felt super weird.
"Golf is a good person" Hoo boy have I got some news for you my sweet summer child.
Jae isn't wrong. If there was ever an appropriate time to fall in love in a few days it would be when you only have a few days left to live.
Oh geez is Golf gonna tell his brother the truth??
Oh geez he told him.
Normally I would agree with "If you love him you should tell him the truth" but like... if you're all gonna die in 7 days does he really need to know? I mean it's a tv show so the truth is going to come out eventually but still. Wouldn't it be better to just let him be happy for the rest of his short life? I don't know.
Aww not Art hearing the love confession and smiling. What a cutie. I swear Golf if you ruin this moment.
Are we... staying here? I thought we were leaving? To the other bunker? Hello? Guys? I mean cute montage but I'm confused?
Oh cuddlllleeeees.
I kinda want to know what the conversation was like about who would sleep in which room now that P'Gus is here. Like the obvious choice would've been the brothers sleeping together except that everyone knows Golf and Art are whipped for each other. So what was the conversation like? Did P'Gus insist on rooming by himself? Did Golf or Art shyly and awkwardly confess that they've already been sleeping in the same bed and don't want to be separated? I feel deprived.
I like how Art sometimes clings to Golf. It's never made a big deal by the camera which makes it feel more normal. It's just a casual touch between two people who like each other.
I'm glad they showed us where the dog is because I would honestly be so stressed about it right now.
But like my dudes I thought we were leaving? Why are we waiting to start heading towards the other bunker? Are Ya'll not concerned at all that you won't make it in time?
What in the world nonsense is P'Gus talking? Has Golf planned a date for Art or have the strange subtitle choices struck again?
Ok they're trying to do spooky so Golf's probably planned a dinner date.
Wait we're singing now? We're SIGNING now? This is the worst news! No! I don't want it! Why are you doing this to me???
Ok I didn't hate it as much as I thought but still! I might've skipped through it a bit. I'm sorry I can only suspend my disbelief so far. If this was a musical it would be completely different but it's not.
"I thought I already was." Literally when?? What would have made it official? Boy.
Wait wait wait why are you showing me the moon being all small?? It's big! We see it in the background of some of the shots! Why is it suddenly small again for a transition shot?? Editor??
We've gone through three days in this one episode I am starting to feel the stress of the countdown. Why am I more stressed than the characters are? (Because it would be boring and annoying to watch if all they did was cry about how they're gonna die soon)
Oh? Are you hoping for something Art?
Oh no I sense trouble. 4 minutes left, something's about to happen with the gang I'm sure of it.
Wait Art has never been here before but he both a) knows where the security camera monitor is and b) knows how to work it?
She said 13 or 14 and the date is either the 12th or the 11th. Interesting.
OH NO It's happening!
Lol that looks so fake I'm sorry. I mean good on them for keeping their actors safe though. (looking at you GMM)
I like this show so much more than I thought I would to be honest. I thought since it was about the world ending it would be a lot more somber and grimdark. I was prepared to give it a try and hate it. And then Golf whacked Art with that guitar and I knew this show was going great places. I'm kind of surprised they had Art find out when we're only halfway through, I feel like most shows would have dragged it out until the last three episodes. I just hope that the fallout angst doesn't last too long. If Art runs away and gets himself captured by the gang I will riot in the streets.
To episode 6 we go....
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been out of zoloft for 2 days feeling dizzy w a headache my refill is in my apartment mailbox and I don't have a key and im scared im gonna start getting the Brain Zaps lol
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