#the vampires chonricles
Daniel isn’t there because Louis wants to be interviewed. Louis isn’t willing to answer questions or be lead off-topic. He’s gonna tell his story the exact way he wants to tell it with minimal interruption, thank you. Daniel is there because Louis hasn’t yet worked out how to use modern technology to record himself.
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kaelio · 8 months
It's always hard for me to imagine a high school vampire chronicles AU. Now, a middle school vampire chonricles AU, on the other hand ....
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hesontherun · 5 months
tag game!! Tagged by @tired-nonbinary-rat
Last song I listened to: take me to war crane wives. has anyone heere heard of crane wives. have u heard crane wives today . yeah
Currently watching: this fucking vincent van gogh film for my class
Currently obsessed with: vampire chonricle. whats new :/
too scared of taggimg but anyone can join in if they want HEART
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mercurylwinter · 6 years
Short: Skylar
The wind was a deafening roar, pelting the rain at sharp angles onto the boat, bobbing about in the waves, the sky a web of clouds that blocked out even the smallest slivers of sunlight.
The crew of soldiers were safely inside, but still on guard, and they moved as one to aim their guns as at Skylar, who stepped in the door, shutting it effortlessly behind her.
"I need your boat," she said calmly.
"Who are you?" the captain asked instead.
"Not important," she replied. "What is, is that I need your boat."
They glanced at the small pistol she held in her hand, then back at her serious face, and almost seemed to smile as the prospect of a tiny girl like her fighting them all off.
"Not going to happen."
Skylar sighed, didn't bother arguing with them. Instead she simply raised her arm, aimed her gun, and fired at one of the soldiers. The bullet grazed his shoulder, and he stumbled back, then Skylar was in front of him, whizzing through the soldiers and pushing him over.
To them it may have looked like she moved at the speed of light, or something close. Now, she wasn't sure exactly how fast she could move, but it was enough that they lost track of her for a moment, and she had to wait for their eyes to find her again.
Once she had their attention she dipped her index finger into the blood pooling in the man's wound, raised it to her lips and delicately licked it from her finger. She savoured the taste, then stood, pulling her gun up again.
"Out, now," she commanded them.
For a moment, no one moved. Then the soldiers were rushing to get away from the Vampire woman. The Vampire woman, who had drunk a man's blood before their very eyes.
"And don't forget your friend," she said, gesturing with her foot to the man reeling on the ground, losing blood quickly.
Once they were all on the lifeboat and headed off, Skylar took the wheel of her newly acquired vehicle and hoped like hell she could work out how to control it to get back in time.
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Repost don’t reblog.
TAGGED BY:   @inspiresgoodness​ / @fallenregent​ / @badasshybridqueen​ TAGGING: @amongthcwreck​ @discordandrhyme​ (like i dont know you guys lol) @tribred​ @tribridprincess​ @predictableisnotbad​ @desireshappiness​ @queenv​ @ladamedemartel​ @emeraldhellfire​
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1 ( NAME / ALIAS ):  Ariel / Fish - in case you thought I was evan peters as my mun fc implies I am not lmao jkjkjkj 2 ( BIRTHDAY ): december 21st 4 ( HEIGHT ):  5′3 5 ( HOBBIES ): writing, listening to music, watching all the movies, watching all the shows, going on pinterest, ARE BABIES A HOBBY?, going on my phone, talking about my ships, reading sometimes, looking things up online, reading about bts stuff on shows/movies etc, game of thrones - its a hobby unto itself 6 ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S) ): red/black/purple 7 ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): the mayfair chonricles & the vampire chronicles - anne rice, anything by dennis lehane, jane eyre 8 ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ):  toxic - christopher dallman  - it’s on a playlist 9 ( LAST FILM WATCHED ):  I literally just finished the secret scripture  - rooney mara is goals  10 ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): idk i mean he’s awesome? he’s one of my favorite characters ever? that works right? I don’t really get INSPIRED so to speak, he’s not a character I’ve made up so it’s not like this big thing as it is with my characters I’ve made up myself for my personal writing and the like. 11 ( DREAM JOB ):  novelist 12 ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): “ Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift--immortality. After 1,000 years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows to diminish with time, but as vampires we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine. Insatiable need, exquisite pain, our victories, and our defeats. To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow-- “ - THAT QUOTE i be bolded
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I’m trying to formulate some kind of joke about how Lestat being dumped in a swamp leads to a Shrek crossover. But it’s a sort of a dead end of a concept because Shrek would just murder Lestat on sight
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But does the presence of dr. Fareed mean that the present day stuff in IWTV is happening circa Prince Lestat?! While Louis is telling this story is Lestat just off somewhere with a ghost in his brain who wants to be vampire president?
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mercurylwinter · 6 years
Short: Sarietta
Banging woke her.
Not the usual banging of the prisoners, aching to get out and stretch their legs, but a deep rumble through the very foundations of the prison.
Sarietta pushed her face off the cold floor and rose to a sitting position.
There was a scream, ringing out down the stone corridors.
A frown broke Sarietta's face that had become so used to being expressionless. She stood slowly and stepped over to the cell bars, doing her best to peer into the long corridor stretching away from her cell to the left and right.
Darkness greeted her. Darkness always greeted her.
A single fluorescent bulb was all that lit the endless stone, and Sarietta's cell wasn't what she would call close to that light source.
More screams echoed towards her, and Sarietta wished she could shift, even just her eyes so she could see into the dark. Though, even without magic she could sense something approaching.
The single light flickered and almost extinguished as whatever this person or thing was made its way closer. After it passed each cell, cries of delight went up from her fellow prisoners, and footsteps thundered into the air.
When the young boy stopped in front of her cell, Sarietta was taken aback. He was fairly short - shorter than her at least - with dark hair, and unmistakably red eyes.
"Today's your lucky day, Shapeshifter," he said coolly, and his vampiric claws slashed across the bars of her cell ripping a part the symbols that kept her magic at bay and locked her inside. His hand then wrapped around one of the bars, and he pulled open the cell door.
Sarietta regarded him carefully, staring into those cold eyes of blood red. As she stepped forward slowly, edging out of her cell, he took hold of her arm and pulled her close.
"Be carefully around the others. They won't let you go so willingly," he whispered in her ear, then released her as quickly as he had grabbed her, pushing her off down the corridor.
Sarietta wasted no time.
She set off running, sprinting, for what she hoped would be an exit. Having been unconscious when she was brought in, she had no idea of the layout of the prison, how far below ground she was. But if this was the direction the Vampire had come from, then it had to lead somewhere.
Reaching a stairwell, she looked up, and guessed there to be at least five floor above her, from what she could see in the shadows. She continued running up the stairs, taking them two, then three at a time. Climbing and climbing, and when she reached the top, she heard a cackle of laughter from somewhere ahead.
More darkness lay in front of her. Between her and the exit, she hoped. The thought of seeing sunlight again was more than enough to send her on her way, towards that menacing laugh.
She turned a corner, and there was light. A doorway, open at the end of this final corridor. But there were people, too. Prisoners, or 'the others' the Vampire had mentioned, she wasn't sure. But she also wasn't sticking around to find out.
Still running, she charged her way through, dodging a hand that grabbed for her, and the she was out.
Sunlight hit her face. A chill breeze wrapped around her, sneaking down the collar of her brown leather jacket. And snow lay before her, as far as she could see in every direction, running down the hillside to a forest of pine trees. It was all down hill from here, she knew.
But there was just one more obstacle in her way.
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