#the wardrobe-inspired storyline
rebeccablogs · 20 days
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callsign-bunnie · 9 months
do u have any fun facts abt the regency au that u have ?? just fun stuff abt the world n all that :3 i live and breathe for the regency au i am so serious
Sure! Here's some that I have randomly floating around
You can't really trust anyone's knowledge about Kingdoms that aren't their own. This is shown when Horangi knows an entirely different legend about Laupin than Roze states
Even there, thanks to stories being passed down by word of mouth, you can't really trust them, either
Rodolfo's current wardrobe is inspired by Daenarys's later show wardrobe
Most of the characters are interconnected, even if you wouldn't know it. For instance, Horangi and Roach are actually very deeply connected, by way of Horangi knowing and killing Roach's alpha parent
Originally I planned to end the fic with Kyle and Farah both waking up and have a happily ever after but then I had new ideas and I realised I had a ton of loose ends
Alex actually isn't originally from Sylmea, he's actually from Artra. In fact, Valeria isn't Artran, either. She's... something else.
If I could go back and change a bunch of things, i would, including Kingdom and magic structures. 12 is a lot to have to juggle continuously
Everyone is unreliable as narrators, you have to piece things together from each storyline. This is the same as in An Academic Achievement, because each character has to draw conclusions, and they tend to get a lot of things wrong
All of the characters still have the mental illnesses I headcanon them with, just without official diagnoses thanks to time periods! Alejandro still has bipolar, Rodolfo Ghost and Roach are still autistic, Soap has ADHD, etc etc
The reason Rodolfo doesn't remember his father abusing him is because Liliana made a deal with their father to stop it and used magic to get rid of the memories from both Rodolfo and Soap
Soap's original plotline was actually going to end up with him actually dying and fighting in the afterlife to get back, but that felt very complicated and was more than I wanted to fight to do
Yes, that dress ref chapter IS coming, i have most of it done, but my life sort of went south that week and I've been sprinting to catch up
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archoniluthradanar · 10 months
The Volturi Summer Ball
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The Volturi Summer Ball-second winner in the one-shot story poll
This one-shot comes off the storyline of my one-shot series, Summer Fun with the Volturi masters, all posted under Tales of the Volturi at AO3. Got all that? Ok then, here we go.
Thanks to @vampyrheartz for the Moodboard (to inspire me).
Marcus is now mated to the Reader who is still human (and featured in those one-shots). She joins the other wives, Sulpicia and Athenodora, in getting ready for the ball.
The annual ball is a mix of vampire and human guests. But it's alright. Everyone will be having a good time.
The masters had taken care of you since the day they had saved your life. Except for the times you could convince them to share with you your mortal existence, you spent time with them on a business level. You helped them with their responsibilities to the city of Volterra and watched some of the vampire trials they had to judge. But the day came when you would participate in an annual ritual. The Volturi Summer Ball.
Once a year, the Palazzo dei Priori would open its doors to vampires and humans alike. It was a festive occasion, dating back to older times beginning with the Romanians. No one ever brought their name up, the Volturi insisting this was their celebration. Aro would invite the city's leaders and their spouses, along with a special invitation going out to any vampires within the area, with requirements for behavior to be strictly observed. This applied to civilized covens and nomads alike. It was important, because this was one of the few times humans were guaranteed to be completely safe within the walls of the castle. Any vampire who attacked a human guest would be instantly destroyed.
The invited humans were aware of the nature of the Volturi, having worked with them for decades. Due to their sworn, and paid for, silence, the vampires could be themselves during the ball.
You were crucial in the preparations, helping the current secretary in compiling a list of invitees, then sending the invitations out. Yet, as the mate of one of the masters, you were also to play the role of hostess, along with the other wives, Sulpicia and Athenodora.
In the rooms you now shared with Marcus, you searched through your wardrobe, disappointed in not finding anything suitable for such a grand affair. He came into the bedroom, seeing you sitting on the bed looking so forlorn. Sitting at your side, he embraced you with his arm. "What is wrong, dear one? You look so sad. Is there anything I can do?"
"Marcus, this is the first Summer Ball I'm taking part in, and to sound cliché, I haven't a thing to wear. I will be representing you and the Volturi, and I have to be impeccable."
It was all Marcus could do not to laugh at his mate's very human concern. Still, he felt some anticipation for the first time. The Spring Ball never concerned him, and he would only make an appearance to placate Aro. Now he had a reason to go. It was you. He'd planned on asking you to dance with him, something he had not done since Didyme was alive. He was so pleased that you had embraced her memory, and felt no jealousy where she was concerned. It made Marcus love you all the more. So he had an idea.
"My love, I will ask Corin to come get you and take you to the Queens' Tower. You may meet Aro and Caius' mates there. I'm sure they would be happy to help you find a new gown to wear. They usually hire the best dress designer in Rome to make their gowns. This one knows what we are and we pay him a great deal of money to be on-call and to keep his silence. He may think you are a vampire at first, but I'm sure he will notice the difference once he takes your measurements."
You grin, delighted with this plan. "Oh, Marcus, thank you," you say, hugging your mate. You stand to face him, moving between his spread legs and sitting on one. His right arm holds you while his left hand takes your hand and kisses the wrist. "I love you so much," you say, happy to see him smiling. "I'll wait right here until Corin arrives."
Marcus hates to let you go. These small interludes with you give him his greatest joy these days. But to speak with Corin, he must leave for the tower. He pushes you up and stands himself, kissing your cheek and leaving.
You sit back on the bed, imaging what type of gown you want.
Later, Corin brings you to the Queens Tower room, where you are greeted by both Aro and Caius' beautiful mates. You feel intimidated by Sulpicia, Aro sometimes taking the liberties of an unmarried man with you. But she smiled and hugged you as her new sister. If she knew about Aro's attentions to you, she didn't say anything.
"Welcome, sister. This is Athenodora, as you must know. Congratulations for making our Marcus so happy. At last, our leadership is complete." She stepped to a table covered in books and fabric swatches. "Come here, child," she calls to you. "These are designs and fabrics sent by Master Cervelli. He's one of the best designers in Rome. See if anything here calls to you, my dear."
Sulpicia gave you the strangest look. "Aro has kept you happy, hasn't he?"
She must have known about the day you spent with the masters at the park. "My lady, I am sorry if that information offends you..."
"My dear, there is nothing to offend me with. Aro asked me before he and the others took you out that day. We gave them our permission."
"He asked you? Then you knew we...my lady, it will never happen again. I'm with Marcus now. He's my heart and soul," you reassure both women.
"We were glad to hear that you two are mated. Dear Marcus deserves love after all this time," Dora said.
"And child, you need not call us 'my lady'. I'm Sulpicia and this is Athenodora, although she prefers Dora. Come, sit by us so we can discuss your gown for the ball."
The rest of the afternoon was spent with your new sisters, each of you trying to find the best fabric and dress design. You had wanted something in teal, but Sulpicia convinced you that crimson was your colour. The dress would be slightly tight around the torso, but full in the skirt. There were no sleeves, only off-the-shoulder straps that bared them and your toned upper arms. The chosen designs would be sent to Master Cervelli, who would get the basic gowns made, then he would come to the castle in person to take care of the final fittings.
It had been fun getting to know the wives, and you hope Marcus will find you beautiful when he first sees you ready for the ball.
A month or so later, after a lot of hard work, all the preparations had been completed. The audience hall had been decorated with candles and imported blood red roses. Refreshments had been set up on long tables, those for the human guests kept separate from those unique to the vampire guests.
The ballroom, usually closed up when not in use, was opened and aired out. Red and gold drapings now covered the walls. The candles in the bronze sconces were lit. A chamber archestra had set up in one corner and were practicing. Everything was ready, with guests set to arrive in an hour.
You had dressed in your gown, with Heidi helping you with your hair and make-up. When she was finished, you looked into the mirror, hardly recognizing yourself. "Thank you, Heidi. It's perfect. And you look gorgeous yourself. So will you be attending with anyone in particular?"
"Demetri asked me to be his partner, but we both enjoy dancing so agreed not to pair off exclusively." She flashed you a sparkling smile and a 'see you later', before leaving you alone.
You had just stood up from the desk slash dressing table, when Marcus entered the room. He had dressed elsewhere to allow you the privacy of your rooms to get ready. When you see him move to your side, you can't believe how beautiful he is. In a white shirt, bowtie and westcoat with tuxedo and tails, he looked handsome as sin. His hair was tied back with a leather cord, the way you liked it. He had even splashed a bit of human cologne on to fit in with the human guests. It made your nose twitch in interest since it was one of your favourite scents, Drakkar Noir.
"You look...absolutely fabulous, Marcus. I still can't believe what I've done to deserve you."
"I feel the same, my dear. After so much loneliness, I have found the perfect mate in you." Your crimson gown fits you in the right places while baring your shoulders. He leans down and kisses one shoulder, then your lips, careful not to muss your hair. Right now, Marcus would love to tear your gown off and spend hours pleasuring you, but he thinks that might only upset you. He holds out his hand, covered in a black cotton glove.
"Marcus, will you keep your hands bare? I much prefer that to gloves. No part of you is too cold for me. And if you're worried about the humans, you can shake their hands. They all know what you are."
To please you, your mate removes the gloves and drops them on the bed. Then he crooks his arm through which you slide your arm. One more kiss, and you both leave your chambers.
On arrival to the audience hall, you see people entering from the inside staircase in couples and small groups. There are faces you recognize as Marcus greets them, mostly the humans who run the city government. You smile in welcome at the mayor and the chief of police arriving with their wives, and the bishop who runs the Catholic Church here in Volterra. You'd had meetings with all of them since living here, finding them all friendly and aware of the vampires, grateful for their financial aid and protection. The Volturi knew they could be trusted as they had worked with their fathers and grandfathers before them.
Many faces you do not know, but when you see their red eyes, you know these guests are vampires. Confusion hits you when you saw a group of handsome people with golden eyes. Not red, yet they were obviously vampires.
"Marcus, who are they?" you ask, pointing at the group.
"That is the Olympic coven along with their cousins, the Denalis. Carlisle, the head of the family used to live here with us several centuries ago, before heading to the New World in America. He and Aro were once close friends."
"Once were?"
"A story for another time. Let me introduce you to them, my dear." He led you over to the well-dressed group. "Carlisle Cullen, welcome to you and your family. I wish to introduce you to my mate..."
"But she's human," interrupts a beautiful blonde woman.
"Rosalie!" Carlisle chides her. "She is one of our hosts, so be polite. I'm pleased to meet you," he says to you. "My wife, Esme, and my children, Emmett and his wife Rosalie, Jasper and his wife Alice, and Edward and his wife, Bella. Then there is Eleazar and his wife Carmen, Garrett and his wife Kate, and her sister Tanya, our cousins from Alaska."
"Children?" you ask, going back to Carlisle's prior remark.
"Adopted. My family, for all intents and purposes." The blonde coven leader nodded at you with a proud smile.
"Now it's my turn to apologise. Welcome, everyone. Carlisle, Aro is in the ballroom, if you wish to find him and say hello." The Cullens leave you and Marcus, all of them gazing around the rooms' splendour.
You exhale loudly, making Marcus glance at you. "I'm a terrible hostess. At least they're friends of Aro."
"Not all of them, my dear." Marcus leads you into the ballroom, the smile on his face almost invisible.
You see lots of people talking and mingling. Music fills the air but not so loudly you can't hear. Aro, on seeing you, grins broadly. He comes over to you both, his hand taking yours and kissing it.
"You're a vision, my dear. An absolute vision. I assume Sulpicia assisted you."
"Yes, both Sulpicia and Dora were of immense help. They were wonderful to me, Aro."
Aro turns to Marcus, saying, "Brother, you are a lucky man indeed. I'm going to continue my conversation with Carlisle before I ask Sulpicia to dance. Enjoy yourselves. You make a lovely couple." Aro left you, looking as if he were preparing an army for battle. He greeted everyone he passed, offered them refreshments, and in watching him, you noticed how talkative his hands were tonight.
Once you were alone, you smile and tell your mate, "We are a lovely couple, aren't we."
"Of course we are, my sweet." Moving to the middle of the floor, Marcus holds out his hand to you asking, "Will you do me the honour of a dance?"
"I thought you'd never ask." You let him lead you in a waltz, aware you know how to dance it. If the orchestra plays other music, knowing that many of the vampires are very old and remember music from other eras, you might not know the moves to those dances. He decides to play it by ear.
Marcus takes you in his arms, one hand holding yours, while your other rests on his shoulder. To the side, you see Caius dancing with Dora. They both look gorgeous and very much in love. Soon, Aro is with Sulpicia, having ended his talk with Carlisle, who was now dancing with his wife Esme. Everyone seemed to be having a marvelous time.
The music continues while Marcus slowly spins you around the floor. It's all so magnificent and perfect. You marvel at how your life has changed since the masters saved your life from a street robber what feels like only a short while ago. And your life will alter once again as soon as Marcus changes you into a vampire.
As the hour moves into early morning, the human guests partake of the catered food and drink set out for them, while the vampire guests enjoy drinking fresh blood from crystal goblets.
You enjoy a glass of red wine and a few tidbits, not feeling very hungry. Marcus drinks nothing. He prefers not to have the smell of blood on his breath when he is with you.
You and Marcus slip away from the crowd, going out to the large balcony. Marcus takes you into his arms and kisses you, almost bending you against the balcony railing. You respond to him, your arms around his waist. You eventually smile into the kiss, then pull back, looking up into his crimson eyes.
"This has been such a magical night, my love. And you're a wonderful dancer, so graceful. Thank you for choosing me from every woman on this planet."
"I did not choose you, dear one. Our hearts chose one another. We are just going along for the ride. Just know that I love you, my heart of hearts." His cool fingers caress your warm cheek, then he nuzzles your bare neck, kissing your sensitive skin.
You laugh and hug your mate tightly. "I love you, mio marito." The night has been heavenly indeed.
A/N : I listened to the "Volturi Waltz" from the Twilight soundtrack while writing the dance scene. Beautiful. I wish it was longer.
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merakiui · 1 year
Hehe Vil and Neige for character bingo!
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I adore Vil!!!! He has such a sharp, pretty gaze. I’d be intimidated even if it wasn’t his intention to intimidate. ;;;; but omg he’s such a lovely character!!! Seeing his growth from book 5 to book 6 makes me so soft aaaaa!!! He’s genuinely so sweet and caring and only wants to bring out the best in people, which is why he can seem very critical and harsh and strict. It’s all done in good nature. But in that same light, he’s also incredibly critical with himself, which was seen in how he was comparing himself to Neige and always striving to be the most beautiful. It’s also just nice to see him realize at the end of his book that he doesn’t have to be fairest of all; he can be unique in his own way and there’s just as much beauty in that as there is in being known as the fairest. Also the fact that he sincerely apologizes to us and admits that he was in the wrong at the end… I might be remembering this wrong, but I feel like he’s the only character out of the Overblots who apologized so genuinely to us.
Also his UM???? IT’S SO COOL?????? There are so many possibilities with that. Somehow I always overlook it when I’m thinking about Vil, but it’s really so interesting and has many uses. Even the fact that Vil’s skilled in making potions is already giving me thoughts… so much potential with this. And his role in book 6!!!! Omg it’s made me appreciate the Pomefiore trio even more. I also love the method Vil used to escape his cell during the power outage in book 6. That felt so super spy omg!! <3 (super spy Vil au……. thinking thoughts.)
And because I’ve yet to say it: fashion inspiration!!!! Aaaaaa Vil is such an inspiration. Whenever I’m doing my makeup or putting together an outfit, I always think, What would Vil think of this look? He’s just so,,,, inspiring. And he always slays in every outfit he wears, as expected of Mr. Vil. Sometimes I think how fun it would be if Vil was real because I’d love to have a conversation with him about fashion. My friend called my wardrobe the “playable character closet” because all of my outfits feel like main characters you’ve unlocked in a storyline. Naturally. <3 you should feel like a main character in your life because you’re the star of it, after all hehe!! :D
Vil is just so wonderful to me. I love him dearly and I really should dust off all of the Vil concepts rotting in my drafts and share them. orz he’s so perfect. He could do no wrong (except for that time he almost poisoned Neige), but he was still so babygirl!!!!!
Speaking of Neige!!!!
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I have this certain Vision in my mind when I’m thinking of Neige and it is not at all canon, but I still love his canon self a lot. I think Neige deserves to be talked about more (as does Che’nya, Rollo, and the staff). The lack of love for Neige is doing him so dirty! D: he deserves lots of love because he’s just so cute and sweet. And very hardworking!!! When Vil gives us more insight into Neige’s past, it really shows a deeper side to the normally always cheerful idol that everyone adores. His screen time is so minimal, and it doesn’t help that twst English had to cut the Minna de Yahoo rhythmic. :( I wanted to see it so badly in twst English, so it was sad to not see it. </3
Part of me was hoping to see a darker side of Neige in twst. But then he is based on a hero and he goes to Royal Sword Academy, which is essentially the school of heroes compared to NRC (the school of villains). Still… T-T I would like to see a cunning side of Neige, or Neige who may have known Vil held a grudge against him and had a feeling he might try something. Thinking about Neige putting on the oblivious, happy act to mask someone who is very observant and intelligent beneath… AAAAAAAA it would have been so interesting if he attempted to drink the apple juice while fully knowing it was poisoned just to see if anyone (i.e. Rook) would jump in and save him—perhaps to test just where Rook’s loyalty and heart lies? The idea of Neige intentionally putting himself in compromising or even dangerous situations just to test his own theories is so fun to consider. After all, he’s been working in the entertainment industry for so long now. It’s hard to think he wouldn’t be at least a little deceptive or cunning because I’m sure he’s picked up some tricks from so much time spent in the business.
All in all, Neige is very beloved and I’d like to discuss him more. orz
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fierykitten2 · 5 months
Now that I’ve beaten the Team Star bosses in Scarlet, I’m gonna post the images of me getting the badges in both Scarlet and Violet for no reason other than a comparison. I may also have to do this for the other two storylines once I’ve got their badges sorted
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Yes I did take heavy inspiration from my outfit at this point in Violet for my Scarlet outfit. I’ll be honest, I think out of all the outfits I’ve worn in Violet, this one was my favourite and I think I’ll return to this outfit with some slight alterations (Terastal cap if I think it works, summer uniform so I can see my cool tights (fun fact: I am wearing tights in Scarlet but by that point I’d already changed into the Spring uniform so I have no idea what tights I’m actually wearing) and purple glasses to match my orange ones in Scarlet. That part particularly annoys me. I wasn’t looking at my Violet screenshots when I changed into this style in Scarlet so now instead of wearing black glasses like I for some reason decided to wear over the purple ones in Violet, I’m wearing orange glasses. Oh and the blue and purple gradient shoes to match the orange and I think pink ones I’m wearing in Scarlet (I should check my wardrobe. I might already have those shoes) and swap the Applin case for the Lavender case (fittingly, I’m using the Rose case in Scarlet). I might also change the gloves I think I found nicer ones in Violet (so I just mean I’m gonna stop wearing the helmet and bring back Lavender Wearing Glasses don’t I?))
An interesting thing about these images is there’s a slightly different background in each version of the image. The Scarlet image of Rose defeating Giacomo features his Starmobile in the background but it’s nowhere to be seen in the Violet image of Lavender defeating Giacomo. A similar thing happens in reverse for the images of Rose and Lavender defeating Eri but I think I can see her Starmobile in the Scarlet image
With 12 out of 18 badges, I’m two thirds of the way through the badge collecting stage. Just 6 more to go (in the order I plan on doing them: Tulip, Iono, Kofu, Tatsugiri, Great Tusk, Larry). I’d better start thinking up names for a being representing the Past and its unfriendly rival
Also, even though half of these are old screenshots and I’ve already posted all ten before (I’ve actually posted the Violet ones twice each before) this is my first post where I tag both Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet
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jessicarock00 · 6 months
Attack on Titan Jacket: Style Inspired by the Walls
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Attack on Titan, also known as Shingeki no Kyojin, has taken the anime and manga world by storm with its intense storyline, complex characters, and, of course, its distinctive aesthetic. One key element of this unique style is the iconic "Survey Corps" jacket worn by the protagonists in the series.
Design and Symbolism
The Survey Corps jacket is not just a piece of clothing; it's a symbol of resilience, bravery, and the ongoing fight against the Titans. The jacket features a distinct green hue with the Survey Corps emblem proudly displayed on the shoulders. The emblem itself consists of wings and a sword, representing the core elements of the Corps' mission - to soar through the skies and strike down Titans.
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Material and Craftsmanship
When it comes to recreating the Attack on Titan jacket style, attention to detail is key. Fans and fashion enthusiasts alike appreciate the quality craftsmanship that goes into making a jacket that captures the essence of the Survey Corps uniform. Look for jackets made from durable materials, ensuring not only style but also longevity.
Styling Tips
Whether you're attending a cosplay event or simply want to showcase your love for Attack on Titan in your daily wardrobe, styling the jacket is crucial. Pair it with dark pants or jeans for a balanced look. You can also experiment with accessories like a Scout Regiment cape or a Survey Corps emblem pin to add a touch of authenticity.
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Where to Find It
Given the immense popularity of Attack on Titan Jacket, finding a Survey Corps jacket is relatively easy. Numerous online retailers and specialty anime stores offer a range of options. Ensure you're purchasing from a reputable source to guarantee both quality and accuracy in design.
The Attack on Titan jacket is more than just a piece of clothing; it's a statement. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the series or someone looking to infuse a bit of anime-inspired style into your wardrobe, the Survey Corps jacket is a fantastic choice. Embrace the spirit of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin as you don this iconic piece, ready to face the Titans that life throws your way.
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violetskies65 · 10 months
I saw the Barbie Movie, I loved it.
With enough marketing to even have me excited and eager to step-foot in a movie theatre post covid times, I saw the Barbie movie within its opening week with a wonderful friend of mine!
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(We love you Sloan <3)
And no, I did not wear pink. Despite owning multiple pink wardrobe pieces and entire tracksuits in high school, I could not find a pink shirt!
With it being a popular movie, a lot of others have obviously cherished it, and then we have those who are probably akin to Ben Shapiro and his personality, who cite it as feminist garbage, or as an overall bad, "progressive" movie.
In my opinion however, I don't actually find this film to be "progressive", or atleast not in the way that conservatives love to throw that word around, along with the word "woke". It is progressive yes, but in its own little unique way. The film is also very camp, and has an “exaggerated” style, which prompted me to notice that I really haven’t seen a movie like this in forever. Sure there has been the fair share of comedies, women-led films, but nothing like this. Of course with it being centered around Barbie, a fashion doll icon for decades, it helps scratch that nostalgic itch millennials probably have for a campy fun film that shades roots in a playful part of their childhood.
The main issues people have with this film is centered around the plot, where Barbie is presented as a main character, with Ken as her little sidekick. And honestly, think back to your childhood. How many Ken dolls did you own? One, Two, Maybe three with one being a fancy collectors doll (see: note, “Sugar Daddy Ken”). Ken and the other Ken dolls DO serve a role… as an amalgamation of all the stereotypical roles women have portrayed in film & media for decades. With this being established in the film, it helps to show a contrast between “Barbieland” and the real world. Of course the real world is portrayed as a terrible place, where Barbie does not fit in, or atleast in the way she believes she should, but obviously that helps further on the character development in the film.
Really, I don’t consider this film to be political or “woke” in any ways. Empowering? Yes. I find this film empowering to both sexes (even though in Barbieland, neither dolls are anatomically correct 👀). Empowering to women in the real world, and empowering to all the Ken dolls, in Barbieland, who *somewhat* evolve and change into being somewhat more important.
Alongside the storyline of Barbies vs Kens, lies another plot point with Barbie trying to “find herself”. Margot Robbie simply plays the role of stereotypical Barbie. Not Doctor Barbie, not President Barbie, and not even Pooper Scooper Barbie, just simply normal Barbie. Of course on the outside that seems fun and flashy, until even she has an existential crisis in regards to her purpose entirely, which I feel helped toy company Mattel reflect on another point and lesson in the movie, as that Barbie IS for the kids and fans. Without a true concise story, she is your doll. She is made FOR you. You choose her purpose, and she is supposed to serve as inspiration for you, the little girl who I’m hoping is not cutting her Barbie’s hair and damaging her to the point of no return, aka the transformation pipeline into a “weird Barbie”. It was the entire self reflection Barbie had in this movie, along with call backs to my childhood as to why I adore it so much!
But most importantly,
Long love Alan, the best character (beside president Barbie of course)
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carewyncromwell · 11 months
Hey, you mentioned that Anastasia likes fantasy stories and manga, but does she also like sci-fi as well? Maybe something like John Carter or Dune?
Not as much, no! Ana finds that science fiction, in general, tends to be very "forward"-looking, while fantasy is much more inspired by myths and history -- and for someone like Ana who is also enamored of history, that's really more her thing. There are definitely some sci-fi properties that blur the line between fantasy and science fiction -- such as John Carter and Dune, as well as Star Wars -- but honestly, they're still not as much Ana's thing, not only because there are less women as the leading role in those works (Jyn Erso and Rey are really the only times for Star Wars, and Rey's storyline was...yeah, not the best executed), but because Ana likes worlds that are a bit more romanticized and comfortable. (Some of her favorite books are The Last Unicorn; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; and the works of Lewis Carroll, to give you an idea.) Then of course in the case of John Carter of Mars, the man was an ex-Confederate...sorry, budding political activist Ana really wouldn't warm up to that. 😅
Another thing dictating Ana's tastes is that a lot of science-fiction properties have a colder, cleaner aesthetic and oftentimes a far less optimistic view of the world than many fantasy properties do. In the realm of sci-fi, you're much more likely to find stories of man's hubris -- of Man creating monsters and fighting against evil dystopias. And Ana is honestly a true romantic at heart -- however reserved and difficult to trust she is, she actually believes that people are inherently good, and she likes feeling happy, powerful, and optimistic, in the fictional worlds she escapes to. She wants the promise of a happy ending, even if not everything goes perfectly and not everyone makes it. So she enjoys the warmth, color, and comfort of something like a Middle Earth way more than something like out of the Starship Enterprise. Yes, she does like Gothic and steampunk visuals (you can thank her stepbrothers Jasper and Preston for turning her onto those subcultures!!), but she likes a certain lived-in, but not dirty or cynical softness to her fictional worlds. Plus from a nerdy history perspective, Ana finds the diverse interpretations of familiar mythical and magical creatures in the fantasy genre -- such as fae, giants, yokai, and dragons -- incredibly interesting to compare. ❤️
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rebeccablogs · 25 days
Mother's Day Game Of Thrones &House Of The Dragon Style
I am a huge Game of Thrones fan and House of The Dragon’s fan ,so this Mother’s Day I am doing style collages  for my favorite tv show mother’s. If I were there stylist for mother’s day outfits this is how I would dress them. Game of Thrones Mothers Lady Olena She is the grandmother we all need .Olenna Tyrell was the elderly matriarch of House Tyrell. After the destruction of the Great Sept of…
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otakugarment · 1 year
Embrace the Demon Slayer Aesthetic with the Tanjiro x Kanao Hoodie: A Demon Slayer Anime Casual Cosplay Costume
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has taken the anime and manga world by storm with its gripping storyline, unique characters, and breathtaking animation. One of the most beloved aspects of the series is its distinctive and stylish character designs, which have inspired countless fans to showcase their love for the show through cosplay. If you're a fan of the Demon Slayer universe and want to embody the spirit of the series in your everyday life, the Tanjiro x Kanao Hoodie is the perfect casual cosplay costume for you. Let's delve into the details and discover how this hoodie captures the essence of Demon Slayer while providing comfort and style.
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The Symbolism Behind the Design: The Tanjiro x Kanao Hoodie features an eye-catching design that beautifully combines the elements of two central characters from the series, Tanjiro Kamado and Kanao Tsuyuri. Tanjiro, the protagonist, is known for his fierce determination and his iconic checkered patterned cloak. Kanao, on the other hand, exudes elegance and strength, often depicted with her butterfly-themed design. This hoodie blends these elements, creating a symbolic representation of their bond and the struggle against the demons. By wearing this hoodie, you can display your appreciation for their unique journeys and their resilience in the face of adversity.
Comfort and Versatility: While cosplay costumes often prioritize accuracy over comfort, the Tanjiro x Kanao Hoodie strikes a perfect balance between the two. Made with high-quality materials, this hoodie ensures a soft and cozy experience. Its casual design allows you to wear it as a regular hoodie, making it suitable for various occasions such as conventions, anime-themed events, or even as everyday streetwear. The hoodie's versatility enables you to showcase your love for Demon Slayer in a subtler manner, yet still connect with fellow fans who recognize the design's significance.
Attention to Detail: What sets the Tanjiro x Kanao Hoodie apart is the meticulous attention to detail. The combination of the checkered pattern and butterfly motif perfectly captures the essence of Demon Slayer. The checkered pattern symbolizes the trials and challenges faced by the characters, while the butterfly represents transformation and the hope for a better future. The hoodie's color scheme, predominantly black with hints of vibrant orange and pale blue, remains faithful to the characters' original designs, ensuring a visually striking appearance.
Connecting with the Demon Slayer Community: Cosplay not only allows fans to express their love for a particular series but also serves as a medium to connect with like-minded individuals. By wearing the Tanjiro x Kanao Hoodie, you can easily initiate conversations with fellow Demon Slayer enthusiasts, share your favorite moments, and discuss the intricate details of the series. It's a great way to find a sense of community and forge friendships based on shared interests.
The Tanjiro x Kanao Hoodie encapsulates the essence of Demon Slayer, offering fans a unique opportunity to showcase their love for the series in their everyday lives. Combining the iconic elements of Tanjiro and Kanao's designs, this casual cosplay costume provides comfort, style, and a symbolic representation of the struggle against demons. Whether you're attending conventions, hanging out with friends, or simply expressing your passion for anime, this hoodie is an excellent addition to your wardrobe. Embrace the Demon Slayer aesthetic and let the world know that you're part of the ever-growing Demon Slayer community.
Buy now : https://otakugarment.com/product/tanjiro-x-kanao-hoodie-demon-slayer-anime-casual-cosplay-costume/
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kingjain · 2 days
The Black Phone Unisex T-Shirt The Black Phone Movie Ethan Hawke Shirt
The Black Phone Unisex T-Shirt is a stylish and trendy garment inspired by the highly anticipated movie, "The Black Phone." This shirt showcases a design that features the movie title in bold, eye-catching fonts, along with the image of the talented actor Ethan Hawke, who stars in the film. This t-shirt is suitable for both men and women, making it a perfect choice for anyone who appreciates quality fashion and wants to show their love for this upcoming thriller. The Black Phone Unisex T-Shirt is not just a clothing item; it is a statement piece that allows fans of the movie to proudly display their admiration for the film. This shirt serves as a unique and memorable gift for both men and women who are excited about the release of "The Black Phone." Whether it's for a birthday, special occasion, or simply as a surprise present, this t-shirt is sure to delight any fan of the movie. Made with high-quality materials, the Black Phone Unisex T-Shirt ensures both comfort and durability. Crafted from soft, breathable fabric, this t-shirt will keep you cool and comfortable throughout the day. It is perfect for casual outings, movie nights, or simply lounging around the house. The unisex design allows for a relaxed fit, making it suitable for a wide range of body types. The versatile nature of this shirt makes it a great addition to anyone's wardrobe. It can easily be paired with jeans, shorts, or even a skirt for a chic and effortless look. The black color of the shirt compliments a variety of styles and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. With its trendy design and comfortable fit, this t-shirt is a must-have for any fan of Ethan Hawke or "The Black Phone." In addition to its stylish appearance, the Black Phone Unisex T-Shirt also serves as a conversation starter. When wearing this shirt, you are likely to encounter fellow movie enthusiasts who share your excitement for "The Black Phone." It provides an opportunity to connect and bond with others who appreciate the work of Ethan Hawke and the thrilling storyline of this captivating film. Overall, the Black Phone Unisex T-Shirt is a perfect gift for everyone. Its fashionable design, comfortable fit, and association with the highly anticipated movie make it an ideal choice for fans of all ages and genders. Whether you're buying it for yourself or as a present for a loved one, this t-shirt is sure to become a cherished item that represents one's love for both Ethan Hawke and the cinematic experience that is "The Black Phone."
Get it here : The Black Phone Unisex T-Shirt The Black Phone Movie Ethan Hawke Shirt
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://kingjain.tumblr.com/post/722424311220142080/tinker-bell-white-pinstripe-baseball-jersey
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jackets1213 · 3 months
Black Mafia Family Outfits Are The OG Mafia Fashion 
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 Do you enjoy crime drama series that keep you on the edge? If so, you might have heard of 'BMF' - the latest hit show that has taken the world by storm. This captivating series focuses on the infamous Black Mafia Family, a drug trafficking and money laundering organization. Also, their thrilling adventures will keep you hooked from start to finish.
The show's intense action sequences, complex characters, and gripping storyline have garnered widespread acclaim and a legion of loyal fans worldwide. If you're one of those fans, you might be thrilled that the series has been renewed for multiple seasons, with the fourth season already in the works!
But let's talk about one of the most eye-catching aspects of the show - the fashion sense of the main characters. From stylish leather jackets to dapper suits, the BMF crew sure knows how to dress to impress. Their impeccable Black Mafia Family Outfits have inspired countless fans to try out similar attires and experiment with different looks.
So, if you want to up your fashion game and channel your inner BMF, we've got you covered! Our guide offers a range of killer attires and styling tips that take inspiration from the show. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the series or just appreciate good fashion, this guide will give you some fantastic ideas on how to look your best.
The Splendid Big Meech’s Bomber Jacket
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Are you tired of wearing the same old outfits and want to add effortless classiness to your wardrobe? Well, I have a great outfit suggestion to make you stand out! How about rocking a stunning red casual shirt with navy chinos and pairing it with this incredible BMF Demetrius Big Meech BMF Series Bomber Jacket? This jacket was inspired by Demetrius Flenory Jr. Moreover, it is made of high-quality genuine leather with a comfortable viscose lining inside. It features a zipper closure, ribbed collar, full-length sleeves with ribbed cuffs, and two outside and two inside pockets for added convenience—the black jacket. It looks perfect with a red shirt and navy chinos.
But wait, there's more! To complete the look, I suggest wearing a pair of white canvas low-top sneakers that will immediately dial up your outfit's wow factor. This combination is perfect for a hot weather afternoon when you want to look on-trend without putting too much effort into your outfit. The white sneakers will complement the red shirt and navy chinos. At the same time, the black bomber jacket will add a stylish touch to the ensemble. 
And if you're looking for something a little different, how about pairing a white and black vertical striped casual shirt with dark pants and this unique Bomber outwear? You can supplement this outfit with white leather low-top shoes to add maximum impact. This look is perfect for the summer when you need to feel comfortable and on-trend. This outfit makes you look great and feel confident without sacrificing comfort. So, what are you waiting for? Try these fantastic outfit suggestions and take your fashion game to the next level!
Demetrious Style Is Staggering
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Are you looking for a jacket that's both stylish and practical? Look no further than this exquisite piece! Made from premium-quality polyester fabric, it's durable, long-lasting, and perfect for everyday wear. Plus, you'll feel as good as you look with a comfortable viscose lining.
But what sets this jacket apart is its design. Inspired by the one and only Demetrius Edward Flenory Jr., this Big Meech Flenory Black Jacket is a tribute to the talented American actor and rapper who dazzled the world with his portrayal of his father in the popular BMF TV series by 50 Cent. And with its sleek black color, sturdy zipper closure, and ribbed collar, it's got plenty of style to spare.
Of course, that's not all this jacket has to offer. With two outside and two inside pockets, it's got plenty of room for all your essentials, whether you're out and about or just running errands. And with full-length sleeves adorned with ribbed cuffs, you'll stay warm and cozy no matter the weather. So, these Black Mafia Family Outfits are the perfect choice  to add a touch of class and elegance to your wardrobe while staying comfortable and stylish. Don't wait - order yours today! 
The Final Verdict 
Are you someone who loves experimenting with fashion and adding some edge to their wardrobe? Well, have you considered investing in some mafia-inspired jackets and coats? These Black Mafia Family Outfits add a unique and stylish touch to your look. Also, they are versatile enough to be worn daily.
Picture yourself wearing a bold and daring mafia-inspired jacket that makes you stand out in a crowd and enhances your overall appearance. With a range of unique styles, these jackets and coats are perfect for summer wear, too, so you can make a fashion statement all year round.
Whether you prefer a classic black leather jacket or a more colorful and playful design, there's something for everyone. You don't have to wait for colder months to rock this fashion trend, as these jackets and coats are light and comfortable enough for summer wear. So, why not add a touch of mafia-inspired fashion to your wardrobe today? Stand out from the crowd and make a bold statement with your fashion choices!
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bestshirtcanbuy · 7 months
Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater
Blade Runner 2049 is a science fiction film that has gained a massive cult following since its release in 2017. The film, directed by Denis Villeneuve, is a sequel to the original Blade Runner from 1982 and stars Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford. It has not only captivated audiences with its gripping storyline and stunning visuals but has also become a source of inspiration for various merchandise, including the Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater. The Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater is a unique and eye-catching piece of clothing that appeals to both men and women. It features intricate and bold designs inspired by the futuristic dystopian world portrayed in the film. The sweater is predominantly black, which adds to its edgy and chic appeal. On the front, there is a beautifully designed logo that incorporates iconic elements from the Blade Runner universe, such as the Tyrell Corporation emblem and the Los Angeles cityscape. The back of the sweater showcases the iconic quote from the film, "We're all just looking out for something real," which resonates with fans who appreciate the film's philosophical undertones. Not only is the Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater visually striking, but it is also made with high-quality materials, ensuring both comfort and durability. It is constructed with a soft and cozy blend of cotton and polyester, making it perfect for the colder months. The sweater is available in a range of sizes, making it suitable for people of all body types. Its unisex design makes it a versatile gift option for anyone who appreciates the Blade Runner franchise and wants to showcase their fandom in a fashionable and unique way. The Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater has become a popular gift choice for fans of all ages. Its vibrant and distinctive design sets it apart from conventional sweaters, making it a standout piece in any wardrobe. Whether it's a holiday gift or a birthday present, the sweater is sure to be well-received by movie enthusiasts and fashion-forward individuals alike. Aside from its aesthetic appeal, the Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater holds a deeper significance for fans of the film. It serves as a symbol of their connection to the Blade Runner universe and their love for the thought-provoking themes explored in the movie. Wearing the sweater allows fans to express their passion and appreciation for the film and its captivating characters. In conclusion, the Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater is a must-have item for fans of the science fiction genre and lovers of the Blade Runner franchise. Its unique design and high-quality construction make it a standout piece of clothing that appeals to both men and women. Whether you're seeking a gift for a loved one or looking to add a touch of sci-fi flair to your own wardrobe, the Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater is a fantastic choice that is sure to turn heads and spark conversations.
Get it here : Blade Runner 2049 Ugly Sweater
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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yashgallery · 9 months
Bollywood Fashion Designers: The Architects Behind the Glamorous Looks
Bollywood, the heartbeat of the Indian film industry, is not only known for its cinematic excellence but also for its extravagant fashion. Behind the dazzling appearances of Bollywood stars are the unsung heroes – the fashion designers who craft these breathtaking looks. In this article, we delve into the world of Bollywood fashion designers and their contributions, from redefining the elegance of Anarkali kurtis to adding a modern twist to Western dresses.
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Setting the Trends with Anarkali Kurtis
The Anarkali Resurgence
The Anarkali kurti, a traditional Indian attire inspired by the legendary courtesan Anarkali, has made a significant comeback, thanks in large part to the creative minds of Bollywood fashion designers. These designers have not only revived this timeless outfit but have also reinvented it to suit the tastes of contemporary fashion enthusiasts.
The Revival of Elegance
Bollywood fashion designers have brought a fresh perspective to Anarkali kurtis. They have experimented with fabrics, embellishments, and silhouettes, turning this classic outfit into a symbol of grace and opulence. Intricate embroidery, innovative cuts, and a harmonious blend of traditional and modern elements have redefined Anarkali kurtis, making them a must-have in every fashion-conscious woman's wardrobe.
Fusion Magic: Western Dresses with an Indian Flair
The Fusion Revolution
While Anarkali kurtis continue to charm the fashion world, Bollywood fashion designers are not bound by tradition alone. They have skillfully merged Western dresses with Indian aesthetics, creating a unique fashion statement that appeals to a global audience.
Embroidered Western Gowns
One of the most prominent manifestations of this fusion is the embroidered Western gown. Bollywood fashion designers have taken Western silhouettes and enriched them with intricate Indian embroidery. These gowns, adorned with traditional motifs and ornate detailing, offer a perfect blend of contemporary chic and Indian heritage.
The Lehenga-Inspired Twist
Lehenga-inspired dresses are another innovative fusion trend introduced by Bollywood fashion designers. These dresses seamlessly blend the grace of a lehenga skirt with the convenience of a Western dress. The result is a comfortable and fashionable ensemble that captivates with its elegant charm.
Fashion's Unsung Heroes
The Visionaries Behind the Scenes
Bollywood fashion designers are the visionaries behind the glamorous looks that grace the silver screen. They meticulously select fabrics, colors, and styles to complement the characters and enhance the storyline. Their creations go beyond aesthetics; they are an integral part of the storytelling process.
Collaborations with Celebrities
Bollywood fashion designers often collaborate closely with celebrities to craft their on-screen and off-screen personas. From iconic red carpet appearances to unforgettable wedding ensembles, these designers work hand in hand with stars to create looks that resonate with the audience and make a lasting impact on fashion trends.
Bollywood fashion designers are the unsung architects behind the glamorous looks that define the Indian film industry. Their creative genius extends beyond crafting clothes; they are storytellers who use fabric, color, and style to bring characters to life. The resurgence of Anarkali kurtis and the fusion of Western dresses with Indian aesthetics are just a few examples of their transformative power in the fashion world.
In the realm of Bollywood fashion, designers play a pivotal role in shaping trends, redefining traditional attire, and pushing the boundaries of creativity. As Bollywood continues to evolve and inspire, we can expect these designers to continue captivating us with their innovative designs, whether it's reinventing classic Anarkali kurtis or infusing Western dresses with an Indian flair. Their contributions ensure that Bollywood fashion remains dynamic, vibrant, and eternally glamorous, cementing their place as the architects behind the dazzling looks that light up the silver screen.
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style-revolver · 11 months
How Can I Style The Yellowstone Jackets
If you’re a devoted fan of the hit TV series Yellowstone, you’re likely captivated not only by its gripping storyline and breathtaking cinematography but also by the iconic style exhibited by the show’s characters. The rugged and classic Western aesthetic, exemplified by the jackets worn by characters like John Dutton, Rip Wheeler, and Kayce Dutton, has become an integral part of Yellowstone’s allure. Now, if you’re looking to infuse your wardrobe with that iconic Yellowstone style, look no further than Style Revolver’s exclusive collection of Yellowstone jackets.
Style Revolver is a distinguished brand that specializes in creating high-quality, fashionable, and functional jackets inspired by popular TV series. Their Yellowstone jackets embody the brand’s commitment to excellence. Meticulously crafted from premium materials, these jackets are not only stylish but also comfortable and durable, making them the perfect addition to any Western enthusiast’s wardrobe.
The Iconic Yellowstone Jackets: A Must-Have for Every Western Fan
What sets Style Revolver’s Yellowstone jackets apart is their remarkable attention to detail. Each jacket is designed to faithfully recreate the jackets worn by the show’s characters, complete with all the unique elements and embellishments that make them truly iconic. From the meticulously distressed leather to the vintage hardware, these jackets effortlessly transport you to Yellowstone’s rugged and breathtaking landscape.
Available in various styles and colors, the Yellowstone jackets offer something for everyone. If you admire John Dutton’s classic black leather jacket, you can find a faithful rendition that captures its timeless appeal. Alternatively, if you’re drawn to Rip Wheeler’s more weathered and distressed style, Style Revolver has you covered. The jackets are thoughtfully designed with features like zippered cuffs, adjustable waist tabs, and multiple pockets, ensuring not only style but also practicality and functionality.
Yellowstone Jackets — The Ultimate Style Statement
The Yellowstone Jackets collection by Style Revolver represents the pinnacle of fashion for TV series enthusiasts. Drawing inspiration from the show’s main characters, including John Dutton, Beth Dutton, and Rip Wheeler, the collection offers an array of styles to suit different preferences. Whether you’re seeking a classic leather jacket or a trendy denim style, each piece is thoughtfully designed to reflect the distinctive style of its respective character.
When it comes to fashion, durability is a crucial factor, and the Yellowstone Jackets collection by Style Revolver delivers. These jackets are expertly crafted using premium materials that guarantee longevity. The high-quality zippers, buttons, and other hardware incorporated into the jackets ensure they can withstand the rigors of everyday use without losing their charm.
The versatility of the Yellowstone Jackets collection is yet another testament to its appeal. Whether you’re heading out for a casual night with friends or attending a formal event, these jackets have got you covered. They can be effortlessly styled in multiple ways to suit any occasion. Pair them with jeans and a t-shirt for a laid-back and casual look, or dress them up with a shirt and dress pants for a more formal affair. The Yellowstone Jackets collection caters to every sartorial need and offers something exceptional for everyone.
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Are these jackets exact replicas of the ones worn by the characters in Yellowstone?
While the Yellowstone jackets offered by Style Revolver are designed to faithfully recreate the jackets worn by the show’s characters, they are not official replicas. These jackets capture the essence and style of the characters’ attire, paying close attention to the unique details and elements that make them iconic.
Are the Yellowstone jackets made with high-quality materials?
Absolutely! Style Revolver prioritizes quality and craftsmanship. The Yellowstone jackets are crafted from premium materials that ensure durability and longevity. The brand’s commitment to using top-notch materials is evident in the jackets’ construction and their ability to withstand the test of time.
Can these jackets be worn year-round, or are they more suitable for specific seasons?
The versatility of the Yellowstone jackets makes them suitable for various seasons. While some jackets may provide more warmth and insulation, such as leather jackets during colder months, others, like denim jackets, can be worn comfortably during milder weather. Consider the specific style and material of the jacket to determine its seasonal suitability.
How can I style the Yellowstone jackets to create different looks?
The Yellowstone Jackets collection offers endless styling possibilities. For a casual and laid-back appearance, pair a jacket with jeans or khakis and a simple t-shirt or plaid shirt. To achieve a more polished and sophisticated look, combine the jacket with dress pants, a button-down shirt, and dress shoes. Experiment with different accessories and layering techniques to personalize your style further.
Are these jackets exclusively for Yellowstone fans, or can anyone wear them?
While the Yellowstone Jackets collection is undoubtedly a dream come true for Yellowstone fans, anyone with an appreciation for Western-inspired fashion can enjoy these jackets. They embody a timeless and rugged aesthetic that transcends the boundaries of fandom, making them a fashionable choice for anyone seeking to add a touch of Western charm to their wardrobe.
Elevate Your Style with Style Revolver’s Yellowstone Jackets
For those enamored with the style showcased in Yellowstone, Style Revolver’s collection of Yellowstone jackets is an absolute must-have. These jackets capture the essence of the show’s characters, enabling fans to embody their favorite Western icons. With their meticulous attention to detail, premium craftsmanship, and versatile styling options, these jackets make an unforgettable fashion statement. Embrace the spirit of Yellowstone and elevate your style with Style Revolver’s iconic Yellowstone jackets today!
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afamafrofuturism23 · 1 year
Black Panther...
The film Black Panther, co-written and produced by Ryan Coogler was one that was not only groundbreaking in the Marvel universe but was also so inspiring and uplifting in a sense to the Black community. As a high school junior slowly approaching the beginning of my college application journey, pursuing a degree in the sciences, I was heavily inspired by the character of Shuri- a younger sister that lived her life in the semi-shadows behind her brother, making thousands of technological advances at such a young age. Looking back, I honestly do not recall if her age was revealed, but in the moment of seeing the film for the first time, I assumed she was no older than 17/18, close in age to what I was at the time. I resonated with her char acter so much because a large part of the success of her brother as the Prince turned King and the Black Panther was due to her technological contributions seen in his armor, the weapons of the guards, the protective clothing of the Dora Milaje, etc. I was so astonished that a young Black girl had the capabilities to much suck huge contributions for her country. Before taking this class, I honestly did not know much about Afrofuturism, let alone the fact that there was actually a word to describe the expression of Black people in reality and/or fictional characters that involve the element of technology along with the presentation of Black people in space or in the future. As discussed in lecture, the presence of Afrofuturism is seen through the realm of fantasy, rather than science fiction, despite this, there were many elements of the film that would not have been as essential to the storyline without the incorporation of adding a touch of fantasy to realistic objects and incorporating a technology component that added to the basic value of the normal object. As Professor stated in class, the first film of the franchise showcased the “fantasy of Black culture”, presenting it in such a beautiful way that engages readers to yearn to have the chance to visit a place like this, despite Wakanda being a fictional place. As previously stated, the futuristic elements and advances in technology that were presented in the film (i.e. the space hovercraft, “the herb”, T’ Challa’s suit, the wardrobe of the Dora Milaje, and the weapons of most primary characters) contributed to this film being viewed as a contribution in the world of Afrofuturism, in addition to many of the themes we discussed incorporated in the film. A few of the themes include but are not limited to a strong and positive presence of the black woman that can be seen in characters like Shuri and the Dora Milaje, the African American vs African divide that essentially plagued the film and helped created the storyline of the villain, Killmonger, and the exploitation of Africa which is primarily seen in the scenes where the ancient artifacts stolen from African by colonizers were put on display in American museums. Completely ignoring the plot of the second installment of the franchise, I do think that there were some Afrofuturistic elements present throughout the storyline, including the continuation of the advances of sciences and technology, in addition to the music and wardrobe choices that pay homage to different cultures that celebrate the “times from the past” meaning the different styles of music that have been produced in the different eras, in addition to how fashion has changed over the years. I have only had the chance to see Wakanda Forever twice, both times before taking this class, however, I look forward to watching it soon, paying special attention to the small details that can illuminate a much bigger picture. In case you couldn’t tell, I completely loved both films and am so grateful that it has done so well, but I am very grateful to be living in a time when beautiful art is done by us for us and about us. I cannot wait to see the next installment of the franchise!
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