#the warmth in the air
alchemocha · 1 year
It’s the middle of July and I cannot stop thinking about Stobotnik Christmas fics and ideas
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aerequets · 10 months
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trying to erase the trace of...
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pulsingvoid · 1 year
not negating anybody's experience i know black sails is outstanding regardless of how or when or how quickly you watch it. but also, as a gay person who watched it in real time, you really had to be there. they introduce anne bonny and you know your pirate history so you KNOW she's a girlliker. she has a moment with max but youre not sure where it's gonna go. because it's 2014. you wait over a year for 2x01 and she and max fucking obliterate you with the sword drop kiss scene. all anybody is talking about in the tags is vaneeleanor. a few weeks later 2.05 drops and flint is not only textually gay and kissing a man but he is waging war on england, on all of civilization for taking away his male lover. you find this out after investing fourteen hours on this show that have spanned over a year and a half in your real life. not to mention the miranda stuff and silver's arc and mr scott and madi and the death march that seasons 3 and 4 feel like when you have no inkling of how it's gonna end. but you stick with it regardless because it's good and besides it's 2014-2017 and the only genre show with gay people in it is fucking... the 100? lol anyway. more gay people flock to black sails between seasons and the tag becomes more about the gay shit than vaneeleanor, thank fucking god, finally. you all dread the last season. you brace yourselves for the worst. you thank the stars this show airs weekly because watching even just two episodes together is too overwhelming. 4.08 airs. you cry. 4.09 airs. you cry. 4.10 airs. your life will never be the same. you cry so hard you catch a fever and have to stay in bed all week to recuperate. you know this was a once in a lifetime experience never to be repeated again but you can't help but hold every other show to this impossible standard.
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definitionofacritter · 5 months
“Right now, I’d prefer revenge,” Dorian said with a smile.
I think, in that exact moment, we saw the end of any possible Orym corruption arc.
Orym is above all things a protector. He failed to protect his father, his husband, and now a dear friend. He was so prepared for an era of blood and rage as the rest of the Hells learned to apologize and to forgive. We saw hints of this with Lilliana Temult.
But watching someone else tip into darkness? Someone whom he cares for so deeply? That will not be acceptable to him. And so he will leap 20 ft into Dorian's arms and guide him, as best he can, back to the light—only to find himself out of the shadows as well.
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kof1128 · 2 years
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When will I see you again?
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codakk · 1 year
dave "the only touch i know is my older brother's violence" strider and jade "i've long forgotten what the touch of another human being's felt like" harley both being lonely best friends struggling with their touch starvation but maneuvering through it and healing from it with each other's guidance and company
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lunasilvis · 4 days
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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" was actually Dickens talking about the month of september
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fawnaura · 1 month
The air is windless and warm, with a faint tang of burning.
Vladimir Nabokov, excerpt From Nabokov's Dozen: Thirteen Stories, "Spring in Fialta"
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Thinkin about Star Wars bending AU andndhdj
Anakin should be the Avatar, obviously, but I think he would begin as a water-bender. I mean, his name literally means “water bringer” or whatever. It’s pretty clear.
But I also think he would have the most trouble with water-bending. Not the fighting part, but the healing part. He’s too impatient or he just can’t understand how to do it, no matter how often he’s shown or it’s explained, and that leads to him feeling even more guilty about everyone who dies. His mother dies and he thinks “This wouldn’t have happened if I’d just done better.” His fears of Padme dying are multiplied because he feels so useless.
Anakin is great at fighting. He’s intimidating. He can lift up mountains and hold them threateningly over the heads of his enemies. He can stop the very air they breathe and pull it out of their lungs. He can use their blood to manipulate them like puppets. He can reduce an entire village to ash in seconds.
But he just can’t heal people. Even as people say he’s mastered every other element, he feels like the very element he began with isn’t mastered. He feels like he’s failing, failing the moon and the Jedi and the water itself. He just can’t figure out what he’s doing wrong, and he’s tried for so long, and it makes him equal parts furious and depressed.
(Palpatine is the one who the Jedi get to train Anakin to heal with water-bending, and Palpatine sees how nervous he is about it (Anakin could never get it to work on Tatooine and is worried he’ll fuck up and the Jedi will send him back) and teaches him wrong on purpose so that he only gets worse. But, he promises to lie to the Jedi, because Anakin is so worried about it, and tells them he’s doing fine, the skill just needs to be practiced. Then, we still have his manipulations and Anakin’s reliance.)
When it comes to Anakin’s children, I think Luke and Leia should be different.
Leia fits earth-bending. She’s loyal and unyielding and absolutely bends metal in her fists when she’s angry. The ground shakes when she walks, mountains crumble when she looks at them, she’s terrifying to the enemy because she learned to lift mountains just like the Avatar did. The unyielding sturdiness of earth, but the softness too. Things like farming and building things and making games. There’s softness to earth, a springiness that makes it strong, and Leia is both the unyielding bedrock and the soft sandstone. I like to think she’s good at bending sand itself, because she uses techniques she sees other benders use and so doesn’t treat sand like rock. She treats it as water and so bends it accordingly.
This is a super unpopular opinion but hear me out! Luke should be a firebender. Hear me out hear me out hear me out-
Luke is the twin suns of Tatooine. He is immediately powerful and dangerous, despite his looks. More than that, he’s the life that fire brings. He’s the life that comes after all the Jedi are killed. He’s the lava that changes Anakin Skywalker yet again. He’s the warmth of a nice day and the heat of an oven. He appears harmless but can only be harmless because he’s learned to temper his ability to harm.
Luke has incredible self-control, especially later on in life. That self-control translates awesomely into fire-bending. And Luke being uncertain of his abilities is the weakness he would feel on Dagobah. Luke is hesitant because he doesn’t want to hurt people who don’t deserve to be hurt, and he doesn’t want to hirt himself. So he didn’t use firebending to fight, he used it for comfort. To light fires in hearths. To cook food. To amuse little kids. And he tries not to get angry because his explosive power when he’s angry is unstoppable. A star going supernova. It’s intense and destructive and terrifying.
But also, I imagine Luke learning to redirect lightning. I imagine him redirecting Palpatine’s lightning, the lights setting him aglow as electricity crackles over his form, his eyes glowing and intense as he directs that lightning harmlessly into the ground and smiles in the face of Palpatine’s abrupt fear.
And Leia being the earth and Luke being the sun is just kind of canon. Leia is the one who holds people together, who can lead people. Leia is the earth the seeds are sown in. Luke is the one who stands off to the side smiling ominously, but who is just as protective of people as Leia. He’s driven to protect them but he also holds himself apart, almost unthinkingly. Luke is the heat that gives those seeds the confidence to grow.
I think it fits nicely and I have the mental image of Anakin finally learning to use water to heal and using it to heal Luke. Luke, who got burned by his own fire because he was reckless for a second. An Anakin who learns to heal because Leia can describe it to him, because she studied waterbending for her sandbending. Just, a little family of people who don’t fit perfectly but are willing to learn and change and commit murder.
Also it’s just really funny to have none of the “Skywalkers” be airbenders pfft
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eruukat · 2 months
feeling many things rn. terrified abt a lot of life changes like switching majors and needing a new job and transportation changes and even stupid little stuff like fixing my hair or avoiding the roach thats hiding out under my bed. and then below all that is this simmering pot of butterflies about my partner. i knew our prev date was going to stir up a lot of feelings but im so. !!!!!!! idk if t4t love is just that insane and intense or if im just really really clicking with him but he might have the most beautiful smile ive ever seen. hes literally radiant and i think hes the first person to ever give me butterflies and after last date somethings *changed* and theyre like. still butterflies but different somehow. i dont know what im ready for but i think about him and his smile and i can imagine myself actually truly falling in love even though its just infatuation rn. but in the past imagining that felt more distant and i guess i didnt know what it would look like for me, but now i feel like i have an inkling or a possibility. i cant wait to see him again and hold him in my arms
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justcozybeds · 1 year
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toadtoru · 1 month
the heat here is making me feel ill someone come save me please
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musubiki · 1 year
btw tho. the opportunity for angst central when limochi reunites. also when they get together bc the confrontation w their own mortality
god too right, lime was NOT okay after this whole ordeal. mochi was honestly just thankful to be alive and to have the chance to live, but lime was fucking PARANOID for a time after she comes back.
sulluvan talks to lime about "Being brought back by the lifeline doesn't guarantee any kind of safety post-ressurection. She could die tomorrow being hit by a bus for all you know, so don't treat her carelessly." HARSH AND SHIT THING TO SAY BUT TRUE!!!!!! so anytime someone as much as hugs her too tight hes like HEY FUCKING WATCH IT!!!! he refuses to leave her side and watches her like a hawk.
(mochi eventually has to calm him down about this because it gets to be a little much after a time)
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qwuilty · 2 years
Hello gay people in my phone im here with another postal 1 dude headcanon
Im still not fully 100% sure what specific voice headcanon i have for him (i think of rick hunter as the seperate demon voice, not actually his) but i imagine he talks kind of slow and really enunciates some of his words, he's been scolded for mumbling too much and people not being able to understand him, so he kind of overcorrected for it.
When he's getting panicked and his heartbeat gets faster his voice tends to speed up though, almost running out of breath before he finishes a sentence. Makes it hard for people to calm him down cause he blurts through sentence after sentence.
He's also the kind of guy who would see you looking at something he's interested in or knows about and would lean in to ask if you know what it's made from before he even says hello, coming off very strongly or off-putting with his foreboding energy, but he just. Genuinely wants to teach people new things.
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starheirxero · 6 months
I love getting VIOLENTLY reminded of how mentally ill I am about Lunar and Eclipse. They're so fucked up. They're such a mess. They make me want to burst into tears and start gnawing my arm off. Dies loudly
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ctrsara · 11 months
The Ones Left Behind
“Can you get the door for me?” Peter had his arms full, and Tony eyed him critically, hand paused on the knob. “How are you planning to get up there with all that?” “I’m sticky, remember?” “I remember, I just doubt your innate grace, kiddo. Also, it’s cold out there. Don’t stay too long.” Peter rolled his eyes. “I’ve got it. Don’t worry so much.” “Well, hopefully you can offer some comfort. I don’t doubt your skills in that area, at least,” he said with a smile. “Thanks. Hopefully he’ll talk to me.”
This one's a little different. I hope you enjoy it, and that wherever you are, you're getting some glorious fall weather! We're just finally cooling down a little here, and I'm so excited!
@comfortember 3. Leaves Changing, 4. Warmth, 5. Treehouse, 9. Aftermath, alt 5. Colors @flufftober 17: Encouraging Someone to Reach a Goal Cozytober 6. Cool rainy days 8. The slight smell of smoke in the air
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