#the way he just ran with rindou!?!?? LMFAO
okkalo · 8 months
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still, to this day, one of the funniest scenes in tokyo rev manga
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zeltqz · 8 months
it girl | sanzu h.
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synopsis. you find sanzu after a fight at a party and end up introducing yourself and helping him patch up. turns out sanzu isn't as extroverted when it comes to speaking to girls, rindou finds out.
contains. smut, first time (sanzu's a virgin), nervous sanzu, bold reader, mentions of violence, busted lips, bruised knuckles, kantou!manji era, nude/explicit photos, oral (m), sanzu gets head for the first time, koko rindou and sanzu are best friends idc.
author's note. sanzu's so pretty but i just know that boy has never felt the touch of a woman, hence why i wrote this lmfao. call it a power move or whatever 🙄 (i wanna see more submissive sanzu honestly). fanart credits: caravaggist
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“My head is fucking killing me,” Sanzu said with a pained groan. He began coughing until he started laughing, running purely on adrenaline. “I beat that fucker’s ass, didja see that?!”
“Shut up, stop being so loud.” Sanzu winced when Rindou smacked him upside the head. He looked down at his busted, bruised knuckles and cursed. “We’re so fucking dead.”
“Told you not to drink that much,” Koko sniped, gesturing with his chin over at Sanzu. “Got us into a goddamn fight.”
“Not my fault you guys are such wimps.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Koko doubled over to catch his breath, slumping against a car. 
“Are you guys okay?” you called out, steadily approaching the three boys. 
Your heart nearly stopped when they all turned to meet your eyes, but there was one you couldn’t take your eyes off of the most. He had green eyes and crazy pink hair tied up into a ponytail. You’d been eyeing him for the majority of the party, just small glances over at whichever end he was loudly talking at. The entire time you had been taking extra shots for courage to approach him but pussied out each time. When you were upstairs, there was loud shouting, chanting, and the sound of things breaking as a group of boys managed to get into a fight. You didn’t see the full thing, only coming down the stairs the exact moment you saw the three of them run outside, tearing down the street and around the block in record time. A quick scan of the party, you saw the pink haired guy was no longer there, so your feet went running before you could even think of what you were doing.
He was much prettier up close, an ethereal kind of beauty you rarely ever see. Not many people can rock long pink hair but he manages to make it work well.
You ran out, taking off after them. It was a miracle you found them, having guessed which direction they must’ve took off in. 
“Who are you?” Kokonoi asked, looking strangely at you.
“I was at the party,” you gestured down the street, “and saw everything. Are you guys okay?” you repeated, walking a little closer to the group. 
Kokonoi’s hostility dropped down a few notches and he nodded. Rindou shrugged and rolled his neck, trying to ease away the stiffness residing in his bones. Sanzu, on the other hand, just stared at you dumbfoundedly. He didn’t say a word, just stared at you with half wide eyes that only widened when you met his gaze. You held eye contact for a few seconds before looking down at his knuckles. Out of the three, Sanzu was probably the most roughed up, having done the most the entire fight and caught the most strays. His lip was busted and his knuckles were bruised.
“Oh that looks really bad. One second,” you said, pulling out a tissue from your pocket “Can I?” you asked, looking into his eyes. He doesn’t say yes or no, and Rindou isn’t even sure he’s breathing anymore. He doesn’t stop you as you hold his bruised hand and lift it up to your face for examination. 
You placed the tissue onto his knuckles. “I’m sorry that happened by the way. I don’t know how it started but I’m sure you guys didn’t deserve it.”
Kokonoi snorted and Rindou elbows him roughly. “Eh it’s whatever. Bottom line is we won, so.”
“You guys shouldn’t be fighting like that though. Especially in public. The police got called and are probably on their way here.”
“Wait seriously?!” Kokonoi whipped his head up at you and you nodded. He cursed under his breath. “We better get going again. Don’t wanna have to get bailed out again.”
“True that,” Rindou agreed, dusting off his pants. His head was pounding and he might probably have a concussion, but all that didn’t matter to him. He just needed to get out of here. “Call Ran, he’ll come pick us up.”
“He’s gonna fucking kill us,” Kokonoi replied.
“Better him than Mikey.”
You tuned out the rest of their conversation and continued dabbing Sanzu’s knuckles, who still hadn’t said a single word since you approached. You blinked up at him and removed the bag from his hand. 
“Your lip is bleeding,” you announced, and he almost flinched away when your thumb rose to his lip. “Does it hurt?” He shook his head. “Can I put this on your lip?” You shook the tissue in your hand.
He nodded slowly and your smile nearly sent him straight to heaven. You pulled a water bottle from your purse and wet the tissue, pressing it on his lip and held onto his chin, tipping his head upright so you could see what you were doing better. Granted the tissue probably weren’t helping at all, but you had to work with what you had. 
“This looks really painful,” you murmured, fixated on the damages done to his face. He has these two pairs of twin scars on both sides of his mouth that you think are so cute. Without thinking, you let your thumb trace the diamond outline gently. You pull the tissue away from his lip and pocket it. “Does your lip hurt?”
Sanzu shook his head and you smiled. “That’s good.”
Rindou looked over at Sanzu weirdly, wondering why the loudest person in the group was suddenly so quiet. He didn’t have time to explore that train of thought deeper because Kokonoi spoke up.
“Rin, Sanzu. Ran’s on his way now. Let’s go.” He pocketed his phone and turned to you. “Thanks for the warning about the cops by the way. Really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem.”
A black car pulled up to the curb and the window rolled down. “You three are so fucking dead,” Ran said exasperatedly. 
“As long as Mikey doesn’t find out we’re goo—” Kokonoi’s relief came crumbling down as his biggest fear came to light. The passenger seat window rolled down and Mikey’s face came into view. He didn’t look mad, honestly he didn’t look like anything. Just emotionless, but that was enough to scare the absolute shit out of Koko. “Boss, we can explain—”
“Get in the car.”
Kokonoi swallowed but obliged, his feet dragging behind him as he walked around the car to get in.
You looked back over at Sanzu who’s eyes hadn't left yours. “Guess this is goodbye. I’m (Name) by the way. What’s yours?”
Whatever reaction anyone was expecting, it wasn’t for Sanzu to completely stammer over his words, forgetting who he was, or how to form a literate sentence. “Me name? Who is—I—what, huh?”
Rindou looked at him like he grew two heads, even Mikey raised a confused brow. You pressed your lips together in a thin line to stop yourself from laughing and Sanzu’s ears burnt with humiliation. Frankly he was mortified with those being the first words he’s said to you ever. Rindou thankfully saved him from more embarrassment by grabbing the back of his collar hard.
“His name is Sanzu by the way,” he told you before dragging him towards the car, kicking him into the backseat. The door slammed shut and you watched as Rindou entered the front next to his brother and then the car pulled off, recklessly rounding the corner.
You stayed there for a minute, blinking, then smiled giddily down at the floor before making your way back to your friends inside.
“Yeah they’ve definitely got a concussion,” the nurse said, snapping her gloves off. She stepped away from the three boys at the table and handed them each plastic cups of water. “Make sure you drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.”
“Thanks doc.” Mikey wrote her a check and she nodded, thanking him before exiting the room. He looked at the three in them in disappointment. They each had an annoying habit of crashing random parties going on in the street and getting shit faced, then turning up to work and events hungover or too exhausted. Now they have hit the final nail in the coffin by getting in a physical altercation with strangers and the police are probably looking for their asses right now.
“I have nothing to say to you three. You heard the woman, get plenty of rest,” he scolded before leaving the room.
“Who wants to bet the medical bills are coming out of our paycheck?” Rindou asked, sliding off the table. He rubbed his head exhaustedly and yawned.
“I might just have a heart attack if I see that,” Kokonoi responded, shuddering.
“That girl…” Sanzu muttered under his breath, scratching his chin.
“That girl,” he repeated louder as if he just came to a sudden realisation, “was a fucking angel!”
“Oh. Welcome back to earth Mr. Who me is name I what?” Rindou mocked, amusement written all over his face as Sanzu rolled his eyes.
Kokonoi laughed loudly. “Oh yeah! What the fuck was that all about?”
“Shut up,” Sanzu grumbled and closed his eyes, blocking their mockery out. He tried to picture your face again behind his closed lids but the concussion was slowly getting worse and your face was starting to fade from his memory. “I need to find this girl and redeem myself. What’s her name?” he said snipply, snapping his fingers at the two boys for them to hurry up.
“Stop being a weirdo. You probably blew your chances anyway,” Rindou stated.
“Nah uh! It wasn’t that bad!”
“Who me is name I what?” Kokonoi repeated and Sanzu groaned loudly.
“Keep making fun of me whatever! But when I find her and make her my future wife I don’t want to hear shit from any of you.”
“Wow,” Kokonoi fake gasped. “You can tell your future kids the story of how you met!”
“Future wife huh?” Rindou chuckled. “So we’re just skipping past girlfriend?”
“Gotta aim big.”
Kokonoi shook his head. “That girl wants nothing to do with you.”
“Yeah? Well why did she patch me up and not you two fucking idiots then? HUH?” Sanzu gestured to his busted lip. The two boys had nothing else to say and just rolled their eyes, muttering whatever under their breath. “Exactly, shut the fuck up.”
Sanzu traced his scars with his finger. He could still feel the gentle trail of your finger on his skin and closed his eyes once more, picturing you in front of him, staring up at him with such care in your eyes as you genuinely found yourself worried at his injuries. He looked down at his knuckles, still bruised, and pictured your hand in his. He regretted not saying more to you earlier, regretted not actually having a conversation with you and telling him his injuries looked worse than they actually felt.
Sanzu stood up and Rindou called out to him. “Oi. Where the hell are you going? We’re heading back to mines.”
“I’m going back to that party to redeem myself.”
“It’s been like an hour and it’s almost three am. She’s long gone. Let it go.”
Sanzu shook his head, condescendingly clicking his tongue in a way that ground Rindou’s gears. “Don’t be jealous Rin.”
“Jealous of?”
“I got a girl that wants me for me, not my dick.”
“That’s something only a virgin would say,” Kokonoi inputs, laughing when Sanzu instantly closes his mouth. “No way, are you actually a virgin?”
“No I’m not!”
“Yes you are!”
“I’m not!”
“Who’d you lose it to?”
Sanzu scoffs. “Like anyone remembers that,”
“Okay playboy.” Rindou laughs. “I remember mine.”
“So do I,” Kokonoi high fives Rindou. The two of them look at Sanzu. “Well? What’s her name?”
“I was high. Don’t remember,” Sanzu shrugs. Rindou looks over at Koko who both equally look unimpressed. “ANYWAY! It doesn’t matter because I’m going to find that girl and redeem myself tonight.”
Kakucho enters the room. “Find what girl?”
“Redeem yourself for what?” Kokonoi asks.
Rindou laughs even louder. “Redeem himself for “Oh friend who I am what?””
Sanzu’s ears burn when Koko joins in the laughter. “Alright so just forget my question. Cool,” Kakucho rolls his eyes.
“Sanzu got us into a fight tonight and some girl helped him with his busted lip and now he thinks he’s in love.”
“I don’t think—”
“We know,” Kokonoi interrupts.
Sanzu shoots him a glare. “If you’d let me finish,” he says snarkily. “I don’t think I'm in love. I know I am.”
“In love with a girl you don’t even know the name of?” Kakucho asks hesitantly. He should be used to this by now honestly, it's not the first time Sanzu got hyper fixated over something, except in this case it's someone. In actuality, he should be worried for this girl, knowing how obsessive Sanzu gets at times. Picturing the boy in a relationship was something Kakucho just could not do no matter how hard he tries.
“I’ll find her name. You forget who I am and what I do in this goddamn organisation?”
“Aside from dragging us to useless parties and getting us involved in unnecessary fights?” Rindou asked.
“You had fun tonight, stop acting like you hated it that bad,” Sanzu complained.
“What did this girl look like?” Kakucho asks.
Sanzu describes your appearance from your height all the way down to your eye colour, recounting to his friends every single detail he managed to observe about you the entire time he spent staring at you. They all looked at him with concern.  Sanzu noticed their glare and shrugged. “What?”
“Surprised you didn’t count every single lash of hers honestly,” Kokonoi rubbed his forehead exhaustedly when his head pounded again. “This headache is killing me. Gonna head home.”
They all said goodbye and waited for him to leave the room. 
“I think I know the girl,” Kakucho said, recounting the horrifying moment of Sanzu describing you in as much detail as possible. 
“WHAT?!” Sanzu exclaimed far too loudly for his head and Rindou’s to handle, a sharp pain shooting their heads. “Ah fuck,” he groaned, rubbing his head. 
“Are you serious?” Rindou asked, looking at Kakucho who nodded.
“Yeah. Someone like that lives on my floor. I see her leaving every morning.”
“To Kakucho’s we go!” Sanzu grinned, grabbing the younger boy's hand and dragging him outside. Rindou reluctantly follows behind them, wanting to see where this situation was heading. 
Kakucho ended up being right, and when they entered the lobby of his apartment, they saw you collecting your mail. Sanzu’s feet felt frozen to the floor as he just stared at your side profile. He almost had a stroke when you turned to face in his direction, and he swore you were looking directly at him when you broke out into a smile, waving your hand.
“Hey! Haven’t seen you in a while,” you said and Sanzu was confused. It’s only been a few hours, hasn’t it? 
You were walking and he stood up a little straight when it looked like you were heading towards his direction, only for his heart to do a complete 360 when you hugged Kakucho instead. It wasn’t an affectionate hug, both your hands barely lingered on each other’s body, just an awkward side hug that lasted barely 2 seconds.
“Yeah, you know. I’ve been busy with work and stuff.”
“Ah cool cool. I’ve been collecting your mail though.” You handed him his mail. He thanked you and held them under his arm. 
You looked at two boys next to them and then gasped. “Oh its you!” You pointed between Sanzu and Rindou, who only nodded, asking how you’ve been. Sanzu was frozen again as you and Rindou gave each other basic small talk, only breaking out of his stupor when Rindou elbowed him hard in the stomach. 
You bit down a laugh when you saw Sanzu clutch onto his stomach in pain. “Oh my god, are you alright?” Sanzu could hear the laugh in your voice, but didn’t feel offended the slightest.
“I’m good, yeah. Just distracted.”
“Oh. Am I boring you?”
He was too scared of the fact you thought that about him to notice the playful hint in your voice. “No! Not at all. I just have a concussion that's all.”
“No way. Does it hurt? Are you okay?” You hesitantly lift your hand up and press it on his forehead which is burning up. “You need to get some sleep right now.”
“It’s too late to drive right now.” Kakucho says. “You two can just sleep at mine.”
“Only if I get your bed,” Sanzu adds.
“Fuck that. Sleep on the couch.”
“But I’m concussed.”
“And who’s goddamn fault is that?”
Sanzu rolled his eyes. Kakucho sighed. “Fine. You can get the bed.”
“Let’s fucking go,” Sanzu grinned and started heading towards the elevator. The other two boys followed them and Kakucho looked behind at you. 
“You coming?”
Sanzu pressed the button and turned to look at you and Kakucho as you shook your head. “No, I'm heading back out.”
“Right now?” Kakucho says and looks at his watch, “It’s almost 4 am?”
“I know,” you sigh exhaustedly. “My friend, well kinda friend, I guess wants me to come to his house. Just got his text a few minutes ago.”
“At this hour?” Kaku says sceptically.
“So a booty call?” Rindou says and gets elbowed by Kakucho, telling him to mind his business.
You laugh. “I guess if that's what you want to call it. I don’t sleep with him, he just uses me to impress his friends it feels like.” Your eyes slide over to Sanzu who has a scowl on his face and looks away almost immediately after you make eye contact. “I don’t wanna do it but he scares me so I feel like I have to.”
“What’s his name?” Kakucho asks.
“Why? You gonna hurt him?” you ask back. Though you and Kakucho are only neighbours at best, you’re well aware of what he does and his reputation around town. The Brawler is his nickname, or was, back when he was in Tenjiku. But you didn’t know what his role or job entailed, all you knew he was in some shady shit and you wanted no part of it. 
“Depends if I know the guy or not.”
You roll your eyes. “His name is Osanai.”
“Wait a minute,” Rindou says, “Is he tall? Smokes all the time, blonde hair? Kinda tan?”
“Yeah…” you say slowly, sceptically, “how’d you know?”
“We’ve actually been kinda looking for that guy. Mikey wanted to see him, didn't he?” Rindou asks Kakucho who shrugs and points over to Sanzu who’s been awfully quiet the entire time. “Didn’t he?” Rindou asks Sanzu again.
“Oh. Yes he has.” He looks up and meets your gaze one more time before looking away. 
“Where’s he at?” Rindou asks, approaching you.
“I dunno probably his house?”
“Okay but where genius.”
You give him Osanai’s address and he starts heading outside. “Wait! Don’t kill him or something.”
“Why do you care what we do? Doesn’t he scare you?”
“I mean yes but that doesnt mean I want him dead…”
Kakucho sighs. “Sanzu wait here with (y/n), me and Rindou will sort this out.”
Sanzu instantly looks at Kakucho. “Wait—”
“Just do it,” Rindou snickers before the two of them leave. Sanzu watches them go with a betrayed look on his face, already thinking of 101 different ways to kill Rindou once he got back home.  You look up at Sanzu and smile at him.
“So…you can go home if you want. I don't need a babysitter.”
“No it's fine I'll uh wait here.”
“We can go back to mine?” you ask a little hopeful.
Sanzu opens his mouth to speak but the words can't seem to come out. He resorts to nodding and you smile, taking his hand in yours and walking up to your apartment. 
Three hours in and you’ve been binging shitty movies together, laughing at the bad plot and horribly written characters. When you first saw Sanzu at the party, he was outgoing and the life of the room honestly. Maybe your opinion is a bit biased because you were focused on nothing but him, but he had this energy that attracted you to him. Now, in front of you, he’s nothing like he was a few hours ago, he seems shy and reserved, keeping to himself but he’s still funny and cracks a few jokes that make you cackle every now and then.
“Wait you got a little, i’ll get it for you,” you say, cupping his chin and turning his face to you. He watches you with wide eyes as your thumb comes up to his lip and wipes some tomato sauce off. you make continuous eye contact with him as you bring your thumb to your mouth and lick the sauce off the tip. Then, you almost give the guy a heart attack when you go back in with your wet thumb and wipe the remnants of the sauce on the corner of his mouth. 
His pizza flops in his hand and something else rises in his pants as you pull back, sitting reasonably closer than you did before, resting your head on his shoulder, continuing to watch the movie. It’s hard for him to even focus on the TV with you sitting this close to him right now. He can smell your shampoo, your perfume, can feel your body heat warming him up and he’s actually going to pass out if you continue clinging to his arm like that. He clears his throat and shifts in his seat a little, hoping his boner goes down and praying you don’t see it. 
Just to be on the safe side, he nonchalantly grabs a couch cushion and places it on his lap, claiming he's cold. You don’t buy it one bit but only smirk at the hidden implications. You let out a fake yawn and shift even closer to him, bringing your feet onto the couch, shifting into a lying position. 
You look up at Sanzu and smile slightly. “Is this okay with you?” you ask, batting your eyes at him.
“Y-yea. It's fine. cool.” He swallows thickly and turns to look back at the TV.
The cushion gets in the way and you click your tongue, sitting upright and almost bashing him in the jaw with your head. You toss the cushion away and Sanzu's about to protest before you lay back down, your head only inches away from his crotch. His erection was going down slowly but now it might as well sprung back up. 
“Oh wait a second,” you said, sitting upright and Sanzu almost panicked when you pointed down at his crotch. “You okay?”
“I—sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“No, it's fine,” you laugh. “These things are uncontrollable, I know.” Sanzu sighs in relief. “Do you need any help?” you ask and he blinks at you.
“Nevermind,” you clear your throat. “That was a dumb question.”
“No wait!” he says abruptly, making you jump. “I mean, yeah, if you don’t mind.”
“Really?” you perk up a little. 
“Yeah I guess.”
You move to sit next to him, your head only inches away from his. “This is gonna sound a bit creepy but,” your eyes drop to his lips, “I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw you tonight.”
“Yeah,” you say absentmindedly, distracted as you ran your finger over his scars. “Thought you were so pretty.”
“Yeah, you’re really pretty Sanzu.”
He bites his lip, fighting the urge to look away from your intense eyes in the dark. You’re leaning in closer and his eyes close and then he feels your lips pressing against his. It starts off with short pecks that linger a little too long before you're actively moving your lips against his. Your hand cups his face and you pull him closer, sucking on his lips and entering your tongue into his mouth. He moans softly when your fingers find their way to his hair, scratching gently at his scalp.
You pull away and plaster kisses to his neck, gently pushing him down onto the couch, your body basically straddling him as you kiss down his throat.
His body feels hot and he can't focus anywhere  but your lips going down his body. Your fingers grab the seam of his shirt and your lips tickle against his skin as you mutter, “Take this off.”
He obediently does as he’s told and lifts his arms up as you help him remove the shirt. You toss it on the other couch and sit upright to examine his chest. His abs were faint but visibly and you bit your lip, running your finger along his chest.
He stares up at you as you look distracted at the sight of his bare chest. You make eye contact and smirk a little before lifting your shirt up and over your head. His eyes go wide at the sight of you in your bra. You go back down and kiss down his stomach, fingers moving to unzip his jeans and pull them down.
“Wait wait wait!” You freeze and look up at the boy in front of you, tilting your head in confusion. He swallows thickly. “I haven't…done this before.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. “Really?”
“Shocking, I know.”
“Oh. It really is. I thought girls would be all over a guy like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like I said before, you’re really pretty Sanzu.” He instantly looks away and you laugh. “You’re shyer than I expected Sanzu. At the party you were really loud and stuff, I didn't expect this. It’s cute.”
“I’m not shy.”
“You said less than 100 words to me tonight and we’ve been hanging out for almost four hours.”
You laugh and sit upright, leaning back in to kiss him. “Do you still want me to…” Your fingers trail down his body, rubbing the outline of his cock in his briefs.
“If you want to.”
“I obviously do, that's why I'm asking you.”
“Sure then.”
You give him one last kiss before settling back between his lips. His cock has never felt more sensitive than in this moment when your fingers wrap around his cock, pulling it free from his boxers. It stands tall against your face and you lick the tip, not ceasing eye contact. He feels obligated to watch you suck his cock and desperately wants to look away because he knows he will bust in less than ten seconds if you keep staring at him like that.
You take him in your mouth and he moans so loudly, the sound soft and heavenly. You smile around him and begin to suction your cheeks as you take him lower. Your tongue swirled around his shaft every time you bobbed. He was throbbing inside you, your heavy eye contact and warm mouth making him grow harder.
He finally broke the eye contact to throw his head back, a long groan of “fuccccckkkkkkk,” leaving his mouth as he placed his hand on your head, bobbing you up and down. You moaned when his hips bucked up into you.
You pull off his cock and jerk him off, his words dying in his throat when he feels your tongue lick his balls, sucking gently on them.
He sits up and holds the back of your head, his fingers digging into your scalp as he pants heavily. Your eyes squeeze shut as you focus on pleasuring him, putting your mouth back onto his cock and taking him deeper than you did before, your fingers gently massaging his balls.
“I’m gonna—fuck, i’m coming,” he groans and without warning holds the back of your head, pressing you down and came inside your throat. 
Honestly you were shocked he lasted this long. Your body felt so warm and hot hearing his pretty moans, and the sight of him with his mouth open, head thrown back was something you’d never forget. His grip on your head ceased and you pulled off his cock, eyes teary and watery and mouth full of cum.
“Oh shit,” he mutters, watching you take a minute before swallowing. His dick twitches again. Without thinking, his thumb comes up to the corner of your lip and wipes a stray drop of cum. Before he can remove his thumb, your head turns and you suck the tip of it. “You’re actually trying to kill me, aren’t you,” he groans and you giggle around his thumb.
“Are you a virgin too if you’d never gotten head before?” 
He nods shamefully and you can’t help but kiss him again. “Want me to take it?” you ask, forehead resting against his.
He blinks at you before not-so-subtly dropping his eyes down to your cleavage. “yeah.”
You grin and push him back down onto his back, slipping off the couch. He watches you strip down naked, your bra and panties are tossed to the opposite couch. Thanks to the help of the tv, your body is still a shadow but the outline of your body makes him instantly hard again. You climb back on top of him.
His hands migrate to your hips, and with absolutely zero confidence with what he’s doing, his hand slides towards your clit and you gasp when his thumb snakes its way to your folds. “You’re really wet.”
You squirm, slightly embarrassed but bite your lip, amusement in your voice as you say, “Yeah…that’s supposed to happen.”
“I know that,” he grumbles, still rubbing your clit in circles, wetting his fingers with your arousal. “I’m not an idiot.”
He pulls his hand away and you grab his wrist, guiding his finger into his mouth, watching him suck your juices off his fingers. “God that’s hot,” you pull his fingers out and lean back down to kiss him.
“I'm going to get condoms,” you say against his lips before pulling away. He nods and watches you head down the hallway when his phone buzzes. 
rindou: we found osanai so we’re heading back right now
sanzu: hell no just go home 
rindou: ???? walk home then tf
sanzu: don't think that's an issue honestly think i might be sleeping over if you know what i mean ;)
rindou: what? you’re getting laid? YEAH RIGHT
rindou: i never once ever in my entire life found you funny but you’re telling some good jokes right now
sanzu: 1) im always funny, 2) im serious.  i would send you proof but then you’d see my dick and thats gross
rindou: would rather bleach my eyeballs honestly. you could barely look this girl in the eye and you really expect me to believe you’re fucking her?
“I’m back!” you call out making sanzu jump. “What’re you doing on your phone?” you ask, snatching it from his hands and reading the messages. 
It’s a miracle it’s dark right now because Sanzu doesn’t know what he’ll do if you saw him blushing from embarrassment right now.
“He’s fucking rude. Why doesn’t he believe you?” you huff, handing him his phone back before your face lights up. “Wanna show him?”
“Show him what…” He hopes you’re not heading in the direction you’re so obviously going. 
“You know what I mean, c’mere.” You sit back against the couch and pull up the camera app on his phone. You hold the phone out in front of you, “Stick your tongue out.” 
He does so and you stick yours out also, just barely grazing his as you snap a bunch of pictures. You take a couple more in different poses, putting your lips in a kissy face and kissing his cheek, his lips and resting your forehead against his as you smile at the camera. 
You sit upright and scroll through the photos, smiling at each of them. “Send these to me after yeah.” You toss the phone behind you and rip open the condom. You reach behind you and slip it easily down his shaft before aligning it with your pussy. “Ready?”
“Yeah…” The tip nudges your clit before slipping inside, warm heat instantly engulfing the tip of his cock and his mouth falls open, panting breathily as you continue sinking downwards, watching the pleasured look on your face as your pussy squelches trying to accommodate his entire length.
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, fixing your hands onto his chest for support. You bounce experimentally, ripping another moan from your throat it sinks you a little lower. 
“Shit, shit—wait,” He digs his nails into the fat of your ass cushioned against his thighs.
“Sanzu,” you moan, collapsing down onto his chest, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He can hear your breathy pants beside his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“You feel so fucking good,” He huffs against your ear and you sit upright, pushing your arms behind you to his knees and start swiveling your hips in circles that turn to full on bouncing on his cock. 
His eyes are focused on your tits that swing in motion with your movements and he can’t help but lift you up and down on his cock. “Fuck,” He gropes and squeezes your cheeks as you whimper, clenching around his cock with every bounce.
“Touch me please,” you whimper, looking down at him, grabbing one of his hands and bringing them up to your tits. He squeezes it and runs his thumb along your nipple, sending ripples of pleasure through your body, giving you more motivation to continue bouncing.
“Wait, slow down— oh fuck.” His body was tense, and you were sure he was leaving fingernail shaped dent marks on your hip with how tight his grip was. His cock felt so good, having a slight tilt to it that hit that spot no other guy had been able to reach. You couldn’t stop bouncing, his words falling on deaf ears.
“Wait wait wait stop,” he gasped, his grip getting tighter, bringing you to a stop. Wasting no time, you lean back down and begin kissing along his jaw as he catches his breath, impatiently wiggling your hips just to feel something. “I just came,” he admitted.
You froze and shot up, looking down at him. “For real?” he nodded, wiping a shameful hand over his face. “That's so cute,” you giggle and kiss him. 
You lifted yourself up and off his cock and laid down on top of him. “Did you like it?” you ask, tracing your finger along his chest.
“Yeah, it felt so good.”
“Yay,” you smiled bashfully.
“You didn’t finish though.”
“Eh it's not a big deal. I wanted to make you feel good.”
“Still though…” he mutters, pouting at the fact he didn’t make you feel as good as he felt. 
His phone buzzed and he sat upright to grab it. 
rindou: having fun loverboy??? u busy humping her pillow to text me back? asshole
Sanzu scoffs and you lean your head against his shoulder and read the messages. “Send him the photos.”
He turns to look at you, your lips almost brushing against his in the process. “You sure? You’re kinda naked in them.”
“I don't really care. It’s just a boob. You can crop it out if you’re that worried.”
“Okay…” He crops your chest out of the photo and stares down at the photos once more. He's never deleting these. He sends three different photos to Rindou, not even bothering to caption them and turns his phone off, waiting for his response.
“Oh wait! Gimme your phone!” You hold your hand out as he hands it to you. 
“What’re you doing?”
“Adding my number,” you hum and add your number to his contacts, adding a heart after his name. You’re never usually this forward, but you knew you wanted Sanzu from the moment you saw him, and you weren’t going to let him slip away. “Call me when you get home. okay?” Your forehead brushes against his and your eyes dart down to his lips, fighting the urge to kiss them.
You give into temptation and kiss him slowly. Your thumbs traced along his jawline as you hum, almost lazily enticing your tongue with his. His hands ran teasingly along your body, cupping your ass and pulling you back on top of him.
The doorbell rang and you sat upright, cursing under your breath. “I’ll get it.” You press one more kiss to his lips and slip off the couch to re-dress. Your shirt was backwards and your pants were inside out, but you didn’t care as you answered the door with a cheery, “yes?”
Kakucho rubbed his forehead with a world heavy sigh and you instantly felt all colour drain from your face. He was with Rindou and probably saw the photos. “How can I help you Kaku?”
“Just…just tell Sanzu to come on, let’s go.”
Sanzu appears behind you,redressed, and gives you a hug goodbye, his arms lingering around your form for much longer than Kakucho considered friendly. You pull away and whisper in his ear for him to call you when he gets home. He nods and you plant another kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Sanzu is about to deepen the kiss before Kakucho grabs him by the back of his shirt and tugs him out of your apartment. 
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chao-thicc-hcs · 1 year
Sex with them. [2]
Damn, didn't expect the first one to get so much attention-
Anyways, there you all go, second one. ~
genre(s): smut
warnings: it is sex, expect everything lmfao
characters: kakucho hitto, ran haitani, ken ryuguji - requested, rindou haitani, taiju shiba (my choice)
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Ran loves bondage. Enjoys seeing you all tied up and unable to do anything to him, and he usually takes it from behind, and there will always be a mirror in front of both of you, so he can utterly humiliate the way your face contorts and how weak you look under him. Ran loves sucking on a lollipop, or just in general something sweet, gather saliva in his mouth, make you stick out your tongue, and let a long, thick streak of his saliva to go down your tongue and then the core of your mouth. He is fast and stable, almost never changing his pace, making you unable to form a coherent sentence and he knows it. Mf will ask you to scream his name, but at the same time will increase the pace the moment you open your mouth, stopping your breath and mocking you for being unable to talk. He enjoys every position, as long as there's latex, chains, or just in general bondage involved.
Draken likes to fuck you on his customers' bikes. He'd be like "Hey babe, check out this beauty I have to fix right here, let's fuck on it, eh?". Man will make sure you squirt onto its seat before he starts working on it. He will have the biggest grin when he finally returns the motorcycle to the customer. Regardless, Draken enjoys a nice rough sex with some music playing in the background. A huge fan of stockings and skirts, so expect frequent requests from him to be fucked while wearing them. He loves to stick his cock in you while you're cooking something, or just bending over to put the clothes in the washing machine. No matter how rough he is, he will not dare to slap you, nor pull your hair unless you beforehand tell him it is okay. He loves you giving him head, and what makes him nut instantly is when you choke or ruin your mascara while sucking on it. Mans a sucker for titties so his favourite positions would be anything that has your tits shoved in his face.
Kakucho loves to leave you hanging. He would play with your pussy for hours then just leave you there overstimulated, whimpering and begging for him. Or he would send suggestive pictures while at work and then come home and act like nothing happened. He would eventually hit, though. He loves you sitting on his face, suffocating him with your thighs when he eats you out, and he is most of the time quiet, so he can hear the skin slapping of your thighs on his hips and your moans better. He will let an occasional groan here and there. Uses toys, definitely. He has these vibrators that he loves putting on you and constantly change the intensity of vibrations when in public with you, enjoying your surprised face, chokers with his name on it, handcuffs, you name it. He might be a tease but always conforms to your wishes of what his pace should be - fast, rough, slow, you name it. Deffo takes pictures of you covered in his seed, or just him inside of you while your mouth is wide-open from pleasure. Favourite position is missionary, because he enjoys a full view of you.
Rindou is surprisingly, very vocal with you. He will whisper all kinds of praises, telling you how amazing you are and how he doesn't want this to end. But at the same time he will tease you even during sex and about everything you do. He will tease you about your expressions, moans and shit, but will apologize if you get offended, quickly goes back to praising you, tho. Man will get so overstimulated he will bite. Your shoulders and neck are always covered with thick, purple bruises from his lips. He enjoys ruining your make up. Sometimes he would ask you to put heavy make up on so he could ruin it completely by making you cry from overstimulation. His favourite is when you're on the phone with your parents and he slides his cock in you, smirking at your poor attempts to be quiet. He enjoys savouring the moment and is usually slow and sensual, but he won't be fast, even when you ask him, because he's petty as hell and wants you to groan in frustration or at least beg him, or call him daddy, one of those. His favourite position is lotus, because he adores hugging you and biting you.
Taiju fucks you with utmost passion. It is almost unreal. Many think he manhandles you, but he sees sex as something more than sticking his cock inside of you. His appreciation towards you is contained even in his thrusts, and he always savours the moments, making them last for more than 2 hours. His hands traverse your entire figure, and in between moans, he tells you how lucky he is to have you, how gorgeous you are. He buys you expensive night gowns and enjoys fucking you in them. The way the fabric wraps around your figure makes him go insane, and he enoys to touch the silk fabric during sex. He doesn't slap, but squeezes your boobs, thighs, ass with power, leaving bruises, or crescent marks from his nails. If he slaps it will hurt more than it should, so he majority of the time he's containing himself. He groans and grunts most of the time, but surpresses his own moans so he could hear yours better. His favourite position is doggystyle, but your back pressed to his, so he could wrap his big hands around you and feel your boobs.
idk i am horny lmfao©
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togamest · 5 months
HELLO ARIIII🤭 could i maybe have first times with kakucho? it doesnt have to be virginity loss, it can be just your first time together but i leave the choice to you🫶 maybe have him a bit on the more vulnerable side/insecure side at first?
-> you’re new to this, aren’t you? | 2,001 words. afab!reader, vulnerable!kakucho, slight angst/hurt + comfort vibes, cunnilingus (reader!receiving), fingering (reader!receiving), reader teaches kakucho how to eat (their) pussy basically, reader calls kakucho "baby, kakucho calls reader "pretty baby", haitani slander bc i can never leave ran and rindou alone ever lmfao
a/n: snow u know i love a good vulnerable big man concept <3 i hope i did this well for u!! i know i like to write kakucho as being experienced but having you be his first real relationship and wanting to teach him is so sexy of him :( god i wanna suck the skin off him jfc
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“You’re new to this, aren’t you?”
You feel Kakucho’s breath still in his chest, his hands freezing on your skin. His eyes are wide, pupils blown, but his white teeth flash as he gnaws at his bottom lip. He doesn’t have to say it, but you can sense what he means. I am new to this. Nobody’s ever wanted me like this before.
It stings in your chest, the realization, and you reach up to cup his cheeks, brushing your thumb across the scar winding along the side of his face. He flinches, but you don’t stop.
“Hey. Talk to me.”
His breath is ragged when he finally sucks oxygen in, and he looks at you pointedly, hands firm on your chest, grasping your breasts tightly as if they’ll keep him from floating away. As if they’ll keep him grounded with whatever he’s about to say.
“S-Sorry, I—”
“Don’t apologize, Kaku. It’s okay, baby.”
Another ragged breath. “Thank you. I-I am new to this, just…I’ve done things before but not with someone who- someone who loves me like you love me and I’m…I’m scared of fucking up.”
His voice grows smaller and quieter as he continues on with his confession, and he moves away from you, attempting to cover his face with his hands, leaving you cold from the sudden loss of body heat. You follow him, though, connected to him like a magnet as you grasp his hands, moving them away from his face. There’s a rage within you, aggressively boiling up as his words sink in.
You and Kakucho were relatively new to the whole sex thing. YOu’d had plenty of partners before, and Kakucho had not; there wasn’t exactly a lot of time to get down and dirty when you’re in a gang; although the Haitanis seemed to disprove that statement, but then again, it’s also the Haitanis.
You’d suggested it today, when you were feeling a little frisky, and he’d approached you gently, removing your shirt and bra expertly, but in actually doing anything beyond kissing, he seemed to fumble and be very insecure about his movements. It almost felt like someone had scolded him into telling him he didn’t do anything right; which wasn’t true, he did know what he was doing on a basic level, but he just needed some fine-tuning.
It makes you angry to know there was someone, or multiple someones, who used the man sitting before you; not teaching him how to pleasure someone properly, or not caring about him enough to bother. Or, even worse, not being intimate with him in a way where he had a chance to gain experience in the first place. The man who’d do anything for you, who makes you dinner on a rough day, who covers the chores when all you want to do is rot in bed all day, who is always there to dry your tears and hold you.
You’d do the same for him, of course. That’s what you’re doing now as you drag him into your embrace, pressing his face into your chest. He takes a deep breath again, and you feel something wet against your skin. You can tell he’s crying; you coo at him, running your nails along his buzz cut, pressing kisses against his temple and scalp and anywhere you can reach as you lay back down, refusing to let him go and run off and isolate himself.
“It’s okay, I promise it’s okay,” you repeat over and over, like a mantra in his ear as he silently cries, tears dripping onto your bare chest and sliding down your sternum.
“A-Are you sure?”
You stiffen, digging your nails into his scalp. “Yes. Why would I have said that if I didn’t mean it?”
“Well, other people have—”
You push his head up, cupping his face again so he can look directly at you again. Your eyebrows are furrowed, that anger still bubbling underneath your skin as you stare into him, the glassy red-and-white stare of the man you love so much the only thing stopping you from not leaving right now and finding the addresses of all the people who have slighted him.
He didn’t deserve that, as much as he thinks he does.
“You didn’t deserve that, Kakucho.”
At the mention of his full name, he flinches again, but it’s not out of fear. It’s out of surprise, like he’s shocked you care this much about him, but he nods. He clearly expects you to stop, but your hands are firm against his face as you keep going.
“You didn’t deserve that at all. I love you, okay?” you say, your voice rising slightly in volume, firm and rock solid, giving him something he can cling onto, “I love you so much, and I want this with you, and I want to help you. I want to teach you. I want you, all of you, and I don’t care if you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. I’m happy to show you how to do all this, I promise. It’s never a problem.”
You can see another wave of tears rising in his eyes as you speak to him, your words weaving themselves into his brain, imprinting on it. It’ll take him a lot longer to gain that confidence back, of course, but this is a start. The tears are no longer saddening tears; they’re happy, relieved as he pulls you into a tight hug, holding onto you like you’ll slip away.
“God, I love you so much,” he whispers shakily into your ear, and you can’t help but giggle at him, rubbing his bare back with your fingers. “Of course, Kaku,” you whisper back, “of course.”
Then, you drag your nails across his back instead, and he lets out a full-body shudder and a growl into your ear. “Fuck, do that again,” he says, his voice low, and as you do, he makes another groaning noise and pushes you back onto the bed, wiping away his tears.
“Fuck, okay, fuck, you’re perfect.”
He breathes it like a prayer as he dives back onto your chest, swirling a nipple around in his mouth, but not exactly correct. It’s a little sloppy, not the level you need him at, and you tap him on the head. He looks up at you through his eyelashes, and you have to collect yourself so you don’t just babble nonsense to him.
“Swirl it like you’re licking a lollipop.”
He swirls his tongue just as you say, and your hips jerk into his own, the motion just right.
Perfect, even.
“God, you pick up on things quickly, huh?” you tease as he moves to the other nipple, your sentence cutting off in a moan as he does the same to the other nipple. You can feel his lips moving into a smirk against you as he breathes against the hardened nipple, gently sucking on it.
“What can I say? I learn fast.”
He makes his way down, his thumbs hooking into your pants and underwear as he pulls them off in one go, and his hot breath against your dripping center has you whining for him, your hips twitching at the feeling of his tongue against you. You need it, you need it so badly—
His tongue takes one long, slow lick from your hole to your clit, flicking against the nub, but it’s not quite where you want it to be. You let him do it again, before you grip his head and tap him, causing him to look up at you in question. His cheeks are bright red with blush, like a puppy. If he’d had a tail, you’d imagine it’d be wagging while he waits for you.
You take a deep breath. “Stick your tongue out.”
He complies, and you push his head against you, allowing the wet tip of his tongue to traverse your lips and crevices, until they land on the one spot that makes you see stars. You jerk up into his mouth when his tongue skirts across it, and it’s like you’re beaming the message into his brain, because he doubles down on that specific spot, swirling across it like he did with your nipples.
Holy shit.
“Do it in a figure eight,” you stammer out, using your finger to draw a figure eight in the air. He blinks at you, before nodding and trying it, and fuck, you could’ve cum right there watching him comply so innocently with your commands. Seeing him so pliant beneath you, learning what gets you off, was such a hot circumstance to be in that the room felt like it’d been raised a few degrees. The coil in your stomach is hot, tight and warm, and—
Suddenly, he stops, and he moves away to look up at you.
“Am I good?”
You stare at him incredulously. “What?”
He repeats the question, his hands gripping the fat of your hips so tightly that it might bruise.
It felt good.
You blink at him. “I—yes, but—”
He smirks at you, although the embarrassment is still strong in his eyes as he dives back into you. “Jus’ wanna make you feel good, baby,” he mumbles against you as he takes up his movements again in a faster motion, and you let out a loud moan, nodding. “You’re so good, Kaku, so good for me—”
He murmurs against you. “Can I…can I finger you?”
You laugh at the innocence of the statement, before nodding aggressively as his tongue flicks against you again. “Yes, God, yes,” you breathe, and one of his thick fingers slides in only a beat later. It’s getting more difficult to concentrate on teaching him how to do this, mainly because he is taking to how to pleasure you like a fish to water. It’s insane how fast he’s learning the spots that make you squirm; he’s perceptive, you knew that already, but this is another level. It’s like he’s turned all of his senses up to eleven to detect even the slightest discomfort.
“Up a little bit.”
“To the side.”
“How about there?”
“Can you curl your—oh, shit—”
Not only does he add another finger, but he curls his fingers against that spongey spot inside of you and that does it. “Fuck, Kaku, ‘m gonna—”
“You’re gonna cum for me, pretty baby?”
At the pet name, the dam bursts, and you cream all over his fingers, shaking and sputtering against him. His mouth is on you in a second, licking and sucking up all of your wetness that dribbles out of you. He doesn’t stop, unknowingly about to fuck you into overstimulation as you cry out, twitching against him as he curls and scissors his fingers inside of you. It’s hitting all the sensitive areas inside of you, and by the time you finally come down and his fingers slide out, his chin is wet with your essence, looking up at you with a reddened face.
“Did I do good?” he whispers, and you pull him up, your gaze softened with the post-climax daze. You pull him close, tucking him underneath your chin, and sighing.
“Yeah, you did good. Great. High marks across the board.”
His chest rumbles with a laugh as he moves to tuck you into his own chest, letting you melt against him, his large hands skating across your back. “Thank you,” he breathes, and you look up at him with a smile, before pressing a kiss to his lips. “Of course, baby,” you respond, and his face gets even more red, bashfulness flooding his eyes.
“Can I ask you something?”
You cock your head. “Yeah?”
He looks away from you, as if weighing the consequences of his request he’s about to ask. When he does, heat floods down to your core, turning you on again so fast that you see stars.
“Can I…do that again?”
You giggle against him.
“Of course. Call it an assessment of your skills you’ve learned so far.”
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divider credit: @/benkeibear
networks: @thehoneypotserver @enchantedforest-network
disclaimer: DO NOT copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© kakuchari 2023-2024
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kvrokasaa · 9 months
Rindou x fem!reader
cw: implied fighting, fluff, ooc rindou, a mention of ran
This is in a college setting, but a lot of flashback lmfao
1k words
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The walk to the campus was a long one. Every day you had to walk from your dorm to your class, but it was worth it. The reason being a boy. One that you went to high school with, but you're sure he doesn't even know your name.
He always seems so laid back and chill, something you wish you could accomplish. With having anxiety, everything always has a bad outcome in your mind. It was like ying-yang with you both.
Back in high school, you always managed to find yourself staring at him. He wasn't subtle in classes either with his blonde hair and blue highlights.
Honestly, you used to hate him and his stupid brother. Both of them were known as troublemakers, always getting into fights and always giving people attitude. But it wasn't a hate that you could describe. It was more along the lines of jealousy.
He always managed to be care-free. He could do anything he wanted, but you couldn't. You had to be the daughter that got the good grades, the good student who never talked unless spoken to. And when you saw how he didn't even care about what he said, how he was always late to class but still managed to get good grades. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, but you couldn't.
It's not fair, that's what you always told yourself.
But over the years of high school, you realized that he was actually a good person. It took you by surprise when you first noticed. A new student was lost and accidentally bumped into him, and instead of lashing out or doing anything of the sort, he guided them to their class.
When he volunteered to help with the first years, when he went with the class to pick up trash in the park, when he helped a girl get away from a guy who was being weird.
You noticed all of it, and every time he helped someone, you couldn't help but smile. But you were too scared to talk to him.
So, you watched him from afar. You wished you could have just talked to him, to at least thank him for helping you get out of your mind.
But when graduation neared, you knew you had no chance to. You had to graduate and go to medical school for your family. You didn't even want to be a doctor, or even a nurse. You wanted to be free, do something that made you feel like yourself again.
Rindou helped with that, in his own way. He never told you to be free, he never encouraged you through his words, but his actions. Your voice came back thanks to him.
And now here you are, walking to your class. Hoping that Rindou was in your class today.
You didn't pick this class because of him; it was a coincidence. But it made you happy that you knew at least someone in your class.
Your head was down as you were taking your seat in class, unpacking your bag and bringing your computer out. What you didn't expect was for someone to place a cup of coffee on your desk.
Your head shot up and you saw Rindou. He had his head turned with his hand on the nape of his neck, rubbing it a little.
"You look tired, drink."
You inspected the cup and realized that it was your favorite coffee. You don't even know how he managed to find out what your favorite coffee was.
"Oh, uhm- thank you," your voice was quiet and timid. You didn't know what to say, only a thank you should surfice.
You thought that would be the end of it, he would walk back to his seat and pull out his headphones, something he always did to pass time. But instead, he sat next to you, your knees brushing against each other.
His hand reached out and found itself onto your cheek. "You need to sleep more."
You could only hope he didn't feel the heat from your cheeks or hear your racing heart. Did he see you studying last night in the library?
"You never slept well in high school either. Bad habit." His voice was soft, as if he spoke any louder, he would break the tension between you two.
You could only let your eyes fall down to the floor. What were you supposed to do in this situation? Your crush of three years is currently rubbing your cheek and whispering next to you.
"How did you know it was my favorite?" He knew what you were asking about, your coffee.
But he only avoided the question. How could he tell you that he asked the cashier what you liked after showing them several pictures of you.
To be honest, Rindou always noticed you in classes. He admired your hard work, how you were always quiet, yet when one of your friends were in trouble you would be intimidating. He admired how much you cared.
He would always notice how you would always leave a little bit of food behind the school building for the stray cats. He couldn't take his eyes off you.
But you always avoided him, never talked to him. He thought you were scared of him, he believed that you heard the rumors, that he was in a gang, and he killed.
But then he started noticing how you watched him, your little smiles when he helped someone. So, he started to help more. Even though his brother teased him when he helped, he would still do it. Just so he could see your smile.
He started to notice how burnt out you were, he saw how much you studied, and he saw how you pushed people away when things got hard for you. He hated that. He hated that he couldn't see your smile anymore. He hated that he could see the dark circles under your eyes.
He wanted to help, he wanted to do anything he could just to see you smile again. But he still thought you were scared of him.
But then he heard about the rumors involving you. How your parents were overachievers and wanted the same with you. How you couldn't bear the feeling of falling behind.
He hated that he couldn't help you. So, instead of scaring you, he would leave little things in your locker. Coffee, notes, extra supplies, sometimes even a rose.
Rindou tried his hardest to make you happy again, and bit by bit, day by day, he started to see your smile again.
The sun shined on your face, illuminating your features. You looked so ethereal to him.
He grabbed a strand of your hair and brought it closer to his face.
"So beautiful," he whispered under his breath. You couldn't hear him, he knew that. He doesn't want you to know how much he likes you, how much he adores you. Not yet.
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I don't know what this is lmfao. But yay a Rindou post
your honor, I love him
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zhonglicious · 2 years
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯. (𝐡𝐜𝐬)
☀ ft. ran haitani x reader
☀ warnings. mentions of fighting and making up. light angst i suppose? not sure if this warrants a warning, but mentions of chubby reader! honestly i think that's it, but lmk if i should add warnings for other topics!
☀ a/n. first post on this acc <33 honestly more ran centered than reader centered bc i love picking apart tr characters lol. probably not that coherent but eh <//3 wrote this bc i'm procrastinating on studying for my semi-finals lmfao <33 lowercase intentional btw!
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❧ i just know ran would be the sweetest bf ever :((
❧ we're all in agreement his main love language is gift giving, yes? yes. i mean just look at him?? honestly i think he uses all of the love languages, but his main one is simply just gift giving
❧ we all know he's a rich man with no other way to spend his money than on his beloved. the gift giving is particularly heavy at the start of the relationship, as well as when he was still wooing you. like, i swear, you could not go a single week without finding a bouquet at your doorstep, or him offering you a pretty wrapped box
❧ even when you get further into the relationship, the gifts simply do. not. stop. it's less frequent now, yes, but it's still a little overwhelming sometimes. he doesn't hesitate to hand over his card or buy something you point out to him, all while he smiles and kisses the top of your head, telling you not to worry about how expensive it is
❧ another main love language for him is physical touch. he absolutely has to be holding some part of you at all times. of course, if you're not comfortable with his touch just yet, he's willing to wait for you to get used to him and trust him fully
❧ if you don't like pda, that's fine too! he doesn't mind keeping it lowkey in public, as long as he gets to shower you with affection once you get home <33
❧ he loves all body types, he just absolutely loves the feeling of you in his arms. although i just know that man prefers thicker people. but that's a topic for another post <33
❧ his favorite thing to do with you has to be those quiet, peaceful days where you two do nothing but lay in bed and just. do nothing
❧ not even watch a movie or anything, it's just. you and him with the curtains drawn. him holding you to his chest and playing with your hair, humming the song that's been stuck in his head, little things you've come to associate with him
❧ sometimes you think he just likes to feel your heartbeat, just to remind himself that you're here with him
❧ other activities he likes doing with you is playing games. especially when it's co-op games like minecraft or stardew. he absolutely must set his bed next to you btw, he just has to, sorry man i don't make the rules
❧ speaking of that, he's. very dramatic, yes.
❧ when it comes to small matters, he likes to whine at you, yes. you didn't say i love you to him today? "my baby doesn't love me anymore..." [fake sniffling] you ate the last of his food? [gasp] "how dare you-" [clutching his chest in offense]
❧ most of the time, he's not really serious, he just likes to see the way your face scrunches up at his antics. loves to laugh and flick your nose, before leaning down to kiss your forehead and apologize
❧ however, when you guys actually do fight, it's intense
❧ not in the way that there's screaming and yelling. although there is, sometimes, but most of the time it's surprisingly... quiet
❧ see, the thing about ran is that he internalizes a lot of things, and he's stubborn. all his life, especially with taking care of rindou, he's had to put on this facade of strength even when he's completely losing it
❧ so when you guys do fight, it's horrible because he doesn't want to back down from his stand. he takes a few days to cool off but once he does, he comes back and apologizes, however hard that is for him
❧ ran isn't used to love. he's always had to be tough and cold to make sure he and rindou survived. so it takes him a long time to deconstruct his walls and let himself be vulnerable to you, admit he was wrong. when that man says you're the better half of him, he means it, because you taught him how to open himself up to his loved ones, to stop being so on guard with everything in fear it might hurt him or his brother
❧ the same applies when he's feeling down. rather than talk about it, he'd rather isolate himself and push it all away, never to be seen again. it's a habit he's picked up from taking care of rindou, tbh. he doesn't want to worry you so he puts on a smile all the time
❧ but the moment you hug him and pat his head and tell him to let it all out, his breath hitches and the words finally come out, words he's had barring his throat all his life
❧ being in a relationship with ran can be rough, because he's still trying to figure out how to let himself be vulnerable around you. he's never had that luxury, to be able to put down his walls and not be hurt
❧ but i promise you that man is trying because he loves you, he loves how kind and caring you are, not just to him, but to the people around you
❧ so yes, to reiterate my first point, ran would be the sweetest bf ever, and i will forever stand by that <33
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xalhaau · 2 years
How They Reacted After You Announced ‘ I’m Pregnant.’
Ft : Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Rindou Haitani, Kakucho Hitto.
Tw : afab reader, mentions of panic attacks, usage of a g4n, trauma, pregnancy tests ofc.
note : im not really sure how obgyn’s work totally so if it doesnt make sense, sorry.
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Ran Haitani— Calm but crying internally.
He literally was pale for at least a good minute or two, this man was horrified, not in a bad way but not in a good way yk? Ran was trying real hard not to just pass out due to the shock, this dude isn’t ever known for getting shocked, he’s the most nonchalant person you could know but he was actually having a panic attack, yep.
“ Ran, i’m pregnant.”
He was actually enjoying his coffee until he spat on his new crisp suit when you said that, thanks to you. Ran had to look you in the eyes to make sure your lying or not until you shoved the pregnancy test up into his face, “ What..” He wasn’t disappointed since he knew this would come sooner or later but right now.?
For goodness sakes, he was so busy with his life currently, could he even handle a child? Ran was currently stuck in a whirlpool of thoughts about the future and this child until your voice poled through his thoughts “ Um hello, earth to Ran?” He shot his head towards your eyes as you sighed, “ I know your life is really busy as of right now but I wanted to keep the child even if it would be hard to raise, what do you think?” Tapping nails on the table as the mans mouth was left agape from shock as he was deep in thought “ Are you being serious?” Nodding your head towards the Bonten executive, “ I mean.. this is a big change, you know. We’ll get through it together though.” A shaky smile was sent towards you.
This played a big part for Ran since he never really grew up with a father figure much less a mother figure in his and Rindou’s life due to them walking out at a young age to fend for themselves on the streets of Japan. Though, this decision was a new level of mature, he was for sure not to regret this life changing moment.
Sanzu Haruchiyo— Shocked and confused.
Mf would probably ask “ How!?!” As if he wasn’t apart of it LMFAO, would definitely leave the house and go do Bonten business for at least like a day and then come home to you apologizing on his knees, for sure. He’d be scared for the child in your tummy since he was never loved as a child obviously but with a little comfort and a lot of reassurance from you, he was okay. ( He’d probably get drunk and would come home.)
“ Haruchiyo, I think we need to talk.”
Your boyfriend stared at you cluelessly thinking he was in trouble, literally, as a deep sigh was heard from you “ I’m pregnant.” silence “ And, im keeping the baby.” Sanzu looked like his eyes were about to gouge out “ What, how?!” He raged out.
To be quite honest, he’s never imagined having kids due to his traumatic childhood.
He looked for any signs of you lying and obviously couldn’t find any as you handed the pregnancy test to him, Sanzu was visibly shaking and then stood up abruptly, grabbing his pistol on the coffee table and walked out with his keys, jacket, and of course, his infamous bottle of pills.
It had literally been over three days and no signs of Sanzu were tracked, of course you didn’t want to contact any Bonten members due to the fact, you didn’t even have their numbers.
You read the digital clock on the coffee table that Sanzu’s pistol was once on three days ago, 11:37, you sighed and tied up your hair as you locked the front door of the penthouse and closed the door of your bedroom, getting ready for bed.
Drifting into a sleep until you heard the front door open as you jumped up and locked the bedroom door, you grabbed the gun inside of the small safe under Sanzu’s night stand and hid in the corner of the generously large room.
Lazy footsteps could be heard through the hallway as you prepared for the worst scenarios despite the fact that you lived on the 73rd floor in a penthouse, dumb you.
With a rattling door handle, you gripped the gun and turned the safety off while putting your finger on the trigger, “ Break down the door and i’ll shoot through the door!” You yelled towards the intruder as the door handle stopped moving as adrenaline flew through you.
It was quiet, very quiet until you heard a stutter “ S me princess, ‘m sorry for leavin..” A very slurred and obviously drunk Sanzu was currently apologizing as the adrenaline rush stopped.
You opened up the safe and locked the pistol back up as you unlocked the door, finding a sight you’ve never seen before.
Sanzu was currently on his knees with hazy, teary eyes as you could hear soft sniffles from him with a couple tears running down his cheeks, “ M’ so sorry.” He slurred out with a reek of alcohol that was very clear on his clothes and in his mouth.
Rindou Haitani— Found out before you could tell him.
As cliche as it sounds, he found out before you could tell him. You were probably cooking dinner and he went to use the guest bathroom instead, due to the fact, it was literally the closest to the kitchen. I just know he found the test on the counter and had a whole question mark above his head and contemplated whether to ask you about it or not, which he did ofc. ( definitely the most chill out of all of them.)
“ I’m home!”
Keys jangled with the sounds of sizzling vegetables on a pan with footsteps of fancy dress shoes as Rindou took off his shoes from work, taking off all his layers of clothing and neatly folding it to pick it up after dinner.
You were cooking dinner as Rindou sneaked up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and peeking from behind your shoulder to see what was for dinner as you smiled at him.
You had just gotten home from work around an hour ago and ran to the store to get a pregnancy test which you took in the guest bathroom since you knew Rindou wouldn’t find it because he never uses the guest bathroom, much to your suspicions, all of the tests you took were all positive. (yay for you)
Rindou walked away from you as you glanced at him and returned back to cooking, “ I’m gonna use the bathroom, be right back.” He winked at you with a chuckle as you sautéed the vegetables.
Closing the restroom door as he walked inside the bathroom, a couple pregnancy tests were present on the counter as he picked one up, looking it front to back and then looked at the lines, 1 line and.. 2 lines.
He shoved it into his pocket and went about his restroom business, obviously.
Rindou walked up towards you as you were already putting both plates on the table as you sat down, smiling at Rindou as he sat down, giving you the signature Haitani smirk.
You grabbed a fork, munching onto the homemade food you made as Rindou just stared at you, “ What are you staring at , Rindou?” You looked up at your fiancé as he shrugged “ Nothing.” Nodding as you began eating once more.
Pulling out the pregnancy test that he stuffed inside his pocket, he held it up “ Whats this.?” At such a surprise, you choked on your food as Rindou handed you water while internally face palming himself due to your obvious clumsiness.
You let out a giggle and looked into Rindou’s eyes, “ You know what it is, Haitani.” A grin could be seen on your face “ Confident, coming from someone who just choked on their food.” A shared laugh was heard at the dining table.
Kakucho Hitto— Happy and excited.
It was actually a planned pregnancy, so no, your child was not an accident literally. You and Kakucho were actually in a good place and have been trying for a couple months now and you guys both found out at the same that you were currently 7 weeks pregnant, this man will make lists about everything he needs to buy for when you deliver the baby which definitely isn’t soon.
“ Are you ready to go, babe?”
Kakucho was currently carrying a notepad along with a black pen, checking down everything on his list to make sure nothing is forgotten when you guys go to the doctors after trying for a little while.
paperwork holder
photo frame
tote bag
snacks ( must need )
a couple drinks
If you couldn’t tell, he was excited as he put the tote bag on his shoulder along with two jackets, one for him and one for you, while grabbing keys to the family BMW car.
He bought a whole SUV just for the future baby, no matter how hard it was to get pregnant.
Like a gentleman, Kakucho held your hand proudly and rubbed your hand with his thumb as you guys waited for the doctor to call you guys into a room as you meekly fidgeted with Kakucho’s hand nervously.
“ Mr and Mrs. Hitto?”
You guys got up as Kakucho carried the tote bag and your purse, holding your hand while being side by side with you, marching behind the doctor like a proud soldier of his country.
Laying down on a table, you shivered at the cold gel onto your stomach as the doctor moved the ultrasound transducer on your belly as she looked around inside your stomach, searching for any signs of life until she paused and looked at her screen, seeing a tiny fetus, the size of 3/8 of a grape.
She looked up towards you and smiled “ Do you see what I see, ma’am?” You nodded as you looked towards Kakucho, he was currently shocked, mouth agape as you chuckled at him.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
in support of your stoner rindou agenda, headcanon that you keep an extensive log in your notes app from when your weed fanatic boyfriend drops some insane ass lines (bc let’s be honest he says some batshit stuff when he’s high) and you keep it a secret until like a year later when you make a drinking game out of it for his birthday. shit rindou says when he’s high off his ass: true or false edition. the catch? he’s said ALL OF THEM and now everyone is fucking wasted, even ran, and rin’s just like “babe, no, there’s no way i said that” but you have it backlogged with dates lmfao i love this skrunkly little man he’s unintentionally sooooo funny to me<3
LMAOOO river plsss this has me giggling for days now </3 the note is SO long already && there's so much more coming every week. u could literally make a whole stand-up w/ these absolute bangers 😭 i bet he gets so existential too lol it's like he's a whole another person!!!! suddenly our boy is all smart and has it in him to carry on whole ass discussions and monologues 😔 (half of it doesn't make sense but let him be. let him have his moment)
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kikuowo · 2 years
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࿓ PAIRING: ran haitani x fem!reader
࿓SUMMARY: Ran returns to the your apartment, but no words are shared between the two of you. It's been weeks, does he think you would welcome him with open arms?
࿓ A/N: AHH here's part two of Out Like a Light!! It's around 2.9k words so...strap in for that lmfao. It's not prefect but I hope you guys like it. I'm so grateful for all the love on part one! This is a little all over the place, but I really do hope you enjoy it nonetheless...
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Ran sat on the front step of his old house, burning cigarette in one hand and in the crumpled and slightly ripped photo of your ultrasound in the other. Dead violet eyes bore into the grey and black photo, barely visible was the small circle of his child.
The photo he had was from around five weeks of your pregnancy, but weeks have flown by now, you must be around ten or twelve weeks now. Although, he wasn't very sure what day it was or how much time had past since he left you.
Ran mostly spent his days in bed, thinking about what he was to do. He hadn't even told Rindou of your pregnancy, in fact he hadn't really talked to his brother much these past few weeks. He hasn't talked to anyone.
After a week Rindou began to really worry.
At first he thought you both had an argument that would be solved in a few days, but the way Ran was acting was nothing like he acted when you both had argued before. Rindou feared that you had broken up with Ran. He knew how much his brother loved you, and with the obvious hearts in your eyes when you looked at Ran, he was sure you loved him just as much.
When Rindou came home that evening he decided enough was enough. Ran sat outside with a box of empty cigarettes, ones he knew he had went out and bought that morning, the last burning out in his hand. Ran's long messy hair was obviously unwashed for several days, his eyes drooped more than usual with eye bags under them. He even seemed thinner despite his already lanky figure.
Seeing his brother in this state is what made Rindou take action. He looked up to Ran, he admired how strong headed he was no matter what was thrown his way. Haitani Ran was a proud man with an ego larger than large, always wearing stylish clothes with a handsome face and perfect hair. He had vigorous routines he stuck to to care for his beloved hair and for his skin. So much so he pressured Rindou into the same routines.
The man in front of Rindou was now merely a shell of who his brother once was.
Rindou ripped the cigarette out of his brothers hand and threw it to the ground, putting it out with his foot. He looked up at his brother with a disappointed look upon his face.
"What the fuck are you doing Ran," He questions, "This isn't like you at all, what the hell happened between you and Y/n?".
Ran doesn't reply, but Rindou notices the watery look to his eyes once your name is mentioned.
Slowly, Ran leans forward and hands the photo that he held tightly out for his little brother to take.
Giving him a strange look, Rindou snatched the photo from him and looked at it. Shock and dread immediately shows on his face.
"Congrats Rin, you're gonna be an uncle"
Rindou locks eyes with his older brother, violet eyes boring into a duller shade of the same color. He searches his face, looking for any sign of this being some sort of sick joke.
Once he finds nothing, something snaps inside of Rindou.
"What the hell are you doing here moping around like some fuckin' idiot for? You're just gonna knock Y/n up and leave her? You gonna be just like dad and ditch your kid before they're even born?" Rindou spits out a look of disgust on his face as he looks at Ran.
The Haitani brothers always held a strong hatred for their absent father, leaving their poor and sick mother to scrape what little they had together and provide for her small family. He had not stayed for Rindou's birth, but Ran had told him enough about their father. How he hurt their frail mother and young Ran, how he would take their mothers hard earned money to buy drugs or alcohol, how he would disappear for days at a time. It was safe to say Rindou despised their father terribly and to see a similarity in his brother with him caused a storm of emotions to wash over him.
"She means that little to you? huh?!" Rindou's voice starts to raise at he angrily yells at his brother.
"Of course not I love her-" Ran begins softly.
"Then what the fuck is your problem?! Why did you leave her?! You know what, get up. Get your self cleaned up, you are going to Y/n's right now. I'm tired of seeing you like this," Rindou grabs his brothers arm and hauls him up and into the house.
He pulls him through the home and practically throws him into the bathroom and slams the door shut. He could hear Rindou stomping away from the door, angrily mumbling as he went.
Ran is shocked. Standing starring at the door, eyes wide and mouth hung open. Never had Rindou acted so assertive towards him, he wasn't sure if he should be angry at him or thankful for the wake up call.
Deciding on having a talk with him later, Ran shuffles over to the bath and turning the water on. As the tub fills he glances over and catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror.
The man he sees is unrecognizable. Dull, he thinks. all color drained from his pale skin, showing the blue veins winding down his arms and purple bags under his eyes. The only color is the angry red around his swollen eyes.
The tub is finally filled and Ran climbs inside, water sloshing onto the floor as he settles in. The water is cold, but he doesn't seem to mind. Too numb to care.
He deserves this. This pain and self loathing. How could he just up and leave you like that? What kind of fucked up person does that to someone they love? Someone so kind and thoughtful like you.
Does he really deserve to go back to you? To be apart of your child's life? To be apart of you again? He honestly doesn't think so. Ran believes you need someone more stable, both mentally and in life.
Someone who has a good job with a steady income, a good future ahead of them. Someone who is reliable and responsible, the perfect image of someone your able to take home to your parents. Someone who doesn't up and leave once life gets hard. And as painful as it is, Ran knows that that isn't him. Could never be him.
Ran closes his eyes and lets out a sigh, slowly he slides down until his face is submerged in the icy water.
The sounds around him instantly muffle under the water. As he sits his mind drifts to you, your laughter, and sweet voice. Your soft skin and pretty hair and the way it felt against his fingers.
He thinks about the way you would whisper sweet nothings to him when you thought he fell asleep, a dopey smile gracing your lips he oh-so loved to kiss.
He sinks further into the water, melting into the memories of you and him.
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The sound of thunder rumbled across the sky as you finished your homework for the week, glad to be in the last year of highschool. The workload seemed less overwhelming. You laid down on the couch, your feet and back ached and you were so happy to relax. With the sound of rain pattering against your windows, you began to drift off.
A knocking on your door startles you awake. With an annoyed sigh, you groan as you sit up and shuffle to the door. You place a hand on your stomach and rub it affectionately as you walk.
Pulling open the door, the man standing in front of you causes your absentminded smile to drop. You both stand in silence, observing each other.
His hair was down, dark tresses dripping with water from the rain onto his wrinkled shirt. He's not looking at you, but you notice his gaze directed to your stomach. He shuffles his feet, rocking back and forth. Something you noticed him do when he was nervous, a rare occurrence.
Feeling a drop of rain on your face shakes you out of your trance, you realize its still raining and Ran is getting soaked.
You step back and gesture for him to come in, unsure if you would be able to talk with the lump in your throat. He hesitates, but only for a moment before he slips past you and into the apartment.
He stands awkwardly, as if it was his first time in the apartment, as if he hadn't lived here before everything.
You ignore him for the moment, running to the bathroom and grabbing a towel for him to dry off with. Seeing as he wasn't going to move any time soon, you grab his arm and pull him into the living room. You push him onto the floor and sit on the couch behind him, taking the fluffy towel you began to dry his hair.
Neither of you speak, both unsure of what to say or how to even start a conversation. What does one say in this situation? Were you to scream and hit him? Curse him for making you feel the things you’ve felt these last few weeks?
You want to. Truly, you wish to drag him by his hair and throw him out, all while calling him every derogatory word you knew. You wanted him to hurt just as you had when he walked out on you and your unborn baby. You were just a kid too, you were scared and confused. Just the same as him. You wondered, why should he be the only one able to up and run away from this? It was unfair. You wanted to run away too.
But you weren’t going to.
Weren’t really able to honestly. You loved Ran, so much so you think he could do anything to you and you would forgive him. It’s terrible and self deprecating, but you knew no matter what, he would always have your heart. You wanted nothing more to be by his side. These past weeks were hell for you, thinking you would never be with your Ran again. The baby helped a little. Slowly you came around to the idea of having the child, because if you can’t have Ran, then maybe having a piece of him forever will suffice.
Unfortunately, all this thinking and Ran finally being back caused a surge of emotions to suddenly rush over you. You blame it on the pregnancy. Tears began to fill your eyes and a sob bubbles up your throat.
Dropping your arms you lean forward, resting your head against Ran's back and begin to sob.
"Why? Why did you leave me Ran? What's wrong with me?" You began to ramble out, words cracking with hiccups from yoir crying, " It hurts, hurts so much.  I'm scared Ran, I don't wanna do this alone".
Hearing your sobs causes a white pain to climb up Ran's throat, his eyes beginning to sting with tears. He feels frozen in place. He wants to hold you, god does he wish he could just sweep you up and calm you, but he feels like his right to do that left the same time he walked out on you. He needs to fight against this feeling.
Though, in these past few weeks Ran finds he's not as strong as he presents himself as. Slowly, as to not have you fall forward, Ran removes the towel from his head and turns to face you. Glassy violet eyes meet your gaze,. He searches for a moment, anything to signal him to stop, but once he finds none he is quick to wrap his arms around you. His hands twisted tightly around your shirt, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
He lets out a heart breaking sob mixed with rambles of "I'm sorry's" and words your not sure you understand. You feel your shirt dampen from his tears and his still damp hair, but you ignore it and wrap your own arms around him.
He seems much smaller in this moment. You push back your resentment towards him for the moment and begin to run your fingers through his hair. You knew he was breaking down after days, weeks, months and years of hardships he’s stored away. Finally he let’s everything out. Always putting up a front of the responsible big brother, never letting his true emotions show. You think it might be okay to let him cry it out and let go of everything from the past in this moment. This once, you think he might need someone to look after him.
He stays wrapped in your arms for a long time, apologies falling from his lips every so often and each time you shush him and urge him to breath. You shove your own emotions down for later in order to calm him down.
Finally his sobs seem to subside, his breathing much steadier. He pulls away reluctantly from you, but he’s quick to reattach himself to you again. His head rests on your lap, he lies sideways in order to face your growing stomach. His arms wrapped around you tightly once more. Your hand seems to have a mind of its own as you reach down and move the hair out of his eyes.
“Rindou is already shopping for baby clothes. Saw him buying stuff on my way out,” Rans hoarse voice cuts through the silence. A smile crosses your face at the image in your head of him doing so.
“He’ll be a great uncle,” You say. He might hide his excitement, letting his cool guy attitude not be broken, but you already knew the moment he met his niece or nephew, his persona would break and he would do anything for them.
“N’you’ll be a great father,” Your statement causes a new wave of tears flood Ran’s eyes. He didn’t think so, afraid he would turn out like his own, but maybe if your with him he can be.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything. I shouldn’t have done that to you. I spent days in bed regretting it, not sure how to face you again after that,” Ran sits up so he is face to face with you. He grabs your hands and hold them to his chest, right above his heart.
“I’ll be better, for you and baby. I promise. I’ll be here for everything, right by your side holding your hand. Okay? It’s gonna get hard, but as long as we are together, we can do anything. We’re gonna be the best parents ever, your gonna be the best momma out there. I’ll be sure of it,” He speaks with such a definite tone that you have no choice but to agree with him.
You’re still hurt, and you and Ran still have a lot of talking to do. It will take a long time for him to make up for the hurt he caused, but you’re sure he already knew that.
“Then I’ll hold you up to that promise, Mr. Haitani”
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He’s never liked hospitals, although who really does anyway? But, this might be the first time he might like them. Tonight he’ll meet his baby. His little girl he’s loved since the moment you told him of your pregnancy, even if he didn’t know that quite yet.
It was around four in the morning when things seemed to settle down, and Ran had been the only one awake. It was a long ten hours, full of excitement, fear, and tears.
Rindou sat slouched over fast asleep, head resting on the left side of your bed. His hair was a bit messy from your fingers running through his hair, an attempt to calm his jittering and lull him to sleep. To be honest, you both thought Rindou was more excited to meet his niece way more than you two.
You laid out like a light on your bed, tired out from the hours of birthing and speaking with the medical personnel that seemed to float in and out of the room constantly. Your hair was messy, your face bare with no makeup. Tubes were sticking out of here and there and a too big hospital gown on, you didn’t feel your prettiest at the moment, but Ran found you to be the most beautiful person he had ever seen, the light above you seeming to cover you in a soft glow, much like a halo. His angel.
Ran sat across the room, observing his little family. Next to him was the small crib that held his daughter. Only a few hours old and she already had her father wrapped around her little finger. He thought she was beautiful, just like her mom, even if you could already tell she would look just like her dad.
He knew things weren’t over, and would probably get even harder for the two of you now that the baby is here. He’s still scared of messing up again, but as he watched a small smile stretch across his baby’s face when he first held her, he knew he would do his best for her.
He knew the moment he saw the two of you together, baby screaming and covered in blood and blue resting on your chest, with love and pride swelling in his chest, he found that everything would be okay.
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TAGLIST: @crown5 @jelly1ce69 @thesadvampire @mor-pheus @chscklvr @nrlmafioso @q-the-rockaholic @reiiraxsn @ransabslicker @idkwhybutilikesmut @minnieminnie00-got7 @vxdkagirl @ayhashi @night-shadowblood-writes2 @mayacheiko @jaaeedoorrii @kacchannnn @ranswhxre @k-4-ryn @takahashi-gee@cryingchild83 @yuptha-tsme @rindou-er
crossed out user's mean I was unable to tag you :(
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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kazutora hanemiya, rindou haitani, smiley kawata x gn!reader - fluff/comfort (0.8k+)
request: Hello! I would like to do a request if its posible about headcanons of smiley, Kazutora and Rindou with a S/O thats always lonely at school - she just wants a friend to talk to and have fun with besides her boyfriend
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aint no way kazutora is gonna allow for his baby to feel lonely at school—NOT ON HIS FUCKING WATCH !!
it was hard to be by your side, since kazutora was in jail (lmfao) for years
he felt extremely guilty, basically cried himself to sleep everynight since the day you told him about how you were beginning to feel at school
his heart clenched when you explained how isolated you felt from everyone else, especially since he was never around to hang out anymore
BUT THE DAY HE CAME BACK—oh, you're in for it now, classmates of y/n
with his unique charm and handsome looks, he's practically threatening asking everyone to befriend you with a simple ring of his earring
"sit with y/n at lunch today, kay?" with his cute little head tilt
there's basically a line up of people ready to sit next to you but of course that seat is reserved for kazutora and kazutora only
"ah, ah, ah! that's mine seat assholes, nice try though!"
you're confused as to why they would even listen to your boyfriend, since he's kinda a dick (don't tell him that) but you are grateful for his efforts
you're able to meet a lot of nice and genuine people, who are equally as happy they met you as well
the smile on your face as you converse with your new buddies is enough for kazutora to feel accomplished
but don't go forgetting about him!—kazu needs his daily kiss-on-the-cheek at lunch, too!
i feel like rindou could sort of empathize with your feelings; i hc him and ran don't have many friends besides each other and fellow gang members
since the two of them spent almost their entire teen years getting into trouble with the police and otherwise
rindou's silent as he listens, nodding to show you his understanding before he places a kiss on your knuckles and gestures you to come with him
he begins to invite you out more—to hang out with ran and him
eventually, you're going on insanely late bike rides with them and the rest of tenjiku
you're surprised how quickly you got along with the members, and rindou can tell you're having fun everytime you laugh at an inside joke with shion or choke on your drink at sanzu's antics
and because rindou is exposing you to other connections, you're able to meet people you never dreamed you would've befriended
you show your gratefulness to him one night parked outside a convenience store—the rest of the boys having gone inside to purchase snacks and drinks
"thank you for everything, rin'" you tiptoe to place a peck on his lips, pulling back slightly before he pushes himself further onto you, making your lips smack together once more
he chuckles into the kiss when you grip onto his arms for balance, "don't worry about it, sweetheart."
cue izana and kakucho laughter
"FUCK OFF!" - rindou and you, simultaneously
"what the fuck do you mean no one wants to be your friend? who's face do i gotta beat in?!" - smiley is livid, if you can't tell
"well when you say it like that, it makes me sound like a loser!" you playfully push your boyfriend by his chest >:(
"oh.. sorry babe!" and his face is like -o-
like rindou, smiley suggests you spend more time with his friends instead! you were already pretty well aquainted with them all, except for a few
you were excited, so excited that smiley found it cute the way you squeezed him a little tighter on the bike ride to the gang's hang out spot
today, mikey and baji had decided to invite everyone to a nearby arcade
draken, mitsuya, and mucho were currently waiting with them, conversing amongst themselves as they waited for the remainder people to arrive
"we're here!! and y/n is with me." smiley announces, parking his bike and walking hand in hand with you; you smile at the towering men, as they recognize your face from afar
"took you twins long enough! and hey y/n! it's been a while, how've you been?" draken asks with a wide grin, hand reaching out for a fist bump
mitsuya greets you as well, stating he's happy you could make it and mucho simply nods with a smile
him and smiley share a handshake while you catch up with the other boys, mikey and baji equally happy to see you here
the day is filled with laughter and greasy snacks from the fast food next door, until everyone is hopping on their bikes and bidding one another goodnight
"you have fun today?" smiley asks casually, arms propped behind his head
"yes, my baby, thank you." you kiss the boy on the cheek, and he wraps his arms around you with glee
"just know you're invited for all future toman hang outs, 'kay!"
ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ <3
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya@gwynsapphire@sscarchiyo@reiners-milkbiddies@smileyswifeyy (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs and comments are very appreciated <3
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haruchuiyo · 3 years
Bang and hang
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synopsis: bonten kidnapped a gen z reader whose father is in debt to them. turns out the gen z kid is something they didn’t expect and bonten gang is in for a ride.
cw: strong and vulgar language. Lots of sexual jokes, flirty jokes as well. the jokes are so corny tho so read at your own risk lmfao.
part 1, part 2
the long awaited part 2 is finally here lmfao I hope this ones good as the first one :”)
I just realized I didn’t include Akashi in the first part so he makes a entrance here ;)
this quite long ig but nevertheless I hope you enjoyed!
You saw two familiar figures just a few meters ahead of you, turning into a alleyway. Hurrying up your steps, you caught up with them.
“Hey boys!” You said excitedly. Ran and Rindou turned around, surprised to see you.
“Oh hello there, it’s the eccentric motherfucker.” Rindou speaks up, pretending to be excited. You shook your head at him with a grin on your lips. Paying him no mind, Ran turned to you.
“We were just talking about you.” He says, beginning to walk and so did you. “Really? You guys thinking of picking up on my offer?” You asked.
“What offer?” Ran asked confused.
“About wanting to bang and hang of course. I mean, we could hang first then bang or the opposite.” Ran chuckles as you flashed him a grin again.
“You and your sexual jokes.” Rindou turns to you.
“Are you horny all the time?” He asks.
“It’s the hormones, my boy. I’m 18, the hormones are skyrocketing at this age.” To be honest, you just said stuff that came to mind. You didn’t really know if hormones actually skyrockets at that age.
“Why didn’t my hormones skyrocket when I was 18?” Rindou asks, looking genuinely curious.
“I guess you couldn’t get your little friend to straighten up.” Ran burst out laughing while covering his mouth. Rindou gives you exasperated look. “I’m kidding, don’t take me seriously.” You reassure him as Ran still chuckled to himself.
“Where are you guys headed?” You ask. “To thé place where we gonna hang and bang, of course.” Ran teases you as you dramatically gasp. “For real? Be gentle.” You try to give a puppy eye face. “Of course sweetheart.” Ran tries to give a puppy eye back but looks hideous. “You look fucking stupid, don’t ever do that again.” Rindou flashes a disgusted face towards Ran as he just laughs.
“Damn who’s this?” A black haired guy appears as he smokes. “A gift to the world.” Ran says. You check out the guy from head to toe and make a satisfied noise while clicking your tongue. The black haired guy looks at you confused and weirdly.
“What the fuck are they doing?” Blsck haired turns to Ran for answers when all he does is just a expression to say ‘wait for it’.
“You’re sexy as fuck, what the fuck.” You blurt out as you look at the black haired guy. Ran stifles a laughter as Rindou just lets out a small chuckle, entering the building in front of us.
“That’s quite a first impression. Is this the motherfucker that said Mikey has a nice ass?” Ran nods and the guy bursts out laughing.
“You guys have been talking about me?” You look at the two men in shock. “Yeah, you left quite a impression on us, sweet cheeks.” Ran says, stroking your cheek gently and pulls away.
“No fucking way, this is amazing yet scary.” You gasp out.
“Why is it scary?” Ran asks.
“I have a feeling I’m gonna get fucked up.” You answer.
“Fucked up?” You nod.
“By what?”
“Cocks.” The black haired guy almost coughed when taking a smoke, giving you a surprised look.
“Does this kid do this every time?” He asks as Ran nods. “Get used to it.” You shrug your shoulders.
“What’s your name, sexy man?” You say in a flirty voice to the smoker guy as Ran covers his mouth to stifle a laughter.
“Akashi. Akashi Takeomi.” You absorb the way he said his name and let out a satisfied noise with a nod. “You wanna get married?” You blurt out. Your bluntness doesn’t fail to catch anyone off guard, so when Akashi flinched in shock you giggled. “Just kidding, I’m not ready for mariage yet.” You say. “But if it’s you I don’t see any reason not to get married.” You tuck your hair behind your ear and give Akashi a flirty look.
“He likes to be called sir, by the way.” Akashi gives Ran a shocked face. “He does?!” You almost hell out. “This just got better.” You groaned in satisfaction.
“Wait, hold on, when did I ever tell you that?” Akashi says looking almost terrified. “Wait, you actually like to be called sir?” Ran almost snorts in amusement. Akashi turns quiet. “You know what, im gonna have to take a another smoke break.” Akashi says, looking annoyed and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“It’s fun to tease people.” You say to Ran. “Have a nice smoke break, sir!” You yell out to Akashi as he flips you off while walking away.”
“Mikey would not be happy to see you, if I’m gonna be honest.” Ran says as the both of you enter the bonten headquarters.
“Trust me, he will or I make him be happy to see me.” You wink at Ran as he laughs. “We see about that.”
Safe to say, Mikey didn’t look pleased to see you enter the room in the headquarters. Sanzu hollers in excitement when he saw you as you whistle at him.
“One is at least happy to see me.” You grin.
“Why are you here?” Mikey asks as he munches on his snack, looking annoyed yet bored.
“I got some of the money to help my old man to pay off his debt.” You say as you pull out a thick envelope. A few looks were turned your way.
“I thought you said you don’t have any connection to him.” Not looking at you at all, Mikey takes a bite off his snack again.
“I don’t know why I’m doing this but take the money.”
“Where did you get it from?” Kokonoi asks as he hands out cards to Kakucho on a table.
“It’s some of my savings.” You answer.
“Why are you giving us money you saved?” Mikey asks, still not looking at you while eating his snack.
“Can’t I do that?”
“I never said that.”
“It seemed like you did.”
“Well I didn’t.”
“Just take the money.” You huff out.
“Mikey, take it.” Sanzu mutters lowly.
“It’s their savings.” Mikey says, finally looking up.
“I’m pleased to see that you have some ounce of emotions, cutie.” You smile widely. “I ordered Kakucho to kidnap you to threaten your father to pay us his debt.”
“Seemed like I was gonna get chopped up after all.” You say dramatically with a sigh while looking up at the ceiling. “My end is coming.”
“No you’re not. So I cant accept this.”
“You guys are a bunch of criminals, anyone else would’ve taken this envelope in a heartbeat. What are you guys? A bunch of wattpad characters?” You look at Mikey surprised.
“Fine.” Mikey signals Sanzu to take the envelope from you. Gladly handing the envelope to him, you nod your head.
“My job here is done then. Take care.” You were about to walk away when someone else spoke up.
“Where are you going?” Ran asks. “Home, I’m bored as fuck.” You flash him a bored grin.
“Hang out with us then.” He says.
“Are we finally gonna hang and bang?” You say excitedly.
“I don’t think anyone’s up to bang but we can hang.” Ran laughs out.
“Im up to bang.” Sanzu raises his hand. You laugh at his reply. “I’m not into plugs, my guy.” You pout playfully.
“Damn, what are you into then?” Rindou speaks up. You smile widely at his question.
“Him.” You point at their boss as Mikey looks at you with a bored face, sighs and looks away.
“Understandable.” Sanzu says.
“Shut the fuck up.” Mikey mutters out as you burst out into a small laughter.
this is such a abrupt ending but I found it fitting to end it there. thank you for reading and enjoying this, have a amazing day/night. Stay safe!
For more parts, check my masterlist!
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zeltqz · 1 year
more ideas and theories for wasted times
dona might try to sleep with ran and attempt to get pregnant. Dona always liked ran before he started dating so she jumped at the opportunity to work for him when reader left. Rindou has been keeping track of reader overseas in not a super over the top way just enough to check without rann knowing🥹. Someone elee in bonten is interested in reader in a teasing or serious way to make ran make some fucking moves lmfao and when one day the joke goes a little to far which causes ran to out himself about how he feels
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fuyussi · 3 years
“yea, i wanna ride you- I MEAN”
characters: sano manjiro, ryuuguji ken, kokonoi hajime, haitani ran, haitani rindou
cw: ur sexy and the boys r dumb, suggestive, mainly fluff
a/n: hot mechanic trope except you’re the hot mechanic, might do more characters if this does well
it’s obvious when he enters your shop just to gawk at you sometimes because he rarely ever goes to an auto shop for servicing, he’s usually able to fix it himself. so when he starts turning up at your shop every few weeks after the first time he couldn’t fix it himself, it’s clearly not for “bike repairs”. also doesn’t even try to hide the fact because all he does is misplace a tiny part and suddenly his bike is broken and needs your help, even thought it literally takes like 5 minutes to fix.
gets very giddy if you compliment his bike, please ask him about it. also gives you random food ratings from places he eats at, he just wants to talk to you more and hear your voice tbh please entertain him he’s very cute.
this goes on for about a month or two before you decide to just give him a little push. so one day he comes into the shop and this time it’s because his seat feels off, and an idea forms in your head. he’s talking about a new katsu-don place he had lunch at, rambling away while you hum in acknowledgement. after fiddling with the seat for a bit, you call him over, telling him to take a seat to feel if it’s ok. as he gets comfortable on his bike, you execute your plan. “so how is it? comfortable?” you ask, casually placing one hand on the seat right behind his butt and the other hand on one of the bike handles, caging him almost.
“yea, i-” mikey swallows, throat going dry as he realises just how close you are to him. he can clearly see your pretty eyes and your lips that he’s only had glances of. “‘m comfortable, yea” mumbling, he turns away flustered, he hopes you aren’t close enough to hear how loud his heart is pounding. you can see the tips of his ears starting to redden, and his eyes looking everywhere except you.
“by the way, you keep telling me about these food places but when are you actually gonna ask me out?” anyway you had the pleasure of seeing flustered mikey stammer out an invitation to lunch the next day lol.
now this is funny because he’s a mechanic himself. and you two are kinda business rivals?? same business near to each other after all. but he can’t help who he finds hot and you are smokin’. anyway draken comes into your shop frequently to ask for spare parts “because he’s ran out and he has yet to receive parts from his supplier”. in fact he’s coming in so often that you offer to give him the name of your own supplier because his just seems unreliable.
eventually evolves into him coming in to ask for “help” because at this point he’s running out of excuses to see you. god bless whenever you decide to work outside in just your tank top and overalls hanging from your hips. literally would shift his position so that you’re in his line of sight. loves talking to you about mechanic stuff and complaining about unreasonable customers because it feels like you’re bonding.
your relationship evolves very organically though because draken actually pulls lmfao, he slowly gets to know you and he would only actually ask you out if he feels that you may return his feelings though. if you don’t, he’s still very content with friendship.
which is funny because you’ve been dropping mad hints and he still doesn’t get it, nobody just chooses to work outside in 30 degree heat with the humidity when you’ve got air conditioning bro please. please just ask him out he may take forever to pick up your hints.
he doesn’t even ride bikes so he’s got no reason to visit your shop. so the very first time he saw you was when he accompanied someone to get their bike serviced and he tripped over an open toolbox on the floor because he was too busy pretending he wasn’t staring at you. either way he was very embarrassed and you were now looking directly at him which only furthered his embarrassment lol.
and thanks to that he didn’t want to show his face around you but at the same time he really wanted to see you. thus began his new weird travel routes that includes walking past your shop at least once a day. takes every chance to accompany someone to your auto shop, at this point it’s pretty obvious to everyone else, especially when he offers to pay because he thinks that’ll impress you somehow.
honestly you didn’t think twice about him because you thought he was another pretentious rich guy flaunting his wealth. but you start to notice how he’s never here alone, always accompanying someone and yet he’s always paying. and you swear you see him passing by the shop frequently. when you question him about it out of curiosity though, you were surprised to see his nervous face. he tells you the truth, that he’s only here to see you and he pays because he’s trying to impress you.
not gonna lie you laughed. mainly out of surprise but still, his heart stung a little. he got a little defensive, but noticed you wrote something on the receipt as you hand it to him.
‘(xxx)-xxx-xxxx call me ♡’
you’re rindou’s mechanic actually. for whatever reason ran’s usual mechanic was closed so he went to the one that rindou usually goes to, and does he wish he came here sooner. when he walked in your back was facing him and all he could see was your sweaty toned back as you’re hunched over working on someone’s car. didn’t help that you were only in a tank top and overalls with the top part undone and the pants portion hanging low on your hips.
and when you finally noticed his presence and turn around…. wow is it hot in here or what lol. has to physically stop himself from staring at that the strip of exposed skin between where your tank top ends and the top of your pants. sweating fr he’s just glad he can keep a straight face and hold a normal conversation. he does his best to keep the conversation going as you’re working on his bike.
a smooth talker, he’s really about to “wait so what does that do again?” his way into your pants. and you know it’s an act because rindou sometimes complains to you about his brother, but damn you didn’t realise he was hot as well tf. so you indulge him a little, carrying on the conversation.
“ehhh, i didn’t know that. maybe i should come in more often and you can tell me more.” lying through his teeth, doing the absolute most to get any reason to see you again. or at least get your number.
“no worries, i’m sure rindou would be happy to relay the message, don’t trouble yourself to come down here :)” too bad you were in a teasing mood. ran’s eye was almost twitching because you’re now done with his bike and he’s about to pay, but he has yet to get your number or name for that matter. somehow you’ve dodged all his attempts and he’s starting to think you’re denser than a brick. worse come to worse he could just ask rindou for your number but that’s like admitting that he failed at wooing you.
“you know what, i might start coming to you for my regular servicing,” ran looks over his bike, genuinely impressed by your skill.
“you can come to me for other services too~” practically purred that out tbh. his head literally snaps to look at you to confirm that you were indeed flirting, but all he sees is the same dense smile you’ve given him the whole time. “i do bike repairs and parts replacement as well, here’s a brochure :)”
oh he’s definitely coming back.
pure chance he walked into your shop that day, he really just needed to purchase a spare part and he could fix it himself. well that idea was immediately thrown out the moment he saw you though. opposite of his brother, definitely way more nervous to speak to you. you were very nice, managed to decipher what he wanted despite his sudden lack of vocabulary.
not one to back down from a challenge, he decides to pretend to be unable to fix his bike himself, and this led to him bringing it in the very next day. definitely spent the night thinking about what to say to you tbh so he doesn’t seem like a gaping idiot the next day.
not that it mattered because he still can’t seem to start a conversation with you, instead opting to stare at your expert hands easily fixing up his bike. bad idea because now his head is getting filled with… other thoughts about your hands and he has to force himself to look away. and he’s not exactly subtle about his staring too, you could feel his eyes on you the entire time. at first you thought it was because he was trying to keep an eye on you, perhaps he didn’t really like the way you did things. oh well, you couldn’t satisfy every customer.
but when he showed up again the next time he needed some repairs, you were surprised. “oh hello, didn’t think i would see you again.” tbh you should have kept your mouth shut. literally just exposed that you remember him despite only seeing him twice. can’t help that he’s so fucking hot memorable. good thing he didn’t pick up on that though, instead focusing on why you didn’t think he would come again.
“well you were practically staring daggers into me the last time, thought you didn’t like my work.” rindou flushed slightly at that, trying to find a way to explain that that wasn’t the reason he was staring at you. “i wasn’t- that was not, why i was staring…” he trailed off at the end, unsure how to continue, his hand rubbing his neck.
“oh so you were just, staring?” you chuckle, eyebrow cocking. finishing up on his bike, you place down your tools before leaning against the cashier counter in front of rindou. “you know, my lunch break is right about now, so why don’t i take you out to lunch and you can get a closer look?”
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togamest · 5 months
chapter 2: umbrella beach
❝ home will always be here, unseen, out of sight, where I disappear and hide. I think dreamy things as I'm waving goodbye, so I'll spread out my wings and fly. ❞
word count: 2,904 content: gn!reader (no pronouns used), alcohol usage (kakucho drinks two rum punches which is his right), south cameo, beaching it jokes about being dead (izana's humor sucks), big tiddy bartender time. a/n: chapter two is here! this is relatively uneventful, mostly just kakucho traveling and being hit on by one of the beach bartenders lol. all the inspo for the room and the resort itself is from this villa in the philippines don't look too hard at that price tag i almost vomited when i saw it lmfao. and reader finally appears! i'm keeping them pretty gender neutral for this go around, but next chapter should be a lil spicy ;) did i mention south cameo??? he's gonna be ooc as hell and i don't care LOL. enjoy!! tags: @qichun @bajisdarling @kenpachisbrat @highpri3stess @fengxun @benkeibear @suyacho @bleach-your-panties @reiners-milkbiddies @honeybleed @mitsuwuyaa
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Kakucho barely recalls the night he left, and in addition, the entirety of the transport that led him here.
He did remember a plane, sitting next to a window with an empty seat beside him, which Izana happily took. A flight attendant had given him something fruity with rum in it, placed in front of him in a shock of red slush and a yellow umbrella on top. She’d said something close to enjoy your drink, but he hadn’t paid much attention to her response, simply nodding and taking a sip. His lips turned. It was all sugar and sweetness; but it felt good. Refreshing.
Izana smiles at him. Don’t like sweet drinks?
“No,” Kakucho says softly, taking another sip and quickly betraying his statement. He takes a moment for the slush to melt on his tongue before shrugging. “Well, alright, it’s pretty damn good.” He was never one for sweet drinks; he preferred whiskey, when he did drink, which was not often due to his past negligence. But hell, he’s on a plane on vacation. He’s allowed a few slip-ups. And one rum punch isn’t going to send him spiraling; this wasn’t a drinking binge under pressure. He was actually enjoying himself.
He’d turned his phone off, purchasing a burner on his way out of Tokyo. As the plane lifted off into the air, he could almost feel the claws of Bonten releasing from him, even just momentarily; he wondered if Rindou had told everyone, breaking his promise (although Rindou’s promises do tend to be pretty shitty in the first place) and stoking a fire. He can almost see it; Ran’s look of fake surprise, Koko’s look of real surprise, Mikey’s indifference as he wastes away at the top of a crime syndicate he never truly cared about in the first place.
He fears when he’ll have to come back. He may be dragged back, or not; either way, he’s hoping that it won’t be brutal. He can handle punishments at the hands of most of the Bonten members; hell, he could probably take many of them on himself. But he did fear them in some capacity; mostly because of how well some of them fit into the lifestyle they’d curated. It was a little terrifying seeing how easily they excused murder, or drug abuse, or using women for nothing more than pleasure. Kakucho wasn’t a prude by any means; but the way he’d seen some of them, especially Takeomi, treat some of the women they’d had at clubs put a horrible taste into his mouth.
Izana’s face comes into his frame of sight. You’re thinking too hard. They can function without you for as long as you need. Stop worrying about it.
Kakucho scoffs, blinking as he drags himself out of the spiral he’d certainly have fallen into if Izana hadn’t said something. “Probably. They’ll be at each other’s throats, I’d bet. That’s a sight I’ll miss seeing.” Thinking of Rindou with his shocking purple hair and glasses, easily a foot shorter than everyone else present, glaring up at Ran and Takeomi, Koko attempting to barter for a better sentencing, was both terrifying and hilarious. Him and Rindou had never been close, but he did happen to be the lesser of two evils. Although that wasn’t saying much, anyway.
The plane touches down so gently that Kakucho barely registers they’ve landed until he looks out the window.
He fully expects the concrete jungle of Tokyo, but instead, there’s appearances of green with the ocean spreading out to the horizon in front of him. The salty sea air stings his nostrils as he leaves the plane, Izana right next to him as he bounds down the stairs. Kakucho knows he didn’t grow up here, but he definitely feels a sense of home here nonetheless. Like how ghosts who didn’t live in one place but were culturally from somewhere else get their ashes spread there…something like that.
He breezes through baggage claim and getting to the resort is blurry; something about the driver knowing him with a wink, tinted windows making sure the glare of the sun doesn’t bother him so much, the receptionist smiling at him as he checks in, and finally, he stands in front of the door to his room. He has an extended stay for three months; Izana made sure that he booked for longer than his original two weeks. Two weeks wouldn’t be nearly enough to make him feel better.
He sucks in a breath through his teeth at the view.
Everywhere he looks, there’s a view of the sparkling blue ocean. Tropical birds perch on the windowsill, and fly off with sweet chirps as he enters, placing his bags on the floor. The smell of the sea is strong, but it smells cleaner than Tokyo; his mind is already more at ease. Izana follows him closely, flopping onto the bed. It doesn’t indent beneath him; another reminder that he’s not really here.
It’s so pretty here.
Kakucho hums, wandering out onto the porch as he lights a cigarette. The receptionist had stated this was a smoke-free resort, but Kakucho didn’t care. He was in his room, and he’s sure there’s a note on that reservation detailing who he is. Even so, he’ll pay the fee if he needs to as he takes a long drag, leaning on the window. Izana wanders over to him after leaving the bedroom, taking up residence on the chair next to him, settling in nicely as his eyes slide shut.
The sun hits his face, warm and cozy, just like the day where he’d last spoken to Koko.
For the first time in months, Kakucho smiles.
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Kakucho’s sleep that night is nothing notable.
He awakens early, as he usually does, wandering down to the café for a pastry in his slides and board shorts, a Hawaiian shirt hanging off of his frame. He doesn’t bother buttoning it up; he’ll be on the beach soon enough, anyway. The pastries lined up on the table are light, tasting like sugar and cream and air as he bites into one. Izana watches him longingly, and Kakucho can’t help but chuckle.
“Missing real food, huh?”
Izana rolls his eyes.
Shut up. It’s one of the shitty things about being dead, you know. You’ll find out when you finally decide to die.
Kakucho laughs out loud at that, with Izana’s eyes glittering with humor at the jest. “Yeah, if I decide to die,” he says, gathering his things and walking towards the door to the beach, “and that’s an if. What if I just decide to live forever? Who’s gonna stop me?”
Izana doesn’t miss a beat. Rindou. Or Koko.
“Really? Rindou, my ‘good friend’? Sounds about right.”
The shorter man hums, but doesn’t comment on it. He knows better, Kakucho thinks; Rindou would sell him for a nice piece of paper if he had the means. And Koko? If he got a good enough deal…Kakucho was expendable, he knows that, even if the boys made it strongly known that he wasn’t. Their obsession into the topic only gave it away.
The sand is hot underneath Kakucho’s feet as he precariously ventures out; white sand being hot was a new one for him, but he acclimates to it quickly as he approaches one of the many lawn chairs strewn out. Sunscreen stings his nose as he removes his shirt, spraying it all over himself. Izana takes his place in the seat next to him, smirking at Kakucho’s effort of reaching the small of his back to rub in the sunscreen.
See, there’s a perk. I don’t have to wear sunscreen because I can’t get burnt.
“Wow,” Kakucho says, sarcasm dripping from his voice, “what a great perk of being dead. I’ll definitely enjoy not being burnt by the sun when I’m gone.”
The morning goes by quickly, the beach filling up with more people as the day drags on. Kakucho manages to get some sleep on the chair, before watching a group set up a volleyball net and draw out a field in front of him. They seem around his age, definitely here on their parents’ dime with the tans and expensive sunglasses and bikinis on some of the girls. One guy has a sprawling black tattoo, not unlike Rindou’s now that he thinks about it, spiraling up the side of his face and head.
After a while of watching them try and fail to successfully do a serve, Kakucho gets up to venture to the bar. Sweat makes his shirt stick to his back, so he removes it, leaving it behind. “Don’t go anywhere,” he jokes at Izana, who rolls his eyes again. Fuck off.
At the bar, the pretty bartender bats her eyelashes at him as he slides into a seat. She’s pretty, long black hair sticking to her skin from the heat, a sheen of sweat glistening along her body. Her blue bikini is working overtime to restrain her breasts that are threatening to spill out from the small cups, the bottom’s strings peeking out above her jean shorts.
“What’ll ya have, gorgeous?” she asks, her lip gloss shining in the sunlight as Kakucho’s gaze travels along the liquor bottles, “Can get ya a simple rum punch if ya want. It’s all the rage at the beach, of course.”
Kakucho nods, humming. “Sure. I’ll take two.”
She scrunches her eyebrows, as if looking around to see if he’s here with somebody. “For you and…?”
“Me and me. I deserve two of these, trust me.”
She giggles to herself as she grabs the rum. “You got a point there, pretty boy. What are ya doing here? Vacationing?”
Kakucho sighs. “Something like that. Just needed to get away.”
A hum. “Yeah, that’s what most of these people are doing. That, and using their trust fund parents’ money. Oh well, it keeps me in a job, even if they’re all a pain in the ass.”
She serves up the two rum punches with little umbrellas in them, before giving him another flashing smile. “Drink up! Feel free to come back for more.” With a wink, she wanders off to the other side of the bar, where a few middle-aged men are yelling for what’s on draft. She swings her hips as she does so, her thighs jiggling as she walks; Kakucho knows that tactic, he’s not stupid. He scoffs, grabbing his drinks, and leaving the bar. Little does she know that he’s not here for that; although her calling him pretty boy did make his chest twinge. Just a little bit.
The sand is hot underneath his feet again, having been in the shade for a few moments to lose the acclimation, and he tiptoes back to the chairs where Izana is waiting. He lifts up the drinks, smiling to himself, and—
Something hits him smack in the face, and he stumbles back, blinking in shock. His vision is blurry, but as he grips the drinks in his hands, he’s managed to not spill any of it. Thank God, because that would require another trip to the slutty bartender, and he’s really not ready to be objectified again. As he blinks rapidly for his vision to return, a figure swims in his vision, rapidly approaching him.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” a voice says. It’s feminine, middle pitch, and as his vision focuses…
He almost drops the drinks from that alone.
He barely has time to process the person in front of him before they’re yapping again, apologizing profusely as their hand grabs onto his arm, leading him back to where his chair is, sitting on the chair next to him. Kakucho’s vision finally comes back fully, and he takes in the sight in front of him. Izana has moved from the chair to stand behind him, red rage radiating off of him in waves.
All he can think of is pretty.
You’re gorgeous, hair tied up in a bun, baby hairs flying away, cheeks flushed from exertion and sweat covering your skin. Your bikini is a nice cerulean blue, matching well with your tan, gym shorts low on your hips. You’re saying something about how you suck at volleyball and you really should have noticed Kakucho was right there before you’d served, and—
He places the drinks down and grabs your hands. Your eyes go wide.
“It’s fine…uh—”
You say your name with a smile, sheepishly.
He smiles back. “Nice to meet you. I’m Kakucho. Probably not the best way to introduce yourself to someone, yeah? If you wanted to say hi, you could’ve found a…less violent way.”
You throw your head back in a laugh. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Although it did get your attention, I guess, right?” you shoot back, one of your eyebrows high on your forehead. He doesn’t respond at once, and you look back down at his hands wrapped around your wrists. “You gonna let go or do you do this to all the girls you meet?”
Kakucho’s face goes bright red, he can feel the burning as he rips his hands away, like he’s been stung. “Right, yeah, sorry,” he mumbles, and you laugh again. Your laugh is so pretty; like a wind chime. “No worries, I probably just gave you a concussion anyway. I can imagine you feel a little shaken up.”
There’s a beat of silence after you’re done speaking, and you take up the silence again. It’s clear you like to talk as you start again. “I’m gonna sit here with you if that’s alright. Feels like I should since I injured you and all that, and again, I’m no good at volleyball.”
“I’ll say,” Kakucho says, taking a sip of the rum punch, humming as the chill hits the back of his throat, “what are you guys here for, by the way? Vacation?”
You nod. “Yeah, South’s dad got us a few months here to hang out during the summer. It was either this or Rio, and South wasn’t very keen on going back. So, we decided on here.”
Kakucho nods again. “Rio de Janeiro, I assume? Who’s South?”
You point to the guy with the massive tattoo, who serves the ball and smashes it right into one of the other guys, who doubles over with a howl. South’s face splits into a massive smile as he grabs the girl next to him, pressing a messy kiss to her forehead as she giggles, attempting to push him away. He seems alright. Kind of like someone I know…
You two chat for a little longer, finding out what your backgrounds are. He thinks it’s part of a concussion test; if he can recall what he does and who he is, that’s probably a good sign there’s no brain damage. Turns out, you’re a student at one of the universities in Tokyo, studying some fancy subject that Kakucho didn’t really understand.
The sun is well past its zenith when Kakucho hears South calling for you, and he’s almost finished his rum punch when he nods at him. “Looks like your group’s leaving.”
You look over and wave, before looking back at Kakucho, smiling. “Yeah. See you around?” you ask, gathering yourself as you stand up. Kakucho nods, giving you his room number. “In case you get bored. I do have a cool patio bath thing I’ve been meaning to try out,” he says, and at your raised eyebrows, he swallows, “but no rush. Don’t want to seem weird. You just…feel like a breath of fresh air. Sorry if that’s a little weird.”
Your eyes shine as you smile at him. He wishes he could take a picture of you like that, frozen in time, happy.
You run off, joining South and the others as they wander off the beach, their things in tow. He watches you until your group is specks on the horizon, wandering back to the other side of the resort from him. He’s not sure you’ll come see him later, but the thought of you doing so makes him feel a little giddy.
In all honesty, Kakucho isn’t sure what he’s feeling, but it’s not just a friendly stranger feeling of meeting someone new. No, there’s something else. his chest feels tight, unusually tight as he sips his second rum punch, the alcohol loosening him up. Izana says nothing, taking up the spot you’d left on the chair again, staring off into the ocean.
Something fated, something that feels meant to be about all of this. Stars aligning and whatnot.
Whatever it is, he is certainly not ready for what is to come.
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divider credit: @/benkeibear for the mdni banner and the gradient dividers!
disclaimer: please do not copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© kakuchari 2024
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kaeluvtao · 3 years
ılıl.i got a crush on you, with ran haitani + rindou haitani
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enjoy this masterpiece /j
tw / angsty, heartbreak, unreturned feelings.
note: guys, i love ran okay? i actually prefer him more than his brother, but rindou also needs attention ˃o˂. inspired by: this! that broke my heart LMAO 😭
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what could you lose, ran? a question he often asks himself when he debates on confessing to you or not. "i can do it. i know i can." ran shakily speaks, his rough palm on the telephone.
"but would she accept?" ran says, his throat burning. "she would— she loves me afterall." ran tries to tell himself that, but he knows he's wrong, he knows that she doesn't love him, he knows that's she's inlove with another person, other known as his brother.
he knows that y/n l/n is inlove with rindou haitani, his younger and calmer brother. i mean, who wouldn't? he thought to himself.
who wouldn't fall for rindou? rindou was the calm type, he was the active type. rindou was the tsundere type, while he boasts and show offs. rindou was everything ran couldn't be. and ran knew that he couldn't be rindou, too.
but one thing he knew is that, rindou doesn't admit his feelings unlike ran does. and that's what he's gonna do, admit his feelings for you.
ring... ring... ring...
"hello? what do you need?" your voice says from the other end, he could hear a faint voice he knows so well. rindou.
"i just... want to confess something. i need to get it out of my heart, right know... so please, listen to me?" ran says, his voice cracking.
"is everything... alright?" you asked from your end, voice laced with concern as your brows furrowed, a confused rindou behind you wondering who were you talking too.
"hm.. not really, but please- i need it out of me." ran says, his heart beating and his anxiousness growing more and more.
"okay.. sure, go ahead. tell me what's up." y/n says, curious on what ran has to say— but his answer, wasn't the one she excepted.
"y/n... i got a crush on you, and i like you—" before ran could even finish his speech and words to tell her, the call cuts off.
"right. i knew it haha." ran says, hot glistening tears running down his chin, as he could feel his heart tighting, his lungs not providing air as usual.
he fights back the coughing but failed miserably, as white flowers fell from his mouth, filling up his hands.
the flowers were mixed with his blood, he doesn't mind blood when it comes from disgusting creeps but when it either came from him, y/n or his brother, he hated it.
"i love you, y/n."
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as for one, her heart... belongs to another.
on the other end, rindou was shocked on how you smashed the telephone back to its place.
"who was that, babe?" rindou asked you, his hands combing your soft hair gently, whilst hot tears fell from your eyes too.
"no one important." y/n says, whilst rindou gave her a sad smile. "but they made you cry, and i hate seeing you cry." rindou says, wiping your hot tears that's still falling.
"it's okay, i'll be okay. it's just some weird confession, let's go back to sleep." you say, as rindou held you close to his chest, still combing your hair to lull you to sleep.
"i love you, rinrin." you say, giving him a small peck on his lips, as he held your neck, kissing you in a deeper yet passionate way.
"i love you to, my darling."
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BYE, I WILL CRY LMFAO. | this work belongs to @kaeluvtao. please do not repost, copy, claim as yours or i will block you and report you. thanks for 42 followers!!
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th0tfairy · 3 years
Lmfao sure I’ma do club headcannons while I’m at it
Mikey: you already know he’s unwell, but he gets esp crazy when other guys eye u up at the club. The type to keep an arm slung around ur shoulder or firmly wrapped around your waist and slams his fist into anyone’s face if he catches them staring
Sanzu: he claims he’s sick and self medicates but refuses to acknowledge he actually has an issue. Does drugs in the bathroom and then tosses back shot and shot until he’s just barely coherent. He claims it’s the only way he can calm down, but he’s still insane enough to smash a $100 bottle of ciroc and slice some poor guys throat for asking if u wanna dance
Koko: raises a brow when some guy asks if he can buy u a drink and pulls a rack out of his pocket and slaps him across the face w it like “idk CAN you???”
Ran: he picks a fight with the bouncer for patting u down bc he insists he was trying to cop a feel. Like literally beats this guys ass
Rindou: dances belt buckle to ass with u the whole night and almost kills three guys for accidentally bumping into u
Kakucho: hates pda mostly bc he hates it when other guys see you dancing on him. He’s a very sweet guy and always wants to make sure ur safe and comfy but he takes it to a disturbing degree. Threw some guys phone out the window for trying to ask for ur number
Akashi: he loves sitting and smoking all night, isn’t crazy enough to make u stay by his side but when he notices a couple guys approach you and your girls dancing he puts his cigars out in their faces
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