#ran in the background just watching his brother being carried away too
okkalo · 8 months
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still, to this day, one of the funniest scenes in tokyo rev manga
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wandascrush · 9 days
The family
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Summary: Your family is very different from the Romanoffs. Maybe that’s okay.
Warnings: secrecy, criminal activity, mafia inuendos, kissing, lmk if I forgot anything! A/N: This part kinda serves as family background context
Family, family, family. You love em’ or you hate em’. When you really thought about it, your family couldn’t be any more different from Natasha’s. You came from a middle class family, while the Romanoffs were so removed from that life. You two weren’t different just in terms of tax brackets- no, the culture was different too. You had an older brother, your mother, and your father. Nothing really out of the ordinary, and you had family spread all throughout New York- extremely tight knit. Something the Romanoffs didn’t seem like they had. 
    The business of your two families, that couldn’t be more different. Natasha’s father was the head of the NYPD, an upholding citizen of the law. Your father- well, he ran a corner store with your mother, and as much as all of that was true and honest, they also ran a background business with your Uncles. You had always assumed it was petty goods or something minuscule, unimportant. That was until your favorite Uncle randomly got taken away one Tuesday afternoon at the dry cleaners he ran, and your family quickly cut off all ties with him. As if he ceased to exist. Their business affairs became much more secretive, organized, and quiet after that. That was the first time you ever felt that maybe the underground business your family ran wasn’t so unimportant…or underground. All of that was nearly three years ago, and now you understood the scope of what your family had going on- or that is, at least you thought you understood the scope of what they had going on. Either way, you came from a line of hard workers, entrepreneurs, and a loving home. Not perfect, not always pretty, and not shiny, but there was love in it. And you knew that. The sharp, young mind that you had would have never considered anyone in your family criminals- like truly bad criminals. Real criminals. Unfortunately, that’s not what Natasha’s father, Jon, saw when you stepped foot in their home. He knew all about your little family and their businesses, both above and underground. He just didn’t know what exactly they were doing underground, but he heard whispers of it from colleagues, friends, customers. 
   Natasha’s father is a man of few words, but his presence commands respect and fear. He’s not the type to show affection openly, and when he does speak, his words carry the weight of unspoken threats. You know he’s not the dad that kisses his daughters goodnight, or watches as they descend the stairs before their first school dance. He’s the type of dad to give you a firm pat on the shoulder, and go back to his study. Meanwhile Natasha’s mother was soft spoken, nice- but not kind, and distant. She was in two places at once when she talked to you, never quite giving her full attention. 
    On the other hand, your family was so warm, like a fireplace. Your dad was funny and so protective, but sometimes he could be so angry. Sometimes, he scared you. You now know he’s involved in something more than just the legitimate businesses he fronts; the hushed conversations in the study, the late-night visitors who never stay long, the subtle nods of acknowledgment he receives from men who walk with a certain air of authority—they all point to a darker truth. That never stopped him from being a good dad though, your dad. Your mother is equally enigmatic, a woman of grace and elegance who runs the household like a queen. She’s fiercely protective of you, but there’s always a sense of something unspoken, something lurking just beneath the surface of her calm demeanor. And her love for you two is fierce beyond belief. Then there’s your older brother, who’s already being groomed to take over the family business. He’s charming and charismatic, the kind of man who can talk his way out of anything, but you’ve started to see the darker side of him too—the cold, calculating stare, the ruthless determination to protect the family’s interests at any cost. As deep as your love runs for them, sometimes you wonder if you’re safe. Really safe.
    Through you and Natasha’s “friendship,” or whatever it was, there were unspoken rules that lingered between you two: 1. Don’t get caught. 2. Never be affectionate in public. And perhaps the most impotent rule of all- 3. Our families can never know. She explained all these rules to you while sitting on your lap in the attic, kissing you between every rule.
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
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I'm smart
South Terano x Bimbo!reader
Summary: Being the younger sister of the Haitani brothers has come with many privilges, but the side affects of it all left you nothing but an airhead, some would even say a bimbo. When South meets you he realizes that a woman who thinks with her pussy is just what he needs but when you have to decide between him or your brothers who will you choose?
Warnings: Mature themes, Innapropriate language, Smut, Toxic Relationship, Angst, Bimbo reader, Use of the word slut, orgasm.
Text like this indicate messages between south and you
All characters are aged up!
Requested by @lovelygeniegirl1012
Part 2
Ran and Rindou were never fond of South, the only reason they tolerated him was because he was the leader of Rokuhara Tandai. They tolerated the giant of a man. When he beat the living shit out of them forcing them to join his gang they submitted, accepting their defeat. But they would not become so lowlife subordinate beneath him, Ran had managed to work his way to second in command in Rokuhara Tandai and Rindou as its third.
That is the way it was for a while, South would have an idea, he would relate it to Ran, Ran would give his advice but inevitably South would do as he pleased, and no matter how bad the idea was Ran bit his tongue and did as he was told. That is how Ran and Rindou dealt with South, they knew he would not come near Roppongi for more than a day. Roppongi was their land, which was until you stepped into the picture.
When you began dating South, Ran and Rindou were a little less than thrilled. They loathed having South in their living space more than necessary, but they hated that you were obsessed with him; but even then, the two brothers kept their comments to themselves. If you were happy, they would be too.
And the two of them tried, they really did. No matter the comments South would make, or the marks he left in plain sight on your body, they said nothing about. They were going to be supportive for you, even if a fraction of them said nothing in fear of how South might react if they showed their true emotions.
But even the hardest of exteriors would crack and your brothers were no exception to this. The first to crack was Rindou.
You had gathered your brothers and asked your lover to join them to watch your comeback performance.
“You all are sitting ready?” You asked through the phone with clear excitement lacing your voice.
“Yes, we are princess” Ran said with his shoulder holding the phone up to his ear, while he walked over to where Rindou sat on the couch, carrying a bowl of popcorn.
Ran placed the bowl down on the coffee table sitting down besides Rindou, phone still to his ear, now holding it with his hand.
“Okay good. We are going on stage in five minutes” you said giggling at the other end of the phone.
Ran would never tell you now that your boyfriend had not even showed to their penthouse to watch you perform as he had promised, rather he was going to do it when you returned to prove his point of how much a horrible person South was as if you hadn’t already known.
“Goodluck Angel. Rindou and I are cheering for you” Ran said with a smile as he put the phone down, hearing as your other group members happily squeaked in the background at their comeback.
“Was it princess on the phone?” Rindou asked as he reached for the popcorn on the coffee table.
“Yeah, she said that she’d be on in five minutes. So, its best we switch to that channel they are live streaming it from”
Ran picked up the remote and began clicking away till he reached the channel where you he saw your figure standing on, as you prepared to begin. Rindou smiled seeing you stand there; he was so proud of you. His baby sister all grown up in her cute short skirts. Rindou began to remember how when the two of you were younger whenever you’d wear a short skirt, he’d reach his hand up and pinch at your thighs causing to cry out in pain, but you’d never stop him, in fact you’d wear more short skirts around him as if encouraging him to continue his actions.
Rindou’s thoughts were quickly interrupted when a loud bang was heard on the door.
Rindou sighed out already knowing who it was, already standing up walking over to the door while Ran remain seated with a stoic face.
“You’d think he’d show up on time to see his girlfriend’s comeback performance” Rindou said quietly to himself as he opened the door.
“Evening Rinnie” South said condescendingly as he waltzed into their penthouse, not sparring another glance at Rindou as he made his way over to where Ran sat on the couch.
“My girl perform yet?” South asked Ran as he sat down, grabbing the popcorn bowl that Rindo was once eating at.
“You made it just in time, they are starting now” Ran said keeping his gaze at the tv, refusing to even have his eyes look at him.
Rindou quickly made his way back to the couch, now sitting on the left side of South and Ran sat on his right. Rindou had prayed that South would not show up and that he would be the one to announce the heart-breaking news of your boyfriend being an obvious asshole, but alas he was wrong. South had showed up even if he barely made it in time.
Rindou snapped his head out of any negative thoughts as your performance began. He watched as you sang and danced. Enjoying how you were in your element which was surprizing considering you barely knew how to do anything, but performance didn’t really require much skill Rindou thought.
Rindou had a wide toothy smile on his face as he watched you perform, so engrossed in your performance that he forgot South even sat beside him that was until South began to speak.
“You see that bruise on her inner thigh, I gave her that last night. Now she’s on national T.V looking like a slut with bruises on her thigh” South laughed out.
Rindou side eyed South, with a scowl starting to appear on his face but he tried his best to keep his composure.
‘Its for princess, calm down’ he kept repeating in his head over and over until he felt the heat in his hands cool down.
“That’s skirt so short, looks like the one I used as a cum rag the other night” South said with a massive smile while patting Rindou harshly on the shoulder.
Rindou felt his hands ball into fists and let out a heavy sigh looking over at Ran who gave him a look to calm down.
‘Its not worth it’ Ran’s face read, but still Rindou’s fist remained balled.
“She looks like such a slut up there; her pussy isn’t even going to be reusable when I’m done with her tonight”
And that did it.
“Fuck it” Rindou said, as he swung his fist in the direction of South’s face. Landing a hard punch in the bigger male’s jaw, as he began using South’s face as a punching bag while Ran tried to pull him off of the larger male.
Rindou continued beating his fist into South’s face repeatedly, the flesh on his knuckles was bleeding but even then, he still punched at South’s face that was until Ran had finally pulled him away.
Rindou stood beside Ran heaving heavily.
“What the fuck Rindou?” Ran said loudly with slight panic in his voice.
“You’re going to let him speak like that about our princess?” Rindou said aggravated with a loud boom in his voice.
“Huh, Ran are you?!” Rindou continued to scream out.
But before Ran could reply South was already standing up from the couch, nose bleeding, lip torn open and with blood dripping down his forehead, he came marching over to where Ran and Rindou stood with a massive smile on his face.
Without another word being said South began bashing into Rindou’s face, causing Rindou to fall onto the ground. South kept at beating Rindou till he lie passed out on the floor.
When Rindou woke up your performance was done, South was gone, and his face was bleeding and bruised. But no matter how bad the beating he received from South he refused to ever submit to him again.
‘Come to my place. Now!’
The message from South read after your performance, and without a second thought you went to him that night not even noting your brothers of where you would be sleeping that night, but from the events of that night they knew already that your boyfriend would call you over to patch his wounds and spill lies into your ears about his unfair attack done by Rindou.
After the events that occurred at your brother’s penthouse with South and Rindou, you had become more distant towards them, opting to spend majority of your time with South or locked in your room with South.
Ran slowly began to regret the way he had raised you, to be so submissive and naïve, not even being able to think for yourself. But he kept on the façade for your sake, even if Rindou was done. Ran still tried to be tolerant when South came to see you, even if it were seldom as the two of you would spend majority of your time at South apartment. Ran continued playing supportive older brother even if Rindou was done.
“You okay, princess?’ Ran asked as he tucked you into your pink sheets
“I'm great Rannie” you replied with a soft smile.
“i'm glad princess”
Ran looked down at your face with your eyes closed letting the silence engluf the two of you until he spoke again.
“Hey princess, does South touch your princess parts like I used too?” Ran asked causing you to open your eyes.
You looked at Ran for a moment, watching a slight frown was etched onto his handsome features before you spoke again.
“Well he doesn’t touch them like you do or like Rinnie does. His more rough” you said trying to find the words to get the message across to Ran.
“But I like it, so its fine” you said with a cheerful smile proceeding to close your eyes again.
Ran left your room, with a sick feeling. You were dumb, really dumb but he never imagined you’d be dumb enough to let South handle you like that. His airhead of a sister was hopeless in this situation, and he was not sure how much longer his façade would be kept up before he cracked like Rindou
“South” you moaned out against his lips as he kissed on the couch, the same couch Rindou had attempted to beat the life out of South.
“Let’s do it in my room” you begged out against his lips, as south began to pull your shorts down your legs.
“It’s fun-ner like this” South said as he moved his lips from yours to your neck, as needy moans slipped from your lips as South’s tongue slipped out and began licking up and down the column of your neck.
Before you could protest any further South had pulled your pantie down along with your shorts.
“For someone who doesn’t want to do it here you sure are soaked” he said with a condescending laugh at your arousal at the situation.
South began ridding you of your t-shirt, removing it with little effort.
“No bra” he said with wide eyes.
“Such a slut” he said as he leaned down towards your breast taking one in his mouth while his hand came down to the other pinching the bud till it was hard.
South continued his actions of sucking at your one breast while the other rolled your nipple over and over until you were begging for him to fuck you.
“Please South. Please” you begged out as your slick now coated your inner thighs as well as the leather couch beneath you.
“Say the magic words” South said against your nipple, the vibrations of his voice causing you to gush out more.
“I’m a dumb bimbo. I am your dumb Bimbo” you cried out.
“Atta girl” South said as he pulled away from your nipple. South quickly pulled you onto your hand and knees with your face towards the penthouse door.
South pulled out his cock, the head dripping with pre-cum, not being able to wait he pushed his cock into your unprepared hole.
You cried out at the massive stretch that South caused.
South began fucking you like a bitch in heat. His cock slamming in and out of your pussy. The feeling of his cock slipping in and out of your soaking walls had your brain turning to mush. The only thought was how good South was fucking into your pussy, as you clenched down on him.
South could feel how needy you were for him, the way your pussy was milking him as if it never had cock in its life. South could feel the cum in his balls travel to his cock, just waiting to paint your pretty pussy and nice white colour, fill your up so much that your head was filled with his cum.
“You near slut?” South growled out while he kept fucking into like a wild animal.
“Ye- yes” you moaned out struggling to form sentences.
The way South was fucking you made you see stars, the deep pressure sensation that he caused with each thrust was becoming too much. Your pussy was grabbing at his cock, sucking him in for dear life, as he fucked you over and over; you looked down noting the string of foamy slick dripping down from how he fucked your pussy.
South could not last any loner, from the way your ass was bounching back against his dick to how your pussy was clenching down him was to much, and with a loud grunt South came hard. Hot ropes of semen shooting into your pussy.
The sensation of South’s hot cum spilling inside you caused you pussy to clench unbearably tight around him, as you came hard milking him for whatever cum he had left. Your pussy walls fluttered, and you pushed you ass back humping at South’s cock, so greedy for cock. So desperate for your pussy and head to be filled with cum that you had not even heard the door open.
And there stood your brothers Ran and Rindou watching as you came hard around your boyfriend’s cock.
And that’s when Ran cracked finally.
You had never seen your brothers like this before, Ran pacing up and down while he held his baton hitting anything that came in his path while Rindou sat completely still on the arm chair near the couch not making a sound or move, while you sat semi-nude with nothing but an overside shirt you found lying on the floor covering your once naked body while South sat next to you without a care in the world.
“What the fuck were the two of you doing?”Ran asked as he now stood infront of you and south.
“What the fuck do you think” South said with a smirk.
“I can’t believe this (Y/N)” ran said looking at you but you refused to look into your brothers eyes, to ashamed to look into his.
Ran watched as you kept your gaze down, while South sat beside you with the biggest smirk on his face. There was only one way out of this situation and Ran knew that it would be worth a little heartbreak if it meant he didn’t have to come home to see his sister getting fucked on his couch. So, without a moment of hesitation Ran asked the question he had been dying to ask since you met South.
“(Y/N), us or South. Choose now” Ran commanded, finally causing you to look up at him. You looked at Ran with pleading eyes, begging that there was some mercy in him to not make you choose.
“Choose!” Ran shouted out again. You looked out at you Rindou, his eyes fixed on yours, no hint of a smile, then your eyes moved over to Ran’s who had the look of death in his eyes, and the finally you looked over to South whose eyes shone bright with a smile on his face.
And had you been raised differently, without everyone doing everything for you, or saying everything you wanted to hear, or if you brothers hadn’t bought you everything your heart desired, or maybe just maybe if you were smarter your answer would be the better the obvious but of course you were oblivious to the obvious.
So, with all the surety in the world you gave your brother’s their answer with the biggest smile on your face.
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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kxllsbybill · 17 days
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BILL PAGE. twenty-six. watcher. former police officer.
bio / starters / photos / answers
— Moans and groans fill the night sky, blunt nails scratch along the smooth surface of a car caught amidst a horde of infected. Screams from inside barely carry, they can barely be heard in the distance. But what's that in the distance? Is that ARCHIE RENAUX? No way, that's BILL PAGE. The 24 year old MALE (HE/HIM) used to be a POLICE OFFICER. Since the outbreak, they've proven to be SUBSERVIENT & EFFECTIVE, but rumor has it they're also RUTHLESS & CYNICAL, which may pose a risk to the group. They appear to have taken the WATCHER role within the group. Only time can tell if they succeed.
full name — william robert page age — twenty-four gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) orientation — homosexual occupation — former police officer role in the group — watcher preferred weapon — remington 700 clothing style/ armor — light clothing that allows mobility, no armor
face claim — archie renaux hair — brown / eyes — brown height — 6'1 build — ectomorph scars — a couple of gunshot scars in his shoulder and leg, scratches on his waist and legs. tattoos — none. piercings — none. special characteristics — he's the runner type, can take a hit and still get back up sexual preference — switch
alignment — lawful neutral positive traits — effective, loyal, brave negative traits — ruthless, cynical hobbies — keeps a journal with him and a tab for his zombie kills.
mental — ptsd physical — none phobias — fear of hordes, rats, winged animals eyesight — 20/20 dominant hand — right hand drug use — before the outbreak alcohol use — when he gets the chance diet — whatever's available, hates canned food
birthplace — unknown parents — unknown siblings — unknown education — high school graduate notable skills — a great shot, disciplined, a good climber and swimmer, decent deescalator, barber, good cook.
the calm before.
xx. never knew his parents or where he comes from, his first memories come from being raised in an all male catholic children's home. xx. ran away at the age of 16 doing cheap labor to sustain himself till he was old enough to join the police force. xx. kept in touch with some of his brothers from the home, helped out some of them offering housing and food as much as he could. xx. has been shot a couple of times, nothing too severe other than the scars left on his shoulder and scratches on his waist and arms. xx. not one to keep a partner for long, fooled around often. xx. has let go of smaller rascals he knows are out of luck in the streets but inoffensive in the larger scheme of things. xx. a great shot though never fired his gun at someone else, other than warning shots.
the storm.
xx. was in the front lines when it happened, and stayed behind to free everyone held up in his precint once everybody else left. xx. first couple of weeks he patrolled the streets looking to help out others in need, but more than enough close calls pushed him to seek refuge himself. xx. works well with others and holds on to the feeling of a community but has no leadership skills. needs someone else to make the call for him to follow. xx. never hesitates to snatch a beer or a bottle of liquor when he has the chance. he misses the feeling of getting drunk. xx. is still freightened about the undead but that fear prompts him to take action, he doesn't take any chances with them, one can be as dangerous as a group of them. xx. while he isn't religious per se, he believes the outbreak was the beginning of the end. he doesn't hope for a better tomorrow or for things to go back to normal, he's just afraid of dying. xx. keeping watch gives him a sense of purpose, so he never shies from taking a double shift if that means helping in keeping that building and everyone in it safe. also he doesn't have to be in the front lines anymore.
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boowanie · 3 years
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Pairing: Ceo!Wonwoo x Secretary!reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff-ish
Warning: Suggestive
W/C: 2k+
Summary: Falling in love with your boss was never on your agenda, or so you thought.
Eri’s note: I’ve been dying to write a ceo!wonwoo scenario and here she is!! aaah, i hope you beans enjoy this! I think this is my favourite of mine so far 💘
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The cold rain seeped into your clothes as you padded your way back to your empty apartment. You were absolutely exhausted. Words were not enough to explain how tired you were of your boss but being broke left you with no choice but to stick around as Wonwoo’s secretary.
When you first met him, you couldn’t deny that he made your heart skip a beat with how beautiful he was. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the image you momentarily created in your mind was shattered. He was always working you harder than your other co-workers even when the tasks weren’t even your responsibility.
You finally caught sight of your apartment building and a small sigh of relief left your lips. You were definitely drenched when you reached your apartment door, shivering as you opened your door. On a normal day, you would have slipped your shoes off at the front door but tonight was different. You went straight to the bathroom, leaving wet footsteps and drops of water along the way. The warmth of the water coming out of your shower fogged up your small bathroom as you finally discarded the wet clothes you were in.
Once you stepped into the shower, your thoughts led you back to the events that happened before you walked home.
Wonwoo was yelling at one of his employees yet again. You could hear him demanding for the work that he tasked her to do. You flinched as your co-worker finally snapped, yelling at him with the same tone.
“You know what, I fucking quit Jeon Wonwoo. Fuck you and fuck your stupid company! I’d rather be jobless than stay here for another day. I don’t know how y/n has managed to stay by your side for the past 5 years.”
You and the other employees turned towards the door as soon as she stepped out, visible tears tumbling down her cheeks. Some of your co-workers stood up to comfort her while some avoided her incase Wonwoo saw. You, on the other hand, were called into his office. You sighed, picking up the files he wanted you to sort out during lunch.
“Close the door,” he murmured as soon as you stepped into his office. You did as you were told and walked slowly to his table where he was leaning back against his chair with his eyes tightly shut. You carefully placed the files on his desk, not wanting to disturb your boss’ silence.
“Can you stay for awhile?” he whispered, eyes opening to stare at you. You blinked back, your eyes softening at the sight of him and the dark circles that were visible under his eyes. You nodded as you took the spare seat and pulling it over to Wonwoo’s side.
“What do you need help with, Mr. Jeon?”
“Just need you here to calm me down.” He stated, catching his lower lip between his teeth.
When you turned the shower off, you came to a conclusion that Jeon Wonwoo liked to confuse you. He confused you with his actions. Despite the fact that he gave you more work than anybody else in the company, he also cared about you. Wonwoo didn’t mind when you handed files to him late nor did he care whenever he saw you nodding off at your desk. Your co-workers noticed how more lenient he was on you but they never made a comment because they saw how much work Wonwoo gave you on a daily basis.
You finally sat down on your sofa, ordering some food to eat to reward yourself after Wonwoo made you stay behind again to help him with some documents he was reviewing. You remember trying to stiffle numerous yawns as you worked through some documents and you could feel the frustration building up within him.
“You know what, just go home y/n. It’s clear to me that you’d rather be sleeping,” he said, plopping the loose papers on his desk before turning towards you. Your eyes widened at the sharp gaze he threw at you and you felt your heart momentarily clench.
“Won-, Mr. Jeon, it’s past midnight. I think we both need to rest,” you stared back, watching as he ran his fingers through his hair. He leaned back against his chair, watching you with blank eyes.
“Just go.” He turned his body away from you, leaving you staring at his back that was now hunched over his wooden desk.
Once your food delivery arrived, you took your spot on your sofa again, watching reruns of your favourite show. You sighed as your mind began wandering back to Wonwoo.
“Fuck this,” you grabbed your phone, dialing the man that was occupying your mind.
On the third ring, he finally picked up. You could hear some shuffling in the background as you asked if he had gone home. You waited for his answer as silence consumed you both.
“Can I come over?” he whispered, hearing sniffles coming from his end. Your heart clenched at the sadness evident in his voice.
“I-i’ll leave the door unlocked,” you whispered back.
Again, Jeon Wonwoo confused you as he began to nip at the soft skin of your neck. Your hands ran through his hair, tugging his locks softly as he continued to pepper your neck with wet kisses, sighing as he left a subtle bruise on your collarbone.
“Talk to me sweetheart,” he groaned against your neck. You moaned when he slid the straps of your bra down your shoulders, loving his gentle touches that burned agaisnt your skin. However, as he continued to leave kisses on your skin, your mind wandered back to everything that happened that day. You pulled away just before he could undo the clasp of your bra.
“W-what are we doing Wonwoo,” you breathed out, pushing his body away from you. He sighed, leaning back on your headboard. You avoided his gaze and stared at your legs that were situated on either side of his thighs.
“Don’t you like what we have y/n?” he asked, pulling your chin up with his hand.
“What exactly do you call this Wonwoo? I’m your secretary for crying out loud,” you replied with frustration.
“We can’t keep doing this. I-i can’t keep pretending like i’m not inlove with you while we’re at work,” you cried, tears sliding down your cheeks as you lightly thumped your hands against his bare chest.
“Baby,” he mumbled, taking your shivering figure into his embrace. You cried against the skin of his shoulder while he rubbed his hand on your back.
“I-i think I should quit Wonwoo,” you sniffled.
“If I stay in your company any longer, I’ll just end up breaking my own heart,” you decided, removing your self from his embrace. You wiped your tears with the back of your hands while getting off his lap.
“I think you should leave now Wonwoo, I’ll hand in my resignation letter later on.”
You arrived at the company early in the morning, your hands carrying folded boxes to put your things in. You heard soft mutters when you began to clear your belongings that were neatly organised on your desk.
Once you finished, you made your way towards Wonwoo’s office, gently knocking on his door to bid him your final goodbye.
“Come in.”
He looked up, pushing his metal glasses up when he saw you standing by the door. You took a deep breath before walking towards his desk, your resignation letter in hand. You placed it beside his arm before looking up at Wonwoo again.
“Thank you for the past 5 years, Mr. Jeon,” you bowed. He didn’t say anything and began working on the files that he was holding not too long ago.
“Bye Wonwoo,” you whispered, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.
Four months passed by before you finally got a job at a photography studio. Before becoming Wonwoo’s secretary, you were an aspiring photographer that only studied business to please your parents. You were beyond happy when Mingyu, your boss, called you to offer you the job you applied for.
The first month and a half was hectic, shooting for different companies and artists was something you never imagined to be doing in your life time.
“Y/n, I need you to come with me to a really important photoshoot,” Mingyu chucked a popcorn at your direction. You swatted another incoming popcorn as you tried to place your camera down.
“Sure, who are we shooting for tomorrow?”
“My bestfriend and his family,” he smiled.
“10 in the morning,” he replied, munching on another popcorn.
“I’ll see you then,” you waved goodbye at your boss turned close friend.
You couldn’t believe your eyes when you entered the venue. Mingyu texted you that he would be arriving in less than 10 minutes. Your eyes landed on Wonwoo who was staring at you, shock evident on his face. You were shooting for The Jeons. Well shit, you thought. Wonwoo’s mother greeted you, leading you to a small section of the room where she told you you could place your belongings.
You thanked her, grabbing your phone to dial Kim Mingyu.
“Where the heck are you?” you panicked, looking around the room.
“Right behind you, you dumbass,” Mingyu chuckled, bumping your head with his camera bag. You glared at him as he continued to chuckle at you.
Throughout the whole photoshoot, your eyes tried to avoid meeting Wonwoo’s. Mingyu noticed the subtle glances that two of his friends were giving. He couldn’t help but shake his head when he finally took the last shot.
“We can call it a day, Mr and Mrs Jeon,” he politely said to Wonwoo’s parents. They both thanked you and Mingyu for your hard work while Wonwoo’s brother waved at you both with a smile before leaving with his parents. Wonwoo, on the other hand, decided to stay. You couldn’t deny how fast your heart was beating throughout the entire photoshoot.
“Thank you Mingyu and y/n,” he patted Mingyu’s back and gave you a small smile. You sligtly bowed at his direction before busying yourself with packing up. Mingyu and Wonwoo began to talk about something you didn’t understand while you tried to place your camera back into your bag.
“Hey y/n, do you need a ride back to your apartment?” Mingyu asked as you finally gathered all your belongings. You shook your head “no”, leaving both of them in the room.
“See you tomorrow, boss.”
It was around midnight when you heard a knock on your door. You were clad in nothing but a loose t-shirt that you were certain was Wonwoo’s and cotton shorts. You padded your way towards your door, looking through the peephole to find Wonwoo standing behind the door wearing grey sweatpants and a loose hoodie.
You opened the door, confused as to why Wonwoo showed up at your door after months of him not being here. He spoke gently, asking if he could come in to talk to you.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, sitting back down on your sofa. He followed suite, keeping a small distance between you two. He shrugged, looking at his hands. Silence consumed you both while you stared at your midnight snack that was abandoned on the coffee table.
“Again Wonwoo, what are you doing here?” you asked firmly.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you so much, sweetheart,” he sobbed into his palms. Your heart clenched at his words, reaching out to pull him into your chest.
“I’m so sorry baby. When you said that you were going to leave, I thought it was for the best. I didn’t want to break your heart any further but I realised how stupid I was. How much of a coward I was being when I continued to lead you on for years,” he breathed against your neck.
“I’m so inlove you y/n y/l/n, and I was wonderinrg if you could still forgive me and ask for another chance?” he peered up at you through his tears. You wiped them gently while he wiped your own tears that were falling down your cheeks.
“Why’d you only come back for me now?” you whispered.
“I wanted to give you the space you deserved. I-i knew you were working for Mingyu two months ago when he mentioned your name during a conversation,” he stated. He pulled away from your hug, grabbing your waist to pull you on top of his lap. You straddled him, leaning the side of your head against his chest.
“Are you willing to take me back y/n?”
“Just make sure to ask me to be yours this time around, Jeon Wonwoo.”
He grinned at your words, “I love you so much.”
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butwhyduh · 4 years
A Date to Remember
Damian Wayne x Superman’s daughter reader
Damian is 20, reader 19, Jon is her little brother at 18 and Kon acts like an older brother to her.
Warning: angsty and kidnapping
You’d always told Damian that the sunset on the Kent farm was the best in the world. Damian smiled a little as he drove down the long road to Smallville. Damian had thought about classic dinner date in one of Metropolis’ fanciest restaurants but you insisted on meeting him in a barn.
He felt underdressed. Blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Why did he let Jon help him get dressed? He felt ridiculous but at least he wore sensible shoes. But deep down Damian knew you world like it. And he was certainly willing to feel a little foolish for you.
Clark was off world and Lois was on a mission. Jon had his own date in the city so it was the both of you alone tonight. How long had it been since the two of you were alone without someone around? Between his half a dozen brothers and your family with literal super hearing... yeah it’s been tough. So being 50 miles from everyone was kind of a dream.
Damian pulled in the driveway with some flowers and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door only for it to swing open. Damian noticed the splintered door frame and his heart sped up. He called your name. Act like the rich billionaire son while working like Robin, even though he wasn’t quite sure he still wanted the name.
He scanned every surface and he noticed a small scratch near the back door after looking through every room. Most people wouldn’t even notice it. You weren’t there. He looked closely and saw drag marks in the gravel path to the barn. His heart was thundering at this point. You weren’t in the barn either.
You were half Kryptonian but the genetic inheritance was complicated. Jon had won the lottery with having most of his father’s powers and not being as sensitive to Kryptonite. You had lost it. Hypersensitive to Kryptonite and only some speed and increased hearing and strength. Barely about the average human. You weren’t a fighter.
Damian pulled out his phone to call Jon.
“Bit busy here, Damian,” Jon said, sounding far from amused. Damian could hear kissing noises in the background and frowned. He didn’t want to hear that.
“Your sister is missing,” he said and he heard a lot of movement on the phone.
“The door jam was kicked in and there are scrap marks of her being dragged away. I think she’s been kidnapped,” Damian said. His voice felt tight. He, son of Batman, let his girlfriend get kidnapped. “Whoever it was clearly waited until she had no other Kryptonians around to grab her. It wasn’t a coincidence that she was taken tonight. Can you get out here? I’m calling father to try and trace her. Her phone is missing too.”
“I’m leaving in 5. Damian, if Luther has her, she can’t handle Krytonite,” Jon said, worry bleeding into his voice. “It’s like it poisons her.”
“I know. But we don’t know who has her. Let’s hope they don’t know she’s part Krytonian,” Damian said, already mentally moving on to his next step. Contact Bruce. Get the bat computer to trace her. Look for more evidence. Don’t freak out completely that she might be poisoned by Kyrotonite.
“Okay. I’m about to fly. I’ll see you soon,” Jon said before hanging up.
You woke up with a cough. You head throbbed and your stomach rolled as you laid in a bed? Maybe a couch? It was a horrible feeling but you knew exactly what it was: Kryptonite. You couldn’t forget what how that stuff made you feel. You tried to look around to see it but the room was completely dark. Night vision would be nice but you got human eyes. Your slightly enhanced hearing heard nothing but the wind outside. Okay, you were ground level or higher.
You tried to twist in the cuffs that bound your hands only to cry out. There was the Kryptonite. It was on the outside of the cuffs and you almost threw up at it touched your skin. You were cuffed with Kryptonite to a hospital bed, you figured. What other bed had areas perfect for cuffs? Your legs were equally restrained and you felt so exposed in the dark room.
Your dad was off world. He wouldn’t hear you if you called for him. But Jon might. But if you yelled, someone might come in and who knows what they would do. You’d wait a little bit longer. You wanted to fall asleep. The Kryptonite made you feel so dull. Like the first time you were exposed to it.
You were all of 4 years old. Your dad had brought you with him to the Justice League meeting. Relatively safe and Batman promised Robin would watch you. Dick was so excited to be a babysitter. You had hugged him tight enough to hurt before running to the climbing wall.
“Hey!” Called the 16 year old. “I brought games instead!”
You warily walked back over to him and card games and board games fell out of a duffle bag as he opened it. Half the stuff you were far too young for. You bent down as he scooped up his gameboy. You pulled out some games and open a side pocket to grab a small metal box. Dick sat down his gameboy carefully before turning back to you.
“Don’t open th-“ he started before you pulled open the box to show a bright green stone. Followed by you throwing up all over his bag of games. You dropped the box and sat on the floor. Dick quickly closed the box with the piece of Kryptonite and put it in his pocket. He had boroughed one of Bruce’s bags that apparently wasn’t fully unpacked.
“Dad, I don’t feel good,” you said as Clark ran over. Dick looked at you so guiltily.
“I didn’t know,” he swore. “I’m so sorry.” Bruce stood by quietly.
“We need to talk later,” Clark had told Bruce and yeah, they were mad at each other for a while.
Jon arrived shortly in a dress shirt and slacks and he looked at Damian just as weird as Damian looked at him. They had basically switched clothing.
“Not to judge but that’s date clothing? You told me to not wear flannel,” Jon said accusingly.
“That’s because your sister wanted me to wear this,” Damian said back. “Let’s focus on finding her. Father’s calling me now. We’ll change in a minute.”
“Hello, you’re on speaker phone,” Damian said.
“Her tracker is showing a warehouse owned by Luthor Corp in downtown Metropolis,” Bruce said. “Do you need help? I can see if Dick is nearby.”
“No thanks. Jon will help me. Thank you, father,” Damian said before hanging up.
“Luthor. I knew it,” Jon said with a frown. “Wait, you put a tracker on my sister? Does she know?”
“Now is not the time. Let’s get to Metropolis,” Damian said, changing the subject while both got dressed. Jon nodded and offered his arms. “I’m not being carried like that. I’ll hold on your back,” Damian said. Jon rolled his eyes and nodded again.
As they flew over corn fields and pastures, Jon began to question Damian. “So when did you put this tracker in? Does she even know? Where is it? Do I want to even know?”
“It’s sub-dermal in her forearm and I haven’t told her yet. And it’s irrelevant right now as it might save her life,” Damian said and Jon looked disgusted. “We need to focus on saving her and then you can be her angry brother.”
You moved and the cuffs burned your skin. You gasped and screamed “Jon! Kon!” You called out to them hoping one of them would hear you.
“Dad!” you cried frantic. There was no way he would hear you. “Damian! Jonathan! Conner!”
You panted and your head pounded. You were so tired. You’d lose consciousness if no one saved you. Then who knows what they would do to you.
“Superman!” You screamed desperately before finally passing out.
“Did you hear that?” Jon said as they flew towards the Metropolis skyline.
“No all I hear is wind. What did you hear?” Damian said.
“Y/n. She’s calling for us,” Jon said speeding up.
“Is she okay?” Fear bled into Damian’s voice.
“I can’t tell. I’m trying to hurry,” Jon said flying quickly towards the industrial area of the city. He landed on the roof of a warehouse. Jon’s eyes glowed as he looked through the building.
“7 men. 4 posted outside the door to the room that’s she’s being held on the 2nd floor. Her heart rate is steady and she isn’t screaming any more. Almost sounds asleep,” Jon said after his analysis.
“Probably tranquilizer. Father’s data said this building is used for research purposes. Does that fit?” Damian asked.
“Uh more like research subject holding. Maybe a small lab on the first floor but other than cameras everywhere, there isn’t much science stuff that I can scan. But also the basement is sealed off,” Jon said.
“Lead bound. You can check it out while I rescue her. 4 guys is nothing,” Jon said making a fist.
“Hold on. Luthor would probably have her surrounded by Kryptonite. Just in case one of you look for her. And that’s the last thing we need,” Damian said. “I’ll rescue her and you look for the basement. Knowing Luthor, it’s probably an entire facility of experiments below. He just hadn’t gotten her room ready yet.”
Jon looked frustrated. “Fine. You rescue her but be careful. She is the weakest of us. She’s not invulnerable to bullets or anything.”
“Most of the people I rescue aren’t either,” Damian reminded him. “And I’m certainly not taking a chance with my beloved.”
Jon looked over to respond but Damian was already gone. Just like the rest of the bats: silent goodbyes. Jon quietly moved down to the first floor. He was working but at the same time, his ear was trained on his sister’s heartbeat. Jon might be the younger sibling but she didn’t have powers and he felt so protective.
Damian rolled his eyes at the 5 ways he could see that the security sucks in the 3 minutes he hung out the window before climbing in. Large rafters and guards who didn’t bother to look up. Not to mention the fact that they let there be a solid wall between the set of guards which meant that Damian was easily able to jump down to knock them out in pairs without the other set knowing. If the security was any worse they would leave the door unlocked.
The door wasn’t unlocked but it was a deadbolt that Damian easily disabled. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was on purpose. He gulped before opening the door. What if you were really hurt? Or dead? Ignore and get in there.
Damian opened the door and he felt white hot rage. You were tied to a bed and were unconscious. You were in a nice dressy shirt and sweatpants. They’d clearly taken you while you were getting dressed. Damian wanted to kill them. He had to take a breath to help you. Jon was taking them out and Damian was on rescue. He had to stay level headed.
Even the cuffs on your wrists were inadequate. If they had attempted to restrain Damian, he would have gotten out in 3 minutes. When he was 6 years old. The Kryptonite had left nasty red burns on your skin and he clenched his jaw at the sight. Jon better be punching extra hard.
Damian picked you up bridal style and you groaned a little before turning your head against his chest. The farther he got you from that fucking Kryotonite the better you were. He took you to the roof and you started waking up.
“Damian,” you said softly and a little confused.
“Hey you’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asked looking all over your face for injury.
“Kryptonite. I hate that stuff,” you said. Damian grabbed your hand and you hissed. He looked to see bright red knuckles. You’d clearly fought at some point. He certainly knew the signs of punching someone.
“You fought back?”
“Yeah and hitting someone in a helmet and body armor sucks. I got just a few in before they pulled out the damn rock. I throw up every damn time,” you said shaking your head.
Before Damian could comment on how brave and stupid it was to punch body armor, there was a huge crash down on the first floor as someone flew in the building through the window. You grabbed him tightly.
“What the hell is that?”
“Kon. Conner’s here. I’m up here,” you yelled.
Conner flew up to the roof. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“Kidnapped. Damian and Jon saved me. He’s still down there actually. Can you check on him?” You said. Damian suddenly stood up.
“What if you were a distraction and the real problem is downstairs?” Damian suddenly said with clarity. The Kryptonite alone was enough to hold you down. The half ass security was to hold their attention when they rescued you. Jon was already flying back down before Damian could say more. Damian weighed his options: leave you alone, bring you with him, or stay out of it and while the last sounded nice, he’d have to go in case of more Kryptonite.
Before Damian could decide, Kon was back on the roof. “You’ve got to come see this.”
Downstairs was a lead lined basement. That alone had you nervous. Jon stood by the door. Little spattering of blood could be seen on his hands. He had a hard look.
“Warning: this is going to be messed up,” he said and you were even more worried. You walked in to see cages. Kids. Unconscious adults lay around in the hallway. “They were experimenting on them.”
You felt nauseous.
“My father is on the way. This is much bigger than I thought,” Damian said messing with his comms. His free hand was on your shoulder protectively.
There were 8 kids in cages. Bruce was running tests on their blood and investigating the area as you helped to get them out of the cages. What a terrible Valentine’s Day.
“Beloved, let’s get you home. We can stay at the farm tonight. You need sleep,” Damian said worried. You looked at him distracted.
“They’re just kids.”
“Come on. Let’s go. Kon is going to stay there too. Just for the night,” Damian said helping you up. Kon flew you both back to the farm.
“I’m going back to help. You okay, kid,” Kon asked as Damian inspected the house.
“I’ll be alright. Just help those kids,” you said.
“Yeah, of course,” he said ruffling your head. You rolled your eyes. “But seriously, the way you screamed I thought you were being murdered.”
You stiffened. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
Kon knew when to quit. Something he had learned from Tim. He gave you a big hug and flew off towards Metropolis.
“Hey. I made your bed so you can sleep,” Damian said quietly. “And a change of clothes.”
You nodded and went upstairs. Damian helped pull off your shirt and put on a sweater. He looked at the marks around your wrist and red knuckles but didn’t note any more bruises or cuts. You pulled on sweatpants and climbed in small twin bed that Lois kept for guests. The pink and yellow flowery quilt felt warm and comforting on your skin. Damian lay beside you after changing and looked at you seriously.
“What is it,” you asked.
“I was so scared tonight. I have been doing this for years and I’ve never been so worried,” he said softly and you looked down and flushed. If you weren’t so freaking sensitive to Kryptonite this wouldn’t have happened. Damian gently lifted your chin and you looked at him.
“I was scared to lose you,” he said running his thumb across your cheek. “I’m going to drive you absolutely mad because I don’t want to take my eyes off of you.”
“Yeah?” You said with a little smile.
“Uh hm. But first sleep,” he said and your body certainly agreed. You curled into him and rest your head on his chest. His arms held you tightly before rubbing your back. You fell asleep to Damian staring at you. He stared at you all night, not even sleeping when Kon came in a few hours later.
“I have to know what all that was, Bruce,” you said at the Batcave the next day. “I was in there.”
He looked at you for a minute. “They were experimenting with meta DNA. All of those kids have gifts and they wanted to take you too. There were even plans to inject those kids with your blood to see if it would affect them.”
You shivered a little at the thought. Lex Luthor and his obsession with Kryptonian DNA.
“All the records were burned. Most of the warehouse too. Your brothers were.... thorough. And Clark will be home in a few days,” Bruce added.
“Yes. And he’s furious at Luthor. Probably will call soon. He wanted to let you sleep earlier. We’re just running programs here. Why don’t you and Damian go upstairs,” he suggested.
“Bruce Wayne,” came a stern voice behind you. You turned to see your mother, Lois Lane, looking like she was going to beat up Batman. “You put a tracker in my daughter without her permission?”
“You what?” You said.
“Actually that was Damian. Though I want to point out that it helped save her life,” Bruce added. Lois slapped him soundly across the cheek. Bruce just blinked and rubbed his cheek.
“Damian, you put a tracker in me?” You asked shocked. You’d assumed Jon had heard you or Damian’s detective work brought them to the warehouse. Not an invasive tracker in your body. “What the hell?”
“Well I can explain..”
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
A Stark Contrast | Bucky Barnes
Summary; living in the shadow of Tony, your brother, always was the way, and you accepted it. That was until he expected you to sign the accords, that was one thing that you couldn’t do.
Warnings; Angst, mentions of death, mentions of being controlled, funeral, mourning, anger
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The form, bound in a weighty book laid on the table, making the room fill with utmost tension. Tony was hellbent on signing the thing, and handing away any freedom that all of you had.
No matter how long you had supported him, this was not one subject that you could agree with him on. Whilst you understood his perspective, it would only end up with you in a hamster wheel, running around and following the orders of executives.
They wanted less destruction. To put boundaries around their country’s heroes, and limit them to the lengths they could go to in order to save lives.
That was also wrong, the entire ordeal had you bent backwards with a conflict of interests. On one hand, it would be ordinary to sign for such a cause, whether you trusted their backgrounds or not, simply because your elder sibling had.
There was nobody that you trusted more than Tony, he had half raised you after your parents were killed, you felt indebted to him. But being an avenger, on a team where your personal opinion had been valued, it opened your eyes to a whole range of possibilities.
Whilst you were loyal to Tony, you had also became in tune with your own gut. It grumbled at the prospect of giving in to a contract, which decided what you were permitted to do. It was like a child’s parent permission slip, but on a much grander scale.
“People died!” He reminded the lot of you again, which inclined you to look down. There was blood on all of your hands, and he was making it as red as it could possibly be seen. “At least y/n agrees with me.” He reprimanded Steve, whom was still far on the fence regarding the entire ordeal.
Once he said that, all eyes had shifted towards you. Nat had already basically given in to your brother’s convictions, and Steve suspected that you would do the same. You were always one step behind Tony, you were far too loyal to your sibling for your own good.
“I have yet to make up my mind.” You spoke, standing, no longer wishing to be in the room where there was far too much tension. How you wished Banner and Thor were here, they would make an equal divide. The God of Thunder would not scribble his signature upon the paper, you thought to yourself, if he knew their reasons and affects.
However, your words were taken as an assumption that you would join your sibling in providing a peaceful surrender. It is what he and the public would assume of you, and to be truthful, you were tired of sticking to the stereotypes that were made of you.
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“I’m surprised that you came.” Steve spoke, as you opened the boot of your car, and revealed the shield that he was so often adorned with, as well as Sam’s wings. He, like most others, had suspected that you would join your brother in his guilt ridden cause, however, thinking for yourself gave you a sense of freedom.
“Don’t be so quick to prevail into what everyone else thinks of me.” You smirked at the captain, your eyes drifting over to the other super soldier, whom had temporarily been imprisoned by the government.
But he had escaped, and if luck was not often a Stark trait, Tony would have died. You had watched from the cameras, but you could boil no bad blood in between the pair of you, Barnes was not in his right mind. He was controlled, and put into a incomprehensible mode of himself. That was, unless, he had managed to kill Tony.
Then you would have changed your own deciding mind, and stuck to what the eldest Stark believed in. “I won’t, ever again.” Sam smiled, picking up redwing from the composed pile, and kissing the machine.
“Bucky.” You reiterated his name, the one that he had chosen to correct the unknown and deceiving man on. The nod you earnt was brief, but it gave you a sense of hope that whirled in your middle. 
It was clear that he was an attractive man, and alike his righteous friend, he was frozen through time to be in this current moment. As Sam and Steve began to get their things together, you walked over to the historical stranger, a smile upon your face. “I’m y/n Stark, I don’t believe we have had the fortune of meeting before.”
“You sure do speak like a Stark.” He softly spoke, a matching smile on his brawn face. “And you seem to have other things in common, like that necklace.” At his words, you looked down at it, a hint of anguish within your gaze.
“It belonged to my mother.” It was nice to reminisce about her for a moment, you knew that she would have made her own decisions too. In some retrospect, you were following in her footsteps.
A feeling grew in the back of Bucky’s throat, but he said nothing. If he were to spill, or reveal his dark secret, it would mean nothing more than the loss of a powerful asset, they could not afford that right now.
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“Do you ever think about what would have happened if you got to return home?” It had been a stressful day, fighting your friends, and your last living family member. Bucky turned at your words, you had saved him from being killed, he felt indebted.
“Probably do what every other soldier did; find a woman to marry and have kids. But that’s far out of the picture in this modern age.” Steve was flying the aircraft as you and Bucky spoke in the back. It gave the two of you a moment alone, and you were truly knowing as though you knew the soldier.
He was a good man, misinterpreted by the deeds that he was controlled to do. No one chose to have pity on Barnes, they instead viewed him as a country danger, and wanted to lock him up in a cage, which was how he had come so far in the first place.
“I wouldn’t say that.” For a moment, you looked into his deep blue eyes, feeling as though he were freezing you with them. He didn’t want to look away, but you were inclined to, for you could feel the contrasts of hot and cold heat working its way up your neck, and onto your face. “There’s definitely a woman that would want all that and more with you.”
If things were simpler, you would be convinced that you could share such an intimate bond with him, but alas, everything had to be complicated. And if things could work out, they surely couldn’t last.
“We’re here.” Steve informed the both of you, as he slid out of his front seat, and you prepared to finish this for once and for all.
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“How could you?!” You couldn’t defend him as Tony blasted him away, Bucky had played you, and done so well. He and Steve knew of the blood on his hands, and yet they hadn’t thought once to inform you of the one true treachery regrading you.
Bucky had killed your mother, from the intake of information alone, you felt sick. Physically sick. But you choked it down, and as Steve unsurely came towards you, you ran at him, angered by his lies.
From the start, the patriot of America, someone you had considered a friend had deceived you. You had helped him, stood with him, fought your friends for him, and not to mention Tony, and he had known all along.
“Save your apologies Rogers.” You stared him down, as he had Bucky held up by one arm, seeing as Barnes had lost one of his own again. “And you, you’re right, there’s no perfect picture, you’re nothing but a monster.”
“Listen.” Steve commanded, but you couldn’t. He was no longer considered your captain, he was a sick liar who had helped to break you. This was the last time that you made your own decisions. Tony was always right.
“You don’t deserve that shield, my father made that. It’s government property-” swiftly he dropped said item, an exhausted and tiresome expression upon Steve’s helmet wearing face.
As soon as they trudged by, you instantly went to Tony, checking his wounds. “You were right brother, I should have listened to you.”
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“Your dad loved cheeseburgers too.” You laughed lightly to Morgan, blinking back the tears. It was Tony’s funeral, there were so many people here, even Fury, but there was someone else, who was walking towards you. “Why don’t you go and ask Happy, I have some business that I have to tend to quickly.”
“Okay auntie y/n.” She ran off. She was so innocent, she didn’t deserve to be going to her father’s funeral at five years old, it was truly cruel. But that was just the way the world worked, and Tony was a hero.
“Hi.” Bucky spoke, adorned in all black, same as you. It had been a long time since you had seen him, not since he was being carried away by Steve. You hadn’t fought in Wakanda, instead you had ended up on Titan with your brother, and you would have surely died without him.
“Hey Barnes.” You greeted him with a forced smile, but nevertheless allowed him to step closer.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” He said, the guilt still burning behind his eyes. It seemed that his time in Wakanda had changed him, for the better.
“Which one?” You quipped back, instantaneously. 
“All of them.” He gulped, he was going to give you one truth before you found out after. It was his attempt at redemption, and a sorrowful one at that. “Steve’s returning the stones later.”
“I know.” You responded, the captain had already informed you about that part of his plan.
“And he’s not coming back.”
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“Anthony Howard and Steven Nathan Barnes, the two of you better get back here this instant!” Your voice hollered through the house, as well as the duo’s endless giggles.
The front door opened, no other than Bucky walking through. He was quick to recognise the flash of motherly anger upon your face, and quickly dropped his serene smile.
“What have they done?” Bucky asked, watching as you crossed your arms in an unimpressed manner.
“Why don’t you ask your sons?” Your husband sighed, but despite that, he was a happy man. He had returned from a war, and found a lovely wife, of which he had two troublesome boys with. For the first time in a long time, y/n Stark and Bucky Barnes were happy.
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
Love like the movies // Bucky Barnes
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One - When Harry met Sally 
Synopsis: This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Bucky Barnes, finds himself thrown into a world that seems so different from everything he’s ever known. Growing  up, Bucky had not a doubt in his mind that his undeniable charm and his gorgeous smile would one day help him find the one. Now he realizes there’s so much more to romancing women, especially those from the 21st century. The girl, (Y/N) knows entirely too much about rom-coms and is quite particular about the way she eats her popcorn. Bucky meets (Y/N) a few months after returning to NYC. He knows almost immediately that becoming her friend is inevitable. This is a story of boy meets girl. This is not a love story. This is a story about love. (Bucky Barnes x female!Reader // a few spoilers for EP1 of TFATWS)
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
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“ Now in the movies they make it look so perfect And in the background they're always playing the right song And in the ending there's always a resolution But real life is more than just two hours long “
Some Avett Brothers song sounds from the little radio that sits on the corner of the counter. Thick drops of rain pearl against the window, racing each other down the glass before meeting up eventually and becoming one with each other. 
(Y/N) refills the last of the mustard bottles, setting it on the counter next to the others. It’s a quiet night at the diner. The kitchen’s been closed for an hour now and usually, that’s when people stop coming in. While the Little Blue Diner is known for their hot dogs and burgers, neither their coffee nor their cold sandwiches are gonna win any prizes any time soon. 
And yet …
Sure enough, as her eyes lift towards the figure slouched down in the corner booth, his gloved hand is already outstretched, signaling his desire for yet another refill.
A mixture between a chuckle and a scoff tumbles from her lips at the thought of him wanting more of the slightly burned liquid. If there’s one thing (Y/N) can admit to being bad at, it’s brewing coffee. Where there should be a rich brown color, hers usually ends up with an inky black hue and instead of leaving a hint of warm caramelization on your tongue hers just tastes bitter. It doesn’t seem to face the man in the corner though. Not even a little bit. To say this worries her is a bit of an understatement. No one in their right mind would take 7 refills of her witch's brew.
“ You okay, my dude ? “ (Y/N) inquires as she steps up to his table, coffee pot in hand. 
The man doesn’t look up at her. He doesn’t have to. She’s acutely aware of the character currently occupying the corner booth. It’s a face she knows like the back of her hand. One that’s been staring at her from books and documentaries, one she’s been greeted by every time her dad took her with him to the Smithsonian. Though they do not dare look up at her, she’s so awfully familiar with the bright blue shade of his eyes, he might as well be a long-time friend. 
“ I’m fine. “ 
Of all the lies in the world, “I’m fine” must be the most unbelievable one and yet the one told most often. No one who’s actually fine ever says those words. Those two words are reserved for the lonely and broken only. It’s like getting “I’m not fine at all” tattooed across your goddamn forehead. 
“ Sure you are, that’s why you’re having the 7th refill of my god awful coffee. “ 
“ ‘s not that bad. “ 
“ Sure, if you’re into licking charcoal it’s probably not that bad. “
It’s just a split of a second, a fraction of a moment, but (Y/N) is sure she can see the corner of his lips lifting slightly. It falls back into the stoic scowl immediately but it was there. For a teeny tiny moment, there was the shadow of a smirk on his face and that’s a success in her book. 
“ Either way, here’s how we’re gonna do this. I’ll give you one last refill, after that, I’m cutting you off, my friend. I know I’m a waitress and it’s my job to bring you what you want but I do not fancy watching you suffer a caffeine-induced heart attack in this very diner. I am not equipped to handle a situation like that and quite honestly they don’t pay me enough to deal with that either. “ 
His eyes are still trained on the scratched-up white linoleum table but ever so faintly he nods his head in silent agreement. 
As promised, she pours him one last cup of coffee. A brew so dark it could rival the bubbling goo of a tar pit. 
“ Enjoy your last cup of the night, Mr. Barnes. “ 
It’s then, as she’s just about to walk back behind the counter, as those words leave her lips, that he looks up for the first time since he’s walked in. 
His eyes are the exact shade of blue she’s so familiar with but there’s something else about them. An infinite sadness haunts every spec of blue. Where she thought there would be a sparkle of adventure, a hint of mischief, there is just loneliness. This is not the man she’s read about in museums, heard about in stories. This man right here is completely and utterly lost.
“ I - I uh — “ 
He clears his throat, once, twice, then nervously brushes his hand across his face. 
“ I can go if you don’t want me here. “ 
“ Huh? “ 
“ I asked if you want me to leave. “ 
As those words escape him, his eyes seem to grow even more devastated. They glimmer with memories of a time long gone and a future uncertain. Shine with hurt and fear. 
“ Why would I ask you to leave? “ 
Bucky shrugs his shoulders in a way to make it look nonchalantly. It’s hard to seem casual though when you seem to carry the weight of the entire world on your shoulders. 
“ People who recognize me usually aren’t so keen on having me around. I don’t know if you’ve heard but I’m uh — I’m not people’s favorite person. “ 
It’s a sad thought, (Y/N) realizes, to be constantly bound to a past that is yours but never really belongs to you. To be forever linked with the horrible actions of a version of yourself you had no control over. And no matter how hard you try to set it all right and to repent for your wrongdoings, to some people it will never be enough.
“ No, you don’t have to leave, “ (Y/N) reassures before sliding into the booth opposite him. “ I don’t know you because of — because of what happened. I know you first and foremost as Sergeant Barnes, former officer of the 107th Infantry Regiment, part of the Howling Commandos, and best friend and brother to Steve Rogers. Everything else that’s — none of my business really. “ 
Bucky lifts his eyes off of the table again and while the sadness is still there, something else lingers for a moment. Curiosity, intrigue maybe, or just relief. 
“ Wow. Didn’t think I’d run into someone reciting my life to me. Huh. “ 
“ My dad used to be a curator at the Smithsonian. He was in charge of the Captain America exhibition. I’ve seen your face a million times, visiting him at work. I gotta say though, you look way more approachable and friendly on the picture they put up. “ 
This time, it’s more than a fleeting moment, this time she’s sure about it, this time he lets out an actual chuckle. 
“ I was a lot younger then, okay? Cut an old man some slack. “ 
“ Oh, you pulling the old man card now? “ 
“ Is it working? “ he asks, eyebrows raised in question. 
“ Not really. “ 
“ Ah, what a shame.” 
Silence settles upon them again like a thick duvet filled with feathers, it’s not uncomfortable but it’s smothering anyway.
“ Do you wanna talk about it? Your sour mood, I mean.” 
Bucky shrugs again “I have a therapist.” 
“ Does she make you draw your feelings? “ 
He smiles again at that question. His smile, (Y/N) thinks, ain’t the worst thing she’s ever seen. She wouldn’t mind seeing it more often.
“ No. Why? “ 
“ Mine did. She stopped pretty quickly though, I guess my drawings were too detailed and gory for her.” 
“ Huh. “ 
“ Mmmh.” 
After another sip of coffee, one he takes without grimacing, without showing any sign of disgust for the burnt brew, Bucky speaks up again.
“ Mine thinks I’m lying to her. “ 
“ Are you ?” 
“ Well yeah, but she doesn’t need to know that.” 
“ Maybe telling her the truth would help you. “ (Y/N) suggests only to be met with a determined head shake No from Bucky. 
The notification sound of a phone pulls them from their conversation and at the sight of the name on the display, Bucky lets an “oh shit” slip from his lips.
“ Don’t you sound excited about getting texts from your friends, “ (Y/N) jokes
“ I had a date last night. That’s her. “ 
“ Since she’s texting you I assume it went well. “ 
Bucky grimaces at her words, slightly shaking his head in disagreement.
“ No? “ 
“ I mean, I had fun and it went well — at first. She’s really sweet. But then we started talking and I may have run. “ 
“ Ran where? “ 
“ Away. “ 
“ Away as in you left. “ 
“ Mm-mmh” 
“ Just like that? “ 
“ Yup. “ 
“ Why? “ 
He throws up his arms in frustration and shakes his head again as if to gather all his thoughts and rattle them neatly back into place. 
“ I don’t know, okay? I haven’t been on a date since the 1940s. Everything I know about women and dating and romance seems antiquated. I’m overwhelmed and confused and I just don’t wanna do anything wrong.” 
“ Dude, you ran from your date without any explanation. How much worse could you have handled it? “ 
“ Yeah well, hindsight is 20/20. “ 
While his words try to sound light and nonchalant, his shoulders tense and his whole demeanor seems to shift back into the gloomy state he’s been in since he entered the diner. Like a big cloud that’s following him around, casting shadows at all times and hardly allowing any light to shine through.
“ Look, I don’t think any of us know what the heck we’re doing half the time. Like, trust me I know what I’m talking about. Online dating means I have to choose between men who think posing with a dead fish will make me want to sleep with them, men who think knowing obscure Star Wars facts can replace having an actual personality, and men who send me pictures of their … privates without me ever giving any indication of wanting to see those. So yeah — dating can really s - be frustrating. “ 
Bucky regards her for a second, the right corner of his lips pulled into a lazy lopsided smirk.
“ Did you just censor yourself because you don’t wanna swear around me ?” 
“ Maybe, but that’s beside the point. The point is, we’re all just human and in the end, we’re all just looking for someone to like us the way we are, all quirks and issues and baggage included. I know women might seem intimidating but really all we want is to be loved and appreciated. And not the over-the-top build-you-a-house, the notebook kind of love. More like the Harry and Sally kind.“ 
(Y/N) can almost see the gears working inside Bucky’s brain, the desperate attempt to make any sense of all the words and phrases she’s just thrown at him. A jumbled mess of pop culture references swirls through his head like a swarm of bees, chaotic and messy. 
“ I have no idea what you just said. “ 
“ When Harry met Sally? “
Bucky just shrugs and shakes his head.
“ You’ve never seen it? “ 
“ I’ve been a bit preoccupied with being blipped away into oblivion for the last 5 years. So I haven’t really had the time to get into movies yet. “ 
This time it’s the gears in her own head that start turning. 
“ What are you doing Friday night ? “ she asks, biting her lip in nervous anticipation.
“ I — I don’t know. “ 
That’s a bit of a lie, really. He does know. It’s the same thing he does pretty much every other day. He gets some takeout, brings it home, sits down in front of the tv, tries to get lost in whatever show they put on, fails at doing so, reads a few pages of a book, lays down to sleep, and then wakes up a little while later to yet another nightmare, tangled up in sweaty sheets, heart racing. 
(Y/N) doesn’t need to know any of that though. He doesn’t tell his therapist so why would he tell a random stranger.
“ Well, don’t make any plans. We’re gonna kill 2 birds with 1 stone. “ 
“ We are? “ 
“ Yeah. Trust me on this one. “ 
“ I don’t even know you. “ 
“ Sure you do. “ (Y/N) says and taps the tag pinned to her baby blue polo shirt with the diner’s logo on the back.  “ I’m the one who serves you just enough coffee to keep you happy but not have you die a painful and honestly mildly embarrassing death. “ 
Every part of him screams at him to say no. To stay away from her the way he does from most other people, even Sam. To get up and get out and not cause any more damage than he already has in other people’s life. But then he remembers his therapist's words, he remembers Leah’s face full of confusion and disappointment, he remembers the empty feeling in his chest. That feeling of pure and utter loneliness. 
“ Alright, Friday works for me, (Y/N). “ 
“ Perfect, Bucky. “ 
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“ Bring a jacket. “ 
The address and “Bring a jacket” that’s all she’s texted him. No explanation, no plan, nothing. 
Bucks leans against the streetlamp, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his leather jacket. Anxiety is washing through his system like tidal waves on a stormy ocean. This whole being spontaneous thing was much easier back in the 40s. When his shoulders weren’t so heavy with guilt. When he didn’t have to constantly face the consequences of his actions. Consequences of a past he can never quite outrun no matter how far he goes and how hard he tries. 
Maybe this is good, he has to remind himself. Getting out of his comfort zone, if that even exists for him. Opening himself up to new opportunities. Maybe even make a friend. (Y/N) seem nice enough, if a bit peculiar. 
His shrink would be proud of him. Getting out there, talking to people, being approachable. This must for sure earn him some kind of gold star equivalent in her notebook. 
“ Hey there, Mr. Grumpyface. “ 
(Y/N)'s voice cuts through the chilly New York night like headlights through thick fog. She strolls towards him, lips pulled into a big bright smile. Leading up to tonight he’s spent quite a lot of time wondering if this is some kind of project for her, if maybe she sees him as a sort of charity case. Something to earn her karma points. It wouldn’t be the first time. But the genuine joy radiating from her face lets those worries melt away instantly. 
Maybe, Bucky thinks, she really just thinks he’ll make a good friend. And maybe he can. 
“ Hi, (Y/N). “
“ You brought a jacket” she points out, pinching the black leather between her fingers. Her nails are painted in various shades of red, each finger a different hue. 
“ I did. You told me to. “
“ And you listened! “ 
“ Why wouldn’t I ? “ Bucky inquires, a look of confusion settling on his face.
“ You wouldn’t believe how many men think wearing a jacket when it’s cold out somehow clashes with their need to demonstrate their masculinity. “ 
“ Wow. “ he exclaims.
“ Yeah. So anyway, you ready to go up? “ 
She nods her head towards the house across the street. It’s a slim multiple-story brick building with rusty fire escapes. It looks like a residential lot, not much else that could give away (Y/N)’s plan for the rest of the night.
“ Up? “ 
“ Mm-mh. “ (Y/N) nods and motions towards the top of the building. “ to the roof. “ 
“ The roof? You’re not planning to push me off or anything, right? I don’t usually spend time with strangers on rooftops. “ he tells her, a smirk lifting the sides of his lips.
She grants him a smile in return. One of those that you try so hard to suppress but despite your best efforts they find their way onto your face anyway. Because some smiles demand to be smiled. And her smile is pretty cute, he thinks, it deserves to be seen. 
“ Foiled again, damn Bucky. I’m a waitress with a useless degree in literature and creative writing but assassinating you was exactly what I had planned for tonight. Couldn’t let me have that one, huh? “ 
“ Sorry to spoil all the fun. “ 
She softly bumps her shoulder against his right side as she passes him and crosses the street. Her red skirt flutters around her knees like a ribbon of fire, bright and warm and —
“ You coming, grumpy ?” 
“ Yeah uh — yeah sure. “ 
The walk upstairs is filled with chatter from her and nodding from Bucky. It’s been like this most of the time since — well since he’s really back. Other people usually do the talking and Bucky listens. It works most of the time. Works with Yori. Sometimes though, sometimes it doesn’t. He can see people getting frustrated with him. Hell his own therapist does and she knows the baggage he has to carry around. 
This is different though, (Y/N) doesn’t seem to mind much. She’s a waterfall of words and topics and doesn’t seem to get bored or annoyed with him. It’s nice. 
A heavy iron door swings open as they reach the top of the building and as soon as they step out onto the rooftop balcony they get engulfed in an ocean of lights. They’re strung from one end of the roof to the other and back again. Next to the door, a little makeshift bar is set up, and a guy in a Star Wars shirt hands out beers to people. 
Multicolored deck chairs and beanbags are haphazardly placed across the entire roof, all pointing towards the corner furthest away from the door where a big white sheet hangs spanned between two poles. 
“ Sooo you gonna tell me what we’re doing here? “ Bucky asks again as (Y/N) steers him towards a cluster of chairs in the back. 
“ Some peeps I went to university with, set up movie screenings here every once in a while. I could pull some strings and got to choose the movie. “ 
“ We’re gonna watch a movie? “ 
“ Not just any movie, “ she exclaims and drops down onto one of the plastic deck chairs that looks like it used to be bright pink once but is now but a bleached blush colour from being exposed to the sun too much. “ We’re watching when Harry met Sally. “ 
Bucky slumps down on the chair next to her, a blue one with white daisy patterns. 
“ Me not knowing this movie really does bother you, huh? “ 
“ It’s a classic, might as well start with this one. And anyway, maybe this can help you get back into the dating game. Ya know, help you understand modern romance. “
“ You think so? “ 
She shrugs and starts fumbling around in her bag, “ I dunno. It might. And if it doesn’t at least you’ll spend your time watching a good movie and get to experience the blessing of my company. Ah-ha! There you go “ 
Her hand reaches out holding a bag of M&Ms.
“ I brought snacks. “ 
More and more people start occupying the chairs and bean bags and a few minutes later a guy steps up in front of the sheet. He’s wearing a shirt with a black and white bird pattern, huge glasses with a brown frame, and jeans that don’t cover his ankles. He’s tall and lanky and his hair is so messy, Bucky wonders if it’s intentional or if he just hasn’t brushed it in a while. 
“ Hi guys, I’m Andrew. For those of you who don’t know me, I live in apartment 2B and I just wanna say thank you for showing up and welcome you to our movie night under the stars. A few days ago we received a special request from one of our good friends and because she let me stay on her couch for several months back during our college days and I still owe her for that I couldn’t reject her request. So thanks to Miss (Y/N) over there in the pink chair you now get to spend the next 90 minutes watching Meg Ryan fall in love with Mike Wazowski. Enjoy. “ 
As he steps away from the sheet, the lights are turned off and the MGM logo pops up on the screen. 
“ Trust me, Bucky. This one’s so good.” (Y/N) assures before throwing some M&Ms into her mouth, now entirely focused on the movie.
It takes a while for Bucky to relax. Being around so many people and not having any fear of what’s lurking around the corner is still very new. Letting go is never as easy as it sounds. Eventually though, his nerves settle down a little and as the movie progresses, he finds himself relaxing more and more. Something he hasn’t done in a long time. Not since Wakanda.
Exactly 46 minutes into the movie, (Y/N) lets her eyes wander to her left where Bucky, until now, sat slumped into his seat. Still perpetually grumpy but more chilled out and relaxed than she’s seen him before. Until now. A moaning Meg Ryan visible making him uncomfortable.
“ You okay, grumpy? “ 
He doesn’t grant her a real answer, just scoffs and rolls his eyes. There’s a smile though, she’s sure. Somewhere hidden there is another smile. 
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“ So, what did we learn today? “ 
Bucky looks at (Y/N) who has her arms wrapped tightly around her middle shielding herself from the chilly night air. The movie night has ended a while ago and the two of them are slowly strolling along the New York City streets on the way back to (Y/N)’s apartment. 
“ To take your own advice and dress warmer for a movie night? “ 
(Y/N) chuckles. “ No, grumpy. I meant the movie. “ 
He shrugs at her question. Quite honestly he hasn’t learned anything new. Nothing about the movie seemed in any way revolutionary to him nor does he see any benefit for himself and his dating life going forward. But the way she looks at him right now, expecting something grand not from him really but some beautiful consequences to her ideas, that makes him reconsider. Sure he could tell her that it was just a silly little movie about people falling in love but that would no doubt hurt her, even a tiny little bit. And if there’s anything Bucky has enough of, it’s hurting others. 
“ I guess that men and women really can not be friends. “ 
“ Noooo! No. Is that really what you took from this movie? “ 
“ That’s literally what happened. “ 
“ Okay first of all it works, look at us! We’re friends! Second of all, that’s not what the movie is really about. It’s about love and vulnerability. It’s about overcoming all the tiny things that can work against you and your relationship. Like distance and timing and egotism. It’s about hiding who you are because really opening up to someone, being your authentic true self with all your faults and imperfections, that makes you vulnerable. And being vulnerable is fucking scary. But love is worth it anyway. That’s what the movie is about. “
As Bucky noticed before, some smiles demand to be smiled. They need to be smiled because they’re important and they mean something. The one gracing his face now, that’s one of those. One of those you remember because you feel them all the way in your heart.
“ You think we’re friends? “ 
“ Oh, are we — are we not? “ 
“ No. I — no, we are! I’d like to be friends. “ 
(Y/N) abruptly stops in her tracks, turns towards him, and holds out her hand. “ To friendship.” 
“ We’re shaking hands on it? What is this, a business deal? “ 
“ You know what, yeah now that you mention it that’s pretty lame. “ (Y/N) agrees, balling her hand into a fist “ how about a fist bump, bro? “ 
Bucky reluctantly knocks his right hand against hers before continuing his walk down the street. “You call me bro again I’m canceling the friendship. “ 
“ Alright. Noted. “ 
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“ So have you talked to the girl again? “ 
“ Hmm? “ 
“ The one you went on a date with? “ 
“ Oh, Leah. Uh — no.” 
“ Why not? “ 
Bucky throws her a look. One that says “are you kidding me?”. One that says “ you know why.” 
“ Cause I ran out. That’s embarrassing. She’s gonna think I’m insane. She’s never gonna wanna see me again. “ 
“ I sincerely doubt that. You just gotta say sorry. I know in Love Story — that’s a novel and also a movie from the 70s — they say that ‘Love means never having to say you’re sorry but that’s a load of bull. Just say sorry and ask her for a do-over. “ 
“ And then what? We play a rematch of battleships and talk about my trauma? “ 
“ Well, what did you do on dates in the 40s? “ 
That time, his youth, that seems like a different life altogether now. So much happened between then and now and the man he is now, has no relation to the boy he was then. Sometimes looking back hurts, makes it painfully obvious what he’s lost. But sometimes, like tonight, he can feel a hint of fondness coursing through him at the thought of times long gone.
“ Dancing, mostly.” 
“ Like, ballroom dancing? “ 
“ Swing. “ 
“ You swing dance? “ 
“ I did. “ 
(Y/N) regards him through squinted eyes “ really? “ 
“ You don’t believe me? “
“ I don’t know. You don’t strike me as a dancer. “ 
Not a second later, Bucky’s gloved hand grabs onto her’s and twirls her towards him then away from him and back in. 
“ You twirled me! “ 
“ Mm-mh.”
“ I’ve never been twirled. That’s so fun. “ 
It’s like autopilot taking over as Bucky holds onto her, twirling her again then pulling her in and swaying them in a circle. It’s not swing dancing, not even close but there’s no music either, and anyway, his dancing days are over. But sometimes you gotta make a point and if that means slow dancing in the middle of an empty street then that’s that. 
The night wraps them in a blanket of comfort and intimacy as the stars and the New York skyline try to outshine each other. It’s a moment so peaceful, Bucky can’t remember the last time his heart felt so light, his mind felt so at ease, his entire being got to let go and just be alive and in the moment.
And then the shine of headlights rips them from their moment and makes them jump back onto the sidewalk. 
“ Get off the road you fucking morons! “ 
“ Gotta love the big city folk. “ 
“ Yup. “ 
“ Hey, Bucky.” 
“ What? “ 
“ You really can dance.” 
“ Told you. “ 
“ Can I tell you a secret? “ 
“ Sure. “ 
“ I can’t dance for shit. “ 
“ That so? “
“ Yup. Which means you gotta teach me. “ 
“ Absolutely not.” 
“ Oh, 100%! “ 
“ We’ll see about that.” 
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There are nights you try to forget. Nights that you wish to never ever remember. Ones that break you. That beat you down and leave you bruised and battered.
Then there are nights like this one that you want to hold onto for just a little bit longer. Those that fill you with joy and an immeasurable thirst for life. The ones that make you feel grateful to be alive right here and now. 
The inevitable end of the night creeps closer as they arrive at (Y/N)’s front door. Neither of them really want to say goodnight but both know there’s no use in delaying it.
“ I hope you didn’t hate the movie too much, “ (Y/N) speaks up, leaning against the front door of her apartment complex.
“ No. It was fun! Although I still don’t know who Mike Wazulsky is. “ 
“ Mike Wazowski, he’s — you know what? That’s a conversation for another time. “ 
“ Alright, if you say so. “ 
“ Thanks for walking me home. “ 
“ Oh, yeah no need to thank me. It’s the right thing to do. “ 
For a moment they just stand and smile, trying to cherish the last few moments of this night. 
“ We should do this more often. “ Bucky suggests, surprising even himself.
“ For sure. I still have so many movies to show you. “ 
“ Can’t wait. “ 
A slight sense of awkwardness falls over them as neither of them knows what to do. Go for a hug? Shakes hands? Wave goodbye? 
“ I uh — I should go. “ 
“ Yeah, of course. Have a good night, Bucky.” 
“ You too, (Y/N).” 
“ Oh and Bucky? “ 
“ Yes? “ 
“ Give Leah a call. “ 
Bucky nods his head before turning around and walking back into the night.
As he takes the way back to his own home, there are only two things on Bucky’s mind: the vulnerability of falling in love and the question of who the hell Mike Wazowski was. 
227 notes · View notes
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape.
This is dark!Bucky and dark! Loki and explicit (with sides of dark!Steve and dark!Thor). Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your father was a bookie and taught you everything you know about numbers. After his death, you were taken on as a bookkeeper for Loki Laufeyson, resident crime boss in Manhattan. But can you keep your place in the background when a man from Brooklyn threatens to drag you to the forefront?
Note: uh, yeah, here’s an update!
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You were surprised and relieved that both men heeded your warning and left you alone. Even so, you slept with the club-like lamp close at hand and woke early as you went over the ideas brewing in your head. If you saw this casino through, you wouldn’t survive much longer. You doubted you’d even make it to the opening at this point.
You wore a tight black wrap dress that bared your thigh when you sat. You checked your reflection and preened before you grabbed your purse and headed for Loki’s room. You had to make this convincing. You had to work with Loki, not against him. Just for a time.
You knocked and tapped your heel on the hotel carpet. The door opened and Loki greeted you in a half-button shirt, untucked, and uncombed hair. His jaw twitched and he backed up a step as he let out a long breath.
“You’re early,” he nodded you inside. As you entered, he swung the door closed and finished buttoning his shirt. He strode around the room, tidied from the night before though still smelling of wine, and took his tie from the end table. He looped it as you lingered by the door.
“I think we should talk,” you said.
“We should?” he scoffed as he straightened his tie.
“About business,” you offered, “that’s why we’re here and we’ll get nothing done if we keep on like this.”
“All would be in order if you did not insist on being a stubborn bi--”
“Loki,” you curtailed his insult, “I mean it. Send me back to New York, just for a day.”
“I need you here.”
“I’ll stay until the morning but… Bucky told me some things about Diablo.”
“Diablo?” Loki squinted as he took a sleek black comb and looked into the mirror hung from the wall.
“You want me to show my loyalty to you, that’s what I’m doing.” You watched him comb his dark hair. “You own my bounty so what good is it to betray you? I owe you.”
He slapped the comb against his palm and turned to you. He set it aside and winced. He rolled his shoulder where you’d hit him and rubbed it.
“You’ve a far way to go to trust,” he warned.
“Look, you know how men like Bucky are. You think he doesn’t talk after… well, you know? He likes to boast. This whole casino business, that’s proof alone that Diablo is working behind your back. You might not trust me but you should trust him even less.”
“What are you proposing, pet?” he pulled on his jacket and yawned.
“Send me back to New York with Thor. I’ll need protection. You stay here. You can tell Bucky you sent me to keep me away from him or whatever makes your ego feel better.”
“Pet--” he began and you waved away his caution.
“Whatever,” you pressed, “you send me there and I will not return without answers. Diablo thinks he owns the city, that he owns me. He got on over on you with this seaside sty and I don’t think he should get away with that.”
“Why would you do any of this?”
“Because it’s my head as much as yours, because, as much as I hate to admit it, I’d rather be owned by you then Diablo.”
“And how will you get these answers?” Loki came near and looked down his nose at you.
“Hmm,” you smiled coyly, “all you men think my father left me alone with nothing. I know everyone he knew, I’m the sweet little girl who used to carry colouring books around to all the meetings. And as little as I knew her, I learned from my mother. Women have a way of snaking their way through the desert of bad men and we find sisterhood in our tolerance of their bad deeds. Diablo has girls coming and going, he tosses them away and do you think they appreciate him for that?”
Loki considered you and his lips threatened to curve. He ran his fingertips along his lapel and tilted his head.
“You are clever, aren’t you?” he asked.
“I make do,” you shrugged, “you keep me here and Bucky’s gonna keep playing this game. Don’t you think that’s a little too convenient for Diablo? He’s distracting both of you, he’s got you both of New York… why is that?”
Loki poked his tongue through his teeth and tsked. He turned away and swirled his finger through the air as he thought.
“I have been distracted, by you most of all,” he mulled, “I suppose it would be wise to figure out Diablo’s game and to get you away from that pitbull hounding my business.”
You were quiet, you had to let Loki think it was all in his hands. He went to the window and looked out, he let out a low snicker.
“See out the day, darling, and return to me tonight. I should like a proper goodbye before you go,” he checked his watch as he turned on his heel, “I will allow you a day in the city and you will return with the information you’ve promised me. I do not appreciate those who waste my time, you know that.”
“I do,” you confirmed, “and I’m done wasting my own.”
“Well then,” he crossed the room and his hand skirted up your side, “let us go on and face the day.”
You turned and reached for the door handle. He stopped your hand before you could twist it.
“I did not forget last night. It will not happen again or that little asterisk should disappear from my ledger, understood?”
You looked him in the face and held his eye. You nodded, “understood.”
“Very well,” he brushed his hand across your ass and gave a light slap, “go on.”
You arrived at the casino before the other men. Loki saw you to your office and huffed about his brother’s usual lateness. Bucky and his men appeared shortly after and the builders continued their work in a storm of hammers and drills. 
You sat with your ledger as Thor winked at you before following his brother from the office. He was anything but subtle but you could use his lechery to your advantage. You bent over the columns but did not see the numbers. Instead, you went over your plot.
Men, you realised a little too late, were easy. You just had to appeal to their most basic instincts. Feed their egos and you could feed yourself. You bit your lip as you shoved down your anxiety. There were many ways this could go wrong.
You were surprised to look up and find Bucky in your doorway. His arms were crossed as he watched you. He bit his thumb as he came closer and dropped his hands to hook his thumbs in his pocket.
“You’re going away tomorrow,” he said as he pulled up a chair and sat. “Your boss is a coward. Sending you away. I know he just can’t stand the idea of you and me, sweetheart.”
You looked at him and nodded. He leaned back and cracked his neck.
“That’s quite a swing you got. Hell of an arm.” He chuckled, “can’t say it didn’t hurt.”
You swallowed and set down your pencil. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Oh, you should’ve hit us harder,” he bent his arm against the chair and rubbed his index with his thumb. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
You looked down and batted your lashes. Your thoughts whirred and you fought to still them.
“Ah, sweetheart, this is messy, isn’t it?”
“He’ll never let me go,” you said softly, “he won’t.”
Bucky was quiet. You heard his sole scrape the floor and the chair creaked. “But you want away from him?”
“Of course I do,” you looked up tearily, “but I know how he is. It’s why--” you sniffed, “well, you don’t care about all that. You only want one thing.”
He frowned and lowered his hand as he leaned forward. “Now sweetheart, you know I like you for more than that. I wouldn’t still be chasin’ you around if I didn’t.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “Don’t lie to me.”
He raised a brow and sighed. “I know I haven’t been… gentle but I didn’t lie when I said I’d give you better.”
“You can’t--”
“He’s sending you with his brother, right?”
You furrowed your brow and nodded. “He doesn’t trust me,” you said, “and he’s mad. He wants to punish me.”
Bucky poked his cheek with his tongue and thought. “You really knocked some sense into me, sweetheart, and I hate to see what he made you do last night. I’d never make you walk around like that in front of other men. You’d be mine, only mine.”
“You shouldn’t be saying all this.”
“He shouldn’t be sending you away.”
“Well,” you threw your hands up, “what can I do?”
“You do nothing,” he said, “all you gotta do is what I tell you.”
“I don’t--”
“I’ll take care of Loki and I got men who can deal with his dumb brother,” Bucky intoned, “you just gotta say the word.”
Your heart hammered. This wasn’t what you expected but it could still work. You searched Bucky’s face and leaned forward and lowered your voice. “Why?”
“I didn’t buy a casino to work with Loki, only to get close enough to him,” he growled, “this peace was never gonna last.”
“You go with Thor as planned. Act like normal, like nothing’s changed. Get him to that antique shop and my men will take care of the rest. You’ll be safe, you got my word.”
“You want me to go against Loki?”
“I want you to jump ship before it sinks,” he said coolly, “I’d hate to see you drown, sweetheart.”
“Why would I do that? Trade him for you? How is that any different for me?”
Bucky inhaled deeply and smirked, “you haven’t given me a chance, sweetheart, but your other choice isn’t so good. This is still business, if I gotta put you down with him, I will.”
You folded your hands on the desk and scrunched your lips. You fought not to show your own grin that threatened to burst through. These men were so focused on each other and their war, they didn’t realise the big picture could be skewed by the finer details.
Loki was waiting for you. You knocked on his door but it was unlocked. You entered and found him in a black robe with a glass of wine. He didn’t acknowledge you as you turned the lock or even as you neared him. He tossed back the last of the cabernet and set the glass aside.
His green eyes met yours at last and he stretched his arms over the back of the couch. He was slightly drunk, you could tell by the colour in his cheeks. His gaze fell down your figure and he beckoned you forth with two fingers.
“I hate to admit it but I think I will miss you,” he slid one hand along the front of his robe and unknotted the belt. He pulled it open and exposed his erection, “you will depart with my brother in the morning and he will see you to the city.”
You wriggled out of your dress and let it pile at your feet. You unhooked your bra as he began to play with himself and shimmied out of your panties. You stepped in front of him and bent to brace his shoulders as you climbed up to straddle you.
“Do you think I’ll be back or is this goodbye?” you asked.
“What do you mean?” he rasped.
“You don’t think I’ll be caught?”
He narrowed his eyes and touched your hips. He pulled you down until his tip slid along your folds.
“Do you?” he challenged.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you confessed.
“You have my brother, his men and mine,” he pushed you further and slid inside of you with a gasp. “When we are rid of Diablo and his deception, we will deal with Barnes. You will be mine, pet, only mine.”
“Would you want me when he is gone?” you ran your nails down his chest and he shivered.
“You would be thankful to only be my accountant again,” he gripped your hips as he moved your body, “but I don’t think I could let you be just that.”
“You’re drunk, Loki,” you taunted, put off by his unusual candour.
“I’m horny,” he admitted, “and you feel good.”
You purred and kept rocking in his lap. Despite your loathing, your helplessness, you were soothed by his body. For once, it wasn’t rough, it wasn’t angry, it wasn’t punishing. With what could be disaster facing you, you wanted to bask in this last moment of peace. Fuck away the stress and the fear.
“You never fucked me like this, pet,” he reached to cup your tit, “you’re afraid?”
You lowered your head tellingly and sped up. You didn’t want to talk, you just wanted to get off. Even if you despised him, even if it was wrong. He groaned and hung his head back against the couch as he teased your nipples with his thumbs.
“Perhaps it is that I am merely preferable to that animal, Barnes. The lesser of two evils? I do not mind that.”
He clenched his teeth as he watched the way you glided up and down his length. Your thighs burned as you rode him eagerly, wishing he would just shut up. He snarled as you leaned into him and he took your nipple between his lips and nibbled.
You dug your nails into his shoulders and gasped for breath as you neared your climax. You closed your eyes and the hotel room slaked away. You weren’t there, you weren’t with him, you were only reaching for your bliss. You were so close; so close to being free, even if it wasn’t forever.
“Oh, darling,” he grunted and his hips bucked as you reached down to play with your clit. 
He came inside of you as your walls clenched him and you guided yourself to your own orgasm with your fingers and the fullness. You stopped and sat back as you wiped away the sweat from your brow. You exhaled and he tilted his hips so that you tensed around him.
“I will have a surprise for you on your return,” he swore as his green irises flamed, “oh, I think you should like it very much.”
You watched him as he closed his eyes and caught his breath. You blinked as your head spun and you caught his implication. Just as Bucky planned to strike his foe, Loki plotted much the same. You hid your delight and latched onto the back of the couch as you began to move again. You should have realised earlier how easy these men were.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
part 5 of the ‘hey batter batter’ series
pairing: Francisco Morales (Frankie, Catfish) x reader
wordcount: 2.5k
warnings: anyway I’m going to say this is where things start to get 18+ strong language, implications or mentions of party drugs, sex, alcohol, addiction, angst uhh I think that’s it. 
summary: it’s a Triple Frontier Baseball AU! Trust me, you don’t need to know anything about baseball. 
In this chapter, and always, truly good things require work, and while that’s scary, Frankie (and the others, in their own way) realize that it’s worth it.
They didn’t get very far away from the little home before Frankie had to pull over, wanting to bang his forehead against the steering wheel and let the honk drown out his agony. And Santi, who was laughing at him.
He felt like he was reliving the memory again and again, his mind’s eye more vivid than anything else.
The skin of your wrist, even burned, was delicate, softer than reasonable against his lips. Your face was confused, and then he could’ve sworn your pupils dilated as you regarded him. It was a blissful moment, sitting on the kitchen floor, closer to you than he’d ever been, kissing your pain away like his abuela, like the two of you were comfortable together.
Then he realized what he’d done and all but ran away, cursing himself and terrified of your beautiful, questioning eyes.
Before they’d pulled over, Santi was telling him he wasted his shot. He knew.
“What the hell? Fish?” his tone was quieter. Gone was the disappointed, but good natured teasing from before, Santi’s dark eyes widening as he realized there was something undeniably more real than he had been expecting.
“You…” he stared at Frankie, who was glaring out the window, knuckles almost white on the steering wheel. “You’re serious, about her.”
It wasn’t really a question. His friend’s hands loosened, then reasserted themselves, like he was wishing he could strangle something, and then they dropped, defeated. It was answer enough.
“Then why…” he licked his lips, Frankie’s stress rolling over him as he considered his next question. Why did you run from her? Why hadn’t you got her number? “Why cant you…”
“I have a fucking baby, man.”
His broad shoulders deflated, for all their tension, his body filling with unshed tears for the life he was certain he could not have.
“She’s not yours.” A quiet, well-practiced reminder.
“She might as well be.”
Santiago’s hand slipped onto his friends shoulder, rubbing slow circles like his own abuela, willing him to understand his support.
“She’ll understand.”
He could have meant Frankie’s broke, broken, single sister, or his unborn niece, just two months due, or his intensely expectant mother, but he knew better.
There was no good reason Santi’s gut should know what a person was thinking about Francisco, what they would think, but he was seldom wrong about these things. And he was surer than he’d ever been, about you.
Hanging over the balcony of the second tier, you laughed as Will slid into home.
All around you the cheers erupted, deafening and joyous. The team might’ve picked him up to carry him around for a victory lap, you couldn’t be sure because you couldn’t see, being jostled left and right on your way back to James.
The two of you had been late to the game today, caught up in traffic, and Benny had texted you to hurry up. It made no sense that he knew you weren’t there, and even less sense that he was able to text you from the dugout, but he had. They were losing bad, when you finally filed through security and found your seats, but thankfully began to claw their way back. It had been one of the closest games you’d seen in this stadium, and you were mildly worried Jimbo would be hoarse by the end of the night.
Knowing them made watching the game far more interesting than it had ever been for you. It was only the shallow end of friendship but it was more than enough. As the closer and closer the scores got to each other, the more you’d let yourself be drawn to towards the field like a lovesick fan. You held your breath as Santi threw one, two, three strikes the top of the ninth, and almost squeezed Jimbo too hard when Francisco caught an unexpectedly vertical foul ball. He had humored you, walking close to the edge at first, but at some point James let go of your arm and told you to stay and tell him what happened.
Beaming, you found him talking to another elderly couple, decked out in Miller boy jerseys and paraphernalia. Your grandfather introduced you, but before you could get their names, a large security person tugged you away, murmuring in your ear.
Trying to decline, and explain they probably had the wrong person, you were utterly confused. They were hearing none of it, and were to escort you to the locker room, and you were bullied into going along, telling James as quickly as you could that you would meet him in a bit.
When you were gently shoved into a large waiting area next to a door that reeked of sweaty men, you were annoyed. Then Ben Miller was coming out, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet before crushing you in a hug. His hair was wet, dripping on you, and his shirt was sticking to his body, and his eager eyes made you forgive him, for the most part. Thankfully, he smelled like cheap soap.
“Benjamin Miller, do you understand that that was not okay?” you tried to be stern.
“He doesn’t,” Will said dryly, emerging from behind his brother with a smile. He gave you a hug too, which surprised you more than anything, and whispered something to the security guards before leading them out. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine, but,” you felt flustered, wondering about Francisco as much as the ridiculousness of being near them, again. “Does someone mind explaining what’s going on? Why am I here?”
“Don’t explain,” Santi's voice, and his hand ruffling your hair. “It’ll jinx it.” You couldn’t tell if he was serious.
“Let’s just say, from us to you - thank you,” Ben was grinning winningly, almost making their suspicious behavior acceptable. “And we owe you one,” he added.
Handing finding your hips, you wondered if you had it in you to really glare at the tall, handsome athletes in front of you. You didn’t get the chance, however, as other players began pouring out around you and friends and family were being shown in. Apparently, meeting after the game was more common than you thought, and you felt defeated as you tried to back against a wall. The three of them got caught up momentarily as their friends triumphant voices and energetic movements filled the space.
You bumped into Francisco and nearly melted into the floor. 
His deep brown eyes, the ones you hadn’t seen since he kissed your wrist, met yours, and for a split second he looked like a deer in the headlights. Then they softened again, just like they had before, and he moved his body between yours and the crowd. Only when he glared and jerked his head did you notice one of the players you didn’t recognize had been looking you over, a little too interested.
His broad shoulders were raised, slightly, the only indication that he wasn’t in complete control of the situation.
“Thank you,” you murmured, under the noise, a mirror of that quiet moment in James’ kitchen. He didn’t move away this time, just stood over you as he checked to make sure the other player had gone on his way.
He was so tall. Of course you knew this but he was towering over you now, you could see the rise and fall of his chest, and the swell of the muscles in his arm as he pressed it against the wall by your head. Maybe you should’ve felt boxed in, but it was strangely comforting, the shape of the catcher blocking out the chaos.
The appearance of Ben, yet again, popped the tension and Francisco moved back, his arm falling to his side.
You breathed again as the rest of the group found you, and you could feel his eyes watch you as they joked about your disappearance.
Tom was looking at you too, a strange expression on his face. Of all of them, he seemed the most disheveled, like he’d only just got to the locker area.
“There’s an after party tonight,” he said, haltingly. You blinked.
The other boys were staring at him, and Santi’s head tilted, just a hair to the left, his eyes narrowing even less discernably as he said, “You should come.”
You laughed a little, and saw respect in Will’s eyes as you declined, thanking them for the invite. Did Frankie’s shoulder’s drop with disappointment or relief?
Ben was disappointed, for sure. It was hard to discern all their reactions when there was only one of you.
It was harder still, when James appeared, gently guarded by security, with the elderly couple in tow. Then there was reprieve from the attention on you as they accepted bear hugs from Will and Ben, and slightly more reasonable ones from the others. James received the same love, and winning the game because the second best thing of the day. Or maybe third, you thought, glancing again at the catcher who had returned to your side.
James ducked around them to tuck himself at your other side, and you didn’t need either of them to explain that these were the Miller grandparents.
The three of you melted into the background after you were reintroduced. When they invited you again to the party, the sweetness of the moment and Grandma Miller clouded your judgement, and you told them you would think about it.
You ended up going, an hour in, because Will had called you. He hadn’t explained, only half growling the instructions through the noise, before he changed his mind and hung up. Never mind, I’m sorry to bother you, he had said, and you thought that he actually meant it. It left a twisting feeling in your gut, and your instincts kicked in, and you pulled on whatever before driving over.
As per his instructions, you parked far away, slipping past the distracted security, into the luxurious rental. There half naked tipsy women and flashing lights, and things James would lecture them on littered around, and you felt slightly nauseous .
This wasn’t a setting you wanted to see any of them in, but you clenched your jaw, and looked for familiar faces.
First, you saw Tom near you, his hand sliding appreciatively over the ass of a girl who looked like she would frame her dress after he was done. Across the room, you saw a women watching them, standing a little to straight, hands clenched before she pushed her way out of the space. He must have seen it, too - he was frozen, and you snapped to make him look at you.
You didn’t say a word, just pointed with your thumb, eyes telling him what he needed to hear. He did apologize to the fans around him as he chased after her, and you rolled your eyes. It occurred to you that maybe… maybe that was why he mentioned the party. A strange way of asking someone, anyone who would hold him accountable to be nearby.
That seemed far fetched.
The air smelled like sweat and alcohol and smoke, and you tried not to think about your shoes, sticking ever-so-slightly to the floor, and tried not to wonder how often they did things like this. You were careful of explicit noises before you opened doors and your eyes moved quickly so you wouldn’t and draw attention to yourself.
Next, you found what you were sure your instincts had called you there for. He was in a mercifully quiet room, a little drunk, and a lot broken hearted.
Will was there too and when he saw you he stood, leaving his brother on the ground with his head between his knees.
“You didn’t have to come,” his voice was quiet as his eyes looked you over, trying to understand your intentions. You were sure he’d seen people time and time before try to get close for all the wrong reasons, and actually… thinking of it, you were sure that’s what had happened.
Will didn’t see any of that in you when you shrugged, eyes leveling with his despite the height difference, and he let you come further in.
“You guys have always been more than kind to me,” you said. It’s not that you owed them, it just made it easier to be kind in return.
Pushing aside a couple of cans, you settled next to Ben and held out the water bottle you’d brought. His face was stormy his eyes held hurt through the cloud of alcohol, and he took it.
“’m fine,” he said. Will waited for you to respond, to spout cliches and empty praise or lies and terrible advice. He had seen it all before, too many times.
That didn’t come, either, and when you didn’t say anything and rubbed your hand over his brothers shoulder, he was so grateful it hurt.
Frankie walked into the room, mouth open to check in, to find you running your fingers through Benny’s hair, his head in your lap. You were elbowing Will, laughing about something as his brother sleepily tried to participate.
His heart aching, Frankie left, closing the door hard behind him. He wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t.
Legs carrying him nowhere in particular, he wasn’t sure who he was frustrated at. Benny or Tom for charming you, dragging you into their lives, bright and shiny and innocent? Santi or Will for being able to talk with you like you had known them forever, to become your best friends like it was effortless?
You, with your open touches and knowing eyes and stupid big fucking heart?
He hated it all so much. Frankie hated it because it felt so good. Watching you act like a sister to his brothers, feeling your eyes on him as he did the one thing he knew how to do, hearing you say honest words for his ears alone - it all felt good, and it was awful. It made him forget who he’d been when he was a rookie, the mistakes he had made, the people they’d hurt while they’d been drunk on petty fame. It made him scared he would forget the lessons he had learned, if he let himself get lost in the good.
The person he was frustrated with was himself. He eyed his teammate doing a line of snow, the music pulsing in his ears, guilt and anxiety chasing him like wolves after prey. The caught him and he inched involuntarily forward, gnawing on the muscle memories of his tongue and heart and thighs.
Then all of a sudden, they were pulled back. Not gone – you were holding them at bay, as your hand touched his arm. Had you... chased him?
God did he want to be the man you though he was.
You didn’t seem interested in that, because you were quiet, telling him that it was good to see him, and to come to Benny, like he was needed. He wanted that – he turned away, back to his friends.
As your hand left his arm, the tips of your fingers trailed and he shuddered, realizing something.
The difference between the good of things that made him a monster, and the good of you was that it was handed to him, easy, full of promises that couldn’t be kept. Creating something good with you was going to be work.
Santi’s words rang in his mind, louder than the terrible music: she'll understand.
Determination flooded him, and he wondered if the wolves, never killed, could be harnessed. Frankie took your hand, relishing how after your initial shock,  you laced your fingers with his. 
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179
hey batter batter taglist:
@icanbeyourjedi @studyofawearymind @hnt-escape @athalien @the-witty-pen-name @daffodin
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
but beautiful
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But Beautiful
cedric diggory x malfoy!reader
summary: life wasn’t particularly easy being the older sister of draco malfoy, but a certain boy from hufflepuff had the power to make all her troubles melt away.
warnings: slight house shaming, brief mention of disappointed parents & i think that's it! non-voldy au! (gif is not mine, credit to owner)
words: 1.6k
part i, part ii, part iii
‘And you have to believe me when I tell you that no one could ever be as beautiful as you are at this very moment, because I could never want anyone more than I want you right now.’ -Mariella Muffarotto
There was something to be said about being a Malfoy, something y/n could not understand. With an uncommonly kind heart and an unprejudiced view on life, she saw the wizarding world as nothing but beautiful.
September 1st, 1989
Y/n walked nervously onto platform nine and three quarters with her mother, Narcissa, on one side and her father, Lucius, on the other. She looked up with pleading eyes at her parents, almost as if asking if she had to go. Her mother put her hand on her shoulder, ‘My dear, not to worry. You’ll make so many friends before you know it.’
‘Yes, y/n, your mother is right. But, don't go making friends with the wrong sort.’ Her father said with half a grin and half disgust. She shook her head, acknowledging his words. Y/n hugged her parents goodbye and headed up to the train, walking through to see most of the compartments as full. Almost at the end of the train she spotted a compartment that had two very similar looking boys who seemed nice enough. But what she didn't know is that once she opened that door, she would become best friends with two future trouble makers at Hogwarts. So, opening the door hesitantly she peeked inside
‘Hi, um, is this one full?’ Y/n stared at the two tall identical, redhead boys looking up at her.
‘Not at all.’ Said the one closest to the compartment door. ‘I’m Fred, by the way. Fred Weasley! And this is my brother George.��� He pointed to the by next to him, who smiled and sent her a wave.
‘Thanks.’ She sat down across the two. They gave her a quizzical look as she stared down at her hands, twiddling with her thumbs. The nervous energy was definitely kicking in and her mind fumbled into a much of anxiety. Her thoughts, though, were interrupted who she assumed to be Fred.
‘And you are?’
‘Oh! I’m y/n, y/n Malfoy.’ said the girl, smiling awkwardly at the two of them. ‘Sorry, guess I’m a bit nervous.’
Fred chuckled, ‘Well, not to worry y/n. This is our first year too, and with any luck will be sorted into Gryffindor.’ He smiled proudly, elbowing George.
‘Yeah, the whole lot of our family is Gryffindor. Sure, it will be the same for us.’ George pipped up. ‘What house are you hoping for?’
Y/n thought timidly to herself before answering the simple, yet complicated question. ‘Well, if I hope to live another day, then Slytherin. But I’d be happy in any house. Whatever the hat thinks is right for me.’
‘And why’s that, y/n?’ Fred asked.
‘My whole family is Slytherin. You know the type of purebloods who believe in all of the superiority nonsense. The Malfoys have been part of Slytherin house for centuries, so I guess I wouldn’t want to be a disappointment.’ She shrugged.
‘Oh.’ Whispered George knowingly, sending his brother a look. ‘Don’t get too caught up in it, y/n. We know tons of witches and wizards who were in your shoes and they all are just fine. Regardless of what house they got sorted into!’ He cooed reassuringly.
‘Anyways, Hogwarts isn’t about houses and schoolwork and nonsense like that. It’s about having fun.’ Fred said with a smirk, giving y/n a wink.
‘Good thing for both of you, I love nothing more than a bit of fun.’
The train arrived to the Hogsmeade station even more quickly than expected, or perhaps it was because Fred, George and y/n were having too much fun to realize the time passing by. The entered the Great Hall in awe because y/n’s mother and father had never told her how magnificent it really was. Her, the twins and the rest of the first-year students anxiously made their way up to the front of the room, passing older students as they went along. There stood Professor McGonagall, with a list of names and a big, old hat. She began reading off names:
‘Diggory, Cedric!’
‘Jordan, Lee!’
‘Johnson, Angelina!’
Then what seemed like a hundred names Professor McGonagall bellowed out, ‘Malfoy, Y/n!’
Y/n walked up to the wooden stool with shaky hands. Of course, she had wanted to be put in Slytherin to make her family proud, but a part of her felt like she just didn’t belong. Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head gently and took a step back.
‘Hm, another Malfoy,’ the sorting hat started. ‘Much potential. Talented, no doubt. A want to please and make others happy. Courage and loyalty, but where to put you?’ Better be, Hufflepuff.’
Y/n heart dropped to the floor, yet soared at the same time. She could not comprehend the emotion she was feelings, lying somewhere between overjoyed and worried. However, a smile was plastered onto her face as she made her way to sit down at the table adorned in yellow and black.
Y/n took a set across a boy with light brown hair who had been sorted into Hufflepuff not five minutes before she did. He grinned at her. Y/n looked into gray eyes, holding warmth and promise. He extended his hand to meet hers, ‘Hi! I’m Cedric Diggory!’
Y/n took his hand and shook it, ‘I’m y/n Malfoy!’
The boy who she now knew as Cedric smiled at her, with rosy cheeks. ‘I can tell were going to be great friends!’
And great friends they did become.
The days turned to weeks, the weeks turned to months. Months became seasons and seasons blossomed to years. Y/n’s friendship with both the Weasley twins and Cedric Diggory were planted into little trees in which her love for Hogwarts sprouted. Two years had passed since y/n Malfoy was sorted into Hufflepuff, though it would be lying to say she didn’t get quite the earful from her parents about it.
(‘Hufflepuff!’ Lucius spat. ‘A Malfoy, in Hufflepuff. You’re an embarrassment, a disgrace!’
Her little brother giggled in the background at her great misfortune, but y/n could only be mad at one person at a time. ‘It’s not like it’s my fault!’ she hissed back, ‘It’s the bloody hat. If it’s that much of problem why don’t you take it up with the inanimate object!’)
But still, she lived. And most importantly she was happy. Y/n not only had the two most fun-loving pranksters glued to one side of her hip, but she had a kind, sweet, adorable Hufflepuff boy glued to the other. Two years had flown by and y/n’s brother, Draco, finally joined her at school. She wasn’t excited per say, they had hardly enjoyed each other’s company. Draco was his sister’s polar opposite, not to mention the constant teasing she endured from him.
Yet still, y/n accepted fate as a bull was sent into a china cabinet, simply waiting for hell to break loose. She sat at the Hufflepuff table next to Cedric as the group of first years gathered into the Great Hall. One by one, each of the new students walked up to the hat, awaiting to be sorted.
‘Malfoy, Draco!’ Professor McGonagall’s voice roared.
Cedric nudged y/n, ‘Gather that’s your brother.’
‘Yep.’ She answered simply popping the p. ‘What gave it away? The blonde hair or the last name?’ She said with a smirk.
Draco approached the sorting hat with a smug grin smeared on his face. The hat hadn’t been on his head a second before it bellowed out Slytherin.
‘Are you joking? The bloody hat barely touched him!’ y/n nearly shouted. Cedric stifled a laugh, earning him an elbow from y/n. ‘Yeah, Ced. Hysterical that my dumb brother got into my family’s dumb house while I’m sat here looking like a bloody bumblebee.’
This only sent Cedric’s head back, laughing at her. (‘You really think we look like bumblebees, y/n?’) He watched as Draco stuck his tongue out at his older sister, who in return rolled her eyes at him.
After the feast, y/n was approached by Fred and George who practically ran to meet her.
‘So now what?’ Fred said quickly.
Y/n stopped and shrugged her shoulders, ‘Now, Draco become the favorite child.’
‘The favorite child, yeah? Better him than you, I’ll say.’ George said with a hint of sarcasm, making her smile.
‘Reckon you’re right, Georgie. Besides who needs a dumb brother, when I already got the two of you already driving me crazy.’ She said ruffling both of the twin’s hair. ‘Meet you guys in the morning!’ Y/n shouted as she ran back to meet the rest of her house, joining them in the common room.
Y/n walked into a busy common room, all the students catching up with one another after summer holiday. She then spotted Cedric by the velvet sofas, as if he was waiting for her. She couldn’t remember in this moment if his eyes had always been that beautiful or if his cheeks were ever that soft. Perhaps it was the extra inches he grew over the summer or perhaps the way he finally learned how to style his hair. But whatever it was, it did not last long because y/n quickly chased away those thoughts and sat next to her friend.
‘Whatcha up to, Ced?’ y/n questioned taking a seat next him.
‘Can I ask you something, y/n?’ Cedric said suddenly, y/n nodded allowing permission for him to carry on. ‘Why do you and Draco not get along?’
She drew back slightly, Cedric was not one to ask very personal questions. He had a flare for boundaries and always knew exactly where to draw the line, especially when it came to family. She couldn’t help but to feel that he deserved an answer after being such a fierce friend over the past few years.
Y/n swallowed hard, truly thinking about how to answer him. There had been no true animosity towards the siblings, no hate or anything of the sort. They just simply didn’t get along. She sighed, ‘Not sure, guess we’re just oil and water. We’ve never been particularly fond of each other, but I think that’s because we’re both so different. Of course, I love him. But he’s also a bit of a prick, like, all the time.’
Cedric laughed softly at her words, ‘That’s a pretty good reason not to get along with someone.’
He smiled at her. Butterflies erupted from y/n’s tummy, making their way up to her throat. Surely his smile had never been that inviting or warm or beautiful. And before she could stop herself words flowed from her tongue like a waterfall, ‘We’ll always get along, right Ced?’ she said softly.
‘Of course, y/n. You know, as long as I’m not being a prick.’ He smiled and winked at her, leaving her heart more flustered than ever.
(a/n: thank you for reading!, this is part one of three, so let me know if you would like to be added to this taglist! i hope u enjoyed! sending love and positive vibes! xo-mari)
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Riptide: Cole x Reader
-HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY NINJAGO!! -I write for females (just as a side note) because I’m a girl and it’s easy for me soooo yeah :/ -i know jay and cole are besties, but for this, let’s just say jay still likes to tease cole (friends do that anyway tho??)
Summary: Cole finds you at the beach trying to drown yourself. When he rips you out of the ocean, he realises you look familiar.
WARNINGS: Near-death (drowning)
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The waves quietly lapped against the edge of the sand, tickling Cole’s toes as he made his way across the wet grains. The moon stood high in the sky, shining brightly overhead like a lighthouse. Cole promised to catch up with the others, but he couldn’t rip himself away from the calm of the waves. 
His heart stilled with the quiet waves, sinking into the wet sand like his feet. A cool breeze passed over his face and it brushed through his windswept hair. If only Ninjago could stay this calm. If only he could be like the ocean, free, never ending. 
Cole found himself walking deeper into the ocean and away from the banks. The waves slowly met his ankles, then his knees. It soaked into his rolled up trousers, travelling up until he was waist deep. He didn’t worry about being so far out since it was low-tide. And even if he did find himself getting swept out to sea, he still had his powers. 
Something softly splashed over to his left. He whipped around, immediately taking a defensive stance. As ineffective as it was, he’d rather be safe than sorry. 
Cole eyed the smooth waters. He wondered if it was a shark, or worse, a mystical beast he never heard about. For a few moments, it was quiet, save for the waves, the calm breezes, and Cole’s steady breath. “Maybe it was a fish.” he whispered to himself with a chuckle. Something brushed his leg and he reared back with a squeal. 
“Not a fish not a f--First Spinjitzu Master!” 
The first thing Cole saw was a shirt, then a bundle of floating hair and a face hidden among it. He wanted to freak out, but a girl was laying in the sand underwater. Underwater. He plunged under the cool waves, wrapping his arms around the girl’s torso and hauling her up. “First Spinjitzu Master... First Spinjitzu Master...” Cole placed a hand on his earpiece.
“Guys! I found a girl in the ocean. She’s unconscious and...I don’t think she’s breathing. Come quick!” 
“We’re on our way.” said Zane. The nindroid’s voice was a relief to hear. “We will arrive in five minutes, and as an extra precaution, I have phoned nine-one-one.” 
“Okay, great, great.” As Cole laid the limp girl on the grainy sand, he frantically looked her up and down. Even through the curtain of hair plastered over her forehead, he could tell her face was unnaturally pale. So much, that it could have been a mirror of the bright moon.
It suddenly occurred to Cole that he had to do something. The girl wasn’t breathing and she’d die if he didn’t do something. “Gyah! I’m not the smart one!” He ran a hand over his face. There was one thing Zane did bother to teach everyone in the group, whether it be for civilian use or themselves. Cole pictured Zane standing by his side.
Place the heel of your palms on the centre of the chest.
Cole placed his hands on the centre of the girl’s chest. 
Interlock your fingers. Remember to press two inches down.
Cole interlocked his fingers. 
I have read somewhere that pressing down to the beat of Stayin’ Alive is said to ‘do the trick’ and make it easier. 
And so Cole did just that. “Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha... Stayin’ alive... Stayin’ alive...” He wasn’t sure if it was working, or even if he was doing it right to begin with. How would pressing two inches down on someone’s chest do good? How would this save her from being killed?
Suddenly, she jolted upward, coughing and sputtering out a load of water right into Cole’s face. He didn’t care though. That meant the water had come out of her lungs, right? The danger had been avoided, at least for now. 
He whipped around, letting out a loud sigh of relief. Zane and Pixal took Cole’s place, reviewing her vitals and diagnosing her with whatever. He wasn’t sure what they were doing, so he stood off to the side as Jay babbled away. “What happened? Are you okay? How did you find the girl? You didn’t have to swim out there did you?” 
Kai looked at Jay weirdly. “Do you think Cole would swim out that far to begin with? He probably found her washed ashore.” Cole wanted to say something, but he was in a daze. The more he thought about the girl, the more he wondered where he saw her from. It was like a smell you know you’ve smelled before but can’t put a name or memory to. 
He ignored the background chatter and zeroed his gaze on her limp body as Zane carried her to the ambulance. When Zane turned around and motioned for him to come over, Cole finally came back to his senses. He could think about the girl later, right now, he had to answer some questions. 
Three weeks later
“Urgh,” said Cole. “Why do I have to go with Jay?” Sensei Wu raised a brow at him as if to say, ‘really?’. “What is wrong with Jay?” he inquired. “He is a brother, and brothers should be respected.” Off to the side, Jay loudly applauded. “Period. Brothers should be respected, Cole.” He rolled his eyes with a sigh. 
“Now,” Wu interjected. “I want you both to visit Jamanakai Village. You will find Mystake’s tea shop. Get these and only these.” He handed Cole an old drawstring bag. It had a label on the string, but the handwriting was so wonky that Cole couldn’t read it. “If she tries to kick you out, tell her I sent you. That is all, I expect you both back by Thursday.”
Jay let out a long groan. “Why can’t Kai do it? Or Zane? Or Lloyd?” He smugly glanced at Cole. “Or even my wonderful girlfriend Nya? I thought they were the responsible ones.” Wu raised a brow and Cole snickered. “You will both go to Jamanakai Village. That is final. While you are out, do not forget to eat and whatever you do, no Elemental Dragons and no vehicles. You will walk the entire way to the village, am I clear?”
“Yes, Sensei.” 
To say the walk was gruelling was a nice way to put it. There were tens of thousands of other words Cole could have said to describe the terrible pain of having Jay around. Of course, he didn’t actually mean that, but hypothetically, the walk was terrible. 
“You know,” said Jay, “these birds are said to have been exported from the Dark Island.” He pointed to a nearby tree, where three or four birds sat. Their oily wings were like liquid obsidian. Funnily enough, the colour matched both Cole’s gi and hair. He watched as one of them flew away, fluttering straight over his head and into the sky above. 
Cole wondered if it would be nice to live life as a bird, but then he realised he wouldn’t have a bed or cake or chocolate and candy. 
“I’m guessing they were exported before the Dark Island became...you know.” added Jay. “I mean, how could these cute little guys be from there?” He reached out to pet one of the birds. It squawked and bit his finger. “OW!” Jay rounded on the tiny bird, who actually appeared to be laughing. “Bad bird! That’s a no-no! You don’t bite people like that.” 
Jay ripped off his glove and sucked on his poor finger. Cole stared at him as he whimpered. “Is it bleeding?” 
“Gwee, I fondt knowh.” 
Cole dug a hand in his pouch. He felt around and pulled out a band-aid along with a small alcohol wipe. “Here.” Jay took the band-aid and wipe, gingerly dabbing it on his wound and wrapping the band-aid around his finger. “Thanks.” 
They continued on in a comfortable silence, caring only to watch the leaves sway in the wind. When they arrived in Jamanakai village, their feet were sore, and they were tired. Jay’s stomach grumbled, and so did Cole’s. 
“I knew we should have eaten before we left.” Cole muttered. Jay let out a long yawn. “Sensei Wu said we were supposed to be back by Thursday. That’s three days away without video games. Do you think I can survive like this? Do you Cole?” 
He wasn’t listening. A heavenly smell reeled him in like a fishing line. It was sweet, yet it smelled like green tea. Maybe it was cake; Cole hoped it was cake. “Do you smell that?” he seriously inquired. Jay knitted his brows together. “The bakery? Oh, it’s right there.” He pointed to a small shop to their left, where a girl stocked freshly baked cakes and buns. 
Cole could already imagine how pillowy and soft the buns would be. They would have sweet fillings that melted in his mouth, and the cake would be the perfect texture with the right amount of cream. He made his way to the bakery, keeping a keen eye on the fresh chocolate cake. 
“Cole, we’re not here to buy cake.” said Jay. “If we’re gonna eat, we might as well eat a real meal.” Cole rolled his eyes and pointed to a slice of chocolate cake. “I’ll take one of that, please.” 
The cashier took out a pair of sparkling tongs. “Will that be all?” she inquired with a smile. “My grandma just finished steaming the buns, they’re fresh.” Cole whipped towards the cashier. For some reason, her voice sounded so familiar. It was again, like a smell that reminded him of something he couldn’t quite place. Sweet, nostalgic, kind.
That’s right, he thought. This was the girl he saved on the beach. But before then, he knew her as the studious (Y/n) (L/n) from the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts. When Cole had no one to talk to in class, she was there. When he forgot his lunch, she shared it with him. When he decided to run away, she promised not to forget him. 
(Y/n) walked out from behind the counter. She handed Cole a bag of two containers. “It was you, wasn’t it?” Her voice was rather soft, like she were embarrassed anyone else would hear. “You saved me, on the beach.”
“Y-yeah, I did.” Was it just Cole or was it getting hot out here?  He didn’t need anyone to tell him his face had gone beet red. “Thank you Cole. I might have snuck ‘a few’ more cakes in the bag. That guy’s your friend, right? There are some buns in there for him too.” 
Cole met (Y/n)’s bright eyes. They weren’t as lively as he remembered, but they still held that warm glow that always made him feel safe. “I--uh--(Y/n)...” 
“Uh...do you still go to the Marty Oppenheimer School?” Do you want to hang out sometime? “I mean...uh...” How have you been? “T-thank you for the food.” He let out a nervous laugh and (Y/n) chuckled a little. “If you’re wondering, I graduated last year.” she said. Cole’s eyes widened. Had that much time already passed? 
“I live in Ninjago City now.” she added. “I didn’t think I would make it this far, but I did. I’m here in Jamanakai for the next three months before I go back to the city. I heard you’ve been up to things too--ninja stuff. Saving lives.” She smiled at Cole, as if the two shared an inside joke. 
“(Y/n)! Help me carry this, it’s too heavy for me!”
(Y/n) glanced over her shoulder. “One second, grandma!” She turned back to Cole and wrapped him in a tight hug. It was brief, it was sweet, and it made Cole remember just how close they used to be. “I have to get back to work. See you soon Cole?”
“Yeah.” he awkwardly replied. “See you soon.” He watched as she disappeared out back. When did he finally become taller than her? When had she actually spoken so nonchalantly? Last time he saw her, they were still kids. They were young, and even with responsibilities, they were still free. 
“Sooooo, you’ve got yourself a girl?” inquired Jay. He took the bag from Cole and made his way over to the fountain. The two sat on the ledge as Jay sifted through the food. There were buns filled with red bean paste, lotus paste, and even barbeque pork. Under that were five different desserts. Two velvety chocolate cakes, one egg tart, and three pieces of perfectly wrapped mochi. 
Jay took one of the meat buns. “Wow, this is really good. Tell your girlfriend to teach you how to cook.” Cole let out a short sigh. “She’s not my girlfriend, Jay. I haven’t even seen her in years.” 
“What? Why?”
Cole closed one of the boxes. He dug around the bag for a fork, but he grasped a small slip of paper instead. Jay peered over Cole’s shoulder with wide eyes. “Ooooo she gave you her phone number? See! Dating. Case closed. I’m gonna tell everyone when we get back.” 
“No you aren’t.” Cole retorted. “Like I said, I haven’t seen her in years. She probably only wanted to get back in touch.” Jay raised his brows and Cole elbowed him in the stomach. “Get your mind out of the gutter.” He pulled out one of the buns and took a big bite out of it. “We went to the same school together as kids. We became friends there, but when I ran away from home, we lost contact.” 
“So go talk to her!” exclaimed Jay. “Before we go, I’m setting you both up on a date, or at least a night out together. We’re not going home on Thursday, got it? We’re staying ‘til Saturday and that’s final.” Cole raised a brow in amusement. “I thought you said you wanted to play video games.”
“If your girlfriend has a phone, then she has video games.” said Jay smartly. Cole let out a bright laugh. All he really knew now was that he’d have to come to Jamanakai Village more often. 
NOTE: I will make a part two soon, so stay tuned! Tip jar
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aiiwa · 4 years
henlo bubs, i am here for your fmk event with my boys👉🏼👈🏼 atsumu, sakusa & suna🥵✨
hi baby hehe i just wanna apologise for the foolery of tsumu’s one ahdkdksk 💖
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FUCK - miya atsumu. i just feel like me and ‘tsumu would be way too comfortable with each other during sex lmao.
for three weeks you had been on your own, with atsumu travelling for an away game with his team. sadly you hadn’t been able to take time off work, so it had been rather quiet in your apartment without the crazy blonde’s presence. but tonight he had safely returned to you, another win to his name; and to celebrate he had requested a night in with his girl, eating his second favourite meal, after you of course, and just spending time relaxing.
you were a little suspicious of the fact that your boyfriend hadn’t tried to jump you the moment he walked through the front door, though you probably spoke to soon when innocent cuddles, quickly turned into him railing you from the back.
“haaa~ ‘tsumu.” a nameless action movie was playing in the background. the sound of guns blazing, doing nothing to quieten your mewls or the lewd squelching of atsumu sliding in and out of you. “feels s’good…”
“fuck, princess, missed you so much.”
he stretched you out so well, the tip of his thick cock almost kissing your cervix with every steady stroke. calloused hands roaming around your body; starting from your smooth back, siding down to grip your waist as he speeds up. and then his hands are caressing your ass, squeezing the soft flesh, spreading them apart so he can watch you take him in. he speeds up, fully engrossed in the way you gush and spasm around him, and you’re moaning for more before you hiss at the feeling of his thumb brushing against your puckered hole.
“m’sorry!” he doesn’t sound sorry at all, and when you glance over your shoulder, he’s still focused on the sight in front of him. “she just looks so cute clenching around nothing.” his thumb circles you again, forcing you to drop your elbows from holding you up - the sensation too much.
“s-stop looking...and touching. it’s embarrassing.”
“i think i’ll buy you a little jewel for her, heh…”
“stop calling my asshole ‘she’ and ‘her’!”
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MARRY - suna rintarou. just thinking about night trips to the supermarket to buy him jelly sticks.
married life was great, being woken up at two a.m. by your husband? most times, not so much. you were fast asleep on your side, sweet dreams floating around your mind, when a hand pressed against your shoulder shook you into consciousness. mumbling to yourself, you swat the hand away, attempting to prolong your sleep; until you’re being rolled onto your back.
rubbing away the sleep from your eyes, you’re greeted by the sight of your husband hovering over you. toned arms holding himself up and brown bangs falling into his gray-yellow eyes.
“rin? something wrong?” you croak out.
“we ran out of jelly sticks, y/n.”
you can only blink, once, twice, as you try to process that rin’s reasoning for waking you up was because he had just realised his stash of jelly sticks was finished. you had even warned him earlier this week that he was running low, but he had waved you off, mumbling about how he’ll buy some later. when he had said later, you didn’t think he’d mean at two-thirty-four a.m. according to the alarm clock on your side table.
“please, bunny? can we go to the store?” he knew you could never say no to him when he pouted like that and called you freaking bunny.
which is how you found yourself, nearing three a.m., dressed in your husband’s hoodie and rolled up sweatpants; hanging from his back as he carried you down the supermarket aisle.
“i hate that i love you so much.” you groan into his neck.
he only chuckles, snatching a few boxes of jelly sticks into his arms. “i love you too, bunny.”
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KISS - sakusa kiyoomi. i think he absolutely hates public affection...unless he’s provoked.
after just celebrating your one year anniversary with kiyoomi, you had suggested that maybe now, he could introduce you to his teammates. throughout your relationship he was adamant on the idea that they would chase you off - “you don’t need to meet them. bokuto doesn’t even wash his hands adequately enough, and don’t even get me started on that ugly brother of osamu’s.” it had been amusing that you had met the owner of ‘onigiri miya’ before your boyfriend’s teammates, they had flooded his phone with a collection of complaints when osamu had sent them a photo of the three of you. but now your boyfriend had finally relented it allowing all of you to go out for dinner.
“are you sure you want to go through with this, y/n?” kiyoomi asks, voice slightly muffled behind his mask although you were used to it. “i would be more than ecstatic to ditch them and return home.”
“i’m sure, omi.”
it was dinner with atsumu, bokuto and hinata, with even osamu joining you all - and it had been going relatively well. the professional volleyball players had greeted you warmly, taking to shake your hand when you had refused a hug - kiyoomi on standby with hand sanitiser. conversation was easy, jokes flying across the table with your boyfriend’s deadpanned responses adding fuel to the humour - until atsumu decided to bring up his own observations of the night.
“oi, omi-omi, it’s been almost an hour now and i haven’t even seen you and y/n kiss yet.”
“yeah, omi-san! you don’t even have your arm around y/n like real couples do!” hinata pipes up.
you can only watch as all of them start adding onto kiyoomi’s lack of physical affection, while the man in question started to tense up and tighten his grip on his chopsticks. while it was true that in public your boyfriend kept his distance, you were completely understanding - because it was the complete opposite when you two were in the safety of his apartment.
“hey, omi-kun! are you sure you and y/n are even dating?”
it was bokuto’s comment that had kiyoomi drop his dining utensils, grab the back of your head and press his lips to yours. as the initial shock subsides, you lean into him, savouring the sweet kiss. when he moves away, he exposes the dazed look in your eyes and the small, shy smile you wear.
“me and y/n are dating, so shut up and eat your meals.”
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send me three haikyuu characters to fmk!!
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butwhyduh · 4 years
Holiday Party
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Damian Wayne x reader
He’s about 16 yrs old here.
Warning: Christmas? Kissing
Christmas series 4
You were early. Damian looked out his door to see no one around and he rushed downstairs to meet you at the door. You were being dropped off by your older brother who gave Damian a look from the front seat of his car that all but said he’d mess Damian up if he hurt you. Funny to think about your brother trying to beat him up but he would never consider it. Damian opened your car door for you.
“Beloved, you’re early,” he said with a grin. Your brother gave a rough hey and Damian’s face dropped and he gave a curt nod. “I’ll have Alfred drop her off so you won’t have to pick her up,” Damian told him. Your brother nodded again before leaving.
Damian barely held your finger with his own as he walked you up to his room. He didn’t want his brothers to see him being affectionate. He pulled you into his room and engulfed you in a huge hug. He wasn’t short little Dami anymore but had been hit by puberty like a bus and was almost 6 foot tall. He smelled like cologne and his sweater was so freaking soft. You felt the fabric on his chest with your hand and he stiffened and coughed a little. Oh yeah, he could feel that. You flushed.
“So you want to watch a movie?” Damian said pulling away.
“Yeah. Sounds great,” you said sitting on his bed pulling your shoes off. You slid up the bed to lay on his pillow as he grabbed his laptop.
“Drake doesn’t know but I’ve set it up that every film he downloads, I get a copy too so I’ve got a bunch. Though his taste is pretty sappy for some of these,” Damian said wrinkling his nose.
“Probably to watch with his girlfriend. Or maybe he’s a sap,” you laughed. Damian climbed on the bed and laid the laptop on the other side of you. His arms temporarily caged you against him and you couldn’t help but think of him on top of you. Damian laid back as the film started playing. He put two pillows behind his head to watch from behind you. You laid on your side and he wrapped an arm around your waist loosely.
The film was probably great. All you could think of was how close your boyfriend in the softest boyfriend sweater was right beside you. You slid farther back until your back hit his chest. He inhaled audibly but didn’t move. Damian cursed himself. You had definitely heard that.
You ran your hand along the arm of his sweater as the movie went on. He smelled a little like soft cologne and spiced tea. Everything was fine until there was a sex scene. Nothing graphic but enough to where you were both very aware of your situation. Damian slid his body a little back from you making a little space between you and him.
You turned to look at him and he couldn’t help but brush his lips against yours. You slowly turned in his arms until you were making out while laying on your side. Damian held your face softly with one hand. Your fingers slid into his hair. His tongue slipped into your mouth gently just exploring you.
The door to his room opened.
“Master Damian, your father needs you in his study at your earliest convenience. Also... do take care with your visitors. You are only 16,” Alfred said, looking pointedly at the ceiling before leaving. Damian flushed on his tan skin. you covered your mouth and giggled, embarrassed.
“At least it wasn’t your dad,” you said. He nodded as he stood up.
“I won’t be long. Just watch the movie and I’ll be back as quick as I can,” Damian said and you noted that his lips were pink and maybe even a little swollen from kissing.
“Yeah, no problem.”
It took all of 1.7 minutes for Bruce to notice his son’s lips. His eyes narrowed a little and he looked critically at Damian who was staring at the computer screen.
“Damian, you are of the age where sexual education is important. You are practicing safe sex, yes?” Bruce asked in an even tone as if almost casually but really he wanted to seem calm. Damian twisted so fast to look at his father.
“I am not,” he said quickly.
“You aren’t??” Bruce asked shocked. “That’s very dangerous-“
“I’m not having sex. At all,” Damian said completely red. Bruce calmed.
“None? Because condoms-“
“Father, I’ve been taught. And if I do have sex I will be safe but I’m not now,” Damian said. He refused to look anywhere but the screen. “How did Alfred tell you so fast?” He complained.
“Tell me? Is there something to tell me? You know what? Don’t answer that. I trust you. There is a bowl of condoms under the sink in the bathroom off my study. All of the boys use it and it stays full. No questions asked. And the family doctor is very discreet for any questions you might have,” Bruce said delicately.
“Okay. I got it. Thanks. But please stop. Tell me about the case,” Damian practically begged.
It was not a few minutes but a full 2 hours later that Damian came back to his room. You were asleep. A movie played in the background and you hug his pillow. Damian smiled a little before waking you. It was almost time for his brothers to arrive. You sat up quickly. You’d never fallen asleep at his place.
“Sorry I was so long. Family stuff,” he said vaguely. He did that all the time. “It’s almost time for the party.”
“Oh I need to get ready,” you sat up. You’d planned to get started a little earlier. You didn’t dress fancy around Damian; he didn’t care. But his family’s Christmas was fairly formal.
“Is this okay?” You asked 20 minutes later. Damian nodded with a little smile.
“You look beautiful in anything, beloved. But this is exceptional,” he said and you flushed. His way with words. “It’s time to go down stairs.”
Damian took your hand and you walked downstairs. His eyes lingered on you longer than necessary. Somehow Tim and his girlfriend and Duke had beat you both downstairs. Damian pulled out a chess board and Tim and Bruce once again dragged work into every room they entered.
“I won’t go easy on you,” Damian warned. He was far better at strategy but your moments on the board were incredibly erratic to the point that he couldn’t predict your next move.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else. If you did, I’d expect a body snatcher,” you said and he hazarded a small smile. Damian didn’t want to appear too pleased. Bruce was watching him while maintaining conversation. You understood his weird stoic family dynamic enough to ignore it.
Damian won 3 out of 4 games. You could admit that your win was more luck than skill but you took it. Dick and his girlfriend arrived and the party moved to the dining room.
After a few minutes, a man you had never seen showed up humming to introduce himself and his date. The butler seemed very happy and for a minute you wondered if it was his son. No, this was the mysterious brother who was always fighting with the family.
“Dami, who is that?” You asked whispering.
“Jason Todd, one of my father’s wards. And I suppose his girlfriend,” Damian said. You nodded and watched as they sat down. Later in the evening, the eldest, that Damian had even called his brother, proposed to his girlfriend.
You were given a small glass of champagne and you looked at it quietly. Did they forget you and Damian were 16? Not exactly legal. But you didn’t say anything and you both drank the tiny amount of alcohol with everyone else. Damian squeezed your hand and gave you a tiny smile.
The party moved to the parlor with a billiards table and a dart board on the wall. The adults were served more alcohol and pudding was served informally. A tasty sticky cake that you dare not asked the ingredients was quickly eaten. You and Damian sat on a loveseat in the corner where you could watch the others play billiards and other games. Tim and Jason played a heated game of 9 ball. Jason was a natural. Tim was all strategy.
You leaned against Damian’s shoulder as the storm raged outside. You were full and the room was warm.
“It’s far too dangerous to drive out tonight. It’s turned into a blizzard so you all will stay here. There are plenty of rooms and beds for everyone and anything you could need,” Bruce announced to the group. Jason sighed and Damian opened his mouth. “I’ll call her parents to let them know. Don’t worry Damian.”
Damian relaxed and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You began to doze as the pool games played. He ran his fingers along your outer arm and watched from the corner of his eyes as you fell asleep. He enjoyed your body warmth and soft sweet scent subtly.
An hour later you woke as you were slowly being moved. Strong arms cradled you and you could smell Damian’s pleasant unique scent strongly. You gripped his arm as he carried you out of the room. He hushed softly to let you go back to sleep.
“You got him shot?!” One of the women in the room yelped and you jolted awake.
“It’s okay. Go back to sleep, beloved. Don’t mind my stupid brothers,” Damian said quietly. He gently laid you on his bed and pulled you in the covers. His soft sheets quickly lulled you to sleep.
While you slept, he grabbed blankets and settled on the floor. Half an hour later, right as Damian was falling asleep, Bruce opened the door quietly. He saw the boy on the floor, nodded, and shut the door.
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bigmilkshakekitten · 2 years
MDZS stories part4
'16 Years' by mxtxlover143
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/293895064-%2716-years%27
After Wei Wuxian died and fell of the cliff...Lan Wangji didn't got to say what he wanted to say the least. He glared at Jiang Wanyin before the man left him there at the edge...Lan Wangji stayed there until his brother came to fetch him but...Lan Wangji didn't budge and just stayed there kneeling in front of the edge of the cliff. Right there, Lan Xichen got no choice but to knock him out...and so he did and after he brought his brother home. Lan Xichen is the only one who knows Lan Wangji and he knows that his younger brother loves Wei Wuxian and was carrying the dead man's child. In their home...Cloud Recesses, Lan Wangji was supposedly to be punish but Lan Xichen stop them before they could hurt his younger brother and yet of course Lan Qiren was furious but they couldn't do anything cause of Lan Xichen being Sect Leader. "Gege can I go to Burial Mounds..?"
Watching Modaozushi (fanon) by PrettyKusa
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/286934472-watching-modaozushi-fanon
What if Jiang fengmian come too late to pick up wei ying?? And our Wei ying is 10 years old who have live alone and have little to no love for the Jiang. And what if Wei ying is a girl? And the cultivators force to watch her life? (Or an au where: The cultivators is from the canon world, they are force to watch an alternate Wei ying who is not self sacrifice idiot and is not so dense that it took wangxian 13 years ((or 16 in drama)) (Both Wei ying will be there and fanon Wei ying will teach canon Wei ying to stop being self sacrifice idiots and not so dense).
The boy in Black and Red by -RyleeEzrael-
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/280436095-the-boy-in-black-and-red
What if Wei Wuxian ran away from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect because of the hatred and pain from the wife of the Sect Leader? What if he build his own Sect with his martial Uncle, Xiao Xingchen with his cultivation partner, Song Lan?
our Happily Ever After by MaissaBiaa
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/294976279-our-happily-ever-after
the the cultivation world they will see how is wei ying life in the Gusu clan. the timeline is before Wei ying come back . they will see the future and they will know some secrets. With lan Yuan as wangxian biological child. Lan zhan doesn't know that lan sizhui is his son ,no one know . the only people who know are wen ning wen Qing and the other wen that wei wuxian protected.
Founder of the Wei Dynasty by 18lex20
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/290053787-founder-of-the-wei-dynasty
What happens before the indoctrination at Qishan Wen the emperor of the country went to Yunmeng Jiang Lotus pier to see and talk to Wei Wuxian as he discovers his lineage, hidden family secrets, background. His life has now completely change as he learns how to rule a kingdom, deal with corrupt officials and relatives, discover ancient or hidden techniques, and help the economy. At the same time deal with the rise of Qishan Wen as they try to rule over the cultivating world or maybe take over the kingdom while still being oblivious to a certain second's jade's feelings.
His Royal Highness by Astra_Mitzuki
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/294342123-his-royal-highness
After six years since Wei Wuxian's death, an unknown entity had brought the world of cultivation to view what secrets was held behind the doors of heaven. Is he actually dead, or is he alive... ?
Sacrifice by sickkchild22
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/291406754-sacrifice
all the people in the cultivation world were gathered and forcefully watch the Yiling Patriarch's past, and they discover the truth that Wei Wuxian is not Guilty. But then... A sudden crow appeared, revealing herself as Guan Zhe, a former friend of Wei WuXian, is she the Mastermind of this incident... Or Wei WuXian himself?
the complete future from the alternate dimension (hiatus) by rianne322008
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/256133662-the-complete-future-from-the-alternate-dimension
mdzs life's from another dimension it means characters will see the future but that future they see is their future ....the future without Jiang fengmian, Yu ziyuan , Jin zixuan, Jiang yanli and other people who are not bad guys though everyone will have a good and happy ending and also some bad guys will have a good ending and some bad
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer II
Part 03: Been A While
series masterlist | previous part
summary: Your second summer in the Outer Banks becomes a whole lot more complicated when you realize a year away from Rafe hasn't changed your feelings for him at all.
a/n: And we're back with summer two - the summer before sophomore year whoop whoop! Writing this gave me butterflies so I hope you have the same feeling reading it! I always love hearing y’all’s commentary so don't be shy to scream about your favorite parts back at me.
word count: 2.5k words
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Your mom reached over and tapped you gently on the arm.
"Put your phone away please, y/n. You can text Evan when we land."
"We're not even moving yet." You replied.
As if on cue, the pilot's voice echoed over the intercom. "Good morning passengers. This is your captain speaking. Welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with service from Portland to the Outer Banks. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage..."
You stashed your phone in the pocket of the seat in front of you and closed your eyes, hoping that by the time you woke up you would be landing.
After the way last summer had gone, you were surprised when your mom announced that you were spending the summer in the Outer Banks again.
Frankly, you weren't that happy to be headed to North Carolina. Alice and Kensie, your two best friends back home, had opted not to go to camp this summer so the three of you had planned to spend every day at Alice's pool, biking to the Dairy Queen a few blocks away or begging of your moms to drive you to the mall.
Plus, there was Evan. Your boyfriend of six months. You'd both been cast as the understudies for the leads in the fall musical. Because of some freak food-poisoning accident, both you and Evan had to go on as Cinderella and Prince Charming in the final show. When he kissed you under the bright stage lights, it had felt like more than just a stage kiss. He'd asked you out at the cast party later than night and you'd been dating ever since.
Evan was great. He really was. He was thoughtful and cared about you. But ever since your mom had bought the plane tickets to the Outer Banks back in March, every time you kissed Evan you could only think of Rafe Cameron.
You trailed behind your mother on the way to baggage claim, bent over your phone responding to the texts Alice and Kensie had sent in the group chat while you'd been in the air. Apparently, they'd bumped into Kensie's crush and need to analyze every detail. A feeling of jealously you hadn't anticipated crept into your chest, weighing you down. Even indoors, the muggy heat of the Outer Banks made it clear how far from Oregan - and from your people - you were.
You looked around the airport, searching for the baggage claim with your flight number and noticed an incredibly familiar head of blonde head of hair standing nearby.
"Sarah Cameron?" You asked.
Sarah spun around a joyful smile on her face. "Oh my god! Y/n!" She ran over, wrapping you in a hug. "Are you back for the summer?"
You nodded your head which elicited another excited scream from her.
"What are you doing at the airport?" You asked her.
"You'll never guess! We're getting a house in the Bahamas!" She gushed.
"Sarah!" A deep voice called. You looked up to see another older-looking version of Rafe headed in your direction.
Your mom froze beside you. "Oh dear," she whispered.
The man's gaze didn't leave your mom. "Heather," he said.
"Ward," she responded.
Oh, you thought. So that's Rafe's dad.
"It's good to see you," your mom continued. "You look," she paused for moment, "good."
"You as well," Ward responded.
The carousel behind you started to move and luggage streamed out.
"That's us," your mom said, pointing over to the moving carousel. "We should go."
"I'll tell Rafe you're back," Sarah whispered to you. "He's gonna be so excited."
You smiled down at her knowing that you'd already made a vow to yourself to avoid him all summer. You refused to let Rafe ruin what you and Evan had and the only way you could guarantee that was making sure you didn't see him at all.
Sarah bounded in the front door of the Cameron's house. "We're home" she called out, her sing-songy voice echoing through the big house. Ward entered after her, carrying their luggage.
"Welcome home," Rose said, greeting Ward at the door with a kiss.
Sarah rolled her eyes at the exchange. It wasn't that she actively hated her step-mom, she would just have rather her dad not married her. Though he was buying her a house in the Bahamas as an anniversary present so maybe she wasn't all bad.
"Is Rafe upstairs?" Sarah asked.
"I think so," Rose replied.
Sarah ran up the stairs, skipping every other one, the way Ward always told her not to do. She came to a sudden stop in front of Rafe's closed door.
"Rafeeeeee," she yelled, knocking rapidly until his voice bellowed back at her through the wall.
"What do you want Sarah? Go away!" He yelled.
"Fine," Sarah said. "I guess you don't care that y/n is back in town then?"
The door swung open just a few seconds later. “What did you say?” Rafe asked.
“Y/n was at the airport. She’s back in the Outer Banks for the summer.” Sarah turned on her heel and sashayed her way to her own bedroom leaving Rafe in his doorway to process the information.
Maybe this summer will be a whole less boring, Rafe thought.
The summer was going exactly how you'd expected. It was surprisingly nice to have your younger brother to keep you company and more importantly, keep you busy. You spend your days either on the beach, tanning, watching your brother splash in the waves, and making your way through the reading list of the Honors English class you had opted to take next year or at the Club's pool, eating chicken tenders for lunch and washing them down with the thick chocolate milkshakes.
Rafe's friends frequently made an appearance at the Club. You watched them sneak vodka from flaskes into cups of spirit from being your shaded sunglasses. So far, Rafe had yet to join them.
Currently, Phoebe was flirting hardcore with Sawyer, begging him to put sunscreen on her back so she wouldn't burn. It was all too predictable.
You turned your attention back to Nick Carraway and his descriptions of Gatsby's grand parties momentarily.
You heard Sarah's voice before she appeared next to you and plopped down on the chair your brother had been occupying before he decided he needed more ketchup for his fries and had ran off.
"Y/n," she started with the same youthful energy she always talked with, "has Rafe invited you to our Fourth of July party yet?"
"Umm," you hesitated. "No, he hasn't said anything about it."
"Ugh," Sarah threw her head back in a dramatic motion. "I told him to text you about it. He's useless. Anyway, we throw a huge party for the Fourth every year and you have to come. There are fireworks and everything..."
Sarah's monologue faded to the background as you looked up and noticed Rafe standing at the top of the steps that lead down the pool. Your stomach flopped in the same way it always did when you saw him.
Rafe started walking down the steps and a small panic set in. His own eyes wandered across the pool deck and it was only time before he recognized you. You shifted your body slightly, trying to use Sarah to block yourself from his view.
You turned your attention back to his younger sister, afraid that you'd accidentally make eye contact with Rafe.
Crap, crap crap, you repeated in your head. Rafe was for sure heading in your direction. Even as you forced yourself to focus on Sarah, you couldn't stop yourself from watching Rafe out of the corner of your eye and he was walking straight toward you. Your 'avoid-Rafe-all-summer' plan was going to be impossible now. With every step he took, you could feel your heart beating faster. It felt just like last summer.
Rafe stopped in front of the chair Sarah was sitting in and you couldn't stop yourself from looking up at him, a smile threaten to slide onto your face. The same warm but dangerous feeling you only got when Rafe was around took ahold of you.
"Sarah," he said, cutting her off mid-sentence. "Ward's looking for you."
She jumped up with a sudden spurt of energy, "Okay, I'll go find him!" She leaned down engulfing you in another hug. "See you around y/n." She said before running off.
"Bye Sarah." You replied.
"You know, you're like my sister's favorite person," Rafe said, still standing above you. "She mentioned you were in-town for the summer..." He let his sentence trail off.
But I hadn't seen you around. You finished for him in your head.
"Yeah, we got in about a week ago." You said. The tension that hung in the air between the two of you was exactly the reason you were trying to avoid him. The last time you had seen him he'd kissed you in a way you hadn't been able to get out your head for months afterward. It was a dangerous game. Nonetheless, here he was standing in front of you and you were barely holding it together.
Your phone began to ring and the photo of Evan kissing your check from homecoming popped up with the caller id. Rafe's eyes glanced over it and an unreadable expression crossed his face.
Right, it was 4 o'clock on Wednesday. The time and day you and Evan had decided you would call each other every week.
"Uhh, I gotta get this." You said to Rafe, reaching over and picking up the phone.
"Yeah, okay. See you later y/n." He replied before walking away from you and to his friends.
Your eyes followed him all the way even as you clicked answered and Evan's voice filled your ear.
A feeling of nervousness set in as you approached the Cameron's, the absurd number of cars parked outside confirming you were at the right place. You glanced over each of your shoulders worried that your mom would pull up any second to drag you back home after you lied about where you were spending your evening. You felt decently bad about saying you were going to the Club to watch fireworks and coming to the Cameron's instead but you knew your family's stance on Rafe and his dad.
It seemed like the entire population of the Outer Banks was spread across the Cameron's backyard. Adults sipped festive cocktails as little kids, hyped-up onto much sugar, weaved in between their legs, chasing one another around. You looked around hesitantly, thankful when Sarah emerged from the crowd, frosting smeared across her face.
"You made it! I'm so happy you're here!" She screamed.
"Sarah," you laughed. "You have blue frosting all over you." You used your finger to wipe it from her cheek.
"Rose ordered the most delicious cake you've ever had. You have to try it. I can get you some. Do you want some?" She asked eagerly.
"I'm okay right now. Thank you though. Have you seen Rafe?" You asked. You were at his party, after all, it wasn't like there was any point in avoiding him now.
Sarah turned and pointed to the dock where Rafe and his group of friends were standing. "He's over there."
"Great. Okay! I'm going to go say hi."
"Have fun!" Sarah replied with a smile before running off in the same direction she's appeared in.
You made your way through the crowd to the dock, the groups' attention turning to you as you approached.
"Hey," you said, shyly.
Cleo and Riley jumped up from where they had been sitting with their legs dangling in the water.
"Y/n, right?" Cleo asked before leaning in for a hug.
"Yeah. Hi! It's good to see you guys again." You replied.
"You too! Rafe said you were back in town and I was wondering when you'd finally make an appearance." Cleo said.
You look over at Rafe to find him already watching you. He pushed through Cole and Milo and was suddenly in front of you
"Um, y/n and I need to get the fireworks." He said to the group. You watched Riley shoot Cleo a confused look but Cleo just shrugged it off.
Rafe grabbed your hand and pulled you along, leaving you no choice but to follow him. You walked in silence, other than the sound of your heart beating rapidly.
Rafe stopped at a small brick shed on the side of the house. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, pulling you in after. There were kayaks and paddleboards hanging on the walls and some old lifejackets littered the floor.
"Rafe-" you tried to start but he cut you off.
"Y/n, I seriously can't go one more minute without kissing you again."
Rafe looped his arm around your waist, cupped the back of your neck with his hand, and landed his lips on yours.
For a moment, you tilted your face upwards and leaned your body into his before your senses came rushing back to you and you shoved him backwards off of you. Surprise registered on his face.
"Rafe. No. I can't do this." Your voice broke, panic coursed through your whole body. "God, I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have come here today or followed you here."
"Y/n." Rafe said but held your hand up warning him to say quiet.
"I have to go. I have to go," you repeated. "Tell Sarah I'm sorry I missed the fireworks. I know she'll be disappointed. I have to go."
You turned to leave but Rafe grabbed your wrist and his eyes locked with yours, his expression begging you to stay.
"I have a boyfriend." You blurted out. The weight of those four words settled on Rafe's face and you jerked your arm out of his grasp. You spun on your heel and walked out the shed and putting distance between you and the boy making your life so complicated.
You crossed the Cameron's yard, trying to gather yourself and slow your chaotic, unsteady breathing. You hurried down the long driveway, making it to the road without any tears slipping out of your eyes.
Rafe had tried to kiss you. He hadn't tried, he had kissed you. And you sorta kissed him back. No, not sorta. You kissed him back. But then you stopped. You pushed him away. You realized it was wrong. You didn't want to hurt Evan. You weren't gonna hurt Evan.
The fireworks began to explode behind you, large booms thundered across the sky, their big colors illuminating the night. You didn't dare turn around watch them. They reminded you too much of Rafe: the boy pulling your head and your heart in two different directions.
taglist! @oreoenthusiast13 [drop a ☀️ in my inbox or messages if you want to be added]
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