#the way i yelled when i saw screech rlly happy to have you
Eizan, the runaway rabbit.
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(s.n. i wanna redo eizans sprites because i went back to it not too long ago and flipped the canvas.... yeah his face is rlly wonky so i might do that in the future 😭)
- Ais Route
- All clothes were made by him, he is a master of textiles. This is because he had to find a way to be innovative while saving up for a cure.
- Very light on his feet and a fast runner, hence the name runaway rabbit.
- Very strong/fit and can handle himself in a fight
- Has ADHD and gets caught off guard very easily. This is usually his downfall as he needs time to strategize and process something before he utilizes his strength and dexterity.
- Loves humor and making people laugh and smile. He finds self worth in making others happy and makes it his mission to get a laugh out of someone as much as possible.
- Really good perception and understanding of the human mind bc of this.
- Rabbit symbolism
- Likes riding horses because it makes him even faster
- Generally a likeable person and isn't very hateful. He doesn't get mad very often, but when he does, he gets pissed.
- Has really good street smarts and is able to wield any weapon with decent efficiency. His preferred weapon is a dagger or a double-edged claymore.
- The only grudge he holds is against Roseus.
- Love language is touch
- Voice claim: Matt Shipman
Eizan was very popular in his home village. There was people who side eyed him because of his curse, but it was overshadowed by his bright personality and kindness. He was always a silly kid.
Whenever he was around 9 years old, he was playing tag with the village's children when his hand got caught on a protruding branch and tore his glove, exposing his hands. When he tagged another kid, the curse affected them. The child went mad and ended up stabbing Eizan with a stake. It was nearly fatal but both the child and Eizan survived. The child was subdued and the curse wore off without having to kill them. Eizan was scarred physically and mentally and lost his spark after that. He stayed inside, even if his parents tried to encourage him to go back outside and that the people forgave him. He couldn't do it until his best friend, Roseus (ro-shus), had made a promise to help him find a cure. From that point on, he slowly regained his spark and while recovering, he learned how to make clothing.
It was when they were both 19 that they had made enough money to get themselves to Eridia for a cure. They had packed their things and told their village goodbye. Eizan was a warrior to the village that protected them from fogfall, and he knew this, everyone did. Roseus was his partner in arms and they were leaving the village unguarded. They set up lethal traps and fencing all around the village, but they knew it wouldn't be enough. They knew what would happen to their people.
They wouldn't be able to come back, ever.
Their journey was incredibly long. They survived with very minimal damage to themselves until 2 years into their travels, they split. They were caught off guard by a soulless attack that wasn't prompted by a fogfall. It had injured Eizan's leg and left him immobile without the adrenaline to keep him on his feet. Roseus, driven by fear, prepared to run away.
Eizan yelled for his best friend, "Rose! Help me damnit! Kill the fucking thing!!"
The man in question looked at him, petrified. He shook his head in fear as the soulless turned to him, letting out a screech. Roseus yelped and turned heel, running away.
The soulless left Eizan as it ran in the direction of Roseus, and all Eizan knew was that he hoped Roseus was killed.
Without the money for the cure and only having pocket change left, he stood on wobbily feet. He winced at the pain in his leg. He took out his medkit and wrapped the injury the same way he would his hands. He swore to whatever god out there, that if he ever saw Roseus again, he'd kill him.
After hobbling for a while, he managed to find a caravan that accepted him onto their journey to Eridia.
More art and stat sheets below!!!
some of the stat sheets might need to be updated... its been a few months LMAO, same with my watermark
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vhshqs · 4 years
talk to the hand [ CALUM HOOD ], [ PEYTON LANGDON ] is the new kid on the block around here. at [ TWENTY-TWO ], the [ CIS MALE ] works at [ BABBAGE’S ] in the mall and, like, [ HE ] totally reminds us of [ SCREECH POWERS ]. oh snap! what? their favorite movie is [ THE MASK ]???? so is mine! (cait, she/her, 24, est)
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a c c e p t e d !!  whatever happened to calum hood , PEYTON LANGDON ? be sure to show up for your shift in 24hrs and bring all your paperwork ! join our familiar friends waiting just around the bend ! welcome to the strawberry patch !
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
ok so for my request <3 haechan angst w/ happy ending pls. with the prompt: “why are you looking at me like that?” “like what?” “like you could love me” hehe <3
bestie i gotchu <3 i rlly hope u like it 🥺
class president!haechan + classmate/neighbour reader !
i tried to add some spice (angst) but i’m not too good at writing it tbh )): // some cute moments tho
word count: 1.7k
when you told people that lee haechan hated you, they never believed you. the class president hating someone? never heard of. but you knew him well, if anything, you knew him a little too well.
being his neighbour of ten years contributed to your distaste towards eachother. he could not shut the fuck up for the love of god. he was either singing into his microphone at ungodly hours of the night, or having gatherings with his friends every weekend (to which you were never invited to)
you gravitated to hating him. well, mainly his presence. he always held himself above others, but played it down in a way where people found him charming. and you hated that the most. he wasn’t real with himself.
unfortunately, you had been more intimate with haechan than any other guy in school. you hooked up two summers ago, and chose to not speak of it from then on. maybe it was the summer heatwave that led you to his house that day. or the way he pulled you into his pool, pushing you against the edge. maybe it was the way he had to catch his breath before kissing you, a subtle pink tint rising to his cheeks.
he practically ignored your existence from that day onward. so here we are.
“party at haechan’s place tonight! it’s going to be epic!” na jaemin yelled through the halls, gaining shouts and hollers in return from the people in your grade. you just shook your head, knowing it was going to be another night of loud music and obnoxious laughter coming from his backyard. just what you needed while you were meant to be studying for your maths final.
as expected, you saw rows of cars packed onto your street, all present for haechan’s party. you let out a huff at the sight, already annoyed by the noise. but you chose to ignore it to the best of your ability. you placed on your headphones, indulging in your favourite tunes. you were able to complete at least two hours of studying before you decided to take a break. as you sat in your bed, you heard a knock at your window. you chose to ignore it, assuming it was just some leaves that had fallen from the tree by your window. but you were startled when you saw lee haechan’s face appear. you let out a slight screech before closing your blinds completely. what a dick
[new message]
haechan: open your window idiot
you: go away
haechan: you can’t get rid of me that easily
you knew better than to continue with this banter. you groaned loudly before opening the window for him. he quickly slipped into your bedroom, rolling slightly on the floor.
“may i ask why your dirtying my carpet right now?” you fold your arms as he brushed off dirt from his jacket onto your floor.
“it’s for a dare, i’m going to need you to kiss me” he smirked, finally standing up.
“you’re ridiculous, you really think i’m going to entertain you and your little group of monkeys? no thankyou, please leave” you signalled to the window once again, not believing how bold he was.
“i-i we kinda bet on it, and i don’t like losing” he was so stubborn.
“i don’t know how many times you need to hear it but i don’t want to kiss you”
“but you have before, so does it really matter that much?” he was unbelievable.
“fuck you”
“i know you want to”
“is this all some game to you? playing with people’s feelings just for entertainment? or were you just born a dick?” he suddenly went quiet.
“you are the last person i would ever want to kiss in this entire universe. and don’t think for a second that that night meant anything. because it didn’t” you gritted through your teeth. your heart pumping out of your chest at this point. haechan awkwardly shifted his shoulders, he was now slouching, eyes avoiding yours.
“it meant something to me”
“well you have a weird way of showing it” he knew you were right. you were always right.
“now please, just leave, i’m not dealing with this today” you grabbing his shoulders, pushing him towards the window.
“just so you know, i never meant to hurt you” he blurted out, not waiting to see your response before he jumped back over the fence to his backyard. lee haechan was the most confusing person you had ever met.
“y/n! miss choi wants to see you in the auditorium” your maths teacher informs you. you quickly packed your things before making your way to the auditorium, what could she possibly want with you?
as you stepped into the building, you noticed no one was there.
“ah there you are” that was not miss choi’s voice.
“what the hell are you doing here?” you turn to see haechan’s face right infront of yours.
“i want you to spend the day with me”
“and why would i agree to that?”
“because i just got you out of your least favourite class. and because i have something to prove” you pondered for a moment, were you actually going to consider this?
“can i pull out whenever i feel like it?” he nodded swiftly, eyes searching yours for an answer.
“then fine” you grumble, following him out of the auditorium and to his car.
“how the hell did you get out of class?”
“class president perks, one mention of a meeting and i’m free” he smirked before opening the car door for you.
“you lucky bastard” your comment caused him to snicker, maybe this day wouldn’t be so bad.
“you’re taking me to get ice cream?” you raised an eyebrow, following him out of the car. you were quite short next to him, causing you to take an extra few steps just to match his pace.
“got a problem with ice cream?” you shook your head, entering the parlour. he insisted on paying, and who were you to deny his gesture? it didn’t mean you hated him any less...but you couldn’t deny it was slowly starting to fizzle away.
after you both received your ice cream, he led you to a nearby river. you sat upon a large rock, leaving a generous gap between you both while you enjoyed the delicious treat.
“thanks for this, i guess” you mutter, eyes focused on the wonderful view infront of you. haechan, on the other hand, couldn’t believe he got you to hang out with him. maybe all this time, assuming that you hated his guts (which was partially true), was a complete waste. he had a massive crush on you since freshman year, but never wanted to admit it. after hooking up, he could sense that he was falling deeper for you, probably more than you would ever fall for him. so he decided to push his feelings aside. it was dumb of him to constantly presume about such things. but he was scared of getting hurt.
seeing you up close once again, made his heart beat faster. he couldn’t get over how beautiful you looked. he wanted nothing more than to place a soft kiss to your cheek, in hopes of making you flustered. but he held himself back, as you still had some reservations with him.
“you said you wanted to prove something to me, what was it?” you decided to face this head on. no more beating around the bush.
“i wanted to prove that we could go at least one day without being hostile to the other. and look at us!” you couldn’t deny that his plan worked. you didn’t find yourself making any more snarky commented since you left school.
“as much as i hate it to admit it, you have a point” you sigh, finishing off the last bit of your ice cream. you finally turned your head to face the boy next to you, he was already staring back at you.
“you have a bit of- here let me” he swiftly swiped his thumb across the top of your lip. you froze at the contact, the feeling of his soft fingers in your lips made you flustered.
“t-thanks” you muttered, pulling away quickly.
“i guess you’re not so bad” you blurted out, causing haechan to snicker yet again.
“i know i’m irresistible”
“can you be serious for one moment in your life?” he awkwardly coughed before nodding. he chose not to say much, opting to admiring his personal view of the gorgeous person next to him. you felt his eyes on you, but chose to ignore it, focusing on the view infront of you. but as time passed, you started feeling self conscious,
“why are you looking at me like that?”
“like what?”
“like you could love me”
“because i could” you almost choked on your own saliva,
“what? i could love you. is that so hard to believe?” he smirked, moving closer to you so that your shoulders were touching.
“haechan, i-you need to stop playing now, it’s not funny anymore”
“i’m not trying to be funny. why don’t you believe me?”
“oh i don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that you’ve ignored my existence after we hooked up that summer? maybe it’s the way you choose to annoy me whenever you get the chance? maybe it’s the way you-“ he couldn’t hold himself back from kissing your cheek. he finally shut you up.
“please stop talking and accept my feelings” you felt his breath fan over the surface of your face. his lips still lingered over the spot he kissed.
“w-why should i?”
“because i want you to give me a chance. a chance to right my wrongs. a chance to show you that i can be the one for you” you didn’t know how to respond. instead you locked eyes with him once again. he looked so vulnerable, so innocent.
“okay, i’ll give you a chance” you smiled widely, pressing your lips onto his. it was his turn to be flustered.
“it’s about time” he mumbled against your lips as he deepened the kiss.
maybe falling for lee haechan wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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twopoppies · 3 years
gina! the concerts over and i will give you my report!! IM CURRENTLY SOBBING!! HES SUCH A BALL OF SUNSHINE AND I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH!!! I WAS SCREAMING MY HEART OUT TO ALL HIS SONGS!! i was crying into my moms shoulder during falling because he’s real and he’s just everything to me. i swear i was the only one in my section going that hard, i was literally SCREECHING!! these girls were looking at me too cause i guess i was being loud. oh well!! my throat hurts rlly bad rn 🙏 no regrets though! his voice live is unbelievable. fine line is so incredible live. the studio version does not compare. harry said he was in a fantastic mood!! he was glowing!! he went hard to tpwk too. i cried during she, fine line, falling, and tpwk. i saw a vip box thing, i didnt see anyone in it though. i kept looking too!! he is so beautiful gina. he’s just unreal. it didnt hit me about how much i truly love and adore him until he was on stage. he’s just everything to me. i adore him so much. he was running around and interacting with fans. he yelled at people because they were lying about their birthdays. during olivia, i stood up screaming and i hit my leg and now i have a bruise 😭😭 sunflower vol 6 gina!! the blue and green lights are just unreal!! same with tbsl!!! so much blue and green!!! does harry design the blue and green or is it his stage designer? i absolutely lost it during sunflower vol 6, it’s my favorite song ever and it’s so beautiful live. when he was leaving, he went the wrong way and he got directed the other way. he’s seriously such a dork. everyone there was so beautiful. i complimented at least 10 people. i was telling them how beautiful they are and asked where they got their outfits. i literally could not help it, they’re so beautiful. i also saw many bananas!! there was a watermelon as well!! DURING CHERRY THERE WERE HOT DOGS SWAYING BACK A FORTH!!! i have videos that i would love to send you, but idk how to do that on tumblr. that’s all!! it was seriously amazing and i’m so happy i found him. 💜
Hi Molly! It sounds like you had an amazing time! So glad you got to share it with your mom, too. Yes, I've heard the blue and green lights are really obvious in person (and no, he doesn't design the lighting, but I'm sure he gave the lighting designer some information on what he wanted). I'm so happy you had such a positive experience.
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rulesofthebeneath · 6 years
sunrise (ajay x mc) (part 2)
A/N: Hey team! Thanks for all your support on “Here Goes Nothing”! As someone new to this fandom, I love all the happy vibes we give each other on fics and stuff! This is a followup to “Here Goes Nothing”, an original scene I wrote up. I’ll most likely add a part 3 as an immediate followup to this one in the next few days. Let me know what you think!
Ajay’s kiss felt like a little candle in her chest, casting a soft glow on everything around it. Grace smiled against his lips, chasing the way he tasted like the pancakes her father had made and a bit like a strawberry milkshake. When they separated again, Ajay took a moment just to beam at her, keeping them only inches apart. Then he sat back a little further, not quite yet relinquishing her hands but retreating back into a separate space.
Neither of them said anything for a few moments, but Ajay spoke up after a little while.
“Well, as much as I’d like to uh, never stop doing this, I told my mom I’d be home by 12:30 so I really do have to go,” he said, a small blush crawling up his cheeks.
“Oh! Okay! Yeah! Cool!” Grace stuttered, brought sharply back to reality. “I’m getting a bit tired too.”
Ajay raised her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. “Goodnight, Grace.”
“Goodnight,” Grace echoed as she left his car and stepped into the chilly night air. She felt dazed, like the world had gone soft and gentle and she was just being carried along. She began the short walk home, hands tucked into the front pockets of her jacket.
Ajay sat in the car for a second, equally not with it and feeling a little giddy. He rested his forehead on the steering wheel for a moment, reflecting on the night’s events. An amazing performance, a large check presented to Mrs. Silva, a fun night playing theatre games and eating amazing pancakes, then his confession. He was lying to himself if he said he hadn’t been terrified- is there anything more dangerous than putting your heart on the line like that? But, in Grace’s words, it had paid off. Really, really paid off.
He smiled to himself. A touch cynical, he had dived headfirst into this only expecting the worst- that she didn’t feel the same way he did, that she’d fallen for Rory, that she’d rather be friends. Instead, it was like he got the best case scenario. Not only did she feel the same way, but when they had kissed…
He only had one word for it. Magical. He was by no means a romantic, but the word just fit. Man, this girl’s already changed me he thought, finding himself just a little more emotional than he expected. He shook his head, then shifted his car into drive to go home.
Grace closed the front door behind her and leaned against it for a second, her mind rushing through everything that had happened that day. The play, her first kiss during the show, the cast party, then talking to Ajay and having her first real kiss… what an amazing day Grace thought. She stepped into the kitchen, trying to mask her flustered grin. She wasn’t quite ready to share this with her family, not yet.
“Hey, can I help with cleanup?”
Her mother turned around. “Oh, no sweetie! Don’t worry about it, we did this for you. Just go on up to bed, it’s getting really late.”
Grace moved to give her mom a hug. “Thank you so much for the party, it was great.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie. Goodnight!”
Her dad piped up from over by the sink where he was washing dishes. “Goodnight, kiddo!”
“Goodnight!” Grace turned and climbed the stairs, then went down the hall and into her room to flop on the bed. James must have already gone to bed, she thought. She was a little relieved that she wouldn’t have to talk to him about this until morning. Her twin brother was great, but she didn't want to have to go into the whole story. Still, she was dying to tell someone, so she grabbed her phone and typed a quick text to Erin.
Grace: ERIN!
Erin: GRACE?
Erin: !!!!!
Across town, Erin smiled down at her phone. She assumed from the text’s wording (no question mark, the happy face) that Ajay had gone through with his plan. Over the last few weeks, Erin had really enjoyed watching Grace and Ajay fall for each other.
After the play, she’d stayed to help Ajay and the techs with the cleanup. The real strike would be after school Monday, but they’d wanted to get at least some things put away before the cast party. She had been sequestered to the dressing room and was folding up the costumes, putting them in boxes for later use. She was folding up Grace’s dress- really, a masterpiece from Sydney- when Ajay burst into the room and closed the door behind him, bracing himself on the table and breathing just a little too quickly.
Erin put the dress in a box, then crossed over to him, sitting at the table where he stood.
“What’s up?”
“Erin,” he started, eyes a little wild when he looked up at her. “I’m going to do it.”
She scrunched her eyebrows, putting on an air of mock confusion. “Do what?”
“I’m going to… tell her. Tell Grace. How I feel. That I like her.”
Erin put a hand up to cover her smile. “Ajay! That’s so great! What are you going to say?”
Ajay breathed in and out again, then almost forcibly relaxed, taking the seat opposite her.
“That’s where I find myself stuck.” he sighed. “I messed up so much the last time I tried to tell someone how I felt and I really, really would rather not mess up this time.”
“Just speak from the heart? Be honest with her, and straightforward.”
“Straightforward? Honest? Speak from the heart? How the hell am I supposed to know how I feel? It’s all…” he trailed off, gesturing wildly, “... confusing in there!”
Erin didn’t even bother to stifle her giggle, thoroughly entertained. She’d known Ajay for awhile and had never seen him so inarticulate.
“You could start by not stressing out so much about this. I don’t think you can go wrong, knowing the way she feels.”
“The way she feels?” Ajay flushed.
Crap, Erin thought. I shouldn’t have said that.
“Ah, well… you know. All I’m saying is… trust me, Ajay, it’s going to be very hard for you to get this wrong.”
Ajay smiled softly. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Erin reassured him. “Now come on, let’s go to the party.”
Erin came back to the present, after recounting the memory.
Erin: What did he say??? Tell me everything!!
Grace: !!!! I walked him out to his car after the party ended and we started talking. He said he thought about us being a couple, and he got really nervous and said I was passionate and sweet and that he likes me!!!!!! AS MORE THAN A FRIEND!!!!!
Erin: !!!!!!! That’s so cute!
Grace: AND WE KISSED TOO!!! So it’s like today I had my first kiss ever with Rory during the play, and then I had my first REAL kiss too!!
Erin: Wow!! I’m so happy for you, Gracie. 
Erin: Talk more tomorrow? I need my beauty sleep.
Grace: Yes! Goodnight!
Grace set her phone down on her nightstand and kicked her legs against her mattress just a bit, unable to contain all the happiness in her body. After a while, she settled down to sleep with Ajay’s smile still in the back of her mind, the warmth of his hands, the memory of feeling his lips against hers.
The next morning, Grace was having breakfast at the kitchen table when her phone buzzed.
Ajay: Good morning
Awww, she thought.
Grace: hiiii!
Ajay: How are you doing?
Grace: rlly good!! not sure if last night was a dream or not lol
Ajay: Ah, no. Not a dream. Better :)
Grace nearly swooned upon reading that text. Instead she let out an audible “Awwww” that prompted her brother, James, to lean over and try to read over her shoulder. She snatched her phone away before he got too close.
“Who are you texting?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Grace retorted, turning the back of her phone to him to type her reply. She found that she didn’t actually know what to say to Ajay’s text, though. She pondered it for a few minutes, then gave up.
Grace: 👀
Ajay: Please stop.
Grace: 👀 👀 👀
Ajay: Anyways.
Ajay: Do you want to go out today?
Grace’s eyes widened as she read the message.
Oh my god, like a date? Is he asking me out on a date? Oh my god.
Grace set her phone down and stared at her cereal, prompting another confused look from James.
“No seriously, who are you texting and what did they just say?”
“Never you mind!” Grace blurted, blushing. And at that moment, she realized. Oh, darn. I’ve just given him a big weapon.
James’ face lit up with excitement. “Oh my god are you texting AJAY?” he yelled.
James flushed, but kept his head on. “Maybe I am, but I don’t see what that has to do you and Ajay disappearing from the cast party for like half an hour last night. Or was I not supposed to notice that?”
“Oh, my god, JAMES, SHUT UP!” Grace screeched, then dove for her phone and quickly wrote a text, face burning.
Grace: u mean like a daaaaaaaaaaate??? 👀
Ajay: That’s entirely too many As.
Ajay: But yes, like a date. Bowling and pizza?
Grace: yes!! when?
Ajay: I’ll come to pick you up at 3 so we can beat the crowds.
Grace: ! ok!! see u then!!!
Grace set her phone down on the table as her parents sat down at the table with their bowls of cereal, having come in just a moment ago. Face red, she turned to them and made an announcement.
“I have a DATE today,” she said, “with Ajay.”
“Heck yeah!” James offered a high five, which she accepted after rolling her eyes. Her father raised an eyebrow.
“Who is that now? That kid with the classes and the blazer?”
“Yeah, dad. He was the director of the play.”
“Oh, that’s great, sweetie!” her mom smiled. “I saw the way he looked at you at the party, I wondered if he was going to ask you out. He seems like a nice young man.”
“Mom…” Grace ducked her head, embarrassed. To her left, James snickered.
“You know,” Grace said, looking back up. “James has a date today too.”
James dropped his fork and hissed, “Grace!”
Grace just smiled as the sun shone through the windows and her family cheerfully chatted, forseeing an amazing new day.
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Sleep in the Heat!
Chapter 3 
Read:  1 | 2 | 3
A/N: OKAY I”M SORRY! I was feeling really unmotivated and it was hard to get anything out there even though i have a couple already written. IM SORRY JUST READ THIS
DESCRIPTION: Beverly Marsh was cursed with her hit not being hard enough and her dad coming back to  consciousness after being bashed in the head with a glass tray. The abuse only gets worse until the losers respond to a distress call and walk in on Mr. Marsh suffocating his own daughter. Things get out of hand when a huge fight breaks out between the six teenage boys and a grown man ending in murder. The losers were forced to pack up and leave their home on a road trip to find a place to breathe,,,
DISCLAIMER: I tried to write in songs during the situations so if you could, I suggest changing the song as the losers do in the story to add more effect :3
There’s one song lol : “You’ve got it (the right stuff)” NKOTB
pairings- literally everything oh mY GOD: Reddie, stenbrough, benverly, Stanlon, probably others I’m rlly tired.
these kids are thOTS
TRIGGER WARNINGS!: blood, murder, ANGST 
and without further ado,
“Let’s go big Bill!” Beverly was handling the radio while Bill Denbrough put the key into ignition. Stan was incredibly angry for being pushed to the back seat next to Mike then Ben. Richie wasn’t a fan of it either even though he was on the mattress again with Eddie.
“Okay muh-m-Mike, where are we off too?”
“We’re almost to New Hampshire so we should be driving for about 10 hours, not including stops, and we can take a break at this casino-hotel thing,”
“Finally! I’ve always wanted to gamble!” Richie yelled from the back.
“You’re an idiot,” Eddie said while putting on a different shirt that was white with yellow and blue stripes, Richie loved it because it was way too big on Eddie and he just looked so cute! Staring at Eddie made it all go away, almost like nothing ever happened with Mike.
“Turn it up!” Bev yelled. She was reading a stolen vogue magazine, which interested some of the boys, (not Eddie or Stan since they were gay while the rest were bi, pan, poly, you name it). She got excited when Bill got that cute little grin on his face and let the song “You Got It (The Right Stuff)” by New Kids on the Block. Bev looked back at Ben who was blushing and playing with his book page. He looked up and they met eyes, she did her signature wink and Ben grinned at her while they mouthed the words to each other. Everyone in the car was smiling to the sound of those stupid songs Ben would make the losers club listen to at the quarry or on bike rides.
Richie looked over to Eddie and saw the way he tapped his finger to the beat while playing sudoku from a page Richie ripped out of a magazine for him at their last haul. What Richie didn’t know was that Eddie was catching glances of him too. Eddie always thought it was cute that Richie had a couple of Bev’s hair ties on his wrist from when she had braided his hair. Eddie blushed at the thought of braiding Richie’s hair but quickly looked back to his sudoku page and filled in a number.
Richie had this urge to lay on Eddie or at least set his head on his shoulder. He kept hesitating until he glanced at the row of seats in front of them. Mike was air-drumming to the beat while Stan watched him and laughed. After that he laid his head on the boy real quick. It almost hurt from how fast he was, but Eddie’s heart still sped up and his breath hitched. Richie didn’t know why but after a few seconds of laying his head on Eddie’s warm chest he started to get tired and closed his eyes to fall asleep.
“Bill speed up.”
“What? Buh-b-bev?”
“Speed up!”
“Oh my god…” Stan looked back and saw the red and blue lights flashing as a police car turned into their lane.
“SHIT!” Eddie started to shake. He couldn’t go to jail. What are we gonna do?
“Eds! get your head down!” Richie pulled him against the door, under the windows and squeezed the small boy. Eddie squinted and clenched onto the taller boys sweater with his head pushed into Richie’s chest.
“Bill!” Bev tugged on his shirt sleeve.
“Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.” Ben clenched the arm rest and the empty bag of trail mix in his other hand.
“Bill turn here!” Mike spoke up. Bill frantically turned the wheel and pulled into a parking lot for the thrift store GoodWill. Stan kept looking back and made sure they weren’t followed. Luckily, the police car drove right past the turn and kept on. They all took deep breaths and tried to calm down.
Bev looked up and noticed the big store. Her voice shook but she puttered out, “Anyone up for shoplifting?”
Bev came out of the car first. Even before the murder she loved thrift shopping and fashion designing but she never had the money to buy herself clothes to experiment with. She looked the part though; she was wearing a white shirt with a design that was covered by long overalls that were a bit small on her and short with rips on the knee and one of Bill’s flannels and black converse. Stan wasn’t too happy about the flannel part but he was wearing Mike’s silk bomber jacket so he tried to shrug it off. They all walked in the store looking like suspicious teenagers, so not much was new. Richie liked the feeling of being intimidating even if it’s only to some 40 year old cashier.
They all went to different sections to find some clothes and of course the lovers always “found” their way into the same aisle as each other and Mike wanted his turn. Stan wandered to the back of the store where there was old furniture and tall shelves filled with knick knacks and old dolls (which creeped everyone out) and on the back wall there were old TVs and radios, (the TVs were always on static instead of an actual show). He sat down on the edge of a brown couch when he saw something in the corner of his eye. Something red was peeking out from the floor of the aisle to the side of him. He stood up and slowly made his way to the entrance on the shelf. He looked at the ground and saw red blood scattered on the floor and on his hands. As he looked up the section turned into the Marsh’s old apartment. Stan stood there wide-eyed almost about to cry, but no sound came out. He backed out of the aisle and clenched his hair, “stop,” he whispered, “Stop!” he cried, “STOP!” His back hit the back wall which was now covered in the same wallpaper as Beverly’s old kitchen. He looked down at his feet and saw a knife, the knife he used, covered in blood, “no…” He kept walking backwards in attempt to get away from the visions. He whipped his head left and right to search for a way out, when the front door opened.
“Mike?” Stan said. He ran to the figure in the “doorway” and hugged him.
“Stan? What’s goin’ on?”
Stan opened his eyes and he could see the end of an aisle and he let go of the hug. There was no blood on his hands and the floor was clean, “I… Sorry… I just saw…” His voice broke and Mike could tell he was about to tear up so he put his hand on Stan’s shoulders and said, “Hey it’s okay,”
Mike looked at Stan and admired him. Stan did the same. Their eyes locked. Until they both slowly closed them and leaned in. Their lips touched softly.
“Holy shit…” Richie whispered to himself from the end of the aisle, “You motherfuckers… You motherfuckers!” Richie stormed off.
Richie walked outside where the losers (except Eddie and Bill who were in the bathroom. They got situated in the car until Richie saw Eddie walk out the store and ran to him.
Eddie noticed he was angry and walked to him “Richie! What’s the matter?” He frowned when he got no response but a blank stare past him, “Rich?” Eddie clutches into his jacket and shook him but Richie yanked his arm out of his grasp when he saw Bill, then realized his mistake.
“What the hell?” Eddie said.
“Eds! I…”
“What the fuck is going on?”
“I- I need Bill”
“What- Bill? What’s wrong?”
“Just one second!” Richie yelled and pushed past the smaller boy.
“Richie!” Eddie stumbled back. He was visibly angry.
“Wuh-w-What’s going o-on?” Bill walked up behind Eddie in alarm.
“Bill!” Richie didn’t know how to word this, “I- uh… I saw…”
“What?” Eddie and Bill looked at him confused.
“Break up with Stan!” He blurted out. He squinted at his stupidity.
“What!” Bill looked at Richie like he was monster, he loved Stan.
Eddie look at Richie “What the hell Richie?!”
“Wuh-w-wuh-What a-are you tuh-t-talking ab-buh-bout?”
“Bill… I…”
“Ruh-R-Richie! W-What are you tuh-talking about?!”
“Look Bill I’m so sorry,” Richie reached out for him but he stepped back.
“What happened?” Bill said it sternly without stutter  and it made Richie feel terrible. How could he tell him this.
“Stan cheated on you.”
“W-wuh… What?”
“Richie what the hell?” Eddie said from behind.
“No… he-he didn’t! You’re luh-l-lying!” Bill pushed him.
Once Richie caught his balance and yelled, “Look Bill! I’m sorry! He- He kissed Mike!”
“Stuh-Stop it! Stan- He wouldn't duh-do that!” he choked on a sob.
“Bill you have to listen to me!”
“Tuh-Take it back!”
Richie’s eyes went wide. He’s heard those words before. “Bill… Please!”
“Take it back!” no stutter.
“I- I can’t!” Richie kept walking back as Bill continued forward.
“Richie!” Eddie yelled, he knew what was going to happen. His best friend against his boyfriend, it was all too familiar.
“Denbrough! Listen to me! I don’t know what happened! But they- They!-“
They all knew it was bound to happen. Bill punched him straight in the jaw.
“BILL!” Eddie screeched. He pushed past the taller boy and kneeled down to his “boyfriend” with the bloody lip, laying in the street. Heads around them were turning and the rest of the club came out from the car, including Stan and Mike.
“What’s going on?” Bev yelled, “Richie! Oh my god!”
“Bill?” Stan hurried to him and left Mike behind to help pick up Richie.
Eddie parted from his boyfriend when Mike and Ben lifted him up, “What the fuck Bill?!” Eddie pushed Bill back. He only stumbled a couple of steps.
“Hey! What happened?” Stan went between them and held onto Bill.
“You’re a piece of shit, Uris!” Eddie spat.
“Eddie!” Bev yelled
“What happened?” Ben repeated.
“Is ih-it tuh-true?” Bill said parting from Stan's arms and holding his hands.
“You fucking kissed Mike!” Eddie yelled.
Stan’s eyes went wide and Mike looked down.
“I- I…”
“Oh muh-my god…” Bill said. He backed away from the group.
“Bill,” Bev had Eddie in a comforting hug.
“Bill wait!” Ben yelled. Richie squinted while his ear started ringing from the noise. Richie was able to stand alone now and Eddie ran to hug him.
“Bill!” Beverly ran towards the boy who started running away from the parking lot and back into the forest.
“Bev! Wait!” Ben yelled, but he was too late.
A/N: Hahahaha sorry.
Wanna be the first on the tag list? send an off anon ask!
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ellynxcos · 7 years
ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS FOR THE ASK MEME. ALL OF THEM. Or just 90-100, you know, whichever you prefer ;P
but nah that’s fine like I said I am b o r e d
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?
Yes cries a lovely wonderful girl let me die
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
UH lol idk it depends on the day? Some days I feel really petty about it and other days I don’t care so much.
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
my mind says ‘cats’ but my twitter feed says ‘nyah’ and i cry. that and :3c which like. is all Fox so i blame you
4: what’s something you really want right now?
5: are you afraid of falling in love?
6: do you like the beach?
yes!! I love the beach, specifically east coast beaches because the water is actually warm enough to swim in 
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
no but i wouldn’t mind it if it were a significant other. like idk why but i’ve thought about it before, and i don’t mind being that close to ppl i’m dating
8: what’s the background on your cell?
A really generic apple-provided bg because I have too many apps to see the bg anyway rip
9: name the last four beds you were sat on?
this question confuses me. straight up. idk what its asking name the beds????
10: do you like your phone?
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
no, but not in a bad way i guess
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
UH okay I so rarely add numbers to my phone Idk how to answer this lol. Probably someone from work tho. OR NO MY FRIEND SARAH PROBABLY
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
The zoo! I love animals, fam
16: are you tired?
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
i mean my first was probably my mom so
18: are they a relative?
my mOM
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
lol no never the fuck
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
lmao years. but i. need to chANGE THAT I AM NEEDY AND SAD
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
yeah, sure
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
no the last person i kissed was a dude
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
one bracelet and one hair tie
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
not really
25: what’s on your mind?
mostly my gf
26: do you have any tattoos?
just one, i want more
27: what is your favorite color?
oh god don’t ask me this. i like dark shades of almost every color? the only colors I really don’t like are orange and yellow. idk yellow is okay sometimes. i don’t like pastels much
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
29: who are you texting?
usually my mom, roommate, and gf
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
yeah, i’m sure everyone’s been there a time or two
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
i sURE HOPE SO jk jk i know someone does
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
....okay???? idc???
36: were you single on valentines day?
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
38: what do your friends call you?
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
lmao ya
40: have you ever cried over a text?
lmao ya fam i cry over everything
41: where’s your last bruise located?
shIN. it happened last night OTL
42: what is it from?
so one of my roommate left a cookie sheet on the fuckin stove top (IT’S BEEN THERE FOR FUCKIN D A Y S) and i was trying to get FOOD off the stove and my elbow knocked it and it tumbled to the floor and hit me right in the fuckin shin iM STILL MAD ABOUT IT
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
lmao probably yesterday lbr
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
my mom
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
not really, i used to tho
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
lmao no if i’m having a bad hair day y’all are the ones who gotta see it, not me
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
no i get too cold with a full head of hair for that shit
48: do you make supper for your family?
no i hate cooking fuckin gOD
49: does your bedroom have a door?
i won’t live in a room that doesn’t have a door
50: top 3 web-pages?
tumblr, twitter, and probably ebay/amazon. or twitch lately
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
52: does anything on your body hurt?
my fucKIN SHIN
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
hell if i know
55: how is your hair?
a wreck. it desperately needs to be re-dyed
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
lay in bed lol
57: do you think two people can last forever?
yes of course
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
59: green or purple grapes?
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
i don’t know and i hate that i don’t know. i know my family in May but like. hopefully sooner than that 
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
probably like 5 minutes
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
asleep, hopefully
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
this time last year i liked the same person i like now ;))))
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
YE!!! aaaaaaaaa
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
no i wISH
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
‘gee i sure hope this anti depressant doesn’t fuck me up’ along with ‘why are my roommates so loud’
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
lol ya who hasn’t
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
71: how many fingers do you have?
10 (fun fact i almost typoed this for 19)
72: what is your ringtone?
my volume is never on i don’t even remember LMAO
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
25, but turning 26 later that month
74: where is your mum right now?
home in Oregon
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
reasons i’m not willing to air on Tumblr lol
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
no unfortunately 
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
uh yeah lol how unfortunate
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
ye!!! i miss it
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
no one b/c i don’t do that shit b/c I’M NOT A HEATHEN
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
i mean, it depends on the drug. if it was just pot i wouldn’t have a problem w/ it as long as it didn’t rule her life. harder stuff is a no
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
nothing really. i didn’t love the movie and i was bored
87: who was your last received call from?
my mom
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
uh no i don’t think so just reading that made me cringe
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
time and money
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
91: do you sleep with your window open?
sometimes when it gets hot 
92: do you get along with girls?
lol yes??
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
ehhhhh she doesn’t need to know
94: does sex mean love?
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
no it’d just be awkward as hell lol
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97: did you sleep alone this week?
sigh yes sadly
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
yes i DO!!!
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
not really i guess, but like the second i saw this girl i knew she was special
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?
i don’t remember lmao
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