#the way theyre slowly making their way around their respective areas
dredgesnails · 6 months
perry the platypus is to iskall and stress what the snails are to grian and gem
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ollie-supports · 5 months
any transmuette/transmute tips? would love to have them be useful for transitioning around parents
- do you have other tips you think could help? a reply with them would be appreciated! if you would rather your tips stay anonymous, you can message me with them and i'll reply with it myself!
- did i accidentally say something triggering/disrespectful? please tell me so i can fix it! i am not perfect so i will make mistakes, but i am trying my best!
hello all! let's go over 2 scenarios!
if your parents are supportive, im so happy for you! lets go over what to do!
first and foremost, explain to your parents why you are transmute! this will help them to better support you!
secondly, talk (or whatever you'll do to communicate!) to them about your transition goals! communication is the absolute key with supportive parents!
third, see if they can refer to you as mute or whatever you'd like to others! this can be very euphoric and will help with other people being mean!
anything after heavily depends on more personal things, but feel free to come back and ask with more details if you'd like!
i am very sorry if you have unsupportive parents! you and your needs deserve to be treated with the same respect as other needs!
first of all, locate where you can be without your parents noticing. this may be online, with a certain friendgroup, or just anywhere where they wont intervene! this will help with later steps!
second, if youd like, introduce yourself as mute whenever you can! this will prevent confusion and hate!
when going out in public, bring your preferred style of communication with you! if you live in a larger area, there's a small risk since most people won't see you again!
also, avoid calls when you can! this will lower how much youre expected to speak! also, see if you can slowly talk less and less at home! if you do this slow enough, they may not notice until it's extreme!
either way, you deserve love and respect, so make sure to treat yourself with it! ignore all the ignorant people who just want to make you feel worse, theyre not worth any time!🌸
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staryarn · 2 years
Hi Bestie!!!!
Tell me something that isn't about nsr or submas or anything that you wanna infodump about that you haven't really been able to talk about?
I've been desperately trying to remember how my oc story was before ethe submas brainrot and it's very foggy (mostly because my notes aren't very clear) this is a very very long ask so be warned
currently I think I can sum it up to
' a puppet for the primordial of chaos wakes up with no memories of their past or their family ( I swear I wrote this before pla) but is assigned the role god of [■■■■]. Theyre met with two people who look exactly like them, one who works for the previous primordial of fate, MOTHER, and one who's just straight up trapped in a mirror / a whole ass seperate realm rip. They both attack the protagonist (lint solitaire/ lynh soliayre). Lynh meets up with the primordial of chaos (rip) and is tasked with defeating god (MOTHER-
Haha just kidding that sounds more like my first draft in like idk 2014-2016
Lynh soliayre is a puppet but more specifically a being who is made of both chaos and pure fate (mostly. Their legs and arms are made out of artificial fate which is very important). Chaos is generally hard to describe besides celestial matter as a material but fate can be described as a mass of strings (haha staryarn haha funny joke). They live in a creepy forest and at the heart of it lies a shrine / home (or paradise idk) to the god of ■■■■ / lint. I dont remember my personal term for it but they do have familiars (cyra is a fox who is a minrae aka he's made out of gems and stone. He used to be a stone statue. I have yet to name the other two but there's also Vincent. He's a moth guy who is 'a horrible and sadistic person' , at least to cyra. The other two are a crow (or a raven I haven't decided) that deals with the dead, and an oarfish that can cause earthquakes.)
I dont exactly know how to describe it other than just people with animal features that can transform into those creatures so yeah.
So under the God's and their respective areas / the things they can control, there is also like four regions (not set in stone just vaguely where they come from). The director of diamonds (lynh) rules over bugs (theyre described as spider like), the queen of hearts rules over fish (just general sealife really), the conductor of clubs (Cheshire cat) rules over mammals (and also lizards but in general just land beasts), and the Administrative Ace rules over avians (bird man woo).
Puppets and puppeteers are just general role names for 'manipulators and the manipulated'. Here's things from my notes idk if they explain it well
"A jester's role was to entertain and to simply make those around it happy. Yet those of this class are often limited on what they can do simply because of the masks they wear.
Most masks are powerful and somewhat cursed magic sealed away in an inanimate object, with the object acting as a catalyst for the magic. Yet if they are sealed away in a wearable object they take hold of the wearer and use them as a host.
These mask's puppeteer those who are easily manipulated, promising riches and a life full of freedom when in fact all it does is slowly consume you.
Court jesters and those of the likes are usually the main target due to the assortment of masks as well as identities they take on to please others.
For mortals they are 'posessed' by these masks. In rare occasions these spirits are direct manifestation of their negative emotions, making the user particularly aggressive. Utmost care has to be used when dealing with these 'jesters'.
This magic can also reside in other objects that are intended used, such as a pocket watch or scissors.
These are the direct mortal opposites to that of a god (or in a rare case a primordial)'s soul manifestation.
A soul can Manifest in three ways
- as a weapon / a catalyst to manipulate that user's magic
- a mask that puppeteers the user
- and in very rare cases, a physical body when their shell is shattered (and is used until their 'shell' reforms)
A 'soul' the essence that makes up that being and the inherent magic they hold onto once formed / created out of their provided element. It also contains their memories and anything pertaining to who they are, such as personalities.
Usually a soul of this class is reserved for non mortals such as assistants or gods. Mortals have a less 'powerful' soul since they normally don't have to manipulate the elements 24/7 , though magic is still a daily occurrence (although a bit more casual in nature vs a god using their born powers). The only difference in these is if the 'user' learns the magic or if the magic is an inherent part of their body / soul (if they are intentionally created with it)."
To go back to the minrae / chaofae (chaos fate mix) thing here are my notes (I said chaofae but that's not the correct term according to my notes sl here's those)
I wouldn't immediately categorize these as 'species' but I dont know what else to call them besides like roles or classes so yeah. It's easier to say what 'elements' make up a person or a god / what was used when 'creating'.. like a mix and match make your own homunculus deal except not 'artificial' (since it usually is made via divine power.) Mostly used for creating primordials (rare) gods, or 'non-mortals' (bunch of categories but usually pawns or assistants to gods. Again not set in stone bc humans can 'become' these but that's a seperate
Umbrae- specifically made up of shadows or anything that is a manifestation or representation of the void / space
Minrae- made out of minerals / rocks. A lot of different 'kinds' since one can be created from sand and one can be gems. It really just depends on what type of element is associated with the minerals
Tempvum - those made out of the sands of time (RARE, RESERVED FOR PRIMORDIALS)
Chao - those made out of chaos (RARE TO ENTIRELY BE MADE OF CHAOS)
Sors-fortuna - made out of fate (RARE, RESERVED FOR PRIMORDIAL)
Flambrestio (idk if that name will stick) - made out of fire (SOMETIMES FOR GODS BUT CAN BE USED FOR MORTAL CREATION)
Capens - those associated with the sea or water, like fish people of some sort literally anything that can be related to the sea (plant life etc)
Theres definitely more that I haven't named and there's also just entirely normal people. It's kind of hard to describe how these people are formed because yes while they are given these forms by God's it's not exactly like a 'you are born from god' deal it's more of like you get to chose it (kind of??? Like there's definitely a choice in the matter but it's also a regional thing for what god you fall under so you have some choices). Unless you're like blood related ro a god then you have no choice (rip lint)
You can reject these roles and that's fine it just means you may or may not be able to use powers associated with them. However you definitely can gain magic outside of the gods via other things or just use general alchemy so it's not like you're stuck as whatever. But it also does entirely mess up your body and it's properties
(For example lynh is made out of strings and an incredibly toxic material that has a 50/50 chance of killing you on contact. So if you stab them they can either 1 instakill you via blood 2 just ignore it because it passes through the string. It's like if someone tried to stab a harp or something)
Stabbing someone made out of time is tricky because it can just be like stabbing a pile of sand (or even sandstone / glass if theyre a fire time hybrid) or it reminds the knife / something odd.
It's really just situational and can be used to your advantage most of the times. However it does cause challenges (minrae can be shattered and have to be carefully put back together, umbrae can just straight up die if exposed to *too* much light (as in 0 shadows in a room whatsoever. It's like if you went to the desert and got heatstroke bc there was no shade), tempvum can (rarely) permanently be stuck at a certain age, etc)
My oc universe is extremely complicated so id have to really go through several years of Google docs and maybe dms to get all of the info but this is either off the top of my head or things in my notes app
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Dancing with ENHYPEN at a ball
Okay so I've been to many balls and masquerades in my day actually I used to go to 3 specific ones every year for the past 7 or so years so Enhypen doing something with a similar vibe in concept photos had me very excited. I can usually read someone on how they are as a dance partner by their initial bow and as we saw from the Instagram stories all of them did a bow and all had their own characterisc charm so here I am to put that into words for you :) also my first ever enha writing! Sorry if some are longer than others
Genre: fluff, first meet, non relationship (still some romantic charm for a few)
Warnings: none
Pairing: Enhypen x gn reader
Gif credits to me this time actually
He'd be my favorite to dance with by far (along with Jake and Sunghoon theyre just my favorite type of people at masquerades/balls)
He'd be one to take you around the entire ballroom and spin you like crazy
No specific crazy moves
Just swaying with you around the room with many twirls
It'd be so comfortable no pressure at all
Just no care in the world
He'd guide you through the whole room and very playful with a big grin on his face
Conversation is very fun just full of giggles with how little effort in dancing to replace with twirling
The spinning around the room is such pure fun and filled with so much laughter and he's just happy to make you happy
Would want everything to feel like a cheery fairytale
So to see you in pure glee he's just so energetic and happy as well
Plus he's also having the time of his life
Would find your way to the center of the ballroom or a more so isolated area to which he'd ask if he could dip you
The dip would be so cheesy and romantic even if you where complete strangers
One to kiss your hand when parting
"thank you for a joy-filled dance"
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The flirtatious gentleman
He'd have confidence in his walk when going up to you
Would hold his hand out to you acting like a true gentleman straight out of a fairytale
"would you like to share this dance?"
Then when you accept he'd ask your comfortablity levels
When you take his hand he'd guide you closer to him so he could put his hand on your waist
He'd be one for small talk while dancing with like an underlining level of flirting (if you're okay with that)
if not he'd just be chilling talking to you on how your evening has been
Would be one to dip you when dancing
Spin you multiple times in a row and that whole time have that specifc grin (you know the one the :D happy Jay one)
Would definitely also be the gentleman when you finish dancing he'd say
"thank you for sharing this dance with me" then bow.
Kiss your hand if you're okay with that
We love the flirtatious gentleman agenda that's for sure
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I swoon at the idea omg
One of my favorite kind of dancers that hold some sort of magic in them
The one to be where it doesn't matter if you've never ballroom danced before
Since when you dance with him it's like you've been doing this all your life like it's muscle memory
(dancers like this own my heart please give me your sorcery I'm talking about you Mr tango man who I had never danced tango once in my life but once on the dance floor with him was like I was a pro for years)
very respectful and super sweet
Trys to keep a steady and good conversation with you
Learns a lot about you and you learn a lot about him in the 3-5 minute dance
After the dance is done would give you one last spin then bow with a giggle
would smile at you when making eye contact throughout the rest of the evening when crossing paths
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My mans got many moves but he goes for the classics
would do simple ballroom 1234 steps
A great partner for a beginner or first time ballroom
Teach you the basic steps and gives that toothy grin
Cautious of stepping on feet but would be very sweet and understanding if you stepped on his feet accidentally
Due to the simple movements it's easy to talk with him and not get to anxious messing up the footwork once you get a hang of it
Will spin you and show you the different ways people are spined so you can learn how to do them correctly so you don't get tangled when spinning with other people
Or let you spin him to flex his excellent spinning skills
Very charming
Doesn't do the most intense of moves since he wants the experience to be enjoyful and relaxing with less pressure
If you have a lot of experience in dancing already he may amp up the level but not too bad
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Sunoo seems like a lot of fun
he'd be a mixture of Riki and Sunghoon
Simple steps and would have a firm hand on your waist
He'd be immediately talking with you and joking with you
"so what brings you here?" wiggling his eyebrows pls y'all would be so loud from laughter
Would love spinning you!! And you could spin him too he finds it so much fun
If he saw someone dancing with someone super well and ethereal
Oh boy that's a battle
He'd take that as a challenge
So then both of you had the goal to out do them
You'd move to the center of the room doing basic outgoing moves(example both spinning out at once, trying to lift the other gracefully ect) so that gets people's eyes on you
There'd be a lot of laughter definitely at how ridiculous it was to be trying to out do those other people
would definitely once finishing dancing if later in the night you both have no partners would come up to you once again and be a continuous partner throughout the dance
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Someone help this boy please
Gives me the tense awkward vibe?
Being so scared to overstep boundaries he'd be so stiff
Boys hands would be clamy but strictly at your waist
Like he'd be super sweet don't get me wrong!!
But be so respectful he'd end up being tense
Makes sure not to over step boundaries
You'd have a good conversation and he’d slowly get less tense as the dance continues
Would apologize for his hands getting a bit sweaty
If you danced together again later in the night or saw you at another ball your next dance he’d be way less tense
Definitely a gentleman though
When the dance ends he’d bow squeezing your hand lightly before biding farewell
“Thank you for dancing with me”
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Riki would be a little tense (I know surprising from the amazing dancer he is)
In the beginning a little awkward
But gradually as the song escalates would be more calm and loosen up
His hand would have a little bit of a firm grip on your waist (the only thing making him tense is from idea of over stepping boundaries)
He'd be a little bad at small talk in the beginning
But once he loosens up he'd let loose of the tension the conversations got better
Went from
“How are you this evening?” very awkward to
“You see those two over there? Have you noticed how they both keep stepping on each others feet then glaring at each other?”
Trying both your best to not laugh at the situation in from of you to be kind
But when your conversation is finally going well and pure fun
Just having an amazing time of fun joking around and getting to know each other
The song ends
Now you have two options
You share another dance
or say a bittersweet goodbye
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The day we caught the train (Slytherin!Five x Hufflepuff!Reader)
 missvifdor said:  It would be for Five Slytherins with a Hufflepuff reader 🤗 they are very opposite in personality but they complement each other. I love Harry Potter and the umbrella academy, so i'm glad you write about both 😄 thank you,
A/N: this was like kinda vauge so i made up like a story line i guess?? Its kinda a mess and really long?? hope this is ok!! I really like these because i used to be obsessed with HP, in this i imagine Five would be from the really posh part of london where, the reader being opposites to him would be from a northern town and theyre both in sixth year which is age 16-17, i had to do so much research for this lol
Words: 2711
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Footsteps echoed through the long empty halls as curfew rolled around, the sounds of students rushing to get back to their dormitories after a long night of studying and hushed whispering of passwords was not an unfamiliar sound at this time of night. Pictures were left empty as their residents wandered away out of frame and the castle slowly went to sleep, except for the prefects. As the sun went down, the prefects got up to do nightly patrols to make sure no students were up past curfew, each house prefect patrolled their own areas around their relative commonrooms to catch any wrong doers, not that they were many.
Tonight was your turn, patrolling the basement level and the kitchen corridor around the Hufflepuff dorm room, waiting for anything exciting to happen yet you knew it never would. Hufflepuffs always had a strong moral code and a clear right from wrong, every single patrol you carried out during Fifth year when you were appointed prefect you never caught a single person, now part way into sixth year still not once incident had occurred.
Yet, for some reason, every patrol you had ended up with a certain Slytherin prefect following you around, Five. Five was unusual to say the least, he was a well respected and slightly feared student, cunning and determined, he had a close knit clique of fellow pure blood slytherins, yet for some reason out of everyone in the whole of the castle, he had a soft spot for you. Even though he’d never show it in front of others, during the light of the day he’d sneak in side glances and small smiles, especially in the first few years making sure no comments came your way about your muggle parents or your upbringing.
Exactly on queue, a familiar sound of footsteps echoed down the staircase leading to you corridor only to stop short at the last step. A small ‘lumos’ echoed throughout the quiet hallway before Fives head pops into view, checking it was actually you there before a large smile breaking on his face as he walked into view. “Hey.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?” You smile to him as he got closer, crossing your arms over your chest.
“They know it’s me on, no one would dare try anything.” He smirks knowing he was right, striking fear into everybody, except you. His eyes soften and his tone became gentle when he was speaking with you. He’d always been like that, from your first journey on the Hogwarts express, talking the entire train journey up, secret library meeting when you both realised things weren’t as simple as just being friends. Things got difficult when blood ‘purity’ came into play, when suddenly you couldn’t be friends, which hurt.
The dimly lit hallways excentrated his features, his sharp jaw and high cheekbones cast shadows on his face and neck, yet his dimples still shone through when he smiles and breaks up the harsh exterior that he puts on. Stepping closer, you lifted your hand to run it through his hair, watching his face break out into a smile and wrap his hand around your waist. Small displays of affection weren’t uncommon between the two of you, only increasing through the years of being at Hogwarts. “I’m so glad you stopped gelling your hair back.”
“Don’t remind me.” He rolled his eyes, remembering his poor style choices of his past. You move your hand and run it down the side of his face and across his jaw, taking a second to admire him before dropping your hand.
“I’ve gotta go, my shifts nearly over.” A sad looking smile broke over his face as he slowly lowered his hand from your waist. “I’ll see you tomorrow though.” You say as you lock eyes with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He repeated back to you. He smiled and started walking towards the stairs, just before his foot touched the first step he turned back to you. “Goodnight, y/n.”
Dueling was always one of the most exciting parts of Hogwarts, it was a welcome break from the immense workload that sixth years had to deal with. In sixth year you were expected to be able to cast non-verbal spells, a mentally challenging task where some were better than others. Over the past month your defence class had been working tirelessly on being able to cast successful non-verbal spells with the promise of having a period where you would be duelling, which was exciting for everyone involved, a chance to show your abilities and represent your house.
“I’m going to be pairing you up today,” Your teacher spoke to you all as he was stood on the dueling table, met with a grumble from the students. “With student of the same ability.” He continued, seemingly unaffected by the disappointed sounds of the sixth years. “When I call you out, both of you will come to the stage.”
Cheers and boo’s echoes throughout the room as students from different houses duled, light flying from wands as students desperately tried to conjure spells without speaking, some pulling through well where others barely being able to produce anything at all. Tension rose throughout the room as more people slowly got paired off, everyone wondering who would be the next pair.
“Y/n and Five.”
Smiling, you walk up to the stage and face Five, seeing a small smile emerge from his stern expression. Wands at the ready, you wait for the call to start from the teacher, already knowing your strategy. The air turned heavy and the room turned quite as everyone was ready to watch the duel, you were both the highest achieving students in the class and people were eager to see who would be the best.
Then it started, Five casting the first spell only to have you deflect it, causing a gasp to echo through the room. You knew it would be a risky move to cast a spell that hadn’t been taught, a spell that wasn’t even in the curriculum. It was the only way you had ever found deflecting a spell without having the spell hit your opponent, Five was stunned for a second before hitting back with another spell, only for you to deflect it again and again and again. Waiting for a hesitation from Five to strike and then you got it, a gap in his relentless spell casting when he took a second too long to think about his next spell. 
Before he could blink, he was thrown to the floor with his wand flying out of his hand as you hit him with expelliarmus. Cheers erupted from students interspersed with nasty comments from the Slytherin students, you walk over to Five who was winded from his fall on the floor. Offering your hand he goes to take it before hesitating, under the watchful eyes of his Slytherin clique he lowered his hand and picked himself up, brushing down his robes. 
“Right!” Your teacher stood up on the stage with you and Five. “Class is dismissed, remember to keep practicing these non-verbal spells.” Your eyes never left Five as your teacher spoke, you felt a stinging sensation wash over your eyes accompanied by a throbbing in your chest at his actions. You shook your head and turned away, unable to keep looking at him without bursting into tears. 
“I need you to stay behind.” He turned to you, giving you a stern look only to soften when he saw you in near tears. Slowly, everyone left the room, either going to the library or commonrooms to await their next lesson due to the early finish. Closing your eyes, you gently tapping the lids with your fingertips to try and ease the stinging feeling, you take a deep breath before re-opening your eyes.
“Am I in trouble?” You say as you sit on the side of the duelling stage, legs swinging as you play with your hands.
“Not exactly,” He sighs, sitting in a chair facing you. “Where did you learn that?”
So you start to explain, lying as you went, as you explained you started to immediately regret even casting the spell in the first place. In fourth year you were spending a late night in the library, trying to find any books to help you excel in your classes, you had piles of books in front of you and then one book you opened had sheets of parchment paper interspersed with the other pages filled with spells that weren’t on the curriculum. It was filled with defence spells, jinxes, curses and more, it had been your guide ever since you found it. This, however, was not what you explained to him, simply saying you were doing some reading and found it and were unable to find the book again.
You could tell he didn’t believe you, but sensed that he wouldn’t delve too far into your story. “You can’t pull anything like that again,” He looked at you for a response so you just nodded. “I won’t go any further with this, you can go.”
The rest of the day went slowly, doing everything in your might to avoid Five, you had been patient with him all these years and him not even wanting to let you pull him up because of his little gang looking at him hurt, it stung. You know he’s loyal to his house but after 6 years of always hiding and sneaking around you just couldn’t bare it anymore, couldn’t bare the fact that Five had let this wizarding class war consume him.
Post day was always fun, hundreds of owls flying into the great hall and dropping off post from friends and family at home, some received letters while others got large packages sent in. Bruce was your barn owl, he was large, brown and robust, he would usually reside on your parents farm, being well loved and looked after by your whole family whilst you were away but always knew when you needed him in the castle.
In he came, swooping down with a letter tied to him and landing elegantly in front of you. Petting him with one hand while the other unties the letter, excited chatter filled the room as most other people were doing the exact same thing, wondering what their loved ones had sent them. Carefully opening the letter, trying not to tear the envelope, your eyes scan over the hand-written letter, smiling at all the information that was written in great detail.
At the very bottom they’d attached a photograph of them all together smiling, along with your dog and a few other animals they all looked after. As you were smiling and showing your friends you felt it get pulled out of your hand; turning around, you were met with one of Fives Slytherin friends waving your photo around, calling on his friends.
“Ere’ give it back.” Getting up, you try and swipe it from his hands only for him to hold it higher, scrunching it as he did.
“What are you going to do about it, mudblood-” Before he could finish his sentence the photo was snatched out of his hand by Five, lightly tapping it with his wand and the photo returned to pristine condition before handing it back to you with a small smile.
“Behave.” Five said to him, pulling him away from your table and back to theirs. A smile snuck onto your face as you sat back down, Five had never done anything like that outside the darkness of the library or the nightly patrols, let alone in front of his friends. 
Then, very slowly, he started to actively integrate himself into your life, talking to you in class, helping each other with homework after classes and even sitting with you at lunch on a regular basis. Building up your trust for him again, building up your friendship publically even with all the snide comments other people gave him, he ignored them all for you.
As winter rolled round, snow dusted the castle and surrounding areas as if it was a cake getting doused in icing sugar about to be presented for a meal. Cold nipped at your noses as you made the trek into Hogsmeade, students rushing to buy last minute presents for loved ones before christmas break as well as a stream of students flocking to the Three Broomsticks to get their last sips of butterbeer before the train journey home.
The Three Broomsticks was so full that students were being turned away, it was bursting at the brim with some students even even sharing chairs. The atmosphere was buzzing with excited students, conversations so loud that you couldn’t even hear yourself think. Five and yourself had been lucky, opting to come to the pub first thing then doing your christmas shopping, finding a small booth hid in the corner.
“So are you excited to go home?” He was wrapped up in a hoodie and jacket, a discarded hat and scarf lying on the table, leaving him with flushed cheeks and tousled hair. 
“I ain’t going home,” You say, taking a sip of butterbeer. “I never have, I’d have to get the muggle train back north, costs around 100 quid each way.” You tap your fingers against the half empty glass. “Canny afford it.” 
“You’ve never gone home for christmas?” Sadness was present in his eyes as he locked them with yours but you just shrugged.
“It’s not that bad, it’s like, my sixth year staying so everyone is just used to me now, I get to phone home and they basically give me access to the kitchen and all the teachers who stay put on interest lessons and such.” A breeze caused you to shiver, wrapping you jacket tighter around you. “I also help with the animals.”
Upon seeing you shiver Five leant over the table to wrap his scarf around your neck before gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear; the small display of public affection causing you to blush. Once you’d finished your drinks you head into town, looking down the alleys for all the little shops you could find, looking for the perfect gifts for your family, asking a slightly unenthusiastic Five for a second opinion and just receiving a series of raised eyebrows or nods of his head. 
Taking your time to walk back to the campus, Fives hand had found its way into yours, swinging your entwined fingers as you went. As the large castle came into view a bittersweet feeling washed over you, knowing that Five and everyone else would be leaving for the holidays tomorrow while you stayed at the castle. Even if the empty hallways felt like home there was always a pang in your chest on christmas morning, even if it did ease off during the day whilst sat round with friends and teachers, it still made your chest throb.
Joy was evident in the great hall, everyone talking loudly and laughing with their friends knowing they won’t be seen for the next two weeks, an exchange of gifts and cards being passed around. Slowly, everyone faded out to the dining hall, getting ready to get on the Hogwarts express home, you passed around hugs and goodbyes as your friends left the common room, all of them leaving cards and parcels by your bed and made you swear not to open them until christmas day. 
All morning you were looking around for Five but were never able to see him and as everyone left for the station you were convinced he had gone. Defeated, you walk through the empty hallways to the great hall for the regular meeting where the staff discuss the rules with the rest of you who had stayed behind. You heard a voice call your name behind you, quickly turning around, you see him. “Five?”
“They needed a male prefect to stay on campus,” He says as he gets closer, grin covering his face. “So I volunteered.” Instead of answering you just throw yourself at him, embracing him in your arms. His arms instantly wrap around your figure, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Thank you, Five.”
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babysizedfics · 4 years
hihi im back with another ask i send a lot of these now huh. anyway!! what would they all dress up as for halloween/how do they celebrate halloween when vee and ro are little compared to when they are big? do nana janus and chaotic cousin remus also join in? im super excited 'cause its halloween now and also i remembered my second ask from last night so m gonna send that now! 🐝
bee anon i know its been literal weeks since you sent this but i have been thinking about it loads and rlly hope that its worth the wait!!
i think this might be my longest headcanon post yet!
Halloween headcanon for the family
the timeline of labd took place in summer of this year so this halloween is their first one as a little family! patton was eager to suggest to the others that they make it a family halloween party where both boys are little and they can have some more childish fun!
virgil is nervous about it, he really loves halloween but he is easily frightened by horror and jumpscares and its a lot worse when hes regressed. and even though he trusts his family a ton hes worried they'll accidentally put on a scary movie or have spooky decorations that will scare baby him, so he's worried he will ruin the party by being a crybaby
however patton and roman are both so so so excited about having a child friendly halloween party and logan has been researching family halloween activities that are toddler friendly and vee is also a bit excited despite his anxiety so they all agree to it !!
originally they all wanted to have a family group costume theme!! but roman and vee's interests are so different when they're little
whatever roman suggested was either too scary or it was from a show that was too old for baby vee
and any of pattons suggestions that baby vee liked roman complained of them being too babyish or simple
so instead they decide each little will go as a matching costume with one of the CGs! so everyone gets to match with someone and the littles arent upset
Logan and Vee go as rilakkuma (big brown bear) and korilakkuma (littol white bear) respectively
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their costumes are basically just onesies they got from online, just standard onesie but with bear tail and bear ears on the hood and the tummy patch!
As a surprise though roman sews vee a pair of matching mittens for his costume! theyre fluffy on the inside and theyre white and have pink toe beans sewed on!! so they're like paws! and roman made them detachable so vee can have them attached to the onesie but can also wear the mittens without it
SIDE NOTE: this concept post is about how vee loves the mittens so much he starts wearing them a lot of the time when he's lil!
Roman and Patton go as Kuzco and Pacha
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roman makes both of their costumes from scratch!! even fake jewellery for kuzco!! he's REALLY proud of himself and so is everyone else!!
quick link to the posts for what their pumpkins look like and the shenanigans that ensued when they carved them!
During the set-up:
during the day patton and roman bake sugar cookies! and roman does a great job decorating them like pumpkins and black cats! theyre really cute baby friendly designs
meanwhile logan and baby vee decorate the house! logan sticks up paper pumpkin faces and bats while vee sits on the floor in a little play area rattling his giraffe rattle and logan is like talking to him "where should i put this pumpkin sweetheart?" and vee just babbles cluelessly and sucks the ear of the giraffe and logan is like "what a marvellous idea" and hangs the pumpkin exactly where he planned
also they make tissue ghosts!
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basically vee's job is to scrunch up a tissue into a ball! so logan gives him a tissue and shows him how to scrunch it and vee does a littol scrunch and giggles and logan takes it (scrunches it a bit more into a ball) and covers it in another tissue and rubber band! then he asks the baby if this ghost should be happy or sad (vee ALWAYS says happy) and logan draws happy little face on it!
when they have enough logan hangs them from the ceiling fan!! and he turns the fan on slow and the ghosts float around slowly and he goes 'vee look at that!'
and baby vee on the carpet is staring at them and then he whines and holds his arms up to mama - he wants to be picked up
lo was concerned that baby found the ghosts scary but!! vee giggles and reaches up to the ghosts and he bats them! like a little kitten! he loves it because its like a baby mobile!!
During the actual party:
lots of fun! logan cut out pumpkin shapes out of orange craft paper earlier and the boys get to draw faces on them!! and then they get blu tacked up on the walls!
and they nibble their cookies of course! very nummy well done roman and patton
but while ro is busy drawing and while vee is busy suckling his cookie and cuddling papa lo sneaks off to set up the main event...
trick or treat scavenger hunt:
there are bags of candy and little party favours (like little badges and bubbles and stuff) hidden around the house!
patton suddenly pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and gasps! then he announces that the boys got an invitation to go trick or treating around the house by some special guests! at this vee gets a bit nervous and buries his face in papa's shoulder but patton rocks him and roman is really excited!!
so patton hands the invitation to roman and its a riddle! roman has to figure out which room the riddle wants them to go to! roman is a very clever little boy, just ask his mom and dad, so he figures it out and leads them to the dining room! roman runs ahead and paatton carries baby vee on his hip
and in the dining room is logan - but he's not really supposed to be logan - he is still wearing his bear onesie but also now is wearing a big black blanket around his shoulders (its meant to be a cape) and has those really cheap uncomfortable plastic vampire fangs
'welcah to i cashel' he lisps
roman giggles because its very silly and he LOVES silly, especially mom being silly
but baby vee grips his papa tighter. he doesnt know why mama is talking weird or why his mouth looks different and pointy but it scares him and he starts whimpering
papa bounces him a little and whispers that its just mama being silly
logan hates to see ve scared of him so he tries to rectify it 'ish ohay bee ish okay wook ish mama!'
vee looks over because papa and his brother are giggling so it cant be that scary right?
but as logan tries to talk again the teeth fall straight out his mouth with a trail of drool and roman bursts out laughing and so does patton and so baby starts giggling too!! because its just mama!
anyway the game is to convince the vampire to let you have his candy. the vampire says he will only give them the treats if they can name all of the characters in peppa pig
and they do it!! vee immediately bounces and squeaks 'pepepepepa!' and then roman names mummy pig and daddy pig and george and then they get treats AND another riddle!
logan sprints out of the room to shove the next costume on and get to the next room
then roman takes them to the laundry room where the wolf man (logan with dog ears made of socks) will only give them bubbles and the next riddle if they both pet his head VERY softly!
and then they find a mummy in the kitchen and have to unwrap him! roman tears off the toilet paper from logans body and hands it to vee and vee scrunches it up like he did earlier and holds a little bit to his chest and decides its his now - the mummy gives them more candy and another riddle!
the hunt goes on until they find mama in the living room lying on the couch - and he's asleep! (he's not really)
theres a note on his chest that says that mama is under a spell!! and he can only be waken up by a kisses from all his family!! roman giggles and goes first and kisses logans cheek really loudly and sloppy and logan winces in his "sleep" at the wetnes on his cheek and roman thinks its funny
vee is really nervous that mama is under a spell :( so papa says he will show vee how to wake mama up. and patton leans down to kiss logan - logan's eyes open when he's just above him and leans up to meet him in a quick soft kiss on the lips
then its baby vee's turn and he wriggles in papa's arms so patton puts him down onto logan's lap on the couch and vee does his signature baby kiss - he leans forward, gently presses his forehead against his mamas and whispers 'mwah' behind his paci!
and then logan wakes up and says 'oh you saved me!!' and wraps a smiley baby vee in a very tight cuddle!
and when logan gets up he says he is SO grateful to his boys for saving him that he's gonna give them presents!!
For being so creative and clever by solving all the riddles and finding ways to trick the monsters into giving them treats, roman gets a rainbow etch a sketch!
and for being such a brave baby and for being so gentle with the monsters and with mama, little vee gets a squishmallow bat who will always protect him and give him cuddles!
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the rest of the night is pretty much jsut roman being really excited and proud of how well he did in leadinf his family to victory and he draws all of the events that happened on his new etch a sketch!
and baby vee is just so relieved that mama is back that he doesnt leave mama's lap and snuggles with his new squishy friend al evening! he falls aslee pretty quickly because it was a busy day for just a little baby!!
the end :3
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Comfort for Out of Body Experiences
Request: would you take a request for suga, tanaka, akaashi and tendou with a f!so who deals with depersonalization/derealization/dissociation? (theyre all pretty similar just slightly different meanings) deal with it especially when my adhd gets bad or after panic attacks. it can be incredibly disturbing/scary to deal with and i just wanna hug from the hq boys LOL  (also if/when you choose to do this, would you mind blocking out my username tytytyty) ((feel free to say no if its triggering to u)) (((muah))) 
Title: Comfort for Out of Body Experiences 
Genre: fluff, though mostly consisting of comfort from the boysss
Pairing: Sugawara/Tanaka/Akaashi/Tendou x Fem!Reader (all separate) 
Notes: Out of respect and awareness for these experiences, I did some research over these (thought they are very straightforward). I can only imagine how these feel at that constant of a rate, but I do realize how intense these can be, since this also happens to me every once in a while (and I only realized it after doing some research). 
And hugs from the Haikyuu boys? Who wouldn’t want those, especially at a time like that?
Otherwise, please do let me know if I portrayed something incorrectly or insensitively - I do not wish to offend anyone with the works. 
Below the cut! 
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Sugawara Koushi
sugawara is a mom, first off.
certified mom #1
he’d have what you needed right off the bat in a good amount of situations.
but this? 
this is something that he wouldn’t necessarily know how to touch and help. 
you had told him, of course, but...
his girlfriend feels as if her thoughts aren’t her own, that they aren’t real?
he wouldn’t know what to do, surprisingly.
he wouldn’t be able to truly understand the fear and the panic, but he would know a thing or two about panic attacks
sometimes, they’d hit him before games, possibly even school tests.
so he’d take a gentle approach since he knows the general panic. 
he’d notice the expression on your face start to contort to fear
he’d notice the way you seemed to tense up, even the way you started shaking just the slightest. 
the way your demeanor seemed to just...shrink
it scared him, and it made him worry.
suga had slid beside your seat on the couch, gently grabbing your attention by tapping your leg.
tears had started to pool in the corner of your eyes when you looked up at him.
suga silently and slowly hugged you securely, and you gripped the back of his t-shirt
his hold on you tightened just the slightest when he felt your tears soak his shoulder.
he had pulled you as close as he could, as gently as he could, and just left you to do what you needed. 
if you wanted to talk, he’d let you talk and he’d listen.
if you wanted to stay silent, he’d let you sit and do what you needed and act as a pillar of support.
he’d cuddle with you for as long as you wanted him to, as long as it would take to make sure that you are 100% better after the experience. 
and once the occurrence is over, he’d try to approach a way to support you when it happens next
(this, of course, would be after you are down from the out-of-body feeling and experience). 
overall, this man loves you, and cares for you, and he’d approach the situation with as much caution since he isn’t aware of how to help you
but he does try to learn more about it and act as even more of a support pillar for you in the future 
(considering that this, most likely, would have been the first time he was faced with a bout of depersonalization/derealization)
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Ryuunosuke Tanaka
boy is scared
simple as that.
mega caring, but if you aren’t crying, he is. 
otherwise, he’s unprepared.
you’ve told him that you experience this, you have also emphasized how terrifying it can be
but he didn’t know how to deal with it right off the bat.
that doesn’t mean that he didn’t take it seriously, though. 
he, quite possibly, asked noya (and that backfired BIG TIME)
and he tried to ask ennoshita, and he tried to help (though he was hesitant. ennoshita didn’t know where to look) 
so his last resort was the third years.
daichi didn’t know how to approach them, 
kiyoko was honestly very worried (yet still unaware),
asahi was just lost,
so suga was the only person that had any real answers.
even then, they were very few. 
so when you go into an episode of depersonalization/derealization around him, he freaks out
straight up texts sugawara to help him.
‘what should i do?’
‘how should i do this?’
‘would this be a good idea?’
trust sugawara to have the answers at a base level, though.
suga just tells him to comfort you in the way tanaka does best, be careful, and let him know if something goes wrong.
so that’s just what he does.
he sees the terror settle on your visage, the way the color drains from your face
the way that your body just...
loses all sense of ‘control’.
you don’t seem yourself, and as such, you don’t feel like yourself.
tanaka, while viewing this, is quick on the uptake.
he tugs your body to his before you can curl into a ball on the couch
hugs you securely in his strong arms, lays your head on his chest and tries to rub your back as a form of comfort.
while doing this, he’s trying to regulate his heartbeat and tears
(his sweet girlfriend’s struggling, and he doesn’t know how to fix it. what else could he do?) 
like i said, if you aren’t crying, he is.
and that likely leads to your emotions coming over you and you end up crying.
he just hugs you in a fashion that would make you feel safe, warm, and protected. 
he is also uncharacteristically silent, though you both don’t mind it.
just in general, the awkwardness, the fear, and the emotions run HIGH 
so expect this to be something that might be a little tough to adjust to on both your parts
but, afterwards, he does cuddle with you close to his side until you feel comfortable.
in general?
the boy loves you a lot, so he’ll help the best way he can, but the comfort process is gonna be a little bit of a rough ride. 
and, under the circumstance that this was his first encounter, he did pretty decent.
(sidenote: he had told suga what had conspired the next day when he was at volleyball practice. he got a pat on the back for his good work and a small reward, though he was hesitant to take it.) 
simp is big worry for you overall, but he’ll take extra measures to help you in the future. 
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Akaashi Keiji
certified mom #2
akaashi, though?
i feel as if he’d have dealt with some bouts of it
so he had a sense of the feeling and the pure terror that comes with it.
because, compared to his calm and composed demeanor, boy panics like the next person.
and sometimes, things like this happen when stress is running ESPECIALLY high
and once you had told him about your experiences with it, 
he was immediately taking notes from his experiences to help you with yours
so, in conclusion?
he had a good amount of knowledge in the subject
when you start to go into a bout of it, he is on the job
he keeps the atmosphere as quiet as possible
(especially if bokuto or kuroo is in the room) 
he makes sure that there is a private, somewhat comfortable area that you can go to whenever and wherever it happens
and you can bet that this boy starts to worry despite the knowledge.
once he notices you start to shrivel up and push yourself towards the corner of the room
and how the fear settles in your eyes
he’s on the way (while still being smooth and nonchalant).
there are tears gathering in the corners of your eyes, and as soon as akaashi sees them, well- 
he’s already gesturing for you two to leave the room and keeping you flush to his side comfortably.
it isn’t until you reach the designated private area (which in this scenario would probs be a secluded classroom) that he checks in further.
he stares worriedly in your eyes, and you try to explain
he stops you, wipes your tears, and pulls you flush against his chest. 
no words are spoken, just a sweet silence and a loving embrace.
it’s welcoming, and he doesn’t care if you soak the front of his shirt with tears
overall, best boy of the four (with suga being a close second).
in general, though
the way he acts and treats this thing signals an immediate understanding of the feeling
and it is just, overall, the most comforting thing about it.
he takes note of what works this time following the first encounter with something like this, though
anything to make sure his beloved girlfriend feels safe and protected.
(bokuto though - akaashi loves him, but dear god, he pries too much whenever this happens around him. kuroo joins in too, and he has to put his trust into someone else to handle him (or the two of them) in that moment.) 
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Tendou Satori
guess monster can’t guess at the moment 
tendou.exe has stopped working.
checking systems....go.
okay, he’s back!
so, first things first - you have told him of your brushes with depersonalization/derealization and overall dissociation
you had also emphasized how scary it can be
this, while still a little odd to him, is something he takes seriously because you take it seriously.
(it took a little explaining to get him to realize when something like this starts to happen.)
anyways, one day, when you two are studying together
(by your request!) 
he pauses when he hears your voice start to shake and your words don’t come off as sure as they were mere seconds before.
“what’s going on, y/n?”
“uh, I - um...”
THAT’s when he jumps into protective boyfriend mode. 
the way you so suddenly weaken, seemingly just lose all sense of the normal you
it scares him, quite frankly
and he just-
throws all of his work to the side and slides you to his side.
pressing your head onto his shoulder is the first step.
he wants to talk, but the way he feels you tremble 
oh boy, he gets emotional
he won’t cry, but he’ll be about to
he just decidedly grips you tighter and closer to him when you tug on his shirtsleeve
he’s pulling you even closer then, and just slowly lulls your body in his to his bed
and the two of you just lay there, you crying from the fear and him keeping you warm, safe, and comfortable
(he’s rubbing small circles into the dip of your hips and cradling your head to his chest and i just-)
(best comfort istg-)
you two had just decided to stay there for the rest of the time together until your roommate had come by to get you 
(she had thanked him for comforting you as she had seen this happen, and you had never been this calm coming down from a bout until today.)
essentially, he doesn’t joke like he normally would
he doesn’t get rough or generally playful, either
he just gets aware and gets to action.
safe to say, he does a pretty damn good job when it comes down to it. 
(and as a sidenote- if anyone pokes their head in on you two in the moment, he’ll send them a look that signals them to leave.)
(seriously. it terrifies some of the younger club members if they even attempt to come find him in this situation.)
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lord-king-saint · 4 years
DISCLAIMER: Depending on your level of integration, you may not relate to these descriptions of the signs. Without integrating the sister sign, there are deficits in the personality. As we integrate our sister signs' qualities, we tend to relate better to the world.
✨aries: energetic and forceful mars rarely allows others to influence you or "impress" upon you. it guards you with its fiery armor against absorbing too many perspectives-- and rightly so! people who juggle too many perspectives always vaccilate and diffuse their energies! it can feel like a betrayal to you when someone is always taking the middle-ground. a warrior has to attach to its goal, or they die! so why are so many fools getting the jump on you? whats up with those "certain people" who get under your skin and drive you mad? how do they charm you and expose you so easily? its their ability to "drink in" your perspective. they allow themselves to be impressed upon by you, but they use that data like an artist. yeah, their energy is diffuse, and thats why you are so easily drawn into them, like everyone else. you may be jealous of people who are charismatic and very liked. aries can be popular and well-liked too, but its usually because your audience is compatible with your forceful energy-- or they like you despite it! but venusians win hearts, and relationships, because they make room for others in their psyche. can you make room? or does it feel like obliteration?
✨taurus: you see no need to rennovate your entire personality. youve carefully crafted yourself and your surroundings, based on what you think is beautiful, and valuable, and conserves the most energy. you dont have time to constantly deconstruct and rebuild yourself. even though you want to improve in some areas, you won't throw the baby out with the bath water. after all, you have earthy goals to achieve. youre comfortable in your skin and your rituals work for you, because theyre tailored to your delicate sensual nature. you dont want to be ruffled, or hurried, or over-stimulated. thats why those "certain people" irk you so much. theyre always trying to penetrate your exterior and reveal these deep truths about you. whats their angle? why do they want to unravel you? it feels like they just want to tear you apart, and then be the ones to put you together again. it feels like a power play-- and furthermore, it sounds exhausting. you dont need to expose the deep dark motivations inside you. youre doing just fine because you march steady and refined toward your goal. thats why youre confused when people say youre oblivious. when people confide in you, and you dont investigate the secret longings of their hearts, and the bitter past that forged them, they say they feel unseen. you want someone around because theyre "valuable", but when you dont merge with their inner world, youre treating them like an object. you prefer to build trust slowly. you notice that a person repeatedly respects your boundaries, so you let them in. but intimacy demands something deeper. they want to know that the deepest and most vulnerable parts of themselves are safe with you. are they? are their deep and messy hearts safe with you? or they just your "objects"?
✨gemini: youre like a surfer, arent you? it doesnt matter what the current is doing, as long as it gives you that wave! that moment of excitement and freedom! i mean, obviously you study the water, and know which waves will give you the most thrill, and you can probably anticipate when a good wave is coming-- or maybe you dont surf, but, you treat information this way. you know the people who have the best stories. you can sniff them out, you're drawn to them, and you know how to stay engaged with them-- until you don't want that anymore! until then, you download everything you can learn, to redistribute to others later. youre a fabulous messenger. collecting fascinating knowledge, person by person, media by media, and re-telling them in glib and colorful ways, is what maintains your excitement and thrill. your heart adores networking, and you love being at the center of the web you weave-- but then you meet those self-righteous types. those "certain people" who have actually been on journeys. they don't swim in the same surf, waiting for waves. they dont collect stories and glimpses of experiences. they arent messengers. they venture into the unknown themselves, for their own experience or vocation or belief system. these people know themselves. theyre the blunt types who scare people away sometimes. "but those people might've had good stories!" you cry. you hate their candor and their self-righteousness, but you cant help that you love their stories the most. theyre so knowledgable, like a teacher or guru. they may even make you jealous, because they arent just telling stories-- theyre telling experiences. they make you want to go on a journey and have an experience too! you want their self-knowledge and expanded worldview-- but, that would require that you choose a direction. it would mean starting your own story, and commiting to it step by step, rather than waiting in the surf for a thrill. which direction lies your story? can you devote yourself to it?
✨cancer: youve seen the world outside and its scary. everyone is so changeable, and they all want something from you. they all have angles-- but you know who didnt have an angle? mother. she didnt need anything from you, she just adored you and held you and fed you yummy meals and listened to you sympathetically. she would never exploit you. she only wanted the best for you. or, maybe your family wasnt like that, so you built your private world around that loss. you save the photographs of being unloved, and insulate your heart with familiar, emotional security. your pets and plants love you unconditionally, and so do your friends. actually, you make sure that every person in your life is "safe", which is why you tested them and only slowly let them in. you approached sideways, indirectly, but eventually the faithful made it into your den, where you adore each other and feed each other and protect each other's secrets. you take their photographs and hang them in your private world, and you pray to the moon that you dont hurt you or leave you one day, like the others. when the others left, it was too painful to put into words (even though you tried) and you continue to build your private world around that loss. so the scariest people are the insensitive people. those "certain people" who arent ruled by their feelings and they operate exclusively in the public world. whats so good about the public world? sure, you play in the system to give yourself security, but why bother being ambitious when the private world is so much safer? these people are disciplined and want to master the outside world, and even though you feel unnerved by them, theyre sensible providers of security, and security has always appealed to you. theyre brave and stoic on the outside, because they wear the mask of courage to provide for their families-- like an archetypal father. sure, theyve suffered, but their suffering and failures are what galvanizes their self-respect, and motivates them to try again. their resilience appeals to you, draws you like a magnet, but you resent their emotional strength because it makes them seem insensitive. but in order to accomplish our goals in the world, we have to be disciplined, put our feelings to the side, and be willing to fail. are you brave enough to climb the mountain? can you approach the world directly? the public world can be a scary place, but when you have courage and a wish in your heart, it makes for better photographs.
✨leo: your heart is a stage, and your beloved audience loves your warmth and glamor. youre so talented, so dignified, and you have that accessible "older sibling" aura that wins people's hearts. basically youre blessed, and your heart soars whenever you receive applause. like a good actor, people dont always know the work youve put into your identity-- unless, of course, its part of the act-- but youre not pretending! its just that applause affirms your existence, so naturally everything revolves around that. you love your audience and you cant imagine life without being seen and praised. humiliation could destroy you, but you will always rise like the graceful pheonix before a new audience, to dazzle and impress and entertain again. you have infinite creative potential inside of you, a kaledioscope of color and expression is at your fingertips. thats why you cannot stand those "certain people" who come around to expose your ego. these people are usually intellectuals who are penetrating and insightful, and they always try to bring you down a peg. when you tell a problematic joke on stage, theyre always advocating for the audience and viewing your act in an idealistic lense. "its just art!" you cry. "and its my art! so if you dont like it, you can leave!" but when the audience leaves, it always unearths your insecurities. how are these people so in-touch with your audience? how do they forecast the audience's needs so accurately with their insights? youre the one on stage, but these intellectuals know the rhythms of the future, and theyre forcing you to step up and change. you recognize their genius and want it for yourself, because your heart is a stage, and theater is about the interplay between the actor and the audience. can you use your heart to feel into the hearts of the collective? can you change with the age? is that something you even want?
✨virgo: your attention to detail is truly a gift, and it enriches everyone around you-- even if they dont notice. you can put your ego to the side and really analyze what truly needs to be done, and then you do it, without fuss. once you find the flaw with your eye for detail, you uproot it. even when its thankless work, you are a major service to those around you because you keep things efficient and organized, just like your own bodies and minds. when things are unclean, you keep them clean, just like your unconscious. in fact, you regularly go into the basement of your mind to take an inventory of your compulsions, obsessions, and needs. you may appear neurotic to others, and you may feel that way too! your eye for detail can sometimes paralyze you with all the ways you need to improve yourself. even when it comes to others, it may be hard not to see flaws and want to perfect them. it may be hard to relate to people outside of this ritual because youre so invested in the routine of that role. when your eye for detail sees all the flaws, how can you not aspire to a future of perfection? its hard work, but everyone should be working to be better, right? thats why "certain people" who are oblivious to their own flaws bother you. everyone has a responsibility to improve, but then you meet those people who laze about and dont improve themselves. and, you notice that they dont try to improve other people either! they accept people as they are, and you resent how others gravitate to them. you assume that theyre coddling them-- but with your eye for detail, you notice something. you notice that people around them slowly heal and improve by their influence, by some strange alchemy! and you cant trace back how it was done! because they accepted them as they were-- they changed, for the better. you also notice that it works personally for those people too. somehow, by not worrying and analyzing, by withdrawing from their obsessions and escaping into art or distraction, occasionally things work out for them! it doesnt happen enough to quantify, but the numerous occasions where inaction breeds positive results astounds you! how do they do that? how do they give their problems over to some higher force by escaping? you can barely escape your own mind without feeling guilty! and you notice that their ability to escape balances their ability to ground in the moment, especially with others. it seems so disorderly and contradictory-- but it works. how can inaction and acceptance change your life too? how would your loved ones improve if you accepted them as they are? can you tolerate uncertainty enough, to reap the rewards of acceptance?
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ikev-mpire · 5 years
ikedaddies punishing u (together)
based on this post
(lets say comte brought everyone from all three times/universes to his mansion and so you all just live together there and you’re in some type of polyamorous relationship with too many doms lmfao good luck) (also I literally hate this I guess my brain wanted to take multiple different approaches to this so im keeping the part I ACTUALLY wanted to write simpler and I might just write a foursome for it later) (don’t go into this expecting it to be good Im not even brave enough to read over it bc its THAT bad)
first off lets start with their main dynamic. normally when all of them punish together, they take on three different roles- one per each. the punishment, the reward, and the aftercare. 
it gives a sense of organization and none of them really mind- they enjoy the roles they took on. 
normally, Saint-Germain handles the punishment, Sirius the rewarding, and Hideyoshi the aftercare (to no-ones surprise)
occasionally, Sirius and Saint-Germain might switch roles, because it isn't too difficult to tip Sirius over the edge and Saint-Germain does have a thing for watching.
if, somehow, you manage to piss all of them off enough to be punished by all three... god save your soul but that's a story for later
now on to the main ways to tee them off, then on to the fun part :)
Saint-Germain (ironically) doesn’t really like to share. the main way to earn a punishment from him is to play on his jealous bone
lean a little too close to Arthur, brush your hand against napoleon’s across the dinner table, fix sebastian’s hair when it falls into his eyes as he’s washing dishes... bend over a little too slowly in the dining room when Isaac drops his fork. definitely don’t wear anything revealing (though he’s bought you quite a few more revealing things to wear just for him, Sirius, and Hideyoshi) outside of your room. 
Sirius hates when you question his dominance, when you tease him as if you don’t believe he’ll do anything about it.  he despises when you disobey his orders, and hates when you treat either of the others as if they have more power than he does (comte in particular- he likes to be on an equal level with his other dominants but you tend to treat comte with a little bit more respect than Sirius because comte is the one who usually comes with a punishment)
Hideyoshi has admirable control over his feelings, things like jealousy don’t tip him over the edge, but the two things that will cause him to lose it, drop his self control and punish you with pleasure and light pain until you listen to him, are when you do anything to endanger yourself and when you pleasure yourself without permission
starting the fun part. their individual punishments. 
they always tell one another when they have to punish you so you don’t end up with too many punishments and no rewards (theyre a very organized group of... daddies...) 
they usually like to punish all together, so that all three of their roles are perfectly fulfilled, but of course sometimes it comes down to them punishing you on their own. 
they do have one big rule though- they never punish you in your room. that’s your safe area and they want to keep it feeling like a safe area for you. anywhere else is cool though. and I do mean anywhere. 
Saint-Germain likes to punish you in his own room. his solo punishments mainly include staking his claim. marking you as his own is a big thing when he’s jealous, so expect a lot of hickeys and biting. 
he has amazing self-control, and even when he’s absolutely losing it inside, youll never know by looking at him. 
he always has a calm, elegant smile on his face, at least until you look away, and his eyes narrow and darken and his tongue darts out to wet his lips. 
he’s all gentle teases, he loves hearing you beg for him- knowing you belong to him. his hands brush over your skin in-between bites, just barely touching you until you’re begging and pleading for him to touch you properly. 
he marks you calmly, lips moving slowly over different areas of your body to stake claim with his lips and fangs so that you remember not only who you belong to, but who’s punishing you. 
he tends to tie or cuff your hands- he wants you to know who’s in charge, and who’s not. hint: you’re most definitely not. ever.
he’ll stuff your own panties into your mouth and flip you over onto your front, mumbling that no-one should hear you but himself before continuing to tease you. his teasing would get worse with every punishment, making sure it would be one you wouldn’t soon forget.
just before you snapped, he’d stuff you full of his cock, pausing to let you adjust and groaning lowly in response to the loud cry of relief it drew from you. 
he’d thrive off your noises, fucking you fast and rough and when you spit your panties out, he’d stuff your mouth instead with his fingers. 
by the time he was done with you you’d be utterly exhausted, and so he’d clean you up and take you back to your room, calling Sirius and Hideyoshi in so you were surrounded and taken care of by everyone you loved when you fell asleep.  
Sirius would generally use a bit of a rougher punishment, intent on proving to you that he could be just as good, if not better, of a punisher than the others when it came down to it. 
he’d punish you anywhere he could get you alone (except your room of course), taking you into any room with a lock on the door and immediately pinning you to the wall with his body, one hand pulling your thigh up to lock around his waist and his other roughly grasping your chin to force your eyes to meet his. 
he’d lean down and lock your lips, kissing you rough and deep before lifting your other leg to hold you up entirely with his own body and the wall behind you so that you were utterly vulnerable to him, smirking when you whimpered as he ground himself into your core, opened to him due to your legs being wrapped around his waist. 
“what’s that little lady?” he’d tease against your lips, grabbing your waist with his hands to hold you as he stepped back off the wall, moving to find somewhere he could sit down. 
as soon as he sat down he’d grind you down on his growing erection before practically shoving you off, placing you on the ground with a dark gaze before folding his arms and leaning back. “strip” he’d demand, watching you do it before patting his fully clothed thigh, silently instructing you to bend over his knee. 
he’d make you count and thank him for each spank until your ass was red and raw, and then he’d pick you up and lift you to straddle his lap, grabbing your hair and once again making you stare into his eyes, smugly smirking at the tears staining your cheeks. 
“will you listen to me now, little lady? or do you want me to throw you around? you want me to tease you like comte? you want me to fuck you like him?” his deep voice would ring, one hand at your waist, holding your ass down on his pants so you could feel the burn of the rough fabric against your hot skin as his other hand grasped the hair at the nape of your neck to keep you completely controlled under his touch. 
he loved your whimpers, always wanting you to be louder for him. 
he’d make you ride him, watching amusedly as you searched for pleasure that only he could give you until your thighs burned and you begged him to fuck you. 
he’d move you to the wall again, using it as leverage to plow into him until you were crying for him. 
afterwards he’d wrap you in his jacket and, just like comte, he’d take you back to your room and call the others to come help you calm down and rest. 
Hideyoshi prefers to punish you with pleasure, overwhelming you until you’re shaking in sensitivity. if you carry something you know is too heavy for you or aren't careful enough with a kitchen knife and risk hurting yourself and happen to get caught, he’ll instantly scold you, taking whatever object from your hands and telling you to go back to his room  while he handled this
instantly you’ll know what he has in store for you, so you’ll obey in order to keep yourself out of trouble (if you’re to really tick him off by disobeying he’ll hunt out the others for a rougher punishment that he couldn’t provide himself- he really hated hurting you in any way and therefore his punishments were always a bit weak)
if he finds you in his room obeying, he’ll immediately tear your clothes off and pin you down to the bed, tying you up with your own clothing so you can’t push him off as he leans down and presses kiss after kiss over every bit of your skin. 
he won’t hesitate to let his hands wander, pleasuring you instantly. he could never resist the urge to touch you, and so he never did.
the second his fingers stuffed themselves inside of you he’d be going at an overwhelming pace, pounding into you until you came as his lips worked over your skin
as soon as you come, his lips will be trailing down, cleaning his fingers off before he starts to suck on your clit, making you whine in overstimulation and squirm to get away. 
he would live off your reactions, loving the way you whined when he overwhelmed you with pleasure. his goal would be to make you cum on his tongue and fingers as many times as you could stand, tiring you out before he finally made love to you
his thrusts would be soft and slow, loving the way your walls clenched and spasmed around his dick as your body shook and you whimpered for him
“shh,” he’d soothe you, thumbs stroking the tears from your cheeks as he peppered kisses over your face. “let me worship you,” he’d hum, moving to mark over your neck. “since you never worship yourself.” 
you would be utterly exhausted when he was done with you, panting and lying limp with drooping eyelids as he untied you and dressed you in the sheet of his bed, covering you entirely so he could take you to the thermae and let the hot water soothe your muscles. (he’d of course leave a note on the door to keep everyone else out) and then carry you to your room to lay with you as you slept. 
NOW if you managed to piss ALL of them off simultaneously, like if you were playing with them, teasing all three in whatever way you could throughout the day to get their attention, their eyes would lock in recognition and they’d already know what needed to be done. 
clearly you just wanted attention and so they wouldn’t give it to you, making you push them further and further until there was no avoiding a punishment. the three of them would stick closer together throughout the day, making sure that if one of them caught you alone they would all be there and as soon as you were alone, they’d shove you into whoever’s bedroom was the closest and all three of them would work together to keep you under control. 
Sirius would have your hands behind your back, hideyoshi clearing off a space on the bed to for Saint-Germain to push you down on. Sirius would smirk mischievously, pulling your wrists over your head to hold you still as he kneeled on the bed, your head laying on his crotch as you felt his cock grow beneath your head. Hideyoshi grabbed your ankles, holding you still and kissing over your legs as Saint-Germain moved to straddle you, smiling calmly as his fingers would stroke your cheek. 
“is this what you wanted, ma chérie?” he would coo, leaning down to kiss your lips as his hands wandered over your torso, finding purchase against your chest. 
Sirius would watch silently as comte teased you, smiling at your whimpers and occasionally chiming in to offer comte a better idea, or a way he’d like to see you punished. 
Hideyoshi would gently worship your legs and ankles with kisses and nips of teeth, massaging your feet with his hands to keep you grounded, smirking as he watched the other two punish you. “be gentle with her,” he’d croon almost teasingly, pausing to kiss up to your knee and back down before repeating it with the other leg. “she can’t handle both of you,” 
he’d spur on more teasing, making you whimper in protest because you wanted both of their punishments, all three at the same time. 
eventually you’d end up with comte fucking your mouth, sirius plowing into you from behind as hideyoshi watched, controlling the movements of your hand around his cock with thrusts of his hips until a larger hand wrapped around yours and sirius smirked, telling you to “do it right, or else” as he helped you pump hideyoshi’s cock until it was his turn to take care of you, using gentle pleasure and praise to bring you back down from your overwhelming high. 
and that is it for now i didnt really rhink about what i was writing as i wrote it so i KNOW its unorganized and i hate it hsufjkv,
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aximili · 4 years
X, Q, E
oooo i didn’t think i had any ocs starting with x but i remembered one from ages ago actually..... i had a story called After Life abt a kid trying to redeem his soul after he gets sent to hell, it was a bit all over the place tho and i scrapped it. although recently saw there’s a netflix show of the same name w ricky gervais and still managed to be annoyed
Full Name: Xanthe (if she had a surname it’s gone from my memory omg)
Nicknames, If Any: Xan
Hogwarts House: slytherin
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
A Song I Associate With Them: hmmmm.... That Man by caro emerald
3 Important Relationships: WELL i only remember 2 other characters she knew, tbh this world was never well-developed
-ransom, he’s her very officious & stuffy angel rival who she ends up having a weird hate-fling with
-there was the main kid whose guardian demon she is (oh yea she’s like a guardian angel but the opposite. encourages u to be bad.) but for the life of me i don’t remember his name lol. once i had developed RanXan as concepts i got distracted by their s*xy little rivalry. yes it’s all terminally het, i was like 14
2 Fears: she’s been (well, not alive, but around) for a long time so she’snot scared of much. she’s a very cocky person and embraces being the bad influence, especially to annoy ransom, bc on the surface she’s like, well this whole heaven/hell divide is bullshit, people aren’t just one thing. but i think deep down she’s afraid of the idea that she really is bad. and afraid of what happens once she fades into irrelevance in hell and stops getting assignments but still has to carry on existing
1 Element of their backstory: i think she was alive way back in Biblical Times - obv she wasn’t called xanthe then but chose her own name. she was a serial liar and said that god was talking to her in order to get things she wanted. but she died young, like everyone did
Q - oo i DO have one Q oc! he’s from adrift, my pirate novel that i will one day finish
Full Name: Queryn Smousk
Nicknames, If Any: idk if anyone calls him a nickname. they mostly just don’t refer to him. 
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff
Gender: male ? hm
Sexuality: gay
A Song I Associate With Them:  bottom of the river by delta rae
3 Important Relationships:
-rictor avis: queryn is a generic sailor on the pirate ship, rictor is the surgeon/carpenter for the crew, he’s a huge tall crow man, and is equally or perhaps more creepy than queryn. they hang around together and give everyone weird vibes. rictor is mute & queryn isn’t, but he says very little out of choice (he doesn’t speak the main language, idk common or whatever, very well) but they like to sit in the crows nest together in silence most hours of the day when theyre not working. everyone even their crewmates thinks they might be up to some weird shit. their dark secret? theyre just a cute couple.... they just like to hang out. they bonded with quiet, intense looks when queryn was first rescued dying in the swamp and brought on board and rictor mended his wounds. it was tender. absolutely nobody else knows theyre a couple even tho they don’t keep it a secret. theyre just chill
-garran korrash: garran is the bosun and is a literal/figurative grizzly old bear, and as well as being queryn’s manager he’s one of the only people who he’s really chill with. garran was the one who insisted they stop n help him out, and queryn’s been grateful ever since. he doesn’t say it bc he hardly says anything, but he shows it in hard work
-sonya perlace: like almost all of her crew, queryn would die for captain sonya. he comes from a pretty harsh society where the strong survive, and even tho he never quite fit in there, he really respects sonya’s strength & leadership.
2 Fears: even tho he’s a pirate his biggest fear is drowning since he nearly drowned before. he has a lot of nightmares about it. he’s also creeped out by elliot. cause what the fuck even IS that?
1 Element of their backstory: p much the only backstory he has is that he was part of this society of amphibian/lizard people in the deep swampy area of the continent that’s cut off from the rest. he was out hunting but got badly gored by a huge aninal (idk what, like a Bigger Lizard.. theres always a bigger lizard) and couldnt make it home. he started sinking into the bog but couldn’t pull himself free, then the area began to flood with torrential rainwater and he cried for help. luckily sonya & garran happened to be trekkin through the jungle and heard him
E - has to be elliot, the little bastard supreme. i played him as a dnd character with an altered backstory but i’ll use the adrift version
Full Name: elliot (no known surname)
Nicknames, If Any: nope
Hogwarts House: slytherin
Gender: male
Sexuality: probably bi? he only a teen though and being surrounded by furries hasn’t had much chance to develop any feelings on the matter
A Song I Associate With Them:  mariner’s revenge song by the decemberists
3 Important Relationships:
lol 2 of the 3 are fully hatred relationships because this young man has iiiiisssuuuuuues
-sonya perlace: he acts the begrudging deckhand who’s resigned himself to his life, but he is 100% devoted to eventually killing her. she killed his mama and he has been waiting for his moment ever since, he’s even had opportunities to leave the crew but has stayed so he can keep close to her. it’s fully like, would have a picture of her with daggers & darts in it, if he had such resources
-niphea perlace: niph is the captain’s daughter, the first mate, and the reason elliot’s still alive - she persuaded sonya not to throw him off the ship along with his mum. he has understandably mixed feelings abt this, and he rarely shows it, but she’s always been an advocate for him and treated him fairly so he does like niph more than anyone, despite himself. also she’s his closest in age on a ship full of adults. he.... tries not to think abt the fact he plans on killing her mother in return cause that’s a bit awkward isnt it
-aidan moss: quartermaster aidan doesn’t like things he doesn’t understand, and he doesn’t understand what elliot is, so he goes out of his way to be awful to him, tending to delegate his own jobs to elliot at every chance he can get & generally insulting him. elliot tolerates it bc he has to. but make no mistake this dude is no2 on the kill list
2 Fears: i don’t think he has a lot of fears because he’s already been through some of the worst things imaginable. i don’t even think he precisely fears drowning/dying at sea, because he’s been focused on the image of how his mother died for so long, & imagining doing the same to sonya, that it kinda no longer affects him?  but he also saw his dad die over a long period from wound infection and i think that must have made a traumatic impression on him, so i imagine he’s probably at least repulsed by decay/rot
1 Element of their backstory: so elliot is the only human character in a world of animals basically... i mean this is major novel spoilers but when tf am i ever gonna finish that.  he comes from a very remote island of remaining humans, descendants of the few who survived nuclear disaster a long time ago. when he was small he and his parents were exiled from the island for breaking its rules (yea, as tends to happen w small isolated communities, things got over the top cult-y) and sent out in a tiny boat to fend for themselves. his dad died slowly while they drifted in the ocean, and he and his mum were near death when they were picked up by sonya’s crew, who were like what the fuck are those??? they kept them in the hold to discuss what to do w them, but elliot’s mum, thalia, tried to break free, attacking niph when she came with food. as punishment sonya made her walk the plank, and that’s where it all went wrong yknow. woops this isn’t 1 element is it. oh well 
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mrsimoshen · 6 years
I’m Your Private Dancer
Title: I’m Your Private Dancer
Link: I'm Your Private Dancer on AO3
Square filled: Human Cas
Ship: Castiel/Michael
Rating: Mature
Tags: Human AU, human!Cas, human!michael, Prostitution/male escort Cas, Client Michael, Lingerie, Anal Plug, implied cross-dressing, Anal Sex
Summary: Male escort Castiel meets a client. 
Word count: 2738
created for @spnkinkbingo
tagging: @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell​, @silvaxus, @blakechaos08, @princerusso, @masterpieceofturkeycleverness   @ajcza​, @buggre-alle-thisss-ineffability​, @brieflymaximumprincess​, @captain-winchester-27​
Fic below the cut:
All the men come in these places And the men are all the same You don't look at their faces And you don't ask their names You don't think of them as human You don't think of them at all You keep your mind on the money Keeping your eyes on the wall
  Castiel Novak snorts as Tina’s voice croons on. He’s always thought the dancer in that song was a metaphor for something else, but it’s a bit of an irony that this song would come up on the radio just as he’s getting ready for an appointment.
Unlike the narrator of the song, however, Castiel doesn’t keep his clients at arm’s length. He knows the name of each, knows their faces, their voices, just as he knows the preferences of every man he regularly meets. Of course, it’s about the money – Castiel would be lying if he claimed otherwise, and he’s many things, but not a liar – but if he didn’t enjoy what he does, he would have chosen a different career path a long time ago.
Today, he’s wearing silky thigh-highs and a garter belt along with a pair of low-cut panties and a slinky camisole, all in darkest black with green lace accents. His client likes it when he can easily slide into him, so Cas took care in opening himself up earlier, and now he can feel the familiar weight of the glass plug in his hole. He’s half-hard from all that, and will probably remain so all throughout the evening, but his client enjoys that, too.
Cas hums along to the refrain as he carefully applies just a bit of make-up. It’s very subtle, almost unnoticeable to anyone who doesn’t know the trick, but it makes his eyes appear larger, their blue more intense. It’s not really necessary for the client he’s meeting, but it’s a habit, and he likes the effect.
Make-up done, Castiel gets up – shivering a bit as the weight of the plug inside him makes itself known again and silk brushes against his skin – and walks to his cupboard to select this evening’s wardrobe.
He has a wide range of choice, there – the jeans and shirts he prefers for when he doesn’t work, tailored suits and leather pants and jackets, fine loafers and heavy biker boots, even a few dresses for one particular client he’s since stopped seeing. Throwing the dresses out seemed wasteful, however, so Castiel carefully stored them in their bags and let them live in his cupboard.
Today, he picks out a suit he knows is a favorite of his client. “It brings out your eyes,” he’s always told, and since it’s surprisingly comfortable (which really should be expected, it was made-to-measure and cost a pretty penny, it should be comfortable), Castiel enjoys wearing it, too.
Suit put on and shoes set to the side, Cas stretches out on his couch and lets himself day-dream about how the evening might progress.
His clients all treat him well, mutual respect the most important aspect of the whole deal – if Cas feels disrespected as a human being once because of the service he provides, people find themselves permanently removed from his client list fast. And Castiel also has the connections to ruin a person’s life in interesting ways.
The man he’s meeting today has a taste for European food, the authentic version and not the Americanized deal, but it’s anyone’s guess what nation’s cuisine he’ll be treated to tonight. What they’ll do after that… well, Castiel is horny, so he hopes he’ll be taken to his client’s home after and get fucked a few times, but it’s equally likely his lover for the night will take him to some art show or concert or even the movies after dinner. It’s all happened before. (Castiel’s favorite memory is the time this particular man fucked him, slow and intimate, in a VIP box at the opera where, in theory, anyone who looked into the shadows of their box could have seen them. He spent almost the whole opera on his lover’s cock, and that night was spectacular, once they were in the privacy of his client’s home.)
But he knows the man’s tastes in that area, too, and there’s no opera shown tonight that might catch his fancy. He’s not quite as up-to-date on the movies, and there’s always an art gallery somewhere who’s having a show.
Cas smiles as his phone gives a quiet chirp to alert him to an incoming text message. None of his clients know his actual address, they just know the address of the private, guarded parking lot where he habitually leaves his car. He needs ten minutes from his apartment to that parking lot, and he’s told his clients to inform him when they’ve arrived. Those ten minutes waiting sometimes yield... interesting results.
I’m here, darling.
Castiel slips his shoes on and grabs his keys, phone, wallet, and coat. It’s cold outside, it’s only February, so he adds his favorite scarf to the ensemble and leaves his apartment.
 His client’s car is idling in its spot when Castiel opens the door and slides into the passenger seat, and he’s very glad about the warmth enveloping him.
“Hello, Michael.”
“Hello, Castiel,” his client returns with a warm smile and leans over the stick shift and hand brake to greet him with a soft brush of lips on lips. Castiel smiles and angles his head into the soft kiss. Michael is one of the affectionate clients, and Castiel likes the gentle touches an evening with Michael always includes. It feels a little as if they’re truly a couple out on a date night.
Michael waits until Castiel has put on his seat belt before pulling out into the traffic. He’s one of those drivers in whose car Castiel thinks he could actually fall asleep if the distance was long enough. He’s not usually one for sleeping in anyone’s car, an accident that cost him a childhood friend having left a deep impression, but Michael is calm and controlled in everything he does (unless he’s fucking Castiel in the privacy of his own bed. Then, there’s only wild passion in him.) and he always weaves through traffic so smoothly Castiel never felt anything but safe in his car.
“Where are we going?”
“Wait and see, darling,” Michael chuckles and makes a turn. “I do hope you enjoy tapas.”
Cas does, especially if they’re served in a small restaurant that looks as if it was imported from Spain, beams, stones and furniture. There are large pieces of jamón serrano hanging from the ceiling, the Spanish music in the background is just low enough to not interrupt a conversation but lend a certain ambience to the whole restaurant, and the food is perfect. Castiel enjoys every bite he’s served, enjoys the sour wine that he’d usually never pick (he has a sweet tooth when it comes to wine) but that fits perfectly with the dishes they’re served.
Michael, who sticks to sparkling water, takes a single sip on Castiel’s insistence and agrees with him with a smile, licking his lips. “It does compliment the food very well,” he hums. Castiel shivers a little at the tone of voice.
Michael surprises him by driving to his own apartment after dinner. When he notices Cas’ questioning look, he grins.
“I thought we could watch a movie at my place,” he murmurs, using an upcoming red light to stroke a hand up Castiel’s leg slowly. “I can’t wait to see what you’ve got beneath that suit for me today, darling.”
Castiel shivers a little and lets his legs fall a little wider with a smile.
“Would you like to guess?” he invites, and Michael laughs and pulls his hand back as the light changes to green.
“Let me fantasize a moment longer.”
 Michael’s apartment is in one of the more expensive parts of town, and Castiel has enough information about his lover of the night to know that Michael works for a high-end law firm and comes from a rich family background. Castiel himself is rather expensive, and he knows from experience Michael has a taste for the finer things in life. Which is probably a compliment in itself.
“Get comfortable,” Michael invites him with a smile, taking Castiel’s coat to hang it up neatly. “Would you like a drink, or coffee?”
“Coffee, please,” Castiel requests with a smile. He wanders further into the apartment as Michael goes to convince his high-end coffee machine to produce the dark liquid and decides to be just a bit of a tease. He leaves his shoes neatly by the living room doorway, then drops his tie on the way to the couch. By the time he’s stretched out on the ridiculously comfortable piece of furniture, his shirt is unbuttoned just enough so that a teasing hint of green lace is visible against his skin.
Michael doesn’t notice at first, concentrating on the coffee cups in his hands, but when he sits down and hands Castiel his coffee, his eyes widen.
“Oh, you little tease,” he breathes with a grin. Castiel laughs and sips his coffee.
“Now, I would be a tease if I didn’t plan to deliver,” he corrects calmly. “I very much intend to deliver, dear Michael.”
“I very much appreciate that,” Michael sinks down onto the couch himself, close enough to Castiel he can feel the other man’s body warmth. “Any preference on the movie?”
Castiel glances over Michael’s pre-selection and decides on one he’s already seen but could stand to watch a second time. He’s guessing they won’t see the end of the movie, not if he starts seducing Michael as soon as they have emptied their coffee mugs. Michael always lets Castiel make the first move, always lets Castiel decide how far they go, and Castiel appreciates it. (Once, he’d told Michael to ravish him, make him forget everything around them. He’s definitely going to do that again someday, because that night ranks top amongst those he’ll never forget.)
For now, he’s content to lean against Michael’s side and sip his coffee as they watch the beginning of the movie. It’s really good coffee, and Michael knows by now how Castiel prefers his, and so it’s not to be rushed but savored.
Half an hour into the movie, Castiel finally sets his empty mug down on the coffee table next to Michael’s and stretches before turning to Michael. He softly brushes his mouth over Michael’s, flicks his tongue out just a little bit, and Michael sighs and cups his face, pulls him into a deeper kiss.
They take their time, kisses turning deeper and hungrier slowly. Castiel ends up straddling Michael’s legs, almost in his lap as they kiss. Michael groans when Castiel leans back to further unbutton his shirt, revealing more of the black silk and green lace beneath.
“Touch me,” he invites in a rough whisper, and Michael’s hands almost fly to his sides, stroke up over black silk reverently.
“Get rid of the shirt,” Michael murmurs, his eyes on the way his hands look on the silk. Castiel laughs and complies, and then gasps when gentle fingers rub and tease at one of his nipples through the material. Michael alternates between stroking soft silk and rougher lace over the sensitive nub until Castiel is biting his lower lip and breathing noticeably faster.
“I want to see you,” Michael murmurs, finally showing mercy on the nipple he was playing with. Permission to touch given, he’s slipping back into the dominant role he usually prefers when they meet. Castiel smiles and slides off his lap, taking a few steps back to let Michael see all of him. He takes his time undoing his belt, the button on his pants and the zipper, and when he finally lets the garment fall, Michael moans and presses a hand against his own crotch.
“Like what you see?” Castiel purrs, slowly walking back towards his lover for the night. “I chose the green just for you.”
“Oh, I very much like what I see,” Michael breathes, looking Castiel up and down slowly. “Damn, you’re pretty, darling.”
“Why, thank you, Michael,” Castiel purrs, slowly climbing back up onto the couch and into Michael’s lap. Michael shivers and strokes up his thighs. He makes a low sound when he notices Castiel wears the panties over the garter belt – meaning he can take them off and leave belt and stockings in place.
“Very nice,” he murmurs, stroking up underneath the camisole. “You’re spoiling me, Castiel.”
Castiel laughs quietly and raises his arms to let Michael strip the camisole from him. He moans as Michael leans forward to lick and suck at the nipple he’d neglected before, buries his hands in Michael’s dark hair. “Oh…”
“Always so sensitive for me,” Michael hums and blows cool air over wet skin. Castiel shivers and watches Michael’s eyes darken further. “Bedroom.”
They end up leaving a trail of Michael’s clothes from the couch to the bed, and Castiel ends up on his back on the sheets, Michael on his hands and knees above him. His lover looks him up and down hungrily before kissing him again, harder and deeper this time until Castiel is out of breath and clinging to the soft cotton.
Michael peels him out of the panties with teasing touches, then spends a few minutes licking at Castiel’s hard cock before reaching to the bedside table for the lube. Cas pulls his knees up and bares himself, clenches down on the glass plug inside him with a low moan and his eyes on the impressive erection between Michael’s legs. Michael groans at seeing the glass between his cheeks.
“How open are you, darling?”
“Enough you can slide right in,” Cas promises huskily and then moans when Michael lightly tugs on the plug, pulling it out a little before letting it slide back in. He keeps doing it until Cas is moaning and begging for him to please, please fuck him, and Cas nearly sobs in relief when the plug gets pulled free finally and he hears the distinct sound of a condom wrapper being opened.
Michael’s cock pushing into him has him whine in need, because no matter how nice a glass plug is, it will never come close to an actual cock in Castiel’s opinion, and Michael is big enough to stretch him a little even after wearing the plug for hours.
His lover of the night is also a man of infinite patience, so the first slide in is slow and gentle, until Michael is as deep as he can get and Castiel is panting and moaning, feeling so damn full. “Please, move,” he gasps out, and Michael chuckles and complies, guiding Cas’ legs up around his hips before starting to roll his hips, slow and gentle and just enough to drive Cas slowly but surely mad.
He’s begging in a constant, breathless stream of words by the time Michael takes pity on him and starts moving faster and harder, and Castiel nearly screams when a hand wraps around his cock and starts stroking him in time with the thrusts into him.
Michael’s cock rubs insistently over his prostate, and Cas lasts only a handful of thrusts more before arching his back and shouting, covering Michael’s hand and his own belly with his release. Michael groans deep and low as Castiel’s hole clenches down on him hard but keeps fucking Castiel until he sinks back into the mattress. Only then does his lover let go himself, coming with a few more hard thrusts into Castiel’s twitching hole.
Cas pants and watches as Michael does the same. In a moment, his green-eyed lover of the night will pull out and get rid of the condom, and there’ll be sparkly water fresh from the fridge for him and a warm, wet washcloth to clean up with. Michael will curl up around him for a while and they’ll talk about whatever comes to mind, and maybe, they’ll have sex again if the mood strikes them.
In the morning, there will be a white envelope with the sum Michael owes him in cash, and Castiel will return to his own apartment and shower, and in a few days, he’ll get ready for the next appointment.
 Yes, Cas is a private dancer, but he likes dancing to his own tune.
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steaktalk · 7 years
seems like you chilled out on alcohol quite a bit. was that just a natural consequence of rearranging friendships or conscious choice? schedule's filling up, thinking it might be time.. any tips?
I quit drinking because it was getting in the way of what I wanted to do
And because alcoholics and coke heads around me were fucking up my life
And because it started to gross me out when I looked at people around me and myself
Theres just a point when the fact that I could keep up drinking with all the dudes just became gross to me because when I saw those dudes in the day light they all looked like pickled shit. It was hard because being one of the dudes was a solid part of my identity for almost my entire life and that came with it.
but at 30 if youre at the bar more than youre stacking your money theres a problem. Have you been watching any of the epicly latereds? I suggest those. Theyre inspiring for sobriety and also for business owners. Even if you arent an alcoholic. Theyre inspiring for clarity.
When I met and became very good friends ( and now business partners) with erik ellington who was my idol growing up and who was newly sober at the time it really changed a lot of things for me. Because I was worried that being sober would make me weird or uncool. And then i slowly figured out a lot of the people i really love have been sober for a long time. Mostly people I really respect and people who put out fuckign COOL stuff.
A lot of the baker boys,  skip_class, julian from stray rats, paloma, natalia, niki takesh, matty matheson, geno from lurk hard, tyler.. all of these people Ive been totally admiring forever in my friend group are sober and fucking cool and they remind me every day you dont have to be at the club with everyone until 4 am to get jobs or look cool. They have more time to work, and be authentic to themselves. 
I live in a big city, with a lot of creatives, and alcohol is so easy and sort of common place that its so easy to trick yourself into being fine with it.. but i dunno.. I think i just started feeling like it was dorky. Hang overs are dorky.  I wanted to make more money and get serious about everything. and I am.
And the emotional impact it has on people on their lives isnt worth me ever risking for my own.  I have terrible anxiety issues, and alcohol truly amplifies stress and anxiety.
An easy way to keep yourself away from it is to remind yourself that probably most of the arguements or stresses youve had in yourlife someone has probably been drinking.. even just a few glasses of wine.  Problems with alcohol doesnt always mean you have an “alcohol problem”.
I just didnt want to contribute to that or waste anymore time being hung over.
Another easy way is to see photos of urself drunk lol.. that was enough for me.
I go into other areas of drinking in the book im writing, so there are still a lot of thoughts on it that im processing. I hope this is clear enough until then.
Tips would be A LOT OF CLEAR SODAS. I truly believe sober people keep la criox in business (before it become cool on instagram) and to find a friend to do the first 30 days with you.. call it a cleanse. It seems less committal and it makes peer pressure back off when people think ur on a fad diet
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choisgirls · 7 years
Hey dear nice Works...!!!!! Please Do a RFA (V+Saeran) Celebrating Birthday of MC how will they celebrate Mc's Birthday and what will they Do to make it special??
A/N: I’d invite them all to my birthday party hell yeah it’d be greAT ~Admin 404I love them all *sobs* ~ Admin 626
*YOOSUNG:-HE LOVES BIRTHDAYS-HE’S SUCH A LITTLE KID AT HEART (and i mean in general come on now)-Goes FULL. OUT. Does not take it lightly at all-Sets up a day with your friends so you’re out of the house and busy-And he decorates the house completely!! Streamers, balloons, he even has homemade party hats for the two of you-He isn’t a master baker or anything but he attempted at making a box cake for you!!! He decorated it with so many colourful sprinkles!-Remember how he gets a discount from the pizza place? He bought like three larges and the two of you were eating it for DAYS-SO MANY BOARD GAMES STRUNG ALL AROUND THE HOUSE BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE GONNA PLAY ALL. DAY. LONG.-He either has homemade presents for you, or he’s saved up a lot to splurge on pre-ordering that new video game you’ve been eyeing for months-The two of you watch all the movies!! Whatever movie you wanna watch, he’ll sit through. Scary ones? He might cry but he’ll DO IT FOR YOU!!!!
*JUMIN:-More of a classy approach to birthdays-He did attempt to put a party hat on Elizabeth though MC SHE’S ADORABLE LOOK, HURRY, BEFORE SHE TAKES IT OFF-SO MANY GIFTS. WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL OF THESE-But he always makes sure to give you one super special one. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry he had custom made because it reminded him of you, or it’s something you’ve had your eye on for a while, you’ve got it-He’s also super extra, like y’all know how wedding cakes are super big and beautiful and usually really intricate? Yeah so is your birthday cake. EVERY YEAR. but i mean are you really complaining?? It’s cAKE-Takes you to the fanciest restaurant for dinner, and the two of you dress up for it-(Yes, MC, you’re wearing the new dress/suit he got you)-He’ll also try taking you to new and exotic places as a day trip to see all the sights and watch the gleam in your eyes as you learn the history of the place-Always has the best wine, but on your birthday he pulls out the rare ones, just for you! (Or if you don’t do wine, he finds the best of whatever you like to drink)-Not to mention you wake up with like 14 dozen rose bouquets strung around the house that morning, all holding a little note card expressing his love for you because he can be cute too, mc
*SAEYOUNG:-We all know he’d wake you up by jumping on the bed and blowing that stupid little party blower in your ear until you chase him out of the room-But chasing him is worth it because when you get to the living room there are so many loose balloons that you can’t see the floor-Same goes with the ceiling, completely covered in balloons-Saeran’s just sitting in a chair, in a party hat, looking completely uninterested, but still plays the party blower when you walk in. Saeyoung tries to hide behind him to avoid your wrath you arent a morning person, are you mc?-The two of you spend a good while just throwing the loose balloons at each other over Saeran’s head who was not impressed, might i add-HE MADE Y’ALL PLAY PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY IT WAS SO CUTE-Did you know you can get custom images printed onto your cakes? Because he made a collage of the STUPIDEST pictures he has of you and had it put on top-PLUS IT WAS AN ICE CREAM CAKE. IT WAS AMAZING.-Anything you want, he’ll get you. Just name it. You want a pet elephant? He’ll dO IT DON’T DOUBT HIM MC-He’d probably take you out for a drive, too. You could feel the fresh air and just talk about anything and everything. It’s just really relaxing and he wants you to have a stress-free time
*SAERAN:-What’s the point of celebrating another year of life in this shitty world now is NOT THE TIME MR. EDGELORD-But for you…he could manage it-He doesn’t go very hard at it though because he doesn’t see the real point-He’ll get a small gift for you- something he saw and immediately thought of you-He does get a small cake for you, but a freaking tub of ice cream- ICE CREAM IS BETTER MC DON’T GIVE ME THAT LOOK-Cuddles cuddles cuddles! He doesn’t hide his affection today! It’s all about you, he’ll put his insecurities away for a while-He’ll moan and groan at the stupid Disney movies you put in, but suffer through them because the fact that you sing along is the CUTEST thing he’s ever seen are you sure it isn’t his birthday-CUTIE ALERT: he cooks your favourite meal for you! He might have spent a few days trying to find the perfect way to make it, but HE MAKES IT-He’s also spent all day pushing Saeyoung out of the room because he’s not about to let him ruin your relaxing birthday by bringing in some stupid little party games hes also smacked a party blower into the back of his throat at one point and you felt TERRIBLE but you couldnt help but laugh???
*ZEN- you know his hoe ass is gonna try to go all out for you- like he knows you you prefer lowkey but???- the world needs to know his love for you- but after the RFA members managed to talk him down from performing a flash mob, he realized he should respect your wishes- so he struggles and struggles to come up with something that has a bit of flare but is still something you’d want- and then he remember you one time mentioning you’d never really been on a trampoline before???- hE KNOWS WHAT TO DO NOW- on your birthday (exactly at midnight), he sings “happy birthday” and then hands you a cupcake up with a candle on it - he had you fooled, you thought this was gonna be it for your birthday- boy buddy ur in for a treat!- when you wake up he immediately blindfolds- you’re just like *sigh* “well at least he didn’t jump out of the cake this year”- omfg when he takes off the blindfold though, you find yourself at a trampoline park??? And he invited your friends (including the RFA ofc) and family!!!- He roped Jumin into getting the place to rent out the entire area to then!- aND IT’S SO MUCH FUN???- WHO KNEW JUMPING COULD BE THIS MUCH FUN- wAIT THERE’S A ROCK CLIMBING? DODGEBALL? IS THAT A SLAM DUNK ARENA- Zen didn’t think you’d love it this much but oh my god he’s so happy because you look so happy!!!- and he finds that you and Saeyoung both love to push into the pit with all the foam cubes anD YOU TWO START TAG TEAMING- maybe this was a bad idea after all- but hearing your laugh was all he needed - after that, you all head to a dessert place and you spend the rest of your birthday talking and laughing with the people most important to you with the love of your life right by your side
*JAEHEE- you only really expected dinner at a restaurant and maybe cake because that’s just how you and jaehee are- other people might think it’s underwhelming but honestly, what’s better than snuggling up to your s/o and feeling warm and cuddley on your birthday???- but you’re surprised when you come home to a note that directs you to Seven’s house?- and when you get there, there’s another note attached to a nerf gun- “Happy Birthday, MC! The game starts as soon as you enter the house, every man for himself ~ Jaehee”- yOU’RE SO EXCITED OMG YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO HAVE A NERF WAR YYAAASSS- it is all out WAR when you enter- Zen is playing a defensive strategy, he may have shitty aim but hE CAN DODGE ANYTHING WITH HIS DANCER GRACE- Jumin is already out, he lasted like three seconds he’s disappointed because he thought he’d win with his cat like reflexes- Yoosung’s out too, he lasted much longer than Jumin but Saeyoung managed to trick him into thinking they were team and then Saeyoung shOT HIM EXECUTION STYLE- V’S BLIND ASS TAKES OUT SAERAN LMAO- Saeran is lowkey bitter; he steals V’s portion of birthday cake- eventually it’s just down to you, Jaehee, and Saeyoung,,,- aND YOU SACRIFICE YOURSELF- IF YOU WEREN’T GONNA WIN, YOU SURE AS HELL WEREN’T GONNA LET SAEYOUNG WIN- you run out in front of him and when he’s distracted by you, Jaehee shoots him!- you laugh so hard when you see the look on his face bc he wasn’t expecting you to sacrifice yourself- and then you give ya hot gf a kiss because hello, she’s a winner, she deserves all the kisses- after that, you all head down to Saeyoung’s entertainment room and watch your favorite movies and eat cake - everyone slowly falls asleep, and you’re cuddled up to jaehee and wondering what you did to get someone as amazing her in your life
*V- honestly he’s such a hipster, he throws a birthday for u every year and it always has a theme???- who does that smh- this year???- murder mYSTERY TRAIN THEME OMMMGG (A/N: 626 doesn’t know what she’s doing here, it’s probably all gonna be wrong)- what’s new scooby doo wE’RE COMING AFTER YOU WE’RE GONNA SOLVE THAT MYSTERYYY- V gets you a beautiful evening gown and hE MATCHES U  - he makes sure the gang is ready too, there’s no way theyre gonna ruin it for u (we’re looking at u saran wrap, das right i’m calling u out)- he takes sooo many pictures, you guys have to confiscate his camera cause hE WON’T STOP- when you guys get there, it’s sooo much more interactive than you thought it was gonna be???- you actually can’t tell who’s an actor and who isn’t?? They’re that good- aND THEN THE OLD LADY WHO’S SITTING NEAR YOU DIES WTF- you all have your own theories about who did it- V think it was her husband because hello, it’s always someone the victim knew- Jumin agrees but he’s also suspicious of the daughter- Yoosung doesn’t know what to think he’s still traumatized from seeing a dead lady even if it was fake- bUT IT’S ACTUALLY THE 20 SOMETHING YEAR OLD BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT SHE’S THE MISTRESS OF OLD LADY’S HUSBAND- Surprisingly only Zen got it right???- but he graciously gave you and V the prize since it a weekend getaway - Pretty sure V threatened him but whatever- After, you guys head back to yours and V’s place for cake and chilling - you guys end up on the floor in one weird big cuddled mess but it’s so warm (saran wrap says he hates u guys but he’s a little close to Zen so) (okay in 626’s world the RFA is a bunch of cuddlers youguyscantstopme)- u eventually get up tho and drag V to ur bedroom bc you wanna cuddle with him
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sualkmedeiors · 6 years
After 30,000 Driverless Lyft Rides Consumers Rate it Almost Perfect
After 30,000 real-world driverless Lyft test rides in Las Vegas consumers have rated it an amazing 4.95 out of 5, says Lyft’s Chief Strategy Officer Raj Kapoor. He says that in the last 12 months the system’s gotten smarter and the ride has gotten smoother. “It has measured reactions and acts like a really good driver versus maybe an inexperienced driver,” says Kappor. “That’s a big change.”
Raj Kapoor, Chief Strategy Officer at Lyft, was interviewed by PCMag at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas:
Consumers Rate Selfdriving Lyft Rides 4.95 Out of 5
What’s changed changed in the last 12 months with our selfdriving tests is first of all the system’s gotten smarter. The smartness comes out in terms of planning and prediction. You can now tell how smooth the selfdriving ride is. If it’s seeing pedestrians or lots of cars it doesn’t make knee-jerk reactions. It has measured reactions and acts like a really good driver versus maybe an inexperienced driver. That’s a big change.
Two is that we broadened the area that we’re operating significantly. We’re operating a geofence that covers almost all the major hotels in Las Vegas and you can go anywhere in that area versus very specific points.
It’s one of those rare instances where a cool demo from CES right away becomes a live service. We have now 30,000 rides that we’ve had in the system and so far the feedback has been awesome. Consumers have rated it a 4.95 out of 5 stars and 9 out of 10 people that go on a ride would come back and do it again.
We’re really quite pleased with it. I think people have a lot of questions around self-driving, there’s some fear, but once they get in and do the ride they are really excited about it and ready to do it again.
It’s using the same scale as normal Lyft rides and in their mind it’s that same perception of how comfortable, clean, did the person or the robot drive well, all those things go into account. The automated Lyft is rating pretty high but the human drivers definitely get up there too. But 4.95 out of 5 is very respectable.
Lyft Using Las Vegas Data to Perfect the Selfdriving Ride
We can notice a lot of things with this real selfdriving test. Las Vegas is a great proving ground because there are so many people from around the world that come here. You’re not just having residents that are here. You’re having people that are using it for their vacation, using it for going back and forth, so we’re able to collect lots of data from a big diverse group of people.
We’re able to see what the repeat use is like. What do they like about it? What do they dislike about it? How much do they like to walk to the vehicle versus not? There are all these little nuances that go in.
Another example is around remote assistance. We noticed that the people love to have a conversation with the safety driver. They’re so excited at that moment. The question we have is as we move toward a future without a safety driver is how do we still get that interaction with the consumer? Can we have a remote assistant do that? We’re learning all these little things by being in the real life out there with people.
In fact, there are two people in the front. There’s a safety driver and also a safety engineer that’s in the front. So usually it’s the safety engineer that’s answering the questions. The safety driver is very focused on the road.
What doing now is developing remote assistance systems where you can talk to a lift operator and ask the questions that you need to ask via a very conversational interface with the consumer. There’s a lot going on there and there’s a lot going through their head around building trust. What is this car seeing? Is it acting the way that I would act? Then asking questions about how does that technology work? How can it do this?
More Human Drivers Will be Needed, Not Less
Going to the question around drivers. We still believe that there will be a need for more human drivers than there are even today. If you look at it these ride-sharing services in the US make up about 0.5 percent of vehicle miles traveled. Even if we go to 5 percent and the majority of rides become self-driving, if you do the math on that growth of the overall number of rides, you need even more drivers than you have today.
Also, this technology is great but it’s going to be slowly rolled out. It’s going to take a while for it to be able to do all conditions, all places, all the time.
We haven’t even begun to imagine around the new economy that comes out of self driving vehicles. There’s so much infrastructure that needs to be built around parking and charging and even mundane things like cleaning cars. Then there are serve there are groups of people that need to have assistance, whether it’s elderly people, people requiring physical assistance, or young children. We think there are going to be opportunities abound.
Obstacles to Overcome with Driverless Cars
There are a number of obstacles to overcome with driverless cars. Can I trust that this vehicle is going to operate safely, not just for me but for all the environment and community around us?
Two, is the technology itself. I think we’re on a good path and we’re improving but it’s going to take some time to get there. The other piece of it is that the cost of the vehicles are significantly expensive right now. They’re using expensive computers, expensive sensors, and they’re not made necessarily to last for a long time because they’re in a lot of R&D stage.
So the reliability and the costs have to get better. Then on the government side, the regulations that need to allow for this to flourish. We’re seeing good progress there. If we continue to have a federal level on safety standards then that’s something that’s really positive because it’s not going to be that you have to create a specific car for specific jurisdiction. We think those are the barriers but they all seem very doable.
Surprised at How Quickly Micromobility Has Taken Off
We classify all this (scooters and bike) as micromobility. What we found is that there’s really an unmet need for that zero to two-mile range short distance trips. Yes you could take a Lyft or you could potentially walk but you’re in that zone, especially if it’s a half a mile or more. It is a really convenient thing to do. It’s also a really fun thing to do whether you’re biking or scooting and especially if it’s electric propulsion.
I’m also surprised at how quickly that has penetrated but I think we’re living in a world now where there’s mass adoption, there social networks, and the innovation that’s coming that came in software so fast we’re seeing in hardware. New versions of scooters are about every month. There’s some loss rate and breakage rate that is acceptable given the high usage and it works for the consumer because it’s still a very reasonable price to get around town.
Lyft Helping Society Shift Away From Owning a Car
For people not to own a car, it’s really going to be a stitching together of a number of different modalities. Whether it’s bike, scooters, walking, or ride-sharing together, to provide a really good alternative to owning a car, which is expensive, a hassle, has parking, congestion, and emissions. It’s a really big problem that all these things together are going to be solving.
We want to get them from point A to point B in the most convenient way that they could get there and without owning a car. That’s the key criteria.
I think there will clearly be a big group of the population, especially that lives in cities, that really will not be able to justify owning a car. All the use cases that you’re thinking about you could utilize by short-term rentals, car sharing, ride-sharing, micromobility, or also public transit.
We’ve integrated into public transit and it’s the best way to get around in a lot of instances and we’re feeding into that. There’s a lot of inertia still about buying a car and some people are still wrapping up a car in their self-worth and their identity. That’s changing, especially with young people.
The post After 30,000 Driverless Lyft Rides Consumers Rate it Almost Perfect appeared first on WebProNews.
from https://www.webpronews.com/driverless-lyft-rides/
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lavender-unicorn · 8 years
1) (not the same anon) i know that youve said that was your last thing about yoi, but i still want to offer my own thoughts: im 50/50 with the situation. personally, not showing one kiss while being in its debut series doesnt bother me. yuri and viktor have expressed their love for each, are canonically engaged, and are (assuming, mind you) living together in russia. ive seen the arguement "why have a kiss if its going to be covered" but it seems that ppl have forgotten how queerphobic russia is
2) viktor is russian. now, its clear that the other skaters and friends support him and yuuri being together (if phichit’s reaction is anything to go by). that is good representation because you see the viktuuri ship build and you have friends who are supportive (at least, imo). and im not going to say that the show didnt lack in areas and i definitely respect your opinion regarding the kiss. but back at that other anon, idk where theyre getting their facts from because, as you mentioned, plenty3) of shows dont have censored kisses (a lot of them being unconsented, but it still stands). regardless, its totally fine that you dont want say anything else. i do, however, hope you did like something about the show. maybe when the second season comes out, youll give it a chance. either way, you can totally ignore all of this. have a good night (?) (morning?) :)Okay, now that those three messages are up… Judging by the response, this anon clearly is aware of my blog/follows me/whatever. So clearly they would know (you, if you’re reading) that I’m a fan of the show and I support it; can’t wait for season 2, whenever it gets produced and thrown at us. But I’m still going to criticize it, just like I criticize literally EVERYTHING I consume–I just don’t always take the opportunity to post it here where virtually nobody cares. Yes, I understand that not every romance anime/anything with romance involved includes a kiss between the main pairing in the first season. However, this did, and there was a big, dramatic lead-up to it and everything…only to be censored. I would be more lenient if this show had aired back in the early days of shonen/shoujo-ai being slowly more present in anime, where kisses were implied/censored and all, and that was groundbreaking at the time. However, it’s 2017 and as of the year YOI was released there was at least one other shonen-ai anime released with–going by memory here–I believe two or three uncensored kisses. Again, not the healthiest relationship, since the anime is Super Lovers. And, I’m trying not to jump around here, but yes I’m aware that Yuuri and Viktor are canonically engaged. Aaaaannnnddd the producers are telling me they can have that, but oh, no, a kiss that was already there is just too much to ask for. That is literally dangling it in my face, along with sexualizing Viktor, to boot. Like, after the shits and giggles are over and done with, it’s pretty uncomfortable when I think about it further, that the producers obviously wanted viewers to see Viktor in a sexual light–but, again, an innocent, romantic, and joyous kiss is over-the-top?? It makes me think of high school, where I knew a bunch of fujoshis (hardcore yaoi/shonen-ai fans) that would get a kick out of sexualizing gay characters, but anything other than them being sexy was gross/unnatural to them. Regardless, I should be more concise; it’s just inconsistent. Something that I will commend YOI for is the fact that nobody made a big fuss about Viktuuri. Meaning, nobody said, “What, two men being in love?!” That sort of thing. Not even from Viktor or Yuuri themselves; they just go along with their relationship like two normal people are supposed to and they don’t make a big deal that it’s a same-sex relationship. That, unfortunately in this era, is groundbreaking. Really, we need to set the bar higher, but for what it’s worth, it’s refreshing and YOI did it well. And you can say all you want about the queerphobia, but there was literally none of that in the show, so I’ll go ahead and say that point is moot. Hopefully this clears the air enough so that for real, people don’t bother me with it because honestly, this one thing doesn’t ruin the show for me. What I don’t like is when people compare it to shows that saved me, like Utena, and say that it’s “better” or “more progressive” and blah blah, or say completely ignorant comments without fact-checking. At the end of the day, I don’t think the show is shit/bad representation so clearly I’m not the person to hound here because I don’t even have influence with this sort of thing. Go after the haters who clearly have no clue what they’re talking about and don’t harass people who have legitimate criticisms. I reiterate, NO work is without fault/criticism, and we are all free to criticize. 
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sualkmedeiors · 6 years
After 30,000 Driverless Lyft Rides Consumers Rate it Almost Perfect
After 30,000 real-world driverless Lyft test rides in Las Vegas consumers have rated it an amazing 4.95 out of 5, says Lyft’s Chief Strategy Officer Raj Kapoor. He says that in the last 12 months the system’s gotten smarter and the ride has gotten smoother. “It has measured reactions and acts like a really good driver versus maybe an inexperienced driver,” says Kappor. “That’s a big change.”
Raj Kapoor, Chief Strategy Officer at Lyft, was interviewed by PCMag at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas:
Consumers Rate Selfdriving Lyft Rides 4.95 Out of 5
What’s changed changed in the last 12 months with our selfdriving tests is first of all the system’s gotten smarter. The smartness comes out in terms of planning and prediction. You can now tell how smooth the selfdriving ride is. If it’s seeing pedestrians or lots of cars it doesn’t make knee-jerk reactions. It has measured reactions and acts like a really good driver versus maybe an inexperienced driver. That’s a big change.
Two is that we broadened the area that we’re operating significantly. We’re operating a geofence that covers almost all the major hotels in Las Vegas and you can go anywhere in that area versus very specific points.
It’s one of those rare instances where a cool demo from CES right away becomes a live service. We have now 30,000 rides that we’ve had in the system and so far the feedback has been awesome. Consumers have rated it a 4.95 out of 5 stars and 9 out of 10 people that go on a ride would come back and do it again.
We’re really quite pleased with it. I think people have a lot of questions around self-driving, there’s some fear, but once they get in and do the ride they are really excited about it and ready to do it again.
It’s using the same scale as normal Lyft rides and in their mind it’s that same perception of how comfortable, clean, did the person or the robot drive well, all those things go into account. The automated Lyft is rating pretty high but the human drivers definitely get up there too. But 4.95 out of 5 is very respectable.
Lyft Using Las Vegas Data to Perfect the Selfdriving Ride
We can notice a lot of things with this real selfdriving test. Las Vegas is a great proving ground because there are so many people from around the world that come here. You’re not just having residents that are here. You’re having people that are using it for their vacation, using it for going back and forth, so we’re able to collect lots of data from a big diverse group of people.
We’re able to see what the repeat use is like. What do they like about it? What do they dislike about it? How much do they like to walk to the vehicle versus not? There are all these little nuances that go in.
Another example is around remote assistance. We noticed that the people love to have a conversation with the safety driver. They’re so excited at that moment. The question we have is as we move toward a future without a safety driver is how do we still get that interaction with the consumer? Can we have a remote assistant do that? We’re learning all these little things by being in the real life out there with people.
In fact, there are two people in the front. There’s a safety driver and also a safety engineer that’s in the front. So usually it’s the safety engineer that’s answering the questions. The safety driver is very focused on the road.
What doing now is developing remote assistance systems where you can talk to a lift operator and ask the questions that you need to ask via a very conversational interface with the consumer. There’s a lot going on there and there’s a lot going through their head around building trust. What is this car seeing? Is it acting the way that I would act? Then asking questions about how does that technology work? How can it do this?
More Human Drivers Will be Needed, Not Less
Going to the question around drivers. We still believe that there will be a need for more human drivers than there are even today. If you look at it these ride-sharing services in the US make up about 0.5 percent of vehicle miles traveled. Even if we go to 5 percent and the majority of rides become self-driving, if you do the math on that growth of the overall number of rides, you need even more drivers than you have today.
Also, this technology is great but it’s going to be slowly rolled out. It’s going to take a while for it to be able to do all conditions, all places, all the time.
We haven’t even begun to imagine around the new economy that comes out of self driving vehicles. There’s so much infrastructure that needs to be built around parking and charging and even mundane things like cleaning cars. Then there are serve there are groups of people that need to have assistance, whether it’s elderly people, people requiring physical assistance, or young children. We think there are going to be opportunities abound.
Obstacles to Overcome with Driverless Cars
There are a number of obstacles to overcome with driverless cars. Can I trust that this vehicle is going to operate safely, not just for me but for all the environment and community around us?
Two, is the technology itself. I think we’re on a good path and we’re improving but it’s going to take some time to get there. The other piece of it is that the cost of the vehicles are significantly expensive right now. They’re using expensive computers, expensive sensors, and they’re not made necessarily to last for a long time because they’re in a lot of R&D stage.
So the reliability and the costs have to get better. Then on the government side, the regulations that need to allow for this to flourish. We’re seeing good progress there. If we continue to have a federal level on safety standards then that’s something that’s really positive because it’s not going to be that you have to create a specific car for specific jurisdiction. We think those are the barriers but they all seem very doable.
Surprised at How Quickly Micromobility Has Taken Off
We classify all this (scooters and bike) as micromobility. What we found is that there’s really an unmet need for that zero to two-mile range short distance trips. Yes you could take a Lyft or you could potentially walk but you’re in that zone, especially if it’s a half a mile or more. It is a really convenient thing to do. It’s also a really fun thing to do whether you’re biking or scooting and especially if it’s electric propulsion.
I’m also surprised at how quickly that has penetrated but I think we’re living in a world now where there’s mass adoption, there social networks, and the innovation that’s coming that came in software so fast we’re seeing in hardware. New versions of scooters are about every month. There’s some loss rate and breakage rate that is acceptable given the high usage and it works for the consumer because it’s still a very reasonable price to get around town.
Lyft Helping Society Shift Away From Owning a Car
For people not to own a car, it’s really going to be a stitching together of a number of different modalities. Whether it’s bike, scooters, walking, or ride-sharing together, to provide a really good alternative to owning a car, which is expensive, a hassle, has parking, congestion, and emissions. It’s a really big problem that all these things together are going to be solving.
We want to get them from point A to point B in the most convenient way that they could get there and without owning a car. That’s the key criteria.
I think there will clearly be a big group of the population, especially that lives in cities, that really will not be able to justify owning a car. All the use cases that you’re thinking about you could utilize by short-term rentals, car sharing, ride-sharing, micromobility, or also public transit.
We’ve integrated into public transit and it’s the best way to get around in a lot of instances and we’re feeding into that. There’s a lot of inertia still about buying a car and some people are still wrapping up a car in their self-worth and their identity. That’s changing, especially with young people.
The post After 30,000 Driverless Lyft Rides Consumers Rate it Almost Perfect appeared first on WebProNews.
from https://www.webpronews.com/driverless-lyft-rides/
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