#the way yall wanna fix your pathetic men
beef-unknwn 2 years
alright. i said some stuff on twtr that i wanna say here too plus some other stuff (id under the cut) (btw sorry if the id sux im typing it out myself and ive never done that before)
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ID: A thread of posts by Twitter User: Kai Unknown (me) about his opinions on the relationship dynamic between Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Chat Noir from the series 'Miraculous Ladybug'
The thread goes as follows:
i feel like the adrien/chat and marinette/ladybug dynamic should've been more like this:
okay before we actually talk about their dynamic lets talk about their individual dichotomies, starting with mari/lb
marinette is clumsy and can be seen as unlucky, but despite this she makes the best out of bad situations. ladybug is the embodiment of good luck and she never really has to worry all too much about things going wrong (put a pin on ladybug here)
adrien was born into luxury and can be seen as lucky but he wants to escape. hes a bird in a cage and his time as chat allows him to be free. he feels more like himself as chat kinda like how batman feels about his identities
mari is adriens first friend outside of chloe and he sees that they are oh so different. he starts to admire how she seems to find light in dark places and maybe its more than platonic..
mari, on the other hand, just sees him as the popular guy she'll never be able to be with so she doesn't really care much about him outside of being his friend. (a role reversal, if you will)
however, as ladybug shes pressured to save the day. she doesn't feel like herself as ladybug, its a persona, a chore. she doesnt want to be ladybug but she has to be and when she sees chat be more passionate about hero work SHE admires HIM; therefore becoming more motivated
yeah, yeah it's just a reverse of their dynamic but i feel like this simple change would've made their characters more interesting idk
(End ID)
gosh that was tiresome to re-type. anyhow uhh
due to twitter's filthy character limits i wasnt able to fully show my point. but thanks to tumblr's virtually infinite character limit i can!
so like you read, this simple role reversal could really make for interesting dynamics.
Adrien was raised by virtually no parents. His only friend ever was Chloe. I feel like he should've been more snooty like her but feel way bad about it. And soon he meets Mari who's like "Woah! Okay, jerk." but she's still like "Here. Have a macaron. Jerk (be nicer next time)" and Nino is also there "Yo, dude! Way harsh! Tone it done, why don't you?" so he starts becoming a better person (way faster than Chloe) Nino being super chill is like the best influence ever. And Mari? aka The Really Nice Bakery Girl Who Gave Up Her Umbrella For You (You Jerk)? Yeah, he's got good influences all around.
But.. That's not quite the end of his story, is it? He still wants an escape from this caged life he's been living. I mean, sure he goes to school and photoshoots and fencing but he never gets to go out when HE wants to. He still has to follow a routine. Until...
Chat Noir. It's his chance to break out and fly and see all sorts of things he could only glimpse at from the window where his cage sits by. He finally gets to feel the breeze in his hair without it being manufactured for a commercial. He gets to jump around and do stunts without it being shot take after take for some brand deal. His chains no longer bound him. This is he.
Now, Mari (sorry for shortening her name all the time it's literally 1am and I have school) She's the local bakers' girl. She's clumsy, kind and looks for the best parts in people. Although, this girl's got a bad case of imposter syndrome.. She's too hard on herself even though she's probably the best person in town, ever. Alya being her bff is like the best foil to this. Mama hypes her up better than a cheerleader squad.
Her imposter syndrome only grows worse when she is appointed as ladybug. She's the most humble dumbass ever and outright refuses to use the miraculous until whoops! The town is seriously in danger, sis. We need to MOVE.
When she sees Chat Noir so happy doing hero work, saving citizens, helping people; she's reminded that this is a BIG responsibility but she gets to help. She still thinks she isn't worthy of being Ladybug until Chat tells her something along the lines of "I don't think I'm worthy either. I'm kind of a jerk actually haha... But now.. I get to be something else.. something better. I get to be a myself.. I get to be.. a hero"
A hero. Someone.. people notice.. right? So, if she's Ladybug, people will notice her. Right? It's not about attention or fame or anything she's just.. never really felt.. Important. And now she's realizing that 'Oh shit. Right. I'm a hero now and heroes are important. I'm important. I'm.. Important..'
So yeah anyway essay over I'm sleepy go home, everybody.
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strangerhands 7 months
10 fandoms/10 characters/10 tags
waaaaaa omg thank you for the tag em 馃 @runa-falls!! its been 800 years since i got to do a tag game (and make my own post for once..) so thanks! this actually made me happy but also a little "oh shit. people know i exist..?" i also made this post unnecessarily long but its me so whats new
ummm its all. only. oscar. not sorry (a little sorry)
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1. marc spector + steven grant + jake lockley, moon knight-my absolute beloveds. moon knight is so special to me. the boys are so special to me. theres really nowhere near enough i could say here about them but if you get it, you get it. its also what got me into oscar (even though i discovered immediately that he was in annihilation and x-men: apocalypse WHICH I WATCHED YEARS AGO GODDAMMIT)
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2. robbie paulson, law and order: criminal intent-listen. hes my girlfriend. my babygirl. my love. my sweet boy. the one plaguing damn near every Thot. most niche character here. wish he was real. wish there was more content of him out there but good god if fran (@/midgardian-witch, who also made that gif) hasnt been holding it downnnnnnn. bless.
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3. poe dameron, star wars sequel trilogy-beautiful brave sweet husband who would maybe drive me a bit insane irl but in a good way (mostly) i wanna protect him. (also the only star wars films ive seen sorryyyyy sorry. yes it was for him. and adam driver.)
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4. miguel o'hara, spider-man: into the spider-verse + spider-man: across the spider-verse-ohhh you beeg grumpy beautiful man. he would not like me. bite me pls (also still my two favourite movies oat.) craving some milk and cake suddenly... (his hair wings..<3)
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5. cecil dennis, revenge for jolly!-pathetic little dirty alley cat man my beloved. my little princess. also my babygirl girlfriend little guy loser boy. (AND THE CURLSSSSSSS. AND SAD COW EYES.)
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6. nathan bateman, ex machina-asshole who i unfortunately love. we would not get along irl but thats what fics are for!!!! he would make me cry. (but what if i could fix him..) i have a soft spot for him...
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7. llewyn davis, inside llewyn davis-sad beautiful talented man. you can crash at my place any day. i would let him leech off of me idec lemme help you baby. i could show you what love is. (the curls and outfits...... i Crave.)
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8. santiago garcia, triple frontier-woof. this guy. damn. yeah. sorry santi but i wanna bite your knees
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9. blue jones, sucker punch-literally. asshole piece of shit but good god. whore. so slutty and beautiful and PATHETIC. i would let him be mean to me and then cry in private. but also put him in his place. its complicated. (whoever did his eyeliner and club wardrobe in that movie... i owe you my life. thank you. thank you. you deserve everything. thank you.)
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10. mikael boghosian, the promise-oh. sweet beautiful intimate lover man. THAT scene... absolutely killed me. THAT SHOULDVE BEEN MEEEEE. i need him. (i am taking this moment to remind yall of the titty bite. yea. not sorry. youre welcome.)
honestly i couldve put nearly all of oscars characters but alas.
no pressure tags, hope none of you mind! i know this is very sudden and unexpected from me. only tagged some mutuals so its not 10 :p sorryy (sorry if youve been tagged already)
@my-secret-shame @saturn-rings-writes @spacecowboyhotch @villainsoftheweek @f4nrir @kouichijo @mugensword
again, no pressure to do this. hope everyone tagged is doing well! i havent interacted with some of yall in a long time<3
all gif credits go to their respective creators! i have no idea if tumblr automatically shows who made them or not, so sorry if it doesnt.
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cannibalvillains 1 month
About shipping my muses, n stuff.
Gonna keep this a a constant WIP, as I figure stuff out. But I decided this could be fun to make for mutuals who maybe wanna ship. Give yall an angle.
Generally ship tropes I like; Arranged Marriage, Toxic, Hate-fucking, queerplatonic stuff, partners in love and crime aka "murder boyfriends", whatever the Addams Family had going, tragedy
(.... Sorry im not awfully good with pure fluff, just don't do it for me. Also; pointing to my no smut rp rule)
Brief details on each respective muse are under the cut!
Dabi (demiromanic bi)
Tbh if my Dabi actually has feelings for sb id say its time to run. He is obsessive as hell and he can't do relationships normally. He has straight up stalked several other muses by this point. It was for different reasons but affection is definitely one of them. Also expect it to be undoubtly toxic. He can genuinely love but also it's god awful. He's honestly most easy to deal with on a "we only fuck and nothing else" type basis.
Ships i like for him; Shigaraki, Twice, Hawks (only toxic hatefucking), ...
Overhaul (aroace, repulsed type aka "dont fucking touch me")
Right out the gate: don't expect normal relationship dynamics with him. Just don't. Fact aside that he generally just sucks with people, Im serious when I say he's aroace. He will never fall in love with another character and he will happily die a virgin because that stuff just makes him beyond uncomfortable. That said, I wrote him in tight knit relationships before and they have been some of my fav in recent past. Either way it's a slowburn.
Ships I like for him; Kurono, Nagant, ...
Spinner (bi-curious)
Tbh this man is open to be shipped with almost anyone. I haven't really done stuff with him yet, and he is also very open. Doesn't think about this stuff right now but he would try his best if put in the situation.
Ships I like for him; ???
Enji (disaster bi, in denial abt liking men)
Taking current canon into consideration; Enji is old, tired and doesn't seem himself as "attractive" anymore. His marriage was more duty than love and these days he is most in of all concerned with fixing things with his kids. Trying to ship him at that age would take a lot of convincing. Trying to get him to cheat on his wife like 10 to 20 years prior is an option but can only end terribly. (please I absolutely wanna do that!!) Anything before his marriage would be battling his drive to become the number one hero. (also fun)
Ships I like for him; All Might ( yes its terrible ), Rei ( yes its complicated ), ...
Twice (gay, hopeless)
He's a mess. You may think this means he best works with other people who are well put together, but I (terrible person) like to see spiral, together with other messes. Enjoy.
Ships I like for him; Dabi, anyone LOV tbh (also just purely platonic stuff; we love to see it), ...
Bakugou (bi)
Main criteria for people Bakugou likes; they stand up to him and give him challenges. Just straight up best compatible with muses who are either an asshole equal to himself, or just say "No, stop being a dick. I won't take your shit." If your muse just follows along with whatever he does he will not give them the time of day. He won't care.
Ships I like for him; Occhako, Monoma, Fujimi, ...
Sukuna (aro, an egnima)
I dunno yet what gets him... but you gotta be strong else he will just crush you and be bored. Probably best to get his interest through powerful Jujutsu/fighting skills though, obviously.
Ships I like for him; Gojo, Uraume, Toji, ...
Definitely struggles to relate to people with his whole "its lonely being the strongest" business. Definitely not easy to connect to and will not be honest about his feelings. But BOY does he seek connection! Pathetic little man!
Ships I like for him; Geto(duh, tho tbh also love it as just best friends), Sukuna, Nanami, ...
Yuji (???)
I dunno yet, somebody give him Jennifer Lawrence! Or his former classmate, that seemed cute. Either way he is a sunshine boy who probably clicks easily with people but later in the story of jjk it may be difficult to get close, the trauma of losing people and all that....
Ships I like for him; ???
Maki (???)
I dunno yet either, give her Jennifer Lawrence as well! Ok no, forreal though. I think she needs someone who can help her relax and not be so stuck on her goals all the time (tho do support her goals... and shittalk the Zen'in clan together...!!)
Ships I like for her; ???
Kenjaku (EVIL)
Would probably fuck anyone. I dunno if you should get near them though. There is like.... ALL THE RED FLAGS. Doesn't care much for the people they start relationships with. To them it's just all a game.
Ships I like for them; Yuji's dad, Gojo (while disgused as Geto, def in a toxic af way), ...
Law (gay af)
Honestly, this guy has a terrible taste in men and he knows it. He also hates it. He wants to have a good relationship but he got a tendency to get into the ones he regrets, and doesn't regret, but so damn regrets. I think there is a lot of fun kinda drama to be had here.
Ships I like for him; Kidd, Bepo, Zoro, Robin ( yes i said hes gay... they just match ), ...
Doffy (bi and awful)
On the outside Doffy is sweet, charming and flirty, makes all the compliments and expresses his care for his person of interest. He is also manipulative, possessive and most of all cares for himself.... YOU SHOULD RUN.
Ships I like for him; ...
Zagetsu (nope)
Eh. I just have him to be a creature tbh. If you wanna ship with him genuinely, CONVINCE ME.
Ships I like for him; NAH
Reiner (bi)
Considering this man is a huge mess with terrible mental health who deluded himself into erasing his own memories for a while, definitely not the most healthy pick. Also there is the literal timer on his lifespan. Very fun. Such a lovely guy though. He tries his hardest. It often isn't enough.
Ships I like for him; Berthold, Christa, Eren, Pieck
Zo毛 (pan)
Definitely a genuinely fun pick, very cheery person who tries to be honest with relationships. Though ultimately they are most of all focused on work and will 100% go on tangents about titans.
Ships I like for them; Erwin and Levi?, ....
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nightswithkookmin 3 years
I saw this question n i really want to know yout pov . JK is a troll and he's using both JM and Tae. Lets see. JK wears a purple and green shirt the other day. Purple and green earrings during Muster and purple and green bracelets. But then he says Purple goes best with Yellow and wears matching clothes with JM. He grabs Tae away from Jin, but then grabs JM from people. So is he purposely being a fan service troll or is he stringing them both along? I don't think he knows what or who he wants anymore. he's just enjoying the attention from Vmin.
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I feel like I've answered this Ask before.
I think the problem with such rhetorics for me is, it strips Jimin and Tae completely off their self agencies and reduces them to a bunch of fabled dickmatised pick me hyungs waiting on a patriarchal head with a self acclaimed big dick who then is Jungkook to choose between them to move the plot.
If that is true, then I recommend Vmin go and love themselves or better yet fuck eachother to liberate themselves from this mental hebetude.
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Photo: Two pathetic dick whipped men comforting each other over a piece of dick
What at all makes y'all think that Jimin who have categorically stated he doesn't share his friends, would be ok sharing his boyfriend with his bestfriend and soulmate?
Didn't you hear BTS, Suga complain that Tae's friends are like unicorns and that he talks about them alot but none of them have seen those friends ever in one of the team building run episodes they did recently?
What makes y'all think a man who tries to keep his intimate friendship groups separate and compartmentalized from his work friendship groups- what makes you think he would be ok dating a bandmate in the first place much less share his partner with another bandmate?
Y'all make it make sense to me please.
Y'all create this rhetoric of V and Jimin so in love with their Maknae they would allow this goofy ass gen z to play them like booboo the fool. But frankly I think none of them would shed a tear over a piece of dick. I'm sorry but I just don't see them that way.
Jk barely has the reins on Jimin, how he's gone manage Tae and all these other idols yall ship him with on top馃ぃ
Jimin is slippery than y'all think he is. He'll be gone before JK makes up his mind chilee. And if he won't go, I and JK's mom will carry him kicking and screaming cos we love us some self confident self respecting Park Jimin.
May be I'm gay but I don't think dicks are all that great for two full grown adults like Tae and Jimin to sob over. The misogyny of it all!
Now this whole fan service troll bit however...
I think I have said a couple times that Jikook, Jk especially do intentionally troll us from time to time with certain things he does with Jimin- the tissue thingy he did with JM, the pinkie ring thingy, the bottle thingy and certain "fan service" interactions with Jimin and certain members, blowing Jin a kiss and making sure it was captured etc.
It's all part of his persona I suppose and I think it's cute frankly. I just know he laughs his butt off at certain edits and analysis we throw out there. He does. Lmho.
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Photo: Jimin and Jungkook watching shipper armys be clowns
Do I think he trolls us from time to time? Yes. Sometimes we catch on, sometimes it flies over our heads completely. I guess we need to pray for the spirit of discernment to be able to clock these moments cos 馃憗馃憚馃憗
That however doesn't take away from that he has genuine interest in his relationship with any of these men. It in no way invalidates what he has with Jimin. Or Jin. Or Tae because like I said, his right to be a fuxkboy is contingent on the self worth and agencies of these autonomous human beings with brain and self determination.
He can be a fuxkboy just not in Jimin's space. I would fight him otherwise 馃ず
Jungkook is not a fuck boy. He values the people he loves- y'all uWu and akekeke when he shows loyalty and commitment in caring for Army's health and often praise him for how thoughtful and empathetic he is but then somehow y'all imagine the exact opposite of him in his private life. That he is a community penis who doesn't care about hurting his boyfriend, someone he claims he loves and goes ahead and falls in love with his bestfriend anyway.
Worse, those two besties obsequiously wait on him to choose between them.... why?????
Now, I don't think it's fair for OP to opine on the aesthetics Jungkook gravitates towards in this way. It feels like they are stripping Jk off his agency and self determination and reducing him to a caricature who exists solely for a ship and thus everything he does is interpreted from a ship lens. I think that's a low blow.
BTS have said their looks and style are often curated by staff- they have stylists for a reason you know? Granted, these stylists often make sure Jikook or other pairs are matching clothes or wearing complimentary outfits or hairstyles most times- like JM says, there is a reason for that.
And yes, sometimes they do make their own decisions as to what they want to wear and how they want to look- because again, agency. We've seen it and the stylists have said so themselves.
How you interpret these clothing choices is totally up to you. But do not judge them for the interpretation you give to these choices they make. Sometimes they wear stuff cos they like it. It may coincidentally be your faves favorite color- it don't mean they were trying to imply subtext.
Sometimes too, they do that to actively feed a ship agenda- like Vmin and their soulmate agenda or Jikook and their I am you you are me agenda or even Sope or Namjin.
It behooves you to discern and to be able to discern the intent behind such decisions and choices. And when you do, understand it's only speculation.
I think Jungkook knows who and what he wants. You corny for saying he don't. So cheesy. Lmho.
He has shown that again and again y'all just wanna act blind. Jimin is not confused between Jungkook and Tae. JK is not confused between Tae and Jimin- for the simple fact, they each bring something different to the table.
He can have a boyfriend and have a partner in crime. Just as Jimin can have him and have a bestie he calls soulmate. Jungkook is also, a complex human being with complex emotions. He is capable of having different emotional depths and connections that don't at all necessarily mean he is fucking them all or wants to fuck them all. Hell is wrong witchu?!
Perhaps, rather than brush Jimin and Tae as occupying the same spot in JK's heart and wants, try and understand what each mean to him because trust me they don't mean the same thing to him at all.
Personally, I think Jimin is the love of his life. Period. Tae is his childhood bestie whom he grew apart from and have in recent times rekindled that friendship. He is not fucking Tae and he doesn't want to fuxk him. We DO
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I'm calling Jesus on y'all cos the things yall be imagining in this fandom is hell worthy馃ぇ
Besides, Jk is not at the center of VminKook. Jimin is. Vmin are not vying for Jk's affections, but Tae Kook are vying for JMs you coconut head 馃檭
Tae: Jimin I like you the most
Y'all: 馃ゥ馃ゥ馃ゥ馃ゥ馃ゥ
This man don confessed his whole chest on his feelings for JM on national television and yet yall gonna act obtuse.
When Tae wanted to fix his relationship with JK he said it to y'all's hearing in Soop. When he wanted to confess his feelings about Jimin he did that too. He is not hiding his feelings for Jk or Jimin for yall to concoct these elaborate theories about him and JK.
If I master black magic, I will turn y'all into coconuts so your insides can match your outsides馃槴
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shugojima 3 years
饾棩饾棙饾棓饾棗 饾棖饾棓饾棩饾棙饾棛饾棬饾棢饾棢饾棳!
饾柍饾棆饾梻饾梹饾梹饾柧饾棆 饾棎饾柡饾棆饾棁饾梻饾棁饾梹: 饾柍饾梺饾梻饾棇 饾柈饾柌 饾柤饾棃饾棁饾棈饾柡饾梻饾棁饾棇 饾棇饾棃饾梿饾柧 饾梽饾梻饾棁饾梽饾棇/饾柡饾柤饾棈饾梻饾棃饾棁饾棇 饾棈饾梺饾柡饾棈 饾梿饾梻饾梹饾梺饾棈 饾柣饾柧 饾柦饾梻饾棇饾棈饾棊饾棆饾柣饾梻饾棁饾梹 饾棈饾棃 饾棇饾棃饾梿饾柧 饾棆饾柧饾柡饾柦饾柧饾棆饾棇. 饾柋饾柧饾柡饾柦 饾柡饾棈 饾棐饾棃饾棊饾棆 饾棃饾棎饾棁 饾棆饾梻饾棇饾梽.
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(yall better thank me for I left out on the puking part)
饾檾饾櫎饾櫔 饾櫇饾櫀饾櫕饾櫄 饾櫁饾櫄饾櫄饾櫍 饾櫖饾櫀饾櫑饾櫍饾櫄饾櫃.
"Get dressed. We're going to the doctor. I'm sick of this shit." Daishou said as he pushed your mouth off his cock.
"I'm sorry, baby! I try again, please!"
You begged him but he doesn't give a damn anymore.
He was sick of you. Sick of you not pleasing him the way he wanted you to. You kept gagging over his cock, kept fucking using our teeth, kept disobeying his orders, kept riding him like a mokey on crack and if that all wasn't enough already, your pussy was just not tight enough for him.
"We're done trying."
So here you are. At your gynecologist sitting in the waiting room.
"Do we really have to be here?" you asked as he just shot you a threatening look.
"Tf you think I'll keep tolerating this shit? Are you serious??!" He was mad. Really fucking mad. It was your fault after all.
"L/n, room 3 please."
The both of you stood up walking towards the room and sat down waiting for Dr. Sakusa to come.
You liked him, he was always nice and he made sure you felt comfortable and everything was clean while he examimated.
Although he had something scary about him.
The door opened as he walked in with another pretty good looking, grey haired man.
His gloves on and his mouth covered as always he walked up greeting you, shaking hands.
"Mr. L/n. Mr. L/n. Would it be ok if Mr. Miya would be here as well? He's still learning and needs some interaction with patients." he politely asked when you nodded and Suguru just went "I don't care."
"What brought you here?"
Dr. Sakusa asked as he looked at the monitor infront of him, typing something.
Suguru inhaled deeply before he spoke
"My wife has a problem with pleasing her man. I told her again and again how I want her to do it and she just can't manage. At least, please tell her how to control her gagging cause I don't fucking need puke all over my dick."
"THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EMBERASSING ME!" I said as I wanted to run out of the room but my doctor hold me by my wrist as he looked up at me.
"Sit down. We'll fix that problem." he said as he stood up walking over to his assisent whispering something in his ear before facing my husband.
"You want us to teach your wife, Sir?"
Suguru narrowed his brows in confusion but nodded. "Whatever it takes to correct this shit."
"So be it."
Soon I found myself tied down on the gynecologist chair, a thick rope around my belly and legs, keeping me from moving.
Suguru just sat there watching the scene as Mr. Miya spoke up.
"I'll start training her gagging reflex now. The doctor will keep an eye on her throat and breathing so he can see where's the problem."
My husband just nodded as the grey haired men pulled down his white jeans showing off his half hard cock.
"First make him hard. Then do it the way you always do. I wanna judge by myself." he said hovering on top of me as he put his tip at my lips.
I licked around it before I started sucking him off.
I gave it my all just to show Suguru that he's wrong and also to somehow show them that I fucking can.
Mr. Miya tho... was absolutely not impressed. He started laughing at me "Pathetic. I wouldn't want a bitch that sucks it as bad as she does either."
I stopped a second before my eyes started to fill with tears as the doctor stood on the side, close to my face watching my work.
I tried harder.. I sucked harder.... hell I tried everything. But it wasn't enough.
"Now lemme see what you do when it hits the back of your throat." he said as he thrusted deep inside leaving me choking and gagging instantly on his thick cock. He was even bigger than Suguru.
"Way to go...." he said as he pulled out when you looked at your husband tears running down your face, he just sat there fucking his fist.
"I really have to watch you getting fucked by some other guys to get off on you. That's how much of a useless whore you are." he said spitting straight in your face as you shut your eyes closed.
"Fucking. Useless... nghhh.... piece of meat." he murmured under his breath and when you opened your eyes you saw Dr. Sakusa loosen the ropes on your legs and belly.
"Can we... please stop here?" you begged as you tried to stand up but eventually got pulled by strong hands.
Sakusa grabbed you by your hips, turned you around on the chair and lifted your ass up.
"Mr. L/n... Is there something else I need to work on with her?" he asked as he pulled up the fabric of my skirt.
"Bitch has a hole wide as the fucking ocean. Don't think you can fix that right away." he chuckled still stroking his hard cock.
"You have no idea what we're capable of, Mister." he said as he shot Miya a look and he went to a drawer next to his table.
When I heard the sound of metal rattling and Sakusa putting on new gloves I panicked.
"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. I HAVE OTHER PATIENTS HERE." The black haired ordered me as he turned me on my back again and re tied me down.
"Eww... Disgusting fuckhole you got there." he said as he sat himself on his chair.
"Scalpel please."
"NOOOOO!!! PLEASE DON'T!! FUCKIN HELL SOMEO-" I got cut off screaming for help as the grey haired fucked himself into my mouth again.
"Damn... you some noisy ass bitch."
thrusting deeper I felt Sakusas gloved fingers holding my lips and the cold metal on my entrance.
When he cut.... My muffled screams filled the room as my throat tried to push out Miyas cock.
I felt my blood running down between my ass checks as two of his gloved fingers entered me and I screamed in pain and pleasure.
I felt like I'm about to pass away.
My vision got a little blurry as Sakusa leaned ontop of me, his glove and his arm dripping my red juice as he smeared it all over my face and Miyas cock looking at me in disgust.
"Nasty whore." He said as he sat down again and started stitching me together.
I already lost so much blood I felt absolutely numb. Just a little pressure as he slid the needle into my skin.
"Done." He said as he stood up positioning himself at my bloddy hole.
"Let's see if I did it right." he said pushing with thick cock inside as I choked on his assitents cock.
"Nghhhh fucking hell this is.. good."
Breathing heavily he continued "I might have to.. nghhh... give it some more
stitches. It's so tight I'm afraid it will ripp open again around a fat cock."
Pulling out he walked over to Suguru, who was getting off on all this shit as Miya finally gave me some air to breathe.
"You sick bastards..." I whispered since I didn't have the strength to speak any louder.
Suguru walked up to me as I heard the doctor say "I hope you're satisfied with my work, Sir." Making gestures to tell him he should give it a try taking off the bloody gloves.
"Fuck. That's what I was talking about... nghhhh bitch is finally gripping around it real good." He kept fucking you, the blood smearing around everywhere by now as you felt those gloved bloody fingers opening your mouth again.
"Seems like we fixed your granny hole but what about that terrible throatfuck you give? I'll probably have to..." he rammed inside. "Destroy your throat so hard that you don't have the strenght to start gagging and all this shit." He grabbed my head and fucked it onto his monstrous cock. Again and again... and again... until I felt his hot cum spilling down the walls of my throat when I eventually saw black.
All I could hear before totally breaking down was
"I'll dump that whore anyways."
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flamediel 3 years
Ok since you said that Chris is the only one who always has a good personality (which I agree with btw), what do you hate about the others personality wise? 馃槍
Omg this is gonna go longgggg aljsksjsjs. Btw this is MY opinion based on what I like in people and what I dislike. If you wanna fight me about it go right ahead babes
Rich: ok, yall know I love rich, but he just.. we could never get along for an extended period of time. Its the "not all men", the "ewwwwww i hate pink sm it would NEVER be my favourite color and if its yours that weird." Its the "no one in the band has seen each other naked OF COURSE NOT I WILL TAKE THIS TO MY GRAVE" and just... the very traditional views. Im a huge human rights activist and these comments would piss me off so much like its obvious he has some homophobic and misogynistic views and it's just gross like he's old enough to fix that. Also I dont think he was ready to be a father at all hes too young and he doesn't know how to handle these responsibilities or how to raise a daughter of all things and it shows lmao
Zab: look, zab and I have a lot in common, and that's not always a good thing. Hes really brash, I think, and he can't commit to people very well. I dont think he'd be a good partner at all, I think he's into the aesthetic of a relationship more than the relationship itself. I feel like he draws people in knowing he's being disingenuous and then when they're too close for his liking he panics and runs. I think that's why he's into older women, they tend to be less attached. But yeah i think he struggles to confront and address his emotions so he withdraws instead of dealing with them and thats super toxic and just not fun to deal with in people. Just, emotionally unavailable ppl are the worst bc you might feel like you're able to talk to them at first but eventually you realise you know nothing about them and it becomes exhausting bc you want your friendship to be equal but it never is.
Joel: man, do i even NEED to say anything? I genuinely don't like him 90% of the time. He's very childish, very insecure in his talents and it shows. Honestly pathetic in the way he interacts w fans, its pretty sad. If I met joel in person I would fight him. Like, he brings out the bitchiest side of me imaginable and i would be incapable of not snapping at him at least once. And that, ofc, would make him hate me MORE and get more petty w me and it would make me more snipy and just... the cycle wouldn't end. If I meet him and he doesn't go to scream about me on twitter to his tween fans therapists then I did something wrong tbh
Erick: he's a kid, so I think he's still growing, but bc of the environment he's in surrounded by older guys and the music industry i think he's prioritising all the wring things. Like, he didn't get to grow into an adult in a normal environment and I think its led him to be really immature and childish about things, and not consider the consequences of all his actions. Hes hella reckless and I think he needs some normalcy in his life to course correct which is why im glad he's close to chris bc he's the closest to that in the band lol.
Oof that was long... everyone, what are your thoughts on this?
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