#the whole gang was amazing
all y'all miguel o'hara thirst posting made me think i would like a lot more than i actually did, so i'm here to say it once and for all: gwen supremacy
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
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salmoncircus · 2 months
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Originally made this for a hand study but realized I needed to actually get used to drawing everyone so I just went all out and fully drew em.
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ese1anime · 2 months
The whole gang is here
Just gotta add color ✏️
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zanazirafanfic · 2 months
This gives me modern Charles Smith vibes.
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serendippertyy · 4 months
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guys OMG I love this so so much I'm so happy AAAA unless you have this in your hands no picture will ever do it justice because this thing is quite literally the size of a newborn baby LOL 😭💀 also the limbs are so hard to put in and they fall out constantly but that's so real so I dont mind ..i think the size alone makes it well worth the price 😭
my bundle of joy....I love them...
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fraudefiscal · 11 months
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girl don't try to understand the horrors beyond your comprehension
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jennyandvastraflint · 4 months
More reasons as to why Vastra is the best dw character - go
Yippieee! I get to be annoying about how amazing she is!
She is essentially Sherlock Holmes, her cases are plagiarised BY Doyle in universe, and she famously HATES comparisons to Sherlock Holmes XD
She has a fantastic moral compass and it's called Jenny Flint.
She is a mirror to the Doctor only in way hotter.
She has canonically tried to eat a rooster early in the morning despite knowing she shouldn't eat raw chicken.
She is simultaneously a brilliant fighter and lethal as fuck, and also scared of furniture attacking her.
She introduced herself with "I'm a lizard woman from the dawn of time and this is my wife" in Victorian London probably just because she thinks it'd be funny, get yourself someone who does it like her.
She is physically incapable of not flirting with her wife every five seconds.
She can wield two blades at once and has (probably!? I think this is pretty much supported by canon) taught her wife how to fight.
She has defeated Cybermen in 13th century Japan once.
She has broken into multiple banks, stunned the people there, and just walked out the front door.
When needing to talk to Clara, she not only sent a letter with a drug candle through time, she also considered that Clara would find the candle icky and therefore laced the paper with a drug as well. (That woman probably has a drug cartel somewhere)
She once had a 48 page Christmas plan for her wife and has consulted local children for research purposes into Christmas.
Can hypnotise people and extract information out of them that way.
Is filthy rich (because she has robbed multiple banks) and has little care for money (or doesn't understand it much, which is also fair).
Has committed acts of vandalism by smearing on maps in a library and then claimed that it isn't vandalism "to an inquiring mind".
Got high on drugs when she thought her wife was dead, built a nuke, and nearly set the world aflame because what's the point anyway - immediately stopped all that the second her wife looked her in the eye.
She's part of the sweetest, most chaotic little found family in all of Doctor Who and honestly that's beautiful.
Feel free to ask for elaboration on any of these, and those were just the ones I could come up with off the top of my head XD But as you can see, she is the best, and so is her wife actually
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imagination-confusion · 5 months
*soft sobs*
Mama said I could only choose one :(
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I wanna carry Gummigoo everywhere so Imma get the keychain figurine
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aww shucks >:(
The plushy desc says:
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and it made me laugh so hard I cried /gen
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leafith · 3 months
A Scene From My Sky Fanfiction ... ✴️🗝️✨
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Heyy, I know this is totally random but, on Quotev, I've made a survey where people could put their favorite scenes in my Sky: CotL Fanfiction, “Fly Until You See The Light” , and one of them already completed it. As a gift for my one year on that website, I wanted to make drawings (digital or traditional) of those scenes :')
One of them finished the survey, and the one above is one of the scenes (happy scene they asked for, because there is also a sad one lol).
I don't want to spoiler, and it's long to explain anyways. So, if you're interested, go and read that story and you'll discover what on Earth is a random spirit doing in the scene 😌
Uhm bye, I'm going to fade away for another pair of centuries 🤍🤍🤍 I love you all people
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crimson-iguess · 3 months
ULTRA C has been rotating the best acid trip of my life for the past 12 hours
I genuinely can't stop listening to it ITS SO GOOD
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nyan-bynary · 1 year
You can have a show where the protag is a rude disabled man addicted to pain killers in a hospital full of enablers and the worst person ever is STILL a random pig who the main guy was rude to one time...
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
i've been a huge fan of taylor's music for too many years to count now and being a part of this fandom is one of the greatest choices i've ever made, but honestly? music is one thing, meeting so many wonderful people because of her is another and i could never thank her enough for that 🫶
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ese1anime · 5 months
Chilling and relaxing 😌
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LET 👏🏽THEM👏🏽BE👏🏽Happy👏🏽
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jazzkolart · 8 months
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If these two are going to be actually playable I'm in big trouble...
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lordendsavior · 1 year
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shout out to my hero @harrysenthusiast who were so kind to buy this bag for me. it made my day a lot better ☺️☺️☺️
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