#the wolf answers to Steve which makes it even funnier
piratefishmama · 6 months
okay but for one single night, Eddie Munson genuinely, with all his heart, believes that Steve is a werewolf.
Steve isnt a werewolf, Steve genuinely has nothing to do with this assumption, and has given no actual reason to make Eddie believe him to be a werewolf, other than the chest hair miraculously growing in so goddamn thick over the course of a few months and the whole. droopy puppy eyes thing he's got going on.
but this one specific full moon night. Eddie happens upon the most beautiful, big brown wolf which wanders into the trailer park looking for food.
it's actually a very lost and incredibly docile wolf dog that someone stupidly bred and let out, but he's very lost, and hungry, and the second Eddie gets a peek at those big brown, incredibly sad puppy eyes, he's calling the big baby Steve and thats that. Thats Steve.
until Eddie panics in the morning because the wolf didn't turn back and Dustin tiredly informs him that Steve is at work, what the fuck Eddie.
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Falling [Bucky x Reader] Oneshot
Falling: In which Bucky goes from being your best friend to the guy you’re in love with and you have no clue how it happened.
Words: 1,383
Warnings: None, pure fluffiness.
A/N: I can’t believe I’ve written two things in a week?? But when I think about the fact that I wrote this in study hall instead of writing my psych paper I’m not surprised. Happy reading! Xx.
The concept of falling in love is so much prettier than love at first sight, isn’t it? One day you look at a person and see them in a different light than you did before.
That’s exactly how it was when you realized you loved Bucky. One night, you’d gone to bed after having a movie marathon in the common room with your best friend, and the next morning you woke up and you realized that, fuck, you loved Bucky Barnes.
That was three months ago, and you could barely comprehend how it happened because it wasn’t a lie when you said it hit you overnight. You bonded so easily with him when he arrived at the tower; it was always in your nature to be kind to the people you met, so you and Steve were able to bring him out of his shell much quicker than you’d thought possible. You learned quickly that the brunette was actually pretty funny and caring and, hell, even charming. He was a flirter by nature. But he’d never made you blush with his jokes or his comments so easily until the day that you woke up and you couldn’t get him or his damn smile or his gorgeous eyes or his melodious laugh out of your head.
It seemed like every day for three months you had replayed that night in your head. The last night you saw him as just your friend and not someone with whom you desired something more.
The night was uneventful enough, just a typical Friday where you and Bucky sat on the couch in the common room and ate pizza and ice cream and marathoned movies under a shared blanket long after everyone else had gone to bed. You could even remember the movies that you watched that night. Bucky was on an 80’s movie kick, so you two watched The Goonies, then Ghostbusters, then half of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (you’d fallen asleep before it had ended). Was there something he had done differently that night that made you suddenly attracted to him? Maybe it was the fact that you woke up in your room even though you knew you fell asleep on the couch, and it made a warm fuzzy feeling form in your stomach. No, you’d ruled that out long ago, because Bucky always carried you back to your room after movie night. You were never able to stay awake through three movies, but this was the first time that it made you think twice about the gesture and it made you feel all cozy inside. You couldn’t think of one key thing that he had done to make you fall so head over heels for him the very next morning.
That morning you blushed when he helped you reach your cereal that had been placed on a high shelf, and you ducked your head to hide your smile when he told you that you looked beautiful later that day. You almost stopped breathing when he asked you if you wanted to go out to lunch, even though it had been routine for you two to go to the cafe down the block every Saturday afternoon. 
Finally, you had a revelation. There wasn’t one thing he had done on Friday night to make you fall in love with him. It was the things he had done, how he had acted, the entire time you knew him that made you fall more and more each day, you just didn’t realize it until it felt like you were sitting at the bottom of a pit and staring at an obnoxious blinking sign that read, “Yep, you’re in love. Welcome! It’s wonderful here.” The more you thought about it, the more you realized that each day he made you smile more, each joke was a bit funnier, and each morning you had more desire to spend time with Bucky. Even on days he wasn’t there because he was on a mission or when you were on a mission and he was back at the tower, you didn’t go a day without sending him a text or thinking of him in some way. And then that Saturday morning when you woke up to the sun shining through your window and you smiled to yourself when you realized Bucky had brought you to bed you knew. You knew that you were in love with him. You were in love with the guy that had been stone cold the day you met him but now you stayed up into the wee hours of the morning just talking with him, letting him pick your brains about whatever he wanted to know about you. You were in love with the guy who constantly asked you “What’re you thinking about?” when you stared off into space and one too many times recently you had to lie because the truthful answer would have been “You.” You were in love with the guy who always left enough ice cream at the bottom of the carton for you to have because you two had the same favorite flavor and the guy who knew exactly what to order for take out and exactly which restaurant to order it from because “No, Tony, they’re not all the same.” You were in love with the guy who was your best friend and cared so much about making you happy.
So it wasn’t a surprise that today your cheeks were tinged pink as you draped your legs comfortably across Bucky’s lap on the couch while you two watched a show on TV. It was a lazy afternoon at the tower; everyone had finished their training sessions this morning and now people were showered and fed and just hanging out on a rare weekend off. You and Bucky were in the common room; Steve, Sam, and Tony were chatting in the kitchen; Nat and Wanda were out shopping for snacks for your girls night tonight. They’d actually insisted that you didn’t come with them because they wanted you to stay with Bucky, knowing about your crush on him and urging you to finally tell him how you felt. Plus, they just loved to tease you about it.
You weren’t paying attention to what was playing on the television, your mind too focused on the way his thumb rubbed circles onto your thigh absentmindedly while his gaze was fixed on the screen, and the other part of your brain was wondering just how you were going to tell him. Before you could come up with a good and logical plan, a part of you thought, Just say it! and before you could stop yourself a breathy “Bucky” came from your lips.
Almost instantly, his gaze turned to you, and he flashed you a bright smile. “What’s up?” he questioned, seemingly able to see the way the gears were spinning rapidly in your head.
You swallowed, and you could feel your heart pounding, and you didn’t know what to do so you just stared at him, words finally coming to you when he raised an eyebrow in concern. “I’m in love with you.”
Before you had time to be embarrassed or scared or to even move off of the couch, Bucky’s metal hand was holding your leg in place while his flesh hand cupped your jaw and his lips pressed against yours.
For a few moments the rest of the world was completely silent, and then you were broken out of your spell by Tony’s loud voice booming “Finally!” accompanied by wolf whistles and hollers of excitement from Steve and Sam.
 "What are we cheering for?“ You heard Nat’s voice approaching the common room, Wanda right behind her as they were both loaded up with bags of snacks and drinks and magazines.
“Bucky’s gonna get laid!” Sam shouted, and it triggered another chorus of cheers from the five of them as you dropped your head against Bucky’s shoulder in an attempt to hide your grin and your bright red cheeks.
You were sure he could feel how fast your heart was racing, and he slowly moved his fingers beneath your chin so you looked up at him.
“I love you too, by the way,” he whispered, and it only made you smile even more.
- Fin. X.
A/N: There you gooo. I hope you liked it! Fingers crossed I get part 2 written of Poetics this weekend but I’m gonna try to be a good student and make myself finish aforementioned psych paper before I write more fics even though it breaks my heart. As always, thanks for reading! Kaitlyn. Xx.
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