#the woman is michikatsus wife
n1snakeenthusiast · 4 months
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Greetings I've completely forgotten to post these two 🙏🏻
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everlastingleuthymia · 2 months
Hahah Do you recognize this bootiful woman?
She's Kokushibo's wifey , Haruhime . Back then she was Michikatsu's wife or now we know as Kokushibo .
Many people said she was lucky to marry him but honestly I can't really say the same . Knowing Kokushibo left her to fend off for herself and his kids because he wanted power , least to say Kokushibo had the dream Yoriichi wanted which was a family .
The same time Yoriichi had that power Kokushibo wanted and Kokushibo had what Yoriichi dreamt off . To imagine for just being a background character , I do wish she will partake to be one of the animated in the anime .
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
okay, I think I'll focus on making a few requests before doing the final work on HADES....BUT FIRST ONE LAST WORK ON KNY.
in this case from Kimetsu Gakuen/Kimetsu Academy.
mainly to make up for the Angst of Kokushibo and his son, so here we go (I'll just refer to reader as "son" because it's easier).
We already know that Kokushibo is dedicated to being Muzan's "bodyguard", and probably thanks to this no one entertains the idea that this man has children or a family in general.
but no, he does have them.
He and his wife (Haruhime seems to be a popular name for Michikatsu's wife so I will use it here) taking into account their work they do everything possible to keep their children's lives anonymous, whether teaching them at home or in high-level private institutions. They will not settle for less for their children.
and I can imagine His oldest child (reader) being especially gifted in those types of areas, the type of child who has the best grades as a child, and has a higher than average IQ level. which makes his parents very proud. that's for(due to recommendations) they decide to put him in various activities to "stimulate" him and have many possibilities in the future.
This causes son to unintentionally become an Overarchiver, that is, he goes to MANY activities at the same time, some he likes, others not so much, but he doesn't dare to tell his parents (especially his father) for fear of disappointing them. .
When he is very Burnout, he does REALLY innocuous and intricate things to miss his activities and his father doesn't notice, it is literally easier to do a stunt.
Kokushibo is not a bad father here, if he comes from the same background as in the original manga, he himself does not know how to have a normal upbringing for any of his children, so he tries to be the opposite in every way of his father, encouraging his child and not discourage him. apart from the fact that he personally fears that his son will be afraid of him (which ironically in a sense is already happening...)
Probably despite being so talented and deadly, he doesn't even realize how negatively this affects his son, his high expectations of him come more from ignorance (of not being very emotionally intelligent) than from a real urgency for his son to stand out in everything.
Other than that, he's a pretty decent father. when he gets the chance, he brags about his son and how smart he is to "trusted" people, tries to go to his son's sports/debate shows, supports him when he gets in trouble (even if he gets in trouble at home ), etc.
I imagine that being an Overarchiver, Kokushibo's son receives many MANY comparisons from both teachers and parents of other students, so he is not very popular so to speak...
You can see Kokushibo even forcing Kaigaku to give him certain reports about his son😅 and ironically they both end up becoming friends (Kokushibo doesn't know whether to be happy or worried, on the one hand his son finally has a friend, but it turns out to be the worst influence possible) .
Kaigaku even ends up helping Kokushibo's son get away with his escapades and relax a little, which would be nice in a way.
(he also tried to convince him to vandalize the bike of a boy who was especially mean to him, but son ran away).
the meetings at the Tsugikuni house when Kaigaku and Kokushibo are there at the same time must be VERY awkward.
some extra information about this:
*I think Kokushibo's other daughter (the youngest, I'll call her Mitsuki) is also an overarchiver, but more inclined to art, things like theater, ballet, choir, etc.
*I can't decide if Haruhime and Kokushibo would be separated. But let's say yes because I enjoy an intimidating woman who is soft on her family(same with Koku).
*Kokushibo's eldest son takes martial arts, debate classes, history, mathematics and probably knows how to play at least one instrument.
*as I said, Koku doesn't usually talk about his kids to many people, but his desk probably has several hidden photos of his kids (as children or at certain important events, he's that kind of dad).
*Koku is the overprotective father, Haruhime is the loving but strict mother.
*Muzan has probably tried to infiltrate his son or Mitsuki into Kimetsu Academy, but Haruhime (and lowkey Koku) WILL DIE before their children set foot in a public school.
*(what none of them know is that Kaigaku already put his son in school several times, just because).
*Haruhime definitely doesn't like Kaigaku, Mitsuki tolerates him. Kaigaku is afraid of Haruhime.
*Jigoro adores Son, thinks he's a good influence and probably threatens Kaigaku not to do anything to the poor boy🤣Zenitsu can't believe Son is so nice and at the same time is Kaigaku's friend ("blink if he's holding you against your will")
*Yoriichi probably knows about his nephews and they know about him. but they try to see each other without Koku being there (since he gets angry with their mere presence). They think it's funny.
Overall, just a weird family with communication problems, but who love each other.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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Hi can request a not-yandere Yoriichi X Dying! Reader? Reader got a terrible illness that basically has no cure and they lay in bed losing all motivation to do anything while the illness slowly takes away their life. When Yorichi came to visit them again, they were gone and there was only an empty bed. (means they are already gone/dead.)
(A bit about Yoriichi and reader's past, reader is one of Yoriichi and Michikatsu/kokushibo's childhood friend and was friend with them until reader dies, reader was always there for Yoriichi whenever he is in a rough time/shape and always comforts him like when his mom died, Uta and his unborn child died, Michikatsu gone and more. Yoriichi fell in love with reader a few months after Uta died but never confessed. Reader got their ill a few months after Michikatsu became a demon.)
Aaah! That’s sooooo sad! Why Yoriichi, he doesn’t deserve more pain! But okay, okay. I’ll write this as I cry
Tsugikuni Yoriichi- Terminal Heartbreak
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The only thing Yoriichi could lay his eyes on was a empty, hollow futon with the blankets flipped back. The house the futon belonged in was just as dull and lifeless. It broke his soul as he slowly approached the futon, kneeling down and sitting on his knees before it. He just stared down at the creased cooling fabric as his eyes swelled in tears, unable to keep himself composed any longer
First his beloved mother disappeared from his life, his incredible wife and unborn child was taken away, his brother abanonded his humanity to turn to the darkness and now, you can’t even be here for him to say goodbye to… why was this world so cruel to him? You were with him from the very beginning, even as childhood
You weren’t necessarily either of the Tsugikuni Twins’ assigned bride. No, your parents are extremely wealthy and have been business partners with the Tsugikuni family before you were even born. Throughout most of your childhood, you were pretty healthy and kicking but then. Tragically, you contracted a strange disease your hysterical parents couldn’t find the cure for and you were truly dissipating each day. It got so bad that it drifted your past closeness with the Tsugikuni Twins
Michikatsu was furious, you couldn’t play with him and Yoriichi like you use to. You were basically useless in this state and it drove him away whilst Yoriichi stayed. He never left, he never walked away. He sat besides you and did everything he possibly could for you, as he grew up, he was determined to try find… something to help you. Every disease has a cure, they’re must be a cure! Yoriichi always told himself before he tucked you into bed and left the house to continue his fruitless search
In exchange, you adored Yoriichi. He wasn’t that rotten selfish anomaly Michikatsu made him out to be, he was a pure loving man with a golden heart and your view never changed, despite how bad your condition grew. Even though you could barely walk, you always got up to be besides Yoriichi, you basically crawled your way to him when he founded the Demon Slayer Corps and you were there to defend him when he ran into Kibutsuji Muzan but failed to dispose of him
Yoriichi, despite being married to the lovely woman Uta, felt himself falling deep in love with you. It was wrong, he knew it. Especially since he lost Uta and his unborn child only a few months ago, but he can’t help himself. You were one of the first people who ever truly loved Yoriichi, and the fact that you’re gone now hurts his soul tremendously. He can’t do anything to save you, he always did everything right… on his first try!
Yoriichi always suffered and suffered and suffered, and for what did he suffer for? Everything he loved in his life is taken away from him and it’s growing unbearable, is he really suppose to be with anybody? Illness takes away all the people he devotes his life too. It seems that he is a plague among people and anybody who associates with him will end up dead or immoral
Yoriichi stared at the empty futon silently, his calloused fists curled up on his own thighs as his kind screamed at the outrage. Why couldn’t he save you? Your sickness ruined your life and it took away your will to continue forward with genuinely living, to do anything as you laid down and stared blankly. Yoriichi could tell how much you struggled and his heart broke for you over and over
If he could, he’d trade places with you. He’d happily die for you so you could walk and run outside freely with no problems. He’d be livid to give you the freedom of perfect health again… but he just can’t. Yoriichi gave up on medley hopping you’d return back to your home, anytime you came out, he was by your side and helping you. He left for a few hours and your gone, nobody has helped you. He doesn’t know where you could have gone
Yoriichi does want to look for you, you could still be alive somewhere but then again. You could have taken the easy way out when his back was turned, to get away from all the pain your illness tortures you will. He wouldn’t be able to stop it if he wasn’t around and that could be the case as he gently grabs the futon blanket, lifting it to his chest whilst tears poured down his defined cheeks
He couldn’t keep himself together any longer as he cried, his head dropped down to brush over the blanket as his heart shattered before him. Yoriichi fell into a deep slumber by the futon, he cried himself to exhaustion as his emotions were truly haywire now. It was too early. You left him too early… he never even got the chance to tell you…
That he loves you
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sunsblaze · 2 months
@fallesto || inspired by x
How many years had it been since her twin was permitted to see her?
The last time she remembered seeing Michikatsu was back when she was married off to the man she currently called husband, that had been when she was merely fourteen, now she stood at the age of twenty just as her twin.
Six years.
Six miserable years trapped in a marriage that lacked affection in the true sense of the word, there was no love between Yoriichi and the man she sat beside. This was a marriage of convenience- not for her, but for the families, their father traded her for an ally, for a fraction more of territory. To him a daughter was nothing more than currency.
Her husband was much the same, he talked as if she were an object, just another piece of furniture he owned and ruled over her with a firm hand. She was not permitted to leave the estate, not without his explicit permission- even then she was accompanied by other court ladies and at least one of her husband’s men. She was just a bird with an elegant cage.
Finally, something changed, she had received a letter, a letter explaining that the head of the Tsugikuni household had passed away and now her beloved Michikatsu would take on the mantle and would come to a meeting with her husband to discuss plans of the future family relations. She was ecstatic, looking forward to something for once.
Today was the day.
It had started out rough, her husband sharing harsh words and threats of she ‘tried’ anything funny- her husband knew just how much she wished to leave, Yoriichi had once tried to run away in the night and she still bore the permanent marks that reminded her not to make such an attempt again.
Now Michikatsu sat before the high ranking samurai lord and his wife. Yoriichi.
Opening her mouth to greet her brother Yoriichi would quickly be silenced by the slight lift of a hand, a small flash of anger crossing her husband’s face- just for a second, making the woman close her mouth once more, a sorrowful glint in her eyes as she could only stare at her twin for the duration of the meeting before she was to follow her husband afterwards, her feet shuffling across the tatami mats as she kept her gaze to the floor, glancing at her brother for a second before she was escorted back to her chambers.
It wouldn’t be until night came upon the land when she was able to see Michikatsu again, she had managed to slip away from her husband’s control for just a bit as she sat on the engawa facing out to the gardens- waiting patiently.
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dawnofplumeria · 7 months
Kokushibo's past marriage HCs
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When Michikatsu was 16, he was arranged by his father to marry a girl from a noble family. Michikatsu has no interest in marrying & having kids with someone at the time simply because it feel right for him at the time. However, he voiced no objections to this arrangement since he's the eldest son & presumed only heir to the Tsugikuni clan.
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Even after getting the time to know his fiance about a month before the wedding, all he felt is awkwardness & discomfort for being forced to interact with someone he could barely even be friends with. No similar interests, no desire for exchanging frequent physical contact, never saying:"I love you" to each other at any point. At best, these two felt more like acquaintances who would soon be contractual roommates. Doesn't help the fact that he has to deal with the looming prospect that he's bound with someone who feels the same uneasiness towards him.
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The name of Michikatsu's late wife was Hanami. She is a quiet, asocial woman who's mind is often occupied with stories that she reads from her scrolls. Like many other noble women in her time, she's composed, docile and well-mannered. At one point during her childhood, she dreamed to be a writer. For a short while, she tried writing her own stories inspired from:"The Tale of Genji" her most favorite novel. However, her family highly discouraged her from perusing an "improper" path, being told that her only role as a noblewoman is to be a wife & a mother. Her lack of courage & in-action stubbornness gets her to easily give up this dream & eventually forget about it.
Despite her elegant, calm posture, she secretly has a resentful, bitter side. Her older brother (5 years older) being the heir to her family means he's often more prioritized & favored than her. His never ending charisma & extroverted charm certainly keeps him in the spotlight with his younger sister forever behind the curtains. Not only is he the one eventually taking over the family business, he also had a much more fulfilling, loving marriage than Hanami.
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Michikatsu was 17 & Hanami was 15 when they were married. The first time they did the deed together was their wedding night. They only did so to produce an heir. Luckily for Hanami's first time, she managed to get pregnant with her first child.
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Early in the marriage, Hanami tried to present physical & emotional needs in hopes to satisfy the need for connection. She even tried initiating some connections at times. However, Michikatsu can easily see through all of this act which further pushes him away from her. Eventually, Hamari gave up after the birth of her eldest son, especially noticing that Michikatsu didn't put in as much effort as she did to give more life into the marriage.
At the very least for the Tsugikuni couple, they are mostly civil, especially for the sake of their sons. They never argued in front of their children & never expressed any sort of disdain for each other. Since love for marriage is unheard of during this time, they do still feel content that they can do the bare minimum for their roles as spouses & parents.
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Four years after the birth of their first son, Kokushibo & Hamari welcomed their second & youngest son. In total, the couple only did the deed twice throughout their marriage. Both are lucky that they didn't have to try multiple times to have children.
Michikatsu is emotionally distant towards Hanami & their sons. He never wanted to be a father since he doesn't feel fit as a parent. He usually leaves all of the childcare to Hanami & Hanami never complains about it since this is a typical family dynamic for the society they live in.
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Despite not having any sort of emotional connection to her husband, Hanami is more attentive & loving to her sons than he does. Although the love children have for their parents is completely different from the love people have for their partners, Hanami at least felt at peace for a while, knowing that her sons do love her. She genuinely enjoys spending time with them (ex: playing with them, telling them bedtime stories, having meals with them,ect) & felt the most happy with them.
The eldest son is named Hiroshi & the youngest son is named Genji. Genji is only a few weeks old before Michikatsu abandoned him & his older brother and mother. Hiroshi is a care-free & bright boy with a strong naive mindset. He's also playful & energetic like any boy his age. At the age of five, he wants to be a samurai just like his father. Hanami of course supports Hiroshi's dream. However, she hopes that Hiroshi wouldn't take up too much from his father.
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Their marriage & family bond came to an end on the day Michikatsu returned from his encounter with Yoriichi.
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yushirosblog · 22 days
Now, I'm sure most of you who read the KNY manga know about Michikatsu's (Kokushibo's) wife, Haruhime. The poor woman was left with his kids and he went to get the milk and never returned. And I kind of understand why fans ship Kokopuffs with Nakime, but whenever I see fanart of this ship I just remember his poor wife. I mean, manga readers already know how pretty she is. If I had the chance, I'd take Kokushibo's place with no hesitation.
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everynya · 3 months
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eternal moonlight. 🌗
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Michikatsu Tsugikuni/Kokushibo X Sumiyo Tsugikuni/Sumiko/Li Fānguá
(a fic for @lovediives on his wedding day! i have a lot of things about this particular fic but i'm sure you'll notice them all on your own)
Sunlight was made to be basked in, the sun revolved around the very planet in a way where its light could forever touch down on those who wished to stand upon it. It made things grow, made children smile, it made her smile. Amongst the very cherry blossoms that the sunshine helped form, she stood under one with her hand experiencing the joy of feeling life beneath it. Her eyes flickered to the petals that flowed in harmony with the wind, they danced and sung their own melody in a way that showed that light and nature itself had found a new way to blossom together.
Sumiyo found that some things in life made it easier to appreciate this beauty. Would it last forever? Perhaps not, but sunlight never did either yet it fought till the very end. Her heart had yearned to spot a rainbow today, the suns testament to the world. It seemed that would not be the case, but it did not ever stop the tranquil smile that graced her lips.
Time stopped within itself, a shiver going down her spine at the sudden calling. A quiet yet stern voice summoned her attention and startled her, despite recognizing such a voice even within the depths of her dreams, turning her head to catch a sight that made her freeze where she stood.
It was an unfamiliar man with long hair, one who blessed her with a smile that caused her to almost relax. It felt so familiar, like a portrait she has held before and gazed upon with interest. The sun rested on them now too, basking a glow that made the world feel safe. He stepped forward, closing the distance between the two of them.
The way he moved was almost calculated, Sumiyo could feel the his sights on her amid the cherry blossom forest. He most likely knew that, an almost knowing look within his eyes being clear for her to witness.
“My dear bride, what troubles you?” The stranger questions softly, moving a hand to cradle Sumiyo’s face with a care that she’d never known in her entire life. Sumiyo can only stare into him, hands trembling as she tries to find the strength to move away. Her mind felt irresolute, unable to process how quickly this man had moved towards her.
A part within her desired to bask into his warmth, to feel his very soul and fingers etch deeply within her skin. And yet, another part was unfamiliar of these emotions. She could feel them somewhere in her heart, yet something about this felt wrong.
The expression on his face was patient, but he did not seem to understand her own stare. With a tilt of his head, he seemed to inspect Sumiyo and the confusion and doubt that lingered in her eyes. The woman could only grace him with the attempt to calm her heart which quickened its pace, a strange panic settling into her system.
The mysterious man lifted her chin carefully, with a gentleness that cradled her into its arms. He leaned close, his lips hovering over her face and his breath fanning her.
He kissed her cheek, and it was like she understood what was happening now.
Sumiyo reaches her hand slowly in return, touching the mans ear delicately as if to make sure it was still there.
“Michikatsu,” she utters a name she previously did not recognize, her lips moving on their own as she looks into the six eyes that consume her every movement, “Stop following me.”
A dissatisfied frown quickly settles upon Michikatsu’s lips, yet he remained merely inches away from his defensive wife.
“We will find each other again, my dear sunshine. I know where you are, you will not slip past me this time.”
To some, those words could be a loyal promise. Finding your lover in the next life was a beautiful gift, one that could prove that no force could get in between their bond. Yet, Sumiko understood this was no promise. Shackled by faith, by the selfishness of a man who could not let go of him.
He felt like he was submerged in water, like he was being pulled away by faith itself into the depths of blue that would fill his lungs with dread.
“Wake up.” Kokushibo commanded, his demon eyes eating him alive.
And with that, he plunged into the very sea of fear. He no longer knew who was drowning, whether it was Sumiyo, a woman who was left in solitude, or Sumiko, a demon slayer who was filled with resentment. It did not matter, for the same man would keep him in the water no matter how much he tried to float back up.
He awoke with a jolt, sitting upright with haste as his panicked eyes looked around the room. Sumiko attempted to calm his unsteady heartbeat, a trickling paranoia seeping from his system. It was foolish to allow something as fickle as dreams to control him.
The swirling emotions in Sumiko’s heart yearn for his blade at his grasp, for the reflection of the metal to look back upon him and somehow find something. It could be justice, possibly revenge. He was unsure of what it wanted, what could satisfy this never ending pursuit for purpose.
It could not be peace, for he didn’t find himself worthy of such. He could not exist for his own genuine desires, this cruel world infested of raw evil has proven that to him time and time again. It proved it in his stolen childhood, in the visions his mind morphs of Muichiro or any other human who has crossed paths with him curled in his arms and with a still heart. What could he desire that would not be stripped bare from him? Even life itself was but a slow sun dial, awaiting his unchangeable fate as it moved, that no wish could ever turn backwards.
Even in his dreams, he was but a pebble thrown at sea. Skipping along the water until it inevitably sank. A stone he did not throw himself, one that he could not control how far it went. When has he ever known such fickle things such as control and dreams? Could these two things even be interlinked?
As his sights drifted to the moon, he let a trembling sigh escape him. The light it brought down sang a lullaby, one that could never ease his very soul.
“I’ll make sure I kill that man. No, that thing. His eyes will never look upon me ever again.” With fists clenched harshly, he set his heart upon a desire he did not need to understand. Rage, for rage was forever blinded. He would place an eternal shackle upon that Upper Moon. One that deep down, deep in his heart, already existed as an eternal bond that he too did not understand as much as his conflicted emotions.
His memories were faint, but he had began to recall the feelings that coursed through his veins over the man who did nothing but take from him. Everything seemed to take from him. Take his life, take his thoughts, take his name.
Li Fānguá would not allow the dark of the night to consume him, the moonlight that allowed demons to roam this world.
He would not allow another’s selfish desires to overtake him ever again.
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Fuck it, a list of Haruhime’s personalities in my aus and headcanons:
Canon verse: she's just there. Just a wife, a spouse, a mother, a woman whose husband left her and the cozy life behind to catch up to his brother.
Solar Eclipse: nervous, antsy, rambles on, complete girl failure
Demon Falls: starts off energetic, brazen and rebellious, ends up insane, weird and paranoid. It's a cycle.
We're In For It Now: light of the party, epitome of wild, a contrast of Michikatsu’s more reserved nature
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echantedtoon · 7 months
In The Moon's Shadow (Yandere Kokushibo x Reader) Ch12 A Journey Begins With A Step
(Warnings: Y/n almost freezes to death, mentioning of blood.
EDIT:  a VERY important edit to this for clarification!! Y/n will NOT have any romantic relationships with Tokito or his wife. They only become very close friends. 
Also..A very interesting fact. Michikatsu's wife never had an official name but a lot of the fandom refer to her as Haruhime..Guess who's last name is also Haruhime. Also warning for a short chapter.)
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The night was so cold and unforgiving. With leaves up to half her legs, and the cold air seeping into her skin despite the extra layers and thick rabbit fur coat she had over her shoulders. It sent a shiver down the woman's spine and sent shockwaves coursing throughout her body. Hands rubbed against themselves and were blown on by warm breath in huffs from her mouth between chatters of teeth before being shoved back under her arms in an attempt to keep warmer.
Tears were not helping.
Rolling down her cheeks and stinging the skin when the cold air rolled over it as if some kind of cruel kiss. Eventually dropping onto the coat. How long has it been now? Four maybe five hours of walking westward? Seemed about right. The moon was still high in the sky and luckily it was bright enough to light her way. She was even more grateful that it hadn't snowed yet. Leaving behind trackable footprints would only put everything in jeopardy and she couldn't have that. The night was still young with a good few hours still until dawn. And the first day of traveling was the most important one. It was the day she had to get the most distance between her and her old life.
Which was easier said than done.
She had thought of many things to cover her tracks. Faking illness to 'stay home and rest up.' Also if everyone thought she was sick with the stomach flu, they'd stay away so that'd buy her some time before anyone got worried and came to check on her. She had made sure to leave in the dead of night to avoid anyone spotting her fleeing. She had closed the shutters on her windows and left her fire going. That would make it seem like she was home and no one would know because the windows were blocked. By the time someone did notice, she would've already been long gone and no one would know where she was.
Would it make her look suspicious to everyone else that she disappeared after Sabo and Nori were found dead? Yes. Most likely. But she couldn't risk staying there and having someone just putting the missing pieces together. Her life would be endangered. It was already in danger, but she'd been incredibly lucky that no one had put anything together but that could change. Someone could put it together right now as they slept. Or tomorrow. Or this week. Or next week! Hell! Someone could have figured it out right now! Someone could be storming her house for just right this very moment and her wouldn't know because she had made the choice to leave before anyone could. 
Even IF no one ever found out, it was still better for everyone if she left. For...
A hand mindlessly placed itself on the mid section of her body. It was almost two whole months  now. There wasn't a bump yet but there certainly was a firmness indicating the fact she was going to be a mother. She had to leave for their sakes. If they were born with a single inhuman feature from their father, then their lives would be a living nightmare in a village where demons were hated and shunned harshly. But explaining this to him. To Kokushibo...Was unpredictable. He was a samurai. A soldier. He could die on the battlefield and never return leaving her alone. He could completely reject the child also leaving her alone. Even if he accepted his soon to be status as a father, his duties as a soldier would always come first. And that's calculating the scenarios without his family. She had no idea what they'd think. They could make him completely disown her and her child for all she knew. 
Even IF no one blamed her for Nori's or Sabo's death. Even IF her baby was born completely human.  Even IF she could have a completely normal life with her baby.. Someone would be curious about who the father was. An unwed young woman with a baby mysteriously without a father  wouldn't go over well at all especially in a small village with gossip swirling about. She would be frowned upon and ridiculed either way. No. No. She couldn't allow that. 
A fresh start somewhere else would be the best thing for them both. It didn't sound too bad if one thought about it. A new life away from the toxic gossip and possible dangers but it was easier said than done. It's not easy leaving your whole life behind. Everything she's built for herself. Everyone she knew and cared about. Her entire livelihood. But..it was the only way. She'd have to start from the ground up in unfamiliar territory but... It'd work out. Somehow she'd make it work. 
Her eyes felt heavy as sleepiness crawled in but she had batted it away every time it arrived. Westward. She had to go westward. Every step she took was one more step to something better. Every tree she passed getting farther away meant less danger. It's all that mattered. The moon rose and fell giving way for her brother the sun to start his journey to light up the world. The slowly absorbing sunlight brought some warmth to the world but it was still rather cold and made her body shiver still. She was tired. So tired but she carried on. She only stopped briefly once  to fill a gourd in a nearby stream and eat some of the bread and cheese she packed herself and took a break to check her makeshift map. The tiny stream was on it so at least she knew she was going the right way. But it'll still be a long time before she came to the mountains let alone the nearest town which was right past the mountain. So she started again. Walking and walking and walking. Hour after hour. Step after step. Until it started to get sundown and she finally allowed herself to sleep but not before lighting up a campfire to keep. By the time she woke up the next morning she was shivering cold again and the ashes of the fire were softly simmering out. She made extra sure to put out the ashes and try to disguise the remains of the fire just in case someone might've come looking for her. Then it was back to walking westward.
She only hoped she was doing the right thing. 
Day after day passed. Colder and colder the wind chilled. Flat land of dead grass became slowly steeper and steeper as hours and days and nights meshed together. She didn't know how much time had passed really but she was starting to run out of food. Water was scarce.  And it was starting to close in on her-
And then it started to snow
Turquoise eyes had woken up to frost that morning and barely enough energy to open her eyes let alone stand. The fire long since died out leaving the cold to creep it's unforgiving hands over her. The sky had been taken over by darkened clouds so not even the sun's warmth would be blessing the earth. 
Teeth chattered. Food was gone by that day's end. Water only a dream. Warmth scarce. Cold only bring the deadly company as the path became steeper. 
And then it started to snow. 
Lost. Everyway looked the same. Barren trees inviting death as no life was left behind by Old Man Winter's deathly kiss.
Teeth chattered. Arms uselessly rubbed her sides to no avail. She lost feeling in most of her body. Couldn't even feel the cold from how numb she was. But she still pressed on despite being lost and cold. Step after step. Snowflakes kissed pale skin as if inviting her to rest and let the cold take her away in a peaceful slumber. But she couldn't.
Steps stumbled. A weakened body collapsed to the cold ground. Tired. She was so tired. So cold. So numb. Vision blurred and fluttered. Head spun as eyelids drew heavy. Darkness closed in as eyelids fluttered closed to the cruel world. Ears ringing softly as the world caved in and faded away with black as her breath weakened.
Quiet. Peaceful silence echoed throughout the barren Forrest of trees. Celebrating the claiming of the warm life now laid upon the falling snowflakes. Coating her in white. Until a cherry whistle playfully tuned out. Driving away the cruel cold world. Footsteps crunched through the snow on their way for a nice long day's work outside.
"Here now. What's this?"
A metal axe perfectly sharpened fell to the ground. 
"Ma'am? Hey, miss! Can you hear me? Are you alright?"
A calloused hand pressed against her neck. 
"She's alive..but barely. Don't worry! I'll help you just hang in there for a little bit more."
Everything was warm once feeling returned to her body. Which was odd. She was lying on the cold hard ground last she remembered. Logic was of course the first thing to return to hier. Her thinking was always faster than her reflexes. Then the feeling of his body settled in. Warmth...but incredible aching, throbbing soreness. It throbbed and pained her body. Wait..So she wasn't dead? But...where was she? Heaven? Was she actually dead and woke up in the afterlife?
Eyes slowly opened themselves up to the world blinking rapidly at the light and her vision blurred until she could see...A one roomed house? It was mostly empty. But there was a stove to cook food, and a small well in the middle of the home, and a few other things she didn't recognize as hers or familiar. Nothing that really stood out as anything important to her but she didn't recognize this place at all. But who lived here? Why was she inside? How did she get here? And who touched her?
Wait...Where was she?
Her question was answered when the door opened and the figure of a a man wearing ared haori coat walked in. Cold wind blew in from behind him making the man shiver.
"Brrr. It's going to be a cold one this year." He had to use his foot to close the door behind him before he walked on over to the stove which she now realized was lit with a small fire.
"There you are," a woman's voice called out from somewhere else in the room her ears couldn't direct.  "I thought you were going to be out until dark again."
The man laughed happily at the voice. "Aw. We're you worried about little old me? I might just do that then. It makes me feel special."
"Get in here before I drag you in from the cold myself.'
More hearty laughter escaped the man's throat like he couldn't help it. "Yes, dear."
The smell of wood drew hier attention to the logs he was carrying. Silently she watched as he slid the sliding door back closed with a foot before continuing on to the fireplace and proceeding to feed the fire the wood. She laid there silently staring at his legs as he worked, feeling too weak to look up just yet and not wanting to give herself away just yet. The sounds of a metal poker scraping against the fire appeared for a little while before it too went away and the legs turned to face her. They didn't move again for a long moment before she felt a hand touch her blanketed shoulder- A gasp of air escaped from her mouth making the hand pull back startled. Two heads turned to face one another. Red met turquoise. And both froze.
A very handsome man was staring down at her. His black hair was tied back in a short ponytail and pretty ruby red eyed blinked down shocked at her. The red haori coat was wrapped around a white undershirt he wore alongside black pants. He stared down at her with shock etched into his features ....until the shock slowly gave way to a soft smile. 
"Hey there. I thought you were never going to wake up," a voice full of kindness spoke out and held his hands up in a nonthreatening gesture. "You must've been really tired to decide to take a nap in this weather." He tried to make a joke smiling.
Turquoise eyes weakly blinked at him. The mouth moved slightly as the first tries of a sound came out.
"Hey. It's alright. Don't strain yourself if you're not ready yet." He calmly placed an assuring hand on her. A shuffling sound was heard like someone else walking. "You should rest."
"W-..who A-Are you..?" The mouth finally managed to ask confused and a bit dazed. A moment later a strange woman walked into sight right beside him. She was as beautiful as the man was handsome and he held a bowl in her hands.
The handsome man smiled again. "My name is Tokito." He gestured to the woman next to him. "This is my wife."
Turquoise eyes carefully glanced over each of them carefully. "...Where am I? H-How...How did I get h-here?"
"You're in our home," Tokito spoke, "I found you a little ways up the mountain from our home collapsed in the snow. I could've sworn you were dead at first but thank goodness you're alright." The woman under him sighed in relief as Tokito tilted his head. "I've never seen you before and you don't look like anyone down the mountain I sell lumber to. Where did you come from?"
His answer was her weakly shifting an arm under the blankets until a hand shakily poked out pointing to-
His eyes widened. "You came from the east provinces?" She weakly nodded as a look of horror passed over both Tokito and his wife before they looked at one another. "That's where all that war is isn't it?"
His wife nodded. "Yes." She looked right back at her. "But you walked all the way from there? That's nearly an entire months journey away."
Turquoise eyes widened slightly. "Is..that how long it's b-been?"
"Why would a girl from the east provinces walk that far away and up a mountain as winter hits no less?"
She shook her head. "T-Too many dangers. Had to get safety."
Again both looked at one another in a mixture of pity and shock. "Well.. That's certainly something I would do too if I was in your position. Where were you headed exactly?"
"Nearest town on the other side of the mountains."
Tokito hummed. "Well there is a village near here down the mountain. I sell lumber there but I'm afraid no one's going to be able to get down there. Usually winters around here are brutal and you wouldn't be able to get there safely through all this snow." He furrowed his eyebrows. "You're lucky you made it as far as you did. But I'm afraid you won't be able to go anywhere until everything faws out next spring which won't be until next year."
Turquoise eyes widened .. before her head fell against the pillow in disbelief.
"Well in the meantime.." The lady held up the bowl of soup. "Here. You need something warm in your stomach if you want to get better. Are you able to sit up?"
The woman scrunched her face up .. before sitting her head up and maneuvering her arms to help sit up. Tokito gently placed a hand on her back and helped her to sit up letting the blankets fall off her body before his wife handed over the bowl.
"Careful. It's hot."
"Thank you." A smile finally appeared on her face smelling the spices and broth. "It smells delicious." A shaking hand gently grabbed the spoon gifted with the bowl.
The wife nodded. "You'll be needing lots of it since you're eating for two."
She froze. Spoon halfway to her mouth before shocked turquoise eyes snapped to the other woman.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Did I say something to upset you?"
"How..did you..?"
"Oh." The other woman looked a little guilty at her. "Well, when my husband brought you back, I looked you over for any injuries and..Well..It was a little hard to not notice that you were.." She gestured to her stomach in a half circle motion indicating how larger her stomach must've gotten in the time frame of her leaving her village. 
"Oh... N-No. It's alright. I suppose I should get used to it by now."
"Where's your husband if you don't mind me asking?"," Tokito spoke up a little concerned. "Was he traveling with you? If you both got separated then maybe I can go out and look for him."
Again the woman paused before she sadly looked at the soup. "...I.. don't have a husband."
"A widow?"
"N-No. I-" Her mouth opened up and she looked at them for a long moment.. before again looking away. "Their father went away to war...I have not seen him since a-and things were just too dangerous to wait for him."
Again both looked at one another silently as if speaking telepathically before his wife looked at her in deep pity. "Oh goodness. I'm so sorry. It must be a lot for you to go through right now. Why were you heading for the town?" 
"I-I was hoping to settle down there but I guess it was for nothing."
She placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well you can stay right here until the snow melts."
"What?!" Turquoise eyes blinked before she shook her head. "Oh no. I can't ask you to do that for me! I'll just get in the way-"
"Nonsense." With a final look, she stood up and turned away. "Now eat up and I'll hear you up a bath. Tokito, get some more wood for the fire." 
She looked at Tokito who chuckled. "Just let her. She can be a very stubborn woman. Once she gets her mind on something there's no stopping her. Like a runaway donk-"
"Don't finish that sentence if you want to sleep inside tonight."
Tokito just laughed at his wife's annoyed face. "Oh. By the way, what's your name?"
"H-Haruhime. M-My name is Y/n Haruhime."
Ragged and tired from battle. Blood of enemies staining his body. Countless amounts of enemies. And so much red. It drenched him so much that it still dropped down his arms and to the ground despite the battle ending hours ago. Many eyes looked at him in horror as he stepped past while others looked away in fear of being next. Even the two guards stationed at the entrance of the tent shook slightly as he approached. Wordlessly stepping aside on instinct as the man gripped the tent flap and wretched it open startling a few men inside. Two generals who gave him a disgusted look and a man in the middle who looked both annoyed and sat around a table with a giant map with markings. 
"Father. We must speak. NOW."
"Michikatsu, I am in the middle of a battle plan! You better half a dam good reason for interrupting me!," his father seemed to be the only one not phased by the demon covered in blood.
"It concerns any future grandchildren you may have."
"Fine! Both of you get out!" Both generals were more than happy to scurry around the demon as he stared intensely at his angry father. "Did you eliminate those spies I ordered?"
"Every. Single. One."
"Good. If I want something done I send you. You're one of the only competent people around here. Now what do you want?"
"For years I've done everything you've asked me without question. I've killed your enemies. I've kept armies in line. And I've done any and all obligations as your heir without ever asking for anything in return or questioning a thing you've said. Well.." the tent flap was closed behind him leaving a bloody hand print where he gripped it. "I'm here to ask me to grant me one thing."
His father looked him up and down without fear but disgusted by the blood staining him before sighing annoyed. "I suppose you've earned it.. depending on what it might be."
"A woman. I found one. I want her."
"A woman? That's all?" His brows furrowed as he grunted. "You finally bothered to pick one!?"
"I want her..as my wife. Without interference from you because I want her whether you like her or not."
His father turned from annoyance to glare at him... but instead of getting angry and yelling at him like he expected, the older man instead turned to the map and pointed out a specific area. "We were able to get some valuable information from one of the spies you didn't kill. Apparently a scout of there's followed you up to a certain village not many know about." The demon's eyes went wide. His body stiffened as he looked at the map. "This area isn't open by us, or the Kibutsuji's, or even the west provinces. It's land is filled with resources. ... Apparently they're planning on ambushing us from through there and taking over the land. I want it."
"What does this have to do with me?"
"Claim it for me. Kill his forces. Do this and you can have whatever you want in return without question."
"You have my word."
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moonslament · 2 months
The oiran procession moved at a slow pace. The centrepiece of the colourful spectacle was walking on high platform shoes, aware of the looks she was drawing to her.
She was on her way to an important client. Some of the looks conveyed envy and disapproval, disgust almost. Those only came from women, of course. If they only knew her visit was one of providing emotional support to a grieving man, maybe they would look at her more favourably.
Oh well, she didn't give this too much thought as she had her visit on her mind, running through scenarios of the important conversation.
When she turned her head to look in the direction of her favourite kimono store, she froze, and almost as guided by outside force, she raised her hand, indicating to her entourage to halt.
Out of the shop came out .... him. Michikatsu was not alone. A woman, definitely his wife, was accompanying him. Presumably, they went clothes shopping for her. A sting of sadness and jealousy pierced through her.
And then it happened. He spotted her, too. Their eyes met in a blend of longing and sudden fear. But neither turned away. Instead, they kept staring at each other.
That is when his wife noticed. Her face had an angry expression, and she yanked Michikatsu's sleeve in question.
He turned his gaze to his wife, and must have said something short and dismissive as the woman almost flinched and pursed her lips in an offended expression.
The couple were both looking now at the oiran. For a moment, she was about to choose to be discrete and resume walking, but then her desire for him took over.
Very obviously, she smiled and waved to Michikatsu. She did not care to see the reaction and gestured her entourage to resume the walk. But now she made sure the wife noticed her existence. And for now, this was enough.
The day had been totally and utterly wasted, though he had a duty to his wife- one he had not taken on by choice, but a duty nonetheless. A small part of the job, a promise he had made simply to keep his wife off his back was these occasional shopping trips together and they were agonizingly boring, filled with idle chit chat.
Now it was time or the most exciting part of this litte excursion.
Going home.
Michikatsu would carry the items purchased for his wife as they left the shop, walking out into the streets- he had noticed how others stood in his way, gawking like fools, though he couldn’t see the cause of all the fuss quite yet. Not until he finally turned his gaze towards the woman and those who surrounded her who were clad in luxuious garments. It was HER.
The woman who had managed to catch him in her web, the woman who he saw on his own level, the one person who managed to catch his genuine romantic affection. Aki. He stood, captivated by her, his lips parted ever so slighty as his eyes absolutely refused to break away from her, for the moment he did not care if his wife noticed or not- deep down she already knew what he had been up to, though she had never seen the other woman before. She would question him about who that woman was- her first time confronting her husband on the subject. He woud turn to look at her for only a second, demanding she stop pestering him before turning his gaze back to the oiran. That look he had given Aki just the day before was present once again as he stared her down, though no words were shared between them, the moment was intense. All he got was a smile and a simple wave, but he knew how much trouble such a small act would cause him. He would make sure she paid the price next time they met, though he knew that is what she hoped for.
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thatringboy · 9 months
It is so refreshing to read a story (even a fanfic!) like Flowers, Sounds & Stones. Honestly, and I mean this in the best way possible, I was surprised to find out you were a man because of how well written the women are in this fic. I think anons have said it before but I’m repeating it after the two most recent chapters about Ume and Mitsuri
I don’t think I have words for the emotions those chapters left me with. Ume’s story made me sad because we already saw how it ended, but Mitsuri’s made me sad because quite literally NOTHING that happened to her was her fault even REMOTELY. And the duality between Ume and Ubuyashiki? That Ume acknowledged where she did wrong and showed remorse while Ubuyashiki literally tells people to get over it and think of him as a natural disaster?? FUCK dude that’s why you keep losing to her and her legacy!! And why all these other women keep beating your ass!! Nezuko, Makomo, Shinobu, and Mitsuri won’t be victims. Shizu, Rei Kibutsuji, and Koinatsu won’t be martyrs. Ume, and Tsutako, and Mrs. Agatsuma won’t Rest In Peace. And the women Ubuyashiki directly controlled and manipulated? His wife and daughter? His wife wasn’t strong enough to break free and it never once felt like it was her fault. Susamaru went out cussing and homosexual. She won’t be a martyr either
And I know it’s not a lot but it’s so nice to see women that are just people. Messy, broken, ugly people. Nezuko has a boob staring problem and cusses like a sailor! Nezuko Kamado! And she has a crush on Makomo, who regularly makes Kakushi members like Murata take on demons as a way to force them to train! And let’s not get started on whatever the fuck Shinobu’s got going on with Kaigaku! (This paragraph is completely illegible to people who don’t know anything about this fic, I know)
But like, they’re all still clearly women though. Other anons talk about Nezuko admiring her reflection and beating people up who call her ugly, and I think about Shizu Shinazugawa’s mental spiral being much more heavily criticized by the Demon Slayer Corps than Michikatsu’s. I think about how Mitsuri wears her revealing uniform but covers her mouth so that she can have autonomy over who looks at specific parts of her body that have been violated. I think about 13 year old Kiriena Kibutsuji being forced to find a husband before her birthday or die horribly because the family curse said that’s just what happens to the daughters. How Ume had to have an excuse for traveling with her friend the samurai, that they were related or that she literally had to marry him to continue traveling with him. How Obanai - who isn’t a woman but used to live as one - was beaten down into the mud on his wedding day in his wedding dress after he was left at the altar because the word of his future father in law trumped his own. How Kotoha Hashibira had her face disfigured and torn apart by someone she considered closed family because she did not return his obsessive and creepy advances AFTER she had already had to run away from her abusive husband and raise her baby on her own. How the first thing Shinobu ever says to Nezuko when she literally has a poisoned sword pointed at Tanjiro’s heart was to never plead for mercy because that’s how women get killed.
It’s the little things that I’m obsessed with here and I can’t believe this is just a fanfic of a manga that is basically “what if we shifted every character slightly to the left” so I need you to understand that I call BULLSHIT on your claim that most of the character swaps were at random!! I’m so sorry for the rant but I’m experiencing EMOTIONS.
Anon my love I am also experiencing the emotions 😭
It’s 2 in the morning so I’m half awake atm, but thank you so much for your kind words. I’m really happy my silly little fanfiction has touched so many people in so many ways and I’m happy my storytelling is up to snuff. And I really mean it when I say these swaps were random! I based the character swaps on general vibes, not stories, so it’s by pure coincidence and a lot of outlining that the story I wanted to tell about grief and womanhood is coming together like it is. FS&S didn’t originally start out as a narrative about the struggles of womanhood, I just wanted to write about demon slayer characters but Different, but the way that the character list fell had women in the majority of the main roles and I just rolled with it to the best of my abilities. Some of the writing is based off of my own experiences as a trans man (mostly Obanai’s life, but I draw inspiration/reference in other places) but the majority is me just writing out the canon events but with women in the main roles and that’s how we got here. I added some nuance here and there, and adapted the plot to incorporate as much real-world opinions/experiences the characters would have at the time (the time being early 20th century Japan), but other than that Gotouge did all the hard work for me
I’m really happy that my late nights and overwhelmed Microsoft word account managed to string together a narrative coherent enough to earn such praise. Mentally I’m giving you a sloppy kiss on the lips, thank you. I hope you, your family, your friends, and everyone you know have a happy holiday week and have a happy new year
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ruiniel · 6 months
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing: Kokushibō x fem!Reader/Kokushibō's wife
Count: 2.7K
Rating: 🔞
Chapter Tags & Warnings: Sengoku era flashbacks, Reincarnation, Codependency, References to childbirth but nothing graphic, Obscure childrearing practices, References to marechi blood, POV Second Person, POV Tsugikuni Michikatsu, blood drinking, dub-con elements veering into non-con, you see how this just keeps getting worse
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX
On AO3
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There’s never been a waver in his step, not quite like this. The breaths he takes are plentiful yet not enough, and the way to the chamber feels like an ever-lengthening corridor, swallowing the destination even as he strides across it. 
He’d heard you, by all the gods he did: on his way to the village, and on his way back during those long hours, the whimpers and low sobs as you tried to keep silent for the sake of bravery more wretched as time passed. 
Incredible, how joy can flourish from hardship. The midwife appears, bows after she closes the sliding wall with small, nervous fingers. “Michikatsu-sama.”
“Sumi, how is she? How are—they?”
“All is well,” the woman says, as calm as only one experienced with this process can be. “I’ve left Yuwa to keep watch over her.”
“... to keep watch? What for?” 
“Yes, Michikatsu-sama, for the seven days after the birth it is good for one to not fall too deeply into sleep, and we must help—”
What? If an exhausted soldier has survived a heavy battle, rest is paramount to regaining their strength. Why would a new, weakened mother be denied this vital need? 
“That makes little sense to me, Sumi.” He tries to be kind, he does: he is grateful for the dutiful care they’ve all displayed towards you and more relieved than he’s been in years. “You should have asked.”
The midwife’s eyes are set on the ground, the quirk to her lip hinting at a differing view; but she keeps her peace, nodding and moving aside to make space. 
His hand has been steadier when gaining access into this room before, true, and what Michikatsu finds as he enters helps little in alleviating the condition.
Yuwa sustains you, propped up against rolled-up quilts, appearing so spent it tears at him. Clutched at your breast like a dragon’s egg is a bundle, a tiny thing he can’t even see properly, partly shielded by the fall of your hair. His mouth opens, then closes. You must not have heard him, your eyes half-closed, a sheen on your skin even after the women washed and changed you. 
“Yuwa… leave us,” Michikatsu says, and at his voice your expression livens, your gaze set on him as he slides the panel closed. A smile brightens your weary face. 
The girl, who also looks tired, furrows her brows and bows low. “My lord? I was assigned by Sumi-sama…”
“No longer.” He shuffles close, unable to keep his eyes off your face, your chest, your–face–the tiny paw-like limb resting against your skin— “I will watch her tonight. You may retire.”
Once alone, Michikatsu nears and carefully drapes himself at your side, caressing your hair, kissing the top of your head. The paw moves, stirring a beat as silent as a butterfly wing.
Michikatsu smiles at the tint of humor in your voice—he probably looks as lost as he feels, then, so he clings to you, worn by this unfamiliar whirlwind of emotion. You shift, making yourself more comfortable against his shoulder.
“I’m here.”
“I know.”
“I’ll be here every night.” His thumb grazes the hand holding your child to your breast. 
Your eyes close, your sigh warm against his neck. “I know.”
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You glance briefly at the priest, met with his soft smile. He’s easy to speak to, and despite being skeptical you decided to return and see if he did find any written knowledge on the nature of your abnormal experience. You can’t help but yawn every few minutes, your eyes on the old scroll unfurled on his small desk. Your sleep has been terrible the night before, with vivid dreams of peculiar nature flowing one after the other. You barely remember most of it and woke with the weariness of having run an entire day. Work at the factory left its mark as well, but still, you want to get this over with. 
“A sleepless night?” 
His voice is as warm and soothing as summer rain after a drought. “I’ve been having… intense dreams lately.”
He seems genuinely interested, and you want to tell him more—you want to tell him everything, and yet… “It’s nothing, just… gibberish. It’s nothing.”
His striking eyes are on you, their pupils darkly set in the middle of his bright irises. “Either way, I have unfortunately found nothing to fit your description. But,” he raises an elegant finger, sighs, then taps it against his desk. “Nevermind. You would not believe it.”
“... what? After what I’ve seen, I… I admit my views of the possible have been amended, if only a little. I’m willing to hear it, if you would share.”
“I see… well, simply put, Mrs, the notion I am referring to is the existence of other creatures aside from ghosts… people would refer to them as demons.”
He was right. You do have trouble believing this. But well… “That’s indeed not something easy to grasp. I've always treated this, all of this, as folklore.”
“I’ve never heard of an encounter myself, but there are rumors… unexplained deaths and disappearances, people speaking of secret organizations dealing with dangerous things lurking in the night… Oh well,” the priest waves a hand, his reassuring voice a contrast to his words. “It might only be people’s rich imagination. We do have plenty of that, don’t we?”
You smile, rising to your feet. “Thank you for trying.” The disappearances you’d heard of, another reason you avoided traveling at night alone. It had been so ever since—... You shake off the memory. 
“Of course, any time,” he bows. “If anything else happens, you will always find me here.”
You’re grateful, walking with him to the gates outside, where a clear night has settled. After saying your farewells, your tired body announces itself, craving rest. 
There’s no other option but to head out, making a point of reaching your home as fast as possible. 
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Maybe you’re overthinking all of this, maybe you simply are exhausted and your mind conjures images like living dreams. You’ve read about such fancies befalling people, but then you remember: the inexplicable need to be close to him, the pressure on your lips that last time you saw… him? It? 
Setting your desk to chop vegetables for dinner, the trail of your thoughts tapers away into mundane worries to the dull repetitive sounds and motions of your cutting knife.
The silence is broken so unexpectedly, your hand slips. “AH!” You stare absently at the thin trickle of blood seeping from the cut on your finger, your hearing caught on the sounds of a… flute?
What’s more, you know that sound. You’ve heard it before, so many times it tugs at your chest. You grab a cloth and press it to the cut as you hurry outside, thinking your hearing might be playing tricks, which says little about your deteriorating state of mind. 
But instead, you see…
He’s propped with his shoulder against a pine tree, playing a tune you’ve never heard before and yet feels painfully familiar.
When you speak, he ceases to play, raising his gaze to you—those unnerving eyes of intense red and gold able to see beyond your skin, or so it feels. “Why… why have you appeared?” The priest’s words ring in your mind. 
He rights himself, nearing you silently in a sure glide. He extends a hand and you realize, he’s offering you your flute. 
“You had left it, by the bench, last time. It was still there.”
You press a hand to your mouth, thankfully taking the object from him. His skin feels so cold, impossibly cold. “Well… you… play well.”
He says nothing, watching you with that eerie stillness that sets your nerves on edge. Demon?
“Why are you here again?”
He glances away for a moment. He looks rather dignified, comes the thought. He faces you beneath the yellow, artificial lamplight. Shadows play on his unusual features like living tentacles. “I’d like to speak, if…”
His voice is cut abruptly, as though an invisible hand took him by the throat. His gaze roams all over you as if seeking something, settling on the piece of cloth wrapped around your finger. 
“Speak… to me?” And like having icy water poured down your back you remember how your last meeting ended, and shame warms your face. What had gotten into you, then, anyway? How could anyone have been taken by such thoughts and in relation to him no less? 
He had good reasoning… it was foolish of me. When no other word leaves his mouth, you cross your arms at your chest, tucking your hands around your body.  “Oh, I cut myself. It’s not deep.” But the oddest thing: he won’t react.
“You’re bleeding.”
What a strange concern to insist upon. He looks different, the lashes of those kanji-adorned eyes heavier, as though fallen under a trance. “Is… is something the matter?” 
“... no.” His chest rises, then falls in a deep breath. “I do not have an answer.”
Your confusion has reached such critical levels, you find yourself wanting to shake him. “About what?”
“Your question. Last time.”
You think, replaying the moment…. Why do you keep coming here?
“I see.”
“But…” he pauses again and swallows thickly. “But I can share other truths, and a warning.”
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You don’t seem fazed, and he carries on despite the weakness in his knees and the thundering of his own blood in his veins. The moment he felt the scent, he knew it for what it was and now he is fiercely, desperately hungry. 
He ought to—
Flee from you? That happened once before; never again. 
Instead, he takes another step towards you. The craving shivers through him like fissures of desire. Focus, you are stronger; you have been, for a long time. 
“Demons… a reality…” Your voice holds incredulity after he's shared with you the forbidden knowledge, but your features—alarmingly—show curiosity more than any other emotion. 
“You see, the priest was not lying.” Now standing inside, he slowly takes hold of your injured hand, a strange emotion snuffed fast when you let him, so trustingly. He places your palm on his chest, “Am I not real?”
“You feel real,” you murmur. Your hand is warm, heated with your blood.  “You have a pulse, a quickened one.”
Upper Rank One forces himself still, the smell of that rare blood like a shield around you. He loathes it; he wants it. “The priest… is not human.” Doma knows what he's doing, and manipulation is his crown tactic after all. “And neither am I.” 
He expects disbelief to change your face, or at the very least for you to draw back in a burst of human survival instinct. 
You do neither. If anything, you feel closer, weaving with this situation like a moth in spidersilk. A situation he failed to retreat from, reopening a wound he still cannot locate. And that, well, that is infuriating.
No matter. Once he’s finished, your doe-eyed thrill will surely fade.
“You're not human,” you repeat, now studying his features with intense focus: his eyes, the letters engraved in them. The sight might make others flee as it has before, but you seem to take it in stride. You linger on the flame-like mark adorning his jaw, snaking down his throat as your hand feels the fabric of his kimono between curious fingers. 
“I would…” This closeness fuels a need so selfish he must steel himself to speak without a slur to his voice. “... not return to that temple if you value your life at all.” Your body warmth is like a furnace, closer, not close enough. 
You frown. “You mean to say, the charming priest so many people trust and take refuge in... has ill intent?”
He nods. “The beings you call 'demons'… they need flesh and blood to thrive. Human.” His clawed fingers circle your wrist, removing your hand from him. 
“And, you…” 
“I have consumed many across hundreds of years.” The blunt truth is always the best way. Nowadays, he rarely indulges. The potent blood of that man flows through him as if he’d been turned yesterday. But that changes nothing of the past. “Now do you understand…” 
“I do. I try… but somehow, even if I don’t even know your name, I don’t quite believe you’d hurt me.” You pause. “... is something the matter with you…?”
Are you immune to all sense? You must be. You’re staring at him with no fear, your pulse still beating against his palm—he’s not released your wrist, as if drunk on all the wine he could not drink for centuries. 
"Is that what it is?... Is that the reason you’re trembling? Are you hungry?” 
Your question and the awareness in your eyes as you ask it surprises him. And he realizes, that he is indeed not mastering his body as before. “No, I’m…” 
He would never tell you, would he? Giving anyone a tactical advantage against you is always a bad decision, leading to many downfalls. Your rare blood spilling makes him weak, like he could fall into the sun and die singed by its heat, uncaring of all existence, of the mission given to him by the only one stronger than he, the regrets he’s forgotten and the ones he cannot; a hateful state of being, and one he must shed as soon as possible. But, how?
You near him even more, your head tilting to meet his eyes. “Forgive me for being so forward last time.”
He lingers like that, watching the pulse at your throat leaping like butterflies trapped beneath your skin. “There is nothing to forgive.”
“Do you need it? Will you have it, if it helps you?” You’re pointing at a large vein in your forearm. 
What an unbelievable, ludicrous turn. “You would… give of your blood to me? Freely?”
His throat aches, the need to feed stronger than it has ever been in recent memory. The fear he hadn’t sensed in you before is present now, its trembling aura rippling around your spirit. He wishes he could feel sympathy, to retreat, and he knows you’d be dead by his hand if he wished it, and still…
You nod, breathing deeply. “A settling of scores. You saved my life, back then. So, consider it… an offering? All debts are paid.”
“There is no… debt.” What a strange being you are; what a foolish one, he thinks, drawing nearer, his gaze locked on yours. If this were a battle, this faltering balance would cost him.
“There is.” Your voice is tinged with uncertainty. 
“It will hurt.”
You nod as though to say, ‘I accept that’. 
Your face, your damned face… he’s seen these features before, he knows this determination. But the memories jumble and merge with one another, the hundreds of years having churned them until their dust is scattered over his mind with little meaning. You’re close enough to touch, close enough…
In a breath, his hands are iron bands around your wrists; he slams you into his body so strongly you gasp, arms crushing you close, head tilting to inhale the skin at your neck.
His fangs dig deep, closing on tender flesh.
Your heart rages against his chest; you writhe as he drinks and drinks, the taste of life drowning his reason with brutal, unyielding force. He does not hold back, wants you to know and feel the enormity of what this means. Here… this is what you agreed to… will you be as brave next time?
You might have whimpered, you might have wept. Words barely reach him; weakly, you squirm against him, the pleas to release you smothered by a delectable rush infusing every cell in his body. If anything, it spikes the thrill. 
“A moment longer... Hisa… a moment…”
A name, foreign yet known to him. He finally ends his feeding as the tension in your limbs eases, blood-stained lips gliding along your jaw, the grip on you slackening; when he feels your body softening against him he lifts you in his arms, turning to gaze around your household. 
You’ve fallen unconscious, eyes closed, your head lolling to one side. “I warned you it would hurt,” he murmurs, kneeling and laying you on the futon in what looks like the sleeping chamber. 
The taste of your blood is sweet on his lips, searing down his throat and lapping like languid flames at his insides. 
The blood… then, this is the reason. The reason why he kept returning here, rather than retreating alone anywhere he deemed. Why do threads of confusion cut him when he looks at you now, lying there motionless, your breaths heavy?
No, no ... That is not the reason. He should drink you dry and end this wallowing. He’s always known or predicted all the variables in a situation to tilt things in his favor, except for now.
You groan softly as he stares into nothing, and that stirs an uncomfortable urge to remain by your side. The demon reaches, smoothing strands of hair away from your wet forehead. He should drink you dry, yes. But he won’t, and neither will anyone else.
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Part V
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o3o-aya · 2 years
Heyy I don't mean to rush you or anything but do you think you could do part 7 of yorichii x reader because it's so good and I'm so impatient. I love your writing sm thank you <33
Hehe :3
Is a bit short but I hope it’s worth the wait! :3
Tw: smut at the beginning
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Since your conversation with Yoriichi two weeks ago..
You had to say yes… For your children… So they would be safe from the demons that lay behind your wisteria walls…
Here you were… Yoriichi making sure your marriage was consummated.
Your shaky breath leaving you as Yoriichi squeezed your hands, making slow bit rough thrusts into your hole.
“Y-Yoriichi…~” You whimpered out, a moan leaving your mouth.
Yoriichi grunted softly, looking down at you as he had you in a firm mating press.
He couldn’t believe that he got to marry you… Such an amazing woman… You’d look so cute… All nice and round with his baby…
You moaned, arching your back as you could feel yourself getting closer with every thrust he made.
He could feel himself getting close too… He was going to fill you til you couldn’t be filled anymore.
Yoriichi gripped your hands, making sure to stay deep into you as he let his seed enter hour fertile cunt.
Your sweet moans echoing in his ear.
Kokushibo narrowed his eyes as he stared at the wall you put up.
He could hear your moans from here…
Your moans were reserved for him… and only for him!!
His brother didn’t deserve gnem… you were HIS wife, you would never be his brother’s wife….
You looked at your son and sighed softly, watching as he trained with Yoriichi.
He wanted go he a swordsman like him, you were worried for your son… You didn’t want him entering the world of demons.
Your daughter wanted to join too, but you still weren’t sure…
You placed your hand on your stomach, rubbing it gently as hummed softly.
You would be having a baby soon…
You were both excited, a baby would nice and relieve you of your worries!
But whether it was Yoriichi’s… Or Michikatsu’s…
You were unsure of…
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
my thoughts about canon Tsugikunis
(will have manga spoilers!)
The Tsugikunis as a relationship are actually pretty nicely handled. I don’t really have many complaints with the writing between the two, well there are some things I would personally tweak to make their conflict stronger, but that would spoil a bunch of stuff for my Rewrite and also I really want to stay focused on the canon versions. However, as individual characters, my opinions vary.
I’ll start with Kokushibou since he’s, in my humble opinion, the more well-written of the twins.
I can totally see why many people would consider Kokushibou one of the top villains in this series (usually losing the top spot to Akaza). He’s so powerful and Gotouge did an excellent job of showing that by having four Pillar-level Slayers struggle against him in combat, as well as causing some of the most hard-hitting deaths in the series. And then you get his backstory threaded throughout the fight, and its like damn, okay.
I love that Michikatsu’s motivations and train of thought makes so much sense, why he blames and hates Yoriichi for being so much better and so beloved by all, why he grew so envious and coveted divine strength, and why he ended up defecting to the sides of Demons. We as the readers clearly see his internal drive committing him to act in the way he did, and I especially love how the narrative didn’t try to sugarcoat the things he did. He abandoned his family. He abandoned his moral code. He abandoned his own humanity (quite literally). He understood how much strife he has caused to the world in his pursuit for power, and he dies knowing he completely deserves such a fate. There is no undoing what he’s done.
So yeah, Kokushibou is a 10/10 character (Would have been 11/10 if he was a woman).
Then there’s Yoriichi, which I really should put a disclaimer for.
I love this character. He’s my top favorite in this series actually. If you all actually knew about the stuff I’ve come up for him for the Rewrite, you would also get the feeling that I’ve spent many a day rotating him in my brain for hours and hours.
But canon Yoriichi...
Okay, before I begin, I want to really establish what I believe one of Gotouge’s main themes of the series was. Teamwork makes the dream work. I’m bolding this because it’s relevant to Yoriichi and why he seemed to have failed killing Muzan, while the main KNY cast succeeded. That despite all the gifts, all the blessings, Yoriichi was never going to be able to defeat him because he didn’t have the power of friendship. There’s also the thing about how future generations will always surpass the previous ones, but it’s not as important as the teamwork theme.
And, like... yeah. That’s it. There is some intrapersonal conflict he’s dealing with, about how he could never protect people when it mattered most, but it’s very rushed and written as exposition, without any seemingly lasting consequences on his psyche. Like sure, he’s got a dead wife. A lot of Slayers have dead family. Did the event of her death change him completely or was it only to serve as a way to get him in the Corps? If so, that’s kind of a tame motivation, especially when compared to some other characters we know that do in fact change a lot bc of familial death (Shinobu). He doesn’t have any significant flaws that weigh him down, or make him screw things up. He isn’t written as human, save for the one scene where he cries holding the baby Sumire.
(... That’s it?)
If he was written less as a bodhisattva with a bit of human traits, and more like a human thrust into the position of a savior and was forced to fill the role despite being woefully unprepared, it would have certainly made his character feel less flat.
@keniaku bc you also asked for this lol
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dawnofplumeria · 6 months
Post- family abandonment HCs
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After Michikatsu unexpectedly abandoned his family, they're immediately left to the wolves. No one has heard from him or could find his whereabouts. They didn't even know that Michikatsu would eventually become a demon. Yoriichi never knew that Michikatsu had a family.
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Hanami & her sons tried to seek refuge in her parent's house since her in-laws are obviously out of the question. However, a fight between her & her parents instigated. Her parents blamed her for being a:"failed wife," even saying that she must've done something insidious to make Michikatsu abandon her. They didn't appreciate the fact that they lost connection to such a prestigious, powerful family. They also went as far to say that Hanami is a disgrace who brought humiliation upon their family name. The argument ended with Hanami being disowned by her family. After that day, Hanami & her sons never sat foot near the residence again.
With as much money & belongings she could bring on her back, Hanami & her sons moved into a small village far from her home village due to gossip. As a noblewoman, it was quite difficult for a while to be accustomed to a peasant. To support her sons, she found a job as a seamstress at a kimono shop.
Life as a single mother is a life hardly any woman ever dreamed of. Being the sole provider & protector, no friends or family, stigma surrounding single parenthood, Hanami only kept on living for the sake of her sons. She's a lot more isolated than before, afraid to form deep connections with others in fear that her past will be brought to light. She never remarried, especially knowing that no man wants to be a stepfather.
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Genji from a young age is more enthusiastic with his mother's stories than Hiroshi is. When he was 4, while out shopping in the market with Hanami, he noticed that a scholar accidentally dropped one of his scrolls. He recognized the title of the scroll as one of the stories his mother tells him about. Curious that a commoner child somehow knows how to read, the scholar decided to take in Genji & Hiroshi as his students.
Genji is a fast learner & can easily memorize information. He quickly mastered Kanji brushstrokes, can solve math problems in a few seconds & quickly went several levels ahead his reading level. In less than six months, he's already learning advanced material with ease. In modern day, he'll be given the term "gifted child".
At first, Hiroshi was impressed that his little brother is intelligent for his age. However, the pride for his brother soon turned into jealousy when he noticed that his teacher praises Genji more than him. Genji will be passing tests with flying colors, is friends with all of their classmates and is overall seen with more potential. No matter what Hiroshi does, he could never keep up with Genji.
To further have his jealousy grew, he starts to notice his mother being more impressed with Genji's achievements than his. For a while, Hiroshi tried to write his own stories in hopes of impressing his mother. Of course, their mother would enjoy reading Genji's stories over his due to superior writing quality.
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Hiroshi's resentment for his father grew within age as he started looking more similar to him. At first, as a young child, he wishes for his father to come back home, not yet understanding that father will never come back. Over time, he gave up his dream of becoming a samurai since he wanted nothing to do with his father. After all, he notices that his mother subconsciously starts to struggle looking at him for long periods of time. Starting at 13, he wore his hair in a low ponytail in hopes of looking less alike to his father.
Meanwhile, Genji appears more similar to his mother as he gets older. Not only that, he also inherited her once long gone passion for writing & storytelling. Unknowingly, each passing day, Hanami starts to live out her dreams & ambitions through Genji. At age 12, Genji published his first novel. It was so successful to the point where the family gets to upgrade their home & afford more than two sets of clothes.
Genji isn't just favored in his family & school-he's also favored in his village. Many enthusiastic to see him as he passes by, frequently has friends over & going to friends' homes & being pined after by many girls his age.
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The success of Genji's debut novel started a first major argument between the brothers. Hiroshi argued that Genji is always better than him & Genji argued that Hiroshi stopped being happy for his achievements. The argument ended with Hanami siding with Genji & forcing Hiroshi to apologize for starting the argument.
After that argument, a rift is forming between the brothers. They became less close than they were as children and spent less time together.
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When Hiroshi was 16, he had a crush on Izumi, the daughter of a restaurant owner. He stops by the restaurant as much as he can afford to, stays there for long periods of time and overall enjoyed hanging out with Izumi. He feels comforted by her cheery nature, enjoys all of her jokes and appreciates her never comparing him to Genji. On his 17th birthday, he confessed his crush to Izumi. At first, the girl refused to tell him how she feels about him. By immense pressure from Hiroshi, she confessed that she only sees him as a friend. To make matters worse for Hiroshi, Izumi also confessed to him that a week before his brithday,she already confessed her feelings to Genji & that he reciprocated. She tried keeping relationship with Genji a secret in hopes to not ruin Hiroshi's birthday. This is the last straw for Hiroshi.
The 2nd & last argument between the brothers started the day after Hiroshi's 17th birthday. All of the jealousy & fury Hiroshi had for Genji came out at an unstoppable force. Genji is fed up with having a brother who always envied towards him. In the heat of the moment, Hiroshi told Genji that he always despised him from the start & he wished he's always the only child. Hanami ended the argument by having Hiroshi be confined to his room before consoling Genji. Hiroshi sobbed alone in his room with no one coming to comfort him.
Hiroshi is sick of always being 2nd place to his much more brilliant, charming, witty younger brother. He quickly devised a plan to just making a new life for himself away from his family & village. He packed up as much items he could carry & then wrote a note addressed to his mother & Genji. He left the note on his futon before leaving through his bedroom window in the middle of the night.
Hanami couldn't sleep well from the recent argument between her sons. While contemplating in her thoughts, she realized how much of an awful mother she is for having favoritism. Before she falls asleep, she planned to apologize to Hiroshi first in the morning for all of her mistakes as a mother.
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Unfortunately, that argument is the last time Hanami ever saw her eldest son. The next morning, she couldn't find Hiroshi in his bedroom. Instead, she found the note he left on his futon. Upon reading it, she broke down in tears for not noticing her mistakes sooner. When Genji reads the same note that morning, he feels guilty for occasionally bragging about his achievements & for sometimes undermining his brother's.
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When Genji turned 16, he revealed to Hanami that he made a plan within 2 years to try finding Hiroshi. Hanami tried to stop Genji from his journey, but eventually lets him go out of defeat. Sadly, that'll be the final time Hanami saw her remaining family. Unfortunately, 3 week's later, Genji's body was found in the middle of a forest by a demon slayer. He confirmed that Genji was murdered by a demon. Hanami got the news a week later & spends the rest of her days alone until 62 never forgiving herself. The fate of Hiroshi is unknown since no one could find him. Unbeknownst to him & even Kokushibo, he'll eventually be the 100x(+?) great-grandfather to the Tokito twins...
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