#the word morro in Spanish is a slang and when people say it I go omg morro ninjago
phantomrev · 1 year
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When I say I have an unhealthy obsession with morro I am not joking
All of my friends and partner knows how much I love him it’s not funny anymore there’s something wrong with me
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breathlessmorro · 9 months
Trans morro headcannons and maybe how he figured out he was trans?
This could go one of two ways. One, I completely and totally project my own experience with gender identity onto Morro and put the boy on blast. Or two, I come up with a sneaky sneaky story
.... Y'all ain't high enough level yet for my experiences. Sneaky sneaky it is lol
Trans!Morro Headcanons
Morro doesn't remember his parents, or how he ended up on the street. What he does remember is cutting his hair short so that someone couldn't grab it in a fight, and afterwards people started to think he was a boy.
So he took advantage of that. People were less likely to steal food from him when they thought he was a boy, and the other kids on the streets were more likely to let him stay with them. He felt a lot safer having more people to look out for him, even if he still kept his distance. So he started introducing himself as a boy, even using the nickname given to him by the adults who saw him around the area.
Morro is Spanish slang for boy. That's how he got his name.
When Morro's hair started growing out a bit more, and he started getting recognized as a girl again, he realized immediately how wrong it felt. There was true dysphoria every time it happened, so he started refusing to let people call him a girl. Even when Wu took him in, he referred to himself only as a boy, and wouldn't elaborate other wise.
He never had the language to explain why he felt that way until years after he died. As a matter of fact, he'd never even heard the word trans until then. He still didn't exactly go around advertising he wasn't biologically born a guy - he never had a reason to after all. It wasn't until he'd come back to life and started getting his period again that it came up, and even then he never had a huge coming out. Mentioned it in passing to Cole, asked Nya if she had a tampon he could borrow, talked to Zane about how to get on testosterone, Jay walked in on him changing, Kai find out after they got together. It was Lloyd and Wu and Misako that were the only people he really had to say the words to.
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