#the world is brighter when the civillian smiles
thankssmitin · 2 years
cw: angst, loneliness, past child neglect.
Happy Ending!
Toshinori had learned from a young age that the world didn't care about him. After losing his parents at the tender age of 6, and being a quirkless child, he'd been thrown into the system and forgotten. He'd spent his 7th birthday alone in his tiny bedroom in the orphanage. Sitting on his bed holding his stuffed teddy bear, the last thing he had from his parents, he'd stared outside of the window watching the rain fall and sung a quiet 'happy birthday' to himself.
The seven birthdays after that had been much the same, forgotten and alone Toshinori would try to find something to make the day a little brighter. Yet, in spite of the lies he told himself, he would always curl up in his bed after the sun set and cry himself to sleep.
Everything changed on his 14th birthday when he met one Nana Shimura, the woman who would become a second mother to him. The smiling heroine had found him wandering alone as the sun was setting and became the first person in years to decide he was worth talking to. As he lay in his rickety old bed, listening to the laughter of the other kids in the building, alone and cold as always he fell asleep with a smile on his face for the first time in eight years.
Nana changed his life with that one simple decision, bringing a little warmth into his everyday life and removing that horrible emptiness he’d felt for so long. At least, until the day she was violently taken from him and Toshinori found himself thrust back into his lonely, empty world again.
And in the subsequent years as All Might rose to prominence, gaining the love and affection of thousands, Toshinori fell further into the cold. All Might was adored by people around the world, constantly surrounded by heroes, civillians and everyone in between who wanted to know him.
Toshinori had himself, his empty apartment and his books. He would sit at his kitchen table, book in one hand and chopsticks in the other as he eat his meals in a deafening silence.
Sometimes he would even force himself to spend hours more than he should running around as All Might just for the company. He would watch from the tops of buildings as people laughed below him, as parents played with their children and couples held one another.
His heart would ache, would crave the comfort of another, but each time he would remember the pain Nana suffered through in giving away her son for his safety and remind himself that the world didn’t need Toshinori. It needed All Might.
It was not a happy life, far from it, but it was his and he tried to enjoy it when he could. Taking pleasure in his ability to save others and put a smile on their faces. He collected his books, spending hours wandering through bookshops spending his obscene fortune.
When they would allow it he would treat his colleagues and their families, wanting to make them smile like he never could, and would brush off their concern for him. As long as his smile held they needn't worry.
And so life continued. All Might thrived while Toshinori slowly died. Just as he was beginning to lose all hope, his quirk becoming more unstable as the years passed after his fight with All For One, Izuku Midoriya came crashing into his life.
Toshinori never expected to meet someone who reminded him so much of his self, but the small quirkless boy held so much determination in those sad green eyes, he regretted his decision to turn him away.
But as he watched the same boy desperately fight to save another boy, the memory of Nana promising him that he wasn’t alone hit him full force and his heart ached for the boy who’d suffered as much as he had.
He never regrets tracking Midoriya down after that final fight and offering him One For All, ignoring the niggling thought that Mirai would have his head for going behind his back.
All Might begins to fade in the months that follow, his quirk weakening at a rapid rate and after yet another fight with AFO it leaves him completely. With the loss of All Might only Toshinori is left, and Toshinori has no idea what he is going to do.
Sure, he has the other teachers at UA who he tries to build friendships, but years of being alone have taken their toll on him and he finds himself accidentally pushing them all away with his stupidity. And so his world gets smaller and smaller as the years pass by, watching his successor (his boy but not really) grow into his own and become the hero Toshinori knew he would be.
On the eve of his 56th birthday, Toshinori finds himself curled up on his bed crying silent tears. He’s given the world all he had, his life and his body, but now a small part of him wishes the world would give him something back. He doesn’t want much, cannot ask for much considering he has no need for it, but a friend would be nice. Someone who can see Toshinori.
When he wakes the following morning, exhausted and feeling older than he ever has before, he expects to spend the day alone - perhaps buy himself a cake that his body will later reject. He does not expect to find Izuku sitting on his couch and a tiny puppy in his arms.
He does not expect to be given said puppy, ‘to keep you company’ Izuku says with a smile. He does not expect to be told to get dressed and be taken to a newly built restaurant for breakfast and find his former UA and hero colleagues already there with the former Class 1A.
When Mrs Midoriya, Inko she tells him, takes the puppy from his arms and places her down in a tiny ‘puppy pen’ so Izuku can lead him over to the table, he does not know how to react.
He blushes, stumbles over his words as the group give him cards (filled with messages he know will have him crying when he gets home) and presents - more than he’s ever had in his life. He doesn’t cry as the food is served, food he can actually eat without being ill.
When Aizawa comes to sit beside him, brushing a strand of grey hair out of his face, Toshinori does let a tear slip free as the man wishes him a happy birthday. Not All Might, the face he’s worn for so long, but him. Toshinori.
And that night, as he goes home, Izuku and Katsuki insist on driving him because of the volume of presents he received and not trusting him not to walk into danger (Katsuki’s words), with a tiny Nana (he couldn't not name the adorable little black labrador after the woman who saved his life in more ways than one) yipping away happily in his lap.
Toshinori smiles.
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agnifira · 4 years
i like to think gai fall in love with a civillian, you know. a civillian, stuck in the hospital due their illness, with pretty face and even prettier laughter. gai's heart beat faster whenever he saw them.
other shinobis will think his 'youthful' attitude as annoyance, barely tolerable by most standards. but as civillian who spend their lives in hospital? it's a good change of view, bringing excitement in their lives.
perhaps it was love at first sight, teenagers who is closed off from the world and one who is shunned due his abnormality. gai was sold even more at the first giggle the civillian gave him.
he'd tell them stories about his journeys, the outside world from his own eyes. the other hidden villages, their people, cultures. what's the weather like, their flowers like. he even bought lots of souvenirs from his trips.
he'd tell with excitement about his new genins, each one of them is unique in their own ways, knowing the civillian will love them entirely.
he'd spill his tears in quiet whispers on their bedside, about the wars and lives that had lost. the horror of harsh reality of life. the civillian will hold him, because he'd break if he was allowed to.
just maito gai, jounin that others keep distance due his loud voice and attitude, making a sick civilian's life brighter with his self.
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gravityunforgiven · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me (Kakashi x OC)
Pairings: Kakashi x OC, Jiraiya x Tsunade, Dan Kato x Tsunade
She was the daughter of a Legendary Sannin, He, a son of a disgraced shinobi. Fate brought them together but life tore them apart. Will they be able to take control of their destinies and find their way back to each other?
...Or will they be another victim of the cruel shinobi world they are both a part of?
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Chapter Two
In the next few years, Akira proved herself to be a little firecracker. She had captured the hearts of those who surrounded her almost immediately. Tsunade’s days became a little brighter due to the presence of her little one, she became her world. But still, Dan’s death loomed over her like a shadow. She couldn’t stop thinking about how he was supposed to be here, how they should be raising their child together instead of on her own. She could see him in their child every single day especially in her eyes, the eyes that Dan gave her. It was so much like his that she could almost imagine Dan staring right back at her.
And even in her disposition she could see bits of Dan mixed with her own. Akira’s character was what a person could call a perfect combination of her parents. She was normally a calm and laidback personality and even as a child she was selfless and kind to others but she could also be impatient at times and prone to rule-breaking a little more than Tsunade wanted to admit.
Everyday Akira radiated happiness to the people around her. Tsunade had hoped that her daughter would remain a civillian. That she would have a normal life inside the walls of the village, never having to know the cruelness of the shinobi world. She wanted her daughter to be protected more than anything in the world. Even Jiraiya who remained put for the first year of Akira’s life, shared Tsunade’s wishes but their hopes were all too soon shattered.
Even at only a few months old, Akira’s abilities were already starting to show itself. At first, both Tsunade and Jiraiya were in denial. It was unheard to have a child of such age show that much capabilities. They shoved it at the back of their minds for the time being but when Akira’s first birthday neared, refusing the truth was no longer an option. When Tsunade entered Akira’s room full of daisies, the truth dawned on them like a bucket full of ice cold water.
She had inherited her great-grandfather’s kekkei genkai.
The Wood Release.
She was the first since the Shodai Hokage’s time to have this nature transformation and to think that when everyone finally came into terms that this Release was extinct, Akira came along, having acquired it naturally, after it skipped two full generations of her family and more than seventy years since her great-grandfather was born.
This brought fear in Tsunade’s mind. The safety of her daughter could be at risk after this discovery. It was not a secret that the Wood Release was one, if not the most, sought after kekkei genkai in the world. Not just because of its rarity but also the power and versatility it gives its wielder.
And the destruction it may cause once fallen in the wrong hands.
If that wasn’t already bad enough as it is, a shocking discovery from the Third Hokage’s wife became the final nail in the box that sealed Akira’s fate as a protector of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
“ What is that?” Biwako asked looking at Akira’s right feet as Jiraiya lulled her for afternoon nap. The child was just about to turn one and after Tsunade’s distressed conversations with Hiruzen about the safety of her child, the Hokage together with his wife, decided to pay the child a visit.
“ It showed up a few days after she was born.” Tsunade answered. She caught the startled look that passed Biwako’s face from across the chubadai as the older woman looked at her husband.
“What?” Tsunade asked, looking at the two. She knew immediately that something was going on and if it had anything to do with her daughter then needed to know. She had to.
“ Could it be possible?” Biwako’s eyes remained fixated on the Hokage.
“It makes a lot of sense.” Hiruzen recalled how Tsunade came into his office a few months after Akira’s birth. He had never seen him so frantic as she told him ever growing abilities of Akira. She said it was just a couple of flowers in the beginning and how she thought they were just reacting to her chakra but then the incident with the daisies happened and she was so sure that there was something wrong with her. Most children do not show their affiliated chakra natures until well into their childhoods when they’ve mastered their chakra control. He did his best to calm the new mother that day and assured her that it was probably because of Akira’s genetics and heritage but it never truly left his mind. Yes, it was possible that it was because she was the great-grand daughter of the First Hokage and the daughter of the two of the most skilled shinobis that the Leaf Village had come across but he always suspected that there was more behind what was seen. Biwako’s suspicions was entirely plausible given the facts.
“Shut the doors.” He instructed in a manner he was the only one who was allowed to do so.
“Have you ever heard of The Okami?” Biwako asked as soon as the doors were closed shut and they were completely alone.
“The Wolf Spirit? Yeah, from the folktales and myths.” Jiraiya’s voice had a hint of apprehensiveness, he had a feeling that he won’t like what they were about to imply. He looked at the innocent child in his arms. It’s impossible.
“Not exactly.” And so, Biwako told the tale of the Okami to the two Sannin. She told how the wolf, believed to be once a human, protected the people in the shadows. It was known for its benevolence and truthfulness and was well-respected and honored during it’s time. And when it’s time came, the Okami vowed to its descendants that when the humankind is in dire need of protection, it will once again return to the world. Up until now, it is believed that the descendants of the Okami still remains in the heart of the Kiyoiyuki Mountains.
Biwako told them that there only has been two other people recorded in recent history to be believed as the reincarnation of the wolf. The latest was during the beginning of the Warring States Period nearly two centuries ago. They all had the same mark Akira now possessed.
“You’re saying she’s a reincarnation of this wolf-spirit that hasn’t been seen in decades?”
It was the Lord Third who answered the clearly terrified mother. “We can’t be sure for now, Tsuna. We’ll have to wait until she’s older but it would explain why she developed such abilities this early. She isn’t like the other children.”
Tsunade felt like she was going to puke. Not only were her dreams of Akira living as a simple civillian were shattered but her fate to die for the village seemed inevitable.
“So she’s like a jinchūriki?” Jiraiya’s question sounded more like a statement.
“Similar, but no. Jinchūrikis have a spirit of a tailed beast living inside of them, like a seperate being. She doesn’t have that because she the Okami is inside her very core. They are one.” Biwako explained.
In the end, the four of them decided that Akira’s true nature would remain as a secret. There will be no papers linking to her true nature, only that she is a prodigy if her own right which can be easily explained by her origins. This was necessary to ensure that she would remain safe until she was ready to defend herself from those who would want to use her for their own gain.
In the following years, she would be trained rigorously to prepare her for her role as a protector of Konohagakure. A number of both current and non-Jonin-senseis were handpicked by the Hokage together with her mother and godfather were chosen to be her teachers and senseis in the upcoming years.
Tsunade was against the idea at first. She wanted to give her daughter a normal childhood like everyone else but knowing that training her is the only way to protect her, she agreed to the plan with a heavy heart.
It wasn’t easy to raise Akira on her own especially with her still not being able to really move on with Dan’s death knowing that they should be raising Akira together and her depression that was constantly making her day even harder but she did her best, the best she could manage. She thought her medical ninjutsu for the next nine years and just as she expected, she was a natural at it. That made Tsunade smile.
Much to their relief, Akira had a somewhat normal childhood, at least for the first nine years. She trained with her sensei’s on the weekends, attended the academy (sometimes) on weekdays and played with the other kids during the afternoon. Her skills were already advanced for her rank as an academy student when she was five. It was already comparable with a newly promoted chūnin and sometimes she would even spar with kids in the higher ranks.
She wasn’t always compliant though. She would skip sessions with her senseis from time to time and would play with the other kid instead, her taijutsu needed some work and her kenjutsu could still be improved. The adults took that as a good sign. They didn’t want to take her personality away and turn her into some sort of killing machine just because her destiny demanded her to.
It was during her training with Inoichi Yamanaka, a former student of her father, Dan Katō, when her nature as the reincarnation of The Okami was once and for all, confirmed. Her eyes had turned a into a bright shade of yellow, her pupils constricted to a tiny speck in the sea of yellow and her chakra that was usually associated with the color blue, became white as a snow. It was neutral. And deadly. Akira fainted after the incident and Inoichi decided to volunteer as her future master.
She was nine when her mother left. Tsunade had taught her everything she could in terms of medical ninjutsu. The top medical-nins will supervise Akira’s training from then on.
It was just supposed to be a few months of sabbatical. She just wanted some time alone to deal with her grief and depression. She wanted to be better mother for her daughter. Tsunade even asked Akira if she wanted to come travel with her and she actually hope that she would agree. She hoped that she could just whisk Akira away from her responsibilities from this damned shinobi world, she would have done so of she said yes. But like any other nine year old kid, she didn’t want to leave the place she had called home or fall behind her friends. Akira refused and instead asked her mother to bring her a gift from every town she would come and visit until her return.
And Akira didn’t realize her childhood would soon come to an end soon after her mother crossed the front gates of Konohagakure and onto the world outside.
Next up: Lots of Kakashi and Akira history.
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