nyaskitten · 2 years
Alright back for my weekly (not really) question regarding a new spin
Is Zane's falcon still around in the later seasons? (or what would be the later seasons in ANS)
Because they did the falcon so dirty in the show >:(
Yes, the falcon stays, I could NEVER do the falcon that dirty. I think in s8, it waits around with Zane (Dead Man's Squall) until the other ninja find him. I ALSO think it'd be REAL fun if the falcon tagged along in season 11 to search for Zane...
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chipper-smol · 4 years
Read the PK and FV chains, both are amazing to be honest, also quick question, will Ghost ever explain how they were a God once and how beat up the Raidance once, along with what happened to hallownest after the sealing of THK?
I’ll get there there’s a bit of a language barrier they’re still working through
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catarium · 4 years
Your hollow knight art gives me happy chemicals and melts my heart. (because it's so fucking CUTE!). Thank you :D
Thank you so much! 
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daily-shade · 4 years
(well you told us to send more asks, so here I am :P) are we allowed to ask other characters? If so, how's Ghost doing?
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Ghost is thinking about rancid eggs and their color. What color is that? Does that color have a name?
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inkbarista · 4 years
Here's a joke kind of question,is every curse word replaced with a [beep]? example---Ghost: I'm going to beat the every living s[beep] t out of you. - - Cortez: what the f[beep]k? (also if your getting flooded with questions, don't answer this XD)
Oh no I just bleeped it instead of saying like (INSERT SUPER INAPPROPRIATE AND VULGAR THING HERE)
Because Trill has a potty mouth lol
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nyaskitten · 2 years
(""""""Weekly""""""" ask about A New Spin number I think #5)
Okay so in a previous ask of mine you said something about Cloud kingdom and it having the element of "time" being stolen from it6
Which actually got me curious, what other changes have been made to Cloud kingdom in ANS?
The idea of Cloud Kingdom itself sounds cool but also it means that the fate of our funny little ninja characters is decided by text on a scroll
Actually expanding on the question for a bit, in your interpretation, when a scroll for a specific person is destroyed, do they die? Or do they continue to live normally but they're no longer controlled by writers of cloud kingdom?
OK, SO, I've been putting this ask off for 2 hrs (sry locel) but here's what I've been thinking for a LONG while (and also answers to your questions dsfkgvhjeigviegjrb)
In an older concept, the Cloud Kingdom didn't control destiny, rather, it documents destiny and the history of the realms, and every person to exist in every realm at every time period ever.
The idea is like; the power of time lets them peer into the realms to record every person ever. Tampering with an unfinished scroll (a scroll of someone currently living) CAN mess with their fate, which is why people recording current moments need to have pinpoint accuracy.
The Master Writer (Fenwick) is in charge of ensuring every scroll is always well-kept, safe, secure, and written properly. (an even older idea that I had was that the Master Writer was chosen by a dragon god who inhabits the Cloud Kingdom)
If someone gets their scroll destroyed... well... I don't think it'd be very fun honestly. It's like, I don't have an actual answer but rn I'm THINKING they die, because the scrolls exist to document them and their existence. And like. Idk I think the scrolls are tied to their life force.
please send more asks yr asks make me use my brain I love your asks locel
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nyaskitten · 2 years
So, what's the deal with cryptor in a new spin?
Is he still "angry and edgy badass driod" like I'm the show?
Or does he actually get more character development in a new spin? (like maybe becoming a good guy or at the very least an anti-hero)
I haven't thought him out TOO much and what I HAVE thought about is VERY spoiler-y so here's what I CAN share:
In my rewrite, Cryptor is the brother of Pixal. He feels inferior to his sister, but he plays it off. Him and Pixal were the tour guides of Borg Tower, Pixal following the entire script of things to say, and Cryptor being more like the fun uncle who gives exactly zero fucks about rules and regulations.
I don't know if he lives beyond season 3m and if he does not, I don't know if I want him back for DotD because I have VASTLY different plans there, few of which involve old villains.
I DO have an idea though that maybe Pixal tries to help him overcome the "malicious capabilities" running thru his processors. I think maybe he can infect tech and nature to follow his commands, and he can do it w the power of a Technoblade (there are 5 in my rewrite, he has one except he's more skilled with it)
ALSO he refers to the nindroid army as "my brothers", which does in fact mean he created a FUCKTON of siblings, which then leads to the fucked up implication that technicallly the Mechanic is wearing the remains of one of Cryptors many dead brothers </3
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nyaskitten · 2 years
Alright, 2 questions abt a new spin:
Are Jay and Nya both completely silent about the events of Skybound like in the show, or do they actually open up and explain everything properly to the others?
Other question is, do other side characters play a bigger in helping out the ninja? (example: the other elemental masters occasionally join hands with the ninja to help, instead of vanishing after season 4, they're not actively helping 24/7, but when stuff goes down, they answer the call)
1: Can't say much about that because spoilers, but one plan in my head is actually that Skybound is never undone, so there can be some irreparable damage but also a permanent solution for. certain things.
2: I DO plan to try involve the side characters a bit more, just because they're SOOO under-utilized. Maybe we could get another side character in s5, maybe one of them will be mentioned in an earlier season by someone like Wu, who knows.
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nyaskitten · 2 years
(""""""Weekly""""""" ask about A New Spin number uhhh... #3 I think? Idk o forgor)
This time I got a question about elemental powers, or how elements relate to each other (since I'm in the mood for that today)
As you know, the show established that elements are related to each other in certain ways, Wind and Lightning for example (Jay apparently being able to use "Wind" in I think Season 1 or 2) or the obvious Water and Ice (Nya commanding ice in Season 11).
So the question is, is the idea of relating elements utilised in A New Spin?
Cuz frankly, it sounds sick if there's something like Nya and Zane using each other's elements in bad scenarios
But it also could be goofy, by Jay for example using his limited wind control to annoy someone, or Kai for example focusing smoke in one area to either hide himself, or just to nudge smoke in someone's direction if they're annoying him
I HAVEN'T REALLY... THOUGHT ABOUT ANS LATELY I'VE BEEN IN OC WORLD BRAIN INSTEAD... BUT elemental connections are an idea I've thought of. Idk how they'd work, but yeah like, maybe Cole can use metal and nature, maybe Kai CAN mask himself with smoke, maybe Jay can go into hyperspeed bc he also has speed powers, who knows?
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nyaskitten · 2 years
(""""Weekly"""" ask about A New Spin number like, 4? Already lost track lmao)
Is the background of some characters expanded upon in ANS?
Like for example giving a bit context as to a certain character got to this point, how/when did they get their powers (if we're talking about elemental masters here), who their descendants were
Sort of like how Skylor originally was supposed to get her own book iirc, which would've revealed info about her origins (but was ultimately cancelled)
(Some examples you could come up with as well are the previous elemental master of ice, and potentially Jay's biological mom, or any other character tbh)
(oh my god locel I missed yr ANS asks. so glad you're back fuck yeahh)
OKAY, so, I DO plan on expanding on several characters and their backgrounds. One that I've actually been thinking a LOT about recently is Bolobo, because I LOVE nature plant powers so I was thinking; okay, maybe he comes from a city where his power are revered for their special properties? Maybe a person with the power of nature rules over the city? Maybe the city is actually very clean and in an artificial forest?
Maybe explain more about Tox and Paleman, because they're from a TOTALLY different Lego franchise, and it's be cool to explore how they went from criminals in one Lego theme to Elemental Masters in another?
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inkbarista · 4 years
WAIT WAIT,wait, you said for bad thing that happens,atleast 20 good things happen, what are some examples of a "good thing"?, is it like Ghost rescuing another veasel,or reparing something on hallownest,etc
Usually stuff a bit bigger than that like
Grimm and Ghost getting married
The birth of Willowisp
Finding another vessel to take in
Just those really good days that make Ghost really happy lol
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inkbarista · 4 years
This is more of "joke" kind of question,but since there is an intercom system in hallownest,did any "mistakes" happen? (for example someone playing there theme song on the intercom such as Grimm or thk lol?)
If you think for one second that Grimmchild doesn’t attempt to abuse the intercom system you are sorely mistaken lol
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inkbarista · 4 years
Dose Ghost know how to play any instrument? If thay do,I imagien that thay would play the most passive-aggressive Violin in history (that's my opinion tho,I don't even know if thay play the violin lol :P)
They learn the violin but before that point learning an instrument was not something they even considered an option.
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inkbarista · 4 years
From what I've seen so far,this is the current setution: Some random Routiner: Your majesty! Tera has attempted to poison one of the 5 great knights! Ghost and hallow: Thay ._. WHAT 0_0
They were actually sitting AT the table.
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inkbarista · 4 years
Is the stag nest being re-used? And is the "last stag" still alive? (it's okay if you don't want to answer this,in case your being flooded with questions).
Oh yes the stag nest is alive as well lol
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inkbarista · 4 years
Did hornet let Ghost finish that damn tram way in deepnest? (lol) and dose she visit the white palace frequently or dose she stay in deepnest alot of the time? (BTW I love your AU so much,maybe to much lol.)
They do not finish the tramway actually. Ghost leaves Deepnest alone completely outside of general treaty stuff.
She stays in deepnest but comes to the white palace occasionally.
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