drsmokescreen · 4 months
metallightningbug He had all but admitted to not only killing this Autobots two companions on his own, but also to having eaten part of them. And yet... No obvious fear, no panicking, no looks of terror or disgust! Instead what he got was a pokerface and weirdly polite words spoken in a calm and even tone. It was downright irritating! When the weird bot tried to step around him Shrapnel took the opportunity to topple him by kicking his leg out under him mid-step. One could say he'd chosen to take a leaf out of Kickback's book.
Smokescreen didn't see what happened but he did sure see himself flying into the ground. He clattered about the gap, settling on Shrapnel's legs. His fingers acted reflexively, pulling the trigger and firing a shot into the rock, spraying him with fast-moving pebbles. When it all seemed to be over, Smokescreen turns his head to give the mech a hard look of unappreciation.
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exdraghunt · 1 year
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Big Bang fic? Big Bang fic~! Featuring art by @thebestdecepticonleader
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OOC - NaNoWriMo
Hey guys, Doing NaNoWriMo this year, please send in any (PG) prompts you'd like to see me write about Starscream. I will consider writing about other characters too. If anyone wants to be NaNoWriMo Buddies, you can find me at: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/thebestdecepticonleader My stories, when done will be on AO3, at: https://archiveofourown.org/users/TheBestDecepticonLeader Good luck to all taking part!
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grand-galvatron · 3 years
Starter for @thebestdecepticonleader
(SG Universe) Unicron's Core, the last battle that united the heroic Decepticons and the evil Autobots. While everyone fought outside, three figures stood within the center. Red crystals glowed alongside the three Minicon weapons. The Decepticon's SIC, a former Autobot, and one of no faction. Sideways crossed his arms, glaring down at the constrained Seeker. Not bothering to entrap the vampire squid hybrid due to her lack of power. "One last offer Starscream, join me within the singularity. It will be paradise for all of us."
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talentandlooks · 3 years
Where the scrap--||Closed w/ Thebestdecepticonleader
The entire catastrophe had been a blur as Hotshot and a certain seeker were dragged through two colliding bridges, one set for the Earth base and one for the moon. They were too close together, each one trying to leave with part of the Star Saber in their servos..
But the recently modified doorwinger’s grip seemed to falter at the same time the seekers did, being pulled away from his prize and launched through space as he collided with the ground on a desolate planet who knew how far away. 
A wing bent awkwardly, plating cracked, and Hotshot groaned as he stared up into unfamiliar stars. “Oh primus on a -- This is just fragging great.” He growled as he laid there, activating a wide range comm.
::Hello? This is Hotshot, can anyone hear me?::
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turtle-in-the-mums · 4 years
The Ethics at the End
Starscream let out a sting of obscenities with energon pouring down his leg, ducking under the table after Prowl.
::Yeah, somewhat violently an’ Screamer’s replying.  Ya know how they get.  If it were me, ya know my thoughts on exactly how much of a defector Starscream actually is after all this time.  Puttin’ your life on the line for a cause like that means ya need better consideration than Prowl’s gonna give him.  Sure, I’m not sayin’ give him free run of the place, but I think we can trust him enough to let him defect.::
::I agree--he’s more than earned his chance, and I think it would be foolhardy and shortsighted to refuse his allegiance.::
The fight upended the table into the door, preventing the twins from bursting through it to the rescue--at least for the moment. It wouldn’t take them long to tear through the obstruction and rip apart the Decepticon they would presume to be the instigator of the violence.
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optimaprime8 · 4 years
Finding the Star Among the Screams ((Closed RP))
Optima was walking. She was missing her left arm, but she had to keep moving. The one femme she thought to be her sister in arms, has turned against Optima. Megatrona has destroyed everything they had fought for. They had peace, they had equality, they had a balance, but that is now all gone. It was consumed by a new breed of Terricons. Ones that were just like scraplets, and Terricons combined.
To the extent of the knowledge of the scientists, Optima is the only one immune, and she is Megatrona's main target. So to keep the other dimensions safe, dimension jumping is forbidden, and she remains in that dimension. She is sacrificing herself to keep others safe.
But that was until she heard a loud sound. One she knew all too well. It was a dimension bridge openning up. She knew that others shouldn't be able to hone in on this dimension, so she knew it had to be someone accidentally coming to this world.
Optima quickly makes her way, she knew that the sound would attract the Terricons. She was lucky to get there before any of them happen upon the newcomer. "Scrap." She said while going to him, and tries to wake him. "Are you alright? Can you wake up?" She asked while knowing she wouldn't be able to defend him for long if he didn't wake up. She was a one armed badly patched up femme, that was also low on energon.
She gets out her blaster and shoots a few of the Terricons that managed to start coming towards them. "I need you to wake up! Now!" She orders in a little more panic.
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righthandshuttle · 2 years
@thebestdecepticonleader [x]
Ah, there he was. Jetfire was hoping the seeker was there. What drove him to want his contact tonight was unknown, but he couldn’t resist tapping into the Decepticon’s commlines.
     « I’m alright, just wanted to see how you were doing. It’s been a hot klik since we spoke. »
He paused, a frown forming from behind his facial mask.
     « Sorry about that, by the way. Things have been busy here. »
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forgedwrecker · 4 years
     - -- @thebestdecepticonleader​ ♥️’d!
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« I am not in the mood for games, Decepticon. »
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doorwings · 3 years
"Factory Reset" (if you are interested)
He sits on the floor in a room. He knows what a room is, though whether or not the room is unusual is lost on hi, He knows it's a room and he knows he knows very little. Language. Basic information on common structures. How to move. All of that is standard and very useful, but what is outside the room? What will he do? And who is this stranger standing in the room with him? Doorwings flick, flutter, curious and open wide to soak up sensory data.
He waits.
He stares just a little.
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“Starscream, I did not think, I see you today. What is it that you want.” 
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drsmokescreen · 6 months
thebestdecepticonleader ::Wonderful. I was worried I would have to start this meeting with another request for proof of life for you. I have to say, your friends are very good at keeping people hidden.:: ::On to other matters then,:: Starscream said, re-addressing the room, ::I am reasonably confident that we are less than half a year from the end of the war. Megatron currently holds one base, while it is a fairly large base, it cannot hold out forever. As of ten days ago, we have started a siege in hopes of forcing them into either surrender or fighting in unfortified ground.:: ::Intelligence tells me that there isn't more than a month's worth of supplies on base.:: Unspoken, though well known, is the fact that Megatron is likely to resort to cannibalism once the unused energon is finished. ::Are the Autobots willing to allow us to complete this process? Or do you have a strong preference towards the base being bombed? Personally I would like to see Megatron answer for his crimes.::
This is the question Prime still has no answer for. Trails will be biased of course, at this point, but summary execution will only have negative effects. Megatron is unlikely to use suicide in the face of defeat but would most certainly fight to the death, and many others' deaths.
'Taking Megatron alive is preferable, however, he will not prefer it,' purposely leaving it ambiguous and open to what the future holds.
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ask-smokescreen · 3 years
💮- They get asked to hang out
Unless he's REALLY going through something, Smokescreen is down to hang out pretty much any time! He's spent so much of his life in constant company with other bots, whether through family, the elite guard, or Team Prime, having company is just what feels right to him, even if they aren't actually doing anything and are just doing separate things together.
But also, he loves doing anything with his friends!
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firewallofstanix · 4 years
👶 Sunbeam: "Are you looking forward to your first day of school?"
Send 👶 and a question for my muse’s child to answer!
The small Seekerling had barely grown past her sire’s knee when she was ready for her first day of formal education. Now that there was no war, educating the next generation didn’t have to be rushed, and could start at the proper age.
“Uh huh!” She answered confidently, “I make a bunch of friends!” In her perception, school was a new place to go to have fun with kids her age.
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grand-galvatron · 3 years
Beauty and the Predacon
Starter for @thebestdecepticonleader
After the war, Cybertron took to incorporating various customs from different planets. Among the customs, one stood out, the art of theater. Its a booming industry now, and each year, the ruling leaders of the city states would gather to watch a big production. For this year, the famous company, Decepticons are producing the show. Its currently under production, with the working title: Beauty and the Predacon. Today, the leading femme Thunderblast stomps into the building with a fowl mood on her face. Right behind her is a young attractive femme with bright lime green optics. She looked around the studio, amazement on her faceplates.
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silent-stalker · 4 years
@thebestdecepticonleader has requested a Comm. link
Oh, Primus, another one of the winged annoyances. Soundwave glared at the little icon, comm. clicking on despite his better judgement.
:: Query: do you need something?
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