yiskashekina · 4 years
The Passover Blood at this time is the blood of YESHUA that we partake in the Communion Elements of Bread and Wine. If you want the "CORONA" which is actually the Angel of Death in Revelations 6:8 to passover you, please take the communion elements of HIS Body represented by the Bread and drink HIS Blood represented by the Wine/Juice and read 1 Corinthians 11:23-32!!! And if you are wondering why I am wearing a head scarf/veil/covering, Please read the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 11 starting verse 1 because explains why I am covering myself with it. I love you Saints!!!! Dedicated to all GOD's children inside the Catholic Religion, the LORD YESHUA loves you so much!!!
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Remember the Blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. The door post The blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has great significance through out all generations. By his blood we are cleansed, saved, covered, made whole, reconciled to Yah justified by it...etc. This is the Gospel, this is the good news! Especially in these days. Remember it, claim and proclaim, Declare it over yourself and your family, Decree it in the world.. the blood of Yahushua Ha Mashiach the Son of the most high Yah, Our Savior! Love grace and peace! APTTMHY #Theblood #TheElect #TheChosen #TheHolyNation #TheChosenNation #TheRoyalPreisthood in #YashuaHaMashiach #ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua #thebloodofthelamb #yahoshua #yahusah #yahspeople #YahshuaHamashiach #yahawashi #yahawahsha #yahuah #yahusha #yisrael #yasharahla #Israel #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY https://www.instagram.com/p/CKBrEr7nFB_/?igshid=1p6llsmuxzjxx
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myssminga · 7 years
"Americas Pastor" Billy Graham Motorcade riding thru his city. The Angels rejoice from Death to life to behold the face of our heavenly savior Amen #hallelujah #amen #billygraham #americaspastor #clt #2018 #motorcade #Jesus #angels #thewordofthelord #sun #rejoice #ohappyday #thebloodofthelamb #theblood #holyghost #power #happy #myssminga #love #smile #southblvd
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positivlyspeakn · 5 years
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They Overcame by #TheBloodOfTheLamb and The Words of Their Testimony!!! #GODSGOTME☝🏾 #ThanksDaddy☝🏾 #THANKFUL #OVERCOMER #IGotATESTimony #AllGLORYisToGODAlone☝🏾 #StayWoke👀 #WereAllHeart❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ruwDMAE4M/?igshid=qmk82107qwha
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goddesssdesiree · 5 years
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Good Morning IG Family & Friends, Yes Easter Is Over However; We Are Still Oserving Passover And The Ressurection Of Christ! Have A Blessed Day Jesus Loves You& So Do I! #passover #ressurectionsunday #reserectionday #Jesuschrist #thebloodofthelamb #jesuslives #jesushasrisen #hallelujah (at Erie County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwon4hdnevp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mmi482l10llo
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lopojo · 7 years
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#ohhowHelovesus #Hepaiditall #theBloodoftheLamb #telestai #ourdebthasbeenpaidinfull #JesusChrist #praisebetoGod #rejoiceintheLord
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sauloluther · 3 years
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The blood provides oxygen (pneuma, ruach, air) and life to every single cell in the human body as the blood of JesusChrist provides the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) to every single Christian believer.
For the life of the body is in its blood. Leviticus 17:11
What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26
After supper he took another cup of wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you.” Luke 22:19
This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:28
But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:17
And with that Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22
#TheBloodOfTheLamb #LambOfGod #HolySpirit
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yiskashekina · 7 years
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You are a child of GOD for you hear the voice of our Shepherd And I believe GOD when He said to you, You shall lead and shepherd many shepherds! I write to you and I write to every child like me and you We will enter the Millennial Kingdom but first let the storm range on #tribulation #testing #enteringjacobstrouble #seasonofsorrow #almosthere #onestepcloser #kingjesus #comingtomyhouse #comingtothechurches #itsmorefuninthephilippines #theresmoreloveinthephilippines #weovercomeby #thebloodofthelamb #bythewordofourtestimony (at Peace Valley Lahug Cebu City)
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A Command with a promise! #resist #usetheword #usethewordofgod #usethewordofgodtofightyourbattles #resistthedevil #christalwaysgivesusthevictory #theshieldoffaith #thebloodofthelamb #getbehindmesatan #causeandeffect #causeandaffect #resistance https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYm_RlHDbC/?igshid=153xjxf7jzejd
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bukhari-muzna-blog · 11 years
The Lone Surivor, Blood of the Lambs and My very own.
"The feeling of compassion is the beginning of humanity"
I try to start every post with a quote, I do this not to sound pretentious but to surround myself with words of wisdom. I decided upon this one for a specific reason. I have been writing a book about terrorists as well as reading multiple books about terrorism. It is really heavy stuff. Emotionally and physically draining. I wouldn't trade the knowledge these works have brought me for anything. All the things I have learned I would not trade, ever. Value your knowledge, value your humanity, value your safety. 
1)The Lone Survivor
Let me start by saying if you have not read this miraculous story than you sir/madam are missing out on the most riveting story of your life. It is a beautiful story of the love of your brother in arms, the words of friends and will to survive. Mr. Marcus Luttrell if I ever meet you, that would be one of the most amazing moments of my life. I have so much respect for this man. This book changed my view of the military. I love the military and want to be part of it. But this book opened up the "love" aspect of it. I know that sounds so strange. Love being manifested in war. But isn't that the poetic part of it? It is the most pure, uncorrupted love. One of respect, trust, and survival. These men depend of each other to live and will give up their own life to make sure a brother gets to safety. I couldn't put this book down. When I did, it was only to take a second to breathe because I couldn't handle to stress of all that was going on. 
The first half of this book is the training that navy seals have to go through. Man is it rough. Just reading about hell week makes me glad that there are men tough enough to handle something that is so physically and mentally demanding. Praise to you Navy Seals! Hu-wah! 
The Second half is about Operation Redwing. I will not spoil it for those of you who don't read the news or books. But it is just moving. GO.READ.NOW..... I can't wait to see the movie! :) wwwwhhheeeeeee! 
2) The Blood of the Lamb
This is another emotionally draining book, it is about an ex terrorist who wants to enlighten the world about the reality of terrorism. Around age 6 he joined the PLO( Palestinian Liberation Organization). At 7, he smuggled guns into Israel, where he watched his friend be killed by Israeli police. He carried his friend back home. I can not begin to imagine what that would do to a young child. How emotionally scarring that would be.
By 15 he was an explosives expert. He has done many other things. But this book is a great history lesson, along with the many other thing it teaches. But this is another good one to read. I just am so blessed to have books like this available for me to read. 
This is another one that's emotionally draining. His father pulled him out of school when he was 5. I kid you not it was about a month of him being in school and he was pulled out and forced to work. Again, I can not imagine being that old and having to work to bring home money. 
Both these stories are amazing. They make me fear and have hope at the same time. 
3) My very own creation. 
Now this is a piece that I have been working on for a while and have been afraid to let others see it in fear that you might think it is horrible. But I figure if not that many people read my blog than I shouldn't be ridiculously afraid of people might think. So here it is in all its glory. I am only giving you the prologue. Take it as you may. 
  Islamabad, Pakistan
It is said that starless nights are covered with clouds because heaven does not wish to see the evil that is to take place on earth. Evil acts take the cover of night to hide their faces, to hide the faces of its victims.  Humans become tools at the hand of evil. Easily persuaded are they and so easily destroyed too.  These creatures pretend to be gods. Taking life at whim, deciding who lives, and who dies. Then reminding us that death is a part of life that is not in our hands.
Grievous acts are the works of men with broken souls. Whose hearts and minds have been twisted by those who twist morals and truth. These men have ceased to believe in humanity, therefore must take it from others.  Broken men with broken souls make broken nations. They use their power to reach out to rend others. This weakness is what the divine seek to hide from. 
A quiet street with the grand houses, each gated, keeping the ones inside safe.  The gates of these houses, black with intricate designs. Vines grow up the gates, reaching towards the sky. The walls surround each house all clean, uniform, suggesting that man had more control over his life than he felt. A truck driving down this road, it was white with chipped paint and had a sand colored canvas thrown over the back. Before the road ends, the truck comes to halt. The engine shuts off, as quietly as possible two men get out. These two gesture to the others to get out. All these men were big and burly, with guns swung around their back. They walked around to the back of the truck. The tallest one moved the canvas aside to show a huge crate. As he looked at he spoke,
            “Poor Humaam, had he just listened it would have been alright”
            “ Shut up! You will give us away”
            “There is nothing to give away, these people won’t be up. That is why we picked this place.”
            “Well lets hurry and move it before anyone else drives down this road.”
The tallest man jumps in the back and starts to push the crate out. The others position themselves so they will be ready to catch whatever falls out. He struggles so another comes to his aid.
            “Who knew he would weigh so much.”
            “Idiot, there are four of them in there”
            “Why should I tell you? You took my drink.”
            “well if you had just told me it was your drink  I wouldn’t have to take it would I?”
            “Fine, it was Humaam, Asad, Muqbil and Ilifat”
            “Are they already dead?”
            “No stupid. We just drugged them, they will die sometime tonight. When they wake up and realize there is no oxygen.”
            “What’s taking you so long?” A man called out from outside.
            “Chor over here won’t shut up”
            “Hey! It was an accident!”
            “Alright fine. Now push.”
Both men struggled but with their combined strength were able to push the crate out. It flopped on the ground. The two waiting outside pushed it to the side of the road. As soon as they were free of the crate, the men jumped back in the truck and drove away in great haste.
With the rising sun came packs of men and women with their heavy camera equipment arrived in rush to this small residential street. All wanting to be the first to report on site. Cameras flashed, microphones being set up, asking questions. All scrambling around, preparing for the worst. This neighborhood was for the elite, the rich foreigners so it was odd to find something so simple to seem so out of place. That is what caused such commotion. The cameras turn on.
“ More information has been released to the crate that was found in G Block earlier this morning. After a resident called authorities about this crate that had apparently been dropped of around four A.M. today.  Assumed to be a road side bomb, the bomb squad had been called to defuse it, but soon discovered that this was far more disturbing than bomb. When the crate was opened, they found four bodies. So far all we know is that they are male. Names and ages are yet to be disclosed.”
Cameras shut off. The solemnity in the air was palpable. Every one returned to their vehicles, waiting for more information. Hours passed before a police man came to them to confirm what was floating in every ones thoughts. In the same flurry that took place earlier that morning, the went back on camera to announce the new which they are heard.
“It has been confirmed that this was the act of the Taliban. Intelligence so far is that these men were supposed to highjack an airplane but never made it. These men suffocated to death before any damage could be done.”
One by one, each reporter packs up and leaves. The mass grave long gone.
That is all. Hope you enjoyed it. Now go, learn something new :) 
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