sparkedblaze · 3 months
What vibe do you give off? A8&, or at least for me.
autism, snowcone, teddy bear with a bowtie 🥺🥹
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came-art · 9 months
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Afiche y volante. Para obra de teatro realizada en Londres, dirigida por Francisca Olivares. Año 2018
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emmettsantics · 2 months
hi... um, coming back to a social media I barely used when I was younger, but wanna utilize it now!~
~ So, like hi! I go by a few names; you can call me Em, Emmett, or Pruss (yes, this is a Hetalia reference, it just stuck)
~ I'm a lvl 26, Non-binary person; I go by they/them pronouns, but really any pronouns work for me.
~ This is mostly going to be 18+ content with some suggestive themes. (can update some warnings as they come along)
~ I'm a writer, so this is probably going to be where I post a lot of snippets, character info dumps, random free writes, and some d&d stuff.
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🩶: writing, being weird, 🍃, crystals, candles, chilling, the moon, my partner, drama (listening/writing it), binge watching TV shows, anything lemon
❌: crowds, drama (being part of it), ranch, yelling, bullies, microfiber cloths
Fandoms: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, D&D, Delicious in Dungeon, Dexter, 9-1-1, Spongebob, Shrek, Sons of Anarchy, MasterChef, Anything Gordan Ramsey, Steven Universe, Assassin's Creed, Life is Strange, Homestuck, etc...
Music: Mystery Skullz, Iniko, Livingston, Hozier, Max Brhon, Matt Maeson, Matt Kent, Bishop Briggs, MOTHICA, Hayley Kiyoko, Lady Gaga, etc...
You can check out my author website here: http://authremmett.wixsite.com/mysite
Some of my works and publications are on there :)
✨✨ Neurospicy, in what way is unknown to me, but definitely neurodivergent
🔮 Aries ☀️, Leo 🌕, Capricorn ⬆️, INFP
😼 I have 4 lovely little fur babies. 3 kitties and 1 doggo
✍️ I just wanna be creative for a living....
♠️♠️ I have a kismesis of 10 years @sirbob-thebread
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sowhatnotcreative · 2 years
I honestly feel so silly when I try to explain to people how much effort eating has become to me.
"You could just put some butter on some bread!"
I know you mean well but when even sitting, chewing, swallowing and letting the stomach process it is too much, i am not going to get bread from the freezer, toast it, put the rest back,get a knife, get the butter, spread it, put it back, bring thebread, to bed eat and get the crumbs away... And that's literally judt bread and butter how mych food is that anyway? I eill be avle to eat half and then get hungry in 20 minutes again but it will be too much work to eat.. I just can't get my experience to reach them. No matter how much I try. Even drinking my protein drinks and the caffeine is EFFORT for the first 3 or 4 hours after waking up.
Me: i cant do that im too tired
Them: but its so easy just *multiple step meal*
What is not clicking I don't understand? Do they think it's so terrible that it couldn't possibly be true? That i must be lying or else id be starving?
I am starving im hungry 75% of the day! I keep telling them I'm hungry im so hungry.... All the time... And when i eat i can barely taste the food cause i just cant be bothered and most of the time its frozen shit anyway...
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lernendeutsche · 3 years
Das Brot
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mickkie1-blog · 5 years
Cup of Suffering
March 15, 2020
We carry the cross of Christ.
With this, comes the cup of suffering.
Jesus asked that this cup to be taken from Him.
‘’Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
We take the bread of life, we are crucified with Him. We drink His cup, that we may know Him in our suffering. 
Jesus sitting down with His disciples in communion, ‘’When he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you.’’ He didn’t say some of you. All of you.
You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”
“We can,” they answered.
Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink from my cup.” 
I sat in plastic chair in our small church service in Bolivia. The breeze coming in through the dirt framed window. I was so humbled by this simple communion. I wept as I pondered these words in Corinthians:
‘’For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.’’ 
The bread I ate was just pita chip, and a sip of wine was passed around. My heart leaned into this. A small glory. The overwhelming sense of a Savior who came for me and my sin, He calls me clean, forgiven by His wounds. In those moments, I remembered. I remembered my sin, and what was traded for His new covenant. My heart slowly rejoicing in this beautiful contrast. 
So proclaim His death in your suffering, because the night is nearly over, and with the dawn, where our salvation will be revealed. 
‘’He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.  In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials. 
We live our lives in remembrance. Remembrance that He is acquainted with us. With every groan in sickness, for every tear we shed, He has heard our cries. 
We don’t choose what God gives and takes away in this life, but we choose to praise Him.
What cup of suffering must you drink to see the glory of God?
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umi-moon27 · 2 years
I'm Umi and welcome to my blog!
I'm a 18-year old artist and student who loves to draw her OC's and his favorite characters. My comissions are open most of the time, but you can always check that in my bio. I also have started to create some stickers and you can see more about all of this in my website:
My instagram is @/umi.draws , but you can find my comission's info after thebread more:
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my tags:
all my art: #i like lemonade
OC art: #they are the babies and i’m the mother
fanart: #i love them
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radioroger · 4 years
• queen: @radioroger
• led zeppelin: @jimmys-zeppelin
• the beatles: @meanmistermacca
• 60s/70s vibes: @far-outvintage
• james acaster: @thebread-research
• nirvana: @baby-grohl
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sortagaysortahigh · 3 years
hi! i really don’t mean this in any rude way but i found your new series while looking at the tom holland tag. it the reader have features like curly black hair it’s more of an OC. please tag your fics right.
again i really don’t mean this in a rude way and i’m sure you are a lovely person.
Okay first and foremost this was rude and passive aggressive as hell, secondly the reason thebreader has black hair is because its actually dyed black which comes up in i think the 2nd or 3rd part, its simply wavy/thick and truly alludes to that of a bipoc because i write bipoc fics. Third of all ive been writing for long enough to understand the difference between a reader insert and an oc so i truly dont need some douchebag anon telling me how to “properly” tag my shit when in all reality most reader inserts depict that of petitie white women with eurocentric features. Dont send me anons or read my shit if you dont like that i added two characterstics to a reader insert and i even took time to preface that in the authors note.
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stardancerluv · 5 years
LP- Could you write something where Roman does dd/lg with Roman?
Sure! Any situation you want thebreader to be coming from...or any idea how you want them to have met? Any info you want in the fic to make it special for your request is more than welcome!
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allisonchambers · 7 years
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#Summer = #TheBread #YekOYek (at Third beach, Stanley Park)
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stylegacy · 8 years
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+012017+ John 6:35 I will always be hungry & thirsty for His word. #thebread #thewater #theword #abibleverseaday #keepstheevilaway #fbf #noirestaurant #hawaii #food #sopretty
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tumblunni · 5 years
ohman i just had a really stressful day and i also tried "caramelized onions" for the first time and SOMEHOW IT HELPED?? Like wow thats a taste i would legit describe as comforting! I never could have imagined what a sweet onion would be like, but wow it blends perfectly with the cheese and thebread to give that sort of warm grandma hug feeling in food form. That was an unexpected surprise that i really needed right now! Im definately gonna try eating more of this stuff!!
Also i'm trying out 'tension bracelets' that are supposed to help reduce nausea by pressing down on the right vein or something. I dont think thats been working but just the pressure in general has been helping my anxiety. I wish i could find like..a secret super coat thats like being hugged in secret. People inventibg these weird pressure fabrics: get on it! Itd be a lifesaver!!
Also i have discovered that apparantly you get carded for buying WALLPAPER SCRAPERS! Like the system technically counts it as a 'bladed weapon'even though its blunter than a butter knife. Its on the highest tier of cardinf where you need to be over 25 to remove goddamn wallpaper. Man that was so embarassing! So yeah thank you comforting onions for helping me with that too (tho the main big stress was something else and i think i'll vent more about that when i get home cos it might be longgggg)
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toptenbestblogs · 4 years
Best bread machine belt
Best bread machine belt
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When it comes to deciding who makes thebread machine belt or who the bread machine belt are, there are a selection of world-renowned companies that you can rely on
The good news is, we’ve tested tons of these increasingly popular true bread machine belt, and found the best of the best. Right now, our top pick is the Sunbeam 5891 TIMING BELT Bread Machine Part baker maker…
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前陣子去日本玩,發現他們的麵包店正在流行『生吐司』,每家店都大排長龍,但當時沒有時間排,所以沒機會吃看看覺得可惜😭 沒、想、到!前幾天竟然讓我在布列德看到了生吐司的蹤跡!身為專業吃貨,當然是馬上手刀購入一條啦~
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radioroger · 4 years
merry christmas and happy holidays to all of my lovely followers! stay safe and know you have a special place in my heart! you are loved!
love, emily
aka: ( @seven-seas-of-gay , @jimmys-zeppelin , @thebread-research , @thebookof-secrets , @far-out70s )
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