mutogamingco · 16 days
Send 🐈 for the receiving muse to grow cat ears and a tail for a day.
Something felt--and sounded different. Instinctively, Yuugi reached up toward the top of his head and something furry twitched as his fingers brushed against them. And he felt that touch simultaneously.
He touched them again, which confirmed that he hadn't imagined it. Then, movement behind him made him turn just enough to see--
A tail.
A long, fluffy black cat tail not unlike his forever unruly hair. It bristled in response to his shock. Surely, he must have cat ears to go with it.
"I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming!"
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
[meme; Afton] 💄 - Put makeup on my muse.
The huge rabbit very much detested the clown body he was stuck having as his own, but despite that, he sat still as the goddess worked her magic.
His mechanical ear twitched a bit, a fidgeting habit of his.
" How long do I have to keep sitting here?"
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darckcarnival · 1 year
Carefully lies down around Darck, curling and nearly encircling the other.
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The calm contentment, combined with eager joy, settled into the supernatural woman's bones. Ah, what lovely company, to be had during this time. The half vampire woman relaxing where she was sitting almost immediately when the far larger goddess practically curled around her, the brunette's smaller form leaning against the other. "Hello, my friend. You're a welcome presence after so long." And a comforting one as well. Such a strange turn of events that had these two close as they were.
One hand moved outwards to where Bast's head was, letting her smaller fingers brush and stroke through the cat goddess's hair, gently scratching at her scalp. "Shall I get you some tea? I still have the two flavors you like. Always keep them on my shelf in case you visit."
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ira-sturm · 1 year
Well that wasn’t quite the reaction she expected to the question she asked.  “Ah..let’s go with Now.”
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shiningsilverarmor · 2 years
[meme] 💋
every kiss begins with--- KISS. (Not Accepting)
Bast was always a sight for these sore eyes of a Titan, but she became even a stunning one when SHE came to visit him in such a rarest time at his domain.
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She deserved the biggest, most rewarding welcome with open starlit arms..
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..and sprinkled kisses almost against her entire face.
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the-smallest-star · 2 years
Fuck that's cute. *takes several pictures*
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unbreakable-ribbons · 2 years
[meme] “That’s his eager face.”
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“Can’t help it Bast! I mean, getting to see actual gods do their thing… it’s pretty exciting stuff!” Manos stuck close by to her nonetheless. “Just… don’t wanna accidentally piss any folks off is all.”
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king-of-wrath · 1 year
[meme] "Open Please"
At the base of Satan's tower in his dark fortress was a great feasting hall, filled with cheerful and lively guests---a stark contrast to the volcanic hellscape of Wrath and the brutal architecture of the Sin's "palace". Each table was covered in a variety of succulent meats, full platters quickly replacing empty ones and there was no shortage of drink.
Most of the guests were demons much like the Sin himself: strong, battle-hardened, rowdy and loud. Half were in the uniform of his unholy legions, but the rest wore their personal choice of armor. Between drinking games, trading stories, arm-wrestling and making raunchy jokes, Satan's warriors seemed to be having the best time.
The King of Wrath couldn't help but smile and chuckle, clearly appreciating both the atmosphere and the general "feel" of the room. But when a door opened to his left, he turned his attention to his divine guest: the goddess Bast, to whom he offered to give a tour of Hell's realms. Satan rose from his chair, drink still clutched in his hand.
"Your Grace," he welcomed. "Is everything in your room to your liking? If not, just say the word and I'll make it right."
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irritableteadrinker · 2 years
   ;; @thecatgoddessbast asked: [meme][ TAKE ]  for the taller muse to find the shorter one has ‘borrowed’ a shirt/sweater/jacket etc.  which is oversized on them.
   Probably looked rather comical; the shorter man clad in one of Bast’s shirts. Seemed more like a dress on him. Then again, maybe it was. Simon wasn’t exactly very knowledgably on fashion. Especially women’s fashion. He was currently battling one of the sleeves, which was hanging hilariously over his hand, trying to free it from the prison of cloth. “Maybe I should try and find my own clothes... I feel very small in this...” A rare thing for Simon to say, considering his height.
   Though it didn’t really compare to the Goddess he was currently visiting. 
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swxpped · 1 year
Moved from {x} because Tumblr hates the RPC
An exhausting amount of effort went into illumining the comfortable space without the fae’s influence swallowing it up again. She had to fight against his magic with her own, shifting and pushing and trying to encircle it into a neat little cage till it subsume to her will. Slowly, she wove her arms around him, carrying his deadweight until she reached his bed, inspecting the offending piece of furniture as if another burst of wild magic would cause the thing to turn to sand.
Upon certainty that it would not simply implode, she sat him in it and went to tending to mopping the sweat from his drenched body, willing a cool basin of water at her side to cool him with a moisten rag.  
“Shh, shh now.” She hummed, her voice coming out in a low whisper as she brushed the strands of stray hairs from his forehead, dappling his skin with the cool towel.  
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
{!!} – Most annoyingly, if not a little pathetically, he did not possess the fortitude to argue against her, or he would have surely prohibited this absurd pantomime act of her carrying him up the stairs like a sickly child! 
A lot of fuss about nothing! His ability to look after himself in his condition was completely unimpaired! (Of course, it wasn’t, but it didn’t seem as if he was going to admit that anytime within the foreseeable hour).
The vague cognizance eventually struck him that he didn’t actually remember letting Bast in. To be honest, the greater part of the day had been somewhat of a blur to him. In correspondence, he observed that he was now laying down on his bed but the exact circumstances pertaining to how he had got there now seemed to elude his memory. For someone whose recollective abilities were normally quite literally errorless, these pesky lapses in his memory were getting to be rather disconcerting. Alexsander didn’t like not remembering. After all, if he couldn’t remember, then how could he know, for sure, exactly what might’ve happened? 
Why did he feel like he had been here before?
Contumaciously swatting at the damp towel she used to reduce his temperature was becoming tiresome, even for someone as stubborn as he. The faerie relented, but only because he knew no alternative. Turn to sand his bed had not, but as he narrowly warded off the urge to vomit, it became evident that his mischievous magical influence had yet to cease, when multiple books sent themselves flying forth from the shelves and promptly began to self-destruct in various ways before their very eyes. Some decided to spontaneously combust before subsiding into piles of common ash, and others chose to tear themselves to irrecoverable strands and shreds strewn all across the carpet, while the majority simply flew open and began to erupt with hoards upon hoards of enormous, swooping Hercules moths. Ordinarily, these fine specimens of their kind would only be found in the tropical regions of New Guinea and Northern Australia, though it would seem for the purpose of this plague, his magic had involuntarily summoned them. If he’d been any less delirious, Alexsander would’ve found their flurrying about the place to be rather marvellous, a sight to behold. 
As it were, though, he appeared to be fairly certain that they were, (apparently), conspiring against he and Bast, and thus began to jeer at them from where he lay bedridden, making good use of various four-letter expletives that would make his recovered self pale with shame to have uttered in front of a lady. All things considered, though, it was a bloody good thing these flying pests did not appear to have the capability to piss battery acid down upon them, so it could have been worse; there was always that to keep in mind.
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vxmpirehunterd · 1 year
a story told through the centuries
Your name is spoken through the ages in a type of reverence that comes with legacy and greatness. you are the hero. you are the grandmaster. you are the beginning and the end, the masterful weave of irresistible fantasy that gets everyone enraptured. Over time, your name becomes muddled and strange, but they still speak of you. there has only been a few things in this world that have lasted as long as you. your name refuses to die. you refuse to end.
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        “Sounds about right.”
tagged by: @knightshonour​
Tagging: @lockhartred​ @papillionsoul​ @alchemicalbalance​ @adventurouswind​ @hhemeraa​ @suntdracull​ @pararennial​ @maizthefemalesaiyan​ @scarednotscary​ @deidakatsu​ @kittes​ @groazei​ @jienkora​ @darckcarnival​ @ofhardknoxxx​ @thuganomxcs​ @celestieu​ @perpetualshade​ @thecatgoddessbast​ @vernades​ @cicero-the-assassin​ @thelittlestdemon​ @wolfsmuses​ @badassbarmaid​​
AND Anyone and Everyone else that wants to do this! {Unfortunately, I cannot tag the whole dash}
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mutogamingco · 16 days
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Yuugi turned to the goddess, tail curled around his body, self conscious about the sudden and unexplained change. He recognized her immediately and chuckled nervously.
"I'm sure...you wouldn't have had anything do with this by any chance? Er--just curious."
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darckcarnival · 2 years
Slips into the other's lap. She may have been fairly large but she knew the other could handle her and her inconvenient stature.
The vampire was surprised a bit at seeing the goddess come along from no where, as it had been quite a long time. But considering how much the other liked autumn, and just how much Darck fed into that by giving her treats during this season- Alongside how close of friends they were? Well..
Why should she even be surprised for long?
A pleased laugh, joyful, escaped the short woman. Gladly wrapping both arms around the much larger woman with a friendly embrace. Barely adjusting her position for Bast could be comfortable in her lap. A cat goddess deserved to be pampered after all, this was followed by one hand lifting to gently run over the other woman's hair.
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"Bastet~! It's so wonderful to see you again. A delight every time, I'm honored for your visit. How have you been old friend?"
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ira-sturm · 8 months
"What's wrong? You look a bit pale mother..."
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seekesotsibteadmist · 2 years
favorite color(s) : blue black purple silver
currently reading/listening to :    Where do we go from here by Death?, reading the Getaway by Lamar Giles
last series :   101 scariest moments in horror on Shudder.
last movie :    Def by Temptation
sweet/spicy/savory : I alternate between savory and sweet on the regular with spicy thrown in as a treat.
currently working on :    occasionally a little writing for myself. maybe getting back into playing synth again. the usual survival things. exploring where my .. practice may lie.
𝙏𝘼𝙂𝙂𝙀𝘿 𝘽𝙔: @mythvoiced
Tagging: @singofus @thecatgoddessbast @penniesfortheferryman
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iincantatorum · 2 years
Ever since Delia became an avatar of Hathor, she has been invested in convinving the goddess to allow her to meet the other deities. She wished to meet the goddess that protected the home from evil spirits and disease, especially diseases associated with women and children.
More interestingly so, Bastet is Hathor’s sister. 
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“Hello? Hope I am not intruding. I am Delia, and Hathor’s powers flow through me as she chose me to be her vessel in the mortal worlds. I brought an offering,” she introduced herself as well as give her the basket of catnip-laced cookies. 
“I hope this is to your liking? Hathor told me that you’re fond of these, so I made them fresh.”
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