cerastes · 11 months
What console are you planning on getting AC6 on?
Given my laptop will become the eponymous fires of Rubicon if it tries to run AC6, I'll be playing it on PS4.
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dlartistanon · 11 months
How much harder is it to curate a fandom space for oneself in a fandom as an artist? I know I can just avoid bad Arknights takes and mischaracterization, but I imagine posting art/content attracts comments and attention from fans outside of you and other AK artists' circles.
I guess it depends? Like yes, any creator with a following will inevitably attract Weirdos, but for me, most of the time they're easy to ignore.
It probably helps that a lot of my art is (hopefully non-fetishistic) gay and occasionally buff/handsome women so obviously anyone who's a raging homophobe and/or transphobe just doesn't interact. The majority of comments I've gotten are nice.
The only people with whom I talk about AK stuff consistently with is a group of less than 10 people in my own private server. Sometimes I throw my thoughts onto twitter and have a chat with someone who has never been Weird on my art.
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wormholy · 3 months
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Commission for @thefrostyknight of their arknights OC, Needle. Thank you for commissioning me, especially for the excuse to draw a fancy background!
You can also commission me, my prices are available here
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glaistigs-garden · 10 days
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A piece I did for an OCxCanon exchange in a Fate discord server of @thefrostyknight's Maru and the lovely Meltryllis.
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tainbocuailnge · 3 years
Do you think Kama is just another minase victim or is that too hand-wavy of the themes and issues esp with Nasu supposedly at the helm?
honestly with the way it suddenly took a nosedive at the end I’m perfectly content with blaming minase for that part though im still side eyeing nasu for approving it
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shuttershocky · 4 years
So what's up with Tsukimiya Mai?
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kamadaeva · 3 years
What personality quirks do you think the Gudas would pick up from their respective parents?
ritsuka and rikka both share shirou’s stubbornness + determination when it comes to their ideals and trying to accomplish things. ritsuka wears his heart on his sleeve despite the cool or chill demeanor. shirou’s sarcastic tendencies rikka gets sakura’s upbeat and intense attitude (post-hf obviously), shirou bluntness. they also cook well learning from shirou and sakura or rin pardon the thought process, running through 3 personality profiles after just waking up is hard. feel free to add anything on top of it.
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tomasyri · 3 years
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Happy Holidays @thefrostyknight​ !! ♥ I had such a hard time deciding which one of your OCs to draw for the @ocsecretartexchange​ because they’re all so, so pretty!! I decided on the prompt snow with Cassandra in the end! I hope you like it and that your holidays are going well! Thank you for letting me draw your character!
And a process GIF because those are always fun hehe~
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ryo-maybe · 4 years
Robe Riku is a Master Xehanort vessel
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Bro I miss when Kingdom Hearts was a whimsical childhood dream made true and not some zipper-addicted dude’s potpourri of convoluted nonsense
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reignsan · 4 years
thefrostyknight replied to your post: tamamos-spaghetti replied to your post: ...
I thought Ushi was a rider cause she is “riding” the eight boats she leaps across
That would make more sense and it's what I tell myself, but the original GO trailer still showed her riding a horse.
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thefrostyknight replied to your photo: like, i know of all these gods, but im not sure...
Apollo? Or would a range fight be too boring?
actually no that be fucking wicked imagine a sniper versus the guy who pulls the  sun
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cerastes · 9 months
My current biggest hurdles are getting my AC to move how I want it to--specifically EN management and verticality. The tutorial boss felt like I was using all my energy just strafing and listening to Walter tell me to get off the ground. I did learn to be more aggressive and win, but the follow up training and missions hasn't really given me more opportunity to practice.
Second hurdle is how to better recover and avoid getting staggered myself beyond never get hit. Threading the needle between using energy to not get hit but also using it to close the distance and get in the kills/damage I need to finish a mission. Outside of AC I like mobile close-range and/or long-range play styles.
The tutorial chopper is pretty demanding for new players, so don't let it discourage you. The "best solution" to it, in the tutorial Loader-4, is to Assault Boost at it when it's just using its machine guns (ie not shooting direct rockets at you). Putting that on quotations because Hey, As Long As It Works. When Walter tells you to get off the ground, it's specifically to avoid the splash of the telegraphed rockets, not necessarily to stay on the air at all times.
Now, basically, you have to treat being off the ground as an action phase for you: You are using resources to stay afloat, and it gives you better innate evasion and maneuvering, plus any benefit that altitude differences might give you over an enemy, if you were previously level with them (keep this in mind), but of course, it comes at the cost of not being able to stay in that state forever. This is in contrast with how in For Answer, you could just perpetually fly if you built that way (and even get Quick Boost chains in for reasonably long), which I mention just in case you've heard of that and were wondering what's up with that in 6. So, in the chopper fight, for example, you only really want to leave the ground when it's shooting rockets at you, if you need it for the extra maneuvering to dodge missiles, and to attack. Being off the ground isn't an offensive phase or a defensive phase, it's an action phase: You can do more things in general, for both offensive and defensive ends. It must be treated as such.
Don't look at Quick Boosts as your Soulsborne i-frame roll or quickstep, look at Quick Boosts as, again, an action: It can be used for breakneck evasive actions when you need it to be that, but also, it can be your way in to your ideal range, whether that's pulling away or going in. Spamming QBs is going to eat your energy, and thus, your action resources. Learn to move and evade without the use of QB, and to use QBs when it's 'right' to do so.
Are you noticing a pattern here? Your resource, EN, is not a defensive tool, or an offensive tool exclusively, it's both. The tempo in Armored Core comes from knowing how to flow freely in action, using it offensively, defensively, and both simultaneously as the fight calls for it. Try to internalize that. If you see a barrage of missiles homing on to you from an angle, you could QB to avoid it, but that'll take EN, which doesn't recover as fast in the air as it does on the ground. Instead, you have to try to use your normal boosting movement to move in a way that the missiles miss, such as crossing past them as close to them as you can afford so they can't physically home in on you and hit you. Find the right range relative to your enemy that afford you being able to strafe around them in a ring without their shots hitting you. Armored Core is about finding out things about the specific fight you're currently in, and there's no universal formula for that, but there is a number of good habits that will let you find out the information you need ASAP so you can adjust to it. Am I getting hit a lot while boosting? Is this mitigated by QBing? What do I QB at and where? Does it benefit me to have an altitude difference? How much does it benefit me to be above the enemy? Things like this.
Both hurdles are tied to this, because learning your use of resources and your movement will invariably result in getting hit less or not in any significant amount of times that you'll get ACS broken. "Threading the needle between using energy to not get hit but also using it to close the distance and get in the kills/damage I need to finish a mission" this is pretty much what you have to learn, but also, always keep in mind that your enemy plays by the same rules as you do: They have reload times, they have limited actions, they have to consider the exact same things you need to consider, and are punished for the same failings. Knowing when to use your EN to focus on evasion or for going in is exactly what you should be trying to learn, and it becomes easier when you realize you DON'T need to be QBing all the time, just regular, smart movement and changes in altitude are enough most of the time. QBs eat your energy fiercely.
To get a handle of movement and economy of action, I recommend these loadouts:
With Weapon Bay: Right hand Assault Rifle, Linear Rifle, or Machine Gun, right shoulder missiles launcher/Left hand Shotgun or Machine Gun, left shoulder melee weapon of your choice
Without Weapon Bay: All the same but decide whether you want to keep the left hand firearm or melee weapon, then left shoulder another Missile Launcher or Grenade Cannon.
Simple but effective loadouts that give you close range agency, aren't prohibitively expensive so you can stay mobile, and can dive in and bail out while staying relevant in offensive terms. This may seem a lot at once, but take it at your own speed and once it clicks, trust you me that it'll click.
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dlartistanon · 2 years
Arknights: 22, 23, 25?
22. Favorite event so far
For me, I think the best story is Children of Ursus. It's technically an omnibus event and not a full event, but CoU has some of the strongest writing with how it gets into the bears' trauma. Who is Real and Near Light are also some of the better ones.
23. Favorite character artist?
I noticed I got multiple asks for this question, so I'll give one for each. First is aZLing4; while I don't particularly use a lot of their characters outside Absinthe, they're a favorite simply because every girl looks extremely sleep-deprived. I love dark circles/bags under eyes. It's an exquisite design choice.
25. Your homescreen operator
Doesn't she look good lighting up the night like that?
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dewa-chan · 5 years
thefrostyknight respondeu seu post: Also because Mycroft is originally a british...
Okay but what about MHXX? Fellow Foreigner, but she also changed her name to avoid paying back her debts.
Because of that detail, Mycroft actually sees MHXX as closer to a potential friend than the other Artorias! He has a really bad habit of not allowing himself to be fully comfortable around royalty because of protocols and hardcore respect and all the stuff.
MHXX as a result feels less like royalty and more of, you know, just a fellow Foreigner he can befriend.
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miumiins · 5 years
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commission for @thefrostyknight! thanks for letting me draw your OC!!
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tainbocuailnge · 3 years
What's the flower icon on MHXA?
jp has a feature where you can put a little red sticker on a servant as a way to recommend that servant to others but obviously everyone's just putting it on their favourites
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