elsewhereuniversity · 4 years
I figure its about time. Art student, avid reader. Fact and fiction, esoteric and mundane. Observant and nosey, but always out of concern or captivation, never spite. Bad sleeper, good cook, change my name weekly out of a lack of novelty. Great respect for animals, and seems to be reciprocated, dogs have even pulled away from there owners to greet me. Good with words and a strong sense of empathy and, although rarely seen, a terrible temper when someone is hurt. How would I do at Elsewhere?
The is a house in the forest and it has long gone cold. You catch sight of it off the Blue Trail one day, and you really do know better than to leave the trail, especially for things that weren’t there yesterday and won’t be tomorrow. But it’s so close, really just a few steps, and what the hell, you have a free period. The door is just shorter than you are, and rounded, and it opens at the slightest brush of your fingertips, like it has been waiting for company.
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ria-eviee · 8 years
Slay slay slay slay. Only done by the best. @thehairygodfather #goodtimes #onpoint
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cynicalhippie · 8 years
Oh hey! Is you!! I forgot we followed on this way back. How's things, how're you doing?
I’m doing great man! Nice photo! :D How’ve you been? 
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tentacleoracle-blog · 10 years
All I took from it is the point that bi-fashionables are incredibly problematic and are often incredibly homophobic.
I think that's honestly the best lesson we can take from all this tbhhh
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captainjaneways-bitch · 10 years
thehairygodfather replied to your post: Hurt - Johnny Cash #music
Since you aren’t singing it exactly as Johnny Cash would, I’m inclined to correct you as singing Hurt by Nine Inch Nails… sorry. Can’t help it.
I never knew it was a nine inch nails song. woops. I based mine off the Leona Lewis version. I'll have a listen to the original :) 
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elsewhereuniversity · 4 years
Sometimes, after storms, confused hotel patrons from all around the country can be found, wandering lost in the library, having left for Ice and taken a wrong turn down a mysterious corridor lined with worn travel brochures, which become atlases, which become dusty books. We make sure they get back ok.
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halfhauntings · 10 years
thehairygodfather replied to your post “martianwritings replied to your post “I finished my first watch...”
Better late than never.... What are you waiting for? Carry on!
True true. And I'm working on it! hehe
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minotaursauce · 10 years
Any decent person would do the same. I hope your friend is ok and I really hope you handle it ok. This kind of thing can be just as hard on the helper as it is on the person needing help. I hope he pulls through this.
As do I. He's a strong guy, and it really hurts to see him go A-over-T like this. I'm trying me best, and I'm happy that he's at least listening.
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elsewhereuniversity · 4 years
That Story about the chemistry teacher left me with two thoughts. The one student who STILL managed to miss everything, and have a perfectly normal few days, and THERMITE ROOMBAS
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
In reference to the last ask you posted, about the soft serve ice cream. Would any of the Gentry view the creation of something they loved and wanted as much as sweet treats and fancy things, out of something so dangerous to them, as some sort of powerful magic? Would it be something that could be used to bring respect or awe?
Honestly, humans aren’t generally phased by desirable goods with dangerous origins/creation - like cashews, for example. Sometimes we go ‘huh. weird’ and then move on. So I think most of the Gentry would probably also be able to take this kind of thing in stride. Maybe a bit startled to learn how it’s made, but not terribly overawed.
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
A salve for you, the juice of a white grape, mixed with the ashes of a meal burnt as offering. Apply to eyes once you set them upon the horror to come.
I am in your debt.
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
I Made a Mistake
My Archivist,
I am sorry for the cryptic communications, if they have arrived at all, I hope they we’re not too confusing. I can inform you that the danger I spoke of has passed, but the method with which I stopped it came at a great cost…. I think I went on a QUEST. I’m positively thrilled, now that it appears to be coming to an end at least.
I was researching the diets of Scottish Brownies in the Library when last I was on campus. I believe it may not be so long for you, but where I have been it could have been decades. I am not sure. Time moves like syrup sometimes.
I found a note in an old book. The pages were decaying, and I didn’t understand the language that was visible, but in ball point pen, on the inside cover, was scrawled a note that seemed to be a translated passage. It spoke of a book, an ancient book, engraved on plates and bound in rings of black metal. The passage seemed to imply the plates were scales of the Wyrm itself!!
I could not pass up the opportunity, so I went deeper into the stacks. Deeper than I should have, we all know what the Library can be like, especially when you are looking for something we should not be able to find.
I got lost, of course. Eventually, after much desperate searching, I found no safe room, no Librarians or assistants. I promise I only meant to rest, but sleep took me, slumped next to a carved wooden shelf housing a complete 36 volume encyclopedia of magical uses of the internal organs of the (now sadly extinct) Passenger Pigeon.
When I woke, there were no books to be seen. I was in a meadow, of sorts, maybe at one time or another. The dried grass was brown and crisp, and the trees were almost blue in the darkness of the night. It was night, and the moon was not the one I expected to see. (although I may have seen it over Elsewhere at some point or another, you know how the sky can be).
Anywho, I am not back on campus yet, but I think I can see it through the gaps in the mist sometimes.  It really bolsters the spirits and I am sure I can get back soon, until then I will continue with my (more clear) reports. I have found a Raven who acts as ambassador to the Crow colony on the school grounds. He has agreed to bring my letters to you faster than I can travel, although what price the Crows try to extract from you I cannot say. I apologise if it comes at a high expenditure.
Until then, I remain your agent in the Forbidden Major.
I am deeply relieved - more than enough to forgive the crows’ frankly extortionate rates. I wish you a clear path and the sight of sky through the forest canopy as you make your way back to our campus. The Groundskeepers will keep an eye out for your return.
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
A report for you. The stars are preparing to travel home. They no longer value our gaze.
A report read with sorrow. We tried.
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
Archivist, When the owl whispers, listen. I will be in touch.
I will be here. I am always here. I will wait for the owl.
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
A sign for you, the lunar eclipse today is hard to interpret as anything else, given that it happened in the early afternoon. (13:42 to be precise)
Impossible to misinterpret, taken as it was given - in urgency.
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
The stars taste so sweet, but be careful not to choke.
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