So I’ve been craving to read this fic that hopefully I didn’t make up and I’ve been trying to remember it’s name. All I remember is that Katinss and Gale(I think) are dating but when Gale would go to sleep Katinss would text Peeta. I’m pretty sure they were coworkers and couldn’t date bc of this. I know that she broke up with Gale but that’s all that my brain can remember. I’m sorry if this is vague or you can’t find it. I just wanted to read this again. Thanks for all you do for the community❤️
FOUND!  This is After Hours by SoThere.
Thank you, @mendontprotectyou!
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thehopefuldandelion · 5 years
Not Him
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Thank you @tindomrl​ for nagging my lazy butt to write this.
here for ao3. here for fanfiction.net
I do not own any of these characters:)
“No, not him. Not fucking Peeta Mellark. He can’t be here.” I whisper to Annie while smoothing down my blazer and dress pants.
Peeta Mellark. The epitome to my existence. I am content, I have a steady boyfriend and a soon to be great job. He can’t be here to ruin it.
It all started on a balmy, summer day in 2nd grade. He pushed me off those darned yellow swings causing painful scrapes to appear on my knees and rough mulch to tangle in my hair. We grew up together in Panem, a small town in Oregon. I always liked him even though we never talked. And then that fucker pushed me off the swings. I know what you are thinking, “Katniss you were a little girl get over it”. There were other instances. In middle school, he won the award of having the most attendance which I was second to by 1 singular day. Darned flu. Or in Sophomore year when he spilled punch all over my dress at Homecoming on purpose. It gets even better, though. I was Valedictorian for our Senior Class and guess what he did when he found out. He stole my cap and gown. I’m not shitting you. He did and I will never forget it. This is why I hate Peeta Mellark. He’s a stickup, selfish prick and I, Katniss Everdeen, will never forgive him.
“Katniss, I’m sure he just works here,”she said reassuringly.“I doubt he’s here for the interview”.
“I hope so,” I mumbled under my breath.
My attention is focused on the man who had just come out of an office. No way. No fuckin’ way. How was I supposed to know that the very company I wanted a job at, was CEO’d by none other than Peeta Mellark. He looks around the room and locks eyes with me before saying,“Thank you all for coming today. As you are aware I am in need of a new secretary because my past employee is on maternity leave. Good luck!”
And with that Peeta Mellark walks back into his office, and calls the first interviewee in.
It seems that 2 hours pass until I am called in. I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants and take a deep breath. Why am I so nervous? What if he remembers me? Oh god. What if he brings it-
“Ms. Everdeen, I presume?”he asks cutting into my thoughts.
“Yes that is correct,”I respond while shaking his warm, calloused hand.
I briefly look up and lock eyes with him. Oh, those blue eyes and floppy curls. How did I ever hate this man. His past slender teenage figure has evened out, shown through the broad shoulders and muscular arms that make up his physique. He is hot. No not just hot, beautiful. Katniss, snap out of it. You have a boyfriend for God sakes. You loathe him.
“Wait...Katniss?”Peeta inquires with a glowing look on his face.
I pause, thinking of how to go about this. Do I pretend not to know him. This could cost me a job. Ah, what do I do?
“Peeta. It’s so good to see you again. How has life been treating you?”
“It’s been what, 7 years? Wow. Everything is going well for me. At least pertaining to the business. My love life is nonexistent and-well, I should probably stop before I get into it. “Peeta stared deeply into my eyes before glancing at his desk,”Anyway, why do you want to work at Mellark Enterprises?”
“My sister, Prim, is in medical school and I want to help her with student loan. Not only that but I need to pay my rent and pay bills and-”
“Ms. Everdeen, Katniss, calm down. It’s ok.” he says while reaching towards my hand and holding it.“Ignoring all the bills to be paid and debts to pay off, why do you really want to work here, Katniss?”
I look at our joined hands and quickly unclasp them, moving my hand to rest on top of my thigh. I can still feel the warmth from his large one. “Honestly, I didn’t even know this was your company. I just want a job and thought that being a secretary was a great way to start.”
Peeta peered at me with those baby blue eyes causing me to squirm in my seat. “Thank you, Katniss. I will go over your resume and get back to you if you get the position.”
As I embarked on the journey from the chair to the door, I heard Peeta say something the made my heart stop, “I look forward to seeing you soon, Ms. Everdeen.” He gave me a crooked grin causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Crap. What is he doing to me.
And with that I left the room.
Annie calls me later that afternoon and I recall all that had happened today.
“I can’t believe it was him. Why him? Of all the 7 billion people on this earth he could be my boss.”
“I mean, Katniss, you don’t have to take the job when you get it.”
“If I get it and I need this job, though. No one else is hiring.”I searched for days but not a single business needed another employee. I felt a spark of hope when I saw the neon pink flyer stating a secretary position at Mellark Enterprises was available, that is, until him.
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you Katniss. He can’t be that bad. When you get the job just take it. I don’t think you'll regret it,” Annie instructed me.
With a groan, I told Annie bye and hung up.
I hope I don’t regret this.
Behind me, I hear the sound of the door to the apartment opening. Thank goodness Gale was home.
“Hey Catnip,” Gale greets me with a peck while taking off his tie.
“Hey,” I respond unenthusiastically,”How was your day?”
“Great, actually. You know the new intern I was telling you about?”
“Yeah. Madge?”
“Yup. God, she's great, Katniss. I’m so glad I snatched her up before anyone else could get their claws in her.”
“That’s great, babe,” I say while peering at him skeptically. He has shown more and more interest in her since, well, 2 months ago. I trust Gale. Yeah we have our spats and our fiery personalities don’t exactly fit perfectly but I couldn't live without him. He’s my rock. He has been since we were 10 and met in the woods of all places. Both our dads liked to hunt so we always went along and one day we bumped into each other, literally.
I’ve noticed that Gale and I seem to be distancing ourselves form each other. Not purposefully, but we don’t have that connection we used to have. Ugh, just another thing to add to my overflowing plate. There was time when we would kiss passionately until we were exhausted and would go on dates almost every night but times have changed. Is it possible to fall out of love with someone because if it is, I am with Gale. Now, don’t take that the wrong way. I’m not breaking up with him. It’s relieving to have someone to talk to but I just don’t feel what I used to. Maybe I am going crazy.
“Hey, babe?” Gale called out to me from the living room bringing my thoughts back to reality.
“Yeah,”I responded hoping he wanted more from me than to bring him dinner.
“Can you get me some milk?”
“Fine,” I unwillingly grumbled back. When I brought it to him he had a dismissive attitude towards me and added on to what he previously said.
“I have a convention for work so I won’t be home over the weekend.”
“Ok, that’s great. I’ll just stay with Annie.” I didn’t want to be alone.
“Sounds good, Catnip.”
He would be the death of me.
A week or two goes by with no word from Peeta about the job. I might as well admit defeat. Yet again, Peeta frickin Mellark decides to ruin my life.
After grabbing my yoga mat and putting on leggings and a t-shirt, I go meet up with Annie for our twice a week zen class. The classic “Downward Dog” and “Balasana” always calm me down.
Afterwards, we hit a coffee shop where Annie’s fiancé, Finnick, waits.
“Hey, hon,” Annie tells him lovingly. “Aw, you got me my favorite. Thanks.” She then proceeds to give him a languid kiss causing me to turn away.
Sometimes I wish Gale and I were more like Annie and Finnick. Our kisses aren’t “languid” and he always get me coffee which I hate. I know, I know I could just break up with him but I don’t want to lose his company or friendship. Woe is me.
“So, Finnick, what have you been up to?” I asked him.
“Oh, you know, getting drunk, killing mobsters, giving my beautiful fiancé the best of everything,” Finnick replies, giving Annie doe eyes. “I forgot to tell you, I invited a friend to join us so I hope that's ok.”
“Thats fi-,”I stop myself.
Peeta Mellark, the very same Peeta Mellark who could be my boss, was walking towards the table.
In my trashy t-shirt and ratty leggings with sweaty hair sticking to my forehead I knew I looked awful.
*sniff sniff* And smelled awful.
I glare at Finnick and scowl. I hope he feels the pain I’m experiencing.
“Katniss, hey!” Peeta made no comment towards my outfit or smell so that’s a good sign.
I cleared my throat before saying,”Hello, Peeta.”
My cheeks were burning up and I could tell they were a dark pink from embarrassment. He set a drink in front of me. If it’s coffee I swear to god I’ll-
“I didn’t know what you liked so I guessed. Is hot chocolate ok?” he commented shyly.
“Um, yeah it's perfect,”I told him. “So, you know Finnick?”
“We go way back. Freshman year of college we were roommates in those crusty, dilapidated dorms. He was the one who took, no dragged me to parties and set me up on dates. I don’t know where I’d be without him.”
“Hopefully dead,” I grumbled underneath my breath.
Peeta gave me a peculiar look before turning away. So what if he heard me. I doubt I got the job and I loathe him anyway.
Annie gives me a sympathetic glance before telling the table that she and Finnick have to leave for their “couples class”.
I hope she and Finnick die a fiery death. I can’t leave, that would be rude, but at the same time I can’t sit here for another hour small talking to Peeta fuckin’ Mellark. Suck it up, buttercup.
“Oh, Katniss, this is the perfect opportunity to tell you that you got the job!” Peeta declared to me while grinning. Why is he grinning? He’s probably conniving plans on how to torture me. Wouldn't be surprised. “That is, if you will accept.”
I had no other option but to say yes.
“Ok, that's awesome. I’ll take it.”
Those 6 words, I would soon learn, would change my life forever.
Waking up and realizing you have a steady job and will be able to pay rent should cause a person to leap for joy. I can’t. Not when the job is at Mellark Enterprises. God, today will be awful.
As soon as I arrive to the 8th floor, Peeta is there, welcoming me. He shows me around from the break room to his office, and finally my desk. Which I forgot to mention is about 10 feet from his. Crap.
I’m in deep shit.
“I’m looking forward to working with you, Katniss,” Peeta comments, his eyes soft and grin, again, crooked. His floppy blonde, curly hair is unruly and of course he rolled his button up sleeves up to his elbows causing his pale smooth skin and muscular arms to show. I felt something move south, not caused by my actual boyfriend, and I wanted to moan. Oh, to push him against his desk and him to take me right then and then. To feel his strong arms wrapped around me and his tongue twirling with mine. That’s hot. Wait, what? What is this man doing to me?
“M...Me too,” I stumble over my words still hypnotized by his beauty.
I notice that Peeta was staring off into the distance and has a slight smirk on his face. Hm, I wonder what he’s thinking about. He shakes himself out of it and slams his office door behind him.
I go about my first day at Mellark Enterprises as secretary to the one and only Peeta Mellark. Nothing strange or abnormal happens. I go home, as usual. Gale is passive aggressive, as usual. But my mind is swirling with sinful thoughts of Peeta. Why him? Why does my body react to him this way. My mind loathes him but my heart...I just don't know what to do. He’s the guy that taunted me for years and is now acting like we have been best friends for decades. My emotions can’t seem to stay in check when I’m around him. I’m so conflicted and unsure of what to do.
The next day, after a long night of dreams I should not be having, I quickly make my way to work.
“Mellark Enterprises, this is Katniss Everdeen speaking. How may I help you?”
“Yes, I am his secretary.”
“Yes I will leave him with your number ma’am.”
“Ok, bye.”
Ugh, ew. I do not need Peeta’s booty calls asking me about him. What he does is his business. Right? I wouldn't want to be one. No, no way.
His lips on mine, hands roaming.
Me moaning. Lips caressing every part of my neck.
Blonde curls falling on his face. Calloused hands unwinding my braid, kissing each strand.
Snap. Out. Of. It.
He’s your boss, my god, Katniss.
After the weird phone call this morning, I avoided Peeta as much as a secretary could do (not well) and quickly scurried home. I told Annie that I had a bad day and need some alone time which she understood.
I decided to make a detour before going home and bought a bottle of Pinot Grigio from the local supermarket because boy did I need it. I unlocked the door and opened it into my apartment. Walking to the kitchen, I set the white wine on the counter and ransacked the refrigerator looking for some carbs. The door to the bedroom was closed, that’s odd. I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the couch, eating pasta and drinking some cheap wine. My ideal night. after about an hour of this, I heard a voice...2 voices to be exact coming from the bedroom. I glanced at the front door-wait those aren't my shoes, or jacket. Opening the bedroom door slowly, with a pan because there could be a murderer in my apartment, I saw what I hadn’t expected to see at all.
“GALE! Who the fuck is that.”
“Katniss, I can explain.” he said hurriedly.
“Who is she?” the blond bimbo said.
“Madge, she’s nobody,” he told her trying to calm her down.
“Wait, Madge. As in your intern Madge?” I said, disgusted with Gale. “How dare you Gale. Damn you. Leave and NEVER come back.”
“Katniss, please, baby, I can explain.”
“I said LEAVE. You too, Madge,” I spit out.
He quickly gathered his clothes and scurried out the door, taking Madge with him. I just can’t believe he would do that. Why? I know things haven't been the best lately, but to cheat on me?
I could barely stand so I sank to the floor and bawled, trying to pick up the pieces of my broken life.
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everlarkedalways · 5 years
Hey so I missed the reread last year and was wondering when the next one would be. I know I could always just reread them on my own but it’s always fun to do it with other ppl.
Ha. I love you. 
So...after a reread (last one just ended in December), I’m always like, “NEVER AGAIN!” Then, Spring rolls around and someone pokes me into doing one and i’m like, “YEAH! It’s time!” So maybe ask me next month! :D 
In the meantime, I know there are a lot of people doing a lot of fun things. Please reblog and comment with what you’ve got going on on your blog! @tindomrl and @10yearsofthehungergames I know have stuff going on.
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awhiskeyriver · 5 years
Ugh, I needed that last chapter of fluff after this week. Thank you.❤️
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Thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it :)
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mocalmangeal · 5 years
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omercilessmoon · 5 years
this is so sweet 💗💗 ty!
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jlalafics · 5 years
cinna: what’s the kindest thing you’ve done or someone has done for you?
The kindest thing that someone has done for me?
Marry me.
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apencilandaneraser · 4 years
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"I had just turned away from Peeta Mellark's bruised face when I saw the dandelion and I knew hope wasn’t lost."
~~~Suzzane Collins
The Hunger Games
PS: since it is @thehopefuldandelion 's birthday, ot is dedicated to her, @thehopefuldandelion take some ❤and be safe
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Happy Birthday, thehopefuldandelion!
We want to wish @thehopefuldandelion​ a very happy birthday! To cap off your special day, @booksrockmyface​ has written a special fic just for you!
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Title: Royal Meet-Cute
Gift for: thehopefuldandelion
Rated: K
Author’s note: Very happy birthday, thehopefuldandelion! I hope you have had a good day and that this is just the cherry on top. :)
Katniss groaned as Prim dragged her along to the embassy. “Come on, it’s late.”
“Yes,” Prim said, tugging Katniss along. “And you promised we’d stop here before the trip was over. Tomorrow is our last day and this is our only chance to see it.”
They stood in front of District 12’s embassy. It was located in the heart of the bustling city and boasted a very spectacular fountain out front that lit up at night. There were all kinds of tourists lined up outside.
“What’s all the fuss?” Katniss asked as they got closer. “I didn’t think there were this many people interested in some fountain.”
Prim chewed her lip, a sure sign she had been holding back some sort of information. It was how Katniss had guessed countless birthday and Christmas gifts over the years.
“Spill.” Katniss demanded.
Prim sighed. “It’s just that Prince Peeta is supposed to be in town and I was really hoping he would make an appearance on a balcony or something.” She looked around. “Guess I’m not the only one.”
Someone bumped into Katniss and she turned to give them a glare.
But she was stopped short by a very handsome blonde man. He raised his glasses and in the light bouncing off the fountain she could make out they were a brilliant blue. He blinked a few times and then smiled, revealing a dimple on his cheek.
Prim gasped and Katniss turned to see what had caused the reaction.
“It’s him!” Prim whispered.
Katniss gave her a confused look and turned back to look where her sister was pointing. The man was gone. She turned back to her sister. “Who?”
“Prince Peeta,” she hissed. “He smiled at you. I could just die.” Prim grabbed Katniss’s arm and gave it a shake.
Katniss rolled her eyes. “There’s no way that was him. We’re in the middle of a large gathering. I’m sure there are plenty of people who look similar to him.”
“No one else with that dimple.” Prim gripped her arm tighter. “Katniss, magazines pay top dollar for even the most covert pictures of that dimple and you got it for free.”
“Well, since you got your Prince Peeta sighting, can we go back to the hotel and order a pizza?”
Prim heaved another sigh. “I guess. Man, I wish I had gotten my camera out.”
Peeta watched the pair after he melted into the crowd. He could just barely hear the blonde girl swooning over him. But the brunette was the one he was really looking at. She was such a subtle beauty. He could go an entire lifetime with the most eligible women in the world paraded in front of him and never see someone so beautiful.
Is this creepy? This is probably creepy.
He turned to start walking away when she saw them making their way out of the crowd. He looked ahead and found a path that would best cut them off right at the edge of the gathering.
Peeta pushed his way through the throng, keeping his head down, but keeping an eye on the pair. He stopped and pumped into her again. “Sorry.” He mumbled.
“You make it a habit of bumping into people?” The brunette asked.
The blonde girl stood with her mouth agape.
Peeta smiled. “Only when they are really pretty.” He held out his hand. “Conrad.” It was one of his many extra names. And his favorite as it had been the name his father ruled under. Not an entirely uncommon name for their generation. “And you are?”
“Not interested.”
The brunette tried to step away, but the blonde stopped her and held out her hand. “I’m Prim. This is my sister Katniss. Conrad is a good choice.”
Peeta grinned and shook her hand. This woman was perceptive. No one else in the crowd he had been pressed into had even looked his way.
Peeta said, “It was the smile, wasn’t it?”
Prim nodded. “I have pictures of it all over my wall. I mean, you. I mean, not that I’m obsessed or anything. I just think you’re really cute.” She closed her mouth and looked down. “I’ll stop talking now.”
Katniss patted her back. “We were just leaving.”
“Can I at least give you an autograph and a picture?” Peeta asked. “No one will ever believe your story and you deserve to be able to tell everyone.”
Prim squealed and took out her phone. Katniss took it from her and snapped the picture. And then Prim dug around in her purse. It took her quite some time. She picked up a pen and scribbled and then shook her head. She dug again and found another. She handed Peeta a pen and a scrap of a brochure.
He smiled and signed his name to the paper. “I hope you have a good evening.”
“Thank you!” Prim said, throwing her arms around the royal. Then she stepped back, full of embarrassment. “I’m so sorry. It was so kind of you.”
He watched them leave and decided it was probably enough of being among the people for one night.
As he made his way to the back entrance, he felt something in his pocket that wasn’t there before. It was a slip of paper with a phone number and a quick scrawl that read, Katniss Everdeen. Prim must have somehow done it while she was rummaging in her purse.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 years
Without a Doubt
without a doubt by thehopefuldandelion
"The low lit Christmas lights cast a shadow over the room, the ambiance serene. The blonde glanced out the windows at the gently falling snow, reminding him of his graceful bugaboo. He looked down at the thought and felt as if Marinette was an angel, glowing, in the otherwise dark room. Brushing his fingers over her collarbone, he realized he was so so lucky to have this miraculous girl's presence in his life. Marinette, even her name was featherlight off his tongue. She really is perfect."
Adrien finds the family he always wanted on a snowy Christmas morning
Words: 1502, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of miraculous one-shots
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Plagg
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Christmas Eve, Christmas Dinner, Snow, Winter, Forehead Kisses, Cheek Kisses, lovebirds, supportive parents, Delicious Pastries, we all love tom and sabine, Falling In Love, falling asleep, Post Reveal, Dating, Established Relationship, Family, Love, Polar Express - freeform, Eskimo Kisses, Presents, I Love You, Literal Sleeping Together, Christmas in Paris, Paris (City), Cold
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27705521
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I was just curious if you know of any fics in which peeta is an art teacher or ig just a teacher and it still has everlark. Thanks for your help!😁
We actually have Masterlist: Trope Student/Teacher which you might like. 
It is due to be updated (*note to self) but you might like to start there. :)
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thehopefuldandelion · 5 years
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I start to giggle. Giggle. Katniss Everdeen does not giggle. What is this deliciously handsome man doing to me? 
I clear by throat abruptly and am about to speak when he throws a handful of candy hearts at me.
“Peeta!” I squeal. This man who I have known all of an hour has made me giggle and squeal. Oh, it’s on.
read the rest on ao3.
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everlarkedalways · 5 years
Happyyyyyyyy Birthday! (I know I already said this but why not do it again) I hope your day was special❤️🎉
Thank you! It was so good and relaxing! I had so much coffee and hung out with my family!
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awhiskeyriver · 5 years
That new update on the bet was AMAZING! I can’t wait to see where the story goes.
Thank you so much! It’s been interesting hearing what people think is going to happen. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the story! :)
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michbigbagofweird · 5 years
Need to read list:
Katniss Everdeen is Not a Stalker @mega-aulover
Not Him @thehopefuldandelion
Let’s Face the Music and Dance @wendywobbles I’m excited! Didn’t know this existed! 
Bright Star by shakingshoulders Not sure if they’re on tumblr 
C’est La Vie @awhiskeyriver - I’ve read it on tumblr, but want to reread on ao3
The Boy in the Woods @endlessnightlock
Unmasked @katnissdoesnotfollowback  I’m excited to read! Been waiting for it to be complete, and even more excited, since it’s kdnfb
Will read when complete because I struggle with angst and WIP:
Stolen @ambpersand
Three of Hearts @badnovels Not sure if it’s really considered angst, but uh, scared to start yet. Sorry 😐 One of my favorite authors, though! 
All caught up and highly recommend:
The Bet @awhiskeyriver  Hold It @hutchhitched
Part of Me @jlalafics
Our Story @eiramrelyat
Missteps @oakfarmer12
Pumpernickel @creamytinydays
Body, Crema, heck all the Double Shot stories @mendontprotectyou
Be That as it May @ambpersand
A New Path @endlessnightlock
Moon in My Glass @mendontprotectyou
Cute drabbles by @thehopefuldandelion and @tindomrl  Sorry, I’m too lazy to type all the names 🙄
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hutchhitched · 4 years
Attach gifs from 10 of your favorite movies without naming them and then tag some people to do the same.
I was tagged by @jennagill, @acpoe82, @thehopefuldandelion, @michbigbagofweird, and @stjohn27. Thanks for the tags, ladies. It was hard to come up with only ten.
I tag @lovely-tothe-bone, @thegirlfromoverthepond, @musette22, @everhutcher, @smartalexy, @wendywobbles, @ragamuffin--child, and @ldyglfr62​ if y’all haven’t done it already.
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