theijoonies · 3 years
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Last night, I closed off my free intuitive readings because we've reached our x00th follower! 🥺❤️
I was feeling really sick yesterday but I'm feeling all better now. I know I still have A LOT of asks sitting in my ask box right now, and I'm still saving up for the right amount of energy to finish all of those.
BUUUUUUUUT I can't wait to open up my free giveaway to 5 lucky winners! 🤭 I'm feeling pretty generous so here's the deal.
If you want to participate in this giveaway you must do 3 simple things:
1. You must be following my blog.
2. You must like this post.
3. You must reblog this post.
This giveaway will be open until July 27th, 11:59 PM, UTC/GMT + 8.
The winners will receive an indepth intuitive reading with automatic writing. Please note that I will interpret the words/ sentences that I'll get from the automatic writing, AND, analyze it after. Then I will provide an intuitive reading from it.
I'll empty my askbox first before selecting the winners, so yay, let's get it!
- Thei 🌻
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antiquemotel · 3 years
Henlo R, ✨
Thank you so much for giving me a compatibility reading with R. 😆 It was so fun to read and I can totally relate from this synastry. I can say that many of the points stressed in that reading is true in my case.☺️
Thank you for being very accommodating even though I sent my request through your inbox. I love your good energy. Blessed be. ❤️
- Thei 🌻
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Thank you for the concern Moonbeams 🥺💜 I'm sorry I made you worry, but I'm back 🤗💜 so please don't worry anymore! @starrydarling78 @theikookie
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This is a tumblr hug! if you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate but if you break the chain it's okay cause the most important thing is that you know you're loved and appreciated 💖💕💓💗💝🤍
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starrkdani · 4 years
get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!
Thank you for tagging me, @theikookie !!! 
Let’s get it!
1. I rarely watch series or films. I think I have lost all patience for these things, and I much rather read the book/HQ/manga. But, I do have some shows that I love, and watch them when I have some really really free time.
2. This was orginally a Marvel/Anime/Fanfiction blog, now a BTS/Astrology blog. I created it to to avoid giving spoilers to my friends of Facebook. The idea of this blog is to be a place to share my interests freely. 
3. I hate going to the doctors. I get really really anxious and feel even more sick.  thankfully, I’ve always been considerably healthy. 
4. I work in a language school. I’ve been an English teacher for 10 years, then became a school pedagogical coordinator, which is my current job. Even though I’m a very experienced teacher, I often have a very hard time with orthography.
5. I have a hard time finishing things. This is because I do things in ‘energy bursts” rather than “a constant flow of energy”. So wheever I have energy, I do as much tasks as possible!
I tag:
@gukslut @aligned-star @walewalentina @notyourangelanymore @hibiskooks
 @varietae @btsaudge @jjeongukks @mypurplelamp
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theijoonies · 3 years
Hello my Lovely People,
Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening. ✨
I'm posting this just because I woke up feeling extremely grateful for everything. I don't want to sound so dramatic but the feeling is overwhelming. Thank you very much for giving me an outlet to practice my intuition and spiritual abilities. Most importantly, thank you so much for providing me a SAFE, and POSITIVE space to express myself.
The world is cruel and unfair and it doesn't cost a dime to be kind to others. I'm just glad, and blessed to be interacting with people who are just kind. Sure, there are energy vampires here and there, but the collective, is just kind.
I hope we all stay kind to each other. 🥺
We may be countries/ continents apart but I want you guys to know that each one of you holds a special place in my heart.
Ok I'm ending this drama hahaha.
Love you my lovelies!
- Thei 🌻
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theijoonies · 3 years
Hello Lovelies,
First off, I really wanted to apologize because I kept everyone hanging, especially those who joined my last event. There has not been a day that I didn't think about all of you. I've been very sick recently and I haven't recovered still. The universe really made sure to ask for an intense payback because I kind of abused myself from all the energies that I've given out.
Please know that once I'm okay and I'm feeling better, I'll do the remaining readings and I will continue with the event.
I hope you guys are safe and well.
With love,
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theijoonies · 3 years
Hi lovely!
Can I ask how (L) feels about me? Thank you 💞 take care!
Hello my number 5 to my 12346 🤣😘,
L feels hdbxhsbsh idk how to describe it in a way that's not gonna bother you but I'm feeling a physical manifestation right now. Their heart feels uneasy for you, in such a manner that their heart rate increases, like the way when you feel anxious or when there are butterflies in your stomach. There's definitely a blockage in communication going on. You guys are not telling each other how you really feel, although you might have an idea how the other person feels, your minds sometimes would just straight up reject those thoughts. 🥶 My advice for you? Let them tell you what they feel first, you might end up getting hurt if you will tell your feelings before them.
I hope this helps! ☺️
- Thei 🌻
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theijoonies · 3 years
Dang, this is me ranting as I'm feeling the effects of the vaccine. I was drowsy and nauseous the whole ride home. I barely had the energy to shower and to eat. My grandfather cooked like a good stirfried noodle dish but I ate just about 3 tablespoons of it.
I haven't forgotten about the asks sitting in my askbox y'all. Kindly gimme time to recover.
I miss interacting with you guys. Hopefully I can return again here the soonest, but I'm still snooping around and I may/may not reply. 🤭
May you have a good morning/ afternoon/ evening, wherever you are.
And oh, to whomever's snooping in my energy, stooooop for now please. I've been so restless since last week. You can come back when I'm feeling better. 😘🤣
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theijoonies · 2 years
I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing.
In case someone is wondering, no, I didn't forget you.
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theijoonies · 3 years
Hii! F.F here~ can I please request a reading about my future spouse? Thanksssss boo✨💋👑
Henlo FF ✨
I'm not sure if you are still here but I'm gonna try to answer your ask, I know it's been sitting here for too long but I apologize, I'm not really feeling good these days.
Tall, dark and handsome. Vvvv cliché, and i'm not even sure of your gender, hun, but these words rlly came to mind. Buff, warm in complexion, has very white teeth, and the lips' a bit thick. I got the overall impression of how this person would look. They love to wear accessories and a good bling is always a nice choice. They love to splurge and spoil you. So imagine having dates and being vvvvv spoiled. This person is sensitive but they do not like to show their emotions.
I hope this reading gave you a glimpse about your future spouse!
-Thei 🌻
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theijoonies · 3 years
Hello Lovelies ✨
So today, I finished work early, at around 4 PM. I drove myself and my grandpa to do some chores, then we went to a kbbq restaurant to eat dinner. When we arrived home, I folded clothes and hung up the laundry that I left in the washing machine when we went out. I did the dishes right after and I chatted with my aunts for hours.
Oooohh 11:11 as I'm typing this.
I just wanna share my day with you guys, I know that many asks are sitting in my askbox and I'm not forgetting about y'all. I just wanna rest early today (tho 11 pm is no way early) so I can catch up with sleep. I'm feeling really tired rn. Hopefully, I can recover and catch up with the readings that I have to do over the weekend.
I'm always here if anyone wants to chat or send asks, just go ahead. I'll try to reply once I'm feeling better and I'm available.
If you've made it this far, thank you for listening to my blabbering. ❤️
Good night my lovelies. 😘
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theijoonies · 3 years
I haven't gotten back to any readings since the ones I last did this morning. I was out the whole day and I just laid down now. Time check: 12:29 AM. I need to prep and rest because I'll be vaccinated tomorrow.
I haven't forgotten about my Lovelies.
Please wait patiently for your readings.
Love lots,
Thei 🌻
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theijoonies · 3 years
Just got home from my doctor's appointment.
The weather here is crazy, it's sunny then in a blink of an eye it's stormy. My allergies have been pretty bad to cause my rhinitis to flare up, then trigger my migraine, and now I'm suffering from middle ear infection. 🥲
I haven't forgotten about everyone, my state of health is just really poor right now. I want everyone to know that I'm really grateful for all the kind messages wishing me the best of health and well-being. I am sending you the same too. ✨
Thei 🌻
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theijoonies · 3 years
Hi! New follower here!! 💖 I’d love to know how my future spouse will treat me and like about me please? Thank you take care! ✨
Hello @acmishere ✨
Your future spouse will treat you like a baby. Always wanting to pamper you and spoil you. They are the type of person to ask 'Is my baby tired? Wanna go for an ice cream?' All those sweet stuff, sometimes, you'll grow tired of it because you are an adult and they are pampering you way too much but that's because they feel like you deserve all the spoiling because you've worked so hard and you've had enough stress in your life that they feel that you only deserve the best.
I hope this answered your ask! ☺️
-Thei 🌻
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theijoonies · 3 years
Hi lovely!! I saw that your free readings are open and please answer this only if you are comfortable and have enough energy to spare, no pressure. I wanted to ask you a little about my university and how my education probably will be like? Basically any information about it is fine. Take care of yourself and have a great day💜
Hello Stephanie ✨
Thank you very much for your concern. I am doing this reading right now as I'm having my lunch break. ☺️ Psychology speaks to me and I got a channeled message 'doctor of the mind' are you perhaps taking a degree related to that? I've visited your blog earlier and I submitted an ask for your MBTI ships and it totally makes sense if I'm going to relate it to that. You are a hard-worker, I kinda saw a lady studying late at night for exams, I saw some notes, highlighting pens (?), scribbles? You have a knack for writing and you are organized with your thoughts and notes and these attributes will serve you well in University. Your professors will admire you and your work too, as long as you will believe in yourself and feel confident about it. University radiates so much positivity in you. I saw a lady wearing a bullcap, a darkblue hoodie, and a gray yoga pants, with some workout shoes as well. I'm not really sure who she is but she is smiling widely, she's wearing hoop earrings as well. You might graduate with flying colors and I'm rooting for you. ☺️
I hope I was able to answer your ask. ❤️
-Thei 🌻
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