#their anti ed stance feels racially motivated and malicious
softestepilogue · 1 year
Wow that Izzy stan anon is a stupid piece of shit. Izzy fans are racist. They prioritize the thoughts and feelings of a white (cop loving) man who has shown abusive and racist tendencies. But all of that is FINE to Izzy stans who want to woobify him because his voice is funny or whatever. Izzy fans completely miss the plot because they're too busy thinking they're being persecuted. Izzy isn't the main character. He deserves everything single horrible thing that happens to him. And the Izzy stans with their deliberate misinterpretation of other characters are going to come out of s2 looking dumb and even more racist than usual.
the thing is i don’t mind Izzy ! i think he’s hilarious. he’s not my fave character and i don’t find him remotely interesting beyond comedic relief and i wouldn’t care if he was gone from the show.
but other people do love him best and that’s fine. it really is. but it’s when they start villainizing the main character who’s a poc that i have a problem with. calling ed an abuser as if izzy isn’t also a flawed character. it’s weird because it happens in multiple fandoms and it’s time to call a spade a spade. you know what i mean?
and then telling people they’re ableist and classist for not liking izzy. it’s weird the way they will jump through hoops to victimize a flawed white male character and villianize a flawed poc character and act like we’re the problem for calling them out on it. act like we’re the problem because we notice how white male characters are treated better by fandoms than poc characters. and they try to pull the “oh wow now i’m racist because i like a fictional character.” they intentionally misinterpret what we’re saying to act like we’re ridiculous for calling them racist for liking a fictional character when that is not the problem.
like the ficticional character you like but do not dismiss the real world problems fandoms have where poc characters are treated differently than white male characters. it’s exhausting. it really is.
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