#they always like the white male character better or find them more interesting or find the actor to be more talented
softestepilogue · 1 year
Wow that Izzy stan anon is a stupid piece of shit. Izzy fans are racist. They prioritize the thoughts and feelings of a white (cop loving) man who has shown abusive and racist tendencies. But all of that is FINE to Izzy stans who want to woobify him because his voice is funny or whatever. Izzy fans completely miss the plot because they're too busy thinking they're being persecuted. Izzy isn't the main character. He deserves everything single horrible thing that happens to him. And the Izzy stans with their deliberate misinterpretation of other characters are going to come out of s2 looking dumb and even more racist than usual.
the thing is i don’t mind Izzy ! i think he’s hilarious. he’s not my fave character and i don’t find him remotely interesting beyond comedic relief and i wouldn’t care if he was gone from the show.
but other people do love him best and that’s fine. it really is. but it’s when they start villainizing the main character who’s a poc that i have a problem with. calling ed an abuser as if izzy isn’t also a flawed character. it’s weird because it happens in multiple fandoms and it’s time to call a spade a spade. you know what i mean?
and then telling people they’re ableist and classist for not liking izzy. it’s weird the way they will jump through hoops to victimize a flawed white male character and villianize a flawed poc character and act like we’re the problem for calling them out on it. act like we’re the problem because we notice how white male characters are treated better by fandoms than poc characters. and they try to pull the “oh wow now i’m racist because i like a fictional character.” they intentionally misinterpret what we’re saying to act like we’re ridiculous for calling them racist for liking a fictional character when that is not the problem.
like the ficticional character you like but do not dismiss the real world problems fandoms have where poc characters are treated differently than white male characters. it’s exhausting. it really is.
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I find it interesting that Stede is the unintentional cause of all 3 deaths of characters that represent toxic masculinity. Symbolically and thematically it’s just *chefs kiss*.
First take the Badminton twins. Stede is the opposite of toxic masculinity, he’s soft and picks flowers and cries and creates a safe space for meaningful male (for the most part) friendships. When Nigel and Chauncey die it’s because they were berating and attacking Stede and this form of masculinity. They also die by their own weapons unintentionally killing themselves. Toxic masculinity will always destroy itself because it’s hollow. If Stede and the crew are family and joy and connection the British navy is the system. There is nothing there to actually help people. But it’s so pervasive, one falls and someone else steps up. Same face, different name (literally). OFMD says that attacking this new way of life is meaningless because it is built on something more and trying to combat it will only turn inward. The Badmintons die alone and no one notices or cares.
Which brings me to Izzy Hands. I have a soft spot for that little nightmare (affectionate), he’s the character that I still haven’t pulled apart fully. Yes it’s Stede’s plan that leads to Izzy’s death but I don’t think Stede’s involvement is the same like for the Badmintons. It’s Ricky that’s important in the thematic meaning of Izzy’s death. Izzy is the toxic masculinity of the pirate world. It’s pretty clear that Izzy is the stand in for piracy and the old way of doing things. And he hates Stede! He also wins at the end of season 1. He removes everything touched by Stede from the Revenge and boy does it backfire. Raids for the sake of raids and no interpersonal connection sucks. And it was everything Izzy fought for in season 1. Continuing the idea of self destruction, I find it interesting that Izzy tries and fails to shoot himself. By his own hand and all alone. I believe it was Con who said that that moment was the death of Izzy Hands as we new him. Upholding a system just for the sake of upholding the system costs you everything and leaves you with nothing. And Izzy sees that and he changes!
If someone had told season 1 Izzy that he’d lose his leg that man wouldn’t bat an eye. But if you told him his new leg would be a gold painted unicorn hoof he’d go into cardiac arrest. But it’s his acceptance of what the crew made him that brings him into community. It’s a visual representation of what is going on internally and it culminates is his full look during Calypso’s birthday. He’s fully turned away from what was and put on this softness and femininity that makes him part of the crew. And I think that’s such a beautiful sentiment and I tear up every time I watch that scene.
Which brings me to Ricky. I mean, fuck that guy amirite?! He’s the worst and I wish we would have seen more of him. I think his conversation with Izzy is also so fascinating. It parallels nicely with Izzy meeting Chauncey in season 1. Izzy could’ve saved his own skin if he worked with Ricky like he did with Chauncey, if he upheld the system and played along. But he doesn’t and I love it. It’s so impactful to give Izzy that speech because every other member of the crew was already with the program. Having a character that was on the other side go actually fuck you you’re wrong is amazing storytelling. Izzy has learned his lesson and while he’s far from perfect he’s doing better every day. And that’s profound especially when you talk about trying to change people who upheld these toxic ideals. But it’s because of this rejection of toxic masculinity that Izzy dies. There’s no loyalty in the system; just because you helped them once doesn’t mean that it won’t spit you out and discard you. Even the people who have power in the system (white men) are not valued by it. But true community gives value. Izzy dies this time not alone but surrounded by people who care about him. The people around him when he dies pretty much all wanted him dead in season 1 and now they mourn and remember him fondly.
Izzy’s arc with crew is wonderful because it’s the shows thesis on unconditional love and the willingness to be kind even to those who don’t deserve it. Because look at how it helped everyone. To be loved is to be changed and it’s no surprise that the last shot of season 2 had Izzy and Buttons together changed.
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yaut-jaknowit · 8 months
Really just all around interested in the background to some of your characters. How Vic and Uihoy came to know each other or a story of how they got together. Which one of those dummies confessed first, etc.
Chance of Fate
Pairing: Uihoy (Male Yautja) x Vic'tao (Male Yautja)
Warnings: racism (BUT it works out in the end)
Word Count: 2070
Summary: These two met longer before meeting you. Their meeting themselves was really rough around the edges. Who doesn't like an enemies to lovers trope.
Author Note: I just realized I wrote this slightly like enemies to lovers... that's my favorite trope too. Welp, dug my grave now I'm gonna lay in it.
These two are dumbasses. I assure you. It was dumb luck their lives were intertwined with each other.
First off, there are two major differences between Yautjas (in my world). Those home world born and those born off world (mostly on motherships). I believe there’s a little bit of racism between these groups. Each believing they are better than the other.
I’ll let the story below reveal who is who.
As for Uihoy, he wasn’t always our sweet baby boy. Maybe his older years have softened his hide and heart to Vic’tao and you. Vic’tao… hasn’t changed much. Dynamic and static characters.
Hate to say it, but Uihoy acts a tad bit racist in this. BUT we all know he loves Vic’tao in the end. He overcomes these thoughts he was raised with after learning more about Vic’tao.
In the bustling crowd, Uihoy stalked his way through. Smaller than the average male, he’s able to slip between others to make his way through. No pays him any mind. In this city, he wasn’t known for being a big shot back in his home village. Here, he was just a random male, surfing the crowd.
Not that he minded. Uihoy wasn’t going to be showboating in the city of Kov. Mating season was far out. All he needed was a few items of interest before taking his ship back home.
A city like this had his scales itching. Far too many people, too many smells that forced a headache to rouse behind his eyes. It wasn’t a place he wanted to be but a necessary evil for him. Unfortunately. He needed fabrics from the clans of the coast. Kov was the closest city to sell them, being one of the larger cities on Yautja Prime.
As a male at seven hundred years old and higher status within his clan, his coin pouch was heavy on his side. His shorter, yet bulky build was able to move along the crowds with ease. He came to a halt before a known vendor he’s dealt with a few times before.
Ke’nt, a lanky, tall Yautja with light blue accented with white stood in his mediocre booth. Before Ke’nt stood an obvious young blood arguing with the vendor. Uihoy couldn’t help the roll of his bright eyes at the display.
Young bloods. They always thought they were the shit until someone came in and shoved their head into the pile of stink they created. The purple Yautja has done it countless times. A sight he loved to create.
The yellow and blue, unnamed male slammed his fist down on the table keeping the two from tearing into each other’s throats. “This price for these damned fabrics isn’t what you told me!” he shouted at Ke’nt, fury flashing in yellow irises. “You cannot change them in the time it takes me to grab the coins.”
Uihoy deals with Ke’nt occasionally. What the yellow Yautja accused Ke’nt of was an action he’s been known to do with Uihoy. After time, Uihoy has learned how to ensure this middle aged Yautja knows his place with a nearing elder. Violence is always the answer. Words are never enough.
The shoes Uihoy wears make next to no noise as he struts over to the arguing pair and saddling up next to the unnamed Yautja. Before either of them could vaguely tell him to either bug off or just simply ignore him, Uihoy released a bellow of his dominance. Both younger Yautjas paused their dealings and snapped their heads to find Uihoy at the table.
His piercing eyes were locked onto the older Yautja of the two. “Ke’nt,” Uihoy growled the name in a low tone. “Are you pulling the tactic that has failed on me?” The purple Yautja had his chin level, not showing off his throat nor bowing his head while staring Ke’nt with fire.
Said Yautja grunted his displeasure and stepped back from the table. His mainly white arms spread out. “Come on, Uihoy. You are ruining the fun. A male’s gotta make a living,” Ke’nt explained his reasonings while attempting to calm the situation. Uihoy was a male he loved the money but hated how smart he was. Nothing passed those sharp orange eyes of his. Damn him!
Despite the height difference, Uihoy glared from underneath his brows at the taller male. The other Yautja at his side stayed silent for the time being. But the shifting of his impatient body was growing tiresome. Young bloods.
“Your tricks have failed in the past. I can always find another for fabrics. I come here for mere convenience but I’m not below finding another vendor for what I need.” Uihoy ensured his words were stern, letting Ke’nt he wasn’t fooling around with his tomfoolery. “Now, finish up the deal with original price with him.” Uihoy jerked his head to the taller Yautja next to him. “Then, you know what I require.”
Next to Uihoy, the yellow and blue male bristled. He didn’t need help. He could’ve handle this all by himself! From the corner of his bright yellow eyes, he glowered at this short… elder. Wait, not yet. Close though.
“I can handle this myself,” the young blood snarled to Uihoy. The latter just tweaked a brow up before snorting his annoyance. His clanmates wondered why he never offered to train the unblooded or newly bloodeds. The attitude they snarked at him was top of the list.
A huff surpassed Uihoy’s mandibles. But, Uihoy never paid the young Yautja any mind. His gaze was kept on the blue Yautja before him, a glare making the process speed up.
Another long moment passed before the exchange for currency and fabrics had completed. Now, it was Uihoy’s turn. Said male passed over the same amount of credits he’s paid for in the past. Ke’nt never made a peep about any inflation of prices. He’s learned his lesson over the years.
When a few hundred Nok’s away from the vendor’s booth, Uihoy inspected the fabric in his hand… only to realize this was from the coast. The short, thick whiskers along his jaw bristled as his body tensed.
On the verge of about-facing and marching back to Ke’nt, his keen eyes spot through the crowd a form he saw less than a few moments before. In lanky, well built arms held the coastal fabric he was meant to buy. Great, he thought to himself. Uihoy began his path, picking up the young blood’s scent, and beginning an impromptu hunt. The day becoming longer than he’s wanting.
Like the hunter he’s grown up to be, Uihoy found his way through nearly the entire city of Kov. The young blood’s scent bringing him to the public transport off world. His brows raised. Where was he going? But, Uihoy had to stop him before he left or else he’ll never get the fabrics he paid for.
Through shortcuts and alleys, Uihoy ended up towards the end of the transport station. These were for transports back to motherships. An off world born? He’s come across them in passing times but to speak with one… He huffed and hurried his pace before his items were lost among the many motherships that circulate across the universe.
The same flash of yellow had him jogging, dodging bodies. Before the young blood had a chance to slip onto the ship, Uihoy slapped a hand on his shoulder and yanked him back down the ramp. The yellow male snarled and reacted within a fair time. There was always room for improvement.
Claws swiped along the barrel chest of Uihoy. A firm grip encased the offending wrist and prevented said attack. Uihoy kept pushing until this Yautja was trapped to the landing gear of the ship. Chest to chest, swapping body heat. Uihoy forced to look up at the height advantage Yautja snarled at him. “You have something of mine,” he rumbled at the young blood. His hands tightened when he attempted to squirm his way free. Uihoy wasn’t letting him go. Not until he had his fabrics.
Trapped against the stronger male, he grunted while attempting to make his escape. It was futile. With a huff, the young blood settled down and glowered at the male he recognizes. He’s the one who he saw only moments before leaving Yautja Prime; at least, tried to. “What are you pauk-de talking about?” he snarked and raised his upper mandibles.
Uihoy’s hands increased their strength in retaliation for respect from this young blood. His own mandibles twitching as he did his best not to challenge this little gnat and shove his face into the ground.
A jerk of Uihoy’s head led the young blood to glance at the fabric in his hands. This wasn’t what he paid for. Something he couldn’t even afford! “That. That is what I’m talking about,” Uihoy snapped.
Similar to a Xy and a full moon, the trapped male peered down at Uihoy with wide eyes. The latter mentioned Yautja gave a deadpanned expression to him before letting his hands fall away. Uihoy stepped backwards to offer a respectful space between them.
In one hand, Uihoy offered what he had been given back to the yellow Yautja. The other limb held out a free palm, awaiting the item he had paid for. “Give.”
The young blood grunted and placed the silky fabric into Uihoy’s waiting palm. He grabbed what he emptied his coin pouch for and stared down the male before him. “Must have been a mixup,” he tried to ease the conflict after the problem had been solved.
A fight was the last he wanted to deal with. He didn’t want to nurse unnecessary wounds on the ride back to his mothership.
Uihoy snorted and rolled his bright orange eyes at the small comment. “Of course, an off world born wouldn’t have noticed,” he retorted, adding bit into his words.
From the depths of his chest, the young blood snarled and lowered his head, body drawn taunt. “Say that again. I’ll show you how much better we off world borns are compared to the same old, same old borns of this planet.” Now, the fight became necessary.
At his sides, Uihoy’s hands twitched, ready for the fight. “You have no danger while living freely on those ships. We have to fight to survive out in the wilds of our home planet. You have no planet to call home,” Uihoy growled and puffed up his chest.
Despite his smaller size yet bulky build, Uihoy has proven time and time again he’s capable to hold off his own against someone either larger in height or build.
As the offending Yautja goes to open his mouth, the ship’s captain announces its last call. It was the last one for the cycle. He couldn’t miss it.
Standing back up straight, the young blood flexed the muscles in his legs to launch himself back onto the ramp he was shoved off of. Uihoy followed his every move the whole time. The other male pointed at finger down at him. “Remember this face and name: Vic’tao of Loloor Mothership. I can’t wait to wipe my feet on you.” This ‘Vic’tao’ entered the ship, on the safety of a difference territory.
If Vic’tao hadn’t been so lucky, Uihoy would’ve dragged the male back out and teach him a harsh lesson. He’d rather not deal with the authorities if he fought on mothership grounds. Different rules and laws.
He snorted to himself before turning on his heels and following a path back to the private docks he parked his ship at. It was an event he would forget… but the name he would look up once back home in Qav’f. Only to satisfy his curiosity.
These two would keep meeting in passing times before their anger melted. It seems harsh but these are Yautjas we are talking about.
Once the two forgave their rage for another, the two decided to hunt together. When hunt brothers grow close… things could get messy. Feelings are spilt, miscommunication may happen, untruthful words are said but in the end, they figure it out.
During a night of boiling anger that two hurricanes fed into each other, Vic’tao spat out his confession to Uihoy, surprising himself….
Uihoy had known for a long time. Before even Vic’tao had known for himself.
It was Uihoy who fell first but Vic’tao fell the hardest.
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generalluxun · 1 month
different anon but if anyone's closer to the Gary Stu/Mary Su type it's Marinette, cause they keep insisting that she's so special (the time she had on all the miraculouses), the best Ladybug ever (Tikki constantly says this despite the fact that she's lost the miraculouses at least two times), and was ultimately the one that beat Hawkmoth on her own (Gabe stole the miraculouses from her AND got his wish, so she didn't actually win). Not to mention all the people who were crushing on her? Nino, Nathaniel, Luka, Zoe, and however many others? Adrien was over there in his white prison room talking about how HE'S not worthy of MARINETTE'S love? Yeah no...
Okay, we need some definitions. For myself I absolutely love what OSP has for this. *Note* I will use the term Mary Sue so I'm not constantly typing both out, but I honestly consider it gender neutral. You can have a Male(or ace, or whichever) Mary Sue, it's a lot easier than bothering with 'Gary Stu'
With this framework we find that people are often talking cross definitions. Some people latch onto the G1 definition of Mary Sue as someone who is 'perfect' and the fact that Thomas/Marinette(Don't hate on Marinette here, Thomas's words in her mouth) declare Adrien is 'perfect', but those aren't the same definitions.
G1 Mary Sue perfect is 'without flaws' Can do everything better and at range, everyone loves them instantly, etc etc.
Thomas means 'a thing to be kept and admired' like a perfect diamond. It's quite clear Adrien has flaws in the series. It would take a heavy level of self-delusion to miss them. I *like* Adrien, I write for him a lot! But yeah, look at Lies, he treated Adrien like garbage and the narrative punished him for it, pretty bog standard.
Now Marinette- She's an interesting case. She didn't START out a G1 Mary Sue, but she has always been a *type* of Mary Sue. You see after the initial blowback to G1 Mary Sues writers began to throw flaws onto their characters to try and dodge the label. Yet, a lot of the FUNCTION of a Mary Sue remained. So a new definition was formed. This one relies simply on the narrative warping power that a Mary Sue possesses. They are the only *real* person in a world of extras. They have flaws, but those flaws are simply backstory or window dressing.
Marinette's Clumsiness is a prime example of this. She's Clumsy! Except... never when it matters. Imagine how much more of a dynamic we would have if she were *actually* clumsy. She's the thinker/leader who is still functional in a fight, but when it comes down to anything precise, she needs her Olympic-Level trained Partner.
When bad things happen to a Mary Sue, it's only for sympathy points, and they come out on top. S3 She had to be the Guardian- And then we get a series of things that were only solvable because she was the guardian. Her ability to make charms is literally 'Just believe you can' Su-Han shows up and she mocks him. etc etc. Gabriel beats her in S5! -and his wish gives her everything she wants. She is tormented in Derision! -And all it does is make Adrien even more on her side, she's already won and they used her 'trauma' for comedy for 4 seasons.
The biggest thing though is how almost nothing ever progresses without Marinette's attention(a little changes in S5, but that's just because Felix is even MORE of a Mary Sue when he shows up, his localized Sueness defeats her general Sueness) Even when you have a protagonist centered story, most narratives will have a world that lives and breathes and side characters with lives outside the main. The world they live in feels alive. With a Mary Sue(and ML) the world stops completely and almost ceases to exist if the Sue is not present to influence things.
Now I'm gonna blow your mind- A Mary Sue isn't always bad! You *can* write a strong narrative around a Mary Sue- as long as you recognize it.
Marinette is a fun character!
If the show ran with 'Marinette is amazing and multi talented and a paragon, capable in every situation' then you know, that works! Your hero can be blessed! People loved *Superman* to pieces for decades while he was basically invincible. Doc Savage was a thing in the Pulp Era.
The problem is they want to try and run this 'normal girl! oh so clumsy. Oh put upon, pity her, poor girl.' Line, and yet... she just wins, and wins, and always wins, and never stops winning. She is always considered morally by the end of every episode. She wins without even trying (her victory vs Lila was handed to her. She got her power upgrades basically out of the blue each time) So these two disparate things don't click. They create cognitive dissonance that aware viewers pick up on, and it makes things far less satisfying.
I just want to reiterate though. A Mary Sue is not who Marinette is, it is how the narrative *handles* her. Don't hate on Marinette. Wish she was in a better executed story.
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adarkrainbow · 9 months
Do you think the way people talk and discuss Walt's "Classic Three" (Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora) is accurate or close to what happens in the movies? I mean, they are always referred as excessively passive, weak, only interested on their looks (vain? superficial?), useless, beauty being their only good quality... And I ask myself, when was the last time these people watched the movies? Snow White negotiated her stay in the house, Cinderella survived a life of pure abuse & orchestrated her own escape from the tower, and, while not very much is shown about Aurora, she was about to sacrifice her personal happiness for the kingdom's sake (something Philip didn't have in mind)that takes courage! They don't wield swords but they are much stronger that they appear, and while I get some of the critique, I hate the "strong only means kicking butt" idea, like, it's incomplete, and superficial, and it can be reductive & dangerous (for the girls, and for the boys too!)
I have talked about this before in many posts, and others have talked about this way better than me, so I'll try to break down my opinion in a quite short and concise way. And as usual, you probably won't be surprised to find me again, neutral on those topic.
On one side: people are unfairly criticizing and judging too harshly the "original trio" of Disney movies. This has been explained by many people on this website, so I won't expand on this too much, but indeed, there is a mixture of superficial viewing of these movies, of not-contextualizing them, of projecting modern-day values and expectations over nearly century old pieces, and of a general need to criticize and rant about everything (especially big corporations and the "classics" of culture - whenever something becomes a classic, a backlash awaits). Cinderella is a much more surprising and strong character than you'd expect. These movies do teach the idea that being strong doesn't mean simply kicking everybody and proving yourself to be a lone wolf (especially since there's a strong focus on friendship in those stories). The whole "the prince kissing Sleeping Beauty in her sleep is rape culture" is ridiculous ; especially since in the Disney version it was made to be a true love kiss, between people who were in love, and the whole context was the breaking of a curse ; AND the actual rapist-origins of the story are from a 16th century Italian fairytale nobody knew about until the Internet dug it up in the 2010s. Even today many people who invoke the rapist-story are unable to tell you who wrote it or where it comes from, because they just latch onto the idea "Oh yes there's a rape story." and that's it, no more research for them.
Heck, Sleeping Beauty is even surprising for its time AND for the Disney criteria by having elderly, non-attractive female leads who do more than the actual male hero and ultimately are the true focus of the tale - the fairy godmothers. Same things with Snow-White - to make the dwarfs the equal of the titular Snow-White, even more to focus more character development and screen time on them rather than the princess, and to give them unique characterisation and treat them as people rather than plot-props... This was BIG, this was not something usual, and this was a game-changer. Overall - I say the same thing for fantasy literature - a lot of the "new" or "modern" twists people expect from today's fictions are awaiting you in the past. Everybody complains about traditional fantasy not having POC main characters or not having strong female lead that is not sexualized - Earthsea had all those by the 60s and 70s, and it was just as influential on fantasy as Lord of the Rings or Elric.
However... Recognizing that a lot of the criticism is unfair and overblown, and that the backlash is ignorant and caricatural does NOT mean we should just blindly worship and naively accept those movies as untouchable, sacred relics that cannot be criticize. If there is a backlash, it means there is a reason for such criticism to arise in the first place, and we must identify why - to give back the problem in its proper proportions, and not in the exaggerated state we are offered today.
So... The other side - why is this Disney trio not fitting our modern world?
And the answer is very simple. They are heroines of 17th and 19th centuries tales, that were adapted for an early 20th century American mindset. They are bound to age or be unfit for the 21st century. Placing them back into context allows us to understand how great, good or groundbreaking they were in their time - but it does not mean they hold up to modern-day characters. Some elements of the Disney movies aged better than ever, some are still resonating today, and this is what gives them an "out-of-time" feeling. Yet... yet there is a reason why the "Disney princess" had to evolve and had to change herself to fit a new audience. Why did the characters of Rapunzel and Elsa of Disney had such huge success and were beloved by the masses? Because they were answering early 21st century needs, society and expectations, the same way the original trio did for their time.
A character like Aurora of Sleeping Beauty couldn't work today because she literaly is a paper-thin character that does nothing throughout the story and is truly more of a MacGuffin than anything. Oh yes she speaks, has a song, has feelings and emotions - and there is this very progressive idea of having Aurora be unhappy and traumatized by discovering her princess heritage, which aged very well! But the rest? She is a baby ; then she sings about being in love ; then she cries about not wanting to be a princess ; then she sleeps ; then she is married. The story is done and moved by the interesting characters about her, but not by her - Maleficent wants to destroy Aurora, Philip wants to save Aurora, the fairy godmothers wants to protect Aurora... I do not recall which feminist created this theory, but there is the test of the lamp. If you can replace a female character by a beautiful lamp, this is bad for you. And unfortunately Disney's Sleeping Beauty "succeeeds" at the test of the lamp, since Aurora's massively passive involvment in the story makes her a perfect fit. The king and queen create the most beautiful lamp you ever saw ; Maleficent angry curses the lamp to be destroyed ; the fairy godmothers are tasked with keeping the lamp safe ; later the prince discovers the lamp in the woods and wants to have it for his living room, so he plans to return later ; meanwhile the fairy godmothers return the lamp to their rightful owners the king and queen, while Maleficent captures the prince who returned in hope of taking the lamp ; etc etc... It does not change the story one bit.
Another, even more obvious example, of the "age" of those characters - Snow-White. Disney's Snow-White is the very embodiment of the "50s housewife" cliche, and thus was a perfect fit for this first-half-of-the-20th-century American society. In the Grimm story, the little girl enters the house, takes the food, goes to sleep, and upon meeting the dwarfs they make a bargain of chores in exchange of protection. In the Disney movie? She cleans the house all by herself, without asking anybody, just in hope it will please people. Which is a very "fairytale" move... But still is perceived badly as just the typical idea that "A good girl cleans up the house, that we ask her or not". The fact Snow-White also acts as a mother figure for the dwarfs despite being a teenage girl is... yeah it is questionable and there's a whole baggage of the girl existing as solely a future mother and a housekeeper-in-training. Let's not even talk of the infantilization of the dwarfs just because of their small size despite being clearly much older than her...
So yeah, I always take a neutral stance on things (except for a few stuff), and this is no exception. There is an unfair treatment of the original Disney princesses, definitively, and people are misreading the original movies... But when we take a critical look we also have to recognize that these characters were designed for a given society and a given time, and that now they made their time, we do not need them anymore and we can move on to other characters while fondly remembering them or taking inspiration from them. Erasing these characters would be stupid and absurd - but it is just as stupid and absurd to try to cling onto them constantly and to try to make them fit everywhere and anywhere (yes I am taking a jab at Disney and their perpetual recycling and their favoritism of remakes over new movies...).
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
This might be a somewhat controversial opinion/rant, but as a black queer woman (i really id myself as being more genderqueer, but since i'm afab there are just things about womanhood growing up that has just stuck with me as formative experiences.), I find it really difficult to build community with queer men, even in fandom. I've tried to have friendships with transmen, but so many just feel the need to ramp up misogyny to 1000 to validate themselves as men, and then with gay men, some will say the most out-of-pocket, misogynistic things but because they're not attracted to women, it's somehow okay, I guess. But lately, there's been this trend among queer men of saying and doing misogynistic things but justifying it by stating they're talking about white, cishet women. But the thing is, there's nothing in what they said that can be specifically applied to only white women. It's a target to all women (I refuse to play the oppression olympics of who has it worse). And now I see other queer women in fandom saying the same things to each other. I typically stay in anime/manga and danmei fanbases because that's where a lot of my interests are now, and I don't have to deal with USAian nonsense as much. But now that 7 Seas has unfortunately decided to translate more danmei into English that's changed. A queer male fan of a popular series has been unfollowed en masse by danmei fans for saying wildly misogynistic things about the author. Everyone all week has been scrambling to figure out where this came from. "He only ever said these things about cishet white women," but you guys... he was always talking about us the whole time. Now, I just don't know. Now I see why men aren't generally welcomed in or are common within romance-genre circles. It's just really frustrating to see the same thing over and over again. I'll add on that the only genuinely cool queer men in fandom I've met have come from yuri circles. The ones who try to talk about BL are, from my experiences, generally misogynistic, toxic, and feel as though everything should center around them because they're men and in BL the characters are men, as well. But when other women don't want to form community with them, they scream about 'homophobia' and 'fetishizing gay men.' No, you're just an annoying, awful person to be around, and the queer male yuri fans didn't want to deal with you either. Has anyone else, or you specifically, dealt with this? Is there a way to become friends with more queer men in BL spaces who aren't... like That? Or are there specific things/patterns to look for as far as who to avoid?
God, so much of this sounds so familiar.
I've known a sad number of trans dudes who overcompensate in dickhead ways. A lot of them do calm down a few years into presenting publicly as male, but it's infuriating to see that crap even if it's temporary.
I will say that two of my close circle of offline friends are trans men, including one who came out during the time we've all been friends. The defensive tomfoolery is in no way inevitable. Both of these dudes are nonwhite and have experience in various other geeky and queer spaces beyond BL (gaming, drag queens, etc.). Maybe that broader perspective helped, or maybe they're just nicer and more mature people than a lot of the little jerkfaces I run across online.
TBH, I often have better luck in offline meetups because to show up at all, people have to be a little more comfortable with getting along with others and behaving themselves. It's also sometimes easier to detect the people you want to back away from slowly when you can see how they treat people in person.
One of my neighbors is a cis gay guy. White, able bodied, middle class, yadda yadda. Exactly the demographic you'd expect to be the worst in certain spaces. He and his partner have lots of queer friends, and plenty of them aren't fellow cis gay guys, which is basically my litmus test for non-annoying cis gay guys offline. (Toxic cis gay dude culture is its own kettle of fish with a different set of issues than defensive trans boy culture, but I've encountered it plenty too.)
This neighbor is interested in geikomi and was delighted to find out I'm a fellow nerd and eager for all my nonfiction book recs about queer Japanese stuff. We don't necessarily overlap in our manga tastes, but there's still a lot we do share. When I ramble on about how AFAB queer people and/or bisexuals study history that's presented as cis gay men's history because that's all we have for most historical periods, he's like "Yeah, that makes total sense!" and not "Mine and not yours!"
I think the key here is that this is a dude who is secure in his identity, who's getting both his media and queer community needs met, and who's in his 40s, so he has some god damn perspective and doesn't need to pretend BL is aimed at him.
A lot of the little jerkfaces make me think "Did your preschool teacher not teach you how to share your toys?"
To be honest, there seem to be plenty of dudes hanging around my tumblr. A few cis. Many trans. But they're not going to bring it up incessantly in some defensive "you know I'm not a cootie-having girl, right?" way because who does that?
It comes up when there's a discussion about trans shit or BL as #ownvoices or whatever. (And, in general, any dude worth hanging out with will not think BL as an industry is, or should be, anything of the sort—even if he's expressing his own sense of queerness by writing some.)
On the flipside, I have seen some pretty extreme "no boys allowed" clubhouse nonsense in fandom. It's less common than it was, and past shitty dudes have often been the inspiration, but it can still be a bit much. The nicer class of fandom dude is often pretty hesitant in certain spaces because he's expecting to be met with hostility and is trying to figure out how to participate without tromping all over everyone. (TBH, the guys worrying about this are rarely the problem, but you know how it is.)
I've had dudes send me private messages being like "this thing you said seems kind of stereotypical and anti-man", but in the adult capable of conversation way, not in the tantruming 5-year-old way. And we had a conversation, and they stuck around.
I think having a very clear "It's not #ownvoices, fuck off" stance deters a lot of the more pestilential set. Being equally clear that everyone is welcome and that male yuri fans and female BL fans are pretty equivalent makes the guys worth knowing come out of the woodwork.
In 99% of spaces, I do not give a fuck if some man has his precious feelings hurt by a double standard or default suspicion of men... But fandom is a little unusual because of the demographics and relative power here being so different from in most spaces.
I've definitely seen some people who think women liking BL are fine because we care about characters' personalities, while male fans are all predators or all write f/f that is just fetishy porn or m/m that sounds like Nifty.org and not other fanfic or whatever.
And, yeah, I'll shut down the dumbasses crying in my inbox because I made a joke about Nifty and "coke can dicks" (the kind of guys who have clearly never read m/m that's aimed at dudes outside of fandom spaces), but at the same time, we should extend a little benefit of the doubt to our fellow fandom members of whatever gender. There are usually plenty of men facepalming right along with me at these inexperienced young fools who cannot bear to share.
I think you're just running into the problem that the loud people whose identities you know are often using those identities to browbeat other fans on social media.
There are fewer men in BL spaces than women or nonbinary people, so one will typically end up knowing fewer men.
Honestly, I think you find the reasonable people and get rid of the unreasonable ones in the same way regardless of gender: Gatekeeping bullshit is a red flag. Very Online understandings of oppression are a red flag. Enthusiastic and clueless blanket endorsement of own voices as a concept is a red flag. Lots of talking about "fetishization" or even "appropriation" in a very online way is a massive red flag. Monetizing fanfic or seeing other pro authors as competition instead of peers is another. (Professional jealousy and fear about earning potential are behind a lot of bad behavior.)
A lot of it is down to whether you're willing to make yourself a target by publicly telling annoying people to fuck off.
If others can tell what you stand for, they can figure out if they want to hang out with you. Most people keep their heads down a lot of the time, so it can be hard to even hear of them, let alone know if they're your sort of person.
tl;dr – Be nice to nice men. Tell shitty men to take a hike. Making friends with men is really as simple as that.
There are larger issues here with what kinds of queer spaces exist and whom they prioritize and with toxic understandings of what representation even means and what should be demanded of whose art. But as you say, a lot of women are also promoting toxic-ass understandings of these things.
The bottom line is that we must resist social media clout-driven understandings of justice. The loudest assholes in the room are rarely worth listening to.
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
whats fpks relationship with herrah? I know canonically, white lady doesnt really feel any ill will towards her as she likes hornet, but how do you think fpk feels towards her? And, since I can't leave grimm out of this, how does he feel about herrah? Maybe he'd feel similarly to wl, since she's basically his daughter now
while typing this out i have another question, which of the dreamers are still alive in your AU, and what are their relationships with fpk, if any? since holly is alive id assume you branched off of the embrace the void ending, and i dont believe you need to kill any dreamers for that end (if I'm wrong, do correct me!), and quirrel in your AU doesn't have monomons mask, so i can only assume ghost at least got to her.
love your stuff, stay well!
it was... not the best, admittedly. granted, they weren't hostile towards each other, i actually think that herrah warmed up to him a little bit, mostly seeing how attached he got to hornet. they certainly had a common reason to bond over, the problem is that fpk was afraid of her. among his species, it's quite common for the larger female to kill and eat the male after mating, so it's coded in his brain to expect that possibility. with wl, it was a bit different - she's more plant-like, and so her behavior is very different to that of a wyrm, or any other carnivorous species, and that comforts his mind a little bit. but with herrah, he sadly couldn't have that assurance, so he was very stressed out about it and expecting the worst
their affair was part of a bargain, so he knew it was his obligation to fullfil his side, but he was terrified throughout all of it. on top of that, since he's gay in the au, he had another reason not to enjoy it very much, though he didn't realize at the time. so all in all, it was a very unpleasant experience, and it greatly impacted his perception of herrah. i do think he have liked for it to be different, after all, she was hornet's mother and i'm sure he would love to have a more pleasant relationship with her, if only for the sake of their daughter. but his fear was too strong and so he rarely visited deepnest aside from seeing hornet (probably for the better since deepnest wasn't particularly fond of him. too bright of a light, for one haha)
as for grimm, you said herrah, but judging by the rest of that sentence i'm assuming you meant hornet, so just in case i'll go over both. i don't think he interacted with herrah much, perhaps he knew her before the whole bargain deal, but nothing more than just being aware of her existence. and with hornet, like you said, she's basically his daughter now and he most certainly sees her as such. definitely more than wl did, but her being emotionally distant is basically a given - she didn't dislike hornet but to call their relationship a mother-daughter one would be an exaggeration. grimm, however, absolutely sees her as his own child. he did that even before him and fpk became a thing - he always liked to imagine himself and fpk raising her together, but since it wasn't meant to be at the time, he instead brought her gifts and entertained her with his powers whenever he visited. these days it's a tad more complicated with hornet's refusal to admit that she sees him as a father figure and her overall bitterness, but his attitude hasn't changed at all. of course, he doesn't pamper her with gifts anymore, but he enjoys spending time with her and bonding over shared interests. their relationship is fun, they have the generally laid back, joking type dynamic of close friends, but it's clear that grimm does thinks of her as his child, meanwhile hornet seems to get upset at that idea, but secretly really cares about him
the dreamers are something i thought about before and i'm considering leaving one of them alive, since i think they're interesting characters and i'd love to explore at least one of them post-ending. as you said, monomon is a goner, and so is herrah, as hornet in the au finds there to be no reason to visit deepnest unless she has to, so it's a natural assumption that her mother is dead. that leaves lurien, and with the city of tears slowly returning to its prime over the course of the au, he would be a pretty good fit for an important figure that watches over its development. but i haven't decided yet. if i choose to keep him dead, then i think it would be a fun idea for his butler to be "promoted" to lurien's previous role, since he was his most trusted bug. we'll see, i like both of those options, and i'll have to see what i decide on
thanks a lot for the ask! i really enjoyed these questions. hope you have a great day/night!
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brionysea · 5 months
Just finished watching stranger things. Is bad that I find El/Eleven a little overrated and over hyped? I dont hate her character. Its just the other characters are more interesting and relatable. She's just not my favorite. Plus the actress is not my favorite either. Love Sadie Sink as Max though. She's my favorite character. Joyce is second.
nah, i've said almost this exact thing before. millie's acting is like, genuinely impressive, especially in season 1 because they were all so young at the time (and i make an effort not to get parasocial and weird about actors in the first place because... what's the point? they're just doing their jobs) (That Man's face has started to annoy me though), but el herself is just like... there. she's badass and all, girlboss girlpower girlslay, but that's kind of it?? and other characters do it better tbh. this might be why MBB is so sick of playing and being known for eleven; a lot of it does seem quite boring to film, and stranger things has been going on for years of her life at this point
i've found a level of relatability with el recently because i realised her arc is realising that she doesn't need romantic love in her life to be a whole person, which is HUGE for me because aroace characters are still so rare, but even then it's just like... okay :) that's nice :) because there's not that much TO her
el is just kind of... blank. in terms of backstory and character. she doesn't feel like a real person who could exist in the real world. she literally grew up in a mostly white room with a few rainbows on the walls, and a key competent of her overall story is that she has no idea who she is - which makes you feel for her as she tries to figure it out, but also makes it harder to connect with her. they're all fictional characters but even within that context, el is a fictional character, because no one's life looks like that, y'know? (at least not the backstory. the part where she has no idea who she is is kinda relatable, but if i'm already living that why would i also want to watch it? i already know that it's not that interesting. it's actually incredibly dull)
so many badass female characters look like el, where they have to be trained their whole lives to be badass while male characters can just pick things up, with the sexist implication being that women are inherently less adaptable and capable than men unless A Man turns her into a weapon through years of training, and then she can be badass. the show is aware of this trope, because they combat it by having nancy as the regular girl next door who learns to be a badass like the men typically would (jonathan tries to, but he's a terrible shot, and then they realise that nancy's a phenomenal one), but when you put el next to nancy and max and robin who are all so much more grounded and relatable to me as female characters (who i always feel more of a connection to, because they're Like Me), obviously i'm gonna go for them more
+ max and joyce are probably my favourites too :)
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papirouge · 1 month
You still can't get over that white man from the bear??!! 🤦🏾‍♀️ Smh my head and you have the gall to tell other black women to "uNLeaRn YoUr BLaCk MaLe wORsHIp" while literally salivating over that ugly ass man! But he's white so it's fine!!! He's different!!!! In fact, I've never seen you express attraction towards bm even once, only yt ones... I see how it is. lmao. White men aren't any better than black men and you'll realize that one day, no matter how much you trash "muh pookie and rayray" that yt man is not going to pick you!!!
me : *makes a post of a TV where I weep about a CHARACTER that was once funny*
your schyzo ass : *makes a tirade about how I "salivate over White" men*..yeah- totally normal reaction here.
...which also shows how TRIGGERED how some of you are at Black women expressing romantic /sexual interest for non Black men 🤭 you guys are so sensitive
And yeah, there's definitely a difference between unlearning male worship (actively defending men and defending men perspective) AND finding (some) men attractive (which is a passive occurence). For the record, I'm a straight women, it's compulsory for me to occasionally find men attractive, regardless of their race. Deal with it.
And I genuinely don't understand why I owe you publicly displaying my attraction towards Black men on my blog. I'm not a pickme so you won't see me frequently post pic set thrist traps of attractive men, but when it happened, I actually remember it was not always white men (yeah bc you guys act like there were only 2 races of men on this planet - just wait til you realize some black women have a preference for men who are neither black or white 🤯)
"white men aren't better than black men" Well, when it comes to killl black women in DV White men are statistically the safer & better bet. Cope.
I also heard the longer lasting mixed marriage in the US were white man and black woman but I need to (re)chek my source on that.
"the yt man isn't gonna pick you" this weird fearmongering is getting so old 🥱 you really think black women genuinely interested in interracial dating struggle to find non black men (to marry)? I've seen my sisters & friends date men outside of their race plentiful of times. One of them is married to a white man and had children with him.
The very few times I get approached it was by non Black men - for some reason people (even black men) assume I'm into White men💁🏾‍♀️ while I ironically NEVER disclosed my dating preference (let alone online) lol
Fun fact : in my country, it's an open secret many rightoid moids date/prefer black women. One infamous rightoid is MARRIED to a Black woman from the same ethnicity as me lol and before that he also dated a black woman from the same ethnicity. Dude openly stated had a type (Black women). So if rightoid white men openly profess their attraction to Black women, you REALLY think it would be impossible for regular men to do be attracted by us as well? If anything, the reputation pf Black women to be extremely race loyal (more than black men who date out MORE than their female counterparts) is what discourage non Black men to shoot their shot with black women. It's fascinating to see you guys act like the act ot rejection solely came from non white men, and that black women weren't themselves entertaining this image of "i date Black men only" that wreck any of their chance to get approached by non Black men. Why? Because you are OBSESSED humbling Black women and that now seeing the tide turning, gaslight us into believing that we have no chances or opportunity with non Black men.
I already see it coming and you'll soon screech about fEtichIzAtiOn but let's be honest : aren't Black men fetichizising Black Women already? Talking about being "thick", their (BBL'd grotesque) butt size, almost like animals.... But when it's Black men talking about preferring let's say Latina or Snow Bunny it's just a "preference" (no fetichism)? BUT GOD FORBID A WHITE MAN PREFERS BLACK WOMEN AND SUDDENLY HE'S A FETISHIST INTO SLAVE PLAY!! puh-lease.. we're tired.
We've all witnessed how your kin got ANGRYat the viral "black wife effect" thing. And let me tell you : it's just the beginning ☺️ black women burned the cape, broke free from race loyalty trap, and now go where they are appreciated. And those non Black men love them so much in return they're willing to level up power 10000000
We love to see it 🧡
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mysumeow · 2 months
Hi, thanks for your answer ^^ I'd like a Genshin Impact matchup please. I'm okay to be paired with both male and female characters. Personality: funny, curious, love to eat and travel, make new interesting friends, discover new activities and new places. I'm also analytical, I understand things people don't say or explain. Loved-ones say I can be blunt, opinionated, creative and love to persuade others. Independent, hard to know and anticipate. I really like to tease people, and even those I do not know well yet. Appearance: east Asian, slim build, black short hair (two blocks haircut), I wear cargos pants with t-shirts (either black, grey or white) and sneakers. I prefer practical clothes. The simpler the better. Love language: physical touch (giving), words of affirmation (receiving). Pronouns: he/him. Age: 25. Can't wait to read you soon!
A/N: Hi! It's been a while since you sent in this request but finally I got it done! Sorry for the wait T_T As for the matchup, decided to give you one of each just because :DDD
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I match you with: Yae Miko! She’s no stranger to teasing people, even if it’s someone she doesn’t know too well. The moment you quip back to her after she teased you, her interest would be piqued. The more she unravels your personality, the more she’s intrigued by you. Your bluntness and opinionated nature don’t faze her; on the contrary, she finds such characteristics refreshing, as she’s used to people being demure towards her given her affiliation.
Like yourself, she’s quite the curious one too. Yae Miko finds the anecdotes of your travels interesting and is always all-ears to them, she may even make a comment about how one of your anecdotes reminds her of one of the light-novels she’d read recently to gauge your reaction. In terms of romance, Yae is quick to pick up on which one you’re more receptive to, and she’s playful about it.
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I match you with: Tartaglia! Your sense of humor and openness to making new friends click instantly with him. Off-duty, he’s a bit more approachable. He finds your bluntness and teasing quite humorous. Tartaglia’s someone who travels a lot because of his missions, readily forming new connections with people he encounters; he finds solace in meeting someone who’s similar in those regards. Since he never stays in the same place for too long, your independence works well with that. Tartaglia praises your analytical trait, jokingly commenting on how well you would do as an intelligence officer for the fatui. Now, in terms of love language, Tartaglia is quite the touchy one once he’s in a relationship, but he’s not short on words of affirmation. At times, you may feel like he never shuts up, but he has no qualms over letting you know about his affection.
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areyoureadytofumble · 20 days
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Rose of Incendiary Square
NSFW 18+
Summary: “Can I eat you out?”
Mads’ hand froze in place. He stared up at Charlie in shock, his dark gaze drifted to his mustache before darting back up into his eyes, his cheeks flushed pink.
“Pardon?” Mads asked dumbly.
Charlie is released from solitary and gets himself a prison wife.
Pairing: Charlie Bronson/Original Male Character
Warnings: hella smutty
Tags: rimming, anal sex, creampie, felching, semi-public sex, size difference, size kink
Word count: 4,850
A/N: is it ooc? yes. is it shamelessly horny? also yes. and also available on ao3!
Being released from solitary wasn’t freedom but it was better. Charlie was in a cell with space to move, not much, but he could stretch his legs and workout. His cell mate was an old man appropriately named Lanky who kept to himself, a fact much appreciated by Charlie. Most of the men he’d encountered kept quiet around him, fled to a different room, or greeted him with thunderous applause. He was a legend in these parts, where brutality was the ultimate means of gaining respect.
In addition to his spacious new lodgings Charlie was also given room to roam and access to privileges previously kept from him. He was allowed outdoors for more than an hour without chains wrapped around his body like iron coated snakes. He could also explore the library, not that he was interested much in books, but the option to be somewhere other than his cell was appealing.
There was also an inmate that worked in the library that Charlie found appealing, a pretty red headed Irishman he’d heard guards refer to as ‘Fitz’.
Charlie first noticed him in the showers. Proper etiquette dictated that everyone keep their eyes to themselves but it was impossible not to see him, a shock of red hair amongst steam and sterile white tiles. Charlie’s eyes had drifted over his body while he stood under the spray.
Fitz was short and fit with a slim waist and strong thighs, a thatch of dark red hair nestled above his cock. He provided Charlie with a brilliant view of his perky, round ass as he turned to rinse his hair.
After being in solitary so long watching Fitz was like seeing porn for the first time. Charlie wanked to the memory of his slick, sudsy body so often he would get hard just smelling soap. He quickly became obsessed, picturing himself fucking the redhead in a million different positions, imagining the kind of noises he would make, how sweet he would taste.
Charlie didn’t see him much after that and he was looking, scanning every room he entered with a critical eye, seething disappointment filling him when he didn’t see that flash of red.
Lanky had been locked up longer than anybody else so Charlie turned to him for information. His cell mate told him the redhead’s name was Mads Fitzpatrick, he was in for arson, and the best place to find him would be the library. Charlie proceeded to stalk the library for days until he finally saw him again. He was pushing a trolley full of books, hair shining richer than the flickering fluorescents ought to allow.
At first Charlie was content with sitting at a table and watching Mads put books away, he liked catching glimpses of red through the shelves, but his peace was quickly disturbed. He’d noticed men approaching the redhead, they’d talk in hushed whispers, sometimes the stranger would leave on their own, other times Mads would lead them somewhere then they’d disappear for a while. Mads always came back alone.
Charlie asked Lanky about it and sensing his cell mate’s displeasure with what he was about to say, the old man tried to put it delicately.
“Fitz is a fair sort, lovely like, and that’s, well, sought after in here, as you can imagine. Apparently he’s rather accommodating.”
So Mads was the local trollop, but that didn’t make him any less appealing in Charlie’s eyes, if anything, Charlie wanted him even more. He wanted to stake a claim and become the only one who could touch him. But first, he had to approach him.
Charlie hunkered down at a table in the library with a book and pen he nicked off the unmanned desk. He cracked it open and flipped through the pages before settling on a picture of the Queen. It could use a tweak or two while I wait, he thought, putting the pen to paper.
After a while Charlie finally saw that clash of red against the dingy grey walls. Mads stopped at the bookcase next to him and returned a hardback to it’s proper place. His hands were small and delicate looking wrapped around the spine. Charlie watched without staring, tracking his every move while he scribbled in the book, heart hammering furiously in his chest.
Mads was lovelier up close, big black eyes with long black lashes, a long straight nose, and a mischievous quirk to his pouting mouth. He finished sorting the books and turned, taking a step back. He bumped into Charlie’s table and mumbled an apology. He smiled politely at Charlie’s blank face, a crooked uptick at the corner of his mouth, then looked down at the open book in front of him.
Charlie had doodled all over the Queen, adding horns over her crown, a forked tongue hanging out of her mouth, jizz bubbles to her pearl necklace, and a hairy chest with pointed nipples over her white gown.
“That’s quite good,” Mads said, his voice was a lilting, fine rasp.
“Thanks,” Charlie responded stiffly, his grip on the pen was white knuckled.
Mads smiled again, cheekier this time, like they shared a secret, filling Charlie’s insides with heat. The redhead pushed the trolley on and disappeared down one of the rows.
It was his chance. Charlie pushed out of his seat and followed silently behind. He caught a glimpse of red turning a corner and quickened his step to catch up. He could hear the squeaking wheel as Mads went further into the rows. Charlie finally caught up to him in Historical Fiction.
Mads was putting another book away when he heard Charlie’s footsteps. He looked up and was surprised to see the man standing so close.
“Oh, hiya. Bronson, aye?”
“Charlie,” he corrected.
The redhead’s smile turned lopsided, “Mads. Looking for another book to improve upon? I think there’s something about Mussolini ‘round here somewhere,” he trailed off as his slim fingers traced over the spines.
“Can I eat you out?”
Mads’ hand froze in place. He stared up at Charlie in shock, his dark gaze drifted to his mustache before darting back up into his eyes, his cheeks flushed pink.
“Pardon?” Mads asked dumbly.
Charlie smirked and stepped closer, right into Mads’ personal space, bending his head as he did so he could whisper, mustache grazing the sensitive shell of the redhead’s ear.
“I want to fuck your cunt with my tongue.”
Mads shivered and held onto the trolley for support. There was something big and hard pressing against his stomach. He felt lightheaded and hyper focused, wide awake and staticky and at the same time. He could hear the clock ticking on the wall, people chatting quietly and flipping through pages, the shuffle of feet just three rows over, his own heart beating a crazed staccato in his chest.
Charlie nosed Mads’ temple, he inhaled the familiar scent of the cheap soap they all used and something else, something rich and lush that tapped into a carnal corner of Charlie’s brain. His eyes slipped shut as he breathed it in. He knew that scent, what was it?
We’re painting the roses red! A tiny voice sang in his mind.
Yes, Charlie realized, tracing his lips feather light over Mads’ pulse point, he smells like roses.
Mads bit down on his lip and tried to hold still as warm puffs of air floated over his skin and shot straight down to his cock.
This wasn’t the first offer Mads had received during his time inside. Many men approached him with promises of making it worth his while; gang members, burglars, and on one occasion a lad who was in for tax evasion. Mads wasn’t surprised by his sudden rise in popularity, he knew before the cuffs snapped on his wrists that his pretty face, feminine hips, and plush mouth would put him in a precarious position.
Prison has it’s own rules, if Mads wanted to get out in one piece he’d have to be smart, treat his body like a business. So he gave the burglar a handjob, sucked off the gang members, and laughed in the face of the tax evader. If Mads played his cards right he’d have Britain’s most violent prisoner in the palm of his hand. He could use his strength, his intimidation, and he could definitely use what he felt pressed sinfully against his stomach.
Mads licked his lips and looked up at Charlie. He was very handsome, they always left that part out when telling his tales.
You’ve never been rimmed by a man with a mustache before. Mads thought, blood rushing south. Wonder what that feels like?
Mads wanted to find out. He grabbed a handful of Charlie’s shirt and pulled him down into a kiss. Charlie responded eagerly, returning the kiss with hungered fervor, and grabbed two handfuls of Mads’ ass. He groped and squeezed, pulling him closer and shoving a bulky thigh between the redhead’s legs. Mads gasped and Charlie slipped his tongue into his mouth.
The sound of boots scuffing on the carpet caught their attention. Mads broke the kiss and furrowed his brows as he listened. A guard’s voice drifted between the rows.
“Follow me,” Mads whispered.
The redhead grabbed Charlie’s wrist and tugged him down the row. Charlie followed blindly, going past volumes of books, deeper down the rabbit hole. They ended up at a barred entrance with a locked iron door. Behind it was an office of sorts, closed doors lined the walls, two crooked bookcases took up the center, battered books filled the shelves.
“This is where they keep all the ruined ones,” Mads told Charlie. He dug in his pocket for a key, “They let me sort through them, see if there’s anything worth salvaging.”
Mads unlocked the door and pulled Charlie through it then locked it behind them. He strode through the room, Charlie close at his heels, and went to the last door on the left. A brass plate with the word ‘Repairs’ decorated the old wood. Mads opened it and stepped inside.
The room was cold, dark, cramped, and filled with a strong scent of aged paper and mildew. There were stacks of books lined up in the corners leaning on one another for support. A desk sat in the middle with a small wooden chair tucked under it. Dissected books, bottles of ink, and glue took up its surface.
Mads reached over the desk and grabbed a box of matches from one of the drawers. He lit the lamps on the wall, casting a warm glow over the dank room; rather romantic, Charlie liked to think. Mads eyed the flame as it burned down the match, he pinched it out at the last second then tossed it aside.
Charlie stood behind Mads, his body a furnace against the redhead’s back, and grabbed the junction between his neck and shoulder.
“Cozy.” Charlie remarked, then pushed Mads down until his chest hit the desk.
Mads fumbled to undo his button and zipper just in time for Charlie to tug the waistband of his trousers and briefs down his thighs. The air was cold and still in the room, making Mads shiver with more than anticipation. There was a soft thud behind him, he looked over his shoulder and caught Charlie on his knees staring hungrily at his ass. Mads reached behind and grabbed his cheeks, spreading himself open, exposing his tight, pink furl.
Charlie growled approvingly and ran a thumb over Mads’ hole.
“You’ve got a beautiful cunt, ducky,” he grumbled.
Ducky? Mads blushed, “Thank yo-oooh fuck!” he gasped.
Charlie ate Mads out like he fought, ripping the breath out of Mads’ chest, delivering punishing, wet lashes over his hole. He slurped at his rim and forced his tongue inside, fucking him with short jabs, drool dribbling down the back of his balls. Mads let go of his cheeks and clutched onto the edges of the desk.
“Fuck, you weren’t joking.” Mads panted.
Charlie barely heard. Seven years with little human interaction had left him starving. He took what he wanted, curling his tongue and using his large hands to spread Mads wide. He tasted like cheap soap and roses. Charlie groaned brokenly, lapping at the trails of saliva, his mustache scraping Mads’ tender flesh, and lavished his hole with sloppy kisses.
No other inmate had ever done this for Mads, or to him- reducing him to shaking legs and wanton cries. Charlie lapped at Mads’ hole shamelessly. Mads moaned and pushed back against Charlie’s tongue. He lifted up on his toes and rolled his hips, riding Charlie’s face and grinding against his mustache. Charlie growled and shoved his tongue into Mads’ wet hole. He reached around the redhead’s narrow waist and grabbed his stiff cock, pumping it quickly.
Mads was caught in a tug of war, whining as he thrust back against Charlie’s tongue and forward into his calloused hand. It was fantastic, so good Mads’ toes were curling in his shoes and his vision was starting to blur.
Outside there was a noise, the heavy iron door being unlocked. Mads heard it like a gunshot. His eyes widened and he smacked Charlie’s hand away, scrambling to pull his trousers back up.
“Hide!” Mads hissed.
“What?” Charlie asked, mustache damp and ruffled, eyes glazed over with lust, then he heard the footsteps too. “Fuck!”
Charlie hopped over the desk and shoved himself under it, an awkward jumble of muscled limbs trying to make themselves as small as possible. He took up so much space the chair was unable to be pulled in. Mads ignored it and bent over the front of the desk, he grabbed random pages and pretended to examine them carefully.
The door to the repair room jiggled for a moment before opening slowly. Mads straightened, praying his flushed cheeks couldn’t be noticed in the dim light, and nodded at the guard in the doorway.
“How about yourself?” Mads asked disinterestedly, holding up one of the pages.
“The door was locked.”
Mads scoffed, “It’s supposed to be, restricted access being what it is. There’d be madness if Arch or his blokes got in.”
The guard eyed Mads suspiciously and crossed his arms over his puffed chest, “But giving a firebug access to all the paraffin he’d like is a sound decision.”
Mads wanted to snark back but he held his temper. It wasn’t his fault they refused to run electricity this deep in the prison.
“My work shows for itself,” Mads replied coolly, nodding towards all the stacks of books, “you can ask Governor Locke if you’re so inclined, as I recall he was quite fond of the patch up I did for him.”
The guard’s jaw clenched, his hand itched for his baton, but Fitz wasn’t breaking any rules.
“I hear that’s not the only thing he’s fond of.” He sneered.
Mads bit down on the inside of his cheek. Rage flushed his face. He could hear movement under the desk and loudly cleared his throat to cover it.
“Is there a point to any of this?” Mads bit out.
The guard smirked in cruel satisfaction, glad he’d hit a nerve.
“I reckon it’s been made,” the guard winked and made his way back through the door, “keep this open, inmate!” He called over his shoulder.
His footsteps faded then there was the sound of the heavy iron door swinging shut. Charlie climbed out from under the desk. He circled it and leaned his back against it, eyeing Mads with a raised brow.
“Did you fuck the governor?”
Mads scrunched his face in disgust, “Christ, no, the man’s about a hundred!” He winced, “But I did blow his secretary for the job.”
Charlie remembered the secretary, a tall man with high cheekbones and a nervous smile, one of those delicate academic types. He could imagine Mads on his knees smiling crookedly while the secretary stammered and came on his face.
“Fidgety bloke?”
“That’s him, aye, bit of a creep. He wanted me to gnaw on his knob like it was a fecking chew toy.”
Charlie barked out a disbelieving laugh, “Are you joking?”
Mads snickered, “I’m no prude but even I was wary. He kept telling me to bite harder. Christ, could you imagine?”
The image in Charlie’s brain changed slightly, the secretary stammered while cumming over Mads’ bloodstained smile. Maybe there was something there…
“It’s always the quiet ones.” Charlie chuckled warmly, draping an arm around the redhead’s waist and stealing a sniff of his hair.
Mads turned into Charlie’s body and laid a small hand over his strong stomach.
“You’re not cross, then?” He asked, biting his lip.
“No, ducky.” Charlie covered Mads’ hand with his own, finding it unreal just how small and soft it was. “But I have a question.”
“How many blokes are you takin’ care of?”
Mads’ face flushed, but Charlie wasn’t judging, his voice was curious.
“I haven’t an exact figure..” Mads said awkwardly.
“One sound good to you?” Charlie’s tone was casual, his face was anything but. He looked deadly serious, his hardened gaze stared straight into Mads’ eyes.
That’s why he’s been lurking in the library all week? I thought he really got off on defacing books.
Mads was surprised, when Charlie approached him he thought it was for a one and done deal. He was ready to use any means necessary to ensure his coming back, determined to work his way to being his number one then sitting pretty, enjoying the rest of his stay in the lap of security.
“Just you?” Mads questioned, concealing his delight with curiosity.
Charlie’s mustache bristled, “I don’t share.”
“I’d be losing loads of privileges.” Mads countered, and he was right. He received all kinds of favors in return for his mouth; his work duty was one example but he also got cigarettes, better meals, and had less risk of being randomly attacked.
“You’ll keep them,” Charlie said firmly, finishing it with a menacing, “I take care of mine.”
A slow, pleased smile started to spread over Mads’ face. He’d be untouchable with Charlie at his side.
“So you do. No one else has asked to rim me.” Mads pointed out, the hand Charlie held was working it’s way down his hard stomach and lower, over his zipper.
“Selfish cunts,” Charlie grumbled, feeling all the blood in his body rushing to follow their joined hands.
Mads smiled that cheeky, secretive smile meant for Charlie’s eyes only and nodded in agreement.
“Selfish, aye, that’s why I wouldn’t bend over for any of them. They didn’t deserve my beautiful cunt.”
Charlie’s eyes darkened. That twisted, possessive part of his mind was alight with the information. The hand he had draped around Mads’ waist drifted down and grabbed that perfect ass he’d been dreaming of.
“It is beautiful,” He mumbled in a rough, strained voice, thinking of filling Mads’ pretty pink hole with his cum, marking him as his own from the inside.
“And all yours,” Mads pushed up on his toes and gently kissed the corner of Charlie’s mouth, “if you’re all mine.” He whispered, tracing the length of his hard cock with his palm.
Charlie beamed, predatory and victorious.
Mads smiled widely and kissed Charlie sound on the mouth. He broke the kiss as Charlie tried to deepen it and smirked impishly.
“Hold on,” Mads whispered.
He pecked Charlie’s lips and broke away to reach over the desk and rifle through the drawers. Charlie took advantage of the position and boxed Mads in with an arm on either side of him and ground his hardness against his ass. Mads wiggled delectably and stoop up, proudly displaying a slim bottle of oil.
“We’ll have to be quiet,” He said in a hushed whisper, tossing an innocent look at Charlie over his shoulder.
The corners of Charlie’s mustache pulled up in a pleased smile. He had snuck a glimpse at some other things in the drawer; papers, an ink roller, twine, and a pair of very sharp looking scissors. His little obsession was turning out to be more rewarding than he’d hoped.
“As a church mouse.” Charlie swore.
Mads bit his lip and grinned. He pushed his trousers and briefs back down his thighs and bent over the table while Charlie uncorked the bottle and spread the oil over his digits. He plunged two slick fingers into Mads’ hole, he was so warm compared to the cold room. Charlie gritted his teeth and fucked Mads’ tightness with short, sharp thrusts.
Mads bit down on his knuckles so he wouldn’t make too much noise. Charlie made quick work of stretching him, impatiently adding a third finger even though the fit was too tight. Mads let him, pushing back against his fingers while he grabbed the large hand planted next to his hip.
“Feel that, ducky? Your cunt is hungry for more.” Charlie murmured.
Ducky, that silly, sweet name again, Mads’ heart fluttered each time he heard it. He laced their fingers and rolled his hips, riding the slick digits.
“I’m terribly greedy,” Mads purred, batting his lashes, “I hope that won’t be a bother.”
Charlie smirked, he undid his pants with one hand and pulled his cock out, “Will this be enough, you reckon?”
Mads’ eyes went from shocked to awed to outright wanting in a split second. Charlie was massive, easily the biggest of all the cocks he’d seen in the prison, and maybe outside of it too. He looked back up at Charlie’s face and smiled that secret smile and wiggled his ass temptingly.
Charlie pulled his fingers out, shushing Mads’ needy whines, and covered his length with the oil. He smirked and tapped the fat head of his cock against Mads’ tight furl then thrust forward.
Mads clamped his hand over his mouth before a cry could claw its way out. Charlie’s grip on Mads’ hips was bruising. He took a deep breath and slowly pulled back, pulling a low groan out of Mads and himself, then pushed forward. A small ‘mph!’ escaped the redhead.
Charlie liked that sound a lot. He thrusted forward sharply and was rewarded with a thicker ‘mmph!’. He fisted the hem of Mads’ shirt and tugged it up, eyeing the line of his spine, his slim waist, his perky ass bouncing with each thrust.
“Work of fuckin’ art.” Charlie growled, staring at Mads’ pink rim stretched tight around his cock.
Charlie quickened his thrusts, Mads whimpered into his palm and reached for his neglected cock. He hadn’t been fucked properly in ages, but even with the stretch burning up his spine he felt crazed and wanted more. He rolled his hips, meeting Charlie thrust for thrust.
Charlie growled and bent to latch onto Mads’ throat. His body was huge and covered his partner completely. His mustache tickled as he sucked a large mark into his flesh, high enough his collar wouldn’t cover it.
Good, Charlie thought madly, his thrusts picking up speed. He wanted everyone to see, he wanted them to know, Mads belonged to him now.
Mads keened and stroked himself quickly. Charlie nipped at Mads’ neck and fucked him harder. He licked a stripe up Mads’ throat and grabbed a fistful of his red hair. He tugged him up into a standing position and covered the small hand with his large one.
“Let me,” Charlie breathed.
Mads whimpered as Charlie jerked his leaking cock. His thrusts were brutal, punishing, stretching him wide, fucking him deep, pushing him up so high on his toes they barely scraped the floor.
Mads’ vision was blurring again, the knobs of his spine felt like they’d been twisted too tight.
“Charlie, I-I’m so close,” he panted, voice strained.
Charlie tugged Mads’ hair and fucked harder, he growled and bit down on the mark he’d made. Mads slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle a pleasured cry and came messily all over an open book, clenching hot and tight around Charlie’s cock.
A guttural groan ripped out of Charlie’s chest. His instincts took over. He buried himself to the hilt, lifting Mads up to the absolute tips of his toes with a strained moan and ground his hips deep. He bit along his throat and snuffed at his red, red hair.
We're painting the roses red. We dare not stop or waste a drop. So let the paint be spread!
Charlie made a noise that was half laugh and half crazed moan as he came deep inside of Mads, riding him until he was spent and the redhead was boneless, the song playing faintly somewhere in the back of his mind. He thrusted slowly a few more times despite Mads’ oversensitive noises, he couldn’t help himself, that line of ecstasy/excruciating was too good to give up.
“Charlie,” Mads pleaded softly.
Charlie grunted and slowly pulled out, Mads’ feet settled back flat on the ground. Mads trembled, clenched around air, and clutched the desk. He made a hurt noise, feeling horribly empty. Charlie loosened his grip on his hair and scratched his short nails over his scalp.
“Painting the roses red,” Charlie sang under his breath, “dare not stop or waste a drop,” he fell to his knees and licked his lips, “so let the paint be spread.”
“What are you doing?” Mads slurred, looking over his shoulder.
“Taking care of my boy.” Charlie rumbled.
That one word from Mads’ lips, soft and oh so sweet, wriggled and lodged itself firmly in Charlie’s mind. His chest swelled as he spread Mads’ cheeks and watched as a thick string of -his cum dripped out of his puffy, pink hole and trailed down his thigh. A possessive growl escaped him, he darted forward and caught it with his tongue, following the path up. Mads shivered and made a soft noise.
“Fuck me!” Mads gasped, pushing back against Charlie’s mustache.
Charlie lapped at Mads’ hole, coaxing more cum out, and swallowed it eagerly. He moaned at the taste his cum and maddening roses- and went back for more. Mustache grazing his tender rim, he sucked Mads’ hole and slipped his tongue inside, curling it with a hungry groan. Mads’ eyes rolled, his knees buckled, he whined high and needy and loud, forgetting or uncaring of the open door.
Charlie growled from low in his chest. He wanted to hear more but he didn’t want to get caught, not so soon.
When Charlie was sure Mads was clean he laid a gentle kiss on his hole and stood up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Mads did his pants back up with trembling hands, leaning against Charlie’s solid chest for support. Charlie nuzzled and kissed the redhead’s sweaty temple. The smell of roses was even stronger there.
“How do you smell so fucking good?” Charlie asked, pulling his trousers back up.
Mads laughed tiredly and turned. He wrapped his arms around Charlie’s neck, a sly smile lifted the corner of his lips.
“Rose oil. Do you like it? I make it myself.”
“Very much.” Charlie murmured.
He took Mads’ chin in his thumb and forefinger and tilted it up, examining the mark he’d made with a sense of deep satisfaction and picturing the many more to come. He cupped Mads’ face and drew him into a long, slow, lecherous kiss, sharing the taste of his cum.
Mads moaned deep and dreamy and pushed up on his toes to close the distance between their bodies. They kissed a while, curious and eager and warm, before Mads broke it with a sigh.
“We should go before that prick comes back.” Mads muttered.
“Clarke?” Charlie asked. He hadn’t seen the guard but he recognized the voice.
“Aye. Norman No Mates.” Mads added pettily.
Charlie chuckled and released Mads, the redhead went around and turned out the lamps while Charlie checked to make sure the coast was clear. Mads came out the room and shut the door behind himself. Charlie draped a heavy arm over his shoulders as they walked towards the large iron entrance.
“If Clarke gives you anymore lip you just let me know, yeah?” Charlie murmured.
Mads looked up at Charlie with a mixture of mischief and curiosity as he pulled the key out of his pocket.
“What’ll you do if he does?”
“To start with, I’d make him piss himself. Again.”
Mads laughed delightedly and unlocked the latch, the door groaned as he pulled it open. They slipped through and Mads relocked it then tucked the key back in his pocket. He took the hand hanging over his shoulder in his own and led Charlie down the rows towards Historical Fiction.
“And then?” Mads asked sweetly, dainty fingers toying with Charlie’s scarred knuckles.
“And then I’d break his jaw. Can’t mouth off my boy then, can he?”
“That’s so fecking romantic.” Mads sighed adoringly. He smiled, smitten, and rested his head on Charlie’s shoulder.
Charlie bent his head to bury his face in Mads’ lush, fragrant hair and smirked to himself. He rather liked the sound of that; Britain’s most romantic prisoner.
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roseguided · 5 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
✧ NAME: zandie ! but, my friends call me zan a lot of the time. ( fun fact: i was going to be named alexandria and just called zandie as a nickname. but, my parents went with zandie. its from a old black n white western movie. )
✧ PRONOUNS: she/her
✧  SEXUALITY: mostly bisexual. as time goes on, i think i lean more toward wanting to be with women. but, i do still find men very attractive. love me a good dilf & a specific type of my age guys lmao
✧  TAKEN OR SINGLE: single !
✧ i have two corgi's ! the oldest is woodie, he's 3 years old. he's more auburn, kinda tanned colored. he's got his own little personality that's so interesting to see sometimes. we got him after our family dog died suddenly, so he holds a special spot for us. the second one is dena, named after my 91 yr old grandmother. she's 1, about to turn 2, and more tri-colored: mostly black, the white chest/feet, and some tan on her eyebrows and nose ! she's a little love bug who wants to give her sister (me) kisses all the time. she makes me v happy, like woodie. they are my 'siblings', but also my kids lmao.
✧ when i was born i was 3 months early. so, a premature baby. i was so small that i weighed a pound and 2 oz. so small that when i was born my mom asked why there was a cat in the operating room and my aunt said 'that's not a cat, baby, that's zandie.' i stayed in the hospital for over a month and a half before i was able to come home.
✧ i live in a small, deep south town. i am, what the internat calls, the ya'll people. lmao. i always wonder if, to internet friends i talk to, my accent is noticable or thick in any shape or form.
✧   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): aboooout nine years. i started out on facebook as jane volturi, then it was a site called quotev, and then tumblr ever since.
✧   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: facebook, quotev, kik, twitter, tumblr.
✧   BEST EXPERIENCE: meeting some of my good/best friends through tumblr rp. i love all of you so v much.
✧   FEMALE OR MALE: i def have a pref for female muses. my muse list is 99% female muses w some male oc's and the rare male canon muse thrown in. sometimes i wanna write more men, but i really have to connect to the character to be able to do that.
✧  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i love all of it ! fluff and angst happen a lot more. smut not as much, but im open to it ! on discord, through memes. whatever we want to do.
✧   PLOTS OR MEMES: i'm def better with memes ! memes=starters if someone decides to continue it. but, i also like plots. i'm just not always the best plotting.
✧   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: ever since changing my formatting replies tend to be longer and sometimes muses have a lot to say. i usually got for medium to longer replies just to give people smth to work with and to get the muses thoughts or action down.
✧   BEST TIME TO WRITE: nighttime !
✧ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i have a few i am pretty similar too ! it's hard to name all of them. but, i also like writing muses who aren't like me in any way as well.
TAGGED BY: nobody <3
TAGGING: anyone who wants to steal x
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seakrisp · 2 years
Wednesday spoilers: even though what ill say has been said already but I need to finally let it out.
again these are just some of my personal thoughts and what I think!
I'm so happy alot of ppl agrees the the "two main possible male lOvE IntERest" had little to no chemistry with her.
but first,
I'll start with everything I like:
I love everything in the show except the "love triangel romance/ romance in general" that they pushed unto Wednesday. it doesn't rlly add anything. Tyler would have had more impact if he had been a platonic trustworthy friend.
i love the Christina ricci's character was the real villain. that's a really nice bow on everything.
I love we actually saw alot of The Addams Family Dynamic in the show! like in this rendition and universe ykyk. Also always great to have more Gomez and Tish and they're relations with the town and Nevermore.
ofc how could I forget, Jenna Ortega's performance was phenomenal. I really did like the casting.
ofc wendays and enid's dynamic was everything I expected and more. everything about them I loved.
I hope we get to see more bianca bcs I'm curious to her and wendays more chilled rivalry/frenemies dynamic will be like. now that bianca don't really give a shit about xiaver. (hopefully. yall are too good for that boy. that boy needs therapy.)
Enid is literally a Walking Queer Allegory. I said what I said.
wenday and Thing are everything to me. we day's friendship with Eugene to me as well.
oke. now my complainly part/things j wished that happened instead and parts that made me say "that could've been written, chosen better.."
I've TRIED to be unbiased while watching, mostly in the "romance aspect". and I think they should've really just focused on its being about Platonic relationships yk.. they like, they didn't even have a ball to drop Yk. Like you expect Me to believe these wet limp dick white boys are gonna be.. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS 'S.. Potential.. love interest..?? youre joking.
the most annoying part about this was both Xiaver and Tyler were so... fucking entitled. like, WOW. a Girl wasn't mean to you and spoke to you with very basic surface level human decency!
Xiaver, just has a Resting Bitch Face. He didn't do anything wrong but like he's still shithead. And was annoying. (to me)
Tyler, I really wanted him to be the MLM Best Friend :(
but nay, I was wronged ofc. Tyler at first didn't really bother me as much. first few episodes, HE'S JUST SOME WHITE GUY. then it progresses He Annoys Me With a Burning Passion.
my thoughts were like: there's no way. Wednesday liked this boy. she's be manipulated and gaslit.
And yeah Last few Episodes I was correct. it gave me more reason to hate Tyler's ass and I think he should've been brutally murder yk.
I love hunter doohan's performance though, thanks for taking one for the team King <3 He played the bland straight white boy monstour murder.
Now, Enid and Ajax. they were fine.. Ajax is the basic textbook goofy, nice guy who does weed, that just has madusa snake hair—
and omg I laughed so hard when he stoned himselfed like that, it's so perfect and stupid that a teenager with that ability would have the happen to them. it was so fucking funny to me.—
they're relationship is so shallow and mid to me idk. I mean, they do act like a typical teenage het couple.
it's just that, Enid liking a boy who she barely talks obsessesing over him but then also when she got stood up by him. Enid started liking another boy that she just talked to sharing same interests but mostly again just very bare minimum.
I'm not saying she's a shallow person, more say.. yk just a subconsciously finding and filling that, " you have to have a nice boyfriend bcs that's how the world is supposed to be " box...
in short yk, compulsory hetero normativity.
like cmon.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN UR MOM WANTS YOU TO GO TO "CONVERSION CAMP" ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU WANTED HER TO ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WOLFED OUT JUST IN TIME YOU WANTED TO SAVE WEDNESDAY? what do you mean you didn't run into ur bf's after something traumatic but instead run into ur roommates to give her a hug like she'll never let go?
yeah. basically most of my complaints are in the romance. it's Criminally hetero. and I've dealt with alot of hetero relationships endgame media that would have made more sense and thematical it was queer.. augh. I'm gonna watch warrior nun.
I genuinely hope they were very intentional with writing Enid and Wednesday literally the only one with romantic tension and queer subtext..
like, cmon. Wenclair has paralleled Gomez and Tish so much in this show. be for fucking real.
okay that's it. most of what I've said has been said. last thing I wanna say is thank you for your time and effort to read this and.. Wednesday is both queer coded and autism coded.
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wily-one24 · 3 months
For the character break down, either Emma Swan or Regina Mills
Well, this is not a fair ask. Because we all know if given the choice I'm going to choose my lady love, Emma. Like, I know who usually gets the most attention in fandom, but my heart lies with the socially awkward goof with Disney Princess curls.
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I am who I am and ain't nothin' gonna change me.
Onto the questions!!!
--> How I feel about this character:
I mean, other than that I love her? I think she started out strong (like most of the OUaT women). She was fully fledged, she had character and weakness and vulnerabilities and strength. She said the wrong thing, but she tried to do right always. She didn't care what anyone thought and was desperate for everyone to love her.
She wanted family her entire life and, ultimately, she let them destroy her.
Emma started strong, like most OUaT women, and then the show... changed. It was less strong female characters and character driven, it began focusing on developing and introducing male characters, often at the expense of character growth and development.
The show was made in the liminal space of female/female shipping becoming more popular, but the industry shying away from it. When it became very clear very early on that Swan Queen was a thing, they overcorrected, tripping over themselves to introduce very male love interests. ("Look how much dick these ladies love!").
And it became less about the women we love. Emma's lifelong search for family and the struggle she had with giving up everything for them, to become the saviour they wanted, and STILL never being good enough, because ALL they wanted was a saviour and they rejected her as a daughter... all of that, became lessening herself, making herself palatable, for Hook.
From this:
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To this:
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It's barely even the same character.
I want heartbroken little girl who longs for a family, who so desperately wants to believe Henry's tales because it gives her a family, but she cannot dare. Life has kicked her down so many times that even the thought of believing in hope was a terrifying thing.
Only to find love and acceptance in a small town and later finding that they were family.
The woman who gives everything, who becomes their saviour and sacrifices everything, only to be told it's not enough and her mother wants a real child.
I want the woman who laughed and loved and joked and played and broke the law to uphold it. Who threw fistfights in a cemetery. Who took apart kettles in her apartment. Who left her life to follow a small child who claimed to be her son without any shred of proof whatsoever. Who thew herself down a mine. And took up a sword to fight a dragon she didn't believe in.
Okay, wow, that was question one? Let's move on.
--> All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Regina Mills, obviously. I mean, their story was legendary. It was more of a Disney story than Snow White and Prince Charming. Divorced parents that were never married. Enemies to lust. Enemies in lust. Two lost little girls. Emma internalised her pain. Regina externalised it. But it was the same. They taught each other, they supported each other, they knew each other more than anyone else.
With all my fandom lady loves, I am quite generous and liberal with my Emma shipping. Emma/Regina, Emma/Ruby, Emma/anyone, basically. I tend to stay away from Emma/Hook, because I find that side of fandom a little toxic, but that's just my preference. I didn't mind her with Graham. Throw in a little Emma/Regina/Ruby, or Emma/Regina/Graham, or even Emma/Regina/Evil Queen for some fun. But basically Emma/anyone is my jam.
My preference is Regina, though.
--> My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Emma/Mary Margaret (before she became Snow ful time).
--> My unpopular opinion regarding this character:
Unpopular? That's subjective.
One side of fandom would not like that I think she deserved a lot better than Hook.
The other side of fandom would not like that I believe she's more Bisexual than full on Lesbian (in the closet).
--> One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character?
It would be too easy to say I wish that her and Regina had found happiness ever after.
But... honestly... I wish she had been able to stand on her own two feet at the end, instead of playing Polyester Bride with Hook.
I wish she had been accepted at the very start as the daughter she'd always wanted to be, instead of having to fight for approval and give up all the "unpalatable" sides of herself to please those around her.
I wish she had kept the light that shone out of her in the first two seasons.
If she hadn't ended up with a woman (which, I get why it wouldn't have happened then), then at least with someone who respected her, who didn't ridicule her, who didn't attack or demean her every chance he got, who put himself first in most everything he did.
She deserved better.
They all did.
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niahq · 2 years
Don’t get me wrong. I love Wednesday, I love Jenna Ortega and her performance as Wednesday was brilliant.
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However, ultimately the show felt bland in the end to me, because the whole plot ended up revolving around the romance drama: of course, one of the romantic interests was going to be the villain and break her black heart. It was so painfully cliche. To me, as someone who writes and reads a lot, it was obvious from the start where the plot was heading, since the first scene with Thornhill in the dorms and Tyler at the coffee shop. Thornhill was actually better written though.
It was the love interests that just ugh, fell so flat and soured the experience for me. Both Xavier and Tyler were both written in JUST to add romantic drama because Wednesday’s a teen and as such she “should experience typical teen problems and boy problems”.
Which is absolute fucking bullshit in my opinion, not every teenage girl protagonist has to experience love triangles and romantic drama just because she’s a teenager, that is just a cliche trope that has been perpetuated by movies and series, but doesn’t portray the real life of a teenage girl. Besides, why would Wednesday ever need romantic drama? She’s a great character by herself, being how she has always being, she never needed other characters to make her “evolve” or seem more relatable or teen-like.
The cool thing about Wednesday has always been how unapologetic she is, she will be herself without giving a fuck about what others think of her, she will speak her mind always, specially when something that she perceives as “not right” (like the bullying, misogyny, white-washing retelling of history, etc) is happening in front of her; she’s different of course, but that’s what makes her so special, she’s not willing to change herself or bow down to society.
Wednesday has never needed love interests to seem more teen-like, or be more relatable. She’s great just like she is. The weak attempts at writing romance with Wednesday… holy gods they were so bland. Xavier and Tyler were added in with only that purpose, barely have any personality, not to mention having absolutely zero chemistry with Wednesday, at least romantically.
Tyler, if you ignore him being one of the antagonists, reads as a puppy-eyed white male who finds her intriguing because she’s so different from all the other girls he has met before, and since she pays a modicum of attention to him because she needs his help, he thinks she’s interested. Xavier reads as the boy who literally just broke up with a girl he liked, but could never trust, and his mind immediately grabs onto Wednesday as a new love interest because she’s someone who he has met before, and he knows how she is; she’d never lie to him or manipulate his feelings knowingly, he knows she doesn’t have the power to do that, so of course, in his mind she’s trustworthy and because she’s so different from Bianca, she’s perfect as a new crush.
Wednesday never gave them signals of being interested. And yet of course, typical, just because she seems to tolerate them, they automatically assume she likes them. Even though it’s clear from the start she’s just using them for her own means and ends, not actually bonding with them. Tyler is the normie who’d help her with the investigation and help her escape Nevermore because he has a car, and is conveniently the sheriff’s son, so she can keep an eye on his father through him. They had no conversations outside the ones related to the investigation, yet somehow they kissed…..
She barely talked to Xavier outside of the scenes where she snuck into his studio, those scenes being; the infirmary, the classroom, the burnt yard, the jail.
In none of those does Wednesday show any signs of being interested in him in any way, she tolerates him because they’re sort of childhood acquaintances, and he’s her suspect. And in those scenes, the lines they exchange-with the exception of the infirmary (because it’s the moment Xavier’s character is introduced)-are painfully brief and to the point. In fact, I don’t even think they talked in the classroom; Wednesday just looked at him and smashed the spider. She didn’t even say anything. The yard scene was after their fight in the studio and it’s only like 4 lines because they’re not on good terms, which again, were they ever really? And the jail scene is just full of tension and friendship heartbreak because Xavier perceived her differently than she is, and Wednesday is hurt by his words, even though she doesn’t seem to (but Ortega really is brilliant at expressing what Wednesday is feeling just with little face muscle movements. If you pay attention to her face, it is really easy to read how Wednesday is feeling in every scene).
In their efforts to add romantic interests for Wednesday, they ended up coming up with two extremely bland characters. Not to mention Ajax, who is not as bland, but still feels like kind of an unncessary addition. Honestly, the way they’re written, it’s painfully obvious that the purpose of the 3 boys is just to merely act as romantic interests and a stopper to the shipping between Wednesday and Enid, being like “oh but see? They both have boyfriends! Male interests! They’re not queer! They’re just really good friends and roommates!”
….. god that’s just terrible writing. Both read as heavily queer coded, and Enid is the only character Wednesday actually cares about and bonds with out of her free will, unconsciously (with the exception of Eugene, but he’s like a sibling to her). By the second episode, Wednesday is already showing signs that she’s starting to care for Enid, without being prompted to by anything else, circumstancial or otherwise. When they argue, Wednesday is hurt by it, saddened because she’s now alone; she keeps looking back at Enid’s side of the room and hopes to solve everything asap so it can all go back to normal. She’s again, hurt and disappointed when Thornhill shows up to tell her that Enid has requested to room with Yoko for the rest of the year, but tries to play it off. Wednesday is a character who perceives emotion as weakness, because it’s how people commit mistakes and get hurt, it’s what people use to manipulate each other, so she convinces herself that she doesn’t need emotion, including affection and caring about people.
Yet by episode 5, not only does she clearly care about Eugene, completely willingly and with no ulterior motive, she also cares about Enid’s feelings and talks with her easily, standing close to one another. She tries to tell Dr. Kinbott that she’s still as cold hearted as she was the first day, but it’s clear she’s trying to convince herself of it too, because although she has tried, she cannot help but care about them. She could have thrown away the snood when Enid was not looking, but she kept it, tried to avoid hurting her feelings by telling her she didn’t like it, and even wore it when they were investigating.
Enid literally turned into a werewolf in her hurry to get to Wednesday and help her. She fought for her and got scarred, and the first thing she says when she’s in her human form again is “where is wednesday?” And she’s worried, scared for her. She could have hugged Ajax when she saw him, but she just leaned into him for comfort, because she literally just turned into a huge beast, fought for her life, and is really shaken by it. In contrast, when she sees Wednesday she literally runs to her and hugs her tightly. And Wednesday actually reciprocates, hugging her tightly and hiding her face in her neck while Enid clutches her uniform in her hands. Wednesday didn’t hug Tyler even when they were kissing, she only let herself be held, but made no move with her own arms.
I could continue, but this is getting really fucking long. Point is: there is no fucking way Wednesday and Enid are not queer in some way, regardless what netflix may say (when one writes a story, the characters always evolve and develop beyond one’s imagination and thoughts, because they are characters, and ultimately, they are people). And Xavier and Tyler made no goddamn sense as love interests, yet sadly it’s already obvious that Xavier is gonna be endgame, unless they decide to actually make Wednesday x Enid canon. The show just felt like compulsive heteronormativity to me.
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timidloner · 2 years
me ascending every time you call me ram <3 (it's like a power up i love it, like joren with mc, you're enabling me to ramble more each time)(sorry in advance for the amount ill send) watch me call you lolo for the loner in your username
it was very clear so we appreciate it!! and exactly omfg you get it, there's nothing wrong with being a conventionally attractive white man but personally it's so underwhelming compared to what i sometimes imagined (one time i played a game where i thought the guy had long black hair brooding and sharp looks like babygirl right? but then i saw the pictures and he had short very bland looks i cried.) tiktok goes crazy with THESE especially with the fancasting people do for books, its always the same kind of dudes its tragic (definitely an interesting topic from a sociological perspective but ill stop too lmaoaoa)
moles are so attractive normally but now with your concept too? brain rot i cant believe... is joren's neck sensitive? please i need to know because just MC touching the moles but instead they watch joren's neck turn red and both end up blushing like fools and THE SCARS WOAHHHH????? MC turning his scars into something joren can love by admiring them (tho the angst would be crazy if the MC was to be disgusted but personally my MC could never cause joren is our big meow meow)(im still not over the fact he can purr like can the MC scratch the back of his ears too? i need MOREEEE MONSTER FACTS)
AWWW, I love it!! Lolo is such a cute nickname!!
And I actually went to booktok to study (laugh at) this phenomenon and you're so right!! There's nothing wrong with these dudes, of course, but when the entirety of your male cast looks the same, it just becomes booooooring. They look like brothers!! Add some spice, please!!
Fortunately, that kind of surprise hasn't happened to me, I either never see the characters' portraits (IF) or that's the first thing I do (VN). But I won't go into detail about my feelings here, gotta stay away from controversies now that I'm a game dev (never gets old), haha!!
And yes! I've always loved moles, on someone's wrist, neck, below their eye, or the edge of their mouth... Doesn't matter, they are great.
I'd say both his neck and wrists are sensitive. And I love that idea, but due to his skin tone, his blush isn't really visible! So instead of turning red, we could say that MC is touching him and suddenly his skin heats up under their palm and he starts to sweat a little bit!
And ugh, now I can't help but imagine MC calling Joren their handsome man while tracing his scars...
Like, he doesn't really care if he's considered good-looking or not, but MC calling him that???? He'd melt. Suddenly, he'd understand why everyone is so concerned about beauty, and how good that kind of validation feels. He'd even start putting more effort into his appearance.
And maybe he could start seeing his scars as proof of how brave he's been throughout his life? He could stop being neutral about it, and become proud of them?
On the other hand, if MC finds him disgusting for his scars, it would make him insecure for the first time in a really long time. He'd try to dress in tunics with long sleeves, and always face MC with the "better" side of his face, so they don't have to look at his scar.
And yes!! Of course MC gets to scratch his ears, I'm pouring all of my impossible dreams of cuddling a big cat in those scenes. I'll think of some monster facts for tomorrow!!
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