A cold wash of air hit the back of Astrotrain's wings. It was accompanied by a vaguely familiar, yet far too large to be, shadow and a deep rumbling. The vibrations caused by the rumbling went through not only the ground but Astrotrain himself. After a brief moment of it occurring, a very familiar voice came rumbling in. "Why do you smell like me, little mech?"
“Muk. Muuuuuuk.”
“No, Booger. M’tryin’ to sleep.”
“Okay, okay, Primus--”
The Pokemon’s warning came a bit too late, however, for in the midst of trying to remove it from his face, he heard the voice. Felt it in the hole in his spark. His whole body fell still, as if moving might disrupt whatever dream state he assumed he’d fallen into.
Booger gave an ornery gurgle and splattered to the floor by itself, sliding away to hide beneath his berth until whatever the hell that was left. 
“You’re back,” Astrotrain breathed, and then caught himself. “No, it’s not you. S’just another dream. Dreams of dreams of dreams. I dunno what layer I’m on anymore.”
He felt himself leaning back towards the voice, an automatic impulse to lay against his monster. He expected both a poisonous, overwhelming heat and a cold nothing to catch him. If there are arms, he’ll hold them, in a facsimile of comfort.
“It’s been years, y’know. The smell shoulda worn off by now. Are you here to collect your debt,” Rapping on his chestplates, indicating his spark, “or am I allowed to pretend its a pleasure call? These things usually go one way or the other, hate to spoil the script.”
His voice cracked, unbidden.
“... I still miss you, y’know.”
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boomtanknotboombox · 6 years
Unicron: -Peering in again-
Blaster: -staring right back- .....hi?
Unicron: -This was different from the other one- Hello.
Blaster: -Was not expecting an actual response- ....are you why Sunstreaker looked like he was going to faint yesterday?
Unicron: I am. -Rumbles- You're calmer than he was. You're talking to me. Are you brave or foolish?
Blaster: Oh. I think this -gestures to the whole of Unicron- explains it. And I'm hoping my dreams have just taken a really weird turn.
Unicron: You're not dreaming. I am very much here. -Vents out a rather cold blast of air-
Blaster: -shivers from the sudden cold air- I was kinda hoping that wasn't the case...So, you're here, why exactly?
Unicron: Observing.
Blaster: Observing? For what?
Unicron: Seeing whether I should devour your species now or wait.
Blaster: Oh. That's...ominous. Could you wait?
Unicron: Why? Your species has caused more chaos than I have.
Blaster: Yes, well...that doesn't mean we as a species need to be eaten.
Unicron: One of you nearly caused the death of their universe. Destroying my frame elsewhere left a black hole in the universe that threatened to destroy it. Your species has caused much harm. Eradicating you would be a favor. -He was so calm about it. As if this was normal-
Blaster: Are you seriously going to judge one timeline based on others? Giving none of us a chance to change or try and repair what we did? -now he's actually getting worried-
Unicron: These are all from different points in the multiverse. Not just one. -The Unmaker was a planet, a moon in size, but here he was the size of a metrotitan- There is no Prime in yours. I don't sense the Matrix. It's power is weak; missing.
Blaster: And in other timelines we have begun to fix what we had ruined! You are taking the worst and using that as justification! -he knew that if Unicron wanted to, he'd be dead already- No. There's....it's not here, right now. -he's hoping that it isn't going to be needed-
Unicron: You cause chaos, destroy, and I'm the one your species blames. Not all of your universes come out clean. Not all were saved. -Another blast of cold air went over Blaster. He wasn't getting angry. Just... calm. Talking.- The Primes are the ones you call to save you. Call upon the Matrix to defend you. There is no safety net for your species if I decide to return. No conversations.
Blaster: Because, to most, you're nothing more than legend. A being that doesn't exist in their minds. And not all of them fell either. Not all went as far as to destroy their home. -shudders again, clamping down plating to keep in heat- ....what? Return? To this timeline? For what?
Unicron: I have no reason to be known. I work outwardly. Eating the old. Letting the new flourish. It is only when I feel a change do I move ahead. Eating a planet still inhabited. Removing them from the universe before returning to my hungering task. -Rumbles. It was a hungry sound- Why else? To eat Cybertron. Devour your race. The Matrix is weak. This is a perfect time before a Prime is found.
Blaster: Then why are you upset? We don't know anything more about you, aside from legends that come from those that have fought you. Of course they're not going to be painting you in a good light! And what you're saying isn't helping matters, considering that the 'inhabited planet' is the one we're on! And why are you so...so intent on devouring this one? -oh he did not like that sound, not adding with the current conversation-
Unicron: I'm not upset. I'm hungry. -His voice never changed. How calm he was. Very strange- I care little for how I'm seen. The stories are usually correct. I devour planets both inhabited and uninhabited. The former is more often. Civilizations have fallen or moved on. Their planets fueling me as I continue. Destroy to leave the remnants for next time.
-Leans in closer- Do you scold the predator for seeking easy prey? You're food to me. The very planet itself is one I always hunger for. A few stings for the honey. Only I would not get the honey another time. The hive would be gone. No snacks, stings, or honey.
-Vents slowly. It was just normal for him. In went warm air and out came cold. A sort of breathing to absorb the heat to keep his frame going- One planet is no great loss. Flee. Colonize. Your species always has.
Blaster: Then why bring it up? You know how we see you, you don't care how we see you. -this time the shudder had nothing to do with the cold- That's...that's hardly comforting.
-several hurried steps backwards- And do you berate the prey for being upset in having to defend themselves? To try and figure out what they can do to keep the predator out of their home?
-again, the cold makes him shake, as he fights the impulse to run- We cannot do that. We don't...we don't have the resources or technology yet to do that.
Unicron: -Silent, observing, the titanic Unmaker leaned in closer. The ground rumbling with his movements- You're too young. Children in the universe. No Matrix. No means to escape. Yet you know of me. Can travel through gates. Yet you can not go to the stars. Create colonies.
Blaster: -further back he goes, hoping not to smack into a wall- We don't need reminding about that. Is that why you're here? Because, compared to other timelines, we're younger? And I know of you because I know of Primus and his Avatars. Because I've seen the ripples others of you have left in the timestreams.
Unicron: That is one reason, yes. A young timeline that has already known war, a missing matrix, and all before space flight. Your timeline is rather unique in those regards. Hm...
-Rumbles- My fragments have made quite the mess. I don't intend to have the same be said of me.
Blaster: Yes, well, I've heard that before...Our history went in a very different direction than others. -and he was beginning to wonder if that was a good thing or not. Though, if that's what brought The Unmaker to his proverbial doorstep.....-
What do you mean by that? They have made a mess...but...what did you mean about not making the same mess? -his spark has firmly lodged itself in his throat, has been since Unicron came towards him-
Unicron: They've less to their own deaths or banishment. I'm still very much alive. Older than any of them. I know how to stay alive. I don't play their foolish game of madness and destruction.
Blaster: Oh...That...oh...-his voice trailed off, getting smaller as he realized that this meant if this one decided to actually devour him and his home, there was nothing he could do to stop him. And, for the first time since the conversation started, he felt a curl of hopelessness worm into his spark-
Unicron: - The ancient Unmaker watched Blaster in silence. Studying the small thing before him- You're afraid. -A massive servo went down behind Blaster. The titan moving down further until his massive optic could peer closer. Unblinking- Tell me what of our conversation has finally made you truly fear me.
Blaster: -fans stuttered to a halt, as he made to move back again, only to hear the titan's servo hit the ground behind him, blocking him in. He froze, arms curling up around his chest, in a subconscious attempt at protection- I-i-i-it was when you compared yourself to oth-other shards of yourself...-if he already knew how his other selves were beaten, how was he supposed to do the same?-
Unicron: Out of all the things I've told you, that is what makes you dread. It would, wouldn't it. To know how one knows how to avoid death. To understand how helpless you really are in comparison.
- The optics of the ancient studied Blaster- I'm old, prideful, and I know it. I fear nothing. Even if you had the Matrix, it would do me harm, but it would not destroy me. Only the Matrix of my other half can do so and it no longer exists. With age comes power.
And I am the oldest among them.
Blaster: -This entire conversation was not helping him, the curling of hopelessness tightening on his spark, leaving him to stare back at the titan above him, not believing the words coming from him. That he had truly failed his home, and the mechs there.- No. No, that's not...it can't...
-something snapped, and he all but bent double, optics stinging, as he screamed- Go AWAY!
Unicron: -Pausing, helm actually tilting, the ancient just stared at Blaster for long moments of time. Slowly, with almost care not to hit anything as he moved, the titanic mech pulled back. His presence withdrawing from Blaster's immediate area. The titan not leaving, but he was further back. Less of a shape and more of a vague outline on the horizon. Fuzzy, distorted, with only the peering optics having any real substance-
Blaster: -and he's dropping to his knees as soon as he's got space, servos up to cover his face, as he tried to pull himself back together. He ignored the hitching of his vents, telling himself it was only his fans trying to get working again after the abrupt stop-
-He knew he wasn't gone. He still felt the presence there, but he'd hit his limit-
Unicron: You're either foolish or the most brave mech I have met in the billions of years I have been alive. -The voice was... softer. It wasn't thunderous or even as loud as it was. And the Unmaker had... praised Blaster-
Blaster: -slowly looks up, scrubbing the remnants of his break-down from his face, blinking in the direction of the deity, confused and wary- Please...just...go away....
Unicron: -Rumbles low and departs with one parting comment- I'll leave your home alone, Child of Primus.
Blaster: -he's going to wait until the deity is gone, before pulling himself back up, feeling weak once all the energy from before was gone. He didn't know if he could trust Unicron's word, but...he wasn't going to chance it. He needed to get help-
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forgedcold · 6 years
"It seems people have decided today is the day to plague you with bemused questions." Don't mind him. He's not going to add to them. Just be over there sipping at what looked like a galaxy in a bottle. "Need a breather or someone to complain to?"
Forgive him for being startled, he hadn’t anticipated company, particularly that of an old friend. Giving a half-smile, he regards Prophet for a moment, appreciative of that which had become rare: a pleasant surprise. “Why, it’s become commonplace these days to torment me with ridiculousness,” he returns, mirth in his voice. 
Crossing the distance, Megatron joins Prophet, casting a curious glance to the bottle he was nursing. “A breather would be nice. I could use a moment to simply relax. I presume you as well?”
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mightymegatron · 7 years
::Dear spark, Bumblebee got me thinking when we had a history night. What's the accepted history of Unicron and Primus that you know of?::
It really shouldn’t fluster him so to hear Rung call him that. He thinks for a moment before typing his response.
::As far as I can remember, they were created together. Either that, or they just always were, but they were always together, and always at war. Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, entirely opposite sides of ultimate power, too equal for one to destroy the other. Primus made the original Thirteen and their implements to fight Unicron, because by nature he cannot create something that isn’t himself. Together, they cast him out, but Primus had used most of his energy to make them and became dormant, becoming Cybertron.::
::This is what we were taught, but I’ve... seen more, in my brushes with both. Our elders didn’t seem to know that they call each other brothers, or that Primus never wanted them to fight. They want to be one but can’t, both drawn to and repelled by the other like magnets.::
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all-bout-jack · 7 years
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Melisandre raises Jon Snow #jonsnow #gameofthrones #got #nycc2017 #nyccgot #jonsnowcosplay #kitharington #melisandre #theredwoman #thelordoflight #hiswatchhasended #cosplay #comiccon @meechieze as Melisandre. Thanks to @acosplayfarfaraway for the amazing shot (at New York Comic Con)
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big-shoes-to-fill · 8 years
the-lord-of-light answered:
The one to answer this time wasn’t the usual Avatar from the mech’s. For reasons unknown even to the deity himself, it was Primus that responded. The deity had become more active in appearing as himself or a representation he had grown fond of.
Hearing the voice, the deity came into view. That voice didn’t match up to any that he could immediately recall. Once he saw that yellow frame, Primus’ soft blue optics blinked.
It couldn’t be…
“… Rigel?
Sabri moved through the dimly lit room, easing the door closed behind him, but he immediately paused when the frame rattling voice called to him softly. That wasn’t Prophet.
“Allfather,” he answered carefully, turning to give a sheepish smile and bowed helm to the figure that had manifested itself before him. “I would have gone though more proper means had I known I’d invoke your presence. Hi!”
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princeofdarkmount · 8 years
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the-lord-of-light replied to your post: … | Slides down in his seat. |
“Something else would of stirred this up. Let them vent and they’ll all be better off in the long run. Everyone will be back to being their usual fair of grumpy in a day or so.”
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“........if you say so.”
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ask-smokescreen · 8 years
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primeofdreams · 8 years
Plants a tender, loving, kiss to Quin's forehelm. Primus misses his sweet daughter. And he does regret that he's not been around to see the precious offspring he teased her about while being excited. Things he'd like to change if she'd be willing.
Her optics gradually shuttered open, a soft noise of surprise leaving her lips. Had they finally docked on Cybertron? The figure of her creator before her gave a good indication, his avatar standing proud and ethereal as ever. 
Spark jumping with restrained joy, she launched herself into his arms with a soft laugh. It had been too long. They had remained in orbit around Cybertron’s Moon since her delivery months ago, away from any that may pry. Cloaking of the vessel also ensured that they would not be detected by any, Autobot or Decepticon.
 They had descended near the Well, through one of the Thirteen passages known to few. Now, deep within the shell of the planet they rested. She had intended it to be a surprise visit, but Prophet was always ahead of her.
“Creator! How are you?”
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boomtanknotboombox · 7 years
And during the call with Jazz, Blaster is suddenly thunked on the helm by - of all things - a rust stick. Apparently Harbringer is listening and does NOT approve.
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forgedcold · 6 years
Send ❤️ if you ship our muses romantically ??Send 🙊 if you ship our muses platonically !!Send 👍 if you would like to discuss a possible ship !!
Ngl I might’ve reacted a bit like 😍
Catch me in your DMs I’m here for all these things.
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all-bout-jack · 7 years
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Melisandre raises Jon Snow #jonsnow #gameofthrones #got #nycc2017 #nyccgot #jonsnowcosplay #kitharington #melisandre #theredwoman #thelordoflight #hiswatchhasended #cosplay #comiccon #hbo #jonsnowwounds #jonsnowdead #jonsnowalive
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big-shoes-to-fill · 8 years
[Battle Meme!]
Battle intro: “Is this allowed...?”
Victory: "Oh-Oh! Yeah! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”
Defeat: “I honestly didn’t think I’d make it this long.”
Taunt: “I’ve got our creator’s blessing you know! We’re evenly matched!”
Reacting to Taunt: “Hey! Say that to my face!”
Flee: “ACK! Yield! I yield, Allfather!”
Reacting to Flee: “Oh, it didn’t hurt that bad, it’s just a stick.”
Tie: “I expected nothing less! I’m getting better!”
Perfect Victory: “... You... You did that on purpose.”
Finishing Move: A fancy flourish of his stave and a bow. “Not too shabby, huh?”
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3rdgenukrainiangirl · 7 years
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"The Night is dark and full of terrors" Getting ready for my favorite time of year!!! This year our skeleton "Skelly-Bob" will be The Red Woman from Game of Thrones! I'm making him a torch and need to find a red wig! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#gameofthrones #halloween #Halloweendecor #halloweendecorations #theredwoman #melisandre #got #thenightisdarkandfullofterrors #thelordoflight #redpriestess #decor #decorations #spooky #fall #autumn #skeleton #goth
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heligooddeals · 8 years
NAME: PhetuarSTABILITY: Unusually stable. Hardly anything can pull them apart. They say their fusion is a mutual effort but one has to wonder if something else isn’t keeping them together too, considering who/what is inside.SONG: Porter Robinson & Madeon - ShelterDANCE: Most of the time there isn’t a dance between Prophet/Primus and Blackguard. They can usually just fuse through touch. For formalities sake though, they’ll dance slowly, touching one of their hands together while the other is tucked behind their back, circling around each other as they work into a rhythm and a sync.SUMMARY: An enigma. Phetuar doesn’t do a very good job at explaining themselves to others. They’re not a prophet, not a demigod or a god; They just are, and they are very understanding and supportive of everyone.PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES: Doesn’t really come with a set look or height. Kind of makes themselves look however they want, whenever they want. A lot of their looks come with a rotor cape, soft talons with biolights all over their hands, a regular mouth and disarming smile, and bright cyan optics.
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wellyellieboots · 7 years
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When you pray to the Lord of Light that you won't have to wait another year for more Game of Thrones and pigs literally fly #gameofthrones #thelordoflight #redpriest
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