#them being penpals after camp ends PLEASE
the-terrible-theys · 1 year
(trans!)zach and aviva were bunkmates at science camp. i know because i was there
#imagine them both at their first year of science camp! young and excited but also nervous and already feelin homesick on the first night#and they take comfort in each other and bond over their shared love of engineering#and become best buds practically overnight#and they keep getting each other as bunkmates every year and they pair up for everything and it’s all GREAT until it isn’t anymore#tfw some kid you met at summer camp becomes your lifelong sworn enemy. oops!#i have SO many thoughts about this concept#look. aviva being able to list out facts abt zach in mystery of the weird looking walrus can’t be just some plot-convenient intuition thing#those were things she learned over YEARS of friendship and staying up late at night trading whispered secrets#you can’t convince me otherwise#these two’s relationship has so much complexity to it actually. idc if canon barely touches on their history i’ll do it myself#hrnsgdhghh just imagine them sitting under a blanket together with flashlights after curfew because zach is afraid of the dark#aviva on her very first night of camp realizing that Uh Oh! she misses her family! and she doesn’t know anyone else here! and what if maybe#science camp isn’t gonna be as fun as she’d thought! only for the oncoming tears to stop in their tracks in order to comfort#this distraught bunkmate of hers. she adopts zach on the spot#them being penpals after camp ends PLEASE#wild kratts#zach varmitech#aviva corcovado#i also imagine that zach conveniently has his “wait i’m a dude” revelation at abt the same time their friendship ends#so they get new bunkmates for the first time that year#and also that their friendship ends at the beginning of their last/one of their last yrs of camp
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elisedonut · 6 months
18 and 35 for the ask game please!
How i would combine a Circus AU + Bathtub Fic
thank you for participating with me!!
First thought was Weasley family circus au where the family itself is a travelling cirrus i have no idea if that's a thing i know most media I've seen is very found family vibes with characters coming into a new family. (or you know abusive situations but I'm electing to ignore those so yes
Weasley Family Circus
maybe it's still a magical world maybe its not
if it is magic somehow then i imagine it be a situation where they had to run during the first war instead of hunkering down and hiding
eventually figuring out they could make money by putting on shows and it spiraling a bit
but that depends a lot on how you think the statue of secrecy works
i think you could hand wave it by making it something that only matters when using wands which I've seen a few times
so like if they enchant say a balance bar to not have to worry so much about not falling off it since they didn't do that in front of the audience it doesn't count
the "if the audience doesn't realize its like legit magic then it doesn't trigger whatever they use to tell its been broken because its just a non issue" method which is also very fun imo though cant say I've seen it very often
so pretty much this is all set up for someone who also has magic
i don't know who because i would want it to be someone who doesn't know Percy but it needs to be some bad at keep their mouth shut i think
but someone visiting said circus and getting absolutely drenched but like not water
(what is it? Fred says you don't want the answer)
because of something the twins invented because i just think they would love being in the circus especially because i could see them getting more like support? from Molly specifically since its directly helpful to their act and such
but whatever it is. its obviously not muggle so the person outright asks about it and loudly which obviously they are brushed off but Percy still brings them to the family tent with the intention to get them a towel and maybe a change of clothes
now side note
the family tent has all sorts of muggle charms on it to make it look like well normal so it just looks like a few fairly large tents (it originally looked like a single one but as the kids got older Molly
(and by Molly i really mean Bill, she thinks it was her idea though)
started to notice people talking about them squishing the kids in such a small place and chose to adjust to wards to look like multiple
point is obviously that only effects Muggles so to magic people it looks like one large tent on the outside and obviously looks expansive on the inside pretty much the burrow but its a tent
also because the other prompt is bathtub fic I'm choosing to believe in this au their tub is actually pretty large and kinda nice because the tent was originally a fancy camping tent with a large one meant for relaxing that Arthur found on sale for cheap when Percy was 13
ok back on topic
Percy notices immediately that the person is also magic sense they look far too interested in what should be nothing and ends up letting them use the bath and then you get that fun scene where they get out and are really cute
and Percy gets a crush and penpal for awhile before he leaves the family behind after a few years because he wants to actually settle down somewhere and stuff still leads to a fight and a strained relationship because of the closer nature of the siblings (and because unlike og in this world Percy's the first to leave)
but uh yeah
a smaller secondary concept that crossed my mind was stealing the water transportation from kyo kara maoh but instead of the alternate word being a typical medieval-ish fantasy world its instead still a fantasy world but like Percy taking a bath in the prefects bathroom and wakes up in a circus that is also a kingdom
and now he has alternate vers of a bunch of people he knows wanting his attention due to some vague prophecy nonsense about the one who marries the visitor will prosper but like make it silly
on top of also having to solve different problems and always having a chance of being sent back to his world every time he takes a bath
in other words Percy Weasley gets to play an Otome game but in real life
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buckthegrump · 5 years
one stroke and you’ve consumed my waking days
Tumblr media
Summary: Bucky has a penpal.
Word Count: 3.4k+
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, mentions of death,
A/n: this does take place in the 40′s but like reader could be POC if y’all catch my drift also this is for @writingbychelle​ ‘s writing challenge prompt is bolded
“I ship out tomorrow ya know,” Bucky said as he leaned against the trunk of the tree deep in the forest. He had decided that it was their spot, a place where they could be in public without really being in public. Hiding in plain sight, or so it goes.
“So you’ve said,” Y/n said. She picked up a small twig and twirled it around in her hand. “Is there a point to your ramblings? Or do you think that my memory is so short that you need to remind me every ten seconds?”
“My point is, I’ve heard that it’s awfully boring the downtime. Unless someone, such as yourself, were to provide me with something that should entertain me.”
She scoffed at him and put the stick back down. “Oh, go fuck yourself.”
“That is not what I meant,” he said sighing but he still had a smile on his face.
“Ok, Barnes, what did you mean then?” She turned to him.
“Write me, please,” Bucky pleaded. “You are the only person I will really want to hear from.”
“And what about Steve? Your family and sisters?” Y/n spun around and walked away from him, knowing he wasn’t far behind.
“Well, of course, hearing from my family and Steve is a given,” he slipped in front of her and stopped making her stop as well, “But it doesn’t sound quite as good when I add so many people does it?”
“You truly are a ladies man aren’t you?” She raised her eyebrows and took a step only for Bucky to stop in front of her again.
“The only lady’s man I care to be is yours,” Bucky said.
She stared at him surprised by the commitment implied by his words. She smiled sadly at him.
“Barnes, you and I -” she began.
“You worry too much about what people think,” he whispered.
“It’s not what they think that scares me, Mr. Barnes,” she looked around terrified that someone would venture this deep into the park, “but rather what they do when they don’t like when someone is different than they are.”
“And that’s the beauty of letters, no one can tell you what’s different,” Bucky said. “And hopefully in the future things will be different.”
“That future seems to be a long ways away,” she said and looked down at the ground.
“I’m just asking you to write me, nothing more,” he said.
Y/n lifted her chin and looked at him. “I suppose I could find time to write you a letter or two.”
“Nothing would make me happier.” Bucky smiled at her in such a way that earned him the smallest of smiles in return.
* * *
James Barnes,
I hope you’re happy. I told you I would write a letter and here I am. Taking time out of my day to write you a letter. Things here are just as they always are. I hope this letter finds you well. I’m sorry to say that I started writing this letter only to realize that I haven’t got much to say. So I shall end the letter here. Sorry I couldn’t entertain you in the way that you’d hoped.
Best wishes,
Y/n L/n
P.S. Steve is well, although if he says that he hasn’t gotten into another fight since you left. He’s lying. He got into one the other day. He’s fine, and I cannot believe I’m writing this but you should see the other guy. Anyway, bye again.
Bucky folded up the piece of paper carefully and placed it in his bag that was under his bed. He pulled out his paper and pen. 
“What are you smiling at Barnes?” One of the men in his unit, Smith, asked from his bunk.
Bucky continued to write but tried to repress his smile.
“Nothing,” Bucky said.
“Yeah, right!” Private Davis said. “Who’s the dame?”
“Leave ‘im alone,” Fraizer said sitting on Bucky’s bunk. “But it is someone from back home?”
“I’m trying to write something, can I please get some quiet?” Bucky asked.
“Fine, fine,” Frazier waved him off and got off the bunk. “But make it quick.”
* * *
Y/n open the mailbox and immediately saw the envelope and her breath got caught in her throat.
She threw the rest of the mail on the table in the entryway and took her one piece of mail and ran to her room.
“And just where are you going in such a hurry?” Her mother yelled after her.
“My room!” She said and slammed the door behind her.
“Y/n! Don’t you go slammin’ no doors!” Her mother yelled.
“Sorry, Ma!” Y/n yelled back with a grimace.
She jumped on her bed and opened the letter.
Dear Y/n,
There are a few things I would like to address from your letter. Number one, I am overjoyed that you wrote me. You don’t know just how happy it made me. Number two, I could never not be entertained by what you have to say. I don’t mind your ramblings so much. 
I feel I should tell you though, all the other boys teased me relentlessly over the smile that I couldn’t wipe off my face no matter how hard I tried after I read your letter. But I fear that you will find some sort of joy in the idea of me being teased.
So Steve really got into a fight? And actually landed a few punches? That might be the most surprising thing I’ve ever read.
Yours truly,
P.S. Didn’t anyone tell you that you should open a letter with ‘dear’?
She pressed the letter to her chest before placing it in the drawer of her bedside table. After grabbing everything she would need, she rolled onto her stomach and drafted her next letter.
* * *
“Oooo,” Smith teased holding up an envelope. “Looks like Barnes has got another letter!”
Bucky snatched the letter out of his hand and glared at the younger man. “Fuck off, you piece of shit!”
“You kiss your mama with that mouth?” Davis gasped.
“I fucking hate all of you,” Bucky muttered, he grabbed his notebook and pen before leaving the tent.
It was one of the rare occasions that the weather was nice and Bucky didn’t feel the need to stick around his unit if they were just going to make fun of him. 
He found a semi-secluded area and sat down.
Dear James, (happy?)
Had I known that you were so easily entertained I might not have wasted so much energy in worrying over the lack of content in my last letter. As for your second point, you seem to forget about all the times you found creative ways to get me to stop talking when I was rambling.
And no, Steve didn’t land any punches. I was only joshin’ ya. But Steve did get into another fight but he held his own ok. He’s getting tiresome waiting around while all the other boys get their assignments. He misses you. And I know you’re going to tell me to tell him that he should be happy he is the only eligible man in the area. But not many will give him the time of day. And it’s not like there’s much room for our social circles to overlap so I can’t invite him out with my friends.
I don’t mean to worry you, and I know that you will worry no matter what I say, I just thought you should know the truth so that you don’t read one of his letters and worry even more when all he ever tells you is how good he’s got it.
As for the boys in your unit, I do take a small joy in knowing that you aren’t going to come home with a big head. I hope they continue their teasing, someone has to make sure you stay grounded in my absence.
It’s odd not seeing you. I miss you, but don’t let that get to your head.
Come home soon,
P.S. Hasn’t anyone told you that it’s rude to only talk about yourself without asking how the other person is doing?
* * *
Y/n was walking down the street. An unopened letter in her bag. She was on the wrong side of town for her, but she had to see Steve. The trek to his apartment was unusually quiet. She supposed she had the war to thank for that.
Not that she liked the war in any way. She just found it refreshing to walk around and not have to continuously fear for her safety.
“Y/n,” Steve greeted when she finally got to his place.
“You do realize that if you don’t write him and I stop mentioning you, he’ll get suspicious. And you cannot write him from boot camp.” She bounced on the toes of her feet. “I still cannot believe that you actually got into boot camp in the first place.”
“Y/n, I’m begging you. Cover for me, tell him that I’ve fallen ill or something -”
“Oh, yes, because that will put his mind at ease. Great idea Steve,” she rolled her eyes.
“Just find something?” Steve begged again. “I can’t sit around here and do nothing while Bucky and other men lay down their lives.”
She huffed and glared at him. “Fine, but when he comes home I will throw you under the bus.”
She turned back towards the stairs and began her descent.
“Thank you, Y/n,” Steve called after her.
“You owe me big time, Rogers.”
* * *
Dear Y/n, (yes very happy thank you)
I’m glad my misery has brought you joy. Damn, I miss your smile. And your laugh, I know you always say that you don’t have much to laugh about but anytime I got you to smile brought me a sense of pride. Also, I didn’t hear much complaining when I interrupted you. Besides, as much as I like listening to you talk, I enjoy kissing you more.
Thank you for being honest with me about Steve. And I should’ve guessed that he hadn’t gotten any good punches in.
And I’m sorry for coming off as rude. How are things with you? I hope that you aren’t getting into too much trouble. And tell your ma that I miss her food. Everything they feed us here doesn’t taste like anything. If we’re lucky we get salt to ‘season’ our food with.
I’m sorry this letter is so short I’m writing it in secret so that I don’t get made fun of again and I can hear them looking for me.
I miss you too.
With love,
P.S. How many times to I have to tell you? Call me Bucky.
* * *
You can either have ‘dear’ or ‘Bucky’ you don’t get both so make up your mind. But I thought you liked it when I called you James?
Things here are good. Ma says that the second you get back your to come over and eat some real food. I suspect that she will also want to talk to you about something, but I can’t figure out what about.
You assume that I enjoy kissing you as much as you do me. I do but that
I don’t mind a short letter James, as long as I get to hear from you.
You signed the last letter with love. Did you mean it?
My best,
P.S. Steve hasn’t gotten into any trouble so far as I know. Promise
* * *
Y/n, (two can play at this game)
A compromise, when you refer to me as Bucky no dear necessary but when you write to James, you must add some sort of affection to it.
I actually have an assignment tomorrow, and I know you won’t get this letter until after but I know what you would say if you were here. You’d tell me to be careful. I will have you know that I am always careful. Or do I have to remind you that I’m not the one who constantly is getting into fights?
And yes, I meant it. I do love you. The war will be over soon and then I will go home to you and we can finally have the life we deserve and if you truly feel we won’t find that in New York I will happily run to distant lands for you.
Your ma loves me, I don’t know why you continue to be surprised by this.
Anyway, I will send you again soon and cannot wait to hear back from you.
All my love,
* * *
Y/n sent him another letter, a short one detailing how things were going at work, but when it took longer than normal to respond she feared the worst. It had been about two months since she last heard from him and she hadn’t heard from Steve either. She knew where Captain America was, he was plastered on every poster across town, it would be hard to miss him. 
She still couldn’t get over his growth spurt though, she wondered if Bucky knew. Probably not because Bucky would’ve found a way to get back here just to kick Steve’s ass.
It was two weeks after Steve had gone across the seas to visit the soldiers when she heard from Bucky again.
Dearest Y/n,
I cannot apologize enough for not responding sooner. I was indisposed and couldn’t find any time to write. I’m sorry if I worried you at all but I’m back.
I’m glad things are going well at work and I hope nothing too drastic has changed since your last letter.
Although, I find it funny that you failed to mention in all of your writings that Steve not only grew but is now a superhero? Like from comic books? Because I know that you knew he went off and did something stupid. I thought you loved me.
P.s. I’m not really mad
* * *
Bucky, (I stand by my you can only have one)
Well, I didn’t know he left to become a superhero but ok I didn’t tell you he’d enlisted and actually been shipped off to boot camp. 
If I had told you, you would’ve been distracted and I want you to come home. And clearly, you found him so now the two of you can look after each other.
And as long as you’re ok, I’m ok.
I hope that you are not lying to me about your well being because Steve may lie to you but he won’t lie to me.
All my love,
Bucky stared at the letter. ‘All my love’, Bucky knew that she liked him but she had restrained from using language as strong as ‘love’. He had been keeping himself from writing the next letter but he could no longer justify not writing it.
* * *
She didn’t find it odd that he hadn’t responded although, it had only been a week and he’d gone longer than this before.
So she went about her day to day life. It wasn’t until she got an unexpected visitor when she began to worry.
There was an urgent knock at her door and when Y/n opened it Becca Barnes was standing there. Y/n knew something was wrong before Becca could even open her mouth.
“Becca, what’s wrong?” She asked. Although she could probably guess. Nevertheless, she hoped she was wrong. That Becca was having boy troubles and just needed an opinion on what to do.
Becca released a shaky breath not looking away from Y/n. “It’s Bucky.”
“Did he -?” She couldn’t bring herself to finish her question.
“He’s dead, Y/n,” Becca said tearfully, “I’m sorry.” 
Y/n leaned her body weight against the doorway unable to keep herself upright without extra support. Becca was still talking but she barely made out what was said until the end, when Becca handed Y/n a box.
“These are things I think you should have, I’m really very sorry,” Becca said. Y/n pulled her in for a hug. “He really loved you.”
* * *
It was a few weeks before she opened the box. After the funeral, after countless nights crying into her pillow, after forgetting only to remember moments later that she would never speak to him again.
She sat on her bed just as the sun was beginning to rise. Her hands trembled as she removed the lid and caressed the contents. There were a few trinkets that she recognized. There was a letter addressed to her sitting on top of everything.
She almost didn’t want to read it. Because once she had that was it, she would have no new interactions with Bucky. They would never know what would’ve been.
Curiosity got the better of her and she opened the envelope.
Y/n, my love,
This war seems to be never-ending. I miss my home. I miss a bed that doesn’t feel like rocks. I miss you.
I’m not sure what I will do once I get back, job-wise. What does a veteran do after he’s served in the war? That is about the only thing I’m uncertain of though.
I do have plans for other things. Specifically you and me. Don’t think that I don’t plan on asking you to marry me, because I do I just thought I would give you a warning so it doesn’t come as quite a shock. And if you say yes, I will buy you a house, or we could live in the city if you prefer.
Honestly, as long as I have you nothing scares me.
I probably shouldn’t have told you that I plan to propose when I get back, but you know me always jumping the gun on something.
Forever yours,
P.S. I’m not sure if I want you to respond to the proposal thing or not, so if you decided to do so please be gentle
She laid her head down on her pillow and stared at the ceiling, unmoving until she finally fell asleep.
* * *
Bucky hadn’t even dared to dream that he would find someone from his past still alive. But when Sam mentioned that his sister, Becca, was still alive he didn’t waste any time in finding her. 
They sat on Becca’s porch and Bucky listened to her tales from her life and the adventures she went on. She tried to apologize for believing Bucky to be dead up until just recently but Bucky insisted that it wasn’t her fault and even if she’d known there was nothing she could have done to change what happened to him.
Near the end of their visit, before Becca made Bucky promise to come back and spend more time with her, which of course he would, she gave him a box.
“I was holding on to this but now that you’re here, I think you should have it,” she said not giving him any context as to what was in the box.
When he got back to the apartment he was currently sharing with Sam, a temporary situation because Bucky wasn’t sure how much more he could handle, he sat in his room and opened the box.
Laying on top of everything was a note addressed to him.
My dearest, James,
I have been putting off writing this letter for a while now, but now seems as good a time as any to do so. It felt odd not writing you back like there was so much left unsaid, unfinished.
For clarity’s sake, I think you should know that I would’ve said yes. Without hesitation, my answer to your question would’ve been yes. And I think we would’ve done well in the country, somewhere upstate. Closer to the city so we wouldn’t have to deal with small-town mentality, but I’ve always wanted a house with a porch.
And whatever job you wanted, I would’ve supported you.
It’s been years since I got your letter and people are telling me to move on. But I cannot find the strength, not that it matters anymore. I’m not sure if anyone has told you but I’m sick. Terminally so. 
I’m actually relieved, this means I won’t have my friends and family telling me that I should find someone new because I don’t think I’d be able to. No one could ever live up to you in my eyes.
That and I will get to see you again. 
I will see you soon my love.
Love always,
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animalsarepeople2 · 7 years
Could you make a master post of all your fics? You're awesome Ani!
Sure! And thanks, you’re awesome, too!! XD
Axestrid: One day on Berk, Astrid comes to the forge to get her axe fixed. Hiccup, to bashful to speak to her, watches and notices how much she loves her weapon. So he creates a nickname for her. But what will happen when Hiccup slips up and Astrid finds out what exactly he’s been calling her? One-shot.
Sincerely, Alone: Modern AU. Neglected ‘Hiccup’ Haddock finds comfort in a distant penpal- cool girl Astrid Hofferson. Hiccstrid. One-shot.
You’re Not Alone: Set before Shell Shocked: Part 1. The night before the big battle, Hiccup can’t sleep and goes outside to clear his mind. Little does he know that Astrid has the same dilemma.
Right Here If You Need Me: Set in RoB. Hiccup is still getting used to his prosthetic while balancing the academy and sudden changes in between. Astrid catches him at his weakest moment.
Don’t You Dare Die On Me: When Hiccup is injured in battle, Astrid frets for his life.
For the Dancing and the Dreaming: To celebrate their betrothal, Hiccup asks Astrid to perform a dance his own parents did, many years ago…
Three’s A Crowd: Everyone, it seems, knows about Hiccstrid. Everyone, that is, except Toothless. Every time Astrid and Hiccup try to share a moment, an unaware Toothless intervenes. Set shortly after RttE S4.
So… Do You Like Him?: Astrid and Heather have a girl talk about the Hiccstrid relationship. Meanwhile, a certain someone just happens to be walking by and hears the entire conversation…
Strategic Battle Planning: “Um… I think they need to discuss some final strategy. Alone.“ In the middle of Shell-Shocked Part 2, Astrid and Hiccup try and review the plan for the battle, but are obviously just enjoying the alone time together.
I’ve Got You- A Hiccstrid poem.
I’ll Take Care of You: Four times Hiccup got hurt and Astrid took care of him, and one time Hiccup got hurt and Astrid didn’t take care of him.
It’s Okay to Cry: Post HTTYD 2. Astrid walks in on Hiccup mourning the loss of his father, and comforts him with gentle and loving words only Hiccup can bring out of her.
The New Thing: What if, at the end of Shell Shocked Part 2, the Riders hadn’t seen the Hiccstrid kiss? Each find out separately and react in different ways, some better than others… 
Home Is Where the Heart Is: A homesick Astrid goes back to Berk for a visit with her parents, but she soon realizes that home isn’t where you live- it’s who you’re with. And that’s with a certain brunette.
The Only One For Me: Astrid tries to help Hiccup with one of his inventions in the forge but they can’t focus. Hiccup has a more pressing matter… one involved with suitors, Stoick, and a birthday.
Warm Toes, Warmer Hearts: When Hiccup and Astrid are (once again) trapped in the remains of an avalanche, they must do the unthinkable to survive. Set in RTTE S3.
Bruises: When Hiccup accidentally agrees to an ice-skating competition with Snotlout, he finds himself in a tough spot. How can he skate with only one leg? But when Astrid offers to help him out, maybe things won’t go too badly after all.
Stay: After the events of Blindsided, Astrid is left with a fear of lightning due to her temporary blindness. When another storm strikes the Edge, Hiccup has his suspicions.
It Starts With Friendship: Every day, Astrid goes to train with her axe in the woods - but when Hiccup starts coming, too, she’s annoyed. However, with their new times together, she slowly finds out that Hiccup may not be as useless and odd as the village says.
Fear and Hope: An encounter with a secret phobia reveals that “Fearless” Astrid Hofferson may not be so unflinching. But years later, when the phobia endangers the life of Hiccup, the boy who’s now so much more than a friend, Astrid must face it to save him, because she now realizes she has a new worst fear...
All I Want for Snoggletog (Is You): Spending Snoggletog Eve snowed in the forge with Astrid definitely isn’t the holiday Hiccup was expecting, but maybe this could be an opportunity to connect with his crush. Maybe.
Reckless: After Astrid blows up to a comment Hiccup makes, her overreaction has unexpected consequences.
I’’ll Keep You Safe: Father’s Day special. “Hiccup… I’ll keep you safe… I won’t let anything happen to you… Promise. I will never leave you…” Since the moment Hiccup was born, Stoick promises that he will protect his little Hiccup with everything in him. Each Father’s Day since, he remembers. One-shot.
Stoick the Soprano: When one year-old Hiccup demands a lullaby, his father is not so sure that he can comply. One-shot.
The Haddock Family: Set a few months after HTTYD 2. Hiccup misses his father, but he finds out that even in death, Stoick is still there. And he’s left a legacy for his son. One-shot.
To Dance Alone: When there’s a town dance in Berk between the children and their moms, Hiccup doesn’t know what to do. But Stoick will always be there for his son. One-shot.
Vikings Don’t Cry: “I’ll be back… Probably.” Hiccup has heard these words before. Most times they are spoken by his father. He shouldn’t take much mind to them. But this time, it’s different. “Please, Daddy…” “Vikings, don’t cry.” And so that’s what Hiccup tells himself. Every trying time, he recites those words to himself, trying to find strength within… until he can’t. Angsty one-shot.  *NEW*
Tailfin: Toothless is still a growing boy. When he hits a large growth spurt, his tailfin doesn’t fit him anymore. However, the new alpha dragon doesn’t want to throw away the only connection he has to the happy past, so he refuses a new prosthetic. In consequence, his rider pays the price. Set shortly after HTTYD 2. One-shot.
The Last Flight: ‘Hiccup pressed his palm against Toothless’s forehead and allowed a tired smile. I’ll see you in Valhalla, buddy.”’ Hiccup is old and very sick… he’s losing hope. Toothless has a plan… but will it save his rider in the end? One-shot.
A Day Without Dragons: After Hiccup realizes how dependent the Riders are on their dragons, he suggests the two groups separate for a day. Who knew how much the Riders actually relied on their ferocious friends?
Camp Dragons: Camp/Modern AU. When Hiccup is sent to summer camp, he can’t expect life to get much worse. He’s picked on for being the weakest and practically forgotten by his father. However, things change when Hiccup shoots down a mysterious black creature in the woods. Meanwhile, a beast nicknamed the “Red Death” lurks in the cliffs of Camp Dragons, threatening the camp’s very survival…
Eye of the Storm: Hiccup wasn’t joking when he said that rain tormented Berk nine months of the year. A hurricane rolls in just as Snoggletog is approaching and the Riders have returned to Berk for the holidays. And things spiral down when Stoick’s life is threatened and Hiccup sets off to save him, putting himself in danger in the process. Set in RTTE S2.
Always: After falling into a mild depression, Chief Hiccup decides he needs to get away from Berk for a bit to have time to accept Stoick’s death, and he and Toothless leave for a week-long trip. But when an injured Toothless returns to Berk without his rider, Hiccup’s friends must race to find their beloved chief before he is lost forever. Hiccstrid. Hiccup!whump.
Voltage: What-if for RTTE S6: Guardians of Vanaheim. After being struck by lightning, an injured Hiccup is left trapped with Astrid and Snotlout, who struggle to fight off attacking Dragon Flyers. Meanwhile, Johann and Krogan just need the last Dragon Eye lens to complete their puzzle... and an incapacitated Hiccup just might be the answer to that dilemma.
Cousin to Cousin: When Hiccup falls ill on a flight back to Berk with Snotlout, his cousin must put aside his rivalry and take care of the Dragon Conqueror. But can Snotlout really forget his everlasting feud and save Hiccup in time? Or will his obstinate pride get in the way?
Hero: *Dedicated to the brave soldiers who gave their lives for what they believed in. Thank you.* Post HTTYD 2. Drago Bludvist returns with a threat that could hurt all of Berk… a promise to kill Chief Hiccup. Snotlout wants to save them all from destruction. One-shot.
Guy Talk: Astrid and Heather have frequent girl talks about Hiccup and Fishlegs… Meanwhile, Hiccup and Fishlegs have a guy talk… about Astrid and Heather. One-shot.
The Quest to Find Hiccup’s Leg: When Hiccup's prosthetic goes missing, everyone on Berk pitches in to help look for it. EVERYONE. Crazy one-shot. RoB time-zone.
Eternity: In Valhalla, Hiccup waits. He waits for his family. He waits for his friends. He waits for his dragon. One-shot.
My FF.net profile link…
Phew, done! Hope you guys like ‘em. :-)
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