lgbtqiarchive · 5 years
Being attracted to people of certain pronoun(s) regardless of gender. eg. a theysexual is attracted to they/them people.
Can be used as pronounromantic, pronounplatonic, etc.
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lovesbitca8 · 5 years
I really love how deliciously possessive Hermione and Draco are for each other in the Rights and Wrongs Series. It's funny because they're so themsexual and so smart and so dumb. Meanwhile in your reylo fics, Rey and Kylo are just a bit feral and soft and dumb uwu. I love Reylo more than anything but you really are the Queen of Dramione
THEMSEXUAL. Yes! This is it right here!
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audrey-inspo · 5 years
♦️ + quintessa swindell?
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meet rory wardlaw, the twenty two year old theatre owner. they’re known for being creative, charistmatic and inclusive. they can also be impulsive, messy and moody. growing up, nobody understood rory. and while that could be hard at time, it only fuelled rory to be themselves more and more. whether it be their views on gender, art, relationships, whatever their father didn’t understand, but when he saw the passion his child got just from being themselves, he couldn’t do anything but to inspire and try and support. so when graduation came and rory still didn’t have any future plans, their dad knew they would find something great to do with their college fund. rory found a tiny theatre for sale, and their they and their partners were able to show old films, cult classics, foreign films, whatever weird niche they could think of. many were surprised by the success, but rory wasn’t. they knew once you stopped trying to find what you were told to like, you could find the art that would really make your heart skip a beat.
trashmoviesaresmashmovies: @ people who dont eat on their beds: yeah i get it, you are better than me in every way, but watch me devour this three foot long baguette while lying down
“Get more out of life, see a fucked up movie.” John Waters
quick factszodiac: aquariusgender: non binarypronouns: they/themsexuality: pansexualhouse: hufflepuffmbti: enfj
gif by the incredible @erika-writes
send me a ♦️ + a fc and i’ll create a character on the spot
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rogers16-blog · 7 years
Survivors: Karla
Karla was abused since the age of 5 and felt rejected by her mother. She estimates she was raped 43,200 after being trafficked. She claims she was raped by up to 30 men a day, seven days a week, for the best part of four years. U.S. and Mexican officials both identify Tenancingo, a town in central Mexico, as a major source of human trafficking rings and a place where victims are taken before being forced into prostitution. When she was 12, she was found by a trafficker who seemed to be extremely loving and a significant man of his word. It didn't take long for the man, who at 22 was 10 years older than Karla, to persuade her to leave with him, particularly after Karla's mom didn't open the door one night when she got back home late. She lived with him for 3 months and he treated Karla very well, buying her anything she could ever want, but she says her boyfriend would abandon her without anyone else for seven days in their loft. His cousins would appear with new young ladies consistently and when she finally asked, he told her the truth, that they were pimps. It was the start of four years of hell. The first occasion when she was prostituted was in Guadalajara, one of Mexico's biggest cities. She began working at 10 a.m. and stopped working at midnight. She was forced to have sex with 20 men a day for 7 days straight. She says, “Some men would laugh at me because I was crying. I had to close my eyes so that that I wouldn't see what they were doing to me, so that I wouldn't feel anything." 
She would be sent to brothels, motels, streets known for prostitution and even homes. There were no days off, and after the initial couple of days, she was made to see no less than 30 clients a day, seven days a week. When discovered she had received a hickey from a customer, she was beaten by her pimp. He beat her with a chain, punched and kicked her, pulled her hair, and spit in her face. He then branded her with burning iron. She wanted to leave and he accused her of falling in love with a customer. One day, when she was working at an hotel known for prostitution, police appeared. They kicked out most of the clients and shut down the hotel. She thought it was her day of suffering, but she was sadly mistaken. Around 30 officers took the young ladies to a few rooms and began shooting videos of themsexual positions. The young ladies were advised the recordings would be sent to their families on the off chance that they didn't do what they wanted.
After witnessing this, Karla gave birth to a girl at 15, an infant fathered by the pimp who would utilize the little girl to fix the noose around her neck if she didn't satisfy his each desire, he would either mischief or murder the child. He removed the infant from her a month after the infant was conceived, and she was not permitted to see her again until she was over a year old. Karla Jacinto was at last protected in 2008 amid an against trafficking operation in Mexico City. Her trial kept going four long and tormenting years. She turned into a supporter against human trafficking, disclosing to her story at at conferences and public events (Romo, 2015).
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miss-insanity-pants · 11 years
Telling someone that you have feelings for them is like coming out, only instead of being homosexual, you're themsexual
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lgbtqiarchive · 5 years
Pronamoric terms
Just an idea
Nonbinaria-/nobinaria- attraction to she/her nonbinary people
Nonbinario-/nobinario- attraction to he/him nonbinary people
To be use as nobinariosexual, nonbinariaromantic, nobinarioplatonic and so on. And of course with these I'm also creating binariosexual/binariasexual and binariaromantic/binarioromantic:
Binaria- attracted to she/her binary folks
Binario- attracted to he/him binary folks
Other ideas:
She-/Her-/Hers- attraction to she/her people
They-/Their-/Theirs-/Them- attraction to they/them people
It-/its- attraction to it/its people
His-/Him- attraction to he/him people
To be used as himsexual/hersexual/themsexual/itsexual (as in herself/himself/themself/itself)/theirsexual/theysexual and theirsromantic/theyromantic/hisromantic/sheromantic/hersromantic (heromantic, himromantic and herromantic could be so similar sounding)/itsromantic/itromantic.
I could had included no(n)/binari(x/e/y/u)- and some neopronamoric identities but since neolingual determiners/articles/terminations/word roots can't be translated at all (i.e. I can't imply all ey/em person uses e/éle/e or elle (West Iberian neopronoun/s)) and singular they can't be 〈officially〉 translated to some languages too, I won't be authoritative in other people's self-determined pronoun.
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