#then i dropped into nuka world but ONLY to get the best outfit in the entire game can i get a yehaw
grymkoena · 1 month
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Fallout 4
[OC: Sharon Markov]
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
what about companions reacting to a sole survivor who has a symbiote from venom?
So I approached this one by having the companions react to learning that Sole acquired symbiote powers by venom (not sure if you meant venom like poison or the movie venom) . Not 100% sure if this is how you wanted it, so just lmk if you wanted it differently and I’ll make another. Please enjoy!😊
Edit: It was actually the venom movie so this will be re-done once I actually see the movie!
FO4 Companions React: Sole Gaining Symbiotic Powers
As Sole and their companion approached the Glowing Sea, they stumbled upon unusually barren terrain. Assuming it’s desolate nature was due to the high radiation in the area, the duo continued on their way, thinking nothing of it. Suddenly, the ground shook and dozens of hostile Radscopions emerged from the ground. The pair had stumbled upon a nest.
The Radscorpions swarmed Sole and their companion, brutally swinging their stingers in seemingly every direction. One of the larger scorpions managed to dig its stinger into the bottom of Sole’s wrist, cutting through the skin and piercing the vein. Sole’s vision tunneled before they collapsed.
While unconscious, Sole’s companion managed to find a nearby medical center to treat their injuries.
Cait: ”Hope that rest was refreshin,” Cait commented, walking over to her companion, “Turns out yer part poisonous bug now, darlin.” She grabbed Sole’s hand and turned it over, pointing at a patch of gauze that was taped over their wrist, “That Radscorpion managed to sting ye right in the vein. Ye got it’s DNA in yer bloodsteam. From what the doc was sayin, ye have some Radscorpion abilities now, like seein in the dark and scratches of venom and shite.” She scoffed, “That’s what they said, at least. Sounds like a load of bollocks to me.”
Danse: Sole opened their eyes and glanced around, confused. They heard a sigh of relief from the corner of the room. “Glad to see you pulled through, soldier,” Danse began, approaching his companion, “I was worried; the sting you received from that Radscorpion was severe. You’ve been unconscious for two days.” He handed Sole a bottle of purified water and sat down beside them. “There’s more to it. Cade said the Radscorpion pierced your vein and injected some of its DNA into your bloodstream.” Sole stated blankly at the Paladin. “Apparently both your DNA and the Radscorpion DNA bonded and formed a symbiotic mutation. Essentially, you’re now part Radscorpion. Cade informed me that this means you now have inherited some abilities that Radscorpions possess, such as night vision and the ability to eject venom from your fingernails.” Sole froze in disbelief, and Danse gave them a gentle smile. “But you’re okay. The mutation is harmless. I know it’s an...unconventional...situation that you’re in right now but these new abilities could prove to be an outstanding advantage in combat, soldier.”
Deacon: Deacon was sitting in the corner of the room, taping something onto Sole’s Vault suit. Sole sat up and Deacon smiled. “Heeey good morning! You’ve been out cold for like...3 years?” Sole’s jaw dropped and Deacon laughed, “I’m messing with you. It’s been like 2 days.” Deacon held up Sole’s Vault suit, which had a piece of paper with a shoddily-drawn scorpion on it. “Like it? I can’t sew, so that’s the best I can do. Oh, wait! Let me explain. Brace yourself— this is good.” Deacon dramatically cleared his throat, “According to the Doc, that darn ‘scorp stung you right in the vein and injected some DNA, so now you’re part Radscorion. Isn’t that neat?” Deacon beamed, “I turned your Vault suit into a super cool superhero outfit. Nifty, huh?”
Piper: “Blue...? Easy now. No need to rush waking up. Take your time,” Piper coaxed. Sole slowly opened their eyes and sat up. “I’m so glad you’re okay, I thought I was going to lose you,” Piper began, her voice wavering slightly. She quickly cleared her throat. “Uh, anyway, I have some pretty cool news to share with you...you ready?” Sole warily nodded, and Piper smirked. “The doctor said that you and the Radscorion’s DNA combined somehow, and you now have some awesome RadScorp powers!” Sole blinked and Piper laughed. “I’m dead serious, Blue! This isn’t a joke. Here—“ she said, shoving a bunch of wrinkled papers into Sole’s arms. Sole examined the chicken scratch and then looked at their companion. “I recorded every single thing the doctors said,” she beamed, “Read up!”
MacCready: “Oh! You’re awake!” An unusually giddy MacCready exclaimed. Sole raised an eyebrow, off-put by their companion’s strange behavior. “[Name], you’re never going to believe this! Apparently, when you got stung by that Radscorpion, you got some of it’s DNA. You know what that means?” Sole watched in amusement as their companion could barely contain his excitement, “You’re part Radscorpion! Like those superheroes, you read about in the comics! You‘re like a real-life RadMan!” Sole smirked and MacCready suddenly got serious. “You have to let me help you pick the name though. Don’t pick something lame. You want to be remembered for being awesome, not for being the laughing stock of the Commonwealth.”
Gage: “Ya awake now, ‘Scorp?” Gage dryly chuckled as a confused Sole looked around, “Ya were knocked out for days, boss. Thought ya died on me. But nah. Managed to find a hospital and they patched ya up nicely.” Sole continued to take in their surroundings. “There’s more to the story, boss,” Gage began, “Apparently that oversized bug injected it’s DNA into ya. So I guess you’re part Radscorp now. Cool, ain’t it?” Gage continued, “So I was thinkin with this new power of yours...we could go back to Nuka World and finally get all of this rival gang shit under control. Get all those goons straightened out. Ya with me?”
Strong: “Wakey, wakey, puny human,” Strong cooed, “It been days! Strong want to leave hospital and SMASH!!” Sole mumbled and rolled over. “Here, take meat. Make human strong, Strong said, handing Sole a piece of Yao Guai meat. Sole gripped the meat with their nails and immediately felt that something was off. The meat in their hands immediately changed from a pale red to a deep brown before completely disintegrating. Strong looked alarmed, “HUMAN! WHAT HAPPEN? TAKE ANOTHER,” he insisted, shoving a cut of Deathclaw meat into his companion’s hands. Once again, Sole grabbed the cutlet and the entire piece turned to foul-smelling mush. Strong was beyond shocked. “Human...human touch deadly now? Strong impressed.”
X6-88: Sole slowly opened their eyes and glanced around. They were in the Institute. “That was a close call, [sir/ma’am],” X6 stated, “I wasn’t certain if you were going to make it back here alive.” It was then that Sole noticed their patched up arms. “The Radscorpion punctured your vein; you nearly bled out,”’X6 explained, “We were able to stabilize you and stitch your wounds, however, there are some permanent side-effects.” Sole listened attentively and the Courser continued, “You now have Radscorpion DNA in your bloodstream. As a result, you will now have improved night vision. Additionally, your saliva now contains highly acidic venom that you are immune to.” X6 waited as Sole processed the information. When he was certain they understood, he continued, “You were a crucial asset to the Institute before this accident. Now, you are invaluable. With these enhanced abilities, you not only serve as a more powerful individual representing the Institute but you also serve as the basis for new research pertaining to the symbiotic relationships between human beings and other creatures. Imagine what the Institute could achieve with a militia of symbiotes.”
Preston: “General? How are you feeling?” Preston asked, his voice laced with concern. Sole blinked a few times before slowly sitting up. “What a relief,” he signed, “I thought for sure you’d— never mind. All that matters now is that you’re alright.” Sole looked at their wrist, which was patched with gauze. “Oh, right,” Preston began, “About that Radscorpion sting...well...it kinda injected you with some of its DNA.” Sole began to panic and Preston put a gentle hand on their arm. “Hey now, don’t worry. The sting was harmless. In fact, you actually gained some pretty cool powers from it,” he beamed, “Apparently you can now see better in the dark and your nails contain acidic venom.”
Nick: “How’re you doing, pal?” Nick asked, laying his cool, metallic hand on Sole’s forehead. “Well, you’re not burning up anymore, so that’s a good sign.” He sat down next to his companion and offered them a bottle of purified water, “That was quite a beating you took from that oversized pest. It’s a relief to see that you’re recovering,” he continued, “And because that sucker managed to inject its DNA through your veins, you’re going to have some pretty extraordinary abilities.” Sole stared at the detective in disbelief, and he held his hands up. “Hey now, don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just relaying what the doctor told me.”
Codsworth: “[Sir/Mum]? Are you awake? Do you need any assistance?” Sole groaned in pain and stared at the robot hovering at their bedside. “Oh! It’s good to finally see some life in you! When I saw you get attacked by that hostile Radscorpion I...I didn’t know what to think. I’m just pleased to see you’re doing alright.” Codsworth paused for a moment before continuing. “I do have some...er...news for you, whenever you’re ready to hear it.” Sole cautiously eyed the robot, then nodded. Codsworth hesitated, struggling for words, “Well, [sir/mum]...the way that angry bugger stung you...it injected some of its DNA into your bloodstream. Apparently, your DNA combined and now...now you’re part Radscorpion.”
Hancock: “Mornin’ sunshine,” Hancock laughed, “how was your two-day-long nap?” Sole quickly sat up, alarmed that they had been asleep for so long. They couldn’t even remember what happened before they had blacked out. “Hey, chill out there. Don’t wantcha damaging yourself even more. You’re lucky you even made it out alive this time. Thought for sure I’d lost ya.” Hancock smirked. “I got something else to tell ya— and I swear, this ain’t the chems talking— you gained powers from that Radscorp sting,” Hancock grabbed Sole’s hand and pointed at their wrapped wrist, “Guess the sucker injected you with some symbiotic DNA shit. Pretty sweet if ya ask me. Guess now you can see better in the dark and you have venom flowing through your fingernails!”
Longfellow: “And the sun peaks through the storm clouds! Good to see you conscious, kiddo,” Longfellow handed Sole a glass filled with a clear liquid, “It’s whiskey. You’re going to need a drink to handle this news.” Sole accepted the glance and looked back at their companion, concerned about what he had just said. “You’re not gonna die, so don’t you be worrying too much about that,” Longfellow reassured, “It turns out when you got stung by the ‘scorp, it injected some of it’s venom into you. I guess this gave you some kinda enhanced abilities, as the doctor kindly put it. If you’re the kind who’s into that superhero mumbo-jumbo, then I suppose it’s your lucky day!”
Curie: “Ah, [Madame/Monsieur], you’re finally awake,” the synth sighed in relief as she quickly fetched a bottle of purified water and some Mutfruit for her companion. “Please, eat and drink up. You’ve been asleep for several days.” She sat next to Sole, watched them take a sip of water, and smiled. “I’m so glad you’ve recovered,” she stated, “There is just one thing you should know.” She gently cupped Sole’s hand and flipped it over, revealing a patched up wrist. “See here, [Madame/Monsieur]? This is where the Radscorpion stung you...apparently it injected some of its DNA into your bloodstream,” she explained, “The DNA bonded with your own and formed a symbiote. You are now—technically— part human, part Radscorpion.” Sole’s jaw dropped and Curie giggled. “Do not be alarmed! It is not a bad thing. In fact, you have enhanced abilities because of the DNA. Additionally, you would make an excellent candidate on further research about symbiotic relationships between human and insect DNA.”
Ada: “It is wonderful to see that you are feeling better, [sir/ma’am].” Ada commented as she approached her dazed companion. “I hope you are well. That Radscorpion was extremely aggressive. After a quick scan, I identified it as the queen. You are lucky to be alive.” Ada handed Sole a teddy bear, “Take this. I have some alarming news for you.” Sole clenched onto the teddy as they braced themself for the worst. “The queen injected you with some of her DNA. That DNA combined with your own and formed a symbiotic relationship. You now have the ability to see clearly at night and you have acid glands in your nails...which is precisely why the teddy bear I just gave you is melting as we speak.”
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antiquechampagne · 5 years
Beastly Kingdom - CH15 - The Road Home
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Liz sat outside the buzzing courtyard in a chair William had brought her. Facing the battlefield, she sipped some irradiated water and watched. Her body was healed enough that she didn’t need to worry about bleeding out, but everything felt like it was being held together by 200 year old bubblegum and duct tape. Any more stimpacks and she risked getting sicker than she already was. Anyway, others needed them more than she did. So she sat, her arm resting in a ratty sling and let the rads do their work.
Groups of prisoners, their hands raised over the heads or shackled, shambled past surrounded by grim and bloodied troops. Liz wasn’t really in the habit of taking prisoners, but that was the General’s call, not hers. They were his problem now. Every now and then, the gunfire echoed across the field. From the best she could tell, most of it was coming from the ruined airport.
Footsteps approached her from behind, but she didn’t turn around. The steps were heavy but confident. The General’s steps. Besides, William was keeping a close eye on her from the side of the building. She took another swallow of poisoned water.
“Looks like you won your war, General,” she quipped.
“In no small part, thanks to your help…” he paused, “Literally. Just for the record, though, maybe look into taking the stairs.”
Liz chuckled. “You may have a point. I don’t think I’m too eager to repeat that swan dive again.”
Nate shuffled uncomfortably. “Look… I just heard on the radio that that deathclaw of yours is making it really hard for our guys to clear the interior of the airport. Do you think there is any way you could… you know… call her back or something?”
Liz leaned forward in her creaking chair. Of course, he would ask her to get up now, wouldn’t he?
“Tell your guys to clear out of the way of the exits. I’m not responsible if someone gets in between a deathclaw and where she wants to go.”
Nate nodded and headed back inside. Liz gave him some time to relay the orders. She stretched her limbs, sluggishly ambling forward onto the now silent battlefield. After a minute, she put a pair of fingers in her mouth and released an ear-piercing whistle. Then, she waited.
A few moments passed by before she saw a glowing blue mass come bounding out of the building, racing pass the wreckage of Liberty Prime and through the gaping hole in the wall. Liz couldn’t help but smile. Mama reminding her of some giant irradiated puppy being called back home for supper.
No sooner had this thought bloomed in her mind than it was ripped away in a fiery flash. As Mama sprinted over a fallen heap of power armors, an explosion shredded the ground, throwing her to the side.
“Damn it!” Liz spat, racing as best she could across the uneven field, pocked marked from the day’s events. William ran to her side, quick to help if her leg or balance faltered. She waved him off indignantly, even though she could feel edges of her wounds grow angry and hot. Mama regained her footing and limped towards her, closing the gap between them. Liz could see countless scorches and lacerations crisscrossing Mama’s hide, but it seemed the cobbled together armor had shouldered the brunt of the damage. What she was really worried about was her right front paw, which Mama was purposely hiding as she shuffled about sniffing and licking Liz.
“Knock it off.” Liz gently scolded. “Show me your hand. Come on!” She pulled her arm of the sling and put her open hand out, palm up. “Show! Now!” she said a bit more sternly.
Reluctantly, Mama lifted her bloody limb and placed it in Liz’s hand. In the middle of the scorched and blackened paw, a piece of wicked shrapnel had embedded itself, poking out painfully. Blood ran freely over her fingers.
“Oh Mama, you need to be a bit more careful where you step. Landmines are nasty little shits, aren’t they?” Liz turned to William, who staying just out of Mama’s arms reach. “Give me your blade,” she demanded. William obliged. As she reached for the blade, she realized she still held the bottle. Placing it on the ground, she took the knife. Liz looked deep into Mama’s glowing eyes and held them. She hoped that her message would get through. If not, and she lost Mama’s trust...
“I need to get this out. It is going to hurt, probably a lot. But you need to stay still.”
Carefully, she began to tease out the shard, trying hard to dislodge it without making the wound worse. Mama snarled and gnashed her teeth, growling viciously inches from Liz’s ear. Liz ignored her, focusing at the delicate and dangerous task at hand. Slowly, the flesh released its grip on the twisted metal and it slid silently out of the wound. Mama began to pull her hand away.
“Not yet, Mama.” Liz warned. Mama stopped. Liz picked up the irradiated water. She gently rinsed Mama’s wound, her blue blood washing away cleanly. Liz watched as Mama’s flesh began to knit back together.
“That’s a good girl.” Liz released her paw and patted her forehead.
The rest of their time was consumed by the logistics of caring for the wounded, stripping the airport of useful scrap and splitting the spoils. The day was just starting to turn when they started heading back home, their pace slow but steady.
Nate had joined their rabble; saying there was kind of some final details that needed ironing out, so he tagged along. Everyone nursed their wounds as they walked, drinking and laughing, surprised by the fact that anyone had actually made it through the fight.
Dusk painted the sky as they neared the Nuka-World main gate, the low clouds a mix of purples and reds reminding Liz of puffy bruises. Liz was joking with Mason, elbowing him in the arm and laughing when he dropped his shotgun. Mags put a hand on her shoulder.
“Boss? You seeing this…”
Turning around, Liz stopped in her tracks. The silence hit her. No greetings from guards or banter from people hanging around the market. Only the sound of the wind greeted them as they stepped through the turnstiles.
“Holy fuck,” Mason whispered under his breath.
Before them lay bodies piled in bloody heaps on the steps leading to the park map station. Liz spotted Pack members, Operators and locals as she walked up the slick concrete stairs. Familiar faces hung by ropes in front of the giant maps. Liz could feel her blood boil as the flies buzzed by her ears. Someone behind her wretched. Reaching up, she plucked a folded paper with the word TRATOR scrawled in large letters pinned to Dr. Mackenzie’s chest with a stiletto. Time stopped and her blood froze in her veins as she read the words inside.
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With out a word, Liz dropped the paper and bolted. She ran fast, beating it over the broken pavement, ignoring any pain coming from her recently reknitted muscles and bones. She passed more bodies as people yelled behind her. She ignored everything, focusing solely on reaching Kiddie Kingdom as fast as possible. The barricades in front of the gate were broken, streaked with scorch marks splattered with blood. Liz sprang over the corpses of the guards laying in the entryway, upsetting the last bit of stability of the wooden boards, sending them loudly clattering to heap the ground. Frantically she scanned the empty queues and still rides for any sign of Louis or Oswald. All she found were feral ghoul corpses, their colorful faces now painted in their own blood.
A distant pop of a handgun pierced the air, followed by a muffled scream. Again, Liz shot off. She rounded a corner and stopped, unprepared for the scene before her. Oswald lay crumpled in a fetal position at the bottom step of a dilapidated tower. Green glowing blood oozed between his clenched finger and pooling around him.
He gasped as he saw her. “Liz! Get back…” His voice was weak, his warning trailing off.
At the top of the stair stood Gage, an icy cold glare bore down on her. His pipe gun turned and pointed at her, but Liz ignored it. Her eyes were locked on Louis. Her son writhed in Gage’s iron grip, his fist clutching the chest of Louis’ dirty striped shirt in a tight ball even as the feral boy tore and bit at his skin.
“LOUIS!” she gasped, and then growled. “Let him go, Gage!”
“There you are, Boss.” He leveled the gun at her. “I was starting to wonder if you would ever show up for the fun!”
“Put him down!” she screamed again. Her mind raced, trying to calculate any way to get either Louis or the gun out of Gage’s hand. She stood frozen in place, anything that might have been able to leverage too far out of reach to be of use. All she had was her wits. “What the fuck have you done?”
“What have I done? What the fuck have YOU done, Boss? I brought you into the outfit, and you are gutting us!” Gage’s one eye never wavering its hateful and deadly glare.
“What the hell are you talking about? I’ve done EVERYTHING for Nuka-World! All we had to do was take out those fucking Brotherhood bastards and we were golden! We can just sit back and watch the caps flow in!”
“WRONG!” Gage spat. “You slaughtered the Disciples! You cut our forces by a half!”
“Is THAT what this is about? Nisha and them were a bunch of homicidal maniacs! There was NO WAY they were ever going to get on board with the plan! Can’t you see that?” Liz inched a half a step towards Gage as she spoke.
“NO!” he screamed. He roughly wrapped his muscular arm around Louis, drawing him to his chest. Louis spat like a trapped animal, his legs kicking wildly. Liz stopped. “You tried to make us tame, to tempt us into a life of servitude to Commonwealth assholes with caps… a pet of this General to get fat off his shit! You forgot what we ARE! What we were. But I’m not going to forget. I’m a MOTHER-FUCKING RAIDER!”
Before Liz could react, Gage placed the muzzle of the gun against Louis’ head and pulled the trigger. Time stopped.
The flash.
The flying bits of skull and brain.
The smell of blood, gunpowder and sugar.
The evil smirk on Gage’s twisted lips.
Everything detail burned into her brain. Her mind spun and ground against itself. The gears of her mind stripped themselves in a futile attempt to comprehend what she was witnessing.
“LOUIS!” she screamed. Her son’s name was the last word that would ever pass through her lips again.
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radioactivechalk · 7 years
Nuka Nightmare - Pt. 1
Following the odd radio broadcast probably hadn’t been their best idea, but Chalk was curious - along with wanting to find something for their friends...’shinies’ for Jimmy, if he ever came back, and maybe some of those parts for  toy yellow animal things that sort of looked like radstags for Buttons, if they could find any, for him to give to Meg.
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