#then i have a new story which is dungeon crawler and isekai
chatonyant · 2 years
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1-3 random character designs based on a dream i had where there was a kid who could fall into a void and met a kind older gentleman who taught them to harness the void's power and protect themself against their shitty family (? details blurry it was either family or a weird old man? )
4 made character in some weird distant lout of trash family au,, tis a dragon who is either sleeping or causing chaos or even both somehow
5-6 revamped doodles of an old story in which the main character, Horang, is the lone survivor of an old heroic adventure to kill the great demon. Or well, thought to be the lone survivor because they find their childhood friend and companion (Haneul) who they thought was dead. Also they adopted a tiny child (Bom) with the power of poison(? undeveloped, i have no clue what power she should have but it was seen as bad).
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Season 3 Ramble#1 - New Year New Worlds ver.2
This is another one of those episodes where I almost feel like I’m betraying the name and purpose of the podcast, as this month I won’t actually be talking about manga or even anime for that matter.
The first time I did this whole New Year New Worlds thing was in Season 2 Ramble 1, where I focused on isekai manga and manhwa since I’d never really given the genre a chance before then. This month, again, I wanted to try something completely new to me and so I focused on Visual & Light novels.
Now my regular ramble format is to talk about top new reads on a particular topic/theme for that month, then give top reads I had on the same topic/theme before then. Seeing as this is an entirely new media format for me, there’s no way that format would work. So how this episode is gonna go is I’m gonna do a very quick once over of my top 3 isekai from last time, then get into this month’s media starting with Light Novels, then wrap up with Visual novels.
Lastly, before we get into it, I thought it would be useful to actually define these media formats, so everyone listening would be on the same page, veterans and newbies alike.
According to wikipedia, Light novels are a type of popular literature novel, native to Japan, usually classified as young adult fiction targeting teens to twenties… In other words they’re books. Taking wiki at their word, light novels, or LNs as I’ll probably refer to them from now on, tend towards the YA novel variety you’d find in the west. The biggest difference being that they’re usually a bit shorter with an average length of less than 300 pages, but a crazy dense publishing schedule of 3 - 9 months between installments… crazy…
And visual novels, according to masterclass dot com, are text-based adventure games that combine interactive fiction and traditional anime or manga art styles, to give the gamer the experience of reading a novel in a visual format. The site goes on to describe different types and targets, along with 5 key characteristics of which I thought the first was really key and worth mentioning. Namely, Advancement; In visual novels, or VNs as I'll probably call them going forward, players do not guide a character the way they would in a traditional video game. Instead, they advance the story by clicking in targeted regions to refresh the text. Sounds kinda lame but trust when I say it’s the opposite. At least as far as my experience so far leads me to believe.
Getting right into it
A quick recap of my top 3 from Season 2 Ramble 1
#3) Loner life in another world - The ultra quick summary is in the name, as a lot of isekai tend to do for some reason… anyways, a loner gets transported to another world. Really it’s him and his classmates but he prefers to move alone. I thought it was pretty fun as far as isekai goes, mostly because it’s very lighthearted, doesn’t take itself too seriously and for the most part, at least from what i’ve read so far, it really felt like kids being kids. Which I really appreciated cause isekai always seem to go off the deep end.
#2) Murim Login - Again the ultra quick summary is that in this world, there’s the typical dungeon crawler aspect where special humans called hunters, protect the rest of humanity by going into special gates and closing them by defeating the boss monster inside. The MC is a low rank hunter that one day finds a VR game in the trash that actually sends him to another world. That’s the very basic premise but if i’m being real, the reason I dug it was because of it's heavy ancient chinese martial arts type vibe. The story has been enjoyable as well, split into two with his life in the real world and the one in the game, the one in the game so far being far more interesting… go figure.. but yh… I definitely have a martial arts bias so slight grain of salt there ig..
#1) Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint - This was my fav read that month and honestly I see it being my fav isekai for a long time. The story here is that the MC is a big fan of Light novels and happens to be the only person in the world to have completed one called Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse. Lo and behold the events of the story start to unfold in real life. Now I know that screams boring story overpowered MC red flags, as he clearly has a certain edge over literally the entire human population,, but TRUST. TRUST! it’s all handled really really well.
If i’m being honest, the really real reason I brought these up is probably because I saw some announcements earlier this month that two of them have started production for anime adaptations. #3 Loner life in another world and #1 Omniscient Reader’s viewpoint. Not that something getting an anime speaks to any inherent quality of a manga besides profitability, but in any case, if you liked the quick summaries, anime announcements or even just the names, I recommend actually listening to Season 2 Ramble 1 - New Year New Worlds, or reading its transcript for more structured descriptions and takes…especially on Omniscient Reader… so so good..
Now onto the stuff I actually got into this month, starting with Light novels... I say Light Novels plural and though I technically did read more than one, they were all from the same series
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I’m a big fan of durarara!! Watched the anime like ten years ago, and even back then I really wanted to read the source material but couldn’t find it anywhere, the source material being the LNs. I pretty much gave up.. but still 2 years ago I read the manga for Season 1 Ramble 12 - Delinquency and still enjoyed it. Finally. Finally. I’ve gotten my hands on the light novels thanks to a 7 year old reddit post. Thank you reddit.
Durarara!! is a story written by Ryohgo Narita with illustrations, like the cover and a few more for emphasis on certain scenes, done by Suzuhito Yasuda. In total there are 13 volumes which started publishing in 2004 and ended in 2014. Of these 13 I’ve read 4 so far. This is the third time now I’ll be speaking about durarara!!, the first time was Season 1 Ramble 8 - A is for Anime (solo reprise) then Season 1 Ramble 12 - Delinquency. Of course I encourage you to check those out but seeing as I clearly love Durarara!! I don’t mind giving the synopsis again.
Durarara!! Is the story of Tokyo’s downtown district of Ikebukuro and the people who live there. There are three central characters who the story mostly revolves around and a few more that make up the full main cast. The main three are mikado ryuugamine, a kid from the countryside who’s tired of the normal everyday life and so, invited by his best friend, moved to Ikebukuro to get closer to all the excitement. Mikado’s best friend who invited him, Kida Masaomi, is the second of the three. A rowdy, dye haired playboy who’s lived in Ikebukuro for a while and serves as mikado’s guide. Last but definitely not leat there’s Anri Sonohara, a plain girl who lost her friend on the first day of school.
There are others like the strongest in ikebukuro, shizuo, the most dastardly in ikebukuro, izaya, the random black Russian sushi store employee simon, and etc., that all affect the story one way or the other but there’s one more character that probably brings the central cast up to four and that’s celty sturluson, a dullahan, aka headless horseman, looking for her head that’s been stolen.
Not sure if you can tell from that not so short synopsis or the fact that there’s thirteen volumes of this thing but ALOT is going on in this story. For comparative reasons I'll bring up the anime here that has two seasons, the second being split into 3 cours, and they cover about 6 of the light novels. I say about, because I've only read four of them but I know for sure that season 1 covers the first three, and the fourth novel lines up with what happened in season 2 cour 1 so that’s where my assumption comes from.
In any case if it sounds like i’ve said a lot without saying anything, i’m aware and I hate it but it’s kind of a mystery story so i’ll give myself a small pass and hope you all can forgive me., Like this is one of those stories it’s hard to speak on without spoiling some aspect. I will say though that delinquents, katanas, superhumans and the yakuza are involved so… yh… Lastly the narration is great as almost every chapter is from a different person’s perspective and sometimes this goes back and forth through time so the story comes together in a very neat but crazy exciting kaleidoscope. One thing the anime had over the Light novel is that along with this changing vantage point, the narrator would change independently as well which I thought was really cool and really solidified the feeling that nothing goes unseen, whether on accident or by design, but the Light novels gave a bit more depth to the character's train of thought so I guess it balances out a bit.
Not much more to say but having watched the anime, read the manga and now the light novels I think it’s obvious that I definitely and holistically recommend durarara!!
Now onto the Visual Novels
The order I’m gonna mention them in is just the order I played them in, usually I’d do some sort of ranking but If you know anything about visual novels, and I guess story heavy games in general, it’s that they tend to be on the longer side of things so sadly I only finished one.
1) Steins;Gate
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Released in 2009, developed and published by MAGES & Nitro+ with an approximate playtime of 44hrs. This was the only VN I actually got to complete a playthrough of this month.
I watched the anime 10 years ago and though I don’t remember much of the intricate episode to episode details, I do remember time travel being involved and it fucking with my emotions in the last half. In fact I went to check old tumblr posts I made back then to see if it would jog my memory but there was only one post and all it said was that the last 4 episodes were feels…
In any case back then I had no idea what VNs even were so I pretty much thought that was the end of it, but as the helix of time would have it, I’m back here again.
For those who have no idea, Steins;Gate follows a rag-tag band of tech-savvy young students who discover the means of changing the past via mail, using a modified microwave. Their experiments into how far they can go with their discovery begin to spiral out of control as they become entangled in a conspiracy surrounding SERN, the organisation behind the Large Hadron Collider, and John Titor who claims to be from a dystopian future.
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Yes i know it’s kinda crazy that technical time travel was stumbled upon with a microwave but one it’s fiction, and two the series really doesn’t ask you to suspend your belief all that much otherwise. Getting into it, I really like the VN way more than the anime, the time difference is probably a factor but I don’t recall the anime being as thorough in explaining the science of different theoretical time travel mechanics and how they may or may not work. In fact the VN was way more thorough in general, from individual characterization to the overall settings, but to be fair to the anime, they have a limited time to work with and there’s no way they could fit everything in there. No reason to either as they told their own story and to be clear the anime was great and obviously having things moving about is a strength that the VN could never touch, but as a person who really loves the specifics of things, as well as a healthy interest in time travel, the VN just wins out.
Moving clear of the anime now, the VN playthrough is actually multithreaded, with several branching routes and independent endings which plays into the whole time travel, chaos theory, cause and effect type stuff brilliantly. Especially because the choices generally aren’t very obvious or with clear impact or storyline segmentation, besides the split in chapters which is independent of your choices. In my head, going into VNs I thought it’d be like you’re presented with a situation and there are some obvious choices with obvious impacts like do you want to be evil yes or no? But in steins;gate, you’re really just advancing the script almost unknowingly and the only choices you make are to answer a text or not to answer a text and the preset choices only present themselves when you choose to answer a text but i swear to you they are almost always about the most unimportant things that have absolutely nothing to do with the task at hand of trying to complete successful time travel and escaping a future dystopia.
Real example, a friend texts you and asks you if you want some anime frogs.., i only know this because I chose to look at the text but you’re free to ignore almost every text. In any case the options were like what tf is that? or why tf would i? (paraphrasing ofc) + even if you do open the text as I said you don’t have to answer. No idea what that or my even more insane conversations with the cat girl maid had to do with anything but somehow I ended up where I ended up.. In the end I somehow caused the MC to get stuck in the same cycle for some unknown time until his soul pretty much died and he was on the verge of turning to heinous criminal activities but ended up just leaving his time period behind at the risk of taking on extreme mental illness.. No reflection on me and my character of course, as I said the choices aren’t anything obvious like become evil or become good, it just turned out that way somehow but that’s part of the fun because the anime only had one ending but here there’s i don’t even know how many in the VN and I can’t wait to playthrough again.
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Also want to mention that it’s largely from a first person perspective so even though the story could have had the feeling of being completely independent from you and just click click click powerpoint powerpoint powerpoint, that first person perspective gave it a feeling closer to that of things slowly slipping through your fingers as you desperately try to keep a handle on things… and art imitates life… great decision by the dev team there but yh… besides that the art and sound direction was great.. The character art specifically was pretty unique like I could definitely spot it in a lineup of 100 anime art styles… phenomenal story of course and though I’d say if you have no exposure to steins at all it could feel a bit slow in the beginning, like I distinctly remember having that feeling when I watched the anime back then and I’m sure my knowledge of the insane pickup had something to do with not feeling it so much now, but I feel it had more to do with the VN having less time constraints, so they were able to make deeper character interactions and with that, the individual characterizations became that much more fulsome and enjoyable.
Definitely definitely highly recommend both the anime and the VN, I think any order is fine as who says time itself is strictly sequential anyways..
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2) Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen
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Released in 2002, developed by AQUAPLUS, Leaf & STING, published by AQUAPLUS, DMM GAMES & Shiravune, having an approximate playtime of 35hrs.
Now I had never heard of this before but I’d asked a trusted twitter mutual for reccs and this was one of them. shout out LZ one time. Seeing as I didn’t finish I’d feel bad trying to give it a summary or overview with my limited knowledge so I’m gonna go with the description from vndb dot org, which for the record is also where I snagged the description for steins;gate.
In any case, Utawarerumono is about Hakuowlo, a man who wakes up in a tiny backwoods village near the mountains with heavy injuries, no memory, and a mask he cannot remove. After being nursed back to health by Eruruu, the girl who found him lying at the point of death in the forest, he starts to view the village as his new home. But when an oppressive ruler threatens the peaceful life of Hakuowlo and his newfound friends and family, they find themselves hurtled towards war, chaos, and a destiny far greater than any of them imagined.
Pretty simple storyline I guess but it’s all in the execution and from what I’ve played so far, which amounts to about 22hrs, they did a pretty good job. Personally they get extra points from me for justified political upheaval brought about by the consciousness of the masses due to the unjustified cruelty of the ruling class.. But i’ll digress.. Character design was pretty neat, typical anime type beat i guess, great soundtrack, loved all the wind instruments. The character interactions were neat too, definitely feel like i’m gonna do a little part 2 thing cause the more I go on I feel like there’s a few technical commonalities I wanna speak on but yh, again I didn’t finish, though I think I got pretty far, but i still I don’t wanna speak too long or hard directly on it.
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Last thing on Uta is that it did have a lot of battle aspects, or at least a lot relative to my expectations for a VN, and that came in the form of a turn based tile map type beat. Think advanced wars or some megaman and final fantasy games.. In any case those were fun, i had it on easy mode cause I was more there for the story so that part was pretty much a breeze but it was refreshing coming off steins which was strictly text based + i haven’t touched any games in a good little while due to the economy™, I’d recommend this for sure, maybe not a super push but I definitely want to finish it which again implies that anything i say on this has to have a little bit more than a grain of salt.
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3) Fate/Stay Night
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Released in 2004, developed by TYPE-MOON & Notes Co.Ltd, published by those same developers along with Kadokawa Shoten & Kadokawa Games with an approximate playtime of 88hrs.
Just wanna start with no, I haven’t watched the anime, but of course i’ve seen the random clips on twitter, pretty much inescapable at the height of its popularity with ufotable doing undeniably excellent work on it, and i could tell that from just a few clips. But I was in my strictly manga phase back then so I let it pass. The only other exposure I had to the fate series was the gacha game Fate Grand Order which I played for a short time because of one of my twitter friends and then the fate strange fake manga because of that same friend which I will say I do enjoy and I think I even heard it’s getting an anime which would be really based. Anyways shout out jhin and I’m gonna go with the synopsis from vndb again but summarized by me cause it’s hella long, much like the playtime..
The Holy Grail War is a ritual that materializes the greatest holy artifact, the Holy Grail. There are two conditions to participate in this ritual: being a magus and being a "Master" chosen by the Holy Grail. There are seven chosen Masters and seven classes of Servants, beings akin to superhumans with incredible fighting abilities. If you wish for a miracle, prove that you are the strongest with your powers. Emiya Shirou is a high school student who finds himself engaged in the Holy Grail war as he gets attacked by a Servant. As he’s cornered, he somehow summons his Servant and manages to stay alive long enough to compete against the other Masters.
What’s crazy about this is that after playing Uta and reading the description for this I thought “oh so there’s gonna be fights and stuff” and yes there are but you kinda just watch them, well I can’t speak on the whole game but so far I’ve played about 30hrs and that’s what it’s been. Nothing bad, it’s a VN, just surprising given the nature of the VN. In any case I’ve enjoyed it so far, pretty much knew I would as most if not all the servants are famous figures from the past and it’s always cool to see clashes of famous figures across time.
I guess the bigger surprise was how much I liked the characters and their interactions, maybe they weren’t phenomenal but there’s always a certain set of folks on social media that will have certain characters as their profile pics and there’s always lewd art here and there and the trend that tends to follow from that is like the character is blown up by the fans to the point that when you actually get to the story it’s disappointing but… I get it…. Rin fans… i get it… saber fans… I get it… I only saw her briefly at the point where I got to but I’m a rider fan… Here my lawyers have advised me to mention that in the VN there is a disclaimer that all characters are over the age of 18… and i’ll just leave that there… Anywho I also dug the subtleties of the sound direction like if they were up high somewhere you’d have a light wind blowing along with the usual bgm or when they’re at a scene like lunch or breakfast there’d be the sound of plates and stuff clinking together… I thought little details like that were very cool… The art wasn’t much, typical anime stuff ig, doubt i could pick it out of a lineup but it was early 2000s so it gets a light pass ig…
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Fate is a pretty big franchise at this point so I don’t think my recommendation for or against would sway anyone but for the record I would recommend it, grain of salt due to me not actually finishing it included…
And that’s it for stuff this month, thanks for sticking around to the end gotta shout out LZ again, that twitter moot I mentioned, they gave me reccs, set me up with sites and everything to get free to play, also shout out vndb dot org for the VN details, they’re doing great work over there and I would give the sites I got from LZ but loose lips sink pirate ships so i hope yall can understand… yh that’s it for the main stuff,, a little part 2 ramble is in the actual podcast if you're interested in listening but other than that, hope you enjoyed and have a good one o/
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entergamingxp · 4 years
KonoSuba Dungeon Crawler RPG Gets New Version on Switch, PS4
May 29, 2020 3:11 PM EST
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! ~Kibou no Meikyuu to Tsudoishi Boukenshatachi Plus~ was announced by Entergram on PS4 and Switch.
Entergram announced on May 29 an enhanced version of the KonoSuba dungeon crawling RPG is coming to Switch. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! ~Kibou no Meikyuu to Tsudoishi Boukenshatachi Plus~ was announced on PS4 and Switch. No release date estimate was revealed yet.
\#このすば 新情報
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ダンジョンRPG『この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!~希望の迷宮と集いし冒険者たち~』に新要素を追加したPlus版が、PS4/Nintendo Switch
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描き下ろしイラストをいち早くお届けする ティザーサイトはこちら!▼https://t.co/HXDlVd3PXp#エンターグラム pic.twitter.com/Q8bagG79zl
— エンターグラム広報 (@entergram_info) May 28, 2020
Entergram mentioned the game will have new elements not found in the original. These new elements weren’t detailed yet however. The new version will also have a limited edition, with a special cover artwork featuring Megumin and Yunyun in swimsuits:
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! ~Kibou no Meikyuu to Tsudoishi Boukenshatachi~ first launched in Japan on June 27, 2019, on PS4 and PS Vita. It’s a classic dungeon crawler set in the KonoSuba universe. The characters have pretty cool looking animated cut-ins when using skills. You can watch some gameplay below:
Entergram will publish more information on this “new” KonoSuba game on a later date via its official Twitter. A teaser official site was opened as well.
KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! is originally a web novel part of the Isekai trend, written by Natsume Akatsuki. Its publication ran from 2012 to 2013 on Shōsetsuka ni Narō. A much longer light novel version ran in Japan from 2013 to 2020, with illustrations by Kurone Mishima. The novel got multiple anime and manga adaptations and is pretty popular worldwide. It’s one of the most appreciated Isekai, alongside Re:Zero, which is also getting a new game. I’ve personally never experienced either as I’m not a big fan of Isekai. KonoSuba’s author also writes another excellent comedy story though, titled Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!, and I highly recommend it.
In the past, we covered some gameplay for the original game, along with the first trailer, the first screenshots, pre-order bonuses, the opening animation movie and the playable characters, and  the Princess Maker clone game featuring Aqua found in first print copies.
Entergram is also working on two new Ryukishi07 games, Gensou Rougoku no Kaleidoscope, and a new console version of Umineko. Read more on both games here.
May 29, 2020 3:11 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/konosuba-dungeon-crawler-rpg-gets-new-version-on-switch-ps4/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=konosuba-dungeon-crawler-rpg-gets-new-version-on-switch-ps4
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Summer Anime Season Wrapup
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Arifureta began as a grim, visually unremarkable dungeon crawler, hinting at global conflicts and structures of political and social control… before devolving into guy-shoots-monsters-gets-harem-rinse-repeat. Pitting guns, missiles and motorcycles against orcs and wolves is tricky to make compelling, and Arifureta’s mediocre animation, slow plot, and constant battles doesn’t help.
Worse shows aired this season but few featured dragons being anally raped by the protagonist with a giant metal spike, nor said dragon joining said protagonist’s harem afterwards. However, and I’m going out on a limb here, even if this is up your personal kink, Arifureta’s PG-13 sensibilities probably wont go far enough for you. Niche at best, Barely Watchable for the rest of us.
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Dr Stone is delightfully consistent with it’s focus on science process, over the top characters, and methodical plot to rebuild society from the stone age up. While its medium term objective (defeat super-strong/ super evil antagonist with science) has taken a back seat to gaining support of the villagers Senko discovered mid-season, its not forgotten.
We’ve learned about electricity, food chemistry, and glass as much as human nature, motivation and weakness. Hand in hand with lovable characters and charming visual style, Dr Stone is probably my most recommended show of the season.
Given’s relationship story is lovely, thoughtful, and matured with deeper issues of loss. The wow is in the details. From taking a dozen buses just to stand by the ocean, just to stand where you once stood with a close friend, to walking off stage after only one song, Given doesn’t over explain itself with dialog.  It’s solid but, like real romance, the best parts come from getting to know the characters. So I called it quits after episode six. Still, highly recommended
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Granbelm finally developed an emotional core: Mangetsu is a magic puppet created by Ernesta’s subconscious desire to have a friend who isn’t an effed up mess. Also, despite earlier signs that losing wasn’t that big a deal, it has been revealed that girls die all the time in magic fights but no one remembers because… magic amnesia.
These are solid reveals and Mangetsu’s heart filled good bye to the cast (almost all of which immediately forget she ever existed) was strongly delivered. It just took way too long to develop. Combined with a dull pure evil villain, power levels that swing at the whim of the story, and Granbelm’s misunderstanding of what a mystery is (as opposed to just being confusing) and the show is only watchable.
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Maou-sama, Retry! started off so absurdly bad, so generically Demon Lord/Isekai, that it had a certain charm. As it strolled forward, it took no greater objective than to introduce new characters to Maou’s harem, and forget about previous characters and potential destinations for the story. Aku hasn’t even been in the previous two episodes. The result is powerfully without purpose. It doesn’t care. You shouldn’t either. Barely watchable.
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UchiMusume also suffers from a lack of purpose and follow through. For a show that features a central character who’s past is a mystery, and a hero who occasionally kills people for political gain, there’s an awful lot of wandering around aimlessly and eating food!
The result is harmlessly cute but smidgens of world building do not make up for a four episode long trip to and from a village to buy a new trench coat. It’s Barely watchable.
By: oigakkosan
0 notes
entergamingxp · 4 years
KonoSuba RPG on Switch, PS4, Detailed with Screenshots
June 8, 2020 7:15 PM EST
All the new features in Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! ~Kibou no Meikyuu to Tsudoishi Boukenshatachi Plus~ coming to PS4 and Switch in Japan this August.
Entergram revealed new details and screenshots on the enhanced version of the KonoSuba dungeon crawler RPG coming to PS4 and Switch. First off, the release date: it’ll launch in Japan on August 27, 2020. The normal version is 6000 Yen (tax excluded) while the limited edition is 9000 Yen (tax excluded).
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! ~Kibou no Meikyuu to Tsudoishi Boukenshatachi Plus~ will include multiple new features compared to the original game on PS4 and Vita:
Brand new optional dungeon: The Goblin’s Cave
This dungeon is over ten floors long, and new floors unlock as you progress through the main story. It has special gimmicks and treasure, and all the events happening in the dungeon are fully-voiced. You do not need to clear The Goblin’s Cave to clear the main story.
New Guild Quests, New Events CGs, New Costumes
The guild in KonoSuba‘s hub city Axel will include many new Guild Quests. These quests will include new event CG illustrations, and certain quests will net you new costumes as rewards. Costumes change is reflected in the battle CG and in-game portraits, making it a nice change of pace after crawling dungeons for hours.
Monster Encyclopedia
The Plus version includes a Monster Encyclopedia recording all the monsters you defeated. You’ll now be able to grind for hours all the rare monsters in the game to 100% the Monster Encyclopedia, all while pondering the fact that the base version of the game didn’t include this basic feature of every good dungeon crawler RPGs.
New Monsters have been added
The Plus version of the KonoSuba dungeon crawler RPG includes many new monsters such as Griffon, Assault Ant, Goblin Soldier, and more.
Choose between Original and Arranged BGM
The original game used retro-like BGMs, this Plus version includes Arranged versions recorded with an actual orchestra.
Kazuma Can Learn More Skills
Protagonist Kazuma Satou can now learn additional skills from party members. To do so, you need to fulfill special conditions to trigger “Skill Events”. Skills unlocked via Skill Events can then be learned by Kazuma by spending special limited points. This makes Kazuma into a versatile character, being able to learn skills from various different jobs. Note that certain skills in the game cannot ever be learned by Kazuma. Moreover, when it comes to the skills he can learn, you won’t have enough points to learn them all in one run. You’ll only be able to learn them all via New Game + runs.
New Systems Highlighting Each Character’s Individuality
New systems have been added in the game in order to reproduce faithfully the atmosphere of KonoSuba. For example, in fights were you hold a big advantage, or in the contrary when you’re in a pinch, Aqua can snap and stop listening to instructions. Aqua can also now use the Powered spell. Another example: Megumin can now damage allies with Explosion if you tell her to cast it when fighting in narrow spaces.
The game’s UI has been Revamped and is Easier to Navigate and Understand
New Quality of Life Elements, New Options in System Menu
Auto scrolling for the dialogues, Cursor Memory for menus in battle. The damage calculation formula of the game has been revised as well. You inherit more stuff from your past run in New Game +, etc.
The Limited Edition
The Limited Edition includes a DLC code for swimsuit costumes and cheerleader costumes for the female characters. A clear case for phones featuring an illustration of Megumin. A towel with an illustration of Megumin and Yunyun in swimsuits. The Limited Edition also has a bonus cover with the same illustration at the towel.
KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering Adventurers Plus was announced in May 2020 by Entergram. The game’s official site was be accessed here. The original game launched in Japan on June 27, 2019, This new enhanced version is the best choice you can go with for a KonoSuba game. Besides the gacha game Konosuba: Fantastic Days also known as KonoFan.
If this ever gets localized, and there’s a chance it will seeing KonoSuba is quite popular outside Japan, we should get this enhanced version right from the start.
KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! is originally a web novel part of the Isekai trend, written by Natsume Akatsuki. Its publication ran from 2012 to 2013 on Shōsetsuka ni Narō. A much longer light novel version ran in Japan from 2013 to 2020, with illustrations by Kurone Mishima. The novel got multiple anime and manga adaptations and is pretty popular worldwide. It’s one of the most appreciated Isekai, alongside Re:Zero, which is also getting a new game. KonoSuba’s author also writes Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!, and I highly recommend reading that.
In the past, we covered some gameplay for the original game, along with the first trailer, the first screenshots, pre-order bonuses, the opening animation movie and the playable characters, and  the Princess Maker clone game featuring Aqua found in first print copies.
Entergram is also working on two new Ryukishi07 games, Gensou Rougoku no Kaleidoscope, and a new console version of Umineko. Read more on both games here.
June 8, 2020 7:15 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/konosuba-rpg-on-switch-ps4-detailed-with-screenshots/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=konosuba-rpg-on-switch-ps4-detailed-with-screenshots
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