#then is plum puppet
chatonyant · 2 years
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1-3 random character designs based on a dream i had where there was a kid who could fall into a void and met a kind older gentleman who taught them to harness the void's power and protect themself against their shitty family (? details blurry it was either family or a weird old man? )
4 made character in some weird distant lout of trash family au,, tis a dragon who is either sleeping or causing chaos or even both somehow
5-6 revamped doodles of an old story in which the main character, Horang, is the lone survivor of an old heroic adventure to kill the great demon. Or well, thought to be the lone survivor because they find their childhood friend and companion (Haneul) who they thought was dead. Also they adopted a tiny child (Bom) with the power of poison(? undeveloped, i have no clue what power she should have but it was seen as bad).
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jadetheblueartist · 11 hours
Ooop I'm sure "face man" Leo is gonna cope with having a sibling that looks (almost) exactly like him sooooo well (/s)
*pets your brain lovingly*
Adding this to the list of things to cover with the story >:>
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Okay I literally cannot find anyone else talking about it but shout out to Donna Noble for being cornered by a creepy terrifying puppet and its creepy terrifying puppet babies and rather than succumbing to that cliché she just picked it up and smashed its head against the wall until it stopped moving and then scared the rest so badly they simply left the show there and then. Donna transcends genre, because she just nutpunches any genre she doesn't like right in the plums and then marches off.
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lieslab · 2 months
Waiting for us
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Seungmin X gn reader
Summary: After going to a carnival and getting stuck at the top of a ferris wheel, you crumble in your boyfriend's arms.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 5K
Trigger warning: Heights, anxiety, depression, mentions of nausea, parental issues, child abuse and neglect, self-hatred, self-harm, and mentions of not eating.
A/N: To whoever requested this, I don't know how you feel about carnivals. I don't know how you feel about ferris wheels and heights either, so I guessed. One of my most precious memories is my local county fair during warm summer days. I hope this warms your heart as much as it warms mine <3
_ _ _
You were playing pretend again. You were like a dancer frozen in time and trapped in a music box. Life cranked the knob and the music twinkled in the background. You spun, not because you wanted to, but because you had to. 
Life was hard, it always seemed to be. The weight of mental issues on your shoulders made it worse. Around and around you went playing the game of life. However, lately, it was just…different. 
The gears in your music box had rusted over time. They creaked and your music was beginning to warp. Years of endless dancing made you grow fatigued. You could barely find the effort to keep going and yet, you continued on and on. 
You were supposed to be happy today. You were trying your best, you really were. Your boyfriend had the whole day free and the two of you were supposed to enjoy the carnival together. He met you at the door with a grin and you tried to return it, but something was off. 
He noticed how defeated you looked instantly, but he ignored it. Feelings for you were fickle and you tended to struggle with them a lot. Talking about them was difficult and it made you uncomfortable. 
He didn’t know what it was, but he knew that you were off. The brown bags beneath your eyes had shifted to plum purple. Your cheeks seemed a bit more hollow than usual. There was a lingering darkness that surrounded you, but he didn’t know how to bring it up. 
Feelings for both of you, it was a bit of a struggle. Neither of you wanted to be a bother towards the other. It was one of the things that you both needed to work on in the relationship. 
When you arrived, you had high expectations. You thought the situation would cheer you up, but it didn’t. Carnivals were supposed to be filled with bright colors. Laughing people and screams from carnival rides. The oiled scent of fried food and the bubbling of excitement flowing through your veins. 
Everything felt entirely different this time. The colors were more muted and the background sounds seemed faint. The scent of fried food made your stomach churn with nausea. You couldn’t imagine eating a single bite without throwing up. 
You felt empty on the inside and you’d felt that way for a while. After a slew of personal issues, it was difficult to find your happiness. Things tended to control you more than you wanted them too. You didn’t know how to stop it. 
There were eyelets in your limbs with strings laced through. You were pulled in different directions and none of those were in the direction you wanted to go. A puppet on a string, you struggled with everything. 
Beside you, the warmth of Seungmin’s hand clutched yours firmly. He let you through the entrance after the two of you paid and he stopped on the path that led down the way. 
“So what do you want to do first?” 
Your eyes scanned the area as you debated. The more you saw, the more you just wanted to go home. Your anxiety was growing with the more people you saw and it was overwhelming. 
“What do you want to do?” You asked. 
Seungmin clicked his tongue and glanced around the area. “Well, I suppose we can go on the ferris wheel if you’re not a chicken.” 
“I’m not a chicken and I don’t mind heights.” 
“That’s what they all say.” 
“Are you challenging me?” 
“It’s not a challenge if you cop out.” 
“Fine, let’s get wristbands and then we can go on the ferris wheel. Just for that, we’ll go on it more than once. I’m not a chicken.” 
“You’d look cute with tail feathers.” 
You rolled your eyes and walked with Seungmin towards a ticket booth. Since you planned to spend a few hours here, you both decided it was a better option to get wristbands. Who knew how many rides the two of you’d go on. 
After retrieving your wristbands, the two of you headed to the ferris wheel. Since the carnival was in a larger city, the ferris wheel was bigger too. Small colorful enclosed baskets went high up into the setting sun before they curved and came back down. 
Soon, the neon lights in the place would be turned on. Seungmin specifically brought you here for that reason. Everything looked better in the evening at carnivals. The neon colors popped and the air was electrified.
When neon colors clashed together with upbeat pop music and laughter from everyone, it was otherworldly. To experience something by yourself and yet everyone was experiencing the same thing around you in their own little bubbles, it was magical and he loved it. 
The cabins looked like hot air balloons. The wide tops bulged out with the help of curved titanium rods and the supporting frame. The baby blue frame had been detailed with royal blue shadows to create the illusion of a basket. 
Neon lights wrapped around the whole piece and glittered neon blue when the time was right. Other baskets were created similar and with different colors. The whole thing was much larger and more sophisticated than the average county fair ferris wheels with metal bucket seats. 
When it was your turn, Seungmin gently led you in front of him and let go of your hand. The attendant held open the small metal gate for you to climb in. Once you were in, Seungmin moved to the opposite side and sat down. 
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two of you. You lied to Seungmin, you hated heights, but you knew that he liked the ferris wheel. Seungmin liked anything with beautiful detailing and photographic qualities. He was probably going to take photos of the view and upload them to Bubble later. 
A round table sat in the center of the two of you. You let your arms rest on it and let out a soft sigh as the two of you were slowly eased up. The soft breeze was enough to catch your hair and pull it back. When Seungmin realized it, he let out a small laugh. 
You pulled up your arm and let your chin rest on your hand. Trying to ignore the growing fear, you let your eyes shut. Seungmin pulled out his phone and began to snap photos. 
“I think I was wrong about you. It’s clear that you’re not a chicken.” 
“I told you,” you mumbled. Your stomach churned and the beginning of nausea was beginning to creep up. You forced yourself to suck in a deep breath and try to calm down. 
The ride kept going up and then stopping as more people got on until it finally began going up and didn’t stop. Your eyes squeezed shut tighter and you eventually shifted. Your palms dug into your eyes as you buried your head in your hands. 
The movement caused Seungmin to glance over. He frowned and spoke up. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“I hate heights,” you mumbled. 
“Then why did yo-” 
“Because you wanted to see the view and I didn’t want to let you down. You were teasing me and I didn’t want you to think I was a coward.” 
“Baby, you know I was just kidding, right? If you would have said something, I wouldn’t have made you go on the ride. I could have gone by myself and gave you some money to go get a snack or something.” 
“I don’t want your money!” You snapped. The situation wasn’t such a big deal, but with everything going on in your life recently, you were upset. Things kept going wrong and the pressure gauge was beginning to crank up. How long were you going to keep things to yourself until you blew? 
Seungmin stared at you for a moment, unsure of what to do. There was more tension between the two of you. He couldn’t see your face as you hid it with your hands, but he knew you were struggling. 
The longer the silence went on, the more he realized he needed to say something. It was clear that you weren’t going to address the elephant between the two of you. Something was going on with you and if he had to, he was going to pry it from you. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but a loud creaking sound interrupted. Down below, someone screamed. Your hands jerked from your face and you looked around with wide eyes. The ferris wheel halted with you and Seungmin stuck at the top. 
Gears ground together and shouts filled the air. In the middle of your panic, you slipped your hand into Seungmin’s and he squeezed it back lightly. You sucked in a shaky breath and squeezed your eyes shut again. 
“What’s going on?” Someone shouted at the ride operator down below. 
The ride operator had hit the emergency stop button when things started to go wrong. He cupped his hands together and yelled back, so everyone could hear him. 
“I don’t know, but hang tight. Don’t worry, we’ll get it figured out soon enough. You guys might be stuck for a bit.” 
Around the wheel, there were a plethora of different responses. Below you, someone complained and another one groaned. Someone else tried to see the positive side of things and complimented the view. Your heart pounded in your chest as you kept hold of Seungmin’s hand. 
“Are you okay?” Seungmin spoke softly. 
All you could do was frantically shake your head back and forth. Seungmin shifted in his spot and the cabin began to rock slightly. Your panic grew until the comforting scent of Seungmin’s cologne filled your nose. 
“Don’t worry, I’m right here, I’ve got you.” He wrapped an arm around your neck and tugged you closer. Comforted, you buried your head into the side of his shoulder. 
With his other hand, he reached over and gently began to loop his fingers through your hair. The soft gesture always comforted you when you were struggling. You buried your head further into his shoulder, but it wasn’t enough. 
You wanted to block the world out and forget this entire thing happened. You wanted to be back on solid ground. You wanted the comfort of your bed. You wanted your heavy limbs to find comfort in the cotton sheets and silk pillowcases. 
“Come here.” 
You didn’t fight it when he gently pulled your body closer. The way he moved you around, you felt like a small child. His fingers found your hips and he pulled you onto his lap. Your legs straddled his and the table behind you pressed against your back. 
Seungmin shifted back and you fell back with him. Your head landed on the curve of his collarbone. His arms wrapped around the small of your back. Despite the horrific scenario, you found yourself being comforted. 
“Is that better?” 
His left hand began to lightly draw patterns on your back. He could feel how tense you were in his arms. You were worked up about everything. 
“It’s alright, I’ve got you and I won’t let go.” 
“I promise.” 
The breeze picked up and swept your hair off to the side. Seungmin’s head rested back against one of the metal poles. In the distance, birds were happily chirping and unaware of your predicament. 
Seungmin was nervous, but he wasn’t outright terrified. He knew the ride operator was trained and the carnival had protocols in place. He knew that they’d know what to do to get them out of the situation safely. Besides, being worked up about it would only add to your stress. 
In his chest, your eyes were squeezed shut. You sucked in deep breaths trying to find rhythm in the madness. Your fingers clutched the back of Seungmin’s shirt. After a while, he began to hum, hoping it’d calm you down. 
When you began to relax, he let out a sigh of relief. He let his eyes shut and continued to find comfort in you. You were his warmth. You were there for everything for him and he wanted to be there for you too. 
“Baby, I think we need to talk about something.” 
You shifted your head with your eyes shut. Instead of being buried in his chest, your cheek pressed against it instead. You kept your eyes shut, so you didn’t have to see the staggering view down below. 
“I don’t want to ruin our day, but I really think I need to talk to you about some stuff. I know feelings are uncomfortable for you, but over the past few weeks…no,” he shook his head. “It’s been longer than that. I should have brought it up, but you like your independence. I know you find it hard to lean on me.” 
A lump began to fill the back of your throat. Despite the closed eyes, you could feel the burn of tears welling up. You thought you were doing a good job, but clearly not. He knew something was wrong. 
“I don’t like seeing you suffer alone. You mean everything to me, you know? I’m sorry I don’t say it enough, but I mean it. I’m not good with words, but you make me feel mushy on the inside.” 
“Everyone says you’ll come around when you’re ready, but you haven’t. You just slowly keep getting worse and worse. I’m afraid for you, baby. I’m afraid something is seriously wrong and I know how you struggle. You’ll drown silently before you ever reach out for help.” 
“It’s partly my fault, I should have brought it up sooner. I just…” He trailed off and squeezed his arms around you tighter. “I’m so afraid of saying the wrong thing and losing you. So please, please tell me what’s on your mind. Maybe I can’t fix it, but you don’t have to do it alone.” 
Your breathing hitched as your fingers curled into him tighter. You weren’t sure how to get the words out. You didn’t know how to say it, but you had to try. He was right, you were tired of drowning. 
“Do you ever…do you ever just feel like everyone’s against you?” Your voice came out shrill. You tried to swallow to hide it, but it stayed there. “Like no matter what you do, you just can’t win?” 
“Sometimes, yes, but I remember all the good in my life and I focus on that. I cherish the little things I have and the relationship I have with the people around me. I have my band, my fans, and my family. Plus, I-” 
“They hate me,” you weakly got out. 
“My family.” 
Your eyes finally opened to view the scene down below. Your teeth sunk into the soft skin of your bottom lip as you tried not to sob. Below you, friends and families were gathered and laughing. 
You could see them now. The mothers on the carousel holding their kids up and making sure they’re okay. The fathers clutching the handles of the rides and screeching in delight as their child giggles beside them. 
The sickly sweet artificial taste of bright pink cotton candy melting on the tongue of a three-year-old. Above them, their parents beam and ask how it tastes. It’s the first time they’ve ever had something this sweet before. 
On the other side of the carnival, a grandparent is playing skeeball with their grandkid. The two are laughing and the grandparent feels like a kid again. The potential of winning a large prize makes them aim carefully and try their hardest. 
A couple is announcing their pregnancy to their parents right before they play mini golf. They’re all so thrilled, the parents are hugging and kissing. The soon to be parents are ecstatic and clutching tightly to each other via hands. 
Parents are everywhere. It’s the adopted kid who happily runs and leads his adopted father towards his favorite ride. It’s the stepkids who are warming up to their new stepmother. They’re nervous and looking over at their father for reassurance. He breaks the ice by buying them all lemonade and sprinkled candy apples. 
Families and parents were everywhere. Compared to what you went through with yours, this was like a mini trip to hell. You couldn’t help, but feel stung by defeat being here. In front of Seungmin, while admitting this, you felt three inches tall. 
Your limbs were weighed down with sadness and melancholy. The scene was beautiful up here and yet, you couldn’t help, but feel blue. The sky was filled with swirls of lavender and citrus oranges. Some god had blown the sky full of confectionary kisses, but you couldn’t focus on it. 
There was an ache in your bones and a longing. A longing for a life of love. Being in a romantic relationship didn’t fill the void left behind by parental issues and it never would. You could be in the happiest relationship and the hollowness could still creep up. 
Everyone wants to be nurtured and loved. Every kid deserves to be loved, but not every person deserves to be a parent. There are no regulations as to who can be a parent. For some, it’s the best thing to ever happen to them. For others, it’s a life-long burden. 
“Am I difficult to love?” You went on. “Is there something wrong with me? I don’t think my mother loves me very much. I thought I meant everything to her, but lately with her actions, she just…” You trailed off, unable to finish. “I just want to be good enough.” 
Seungmin’s heart cracked in his chest at your words. The ooze of hurt surrounding you filled the air and it curdled his marrow. You were the love of his life, how could someone not love you? 
It was like someone had gotten out the scissors and began to snip through his heartstrings. Every word you uttered, it was another snip and another gust of pain. How could your parents not love you? 
“Is that how you feel?” 
“I can’t handle it, Seungmin.” 
The use of his name and not a pet name was like a slap to the face. 
“It’s killing me and I-I can’t deal with it. How do I become someone else?” Tears started to drip down your cheeks. “How do I become better? How can I be a better kid? What am I missing?” 
“Do I need to act differently? Do I need to get plastic surgery done, so I can look better? I feel like my mother’s little barbie doll. She controls me, but she doesn’t really love me. I want to be loved. I want to be needed. I want to be wanted, and I-” 
Your voice broke off. Seungmin shut his own eyes trying not to cry at your words. He knew you had issues with your family, but he didn’t know it was this bad. You hid everything so well. You kept it from everyone and kept it locked away because that’s what good children did. 
Good children shut up about the abuse and neglect they received for the sake of their parents’ image. They uphold the look that their parents have conjured up. They do such a good job, you’d never know. 
You’d never realize those bags beneath their eyes are from lack of sleep. You’d never know how much they’ve been screamed at. You wouldn’t know how much they’ve destroyed themselves to keep their parents happy. A child will do anything to please a parent. 
On and on it goes until a child breaks. The moment you do, there’s a target on your back. You’re not strong enough, you’re not brave enough, you’re not smart enough, and you’re not good enough. Just wanting their approval, you believe them. How could you not? You just want to make your parents happy. 
But bad parents deserve to be outed. It is a privilege to have a child. You are creating the next generation. You have a choice in playing a role in what type of person you want your child to become. 
How dare you break them down into bits of self-hatred and disgust when somewhere out there, another mother would kill to have a chance to lift their child up. Someone out there dreams of telling their child that they are precious. Someone strokes the face of a child in their dreams and they will never have it. 
“It hurts. It hurts so much and I feel like I can’t do anything right. I can barely eat and I’m either not sleeping or I’m sleeping all the time. I feel like I’m slowly rotting from the inside out. I don’t know how to escape it. It got so bad the other day that I…I…” 
The words got stuck in your throat and they wouldn’t come out. It hurt to admit that everything got so bad that you needed some sort of release. Shaken like soda, you were ready to explode. Self-harming had always been a release for you. 
It made you feel like you were doing something right. You were punishing yourself for everything you weren’t. For not being good enough. For not being able to endure the pain. For not being strong enough. For being unloveable. 
Your blood was tainted with sadness. It oozed out bright red and all you could do was watch with a sigh of relief. For once, you were finally doing something right when everything else seemed to be wrong. 
You didn’t have to finish the sentence, but Seungmin knew. His arms tightened around you and he pulled your body towards him even more. He wanted to take it all away. He’d embody this sadness and soak it up like a sponge if he could. 
Your breathing grew ragged as you tried not to cry. You were outside, but there were people below you on either side. If you started to sob, you knew you’d gain their attention. Plus, it might stress out the ride operator down below. 
“Hey, hey, hey, shhh.” Seungmin’s hand comfortingly rubbed your back. “It’s alright, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” 
Your voice tightened again, “I just want to be loved.” 
“And loved, you are. It seems like I need to do a better job at showing you that because you don’t feel like it. You mean everything to me and I’m sorry your parents are that way.” 
“You’ve grown up and turned into such a wonderful person. It’s shitty that they can’t see that. Despite everything, you have turned out amazing. You have a golden heart. You’re precious on the inside and out.” 
“Do you really think that I’d fall in love with just anyone?” He continued. “I’m so picky with who I date that Lee Know believed I was destined to be alone for the rest of my life and then I met you.” 
“I’m a burden.” 
“If you mean making me stutter like an idiot and making my heart flutter, then yeah, you’re a burden. You’re a burden when you send me those goofy selfies and make me blush so hard that I can’t help, but smile because you look cute.” 
“You’re such a burden because every time you text me during rehearsals, I blush and look like an idiot in front of my band members. Do you know how many times I’ve been teased by the old man?” 
You sniffled. 
“Every time he teases me, I tell him that it must be hard for him. Not a single person has looked his way. Why do you think he’s always flirting with the fans on Bubble? He’s like a dog in heat. When he’s horny, everyone knows about it.” 
The sudden confession made you snort. Seungmin smiled and kept talking. “You’re my pride and joy. You know how you have your photocards of me in your wallet? Yeah, well, I made some of you.” 
“Duh! I’ve gotta be ready to show off my significant other at all times. I could talk about you for hours. You know what?” 
“You’ve got me so smitten that I asked Hyunjin for date recommendations. You know how he’s the romantic one? Yeah, I caved. You’ve got me wrapped around your little fingers.” 
You sat up with teary eyes and another sniffle. Seungmin stared at you and gently brushed his thumbs beneath your eyes. “Oof.” His face scrunched up. “Crying doesn’t look the best on you.” 
You ignored his teasing comment. “And what did Hyunjin say? What was his suggestion?” You reached up with your palms and rubbed the wet tears away. 
“Look at me.” 
You pulled your hands away and glanced up at him. You didn’t have time to react as he cupped your face. Before you knew it, he tilted his head and connected your lips. 
Up above the world, the two of you shared a soft kiss. Your lips were seeped in salt from your tears, but he didn’t care. All your previous negative thoughts began to fall away. 
So wrapped up in everything, you forgot about the person who meant the most to you. You forgot about the joy he brought. You forgot how he seemed to melt away every bad thought and warm your heart. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he tugged your hips closer. 
“I got it!” A voice called from down below. There was a creak and the ride began to boot up. Around the two of you, there was a faint hum and the neon blue bulbs around your basket tinkered to life. 
You pulled away from Seungmin wide-eyed and breathless. The two of you glanced around and the ride began to descend. Seungmin’s arms stayed wrapped around your waist. 
“We’re going down?” 
“We’re going down,” he echoed. 
“Thank, fuck.” 
He leaned back when you let your chin drop to his shoulder. Your arms wrapped around his back and you let out a final sigh of relief. His hands found your back. 
“I know I’m not perfect and I won’t be able to give you what your parents couldn’t. I just hope you realize how good you are and how much you mean to me. Your parents are assholes and you deserve the entire world. I’d do anything for you.” 
“I just wish things were better with them.” 
“I know. The next time you feel like hurting yourself, please talk to me. I don’t want you to feel like that ever again. Even if you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll make an exception and let you cuddle me.” 
“Really?” You pulled away from him with bright eyes and a smile. He nodded with a fluttering heart. You looked good with a smile. 
“Um…” Your smile fell. “I’m sorry for ruining our date. That was a lot and I-” 
“No worries, it’s okay. I’m glad we got to talk about it. You know how I said crying doesn’t look good on you? Your best look is the one where you’re smiling.” 
“What if I was wearing something ugly?” 
“Doesn’t matter, the smile brings it together.” 
“You’re being cheesy now.” 
“Hyunjin said being cheesy was good.” 
“You should stop getting dating advice from Hyunjin. I don’t want to date him, I want to date you. We should just do whatever you want to do.” 
“I’m so sorry this happened. Please forgive me!” The ride operator was incredibly apologetic as he opened the small metal gate. “Were you crying? I’m sorry!” 
“It’s alright,” you smiled at him and shifted off of Seungmin. 
The two of you left the basket and you were happy to finally be back on the ground. Seungmin linked his hand through yours and shook his head. “You’re right, I’m never listening to Hyunjin ever again.” 
“What do you want to do then?” 
“I want to go get us our favorite slushies. Try not to cry and season yours with your tears. I highly doubt salty slushies taste good and I’m not buying you another one.” 
He led you through a path of people and towards a slushie stand. As you passed a stand with fried food, your stomach loudly rumbled. Your cheeks went bright red as you mumbled an apology. You hadn’t eaten in so long that your hunger was finally starting to come back. You felt a million times better after the conversation with Seungmin. 
“Scratch that, we’ll get food and then we’ll get slushies. I bet I can eat more fried food than you.” 
“No way!” 
Seungmin smirked, “then prove it.” 
“I will!” You stuck your tongue out at him. 
Seungmin instantly jerked his hand up and gently pinched the tip of it. You pulled away and gagged. “Ew! Gross! You’ve got cooties!” 
“And now you’re infected too. Boo-hoo. Whatever shall you do now?” 
“Another kiss?” 
“Only because I feel bad for you. My kisses are rare, you know? My lips could warm the arctic if I traveled there.” 
“I hope you never read any of Hyunjin’s poetry again.” 
“Just for that, I’m telling Chan you want to call him grandpa from now on. Since you need a new family, he can be the first one to test it out on. Just wait until he hears about this. You’re never going to hear the end of it. I’m texting the group chat and maybe you can call Lee Know ‘kitten’ or something.” 
“Seungmin, no!” 
“Last I checked, I was your baby.” 
“Baby, no!” 
He grinned and took off into the crowd. You screeched and sprinted off after him. He pulled out his phone and dodged and weaved. You yelled after him, not caring that people were staring at the two of you. 
As you flew by an elderly couple, the pair watched you dart down the path. The woman laughed as she squeezed her lover’s hand. “I remember how those days were.” 
“We were just two young kids in love. I’m glad that it’s still playful and timeless as ever. I can’t remember the last time I ran that fast.” 
“Me neither. I treasure those memories a lot. We might not be able to run, but we sure can fly. I’ve heard they're letting adults ride on the carousel. Want to give it a shot for old times sake?” 
“Of course I do, darling. If it’s with you, absolutely. I’ve said it years ago and I’ll say it again, I’d do anything for you.” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡|
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bearhugsandshrugs · 6 months
I am NOT the emperor anon but I think a mind control dubcon drabble with him would be unbelievably hot
okay. because it's you
The Emperor x F!Tav: A Dream Come True Read on AO3 E | Dubcon, DP in different holes, Deepthroating, Mind Control
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Tav can tell that she's dreaming by the way the lighting is a little too soft, the room is a little too warm. Nothing in the Elfsong Tavern feels that comforting, not even her own bed. She’s sitting at a table, a drink in front of her, and when she glances over to her right, she is promptly greeted by The Emperor's face, his glowing eyes piercing her while she comes to.
"You've made good progress", he praises her, nodding. "But I question your loyalty."
She knows immediately what he's alluding to: Even though Raphael blocked him out while they negotiated the deal, all of her companions kept talking about it later on, revealing the devil’s involvement. Of course she hadn't signed anything yet, unwilling to commit to either manipulator at this point. Both The Emperor and Raphael seem to come with a price, and Tav is still figuring out which one she is ready to pay.
"You shouldn't worry", she insists. "I haven't made up my mind yet."
"That's exactly what bothers me", The Emperor quips back, eyes narrowing dangerously, "And I think a little demonstration is in order."
Her mind, unguarded and surprised, snaps like a thin branch when he enters it, submitting to his control. Her vision blurs around the edges before it fades away, and the next time she can see clearly, she is lying on the bed. Without her doing, she is on her back naked – and completely at his mercy.
The way his tentacles flow and curve at the sight of her body confuses her, it's alluring and repelling all at once, but she can't help but imagine how they'd feel on her skin. 
Faintly wondering if these are even her own thoughts, she sighs when The Emperor crawls onto the bed, now naked too, and his body hovers above hers when he speaks.
"You'd be such a beautiful puppet", he murmurs, "But I prefer you willing."
Puppet? Willing? It isn’t clear what he means, but something tugs at her mind, urging her to consider. What exactly, she doesn’t know–
Another intrusion into her mind and her body reacts, heat pooling down between her legs. Tav instinctively tries closing her legs, but his long fingers grab her thighs, holding her in place until she stops resisting. Acutely aware that he’s spread her wide, a flash runs down to her clit, and she doesn’t need to touch herself to know that she’s wet already.
His hands feel cool, a reprieve from the way her body seems to be burning up, and his long claws cut sharply against her skin. Tav realizes in shame that she wants him to touch her, wants more of him, wants to leave, wants to end this, wants him inside of her, everything, nothing, everything, all at once.
Reading her thoughts like an interesting book, the mindflayer runs his hands up the insides of her thighs, and one tentacle tentatively begins stroking her cheek. It's soft and smooth on her face, the contact with her skin eliciting a soft moan from her.
There are no more considerations, no more concerns, no more hesitations for Tav as her mind breaks again and again to one desire, and one desire only: Him.
She turns her face slightly, her mouth seeking and finding the tentacle, and when she closes her lips around it and sucks, The Emperor lets out a deep groan. He tastes sweet, like a ripe plum's juice, and the texture of him is silky on her tongue. Surprised, she feels the end of his tentacle lubricate, a slick that reminds her of arousal, and she sighs around him as he starts pumping in and out of her mouth, the tentacle hardening with every thrust.
Another tentacle wraps around her throat while a pair of them find her breasts, teasing, licking, sucking – she hadn't even realized they could – and it's all so much the moans fly freely from her chest. 
Where she tried closing her legs just moments before, they now fall open to the sides, an unspoken desire making itself known as she whimpers around the length of the tentacle that still pushes in and out of her mouth. He shudders in response, and his movements feel all the more urgent, all the more needy. 
Tav seeks friction, seeks release, and she raises her hips upwards with greed as he ravishes her tits. His tentacles curl around her curves so tightly he binds them as if with rope, before releasing them again, the ends of his lengths finding her nipples in lavish and wet teases, the lubricant smearing all over her skin. It feels soothing, and hot, and cool; like lightning and rose petals, and it’s maddening, so maddening, she needs it, wants it, needs it–
Finally, one of his tentacles slithers down between her legs, lapping at her folds. The Emperor groans as he tastes her wetness, his deep voice vibrating inside her skull. His lust is palpable and all-consuming; a mirror of her own. 
Desperate for more, her hands reach for him, but he pins her down with his own arms, holding her in place. 
“Don’t”, his voice rings through her mind, a warning so gentle Tav’s heart begins to stutter. 
“Please”, she thinks, and he allows it, but not her embrace, no, he allows for her to feel him inside of her as his tentacle pushes into her entrance. 
Mewling, Tav can’t do anything but submit, this is it, this could be us, forever, something in her knows, and she’s tempted, so tempted…
The Emperor sinks the tentacles in her mouth down her relaxed throat, and the one in her cunt starts to harden, tighten as well, just like the one between her lips. Her breaths come in pants only, the little air she can get with him constricting her airways leaving her numb and dizzy, but it’s good, so good. 
Every sensation on her feels like her deepest fantasies come true, her darkest desires fulfilled, as he sucks, and pinches, and pushes, and pounds; wet, and hard, and hot, and smooth on her, in her. 
Nearly there, her mind is allowed as a final thought, and she submits, willingly this time, as his tentacles fuck her over the edge. Groaning with delight, The Emperor’s mind connects with hers, and he shudders in sync with her, sharing her orgasm, amplifying it, repeating it, over and over as she screams around his long, silky lengths. 
Tav doesn’t know how any of it is possible, but the next moment she sits at a table, dressed and out of breath, and the mindflayer watches her with newfound interest. 
“I found the demonstration quite… enjoyable”, he hums, and Tav blushes. “There are yet more ways I could… we could–”
“Thank you”, she interrupts him, desperate to wake up. “I think I’ve seen quite enough.”
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buglvr24 · 3 months
decided to watch the man trap randomly (not randomly i wanted to stare at bones in his black shirt) and i decided to write down some silly things i like about this episode.
- kirk calling bones plum after learning it’s the nickname his ex used for him
- janice just standing in the hallway munching on the food she’s bringing to sulu
- janice and sulu being iconic besties
- the silly plant puppet that is clearly shaped like a human hand
- the salt sucking monster that was pretty normal and talkative when disguised as nancy crater becoming strange and off putting when disguised as crewman green
- not silly, i just think that uhura serves face. i wish i could do eye makeup half as well as she does
- the way kirk cares about bones
- when spock crawls backwards into the bushes
- i wanna know what it was like for crater to live for a year with the salt sucking monster that killed his wife. i’m imagining a wacky roommate comedy
suspiciously salt shaped bones:
- crater definitely fucked that salt monster
- the sparkly bandage that spock gets for his head
- tbh i do see the salt monster in my nightmares
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lesbianfakir · 5 months
I thought it would be fun to compile all the tutu character themes into one post, especially for anyone who’s not as familiar with the music! I’m almost certainly missing some so please send in suggestions and I’ll add them to the post.
Princess Tutu Character Themes:
Tchaikovsky’s nutcracker overture. Fun fact she sings her own theme in the first episode!
Princess Tutu:
Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Flowers
Beethoven’s Coriolan Overture (mainly when he’s either in a fight or antagonizing mytho or Duck):
Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade: the Story of the Kalendar Prince (the main theme of episode 12, which plays as he and Duck search for Mytho. It’s also used in season 2 mainly in reference to his writing).
Princess Kraehe:
Erik Satie’s Gymnopedie No. 1 (plays most notably when she first transforms into Kraehe in episode 7)
Tchaikovsky’s Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (plays during our very first introduction to mytho! If you see him dancing a solo 99% of the time it’s going to be to this song)
Richard Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll
Richard Wagner’s Siegfried’s Funeral March (Raven Mytho’s Theme)
Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker March, often altered to sound more foreboding
Miss Edel:
Delibes’ Coppelia: Musique des Automates. Notable because it all but spoils that she’s a puppet for those familiar with the plot of Coppelia
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sukizuhafics · 4 months
[🔞] ☔️ Deep Love
For Scaramouche — It’s not often that he’s nice. Not that he does it on purpose, no, more like he isn’t sure how to. Plus, being nice is way too boring for him. I mean, come on. He used to be the SIXTH of the FATUI HARBINGERS. How cool is that?!
Nevertheless, the current timeline would probably not be shook by that title. Most of them do not even know what the fuck you’re talking about if you mention such title.
As Scaramouche (or Kunizukushi)’s partner, you’re not much in control. He’d demand and order you and you’d only obey like a selfless puppet. How ironic is that?
Making him happy is one thing, but making him angry is on a whole different level. It’s rare to make him happy anyway. The most distinguishing way to make him content — yes, feeding his ego.
Isn’t he already egotistical enough?
Testing his patience was something he always hated. That stupid playful side of yours had never fail to embarrass or annoy him in any way. Though, being a former harbinger, of course he would punish you in any way, really right?
That wasn’t the case for him. He wasn’t a harbinger anymore, he was your boyfriend. Your lover, your darling. Even if he never publicly displayed or mentioned it, it’s not like he doesn’t love you at least a little bit. You’re both dating for a reason, after all.
Sure, his insults are sometimes overboard.. but it’s not him without being a little mean. You love that most about him..
“What the fuck are you daydreaming about?”
The short, plum haired glared at you with his palm on his chin, rested his elbow on the table. He was already in a bad mood when you both accidentally missed the train because of you.
“I said I was sorry..” You protested, maybe you shouldn’t have thought too much on your outfit to impress him. His comments would just be the usual: ‘You look nice. Let’s go.’
Though, that comment was nowhere to be seen today due to your delay. The couple only sat down at a nice seclude cafe. There was pretty much no one there (your boyfriend ordered everyone to leave).
With a huff, he looked away from you. His pouting face was too pissed off to be seen adorable. “I’m leaving.”
— Just like that, he stood up and ready to leave you alone in the cafe.
“Wait— The next train is here soon!”
“Do you think I care?”
“Well— uhm.. uh..” You stammered, not wanting your boyfriend to leave you there and embarrass you. Your ego is also high after all.
“An.. alternative! Yeah! We can do something else!”
Despite rolling his eyes in a pissed off manner, he stood there and listened to you. How caring.
“Just follow me.”
Normally, he would reply with such responses like ‘You dare order me?’, ‘The audacity for you to utter such blasphemy out of your mouth towards me’.. He remained silent; with a salty face on. The truth is — you weren’t sure what to do either. It was only a spur of the moment because you didn’t want your beloved to leave. Now you’re wishing he actually ignored you and left.
In the corner of your eye(ear), a little promoter was shouting there and there.
“The perfect place for dates! The perfect place for couples! Come order now!”
Save, let’s go!
Surely he won’t get angry at you anymore, right?
Well, you weren’t expecting this.
You ordered a cab and told the driver to head to wherever the address located on the promoter’s flyer earlier. You didn’t expect it to be..
You stood in disbelief, cheeks growing redder by the time as you try to avoid eye contact with Scaramouche.
He kept his silence, crossing his arms as he looks at the big building in front of him with a stoic expression.
“..I wasn’t.. expecting this..” You tried explaining, when the boyfriend stepped forward. Entering the lobby while leaving you behind.. you could only catch up to him.
With room reservations handled by him, you only followed him around like a lost and confused puppy. When the two of you entered the room, it was quite large and beautiful. Your eyes widened in awe at the expensive and beautiful decorations that could cost you a head if broken.
“Hm, not bad.” He said, looking around the decorations of the room. It was his first time in a love hotel after all.
There were rose petals along the path to the bedroom. The bed was tucked in beautifully, but not too tight. It looked comfortable.. and you only dream to lay on it and take an everlasting slumber. There were also candles lit to maintain the romantic vibe.
After some time of exploring, you made sudden eye contact with the other. Making you jolt in surprise.
“You brought me here. What now?”
“Uh.. well..”
He looked at you in disbelief. Did they really brought him here and expected nothing?
He sat on the bed, the romantic atmosphere gave him an ick.
“Come here.” That was an order. You could only obey. “Why did you bring me here?”
How were you supposed to answer that? Surely you can’t say that you were desperately trying to find another alternative date plan and recklessly picked whatever there was??
“Because.. you.. liked hotels..?”
“I lied. I’m sorry.”
Irked, Scaramouche only looked at you in annoyance. He began to feel more and more irritated by your stupidity. Why did he choose to date such a dumb human?
“First you make us lose the train, now you bring me here with no purpose. Are you trying to piss me off or what?!”
He flicked your forehead, cuffing your cheeks forcefully.
“We’re already here, make it worthwhile!”
Those words made your cheeks suddenly grow redder. Was he seriously suggesting the same thing you were thinking? You stood still for a bit, when familiar hands suddenly grabbed your hips, making you sit on his lap. He looked up at you with unamused pissed off expression.
He forcefully connects your lips together, leaving you with no choice but to return the same passion.
Your tongues explored each other’s mouth for a while, making out with subtle whimpers and heavy yet short breaths within each time. He flipped you over, now pinning you down on the bed as your lips stays connected. Your hands over your head.
Once he pulled away, his lips made its way to your neck, kissing softly. His other hand gently sliding under your shirt.
There was no way to turn back now. Your idea for the date was something cute and happy, yet it turned out this way.. Nonetheless, you can’t help but admit that you were slightly enjoying this too.
He grasps on your chest, touching and rubbing your nipples whilst biting your neck. Your mouth letting out a whine in response.
“Shut up.” He uttered, adding a long kiss on your lips as he continued touching you. His kisses were rough.
Scaramouche searched through the drawers as you only sat up in bed, your hair a mess and already half naked.
The hotel really was a love hotel — clearly living up to its title. He found some toys and lube inside the drawers, it was surprisingly completed. Who runs this place??
He took the playthings, leaving the lube behind as he approached his way back to the bed. Back to your warmth.
His face was amused; why would he need a lube for? He can make himself wet just by using you.
“Y/N, do you trust me?”
Absolutely not.
Though that answer was not an option, LOL rip
He chuckled before inserting three fingers inside your already-wet entrance. He moved his fingers in and out your cunt. Making you produce embarrassing pleasurable sounds.
He only wanted to hear that.
He grinned, “Fucking slut.”,
“You’re this desperate already?”
“So warm.. what a pervert.”
His teasing made your face light up in red once more, especially with how he was still using his fingers on you.
After a minute, he replaced his finger with the vibrating toy he had found not too long ago. Making you shiver and jolt from the sudden cold entrance.
He lifted your chin, kissing your cheek.
“Listen, Y/N.”
“You’re not allowed to finish until I say so.”
“Got it?”
He glared into your eyes, his violet gaze meeting yours. It was almost hot — No, it WAS hot. God, his gaze alone could make you cum already.
The vibrations turned up, and you could only response with moans and nodding.
“Use your words.”
You struggled, saliva already forming in your mouth from keeping it open so long. You panted, trying your best to response. “Mhf— I- hah.. under..stand.”
He smirked, undressing your top and his own clothes. He watches you squirm, his expression amused. His pissed off and salty face was nowhere to be seen, and he’s only just started.
Upon seeing your helpless self.. the man leaned you down on your knees, your face meeting his cock. It wasn’t hard, you know he wasn’t satisfied yet.
“What? What are you waiting for? You’re being such a whore, yet you’re clueless?”
“Suck it.” He demanded, the same grin never leaving his face.
With the vibrator still inside you, you moved your mouth on his large shaft. Kissing and finally sucking on it like your lover had been waiting for. The whole ordeal is enough to make you feel like finishing..
Filthy noises came out of your mouth as you tried to continue using your mouth on him. He pushed your head lower, his tip reaching the back of your throat.
“Hah.. hn..”
“That’s it.”
He shivered, the feeling turning him on as you were sort of his plaything now. “I want to fuck your throat so badly.. but that’s no fun.” He added after some time, pulling your hair so that your mouth wasn’t filled with him anymore.
He turned up your vibration, suddenly moving it deeper inside you. Oh fuck, you wanted to cum so much.
“You like it.. huh? Letting me fuck you with this toy.”
“Such a slut.. for me..”
“Your noises.. make them louder.”
He moved it in and out, making you gasp for air. He kissed your filthy mouth as he continued on this little game of torture.
His free hand going to rub your nipples once again.
“Pleas— h-hah.. let me..”
“Cum? You want me to let you cum?”
“You’ll have to try harder than that, sweetheart.”
Oh, how cruel of him. You want to let it go so badly. To cause a wet mess you’ve been so patient on holding in. You were going crazy at this rate. Begging was almost useless, only moans of pleasure came out of your mouth. When he finally took out the toy that had been so deep inside— fuck.. I’ll break, please—
Y/N groaned in pleasure when they couldn’t hold it anymore, earning a temporary pissed off expression from their boyfriend. His angered look then turned into a chuckle as he teased your hole with three fingers, your hole that was still releasing sticky and filthy substance.
“I told you to hold it in.”
“Pfft.. hah.”
“I’m gonna fucking break you.”
Before you could react, he removed his fingers and slammed his hard, large cock inside you. He thrusted it quickly, moving in and out of you so deeply it had already reached your most sensitive spots. Each thrust growing faster than the one before.
“Hah— ah, ah.. you.. ah..”
“Fucking whore.. hngh..”
He kissed you multiple times, making you unable to breathe and only letting him use you to his needs. You broke a rule, after all. Rules aren’t meant to be broken.. are they?
You jolted and shake within each thrust. No comprehensible words could be heard from you other than moans and the syllables “Sca..ra..”
“F-Fuck.. ah.. you’re..”
“..taking me so well..”
He kept thrusting himself inside you, biting and sucking on your nipples. At some point, he couldn’t help but join in the helpless and non-stopping moans.
—— I mean, he wasn’t going to lie. He wants to finish too.
Inside you, that is.
At least.. a couple of times?
“Ahn.. hah.. mnh..”
“Hahn— ah.. hngh..”
“Fuck-fuck— uhn, ah..!”
“Mn.. ah— hah.. shit.”
“Fast..er.. ah.. more.. I n-need more of you..”
“I can’t get enough.”
He was being so fast, you could’ve sworn you came at least twice in that span. For some reason, he completely stopped.. pushing himself deeper inside of you. Grinding.. at this rate, you’ll finish for the fourth time.
..When he hasn’t finished at all!
“Y/N..” He spoke, a bit breathless.
He began thrusting really slowly, each thrust hitting a certain pleasure spot.
For a bit, he stopped. Retracting his body, but still kept the both of you connected.
He lifted your legs above and on his shoulders, going for a position to penetrate you deeper.
“Y/N.. Y/N…”
He repeats with the same breathless tone, like that was the only thing he can think of right now. His mind completely empty with nothing but you. Only you.
After some time, he moves once again. Thrusting inside you deeper, rougher, faster.
“Nn.. hah.. ah.. All the way inside..”
“You like this.. right? When I.. uhn.. ah.. go so deep.. I can feel myself.. on your stomach.”
He pressed your stomach, finding himself.. how deep he was.
His pace grown faster and faster until he was reaching his point of climax too. He kissed you multiple times, trying to reach his point of release.
Eventually, he thrusted himself into you a bit more as he released. Wanting his seeds to reach the deepest parts of you.
He finally stopped completely, the two of you groaned loudly as you released.
It was your sixth release.. and it was his first.
“Hah.. haah..” he panted, “Not yet, I’m not done yet.” He kissed your drooling mouth, not giving you any chance to respond.
“Need.. more of you.”
He slowly moved inside again.
Scaramouche never publicly displayed his affection for you, other than his seldom need for a cuddle or a kiss. Sometimes, even his money spent for you is what you can call a symbol of affection.
Yet tonight, it was something you’d never expect. You could hear a subtle “I love you” coming from between his pants and thrusts. He repeated; “I love you” and again, “I love you so much”
Ah, what a hassle.
You can’t help but love him too, despite his cruelty.
You’re totally gonna tease him for this afterwards.
The End
YOO can’t believe my first smut after so long is a SCARA X READER????
(funfact i dont like scara but i commissioned my friend kinda and she heeded a scara smut for compensation 💔💔💔💔)
It was fun writing this on my 7 hour flight :3
I feel like I just wrote Azeru’s script lmao
Thanks for reading!
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littencloud9 · 25 days
hi hi hi i am dropping some prompts like a cat leaving a mouse<3
beast kunichuu + "it's okay to grieve"
souheki + "what the hell is that"
HII NESS <3 im on mobile rn rip but. have some hurt/comfort (the comfort is vague) and silly fluff
Chuuya finds himself at the top of the tallest Port Mafia building, looking over the edge with a disdainful sneer, when Kunikida says, “It’s okay to grieve, you know.”
Chuuya’s first instinct is to yell. The idea that he would care enough to grieve his death, when he was nothing more than an empty, hollow shell of a puppeteer, is insulting. Chuuya has never held an ounce of respect nor trust for him, and his death is, if anything, a blessing.
The floor beneath his feet crack under the pressure. He quickly regains control of his ability, not realising he was exerting gravity again.
“I do not grieve for a man that was nothing,” Chuuya hisses. He turns his back to the edge, leaning backwards. Kunikida doesn’t move to stop him. “I could pull the exact same thing he did right now and no one would care, because it was cowardly and disgusting and—”
“I would care,” Kunikida interrupts. “I think you do too.”
Chuuya thinks, if it was anybody else who said those words, he’d have already punched them into the ground.
Chuuya despises men who act like they can see right through him—understand his thoughts and feelings to his very core and strip him of all his walls. But while he did it to use him like a pawn, Kunikida simply looks right past.
It’s funny. They couldn’t be more different.
Chuuya isn’t grieving, but maybe he’s too empty to feel anything at all. Maybe the void dragged him in and left him an equally hollow shell when it disappeared.
“He was a single-minded stubborn fuck,” Chuuya says. “Nothing I did could have stopped him from achieving his goals. That’s what I hate the most.”
“You like me, though,” Kunikida whispers.
“…I don’t.”
“You do.” Kunikida’s voice doesn’t waver. Not once. He’s always stood his ground and fought for what he wants, never bending his ideals no matter what Chuuya does—
Huh. Maybe he does like Kunikida. Maybe the implications of that make it worse.
He doesn’t feel like confronting that right now. With two large steps forward, Chuuya reaches for Kunikida’s ribbon and drags him into a kiss, emptying his thoughts.
“What,” Dazai says, and he cannot emphasise enough, “the hell is that.”
Ranpo pouts, waving the object in his hands. “Are you dumb? Obviously it’s a bouquet of roses.”
“I know what those are!” Dazai snaps. “I mean what the hell are you doing giving it to me?”
“Can’t I spoil my favourite princess?”
The nickname makes Dazai flush red. “That is not— I’m leaving.” They grab their cane, ready to book it out of the office, but Ranpo blocks their path resolutely.
Dazai is going to die if this goes on any longer. They can feel eyes on them already—Kenji is beaming, Yosano is rolling her eyes, and Sigma is giving them the most distasteful look ever.
Plastering on a fake, bright smile that pulls at their cheeks and makes their lips hurt, Dazai graciously accepts the bouquet from Ranpo. “Thank you, my sugar plum! I should go put these in a vase at my dorm! If you’ll excuse me.”
“I’ll come with you,” Ranpo shrugs, hooking their arms together. Dazai stumbles when he starts dragging them, barely keeping up. Kunikida doesn’t bother scolding them for ditching.
When they’re far enough from the office such that no one can hear them anymore, Dazai huffs and looks down at the roses. “You’re so fucking embarrassing.”
“You’re not saying you don’t like it.”
“You probably didn’t even buy these. I bet Kenji-kun grew them for you.”
“He did! Because he knew how precious my beautiful girlfriend is—”
Dazai smashes the bouquet in Ranpo’s face, blushing furiously. “Shut up!”
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nottapossum · 2 months
Itty Bitty Sinners’ Favorite Blue’s Clues Characters and Episodes
Itty Bitty Sinners’ AU belongs to @nottapossum
*I didn’t add Alastor because he doesn’t like dogs (if you know, you know)*
Tumblr media
Character(s): Tickety Tock, The Three Hosts (Steve, Joe, and Josh)
Episode(s): Tickety’s Big Musical Morning (BC&Y), Morning Music (Original series), Nurture! (Original series), Blue’s Big Musical (Original series), If You Don’t See It, Be It! (BC&Y), Blue’s Big Holiday (Original series), Love Day (Original series), Magenta’s Thank You Day Surprise (BC&Y)
Character(s): Magenta, Sidetable Drawer
Episode(s): ¡Un Día Con Plum! (Original series), Magenta Comes Over (Original series), Playdate With Magenta (BC&Y), Pool Party (Original series), Blue’s Big Treasure Hunt (Original series), What Does Blue Want to Do with Her Picture? (Original series), What is Blue Trying to Do? (Original series), Blue’s Birthday (Original series), Blue’s Big News (Original series), Blue’s Treasure of Clue Lagoon (BC&Y), Blue’s Treasure Hunt (BC&Y)
Angel Dust
Character(s): Rainbow Puppy, Twinkle, Blue, Magenta, Frederica, Polka Dots, Periwinkle
Episode(s): Rainbow Puppy’s Big Farm Fair (BC&Y), Blue Wants to Play a Song Game (Original series), Blue’s Surprise at Two O’Clock (Original series), Blue’s Beach Bonanza (Original series), Blue Goes to the Beach (Original series), Beyond Your Wildest Dreams (Blue’s Room)
Husk (He watches the show with Angel and Crymini)
Character(s): Periwinkle, The Three Hosts (Steve, Joe, and Josh)
Episode(s): Puppets (Original series), Body Language (Original series), Blue Gets Frustrated (Original series), Joshini the Amazing (BC&Y)
Sir Pentious
Character(s): Mailbox, Polka Dots
Episode(s): What Does Blue Want to Build? (Original series), Inventions (Original series), Mechanics! (Original series), Contraptions (Original series), Mathronauts (Blue’s Room), Beyond Your Wildest Dreams (Blue’s Room), Blue’s Anywhere Box Surprise (BC&Y)
Character(s): The Spice Family, Tickety Tock, Slippery Soap
Episode(s): Steve Gets the Sniffles (Original series), Bugs! (Original series), Snacktime Playdate (Blue’s Room), Tickety’s Favorite Nursery Rhyme (Original series), Blue’s Big Costume Party (Original series), Getting Healthy with Blue (BC&Y), Blue’s Play (Original series)
Character(s): Joe, Boris
Episode(s): Meet Polka Dots! (Original series), Joe’s First Day (Original series), Blue’s Favorite Song (Original series), Song Time with Blue (Original series), Away Great Playdate (Original series), Blue Wants to Play a Game (Original series)
Cherri Bomb
Character(s): Boogie Woogie
Episode(s): Music Stars (Blue’s Room), Rock On, Rainbow Puppy! (BC&Y), Let’s Boogie (Original series), Blue’s Big Dance Party (BC&Y)
Character(s): Green Puppy, Boogie Woogie, Rainbow Puppy, Roary
Episode(s): Bluestock (Original series and BC&Y), What Is Blue Afraid Of? (Original series), The Legend of the Jack O’Lantern (BC&Y), Music Stars (Blue’s Room), Rock On, Rainbow Puppy! (BC&Y), Spooky Costume Party with Blue (BC&Y), Blue’s Big Costume Party (Original series)
Character(s): Boogie Woogie
Episode(s): Animal Behavior! (Original series), Mechanics! (Original series)
Character(s): Frederica, Rainbow Puppy, Paprika
Episode(s): Fred’s Birthday (Blue’s Room), Magenta’s Messages (Original series), Rainbow Puppy’s Skidoo Adventure (BC&Y)
Character(s): Shovel, Pail, Magenta
Episode(s): Dress Up Day (Original Series), Blue’s Big Costume Parade (BC&Y), Blue’s Treasure Hunt (BC&Y), Story Wall (Original series), A Tale of Shovel & Pail (BC&Y)
Character(s): The Three Hosts (Steve, Joe, and Josh), Miss Marigold
Episode(s): What Experiment Does Blue Want to Try? (Original series), Inventions (Original series), Mechanics! (Blue’s Clues), Science with Blue (BC&Y), Building with Blue (BC&Y)
Character(s): Green Puppy
Episode(s): Blue’s Sad Day (Original series and BC&Y), I Did That! (Original series), Sad Day with Blue (BC&Y), Bluestock (Original series and BC&Y)
Character(s): Magenta, Tickety Tock
Episode(s): Getting Healthy with Blue (BC&Y), Into the Blueniverse (BC&Y), Hide and Seek (Original series), Knights of the Snack Table (Blue’s Room), Knights of the Snack Table (BC&Y), Adventure (BC&Y)
Character(s): Blue, Moona, Frederica
Episode(s): Blue’s Big Holiday (Original series), Environments (Original series), Our Neighborhood Festival (Original series), Hug Day (Blue’s Room), Love Day (Original series)
St. Peter
Character(s): The Three Hosts (Steve, Joe, and Josh), Rainbow Puppy
Episode(s): Blue’s Favorite Song (Original series), What Does Blue Want to on a Rainy Day? (Original series), The Case of the Missing Thinking Chair (BC&Y), Blue’s Countdown Celebration (BC&Y)
(IDK how this works, I apologize. Lol
This was Supmitted by @nostalgic-woodwind ), and it's all very accurate! Beautiful ❤️)
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anarcho-skamunist · 4 months
Can you undead these plums I never ate?
a plum is just the mature ovary of a larger organism and so it can't be reanimated (restoring the cells of a single organ is in the realm of restorative spellcasting). reanimating something as in bringing it back to life as in giving control of the body back to the dead wouldn't really work here. I could animate a plum like one would a skeletal puppet (either through direct effort or through an artificial and autonomous spirit) but the rot would still be there as that is new life, and removing new life is kind of the opposite of necromancy.
This is why you have to work fast with people corpses too. You can always bring someone back as many times as you want but the rot is an everlasting companion.
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chatonyant · 2 years
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A rainy night.
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choxlbun · 1 month
Two puppet things in one weekend!
A fraggle in my usual plush style, her name is Jam (also known as Plum Jam)
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I was a little disappointed cuz she didn't look much like a fraggle. So, I did little experiment of trying to recreate a fraggle head, his name is Doopy! He's a little..... Cursed. 😅
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... It's good for a first try- 😭
Also their designs, I think they're siblings!
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lotrmusical · 18 days
here it is: the Big Wheel of Things People Love About Watermill Lord of the Rings!
spin here
optional: use what you get as a creative prompt for fanworks to celebrate the anniversary of the production! (full info here)
a couple stats from sorting the responses, just for fun:
louis/frodo is the most commonly mentioned, followed by nuwan/sam, aaron/aragorn and folarin/gimli.
a full 10% of responses mention the characters' physical affection: hugging, holding, reaching for each other, etc. this is truly the world's claspiest musical
louis and nuwan are tied for the most quoted line deliveries, followed by tom
everyone really loves the ent noises and falling leaves in the fangorn scene. (5 separate mentions)
full list of responses & credit below the cut 🍃
The Ents being represented by the sound of wood striking wood in the walls
The actor-musician setup - the way everyone is musical and telling a story!
Galadriel standing within her giant wreath - which turns into a sort of Ring of fire when she's considering going darkside
The choreography of Flight to the Ford
Frodo and Gollum's parallel body language
Folarin's performance in Moria
Saruman. Everything about Saruman
Aragorn's habit of clasping people's heads
Matt Bugg's Gollum thirst traps
Evil flute magic
I want the ring/risk to be mine alone
Day May End
The breath like choreo at the first "lorien laure"
clutching our heads in his hands
Mrs. Bracegirdle
Samfrosie 5ever
"our lives are woven together yours and mine"
aoife's voice
sioned's extremely eldritch elf queen
brown sam and black rosie!!!!!
yazdan's just really hot
extreme divorced energy saruman/gandalf
that bit in the council of elrond where Legolas speaks just as the turntable has put him directly facing the audience
Boromir's death and wake
Boromir's ghost/Faramir
Aragorn/Arwen, they do it SO WELL
The new arrangement on specifically Frodo's verse of Now And For Always
The way that PDukes says the words "a far, green country"
Frodo constantly slinging his arm around Sam's shoulders
Plum cake
Bilbo kissing Frodo's hands
Ensemble hobbits reaching their hands out to Frodo when Sam helps him up before Wonder
Hobbit hug after Gandalf falls in Moria
"Heyday" stupid-foot-tap-jump-thing
The change in Gollum's voice after Frodo calls him "Smeagol"
Sparkly elven cloaks
The way Arwen holds her arms
Stab Wound Continuity™️
Shelob puppet
PDukes standing behind Theodenothor looking so SAD
Arwen & Aragorn's matching arm movements during Lasto i lamath
The "beat drop" in Lothlorien (when they start singing in Quenya lol)
"Master Elrond, WHY there is a dwarf here I do NOT know"
The lighting during Song of Hope (reprise)
The Black Speech being projected on the back wall when Gandalf takes it out of the fire in Bag End
Frodo mostly hanging back at his own birthday party and then immediately getting SO INTO IT when the dancing starts
Frodo fully forgetting his pack at the start of The Road Goes On and Sam grabbing it for him
Louis' voice
Frodo directing the other hobbits and encouraging the Breelanders during The Cat And The Moon
The red waistcoat with Louis' dark hair and eyes
How physically affectionate Frodo is with the people he loves
Frodo grabbing Smeagol's arm to counter-balance as Smeagol falls into Mount Doom
Louis being the resident freak in all of the cast interviews
Frodo being on the lower harmony for the first time in the whole show when he joins Sam singing at the Gray Havens
little small leaves floating down in the ent scene and the soft Boom Boom accompanying them
It drove my sibling's wife insane for several months. Sometimes the most important thing about a production is how much it means to people you care about.
the actor-musicianship
the intimacy of the theatre
the cast themselves
the strong south-asian inspiration in the music and choreo
It felt like such a genuine production. No big stage or huge light shows, just actors having fun and delivering one hell of a performance. The smaller venue helped with that a lot
The pre show where Bilbo walked among the crowd greeting people and chatting with them as if they too were hobbits.
I walked from Newbury station to the theatre so getting there and seeing that the outside of the theatre was decorated as well was such a good way to arrive there after an hour of walking
All of the actors being the ones who play pretty much all of the music as well made me have so much more respect for the amazing cast
The parts where actors played outside of the stage like gollum climbing the decor or Aragorn (I think) suddenly being on the balcony.
The leaves falling when the ents are in the scene made it so much more immersive
The costumes made for the production were amazing. Each one suited the character well
I saw the actress who played pippin smiling throughout the entire show. She was having genuine fun and that made it so much more authentic to me
I am Astonished that they managed to fit all the three books into one musical.
I just really hope this musical will someday return to the watermill theatre as it was the best performance I have ever seen. Nothing will top this
the way louis maskell says "mr gandalf - please" with a laugh in his voice as he kneels next to sam to "protect" him from being turned into anything unnatural
the final show where sam scurried behind frodo during "don't let him turn me into anything… UNNATURAL" so frodo just knelt with his hands out in front of him like "Mr Gandalf… please"
Legolas! and! Gimli! forehead! touch! and! head! clasp! during wonder after talking about seeing the caves and the forests together
Louis Maskell's wiggles
Yazdan's northern accent for Legolas
the Look TM and intonation on Frodo's "…goodbye, Sam" before they do the foot tapping as Sam heads off to the Ivy Bush with Rosie
looks like /you've/ got ALL the company you need
oh yes! lots of FRUIT around here
Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli doing different rituals whilst kneeling over Boromir's body
Aarongorn's ritual gesture - hand to head, chest and lips
boromir: 'and defeated him!!' elrond: '…...yes. 🙄'
'don't adventures ever have an end?' bilbo's heartbreaking tone
circle of light holding gandalf captive in isengard
the pattern from the moria doors also used on gimli's costumes
NAZGUL PUPPETS. horse skull my beloved
the blue cloths rippling down from the ceiling for flight to the ford
amelia's high harmony in road goes on
council of elrond turntable and curved benches blocking that effortlessly puts everyone where they need to be to keep the scene moving, clear, dynamic
'go forth in hope that the small may succeed where the great could not' tom's tone and gentleness with frodo making me cry every time
all the times merry, pippin and sam support frodo and help him along, emotionally and physically
nuwan's beautiful floral guitar strap
sioned's galadriel becoming increasingly terrifying, her distant gaze and lilting intonation
matt bugg gollum upside down moments
the audience helping to rebuild the shire for the epilogue
the big white sail for frodo to exit behind one final time, and his last look back as he goes
all the people playing instruments but ESPECIALLY elliot getting so so energetic and hype during song of hope reprise
'w-w-what she means is… how about a song?' and the other hobbits immediately dying inside
FOLARIN'S LAMENT FOR MORIA and his bowing to the surroundings before he starts and the depth and reverence and awe he brings!!
CHARLOTTE GRAYSON ROSIE 'i've been expecting you since the spring!!' making me cry every time
aarongorn's gentleness and reluctance to come out, and the way he sits during the council trying to fade into the background while everyone's talking about the lost sword
bridget and reece's cartwheel/lift choreo in cat and the moon!
the lights in the big tree by the outside stage
'that's often how it is in a forest, pip' geraint's hilarious delivery, and him and amelia clearly having the MOST fun together
The ensemble acting as an extension of Sam! He represents the people ✊
The way Aragorn falls to his knees after Song of Hope (Duet)
The nazgul lighting
Incorporating the environmentalist message from the book with the wildflower packets, the orcs' industrial look, and the emphasis on rebuilding at the end
The ensemble narration :)
The sense of loss that clouds the production, as it tells of the end of an era and doesn't quite finish where it started (same place but so much is missing) (again with the rebuilding theme)
Rosie Cotton
Creative use of the physical space in the house!
The ents being represented by Noises
Being a major adaptation willing to mess around with gender! I hope this starts a trend of more genderfuckery in Tolkien adaptations
the detail of the set and costume design!! e.g the pattern on gimli's costume matching the moria floor pattern
Folarin's Lament for Moria - absolutely incredible voice, was swept away
The hobbits hurriedly putting their waistcoats on and rolling up their shirtsleeves as they transition from Mount Doom to Gondor
Yazdan's wide eyed wonder and smile as he sings Lorien
Sam's quiet, muttered "no Frodo" when Frodo says "goodbye Sam" during the final (I love to have my heart smashed into a thousand pieces)
Charlotte as Rosie - so joyful and sweet and strong and A++++ fiddling
whoever's job it was to stick their hand through a hole in the ceiling and drop leaves one by one while the ents were talking
Nuwan's Sam and Louis' Frodo, how tender and in love they were
Tiny weirdo powerhouse Georgia Louise Galadriel!! Best Galadriel performance ever.
Boromir and Sioned-Elf’s mesmerising interaction at Lothlorien
Legolas and Gimli's arm clasp / forehead touch during Wonder
Bilbo’s birthday party in the garden and getting to wish him a happy birthday
Frodo’s expression when Elrond gives him his blessing
Elf hand choreography and hand speak!!
Literally everything about Nuwan and Louis in Now and for Always
Sassy Elrond/Saruman
Aaron’s soft boi Aragorn. I stan a gentle king.
Nuwan's Sam being decisive and protective with Frodo and taking no sh*it. "Lots of fruit around here!" comes to mind.
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mtkay13 · 2 years
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A portrait of Zhou Xu. There is quite a bit of background behind this image, so allow me to ramble about TYK!Siji manor and QY!Tian Chuang a little :
The three yellow flowers in the top are the symbol of Siji Manor in TYK. It comes from the following description in Extra 5 : Wandering Jianghu :
[...] You may ask from god-know-where does this three golden flower pattern come from? [...] From then on, they receive salaries from the royals and no longer work in jianghu, but that flag with the golden flower is definitely a token of Four Season Manor.
I looked up the original, and no flower species was specified; I was then advised japanese chrysanthemum by Bichen, which I thought was aesthetically very interesting. I first used it for my personal design of the TYK!Siji manor uniform :
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I have many, many headcanons regarding TYK!Siji. Here is another citation, from Extra 5 still, that I use for my conception of it :
People of the same age group as this lowly old man must all have heard of Four Seasons Manor. This Manor was built by an eccentric figure while the previous emperor was still ruling. Nobody even knew of his name, but everyone from that Manor was similarly mysterious. They were experts in disguising their faces, their qinggong was extraordinary, and while none knew who their manor lord’s shifu was, or even his real face, the manor lord was the either the best or second-best martial artist.”
“The Four Season Manor dealt in the business of secrets; it was said there was nothing in this world that they could not investigate, so there were hordes of people spending fortunes to buy information from them.
In the book, ZZS also compares the Scorpions to Siji Manor more than once, and even comments on how they're just "lesser versions" of Siji. From there, I like to think that ZZS learned everything from Qin Huaizhang, and that the manor's practices were quite similar to Tian Chuang's. The curious part about ZZS' story is that he inherited the manor so young. There have been several discussions within servers I'm in about whether or not ZZS was QHZ's oldest disciple, but I like to think that he wasn't . In Qi Ye, one of ZZS' acolytes, Lu Yu, also excells in disguise, so has a good chance of being from Siji himself; however, his age isn't disclosed, hard to draw a conclusion from there, and I would guess that it is up to interpretation. My personal headcanon is that ZZS wasn't the oldest, but he was certainly the craftiest, the kid whom QHZ saw as resembling himself the most, and that's what decided him. What ZZS had in him, however, was the seed of something much bigger than Siji Manor itself, and he ultimately brought the manor to its abandon- moved to the capital, gave the organisation a new name, and ultimately left. I love to visualise Siji!ZZS as this faceless, ominous person - a genius, an unstoppable force (the plum tree) that can't simply keep things as they are, that is bound to move, to bring things-the country itself- forward, even if it means a great deal of destruction - destruction of the manor, destruction of lives, commoners, nobles, manor brothers, destruction of himself.
One of my 7 nails illustration played on that imagery too. I will put it back here since it kind of resonates with the portrait above and with my headcanon.
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I have an idea for another illustration that would have ZZS and the manor shixiongdis standing in the manor's courtyard, probably in a specific stance; but ZZS is, again, a faceless entity, while the others are pierced through (or even articulated like puppets) by plum tree branches. The manor behind would be also taken over by giant plum tree roots and branches. Back on the plum tree imagery : the TC courtyard is decorated with plum trees, and the nails themselves smell like plum blossom. In Qi Ye, although this is never brought up again, TC agents have a plum tree branch tattooed on their forearm. Plum trees grow fast, from the research i have made. They have beautiful, thick black trunks and delicate flowers that range from white to red. In the first lines of TYK, it is impossible to distinguish the white petals of plum blossoms from the snow on the ground. In Qi Ye, what has to be ZZS' most atrocious crime happens during the winter, as snow is falling. I think I'm just extremely fond of that symbol which, in my opinion, is well chosen. The plum tree is persistent even in winter. Its petals scatter everywhere, light as snowflakes, hard to catch. And its trunk is strong, dark, and growing fast, yet it looks so delicate; its petals sometimes taking a deep red tint, as if stained with blood. Whether for TC or ZZS himself, it's just great.
Anyway. I guess the rest is self-explanatory, haha. I really like Zhou Zishu, by the way.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
what does dandelion (jaskier) look like in the books?
(jaskier (buttercup) also translated as dandelion, marigold, larkspur, and lovage...)
this post is a third installment in my "witcher character descriptions in the books" series.
physical appearance
physical build
Bounds of Reason, Pt. III: Beside him, a slim man with a fanciful little plum hat pulled down over his eyes, adorned with a silver buckle and a long, twitching heron’s feather, was reclining, gently plucking the strings of a lute.
Eternal Flame, Pt. I: A slim man in a little plum hat with a white feather jumped aside like a scalded cat, and the flowerpot crashed onto the ground just in front of him, shattering into pieces.
Something More, Pt. VIII: He looked down. A slim man in a cherry jerkin and a little hat with an egret’s feather was jumping up and down and waving his arms on an abandoned cart loaded with cages which had been shoved off the highway.
dandelion is slimly built.
a good start to this post would be to remember that n*tflix is only one in a line of adaptations, and it's not the first where jaskier's appearance has not matched that of the books - from an interview in 2001 where sapkowski answered questions from fans, one fan explained all the reasons for why he did not agree with the hexer's casting for jaskier. in his opinion, zbigniew zamachowski was, quote...
Kaszycki Nestor: Next - troubadour, Jaskier - he is pretty, young, popular with women, he is athletic (jumping on the roof in "Blood of Elves" and entering through the window to find Geralt and Shani). And unfortunately Mr. Zamachowski, in my humble opinion, does not have all these features. I know that the film does not have to be a true reflection of the book, but please, have some limits! The stories are really of the best quality, I wish you further successes and I hope that the film will be released soon, staying true to what you really wrote.
sapkowski, of course, replied that it was not his fault because the adaptations are not his to meddle in:
AS: All comments - especially requests - are directed at the wrong address. After all, like all vain artists I consider my work the only creative material. Sapkowski answers the questions of the active users of "Sapkowski Zone" (2001)
the fan is, of course, referring to this scene, which, to his credit, is indicative of a degree of dandelion's athleticism, likely gained over the years from escaping out bedroom windows of his various fiancees when their husbands arrived home:
Blood of Elves, Ch. 5: He slipped unseen into the garret, clambered out by the window vent, slid down by way of the gutter onto the roof of the library, and – nearly breaking his leg – jumped across onto the roof of the dissecting theatre. From there he got into the garden adjacent to the wall. Amidst the dense gooseberry bushes he found a hole which he himself had made bigger when a student. Beyond the hole lay the town of Oxenfurt. (...) He merged into the crowd, then quickly sneaked down the backstreets, dodging like a hare chased by hounds. (...) He climbed the ladder to the thatch and leaped onto the roof (...) Gripping the moss-covered roof tiles, he finally arrived at the window of the attic he was aiming for. An oil lamp was burning inside the little room. Perched precariously on the guttering, Dandelion knocked on the lead frames (...)
it's also worth mentioning that dandelion is able to pick up and swing around essi "little eye", who is like a sister to him. she is described as a young woman, not older than eighteen, and very slim.
A Little Sacrifice, Pt. III: "Ech, Puppet." Dandelion seized the girl around the waist, picked her up and spun her around so that her dress billowed around her.
although he does, i won't mention the part where dandelion picks up yennefer because it's spoilers for the very end of the saga and it's insinuated that he had help in doing so... but also for context, yennefer is "short, even in high heels" (the last wish) and "willowy, slender" (a shard of ice) so she, like essi, also likely doesn't weigh too much.
i'll also mention that dandelion sometimes exercises good judgement in quickly dodging or leaping aside when he needs to, but is not prone to bouts of athleticism or agility. he just seems... pretty average.
if you want more specifics, just think of a poet who spends half of his time writing, half of his time in brothels, half of his time in restaurants, and half of his time starving alongside an equally starving witcher. and none of his time at the gym :)
hair and eyes
Eternal Flame, Pt. IV: Tellico straightened up abruptly. His face’s features, still those of the Witcher, blurred and spread out, and his white hair curled and began to darken.
Note: The context for this scene is that Tellico (otherwise known as Dudu), a doppler (also known as mimic - a shapeshifting creature), has taken Geralt's form but is now taking Dandelion's, so the description here is of comparing Geralt's features to Dandelion's. White is the absence of color, so changing it to any color at all would have "darkened" it... though this passage was misleading before Season of Storms (which explicitly calls Dandelion blond) was published in 2013, and led many to believe Dandelion has dark hair.
however, he is also stated to have fair hair on his chin in the story following eternal flame, a little sacrifice:
A Little Sacrifice, Pt. III: The troubadour looked down at the ground and scratched his chin, which was covered in light, soft stubble (jasnym, miękkim zarostem). Drouhard, mouth gaping, moved closer.
i've also seen this translated as "peach fuzz".
and in the mentioned season of storms, he's blond:
Season of Storms, Ch. 4: (...) A dandy in a fanciful hat with an egret feather stuck into it, with shoulder-length blond hair curled with irons.
it's also mentioned in the original saga that his hair is long and curly:
Baptism of Fire, Ch. 2: As for Dandelion the dandy, he had already been mistaken a few times for an elf or half-elf, especially since he had started wearing his hair to his shoulders and occasionally used curling irons.
dandelion has shoulder-length hair blonde hair, which he often curls with irons.
Bounds of Reason, Pt. III: A pair of cheerful cornflower-blue (modre) eyes shone from under the bonnet, now shoved back on his head.
dandelion has blue eyes.
Blood of Elves, Ch. 5: "I know you’re almost forty, look almost thirty, think you’re just over twenty and act as though you’re barely ten."
Tower of the Swallow, Ch. 3: "You, Dandelion, are still not forty. Writing was drummed into you in the temple-cliff school with a cane in the butt when you were eight. Even if we assume that you have written rhymes ever since, you’ve served your mistress poetry no longer than thirty years."
dandelion is in his mid-to-late 30s during the saga and "looks" to be in his late 20s or early 30s.
and yes, he was at least in his 20s when he met geralt. here's why:
he is already a famous poet during the time in which he first met geralt in edge of the world:
Edge of the World, Pt. I: “Eh, famous witcher? Haven't you wondered why?” “I have, famous poet. And I know why.”
he only became famous after studying for four years, then did a fifth year teaching, and had to gain fame over at least "several" more years of travelling:
Blood of Elves, Ch. 5: (...) considering he had studied there [at Oxenfurt] for four years, then had lectured for a year in the Faculty of Trouvereship and Poetry. The post of lecturer had been offered to him when he had passed his final exams with full marks, to the astonishment of professors with whom he had earned the reputation of lazybones, rake and idiot during his studies. Then, when, after several years of roaming around the country with his lute, his fame as a minstrel had spread far and wide, the Academy had taken great pains to have him visit and give guest lectures.
and he only "seriously" began poetry when he was nineteen:
Tower of the Swallow, Ch. 3: "(...) But I don’t have to assume, because you yourself have frequently said that you started seriously rhyming and composing melodies when you were nineteen, inspired by the love of Countess de Stael. That makes one less than twenty years of service, Dandelion."
though it's worth noting that shani, a medical student at oxenfurt, is seventeen years old and in her third year, and it's also referenced in other areas of the series that novices at aretuza also begin their schooling around 14 years of age, if dandelion began his schooling at oxenfurt when he was 14, the comment about him seriously beginning poetry at 19 would make no sense because he would have already graduated by then. so perhaps there are different starting ages for girls and boys?
it can be estimated that dandelion started his education at the academy of oxenfurt when he was 18-20 years of age, due to the specific reference that he seriously became involved with lady poetry when he was 19 years old.
i'll say 18, and adding 4 years to this, he would have been 22 when he graduated, and 23 as a lecturer. now let's say "several" is around 3 to 5 years of travelling. he would have been in his mid-to-late 20s by the time he became famous, and in his late 20s by the time he met geralt. (and if you indeed want to have him enrolled in oxenfurt at 14, he would still be in his mid-20s by the time he meets geralt).
"that doesn't make sense because of the amount of time that passed between the short stories and the saga—" and i'm telling you, it doesn't need to. i may write a longer post about dandelion as a litmus test for geralt's character development throughout the series at some time, but the fact of the matter is that sapkowski likely just forgot about dandelion's age being a plausible thing, because it mattered so little in relation to the actually important parts of his character.
buckle up, buttercup! i've decided to chronologically structure this section of the post because dandelion features a myriad of outfits throughout the saga and he's described as wearing something different almost every time we see him; however, there are also some steadfast articles of clothing of his, which i'll make note of at the end. but these are all the times in which i can remember his outfit being mentioned.
edge of the world, pt. i
They climbed onto the cart. The witcher stretched out comfortably on the straw. Dandelion, evidently afraid of getting his elegant green jerkin (kubrak) dirty, sat on the plank. Nettly clucked his tongue at the horses and the vehicle clattered along the beam-reinforced dyke.
the last wish, pt. vii
“That's all. And now…” Dandelion pulled himself up, brushed his jerkin, adjusted his collar and fancy—if dirty—jabot (żabot). “…perhaps, gentlemen, you'd like to tell me the name of the best tavern in town and where it can be found.”
the voice of reason, pt. 5
A peal of laughter and the strumming of a lute resounded in the corridor and there, on the threshold of the library, stood Dandelion in a lilac jerkin with lace cuffs, his hat askew. The troubadour bowed exaggeratedly at the sight of Nenneke, the heron feather pinned to his hat sweeping the floor.
season of storms, ch. 4
Geralt didn’t know who he [the person who had intervened] was. But he knew perfectly well who the noble-looking man’s companion was. A dandy in a fanciful hat with an egret feather stuck into it, with shoulder-length blond hair curled with irons. Wearing a doublet the colour of red wine and a shirt with a lace ruffle. Along with his ever-present lute and with that ever-present insolent smile on his lips.
bounds of reason, pt. viii
Dandelion tried to trip Gar (, but ineffectively; Gar clung to the bard’s rainbow-hued jerkin (tęczowy kubrak) and thumped him between the eyes with his fist. Yarpen Zigrin, leaping from behind, tripped Dandelion, hitting him behind his knees with the haft of a hatchet.
eternal flame, pt. i, pt. iv
‘You don’t keep up with the fashion,’ the bard grimaced, brushing a chicken feather from his gleaming, cornflower-blue kaftan (chabrowego kaftana) with puffed sleeves and a serrated collar. ‘Oh, I’m glad we’ve met (...)’
‘Phew,’ sighed the bard, springing up, ‘I’ve got it. It’s fine, Geralt, we can go now. Admittedly my cloak with the marten collar is still there, but too bad, let it be my grievance. Knowing her she won’t throw the cloak down.
‘Dudu,’ he said to Dandelion’s strangely deformed cordovan boots sticking out of the rolled-up kilim. ‘Copy Biberveldt, and quickly.’
EDIT: note that the polish word kaftan does not refer to the same garment as it does in english, the long robe-like garment, but rather something like an elongated kubrak, (jerkin), reaching below the waist but coming up to above one's knee, long-sleeved or sleeveless. this was specified by @karanfile 💖 thank you!!
a little sacrifice, pt. ii
They had already sold Geralt’s gold signet for food, and an alexandrite brooch the troubadour had once been given as a souvenir by one of his numerous paramours. Things were tight. But no, the Witcher was not angry with Dandelion.
something more, pt. viii
A slim man in a cherry jerkin and a little hat with an egret’s feather was jumping up and down and waving his arms on an abandoned cart loaded with cages which had been shoved off the highway.
blood of elves ch. 1
He got to his feet, fastened his belt and pulled on his jerkin, all the while looking at the nobleman standing at the threshold.
baptism of fire ch. 2
Dandelion dogged Zoltan's company. He wore a quilted jacket he had acquired from the dwarves, and he had replaced his crumpled feathered hat for a marten fur cap that made him look like a scoundrel. In his wide brass studded belt, he had planted a knife he'd been given as a gift, giving him the look of a true rogue. The knife had a bad habit of pricking him in the groin every time he bent forward. Fortunately, he soon lost the roguish dagger and didn't have another to replace it with.
it's worth mentioning that this outfit is likely what he wears for the next month during his travels with geralt through to tower of the swallow / early october.
baptism of fire ch. 5
dandelion is injured in an escape and has to have his head bandaged.
Geralt took off his jacket and tore off a sleeve. The tip of the arrow had scratched Dandelion’s ear, leaving a cut that reached to his temple.
‘I will give you a few stitches,’ Regis said, still not paying any attention to the witcher or his sword. ‘Be brave, Dandelion.’ Dandelion was brave. ‘I’m finished,’ Regis finished his treatment. ‘Between now and the wedding, as they say, you’ll heal. A wound is perfect for a poet, Dandelion. You will walk as a war hero with a big bandage on his head and the heart of the girls who look at you will melt like wax. Yes, truly a poetic wound. (...)’
baptism of fire ch. 7
Behind Regis and Geralt rode Dandelion on Pegasus with his head bandaged like a war hero. Along the way the poet had composed a heroic song, in which military rhymes and melodies resonated and was reminiscent of their recent adventures.
we don't hear anything about his bandage in tower of the swallow so i assume it healed over the course of the month of september
tower of the swallow ch. 3, 5, 7
in september 1267, dandelion has a leather tube of manuscripts which was the first draft of half a century of poetry.
‘From these notes’ – Dandelion showed them a tube filled with papers – ‘my life’s work will be created. Memoirs under the title Fifty Years of Poetry.’
Dandelion pressed the tube with the manuscripts to his chest. He had not separated from it recently, even for a moment. You could tell that he was struggling with his thoughts. And the thoughts were winning.
‘And just in time!’ Dandelion shouted, coming up together with Angouleme and a small group of pilgrims, lute in one hand and his trusty tube in the other. ‘And not a second too soon. You have a sense of drama, Geralt. You ought to write works for the theatre!’
he loses it in anna henrietta's closet sometime in april 1268 when he cheated on the duchess with baroness nique.
‘Dandelion!’ Geralt had only just noticed what he should have noticed much earlier. ‘Your priceless tube! Your centuries of poetry! The messenger didn’t have them. They were left in Toussaint!’ ‘They were.’ The bard nodded indifferently. ‘In Little Weasel’s wardrobe, under a pile of dresses, knickers and corsets. And may they lie there forever.’
lady of the lake ch. 3
The man who greeted them was Dandelion, coiffured and arrayed like a prince.
lady of the lake ch. 4
He found Dandelion in the knights’ hall. The poet was wearing a crimson beret, as big as a loaf of sourdough rye bread, and a matching doublet richly embroidered with golden thread. He was sitting on a curule seat with his lute in his lap and reacting with careless nods to the compliments of the ladies and courtiers surrounding him.
lady of the lake ch. 11
‘You are free to go, Viscount.’ ‘And my property?’ yelled Dandelion. ‘Eh? You can keep my chattels, copses, forests and castles, but give me back, sod the lot of you, my lute, my horse Pegasus, a hundred and forty talars and eighty halers, my raccoon (szopami) -lined cloak, my ring—’
A ducal messenger caught up with them almost at the very border of Toussaint, from where one could already see Gorgon Mountain. He was pulling behind him a saddled Pegasus and was carrying Dandelion’s lute, cloak and ring. He ignored the question about the one hundred and forty talars and eighty halers. He listened stony-faced to the bard’s request to give the duchess a kiss.
his hat
up until baptism of fire ch. 2 / mid-august of 1267, dandelion wears a plum hat with an egret or heron's feather, a sight which is iconic:
Geralt knew this little hat (kapelusik) and this feather, which were famed from the Buina to the Yaruga, known in manor houses, fortresses, inns, taverns and brothels. Particularly the brothels. ‘Dandelion!’
it's called a "bonnet" in the official english translations, but this is somewhat misleading as it is called "kapelusik" in polish, translating to "little hat" because it's just the diminutive of hat (kapelusz), likely indicating that it's a hat that is not a wide-brimmed hat.
"bonnet" is not completely out of line with the character, because it likely refers to a tudor bonnet (as opposed to, like, a milkmaid's bonnet), and at this point is just a feature of the translation. as you can read above dandelion also wore a large beret in toussaint, which is essentially what a tudor bonnet is without the brim.
in season of storms, it's clarified as to what shape and material dandelion's hat is made of, as geralt compares the hat of frans torquil, a constable of gors velen, to dandelion's:
The constable took off his hat and brushed needles and seeds from it. His headgear was of identical cut to Dandelion’s, only made of poorer quality felt. And instead of an egret’s feather it was decorated with a pheasant’s tail feather.
we can infer from this that dandelion's hat is made of a high-quality felt, and is like a hunter's cap (i've had this reference saved for a while)
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though make note that his hat has an egret or a heron's feather:
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his lute
dandelion received his lute as an apology from the elf toruviel who broke his previous one. her lute was a work of elven craftsmanship.
Edge of the World, Pt. VIII: “By the gods, Geralt.” Dandelion stopped playing, hugged the lute and touched it with his cheek. “This wood sings on its own! These strings are alive! What wonderful tonality! (...)” (...) laughed Dandilion, carefully turning the delicately engraved lute pegs.
Time of Contempt, Ch. 5: He removed a lute from the saddle’s pommel. It was a unique, magnificent instrument with a slender neck. This was a present from a she-elf, he recalled, stroking the inlaid wood. It might end up returning to the Elder Folk . . . Unless the dryads leave it by my dead body . . .
his horse
he has a horse during the events of the short stories, but during the massacre of cintra and the flight from the jaruga, this horse is stolen:
Something More, Pt. VIII: ‘What are you doing here, Dandelion? How did you get here?’ ‘What am I doing?’ the bard yelled. ‘You want to know? I’m fleeing like everybody else, I was bumping along on that cart all day! Some whoreson stole my horse in the night! Geralt, I beg you, get me out of this hell! (...)’
in blood of elves, he's gotten a new bay gelding, and in time of contempt and baptism of fire it's revealed this horse is named pegasus.
Blood of Elves, Ch. 5: Dandelion smacked his lips at his bay gelding and rode on, making his way through the crowds roaming the streets.
Time of Contempt, Ch. 5: The ravine was sombre and damp, and the wet clay and carpet of rotten leaves lying on it muffled the thudding of his dark bay gelding’s hooves. He’d called the horse ‘Pegasus’. Pegasus walked slowly, head hanging down. He was one of those rare specimens of horse who could never care less.
Baptism of Fire, Ch. 5: She [Milva] first recovered Pegasus. The poet’s gelding was ignoring the kicks to the ribs and the cries of the peasant who was riding him. He would not gallop and walked among a birch grove sluggishly, lazy and slow. The peasant was left far behind the rest of the horse thieves. When he heard and saw Milva approaching from behind, he jumped off the horse (...) Milva (...) jumped into the saddle, ringing the lute strings strapped to the saddle. Familiar with the horse, she was able to force the gelding to a gallop. Or rather a sluggish run, which Pegasus considered a gallop.
his physical appearance: blonde, long-haired, curls hair with irons. blue-eyed. slim. looks to be in his late 20s, though he is mid-30s. ever-present insolent smile.
his usual outfits: jerkins and doublets in a vertiable rainbow of colors, including rainbow! his "basics" or undergarments worn underneath include shirts with lace cuffs and ruffles. he also has some jewelry and fur-lined cloaks.
his outfits change during the travels with geralt in august - september of 1267, and during his stay in toussaint in october 1267 - april 1268. see baptism of fire, lady of the lake sections for more.
his hat: plum hat with egret or heron's feather. see section. he doesn't have it after mid-august of 1267.
his lute: elvish. see section.
his horse: a lazy dark bay gelding named 'pegasus'.
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