#then i realized that i didn't actually like that version of a botw link and i scrapped them for a while
bloomingbluebell · 5 months
no i don't have a favourite link ahahaha what makes you think that *pointedly not looking at the copious amounts of evidence that says it's botw/totk link*
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kenneduck · 7 months
would your botw/aoc shiek be masc like in oot? trans masc shiek?
Ahh, great question! I'll preface my answer by saying I didn't play OOT yet, and actually my knowledge of Sheik as a character is extremely limited to the Hyrule Warriors version and how THAT Sheik was realized as Zelda.
When designing Sheik for BOTW/AoC Zelda, limited to the info I know, I designed this Sheik as a disguise for Zelda to break away from Link's watchful eye to find other ways to defeat the Calamity, as her powers hadn't awoken. The outfit is mainly pieces of clothing Zelda took from Impa, hence the more feminine clothing and presentation. She's put under extreme pressure to awaken her powers, (Based on the Age of Calamity Zelda depiction), but is also forced under such a watchful eye, that she's unable to really push herself to awaken them on her own, so it's her means to get away and not feel... useless.
Though, saying this, I fucking love Sheik as a character. I have yet to play OOT, but growing up with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I fell for Sheik as a disguised Zelda, and the masculine appearance Sheik gave. I'm just not of full knowledge of OOT, though I have it for my 3DS and intend to progress in it (I'm stuck in the first dungeon LMAO). Once I truly meet Sheik, I'm sure my HC and feeling towards the character will change, and how I'd depict Zelda as Sheik in BOTW/TOTK.
Hope this answer was okay! I apologize for not knowing much! I personally love any HC, and if people made trans masc Sheik with BOTW/AOC Zelda... my heart would be so happy! I'd like to draw a masc version soon, based on the sheikah outfit Link is able to collect in the games. Since these drawings were limited to "Zelda stole from Impa", I didn't explore a more masc design, which to me isn't fully fulfilling as I adore the OOT design the most.
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
For context on why I didn't figure this out sooner, I only figured out how to fight lynels recently and am having way too much fun with it because I just ignored the block and dodge and parry mechanics. I like to just go ham and it doesn't always work very well. My version of Link is so feral that he forgot how shields work until like two days ago
Oh yeah I never bothered with blocking in BOTW, shields were just there for surfing and sweet fuckall else. It was very rare for me to ever actually block anything, and I NEVER used the advanced combat stuff. The timing window was waaay too fucking narrow, and fucking it up caused problems, so I just didn't bother. Tried to do the stupid shield parry strategy with a guardian once, ate shit, and immediately realized that just shooting them in the eye was a thousand times more reliable.
I'm pretty sure they made the timing on parry's and flurry rush waaay more forgiving in TOTK, i got that feeling just from the tutorial shrine about it - the BOTW tutorial shrine always took me at least five tries to get the damn parry to work, but i nailed it first time in TOTK. Which is very good, because I was genuinely stumped on how the fuck I could possibly fight a Lynel without my usual tactic of just spamming stasis+ for free hits. And I swear to god they've made Lynel's smarter, I don't think they used to actively run around in erratic patterns if you had a bow out to shoot at them. It's damn near impossible to headshot a Lynel unless it's standing still now. I like it, makes the fights more challenging! And also being able to fight with more tactics than just 'kill it till it dies' makes me feel very competent.
Only downside of shields being useful now is that... well, shields are actually useful for fighting now, so I'm limited in how many surfing shields I want to have on me. Which is very unfortunate, because I've also discovered you can fuse a minecart to a shield to get a sweetass skateboard, and that's just unfairly fun, 10/10. I am eternally torn between my love of murdering things and my love of skateboarding. The duality of man.
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ezdotjpg · 3 years
Ahh, well that makes sense! Sometimes I feel like I have one main hc for botw Link but then ideas that don't make sense so it's just branching possibilities. That sounds like it'll be interesting if you end up making it! Aw bless him, hoping for memories from it and perhaps a boost of courage from remembering who he was to get him to go up and fight and free Zelda. Honestly I also would have put off beating Ganon too, had I not accidentally landed in his fight. I didn't realize you could still play and complete side quests after fighting Ganon so I wanted to do as much as I could before facing him (I was trying to get the side quests in the castle cause I'd heard there were nicer weapons there lol). Also! Since the sword isn't even necessary to fight him (which I have Opinions about) conceivably Link could decide to go there without the sword, but I think after hearing so much about it and himself (and probably after getting that memory hearing about how there's a voice) Link would feel he needs it to beat Ganon and that takes ages to get the strength for.
yeah lol it gets hard bc I guess there actually Are some ideas I have for bonus slate that don’t apply to my general botw link so,,,,,,idk I just hold a lot of different versions of link in my head at any given time lol I try to make it known which I’m talking abt
Yeah I for sure agree abt him feeling the need to have the master sword. I went and got it and I cheated my hearts to do it lol. although it did just occur to me that it would make things really Interesting if Slate never went to get the master sword,,,,HMMM tucking that thought away for later
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miharuhebinata · 6 years
idk if you guys remember this but awhile ago i installed a mod that lets me play as zelda in botw (which is awesome btw i highly recommend doing this cuz it makes the game so much more fun) but only just recently i installed one that changes the majority of the text too, so now characters actually refer to her as zelda instead of link. something i didn't realize until today though (& i was so happy to discover) is that the modder didn't change any of the dialogue too significantly, which means it now looks like paya has a crush on zelda???? it's so cute too, she's calls her mistress zelda & writes about her in her journal.... god i was smiling so hard, i love lesbian paya so much?????? but also it gets better! because you know what this means?
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