#then they updated their social media finally so they didn't and that was a relief but
sage-nebula · 1 month
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Every day is suffering when you're a Hollow Knight fan. (Happy for y'all in the Hades fandom, tho.)
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sadghoststudios · 6 months
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STATE OF PLAY 12/23: a little news and updates roundup!
Howdy all! Squeaking in just before the new year, I thought now's as good a time as ever for a little roundup of anything you might have missed, and what we're currently working on! Aiming to do these quarterly from now on 🫡✨
If you wanna keep up with posts like this from us without relying on social media, you can also sub to our newsletter! Promise not to annoy you. Good emails only.
Recap and news under the cut!
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2023 Roundup
We had two releases this year, but DemiDato was the big one! For those that don't know, this game spent a long 5+ years in and out of development hell, so it was a big relief to finally put everyone's hard work out into the world back in March.
We were also lucky enough to feature DD in the Queer Games & Queer Halloween bundles this year, so even if you haven't had a chance to grab the game outright, check your itch library - you might already own it!
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As for the future of our monsters, a 1.1 update is still on the cards! The bulk of it is already complete - there's some script tidying and quality of life improvements already in the WIP build, as well as a fancy schmancy CG Gallery (which you can see a little preview of in the devlog I wrote). 
1.1 development has admittedly stalled a little, as I really want to implement some animated video transitions plus an animated intro and trailer into its final build, but it's been hard to find the time to teach myself a whole new skillset while also being in preproduction for our new title (more on that in a bit!). In my head for all the years of development, the game has always had a really cheesy reality show intro with horribl(y good) graphics, just like the real life shows that inspired it. So even if the feature didn't make it to 1.0, I still really want it to happen eventually. (Plus, when we do eventually rerelease on Steam, a trailer is very important for the store page! That means it counts as futureproofing, right...?)
If you want to hear some more about what the release was like, my dear friend Kaiju of Digital Diversity interviewed me right after the game came out! You can read the interview on Digital Diversity over here.
Our second game of the year was a short little nugget written for 2023's Josei Jam, and devved almost solo by timepatches (hi! that's me!)
It'd been a long time since I managed to get anything off the ground in a jam setting, and I still find it a little intimidating (it's really difficult for me to get new ideas & iterate on them fast enough to meet the start deadline and recruit others), so solo dev it was! My art is hardly intricate but it gets the story across, and I'm proud of the VN as a whole - whatever you think of 'wholesome games' as a movement, it's hard to deny that we all need a cosy space now and then, and that’s the kind of story I like to tell most. And it's not like GrandNya is all sunshine, either, which you'll know if you got to the end!
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I also managed to apply to Hand-Eye Society's Super FESTival with GrandNya, and was somehow accepted, which I'm still pinching myself about! What a stellar lineup of games to share a page with.
Fest aside, it was a pretty quiet release all things considered, so don't worry if you missed it! Your grandmas are still there on our itch page anytime, to give you a lil’ pocket of safe queer story to live in whenever you need it.
Now for something completely different!! Despite some prior medical commitments around the jam date (which then got moved, typical), I was VERY stoked to be able to hop on the team for Kristi HusbandoGoddess' Yuri Jam game, Intoxicated!
It was an absolute blast. Turtles were drawn in the group chat for reasons I can no longer remember. It singlehandedly made me decide that I want to do more jam work on others' teams, because I forgot how fun it can be working toward a common goal in a more relaxed environment! 
And the game turned out incredible. Check it out if you support women's wrongs! ♡
Plans for 2024
[Codename BAT 🦇] (the big otome/amare game)
Oh yeah. It's big.
I won't spill too much just yet, but just know that I've had this idea as a vague plot bunny in the back of my mind for years. Then, as my dear friend Charlie and I were on VC beta testing a late DemiDato build, it came up and they were so excited about the idea that I couldn't help but start seriously thinking about how to make it.
Well. That was in March. After I took a break and worked on GrandNya, I've been working ever since on building out the world (it's set in the same universe as the rest of our library, but deals a bit more with the actual ramifications of it all, so I had to set some things in stone I haven't before). More recently I've been building out the most coherent, easy-to-follow outline I can (not my strong point, and bless my beta readers for their support while I complain about it). 
Very soon I should be able to start writing! Terrifying! I can't wait. Once I'm a fair way into the script writing you'll get to hear about exactly what I'm cooking, and I think... you'll like where we're going.
[Other Redacted Thing]
Not my project so I won't spoil exactly what it is, but I get to do some UI work for an upcoming jam project and I am SO excited! I get to work with some very familiar faces again! You'll know what it is as soon as I'm allowed to tell you 👀
What I will say is that it shares a coincidental similarity with my long project...
That's it!! ✨
Thank you for reading all my waffle (being long winded is my special talent), and for sticking with us through the inevitable periods of radio silence! We're still just little fish in a very big pond, but every time someone plays something I made and feels some type of way, I remember what the point of all this is. 
It makes me very happy to be able to share stories with y'all. Here's to more in 2024!
♡ Madi Wander (@timepatches)
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queeniegalore · 2 years
Our Dear Friend Jonathan - an Academic Analysis of Dracula Daily
I’ve had a little interest, so I'm posting the short project I did on DD for my Digital Humanities class at uni way back in June! A few caveats - this is technically an 'analysis of a digital artifact' and not an essay, so it's not hugely in depth, plus I was only given 1000 words (which i exceeded by quite a bit, whoops) so I didn't get to included nearly as much as I wanted to. Also tumblr only let me include 10 images, so I've cut out a few of the memes I'd used (it also erased my links but I have them all saved so I'll add them in list form if anyone wants me too). Finally, I've contacted all the artists included and obtained permission to post their (credited!) work! Enjoy!
Our Dear Friend Jonathan
Substack, Tumblr, and the Digital Intimacy of the World’s Biggest Book Club
By Rebecca F
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Dracula Daily, created in 2021 by Matt Kirkland, is an astonishingly simple concept on the surface. Utilising the email subscription service Substack, Kirkland divides Bram Stoker’s 1847 epistolary novel into emails that are sent on the real-world date that corresponds with the in-fiction date of the events. Protagonist Jonathan Harker starts a travel diary detailing his trip to Transylvania on the 3rd of May, and the rest of the novel continues in journal entries, letters, newspaper clippings, and even a diary kept on phonograph, all dated, up until the final entry in November. Some entries are pages long, some only a few paragraphs, many days (almost two weeks in June) don’t have an entry at all. Every entry, however short, is emailed on the correct date, and unless the reader wants to go out and buy a copy of the book to ‘cheat’ and read ahead, that’s all they get. Interestingly, the book itself doesn’t present all of these entries chronologically – dates tend to skip back and forth. Reading via subscription, then, changes the fundamental experience of reading Dracula in more ways than one. In 2021 the mailing list slowly spread by word of mouth, and Kirkland ended up with 1600 subscribers. In 2022, after the idea went viral on popular internet social media sites Twitter and Tumblr, Dracula Daily has 200,000 subscribers – and climbing (Martinelli).
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1. Image Header for the Dracula Daily subscription
How does reading Dracula via email change the experience of reading Dracula? For this analysis I’ll be dividing this question into two parts – firstly, the actual physical, practical and individual act of reading the novel via email and the way that effects the intended experience, and secondly, the wider, communal ‘book club’ aspect, which is the real reason Dracula Daily has gone so viral and become such an important moment in what I have coined digital intimacy.
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2. Dr Seward by Tumblr user @crepuscol
Playing With Time
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Dracula by Bram Stoker is a famously claustrophobic novel. The opening chapters with Jonathan Harker travelling to Count Dracula’s castle only to be held captive there lean on the sense of being trapped and confined with a monster – but these chapters are over in fifty or so pages, freeing the reader quite quickly and bringing a sense of relief before the slower build up to the main climax. Reading the book chronologically, however, changes all that. Having to wait for daily updates really intensifies the sense of time – we can feel how long Jonathan is trapped with the Count, and we can slowly see his mental state deteriorate. Occasionally, unlike in the novel as published, we escape the castle entirely, leaving him there alone, to read letters from his fiancée Mina, her friend Lucy Westenra and Lucy’s three suitors. These are amusing and engaging asides that nonetheless leave us screaming for the focus to return to our trapped protagonist. This builds a sense of intimacy, we’re now directly invested in Jonathan and every entry from him feels like a letter written personally to us. As Tumblr user @atundratoadstool puts it, “We all will–in fact–be skipping ahead some chapters in a few days to meet another narrator only to skip immediately back to catch up with our collective friend Jonathan Harker… You can’t have your dread or anticipation undercut by future events. Like all the characters you’re going to meet, you just have to wait for Dracula to act upon you,” (emphasis mine) (@atundratoadstool). Another user, @soup-is-here, describes it thus, “I think at this point the dread of Jonathan's isolation is so much worse than the idea of him actually being bitten, especially in this email format. It really demonstrates just how long the Count kept him there in a way sitting and reading the book wouldn't,” (@soup-is-here). So, we realise that the act of digitising this novel changes the nature of the novel.
In their essay “Universal Design and its Discontents,” Richard H Godden and Jonathan Hsy discuss the pervasive nostalgia that sometime overtakes discussions about digital culture, quoting Adam Kirsch who asks, “Is it actually true that reading online is an adequate substitute for reading on paper? If not, perhaps we should not be concentrating on digitizing our books but on preserving and circulating them more effectively,” (Godden and Hsy). One can’t help but wonder what traditionalists like this must think of a project like Dracula Daily, which seems to embody everything they despise about the digital humanities – and one could also feel a level of frustration that they would miss or dismiss the excitement that these readers are experience in discovering a new way of reading and meaningfully engaging with an old text.  
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3. Dracula going out in his lizard fashion by Tumblr user @horseboneologist
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4. Jonathan Harker and Count Dracula by Tumblr user @nehezt
Digital Intimacy
Dracula Daily, as a movement rather than the literal subscription, really came to life on Tumblr. A quick browse through the Dracula Daily tag will show up thousands of posts, a combination of art, memes, discussion and – perhaps surprisingly – serious and thoughtful analysis, all with anywhere from dozens to thousands of interactions. At one point, Dracula Daily trended on Tumblr above popular Marvel Cinematic Universe release, the Eurovision song contest and hotly anticipated Dr Who casting news (Kuppermann).
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Marketed as a youth pop culture microblogging site and having somewhat of a reputation for frivolity, one could be excused for being baffled that a 125-year-old piece of classical literature has gathered such a huge and devoted following. But it seems that the digital intimacy the subscription forges between the readers of Dracula and its characters also translates to the readers of Dracula and each other. In short, the act of reading the novel all together, one tantalising piece at a time, has created an exclusive 200,000-member strong book club, and in order to be part of it – to enjoy the in-jokes, to get the memes, to contribute to the meta – one has to keep up with the story.
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Every day when the email arrives – the same time for everyone across the world – the Dracula Daily tag becomes flooded with people sharing their thoughts on the latest entry, replying to and reposting each other’s posts, adding to the discussion, arguing, analysing, and joking. This demonstrates a remarkable collective level of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, as readers mine every sentence of the daily entry for material. There are blogs now to keep track of the different posts, one, who responded to my request for help in putting this project, has entries archived meticulously with tags like “memes,” “reference,” “serialisation,” and “analysis” (@draculadailytracker). And while the Tumblr denizens do tend to run with jokes like Jonathan Harker’s preoccupation with paprika, there is a surprising amount of intelligent literary discourse. An example of this is that when Jonathan writes an entry about the "g*psies" who show up at the castle, a number of posts sprang up acknowledging and discussing the racism, Orientalism, imperialism and anti-Romani sentiments that are embedded through the novel. There have also been mature discussions about the sexual politics of the book, as well as the homoeroticism and queer themes. The literary establishment has tended throughout the years to be overwhelmingly white and male, this is an excellent demonstration of the ways the digital humanities can work towards democratising and opening up these discussions.
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 In her essay “Whither the DH?” Lee Skallerup Bessette talks about the way Digital Humanities – in an academic sense – can help foster communities amongst disparate groups of people, she even likens it to the practice of letter writing between artists and intellectuals in years past (Bessette). This Tumblr phenomenon is an unusual demonstration of this, and all the more fascinating because it is entirely organic and without an official organising body. The only thing that holds Dracula Daily together is the daily email. There isn’t a real club, there aren’t prompts, there’s no incentive to join in. The material itself isn’t even new – it is merely presented in a new way. “When asked, Kirkland can only guess why people have been fascinated by the project,” writes Jacob Kupperman. “He proposes that the “gap between ‘vampire cliche’ and ‘actual Dracula’” driven by Dracula’s long cultural legacy may play a role, as well as the communal nature of reading the text via newsletter,” (Kuppermann). Or as a tumblr reader says, “not only is it free and making the novel available to just anyone who has an email, which is by far the most integral and necessary aspect of subscribing or interacting with anything these days in a formal way, but it's introducing this story in an ingenious, new format that gets the readers to interact with it not as a novel but as if, our dear Jonathan Harker, is emailing us personally,” (xmichaelmyers).
Ultimately, it remains to be seen whether Dracula Daily will survive the June posting drought, or make it to the end of its run with anywhere near the same amount of hype and engagement it received in its first month. But this phenomenon is a remarkable achievement in dh – it’s organic, it’s grass roots, and an excellent example of how literature can be reimagined through technology. As we collectively await updates from our dear friend Jonathan, we’re doing it together, intimately engaged, in the world’s biggest and most active book club.
Works Cited
atundratoadstool. Where Wild Flowers Grow of Their Own Accord. 7 May 2022. 10 June 2022. <https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/atundratoadstool/683528925666770944?source=share>.
Bessette, Lee Skallerup. "W(h)ither DH? New Tensions, Directions and Evolutions in Digital Humnities." Kim, Dorothy and Jesse Stommel. Disrupting the Digital Humanities. Brooklyn: Punctum, 2018. 419-454.
draculadailytracker. Tumblr Book Club. 10 June 2022. 10 June 2022. <https://draculadailytracker.tumblr.com/>.
Godden, Richard H and Jonathan Hsy. "Universal Design and Its Discontents." Kim, Dorothy and Jesse Stommel. Disrupting the Digital Humanities. Brooklyn: Punctum Books, 2018. 91-116.
Kuppermann, Jacob. "Dracula in Real Time." Long Now 19 May 2022. <https://longnow.org/ideas/02022/05/19/dracula-in-real-time/>.
Martinelli, Marissa. "Why Hundreds of Thousands of People Are Reading Dracula Together Right Now." Slate 17 May 2022. Website. <https://slate.com/culture/2022/05/dracula-daily-bram-stoker-book-newsletter-jonathan-harker.html>.
soup-is-here. Absolute Unit. 31 May 2022. 10 June 2022. <https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/atundratoadstool/683528925666770944?source=share>.
xmichaelmyers. The Wolf's Den. 05 May 2022. 10 June 2022. <https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/xmichaelmyers/683421341500751872?source=share>.
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5. The Three Suitors by Tumblr user @marghen
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archangelmacaron · 2 years
NTMF College AU Chapter 6
How am I still doing daily updates? This is wild... I just live for the small burst of serotonin from getting a heart notification, I suppose <3 I believe I'm about three chapters ahead, although I have the full story outlined (so pro!) so depending on the next few days I might need to slow on the updates a bit but... I don't wanna LOL Sending another thanks for reading and commenting and even just hitting that heart button <3
“Thankfully, Jillian is satisfied that I am fine, and not planning to do anything rash, and she has left for work early today because of errands,” Noel said with relief as she closed the bedroom door behind her. “It is barely past nine am, though. We still have several hours before sunset.”
“Do you have anywhere else you can go in the meantime?” The devil on her bed was a bit too casually posed now, sitting with his feet resting on a pile of textbooks. He had a hand on his face as if he was thinking.
“Um, not particularly... certainly not anywhere I can think of that I would be able to go to while also concealing you.” She peered out her window at the sunny day outside, wondering where she was going to sit. The only option seemed to be back on the small bed right beside him, and he was definitely taking up more of it than he had been when she'd awoken.
He closed an eye, seeming to make a slightly irritated face. “You have no projected return time for Spica, correct?”
“No. Unfortunately she is a bit unpredictable, as evidenced by her unexpected murder scheme.” Noel finally sat on the bed next to the devil, the cheap mattress sinking her closer to him. It was her room, after all, he could move if he was uncomfortable. “When she spends the night at Ribellio's she usually doesn't come back until maybe three or four in the afternoon, but sometimes she stays up all night and comes back here in the morning. If she was hoping that she killed me last night, she'll likely head back earlier to see the results, right?”
He nodded. Noel tapped her own chin thoughtfully. “Spica doesn't seem to be good at predicting our behavior, however—mine and Jillian's, I mean, I have no idea what her experience with devils is, or if you'd somehow met before.”
He shook his head. “Unless she is using a different name, we have not. Do you perhaps have a photo?”
“Ah, yes—one moment.” Noel looked around, then grabbed her smartphone from the bedside table. The battery was low, it seemed she had been too drunk to plug it in the previous night. She opened a social media app and typed in Spica's username, pulling up her account. She handed the phone to him, and he looked at her oddly.
“What would you like me to do with this?”
“Eh? That's her account. Scroll for a bit, she posts a lot of food and artsy photos, but she definitely has some selfies in there.” “Scroll?” He looked utterly bewildered.
Perhaps he is not good with technology—I wonder if all devils are like that?
“Use your thumb to touch the screen and drag it upwards.”
“Like this?” He pressed it a bit too hard, and enlarged a photo of some graffiti. Noel shook her head, reaching over.
“No, lightly. Like this.” She moved closer to him to touch the phone in his hands. She backed out of the image and demonstrated the action, then looked up to see if he'd understood—only to realize she was now practically right beneath him, if he leaned forward just a little his pointed face would be able to touch her head. She glanced down to realize that her prosthetic leg was pressed up against his, she hadn't been able to feel it. She turned away in a hurry, hoping he didn't notice.
Ah, I feel like my face is on fire again! It's just—I have not been close to males very often, and certainly not on my own bed! My parents would be fainting in shock if they saw me here now, with not just a male, but a devil next to me!
Perhaps it would serve them right for being so controlling, even now that I am an adult.
She stifled a small giggle at the thought of her parents fainting on top of each other in horror at the sight of her next to the devil. He didn't notice, having finally gotten the hang of scrolling. He paused on an image of Spica making a rude gesture at the camera with a large smile.
“You... make it bigger by tapping it, correct?”
“Ah, yes! You've got the hang of it. That's her.”
He peered at the image for several seconds, then shook his head, handing back the phone. He didn't seem to notice that he didn't have to reach very far to do so. “No, I don't recognize her.”
I'm going to have to trust that he is not lying on this. I seem to be putting a lot of trust in someone I just met—and a devil, no less!—but again I remind myself, if he had wanted to harm me, he certainly would have done so by now...
… wouldn't he?
She glanced over at him again, once again noting how much larger than her he was, emphasized again by being so close to him. Her head came up to about his chest. It would be awkward to move further away now, won't it? Would he be offended? Or is he already offended with me being right here? Ah, I don't know! I feel like the closer I am to him, the less I can think clearly. Is it fear—fear that I am refusing to consciously acknowledge—driving me mad?
She changed the subject in her mind, then verbally. “As I was saying a bit ago, Spica doesn't seem to understand my or Jillian's behavior very well. She assumed Jillian would be spending the night at her—well, I suppose they aren't girlfriends yet, as this was their first outing... Ah, anyways, Jillian is not the type to go that far on a first date! So Spica probably thinks—or hopes—that Jillian will discover my body this morning, and might be waiting to hear if she does before heading back here. That would further distance her from the crime, just in case it does get investigated.”
It would be so traumatic for Jillian to find me torn apart... I really have misjudged Spica. I thought she was simply quirky, rude, and annoying, but it seems she has a very cruel streak.
“Jillian also has one of these... mobile phones, correct? Can Spica contact her with that?”
Noel nodded. “I requested that Jillian simply ignore any texts from her today.”
“She simply agreed to such an odd request? You did not give her details, I would hope.” His eyes were narrowed at her.
She frowned. “Is that important? I trust Jillian completely.”
“I do not.” He glared down at her in a manner she found a bit aloof.
Her frown deepened. She was more than a bit sensitive about people saying anything negative about Jillian after how horrid her parents treated her friend. “You haven't even met her!” “And I do not intend to. I have doubts she'd be as casual as you appear to be when meeting a Great Devil.”
“Ah, that is true...” Jillian had been prone to panic attacks in the last few years, and seeing someone like him would certainly give her a large one. Noel shook her head. “It does not matter. I hope to have this mystery solved before the end of the weekend, and so your paths might not even cross.”
“Hmm.” She was beginning to grow a little annoyed by the non-committal noises he'd make—as if he was thinking everything she said was just slightly idiotic or doubtful. He is the one who chose to contract with me after all, for heavens knows what terms... he doesn't need to be so snooty about it! He could have just gone home!
If he had, however, she would have been dealing with this situation alone—or worse, Jillian would insist on helping her, and she didn't like the idea of her timid friend in danger. She let out a sigh.
“The point you were making—you think I should stay hidden from Spica, correct?”
“Yes. Let's keep the fact that you're alive from her as long as we can. Once she learns you aren't dead, or maimed, she may try again, depending on what her true motives were and what her cohorts demand.”
“We can assume those cohorts are Burrows, Becker, and Lorenzi—possibly more. I will not trust any members of the faculty going forward, and must also consider that other students are involved. For example, Ribellio, Spica's boyfriend... I can't really see him wanting to harm anyone, but where Spica is concerned, his behavior is very unpredictable.” She gave the devil an awkward expression. “I do not mean to make unfounded accusations, but I suspect Spica may be abusing him.”
“If he was chosen by them to perform the ceremony, then he's at least part of their plan. It doesn't matter if he's being manipulated or forced to or not. He can't be trusted. You'll need to be just as wary of him as Spica.”
“I will be.” Noel frowned. “You said you couldn't go out in public with me, and that going out in public was alone was dangerous for me, so I am not certain where precisely you suggest we hide from her.”
He thought for a moment. “Does this building have any unused rooms, like an attic?”
“Yes, but the attic entrance is in Spica's room.”
“Could you get into it without her knowing?”
“She's extremely messy, I don't think it will be difficult. But do you really think we should hide up there all day?” Noel wasn't sure how she felt about that. What exactly would we do to pass the time?
A very unusual thought entered her mind, and she physically shook her head to chase it out. Once again, he didn't seem to notice her slightly strange behavior.
“Yes. We'll be able to hear her when Spica comes back and potentially gain a little insight into her motives by what she does next. It won't be that long before sunset.”
“If you say so,” Noel said with a grimace, carefully standing. “Um, I'll need to get dressed now.”
He nodded. “Do that.”
She waited. He didn't move, simply looking at her with sharp red eyes. She gave him an expectant look. He only blinked.
She let out a huff, shaking her head and gathering her clothing before heading into the small bathroom to change. He didn't seem to understand her annoyance. She thought she heard him mutter something as she closed the door, but she wasn't certain.
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iwavibes · 4 years
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ;; thirty five
----haikyuu social media au
iwaizumi y/n, nekoma's second year manager, has always been in love with kozume kenma. in an attempt to get her to move on, her two best friends introduce her to the prettiest boys they know.
besides, the only way to move on is to actually move on, right?
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word count: 1k+
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You took a deep breath as you came face to face with the gate, the only thing separating you from the boy on the other side. You took a quick glance at the opened messages on your phone. Seen. It hurt you to know that your best friend was purposefully ignoring you. You were fine two days ago. You wondered what changed or what you might've done to make him act this way.
Your eyes sparked up at the sound of a message notification, your eyes zeroing in on the message Shirabu sent.
'it will ♥️'
And you felt the weight on your shoulders lighten at that. Even though he didn't know what it was about, his words comforted you like no other. Especially at this exact moment.
Mustering up every bit of courage you have in you, you pushed the gate open. The moment you lock eyes with the tired but nervous ones he held, you could feel your earlier bravery dwindle away almost instantly.
"Kenma…" you breathed out. Your voice sounded like you've run a marathon when in fact, it was your nerves eating you away.
"Y/n…" he replied, almost as nervous as you were.
"L-look…" you started. "About what happened last week…" you couldn't seem to look him in the eyes, instead fixating your gaze on the ground. You sneaked a glance his way, only to see a pair of expectant eyes staring back.
You didn't know what he wanted you to say nor what he was thinking. But you've rehearsed this a hundred times, a thousand if you counted the ones you did in your head, and so the words tumbled out of your lips before you could stop it. You looked away.
"It was a mistake." You say with every bit of faux conviction you could conjure up. "It was all just a rush of emotions, you know? I didn't know what came over me when I did it. A spur in the moment. Like one of those time limited missions in story games and you have to pick a choice fast? I'm sorry. That was a very dick move and the fact that I'm telling you it was a mistake is even worse. I just… don't know what I was thinking." You were rambling now, you know you were but you can't seem to stop. "We've been friends for years now and you're one of the rare people that stuck to my side even after that incident. I cherish that. The fact that you didn't care and that you were happy to be friends with me. It sucks that I have to move away so abruptly. I really want to leave everything on a good note and not awkward… but I can't help but think that I just ruined everything."
"I-is that what you want?" His voice was soft. Like a newly fluffed pillow and gentle like a sweet lullaby.. But there was also a twinge of hesitancy imbued in the way he spoke. You can sense it.
You closed your eyes before nodding your head. "Yes."
You hear him sigh. What was it? Relief? Defeat? You didn't know. A flurry of emotions raged through your body and you stiffen at the silence.
If you could only look his way. Look at the expression he was wearing. See the disappointed eyes that bore on your turned skull. Maybe you would've thought twice about what you've said. But it was all out there now and you felt too ashamed to even steal a glance as you felt his arms wrapped around you.
You felt your cheeks burn at the contact, not really expecting him to hold you this close nor initiate something so intimate.
He rested his chin on your shoulder, holding you firmly by your waist as you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him.
"You didn't ruin anything y/n." He whispered. "I don't think you could, even if you tried. You're my friend. And I would pick you over anything."
You didn't understand what he meant by that last statement, too relieved to even process anything right now as you pulled him closer.
"I'll miss you, Kenma. I'll miss you so much." You whispered, voice shaky as tears began to form in your eyes.
At this, you feel his hand on your head, stroking the strands of your hair in comfort. "I'll miss you too, y/n. More than you'll ever know."
If you could just pull away to look at him, maybe you would've seen the few tears that streamed down his cheeks. You would've seen the desperation, and the longing those glossy eyes of his held.
He wiped them off once he was ready to pull away. A small smile on his lips as you tried to give him one back.
He patted your head one last time. You watched as he took a step back before reaching down to one of his pockets. He held a small trinket towards you, a small blank cat with a wide smirk.
"To remember us by." He said, placing it on your awaiting hands.
You looked up at him in appreciation. "Thank you."
"I'll see you soon, y/n." He knew how much hated goodbyes. He's observed it with the way you always tell him and the others that you'll see them soon. Because soon holds a promise and you didn't want to say goodbye just yet.
"See you soon, Kenma." You say with finality.
And that was it. You probably needed to fix your stuff again and Kenma didn't want to hold you out for too long. So with one final wave, he begins walking away.
You watched him for a moment, staring at his retreating form as you hoped to see him turn around. To give you one final glance, a smile, anything. The moment felt too short that you almost felt like it was all a dream.
You sighed, looking down on the small keychain on your palms. You turned it around to see a small note of sorts written on the back.
'Connect. No matter what. We'll see each other soon.'
Meanwhile, as Kenma walked blocks away from your house, he couldn't help but sigh once more in defeat. The hot air of the day pinching at his cheeks as he looked up to keep the small tears threatening to spill at bay.
"Ahh I lost."
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NOTE: when i said this was gonna be long i meant it. that's the end of act one!! thank you all so much for the support you have given this smau so far. pretty setters will be back on DECEMBER 1 6AM ph standard time and will be updated every tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday!!
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sunnysidekisses · 3 years
Letters to the broken
Synopsis; in which our lovely y/n sends soft, encouraging letters to one who needs it most. The recipitent spends too long trying to find you, until a fateful night.
Word count: 1K
TW: alcohol consumption, blood, death, depression like states of mind
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'dearest dabi' your letter started, otherwise blank and unforgiving. Dabi, upon deep searching and a little thought, grew up in an environment similar to many of the world's most unfortunate.
your table lamp flickered briefly, emitting soft yellow light. your page quivered from a breeze drifting in, curtains fluttering in the open window as you put down a hand to prevent the page escape.
many would deem this unwise, and yet you persisted. It could help dabi feel a little less lonely, a little less lost. you back down your pen to begin writing what would become the first of many letters.
when you completed it, you sighed in relief. you would send it his way in the morning, for now you needed rest. sending a soft prayer to whatever ruled the skies, the descent into bed was pleasantly plush.
The sun shone upon your face, rousing you from your slumber. a glance to the left confirmed you needed to send the letter on it's way. rising, you stretched and began your day.
Grabbing your coffee, slinging your bag over your shoulder and grabbing your letter. Off to work you went. A quick stop at the post office was the days only delay before you arrived at your office.
A letter, addressed to him, sat on the bar counter. No return address given and generic handwriting.
"what's this?" He acquired of kurogiri, a shrug was his only awnser. "It showed up in the mail."
Dabi gave a non-committal snort before grabbing a glass of whiskey and sitting down to read. It was probably a prank by his determination, but it never hurt to see.
Maybe he could use it as blackmail material.
'dearest dabi' the letter began. He sipped his whiskey and sat down for the ride.
The letter was signed n/n, no last name given.
The letters kept coming. Usually, they appeared each week, sometimes even more. At first, dabi had dubbed it a prank, yet a month later yielded no results. So, he decides to track down the mystery writer.
His biggest question was why, but first he had to find you.
You had been writing these letters to dabi for awhile, a month or so now. Truth be told, sometimes the prospect of never getting a reply sounded bleak. You also valued your safety.
Sinking deeper into your hot bath, you pulled out your phone to check for updates on dabi and other villains.
But mostly dabi.
You may not be a pro-hero, but information was still valuable. To no one's surprise, more charred corpses, courtesy of dabi, had been found scattered throughout the city.
The news was droning on about some other suspected villain when you shut off your phone. Scrolling through your social media was, by far, better than the news.
Setting down your phone with a satisfied sigh, watching the steam rise from the water. Sometimes, the silence was a blessing. The water rose to your chest as you melted, skin flush from the heat.
After a long soak, you made yourself dinner. Sitting down to write, you hummed happily. These letters had proved to be more therapeutic than you had thought they would be.
Typing away, you paused your work to take a short break. Looking around, everyone else was still working diligently at their desks.
Red flashed in the corner of your eye. You looked outside, only to see a floating man with a faceless mask. His mouth curled up in a smile before an impact struck, taking with it your consciousness.
You came to, only to wretch. A head was rolling not a foot away from you, eyes glassy. Blood covered the room, the office in shambles. Loud voices came in and out of focus as your hazy vision casted around for something, anything but death.
No such luck before you were taken out. Rescued, someone claimed. You laughed brokenly at that. You had not been saved.
Not in the way that counts.
"breaking news! Young woman only survivor on freak accident this afternoon."
Dabi wanted, no wished for the TV to self destruct. As he was preparing to break it himself, something caught his ear.
"n/n was fortunate, we hope to..."
He found you.
You were numb, drowning in this state of nothingness. You couldn't bring yourself to feel anything about your unfortunate luck.
How could you? When so many had died and yet you had lived.
Three sharp knocks shook you from your current state. "Come in." You croaked, voice hoarse from misuse.
In walked the famous recipient of your letters. Dusty, scarred hide and all. Icy eyes stare at you before asking a seemingly simple question.
"because," you awnsered, "The cracked and the broken deserve sympathy too."
He gave a dry laugh, inviting himself into your home. "I could kill you, y'know."
"I'm aware, not that i care."
He paused at your response, looking at you long and hard.
"join the club." He finally whispered.
Your returned smirk was hollow.
Dabi, it seemed, had no intention of leaving. He brought in a tiny duffel filled with what you assumed were his belongings. He came back often enough. Without a job, you never questioned how dabi kept you fed.
You didn't talk much. Choosing silence over speaking the aching words begging to be spilled.
When you did talk, you both left any wounds be.
Dabi could tell how you felt. Could see it in the glassiness of your eyes. Not once did he mention it. You two were practically strangers sharing a home.
This was unchanging until a night, many weeks later.
You were crying, the first display of emotion in weeks. The loss was finally registering. the grief finally taking hold.
The fear of it happening again, dragging icy claws up your throat. Choking your sobs.
A hand, hot and callused ran down your back. Dabi. He made no comment, had been there himself. Knew better than to push.
His hands rubbed soothing strokes until you started to calm. Prompting him to finally speak.
"shhh, little one. I've got you."
Later that week, you began to recieve letters. Letters from dabi.
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
the elf in the café chapter 4
A corpse husband story
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(I do not own this photo, nor do I know where it originated from. All credit goes to the artist.)
Summary: Never in his life, did he think going to a cafe and meeting a Harry Potter nerd could change his life. (I’m shit at summaries
A/N: H/N means his name, being that we don’t know what his actual name is currently
Days turned into weeks, as both of them spent as much time together as they could. Countless texts and phone calls each day, some lasting well into the wee hours of the night as both lay in their beds. Giggles breaking the silence of their rooms as their hearts soared.
He couldn’t remember a time he was this happy, almost feeling like he was in a dream he hoped he never woke up from. But each touch of her skin against his reminded him that this, was real. That she wasn’t a maroge, wasn’t an angel sent from above, or a fragment of his imagination. She was real and was in his life.
The last month had been filled with a plethora of dates. Most usually consisting of a meal at his place and a movie. But some, some were out of the walls of his apartment. And they grew to be some of the greatest memories of his life.
The smell of the restaurant hit them both almost immediately, sending a warm, calming sensation over both of them.
They walked over to a table, pulling out her chair for her, watching as her face flushed momentarily.
It was a lovely night, the glass of wine they had helping any residual nerves for hun. He can’t remember the last time he went out, besides the day he met her. But he especially can’t remember a night out where he wasn’t trembling in fear and anxiety. It’s like she had a calming aura around her that radiated. Like just her presence helped to ease any and all fears inside of him.
They met up again a few days later, again going over to his apartment. While he lived the night out they had, he did miss the pure comfort of just being home with her.
It was strange, they had barely been going on dates, and this being the second time she had come by. But it felt like a true home when she came. It’s like she brought warmth and a light. As if just with her presence, she made it a home.
He can’t help but let out a chuckle as they swayed around in a circle, a warmth bubbling inside of him as her eyes gazed into his brown ones. It was, magical. That was the best way to describe the feeling he had. The touch of her warm body against his, the feel of her hand clasped with his, the feel of his hand at the middle of her back, the feel of her heart lightly thumping against his, and the feel of her head resting in his neck. It was truly, amazing.
His hands tremble in hers as they enter the park, people filling it almost entirely. He feels his stomach drop as he notices just the sheer amount of people around him. He can’t remember the last time he was around so many people. He wants to run, run away back to his apartment where the feeling of his chest tightening as panic resins through him would disparate.
He’s broken from his panic as the feel of her thumb running along his hand, looking down and seeing her kind eyes looking at him. “Don’t worry hun, I know exactly where to go.”
His panic subsides considerably when they come to a clearing. It’s not large, but spacious enough to where nobody was around enough to scare the overly shy man.
They take a seat under a small tree, setting the blanket underneath them. They set out the picnic basket that he had carried for her, insisting to carry it for her.
It was the fourth of July, a day he never really celebrated. But her pleading eyes and soft voice asking for them to go see the fireworks, persuaded him.
It was truly one of the best nights he’s had in his life. Not only getting to spend time with her, but the lasting memories he’ll cherish forever.
He looked through his phone with a smile etched on his face.
They had taken a few photos and videos, all of which he was thankful for having.
Most were just them sitting, heads close as they posed for the pictures. You could tell they didn’t take them often, but it added a level of charm to them.
But his favorites, had to be the ones he’d take of her.
First one being of her smiling as she had a sparkler in hand, her smile so wide, it crinkled her eyes. Her lips painted in a true red helped to make her already dazzling smile even more breathtaking.
The second was a video, well, more a small clip. She was spinning around, making her dress glow around her. Her hair covering some of her face, but her smile still shinning.
The third was a runner for his favorite. It was a simple photo of her eyes shining in amazement when the fireworks started. You could see the lights shining in her eyes as she gazed up at them. The look of a childlike wonder on her face.
His favorite, he didn’t expect to be. He never liked photos with himself in it, always preferring ones of others with him taking them. But, he couldn’t help the feeling of his heart quivering and soaring inside him when he looked at it.
They both sat on the soft blanket, the photo being taken from above. Her head rested in his neck, only her smile being visible. His head was down, looking at her, like her, only his smile visible behind his hair. His arm wrapping around her securely, neither wanting to move. It was a candid photo, not posed or staged any. It was, beautiful, amazing. The look of sheer happiness written on their faces as they embrace one another, truly feeling the budding love between them.
He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, dread filling him. That was, until he saw her smiling face pop up on the screen, his heart fluttering.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asks, hearing her walking, and moving what is presumably papers around her. “Just getting out of classes and was wondering if you’d go to the shops with me?” Anxiety bubbles up his chest at her question. “Uh, are you sure you need me?” He asks, pain in his heart at his response.
He’s slowly gotten out of his small bubble with her, going for daily walks and such. But there was still a level of anxiety and fear inside him each time he had to go shopping.
“I’m sorry, but I actually kinda do.” She replies, making him squint his brows in confession. “Why’s that?” “My car broke down this morning on the way to my classes.” Her voice heavy as she spoke. “I’m sorry.” She says, guilt bubbling through her. “Hey no don’t be, stay there, I’ll come pick you up alright?” He says, grabbing his keys and running out the door.
Both walked side by side as they strolled through the aisles, his hand holding onto her arm.
Over the last month, he noticed that just her touch would calm him. Just the feel of her skin or clothing, swept away any form of fear or anxiety.
She had obviously noticed as well, finding it sweet how he felt comfort just by her touch. Which is why each time they went out, she’d let him hold onto her like a security blanket.
“Mind grabbing that for me?” She asks, looking up at the cereal box. It was much too high for her, not even the tips of her fingers would be able to touch it. She watched as he struggled to reach the box, chuckling at his groan as the box falls backwards. “What’s so funny?” He laughs, watching as she struggles to keep her composure. “It’s just that, you’re tall and you’re having trouble getting it.” “Just because I’m taller than you, doesn’t mean I’m actually tall.” He laughs, making her laugh harder.
“Let’s grab another one then.” She says, going to walk away. She squeals out as she feels him pick her up. “There we go.” He says as he raises her above his head, making her stomach drop as she grabs for the box.
He sets her down slowly, making sure her legs wouldn’t give out. She sent him a glare, making him chuckle. “What? It worked didn't it?”
Both sat in the car as they drove back, the ac blasting due to the hot summer air.
He watched the road, well at least attempted to.
He had an idea, one that he had for a while now. He knew it was pointless, being that he knew she wasn’t into social media. But he couldn’t help but worry that she knew.
Logically, it made no sense. Fearing for it when he had looked up her name and only found her Facebook that she hadn’t updated in over a year. But he couldn’t help but wonder.
“Hey, this is gonna sound weird but, there’s a song I wanna see if you know.” He says, grabbing his phone and typing on the screen. E girls, he decided, would be the best one to see. Being that it was his most popular.
He watched as her eyes slightly widened as the lyrics started, keeping an eye on her reactions.
He was no behavioral analysis like her, nowhere near her level. But he could tell enough by how she reacted.
“It’s good, not really the kinda stuff I listen to but, he’s got a good voice.” Relief fills him at her statement. “Actually, he kinda sounds like you. You should try covering it sometime.” He chokes on his drink at her statement. ‘Oh, if only you knew.’ He thought.
Both lay on the couch as they watch a movie, his arm securely wrapped around her. Her head resting against his chest, smiling at the sound of his slow heartbeat.
Both had grown much closer over the last month, Marley being able to go a time without a form of physical touch. Both brought a sense of comfort to one another, always feeling secure and happiness when touching.
Her eyes opened as she felt his lips press to her forehead.
His lips lingered there for a moment, keeping them there. “Thank you.” He whispered, not knowing she was awake. Her heart fluttering rapidly.
She groaned out as she felt him shaking her lightly, making her curl further into him, making him chuckle. “It’s getting late, you still want me to take you home?” He whispered, making her finally open her tired eyes. She looked up, making her breath catch in her throat. His head was no more than a few inches from her, a soft smile on his face. “Please?” She asks, making him smile further. “Alright, let’s get going.”
Traffic was light as they drove, a soft silence filling the car. Both were context just sitting there, even without words.
He finally reached her small home, pulling into the driveway. The home was small, but beautiful. Soft flowers decorated the front porch. He noticed a small sign in one of them, seeing a photo of what looks to be a child. He couldn’t see it well due to how far he was.
She pulled him into a hug, wrapping both their arms around one another. They both let out a sigh, their hearts pulling.
She pulled away first, making him look into her eyes. “Thank you.” She whispered. “No problem.” He smiled, before his breath caught in his throat. She quickly pressed her lips to his forehead, making him melt into her embrace.
She pulled away as fast as she did it, both their faces flushed a vibrant red. “Have a goodnight.” She chuckled, making him smile.
He watched as she walked up to her door. Waiting to pull out until she got in.
He watched as her home disappeared into the dark night, a large smile on his face.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.5k
Warnings: Smut, swearing
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 6 Part 8
Part 7
Liam's phone rang. He ignored it and let it go to voicemail. When it rang again, he made a noise of disgust and took his phone out of his pocket to look at it. "It's my publicist. I had better take this."
Liam answered the phone and went outside to talk. I turned the oven on and started to unpack the groceries. Then I got the roast, put it in a baking tray, poured olive oil over the top and seasoned it with salt and some pepper. I got out some onions and garlic and started to cut them up to place around the roast to give it some added flavour.
"That looks great," Liam said when he came back in.
"Thanks," I said, and I gave him a grin. I took the tray and put it in the oven. I got my phone and put an alarm on, giving myself time to cook the veggies before they finished. A thought came to me, and before I could bite my tongue, I said, "They do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
"Really?" Liam licked his lips, looked down at his pants and said, "I'd say they were aiming too high."
It took me a minute to work out what the joke was. When I finally did, I couldn't help but laugh and hide my face in my hands.
"You've gone so red!" Liam appeared to be having fun with my inability to control my blushes.
"Oh, my God!" I said, still hiding my face and laughing. "Alright, that was funny."
It took me a while to stop laughing. When I did, Liam said sombrely, "Sweetheart, I have to tell you something."
"Uh, oh, it doesn't sound good."
"It's not bad. I don't know how you will feel about it." Liam then told me that his publicist had called to let him know there were pictures put on Instagram and Twitter of the two of us kissing at the pub last night. "Your name hasn't been mentioned, and the photos look to be shot from pretty far away on a mobile, so someone in the pub took the pictures. Sarah says they probably aren't going to tell who you are by the pictures unless someone who knows you well comes forward."
I think if my eyes bulged out of my head any further, they would have fallen out and rolled on the floor. "That quick?" It was all I could think to say.
"Yeah. It's hard to know what will come out and when. A lot of times I go out, and no one notices me, but other times I have paps or members of the public following me for hours."
"Who's Sarah?"
"My publicist." Liam reached across the bench and took my hand in his. "Are you ok?"
"You say they don't know who I am?" Liam nodded, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't happy but what was I going to do about it? I picked at my nails. I needed to paint them; the pale pink polish was starting to chip.
"You ok?" Liam asked again
I shrugged. "Your life is weird."
Liam chucked. "You keep telling me that."
"So, what happens now?"
"Well, usually Sarah would say to private all social media, but she had a look and said she could only find a Facebook profile for you which was already private. Do you have any others? Instagram? Twitter? Snapchat?"
"No. I have a YouTube account that I use to watch videos, but that isn't linked to my real name or email. Also, a Tumblr account, again not associated with my name. And no pictures of me."
"Tumblr?" He raised an eyebrow. His fucking lip twitched.
"I was a confused 22-year-old ok?" I said a bit defensively. "I haven't used it in years," I remembered then the dating site we met on. I quickly logged on and selected the options to hide the account.
"Ok, well, there's not much else right now. A few rags called Sarah for comment. She said the standard no comment and asked for my privacy to be respected. The rest is up to you."
"Up to me?" I asked, confused. "What's up to me?"
"When you want to confirm the relationship and release your name."
"Liam, I met you less than 24 hours ago and have known you only a few months. I'm not ready for that. I like you a lot, but maybe you pick your nose and eat it, and I'll have to dump your arse tomorrow and then it's been a big song and dance over nothing." I joked. The mood had gotten too heavy for me. I wanted to talk about something else.
"Sweetheart, I'd never do that." He smiled sweetly, "I'd make you eat it."
"Ewww!" I screamed.
"Get over here." He chased me around the bench, and after a few evasions and some more squeals, he caught me. Perrin came in through the doggy door and barked at Liam a few times. Our behaviour obviously scandalised him. "Perrin," I called. "Come here, boy."
"You think your dog can save you?"
"Of course, he's very protective of my honour."
"We will see about that." Liam bent over, and I thought he was going to tackle me. Instead of flying backwards, I was hoisted forward and found myself over his shoulder. I screamed as I heard a loud crack, my hands flying to my bum.
"Did you just smack my arse?" I must admit I was finding all the manhandling arousing. I wasn't going to let him know that, though.
"Yes, I did. Want another?" Liam was heading down the hallway, taking me to the bedroom.
I giggled. "No!"
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks," Liam quoted. Shakespeare sounded good with his accent. I giggled some more, and I got another one. Yes, very arousing.
Liam hummed. "I quite like the view here." He rubbed my bottom and took me into my bedroom.
I was very close to his round bum. "This view is not so bad either," I said and smacked his arse. Unfortunately, it probably hurt me more than it hurt him. His butt was tight!
Liam dropped me onto the bed at that point, and the look on his face was hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing, and tears were rolling down my face. Then I did the most embarrassing thing: I snorted.
That was it. Both of us couldn't stop. Every time I calmed enough to think I could speak, one look at Liam's face, and I'd be off again.
Eventually, we stopped, and I was able to say, "Oh my God, your face! That was so bloody funny." I wiped my eyes.
"I think that may have been the first time someone's done that to me."
"Really? Didn't you go to an all-boys school?"
"Yes, but it wasn't the US." Liam tried suppressing a grin as he said, "we got ball taps."
I tried not to laugh. I really did. "Oh, my God!" I was off again.
We watched the original Mad Max before I had to go and finish dinner. I was horrified when Liam said he hadn't seen it before. I immediately made him watch it. He said it was ok, the concept was great, but he didn't love it. I told him he needed a brain scan.
When I went to make dinner, Liam offered to help, but I told him not to be silly.
Liam sat at the kitchen bench chatting to me while I chopped and blanched the vegetables. After a while, he said he had to call Sarah and his assistant Ryan to make sure he had organised the dog walker to take Cole for a walk and play.
"Any update from Sarah?" I asked Liam when he returned. I feigned disinterest while I finished slicing the roast.
"All the same right now. Some sites have posted the pictures, saying I was spotted drinking with an "unknown female companion." The pictures have circulated a bit on Twitter, but it's mostly just by fans. They haven't hit the mainstream yet. It's all fairly standard, and it will go away by tomorrow by the looks of it."
"Good," I said. A look I couldn't interpret passed over Liam's face. He masked it pretty quickly. I opened my mouth to ask if he was ok but shut it again. I said, instead, "dinner's ready." I passed Liam his plate.
"Thank you," Liam said, leaning over to kiss me before eating. I watched as he cut up some beef and started chewing. "Pretty good. Almost as good as Mum's," he teased with a wink.
I elbowed him, and God bless him; he pretended it hurt.
We ate in silence for a while. I gave a few pieces to Perrin. He was so old, and I couldn't help but spoil him occasionally. He won't be around forever.
After dinner, Liam insisted on helping me clean up, and we stacked the dishwasher. Watching him bend over, his jeans straining as he put the plates in, stirred some feelings. Erotic feelings.
"Want to watch another movie?" He asked.
"Not really," I said. "I'm in the mood for some dessert."
"Ice-cream? I can't have any, but you can."
"Not ice-cream," I said, shaking my head. I looked at him with my very best bedroom eyes.
"What do you want then? Want me to go to the shops?" He said, not catching on. I put my arms around his waist. "If you let me borrow your car, I'll go. I can just go on my own."
"No, you wombat." I met his hips with mine, his eyes widened. "What I want is right here." I wriggled against him. Liam grinned widely, his cheeks creasing in such a sexy way.
"I thought you were shy."
"I am getting used to you," I said. "The real me is coming out." The truth of my words took me by surprise. I looked away, second-guessing myself. Why did I do that?
"I like her," Liam said hoarsely. If he hadn't spoken then, I think I would have stopped. But when his hands went into my hair, and he pulled, stretching my throat, I knew I wasn't going to stop. He kissed me there, and his teeth grazed my skin. My fingers reached under his shirt, and they gripped his back. My nails dug into his skin.
"Bedroom?" I whispered.
"Bedroom," he agreed and walked me backwards to my room.
"You promised me something earlier today," Liam said in between kisses. We were close to my bed.
"What's that?"
He stopped kissing me and cupped my face with his hands. "You said I could undress you."
Liam took hold of my t-shirt and waited. I nodded. He slowly lifted my shirt up and over my head before dropping it to the ground. He tilted his head as if contemplating and gently turned me around.
I felt Liam gather my hair and put it over my shoulder. He caressed my back with his fingertips, making me shiver with pleasure. I heard him give a satisfied hum before undoing my bra. He turned me around again and took hold of my bra straps, pulling them down my arms.
When I dropped my bra beside my shirt, Liam took a step back. He looked me up and down, his eyes hungry. I wanted to cover myself under his intense gaze, my earlier courage wavering under his scrutiny.
My arms started to move, and he gave me a stern look. "You're not thinking of hiding now, are you?"
I shook my head and forced my arms back by my sides. "Good, because I want to look. You're quite the sight." As if to emphasise his point, he adjusted himself through his pants. I felt a thrill of excitement flow through me and felt the familiar throbbing between my legs.
Liam got down on his knees and kissed my belly. His rough stubble tickled. "Your skin is so soft," he said in a low voice. He undid my jeans and kissed a trail down as he unzipped me. His breath was warm, and I felt it through the cotton of my briefs, his last kiss placed just above my slit.
It was almost agony. I moaned at his teasing breath and lips. Then Liam pulled down my underwear and kissed my mound. I felt his tongue part my lips, and when he found what he was looking for, he flattened his tongue and moaned into me.
I didn't know what to do. For a moment, I wanted to stop Liam, but it felt too good. I could feel my resolve waning. I didn't want to wait. Why should we wait? What was I waiting for? I had to stop thinking and go with it, enjoy him, enjoy the experience. I put my fingers in his hair as he licked and sucked at me. He seemed to remember what I liked, and soon I was close to my peak.
One of his fingers played at my entrance. I silently begged for Liam to put it in. My core was desperate to be filled. His finger slowly entered me, and I was lost. I needed him. At that moment, all I wanted was to feel more of him inside me, have him fill me.
I felt like this was the moment. If I don't ask Liam now, I probably never would. If I didn't want him now, why am I even allowing this to happen? I wanted him. He excited me like no one had done since Andy. He had knocked down the defences I'd built to keep myself alone. Keep me in my grief and guilt. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I wanted to feel desired again.
"Fuck me?" I asked. The words just tumbled out. I knew at that moment I would beg if I had to. "Please, Liam, I want you to fuck me."
I wasn't sure if Liam heard me. He increased his attention, and I felt the pressure building. His hand gripped my arse, his fingers digging into my cheeks as he pulled me closer to him. The short rough hair on his cheeks and chin tickled against my thighs. My legs buckled. I couldn't stand up anymore. He held me there while I panted and moaned, seeking release.
I felt my climax arrive like a bolt of lightning. It was sudden and intense. My body contracted as waves of pleasure exploded over me. Short, wordless shouts came from my mouth until it was over. I collapsed onto the bed.
I laid there a while, eyes closed, trying to catch my breath. Liam was shuffling around and heard his belt come undone. I felt the bed dip, and I opened my eyes to find Liam naked, climbing up the bed until his face was above mine.
Liam supported some of his weight with one hand and laid on me, our whole bodies skin to skin. He was warm to touch, and he almost felt hot to my now cooled skin.
"Ask me again," Liam said.
Part 8
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