#then you take things slow. do a ‘viserys reign when viserys is reigning’ and ‘viserys reign when it’s the hightowers bc he’s sick’ split
atopvisenyashill · 8 months
wait i saw @kingcunny saying that hotd should have started earlier and now i’m thinking about what a MISS it was to not start the series with the second quarrel actually. especially considering how the dance ends (and how umm. fun having rhaenyra getting eaten by a dragon is gonna be when the casuals finally see it), it would be interesting to start at a moment where the Targaryens are at the height of their power and yet you can see exactly why it all came crashing down.
the royal couple are living separately. the crown prince is dead, and his daughter has been passed over, alienating one of the strongest allies of the targaryens. there’s a royal wedding but it’s whack as hell and can’t even be consummated. the king is bugging his septa daughter to go gaslight the queen into coming back home but all she does is fly a lap around the capital to flip jaehaerys and viserys off and then fucks back off to dragonstone.
just a full season following the way jaehaerys’ reign crumples in on itself, leading up to the great council and viserys being chosen again as heir. i get not wanting to cover jae's early years because you could probably end an aegon’s conquest show at jaehaerys & alysanne’s wedding or somewhereabouts bc obviously an aegon's conquest show is going to cover the sons of the dragon. but like When Else would we just cover The Long Reign, when most of it is relevant to the history directly preceding or after it. But if you put Viserys, Aegon II, and Rhaenyra in the context of Jaehaerys, Alysanne, and Rhaenys' history over fighting over the throne, you can see more clearly that the rot doesn't actually start with Viserys (or with, as I've seen more than a few people say, the Targaryens marrying non Valyrians) it starts at the very foundations of the dynasty with Jaehaerys usurping his own sister and nieces and then clawing back any power they could ever be given to ensure it's never taken away from him again, except all he does is ensure that every single woman in his house will be so desperate and scared of facing the same fates as their foremothers that they're willing to set their own house on fire to avoid the endings he forced on every woman in his life.
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anothanobody · 2 years
I mean, Valentinian III, the Roman Emperor in question and brother of Honoria, is widely considered an incompetent ruler. There’s even a story (probably Ancient slander fanfic) that he had a pet bird called ‘Rome’. When the City of Rome was burned by the Vandals (Germanic tribe, and yes, thats the origin of the modern adjective) and his ministers told him about it, he had a panic attack because he thought they were taking about his bird. When it was clarified that the City burned, he was basically “Oh, well, anyway”. He also became enraged with Honoria’s letter, and only spared her from death due to their mother’s pleading (Galla Placidia, perhaps the greatest Roman woman, who was married to a smaller barbarian king herself). Valentinian III relied almost entirely on his only competent general, Aetius.
Normally Mikasa’s brother in fics is Levi, but he’s not incompetent. Maybe Mikasa saw that the Emperor was unfit to rule, and that he was a danger to what remained of the Empire. If he continued in power, he would destroy them all… so maybe some people were plotting a coup to put Mikasa on the throne, her brother found out, and she sent the letter to Eren. Eren is in only for land, gold and conquest. Maybe he almost deteats the Empire, reaches the gates of ‘Rome’ (Paradis?) and then is given Mikasa as his bride and a lot of gold and land to please go Back, don’t kill us all. (In reality the Roman capital at the time was Ravenna, but this is not relevant now).
So yes, there is Angst. Maybe Mikasa at first feels horrible about her mistake, but then sees that She’s their only hope against Eren in the end. She must do her duty as a princess and marry this foreing ruler for the well being (and survival) of her people. But then they fall in love because, however brutal he is in battle, he does care for the lands he own? For her as his bride and Empress now? And also, in their prime, werent the Romans themselves brutal conquerors too? They once had millions of slaves.
It’s just that I don’t know whats best - if Eren does conquer everything, and they deal with the fallout, or if they remain in a standstill. In many aspects this is “what if Eren won in the end and completed the rumbling?”. Maybe they can even learn to rule together their new enmeshed empire?
The idea of making it a historical chronicle is good! Or maybe Eren wins and becomes more Roman-like? For her sake? Because It’s up to You to decide if in his personality (not the ruler conqueror persona) he is bad or secretely a gentleman. I just know that they end up falling in love, even if its slow. I’m not a good writer, I hope this could help You
So we can make the original emperor something like Viserys Targaryen, meaning Daenerys’s brother. maybe when the emperor discovers that the people want her in the seat but doesn’t know that she doesn’t want it, he goes a bit mad, he’s like “you want the Empress seat? Be me bride then, we’ll see all these people get on fire under our reign.” so like some incest shit but it is the thing that makes it horrifying that pushes her to send the letter. like this is her set up.
so then she’s conflicted when eren arrives, he kills some of her people but he also executes the emperor freeing her, and he stops. now her reign won’t see more deaths but at the same time some people died already and all the former emperor allie’s are still being killed. she did the greater good for every innocent but still gave death to others. you feel what i’m saying?
when she gets to know eren as he takes her as his bride she sees the side of anything but a barbarian. and romance blooms. i think it would be an in between of gentleman and conqueror, he’s trying but didn’t have a gentle relationship never in his life. so it’s hard for him to learn as well. plus infatuation. like their first night makes them know they’re right sexually but need to explore the rest.
i think it’s a bit different from the canon rumbling because they knew each other before and deeply. here mikasa regards him as a barbarian and gets to know him as her arranged husband.
tell me what you think about it. 🧐🤔
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Game of Thrones - 46 DAENERYS V (pages 472-483)
Dany takes 'eat your heart out' to a whole new pre-natal-vitamin-diet level, then, some prophecy is dropped and so is Viserys when he finally crosses the line in public.
If she choked on the blood or retched up the flesh, the omens were less favorable; the child might be stillborn, or come forth weak, deformed, or female.
Is there a polite way to say 'get wrecked'?
When their lord husbands died and a new khal took his place at the front of his riders, with a new khaleesi mounted beside him, they were sent here, to reign over the vast Dothraki nation. Even the mightiest of khals bowed to the wisdom and authority of the dosh khaleen.
... but baby girls are bad, the Dothraki stan grannies only.
Irri said the lake had no bottom, but Dany felt soft mud squishing between her toes as she pushed through the tall reeds.
Okay, babe, but that's the shore area, further into the lake might full on just drop out and go down. Some great videos of lakes like that online, water so clear you can see the bottom and you think, 'oh, ten meters down, tops' but no that's a hundred meters down. Couple of places in the ocean that do it too, nice sandy beaches ten meters into the water and then sudden the group just drops.
Then her huge khal took her by the hips and lifted her into the air, as he might lift a child.
You are a child.
"The stallion is the khal of khals promised in ancient prophecy, child. He will unite the Dothraki into a single khalasar and ride to the ends of the earth, or so it was promised. All the people of the world will be his herd."
Big yikes, mighty fine red flag you got there buddy. Like... you get how that's just not feasible right? and also that that would involve so much rape and enslavement? You get that when they say 'Stallion who Mounts the World' they mean 'conqueror who's going to fuck everyone over'? Let me guess, Dany is the real 'Stallion' who Mounts the World? Her choosing not to join the dosh khaleen and instead going on her tour of the east is the beginning of the Stallion Mounting the World.
Because we all know Rhaego is stillborn... and a lizard baby.
Dany: bro, stahp, you're being an embarrassment, also don't spill blood here, that's super cursed.
She's forgotten she spilled his blood in this city hasn't she? We all know it was self defense, but it still happened.
The sound Viserys Targaryen made when that hideous iron helmet covered his face was like nothing human. His feet hammered a frantic beat against the dirt floor, slowed, stopped. Thick globs of molten gold dripped down onto his chest, setting the scarlet silk to smoldering... yet no drop of blood was spilled. He was no dragon, Dany thought, curiously calm. Fire cannot kill a dragon.
'Curiously calm,' yeah that'd be the trauma response. Looks like you rolled disassociation with a side dish of compartmentalization. We just saw a similar case in the process of breaking down, so ... you're not going to have fun with that.
But also: holy crap, that is so much worse than the show. I mean, I know it shouldn't be because it's basically the same thing, but, somehow his head being stuck in the pot with the molten gold is just worse than having it poured on top?
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letsasoiaftogether · 4 years
(OKAY, I just wanna apologize to whomever requested this. I’ve tried over and over, in the past month, to write this and NOTHING I’ve gotten down has been ANYWHERE decent enough to post. SOOOOOO, I hope this format is okay! I really do want to write an actual dabble for this idea, cause I really do like it, I just don't want to post one that will disappoint both you and myself!)
You married Khal Drogo instead of Daenerys (partly because you were older than Dany and partly because you refused to marry your older brother, Viserys, and he was butthurt being rejected)
The beginning of your marriage was much like how Dany x Drogo’s goes down
The only difference is you’re not as timid as Dany is, so you fight back against Drogo the best you can until he gets the hint and you take control of the situation (much like how Dany does)
Although you don't remember a lot from your father’s reign, you know enough to understand how royalty should be treated and so you have a great deal of sympathy for Viserys who has never been able to over look the fact his title of Prince doesnt matter anymore, at least not in Braavos and Pentos and the Dothraki Sea.
That is enough to make you cry for Viserys when he is killed at the hands of your husband
Understanding more of the shame you, Viserys, and Dany have been faced with since your exile, you were more “mature” when it comes to the ways of the world and so you’re slower to act when faced with the way things are for the Khalasar (i.e. the abduction of women and the keeping of slaves and such).
You definitely fight with Drogo about it in private, and you take a few of the younger slaves as your own servants to try and protect them/shield them as much as possible
When the Baratheon assassins nearly succeed in killing you and your unborn child, it takes all you have to calm Drogo down so he doesn’t go amassing an army to sail to Westeros and take the Iron Throne.
You’re not like Viserys and (later on) Dany. You were born in Westeros, but you don’t have a connection to it beyond your family history. You’ve made a life in the East; you’re not in a hurry to return to Westeros, to the lands your family had ruled for three hundred years. 
Because Drogo isn’t putting together an army, he doesn’t go on a crazy crusade to gather as many slaves as he can to sell for gold in order to buy ships
He probably still gets hurt, however, because you’re not about to let EVERY Dothraki tradition continue (i.e. the way they treat women and children) he just gets hurt later than in “real” verse.
What happens after Drogo’s death depends on how he is killed.
If he is killed by a Baratheon assassin, then you would without a doubt throw yourself onto a similar path as Daenerys - doing all you can to amass an army that can take you to Westeros and reclaim your family’s lands
At this point, many plot points from Dany’s story would more than likely happen the same way since what else is a penniless, husbandless, army and countryless young woman supposed to do than all the things Dany did in order to help people and, through such, help herself?
Which would slow down the rate at which you get your army and sail to Westeros
If you land in Westeros in time to fight the white walkers, you more than likely leave your son and Dany at Dragonstone with a crap ton of Unsullied/Dothraki to look over her. 
You would still head North to help defeat the dead
There probably isn’t a sex-plot between you and Jon Snow (the age difference being one reason, and just….cause I said so)
Jon’s parentage still comes out and you probably broker a marriage alliance between him and Dany in order to bring together all pieces of House Targaryen and you give them Dragonstone as their home. 
You’re a good Queen, keeping advisors like Tyrion Lannister, Willas Tyrell, Bran Stark, Brienne of Tarth, and Davos Seaworth
You never remarry (not to say you don't have paramours, but...you’re Queen. Why do you need to marry?)
I honestly can’t see a reason why you would go to Westeros if, for the most part, the Baratheon’s leave you be (especially after the death of Robert Baratheon)
You could still move around the East, saving Slavers Bay and creating a new way of life for the Dothraki and the other Eastern countries of the world. 
Even if you didn’t succeed in completely liberating the cities, you would still use your kind heart to make life better for people in whatever corner of the world you end up in with Drogo. 
THAT SAID, there is the possibility you could be persuaded to return to Westeros AT THE LEAST to help with the army of the dead depending on how serious the threat was seen for the rest of the world/how much you could come to care for the people of your father’s country. 
Of course, Dany could always end up flying Drogon across the Narrow Sea to help without you, but you would never let your little sister go and do something so dangerous without you there to protect her. 
BUT FOR NOW….this is a VERY ROUGH draft of how i think things could play out
I’ll write one shots for it, eventually, I swear! But I wanted to give you SOMETHING in the mean time!
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nlights37 · 4 years
2, and make it soft, bitch!
EXTRA SOFT, just for you, bitch!
2. “Come take a shower with me~”
Jon and Dany, set in the universe of Something Stupid
“Is your brother okay?”
They were standing at the kitchen island, together, watching as Dany’s older brother Rhaegar walked the length and breadth of the living room, proclaiming shortly after entering that he needed to ‘check the aura of the space’ before he would sit and explain what, exactly, he was doing there.
The last she’d heard from her mother, Rhaegar had moved Elia and the kids to some commune in Dorne, where clothing was optional and they grew their own marijuana strains, and judging by Rhaegar’s somewhat haphazard appearance, got high off their own supply.
“I’m so sorry about this,” she replied, nudging closer to Jon’s body and molding herself against his side as he threw an arm over her shoulder.  “I didn’t know he was coming.”
She could feel his laugh as it rose in his chest, a sweet vibration against her own.  “He probably didn’t either.”
Dany snickered.  It was hard to disagree with that.  After his whole emo phase in High School Rhaeger had gone full-tilt free spirit, never in one place for too long, even after he and Elia had gotten married.  Much to her mother’s distaste his current side business allegedly involved playing the lap harp in a Dornish folk band, but much to Dany’s relief, it didn’t appear he’d brought it along.
Her brother stopped, suddenly, standing tall and straight in the middle of the living room and letting out a slow, steady exhale.  “This is good,” he said in a serene voice, then his face split in a broad smile.  “Okay, come and give your brother a hug, D.”
She did, sheepishly, tossing Jon a wry smile as she embraced the brother she hadn’t seen for at least five years.  It was nice to see him again, it really was, but it was also really annoying how he insisted on things like not owning a phone, or calling first before you showed up somewhere.  Normal people things.
She pulled away, grinning up at her brother, a little trepidation racing through her when she noticed the way his attention shifted to Jon, his purple eyes, their family trademark, narrowing slightly.
“So,” Rhaegar called out, a little less friendly.  “You’re the Jon I’ve heard so much about.”
For his part, Jon also looked a bit worried, but he brushed it off quickly, striding forward and extending his hand.  “Aye, that’s me.  Jon Snow.  Nice to finally meet you.”
A scratching at the back door distracted them all, and Jon smiled politely at Dany’s brother before shoving his glasses a bit farther up the bridge of his nose and walking past to let in the pair of dogs from the backyard.  
“Is he Northern?”  Rhaegar came to stand beside her as he watched Jon carefully.  When Dany nodded he pursed his lips thoughtfully, his gaze oddly keen for someone who was, in Dany’s approximation, stoned out of their gourd.  “That’s cool,” he finally said.  “I can dig that.”
Hedwig scampered in first, a yapping bark filling the air as she spied someone she didn’t recognize.  Dany snatched the small dog up, scolding her lightly until she stopped, her eyes straying for the door for the other member of their little doggy duo.
And then Ghost arrived, chased by a cool fall wind that made his white fur sway lightly, and Jon uttered a quiet command for the dog to go and sit as he shut the door tightly.
It was almost embarassing, how well-behaved that dog was, no matter what slander Jon tried to level about what Ghost had done in his puppy days.  As far as Dany was concerned that dog was an enormous shedding angel.
In her arms was a frantic, squirming little devil, and she frowned down at Hedwig, whose tiny paws were scrabbling against Dany’s chest in an effort to free herself, no doubt to continue her tiny reign of terror.
She turned back to Rhaegar, ready to be teased about both her dog’s appearance and temperment by her older brother, only to be brought short at the look of awe on his face.
“Jon, dude,” Rhaegar said, his voice full of reverence, “Is that your dog?”
Jon’s handsome face screwed up in mild confusion, and he checked his eyes to Dany’s quickly before answering.  “Aye,” he said, smiling down at the massive white dog as he scratched a fond hand behind his furred ears.  “His name is Ghost.  He’s friendly, don’t worry.”
Dany didn’t think Rhaegar was a bit concerned about an attack; Instead he was staring at Jon’s dog like it was a God.
“Okay,” he started, running a hand through his shoulder-length silver hair, his voice much warmer than it had been.  “This is gonna sound weird, but,” Dany could see him look at Jon, almost imploring, “Can I talk to your dog, man?”
Jon looked as flabbergasted as she felt, and she searched her mind, desperately, for a way to explain that maybe it wasn’t the time or the place to ‘commune with animal spirits’ or whatever it was her spacy brother was up to now.  Somehow, Jon managed to sound as though this was a perfectly reasonable request, and led Ghost up to where Rhaegar stood.
“Be my guest,” he said, and quickly made his way towards Dany as Rhaegar sat himself on the floor, in the very center of their living room, and gazed at Ghost.
She kept waiting for him to say something, anything, but he just stared into the dog’s eyes, his lips slightly parted, like he was in some sort of trance.  Ghost glanced at them both, as though he found this entirely weird, but eventually decided to be a good sport.  He lay down on his stomach, letting Rhaegar cradle his face and hold his head up, so that the man could still maintain eye contact.
Dany knew her face had to be flushed crimson by now; in a family truly filled to the brim with members that ran the gambit of the embarassment scale, this was definitely up there.  A top ten, for sure, top five if she didn’t count the time Viserys had stolen a bus from one of the local high school and gone on a three hour police chase that had been broadcast on every station in Essos.
She pulled Jon into the kitchen, ready to beg his forgiveness, to ask if maybe he’d like to change his mind about the whole wedding thing now that he was learning that her entire family was certifiably insane.
But when they rounded the corner and could no longer see Rhaeger’s silent, holy commune, Jon finally couldn’t contain his laughter, and he held her close as his shoulders shook, quiet rasping laughter making her relax against him even though she was at least mid-range mortified.
“Your brother is high as hell, Dany,” he gasped into her ear, and she gave in, as well, her eyes beginning to water as she smothered her own laughter into his shoulder.
He really was the best, just everything about him, but especially the way he’d put up with first her mother, and now, well, whatever THIS was.
“Jon,” she whispered, and leaned up to press a kiss just beneath his ear, “come take a shower with me.”
He pulled back, surprised, but she knew she had him from the dark interest that flared in his eyes.  “Now?”  Bless him, trying to sound scandalized, as if she hadn’t fucked him in the supply closet at work three days ago.  “Dany,” he hissed quietly, “Your brother is literally right there.”
Jon clearly wanted her to talk him into it, and she was more than willing to oblige.  “Please,” she said, lower lip sticking out in a pout.  “I’m so dirty, Jon.”  She trailed her lips up the line of his throat, and nipped at his earlobe.  “Am I supposed to wash my own back?”
He made a considering noise, as if there was a single doubt he’d agree, and dropped a hand to her hip, squeezing.  “You have to be quiet.  Hmmm?”
She scoffed quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck, swaying slightly as afternoon light streamed in through the kitchen window, surrounding them.  “Like I’m the loud one.”
“Dany, please.  I’m practically mute compared to you.”
Lowering a hand, she swatted at his ass playfully, and grinned.  “Come and take a shower with me, Jon Snow.”  She leaned in and kissed him, his lips instantly parting for hers, his hand rising to cup her cheek even as the other tugged her by her hip, bringing her in closer.  “You know you want to.”
“Okay, fine,” he said, with false resignation.  “You win.  Happy now?”
She clapped quietly, bobbing on her feet.  “Yes,” she said smugly, and grabbed for his hand, tugging him along behind her as they walked towards the stairs.  “Rhae?”  She stopped, seeing her brother still holding some quiet conversation with Jon’s dog.  “You good?  Jon and I are gonna go freshen up before dinner.”
“Yeah,” Rhaegar said absently.  His eyes flicked to Jon.  “Your dog is so wise, man.”
Jon tucked his face against the back of Dany’s neck, his snort of amusement barely hidden as he shuffled up the steps right behind her.  “That dog used to eat entire rolls of toilet paper.”
Dany gave him a cross look and shoved him into the room that had been his, once, and was now theirs, already reaching for the buttons of his shirt.  “You stop those lies, and take off your clothes.”
There you go, @ashleyfanfic
Extra soft - Charmin soft!
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