cheemken · 1 year
gira being like “get closer to Diantha” and very gay Cynthia going “alr bet. She’s pretty.”
did Cynthia already start crushing on dia before the whole diantha facing up giratina or was that after gira said “get closer to Diantha”
No she really did have a crush on Dia before, like a lil celebrity crush yknow bc she did hear abt Dia from Augustine, and he showed Cyn a pic of Dia and Cyn went "oh wow, is she single?"
And imagine her going "Diantha's gonna fucking love me if I get all powerful, I'm sure of it!" Got actual Satan on her scheme w Gira being unaware of that want of Cyn, and when Gira said she needed to be close w Diantha, Cyn's all "oh, don't need to tell me twice ouo"
I can just imagine Cynthia using Giratina's powers to impress Diantha, and Gira's just going w it bc hey as much as he denies it, it's nice seeing Cynthia happy w the attention she's getting from her crush
But also imagine if Cynthia is like a lil bit shy bc for one, that's her bestie's older sister, and second, Diantha's a fuckin champion and actress, so her standards might be up at Arceus' throne
And Gira's all "just give her poffins."
"it doesn't mean WE eat poffins she would eat some too!"
"well, why not the human equivalent of poffins?"
"..well she does like cake."
"there. Now give her cake."
Or yknow if Gira gets so fed up w Cynthia's gay panic every night and just takes over her body, heads to Diantha, and goes "you. Go out with me. Let us meet at Lake Verity at six pm. Do not be late. And bring poffins for me— I mean, for Giratina." And just fucking leaves
Cynthia's just "WHY DID YOU DO THAT????"
"I'm trying to help you."
"you just ruined my chance with her!"
"no I did not, she accepted, she will be there."
That date actually went well, Dia just told her if she wanted another date, then it should be Cynthia herself to ask, not Giratina bc she was sure Yveltal almost busted out his pokeball to attack cause he thought it was Gira himself who wanted to have a date w her hahaha
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I was tagged by @movrings to list 10 of my comfort shows and then tag 10 people. thanks for tagging me!!
listed in no particular order because I couldn’t rank these if I tried
Agents of SHIELD
The Umbrella Academy
Stranger Things
Ted Lasso
The Good Place
Parks and Recreation (newest addition 🫶)
The Clone Wars
no pressure tags <3
@fandom-took-my-sanity @thenawidow @babygirl-jonathanbyers @storybookwolf @justanotherconfusedautistic @vronicamrs @daisyssousa @yelena-bellova @lithiumcreepblog @nearlywitchess and anyone else who wants to participate!
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gihst620 · 1 year
Today's drawings! Last one is a gift for for my friend, Thena.
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Her @: @thenawidow Go check her work!
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cheemken · 1 year
what are your Cynthia angst headcanons? :00
This is fun, more angsty hcs hahaha
Anyways have hahah
•did not get to grieve properly over Cyrus even until this point and it fucks her up so much
-gets nightmares abt him really, and it didn't help the ones she usually sees in her dreams are of his younger self, when he was still a bright eyed child filled with hopes and dreams
-he'd look at her, calling out, "Cynthia..." In his soft and quiet voice, then it would shift to his older self, the one before he got trapped in the Distortion World, his glare piercing her soul, then he spoke, voice deep with sadness, "was I not worth it for you as well?"
-and before she could get to him, she's always too late, always too late to save him from Giratina's grasps, always too late to save him from that world
-she doesn't like to sleep anymore
•lowkey resents the Sinnohan people
-while yeah she should've expected the responsibilities of a Champion, she did not expect that she'd be placed on a pedestal so high up she couldn't see anyone anymore, and how they expected her to be perfect as well
-resents Palmer for not telling her, a child when she got that title from him, how grueling it really was, instead he just pat her on the shoulder, said she's gonna do great and left her alone in the Champion chambers
-she was a good Champion, but shit it broke her own mental health
-honestly doesn't want Dawn to be the next Champion, she wants Barry to be the Champion, as she thinks it's fitting for Palmer's kid, who was always so insistent he'd be a strong trainer, to be Champion and also feel the pain she felt without telling him how much the title would fuck someone up, the same way his father did to her
•reading abt history and mythology helps her cope, she loves reading abt them, loves how it shaped the culture of Sinnoh, loves learning about the past
-she knows about Volo, but doesn't like reading more about him, too many times she's been told by her family she was a spitting image of him
-and a few times she heard whispers that she might follow in his footsteps
•dissociates a lot
-like, especially during meetings, which then causes the arguements between her and Lance
-honestly has too many things that runs around her mind, all that untapped grief and sadness would get to her that she'd try so hard to surpress them even more during the times she's with the others
-when she's finally alone in her own home, she'd often just lie down on her bed and stare up at the ceiling, letting her own depressive episode consume her, but shedding no tears whatsoever
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cheemken · 1 year
Can you say more about Cynthia and Diantha in ur evil diantha au? I’m an absolute sucker for those two djakdhsh
Hi hey yeah have some low-key phaesporia stuff in the villain Dia au uwu
So y'know my lil concept that Diantha visited the champions one by one, or maybe let's say this is after that concept where Augustine and Cynthia visited the Carnet manor, leaving w such haste cause shit they're actually not ready to encounter Diantha just yet
And yeah, Cynthia stayed w Sycamore for a few weeks, for support and bc yeah she also wants to see Diantha again, she believes that Diantha really is in the right, but maybe there's still some semblance of humanity within Diantha that she and Augustine can bring out once more
So hey, yeah, next day, they tried venturing the manor again, this time no running away, if they see Diantha they're gonna battle her. Cynthia has Garchomp's PokeBall in her hand, as w Sycamore w Xerneas. The two decided to split up, thinking they'd cover more ground, Augustine went up to the attic, and Cynthia went to the basement.
There's that smell again, that rotten smell of burn flesh that she just couldn't stand. Her flashlight was gripped tightly, hands shaking, as her other hand tried to find a light switch for the basement, and lucky her, she did find it, unfortunately, the light kept flickering. But hey, summoning up her courage, she went further down, minding the dust and cobwebs that piled up.
Looking everywhere, Cynthia's breath caught in her throat as she saw glowing crystal blue eyes in the darkest part of the basement. Thinking it was a pokemon, Cynthia reached to get Garchomp's PokeBall, only for the lights to go out, and Cynthia suddenly being pinned to the wall, accidentally dropping her flashlight.
Those eyes were staring at her... It's Diantha. Smirking at her, one hand covering her mouth and the other gripping her neck tightly.
"my, my, I never thought I'd see you, Cynthia," She whispered with a giggle, "how exciting, Augustine's inviting friends over. Mother wouldn't have approved, but... I'm not like her now." And she's there telling Cynthia if she screams if she lets go, she'll kill her on the spot. Cynthia could only nod, her own voice caught in her throat as Diantha's there looking at her like she's prey. "Cynthia, darling, how about you head out now. I'll be with the two of you soon enough, don't want to keep my dearest Augustine waiting."
But also cjmdsk
Imagine Diantha just softly caressing Cynthia's face before she left, brushing her hair to the side, revealing her scarred left eye. And Diantha's so gentle, so soft, and she's there looking at Cynthia with such love and care and God Cynthia just melts in her touch, leaning in more. And Dia's smirk grew wider as Cynthia leans in more to her touch, obeying what she's telling her to do, convincing her to join her side would be easy now
After all, she could give her all she wanted, all that reassurance that she needed, and if Cynthia would betray her like the rest? Well... Diantha will grant her the mercy of seeing Cyrus again.
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cheemken · 1 year
idk if you watch mcu films but hear me out; avengers champion au
like infinity war and endgame happens (maybe thanos is Giovanni? Except he just wants to snap the population for funsies and to be evil and assert his dominance or something)
im thinking maybe alder, hau, and Wallace get snapped?
so basically geeta goes for the time stone, steven the mind stone, Leon and iris are a tag team for the mind and space stone (mostly so Leon doesn’t get lost + they get both stones at the same time), Lance gets the power stone and Cynthia and Diantha for the soul stone.
most of them don’t really have reasons for why they get assigned to that stone (except for geeta bc time stone and paldea’s thing was past/future).
Ok time for the big event. So the soul stone requires a sacrifice (someone you’re close to / love). So what I imagine is that Cyn and Dia are at Vormir and get told the whole “soul for a soul” thing, and are conflicted about it. Likely they fight, since neither wants to watch the other die. Eventually though, Diantha is the one who sacrifices herself (listen the fallen angel imagery was too good to pass up), and Cynthia has more trauma lol.
it’d also be painful for lance too, since in endgame the people going for the power stone and soul stone basically went together, dropped the power stone duo off at the location, then headed to the soul stone. Lance is the power stone guy. So he was the last one to see Diantha alive other than Cynthia.
idk much abt Avengers I'm sorry but I know enough and like that last bit hurt me man c'mon I just finished my exams I deserve waffles with this at least😭🤣
But ough
wait no cause like, what happens next tho fucking imagine they all meet up again and they're wondering where Diantha is and Cynthia just fucking breaks and it causes a rift between her and Lance and he's there low-key going batshit cause what the fuck does Cynthia mean Diantha sacrificed herself
Pls imagine Geeta's reaction😭😭 her moirails is fucking dead and she doesn't know who to blame and she's just fucking vibing she doesn't know how to function properly na she's still processing that her best friend is dead and your honour I am so not okay thinking abt it o w o
But ough cjxnxnd that got me hooked tho if you wanna share more stuff feel free to send another ask abt this hahah
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cheemken · 1 year
can you say anything about Cynthia and sycamore’s dynamic in villain Diantha au? :00
Their dynamic also makes me insane
No bc they're like, a much saner version of Diantha and Geeta, they've been friends since they were kids, they've always been there for each other despite the distance too, and after Cyrus died it's only the two of em left and they always try to make sure the other one is safe
Cynthia knows about Pa Sycamore. During his time in Sinnoh, Augustine told Prof Rowan about his father and how he never got to meet his own mother, unbeknownst to them Cynthia and Cyrus were listening, and they barged in comforting Augustine. And just cjmdnd y'know, Augustine kept saying it's fine, because his sister sent a letter to him saying how she became Champion, and when he finally goes back home to Kalos, he'll live w his sister, he doesn't have to go back to his father again
Ofc, Augustine kept in touch w them even when he got back to Kalos, they'd send letters and messages to each other making sure they're doing well too. But then one day, Cyrus stopped sending messages, one day Cynthia said she also became Champion of Sinnoh, and one day they all stopped.
During that dense silence, Augustine was completely unaware of what's happening in Sinnoh, being busy w his own research too so he'd finally be realized as a legit professor. So imagine his surprise when he sees Sinnoh on the news, Cynthia and Cyrus on top of Mt. Coronet, and suddenly... Suddenly Cyrus was taken by Giratina. Can you imagine how devastated he'd be tho, how he tried calling Cynthia after that but she wasn't answering his calls, as she's also grieving the lost of her friend.
It's just a mess.
And it took a few years before they had contact w each other again. With Augustine heading to Sinnoh, visiting Prof Rowan again. And Cynthia's there too, and they finally met again, and it's just so fucking quiet between them until Augustine broke down crying, running to her and pulling her into a hug. Taken aback, Cynthia pulled him closer too, afraid that he'd also be taken away from her.
And just jcmdnd despite everything they're still so important to each other y'know, and after that meeting they made sure to always keep in touch, to never distant themselves from each other, especially now since they lost Cyrus. And Augustine did help her grieve, those two had always been close since they were kids, and suddenly he's gone now.
And y'know everything's going so well, they're close w each other again, almost like when they were kids, they know each other's secrets, know what troubles the other, they just cjmdnd they just know, and suddenly the shit that happened w the champions, and now Augustine is scared he'd lose not only Diantha but Cynthia as well. He can't lose two more people he cares about, he already lost Cyrus and Lysandre, he can't lose Diantha and Cynthia too.
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cheemken · 1 year
what do you think Cynthia’s role would be? I kinda imagine her to be sort of like the Lilith of the AU (specifically season 1 / emperors coven lilith). I think it’d be cool to see Cynthia utterly devoted to Diantha, but later on have a moment of question where she asks herself “is this the right thing?” But eventually her devotion to Diantha wins her over and Cynthia does her job lol
it’d be cool if Iris caused her questioning moment jdjshdw
And as for Cyn's role, she's like, one of the Coven Heads along w the other champs and two of Kalos' E4, so ofc she was already so so devoted to Diantha especially since they knew each other when they were younger, as Cyn was Augustine's friend back then. And ofc, Dia knew Cyn likes her, so it'd be easy to pull in Cynthia on her cause, especially since she also used Cynthia's grief over Augustine too
And ofc Cynthia was loyal ever since, she was such a good student in the Potions track when they were younger, so ofc, Dia appointed her as the head of the Potions Coven.
I really like the thought of being like Lilith tho fr ncmxnx she's one of the most loyal followers Diantha has, not once did she question Diantha's motives, her faith never wavered even if Diantha took her left eye, she stayed loyal to her even after she watched Diantha fail to recreate her brother from his own remains. Despite everything, Cynthia stayed w Diantha through it all.
And just jcmdnd ough imagine tho that yeah like you said Iris and Cynthia confrontation, probs another confrontation while Cynthia was out on a mission w Geeta to look for Titan's blood. She and Geeta got separated, and Cyn ended up finding Iris and her friends, also looking for Titan's blood, looking for the key. Cynthia attacked her ofc, they were just children, she was a powerful witch, they were no match for her. But she really underestimated them, the other five escaped while Iris was left face to face w Cynthia, and god Cyn just wants to kill her then and there and present her dead body to Diantha. Surely that'd be enough for Diantha to really be impressed w her
And just during the battle, Iris managed to land a hit on Cynthia, catching her off guard, her hair's a mess, got swept to the side and Iris saw that scar on her face. Iris stopped, but her guard was still up, Drayden's Palisman, Haxo, in her hands still, in case Cynthia was abt to attack her suddenly. But Cynthia didn't, instead, she hastily hid her left side again, before taking her own Palisman and charging back again too Iris.
Iris just blocks her attack and then just makes a comment abt Cynthia's scar, then Cyn sneered at her, "I failed a mission. Diantha was merciful, she didn't execute me, and it shows how she's such a benelovent empress. Something you aren't." She growled, pushing Iris to the ground, "and because of our last encounter, she almost killed me. All because of you. She was right, you humans will never be satisfied until blood is shed."
Iris blanched for a bit then shot back, "no, no, you're wrong! Diantha's treating you like shit! Why can't you see that?! She's hurting you!"
"this is merely punishment for my incompetence!"
"that's no excuse for her to hurt you!"
And Cynthia actually paused at that, no Iris was wrong, what Diantha did was right, Cynthia failed and her face, her eye, getting scarred was a suitable punishment. Tho, Iris took that chance, she created a smokebomb w the fire glyph, making a quick escape. Once Cynthia finally realized Iris was gone, she got pissed, screaming, she raged as she threw potions after potions everywhere in her hate. She didn't realized tears brimmed her eye until she fell down and saw the tears on the ground. She felt fear again, that fear of Diantha, that fear of being punished again. Her breathing became quick, visions blurry, she was clawing on the ground, her other hand was clutching her left eye, feeling those phantom pains again. She didn't know how much time has passed until Geeta found her, shaking her, "Cynthia, snap out of it."
"she's going to kill me.."
It took a bit, but Geeta realized what, or rather who, she's talking abt. "She won't. Do you really think she could do that? Are you questioning our empress?"
"no! No, of course not!" But her voice was shaking now too, she didn't wanna die
"then let's go. We already have what we came here for." She then showed Cynthia the key, broken with the Titan's blood dripping from the cracks, but there's still more within it. Of course. Geeta managed to find it. God she's really going to disappoint Diantha if she finds out, that she really ended up begging and bribing Geeta to never tell Diantha a word of what happened.
Tho, despite Geeta's promise, Diantha's still going to find out. After all, she has her precious Golden Guard watching over the Coven Heads during their missions.
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saw this on @movrings blog and wanted to play!
the game: spell your url with song titles and tag as many people as there are letters
h - how to disappear completely by radiohead
o - ok overture by ajr
p - pepper by death cab for cutie
e - eat your young by hozier
l - let down by radiohead
e - exit music (for a film) by radiohead
s - stick season by noah kahan
s - satanist by boygenius
f - favorite crime by olivia rodrigo
a - all my love by noah kahan
n - not strong enough by boygenius
d - don’t throw out my legos by ajr
o - orange juice by noah kahan
m - moon song by pheobe bridgers
f - fine line by harry styles
r - round here by counting crows
e - emily i’m sorry by boygenius
a - adventure is out there by ajr
k - kyoto by phoebe bridgers
and now my 19 tags: @fandom-took-my-sanity @babygirl-jonathanbyers @thenawidow @storybookwolf @lithiumcreepblog @daisyssousa @justanotherconfusedautistic @slmonsnow @movrings @vronicamrs @yelena-bellova @fivehargreaves @msjemmxswift @roamwithahungryheart @rosehellfire @musicalchaos07 @nancybadassbyers @flilisskywalker @beautiful-tragics
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url change!
agents-of-strange-umbrellas ——> hoplessfandomfreak
tagging some mutuals below the cut
@storybookwolf @justanotherconfusedautistic @babygirl-jonathanbyers @thenawidow @wllbyers @daisyssousa @fivehargreaves @msalyasimmonsfitz @vronicamrs
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I was tagged by the wonderful @movrings for this tag game!
the first celebrity, quote, outfit, and aesthetic image on your pinterest page is your vibe
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very happy with my celebrity 🫶 chloe bennet has my whole heart
no pressure tags <3 @babygirl-jonathanbyers @fandom-took-my-sanity @thenawidow @slmonsnow @storybookwolf
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cheemken · 1 year
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Tags from @/thenawidow (sorry idk if you really wanted to be tagged but this is a cool concept cbdndn hahah)
That'd be dope tho ncmxnx hahahh
Like,, Cyn being so so loyal to Diantha as well, and is one of the few Coven Heads who really try to encourage people to join the Empress' Coven, and ofc low-key a suck up as she tries to go above and beyond compared to the other Coven Heads, as Diantha would give her praises for her good work
And since I just made a concept abt Hau being undercover to get back Drasna's journal, imagine if Diantha also trusted Cynthia enough to watch over him to make sure that he won't deviate from his mission. Cyn was more than happy to accept ofc, anything for the empress
Tho, Cynthia was also rather impulsive, when she saw Iris all alone, she couldn't help but go to her and see what's all the fuss abt this human. It didn't take long for Iris to find out that Cynthia was part of the Empress' Coven, the head of Potions as well, as there's a clear sigil on her wrist. Iris backed away from her, even asking her what she wanted, but Cyn just smiled, going on how the empress might be impressed w her if she just brings Iris to her
Ofc, Iris put up a fight, even going on as to why Cynthia still follows Diantha. And Cyn tells her that Dia is the one who'll save them all, she just wanted to make sure that everyone in the demon realm is safe
"do you really not see that she's using you?"
"Diantha had warned me about you humans. You're trying to make me go against her, aren't you? Well.. so sorry to disappoint but," she grabs a potion from her belt, "I know better than to fall for your lies."
And insert another cool fight scene bc yeah ofc, then during the fight, Iris was still going on abt Diantha, how Cynthia didn't even wonder why Dia had to limit the others' magic, why she's the only one who can use any type of magic, "don't you think that's unfair for all of you?" But Cynthia, ever the loyal devotee, paid no heed, going on how Diantha said it would be for everyone's best interest, how it would help the people be more united, and it'd lessen the casualties as Diantha had said that those who are careless would hurt not only themselves but others as well. That's what Diantha had told everyone in the Boiling Isles, only those who are strong can wield different types of magic, and Diantha is the only one strong enough to do so.
But ough cbxnxb imagine if Drayden finally finds them tho, and was there ready to fight Cynthia, but Cyn knew she shouldn't really draw much attention to herself, she'd rather not disappoint the empress. So she left, leaving no trace behind.
Imagine tho when she got to the castle, as she was about to head to her chambers, Diantha was there in the hallway leading to her room. Cynthia bowed before her, but she could feel vines wrap around her legs, forcing her to kneel. She looked up at Diantha, her features were calm and serene, but there's that burning hatred in her cold blue eyes that made Cynthia shiver.
"where have you been?"
"at.. at Bonesborough, your highness."
"I don't remember telling you to go there."
"ah, I was looking after Hau—"
"I didn't assign Hau there today either."
Fear settled within Cynthia as Dia's eyes glowed brighter, as Cynthia was abt to explain, a flash of light went past the right side of her face, shutting her up. Diantha chuckled, crouching down to Cynthia's level, a hand on her face, gently running a thumb over Cynthia's cheekbone. "Cynthia..." She breathed out, and god Cynthia leaned in on her touch. But Dia's touch became rough, her thumb almost pressing on Cyn's lower eyelid, "don't make me hurt you again." She feigned concern, and just chdmdn Cynthia feeling phantom pains on her left side, the jagged scar on her face almost felt like it was burning, remembering the time she failed a mission and her left eye paid the price. She promised herself never again will she disappoint Diantha.
"of course, my queen.." Cynthia managed to say, "it won't happen again."
Diantha stood up straight again, smiling at her, "I'll be counting on that." And she left, the vines on Cynthia's legs finally freed her from their grasps.
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hopelessfandomfreak · 2 years
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thank you so much for the tag @babygirl-jonathanbyers 🤍🤍
tagging some mutuals here, anyone else who wants to jump in feel free to!
@thenawidow @storybookwolf @fivehargreaves @directlyat-thesun @wllbyers
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