You Are Not Alone! - Together - Part 1
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❁ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ!
❁ ᵂⁱᵗʰ: @NotAPupAnymore
❁ ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ: https://twitter.com/UptightVet/status/1611862710404136960?s=20
“𝐿𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒽.”
– 𝒰𝓃𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌𝓃.
❁ Harper ❁
This moment could go in so many directions, fear, confusion, loss of all common sense… However, I could not afford the time. So, I gave myself the count to five. That was all.
I flew into action.
There was no way that the wolf would survive with the loss of blood visible to my naked eyes, or could there? Did I have time to wait around to find out? No. No I did not.  Once I saw  the dripping red,  stains on the white fur of the wolf’s body which automatically pushed my need to help and support the voiceless animal into action, there was no stopping me.
Dragging the wolf wasn’t necessary as she stood up with a little help from me to hold the door open. She didn’t whimper or cry out from the pain I knew she had to be in. She walked proudly until she could no longer.
Once the wolf was inside, my eyes moved around the outside to ensure no one had been watching. It was all clear. My head spun to the course of action that would be needed, while my heart thud so hard into my chest bone. Could I even help with this?
Doubting myself was not going to help matters here. So, closing the door softly my hand reached out for my go bag. Leah was in the apartment, her wolves tall muscular body slumped onto the floor as I rushed to her side. Before touching her, I began as I would any treatment.
“Leah… I need to examine you. See what the damage is. Is it okay for me to do so?”
She moved her head telling me to go ahead.
Rushing to wash my hands, the towels from my bathroom on the coffee table that I pushed out the way so that I could fall to my knees beside the giant wolf, to stop the blood and see where the majority of the damage was.
“It would help me to know what happened.” She moved her head away from me, part of me knew it was important for her to remain still. When the damaged artery was found I went to work. Holding my nerves together while suturing the wound had been easy. My mind remained on the job at hand and not on the Why’s and the How’s of this happening.
As I worked my eyes  moved over the area I had completed, and my hands stopped stitching. I could see the muscle knitting together before my eyes and couldn’t believe it. Until now my mind was blank, the only things that I would allow myself to think of was the list of tasks I needed to complete.
Find the damage.
Stop the bleeding.
Pack the gash.
Put the muscle and the skin back together.
Think about what will happen if Leah the wolf became Leah the woman while I worked on her.
However, now I could hear the voice while seeing a flashback to the moment when Collin cut himself before my eyes to show how fast he could heal. His skin came together without any additional support, stopping the bleeding, and then the thin pale line had been the only proof that something have happened to him. And that too had vanished shortly after.
“This changes the impact.” Using the back of my hand to wipe my hair out of my way before continuing the job at hand. Because blood had been lost. So, even if the wolf on the floor before my eyes healed by herself. Could she survive the blood loss?
❁ Collin ❁
❁ ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ: https://twitter.com/NotAPupAnymore/status/1631305708258963458?s=20
I had just arrived back at my stash of clothes and my truck keys when I felt it again; that deep sense of something wrong… it rippled through the pack and amplified as I did. #Jared, my Beta let rip a howl and I whirled to run back to my pack as a burst of pain shot through the hive mind. Not Harper. That was the first thing I thought… our connection didn’t work mind-to-mind like that. It’s not Harper.
But then there was dread… Who? Whose pain was that? Before I even reached my pack again Most of the #BlackPack had  phased and #Jake instantly echoed ‘Leah!’ Everyone went silent…. Both Alphas absorbed the information from those that felt the first wave. Almost all of the active wolves were here now and another single howl from #Sam would have the others phasing as soon as they possibly  could, even if it meant walking out of work or waking neighbours to babysit.
We felt another burst of fear… no… yes… but Leah wasn’t fearing for herself, we were needed. But where? And what was happening?
‘Why isn’t she talking?’ #Jay asked.
‘She must be too far away.’ #Sam’s thought rebounded… Shock rippled. Why would she be that far away from us? We weren’t supposed to patrol alone, we were pack animals. #SethClearwater was shockingly calm considering this was his sister and he hadn’t been running with the pack regularly for a long time  now. But he fell easily in line like the rest of us.
#Jake turned to #EmbryCall. ‘Can you pinpoint where it’s coming from?’
Embry had an uncanny sense of direction, he could tell you exactly where any wolf connected to the mind map was and the quickest route to get there, in seconds… less normally. But even with an open channel between both packs, he seemed to be taking a few seconds with this one. The process of his mind was visible to us all.
I was running before he even clarified it was Port Angeles and showed us a six-block radius. It was the best he could do.
‘Littlesea!’ My alpha snapped into my head. I felt the tug like a leash pulling taut, but it wasn’t enough to stop me. Not when my imprint could be with #Leah as we spoke.
‘Harper is in Port.’ #Jay supplied to the others as I ran. There was no time for fear. No time for panic or thinking about what might be wrong. The presence of an imprint at a source of pain and a distress signal from a wolf changed everything. #Seth was hot on my heels as the alpha’s delegated while running. The entire #BlackPack came with  #Sam, #Paul and me. Other than #Embry, he had the best people skills, so he went to get #Kenzi and #Sue… If Leah was hurt, her mom would need to be there. And Harper might need her sister… #Kenz and Leah were basically sisters now too.
I ran and ran. The waves were getting  stronger with every single mile. I knew that we were still close enough to the others that those more intense waves were reaching the hive mind through us.
Behind us, lines fortified to protect the Reservation, along our route other wolves that hadn’t reached the line  before we set out, waited and watched the road crossings we would need to make; letting us see through their eyes. Showing when and where was safe for more than a half dozen seven-foot wolves to run across the roads at lightning speeds.
But once off Tribal land, we would be on our own. Embry’s mental map stayed at the forefront of my vision. My singular focus was; to get there. Get there. Get there.
Once I got Harper’s scent, I would easily find her.
‘We won’t need that, Cousin.’ #Jake had read the direction of my thoughts. ‘When we get close enough Leah will tell us everything that happened.’
But the blasts of emotion seemed to be coming slower and slower. They were stronger when they happened, but they were happening less and less. #Seth’s mind refused to linger on the thought. That was his sister on the other side of that pain… on the other side of the ebbing and flowing darkness. But this was #LeahClearwater. She was unstoppable.
‘If she was unconscious, she would phase back, right?’ He asked, we never stopped running. All of our communication happened while paws pounded the earth and propelled us forward.
‘Not if Harper is nearby and there’s still a threat.’ #Sam said. Not liking this answer almost as much as me.
Leah’s mind became clearer and clearer the closer we got. It was strange… I had never seen the colours of her mind before. She showed us the body of a vampire she’d killed… Panic tried to pierce my heart when I saw Harper fading in and out of her field of vision. #Sam took some of the younger wolves and went to take care of the body. Leah hadn’t shifted because she was still worried there was someone or something else in the area.
She showed us, Harper, in the carpark in the dead of night. Why was she following her? Why would she have come here to watch her and not told me? Should I have been here? Did I make the wrong call taking my run when Harper was out of  town? Did Leah think I couldn’t protect my imprint? Was I a failu…
‘Littlesea! Focus!’ My alpha ordered even from halfway across town and I did… I had no choice. He’d not forced his order when I started to run because he knew there was no leaving me behind when Harper was  here, her hands covered in our sister's blood. #Seth cringed but stayed strong. I bolstered myself like he had, shaped my mind to match his.
The rest of the vision #Leah had shown us was #Juan offering to follow Harper home. #Paul had already taken another wolf to follow his  scent. If there was something else after Leah or Harper and his scent was near them, he was in danger. They would post guard until the town was swept.
More flashes of pain and Harper with bloody hands came as we circled the apartment using alleys for cover… the smaller of  us, like me, used dumpsters and trucks. Exposure wasn’t the goal, but right now Leah and Harper were the priority. The Alphas assessed risk continually through our open channels.
‘Seth, Go.’ #Jake commanded, there was no need to clarify what he was to do. He was to go to his sister and his imprints found sister.
‘Collin?’ #Seth’s questioning burned the back of my mind.
‘Collin will protect his imprint while she does her job.’ #Jake answered for me.
I was glad… as badly as I wanted to be at her side, even more than that I wanted to know  this line was solid and nothing could get past us to Harper or Leah. The link of the hive mind made an imperfect circle around the apartment. #Jake pressed the image into #Leah’s mind the moment a human #Seth came into view through our wounded sister’s hazy eyes.
‘Leah. Stand down. Heal. That’s an order.” #Jake’s Alpha tone made even my ears prick up a little and he wasn’t even my Alpha.
‘The brotherhood is on guard.’ #Sam and #Jake said in unison. ‘Heal!’
❁ Harper ❁
Leah wouldn’t settle down, or… at least the giant white wolf stood in my living room wouldn’t. She stood with all four paws on my ground, her eyes on the door after doing a full circle of the apartment. She kept moving me as I tried to work until the final stich had been placed. Never had I done such a job in such a way.
The wolf’s growl rumbled in her chest, and it reverberated through me. “Please remind me never to get on your bad side.” I only whispered it, however the side eye given to me by those beautiful eyes, the ones with the light browns, highlighted the hazel flecks in those irises, were enough to silence the dead.
It wasn’t until the door opened and we saw the tall and broad shadow cased over the room, the bear chested #Seth stood before us taking in the scene did her legs shake and she let out a deeper growl. She was fighting  the pull of something.
‘Sis, we are here, we are here.’ He took two steps to clear the room and take the wolves face in one hand, while the other one wrapped around me so tight that it was only then did I realise that I was shaking, with tears running down my cheeks. He kissed the wolves forehead and only them did she allow her legs to blend and sit until her was lay down banting.
‘Thank you, Harper. Thank you so much. You looked after her when I couldn’t. You don’t know how much this means to me. thank you.’ #Seth kissed my forehead, still holding me to him. ‘Shh… we are here… Collin is here. We are all here.’ He whispered into my ears as I counted to five in my mind and then nodded my head.
“I… I don’t know what happened. I just… I… Leah…. Here…” Now I let the fear of it all sink in. “I was making a drink and then she was at my door.”
‘Was there anyone else out there when Leah came?’ He asked as we both moved to her side. I was on my knees now, checking the blood she’d lost.
“I looked outside. It was just her… the wol… Leah.” Squeezing his hand. “Seth who did this to her? How did she know where to find me?”
‘We are finding out. We are going to get to the bottom of it.’ He looked at me with worry. ‘Please don’t be upset with sis. She’s been coming to see if you are okay here. She was worried about you… about Kenzi…’ His voice trailed off at hearing something outside? But I couldn't hear anything at all.
❁ Collin ❁
#Jared had sent two of the wolves to a halfway point between home and Port. While we could only hear the others back home as echoes through the two pups; it strengthened the amount of communication back and forth. The Rez was secure. That was  the only reason that Jay would have spared the paws on the ground to fortify communication.
Two. Because we weren’t supposed to patrol alone. Why was Leah here alone?
We were passed a message that #Embry was told to come ahead with the girls. Apparently, Kenzie had given him an earful when he had pulled over to the side of the road waiting on word from #Sam that the route to the apartment was clear. There was no chance he would bring an Elder and an imprint into a situation  where there was potentially a vampire… even a wounded wolf could be a risk to them. It was clear why #Embry was chosen… if anyone could remain calm while dealing with an enraged imprint; it was him.
‘Collin… you can go now. Get in there before  Kenzi arrives, make sure #Seth knows that she will be here in a few minutes.’ #Jake told me. He wasn’t my alpha, but #Sam allowed me to differ to him while he dealt with the body in the middle of town. Knowing that my brothers were here… that they had swept the area and secured it against outside threats, I was able to phase… letting my anxiety go by leaning into the drive to be close to Harper. When I was on two legs again all I had was the shorts tied onto my hind leg…. Or left  leg now that I only had two again.
I headed inside, trying to keep out of sight while still keeping my eyes sharp… a half-naked guy on a street would attract attention in these parts. The scent of the blood and the sight of Leah stitched and bloodied, hit me hard.
Seeing Harper wrapped under #Seth’s arm only struck me with such force because of the fact that there were tears on her face. I would trust him and any of the pack with her life and safety. My heart thundered and I  raced to her side. #Seth was already whispering to her. ‘Collin is here, look…’
He slipped his arm away as mine came around her. She smelled of blood and tears. “Harper.” I breathed and pulled her into and deep embrace. “Are you okay?” I asked  her, pressing a kiss to her hair and inhaling deeply the scent that was still her, but something more too. Something tainted with violence.
Still holding her, I looked to #Seth. “Kenzi and Auntie will be here any second.” I told him. Then I  broke all the rules and reached out to lay my hand on Leah’s blood-streaked fur, her body heat had already dried most of it. But the blood on Harper was still wet and rapidly cooling. I pulled back enough to see her face and cupped her cheek gently. “You are… um… thank you for saving her… Is there anything else you need to do for her? Or can we get you cleaned up before your sister gets here?”
❁ Harper ❁
All my thoughts were disordered. The perfectionist in me took a back seat for the time being as there was nothing more for me to do. The haze grew in my eyes making me shift my glasses to wipe at them as I felt another set of arms coming around me.
#Seth’s voice felt so far away, like a fog horn trying to find it’s way out of the mist. But then I knew the comfort of the one who held me. While #Seth moved to place himself on the floor beside the white wolve…
Leah… Leah… LEAH!! I screamed her name repeatedly. This wasn’t an unknown person or being before me. My hands had been working only moments ago to keep her alive. She was…. Leah! And remembering her name would be the only way to stop me from falling apart.
“I… I… She was bleeding so much…. But she wouldn’t lay down to let me help…. She is running so hot… But….” But I recalled a whisper of a voice that belonged to the man now holding me, telling me that they ran hotter. “And… her heart… her heart was…tachycardic.” My eyes did not leave her. “The blood… it… it.. I stopped it, however without knowing what happened or where she was coming from. I… I don’t know if I did enough.” Was I repeating myself? maybe. However, I needed to hear myself say the words to believe this was real.
‘You did more than we could have hoped for. Collin is right… Thank you Harper, we cannot say it enough.’ #Seth had her head in his lap and whispered into her fur. ‘Leah she isn’t alone, I am in here, look Collin is here too holding her; you can take the time to heal… just please... Ma is coming… Ma will be here soon.’
When Collin reached out. #Leah in her wolf form snapped her teeth. But there hadn’t been any force behind it.  ‘Sis. Play nice with the pup.’ #Seth attempted to do what he always did best, lighten the mood. However, it was clear this moment couldn’t be lighten. ‘Collin the bathroom is back there, please take Harper. Clean her up.’
But I pulled out from the arms holding me. “No, I cannot leave her like this. She blew her stitches twice before….” I could see her flesh pushing together around my work. “Before her skin… it began to pull together.” My voice now sounding so far away as my eyes glanced down to my bloody hands. I knew that I needed to clean up. After any surgery it was important for the patient to be placed in a sterile environment. “We need to move Leah. To… Sheets? Maybe placing some sheets under her?” Because there was no way we could move her into the bedroom, I wasn’t even certain she would fit in the door.
‘We will take care of it all. You need to clean up too. Listen to Collin. Ma and Kenzi will be here soon….’ His eyes moved over me. I was wearing the blood of his sister, and the cooling of it was making me shiver.
“Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes. I will clean up. But please…”
‘We will call you out if anything is needed. I promise.’ #Seth motioned to Collin. ‘Pup… take her in there.’   
❁ Collin ❁
I looked to #Seth when Harper said she was running hot, and he nodded. I brushed a hand over Harper’s cheek.
“We are hotter in wolf form than we are in human form… It could be her body's accelerated healing. We just need to give her a little  time to heal, okay?”
It wasn’t a lie… but by Seth’s expression, I could tell her temperature was more than what we would expect. “If the bleeding stopped then it had to be something you did, or she started to heal on her own. She’s seven feet  tall and almost nine feet long… she has a lot more blood in her body than any animals you’ve ever worked with.”
I pulled my hand back and shook my head when Leah snapped at me. “Well, at least some things never change.” I tried to joke… but  nothing that was happening here was funny. “I can protect her Leah.” I told her, but I knew she didn’t believe that. If she did, she wouldn’t have been here alone… and Harper might have been killed. I should have been here. My heart constricted.
“I will protect her… please heal. The packs need you.”
When #Seth told me to take Harper and clean her up; it felt almost like it had when #Jake told me to come inside. Not an order… but he was senior to me… and he was right. I nodded and  lifted Harper to her feet.
“C’mon.” I said to her softly. “Seth will call you if she so much as twitches. We’ll just be in the next room.” I guided her slowly to the bathroom with a gentle arm around her shoulders and closed the door only  halfway. I really hoped that someone thought to grab clothes… there was some blood on my bare, scarred chest from holding her close to me in her blood-stained clothing. I closed the lid of the toilet seat and ushered Harper to sit down. She was  shaking.
“Hey.” I touched her cheek, there was a streak of Leah’s blood from where she must have touched her face. “Look at me.” I said with my voice steady, even… “Everything is going to be okay.” I pushed the plug into the sink and filled it with warm water. I wet a washcloth and rubbed a little soap onto it. “I’m just going to clean you up, then we can get you some clean clothes before #Sue and #Kenzi get here, okay?” I heard familiar voices whispering and the scent of two of  the young pups entering the apartment. They were all shuffling furniture and putting Harper’s idea into motion, placing clean sheets under and around our injured sister.
I cleaned the blood from her cheek and rinsed out the cloth. Then I  started on her arms working my way down to her hands. “You did so amazing helping her Harper… I always knew you were brave… but this is next level.” I smiled at her. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here... I should have come with you this weekend. I should have been here when you needed me.”
❁ Harper ❁
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - 𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕙 ℂ𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 』
My teeth missed the pup by an inch or two, what was he thinking? Touching me like he was at a petting zoo looking at something cute and fluffy. Clearly the madness of the night had messed with his brain cells. What other reason had him crossing the line I had set up for years?
‘Sis, rest please. I don’t know what is happening inside of you. But I need you. Ma needs you.’ #TheKid’s face buried into me, his tears dampening my fur where he held me close to him.  But I couldn’t let go, I couldn’t let my body heal the way it needed to just yet.
As I lay on the floor of this small apartment watching #Sam and his pack through #Jake’s open hive mind. He knew I needed to see this hunt to it’s end. Closing my eyes I watched as they set the body parts alight all the while checking the surrounding area for anything that could have been missed. The pups were thorough in the way they tackled the task. Each one of them worked with their Alpha in such a way that nothing would be left behind.
‘Leah!’ #Jake’s voice rang in my ears this time the command of my Alpha was not holding back. ‘Would you let your body Heal!’ A man who in normal circumstances couldn’t be quiet, now was a man of few words when it came to my wellbeing. And it now registered why he had taken the tone with me.
The burning inside had been there since the fight with the vampire, however it was only now that I could see all the packs taking up their positions that I allowed myself to feel anything. Pain coursed through my veins burning its way deeper and deeper into me. The vampire venom attempted to take a hold of my human body and the spirit of my wolf.
‘Fight child, fight with everything you believe in.’ His presence made clear by the gust of wind that blew in from the open door and then I was engulfed by the scent of incense, the forest, the ocean and all the things that I called ℍ𝕆𝕄𝔼. #TheGreatWolf came with all his mightiness and cocooned the strength of my spirit warrior keeping her close to my soul and my body.
Biting down the pain that tried to rip and shred me from the inside, I held on to my warrior for dear life. I wasn’t ready to give her up, and she wasn’t planning on letting me go. We kept ourselves awake, watching and fighting the enemy within.
Knowing that #Seth and I were no longer alone made it harder. His arms tightened around me as I felt them move me. Even when I didn’t want to be touched by them, not because of anything other than the fact that I didn’t want my blood to tarnish their hands.
❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕖𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕤 』
“Everything will be okay.” Repeating the words however, unable to feel the sentiment which should engage an emotion from within.
This was not the first time I had to work on someone I cared for, and it wasn’t my first case of working with the unknown. However, it was the first time in my life that I knew that the wolf I had my hands inside of only moments ago, would turn into a beautiful woman any moment now. And the unknown and the lack of knowledge and understanding of what it would do to her healing was weighting down on me.
The warm wash cloth made me close my eyes. Listening to the drumming of my heart beat as I sat on the cool toilet seat. With my eyes dropped down to my shaking hands in my lap I found my voice again. “I do not feel brave, Collin. I do not feel amazing. Not knowing if my intervention could actually help or hinder Leah…” My voice cracked. “I’ve never…” lost again with the realisation of everything just dawned on me.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You know I wouldn’t have allowed you to come with me. You cannot place your life on hold just to be next to me.” My eyes finally lift to meet his. “And I wasn’t the one who needed protection.” Pointing to the door. “Leah did. She is the one who was attacked. I’m just so thankful she found me, that I could try... to try—” my voice cut off as a gust of wind blew the door of the bathroom open making it bang into the tiled wall. “What’s going on?”
There was an unexplainable calm that washed over me in that moment, all the fear, the unknow and the loss that I wasn’t even aware of was gone, and in its place, I felt love, protection, and comfort. Strength, the will to heal, and the want to survive. I felt as if we were safe with Collin here, with Seth too. And Leah… She was the catalyst of it all. “What is going on?” I whispered to him again.
❁ Collin ❁
My heart broke for Seth, I couldn’t help but think about how I would feel if it was my sister so badly hurt… It didn’t bare thinking about and hearing the fear in his voice… he was such a pure soul, it hurt to think of him in pain in this way.
Between that, my shaking soulmate and the disconnect from the pack outside my nerves were being stretched. But my priority was Harper… and not only because she was my imprint… she was also, very clearly Leah’s best hope for recovery. Taking  care of her was the best way to keep them both safe.
Harper was repeating the same words over and over, it hurt me that I didn’t know her well enough to know if this was how she coped with stress or if she was spinning out. All our time  together had been happy… fun… magical.
The night I had told her what I was different… but everything else… I have nothing to measure this situation with. No way of knowing what was best for her. I looked up from where I knelt in front of  her. “No one ever feels brave in a moment where it's truly needed, Harper. Brave is feeling afraid and doing the right thing… the hard thing, anyway.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead. Relief flooded me, she was here, she was safe. Then guilt….
Leah was here too… and she was not okay. Did it make me selfish to feel this relief when one of our Warriors was fighting for her life in the next room?
I shook my head. “Honestly… Harper, I felt like my life was on hold because we were so far apart…” I exhaled. “I know how this sounds… but… that’s a conversation we should probably have after… After Leah heals.” I could tell by the scents and sounds from the living room that she wasn’t getting better.
I straighten up and gently gripped her arms. “It’s okay… It’s some of the pack, they are just making space and laying out clean sheets for Leah like you said to. You’re safe, you’re both safe. There are six of us outside. No one we don’t trust is getting passed them. With four more sweeping the town.” I reached up and cupped her cheek, I promised her no more secrets. “There’s still so much about this world you don’t know yet. So much we haven’t had time to talk about. But I promised no more secrets… So, I’ll tell you.” I took a breath. “Leah was attacked by a Cold One… a vampire… is what you would call them.” My thumbs brushed her cheek. “The creatures our wolf form evolved to protect humanity from. And from what we could tell… it was after you. And  that’s why Leah attacked it alone. She killed it, but we can’t be sure if it was just one or if it had a companion… Leah’s thoughts aren’t… They’re patchy… but we aren’t in the same pack, so I don’t know what she normally sounds like.”
The footsteps and murmurs went as swiftly as they came, the guys needing to get back on the line around the apartment, while Port Angeles was swept. And likely knowing that was how #Leah would be more comfortable with fewer people near her.
I  heard a familiar truck… My truck. “Kenzi and Sue just arrived.” I dropped the washcloth into the sink and fished out the plug. “Do you want to change before you see them?” I motioned to her shirt; it was stained with blood, too.
“The others have left, it's just Leah and Seth inside. Kenz and Sue are on the way in with another pack member called Embry.” I wanted to make sure she knew exactly what was going on in her surroundings… in as much detail as possible so she would feel  whatever tiny amount of security was possible for her right now.
❁ Harper ❁
Silence engulfed its way around my mind and being, there were words. His words. Attempting to borrow their way into my head so that I could somehow make some sense of the information Collin shared. Maybe if it were another person, I would have broken away from him and run. Once again fighting that urge, however in the next breath I found the invisible yank towards him. The one I’d felt so often and now somewhat comprehended the meaning of.
I knew that I could spiral out of control. To demand clarification of what he meant by a cold one? A vampire? After me? Here in Port Angeles, Washington? However, the point that held my attention. “Leah was here to protect me? I am the reason she is fighting for her life?” How? Why? What…?
We didn’t have the time if #Sue and #Kenzi were here. “Kenzi came too?” whispering the words softly I worked my hands in my lap before closing my eyes. “I need to change. Sue cannot see me like this.” It wasn’t the thing to do to a mother. Having her see her daughters blood on me… “I will go and change.” This is one of the most important things we were taught in school, and it was true for all forms of sorrow. There is a reason a doctor never goes to meet the families of their patients right away from the O.R. They always had to change and even shower if it was needed. Only when they are clean could they go to see and update the next of kin. You never saw that on TV shows or in movies.
Moving my glasses and giving my eyes a wipe with the back of my hand I sheepishly stood on shaky legs and chastised myself. #Kenzi was on her way, and my best friend had the heart as soft as they came. She would be broken once she sees her future  sister-in-law in so much discomfort. And then… if we combined the state I am in right now into the mix. It would break her heart.
Stopping myself from overly contemplating, my eyes found Collin, “We are not done. There is so much that we need to discuss, however like you said, now is not the time. We need to be in there with Leah, be there for Sue, Seth, and Kenz. However, Colling Littlesea. We are not done.” Reaching out I took his hand in mine squeezing it once before slipping out of the bathroom.
My eyes were drawn to the living room the moment I stepped into the small space that most would call a hallway. Seeing the floor where blood and gauzes had been discarded before, it was now clean with the scent of bleach in the air. I saw the back of #Seth curled over, and around the top end of the wolf that had the soul of a warrior and his sister in it.
Noticing the shaking of the wolves body I rushed into the door right beside me into the bedroom, pulling the blanket off the bed and rushed back to give it to Collin. “Please could you cover Leah, shock is setting in. I will be there right away. I will be right there.” I said again. Once again repeating myself.
Handing the blanket off I ran back into the room, pulling the sleeping shirt I had been wearing up and over my head, discarding it into the bin, before dressing into some fresh bottoms and a new shirt.
❁ Collin ❁
She seemed so overwhelmed, I wasn’t sure if maybe I had given her too much information, but that would be breaking my promise of not keeping anything from her. “We think so… nothing else makes any sense.”
“Of course, we sent someone to bring  them… and keep them safe. She’s here for you, and #Leah and #Seth.” I answered her next question and then nodded when she told me we still had more to talk about. “I know.” I nodded. “I know, I promise.”
I watched her leave the room and then  quickly rinsed out the sink and threw away the bloody washcloth, in case #Sue or #Kenzi came in here. I walked to the door and then Harper was back again with a blanket. “Of course, I will.” I let my fingers brush hers as I took it. She was off again, and I made my way to the living room… the guys had made plenty of space. The room smelled of cleaning solution and the floor was covered in clean sheets.
I placed one knee on the floor next to the massive white wolf. “Harper says you need this. Please don’t take my hand off.” I said quietly as I unfolded the blanket. There were footsteps and a large hand on my shoulder.
‘I got it, pup.’ #Embry’s voice came from above me as he took the blanket and handed me a backpack. It  was mine; the one I kept in the back of my truck. ‘Go and wait for Harper.’ I took the bag and nodded. Heading back down the hallway, pulling a t-shirt out of the bag and tugged it over my head. I wasn’t like the other guys… I didn’t walk around shirtless unless I was home alone. I didn’t like to remind the others I was the weak link in the pack. Not that they would ever agree with me about that.
I waited for Harper in the hall outside the room while Embry whispered to Leah in the living room. ‘Damn, Trouble… you look terrible.’ I heard the rustle of fabric. ‘Your mom is here. The Rez is secure. The guys are posted at the vet clinic and Port is almost swept. When the ladies come in we need you to stay put, okay?
They’re shaken up. So, play nice and rest. Don’t try to get up. They are worried… think of them and try to heal, please.’
Then louder he called out that it was all clear and I heard much smaller feet rushing into the apartment. I stayed here, waiting for Harper.
❁ Harper ❁
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - 𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕙 ℂ𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 』
#Seth’s gaze moved from #Emby to me and then back again. He sat still and took everything in as the blanket was laid over my shaking form. The burning made it hard for me to concentrate on something for too long. The pain of the fire in my veins had my willingness to fight pushed to it’s limits.
‘Don’t you dare think that way.’ #Sam’s voice rolled into my mind in the back somewhere. ‘You never give up, and Spirits be damned you aren’t doing it here tonight. You are going to face this challenge as you do everything.’
And then the scent of Ma and my brother’s imprint brought my fight back with an all-mighty impulse.
What in the name of the spirits were they thinking bringing Ma and Kenz to Port? Embry off all people had to have known that I would kick his arse from here to the ends of the lands for it. Had they not seen what I had killed here? And the human. There was something happening here that wasn’t right.
My wolf pulled her muzzle back to show her canines at him. The pup wouldn’t lose a finger or a hand, but Embry Call?
‘Beta stand down.’ The voice of my alpha rang out loudly. ‘You know as well as I do there is no way Sue Clearwater was going to stay behind in La Push when she found out her only daughter was injured.’ Okay fine, I knew my mother wouldn’t take no for an answer, but still. I showed him #Kenzi’s face and he sighed. ‘That one… The Kid’s imprint was chosen well by the spirits. She was born to be a part of the Clearwater bloodline for a reason. The might of that small one… It made me glad that I wasn’t the one driving her here.’
Their scents took over the room before they even stepped foot in the apartment, and then the air in the room was sucked out from around me when they stood frozen in the door, both of their brown eyes locked on me. Tears flowed down McKenzie’s  cheeks as her hands shot up to cover her mouth so not to let the sound of her gasps travel too far, however it was heard by everyone.
❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕖𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕤 』
My foot steps stalled as soon as I walked out the door of my room. The sight before me compelled my heart to break into a million shards.
Sue sat beside her son and the wolf form of her daughter, her hands brushing the fur while she whispered words of what felt like comfort to Leah. She did not allow tears to cloud her eyes, and held her shoulders straight, even if the strain in them could be seen by those moving their eyes away to give the family some form of privacy. #Seth now had one arm around his fiancé and the other still held onto his sister.  And #Kenzi.. she sat crying, repeatedly saying. ‘I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have asked you…. I shouldn’t….’
My hands reached out in search of Collin’s, curling my fingers into his for a moment as I felt like he was the one who could ground me right now. I still believe that this nightmare could come to an end, and I will wake to none of this night being true.
Collin had been stood where I had left him however, Leah had already been covered by the blanket I’d given him. He now also had a top on. The t shirt covered his chest and the scars that I’d seen through the fog of adrenaline coursing it’s way around my veins. Those were on my list of things we had to talk about. I wanted to know how he had been hurt, what had caused them, was it from his illness as a child, or was it something like what had taken place to Leah tonight?
Just as I plucked up the courage to take a step forward, to share with #Sue what I had done to her daughter, #Seth began by gently breaking the night down. He spoke of what #Leah had been doing here, how she had come around and found the vampire who had followed me, how she had fought him off alone. And how she had managed to send the others in the pack a message for an SOS as she came to my door. He spoke and told it all as though he had a first-hand account of the night... no… nights… that she had been here. Talking about a night when Rosa and I had been out at a restaurant, how something or someone had been following me there. the picture he painted sent shivers down my spine.
‘I am so sorry Ma... this is all my fault.’ #Kenz cried, causing my feet to carry me forward to her side. ‘I was the one who asked sis to look after Harper….’ I placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up to me and cry even more. ‘I knew you were sad Harps… I knew you would feel lost… I didn’t want to leave you alone… I’m sorry.’
#Sue reached a hand over and touched #Kenzi’s leg. ‘Shh… Usdi wouldn’t have had it any other way. she would have come even if you hadn’t have asked her. This is what my daughter is like… she wouldn’t have it any other way. Please do not be upset with her Harper, this is how Leah shows people she cares. She wasn’t spying on you. She just wanted to protect you. Please forgive her. ’
My eyes now filled with tears, seeing this woman whom I loved and respected asking me of all people, to forgive her daughter for saving my life.
“No… please… Sue… please don’t break my heart. I know I am new to all of this, however I’m intelligent enough to know that without Leah here tonight. I would not be alive.” Lowering myself to my knees I took her hand in mine and squeezed it. “Please forgive me… I am the reason your child is so hurt.”
#Leah shifted and spasmed making everyone move back away a little to give her space, I didn’t move back, I moved into her. ‘It’s okay. I’ve got you Leah.’ #Embry said, the only other person who hadn’t moved away, not caring that she could hurt him without meaning to.
“Please hold onto Leah’s head.” I asked him. Then I called for #Seth and Collin. “Could you both hold her sides? We need to keep her tongue from rolling back and keep her airways free.”
❁ Collin ❁
I thought that #Embry would have joined the others outside once he’d cleared the room before letting #Kenzi and #Sue inside. But he stayed… we’re they worried that Leah might lose control when she was in pain? It was certainly possible… for anyone else but Leah? I just  couldn’t see it happening. He whispered something to #Seth then, telling him he was doing good…
He was here for us, for #Seth… and me, to a lesser extent. Or he was the only one with the balls the tell Leah to stay down other than #Jake… and he needed to lead the defensive line. As Alpha, he had to stay in wolf form.
Harper came out of her room and my heart rate slowed… like a closed door between us had stolen all sense I had that she was safe, and seeing her gave me that same rush of relief I felt when I first saw her tonight. I followed Harper into the living room where. #Kenzi was sobbing her words with #Seth’s arm around her… my heart broke and #Seth’s gaze met mine… He’d heard my internal tirade the entire run here… he seemed as shocked by the revelation as me.
Harper’s hand found mine and I  squeezed her fingers gently, turning my gaze to hers. “It’s going to be okay.” I whispered to her.
I kept her hand in mine as she spoke to #Sue, my eyes moving from them to Leah as she explained what she had done so far, but I stayed quiet and stroked the back of her hand  with my thumb. Telling her over and over I was here, I was here now. Even if I had let her down tonight.
#Seth went next… leaving out how I had disobeyed when he ordered me to stop running. Hopefully, that titbit would never make it to the ears of the elders. My heart broke  for #Kenzi when she was blaming herself. “It should have been me.” I whispered.
‘Pup.’ #Embry gave a barely perceptible shake of his head and flicked his eyes to Harper. ‘Not now.’
I shared a look with #Seth; he understood. He was probably the only one that could.
I  flinched internally when Harper said it was her fault… I couldn’t bare to think of her shouldering that guilt. But Leah’s body started to twitch. Embry comforting us was not unusual by any stretch… but Leah… that was new. Then again, I’d never known of a moment where Leah needed comfort…so I suppose that was why it had never occurred before now.
#Embry took #Seth’s place, with Kenz glued to his side, it made sense, he sat so her head rested on his knee… I couldn’t help but think he was going to pay for that later. I released Harper’s hand to do as she asked.
‘She doesn’t smell right, Harper… There’s a chance she’s been poisoned.’ #Embry told her, he seemed unsure of how to explain it; so I did.
“There could be venom in her system, we don’t know how it affects us… but in humans the only way to reverse it is  to remove all the contaminated blood.” I knew that wasn’t an option… she’d lost so much already.
‘I can help her keep still, just tell us what you need.’ #Embry told her. ‘Anything that you don’t have here… equipment… drugs… we can get it.’ He looked at Seth and I. ‘#Ness is on standby.’ I assumed that he meant with Dr Cullen’s medical equipment.
His attention moved back to Leah. ‘Hey… Keep still and let the Doc do her thing, okay? Don’t give the Pups a hard time. They’re just doing as they’re told. Just pay attention to me.’ Then he started to recite what sounded like a poem. No… it was a song… I knew the song but I couldn’t remember from where or who sang it, he just spoke the lyrics from memory.
‘Like a small boat, On the ocean. Sending big waves. Into motion. Like how a single word. Can make a heart open…’
❁ Harper ❁
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - 𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕫𝕚𝕖 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝 』
Sorrow, pain, guilt… only some of the emotions but to name a few in the melting pot that was my heart. Even with the kind and loving arms of #Seth enveloping me I couldn’t seem to stop shaking now that I was here and witnessing everything with my own eyes.
#Seth and #Leah had told me stories of their past, of their history and that of those who were Spirit Warriors before them. However, this is the first time I am witnessing the history coming to life with my very own eyes.
“This wasn’t meant to be… She is here because of me.” Inaudible and still he heard and understood me.
‘Shh.. baby.. no… don’t. You know this is not on you. This is on the one that attacked. And only that being.’ His arms came around me and we were moved back when Leah’s wolf frame shifted on the floor. She was trying to get  up, to leave.
‘Sis… please.. stay.’ #Seth’s voice broke seeing his sister this way.
“She isn’t losing control; she is trying to leave?” Why would #Leah want to leave?
‘Even now Leah is trying to protect us. She thinks she needs to get away.’ #Sue’s voice cracks.  
‘Poisoned?’ Harpers voice pulled my attention as I wipe my eyes, taking in the conversation that Collin and Embry were having with her. Her hands shook. ‘With no antidote, or antivenom…’ Her mind worked a million miles an hour. I could see it in her eyes. I… I cannot do this… I…’
#EmbryCall moved to rest a hand on her shoulder. ‘You’ve got this doc. But…’ he made her look him in his eyes. ‘If you tell me right now, you can’t… then I will pick her up and find another way.’
#Sue’s eyes now had tears. We were pushed back and behind Seth and a few of the other younger boys who arrived at the small apartment without being told their help was needed.
“Harper… please… I know you can do this… please help Sis.” I cry out to her, my burning eyes watching the wolf on the ground fighting an invisible enemy from within.
Harper’s frown deepened her eyes never once leaving #Leah. ‘We cannot remove her blood, she has lost too much… blood transfusion? It may work… We pump clean blood into her… push the effected out? No… No…’
“Why Not?” I asked.
‘What do I give her? Which blood would work? I don’t have human blood… How will what I am doing impact her?’ Harper was shaking again. And yet again.. I told myself. This is all on me..
❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
『  𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕎𝕖𝕖𝕜𝕤 𝔸𝕘𝕠  』
‘Kenz, I don’t think it’s a good idea. I am happy to go and tell Harper I will be looking out for her in Port. But to go behind her back? It’s not my style.’
My heart leaps out of my chest, “No… No… Sis… please…. Harper will think I don’t trust her, or that I am trying to control her. I just know… I know what she is like, I know she is hurting right now. And she won’t care about how amazing this is for her. She will run… she will run and by the time she thinks it all through, it will be too late.’ I was not embarrassed by my actions, I would go on my knees and beg if needed. ‘Sis, this is an remarkable and astonishing moment in my best friends life. And my actions are shadowing everything for her. I will never forgive myself if Harper loses her true love, her soulmate, her home, and the life I know she will have here with Collin, because of me.’
#Leah wasn’t one to hug, hold or show any form of emotion in the normal ways. It is always in her actions towards those who she loves where her care shines.
‘Has your time with my kid taught you nothing? Have some faith in the Spirits Kenz, in Collin and his bond with your sister. With her… Have faith in Harper. I’ve seen the change in her since she’s been here.’ She sighed biting the inside of her cheek. ‘Fine. I’ll talk to Jake and work out how best to do this. Happy?’
I jumped up and wrapped my arms around the tall, strong, and beautiful woman who had become my sister too. “Thank you Sis… Thank you.”  
❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
『 ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪  』
Harper worked so hard and fast; I couldn’t help but feel a warmth of pride while observing. She called out for things that were needed and everyone listened. She asked for a call to be placed with #RenesmeeCullen, and it was done. The soft voice of the woman I slowly had began to know spoke so fast at first, a sense of fear and worry in her voice, until someone on the other end told her to slow down and breathe.
Harper asked questions, lots of them and #Renesmee... #Ness answered them all as best she could, until she couldn’t. Then another call had been connected, followed by a smooth male voice I had never heard before.
‘Good morning, Doctor Jenkins, my name is Carlisle Cullen. I am Renesmee’s grandfather, and Leah’s doctor. Please, if you will allow me to be of assistance to you, I believe that I could help.’ The phone called turned into a video chat, with #Embry holding the phone where ever he is guided and asked to.
Blood bags arrived from somewhere, I have no idea where from. And Harper’s hands moved like never before. This is the woman I knew… The one who never gave up, always questioned herself, however, never lost focus! She is amazing and She is my best friend.
❁ Collin ❁
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - 𝔼𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝  』
Hearing #Kenzi’s words struck a deep chord, I felt like I had known this woman for years and years but if you added up all the hours, I had been in her company it would probably be less than a full day.
But I needed to  focus, there were bigger things at stake, and she was here with #Seth.  I needed to make sure that Leah had her head in the fight and that Harper stayed focused. But by the look on the young imprint's face; that wouldn’t be a problem. Even though her heart was thundering she had heard everything.
“She isn’t going anywhere.” I said but my eyes were locked on Leah. “Otherwise, how is she going to kick my arse for sitting here with her head on my lap.” It was a knee... and barely... but enough to warrant an arse-kicking by Leah’s terms.
Then the Doc started to talk.... and doubt crept in... I knew that saying I would carry Leah out of here and find some way to help was going to earn me a bigger kick... or five. But I meant every word.
Harper tried to puzzle out the blood problem and Collin spoke. ‘I’ve  had blood transfusions... it was before I changed, but I still had the same genetic anomaly?’
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕒』
Things started to move so fast when Harper was connected with #Nessie. When blood and equipment arrived as fast as it did; I was beginning to wonder if Ness was pilfering a local hospital and not her grandfather’s house. I only let myself feel bad for a second... If it was the case, there was a very large anonymous donation already being deposited into the hospital's accounts.
Before I knew  it Leah was hooked up to an IV and all I could think about was how strange it was to see such a thin tube feeding into a limb thicker than a human arm. That was likely a side effect of seeing a cannula fixed into my skinny, pre-warrior arm.
I would rest my hand on her  shoulder or her back anytime she stayed in the same place for more than a few seconds, and when I wasn’t going to be in her way or hindering her. Her heart seemed to slow when she had the support of a doctor that had studied us, even though he wasn’t in the room, so I wanted her to know she was supported in the room too.
When the flurry of activity passed and #Embry was still holding the phone to give #DrCullen a look at the scene I turned back to Harper.
“Is there anything else you need? What do we do now?”
❁ Harper ❁
‘Sis is going to kick your arse from here all the way to first beach and back again.’ #Seth kept his arms tightly around #Keniz, attempting to lighten the mood. ‘But don’t worry, ‘Bry. I’m sure she will give you a count of ten for a head start.’
The room had become a blur for the majority of the time while #DoctorCullen steered me throughout the steps to be taken. He had taken time to analysis, to develop, and enhance his knowledge to the point that I could be certain that he knew the way #Leah’s body  worked in both wolf form and human form.
Tranquillity embraced me whenever I experienced apprehension rising from within. A smallest of touch, a whisper, an awareness that I would not be alone in the events unfolding. Collin would give the space needed for me to be myself, however when required he would place a touch to encourage me to go on.
“How can I ensure that the damage and the scaring is to a minimum when Leah is human?” I asked while working.
His voice, so gentle and sweet. The sound of a lullaby to my ears. ‘You have nothing to fear when it come to scaring with Leah, she is always highly upset when the healing is complete, and her injuries disappear as thought they were never there.’
“How often does Leah need help like this?” my voice steady, with #Nessie helping to past over tools and guild me with the doctor. However, he was not the one to asker.
‘My daughter came very close to dying once. It was then that Carlisle had to learn fast how to help my usdi and Jacob. Since then, the three of them, and Seth too have been learning as much as they can.’ This explained some of the questions churning in my mind. However, opened up another can of wombs too.
When I had done all, I could, I shifted the weight of my body back onto my toes feeling the soreness in my knees now. I hadn’t gotten off them since #Leah took a turn for the worse.
Squeezing Collin’s hand, I shook my head. The wolf stilled, with her chest moving slower, the bleeding under control, and the thrashing subsided. “No, there is nothing more I can do here.” My eyes on the screen #Embry still held. Questions the doctor.
‘You have don’t stupendously Dr Jenkins, now all we can do is wait and see if we had achieved enough to help Leah with her healing.’
Shifting once again, I sat down on my ground taking the gloves off and wiping my forehead with the back of my hand. “Please Leah… please keep fighting… please.” I whispered.
❁ Collin ❁
I barely paid attention to #Seth and #Embry. I knew what ‘Bry was trying to do and what he always did, lighten the mood and keep us focused. But all I needed to focus on was Harper. It wasn’t a purely selfish thing… Yes, Harper would always be my priority but she was the best  hope for Leah right now too. Making sure she was okay was best for everyone.
It shocked me when Harper wanted to know how to keep the wounds from scarring. My hand brushed against my ribs where I had been cut two weeks before my change to treat my collapsed lungs… I wasn’t even a warrior ye and I had no scar there. I had never given any thought to scars that might happen after our change. I had spent my life in hospitals, but what happened here tonight before my eyes were hardly comprehensible.
I took Harper’s hand and rested my hand on her  back, supporting her as her body trembled. She had to be aching after that long on her knees. “Okay. Let’s give her some time to heal and rest… and you too.” I slipped my arm under her and picked her up. Carrying her a few short feet to the couch to sit down. I grabbed my backpack and pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to her. “Please just go with me on this okay? She’s stable. And she might need you again so you need to look after yourself.” I looked up at the blood bags currently connected to the giant white wolf. “We’ll let the clean  blood work its way through her system. And see if she changes back.” I reached into the backpack again and pulled out some protein bars.
‘The pup is a boy scout.’ #Embry scoffed and I tossed him one and two to #Seth.
I knelt on the floor next the Harper and handed her one, looking up at her tired, worried and still beautiful face in complete awe of everything she’d accomplished. “Almond butter and chocolate.” I smiled at her resting my other hand on her knee. “You need to eat, you’ve been working hard. You’re a miracle Harper Lee Jenkins… that we’ve all been waiting for, not just me.”
Ness delivered three large glasses of water to the others in the room… too fast… sometimes she forgot to restrain herself. ‘I’m going to go find food for the boys outside. Shout if you need me.’ Ness said and a second later she was  out the door.
❁ Harper ❁
Ankles, knees, back, neck. It all hurt at once when I tried to stand. However, one simple movement from Collin and I found myself off my feet and being carried across the room to be gently set down on the couch.
My eyes darted around the room; however, no one paid the action  any attention at all. That is no one but #Kenzi who just smiled through her tear-soaked face.
I began however there was a bottle in my hands and all my attention focused from Leah to his face. That pull in my chest tugging me to listen to him, to understand and to think about what he was saying and what he was doing right now.
Taking the bottle and the protein bar my heart skipped as he spoke to me.
I had people in my life who loved me, who cared for me. However, even then I felt alone. With him, the way he held me, gave me the facts, and asked me to think of myself. My heart skipped again.
And then my attention was pulled like a rug pulled out from underneath my standing feet. But I was sitting.
“I’m tired.” I told myself when I glanced at the others. Waiting for them  to react to what I had just seen. “Maybe I’m…” what was I? Hallucinating?
Pointing my finger to the blur who ran out of the door. “She…. Her… Nessie?” My dry throat hurt too, and lips stuck together. Was I seeing things? In which case I wasn’t someone who could be trusted to help Leah if she needed more assistance.
 “I’m seeing things.” I whispered to Collin, however #Seth and #Embry and one of the other boys  all looked towards me at the same time.
❁ Collin ❁
My eyes followed Harper’s to #Kenzi; she looked like she had been crying for days… not just the few hours she was here. But before I needed to get up #Embry crouched next to them and whispered to #Seth. ‘We should let Kenz get comfortable for a little while too, brother.’ It  was his way of asking his permission to move her from his hold. ‘What do you think?’ He asked Kenzi. ‘Do you wanna get off the floor for a few minutes?’ Because for a guy with a reputation like his, he had a surprising respect for women. #Seth kissed Kenzie’s cheek and told her to go and sit on the sofa, the get comfortable.
Embry guided her to the couch and Kenzi stepped under his arm like he was someone she’d known and trusted all her life. The instinct of an imprint to trust another warrior. #Seth let her go telling her everything was going to be fine.
My heart squeezed when Harper said she was tired. I sat next to her on the sofa, shifting from my knees in front of her. My arm moved around her shoulders, and I kissed her temple and rested my cheek against her hair. “I know, honey.” I whispered. “I know. I’m  gonna take care of you.” I kissed the side of her head again. I meant it… because I had no clue how long this respite would last before I had to ask the impossible of her again. I could hear her voice cracking a little and encouraged her to take a drink.
I couldn’t help but chuckle. #Embry said ‘Ness… can you at least pretend to be human for a minute?’ so low only the non-humans in the room would hear.
“You aren’t hallucinating, Harper. #Ness… Is… Well, she’s special. She’s an imprint too, #Jacob’s imprint. Like you and #Kenzi.” I smiled at  her as ‘Bry settled her onto the couch next to Harper. “But she isn’t human… not entirely… Her mother was human, and her father is a vampire… but he isn’t like the one that attacked Leah. Nessie has… warm skin that can’t be pierced, a heartbeat… she’s incredibly fast and strong. And she’s… Well…” How could I explain the age of this fully grown woman she had spent the last few hours with basically; performing surgery?
“Jake Imprinted on her when she was a new-born… that was ten years ago.” I explained and liked on cue she sauntered back in, at human speed this time. She smelled faintly of rabbit, and I was certain the boys weren’t enjoying the meals she’d found for them… very few of us enjoyed eating in wolf form.
‘You flatter me, Collin… But you forgot beautiful and talented.’ She smiled at Harper. ‘It's  great to meet you, Doc… I wish it was under better circumstances… But Leah here prefers to enforce the rules rather than follow them.’ She sank to the floor next to the huge white wolf in a move that was both sullen and graceful. She rested her tiny hand on Leah’s huge paw, unafraid, without hesitation knowing she was protected by virtue of just being #Ness… never mind being an imprint. I wondered what she was showing Leah… and if or how to explain her gifts to Harper.
I held Harper closer, my hand rubbing up and down her arm. “I still have so many stories to tell you.”
❁ Harper ❁
Collin’s arm around me and holding my close to his warmth helped to ground me in my moment of dismay. Some part of me still not believing what I was being told and them other parts of my mind clicking things into place.
#DoctorCullen, had introduced himself as the young woman’s grandfather when he too looked close to my age. Maybe a little older. So, how was that even possible? Yes, I would have questioned this information in the time, however there wasn’t the time. She looked mine and #Kenzi’s age? However, hadn’t I just been told by Collin that the chiefs son had imprinted on her ten years ago when she was a baby? This beautiful woman was not ten years old! No!
Someone took the bottle from my hand opening it, before placing it back to guide it to my lips. ‘Drink a little Harps.’ It was #Kenz now sat beside me. She’d done the same with the bar, unwrapping it before breaking off a little to place it on my lips for me to eat. ‘You always get so hungry after you work.’ She knew me too well.
My best friend moved to the far side of the couch we were all sat on, however reaching out my hand I caught hers and squeezed it for dear life. My eyes finding hers and telling her to please not go. “I’m so sorry… I wasn’t there for you. I saw you needed someone. But after only trying once or twice I didn’t ask… I didn’t check in with you.. I knew you were happy, and I….”
#Kenz threw herself at me, it was awkward, Collin had an arm around me, Kenz to my other side clinging on and crying into my shoulder. ‘I couldn’t tell you Harps.. I’m so sorry… I couldn’t break his trust…’
“Shh…” still holding her to me. “It wasn’t your secret to  tell. But I once again left you to deal with it all without supporting you.”
She pulled back to look at me. “Seth isn’t Jimmy, you cannot keep blaming yourself for my past mistakes. I am here because of you. I found the love of my life because of you. You were the one who threw us all together in the car and drove… you were the one who brought us to Forks… if you hadn’t…. I wouldn’t have found this amazing family. A family you are apart of too…”
My eye stung with tears, when Ness came back into the apartment, teasing Collin. ‘I know it’s a lot. But Ness is amazing, and as much as I know you want to hide or run… Please… please… please don’t do it… You are home here, you just need to give it time.’
Collin’s hand moved up and down my arm, making me look back to him. “We have time. I want to hear all of the stories.”
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - 𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕙 ℂ𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 』
The burning slowed in my veins; relief washed it’s way over the scorching skin. The song of the spirits guided my way out, a way to out run this pain, but I couldn’t do that. Some part of me knew that no warrior of the tribe would leave it’s formed to fight this battle alone, she wouldn’t leave me. And I wouldn’t leave her.
They sang, their prayed filling my mind, and their percents helped to take me to a place where my warrior and I were at peace for the most parts of it. They showed me my path, and how it wasn’t to stop here. ‘You have more to do. This is not where you leave those who love you.’ They hummed into the air around me.
The sounds and vision of my world went by in a blur with pain stealing me from my mind from time to time. Only the voice of my Alpha keeping me connected and the touches and whispers in my ear. Until a hand placed on my warrior paw began to show me everything as though I was seeing it through my own eyes.
Port in the dead of night, the other warriors in formation, working as one they took control of the town and managed to clear the threat. They weren’t standing down, they had it in hand. The imaged then turned to #Sam and #Jake, the two of them as warriors showing me that there was nothing else here for now. And then I saw her. #Ness smiling at me, whispering that I could let go. To do as I would want them to do if they were in my place. ‘Let go, Leah.’
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕖𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕤  』
Something changed in the air around us, both #Kenzi and I turned our eyes towards the floor where Leah’s giant white wolf lay still as the night sky began to lift. Those sounds… the soft voices, I could hear the song in the wind that came from nowhere, and before our eyes we witnessed the wolf’s form and shape begin to shift and move. The blood covered fur began to vanish, and the soft almond colours skin replaced it until there she was.
“Leah…” I exclaimed.
She lay on the ground, so still that I wasn’t certain I could see even her chest moving. And then it hit me. She lay there curled up in her bare skin…. Naked!
❁ Collin ❁
I watched the exchange between the two women… best friends… sisters… bound to one another before they were ever bound to #Seth and I… brought to us by our Ancestors and Fate. When #Kenzi threw herself at Harper I still couldn’t bring myself to let go of her… she was in  pain and not just her aching body, I knew that she was used to that with her long hours. It was clear by the way they clung to one another that there was nothing I could do to interfere with the moment.
I found #Kenzi’s hand in the tangle of female limbs and squeezed it softly… we shared a smile, hers was watery, but true.
The name Jimmy made my wolf stir. Perhaps Harper had stories of her own to tell me too. But now wasn’t the time.
I wanted to tell Kenzi that Harper and I had talked and she had no plans to run… but that wasn’t my  story to tell. My heart lurched when Her eyes met mine again. “All the time we could ever want.” I smiled at her. “And you still have plenty to tell me too. We can make a few new ones in between.”
The smell of rot had been slowly fading… but now… it was draining out of the air at a greater pace. Leah’s body was fighting the poison, her enhanced healing was becoming more and more effective as the venom was cleansed from her system. #Seth and #Embry were already leaning in closer to Leah’s wolf form. Embry had knowingly placed himself between Leah and #Sue… A shifting wolf was unpredictable at the best of times, but with vampire venom in their system? There was no precedent for this, and Leah couldn’t be faulted if she lashed out during the change. I sat forward on the couch too, uncurling my arm from around Harper and reaching it out in front of the two women next to me. My muscles tensed and primed, ready to protect them in case anything went wrong. The sound of popping bones filled the space.
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕞𝕖𝕖 ℂ𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟 』
I watched the  transformation happening in front of me, bones changing, fur fading away to skin, limbs shortening, toes lengthening to fingers that I laced mine through. “That’s it Leah, come back to us.” I whispered softly. “Let your Spirit Warrior rest and heal with her ancestors. Come  back and heal with your brothers and sisters.”
Skin… nudity… it wasn’t something that had ever really shocked me, we were all just people beneath the fabric. I reached over and folded the sheet that lay under her over the human form now laid out before me. Mostly for the  sake of the guys, her mom, Harper and Kenzi… I didn’t think Leah was in any state to worry about modesty. And worried little about it in her daily life.
I moved aside to allow #Sue to take her daughter's hand. #Sue murmured softly to her daughter in her mother tongue and brushed her hair out of her face. After a long moment, she looked up at the boys and said. ‘We should move her off of the floor.’
A moment of hesitation flashed in #Seth’s eyes… He knew that as soon as Leah was able, whoever scooped her up off of this floor would earn a  smack. But #Embry didn’t hesitate. He tucked her arm that was linked to the IV bags gently over her chest and slid his arms under her and the sheet she was now swaddled in. ‘Don’t worry kid. I already have it coming to me… I might as well take this one.’ He lifted her so carefully, #Sue stayed close and fixed the sheet anytime it shifted. I followed them to the bedroom, carrying the stand holding the IV bags. As soon as she was laid on the bed I shooed the boys.
‘Okay, go let us clean her up and dress her. Send in Harper and Kenzi.’ I said as I laid out the hospital gown and #Sue poured water into a bowl and said a blessing over it. It was what we would use to clean her. She handed Seth a hand-carved bowl and sage and told him to teach the girls how to cleanse themselves.
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 - ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕒 』
I helped Harper up and held out a hand for Kenzi to take. I heard everything that was happening in the room and heard the match spark as #Seth lit the sage. No one would deny #Sue this added protection for her daughter, just as no one had ever denied it to my mother at my hospital door.
“The smoke will cleanse away any negative Spirits that may be clinging to you. Any negative wish that people have made for you in your past will break free and leave you unburdened.” I explained  to the girls as I led them to the room that was now the domain of our Guardians. Leah may be our pack brother, (regardless of gender) but she was theirs to protect now.
#Embry passed us, telling us that he was going to relieve #Jake of command and let him in. But he could not cross the threshold until the mothers, sisters and daughters granted him access.
I stood in front of Seth, he nodded to me, letting me know that I could finish telling the girl’s how to complete the rite. “You hold the smoke in your hands and guide it towards you, to  burn away anything destructive clinging to your soul.” I moved my hand towards me and waved the smoke to fill the space around me.
#Kenzi stepped up and copied me. “Let go of all your burdens, release them all into the smoke… anything that weighs you down. Picture them breaking free and rising with the smoke. Any fears or worries can be carried away to the ancestors. Bring only healing into that room.” My eyes were on Harper even as I talked Kenzi through it all, knowing that she would be next. Her very first tribal ceremony… it was simple  and informal… and it was just #Seth #Kenzi and I here with her to see her through it.
❁ Harper ❁
I stood before my sister, my brother-in-law to be, and the man who I gave my heart to willingly. The scent of smoking sage filled the room as all their eyes turned to me. This wasn’t the first time I been asked to use sage, however this was the first time I was to take part in something that had true meaning for Collin and #Seth.
‘Here you go.’ #Kenzi held the burning sage up before me and nodded her head slowly to guide me on.
“How many times should I do it for?” I asked.
‘Four.’ #Seth said. ‘It’s for the Dawn to the east; Midday to the south; Evening Twilight to the west, and Night to the north. He moved his hands over and around his body to show me the way. ‘But really, you do what feels right to you in your heart.’ He tried to smile, glancing back over his shoulder to the door of the room his mother, and sister were in now.  
I waved my hands in half moon circles, gathering the smoke of the sage and bringing it to myself. beginning at my head, my hair, my face, my chest, and heart, and then I followed the guidance #Seth had provided. East, South, West, and ending at North. 
Collins instructions were fresh in my mind, while straining so hard to release the negative standpoints. The fear I felt when I thought I could let them all down by not being able to help #Leah. Then I had to free the questions I needed answers too. Because for now, it was more important for me to follow the needs of a worried mother, as her daughter lay fighting for her life.
When I was done, my eyes found Collins. He was my grounding focus as I would be his… And then I froze… My mind brought forth a memory of a dream, one I had the night after Collin began to tell me some of the stories of this tribe. A dream of Leah, and Collin as spirit warriors, of them leaving their bodies behind to fight those who would harm the tribes people. I had been there, stay beside and protecting the lifeless body of the man I called mine. Waiting for his return. For him to open his beautiful eyes and smile up at me.
‘Harper?’ #Kenzi rested a hand on my arm. ‘We should go in.’
I asked her to go ahead, taking a moment before to hand Collin the sage back. “Thank you for guiding me I this moment. Please forgive me if I did anything incorrectly.”
‘How is she?’ This time it was the Chiefs son stood in the door, voice making me turn to rush into my bedroom, leaving the men to explain it all to him.
I closed the door behind me, taking in the sight before my eyes. The three women had placed themselves around the bed, each with a small damp towel cleaning #Leah’s body with care. ‘Come join us.’ #Sue’s voice was still calm as she held out a towel. Of course, I took it without questioning the reasons why they would want me here right now.
She said words which felt like a pray her in her togue, before repeating them for the rest of us to understand.
‘Great Sprits or the warriors, whose voice we hear up on the wind, and whose breath gives life to all the world. Hear our pray, help your warrior here tonight, she calls for your strength and for your wisdom. Show her the path to follow to heal, guide her to the world of her ancestors, help her to understand the things that you have taught us, so that she can fight her way back to those who love her.’
‘Harper, please may we borrow your hands?’ #Sue held her had out across the bed to me, I placed mine I hers. ‘Great Spirit, bless this kid, her hands that healed my usdi. Show her, her path here tonight too.’ Taking my hand, she placed it over the heart of #Leah, with #Kenz, and #Ness placing their hands over ours.
Once the prayer was completed, #Sue took out some clothes from the bag by the foot of the bed. We all helps to dress #Leah and braid her hair out of the way before we were told to let the others know it had bee done. The other two walked out, however I remained in the room, checking the I.V. As the last drops emptied from the bag, I witnessed the needle push out of #Leah’s arm, with her skie healing before my eyes.
‘Wado, Equa Didanvdo… Thank you, great spirits!’ #Sue whispered kissing her daughters forehead.
❁ Collin ❁
I watched her, her face sombre…. Harper was concentrating; truly pouring herself into the experience. I smiled at her when she turned to look at me. I was filled with such a sense of pride for her; for everything she had accomplished tonight, and awe at the fact that not once  did I think that maybe this situation was impossible, I knew that she could do this. And gratitude that our ancestors crossed our paths at this stage of our lives, that they thought I was worthy enough of this, incredible, intelligent, determined woman. They had big plans for us. I just knew it.
I didn’t touch her because I hadn’t saved myself yet… and I might not even be invited into that room tonight. “You did perfectly, Harper. Your intention is always what matters the most. The Spirits will always know what is in your heart.”
Then Jake was standing with us as the girls disappeared inside. I stepped back and allowed #Seth to tell #Jake what had happened and what the current situation was. ‘She phased back and we moved her… Harper has stayed with her every step of the way… she purged the venom from her system  #Jake…’ He was clearly astonished that she had done it. ‘It’s incredible. It was like the venom was keeping her from phasing back.’
‘No.’ #Jake shook his head. “No it wasn’t the venom, or at least not just the venom. She refused to let go until she knew Port Angeles was  clear. She thinks the Vampire wasn’t alone, and possibly was in the company of a human. #Charlie is keeping an eye out for missing person reports and #Alice already hacked the hospital records, there’s been no admissions that could potentially be a vampire attack.’
They had  really covered every angle… I couldn’t lie. It was strange to have been disconnected from all of that. Something in my body language must have tipped them off because #Jake’s hand came down on my shoulder. ‘You’ll get used to it cuz…’ The Alpha told me. ‘Sometimes we have  to take that step back for when they need us.’
“Oh, I know… I don’t mind… I would never want to leave her alone during something like that.” The words all came out in a rush.
‘We know.’ #Seth chuckled. ‘But it’s still okay to feel strange being disconnected from your  brothers, Pup. But you had your priorities straight. You did really good. Now, we need to make sure we look after Harper too. She must be exhausted.’ Of course, #Seth would be standing here moments after his sister almost died and still thinking of others. He was the best of  us.
We heard the commotion in the room and then #Nessie and #Kenzi appeared in the door. ‘Sue is ready for you, baby.” #Nessie said and took the bowl of sage from #Seth, she struck another match to get it smouldering again. Then she turned to #Kenzi and smiled. ‘Why don’t  you do it?’ she asked with such enthusiasm that it probably baffled her. #Ness was good at keeping a positive attitude in a bad situation. ‘Shouldn’t you….’ #Kenzi looked at #Jake. ‘You’ve done this before.’
‘It doesn’t matter which one of us does it.’ #Nessie smiled and  glanced at me. ‘It's all about intention.’ She leaned in close and whispered to #Kenz. ‘Just let him smudge himself then invite him inside. The Spirit Warriors have to be invited after we take charge of the wounded.’
#Kenzi seemed to brighten just a little at the word we, she was going to thrive as part of this group of women. But there was still an edge to her that I understood, Leah was still very sick.
#Jake looked proudly at his imprint and moved through the ritual slowly, whiled #Kenzi held out the sage and doused him in the smoke… he never rushed it, he always set an example for the rest of us. ‘P-please come inside Jacob.’ #Kenzi looked to #Seth to see if she had done it right and he nodded. She smiled briefly again.
#Jake, still shirtless disappeared into the room. Harper was really going to  understand what I meant by the guys rarely wearing shirts after tonight.
#Seth stepped in front of his imprint but #Nessie held up a hand. ‘I know you want to get in there, she’s your sister… But just give him a minute to do his Alpha thing.’ She was sweet, and kind. #Seth  nodded. ‘Why don’t you make some coffee for the ladies, Pup?’ She turned that kind smile on me. ‘It’s gonna be a long night. Harper is okay, and it will only take a minute.’
I nodded. “Tell her I’m right here… and I will be right back.” Nessie promised, so I turned and went  to find a coffee maker in the unfamiliar kitchen.
『 ℙ𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕍𝕚𝕖𝕨 -𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕓 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 』
The sight in the room was jarring, #Sue was standing over her daughter, her expression was indescribable. I knew she would pay any price to trade their places even though her children were stronger, physically than she could ever hope to be. #Leah’s skin was dull, which was made even stranger and more terrifying by the thin film of sweat that glistened on the places I could see her skin; it made her pale and shiny at the same time. The smell of vampire venom was slight, but enough to bring me  right back to the night #Renesmee was born.
Back to the moment, I watched my best friend die.
She had died… the fact that it was temporary didn’t ease the devastation I felt in that instant, not even now.
A tiny warm hand slipped into mine and squeezed it, lips pressed to  my shoulder, and I turned my head to see her, those gorgeous eyes and erratic heartbeat. ‘Leave it all outside, my love.’ She whispered. ‘Later.’ She promised. She was never one to pause her emotions until later. She only had room for one feeling at a time in her body and she  felt them all until they were resolved or petered out. Despite it being so against her nature she understood the need for an alpha to put away certain things. But, she always made me deal with them later, even if I didn’t want to… especially if I didn’t want to.
Harper was on the other side of the bed checking all of the tubes connected to my Beta. I hadn’t seen anything like this since the last time my cousin was sick. And now his soulmate was standing here having saved the life of a warrior. I smiled at her when she looked up, sensing her gaze and then I went to stand next to Leah. “What on earth were you thinking, Clearwater?” I asked quietly. She barely stirred.
‘Jacob Black, mind your manners. You can tell her off another day.’ #Sue reprimanded. ‘But not before I get my shot.’
“Yes, Auntie.” I nodded and  turned to Harper. ��Dr Jenkins, We… I… can never express our gratitude for what you’ve done for us tonight. What you did… Only one person that we know of has ever survived a vampire bite, we didn’t believe it was even possible. Not medically... not like this. It's simply astounding.”
‘Yeah, sure…’ A voice croaked; it sounded as though someone had poured scalding water down her throat. ‘Give her all the credit, I’m only here fighting for my life.’ Leah coughed and Sue was there in an instant, dabbing a clean wet cloth to her daughter's  lips.
‘Hush now, usdi. And stop teasing, the Spirits have blessed us tonight. At least pretend to be humble.’ She cajoled her eldest child.
‘I was keeping Harper humble. Jacob was going to inflate her ego.’ She licked her lips and tried to hide the next cough. Leah’s  fingers flexed and I saw the muscles in her arms tensing, but they lacked the strength to lift her arm; it was a distressing sight. I didn’t let it show. I reached out for Harper’s hand, (because I knew there was only one thing Leah would be reaching for right now) and drew  it slowly to Leah’s. ‘Thank you.’ She said in a whisper to Harper. ‘Are you okay? Were you hurt?’
❁ Harper ❁
If the ground could come free from under my feet, this would be that moment when it would make sense. #Leah’s hand felt clammy to the touch with her skin looking pale and yellowing. She’s gone through a battle in herself and came out fighting. There was one thought in my mind right now. ‘I want to be like her when I grow up.’  
“Me? You are asking me if I am, okay? If I am hurt? Leah…” My voice splintered with tears gathering making it hard to see clearly. “Leah…” I couldn’t hear my voice, however somehow it felt as though she could. “Leah… you could have died… You… were…” The tears rolled over my cheeks, there were no words I could say to share with her how I felt in the moment.
#Sue, #JacobBlack, and #Renesmee all took a step back from the bed. With the room being so small, the tall man in here made the walls come in on themselves somehow. However, my glazed eyes were on #Leah as she took my hands bringing me in to her. I stepped around the I.V, leaning down until she guided me to sit on the bed beside her.
‘Harper.’ #Leah’s voice felt harsh to my ears, I could tell talking would be difficult and there would be no stopping her. ‘Are you okay?’ She asked once again.
I shook my head, sniffling back more tears. Who was I becoming? I wasn’t known to be so tearful, however in the last weeks my eyes weren’t letting go of this emotional outpouring. “No.. No.. Leah I am not okay. How can I be okay with you in so much pain?”
I could feel a brash of air on my skin, when I glanced up behind the bed seeing that someone had opened the windows in the room at some stage.
‘I need to know…’ she said, and I nodded my head slowly.
Something drew me in, a wrench to my chest. It mimicked the sensation Collin brought to me. like this invisible line from my heart to his. This one was somewhat similar… and not, at the same time. It had a connection from me to #Leah as she fought to keep her dull brown eyes open. She remained as still as she could, and I found myself leaning down to place my forehead to hers, our noses touching.   
‘It’s new to you.’ She whispered to me in a raspy voice. ‘But we are connected by the spirits, by our souls….’ I squeezed my eyes closed. As she slowly continued. ‘O’wili disqualvdodi nanahi atsilv nasgisgini nigesvna Nihi.’ I could feel her warm breath on my face.
It was #Sue who translated her daughters words to me. ‘I will run into the fire instead of you.’
“You did Leah... And I didn’t even know it. I’m so, so, so sorry that I did this to you…” Because it was my fault.  “I love you Leah...” Whispering I kissed her cheek.  “You are my sister... you have been from the first moment you came to Thompson…. We just didn’t know it.” My tears fell onto her face, and her eyes closed, she still held onto my hand however the soft grip loosened.   
‘Usdi?’ #Sue’s voice broke.
“She’s sleeping. she is just sleeping.” I assured a worried mother.  
The bed moved however I didn’t break away. I felt her arm around me as #Kenzi climbs into bed on the other side of Leah holding her and me. Once again there was movement, this time with #Renesmee sitting by #Leah’s head.
She softly combed #Leahs hair back from her sticky forehead. ‘You know, Leah dislikes all this attention. She will be plotting her pay back.’ The sweet and soft voice sounding like a song.
‘Ness…’ #JacobBlack’s voice broke in quickly, making his other half pull her hand away. ‘She doesn’t like anyone touching her hair.’ His voice sounding softer now. ‘She also doesn’t like anyone hugging her and using the L word. So, seems like a night of firsts.’
Sitting up I glanced back to the half open door. #Seth stood on the other side, but there was no Collin. I felt my heart drop.
'He is in the kitchen; said he will be here soon.' I was told by #Renesmee.
❁ Collin ❁
『 Point of View - Jacob Black 』
I watched the interaction between the two women… and the moment in Harper’s eyes when she realised her connection wasn’t just to Collin, it was to us all; to the pack. To her new family, new tribe. My heart hurt that he  wasn’t here… but deep down I knew that if one of us witnessed a moment we all did to some extent.
I felt #Nessie’s arm snake around mine and we stood aside and let the moment unfold. I put my arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. “You did good tonight, baby.” I  whispered to her. “The hospital?”
Her sweet voice pressed into my mind. ‘There are anonymous donations on the way and Emily is organising the other imprints to make blood donations to replace what we took.’
I smiled. Of course, she had this all-in hand. As soon as #Leah slipped back into sleep I was at #Sue’s side, hearing the fear in her voice. I whispered in her ear that I could hear her daughter's heart beating strongly. Then I joined my imprint and tried my best to contain her affection, she was a tactile creature, always expressing  herself through touch and oh-so-many thoughts and words. It was something I loved about her and something I knew to be a little challenging for Leah.
『Point of View – Collin Littlesea 』
I heard Harper’s voice cracking from where I stood in the kitchen pouring the coffee. All I wanted was to run to her, but I knew that she needed a moment with Leah. I had no clue why hearing Harper tell #Leah, she loved her made my heart beat faster but, it did.
I made my way back to the bedroom door and set the tray of coffees on the side table where the sage still smoked just enough for me to cleanse myself. I took my time, and breathed in deeply, moving through the ritual as easily as I did my morning shower. But with far greater and deeper intentions. Letting go of what I had seen in Leah’s mind  on the run here, seeing her torn open like that, and watching Harper doubt herself was harder than anything I’d had to release to my ancestors.
But when I finally could… I felt lighter, and just like I told Harper and #Kenzi; I brought nothing but healing into that room.
Healing, coffee, and the bottles of water I’d placed on the tray too; because it could be a long night.
Inside the room, I saw the three young women surrounding #Leah and #Sue nearby watching them all. I set the tray on a dresser and smiled at Harper. I picked a up cup, and I  was about to hand it to Sue (our elders were always to be served first) but #Jake took it and flicked his eyes towards my soulmate, he took the cup from me and brought it to #Sue himself. His silent message to go to her was heard loud and clear.
I picked up two more mugs and made my  way to Harper and #Kenzi, where they sat side-by-side next to Leah. I handed #Kenzi the cup and smiled. “I took a wild guess that you take yours with a lot of cream and sugar. You strike me as a vanilla latte kinda girl, but this was the best I could do tonight.”
Then I stooped next to the bed in front of Harper and handed her the other. “It’s not hot chocolate… but I figured you needed the caffeine more than the sweetness tonight and just a little sugar.” I smiled and reached up to cup her cheek and wiped away the tear tracks streaking down her face.
I fixed my gaze on her and I was flooded with all the emotions I could see in her eyes. “Are you okay?” I asked her and my voice broke…. And my worry for her and everyone else in the room, especially Harper and #Leah rushed in at once and pushed the air out  of my lungs.
❁ Harper ❁
My attention moved towards the door the moment he came into site. Silently witnessing the cleansing ritual from where I sat on the bed beside my two soul sisters. I observed the difficulty as he began, the tightness in his body couldn’t be overlooked. Followed by the progression once he had completed his ritual. The buoyancy and the comfort in which he stepped into the room. Without words saying, ‘I only bring healing with me.’ It ought to have felt invasive, however in reality witnessing this moment, built the sense of partaking within me.
This journey we were embarking on would be one of learning, of testing me and him too, and one of bringing us and our worlds together. This strength I experienced tonight, it came from within me of course, however Collin and the others here had amplified it somehow. Making the fact that I had questioned myself and my ability to help non-relevant.
#Kenz stood from beside me to take the cup Collin handed to her. Her small frame blocking a little of my view. Somehow this man had a sense of attention to detail, not only did he listen and remember things told to him, he also picked up on things and elements without needing to be told?
#Kenz went to curl into the side of her fiancé who welcomed her with his arm around her waist. Whispering a few words into her ear making her nod her head.
“Coffee is just fine, thank you…” a whisper of a voice as I spoke to him. Taking the cup that he offered I half smiled as a ‘Thank you’ too, he came to kneel before me.
‘Are you okay?’
Three small and simple words on a normal day would not have happened to have the reaction they do tonight. However, when his voice broke. My heart broke too. In such a short time I had begun to feel so much for him.
With our gazes joined with one another, I did not want to lie to him. But I also did not want to be the reason of anyone else hurting because of me tonight. “I…” I couldn’t lie to him... “I am not… however, I am on the road to being.” It was nothing but the whole truth. “Thank you for coming, for giving me your support ensuring I wouldn’t give up on her.”
His touch to my cheek helped as did clasping the cup in both my hands, allowing the heat from it to penetrate to my core where there was a sense of ice settling in. I could tell the adrenalin had begun to dissipate now.
“How are you? The others outside? Is there anyone else who needs me to look over them?” I knew that Leah had faced danger, but had anyone else?
❁ Collin ❁
I did my best not to listen in on #Seth and #Kenzi, it was hard to give people privacy when I was so on guard. But I trusted my brothers outside to keep everything inside this apartment safe. I had to so I could support her right now.
Before I stopped to think whether or not  it was okay, I placed my hand on her knee and squeeze gently in the hopes of comforting her. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here… It took me too long to get to you… I should have been here… maybe if I was #Leah wouldn’t have…” I glanced to the side at the wounded Warrior. I  wouldn’t let the burning behind my eyes win because I knew #Leah would tell me to be strong. “I should have been with you.”
I had the sense of #Kenz burrowing into the side of #Seth somewhere in the room, and #Sue shifted closer to her daughter on the bed.
Was all of this my fault? If I had been with Harper, #Leah wouldn’t have needed to follow her here. If Harper’s scent had have been masked by mine, then the attack never would have happened. The Vampire might have moved on… I might have caught its scent and called in the cavalry if it had chosen to  hang around and hunt.
‘No one else was hurt, #Leah killed it before she found her way back to you.’ #Jake answered her question when I didn’t. He’d been out there more recently than me, anyway. So, he had a better picture of the guy's current situation than I did. ‘But… after seeing what you can do… We would love a chance to talk to you about learning what you can about us… in case… well…” He didn’t need to elaborate, not now, not in this room. ‘But not tonight…’
My breathing became shallow… This was my fault. My heart started to race as fast as Leah’s was. ‘Go get #Sam.’ I heard my cousin whisper to his imprint, low enough that only #Seth, #Ness and I would hear. Did he think I was so bad at self-control that I needed my Alpha?
Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. ‘Pup. Don’t.’ #Jake said gently. ‘What ifs don’t help anyone.’
“I could have stopped this.” My voice shook. I never looked away from Harper.
‘No, Collin… you can’t know that. Just focus on Harper… listen to her heart. She’s your centre.’
He hadn’t stepped between us, so I knew now; he wasn’t afraid I would break. But I could feel my wolf stirring uneasily in my chest, an anger that we had failed her. We didn’t protect her. I hadn’t lost control of my wolf since I was fourteen and I wouldn’t lose it now either. But that burning in my eyes was building.
❁ Harper ❁
The world around us was no more, some part of me at the back of my mind knew I needed to be there for the unconscious #Leah, however I also had the awareness that the room had enough eyes on her, and they wouldn’t think twice to bring me back to my senses. Right now, all I could see were these pain filled unfathomable brown eyes looking deep into my soul through my own eyes. And as I set the cup in my hand down to the side, I saw nothing and no one else.
He was breaking my heart into a million pieces with the way he spoke about  his shortcomings. I could make out how the chief’s son #Jacob attempted to ease the pain he suffered. However, it wasn’t enough.
“I… I will be happy to help in anyway… however, right now… would you excuse us?” There was no request in my response, I wasn’t being rude.
When I placed my hand over Collin’s on my knee. Squeezing softly before I stood up bringing  him up with me.
 “Come with me… please….” Once again, I didn’t wait for an answer, I did not let his hand go, I didn’t even look  at another person because my mind, heart and soul  were All crying out.
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea.’ #Jacob said softly.
“Please have faith in me… in us.” My voice cracked with emotion, he looked over my shoulder to where #Sue now sat beside her daughter and then stepped aside.
I didn’t stop until we were in the  bathroom, it was the only other room in this apartment where I could close the door, enough to give us the illusion of privacy at least.
I moved to the side guiding him into the room to face me. My hand still holding on to his, the other moved to cup his face. “I need you to stop… stop everything you are feeling because you know it deep down in your heart, I wouldn’t have let you come. I would have thought you were trying to…. I don’t know….” Because even I couldn’t finish the thought.  “No one knows what would have happened on any given day, I know you want to protect me…. But I want to protect you too….”
I couldn’t believe I was about to say what was coming….
“I love Leah…. I love her so much…. I’m broken over seeing her this way…. But Collin…. If that had been you…. I would have died….” The tears came flowing all by themselves as my heart fell to my stomach at the images in my mind of me opening that door to find him the way I found #Leah.
“Please…. Please…. Please…. Collin….” I pleaded. “We cannot change the past…. But…. I will die…” placing my hand over my chest I beat it once, twice, three times. “In here… it’s…. Excruciating… and it’s not stopping…. And you want to be the one on that bed?”
Never had I felt the loss of someone, even my parents…  The way I just felt the loss of him wanting to take up the space of #Leah.
❁ Collin ❁
I gave Jake a quick nod, telling him that I was okay. I had this, and I was confident that nothing she might say or do would push my limits. I let myself be led out into the hallway and to the bathroom.
The moment she said she wouldn’t have let me come I knew it was true. I  knew why, it was exactly the same reason I fought all my natural instincts to ask her if I could come with her… I didn’t want her to think I was controlling, or obsessive. Or even just clingy. I wanted to act like a boyfriend and not an imprinted Spirit Warrior. When I should have explained to her exactly why we feel the need to stay close so strongly instead.
Tears broke free from my eyes when they fell from her, I couldn’t stop it. “No, Harper.” I moved her hand gently from her chest before I put my arms around her, so it wouldn't be  trapped between us and held her against my chest. “No. I would never want to hurt you like that. Not ever. That isn't what I meant at all. I'm sorry.”
I rested my hand on the back of her head and stroked her hair as I pressed a kiss to her temple.  I held her like that for a moment. “I didn't mean to make you cry, sweetheart. It's okay, we are all safe now. I promise you.” I said, my heart breaking open. My wolf leaned full spirited into the hug. After a few more long, deep breaths; holding her close, I explained.
“I wasn't trying to say that I  would have been one fighting if I came with you ... Just that there might not have been one at all were I with you. We smell different to vampires, it's a defence mechanism it allows us to mask the scent of humans. Vampires are picky... Unless they've not fed in along  time... there's a chance it might have moved on if it hadn't liked how you smelled. If I had been with you even an hour before... It never would have caught your scent.”
#Sam was in the bedroom; #Jake was muttering updates to him. I knew they were listening and as much of an invasion as it was, I loved them for it. That they would protect her... Even from me, that was all that would want.
“I should have just come to you and told you that idea of being that  far away from you terrified me.” I pulled back to see her face, cradling her cheek. “I shouldn't have been so wrapped in trying not to look like something I'm not. I'm not possessive or controlling, I don't want to come between you and your work or anything else in your life. And I will always, always heed you when you say no. But I hated it, Harper. I  hated knowing how long it would take me to get to you if I needed to. I sent Nova to sleep at my mom's in case I needed to run out in the middle of the night. I kept telling myself it was paranoia, and the bond making me worry, but then when I was running here... I'm so  sorry, Harper. I truly believed I was doing what was fair to you. I thought I… I don’t want to bulldoze into every part of your life.” My voice grew softer, and more tears came. “This is all so new, and I thought I knew what I was doing… I’ve seen all the guys go through this… but you and I are different, all of the others are too. I have no clue what I’m doing, but I do know that too much distance between us makes me ache.”
❁ Harper ❁
Seeing his tears made the emotions within heave. I had done this to him. I had been so bull headed with him, with Kenzi, and even Sue and Leah… How could they ever forgive me for all of this?
My arms curved their way around him laying flat on his back, holding him so tightly, the notion of being this close and how it would make the pain react hadn’t crossed my mind. (But then again. Who of us was thinking clearly right now?)
‘She’s your centre.’ Jacob’s voice still resonated with me. I was meant to be his grounding force, his reason for being, his protector.
Closing my eyes, turning my face to bury it into the crook of his neck. The one soft kiss to my temple felt like a much-needed soothing balm.
Listening to Collin’s clarification should have worked, the logical part of my brain understood. I knew that animals protected their young with different scents, some would even place their babies in another’s nest so that they have a greater chance to survive. However, getting to grips of Vampires? Vampires? It’s where I had come stuck. And this coming from a woman who’d witnessed her new boyfriend becoming a wolf? However, all of that became a moot point. It was the thought of Collin coming in harms way that I couldn’t live with now.
Pulling back, our eyes met giving me an ease to stand still in the moment. “I… Never wanted that for you.. for us.. Learning that you were fighting your true self breaks me.” Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks without permission. “I thought we were going to be ourselves, no hiding, no pretending.” The thought occurred to me, and I closed my eyes letting my chin dip. “And I allowed it to come between us. I’ve always done things in my own way, without considering the importance of those around me and how my actions would impact them…” What had #Jenna and Dad said to me about the aftermath of my decisions? How hadn’t I stopped to think about them?
“I…” my voice overwhelmed with this realisation. “I’m not good for you, Collin… If being with me made you become something, you are not... just to keep me happy… I’m not… good for you…. And Nova…” The poor baby.. how hadn’t I thought of her once since seeing Collin? How had I not questioned where she was, if she was safe and looked after…
‘I shouldn't have been so wrapped in trying not to look like something I'm not.’ Those words gripped the core of me, and it stung.
“You shouldn’t have felt the need to portray yourself as anything other than who you are… It’s why I…”
Biting my lips, I shook my head unable to look him in his eyes from the shame of the reality of what I’d learnt.
“No one is perfect Collin Littlesea, it’s an unrealistic goal to thrive for… however if the person you care for makes you feel you need to be… Then… you need to know… you are perfect as you are… And they do not deserve you... I don’t deserve you.”  
❁ Collin ❁
There was so much turmoil inside of me. She was hurting… her body for the work of keeping Leah alive, her heart from seeing her friend in such a state and now this… now I was hurting her. Her own soulmate.
Even with all of that; her head on my shoulder and her nose against my neck calmed me. Somewhat.
“I know, Harper… Spirits… I know. And I wasn’t pretending… truly… I’m not overbearing or controlling and it's my own fault for thinking that letting those wolf instincts show might make you think I am. Because honestly... Right now, I just want to be with you all the time. I've never felt like this before, with anyone.”
My heart was breaking, but I would fight that feeling and fix it so she wouldn’t have to feel it too. “No Harper, please don’t say that. You are my dreams come true… And I mean that literally and figuratively.” My arms coiled around her rubbing up and down her back, pressing kiss after kiss to her hair, temple… wherever my lips would reach without putting any space between us.
“You are perfect for us, Harper. No ifs or buts. And I promise I’ll express myself better… but can you promise to tell me if I’m acting crazy? I don’t ever want you to feel like I’m trying you or taking over your life?” That last one sounded like a question, though it truly wasn't.
I pulled back a little now and tilted her face up so, so gently. “We deserve each other, Harper. The Spirits didn’t bring us together across a country on a whim, we were always, always being drawn and pulled together. Waiting until the right time. And the second, I saw you, and knew I was yours…” I smiled with tears on my cheeks. “I knew… I knew that we would be insanely happy. Hallmark movie happy. I knew through hard times and easy times we would find strength together. And I knew… that me… a sickly, small boy the somehow was chosen to be a protector… wasn’t a mistake. Because the Spirits and the ancestors believed I was worthy enough to be your soulmate. I will make sure every single day that I deserve you, Harper. I’ll never give up on us. And I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t more open. Can you forgive me?”
❁ Harper ❁
With a barrage of loving kisses, he asked for Forgiveness? This beautiful, kind, thoughtful man holding me to his warmth asked for me to forgive him? Why could he not see that it should be I who begged for this from him.
Kissing his neck again, it helped to ground me. To remind me that this all happened in real time, and it wasn’t all a nightmare coming to life.
There were soft sounds of whispers coming from the other side of the door, however no one knocked or asked us to come out. And I thanked whoever looked over us for this time. As much as it hadn’t been ideal. It was the slow release of all these emotions we both clearly had built up over the night, which needed to be released as we spoke openly of our trepidations.  
Never once in my time with him would I have said that he was a man who could be overbearing, and/ or controlling. “You’ve never been either of those things to me, or anyone else when I have been witness to your exchange with others.” Speaking into his neck as I still wanted to hold on and not let go of him. “I know how our emotions undergo a sense of dread when those we care for are in danger, I myself have stood on the same precipice.”  
I shook my head a little from side to side. Something deep within always hurt me when he told me about his childhood. About his illness. I didn’t pity him, I just wished a kind soul such as his, hadn’t been through so much, so young.
‘You are perfect for us.’
Collin still saw me as a part of an ‘us’.  Myself, Collin, and Nova… her puppies… His willingness to see and move past this night. It made fresh tears well in my eyes. No one other than my dad, Kenzi, and Jenna had been there for me like this. Then when his hands moved like a comforter over me, words found a way to express some of my thoughts.
“I am far from a dream for anyone, I’m not perfect, I’m really just who I am. The mess, the fact base nerd who loves Hallmark movies and nut butters.”
Just the smallest of laughs escaped then because being with him gave me a sense of belonging like never before. Looking up to meet his eyes as he pulled back to see me, his face made me smile through the tears, reaching up I wiped his cheeks with my thumbs. He was willing to fight, to not give up, to face whatever this was together. So why couldn’t I do the same for him?
“Together, Collin… together we will do everything possible to see where your spirits are taking us, together we will see what they have written into the stars for us through this….” Biting my lip’s because the word that was about to slip out couldn’t have been the correct one, could it?
Leaning up to place two soft kissed, one of each kiss. “I cannot promise happiness, or being perfect… however, what I can promise is that I will fight for you, with you, and alongside you Collin.”
❁ Collin ❁
As her words sank in; it really just drove home to me that I should have just told her everything I had been feeling… because she saw me. Of course, she did… this was Harper, she saw into the heart of people, and I knew that sometimes that meant seeing some ugly, unpleasant things. I knew I wasn’t perfect… but at my core, I was a good person. So I hoped that was what she saw when she looked at me.
“You know… #Kenzi told me that imprinting was like being a teenager all over again, I had no idea how completely she meant it.” I knew she’d meant  the hormones and impulse control issues... but the self-doubt and lack of ability to communicate effectively had taken me by surprise.
That tiny laugh made my heart ache lessen substantially. There were fresh tears on her cheeks when she looked at me too, that didn’t shatter  it all over again. She truly was my sunshine… even here and now. I closed my eyes and soaked in the feeling of having her wipe away my tears and then I found her eyes again and did the same for her. Wiping away the streaks the painful tears had left, with the new hopeful ones. “Oh, but you are.” I set my warm brown gaze on hers. “Remember on the beach when I told you about my perfect day? Cooking with my soulmate… and I could never remember what she looked like when I woke up… but I always remembered the kitchen… green curtains over the  sink… It’s your kitchen, Harper. I’ve been dreaming of you since I was a kid. So you are my dreams come to life.”
I smiled at her promises and at the promises that she didn’t make.. because, like me, she knew that one person shouldn’t and couldn’t be solely responsible for another's happiness. It wasn’t a burden that one person should shoulder.
“Side-by-side, sweetheart. We’ll fight for each other and probably with each other too. Because even the stories written in the stars have plot twists.” I laughed softly. “But I will always make sure we never run out of nut butter, that’s one promise I can always keep. And as for my Spirits… they’ve already taken you into the scope of their protection… that means at any stage they will very happily and with great honour be claimed as yours too. You weren’t chosen solely  to be my Guardian… you were chosen to be part of everything we stand for. The pack… the tribe… the Nation… the lineage of our ancestors… all of it. It’s yours anything you want to reach out and take it. Look at everything that happened tonight… It’s proof… Without you, there could be a gaping hole in our lives, our tribe… a pack could’ve lost its beta, a sister and daughter lost… you were always meant to be here, right now, right at this moment. You belong here. The hard moments are the ones that shape history and show us destiny’s path. You are part of our history now.”
❁ Harper ❁
This is something I’d observed with my own eyes, when it came to #Seth and #Kenzi with the way they would act when they thought no one saw or witnessed them. They reached out for the other. Always touching, holding, or even being drawn towards one another. At the time #Jenna and I thought it to be sweet, and normal for those who were newly in love. However, it hadn’t lessened over time. On the contrary it grew stronger as time passed. The blush in #Kenzi’s cheeks and her bed hair in the middle of the day. Things #Jenna would tease her about. Then again, she and #Dan were no different, however there was a difference.  And in this new light, my mind saw the significance of it all. My eyes widened as the realisations dawned, how I hadn’t seen it before is astonishing.
“Being young, lost in all the changes within, the emotions and desires. The ability to know one’s intelligence, and still being unable to articulate those feelings into words!” Hadn’t this been the case for me? The times I found myself stuttering and stumbling over my words. Unable to communicate the simplest of feelings when Collin and I were with one another. It hadn’t happened to me before.
My eyes closed, and my head tilted into his touch. The gentle manor in which Collin wiped my cheeks felt like a new beginning. Not just between the two of us, but more, so much more that ‘til now remained unseen and felt by me.
“I do recall you mentioning your dreams, how could I not?” My voice trailed off as he continued to speak. Another sentiment engulfed me, and I brought him closer. “He was dreaming of me… before he even knew who I was?” The sound of my voice so soft that my ears wouldn’t hear the words, as I soaked in the realisations of was he said.
Cooking, dancing, laughing, and knowing he belonged. With the clue being the kitchen and those green curtains… Green Curtains… The ones my friends bought for me to make me feel at home here in La Push. None of us understanding how our choices bought me into the arms of this compassionate man, who left me speechless once again.
His promises elevated me as they sank in, he didn’t vow to give me unending happiness, the stars, or the moon. However, he promised me things that were in his power to give. Which meant even more to me. I never reached for the stars. I wanted to reach for the sensation of belonging, something I found with him, my work, and my friends. He wasn’t and couldn’t be the only reason I had begun to come out from where I’d spent my life, hiding. However, Collin had to be given credit for allowing me the time to grow and shine on my own.
Right then another memory came to flood my mind. “The day…” I began as I put the memories in order. “I almost ran over the cliff; the energy, or the entity I sensed. Char said I had imagined it. That in a moment of shock and the adrenaline…” Was I over thinking this? “I’m sure it wasn’t anything… Char was right. He had to be.” But dismissing the thought now with everything I had learnt and seen would be a mistake.
“They are mine if I want them?” Yet again, a choice for me to make. Do I want to be here, do I want to be part of this life?
What had #Leah said to me before? ‘Every step you take must be a choice you make, nerd. You are the only one with the power over your own life.’ Now Collin stood here with the same offer. This was my choice…
Everything had happened without moments pause or thought, from the second my door opened to find #Leah there in pain and injured, there were no doubts as to the steps needed. My natural instincts kicked into action, and this is where they brought me.
“Yes, sure. Leah wouldn’t have received the help she needed. However, I think you are forgetting the vital part of this night if it weren’t for me being here. If I weren’t here. Leah would not have been here too. She wouldn’t have been in danger, if—”
A soft knock on the door cut my words short, however the way my eyes dropped from Collins must have been enough. For him to know how much I regret the night and what occurred. ‘Harps… Collin… I’m sorry to disturb you.’ It was #Kenzi. I squeezed Collin’s arm before stepping back reluctantly opening the door.
“Is Leah, okay? Does she need something?” the words coming out strained. 
‘She is fine, drifting in and out actually.’ She worked her fingers, which I reached out to hold and squeeze. ‘It’s just Seth and Jacob are both talking about moving her. They are saying that day is about to break, and people will start to wake. The boys are all hidden outside, however…’
“Someone somewhere will stumble over a big wolf. It would be hard to explain things?” finishing off for her. We both looked at Collin. “I’m not sure we should move her just yet. Not unless we know she is past the worst of it.”
#Renesmee came up behind #Kenzi, ‘We understand, however we have a better chance in helping Leah back home. We can take her to my grandparents’ home. We have a medical room set up and waiting.’ 
“You do?” I was too tired to hide the astonishment from my voice.
‘Yes.’ Her sweet and kind smile made it hard for me not to half smile back. ‘May I?’ She reached her hand out stopping inches from my cheek. I jolted back a little out of habit with the approach, and she waited patiently.
‘Ness will show you Harps, trust me it’s okay.’ #Kenzi whispered, as my hand darted back to find Collin. ‘Just breathe.’
#RenesmeeCullen placed her hand on my cheek, the vision before my eyes changed, she transported me somewhere? The motion making my stomach feel like it dropped.
But where were we? Looking I saw that it was a grand room, with wood accents, floor to ceiling glass windows to one side, and bookshelves filled to the brim on the other. A dark slate ground beneath my feet. I wasn’t breathing, until I saw… turning a full 360 degrees. The room was equipped with everything a surgeon could wish for.
‘Take a breath Harper.’ #Renesmee’s sweet voice penetrated the vision.
“Astounding!” It felt like my world was turned upside down when she removed her hand from my face.
❁ Collin ❁
I smiled at her reasoning about our so-called second puberty. I hadn’t really experienced my first, I was propelled into adulthood… The maturation process was a little slower for #Brady and I, probably because we’d been so young. But as soon as it happened, we were training for  a war… we didn’t exactly have time to figure it all out. Let alone explore  or crushes.
“The first one kinda sucked… but at least we can work out this second one together, right?” I gave a soft smile. She was speaking her thoughts out loud and it made my heart skip, maybe that was the trick.. not to filter my thoughts and let it all out… But I already rambled quite a lot… that might be a little too much for anyone to put up with.
“I was.” I whispered and brushed my nose against hers, answering her question about my dreams that wasn’t really a question. The closeness between us was easing the stresses of the day. She was here, she wasn’t hurt. She was safe… she might not be okay right now, but she was holding onto me… holding onto us. Fighting for us, fighting for Leah.
My stomach dropped to the floor when she mentioned her experience on the cliff, I pulled her closer, like the action would reach back through time and protect her in that moment. “No… you didn’t imagine anything, Harper. The first time I saw you I knew you had been touched by the Spirits. I thought it was your  healing gift… but clearly it was so much more than that. And you can make this choice in your own time. Or never, they’ll protect you anyway because you heal those they protect, and I don’t mean Leah.” I was talking about all the creatures she cared for.
I didn’t have a chance to tell her that; no… that wasn’t how it worked. That our ancestors and our Spirits could only guide us onto paths, the path that vampire was on was beyond their control. Maybe it wouldn’t have been Leah… maybe it would have been another one of us… maybe none of us, but I doubted that. Maybe a human would have died tonight instead… the thought horrified me. What #Kenz and #Ness had to say was a more pressing issue, I could tell her all of this when things were settled.
The guilt that flooded her made my heart ache, none of this was her fault. It made me wish I had been the one to end that vampire's un-life.
My heart started to race when #Nessie told Harper about bringing #Leah to the #Cullen’s. “I can’t go there.” The words a fearful, breathy rush… The #UleyPack left the land around the Cullen’s  home to be protected by the #BlackPack, out of respect for the bond they shared with their family and the treaty between us. The thoughts of being separated from Harper right now were panic inducing.
‘Yes, you can.’ #Nessie said quickly. ‘#Sam already consented; you belong at her side.’ She quelled that panic before it took hold. This woman was truly an angel.
This was clearly a conversation I had completely missed having given my full attention to my imprint.
I clutched Harper’s hand when she reached for me as #Ness reached for her and set  my hand on her waist too. “It’s okay… it’s actually kinda cool.” I stepped closer to her, knowing from first-hand experience how disorienting it can be to come out of one of #Renessmee’s thought projections. “I’ve got you.”
I laughed softly at her reaction. “Just wait  until she shows you something really cool.”
Ness looked up at me and smiled… ‘We’re going to need your truck.’
I nodded and told her #Embry had left the keys in my backpack. “How close can you get it to the door?” I asked her and she just grinned.
‘C’mon, Littlesea… you know me well enough to not need to ask that.’ She replied.
❁ Harper ❁
“Cool … is an understatement if you ask me.” Willing myself to still the sway in my stance, Collin’s arms were supporting me, and the small laughter from him broke the concern growing within.
“You’re correct. There really is so, much to understand and uncover.” Once we both found the correct amount of time we would have the conversation I was sure about this.
When Collin spoke, it triggered my mind. I let go of his hand as #Ness guided him to help with the plan they had masterminded. My eyes were stinging from the tiredness and the lack of sleep. I could tell that I was crashing from the heightened rush of the night slowly now.
As I began to glimpse changes came to light in the apartment. Things were back in order. The couch had need pushed away when #Leah fell to the ground, now it had been pushed back into the correct placement. A burst of fresh cleaning products scent hit my senses.
“Who did all of this?” The question came out as a flurry of movement began to take place. #Seth’s arm came out, gently guiding his fiancé and I to the side.
‘We have it under control. Don’t worry.’ He kissed #Kenzie  on her cheek, then me on my head. ‘We got you.’ Then he was gone.
“I cannot leave.” Whispering it to #Kenzie  while she followed #Seth’s movements around the apartment.
‘What, why?’ She questioned.
“I still have another shift to complete here at Little Paws.” Frustration, making me rub the back of my hand over my forehead frowning. I darted a glance over to the bedroom door, where #Jacob, #Seth and #Sue were all huddled together. Then to the door where #Ness and #Collin where talking.
#Kenzie placed a hand on my arm, the way she always did when she believes me to be spinning in my thoughts. However, the necessity of the action felt unnecessary. With Collin’s calming prospect on everything we were living though right now, something told me to remain calm and collected. 
‘They will not leave you here alone, and Leah.. What if she needs you?’ Whispering so low under her breath that I had no choice but to lean into her.
“I.. I know… I just… I ….” It was happening again, the nerves and the uncertainty of the choices before me were beginning to grow.
Rushing over the kitchen countertop for my phone which had been charging overnight, I scrolled until I found the number I needed and hit ‘call’… It was answered before the second ring.
‘What’s up buttercup?’ relief flooded my senses. ‘It’s a little early for you to be calling me.’
“Juan… I hope I’m not disturbing you. I need your help.”
It felt like relaxation and carelessness in his voice had vanished when he spoke again.  ‘No, I’m still at practice finishing the reports from the last call out. What’s going on?’
“I... I hate to ask… And I promise to make it up… you don’t have to do your shift at La push next week, I will cover it—”
He cut me off. ‘Harper, can you stop, breathe, and tell me what is happening. Do you need me to come to the apartment? I’ll be right there.’
“NO!” The word made #Kenzi jump beside me, and #Juan fell silent. “Sorry, I mean no.. I am fine here. There is a family emergency and I need to go back to La Push right now. Please—”
He cut me off again. Any other day I would feel put out from not being heard. However, right now I was thankful. ‘Go, don’t second guess it. Just go. Family always comes first. I’ll cover things here. And I will be in La Push to help Jessica with this there.’
My eyes filled with hot tears, with my heart swelling with hope. “Thank you, Juan. Thank you so much.” Once we were done, I ended the call before telling #Kenz what had happened.
‘He is such a nice guy.’ She smiled hugging me.
“I hadn’t expected it from him. He never ceases to amaze me, that’s for sure.” Saying so as I crossed the small apartment to check on #Leah before they carried her out.
❁ Collin ❁
As #Nessie led me away I let my hand trail off of Harper’s waist, keeping my gaze on her and whispering that I wouldn’t go far. I could see the exhaustion setting in and I hoped that once we got to the Cullen’s and Leah was settled, she could sleep or nap, at least. I was  already practising a convincing speech in my head to explain that I would be right there listening to everything and promising to wake her if there was anything she needed to know.
I was sure that #Ness was responsible for most of the cleaning that had happened while Harper  and I were sequestered in the bathroom. On two legs she was faster than all of us and she had the best eye for detail, but the guys had clearly helped out a lot if she had been making this plan with the others.
I was standing at the door guiding #Ness as she reversed the truck as close to the front door as she could when I heard Harper say she couldn’t leave yet. “Shit!” I muttered to myself, to which a few of the guys snapped their heads towards me. I wasn’t well known for having a foul mouth. Why hadn’t I thought about the fact she was  still on call!? Damn! I had been far too distracted to think this through… and I had just promised her that I didn’t want anything between us to affect her career or feel like I was taking over her whole life. Her job was important, and not just because it was important to  her. It was important to the world and the animals that she healed and cared for.
I was about to head over to her as #Nessie cut the engine, but by then she was fumbling with her phone and making a call. I could hear both sides of the conversation and it felt like such a  violation… but in such a heightened state, with a pack member wounded, a potential vampire in the area, two imprints and an Elder in the centre of the danger zone… it was impossible to tune things out for fear of missing a simple sound that could give the edge in an attack.
#Juan was being impatient, and I tried not to let it irk my temper, making myself imagine what I might feel if I received a phone call like that at this hour… and He had clearly been on call too. He came through for her in the end. I made a mental note to push fixing  those cupboards he’d mentioned that needed a little work in the support housing higher up on my priority list. It really drove home that my dislike of him was completely irrational… but it wasn’t as though I was unaware of this from the first time, I’d felt it. Although. I  couldn’t help but feel a stab of jealousy when she told #Kenzi he amazed her. #Seth’s hand was instantly on my shoulder. ‘Don’t let the hormones ruin all the growth between the two of you tonight.’ He whispered and I nodded. ‘Do you believe everything she told you tonight is true?’ He asked.
“I know it is, I would never doubt her.” I was a little defensive about it and #Seth smiled then.
‘Then nothing else matters.’ He moved passed me with a thick duvet under his arms and he pulled open the canopy and lay the blanket in an attempt to make the  bed of the truck more comfortable. I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy ride. I heard #Jake and #Embry going back and forth about who should move her.
‘Just trust me, bro’… It’s better if I’m the one to move her. You rally the boys and figure out who is running home and who  is driving. I’ll move her and lead the run home if you want. And don’t forget about Harper’s car either, someone needs to follow us in that. Harper should stay with Leah and Littlesea.’ I heard him say and #Jake seemed reluctant to agree… but he did with a tight nod. And  #Embry came back into the freshly scrubbed apartment.
I followed him back to the room where Harper was checking on #Leah. ‘We’re ready to move her whenever you say it’s okay, Doc.’ #Embry said with the kindness he reserved solely for the imprints. ‘Just let me know how we  should do this.’
I stepped to her side and whispered in her ear. “I am so sorry I never stopped to think about the fact you still had a shift to work.” I sighed, disappointed in myself. “There’s so much going on… I wasn’t thinking straight…. but I should have, I’m sorry.”
(Music: See Me Again · Matthew Mole - )
❁ Harper ❁
#Leah’s eyes flickered open and closed. She was still fighting to stay awake when she needed to sleep. Of course, I had no idea how her body differed from that of a wolf, or of a human, and that scientific side of me wanted to ask so many questions, however, now was not the correct time for it. Certain that later, when I could think clearly  (and if this truly wasn’t a dream), someone… maybe Collin could humour me for a while?
Peering back over my shoulder the man who had carried Leah into the room spoke to me, I half smiled setting her I.V on the bed beside her. “We just need to be careful of her wounds and the I.V bag. I’ll ride with her I am hoping. So, I will hold it up to the correct level to keep the fluids moving.” I told him. before stepping back out of the way.
This was when I felt him before I could see him. The atmosphere around transformed into something sweet. I could taste it, without seeing it. I could feel the scent of it in my nose, when my mind told me that the apartment had been covered in bleach. I contemplated for a moment before my hand found his. “Shh… Please do not worry about this. You are remorseful when you have no reason to be.” Moving another step back as #Jake came into the room too. “Collin, none of us are thinking straight, nor should we be. Someone we all love is hurt; she is our priority—”
My thoughts and words came to an abrupt halt.
‘If you touch me… I will break every bone in your body.’ Her voice broke. My hand flew up to cover my mouth horrified at the sight before me. #Leah had pulled herself upright in the bed, blood on her top as she attempted to stand up alone and without any support.
‘Usdi, no, do not get up. Please allow the boys to help you.’ #Sue had been sitting on the other side of the bed with her daughter.
‘Every Bone… Every single one of them.’ She roared, however her breathing caught. This woman even now, wanted to leave this apartment on her own two feet, however that really wasn’t going to be possible.
‘Leah, Stop!’ #Jake’s voice boomed in the room.
It felt as though the world went stationary. Again, I knew this was all in my head. It was a manifestation of some kind. It had to be.
❁ Collin ❁
Point of View – Embry Call
I smiled at the new imprint and nodded. “Don’t Worry Doc… I’ve gotten pretty good at moving patients recently.” Granted… none of those patients had been chewed on by a vampire!
I kept my gaze on Leah’s shakily rising chest  while Collin whispered apologies to his newly found soulmate… it was a pointless attempt at giving them a little privacy.
He was a good kid, maybe not the greatest in a crisis. But I had a feeling #Sam would be working on that with all his young ones soon. It wasn’t unforgivable… He had shown incredible self-control while his imprint was in danger. So, he earned major points for that.
I almost laughed at Leah’s out-of-the-blue threat… but I saw how it affected #Sue and it stopped seeming funny really fast. Her voice rose. I  automatically stepped past the new couple and moved our elder back with gentle hands. I knew Leah would never hurt her; I wasn’t even sure if she could right now, but my wolf drew me forward with a protective urge.
Leah fell silent when #Jake made his command, and I couldn’t help the glare I shot at him… He never used his rank to silence us. I crouched next to the bed, pulling my narrowed gaze away from the Alpha… this would be a conversation later.
I crouched next to the bed as Littlesea took #Sue under his arm and muttered comforts to the  Auntie. I leaned on the bed and touched the back of #Leah’s tracing a figure eight against it; concealing the action with the angle of my body. “Look at me, Clearwater.” I said calmly. “We need to get you to the Cullen’s. The sun is going to come out for real today and #Nessie needs to get inside.” She didn’t sparkle like her parents, but she was… glowy?
“And the humans need to sleep. Once we get you there and inside the house, no one will move you again until you can move yourself.” I smiled at her. “Then you can break all my bones… it’ll give the doc an excuse to practice. I’ve got you.” Added the last with probably a touch too much gentleness. I would have asked if we had a deal… but I was pretty sure she would say no, so I left it at that.
Point of View – Collin Littlesea
My heart ached when Harper tried to say that #Leah was our priority, but Leah spoke before I could tell her that; yes, she was… to all of us… but to me, Harper would always be the highest priority.
I didn’t leave Harper’s side for more than a second when I retrieved #Sue from Embry after he pulled her back. We could never be too safe when it came to humans in proximity to injured Warriors. “It’s okay, Auntie.” I whispered. “She’s already healing. She’s going to be fine. She just needs time.”
She sobbed softly and I could see her struggle to maintain a calm exterior. When I returned to Harper’s side #Sue reached across and clasped Harper’s hand. I stayed with them until Embry carefully and bravely scooped #Leah up and then I moved to hold the I.V. bags in the air… Not sure it was a good idea to let Harper close to Leah when she clearly did not want to be touched.
The Black Pack third prattled on the whole time about songs that were perfect for beginners to learn on the guitar, and I just shook my head… he was clearly trying to distract the patient. I’d seen memories of him using music to make his mother feel better too.
Maybe he was the right man for this job after all.
#Nessie was waiting in the bed of my truck, only feet from the door. She would have been the safe option to move Leah. Her status as an imprint made her bones off limits for breaking… But, despite being strong enough to lift her… Leah was probably a foot taller than her, so there was no way the hybrid could have carefully manoeuvred her through the doors and hallway with her injuries. When  #Embry lay her down #Nessie took her shoulders and moved her back into the covered cab.
I went right to the passenger side as soon as Nessie took the IV bags and made her lap a pillow for the wounded warrior. I grabbed a coat I kept in the truck… solely for the purposes of  passing for a human, it was sheepskin-lined denim. I gave it to Harper and held it up for her to slide her arms in. “It’s going to be cold back here.” I smiled at her. “I’ll drive as carefully as I can, but you should stay on your knees and reach for Nessie if you feel  unsteady. She’s really strong she can hold you and herself without breaking a sweat.” Did vampire/human hybrids sweat? This was not the time to ask. 
“So, don’t hesitate. If you need to tell me something, I’ll be able to hear you and Ness will be able to hear me.” I touched  her cheek and kissed her forehead. “You should grab whatever you need to take with you. Someone is going to drive your car back too. They can take any bags you have.”
‘That’s gonna be me.’ #Seth walked up, #Kenzi clinging to his arm. There was no way she was ready for him to rejoin the pack and make the run home. ‘If that’s okay with you, Harper?’
❁ Harper ❁
Point of View Leah Clearwater 
My Alpha nearly never exuded his power over me or any of the others in the pack. He always had a strong belief that we would grow by making mistakes and by holding ourselves responsible for them. However, tonight, he’d done it twice. 
My guilt grew from the fact that I had placed him in the position where he’d seen no other way to have me comprehend what was at stake here. Thinking straight had left me hours ago, however I should know better. I was the Beta of his pack, I was the protector, the one who had to ensure their safety. And I’d failed them all. My Alpha, my pack, the imprints. 
“Spirits Forgive me!” I let the request out on the air without words. My body stiffened at the command placed upon me. The urge to fight it tore from within like a volcano building with magma. Which I prayed to the spirits to guide me away from. The moment the prayer exited into a meditation, Embry Call was there, uttering softly as his fingers wrote another secret, in a figure eight… 
Closing my eyes to hear what that meant, what he told me without words. And I understood. When I opened my eyes again, I saw what I had done to those in this room and heard the whispers from those outside who had been listening too. I’d taken to being a protector, when right now I was the liability. I was the one endangering everyone here, our pack and our tribes’ secrets. My Ma was being protected from me, and not by me. That itself felt like the ground from beneath me had detonated. 
Nodding my head slowly once I closed my eyes, giving into my fate. Until #Embry’s plan became evident. Music. He told me we would work on a new song, that it was time I upped my intensity. Something about how I couldn’t sail on by, mediocre was not an option, how I had to work harder to become better. 
Point of View – Harper Lee Jenkins 
A hand took a hold of mine, allowing me to wipe my face with my free one, before turning to see #Sue in need of support. Collins’ attempt to help had been so kind and sweet. “She is stable right now Sue, this is the best time to move her from here.” Hoping to comfort a mother in pain. Situating myself closer to #Sue, curling my arms around to hold her to me. 
‘We are all going to take as good care of her, as she does us.’ She whispered while we stood there. 
The cosmos had a plan, or at least I could sense the intent of it. #Leah allowed #Embry to hold her, as they moved past me, I could see that she had closed her eyes. Had that meant that she had closed herself off from the world? Would this influence her after? Was I projecting my fears from the past onto her? Tears rolled down my cheeks, with the memories of an attack that I hadn’t allowed myself to think about came rushing in. However, this was certainly not the appropriate time for it. 
We moved to follow behind the others, until #Sue kisses me on my cheek. ‘Thank you, thank you so much.’ Then one of the boys took her from me. 
My attention moved back to the orange truck before me, shaking from the cool of the early dawn about to break. However, his kiss to my forehead while he explained what would happen next warmed me. It’s when I understood, all those times when I had been close to him. Collin had always been the one to keep me warm! 
“I won’t hesitate, I promise.” I told him before turning to face #Seth and #Kenz. I stepped into the two of them hugging them both together as we had many times before. “Of course, it is okay for you to drive her. You will find the keys in the kitchen, also please take Sue with you. She needs you all to stay together.” 
#Seth smiled holding out a bag. ‘I packed your things from in there, Seth and I will follow shortly, we just want to take one final look around in case your colleagues from here come to visit.’ #Kenz attempted to smile. 
“They don’t really come here; I think they rented it after Juan was given a place to stay on the Rez. but thank you. We will see you on the other side.” I was given a hand by #Seth to lift me up to join #Leah and #Ness in the back on the flat bed of Collin’s truck. 
I took the jacket offered by Collin, slipping it on over my t-shirt, and PJ bottoms. The cool denim was a contrast to the sheepskin inner lining which I knew would warm quickly with my body heat. ‘Don’t worry Collin, I will look after her.’ #Nessie smiled reaching out a hand for me to join her. 
I took the I.V bag and held it up. “We will be just fine. I promise.” I told them all. , but my eyes remained on Collin. Wanting to reach over and kiss him.
❁ Collin ❁
I leaned into the truck bed, taking her free hand, and pressing a kiss to her fingers. I felt so wrong leaving her back here, I knew it was necessary. I knew it had to be Harper back here, and I was too big to sit in the bed of the truck with them, even if I was one of the  smallest guys in the pack. “I’ll only be a few feet away.” I whispered to her and #Jake stepped up, closing the tailgate. He knew I couldn’t be the one to shut her away.
‘Keep them safe, baby.’ The alpha winked at his mate.
‘Always, baby.’ She replied before they were  closed into the back.
“Damn!” I said. “It will be pitch dark in there.”
‘Ness has it covered.’ Jake replied and something inside the covered cab lit up but barely any light leaked out of the tinted windows. I sighed in relief. I was not on my game today at all.
‘Do you  need me to drive?’ He asked.
“No…” I shook my head. “It has to be me.” I needed some sense of control of what was happening to Harper. Next to #Sam, I was probably the safest driver out of the lot of us.
‘I understand… but there’s someone here for you.’ Jake patted my arm  as #Brady broke through the gathered guys and made a beeline for me. I hugged him and he held me tight.
“You’re meant to be on the line on the Rez.” I said into his shoulder… I was so happy to see him.
‘Nah… I’m meant to be right here bro’.’ He said. ‘I checked on your Ma’s house… I could hear Nova snoring in your parents' room… she’s fine… but all those babies' heartbeats!!’ He beamed a grin. ‘That’s hectic man… so cool.’
#Sam nodded in our direction. It was time to go. The rest of the guys bolted around the flats and into alleys to  get to the woods. ‘Let's go.’ #Brady climbed into the passenger seat and I took the driver’s seat.
Getting out of Port Angeles at this hour was easy. The hard part was the utterly consuming wrongness I felt at having those women locked away in the back of the truck. I  selected each street carefully; to avoid speed bumps and any roads I knew to have potholes.
When we hit the highway I was relieved, long, flat roads with a few gentle curves. I picked up speed, checking in with #Nessie as I gradually increased the speed until she said the vibrations were too high and it was causing pain for Leah. I eased back and kept that speed. Getting home would be slower… but if Leah started to bleed again this was all for nothing. She gave me frequent updates about Harper before I even had to ask most of the time.
I knew the packs were in the trees guarding our path all the way.
‘She’s a good egg.’ #Brady beamed proudly.
The roads in Forks weren’t in as good a condition as Port… I had to slow even more to stop the uneven roads jostling the truck. The speed limitations had already added twenty minutes to this journey. Getting to the Cullen’s would be even slower again.
‘It’s okay, Brother.’ #Brady comforted me when he saw my frustration. ‘They are okay. Uncomfortable but okay.’ I appreciated his realism… it wasn’t his usual go-to… but now… with  Harper involved. He would tell me how it was.
It was like hours and hours had passed before we turned onto the unpaved road to the Cullen’s. “It's gonna get rocky here girls.” I spoke. “I’m so sorry!” I heard #Ness pass on my message.
Relief hit me in a wave when I finally  stopped the truck in from of the huge house, #Jake, #Embry and a few others were there already waiting on our arrival. That feeling was rivalled only by how it felt to see Harper when I got the apartment in Port.
❁ Harper ❁
The back of the truck opened to allow the morning light to stream in. I had to cover my eyes a little, there was a sharpness from having a torch light turn into real brightness of the early morning.
Sounds of voices were chattering all around us, and I saw Jake right away taking #Ness’s hand to help her down from the back. They both spoke in low tones with one another as I adjusted myself. My back, shoulders, arms, and knees were all screaming out.
‘You should get out of here too nerd. That wasn’t a comfortable ride for you. ’ #Leah’s voice sounded dry, making me reach out for the bottle of water #Ness had given me. Opening it I helped #Leah’s head up for her to have a few sips.
“You haven’t seen my normal working conditions.” Saying it with a lightness in my voice.  “I’m staying right here until they take you out.” Slowing the amount of water, she drank. “I’m sorry, I can only give you small amounts right now. You caused yourself some damage in Port, and I need to see what the journey may have added too.”
Her dull eyes found mine, and I saw the clamminess of her usually vibrant skin woeful now. ‘I have.’ She said, making my furrow my eyebrow not completely understanding. ‘Seen your normal working conditions.’ She added. ‘When you moved to the Rez.’ She winced trying to turn towards me. ‘I used to watch you when I was on patrol. Kenzi was worried about you being all alone. And when she found out you hadn’t seek Ma or me out. She really got upset.’ I swallowed as the realisation came to light.
“All those times I felt like I was being watched?” my voice was a whisper.
‘You were being protected by a warrior.’ She said deadpan. ‘Spirits. That sounds stalker like. But it wasn’t. Kenzi is an Imprint. My brothers soulmate. I would do anything for her to be happy. Just like I would for you. We all would, Harper.’
Before I could say anything to her. #Embry climbed into the back. ‘How’s the patient been?’ I didn’t answer. Just guided him to lift #Leah out of the back of the truck while I sat here on my knees looking at the door in dismal.
This trip to Port hadn’t been the first time #Leah has watched over me and protected me? Had she ever been in harms away because of me before?
❁ Collin ❁
I climbed out of the truck, listening to the conversation in the back. But the smell of food from inside the house flooded my senses. It smelled like… a bakery… sweet and buttery.
‘I called ahead.’ Jake said as he spotted me scenting the air, I made my way right to the back   of the truck. ‘You be surprised what you can make happen in this town when you drop the name Vanessa Wolfe.’ He already had his arms around his imprint and was completely unphased by the journey.
The second I laid eyes on Harper I was an impossible mixture of relieved and  frantic, she was okay in the grand sense… but it was so painfully clear that she was stiff and sore. The bed of the truck dipped when #Embry stepped up. I reached out for Harper to take my hand. “Hey, sweetheart.” I smiled at her. I wasn’t sure how Call found it so easy to  pick Leah up the way he did… like he feared no consequences. But then again… he rarely thought things all the way through to the end. I helped Harper down and Kept my arm around her as #Brady took the IV Bags Harper had still been holding.
“Thanks” I whispered to him. And  he followed Embry inside the house. I spied what looked like a hospital bed in the entry hall… I am sure that was to save Leah from being carried through the house. There was no way she was comfortable with that level of physical contact from her pack brothers.
I ran my  hands over Harper’s back and arms. “Are you okay? You must be so exhausted and hurting… but I didn’t think you’d be happy with me if I stopped to let you stretch your legs.” I would only keep her a second… I knew she’d want to race after Leah and make sure she was okay.
‘I’ll be booking all three of these lovely humans in for a spa day as soon as Leah is feeling better.’ Ness said, already heading inside with #Jake; a quick glance in her direction showed me that only #Sam, #Brady and I were here from the #UleyPack.
My hand lifted to her cheek, and I kissed her forehead again. “You must be exhausted.” I whispered, my arms around her holding her against me almost lifting her off her feet… anything to take her weight and let the heat of my body soothe her aches and pains for a moment. “You’re amazing Harper… I have no idea how you're still standing after the night you’ve had.”
My chest ached just knowing she was feeling the effects of the hard night.
❁ Harper ❁
“Hey.. handsome..” Half smiling to hide the various thoughts running through my head, I reached out and took the offered hand Collin held out to help me off the back of his truck.
“Who is Vanessa Wolfe?” I asked straightening myself.
#Brady’s brown eyes gave me a conscious once over had his hands took a hold of the empty IV bags and the new one I had set to go next. He ran after #Leah and #Embry catching them up in two strides and then they were all inside.
My aching body stiffened and the discomfort ceased a hold of my legs, neck, and shoulders as my eyes traveled over the beautiful modern house we stood before. Hiding in the heart of a woodland, no one would accidentally come upon this place.
“No, you made the correct decision, there is no time to waste when it comes to taking care of someone injured as Leah is. I’m fine. Please do not worry about me. I’m used to working like this.” I reminded him.  Even if it were his strong arms holding me up right now. Holding on to him gave me the time needed to allow the blood to flow back into the right places before I needed to stand in my own two feet.
I shook my head in the direction of #Ness, however before I could explain there was no need for a spa day. Not for this. Not for helping #Leah, she and #Jake had disappeared in side of the glass door.
Turning my attention to Collin, I closed my eyes which stung from the lack of sleep, when his warm hands touched my cold cheeks, his lips kissed my forehead. And that seemed to help with the tension in my back and shoulders.
“I…” chewing on my bottom lip, lifting my head to meet his eyes. “I will be fine. Nothing lost here that I cannot gain in a few days. Everyone here is in the same boat as me.”
My hands moved around his chest, and back needed to hold him. To just hug him and tell myself feel this was all real. Kissing his neck I slowly shook my head. I didn’t want to tell him yet again this was normal, because the truth of the matter was nothing about tonight had been.
 “Anyone in my shoes would have done the same. Leah… would have done the same if the tables were turned.”
Another minute I told myself before I would pull away. “We should head inside, just to make sure Leah hasn’t killed Embry.” Trying to make a joke, however it fell flat on my own ears.
That was when I heard another car coming up the driveway. Looking over my shoulder I saw it was my bug with Seth hunched in the driver seat, #Sue beside him and #Kenz in the back.
I had been unaware of tension that had been present within me, until I saw them with my own eyes. “They are here. They are safe.” Letting my arms drop from around Collin so I could face them.
❁ Collin ❁
I flushed, even now… even here standing on the territory of the people I had once considered enemies; she made me blush. “Oh…” I chuckled and looked after #Ness and #Jake. “Um… That’s another long story. Nessie doesn’t have a birth certificate… she has quite a few aliases, her real name isn’t safe for her to use… legally, at least.” Maybe it wasn’t so long… but I supposed that the reason why her name wasn’t safe was an even longer story again. “But I think I should let Nessie show you that one, when she’s ready to.” I realised then I had said show… not tell. “Or tell you… if you’d prefer. Sometimes she forgets humans like personal space, but she isn’t offended when you ask for it.”
It was going to be different with Harper and #Kenzi when it came to Nessie… The other imprints, even #Claire had gotten used to  her overly affectionate ways when she looked rather young. They knew her only as this fully grown woman… despite her intelligence and emotional maturity she still only had ten years on this planet.
I leaned in and whispered. “Is it a bad time to tell you that your dedication to efficiency is hot?” my face burned beet red, but it was a price I was willing to pay to try, lighten her mood and make her smile.
“I know you will be…” That kiss to my neck had me shivering in the best way. She smelled like me after spending so long wrapped  up in my jacket, but there was an incredible scent that was unique to her. One I could pick out even in a crowd of vampires. I held onto her, burying my face into her hair. “But that’s not exactly true. Most people here could go three days with no sleep and then pick up your  car and carry it from here to La Push. It might take three of us for my truck.”
I laughed again. How on earth did this woman have the ability or energy to make a joke right now? She was truly a force to be reckoned with. “I can still hear his heart beating. He’s okay.” I  chuckled, it was true, though... it was a little fast. But his Beta had just been chewed on by a vampire. So, I guess that was to be expected. “And she’s in the bed now.”
I let Harper ease back down onto her feet when her car came into view. “Everyone is safe now Harper. There are five of us here, plus #Ness and another ten in the woods –“ As if on call a howl went up from the trees. Of course, it did… as soon as I promised safety.
In seconds, I had Harper next to #Sue and #Kenzi. #Seth and I stood shielding them from the tree line knowing the guys in the house would have their backs. But it was only one howl… no more came. ‘Incoming.’ Seth said but his eyes were still sharp until they seemed to light up a few seconds later.
The scent hit me and couldn’t help it… It had been so long. I gagged. I had smelled  it on Leah, but this was different this was… three. Three blurred figures skidded to a stop on the gravel and my heart started to race.
‘BELLA!!’ Seth called out and ran to hug her.
I knew there wasn’t an enemy here, but my wolf clawed at my chest. I stepped backwards…  moving Harper back, somehow having the focus to make sure she didn’t fall.
‘Sam!’ #Nessie’s dad called out… but he was tackled by Ness as she ran from the house to hug her father.
I was sucking in deep breaths. ‘No! No, no!’ I was screaming at my wolf, but he was pure  animal instinct right now!
‘Is this Kenzi?’ #Bella was asking now; after hugging her daughter who easily looked two years older than her. She was stepping closer and #Edward grabbed her wrist.
‘Bella…New imprint. Don’t.’ All three of them flash backwards before my knee hit  the gravel and I was trying to force air into my lungs, fighting the pulsing in my muscles and the stretching in my bones.
‘There’s no enemy here!’ I told him.
‘That’s right Collin.’ #Edward said from the trees.
‘Harper you should step back.’ #Sam was  there then. He knelt in front of me and clamped one hand firmly on the back of my neck and the other on my chest. ‘Breathe!’ He commanded. ‘Just like me.’ I rested my hand over his heart like he used to do when we were still pups. I imitated his breathing, willing my heart  into a matching rhythm. I heard #Seth call #Harper away. Fuck! They were protecting my own imprint from me. I was never going to prove to any of them I couldn’t keep her safe if I kept this up.
‘That’s not true, Collin. Everyone knows you’d do anything to protect Harper.’ #Edward called out again.
‘Fucking mind reader!’ My wolf growled.
I heard a laugh. Had I said that out loud?
‘Brother… I love you. But shut the fuck up.’ It was the big one speaking now… all still standing on the edge of the driveway.
❁ Harper ❁
I would have to wait for the woman herself to share her story. Yet another reason why I liked this man so much, he didn’t believe in gossip, or to share a story which wasn’t his to share. Liked didn’t seem to be the correct word… respected fit better.
“You and I both are well aware that people here do not believe in personal spare. And Leah is not included in the list.” It hadn’t been meant with malice; it was a fact. Since coming to La Push, I’d leant everyone loved to hug, hold, or touch you. In thanks, or just to say hello. Add to the fact he had me held close to him, and I had just kissed his neck with so many people watching.
Pulling back a little, my could feel my cheeks heating with a blush. Until I saw his face. Placing my cold hand on his cheek to let him know I saw him; however, I wouldn’t say anything to embarrass him here. “Hot? Not a way I would describe myself. however, thank you.”
I turned my attention to the house behind us, where #Leah and #Embry and some of the others had gone. “You can hear his heart beating!” I would never get used to this, would I? the sensitive hearing? The strength, and the magic of this land.
In the blink of an eye everything transformed without warning. I had been moved off my feet being placed beside #Sue and #Kenzi  who held on to me with one hand, and her other hand fisted up the back of #Seth’s shirt. Fear made her shake and I let her hand go, curled my arm around her shoulders. “Kenz, what’s happening?” I whispered to her.
She shook her head telling me to not talk. To watch and to be on guard. I couldn’t believe what I was being told. Which was nothing. #Collin’s body covered mine and #Sue, and #Seth covered #Kenzi and crossed over his mom. From behind I could tell they were really for a fight. But a fight with who? Or should I ask what? 
I reached out, placing my hand in between his shoulder blades when I hear the sound he made in discomfort. And my heart stopped. What I just imagined it? I blinked and the space before the tree line had been clear, and then I blinked again to find three individuals stood still as statues.
Fine, porcelain skin, they looked different and similar all at once. Two of them holding hands, while the bigger of the three stopped when his eyes landed on Collin. This awakened a fight or flight instinct. However, I knew. I want to the kind to pick flight. Not when people I cared for were… Well… as I glanced around the tension had dissipated. #Seth had rushed over to hug the girl, #Sue too had began to walk over, with Kenzi’s hand in her soon to be mother in-laws, I let her go.
Collin stepped back into me, protectively and by instinct I knew to mirror his steps moving with him without falling to tripping. And that was the moment the world fell away, my eyes only seeing the back of Collin  as my mind and eyes focused on him alone. His sounded lost, fearful, angry. All the things that should have frightened me to move away. Everyone was telling me to. I could hear my hear my name being called, however I didn’t move away from him.
I don’t know what it had been, I couldn’t put any of this into words. I just knew. I was safest here by him.
My mind pushed me back to converge with the now. The beautiful girl moved to cup #Kenzi’ cheek before she had been stopped and moved away.
‘Not Kenzi. I am talking about the tall one covered in #Leah’s and the young one’s scent. His spoke in a soft tone, drawing those of us stood here in. ‘Harper, isn’t it?’ He asked, but I could tell he knew so as he’d spoken to Collin about me... All their eyes turned to me, and I froze. Lifting my hand slowly I gave one wave. What else could I have done?
All my attention shifted back to Collin, that string from my heart pulling me towards him. My eyes began to burn when I saw him falling to the ground, with #Sam moving before my boyfriend.
‘Harper, please. Please step away.’ This time it was #Sue calling out.
‘Spirits. How the tables have turned.’ #Jake stood on the top step before the main entrance, watching the scene unfold before us. ‘Remember the time Bells kicked my arse. Now maybe the pup will get to show his teeth.’ His laughter bounced off the surrounding trees. Making me frown, what was funny about this situation? Collin seemed to be in pain, and they all thought this to be hilarious? Are they kidding me?
‘Funny Jacob, still want to marry my daughter?’ The young boy with the Auburn coloured hair called out. Marry his daughter? His eyes kept returning to me, and now he smiled. And the lack of sleep must have been muddling my mind. Because were his teeth sparkling?
‘Edward… Jake…. Stop it.’ The beauty in the tight jeans, and leather jacket said rolling her eyes at the two of them.
‘When you are all done, I want to go into our home and see our friend who is still bleeding from the scent in the air.’ The big  bear like one finally spoke again. His eyes moved over everyone, stopping at a point behind us.
This had to have been the first time since I’d known him, that I saw the aggression in Collin’s demeanour, and the fallacy in his person. Add to the mix the foul language? “What is going on?” I muttered. This was blowing my mind. The only person I cared to speak with was on his knees and I wanted to cry.
The air around us changed, it became heavy and sticky. Warning of a storm coming. However, there weren’t. The sound came from my heart. The song that I dreamed of when I saw Collin. Something he’d said to me came to the forefront.
‘You are my soul, my protector, my everything Harper. And I am yours. If you’ll have me… I’m yours..’
“If you’ll have me… I am yours…” The words spilled from my lips, as I removed my glasses pushing them into the pocket of his jacket which I wore.
#Sam’s worried eyes shot up to meet mine, and without a word being exchanged, he tentatively with hesitation, slowly stood clearing the path for me to replace him. I sat on my knees before Collin, my hands steady as could be, cupped his face lifting his eyes to meet mine. “Collin, I’m here. I am safe. You aren’t alone. All your family are here. You… you are here with me.” I whispered to him. Hoping he heard me.
“I am your soul, your protector, your everything, Collin. And you are mine… I want you… I want you and only you…” Taking his hand in mine, I brought them to my lips, kissing them one at a time all the while keeping our eyes locked.
❁ Collin ❁
My heart was starting to settle, muscles ached and trembled still. But my bones no longer felt like they were about to break and reshape. My wolf was fighting his instinct now too. #Sam’s heart was steady, #Jake was cracking jokes… No one was dragging me away into the trees  and away from the humans I could hurt or kill.
‘They believe in you, Collin.’ #EdwardCullen spoke again, and I heard a crack. The big one… Was it #Emmett? Laughed boisterously.
‘Nice one, Bells.’ I heard him say.
Then she was there. She wasn’t afraid of us. She wasn’t  leaving us. She was coming closer… touching us. She was saying the words I had told her the night I showed her what we were. #Sam stepped away… that meant he believed I would not hurt her. She may be my imprint… but anyone of these guys would put me down before letting me  hurt her. Just like I would throw myself between any other wolf and their imprint if I ever needed to.
She was safe, she was here. She was… everything. My whole world in this perfect, beautiful, compassionate, intelligent, brave-to-a-fault package. She kissed my hands and it was over. “Harper.” I whispered, a little raspy while my body caught up with the calm flooding my mind. “We’re yours. Only yours.” I pulled her into a hug, my arms slipping around her; beneath her (my) jacket, burying my face in her neck. “We’re sorry… we would never hurt  you... I would never hurt you.” I remembered her words in the circles…. Assuring me that I wasn't a monster. “I’m sorry. We couldn’t… He didn’t mean to… everything was just…” I had no idea how to finish any of my thoughts.
I rested my chin on her shoulder and looked over  at the Cullen’s. “I’m so sorry… This is your home and I… can’t apologise enough.”
‘It’s been a trying day, Collin. We understand.’ #Bella said. Then she moved inside at a human pace, probably to not scare Harper. #Edward and #Emmett - I was sure that was his name now  followed her.
‘Isn’t that the little one that had a crush on #Leah?’ He asked #Edward as they passed. The shorter vampire  elbowed him in and brotherly fashion.
I stood up then, Not wanting Harper to be kneeling on the gravel after she’d been on her knees in the truck bed for  so long. I pulled back to see her face, her brave, confused, pained face. My struggle was reflected in her eyes. Spirits I loved this woman so much! But today, here… that wasn’t the place. The first time I told her those words they would be about nothing else but her, for  no one else’s ears but hers. “You are remarkable, Dr Jenkins. Truly remarkable. Can I ask too much of you again and ask you to forgive us?”
❁ Harper ❁
I saw the change, the moment when he came back to me. By transferring my weight forward onto my knees, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding him closer still . “I know… I know… I know you both wouldn’t harm me.” I whispered into his ear.
He lifted me up from where we crouched, while the three new faces gracefully strolled past. The shorter boy with the reddish, auburn hair, kept his amber eyes on me. He was beautiful in some ways, however, nothing compared to the beauty I saw in Collin’s dark chocolate eyes. As these thoughts make their way into my mind. He smiled and nodded his head in an unspoken understanding.
Maybe on another day, when so much hadn’t taken place, I would have smiled, and teased Collin about the comment the taller, and broader chested boy had made. But not right now.
Slowly the others began to step away towards the house, #Kenzi hesitant until her fiancé whispered something into her ear. I could see that #Sam and #Seth lingered at the foot of the steps leading up to the main door, attempting to give Collin and I some form of privacy. So, I turned my attention back to the man in my arms.  
“You have nothing to ask forgiveness for, Collin. I may not fully understand what just took place, however I do understand that at no point did I feel endangered by you. On the contrary, I felt nothing but safeguarded.” Pulling back just enough that he could see my eyes. “Please believe me, you have nothing to ask clemency for.”
The sound of a throat clearing came asking to be heard. ‘Guy’s I’m sorry to do this. But can we move you inside? Right now, Leah is going crazy wanting to see you both. She knows pup... she knows you didn’t lose your shit. She’s kinda proud. But she is bleeding again.’ It was #Sam, his brows pulled together; however, the strain he had on his features before had dissipated to a point.
I looked back to Collin, Kissing  his cheek. “We should go in. I want to make sure she is okay.” My hands moved up to cup his face. He was mine…. I heard what he’d said. He and his spirit warrior. They were mine.   
❁ Collin ❁
She had so much faith in me… was it too much? What if I lost control next time? My wolf recoiled from the idea… No.  Her face… her voice. It would always bring us back. I knew she didn’t understand… She only found out vampires existed last night, and I had no time to tell  her anything about them. To tell her they were our natural enemies. She hadn’t been to a story night yet, to hear the legends from the elders.
Then #Sam spoke before I could even start to at least explain my reaction. Leah! Fuck! Whether she was kinda proud or not… I was going to get a clip around the ear for this. But if she was bleeding… Harper needed to get in there. I mirrored her gesture, and stroked my thumb along her cheek, touching her forehead to mine. “How did I ever get so lucky?” I whispered. “I swear I’ll tell you everything as soon as we have time…” I promised her. “But only after you get some sleep.”
I kissed her forehead and turned to #Sam. He gave me a nod, a smile… a serious smile… but I had known #Sam a long time and it was definitely a smile. I wrapped my arm around her  waist and walked up the steps with her.
‘You did good cuz.’ #Jake smiled and held his arm out just in time for #Nessie to tuck herself against his side.
“That hasn’t happened to me since I was fourteen.” I laughed awkwardly my free hand rubbing the back of my neck  awkwardly. We walked inside the house… I had never been here before, but I just followed the voices. Working hard to maintain a polite expression with the scent of the vampires.
‘Learning to control your shift at fourteen was incredible Collin… unheard of.’ #Jake was  always encouraging.
‘Because he’s a control freak!’ Brady appeared and gave me a one-armed hug, so he didn’t dislodge Harper from my side. ‘I have to go, twinnie…’ He smirked at the nickname. ‘If you need me… howl. You did good.’ I knew he wouldn’t be able to stay. #Sam  would want to respect the Cullens’ property by minimising the #UleyPack members that were here. Then #Brady turns to Harper and flashed a huge smile. ‘And you, Doc… Are badass!’ He chortled. ‘A little reckless… but a whole lot badass.’
Then he was gone. And #Sam was telling us (for Harper’s benefit) that Leah was just in the next room.
“You don’t need to be afraid of them.” I told Harper before we went inside. “My reaction out that… it was… animalistic… not logical. They are allies.”
❁ Harper ❁
“Twinnie?” Yup, another question for later for now I followed the way #Sam showed, even though I knew where I was meant to be. I’d seen this path so clearly in the… vision? (The best way I could explain it right now).
As much as all of this night had been extraordinary, with so many missing jigsaw pieces. Somethings couldn’t be unobserved. They were all fearful when Collin reacted out in the drive way, Even #Sue who had the upmost faith in everyone, had stepped away and asked me to do the same. However, they all were filled with pride for this man now too… Yet more questions that would have to wait.
Collin guided me into the tall doors which I knew so well, even though this was the first time I had come into this home. It was a surreal sensation. Until my eyes took in the scene before me.
#Leah’s bed had been lifted so that she wasn’t laying down. As much as a bad move this would have been for her injuries, I could see her not allowing anyone to actually set her flat in the bed.
#Embry stood to her left beside her head, watching the new comers closely. From the way his arms were crossed I could see tension in his body and the clenching of his jaw spoke volumes too.
The taller of the new comers, #Emmett I believed they called him, stood to #Leah’s right, His arms crossed too. ‘Hot Head, this is not the way to get my attention. If you were missing me, you just needed to call.’ She punched him in the arm, but there was no force behind it.
‘Em, don’t tease Leah, she will take it as a challenge.’ The beautiful young girl who resembled #Ness said. ‘And we all know how those things end between the two of you.’ #Leah rolled her eyes and everyone else laughed a little.
‘I don’t know, I thought Hot Head was the only badarse in this state. But the new chick is giving her a run for her money. Did you see the way she stood up to the wolf? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that before.’ #Emmett said clapping #Seth on his shoulder, who stood next to him with #Kenzi curled into his side.
‘I’ve never seen anything like it either.’ #Seth said looking to #Leah, who turned to glance at her mom.
#Sue sat beside the bed to the far side, holding her daughters hand gently speaking in a low tone. ‘The imprints are always told to step away, to never cross a warrior at a time of uncertainty. However, Harper… she was the one to bring him down. She connected with the warrior, and  he listened to her. Add to it the way Collin came back too… I could see the phase coming, he was so close… so… close…’ She sounded astonished.
‘I told you.’ #Leah’s eyes lifted to meet mine. ‘Harper Lee Jenkins  is one hell of a woman and doc. No-one can stop this woman when she knows what she wants. We’ve all seen how she stands up to bullies with our own eyes.’ My glance swung to #Kenzi who was looking at me with an uncomfortable movement. As #Leah continued. ‘It just takes her a minute to work her crap out.’ She winked at me. ‘And the goofball…’ her eyes moved to my boyfriend. ‘He’s growing up… making his alpha proud.’ Something in the way her eyes moved over Collin told me she felt the pride too.
Then I saw him. The shorter of the boys. #Edward?  He had his sleeves rolled up and stepped out from the far side with a suture kit. He opened it up, on the sanitised metal table beside the bed. At first, I thought he was taking the initiative to set up for me. This is when I saw that #Leah was in nothing but a sports bra, with her wounds  uncovered, medical gauze resting on her stomach. He wore the gloves one at a time, sitting down on the stool beside the bed.
“What are you doing?” Rushing out of Collin’s arms I jogged forward. “You cannot do that.” I held my hands up in the air waving for him to stop.
‘Harper Stop, don’t come any closer… wait… wait…!’ #Leah held her hand up to still me.  ‘Edd knows what he is doing. He is a doctor too. Just wait there…’ It was then I noticed the way in which she glanced behind me. ‘Pup… Are you going to be okay with this?’ I looked confused at her and then back toward Collin. Why would Collin be a reason for me not to do the only thing I was here to do?
❁ Collin ❁
I chuckled, hearing the confused question. “Maybe we should make a list of all the things I need to explain later.”
When we looked inside the room I could see #Embry was still uncomfortable around the #Cullen’s, normally he did better with #Nessie around. But He hovered next  to #Leah, now. It made sense… he was the Third for the Black Pack. But he was clearly uncomfortable with the banter between #Emmett and #Leah.
I moved my hand to rest on Harper’s back. She had been so trusting, so brave. She believed in me, in us… our bond. Her faith that she would be able to bring me back from the brink was exactly what I needed.
My greatest fear about imprinting on a woman from another tribe was that she would think I was a monster, and that she would be afraid of me. But, the one and only time I had given her cause to be  truly afraid… she had nothing but confidence and understanding. I had no idea how I had been blessed with a woman as brave as The Third Wife. I saw #Edward’s lips turn up into an almost smile. I was never going to get used to having every thought broadcast when I was on two legs.
#Sue was right… I had felt the stretching in my bones, the pricking of fur beneath my skin, the boiling heat in my blood. Without Harper, I might not have been able to stop it. I saw how #Leah’s eyes moved to the ladies when she used the word bullies, that she didn’t mean me… it was an inside joke. Maybe I needed to make a list of questions I needed answers to later also.
I held my breath when #Leah turned her attention to me… I know #Sam said she was proud… but I also knew that I messed up. #Sam would wait until after the  crisis to be over before he addressed the cause. But #Leah shocked me… I smiled, shuffling from foot to foot. I knew it was a phenomenal feat to stop my shift like that… but losing control to that point with three imprints and an Elder in the strike zone was unacceptable in the first place. #Edward grimaced and whispered to Leah… ‘He doesn’t cut himself any slack either.’ As he worked over a small table that looked like it was straight out of a scene from Grey’s Anatomy. Then Harper was rushing forward, and I managed to somehow release her from  my hold, but I matched each step forward that she took with one of my own.
I froze… they were all on edge. Damn! Sure, they were all proud and telling me it was amazing that together with Harper managed to reverse my shift. But they were waiting for me to lose control now. “It’s okay…” I told the room at large first. “I know that I messed up… I almost lost it… but I swear I’m okay. Please just let me stay with her.” A sudden irrational fear that they would ask me to leave so Harper could finish treating Leah overwhelmed me.
‘No one is going  to ask you to leave Collin. The only person here with that right is Harper.” #Sam assured me.
Then I turned my attention to Harper’s confused expression. “The Cullen’s are vampires, Harper.” I explained taking her hands gently. “But they aren’t like the one that hurt Leah.” I avoided the issue that it had been trying to hurt her. That wasn’t where my focus needed to be right now. “They don’t hurt people… the way I reacted outside… it was… out of line. I was on edge and taken by surprise, and with everything that had happened, I just lost control. There was a time when the Quileute pack's purpose was to kill vampires, but those days are in the past and we know now that they aren’t all killers… It was the first time since I met you that there were vampires around and my reaction was… primal. But it’s no  excuse, they came to help Leah. They won’t hurt you. Or anyone else. You don’t need to be afraid of them. They are our allies.” I smiled at the Cullen’s as sincerely as I could. “I’m truly sorry, I had no right to behave like that in your home. I won’t make excuses, but I’m  grateful for your understanding and allowing me to stay here with Harper.”
❁ Harper ❁
“However, we came here knowing they are vampires?” I asked the question to Collin, but the room was open for them all to hear.
Collin kept up with me, his warm body radiating towards me and giving me the willpower to stand with him. I don’t know why, however everything he aforesaid just fell into place on the jigsaw in my imagination. The attack on #Leah in Port, the vampire there who had been looking for me? And now here… Good people… vampires… Family of Ness… they were family? Did this mean they bit Ness to turn her? I shook that thought out of my head.
‘Please, stop apologising for caring for your soul mate. There is no person in this room who doesn’t understand you and your actions, Collin.’ My eyes moved around the room as they spoke, landing back on Collin each time. ‘We are more than just allies. Maybe someday you will see and believe it just as Leah and Seth do.’ #Bella smiled keeping her distance because #Edward had asked her too. In someway I could see how the three of them worked to stand in formation, each of them protecting the other.
‘We have been through a lot together, some good, some not so good.’ #Emmett smiled looking like a big friendly giant. The moment I thought it, #Edward laughed a little unphased as he began to work on cleaning #Leah.
Another question for the list, why did it feel like this boy was reading my mind?
‘Because I am…’ his amber eyes met mine. ‘Harper is wondering if I can read her mind.’ He told the room. ‘Some of my family have special skills.’ He added to the next unsaid question. ‘And no, we did not bite our daughter. Renesmee was born just as you were, Bella was human when we conceived her. You can add the questions to the list you have, we will happily take the time to answer.’
I turned to face Collin, my eyes meeting his as he held me close to him. I wished he could see through my eyes. So, that he could see how not afraid of him I was. Thinking it towards #Edward. ‘No, I cannot show him how you see him. However, I find that words can help you when you aren’t trying to take in so much information.’
‘Doesn’t she kind of remind you of Bella in her human days? Jumping head first into danger.’ #Emmett asked of no-one in the room in particular. ‘The lad just told her she is in a room of Wolfs, and vampires, and her concern is the wolf and Leah? I told you… B.A.D.A.R.S.E!’
#Leah told him to shut up, her eyes not leaving me once. ‘Pup, I didn’t ask if you were okay because I don’t trust you. I asked the question out of respect. You and Harper are new to this. Your bond is new, the smallest of things can trigger you, not because of anything you or she will do. It’s just uneven ground until you learn to understand one another. It’s not messing up, it’s called learning. Something you should have been able to do without the threat over your head or over Harpers. I’m sorry… I am the one who failed you both.’
“Leah…” This time I moved forward slowly, my hand finding Collin’s and bringing him forwards with me. “Please… you and Collin need to stop being so remorseful.” I smiled a little looking from her to Collin again.
❁ Collin ❁
“They haven’t lived here for a little while… It's just been #Nessie. I was… Taken by surprise. But it's still no excuse.” I explained it to her. I opened my mouth to say something to #Bella and hesitated once, twice… three times.
“I do, Bella. I really do. If my cousin  trusts you all… I do. I just…” I was cut off by my alpha.
‘Newly imprinted wolves often experience a sort of regression. Overly protective behaviour…. Hormonal changes, especially when both parties are… of age.’ He said the last part with an awkward flick of his eyes  between Harper and me.
‘You believe there are changes on a biological level?’ Edward asked a looked at me… ‘After we get this one back on her feet would you mind giving me a blood sample for Carlisle? He would be fascinated.’
I looked to #Sam for any sign of objection; he  nodded… “Um, yeah… sure.” I owed Dr. Cullen a lot.  He had hidden my blood samples in the hospital after my miracle recovery from pneumonia and a collapsed lung to protect the tribe when they suspected I was beginning my change.
Then #Edward explained so many things; he was reading her mind, answering all the questions that he knew she had, and I could only suspect. He could see into her mind and ease her concerns when that was supposed to be my job. I took a breath, quelling the territorial urge before it fully formed. ‘He really is good at  this.’ #Edward smiled at #Leah.
I wanted to know what it was that #Edward was talking about, what did she want to show me? But #Emmett’s comment made me smile. “He’s right you know; you are a true Guardian. As tough as all the women I’ve told you stories about.”
Harper pulled me forward with her. No one stopped us this time, I agreed with everything she told Leah… though I had never been great at cutting myself any slack.
Now that I thought about it; I had that in common with #Leah. I’d never drawn a parallel between her and I before. ‘These two have a whole lot in common, Harper. They expect nothing but the best from themselves, yet they can understand when others make mistakes or need help. These two, however… they hold themselves to a much higher standard.’
#Embry burst out laughing. ‘Damn!! How did I not see this before?’ He braced a hand on the edge of Leah’s bed. Careful not to touch her now that it wasn’t absolutely essential. ‘The pup is a junior version of Leah!’ He cracked up… causing #Seth to laugh too and Leah punched ‘Bry’s arm… but there was no force in it. It didn’t seem like that was because she was too weak… Leah never went easy on any of us… but she never tried to hurt anyone either. Not even in training.
I cleared my throat… “I think that #Leah and I probably have a few things we need to talk about, but they can wait… other than…” I turned my attention only to her. “Thank you… I know you hate that. But I need to say it… You protected her...” I stopped myself saying when I didn’t. “And I know you always will… But I will always be grateful. No matter how hard you wish I wouldn’t  be. Maybe even more… because of that exact reason.” I squeezed Harper’s hand lightly, not letting myself imagine what could have happened if Leah hadn’t been there.
❁ Harper ❁
‘It's just been #Nessie….’ This actually made some form of sense to me. If the #Cullen family hadn’t meant to be here. I could see how their arrival would have set off alarm bells. However, #Sam’s eyes and the uncomfortable shift as he spoke of a biological change taking place. It had me intrigued when I should have been worried about what it meant for us.
I had noticed the resemblance between the two of them, however when #Leah waved Collin’s thanks off; it became even more apparent. The dismissal hadn’t been to disregard Collin in any way. It was more the fact that... She couldn’t understand how to take the words and do something with them. (Or it felt to me at least.)
#Bella began asking everyone to make themselves at home, she spoke to #Sue softly offering to take her upstairs for a cup of tea, maybe something to eat. Telling the concerned mother, she missed the scent of her chocolate chip cookies. Which of course brought another question to mind.
‘Just because you cannot eat something, does not mean you cannot appreciate the aroma.’ #Edward asked still smiling.
‘If you guys eat food?’ #Leah asked getting a single nod of the head. ‘Zoop.. Bella… still remembers how it was to eat normal food, and let’s face it… who in their right mind will forget my Ma’s cooking?’ Some colour returned to her cheeks; however, she winced while modifying her position on the bed.
#Seth and #Kenzi both were reluctant to leave at first, this was until #Leah promised to call them down right away if she needed anything. #Sam, #Jacob, and #nessie were speaking in low tones with #Bella as they left. The whispers were inaudible, leaving me dumfounded as to how they could understand one another?
The room was left with just a few people. #Embry and #Emmett beside #Leahs head, with #Edward working to repair what had come undone. ‘Your rapid repair work truly is a thing of beauty Doctor Jenkins. I can see if Leah here had behave for long enough your work would have been seamless.’  He gesticulated for me and Collin to come closer. ‘Here, come look at how fast your hard work has supported the healing in our Miss Clearwater. If only she could for once become someone who listened.’ This made #Leah roll her eyes; however, she took the feedback, laying her head back on the bed to rest a little. Even if her fist were telling at how unrelaxed she truly had been.
I glanced between all the faces before my eyes found Collin’s. “Would you mind if I watched Edward work?”
❁ Collin ❁
The way #Leah waved off my words might have been seen as dismissive. But I knew it was the best she could do, that allowed me to say what I needed to say without telling me Spirit Warriors don’t do what we do, to receive thanks. It might not have been an acceptance… maybe just  an acceptance of my right to verbalise the thought. And that was okay by me, I knew she wouldn’t want or need gratitude from me.
Why was it so hard to know that #Edward was in Harper’s head? Hearing her innermost thoughts... thoughts that she might never verbalize… I knew it was probably mostly because they were the fleeting thoughts that ran through everyone's minds and they weren’t the kinds of thoughts that needed to be said… but they were hers, and he could hear them… but not me. I knew he couldn’t turn it off. But it still sparked jealousy in me, it was petty and ridiculous. It wasn’t the jealousy a person feels towards a romantic rival, it was just his ability to know and anticipate her needs and wants before I could. But it was undeniably jealousy, and it was there at the forefront of my mind. #Edward met my eyes for a second but thankfully said nothing, I tried my best to convey an apology with my eyes, then remembered all I had to do was think it. It was then that I noticed the others were moving to the door… but not #Embry… it stunned me momentarily… but it shouldn’t have.
He was always the one who stayed with the pup that had sick family members. He was the one who never locked his doors so we all (no matter what pack we chose) had a place to go where we were welcome, and heard. Even if it was just because we didn’t want to be alone… or wake whoever was  sleeping when coming home from a patrol.
I beamed proudly when #Edward praised Harper’s work. “Some of it might have been the drive back. As much as I love my truck it is certainly not a good alternative to an ambulance.” I half-joked… maybe defending #Leah a little, the thirteen-year-old who thought she could do no wrong might have been making a reappearance after everything she risked for Harper.
‘Keep your voice down cub.’ #Emmett chuckled in his deep rumbling way. ‘Last thing we need is #Nessie thinking that borrowing an ambulance is a good idea next time one of you gets hurt.’
So, I had been right #Nessie pilfered the local hospital for blood. ‘Don’t worry the hospital will be more than compensated and she would never leave them with less than they need to function.’ #Edward said.
“I have no doubts…” I assured him. “And I hear the ladies on the reservation are already pulling together a blood drive.” In a week the blood Nessie borrowed would be replaced tenfold.
I smiled at Harper. Even though I knew that this was her understanding of my needs and  how I had felt when there was a potential danger to her, it still stung that I had put her in a position where she needed to worry more about me than about helping #Leah. That was why we were all here after all. To help #Leah heal.
I lifted one hand to brush her cheek. “Of course, you should learn everything you can, Edward and his father know more about our physiology than even we do ourselves.” I said softly, I released her hand slowly, in a way that told her I would be right here, whether her fingers were laced through mine or not. “I’m not going anywhere.”
❁ Harper ❁
Leaning into Collin’s touch I smiled a little too. “Good, I don’t want you to go.” And in the moment, I knew this yawning to be close to him, it came from within my soul, it was something unfathomable and couldn’t be portrayed by something so simple as words. 
‘Get a room. And I don’t mean this one.’ The big one chuckled with his arms crossed over his chest. 
‘Emmett don’t be a jerk.’ #Leah punched him without any power in it. It seemed to be weaker than the last one she’d attempted, or was that all in my mind? 
‘This is unfortunately how Emmett shows he cares. He tells everyone to get a room.’ #Bella came to stand in the door with a tray of food, hot and cold drinks. ‘I know the food can taste bad if we touch it, so Sue made it all. I’m just touching the tray.’ She set it down on the side before coming to stand beside her husband. The two of them exchanged looks with unsaid words, and I was certain #Edward nodded his head a little before returning his eyes to me. 
Once again, I found myself considering the conversations taking place around me. How had Collin heard about a blood drive? When had there been time to organise an event only hours after the fact that #Leah had been injured? This time when I allowed myself to look at #Edward, he did not answer any of my unspoken questions. Instead, he continued with the work at hand. 
“So, you all just steal whatever you need in the hopes that it won’t impact someone who may also be in need?” I held no judgement in my tone when asking the question, however had it come out too blunt? 
‘It’s not the way we like doing things, Harper no.’ #Leah’s eyes were closed still as she spoke. ‘We are Spirit Warriors, our reason for being here is to protect lives. It would be against our beliefs to cause harm on anyone.’ 
Then #Edward took over. ‘We’ve always kept our needs to a minimum, never really needed to gather supplies until I met Bella.’ His topaz eyes glinted, and his lips curved up into a smile when saying her name. ‘My little fragile lamb needed a lot of attention at the time from our father.’ #Emmett chuckled, murmuring something under his breath I couldn’t hear.
When my gaze returned to #Edwards hands, I saw how he had been working meticulously, I couldn’t even tell if his hands were moving.  
‘It’s been a long time since I was that fragile, thank you.’ #Bella placed a hand on his shoulder lovingly. 
“Do you… well… Vampires…” they all shook their heads together. 
‘No… Not at all. We don’t steal blood from the hospital for feeding.’ #Edwards started. 
‘We are… you can call us the sexy vegetarians of our world.’ #Emmett continued. ‘We hunt animals and feed from them.’ This made me stiffen a little, however I couldn’t understand. 
“Is that even possible? If you are  vegetarians, then why did that vampire want to attack?” 
Now it was #Bella who spoke. ‘They aren’t many like us Harper. The one who attacked, wanted to kill to feed.’ She didn’t use  the one key word. You. But the small nod from #Edward told me the truth. 
My heart sped up at the thought of it. How close had I come to becoming Vampire dinner? ‘That’s a good question.’ The mind reader enquired with #Leah next, asking her for all the details of what had occurred. 
As she retold the story, this time I was listening to it without my adrenaline pounding in my ears, my blood chilled. #Edward had asked me to help him, sitting me down on the stool he vacated, I cleaned up the other wounds covering them until the story came to the point when she arrived at my door. Then all the eyes turned to me. 
I glanced over to Collin as I spoke, keeping him in my sight line gave me an impression of ease, reminding me how safe I felt close to him, as I repeated the events of the night. I knew there were parts I missed, so much had happened, however this was as best as I could recall them.
Telling them how the Shaggy haired white wolf had been easy for me to treat, and then how she became #Leah again. How there was poison, the thickening of her blood, and how it had made things difficult. 
When I moved my eyes away from Collin to glance around the room, I was astonished as how still they stood as they listened, so I shifted to keep my eyes down. Until there was nothing more for me to do. “That’s when everyone else arrived and here we are.” I ended, finally lifting my gaze once again.
❁ Collin ❁
I flushed… heat rising up the back of my neck and #Emmett’s comment only made it worse, staining the tip of my ears red. #Edward shot a furtive glance #Embry’s way at #Leah’s comment, clearly the vampire had marked him as the protector of the packs in #Jake and #Sam’s  absence…. I supposed he was the highest rank here with #Leah out of commission. Not that I would ever say that out loud. #Edward chuckled.
It was freaky. Although, I couldn’t help but admire the way he kept other's thoughts to himself. Picking and choosing which ones were appropriate to answer. I hoped that They understood the purity of Harper’s questions… I knew that the Cullens were highly opposed to stealing in any form… Ness lived more by a code of helping whoever was most in need at the time. And she always made up for it ten-fold.
“We  have to weigh the balance of who is in the most need right now. But it's very rare that we need medical attention.” I told her; as though I was promising that we didn’t make a habit of stealing medical supplies.
I tried not to think of the stories of Bella drinking blood  bags when she was pregnant. I knew a mother would do anything to protect her child… but that was next-level dedication. #Edward turned to #Leah and whispered. ‘This one might have more in common with your brother than you.’ He smiled.
My heart raced a little when #Bella  explained to Harper that the vampire #Leah had killed tonight, would have killed and feed on her. Harper’s increasing heart rate wasn’t helping. #Embry came around the table. ‘It’s okay pup. Take a breath… Why don’t you get something to eat or drink… distract yourself?’ He  suggested. But I was already bringing myself under control. I nodded and moved to the tray #Bella had brought, thanking her. I lifted the coffee pot to pour a cup. ‘That might not be the best choice today, Pup.’ #Sam said quietly, coming up next to me.
“I think I’ll stick to juice today…” I chuckled and brought the mug of coffee to Harper. “I think this should be your last one until you’ve had a little sleep… I know you’re used to long nights… but this is next level.”
I listened to Leah’s story… my heart rate heightened the whole way through, but it was steady enough that the other warriors in the room weren’t showing concern for me. Harper’s story was mostly known to me other than the moments before we got there. But now doubt crept in as I wondered if I should have gone directly to her or stayed with the pack like I had. But #Sam had ordered it… he would never issue an order he didn’t believe entirely necessary.
“Harper was incredible she did everything #DrCullen said and so much more… She just has an amazing instinct for healing.” I smiled at my soulmate. “Even with a species she’s never seen before.”
❁ Harper ❁
“Thank you.” Removing the gloves from my hands before taking the cup from Collin, my cheeks blustered a deep red. The compliments felt so out of place. “I should have been able to do much more. If I knew or understood what I was working against.” I wanted to ask if they had any milk in the house. I knew Collin wasn’t enthusiastic about store bought juices.
Shaking my head, then pushing the rim of my glasses up my nose, taking a sip of the much-needed hit of caffeine, I noticed the way the tips of Collin’s ears had turned red too. Some part of me wanted to smile, kiss his neck and cheeks, then tell him how cute he was when this happened. The clearing of a throat made my heart jump when I glanced back to see #Edwards eyes watching me, deepening the crimson in my cheeks.   
‘You did more than I could have hoped for. I wasn’t going to come; I was going to wait… But my warrior… she – ’ #Leah winced frowning a little, her dark gaze moved to the tall glass windows and then she closed her eyes again. Her sentence remained unfinished.  
#Bella noticed it too, she moved by #Leah’s side and whispers something into her ear, before standing. ‘If it wasn’t for you doctor Jenkins, and your quick thinking, Leah could have been much worse off.’ #Bella added.
However, it was #Sam stood with his muscular arms crossed before him who pulled my attention away. He was watching me intently. Not saying much, however I knew he saw everything. What was he thinking right now? The dismay in his vision towards me... Of course, I wouldn’t hold it against him at all. I had been the reason for this night ending the way it had.
‘This isn’t the most comfortable of places to sleep, maybe we should move a bed in here?’ #Emmett asked dropping his arms. ‘I can carry one of the—’ he was cut off by the way everyone looked at him. ‘What? I know she never stops, but when she does. She likes to sleep. I don’t want her phasing off this thin thing. Do you?’
#Edward stood up telling his brother they could use a new bed from the cottage, making to walk out of the room with him, however the Big Giant came to stand before me. A gleeful smirk on his face, and a twinkle in his eyes. ‘You know what Doc. I could carry three or four beds all alone in one arm, Ed is only coming to make sure I don’t find his and Bella’s sexy dungeon.’ With a wink he was gone in a blur leaving me sat there in shock, my face alite, totally speechless.
‘One of these days I will stop apologising for him, and just watch as someone crashes him.’ #Bella took the stool next to me. ‘Collin, on the top floor there are rooms. The clean, there are bathrooms with fresh towels.’ Her eyes wondered over to me, as though she was trying to speak to him without words.
“Oh… I…” I saw myself through her eyes. I had fresh blood on me. “Is the blood uncomfortable for you?”
#Sam chuckled. ‘It is, but not for the reasons you think.’
❁ Collin ❁
Harper blushed and her heart gave a few skips. What was she thinking that would make her cheeks flush like that? It was so cute… I wanted to lean in and kiss those cheeks… place my hand over her heart and try to decipher all of its nuances. Learn its language.
I was  completely wrapped up in those thoughts until Leah spoke… her voice was filled with emotion. It wasn’t like her… not when she was speaking about herself. She was normally stoic when it came to herself, and expressive about others.
When Emmett started talking about beds my  eyes darted to #Leah… I knew that she was more comfortable around the Cullen’s than most… With #Jake and #Seth taking the lead in that race. But a bed that smelled of vampires? Would she be able to rest? But #Edward was already talking about a new one… It could work.
Then his behemoth of a brother was making jokes about sex dungeons and vanishing leaving not just my neck and ears flaming, but my cheeks heated now too. I snapped myself out of it when Bella spoke and followed the flick of her eyes to Harper… finding her just as red-faced as I was.
I set down the glass that I had hardly touched and returned to Harper’s side instantly. “I can explain what he means.” I told her, when #Sam started to explain about the blood. “Would you like to go and get cleaned up? I think you’ve done as much as you can for Leah right now.” Also, I would rather not talk about how the Cullen’s smelled in front of them… I knew there was nowhere in this house I wouldn't be heard, but at least it was a small amount of respect.
‘I’ve left some clothes up their Harper.’ #Ness reappeared with another tray, and I tried to hide my relief that It would be Nessie’s clean clothes. I knew it was an unkind thought, but it flooded in uninvited anyway. ‘Dad asked me to bring you this.’ She smiled and handed me a glass of milk. The act prompted me to pat her on the head like we used to  when she was little. She swatted me away.
‘You two should go and get freshened up, maybe even pop out onto the balcony for some air. I will come get you the second this one start misbehaving.’ #Ness was speaking to Harper now and moving to her mother’s side.
❁ Harper ❁
The cup from my hands disappointed and a light touch to my lower back had my feet moving towards the door.
“I…” #Nessie winked with a kind smile.
‘If anything changed at all, I promise. I will be by your side telling you in seconds.’ And I believed her. My eyes were on #Leah one last time before I walked through the door and glanced up and the tall glass windows and the stairs.
An oversized crucifix and a wall full of…. “Are those… graduation caps?” Whispering my question to Collin stopping half way up. Uncomfortable and awkward, uncertain where I was to go, and following the sound of muffled conversations when I came to the first landing.
‘Hey Harper.’ #Jake pointed to the next set of stairs. ‘Keep going, Ness set you and Collin up there.’
He came over to hand Collin a plate of food. ‘Sue’s been keeping busy. If you both need more, there’s enough to feed the pack ten times.’
He pointed again, this time I reached a hand out and stopped, Collin had his milk and the food to carry. So I worked my fingers taking the steps to the next landing.
“Do you know where we are meant to go?”
❁ Collin ❁
I walked through the house with Harper. It was strange. I had never been inside of it before, but I knew it like I had been here… From the memories of my cousin and #Seth… and a few random flashes of #Embry checking out townie girls at some kind of party, I was too distracted  to really dwell on.
“Oh yeah…” I chuckled. Taking in the wall of mortarboards, I had only seen it in memories. It was far better in reality. “The Cullen’s don’t age so they move a lot… and when they do, they have to start over. Like high school… over and over again.
Except #Nessie, she… let’s just say she was home-schooled.”
Then #Jake appeared, and I smiled… he had food! My stomach rumbled loudly, and I flushed. “Thanks, Cuz.” I beamed taking the food and Jake continued down the stairs, no doubt straight to #Renessme’s side. #Harper  and I headed up one more flight. And I was lost… but at least I was lost with her. “Um, sure…” I fibbed and sniffed the air… but the food and the scent of Harper filled my senses. I was hungry and starting to feel safe so my senses weren’t as heightened until I focused.
Plus #Nessie’s scent was all over the place… finding the most recent would be hard. “Would you hold this for a second?” I held out the food to her. “I’ll show you something really cool.” I stepped away and scented the air again. “I just can’t focus on anything else when all  I can smell is you.”
I found #Ness’ freshest scent and opened the door where it came from, taking one more whiff. “This is where Ness was last.” I told her and took the tray back; opening the door wide to reveal a room filled with all-white fresh flowers, large windows opened wide, and towels piled at the end of a plush four-poster bed that instantly made me blush, until I saw the couch against the back wall with a pillow and a blanket folded on it.
The blanket smelled a little like #Jake. He truly was the greatest cousin. I didn’t think Harper  would sleep, but if she wanted to, I didn’t want her to feel awkward about it.
The was a door in the corner next to the couch. “I think the bathroom must be back there or would you like to eat something first?”
❁ Harper ❁
Dropping my head to the side, I held the tray with both hands. Witnessing firsthand how Collin searched and sensed his way towards the correct room assigned to us.
His nose twisted like a puppy looking for their first treat. His eyes narrowed wistfully as he concentrated. And to me, the world had disappeared once again, with Collin taking centre stage of my universe.
Once the door opened, I took a few steps in. Following the outline of the room at first. It was so well appointed, everything in its rightful place. Welcoming and inviting not to show homey, however still something that could be on the cover of AD.
Then I saw the four-poster bed with the towels waiting to be used. At first nothing seemed wrong, until my eyes moved up to the pillows, the covers, the way romantic getaway piped into my mind and then I felt the blush heating my flustered cheeks.
What was wrong with me? With my body? How could I react in this way, right now? “This is what sleep deprivation looks like.” Muttering it to myself.
His voice startled me. “Oh… nothing… I mean….” Crap crap crap!!! He hadn’t asking me what I was thinking about! Telling myself to get a grip…
“Uhm… dinner… food….” My tummy answered for me just as I had planned to decline and shower first.
“I guess eating first is better.” My eyes on the try fully of two bowls of soup, sandwiches, fruit slices and a jug of water. “Jake was not exaggerating. There is a lot of good food.”
Walking to the door Collin pointed towards. I turned to light on, eyes wondering until I found the sink to wash up before  reemerging. “This house is truly beautiful, so well together. Everything has been planned and placed is the most perfect way.”
❁ Collin ❁
I could feel her watching me, it made me grin… and feel a little confident showing off my enhanced senses. Sniffing the air like a dog probably wasn’t really a flex… but it had been a long night.
When Harper entered the room, she looked impressed but then her scent changed  and my heart raced, blood heating. Thank the Spirits for the many scents and voices that prevented me from allowing those feelings to snowball.
I smiled at her whisper and wondered if now the time was to tell her I could scent those changes in her… but decided I should wait  until there wasn’t a mind reader in the vicinity. Then thought Sorry Edward. But I knew he’d understand.
Then her tummy growled, and I smiled. “#Sue knows all about how to feed a house full of Spirit warriors.” I chuckled. When she disappeared to wash up I set the food on the small table on the balcony like #Nessie had suggested, moving the two intricately designed seats next to each other so I could keep her warm.
“It really is…” I said, holding out the chair for her. “Mrs. Cullen… Esme…” She had told us all so many times to call  her that. “She has a flare for interior design. I guess when you live that long finding a passion in an industry that’s in constant flux makes sense."
❁ Harper ❁
My gaze caught Collin as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, the small tentative wall towards the darkness of the balcony being kissed with the light of the day breaking somewhere on the other side of the trees surrounding us followed me with the chill of the air.
Hugging myself I joined him. “Thank you.” Taking the beautiful chair, rubbing my arms before the warmth began to radiate from Collin.
My back ached, feet throbbed, my eyes were heavy and still I found myself with a second, or third wind. A mix of the unknown with elements of adrenaline still rushing through me if I were to guess.
“I agree, Sue has always welcomed me with open arms, and a table full of food. Now I understand a little as to why.”
Taking a slice of apple, playing with it a little. When I dared to meet his eyes, I kept my voice low as I glanced at the view and then him again.
“Mrs Cullen is Edward and Emmett’s mom?” Trying to decipher the relationship. I couldn’t believe she gave birth to them? Or could she? Didn’t they say Bella has given birth to Jake’s girlfriend, Nessie?
“She must have an artistic sense to be able to create such a wonderful home for her family.” Finally taking a bite of the fruit in my fingers.
Talking in the attempt to find a solution or an atmosphere to where the discomfort would disparate a fraction.
❁ Collin ❁
I knew she would warm up soon next to me, I put my arm around her and leaned in… rubbing my hands up and down her arms when I saw her trying to warm herself up. “I thought you’d like a little fresh air, after being stuck inside and in the truck bed all night... But if it is  too cold, we can move inside.” I smiled… maybe I wanted the excuse to be close to her.
My hands brushed up over her shoulders, willing my heat into her exhausted muscles… exhausted and… tense. Really tense. I ran my hand from one shoulder to the other. She had to be aching. Instinctively I started to gently rub her shoulders, skimming my fingers against the back of her neck… I was suddenly very aware of my strength, even though it was never something I worried about with her. But I hoped that at least the heat of my skin would sooth some of the aches and pains.
“For all intents and purposes, she is.” I answered her question about Mrs Cullen. “But she can hardly be older than late twenties… at least when she stopped ageing. But she and Dr Cullen, are the heads of their family, one-by-one the others  found them, or Dr Cullen changed them… but only because it was that or… true death. He doesn’t turn humans he can heal with modern medicine.”
I couldn’t help but admire the Doctor… he had protected our tribe and pack in many ways… even before the new treaty. Even if that was by tampering with blood samples when it was clear my recovery in Forks Hospital wasn’t strictly human. “Other them #Ness and her parents none of them are related by blood. But they are as much a family as anyone else’s… probably even more so… because they’ve been a family for many lifetimes.” The graduation caps were the evidence of those lifetimes.
“They are very open, well, most of them one… of the sisters, #Rosalie… she’s a little…” I tried to think of a kind word. “Guarded. She’s married to #Emmett. But if you have any questions,  I don’t know about they’ll happily answer. We try to understand each other as best we can, now that the ancestors have told  us not all Cold Ones are our enemies.” As I explained all of this, I kept rubbing my hands over her shoulders and upper back, I wouldn’t call it a  massage… touching her like this, knowing she was in pain made me overly conscious of my strength. My wolf stirred, telling me we couldn’t ever hurt her. I knew he was right, but did it hurt to be careful with her after the night she’d just had?
❁ Harper ❁
“No…” The word rushed itself free before I could comprehend the sound of my tone. “Sorry…” shaking my head a little my eyes closed before my tired gaze hovered back to find him.
“The fresh air feels good about now. I don’t like thinking about the facts of a night when  I am working or not sleeping. I will make up for it later when I can.”
His hands, more the heat radiating from them soon took the shivers away. There weren’t any feelings of anything more than relief from my sore muscles. Thinking beyond the moment was impossible. Taking a bite from the apple slice in my hand listening to the family dynamics I could understand what Collin had meant by it not being the easiest thing to explain, then again there couldn’t be one single thing in this situation we could say was ‘Easy.’
My mind kept coming  back to his hands. The more attention I attempted to give to other things, the sky, the food, the fact I was sat in the balcony of a house belong to vampires, with a boyfriend who becomes a wolf… however all I could think about was his touch, the miracle healing of them. The way my muscles hummed in a dull ache from the throbbing pain only seconds before.
“Aren’t all people guarded to a point? And we all deserve to keep ourselves at a limit where we feel comfortable after all.” Sharing a small smile. “Especially if you’re seen as an enemy or an outsider. Saying  that… if feels like you are all cohabiting fairly well?”
I wouldn’t ask any more questions about the Cullen’s relationship. This wasn’t me trying to gossip, I just wanted to comprehend what I had stumbled into. “Everyone deserves their right to privacy. And I don’t wish to pry in any way.”
Popping what was left of the apple into my mouth and chewing.
“You should eat something too.” My body melted so sweetly into his touch now. “You know...” The most ridiculous thought freed itself.
“You are wasting a talent… you should be a masseuse.” The moment it was said, my face flashed. “I know… crazy idea…”
❁ Collin ❁
I smiled at her… I felt like I had finally managed to make one tiny choice, right. I promised from now on I wouldn’t screw up the big ones too. “I’ll keep you warm.” I whispered and immediately felt heat crawl up the back of my neck until it reached the tips of my ears.
“I guess so… and we all have the right to do what we need to protect ourselves and set our boundaries.” I agreed with her. When she mentioned food, I realised how distracted I had been. I picked up some of the sliced apples and took a bite… I followed it up with a butter croissant too… even though white flour wasn’t something I normally ate; I knew it would make me feel full. Or as full as a Spirit Warrior could feel.
Thinking about it the way that she was describing it… it made more sense. We had started as enemies… rivals… then a  tentative treaty. “I haven’t really interacted with the Cullen’s much. Other than #Carlisle… he worked in the hospital… so I saw him a lot before I knew…” I shrugged. “Any of this, I suppose. And most of the communication after that, was through #Jacob’s pack and #Sam.
This is the longest time I’ve been around them on two legs.”
I chuckled a little at her final observation. “Okay, now I know you need a nap.” I wiped my mouth with a delicately folded napkin from the tray and kissed her temple. “I think I would rather save that skill for you alone.” I smiled and showed her my hand, palm up. “Another gift from my wolf. A carpenter with soft hands… no callouses because of the healing… and even though thirteen-year-old me did a lot of carving… I never had any before I changed.” Every time I got to share something  like that with her it made the bond deepen somehow. Like it was another piece of me given over to her completely.
❁ Harper ❁
“It’s kind of like a pack hierarchy in a way.” #Sam and #Jake were the leaders from what Collin had told me and what I’d picked up tonight. So it would make sense they would keep others from the pack away where danger was possible.
“Dr. Cullen seems nice, and knowledgeable. His ability to guide me over the phone, not being in the same room and still having known the pitfalls I would encounter, and to have the solution ready to go.” Now I had to the time to think it over, it was astonishing.
The comment about keeping his massage skills for me alone, was not missed, however the next thing said intrigued my mind too much to allow myself to fluster. (Which I will when I replay this conversation at a later date.)
Wiping my hands before I took a hold of his. “How have I missed this.” Whispering it to myself and maybe him too.
“Your work… your hands they should be hard and rough to the touch, however they aren’t.”
Examining his palm, my fingertips trailing the lines and the muscles. Noticing the way his skin felt, and how I hadn’t noticed the softness of them.
Turning it around in my own hand to glaze over his nails, and the lack of marks of cuts. His hands were perfect.
I placed my cold, dry one next to his. You could tell the winter weather, the cold nights on farms, and the constant need to wash, had taken its toll on my skin. Things such as animal scratch’s, bites, littered mine.
“You heal at a greater rate than… others… Leah is proof of it. However, what you just said about before your change.” It would explain his body. “How is it that some things are healed, and others aren’t?”
❁ Collin ❁
“It is…” I grinned. “It’s not the same as a wild wolf pack; with an alpha pair. Probably because we only knew of males joining the pack until Leah. But we have our Alpha. The role is dependent on bloodlines, the closest bloodline to the Great Wolf claims the role. #Sam was the  first, so he was Alpha, he’s a descendant of the Great Wolf, but #Jacob is a direct descendant. There were four pack members by the time he phased. And he yielded the position to #Sam when he offered to step aside for the Chief’s son. I’ll tell you all about how we became two  packs after we’ve both had a little more sleep.” I chuckled but it was dark. It was a dark moment in our history. One none of proud of, one we all remembered every time we saw #Nessie smile or snarl or heard her music…
“So, we have an Alpha, and they chose a second. #Sam’s  second is #Jared; you haven’t met him yet, #Leah is #Jacob’s and #Embry… the only one with a death wish so big he picked #Leah up twice…” I laughed. “Is his third. Sam’s is #Paul.” She would remember him from the night in the bar and the day #Rachel rushed Nova to the clinic  and half the pack showed up.
I chuckled. “Yeah… every day after work they heal… I’ve broken most of my fingers… gotten all sorts of cuts and splinters and by dinner time…” I shrugged. “They’re all gone. It’s kinda hard to explain to human coworkers.”
I had wondered the and half the pack showed up.
I chuckled. “Yeah… every day after work they heal… I’ve broken most of my fingers… gotten all sorts of cuts and splinters and by dinner time…” I shrugged. “They’re all gone. It’s kinda hard to explain to human coworkers.”
I had wondered the same things for a long time. “I think it’s to remind us of our lives before, that we are human too, that’s why our souls are bonded to humans, so we don’t forget that our stalled ageing isn’t meant to give us immortality. The magic in our blood is what is eternal, our souls  and our bonds are eternal, but our bodies… We keep our old scars, so we remember they were born of flesh and blood they are, they hurt and heal and pass the magic to a new generation, then eventually fade until we meet our ancestors.”
❁ Harper ❁
The chief’s son… an image of #BillyBlack flashed before my vision. The older man, with long dark salt and pepper hair, almond skin with aged winks, eyes which saw all the world had to offer, and a kind yet stern smile. He was the father of #JacobBlack. He also was Collin’s uncle too. “You are a direct descendent too?”
Of course, I understood the psychology of most animals. A pack of wolves were territorial and loyal to the death, they were faithful to their alpha. Only a deep rift with the powerful dynamics of the  hierarchy became the reason for a strong pack to split. However, I would let Collin tell me in his own time.
Right now, I attempted to hold on to the information being shared, the names and the roles, how they were divided between the people I had met, and some   I had yet to meet.
My ears perked up. “Stalled ageing? Immortality?” Did we discuss this before? I wondered. Because it had been said with such certainty that I questioned my own judgment of the words. “I’m sorry. How old are you, Collin?” This was a question I’d not asked. Never needing a reason to do so.
❁ Collin ❁
She listened and took everything in. I hoped I wasn’t overwhelming her, she had to be exhausted. I had promised I would tell her everything. But there was no rush… especially when she needed rest after the night she’d had. We had our whole lives to learn everything about each  other.
“I am… but I’m not an Alpha.” I could be and we all knew it, but not while Jacob was part of a pack, this was a fact that had comforted me for a long time. I was so young when I phased that no one ever had that expectation of me, anyway. “That would pass to Jake’s  kids before me… or maybe even Rachel’s. For generations, it was believed it was passed from Father to son, but my dad isn’t part of any known Warrior Bloodline. I got it from my mom.” There was no longing in me to ever be named Alpha, #Sam and #Jake was born to lead, and it was an honour to be led by them. Both of them, not only #Sam. We still weren’t sure if the split in the bloodlines would continue through the generations.
I had told her how fast my body had matured after my change… but had I told her that I hadn���t aged a day since then? I smiled a little; I was curious… did she think I was much older than I looked? I mean she wasn’t wrong to wonder… I could be forty and still look like I do now. “How old do you think I am?” I asked with a (hopefully) cheeky smile. But She’d had a very long night, so I saved her from having to guess. “I’m twenty-three Harper. But how I look now… other than my hair and maybe a little muscle mass… I’ve looked like this since I was fourteen. The phase accelerated my growth until I reached what was considered full-grown. #Brady and I look younger than the others… We were the youngest at the time we phased. But younger kids joined later… the youngest guy to join the pack is twenty now and he looks about our age too.” I kept my gaze on her…
“I’m sorry… am I throwing too much information at you? I promised I would tell you everything. But we have time… And you must be so tired?” It sounded like a question… but it wasn’t one. Just concern for her, and the lingering knowledge that we might need her still to care for Leah. I wanted her to rest as much as possible when she had the chance  because I had no idea when we might have to ask the impossible of her again.
❁ Harper ❁
“No… I… I didn’t mean if you would become an alpha… I’m … well trying to place the relationships between everyone.” You didn’t have to lead to be a leader. This man had a lot to offer the world. And I felt it from the bottom of my heart.
Taking a drink before setting it down my hands resting on my lap, I worked them trying to dig myself out of this hole I had somehow managed to fall into.
“I…. Uhm…. You…” tongue tied once again by his ability to turn a question back on me. We had to be honest, I  had to be honest. Guessing people’s age wasn’t a game I ever came out of without offending them, so I tended not to play.
Just as i dredged up the courage to say I thought he was the same age as me. From the way he held himself, he had to be. However, he spoke first. This was when I saw the smile he shared. He wasn’t testing, just teasing.
Rubbing the back of my hand over my eyes sitting back a little again. “Please don’t apologise for telling the truth. I’ve been the one who is asking so many questions. You are just trying to enlighten me.”
A yawn broke free, my hand covering my mouth as I slowly stood up. “Are you sure it is okay to sleep here? I feel as though I should be close to Leah just in case.”
My eyes were on Collin, however also drifting towards the invitation of the comfortable looking bed, with an ocean of pillows, and the softest throw, dropped stylishly on the foot of it.
❁ Collin ❁
“I know it's hard… it has been generations and so much was lost in the last few, people assuming the stories are just myths… so many descendants moving away and never coming home. We have no idea how much of our history was lost.”
I chuckled softly; she was so cute when she was all flustered. “I know, I promise to answer everything as fully as I can and with complete honesty. But…” I paused. “We don’t have to talk about every detail today. We have all the time we want to learn about each other.”
I followed her gaze to the bed and nodded. “I’m sure, I would love to tell you I could take you home… and I will if you ask me to. But I had a feeling you’d prefer to be here and… like you said… #Leah might need you again.” I wiped my hands and pushed my chair back. It was going to be weird for her… sleeping in a  house full of strangers, but we were low on options. “I’ll be right here the whole time.” It was a promise to her and me. I knew I couldn’t leave her alone. It wasn’t because we were in a house full of vampires, but that didn’t help, friends or not. She could have died last night and the idea of her being so much as in the next room made my wolf and I restless.
With a slightly playful grin, I scooped her up off her chair and carried her back inside. She wasn’t so exhausted that she couldn’t walk… but my desire to ease her exhaustion and  pain was so intense I would do every little thing that was within my power.
If she wanted to be alone, of course, that’s what we would do… but I hoped... we hoped… “I mean…” I cleared my throat, setting her down on the bed. The mattress was so soft it dipped where I put  her down, and she was just a slight little thing. “Unless you… I um...” Oh no… the stammering was back! “If you… eh… I…” I waited for a voice somewhere in the house to mock me… but they must have been trying really hard not to listen in. “W-would you rather if I… uh…”  I motioned to the door. Unable to say ‘waited outside’ because if she wanted to be left alone in the room that is exactly where I would be. Right outside that door.
❁ Harper ❁
The sound escaping wasn’t like any I’d made before. The high-pitched squeal at being swept off my feet, sent my tummy into a fluster, my cheeks flushed, and my heart race rampant.
My arms quickly went around his neck and then I saw him. He carried me without a care insight. Like I was a feather. How… stopping myself from asking yet another question. My gazed reminded in his face.
So close, I could feel the heat off his body, his strong arms holding me, the determination in his stride, and then the gentleness in his touch. Lord, please have mercy on me!
Speak! I told myself to speak, to say something, to stop staring at Collin. Still keeping my voice low, exhaustion taking a hold with every step we came closer to the bed.  “You are correct, I wouldn’t want to go far from Leah, not while she is this way. And I…. Will… I’ve slept in barns, on hay bales, and even cold floors. This… feels extravagant for me.”
As soon as he sat me down, I heard the uncertainty in his manor, the way he spoke, which feed into me feeling the same way. So, I reached out and took his hand in mine.
“Please…. If… Uhm… if you don’t mine...” My face flushed hot once again. “Please… would you… stay… here… Uhm... with me?” Now I felt uncomfortable in asking such a thing.
“I mean… if you want…. If you aren’t needed downstairs…. I…Uhm… I….” My eyes moved from him to the door, and then to the bed I sat on. “I don’t want to be alone.”
❁ Collin ❁
I felt, scented… sensed all the changes in her. But that little squeak when I picked her up… Even now that made me smile. And the way she latched onto my neck… she would learn in time I could comfortably carry her around all day every day; if she wanted me to.
She wasn’t wrong about the bed… this thing probably cost… I couldn’t even guess. I crouched in front of her next to the bed and reached up to brush her cheek. “Harper, I’m here for you. No other reason.” I smiled. “And you’ll realise very soon that given the choice… I will always…  always choose to be wherever you are.” I brushed my thumb over the still pink apple of her cheek, flushed from my method of moving her to the bed.
I pulled my hand back and knelt on the thick, pure white carpet, lifted her foot, and rested it on my thigh as I untied her boot and slid it off.  “That’s why honesty is so important to me… I might need your help with knowing when I’m being overbearing or…Well…” I was brutally honest. “Clingy. And in the spirit of honesty… there’ll be times when I tell you I’m staying close anyway… Like today.” I chuckled because I never voiced my plan to stand guard at the door if she wanted privacy.
I started on her other boot. “The last thing I want right now is for you to be out of my sight. Even here with a house full of Warriors and powerful allies… I just… I…” I shook my head and rested my hands on her knees… I looked up at her from where I knelt. “When we realised the distress signal was coming from Port Angeles and I knew you were there… I…” Guilt hit me, but I finally let it out. “I was so scared something happened to you…” I knew Leah wouldn’t hold it against me. None of them would. “I knew Leah was hurt, but all I could think about was whether or not you were okay… I was terrified you were hurt… or that I could lose you. I even disobeyed an order from my Alpha to get to you and that shouldn’t be  possible.”
I leaned up to my full kneeling height, eye-to-eye with her. I could feel my eyes start to sting. “So… the last thing I want is to leave you alone, Harper.” I leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead; I pulled the sheets down as far as I could. “Get some rest, sweetheart. I’ll be right here the whole time.” I would never presume to climb into bed with her, but I would happily sit here next to it for as long as she needed to sleep.
❁ Harper ❁
The world melted away when he took to his knees before me, removing my boots freeing them from the strain of the night. Chewing on my lips had been all I could do, not to crumble seeing him so raw open with me. The level of honesty in his actions, kindness, and what was being said, came only second to the glint of moisture I witnessed in his eyes.
My heart sank, my hands shaking as I couldn’t believe that someone had ever seen something in me to do and say something so openly. I really didn’t deserve it after the way I  had backed away and locked myself in my work so not to face the consequences of what I had been shown.
Collin, Kenz, Seth, Leah…. All the faces whom I was yet to learn the names of… who had jumped into action because I hadn’t understood the danger I had placed on Leah. I closed my eyes pushing myself back into the bed when Collin dressed it down for me. I took my glasses off, closing them slowly before setting the frame to the side. Dropping my head so that the few tears which had fallen free by their own accord, were hidden I turned away  to curl up into the fatal position hugging myself from the cold chill consuming me now. So many emotions, thoughts, and realisations bombarded me all at once.
He was asking me to tell him when he became overbearing. Clingy is the word Collin used? I should have been  the one grovelling to them all. It shouldn’t be this way around.
However, what could I say? How could I show my gratitude, to show Collin what his, Leah’s… The sacrifice made by everyone in this house meant to me.
The fear in #Sue’s eyes when she saw her daughter, and #Seth too as seeing his sister. How #Kenz had cried… and then Collin, that look in his eyes when he first set his beautiful brown gaze on me… my heart sank. I had been the cause of all those fears.
“I’m so… so… so… sorry.” My voice trembled so I stopped before attempting  once more.
“I will do my upmost to ensure no one in your family will ever be hurt because of me. That I will not frighten you like tonight again. I’m not.. not.. sure how, however I will endeavour to make it happen.” Promises being made that I hoped amongst all hope I could live up to.
❁ Collin ❁
She turned away with tears in her eyes… my heart shattered. My wolf stirred and growled in the back of my mind for upsetting her. I rested the hand she had just been examining, like it was a miracle, a few moments ago on her arm. “Harper,” I said softly. “You have nothing to apologise for.”
I moved around the bed so I could see her face, where she’d curled up. The bed was obnoxiously large, so I had to lean across it to crook a finger beneath her chin and tilt her tear-stained face up. My heart gave another lurch, and my wolf pushed us to climb  onto the bed completely, gather her up in our arms until the tears stopped.
But how could I take a liberty like that after making her cry? …. AGAIN.
“You did nothing wrong Harper,” I said again to drive it home. “That vampire would have been in Port Angeles last night  whether you were or not. Most likely a Nomad passing through. But… Leah was there because you were there. It should have been me… but that doesn’t change the fact that he was hunting… he was going to kill someone, maybe more than one person. The only reason no one died last night was because he chose you and Leah was protecting you.” I paused, wiping those tears away. “Everything that happened was awful, painful, and terrifying… but at least one human life was spared and every single life that vampire would have taken over decades…  centuries.” That might have been dramatic… but we knew there were vampires at least a thousand years old. More.
“He is the only one who was wrong last night, he was the one who decided to end lives. No one else is at fault.” I actually felt my lower lip tremble. I knew there was blamed to be placed on me. Leah was hurt because of my failings. Harper could have died because of me. “Please believe that sweetheart. Leah saved an untold number of lives tonight and you saved her. That is what happened. That is what we need to focus on.”
My  heart tightened like it was being squeezed. “I should have been there… I’m the one that should be sorry.” I knew it… I knew something was wrong and I doubted my instincts. I told myself that I was overreacting; it was the anxiety of a new imprint being so far away. I had to trust my instincts, I had to trust my wolf. It was that thought that pushed me over the edge.
Trust him.
So I did. I followed his instincts and climbed up; leaving my boots tucked neatly near the foot of the bed. I scooted over the wide mattress… and if I thought it dipped  a lot when I set Harper down… it had nothing on how it sank with my weight. I gathered Harper up as she almost rolled into the centre of the bed with the depression I made. I scooped her up, blanket and all and rested against the headboard, nestling her on my lap.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to keep you safe.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I should have been there for you. It should have been--” I halted the moment I said it. I imagined Harper having to endure being covered in mine and my wolf’s blood. “It should have been different… I should have been there for you when you needed me.”
❁ Harper ❁
I heard Collin loud and clear, and being an intelligent woman of science I of course knew it all to be true. I knew the facts, and with him laying them out before me in a precise line as he had, made them sink in further more. However, since things progressed with  Collin, this emotional aspect had begun to show itself. The need to be, to protect, to feel deeper and stronger than I had before. The word ‘𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴’ now had meaning behind it.
Guilt had to be the reasoning behind my decision and emotions now. It had to be. Now that I had a moment to think, to feel, to let things from the night replay and sink in. To progress through everything. (Even it was with a foggy mind.)
“I know and understand everything. The logical conclusion is of course standard with you and everything you’re saying.” My hand moved to my chest with I could feel an earthquake of pain. “Something so strange is telling me… I failed.”
Any other time, I would have laughed, I would have squealed and giggled at the way my body rolled to the middle of the bed, to the way his weight pulled us together, how I was all legs and limbs when he scooped me up and then settled us at the top of the bed. However, not tonight.
Closing my burning eyes, from the exhaustion, the crying, from the comfort washing over me the minute his strong arms engulfed me. I felt myself relaxing, and then I stilled.
Collin blamed himself. He’d said it before and it had registered somewhere in the back of my mind, but this.
“No…” shaking my head, I pushed back cupping his cheek and bringing his eyes to meet mine. My heart sank at seeing the  glistening tears in his eyes.
“No… Collin…” my heart stopped and then raced, anxious feeling taking over while I looked at him.
“No..” his unfinished sentence had been said before too. And I still felt the same way. “If you were there… if you had been the one at my door…” fresh tears slipped freely down my cheeks. “I… I… I couldn’t…”
I could imagine it, as much as I hope I would have jumped into action the question was still unanswered. Would I have been able to help him as I did Leah? Or would I have been so devastated that I would have frozen?
“I froze when Leah was at the door.” I try to speak over the lump in my throat. “I have trained all my life to jump into action, to block away everything, but the situation before me…. And I froze!” Sniffling as I spoke. “If it were you…” no...   I still couldn’t finish the sentence. Because I didn’t want to put that sentiment out into the ether.
So, I kissed him. Softly, slowly. I kissed him with my chest beating so hard. With my mind pushing me to see him on my floor with all the injuries from Leah’s body on his. I sobbed into the kiss because I felt helpless. And in that moment, it felt like a switch had been flipped.
I found a strange strength in being in his arms. Of surviving. Of the good we all had done. And I knew in this moment. My world had changed. Because I accepted this world as mine.
Resting my forehead to his, my eyes closed again. My breathing ragged. “We learn from tonight. We learn and we grow, we find the next step, and we take it.” It was the making of a plan, a list of tasks, a way for us to move forward.
“Leah is going to fight; she is going to be okay.” I said it as it was a fact. Because she was strong. “And you…won’t blame yourself. You… won’t wish it were you there… because I need you here, like this… with me.”
❁ Collin ❁
I held her gently, my hands rubbing her arms. I kissed her hair and whispered. “That feeling is probably coming from your sense of duty to the pack. Even if #Leah isn’t in ours… that divide doesn’t seem to change anything for any of the imprints. You’re still new to it… you  haven’t had any practice filtering it all. But you didn’t fail, Harper. You saved our sister, my sister in so many ways… I couldn’t imagine the pain if…” I swallowed hard. I couldn’t go there. “She will heal so fast you’ll be shocked; I promise you.”
The fear and pain on  her face, when she moved to see mine, made me stop… and I knew then I would never wish my place traded with #Leah’s again… not even in my own head. I didn’t explain it would have been different, that if I had been there, I probably would have been with her in the car and my scent alone would have turned the vampire in a different direction.
I was about to tell her that no one ever trained to perform surgery or a blood transfusion on a seven-foot-tall wolf, but when she kissed me the train of thought was lost. I returned her kiss her quiet sobs  brought tears to my closed eyes again.
Then our foreheads pressed together, and I heard every word she said. If that was what she needed, then I would do everything in my power to forgive myself for even of the last… By the Spirit’s… had really only been hours? “Okay.” I whispered and pressed one more kiss to her lips, I could taste her tears there. “And I will always try my very best not to end up with any kind of injury that might need help beyond what my wolf can heal. So, I can spare you that pain.”
I wiped her cheeks tenderly. “Get some  sleep, sweetheart.” I kissed where my fingers had just been. “We need you rested while you can. I’ll be right here with you.” I didn’t move, I just loosened my hold on her to allow her to get comfortable and rested her head on my shoulder. “Everyone is safe and I’m not going  anywhere, Harper.” I pressed one more kiss to her to the top of her head.
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jonbizkit360 · 2 years
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It’s Friday, I’m in love. #home #thenerd #itsfridayiminlove (at The Nerd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJzqEGrRv3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atiny-piratequeen · 9 months
Hello there! Happy 2024! I don’t fully know what happened but it’s been about 4 years since I’ve been active on here, (more active on other platforms) however I have been following your fic updates on Ao3 and have loved every bit of it! Hope you’re doing well and I hope to be more active on here this year! 🥰 may this new year treat you well!
Omg hi! Its been forever! Welcome back! Im so glad you still like my works after these years! There's def more coming and more im excited for~
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d-criss-news · 2 years
Via James TheNerd's Instagram Story (November 7th, 2022)
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hiro-doodlez · 1 year
🫵 nerd (affectionate) (for the assumptions ask)
Very much so... What none of you guys know is I hyperfixated on solving a Rubik's cube for a week or two and my fastest time was 30 seconds!!!
Also!!! Languages!
Also my name online used to be (name)thenerd!! OAKDKWKD
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paincorpsrarefinds · 2 years
XBOX DEALS: Seller: thenerd-90 (100.0% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: For parts or not working Price: 17.00 USD Shipping cost: Free Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/225315684813?hash=item3475dc81cd%3Ag%3ALloAAOSwC3xjnfiy&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338743338&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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streetbreakerx2 · 4 years
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It's been 4 years since this place opened up for the geeks an' it kept on... Happy Anniversary @nerdbarlv #thenerd #nerdbar #nerdbarlv #gamersunite #barjoint #Bar #thenerdbar #thenerdbarlv #geekbar (at The Nerd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM9OOJeDw7S/?igshid=hl66twvsr2v5
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thecrazymakernerd · 4 years
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Our glorious #EmperorMoley did some scribbles for ma' channel!! Check out this sweet #IronHands rendition of #TheNerd with an "Impurity" Seal!!! Bloody love it!! Thank you almighty Moley!! Go follow him in Twitch ma' Nerds! #CrazyMakerNerd #PaintingWarhammer #art #zf #moleyzf #PrimarisMarines #SpaceMarines #SpaceMarine #Warhammer40k #WarhammerPainting #PaintingWarhammer40k https://www.instagram.com/p/CIWqAAInZMC/?igshid=1ovco9c7q543p
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thewaybackcloset · 5 years
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Into the belly of the beast... the tricksters and talent of Fremont Street are electric with impetuosity: The grit of Old Vegas runs rampant any day of the week 🎲✨🎰 @vintage_mrkt 📷 . . . . . #fremontstreet #dtlv #vegas #oldvegas #drinkthekoolaid #marketinthealley #downtownvegas #fremonteast #vintagemrkt #shoplocal #supportyourfriends #supportsmallbusiness #ecofashion #shopsmall #thenerd #fremontarcade #videogames #intothewild #vintage #runawaywithme #mulletsofinstagram #themulletlifechoseme #mulletsofinstagram (at Fremont Arcade) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IED8ynGUu/?igshid=cp5yuq6ls4dy
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libraryofsports · 5 years
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Three AM… - Solo by Collin
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I was patrolling the line closest to town, it wasn’t unusual… When the options were there we always put the dark-coloured wolves closer to the treeline at night and the lighter wolves during the day. It was rare… if ever anyone caught a flash of us in the forest but #Sam  believed we were given everything for a reason, right down to the colour of our fur; and he used those traits to position us in the woods on our runs.
Tonight had started out like any other night… until there was a sudden burst of anxiety in my chest that stopped me in my  tracks. #Brady dug his paws into the dirt to keep from running into me. The feeling faded quickly and was replaced by a deep sense of unease.
#Brady shook his head as if he could shake away the feelings, he was being fed through my connection to the hive mind. ‘Bro… what  the hell… what happened?’
I had no idea… there was nothing off in the forest around us…
“I have no idea… I just have a really bad feeling…” I thought back to... well, everyone.
‘Where’s Harper, tonight?’ #Jared, the beta of the Uley pack came alongside us, while  he simultaneously moved the rest of the pack and #Brady along to continue their routes.
“She’s doing her shift in Port Angeles tonight… do you think something happened?” I asked… but the feeling had almost completely faded now, and I knew the source of all my anxiety was  my own racing imagination.
‘No, I’m sure nothing has at all… this is something you need to get used to. It’s going to happen. You have no idea how many times I raced home only to find out that #Kim saw a spider…’ His low chuckle rumbled through the mind map. ‘Or a mouse… Or a ghost.’ Even in thought his eye roll was implied.  I laughed now too.
‘But I get it Collin… this is all new for you… and when it was me #Sam went easy on me… So, I’m going to tell you to go home. Text her. It will all be fine. You’ll see.’ #Jared told me, and I was  flooded with relief.
So that was exactly what I did.
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jonbizkit360 · 2 years
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The Squid says buy the Frozen Blue Meth or ELSE!!! #mybar #thenerd #frozenbluemeth (at The Nerd) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cff1gJbOzxT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 years
Same! I felt really bad for Jongho at the fansign, you could tell the boy was tired and just didnt really want to be there but people were being crazy trying to get his attention (probs because he wasn’t as engaged) but I was like “just let the boy sleep!”
This whole thing was poorly planned and spaced tbh
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d-criss-news · 2 years
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Via James TheNerd's Instagram Story (November 6th, 2022)
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mlboracle · 5 years
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cannabisartist · 7 years
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Sometimes life is just black and white. #SickStickerSociety #FremontStreet #LasVegas #LVStickers #LasVegasStreetArt #Sticker #Stickers #Slaps #Artists #LasVegasStickers #LVgraffiti #StickerGraffiti #EggshellStickers #StreetArtStickers #StickerNerds #StickerPorn #HelloMyNameis #Kilroywashere #Vinyladdict #StickerArt #LVartist #LVStreetArt #LVculture #TheNerd www.SickStickerSociety.bigcartel.com New Black and White Stickers Packs available in store. (at The Nerd)
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