#theo stein-meyer
naynaychan00 · 6 months
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I'm done. I'm done. I'm SO DONE! Theo from Magic Misfits, everyone. I refuse to elaborate atm
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I originally wanted to draw some of these (and I still might), but I don't have the energy right now, so Incorrect Quotes textpost it is!
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Bobby: Come on guys, nothing in life is free! Dante: Love is free. Mick: Knowledge is free. Lyle: Adventure is free! Sandra: Self-respect is free. Kilroy: Everything is free, if you take it without paying.
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Ridley: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever, and you're all invited. Leila: ...If? Carter: Great! The only party I've ever been invited to, and she might not even die!
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Carter: I would like to live a safe life, in which I am not forced to steal. Uncle Sly: God, you are extremely fucking selfish. Die! Carter: I am 13 years old.
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Leila: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Theo: Several traffic violations. Ridley: Three counts of resisting arrest. Carter: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Izzy: Also, that's not our car.
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Cop: You're receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. Bobby: Shit. Kilroy: ...Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? Lyle: OH MY GOD, MICK FELL OFF!
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Kincaid: Release my brother! Kincaid: He did that shit, but I don't care!
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Mr. Vernon: You're the love of my life and my best friend. I would do anything for you. The other Mr. Vernon: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Mr. Vernon: Absolutely not <3
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Dean: How many kids do you have? Mr. Vernon: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
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Carter: *Gently taps table* Leila: *Taps back* Olly: What are they doing? Theo: Morse code. Carter: *Aggressively taps table* Leila: *slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
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Theo's brother: Please, bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. Theo: I got spring water. Theo's brother: NO! Theo: With extra minerals. It's like licking a stalagmite. Theo's brother: DON'T COME HOME! Theo: Mmmmm, cave water.
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mayzi33 · 1 year
Oh? What's that? Miss-too-many-fandoms has gotten into ANOTHER underrated fandom from an underrated book series? Why yes I have.
The Magic Misfits fandom, I SUMMON YOU
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lilac1203 · 1 year
Alright I had this idea a while ago.
So there's the normal Hanahaki diseases. That one where if someone loves someone, they'll throw up flowers growing in their lungs until the person loves them back and that's basically the only cure.
Well I had the idea to turn it into a platonic "looking for a family" sort of situation. I thought of this at like 3 am one night and it hasn't been able to leave my brain alone.
Basically I'm working on a story where Carter Locke has Hanahaki and it only gets better when he finds a family that's not a crappy manipulative uncle. It's following pretty closely to what actually happens in the first book with some minor changes here and there.
I named it "Roses are the Flowers of a Magician" (RATFOAM for short. It wasn't intentional but I think it's funny).
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pikablob · 1 year
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Today I found an actual cryptid in the wild: one of the weird UK Magic Misfits hardbacks. I don't know why these have their own cover art, or why it's so incredibly cursed; I assumed it was a licencing issue, but all the illustrations inside are still the Lissy Marlin originals (and the paperbacks over here use the US cover art), so I don't know why they didn't just use her cover art for these??
I very nearly bought this; part of me is still tempted to go back for it XD
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magic-to-write · 1 year
Carter is the Anvil.
Leila has the thief class (but I can be talked into making her and escape artist class; I mean I didn't bat an eye at pie artisan)
Theo and Ridley are half dragon and one of them is secretly royalty.
Izzy and Olly are GPS and hunger for book pages.
And Emily is a second mate to one of the most dangerous pirates in the Hierarchy.
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nomakefunofme · 2 years
This took me a few weeks but finally I have finished drawing all the members of the Magic Misfits in a different art style!
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Feel free to use these for really anything! I’ll probably make individual post for every member later when I draw proper backgrounds.
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lovemesomeagnst · 10 months
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Sketch vs resultttt!!! The misfits take a group selfie or whateverr
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somewhat-bored · 10 months
more tmm headcanons cause i love yours so much
Carter has seen a stray cat running around town, and every so often he tries to give it some food. Once the cat accepts the food, it returns the next day with about a dozen more cats that beg Carter for more food. Mr. Vernon regretfully tells Carter that adopting them all would be a bad idea, as his husband is allergic.
Izzy and Olly once asked Theo to teach them how to levitate so they can use it in one of their routines, but Theo thinks it might get them in trouble with Mr. Arnold. After all, a visitor complaining about the supernatural nature of a set of twins isn't going to get a hotel the most amount of traction (or is it?).
One time a kid at school saw Leila and Carter sitting together, and began to tease them thinking they were dating (based off of my own experience of children being annoying). Carter said that they were cousins, but after that didn't deter the classmate Leila tied his shoelaces together to make him fall and he became the laughingstock of school for a week.
Speaking of school, Dante gets called in occasionally whenever Leila does something magic related. For instance, one time the classroom door got locked, and instead of waiting for the janitor to get the key Leila picked the lock. The teachers were worried, but Dante congratulated Leila: "In just 15 seconds?! That's a new record!"
Ridley doesn't go to public school, and whenever anyone asks her why she says: "They want me to stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance." She has learned to use dark humor instead of threats to deal with people who annoy her. It's the twins rubbing off on her.
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oliveeeia · 5 months
Me reading The Minor Third: wow this is all falling apart but this boy is in
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Cleric Theo bc I didn't draw him yet.
I also made a bit of progress regarding the story. The misfits as we know them will form a little later on during the story, because I'm separating them into three groups.
Theo and Ridley
Izzy and Olly
Leila and Carter
This is the order I'm gonna keep story vise, but I might change it later.
The basic plot for the beginning is that Theo and Ridley travel to the Traveler's Hub to work for the Traveler's Guild as a traveling party. Unfortunately, to be considered a proper party they're 4 members short.
Izzy and Olly are two Pop stars stuck in the Traveler's Hub as a duo of adventurers. They, later on, meet and befriend Theo and Ridley. But still, they are 2 members short.
In the coastal town of Far Water Docks, in an island nation neighboring Miitopia trouble stirs for Carter and Leila. Unlike Miitopia, which employs the divine job users as adventurers for hire within the Traveler's Hub, this nation doesn't treat the job users too lightly. There, they are seen as dangerous criminals that need to be exterminated. Carter and Leila can't hide forever, and so must escape the town. (I won't say how they escape and how successful they were bc that's a spoiler).
That's it for now, have a good day/night.
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cutestarlightcat · 10 months
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OK some of these have my personal head cannons, so here are my reason 
Carter : before he never once had a Kit-kat, so when Leila gave him one, he ate it like that, and she just gave him a glare, but he didn’t understand why, so he just continues to eat it like that and the others find it too funny.
Leila : is it the way it should be eaten. Why? Because I personally had a canon her to be more updated on trend, considered socially good  despite being an outcast herself (magggic)
Theo : same with Lelia but I headcanon him to have unhinged or gray day every blue moon and when those days happen if he decides to eat a Kit-kat that day, he’s gonna eat it like the second option soooooooooo
Ridley : she really doesn’t care in my opinion so she eats it the quickest, or most efficiently whatever that is from the top or from the side after all, she’s tired and she wants to get it over with.
Olly & Izzy : I don’t think I need to explain.
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Noticing the post of @mayzi33, I decided: Why don't I make a playlist for the Magic Misfits book series? Only I have this playlist not in Spotify, but in Yandex Music. In general, check, my multi-fandomers❤️✨.
P.s: I listened to a couple of tracks from the author's playlist and noticing that they are cool, I decided to add them to my playlist already.
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pikablob · 2 years
Question for the Magic Misfits fandom:
How old do we think everyone is? I think the Misfits are meant to be like, 10-12, but maybe I’m wrong? And more importantly - how old is Mr. Vernon? He looks pretty old to me, and Carter calls him “the old man” when he first sees him, but he must be about the same age as the rest of the Emerald Ring, and both Sandra and Lyle have kids in the Misfits, which would make them all like, mid-late 30s/early 40s at most unless they had kids really late?
So, how old do we think they are? Do they ever say how old the adults are, or long it’s been since the fire?
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