Who’s being mean to the best dog in the world? Cass is about to throw hands but at the moment they’re distracted by loving on Hayate. ( theorphanalchemist )
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Hayate doesn't even remember anymore, to be honest. He's just soaking up all of the love and pats and scratches and treats that he can get. If this is what someone asking if he's been a bad dog gets him, then maybe it's not so bad after all!
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solmxri · 8 months
Cass feels bad that she missed her brothers’ birthdays so she’s in the kitchen while they’re gone trying to make them a big cake.
The kitchen looks like she launched a bag of flour over each corner of the kitchen and herself, but the five layers of vanilla and chocolate cake look really nice on the table.
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⋆。°✩ ━━━ @theorphanalchemist // aka, Cass is about to make her brothers cry like a bunch of babies <3
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Rem swore he almost had a heart attack when his eyes landed on the state of the kitchen - keep calm… he can clean it later.
Meanwhile, Matei beside him was ecstatic over cake. He might as well a little kid in a candy store with the way he was bouncing excitedly for the cake. Hell, he didn’t even hesitate to rush over to the table with stars in his eyes. Staring down at the simple but BEAUTIFUL (in his eyes) cake… And leaving Rem with the grocery bags to deal with.
Rem couldn’t help but sigh, but there a hint of affection to it as a small smile took his lips. Carrying the bags over to the kitchen corner to find at least one place left untouched by the mess to place the bag.
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“What’s the cake for? Is it for your cooking class? Are we allowed to eat it???” Matei spat out, excited. If he didn’t have his glamour on, he was pretty sure his tail would be wagging up a storm right about now.
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“Mattie… Give Cass time to answer.” Rem called out from the kitchen. Packing away the frozen goods into the freezer before joining the two by the table. “So… what’s this all about?”
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codename-freya · 9 months
Unprompted // always accepting
@theorphanalchemist said: ❛  don’t be alarmed now but there’s someone following you. pretend you know me and come with me. i’ll get you somewhere safe.  ❜
~*~ “Tell me what they look like,” Kaisa murmured softly.
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She hadn’t been entirely sure she had been followed until someone came up to her and advised her as such.
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genus-militum · 1 year
Anonymous asked - “Do you like oranges?” Cassandra holds out an orange to the stranger. ( theorphanalchemist for Adam )
It was rare for Adam to be outside during the day, but the Nest was strangely noisy for the day time, making the outside the more quiet option. 
He was sitting on a crate down the street from the Nest, the hood of his coat helping to block out the sun. Usually he was asleep by now, so things were a bit too bright for his liking. Perhaps he looked sketchy, or homeless, but people where leaving him alone, so he wasn’t about to complain. But he wasn’t expecting to be approached by a random teenager.
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"Um. They’re alright. I guess.” Adam answered, turning his attention to the green haired stranger.
“Do you go around offering oranges to everyone, or just the freaks like me?“ He questioned, reaching for the offered orange.
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bersalah · 1 year
@theorphanalchemist​ said: at the end of the day, it’s usually about money - for Lara Arcane RP meme // Accepting!
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        “And you thought taking my wallet was the right idea?” A frown, leaning down to look at the child before sighing and rubbing the back of her neck. Gaaah....she reminded her of herself- barely getting by enough by herself but she had someone to look out for so it made things harder...
     Adjusting the bags in her arms, Lara sighed, going to set them aside and crouch down, holding her hand out.
              “give it back, kid.”
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     Ali would have to start dinner without her tonight, but at least she wasn’t far from their apartment by the Nest- work would probably be late as well once they were done eating...
        “There’s better ways of gettin by than stealing other people’s money....” Sure this was hypocritical, but Lara knew better than anyone just how hard it was on the streets.
           “Just trust me, kid.”
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iamdarcylewis · 3 years
A few well placed phone calls got Cass rushing into the hospital Darcy was in, feeling the panic of hating hospitals and potentially losing Darcy forever settle in, skidding to a stop just outside of Darcy’s door as she looked inside, tears rushing down her face. “Darcy!” @theorphanalchemist
The tears were a surprised, well Cass’ visit was a full surprised. She knew the teen was close to her so she didn’t know why Darcy was surprised and yet, she was. 
“Hey, Cass! No, don’t cry!” She was calling the teen to the room, gesturing with her hand for her to come. “It’s fine, they gave me the good stuff so everything is so fine.”
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scentedbygunpowder · 3 years
“Hi Mom.” [ appear ] for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep injured ( theorphanalchemist comes home ! )
[ appear ] for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep injured @theorphanalchemist
When Riza opened her door, she did not expect to see Cass standing there. Cass had disappeared and Riza hadn’t been able to find her anywhere. She had been worried sick over where the girl was. So, to see her standing on her doorstep, and more than that, to see that she was injured well--she was sure that Roy would forgive her for being late to work.
“Cass!” She reached out, helping the girl inside and closing the door with her foot. No one seemed to be nearby, but Riza wasn’t going to take any chances. She reached back and locked the door behind them, then led the girl over to the couch.
“Where have you been?” she asked. “What happened to you?” Her eyes looked over her, looking over her injuries. “Sit down. I’ll get the first aid kit. You need to tell me what happened to you. I’ve been worried!”
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villainousnxble · 4 years
@theorphanalchemist​​ continued from here.
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Ciel rolled his eyes, it wasn’t the time to be having this conversation, not when the suspect guest was arriving any minute now. But she knew she was stubborn so he just sighed and crossed his arms.
“What do you want to know?
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🍜 -theorphanalchemist
My muse is sick.
Send me a 🍜 for your muse to make mine (or try to) a meal.
Maria wasn’t great at cooking, but she was competent when it came to eggs and baking and such. 
This was her first time cooking soup. She glanced at the cookbook, then at the soup. It was ready. Hopefully.
She dumped a few ladlefuls of it into a bowl, then trotted out into the living room and held it out to Cassandra.
“I made you soup. Chicken and brocolli.”
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nyanzaya · 4 years
(🐈) It wasn’t common for other hybrids to get riled up over a human being loose. If anything most were reprimanded quickly but there was word on the street about a particular stray. She gotten away from the catchers, cleverly outsmarting them. 
But that didn’t explain why she seemed to be hurt when Iza found her in a place where he never thought he’d meet her. He was crouched down in front of her.
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“You poor thing, are you okay?” 
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ishvalanfaithful · 4 years
❛ Are you okay? Did they hurt you? ❜ -theorphanalchemist (hello!!!)
 She rubbed the back of her head as she stood up. She hadn't been expecting someone to push her out of the way like that. More importantly though, she didn't mean to worry anyone. 
"Oh yeah, I'm fine," she smiled. 
She was pretty sure she was, but then again, her head did kind of hurt... Well, as long as she could keep herself up though, that should mean she's fine right? Either way though... "I'm really sorry for worrying you."
Oh wait a second! She looked about her age! Maybe this was a chance for a friend.
"I'm Layla by the way," she offered a smile.
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solmxri · 1 year
“You just need friends. And a diary. That’s well hidden.” -Cassandra / @theorphanalchemist
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"Thank you for being the bam on my soul! Renewing my hope in humanity!"
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"Fuck you too!"
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multimusehideout · 4 years
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
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@theorphanalchemist​ sent:  Cass shakes her head as she starts to wake up, her head aching as she glances around, blurred vision. “... Where... am I...?”
Well this was certainly unexpected. 
They had been underway, the seas restless but nothing the Captain couldn’t handle. It was likely a storm brewing not too far from their position. If he played his cards right, they would likely be able to avoid the nastiness completely. What he hadn’t planned for was the fact that this particular storm wasn’t natural.
It swept up on them like a phantom in the night. The Jolly Roger was tossed about but Hook knew that he had one of the most capable crews in this, or any, realm as well as the sturdiest ship in them all as well. The Roger would come out of the maelstrom with only a few easy to attend to scratches but it also seemed as though it had come through it one soul in excess.
Seeing the young woman laying on the deck of his ship, he instructed one of the crew to take her to the crew quarters and to inform him the moment she started to awake. When that indeed happened, Killian went to ‘greet’ their ‘guest’.
“You’re aboard the Jolly Roger,” he replied, keeping his expression neutral for the time being. “I have no idea what manner of sorcery you used to manage that though as we’ve been at sea for days and I would know if I managed to pick up a stow-a-way in our last port. Who are you girl?”
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“Hayate? Were you waiting for me to leave school?” Cass gazed down at the little doggy, smiling. “Did you want to walk me home?” ( theorphanalchemist )
Hayate’s tail wagged as Cass smiled at him. He didn’t normally roam around the city on his own, as Mistress didn’t let him, but School wasn’t far from Home and Mistress and Cass had walked with him there many times. He knew the way! And today Mistress had opened the apartment door and sent him out to get Cass from School after she had given him a message to take to the girl. Mistress was Sick today. She and Hayate had been sent home early by Colonel. But Mistress had looked through the cabinets and had not been happy. So she had written a note down, put it under Hayate’s collar, and sent Hayate to School.
Hayate had waited patiently until he saw Cass and barked at her, tail wagging. He trotted up to her, more then happy to see the pup and deliver Mistress’s message to her. Maybe the message was to do something fun! Or maybe it was something that could help Mistress feel better! Hayate didn’t know but he knew that he could trust Cass to do whatever it was that Mistress had written down.
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iamdarcylewis · 3 years
“Hey Dr. Darcy, it’s Cass, I was trying to stop by your place but I didn’t see you home. I was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee tomorrow? Catch up? I hope things are well. Love you, bye.” ( theorphanalchemist )
You've reached the voicemail of Darcy Lewis. Please leave a message after the tone.
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scentedbygunpowder · 4 years
⁂ -theorphanalchemist
It wasn’t a hard decision. In fact, it was one of the easiest decisions that Riza had ever made. When she saw the gun and realized that it was aimed at Cassandra, she moved. She knew that there wasn’t time to warn Cass, or to take a shot first. No, there was only time to move herself. So she did.
She moved, extending a hand out to push Cass to the ground, her other hand going to the gun she had strapped to her under her skirt. She put herself in the way of Cass, blocking the girl from view and, she knew, putting herself in the path of the bullet. She swung her arm with the gun around, but she was only able to squeeze off one poorly aimed shot before she felt the impact of the bullet hit her.
It hit her in the upper chest, the impact throwing her back and against the girl with a cry of pain. She didn’t get up, though, adrenaline coursing through her as she brought the gun up again and fired again. She could hear the people in the street screaming, running for cover. She had no idea if she had hit the gunman or not. All she knew was that she needed to make sure Cass was alright, and they needed to find cover.
She tried to push up, to get up, so she could pull Cass to safety someone, but the moment she did, blinding pain flashed through her, and she collapsed back down to the ground, although off of Cass. She let out a noise of pain and tried to suck in a breath, only to realized that breathing was suddenly very difficult. She was bleeding, a lot, and she pressed a hand to it, trying to slow the bleeding. Hopefully someone had called the MPs, and someone would be there soon for her. 
“C-cass--” she said. “Hide...”
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