kebriones · 1 year
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so I ugh I cleaned this up :D (this being Theramenes' execution)
now everyone pray that mr comic editor guy I have booked a review with will say turning plato's dialogues into comics is a fantastic idea and that i'm hired. pray. pray harder.
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Also i think theramenes and alcibiades should have had sex at least once . I have no idea if he was alive during the trial but im sure if he heard him getting called a cothornos he would have been at least intrigued. Maybe he would have found it cute .
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sugaroto · 1 year
I may not remember anything from ancient greek from my freshman year, but the one thing I remember clearly is when Theramenes did the sluttiest thing ever when he drunk the conium and addressed Critias like "This one is for you" and then died
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Θεωρητική core
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domain-of-sentience · 10 months
ch 38 ramblings
in which this chapter managed to make me give a shit about every character involved which was completely unprecedented. but also what the fuck just happened
also filled with susannah feelings, damn.... truly a girlfailure who graduated to girlwinner
anyway this chapter started off pretty strong (esp with that sage fight) but i was pretty paranoid that they would make seele pull a kiana for bubble universe(s) #547887648 which was the only thing i didn't really care much for in this chapter. i guess it's bc all they've interacted with is faceless npcs and vita, but vita isn't a native so......
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at least there was plenty of gay shit
side note, i was curious about the two new mobs: white sword of damocles and black wine of theramenes. the sword of damocles is a famous symbol but i couldn't figure out the symbolic significance of "wine of theramenes," which doesn't seem to be a thing? and i don't see any parallels between theramenes and the sage other than "figure centered between two sides (worlds)" idfk...
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this was one of my fave moments in the chapter bc you very rarely see a "smart" character fuck things up royally and also try amend them, by a former antagonist no less. honestly i did not care much about misteln initially but they managed to humanize her (and prometheus) throughout this whole ordeal so that's cool
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y'know she didn't have to defend fuhua here but she did anyway hehe 😳
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also i noticed they modeled the shark teeth for niggurath which is kinda funny considering they were lazy enough to reuse hua's model and face, and this shit would be too hard to see on a phone.. but now i wish they would give hos shark teeth too 😔
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Yay ❤️
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i saw this a long while ago too but i still don't know what to make of it other than some potential space exploration arc
WHICH reminds me i'm glad they delved into the sky people a bit. sorry i cba to read the manga
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this whole segment hurted ☺️ but it also reminded me of my friend's super good and famous sentihua fic. let it be known that she tackled this concept first 🫡
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THANK You kira i wish i could beat this into the heads of people so they stop applying human rules to her. i forgor the timeline already but just because she came into existence a few years ago doesn't mean she's a literal baby-brained minor 🤓🤓 by that logic i would have to revoke your license to talk about misteln milkies or w/e
okay that was my 532327th rant on that topic moving on
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and despite being inhuman she has plenty of empathy for people, chad moment
umm i stopped taking screenshots here but I LOVE SUSANNAH NOW.... like i actually teared up when she was so frustrated with herself but she pulled herself up by da bootstraps and ran that marathon against all odds. she's an S-rank valkyrie in my heart okay 🥺🥺🥺
also rip vita but i know this isn't the last of u. still dunno what's going on with her
i give this chapter a rating of sussy vita/10 not quite a steel chair moment but was quite close
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brother-emperors · 1 year
Have you heard of Critias and Theramenes? They were one of the 30 tyrants after the Peloponnese war where Spartans after winning the Athenians forced them to abandon democracy and have the tyrants the tyrants would choose. The most ruthless was Critias and the only one who stood up against him was Theramenes who was also an old friend of him and were students of Socrates before.
Their story is interesting even for the little information there is of them, and their dynamic reminded me of your paintings. Complex twisted relationships with depth in general.
oh, I think they're extremely fun! I went on a whole research adventure with the thirty tyrants when I was going through donald kagan's work on the peloponnesian war, and I'm waving hello at all of it again now that I'm reading through james romm's book on the sacred band of thebes
the reception of critias intrigues me ngl
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The Use and Abuse of Critias: Conflicting Portraits in Plato and Xenophon, Gabriel Danzig
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hexjulia · 1 year
dfhjadsg these constant stupid power struggles... context; a number of people drowned during a sea battle, and back in Athens they tried some of the generals for supposedly not putting effort into rescuing people who went overboard after. so
At this festival Theramenes and his party made arrangements by which a number of people, dressed in black and with hair close-shaven, should attend the Assembly, pretending to be kinsmen of those who had been lost after the battle. They also bribed Callixenus to attack the generals at the meeting of the Council.
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mergist · 1 year
The English word "personification" did not exist prior to the late seventeenth century. It derives from the French verb personnifier which Boileau coined in his Eleventh Reflection on Longinus (Haworth 43). Boileau used the neologism to exonerate Racine from the charge that the playwright was unappropriately lurid in Theramene's recapitulation of Hyppolyte's death scene at the close of Phedre (v.vi). Boileau's defense was built on the fact that Racine was conveying a moment of sublime sentiment, and, more importantly, that the playwright did not "speak the words himself," using instead Theramene as a verbal mask or representative (Haworth 44). Boileau's inkhorn term conveyed no more than the earliest Hellenic conception of the trope as a means for any dramatic presentation of a speech. The new term proved so potent, apparently, that little more than a century later, another French thinker - Pierre Fontanier - saw the need taxonomically to separate la personnification from la prosopopee. Boileau's successful neolatin coinage, however, carried a new conceptual charge alien to the conservative connotations of the word "prosopopeia." According to Foucault and a number of other contemporary thinkers, the concept of the "person" is an invention of the late seventeenth century (Sexuality 17—47; Rorty 17—69; Zimbardo 1—14; Elliott 3—32; Ginsberg ch. 1). A human person was, for thinkers as varied as Montaigne, Descartes, John Locke, or Theophilus Gale, a rational being constituted by an entirely interior psychology, by a discrete, unique, and private consciousness that functioned as its own mechanism of self-definition and regulation. Boileau's engagement of the French word personne, or rather, of the Latin word persona, latched onto a concurrently evolving sense of what a human being was thought to be. As this book has shown, the figurally invented personages that result from personification are anything but realistic or modern "characters." The latter are fictive and simulational human beings, who, according to Rose Zimbardo, are native to literature only after the late seventeenth century and who possess an "internal arena" of soul and psyche (2). Indeed, Zimbardo holds that no fictional character, prior to the time of the English Restoration, was conceived of as an accurate simulacrum of psychological interiority. Such characters were mere ideational effigies. The seventeenth-century conceptual shift concerning personality and mind punctured old expectations of what literary character could be. The term "personification," by dint of its new connotational force, was therefore at odds with the older conception of "prosopopeia." Although both words etymologically mean "to make a face or mask," "prosopopeia" retained that sense of sheer literary game or artifice. "Personification," on the other hand, could have promoted a deep conceptual confusion about its status and value. Literature and drama became more and more taken up with the mimesis of actual human personality — a conceptual property promised but not delivered by the term "personification." This knot of lexical and conceptual confusion may be concomitant upon the trope's imminent historical decay as a serious and powerful means of poetic invention.
-James J. Paxson, The Poetics of Personification pages 171-172.
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andromacheflints · 2 years
Theramenes was the original blorbo
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a-captions-blog · 11 months
can u describe
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kebriones · 1 year
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The execution of Theramenes.
(this one's for you @whatifwekilledgodandwebothgirls because you were right about the theramenes exclusion. I hope you will accept this token of my remorse)
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Alcibiades says εγωγε a lot in alcibiadds 1. He never says εγω . Not once . I checked . That very cute . I dont know if there is any actual reason for it but as far as i know both words mean " i " but εγωγε is more fancy and flashy and showy and provied a bit more umph . Adorable . Its also included by the writer of the book , probably not a think alcibiades actually used often since its not consisntent to alcibiades speach patterns ( well thucis interpertation of his speah patterns, which i take to be more accurate because come on its thuci ) . I know because when i was reading thuci i also checked contsantly to see is alcis was using εγωγε and he sadly wasnt ( i am obsessed with the word εγωγε ) . What an adorable thing for the writer to include .
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valend · 2 years
“omg achilles and patroclus best ship” GUYS WHAT ABOUT THERAMENES AND CRITIAS???
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ancient greeks rlly looked at their speeches and went "huh. this doesn't have many useless letter's in it. let me just add a random δε/δ' that translates to absolutely nothing for no reason :)"
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ksjourney1 · 3 years
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2021年31杯目。ステイホームということもあり近場で #六感堂 の限定、#theramen に味玉で。これもシンプルだけど優しい味でうまかった。#ラーメン #ramen #池袋 #池袋グルメ (麺屋 六感堂) https://www.instagram.com/p/COW8XFrhMli/?igshid=1y2jrtdwd6ya7
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justuneillusion · 7 years
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Phèdre - Racine
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