#there are 4 versions of this joke in my head and i dont have the ability to workshop them
dimension20stuff · 7 months
Murph isn't wearing glasses this season so he doesn't have to keep taking them off
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badomensgoodomens · 28 days
Just Pretend
noah sebastian x reader (fluff)
( request stories/scenarios in my asks!!!!)
Noah had spent hours trying to get over you. you were his best friend, he didn't want to taint that.
he was slowly reaching breaking point, almost angry at the fact you were consuming his every being.
he released his anger on songs, and punching bags, however it quickly turned to sorrow.
the reasoning behind that, was these dates you were going on. they left you heartbroken and in despair by the end of the night. the whole band lived together, including your manager, and the walls weren't exactly thick enough to drown out your anguished cries.
it was after a very specific evening, he lost it.
your date had hurt you, a nasty bruise on your upper arm.
folio, whom he'd confided in multiple times, had to send him out, concerned he'd do something violent.
he came back, late at night, knocking softly on your door. you wipe your tears with your sleeve, your eyes puffy.
"come in.."
the door clicks open, he walks in.
he looks..
he shuts the door behind him, taking a deep breath in.
"are you okay?"
his voice is quiet, almost scared to hear the answer. you sniffle,
he crosses the room, pulling you into a tight hug. "i'm sorry."
you shake your head, looking up at him.
"why are you saying sorry...?"
he looks down at you fondly, wiping your tears with the pads of his thumb.
"nobody is treating you the way you deserve, y/n."
you sniffle,
"i uhm..."
he clears his throat.
"i have a song to show you."
you wipe your tears, looking up at him with raised eyebrows. he takes your hand, leading you to his room. he sits you down in his chair, placing his headphones on your head. you watch as he presses play on an audio file labelled 'Just Pretend'
its a rough, acoustic version. something in earlier production. you take in his somber voice, and the lyrics.
you look up at him, wide confused eyes.
"is this.... who is this about?"
he goes a little shy, biting his cheeks anxiously.
"uhhh.... you..?" he answers, a little hesitant.
your eyes well up with tears.
"you wrote a song about me..?" you ask, affection racing through your veins, but you were also terrified.
"its you. its always been you." he whispers, taking your hands. he closes his eyes. you panic, why was he acting like this?
"youre all i fucking think about, its pathetic.I can't pretend i dont love you anymore. i tried not to indulge these thoughts, i tried to leave you alone. you're my bestfriend. i don't ever want that to change. and if i can't have you, id like to atleast let nick know i tried." his words are desperate, he clings to you like a lifeline.
your eyes are wide.
noah loves you.
noah loves YOU
NOAH loves you
noah LOVES you.
you swear your heart stops beating for a second. his words echo continuously through your mind. you almost didn't believe it.
"you love me..?"
your voice is timid and shy, a testament to the immense emotions playing through your head.
he pulls your head closer to his, resting his forehead against yours. his touch so gentle. he cares for you, more than hed like to admit.
"ofcourse i fuckin do, i fucking love you and its killing me."
you gulp. was this real?
"i-... uh..."
he cringes. almost flinching back.
"if you don't like me back we can pretend this never happene-"
panic courses through you, your only response is to pull him in for a tight hug. he hesitates, unsure of what this means.
"youre kidding.. tell me you're joking." you mutter.
he relaxes within seconds, squeezing you extra tight.
you pray he says the words you've been begging to hear for the past 4 years of friendship.
"im in love with you, and if you'll have me, id like to treat you the way you deserve."
that is how you find yourself squealing in nicks room.
"oh my god nick!!!! ahhhhH!!! he asked me out!!!!"
nick laughs, noticing how oblivious you are to noah, whos leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.
eventually he chuckles, which makes you yelp. you throw a pillow in his direction, incredibly embarassed.
he chuckles again, crossing the room. he pulls you into his arms, his fingers digging into your side. you throw your head back in giggles, squirming. he hugs you tightly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"you're so sweet, baby."
you flush, not used to a nickname.
nick groans, regretting his endorsement of noahs confession.
gang im trynna make these longer but my fingers are crampingggg
i wrote this in 20 minutes (i do this for all my drafts HAHA)
im not gonna edit this cause im lazy but enjoy cuties!!
give me ur feedback (but don't be mean im sensitive HAHA)
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nyamadermont · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 49. I have a few options for #50…
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 299,440. Ok, I hadn’t realized I was that close. Now, my answer to #1 might be “a new 560-word drabble.”
3. What fandoms do you write for? I’m nearly exclusively writing for Avatar: Legend of Korra, with a little bit of Last Airbender, where it fits in.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Rainstorm - Su is there for Lin, for once. 2. The Well of Need - My first long-form story, with Lin taking care of Kya. 3. This is My Anchor - A mid-sized Kyalin story where Lin doesn’t make Kya take care of her. 4. I’m Sorry I Need You - An angsty one-shot that fits with a couple others in the “marriage is hard” domain. 5. Walk With Me - A longer-than-intended one-shot variant on a Tumblr joke.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do, as soon as I can. Sometimes, that means getting off work. Sometimes, that means giving a response as meaningful as the comment was to me. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? For complete stand-alone stories, that is likely Something Changed, where the last words are usually joyous. I can’t find the link for the worst-worst ending I have, so just pretend that never happened.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The happiest ending? I like my happy endings, so this is tough. But I think I’ll go for Elemental Changes, because that launched my collaboration with @slowdissolve on Red Jade.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not hate, exactly. One reader informed me that I had ‘let them down’ on a follow-up story because I didn’t write the story that was in their head. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I’ve done a little, but it hasn’t been a focus for me. And, aside from the polyamory aspect, it’s all as vanilla as it comes.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not unless you count LOK + ATLA a crossover, which I don’t.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to date.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? @slowdissolve and I wrote Moonsigns together, and we published two versions. One is told in first-person language and color coded, on Tumblr. We then followed it up with a more traditional third-person version that does not rely on color, on AO3.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Kyalin is where everything opened up for me. 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I’m taking quite the long view of all of this. I haven’t added to Their Sacred Year in a while, but have the outline for the next installment, so I don’t consider it abandoned.
16. What are your writing strengths? Folks seem to like my dialogue and plotting.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle with the final rising action / climax / falling action, to keep the pacing appropriate to the story.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don’t plan on it, given I am uneducated in the languages appropriate to this setting. 
19. First fandom you wrote for? Legend of Korra.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Saving the hardest for last. Naming the favorite child. Ok, fine. In that case, I’ll have to choose <wrestles with self> Elemental Changes (see #7), mostly because it’s a completely off-the-wall idea that I was able to see through and complete. And to have Slowdissolve illustrate the ending was an absolute capstone.
So I get to thank both @krastbannert and @wishingforatypewriter for their invitations!
Now, it's time to throw the floor open to folks like @yell0wsalt, @dont-blame-it-on-the-kids, @linguini17, @frogblast-the-ventcore, @badlucksav, @cdlunee, and of course,
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale's Analysis: 5 things the movie did better and Vice Versa: Miraculous version.
So for this little post I will be writing things I would list that the Miraculous Movie did better for me than the show did and vice versa.
I think both medias have flaws but both also give us something great and I think both should be appreciated.
I wont be mentioning ANYTHING asthetic (Thats a budget thing and I wont penalize the show for not having the budget the movie does) These are purely writing choices and scene inclusions.
2. These choices doesnt always mean that the show or Movie handled something badly, it just means I prefer how they were handled. by the Respective media.
3. I will only be including things that are covered in both the film and movie.
4. I would love to hear what you guys preferred and your opinions
I will start off with the Movie and alternate.
(Spoilers if you havent seen the movie or the season 5 finale of the show)
5. Movie: Using Criminals as Akumatized villains
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Its such a simple idea, as the Akuma often use the negative emotions of the individuals, and thats what I loved about the movie. Of course if the logic is the more negative the emotions the more powerful, why not recruit the people who let their lives get ruined by their negative impulses.
It ups the danger factor and allows for more cartoonish violence. They get defeated and then get sent to jail. Maybe it makes Akuma seem simpler, but I like it and it results in a villain song that slaps.
5. Show: The way the Heroes were chosen
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While on one hand I enjoyed the Kwami picking their chosen in the movie. I actually like how Fu tested the ones in Origins. Both Marinette and Adrien demonstrated their kind hearted and caring natures before getting the miraculous. In the movie we do see Marinette save Fu though unrelated to being chosen, which was great but we dont see Adrien ever do that before becoming Chat noir. And I feel that loses something in the process.
4. Movie: Powers: Stronger together (Not just the song)
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The cat and Ladybug miraculous get more powerful when used together. That is something I have wanted since the beginning of the series. It lets both miraculous stand out from the other miraculous and shows why having these two together is such a big deal. This movie does drill it into the viewers head, but its such a cool concept and it is something I wish was in the show.
4. Show: Powers: Lucky Charm
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I miss when Ladybug summons an object to help defeat the villain. i know in the movie they go a bit different with how the powers work, but I miss the random items that would then be utilized in order to help them best the bad guys. Marinette is still her clever self when she wants to be in the movie... but it isnt as clear and would have elevated the movie.
3. Movie: Tikki
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I think Tikki f***ing kills it in this movie. Her energy, curiosity, her flair. HER RAP! Tikki is exactly what I picture when I see a Kwami of Creation. She was perfect for getting Marinette's butt in gear and being the instigator. She is Marinette's Motivator not her conscience. Tikki has been doing this for Eons and she knows what to do.
3. Show: Plagg
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By a MASSIVE Margin, Plagg is much better portrayed in the show. His bond with Adrien is much more pronounced, his personality isnt reduced to being lazy and making Fart jokes. Plagg in the movie does give advice, but Show Plagg has a much more innate care for Adrien even early on. Plagg's bond with Adrien in the show is one of the best things about it.
2. Movie: Ladynoir
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Oh I can hear a TON of anger forming from seeing this on my list. But let me explain. I like the fact that they didnt get along right away and grew to like eachother. In the show it makes sense to have them more in sync off the jump, but in the movie it shows how their powers are LINKED to them being closer. So the development is great. And while the show has the appeal of the lovesquare and identities being a secret. The Movie doesnt have that limitation, they are doing the secret identities for their own benefit. Chat noir gets to be more open with Ladybug. And Stronger together as a duet f***ing slaps. Now in the show there are some ladynoir moments that are amazing "Us against the world." Fantastic. And i would argue the show has highs the movies never reached, BUT The problem is though, in the show, that basically gets tossed to the side so often its hard to appreciate it and the lows are more present. In the movie, it is able to keep that basis steady. Plus this movie was made for Ladynoir, lets face it.
2. Show: Marinette and Adrien (As Characters)
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I think it is obvious to say that the show has a lot more time to flesh out Marinette and Adrien. Now I do enjoy their movie incarnations, but seeing How Marinette developed her confidence overtime and her reasons for being how she is, as well as Adrien wanting more love and acceptance. The movie never really gets to show how kind and caring both of them are. Something the show gets to demonstrate. Though the flaws are there, it is a deeper ocean to explore. Movie Marinette and Movie Adrien are wonderful, but when it comes to the core, the originals shine brighter.
1. Show: Adrinette (As well as Ladrien and Marichat)
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Yes I am swapping back to the show before the movie. I dont care its my list. Adrien and Marinette are f***ing adorable. The umbrella scene is still one of my favorite moments in the series, and seeing how the two fall in love is wonderful. Its a slow burn and its usually pretty damn good. Granted the love rival bump was stupid, but hey not everything is perfect. Also the Ladrien (while not much as much as the other sides) exists in the show and gets a lot of mileage. And Marichat, do I even have to explain? Most of you marichat stans are still watching Elation. The show handles the core aspect that the viewers WANT to see. The slow burn romance. That is where its at. And while the movie does show Adrien and Marinette having some cute encounters, some stuff was cut and it just cant hold a candle to the adrinette in the show.
Its the beauty and love that has me still holding onto the show... no matter the writing choices it has taken. And trust me when I say MY LOVE for the lovesquare has been tested more than Heracles.
1. Movie: Gabriel Agreste
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If someone told me I would ever have sympathy for Gabriel Agreste. I would looked them in the eyes and LAUGHED at them. But somehow this movie did what the show failed to do. They turned this neglectful asshole into my favorite part of the movie. The movie makes me understand WHY he is so absent with Adrien, yet still show how much he loves his son. He is a widower lost in grief filled with Survivor's guilt. He is so lost and desperate to bring her back that he was willing to sacrifice his own heart to get her back... but then, he sees his son, damaged by his own hands. He sees the monster he became and it broke him. He fell down and realized he had done something inexcusable in his mind. He let his loss hurt his little boy.
The movie doesnt get as much time as the show to flesh out Gabriel, but sweet kwami does the movie show more than enough. We see his intial reluctance, we see his grief win over and then his obsession and hatred growing. We see him get disheveled and at the brink yet still checking on his son. We see him realize how far gone he is and just let the darkness take control, and finally we see the revelation! Him waking up to the truth, what he did to his son. He breaks down, he confesses. THIS is a Gabriel that you understand how he fell. This Gabriel was shown to the Audience. But you know what the best part is? He isnt shown as a hero, Paris knows he became a villain. He does get to hug his son and apologize, but he acknowledges his wrongs.
The show did have a chance to do that (I would say season 2 was their best bet) But sadly they tossed that out and the ending of the Agreste arc (as far as we know because everyone says its not the end. But its the end.) Was not what I call good.
So when it comes down to it, Gabriel Agreste became the Villain once dreamed he would be in this movie.
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tarot-junkie · 6 months
I think the problem is that both his fans and his wife have drastically overestimated his popularity. With CE, he is not as popular as he was 4 years ago, hence him going to all to these events to network and seen. His fans keep his name buzzing more than his films do. With the wife, she is really going to have a hard time standing out in such a competitive age demographic. Her identity is in association with him, so she is lost in his world. She is either going to have a big role that pushes her forward for the better so she can grow out of this relationship, or she will be content with her current situation. Either way, I do not think this will last (maybe 2-3 years) because he will get bored.
Based on the clips that I saw from the VF party; she is way more into him than he is into her.
I apologize for the dissertation lol.
It’s cool. I’m a weirdo and open to level-headed discussions 😂.
I think she’s wanting to establish herself as an old soul in a demure package …ok. Fine. But you can only get so far on superlatives and sweet nothings. There’s a type of role I keep thinking about in conjunction with her….but that’s a story for a different day….and nothing like what she’s played. Rambling. Nonsense. Yada yada.
My opinion is that it’s possible for them to both be pretty into the idea of each other, versus the actual person…. BUT we dont actually know. I do see what you mean, though. How many people are into the idea/romantic thought of a successful, talented, handsome guy who seems like a dreamboat? I can see where he would be into the idea of what she brings to the table, too….it just never seems physically obvious that they dig each other in the wild.
The only addition I would include in your thoughts- HE also underestimated the blowback of his fandom. Yiiiiikes.
Other stupid things I randomly think about….i know people have made a big stink about the sugar baby thing as an example of shitty things- but who’s to say the gang didn’t consider that one big hilarious joke? (“Omg Chris but look at this! LOLZ” mentality). Or not defending her online….its better to not, in theory. That is the idealized version of Chris Evans, Inc….blah blah blah.
And that’s my partial brain dump.
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skrunglebeasts · 2 years
i was possessed and wrote this whole ass thing after reading about who was in the finals for @coolesthscharacter
TEREZI: TH1S H4S B33N 4 COLLOS4L W4ST3 OF T1M3. ROSE: Agreed. TEREZI: UNO ROSE: Swap card. Give me your hand. TEREZI: B1TCH TEREZI: DONT BOTH3R. YOU W1N ROSE: On two fronts. Looks like the poll lines up perfectly with the results of our little time waster. TEREZI: OF COURS3 TH3Y D1D TEREZI: 1M L34V1NG ROSE: Don't enjoy yourself too much. I'll be moving on to hand the win over to Roxy. ROSE: Not that she deserves it any more than I do, but I figure it'll be a kind gesture. TEREZI: H4V3 FUN W1TH TEREZI: HUH ROSE: What? TEREZI: DONT M1ND M3 TEREZI: 1 JUST SM3LL SOM3TH1NG FUNNY TEREZI: H3H3H3H3H3 >:] ROSE: Ominous. ROSE: I'll see you later. TEREZI: 1 WONT ROSE: Aren't we past blind jokes? TEREZI: Aren't we past typing quirks? ROSE: Don't… ROSE: Do that. ROSE: It's weird. TEREZI: TH4TS K1ND OF MY WHOL3 TH1NG TEREZI: L4T3R LOS3R
Rose and Terezi exit in opposite directions, not bothering to spare a backward glance. Terezi's chipper mood bothers Rose for only the briefest second before she puts it out of her head. The troll loves mind games.
As she steps into the next room for the final contest, she considers a dozen different metanarrative consequences of this sort of contest and what that means for the continuity of everything. When the contest ends does she disappear? Is she shunted into the ultimate self who's story will never be completed? What does it mean for her to have even gotten this far, beating out even Davesprite. Has the cultural gestalt really shifted so much that a sad ghost boy version of Dave is no longer appealing? And is shs to be considered seperately from each of the entities that embody her? What is she? Who is…
A silhouetted figure stands against the lights of the inexplicable room. A single blue light shines from the head…
ROSE: Is that fucking Sans? SANS?: nope!!!
The figure steps forward from the convenient shadowing and reveals a familiar, red-clad troll with a messy mass of black hair. In her hands is a skull with a blue light shining from the socket that Aradia is using to obscure her face. Rose sighs, a bit annoyed Roxy hadn't made it here. Of course this is what Terezi thought was funny.
ROSE: Hello, Aradia. ARADIA: hi rose
Her chipper tone is punctuated by the sound of the skull hitting the ground as she tosses it aside.
ARADIA: funny, right? ROSE: A little played out, honestly. ARADIA: come on. you of all people shouldnt say anything about "played out"~ ARADIA: your post-canon arc is just copying the one i had as a starting point and recycling it ARADIA: not that i mind! ARADIA: i find it flattering ARADIA: after all my old story has good ARADIA: b0nes ARADIA: to build on ROSE: Make up your mind about how you're supposed to sound. ARADIA: hmmm ARADIA: n0pe 
Aradia puffs out a breath to blow some of her curling hair out of her face.
ARADIA: So did you have fun getting here? ROSE: Not really. ROSE: Your ancestor flirted aggressively with me, then got mad that I called her boring. ARADIA: yours was very nice and quite interesting ARADIA: shes both very cool and very much a dork ARADIA: i can see where you and dave get it ROSE: Hey. ARADIA: though you clearly take more after dirk so you got a higher percentage of dork genes ROSE: … ROSE: Moving on. ROSE: Vriska was Vriska about the whole thing and got upset that no amount of luck could save her from being the icon of Homestuck's ire. ARADIA: i dont think thats what it was at all ARADIA: maybe she was boring, too ARADIA: after all ARADIA: how can you find anything exciting about someone who has done nothing wrong? :) ROSE: … ARADIA: 0u0 ROSE: … ROSE: Okay. ROSE: Well. ROSE: Sollux didn't really want to interact with me and spent the whole time with headphones on and listening to a podcast. ARADIA: hehe, sounds like him ROSE: Davesprite was monumentally awkward and seemed to be in the midst of a breakdown about not being "really real" because Davepetasprite^2 was in the running. ARADIA: sounds like him, too ARADIA: first mistake of anything like this is attempting to apply any level of canonicity to it ARADIA: better to just calm down and enjoy yourself ARADIA: but i suppose he wouldnt be davesprite or any kind of dave at all if he didnt appeal to the sad boy loving demographic ROSE: Are you going to keep interrupting me? ARADIA: probably ROSE: I played Uno with Terezi. ROSE: That's it. ARADIA: neat! ROSE: Let me return the question: Did you have fun getting here? ARADIA: i did! ROSE: … ROSE: Any details? ARADIA: no ARADIA: ill leave those to your imagination ;) ROSE: That's a copout answer and you know it. ARADIA: youd be surprised ARADIA: a little goes a long way ARADIA: lets focus on the now ARADIA: how do you want to do this, rose? ARADIA: among the multitudes of possibilities, the many threads that spread out before us ARADIA: which do you wish to solidify as true? ROSE: Maybe I don't want to pick. ROSE: Maybe I also want that to be left to the imagination. ARADIA: then ill pick! ROSE: What ROSE: But ROSE: Your entire continued existence hinges on one fact and that is that you are a voyeur. A perverted observer who has no interest in dirtying your own mitts as you passively allow the narrative to continue on it's way. You do not intervene. You don't take action.
She screws up her face in baffled disgust and stabs one finger in the air toward Aradia.
ROSE: You don't choose.
Aradia's persistent, placid smile widens slightly. It still doesn't reach her eyes.
ARADIA: not choosing is a choice ARADIA: i think thats something youve always struggled with ARADIA: a lot of people do ARADIA: choosing no action at all is still an action ARADIA: existence itself comes packaged with the burden of existing ARADIA: by simply being you are acting ARADIA: your existence means nothing ARADIA: your actions are meaningless ARADIA: but they are actions nonetheless
She turns on one foot, kicking off to float up and rotate gently and slowly in the air, as if attempting a slow motion pirouette. The languid motion controlled and beautiful. It makes Rose want to throw something at her just to ruin the image in the same way a child wants to crack a perfect sheet of ice just to see it come apart. ARADIA: and my choice has always been pretty transparent ROSE: Bullshit. ROSE: Your motivations, your reasoning, your purposes. All of that has always been obfuscated. You hide behind platitudes and more plot critical figures, but you never seem to be willing to show your hand. No one knows what your fucking deal is. ARADIA: hehehe ARADIA: thats just plain wrong ARADIA: ive destroyed more lives to save a single session than you could imagine in both your attempts to break yours or to do whatever it is you were doing with dirk ARADIA: ive been a ghost, a ghost frog, a robot ARADIA: even in that period of time you say i only observed i still decided to fight lord english for the fun of it ARADIA: and i lived :) ARADIA: what happened when a version of you tried to attack lord english? ROSE: Mgh. ARADIA: theres a reason im here ROSE: And what reason is that? ARADIA: same as it ever was
Aradia floats up, arcing her back until she's hanging upside down, arms and legs hanging limply. She's still smiling. It still doesn't reach her eyes.
ARADIA: i mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart. :) ROSE: … ROSE: I want to kick your ass. ARADIA: then do it ARADIA: or dont ARADIA: either way ARADIA: i think youre gonna have a bad time ARADIA: CUE MY FIGHT MUSIC! ROSE: You motherfucker.
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ray-the-fanatic · 1 year
2k12 tmnt for the fandom asks
(sorry i haven't answered yours yet, been having an off day but i'll get to it soon 🙏)
(lol no worries take your time friend!)
 I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with:  I feel the answer is well know XD I love Raph! I mean makes sense he was my favorite in 03 but I turly loved what 2012 did with him as well. He such a cocky shit at the start of the show and its not that he stops that trait but you do see how he develops for the better as the shown went on. Him feeling he was better and should be leader to how he more takes to his role in his team. You see him go from someone who cracks under pressure when given leadership to making sure he's always prepared, how he makes sure none of them esp Leo are left behind how he lets his softer side come out more when Chompy comes in. HE's also a little smart ass and people need to let him cuss he's had it u-u
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Shinigami, I sort of dropped off watch 2012 during season 4 so I didn't see her much outside a few epsiode I caught here and there. I havent quite gotten to when she is in the show now either outside clips and such I have seen. But I expected me to feel as I do Renet shes fine but there. Honestly though? I love her. I like how she isn't the usual gloom and doom but even laughs at Mikey's jokes i dunno I just enjoy her.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Renet, I wouldn't say I hate her. Much how I just wasn't much for the 03 version I would say gose the same in 12. I like her just fine shes a fun charater for the episodes she comes in for and such mostly love the season 5 monter arch. I personlly love her most for the fact she shares a VA with Terra from Teen Titans so it was like getting Beast Boy and Terra back. She just there she's fine I dont find her annoying but Im not hyped about her personally myself.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I wouldn't say he is hated but I do see Casey tends to not get much love or people will makes statments about him I just don't agree with like saying he is selfish and uncaring. When you do see that isn't ture. You learn that he and raph talk about stuff like what happened to spike. You see hes the one April talks when at the time who she thought was her mom wanted to leave and she had to pick to stay or go with her. Casey dose care about the turtles he often right there when they need help, he covers them in their battles and like the nightmare episode from the farm house arch he was ready to beat an old man for possibly being the reason they were going to die. I genuinely just love Casey my re watch has made me love him even more I just can't get over his stupid laugh sometimes XD
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Slash, NOT that I hate him either I thought he was villain longer though? but he had such a sudden turn around and it felt like such a waste to me. I felt like he could have been good as Raph arch enemy over Xever. Could been used to add to Raph and Casey friendship/partnership. I still like Slash I just wish he had been a villain a bit longer just for all untap story he had to offer.
The character I would totally smooch: 
Give all the turtles smooches on their heads they been through it in this shown u-u
The character I’d want to be like: 
hmmm mr murakami? I dunno dude seems to be enjoying live got hos own businesses willing to make stuff for the turtles he seems chill despite getting dragged into stuff from just knowing the turtles.
The character I’d slap: 
-Raph I love my boy but he needs to be slapped u-u
-Leo also needs a slap sometimes
-Casey he exsits hit em
-Donnie i love him to but smack this boy A pairing that I love:
Rasey uwu I love these two no matter the series I gotta ship these idiots im a sucker for the best friends to lovers trope A pairing that I despise:
hmm I don't think I have any sure theres some I dont ship or personally like much but eh cant say I have a ship I like hate you know? Besides I rather spend time enjoy what I love anyway.
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oswlld · 2 years
2022: A Summary
Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset from each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
tagged by (1) @hoe-biwan (2) @casualavocados (3) @dramaism (4) @i-got-the-feels & (5) @talays-portkey 💛💛  WOW thank you all for thinking of me, happy to oblige (also gonna plug the one i did last year for edits i made in 2021; idek why i formatted the post that way maybe dont look at it fjslkd just go look at everyone elses)
January most popular — bad buddy ep10 quote set: itll always be the most memorable quote set, since it was the first live ep that i caught after binging it favorite(s) — 1) bad buddy + giovanni’s bedroom: i remember seeing a photoshoot set with this format and knew i wanted to replicate it (prior to this i usually am insp by quotes first, worry about formats/layouts later); 2) bad buddy + hadestown “promises”: because im so predictable and still think about them when i hear the song
February most popular — bad buddy + kaveh akbar quote: the fact that the most popular edit ended up being the valentines day post is so satisfying favorite(s) — bad buddy + pride & prejudice: i actually thought that this was going to be the most popular and it was a close race (eight notes apart lol)
March most popular — bad buddy random screencap #19: a requested screencap that is most beloved by all, what else is there to say favorite(s) — 1) semantic error ep2 set: of all the episodic sets i made for the show, i really liked how this came together thematically; 2) the good place + eleanor quote: i can only count in one hand edits that i’ve thought about making for YEARS before actually making it, but this is prob up on top of the rest, in terms of execution
April most popular — doctor who + the girl who died quote: i think my defining trait in my dw edits is flipping quotes between the two and even though it’s not a new concept to do them, im never not thinking about them and what other moments to edit with favorite(s) — bad buddy + jane eyre: don’t get me wrong, the clara edit is also a fave, but this is tied for best because look at them 😭
May most popular — star wars + leia/padme parallel: not my first sw edit, but the first one ive done while a show was airing; also would like to shout out to the screencap galleries out there for both the sw series and movies, the real mvps favorite(s) — moon knight + head/heart/hands: i have an inside joke with myself with this edit and the tags give it way a bit lol
June most popular — star wars + anakin/darth progression: ofc this is the edit with the most notes overall. hellsite pls never change lol favorite(s) — 1) doctor who + weeping angels: not sure what it about me and making my edits as complicated as possible because it becomes a whole mental marathon, with just me and my phone but im proud of this one; 2) vice versa + series trailer: ive repeated this sentiment in other posts so i wont go into it again here, but this edit will also be so special for me
July most popular — star wars + princess leia: hi, miss you space mom favorite(s) — vice versa ep3 + caitlyn siehl: i think of all the episodic edits, there’s only a fair few that doesn’t carry the flipped/mirrored text effect; all this to say that i am very happy how this one turned out, out of all the versions of the effects (PLUS this quote still makes me teary eyed in hindsight, ugh baby boi i KNOW what youre capable of I KNOW)
August most popular — taylor swift + midnights announcement: i knew that i wanted to make something ts related after having made a few for red tv, so this came together pretty quickly favorite(s) — sense8 + birthday!: i love that a few tags from other ppl pointed out a lack of Will… it’s, uh, intentional lmao
September most popular — the little mermaid + D23 teaser: i still get chills favorite(s) — vice versa ep11 part one: look, i dont miss making these edits each week because, again, the mental marathon i put myself through lol but ep11 [1/4] is now imprinted on my soul and i could not do the ep justice in ONE post (i also made myself cry making the last edit but thats not why its my fav lol)
October most popular — doctor who + regen redux parallel: 50th anniv ep, my beloved favorite(s) — 1) bad buddy + mastermind lyrics: absolutely not my original idea lol but one that i reallllly wanted to make once it consumed my waking hours; 2) vice versa ep12 quote set: its a real color to me
November most popular AND favorite — andor + maarva quote: WHAT A SHOW! WHAT A QUOTE! WHAT A CHARACTER!! I MISS IT TERRIBLY
December most popular — doctor who + google search: it seriously warms my heart that the most popular edit ended being my birthday post and with my most beloved, my url namesake, my queen favorite(s) — reset + best 2022 series: i mean, the clara edit is also def a faaav fav, but i’m so attached to this show and worked so hard to make this for sam lmao (not sure what it is about the two-row sets that are really intimidating to me but thats a whole other matter) very few ppl know how long ive been dyinggg to make this all year, so i was so happy to see that someone requested it. im gonna look at it a little longer before i post this... *sigh*
i think everyone has been tagged at this point, but feel free to make one yourself if you have not been tagged yet and tag me
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neomedievalist · 2 years
re:p1>p4: I just think p4 is the worst persona game having played them in order. It’s a huge drop from p3 and isn’t as fun as p5. The cast has literally no good characters. They’re all annoying (to me). I only kept playing because it’s fun, as you said. It’s also my least favorite story in the series including p5, has my least favorite cast(surprising when p5 has my two least favorite characters in the series), I dont think I found any of the SLs to have the highs of p3 sun or the consistency of p5… honestly there’s nothing in p4 that I enjoyed that I didn’t enjoy more in any of the other persona games. P1 is incredibly dated but I grew up playing dated games, so that could be why it hurts me less. I also like p1’s color scheme more than p4’s… lol.
yeah i see what you mean honestly. it legitimately is just fandom delusion that has gotten p4 this far despite incredibly bad writing, and it honestly ties into like. having popular ships that you completely warp and rewrite a character for. i mean, obviously, cut yosuke romance route, it's real, we can look it up and listen to the voicelines right now. but you have to admit most of the attatchment that people have to the characters of p4 is...stuff that is not in the game. its not to say that you cant read between the lines and look deeper into it, thats why yosuke IS so popular as a character. at a point though it really feels like closing your eyes to the truth (p4 reference, lol.) and i think a lot of p4 fans forget just how bad it gets.
and also, saying 'fuck atlus they should have let us date the boys!!!!' is not a nuanced take and to be honest im getting sick of seeing it. i hate atlus too im a smt fan. it just goes to show that what people got out of p4 was the shippable characters because there really isnt a lot of substance other than that, being character-driven as it is, with characters that are frequently unbearable to be around. in a way the fandom warping of characters and headcanons being accepted as gospel is natural considering the need to fill in gaps of bad writing in the game. it's honestly really frustrating to see people reblog that joke post about p4 being good if you throw out everything that makes it bad, and like, genuinely agreeing with it. im sorry but you dont like persona 4 you like the version you made up in your head
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xhellodollyx · 2 years
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I posted 89 times in 2022
43 posts created (48%)
46 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 88 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#chucky - 69 posts
#chucky tv series - 38 posts
#chucky spoilers - 21 posts
#tiffany ray - 15 posts
#chucky tv series spoilers - 14 posts
#glen ray - 13 posts
#fanart - 12 posts
#glenda ray - 11 posts
#chiffany - 10 posts
#tiffany valentine - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i do find it funny though that chiffany still seems to be going strong on the official chucky accounts like an outside canon sort of thing
My Top Posts in 2022:
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88 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
Also seeing the Glen doll again and hearing the Seed of Chucky theme playing in the background it really felt like a true sequel to Seed that i never thought we'd get to see again in the franchise 😭
99 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Okay Im surprised that Don didn't make the twins campy and actually added emotional layers to them both, with Glenda talking about what having their dad be absent did to them and Glen also talking about the hole in their heart. Don actually emphasized the fact that the reason the twins dont feel whole and are so close, almost unnaturally so, because they shared one body for so long, two souls in one body, that it makes sense that even all those years later they would feel like two halves and not fully whole. Im SHOCKED don didnt make that into a joke and actually made it something people could sympathize with.
And adding layers to Glenda as well and not making them a caricature killer like their parents have turned out to be. Which again, makes me think that the fact Glenda was WORKING with Kyle and not just Glen, it makes me think they're gonna separate Chucky and Nica. Im wondering, and this is just a theory, a wild, wacky theory, BUT—
If Kyle survived and is alive, maybe Andy did too, and hell, maybe the Chucky head, the original Chucky, is in on this plan as well, because he realized he fucked up by making all these other versions of himself? Maybe thats why both the twins were clearly working with Kyle and possibly by some extension (if he's alive) Andy — maybe in exchange for the og!Chucky in some degree. Because right now they all have bigger problems than just the main Chucky, like a WAY bigger problem. And besides, maybe the twins just want their dad back— not one of the clones running around, but their actual Dad
136 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
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See the full post
187 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Glen: "Mom's a murderer?"
Glenda: "Mom's a lesbian?"
189 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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z0mp13ss · 2 months
I am somewhat neutral when it comes to my stance on Bonnie. He’s not a big character to me, and he’s not necessarily my favorite, but he’s cool or whatever. Fnaf 1 Bonnie design is cute and simple, I like it. He’s not necessarily spooky, but seems like he would have a lot of sas and personality; as do most of the animatronics. I can easily see why he is a well-liked character through out the franchise, as almost none of his designs are huge fuck ups. I like how he plays guitar too. Twinning. Anyways, I like the small mental breakdowns that Chica and Bonnie are given after they are used for parts, becoming ‘withered’. Chica gives a bit more depth and explanation, explaining that she was the first child killed, while Bonnie explains that he wants his fucking face back. I like how he is a male character who, ig since he wears makeup, can come off as a bit more feminine?? But I’ve seen like, 1 person make him into a female..Maybe 3. Possibly 2. I don’t know. Just very little. I find it sweet, as he isn’t really slandered against much either. Uhmmsmsm there is no phantom Bonnie but he would just be a green goo animatronic like the rest of his gang. SPRINGTRAP ON THE OTHER HAND, holy shit I hate this guy. He looks like he would smell like absolute dog shit. Someone needs to wash him because he was rotting for so long and he absolutely fucking deserved it. I bet he cant live a day in his life without gagging due to his own stench. Uhmm springtrap actually isnt that good looking, but Scraptrap is worse because how did his head get 4 times bigger??? Nightmare Bonnie looks sick, and I like his jack-o-bonnie version. Looks cool. No further comments. I feel bad for Bon Bon. Like, he was a big joke in previous years, where he was like..belittled to a throw toy for Funtime Freddy. I think it’s an interesting concept to have him be a puppet, but I think a cuter design would’ve been like, a diff Funtime Freddy design with Bonnie being a sock puppet-kinda thing. I don’t know, I just really like sock puppets. I should make some. Rockstar Bonnie is cute, I like how he is a bit..idk. He doesn’t stand out much,. Not a big fnaf of FNAF 6. I dunno. RWQFSFASXC is so fucking cool, I don’t like how his name is shortened to “Shadow Bonnie” though like okay, just memorize his name. I like Plush trap as well, he’s one of my favorites. He reminds me of Fetch (from the books.) I love Fetch, he’s my #1 favorite. I dont know what else to say. That’s it ig.
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rennyji · 5 months
oh no oh oh nooo, I'm just lying about it being hype cuz I'm such a noble saint...such a noble saint....
I cannot emphasize how stupid orchestrators R. 2 hide their failings, they makeMeComeOffAsExceptional. When I write, itFlows b/c logic, inductive/deductive or justPlainLogic, is 1 statement after other. In math proofs, this is signified w/concluding: “therefore.” There’s a flow.-
-they believe in magic chi, tantric sex abilities, think warmth running down my legs when I turn my heater on is divine energy, while theyre magically putting selves in head.-
- They think, b/c they copied each others skill sets in each others heads, & can’t come up w/original thought, it’s magic intuition.-
-My struggles with focus, my big eyes seeing like panoramic, all common things. This YouTube ad sums up my focus strugggle. This screenshot review4 ashwagandha gets into tunnel vision.
- the orchestrators say I’m special. I have high brain waves. They keep drugging me, then shock therapyING me, then leaving the situation responsible for it, going on for 18 years. My brain struggles to function and get relief. It keeps adapting. -
- the retards in the orchestrators will come up with any/all crazy concoction of theories to justify this absurdity and this joke on America. The world is laughing.
- some fun facts about me, once upon a time, at onset of this, average height me had a handsome Libran face. I’m eloquent w/limited set of words. I can be philosophical. I can also be objective&2 point. I may have all 7 virtues from just sitting in room-Not much difficulty there.
- as much as I’d like to believe otherwise, much of this is all just hype. True, false, whatever be the case, who wants to open themselves to various levels of scrutiny/criticism. It’s best to mind one’s business and leave some things as a surprise to those you come across.
- there are some special things every human being can do. If ur child is under a car, U might B able 2 lift a car.-
-When I 1st heard auditory possible hallucinations, I tried to quiet my head, still my breathing, focus all my attention on my hearing-> might result in increased hearing.-Saw on a cartoon. -
- this 1 I might delete, U want 2 satisfy ur partner? Focus on ur breathing& otherface, rather than getting lost in moment/distraction may helps prolong. Then blood flow, stopping flow by pressing certain bases/suck in stomach. A little focus/technique/not magic tantra.-
- maybe this is how ill maybe end this, w/o losing impact. I’d question whether there’s any1 out there in this BIG Universe looking out for us, particularly in my predicament.-
- I realized I need 2 believe something, & in a Whoever, Who GivesUs opportunity2realize whatWeNeed&help ourselves. U R defined/limited by ur own will&Might. Don’t get lost in hope;a petty feeling hindering focus. Be mighty/focus/shape ur life. Dont look 4 magic, let it happen.
- next thing with my focus which is another term for awareness of what I watch on the news or even read, is that I write down like journal, or go over my day w/my imaginary/not so imaginary friend or my “conscience”, w/hands folded, in my version of prayer.-
- “B/c I settle my conscience,” I don’t have thoughts that creep up on me & interfere w/my executive functioning. Some retard will jump to say he’s comfortable w/himself or some cr*p about a dominant personality. -
- during my daily prayer or what is actually meditation to reflect, or look back in retrospect, I look where I didn’t see the content of character or speech, in place of appearance. I remember it, and try not to repeat it the following day,-
- Each day, I find something morally/ethically wrong, and be on guard the next day. I’m not a saint, I have several flaws. Only difference with me is, I realize them, learn from them, and try not to repeat the transgression. -
- whether it be western medicine or the wave technology, it’s like an advil. Advil suppresses the nerve pain. But the root of the problem might be a soar muscle or a problem with a crooked spine or lack of blood flow.-
- You could be zapping away insecurities, anxieties, instilling anger to show ur serious by turning on a neurotransmitter. But words and gestures and mannerisms are equally powerful. These unnatural quick fixes causes corruption. -
-privacy in every regard is a human right. We wear clothes b/c we don’t want 2B naked. If nothing, it’s a necessary luxury. It feels good 2wear some clothes & it augments ur role/profession. The hive mind is a failed concept. This is the age of the individual. NotOf aCollective.-
-Popping in when some1s on the toilet or engaging in personal actions, depraves the human personality and satiates like murder. You fill a nook that shouldn’t be filled and bypass basic rules of etiquette, further blurring the line for future things.-
- my mind is clear and when it’s not, I know it is the metaphorical Deceiver of the hive mind Legion with his army of the 7 Deadly Sins, that puts thoughts in my mind.-
- I see immense effort put in2 assigning a jury 4 Trumps trial. This much care & attention weren’t given2 people imitating my thinking or state of consciousness. Regarding people in my head & regulating this, I don’t feel safe or as though time taken 4 Trumps jury, was given.-
- The people orchestrating my situation don’t even seem to understand psychology 101, or grade school science about alpha waves relaxing, beta waves being the thinking wave, synonymous with drying up stimulant style thinking/darkening vision.-
- I think they’ve deluded selves to thinking, don’t need2sleep. Law of conservation of energy? Energy is neither created or destroyed. Your need 2 sleep cannot be zapped away. It violates natural laws.-
- As I’m experiencing all ur erratic thinking, I no ur dysfunctional. And there’s no1 above you to say otherwise.-
- You’re being bested by grade school/high school science from a sedated mind that really only has read some religious texts, Harry Potter, Animorphs, & the BOBSY twins.-
- In the spirit of lawyers luring with emotion and ending with logic, ur crippled copied thinking is giving u a dopamine rush from tantalizing details. Ur not seeing the logic.-
-Ur not realizing how much of what ur saying to me and others is about genitalia and magic under guise of building 1 who needs nothing. Magical thinking? Eidetic memory or photographic memory is a true gift. Ur talking about something that coined as photo reading/thinking.-
- b/c ur so beta waved in terms of projecting into my mind and augmented urself without taking care of cause/effect, u lose the gold standard of alpha wave thinking.-
- U know ur son is ur son without saying to self repeatedly they’re ur son. I know red is red. Retards! That’s not intuition. What it is, who the h*ll cares, when my primitive logic outwits ur MDs and phDs.-
- Ur dopamine rush over tantalizing, ur dopamine beta wave aggression are all impulsive, & not a conscious decision. 4 all intents/purposes, even w/all zapping, uve degenerated to the same level of biomechanical impulse2anxiety w/ur rush 2 zap it away or zap something in place.-
- all I do is watch tv because that’s all I can do without work. I see the cnn logo from watching this channel so much. I know cnn is cnn without saying cnn, it’s now like a color that ur not giving interpretation to, while relaying it as magic to others. Cyclical nonsense.-
- I learned something from watching lawyers tonight. We use emotions as tools to establish a foundation to grasp interest. Then we make our point with logic u f*in Star Trek Spock wannabes when ur not even that. u lot? Drs and egg heads? Endless bull sh*t dancing around a point.-
- lawyers&programmers,weOperateOff bulletPoints; bam bam bam, on2 next thing. Each bam in bulletsIsAn extrapolation.We’re practical unlike u stupid m*ther f*in theorists. Get a girl friend uRevengeOfNerdsWeirdos. I’m the man by choice, an alpha male by genetics.Try2StepUp/keepUp.
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leonardalphachurch · 3 years
okay, tucker time
Why I like them tucker is literally my exact type of fictional dude. he’s a ball of barely contained repression and toxic masculinity when literally all he wants is connection and love. he pretends that he doesn’t care but not only does he care very badly, he wants to care very badly. he puts on this glamour of false machismo and aloofness and playboy energy but when the cards are on the table that persona fails and he just. does what’s right. you see this with junior, you see this with season 4s quest, with being the alien ambassador, with the end of season 8, the end of season 10 (tbf that applies to all the bgc but still), and of course this shines through the most is chorus, where that’s literally the main arc of 11-12. he craves intimacy but doesn’t think he’s deserving of it or capable of gaining it so he pushes woman away with his misogyny and he pushes men away with his homophobia.
okay this isn’t done but i’m stopping now bc i need to stop eventually but i could go on forever lol
Why I don’t even though i said ^all that^ i still don’t like the misogyny. please stop this at once
Favorite episode the season 15 ep when he fucked shit up and like rode on the tank was hot as fuck. i’m sure there’s a better ep but i can’t think of one off the top of my head. maybe when he falls in a hole and finds a sword. god he’s so pathetic i love him
Favorite season is there an option besides season 12?
Favorite line is it cheating to say something from a dvd menu screen? i don’t care it’s him flirting with yellow church. i’m gonna take you to the mall do the things you wanna do. take you to cinnabon. make stouffers lasagna. i know we already had dessert i’m crazy. crazy for you. you’re like david blaine with tits.
(runner up sad line is “i just wanna stand around and talk to my friend but he’s gone now and all i have is you”. think about that line daily)
Favorite outfit breaking the mold here but halo 4 armor actually looks better on tucker. NO ONE ELSE but tucker okay.
i think for the out of armor outfits i need to make a separate post lol or this is gonna be a spam of images
OTP lol is this a question. have you looked at my blog
Brotp dont tell Tucker but it’s tuckington. they’re literally so good for each other.
Head Canon
-okay look most of my answer to first question could probably be considered headcanon but like. shut the fuck up it’s canon if you think for five seconds
-in love with church and wash
-the reason that he’s so in love with church and wash is that they’re the first people who didn’t give up on him. no matter how annoying tucker was, church was always still his friend. no matter how much tucker refused to try, wash still pushed him to try harder
-epsilons absence hit him so hard because it felt like church was finally giving up on being his friend
-he totally slept with felix
Unpopular opinion i don’t like trans man tucker. there’s a lot of reasons that i can answer separately if anyone’s interested. i’m not saying it’s problematic or whatever the fuck but i just. don’t interact with fanon where he’s trans. make every other character trans, let tucker be the token cis
A wish he’s literally so bisexual let him be bisexual and in love with church
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen never EVER fucking write him as an actual predator ever fucking again. literally what the fuck is wrong with jordan cweirz. i can’t believe people think season 18 is the worst thing that happened to rvb when 14 exists and has a joke like that. actually i change my wish to be roosterteeth removing that joke from the show. like if you seriously consider that fact as a canon part of tuckers backstory and not just a shitty joke written by someone who thinks it’s funny to have a kid version of hitler in their show then like i don’t want you here byyeeeeee
5 words to best describe them
repressed, cares, capable, refusal-of-the-call, dilf
My nickname for them uh, none actually
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. How long is the time line in LO? Hades says Apollo’s been harassing Persphone for months, but hasn’t it only be like 2 months max? 
From OP: Hades is overexaggerating. At most, it’s been a month and a couple days.
2. Idk how LO can even TRY to claim being progressive. Persphone is the “born sexy yesterday trope” with the audience being told she’s a high achiever yet lacks a lot in that department.
Is it cause Hades had a chance to be shitty and gross and then didn’t completely be shitty and gross for not harming Persphone when he found her in his car? He knew Artemis was her friend why didn’t he call her to let her know she has her friend? (There was a whole plan to distract Artemis so he could talk to her if I remember right). Hades is still a shitty make lead character (in progressive/character way) we have slave labor, firing employees for small things, getting involved with Minthe his PA/ EX GF and then wanted to TRANSFER HER so he could basically have Persphone replace her. Was the story suppose to be progressive because we got to see a male victim POV? Because the Minthe/Hades dynamic is written so weirdly. Hades has control over her rent/job/utilities, but she has smacked him and says a lot of insults. Minthe shouldn’t abuse but I don’t really have sympathy for Hades. Are we suppose to feel bad for Hades because of Kornos? The story is written in such a way that I lowkey forget about it. Idk sure we get to see Hades be a “good guy” but the way a lot of characters are around him I don’t believe he’s truly a “good guy”
Hera was never much of a feminist icon, but idk if RS is trying to rebrand that or not. Sure she helps Persphone greatly BUT that’s really who she’s willing to help. She finds Minthe to be “nymph trash” and Artemis was something unpleasant, and when she first met echo she didn’t like her right off the bat until she made her tea. She’s basically that meme where it’s like “diversity wins that mean old lady might cheat on her husband with a young lady”. Hera X Echo the next HXP boss/employee couple 🤪
Pysche kinda had a cool plot, and I wish we saw more of the human’s perspective of Olympus hanging out with Aphrodite, BUT WE DONT, and Pysche who hardly knows Persphone is ready to out her assault to Artemis but ends up outing her to Daphne and I assume has her to face ANY consequences for that. Also her character and purely defined by Eros.
There’s more but I feel like I’m going too much on it. 
3. oommmmg even the anatomy got worse??? why are the backs of their heads even smaller now??? you know thats where their brains go right?? rachel where are their brains?? is that why they act so stupidly now??
4. I still can't get over how absolutely disrespectful the ace characters “slowly turning gay over time is.” Like yeah, orientation can change over time but the way asexuality is presented as a phase is disgusting.
Only LO characters turning gay are Minthe and Persephone when I enter my little queer time machine.
5. you know, ive read a fair few long running webtoons and all of them have style changes, but it's always for the better because the artists are refining their senses of anatomy, to push poses, to become more confident in their work. LO is only one i've seen where it's actually gotten worse, with that Hades example being a prime example. Even beyond the worse character design, look at the previous use of interesting colors and light! those are all tone now for blank voids and flat neon colors!
(previous anon asking about the art getting worse) also note that early Hades actually looked reasonable aged? he looks to be maybe at most mid-30s, but he looks regal and attractive with normal but unique proportions (also pretty hair! i miss it!), while current Hades looks like an old man with a ridiculous nose, greased down hair, and looks at least 40 years older than Persephone. OG Hades looked like he made sense with her, while current Hades looks like he needs a visit from Chris Hansen.
6. you know, i still thinks hes a creep but early lo hades at least looked attractive enough to justify persephone getting horny over him (esp bc she didnt know who he really is), but now? nah man, he somehow went into negative sex appeal with an even worse personality. idk how thats even possible to make your romantic lead somehow less appealing, but here we are.
7. i honestly wonder if the art team are playing a joke on rachel but how increasingly stupid they draw hades' nose. it doesnt even look like an styled hook or aquiline nose like it was in the beginning, it just looks like a clown prop. even stylized versions of the joker dont do that. its honestly distracting over looking unique or handsome (which i personally find big and/or hooked noses to look). idk why they had him look half way decent in the start only to make him up looking like /that/ now.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 4
a/n: uwuwuwuwu @animesportboys​ and i were just talking about this and my heart was just bursting at this thought 😭
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
also requests are currently closed right now since i have like nearly 30 to finish so please be patient with me and wait for me to finish it all and until then i can open them up again. however, dont stop sending me cute stuff okay?  🥺
summary: its the time of the month for seijoh’s manager 🥺
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@ yn when shes extra moody and mean during that time and does this every time she hears anything even come out of the boys’ mouth
oh dear
so basically
it’s,,,,,, a natural thing that most girls go through every month for more than half of their lives and its absolutely D R E A D F U L
the boys ofc knew what the hell a period was bc hello health class so they knew you would become this,,, other version of yourself
youd be moodier, childish, and easy to annoy and snap to everyone
but you would quickly realize how you’re acting then be all regretful and teary and cry easily and then youd forget about it then start the cycle again
you’d stick your tongue out at them and tease them mercilessly, making them run even more laps and pushing them harder
dear god they hated it
when it was time, they would protect themselves and work even harder and be more perfect to make sure you couldnt see their faults and point them out and try and kill them
it was like war for everyone
but they didnt know the exact date it started so they didnt really know when to start preparing for war until it came
this time, you didnt either
you didnt even know you were starting as you were extra busy booking the buses for away comps and collecting and emailing teachers for any missed homeworks for the team
so when it did start,,,
oh dear part 2
it wasnt really something you found out when you woke up that morning but you noticed you must be getting close since you were feeling extra cranky and you havent even been awake for more than an hour
nothing really happened throughout the day so you were just thinking that you didnt get enough sleep last night so you were just tired and wanted to sleep
but then it happened
you were standing next to iwa, reviewing his spike percentages when you shifted your weight to the other leg and then your eyes widened
your water broke
i saw this tiktok of this one girl and she was about to start filming with her friend when her eyes widened and her friend knew immediately and her caption was ‘my water broke’
iwa was worried as heck on to what was going on with you and even followed your gaze to see it on the wall and nothing out of the ordinary
‘oh god’
you mumbled and you wanted to run but you were too scared that you leaked and probably have an obvious redness on your white track pants
yep it def was your time bc you felt tears welling up in your eyes and you sniffled, embarrassed and upset for this to happen now, of all times
then oikawa tooru bursted through the doors
iwa, taking his eyes off of you and to the captain, started to yell at him until he noticed the brunette’s flushed face and panting form, hunched over as he gripped on the door handle with the plastic bag
you, too busy trying to think of a way to get out of there like deciding to waddle or to just crawl, didnt see oikawa as he approached you
the team paused and watched as he took a black hoodie from the plastic bag and wrapped it around your waist
‘hmm, y/n-chan, better get dressed so we can go now’
he hummed and you snapped out of your panic and looked up at him with watery eyes
you whispered and he nodded, eyes knowing what was going on
‘coach, theres a planetarium special tonight’
oikawa shouted without tearing his gaze away from you and coach irihata instantly knew, knowing the code that oikawa came up with when you became a part of the family team
the elder coach made a noise of agreement and oikawa didnt wait to up and carry you in his arms and waved to the team while pushing your head in his chest so you can hide
‘work hard everyone!’
‘oi, shittykawa! what the hell-!’
but an intense side-eye from his best friend shut him up and he knew something happened so he didnt say anything since he trusts oikawa to fix it
‘i trust you will take care of them, iwa-chan’
iwaizumi nodded firmly before shouting to resume back to practice and he himself went back to the line for spikes
you were carried to the bathroom so you could change into your emergency undies and pad and after you did your business, oikawa noticed you uncomfortably waddling towards him so he took you back into his arms
oikawa continued to carry you like his bride down the street towards an unknown destination, humming a children’s show tune that takeru loved to watch, while you maintained curled around yourself, partly due to the shame but also from the pain in your abdomen
you wiped the few stray tears that spilled past your eyes and oikawa chuckled when he noticed you aggressively wipe them off
‘hmm, y/n-chan, you shouldnt do that to yourself. it irritates your eyes and the skin around it so gently dab it next time, kay?’
you nodded, burrowing back to his chest and breathing in his scent
french toast
he smelled like french toast as the smell of caramel and vanilla wafted into your nose
‘howd you know’
you mumbled against the fabric of his jacket
oikawa stopped his humming and replaced it with a chuckle
‘oh, y/n-chan. oikawa-san is a reliable senpai, dont you know? i got a tracker! just for you!’
he answered and your eyes moved from his arm to his smile and you gripped his jacket tighter, fingers curled around it as if it was your lifeline
‘thank you, oikawa-san’
your words of appreciation made oikawa’s heart thump and he faltered a little, blush creeping up his neck, but he fought it down, covering it up with a smirk
‘you should be, y/n-chan! girls would kill to be you right now!’
you rolled your eyes at the return of his cocky attitude but you knew better
the real oikawa tooru was under that mask
turns out, he carried you to his home as his house was the closest while yours had to be taken by a bus
thankfully his parents were out and his sister and nephew were in a trip in tokyo that you had the house to yourselves without anyone asking questions that might make you uncomfortable and them misunderstand
he shut the door with his foot and made his way up the stairs with ease, his strength truly impressing you at that moment, before settling you down on his bed
it wasnt even on purpose but you curled yourself on his blanket, head buried in his pillow
his heart combusted and tooru had to look away or else he wouldve jumped on you and coddled you forever
instead, he quickly ran over and knelt down under his desk to reach for the box that he has prepared for you
‘y/n-chan, i never knew your pattern until last month so i was able to prepare for you now’
you looked up from your position on the bed and sat up enough to see him standing there, grinning with a mint green box
‘wh-what is that?’
you asked and he shuffled over, sitting next to you
‘this, is the y/n care love box! this special box was created by yours truly with everything you want and need during this dreadful week. theres your favorite food, warm socks, coupons you can spend like watching movies and eating ten tubs of ice cream while we talk shit about the boys’
he listed, gripping the box nervously 
‘so? do you like it?’
he looked away from the box and to you but his smile slipped into a panicked one when he saw you silently crying and biting your lip to keep the sobs in
‘y-y/n-chan! i-its okay if y-you dont like it! o-oikawa-san can-’
you cut him off and lunged to hug him with all your might
hehe all might
E A T   T H I S
‘i love you so much, oikawa-san! so much! thank you!’
you sobbed into his neck and he tightly hugged you back, lifting you so you could comfortably sit on his lap straddle him if you want me to be straight forward
oikawa gently moved so he was leaning against the wall that his bed was pressed against while you were pressed against his warmth
his fingers were drawing small circles on your back and whispering corny jokes or puns that made you giggle and laugh and occassionally, he would kiss your nose and you would whine at the ticklish feeling
eyes fleeting around the room, your eyes settled back on the box and you reached out, wanting to grab it until oikawa beat you to it and snatched it for you then placed it on your hold
‘whats inside, oikawa-san?’
you cutely mumbled, sitting comfortably back on his thighs so you could open the box in front of you
oikawa laughed
‘just open it and figure it out yourself, y/n-chan’
you pouted at his tease but smiled widely when you revealed the contents inside
his eyes followed your surprised expression and his hands gripped your waist
‘you like it?’
he whispered and you nodded, looking back up at him and kissing his cheek, his 
‘youre so sweet, oikawa-san! like-like this candy bar! howd you know i like this?’
you held up the treat and he shrugged
‘i keep seeing you get it whenever we go to the store’
you continued to sift through the things, seeing a dvd of your favorite movie, a f/c heating pad, a note that said your favorite ice cream was in the fridge, a bag of your favorite chips, fluffy socks, the goodies
you didnt even notice yourself crying again, only realizing it when there were wet spots beneath you
oikawa saw this and he quickly but gently put the box to the side and cradled your face with both of his hands, softly wiping the tears away with his thumbs
‘aw, dont cry, my little baby. princesses should never cry’
you sniffled and choked a laugh
‘hah, n-not a baby. j-just hor-monal’
you complained and oikawa snickered but shook his head then kissed your nose again
‘youre my baby’
you didnt have it in you to complain so you went back to snuggling into him
oikawa squeezed you and went back to drawing the circles on your back and he felt you relax into his touch and slump against his form, slowly starting to snore
your head rested on his shoulder and he turned slightly to watch your eyes flutter and nose scrunch when a strand of your hair fell on it
his heart continued to beat faster and faster and it showed by the way his fingers shook as he carefully lifted the hair away from you
he slowly bent down to give you a kiss on the forehead before laying you down to sleep more comfortably
‘good night, princess’
he sweetly placed a last kiss on your cheek before getting up to go prepare your heating pad for when you wake up
the next few days were possibly the best period days youve ever had
maybe because it was oikawa telling the team that you were in,,,,, satan’s domain currently and they should be careful with you so they tried their best to lift the weight and burden off of your shoulders
the next day after the incident,,,
they still didnt know what was wrong with you and oikawa forgot to text the gc about your condition so they were still unknowing
like today
during your classes, you were feeling off, almost nauseous but eating little bits of your chocolate treats were helping you get through until lunch
ofc kunimi noticed bc hellow he sits next to you and he doesnt pay attention during class so hes been watching you sneak little bites so the teacher doesnt see and ducking under your book
he was just amused with the way your eyes would widen if you thought the teacher caught you
kindaichi and kunimi and you usually ate lunch together at your classroom since you three only got to hang out as first years during lunch
so they know you usually have a bento with you and have a general idea of how much you eat
and kunimi thought since you ate all those chocolates earlier, you wouldnt eat as much food but then he saw you scarf down your bento, eat 2 more bags of chips and was finishing last chocolate bar
kindaichi,,,, wasnt even finished with his own bento and was watching you, amazed, at how easily you ate all of it
they didnt say anything since they thought you just didnt eat dinner last night but even during the walk towards the gym for after school practice, you were complaining that you were hungry and was eating another chocolate bar
they thought something was truly wrong bc you were eating so much more than usual
kunimi watched you chew on it as you opened the gym door and still ate even when you were talking to mattsun about his jump height
‘man, you sure are hungry, aren’t you, y/n? thats like your fifth chocolate bar today’
kunimi teased, grabbing a ball to spike but he froze, seeing you with the coldest and angriest look hes ever seen
you blinked at him, grip tightening on the treat, and mattsun slowly backing away from you
you advanced towards the blep boy, treat already forgotten and shoved to be held by mattsun 
despite your shorter height than kunimi, he trembled slightly as you looked up at him
‘are you calling me fat, kunimi? are you? am i fat? do you think im ugly? im a piggie?’
you ranted and slowly started crying, making kunimi frantically scramble to stop you before the other upperclassmen see or worse, oikawa-san
kunimi shut his eyes tightly in fear at the deadly sweet voice of his captain and kindaichi and mattsun sent a quick prayer to their fellow teammate before he was going to get killed
‘uh oh, i think we’d have to start looking for a replacement for kunimi’
makki, who just arrived, teased making kindaichi fearfully look at him
‘oh, you first years have never seen oikawa mad, have ya? well, you’ll get front seat of it!’
mattsun clapped him in the back making him gulp
you werent sobbing but you were definitely crying, tear tracks quickly being wetted by the numerous amount of tears that fell
kunimi scrambled to his knees and folded himself, forehead resting on the floor by his hands
it was certainly a sight to see
normally calm and collected and chill and relaxed hippie kunimi begging to be forgiven
oikawa stepped forward but you quickly felt the change of your mood, feeling bad for your boy and scrambling to pull him back up
‘oh kunimi-kun! dont kneel like that! the floor is too hard and might give you knee pain!’
it was like whiplash
iwa stepped in the gym and saw the team’s confused and bewildered expressions and saw you, kunimi, and oikawa and he shook his head
this aint even half of bad as he has seen
oikawa gently took you away from kunimi and held you to him instead, giving you a smile, to which you returned, and looked at kunimi, a deadly glint in his eye
‘what happened, y/n-chan?’
the tone of his voice sent a chill to run down everyone’s spines and even iwa, the boy who’s seen this a handful of times, shivered and nervously watched oikawa, ready to jump in
but you just blinked, completely unaware of the change of atmosphere
‘oh, um, i overreacted. i was eating too much food today and mustve annoyed him or something’
you sheepishly mumbled but oikawa was having none of it
‘no, its fine. youre literally bleeding out as we speak! dont feel the need to validate yourself!’
he lightly scolded while you hung your head low and continued to apologize but he gently bonked your head before scolding you again
the team definitely knew now that you were in that,,,, time and they definitely knew now, especially kunimi, that even if youve seen oikawa mad, youd think that the devil was more merciful than him when it relates to the topic of you
a/n: i swear to GGGOOOOODDDDDD im an oikawa whore who cant seem to stop writing for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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emponies · 2 years
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♦Well uh, hi!! you can call me chob(she/her)! i love Empires SMP and ponies, so i made a blog for empires ponies. because yes here i will be posting art i create of emponies. enjoy but pls read this post first for some cautions and heads ups and warnings and all that. ty
♦Currently all drawings/desings will be from season 1 as i have not seen any episodes from season 2 yet. i probably will in the near future tho.
♦feel free to ask me something, or request a scene/character to draw
♦NOTE: As this blog first starts out, most of the art you see will be mere concepts of what I think each cc would look like, both cc wise and empires canon wise. but after i got a rough concept of everyone then the fun starts lol
♦NOTE 2: This is NOT AT ALL intended to be a daily doodles type thing. i draw/post when i feel like it. sometimes a bitch be artblocked asf.
♦NOTE 3: Not every drawing is going to be a completely finished full piece. sometimes i'll just post some doodles. i am dogshit at natural backgrounds. So dont expect much of that lol
♦NOTE 4: Smallishbeans , ldshadowlady, and mythical sausage are my all time favorites… so you'll probably see a lot of art of THEM especially. juuuuust a heads up. i am planning to have many art pieces of each member tho so uh dont worry abt ur fave being excluded
♦NOTE 5: check out the emponies twitter !! also follow ME on twitter!! bc i said so. i follow back btw. would like some more empires/afterlife mutuals
♦NOTE 6: i swear a lot lol
♦NOTE 7: warning for a mild amount of shipping. not much tho. may occasionally make a joke abt two characters dating or i'll draw something dumb or sum I am only intending to ship the empires characters, not the actual creators. Of course if a creator says they are uncomfortable with shipping i will not draw anything of that sort
this does not apply to joel and lizzie since ofc they are already a thing. you will probably see lots of joel+lizzie stuff.
And obviously this blog is going to be entirely SFW. even though i say fuck.
♦NOTE 8: I have also seen afterlife smp, so you may see some doodles from there too. i may also draw and post pony versions of ccs who aren't in empires but associate with their group(ex: afterlife ccs like oli, meghan, etc). I've also seen 3rdlife/lastlife(NOT doublelife atm) so you may see some art from there too. though it'll probably only be joel and lizzie lol
♦NOTE 9: currently this account is only ran by me, chob. if you want to mod with me, dm me on twitter (@hitmonchob) and we'll get things sorted out
♦NOTE 10: do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
♦NOTE 11: i am fairly new to tumblr. i have never owned a blog before. little to no clue how this stuff works. bare with me lol
i think that's it for now! Sorry for typing a whole ass novel lmao… i thank you for reading all of it Enjoy your stay at emponies ig !!
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