#there are COUNTLESS instances of AQ!Nat foreshadowing
milf-lover42 · 1 year
It’s time to give everyone the image that convinced me Natalie was antler queen before season 2 even began. @laszlo-writes and I jokingly said one night during a theorizing session “wouldn’t it be so fun if Natalie was antler queen??” And we ran with it. In 30 minutes we collected most of the proof we needed and actually convinced ourselves we were correct. And we rewatched season one specifically looking for proof before season two dropped. All of season two was watched with AQ!Nat as our viewing lens, and it paid off.
But this image was the most crucial to me. There were tons of things we pulled from. But this. This was It for me.
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Everyone gathered around the fire. Natalie facing the camera, Lottie facing Natalie with her back to the camera, and everyone else facing Natalie and 1/2 to the camera. Lottie positioned as a worshipper - the first - and Natalie center stage, with those who would be her followers around her.
With tree branches shaped like antlers behind her. Not real antlers. The wilderness’s own likeness of antlers. An arguably more powerful image than any of the times real antlers were framing someone’s head.
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And this was all I needed. Everything else was icing on the cake, but this was the only piece of evidence I needed to believe it was her all along. The one with the most guilt, because she was the only one that was immune while everyone else risked death.
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